Neighbors-2 free porn video

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Richard and Clarice had a wild couple of sensual interactions leaving Richard physically and emotionally worn out, Clarice satisfied beyond her dreams and the neighborhood changed forever. After the weekend adventure things began returning to normal; Richard was quiet at home with few interruptions, Clarice found a job and was figuring out her duties. Richard missed Clarice during the week and was still uncertain about their relationship. When the next weekend came, Clarice showed up.

After a quick hello and a kiss and hug she said, “We would like to invite you to dinner at our house. Tonight. My dad said to be there at 5 for drinks.” and as soon as she had arrived, she was gone. Richard was puzzled and a little frightened. She hadn't give him much information and he couldn't read her expression. Back in the day he and his wife used to have the occasional block party and the neighbors would also. Alcoholic drinks for those that imbibed and sodas for others. Because there were different families joining in, the food would vary. But, generally everyone got along and had a good time.

It's been a while since those days. A lot has changed around the neighborhood; kids have grown, a couple got divorced and two families have moved. Still, Richard remembered those days and the wonderful times, hanging out with Pierce and Jacolin or Jacky, Clarice's parents. Once he quelled his own fears he thought about what to bring. What could he bring to share with them. What did he have... then he remembered. Opening the booze cupboard he located a half full bottle of Irish Whiskey, Pierce's favorite. Richard smiled, it brought back fond memories. Feeling better now he cleaned and dressed in comfy-casual and headed around the corner just as 5pm rolled around.

Clarice answered the door and smiled with a broad grin, her shining eyes winking as she invited him in. Richard's stomach took a quick jump at seeing her expression. Pierce came up to greet him and when the bottle of Whiskey appeared Pierce was all smiles, his thick accent booming, “Oh sure, I remember that bottle. I presented it to you at our last party if my memory serves me.” Richard smiled, it felt just like old times and this put him further at ease. Jacky came in from the kitchen with her apron on and gave Richard a warm hug. They walked in to the living room and Pierce poured drinks for the three of them. A small glass was set aside for Clarice. In this family the children always got a taste.

The drinks went down smoothly and after dinner another round was set up. Jacky and Clarice had graciously served the dinner and were now clearing the table and organizing the kitchen, putting food away and washing up. Pierce looked at Richard over their glasses, “A toast to our friend, Dick.” Jacky could be heard from the kitchen, “To Dick.” Clarice's voice followed, “To Dick.” They both giggled. Richard hadn't been called that in a while and was suddenly embarrassed when it was said by Jacky and Clarice. He raised his glass, “Cheers.” They took a sip and Pierce motioned Richard to a chair. Pierce sat across from him, leaned in and whispered, “Clarice said you are still alone in that great house of yours. Alright are ya?” Richard looked down at his drink and nodded. Pierce continued, “She's fond of ya, ya know?” His Irish accent was always charming and Richard felt at ease although uncertain where this line of conversation was going.

Richard just smiled and nodded again. Pierce patted him on the knee and got up. Jacky was calling him from the kitchen and they wandered down the hall out of earshot. Clarice was standing at the doorway between the kitchen and living room, “My parents like you Richard. They want you to be happy again. Just like me.” Richard felt his stomach drop. The thoughts of what he had done to their daughter. How much they liked him, trusted him. If they knew he was doing their daughter... it made him freeze. Suddenly he felt a touch on the top of his head which made him jump. Clarice was kissing him on the head, “What's the matter Richard? I thought you would be happy.” “Oh, I am! I just can't help but think about everything that's happened lately as well as the past. It just feels a little overwhelming at the moment.” Clarice cooed and brushed his cheek.

They heard the door to the den open and soft voices. Clarice turned and returned to the kitchen to finish buttoning things up. Pierce returned from the den and addressed Richard, “Jacky would like a word. If you would. In the den.” Richard hadn't completely recovered from the earlier feeling of dread and uncertainty. He climbed to his feet and with glass in hand he headed down the hall still a bit unsorted. Turning to look at Clarice as he went, noticed that she was smiling with that Irish grin, her eyes twinkling. The door to the den was a few steps down the hall, it was ajar. The soft lights didn't hide Jacky standing next to a home alter. Religious artifacts lined a small table with a kneeling bar. She was dabbing a handkerchief around her eyes and the sides of her mouth. Richard thought, 'Oh my god. Did she just receive an offering from Pierce? That was quick.' Jacky's hair was mussed slightly and her mascara smeared a little but obvious. She must have, Richard thought to himself. The worm jumping in his pants remembering how adept Clarice was at sucking. Like mother, like daughter?

Jacky swallowed hard and welcoming him into the room offered him a chair. Richard sat with his glass and looked up at Jacky as she paced across the floor, “You know, Clarice has a job now? She'll be wanting to move out, be on her own she will. And rightfully so, she'll be twenty soon.” She seemed to be rambling, afraid to say something. Richard took a sip of whiskey and said, “Jacky dear. What is it? Is everything OK?” She turned to look at him with that strong Irish stare that she and Clarice share. “We are going to miss our little girl, when she's gone. Like you must miss Diane, God rest her soul.” Richard nodded and raised his glass. She continued, “Perhaps there's a fix. Something to help us all be less lonely.” Now Richard really felt lost. This evening was all over the place. First it felt normal, natural. Now, it seems uncertain and unpredictable. The middle had been filled with hidden innuendo.

“We don't want her to be a burden and we're not forcing her on you...” Jacky covered her mouth with her handkerchief, “Maybe she could rent a spare room from you.” Richard must have turned eight shades of red. He gulped down his last sip. What? Did Clarice arrange this? His mixed emotions made him weak and sick. Jacky continued, “If she will accept your offer.” Richard was snapped back to reality. 'If she will accept my offer?' he thought to himself, his trousers suddenly tight. “She mentioned that her job will pay her enough to have her own apartment. A small place of her own, so she said.” Again Richard batted his eyes and looked at Jacky. She was looking at the alter, the handkerchief still against her mouth. He could see there was something more, something serious in her mind. She wasn't revealing it yet. His mind was gray with information, no white, no black, just gray. He didn't know how to respond.

Jacky knelt down at the altar. She lowered her head, “Clarice is a lot like me, you know? I've done my best to protect her. Keep her safe. From this world, from men.” Richard felt the shoe drop. Safe from men? He got up and walked over to her at the alter. Her hands were clasped in prayer. Richard thought of how to reassure her, “Jacky, what's this all about? You seem distressed. Please just tell me what I can do?” She looked up at him with the same eyes as Clarice had. Oh my god he thought. Jacky put her hands on Richards hips and pulled him closer, resting her face against his belly. He took a deep breath and placed a hand on the back of Jacky's head. She squeezed him tighter and sighed. Her face was warm against him, her breath hot. Richard thought about Clarice and her story about seeing her mother and father. Is this what Jacky was talking about? About her daughter? His dick was starting to itch and for the first time he noticed it was gorging and obvious in his pants.

Jacky rubbed her chin down to bump into his hardening member, “I can see you're both kind and generous. Pierce is OK with it, you know? As long as he gets his and I'm happy.” Now Richard was thrown back to last weekend, Clarice and her confession regarding her mother and father. Time stood still as Richard's mind spun off on a dirt road in his fantasies. Two women wanting to suck his cock in a week, the sudden discovery of a long time neighbor and their daughter's religious fixation around sex. How far is this crazy road going to go, he thought. Suddenly Richard was thrown back to his body as he felt his cock being pinched. The blood surged to his groin and he was suddenly flush. When he looked down at Jacky she was wrestling his meat from partly opened pants, “You don't mind, do you? Just a little? I've always liked how your... I mean, well... let's just say, I know it was taken care of before and now needs some admiration... appreciation...”

Her words trailed off as she kissed the shaft when it had escaped his clothes. The dick still soft but thick from arousal. When she finally worked the entire length from his pants, Jacky wasted no time. She put the head in her mouth, shuffled her tongue around it like a snake and Richard's entire length disappeared. Just as quickly she slid it all the way out, “Yes, very generous.” She took a deep breath and slid it back down her throat. “Incredible.” escaped Richard's lips. His dick was still filling with blood and he could feel the surges as it pumped through his waist. He shook as Jacky slowly began caressing his organ from shaft to tip with her talented style. The pumping of his muscular reflexes were matched by Jacky gorging herself on his meat. He was going to cum. Quick! “Jacky, dear. I'm cumming.”

Jacky's hand shot down between her legs, clamping down on her pussy over her clothes and she began to orgasm. Richard's first blast caused him to pull her head against his pubic hair, his hand was originally there for comfort, now for desire. They both trembled there precariously. Neither in control of balance, or time for that matter. Their mutual orgasm was polished and dramatic, like well timed dancers. Suddenly Jacky snorted, the dick blocking her airway. Richard let go of his death grip on her head saying, “Sorry..” She only pulled him out to breath and then she pulled him in with her own suction. “Oh Jacky..” Richard said lustfully. His mind, not thinking of Clarice, neighbors or time. This was crazy. Crazy good.

Quick as it began, it was done. Jacky had his pants together and was touching up her eyes and chin with her handkerchief. Richard was still wondering what was going to happen next. Things have been so sudden, so different. After all these years to suddenly have such sexual revelations. He was stunned. Jacky cleared her throat, “Pierce and I would appreciate your support, if you could offer Clarice a room for rent. Nothing for free. She needs that reinforced, but a fair price mind you.” Richard's head rolled back to that dusty, dirty road. Clarice living with me? This hot MILF around the corner. Pierce and who knows who. Jacky handed Richard his glass which had fallen to the floor. Then she turned him towards the door and gave him a little nudge, “Go on now. Pierce and Clarice are waiting for you. I'll be along in a moment.” Richard looked at the glass and wobbled towards the door. He saw the bathroom on his way down the hall and made the left turn. Always need a pee after a drink, and a suck.

Richard looked at himself in the mirror. What's happening?, he said staring at the reflection. This is all happening too fast. I'm almost seventy for God's sake. His heart pounded in his chest, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. First, pee! That done he washed his hands, his cock and splashed a little water in his face. Things seemed strange, he shook himself and looked around. He knows this room, he's seen it many times. He knows this house, the good times and the bad. He loved these people. He took a last look in the mirror. Right is what works for everyone. He wasn't sure what was going to happen next, but he knew it would work out. Somehow.

He stepped into the living room. Pierce was standing over Jacky who look perfect in her big chair, Clarice was on the couch laughing about something Pierce must have said. Richard cleared his throat, “Clarice. Your parents say you are looking for an apartment?” Clarice jumped out of her seat and ran over to hug Richard, “Oh, thank you Richard. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Pierce and Jacky clapped their hands together. Pierce spoke, “I guess this calls for a drink!?” Richard started laughing and hugged Clarice back. He looked at Jacky, handed his glass to Pierce and said, “Well. I guess I have a guestroom to clear out.” Clarice kissed him on the cheek, “I'll help.” Jacky looked at her with a stern look, “Right you are young lady. Richard's to give you no special treatment.” Clarice turned to look at Richard's expression and winked, “Right. No special treatment.”

Clarice settled down and excused herself, Pierce handed Richard and Jacky a fresh glass. “To family!” he said raising his glass. Richard followed, “To family.” Jacky smiled, wiped away a tear and taking her husband's hand, “To family.” Richard was trying to accept this whole thing. He thought of Pierce's toast, family. Things you would do for family. Things you've done for family. Family was always there. When you get family together, it just gets done. It just seemed surreal. Everyone was happy. He was so happy, it was so crazy.

Pierce appeared out of Richard's dream, “Clarice is going to bed and would like to wish you goodnight.” He took Richard's empty glass and pointed down the hall, again. Richard floated toward the hallway. He knows this house. He knows which room was Clarice's. She used to always want me and my wife to say goodnight after a party. She would always kiss me on the cheek.. and say.. she loved me! Richard got a silly grin on his face, I love her. He opened her door. Clarice was knelt down next to her bed saying her prayers, but her hands were between her legs. He quietly stepped in and closed the door. She was mumbling, “.. about to receive. Amen.” Seeing her there in her night dress and now knowing that he loved her made him calm, at peace.

“Richard?” she said without looking around. “Yes, sweetie.” “Will you join me in prayer? Do you have an offering for me?” Oh God! Richard thought to himself. Without thinking he was stumbling towards her. His penis gorging again, “Yes.” His legs were still a little weak from Jacky's prayers. He made it to her bedside, Clarice turned and gently unhooked his belt and pants so that they fell to the floor. She slid down his briefs and moaned softly as the object of her desire stuck out and pointed right at her. “It's just so beautiful.” she said kissing the tip and washing the head. “Thank you.” responded Richard. Clarice slid his hardening member into her mouth and she grabbed his hips. She pumped herself onto his rod a couple times. It was still not completely stiff and she was able to push the head past her throat opening to her own surprise. Her eyes looking up at him with the expression of success.

Using her grip on his hips she pulled herself smoothly down his full length and held it there, just like her mother. She loved that snake. Clarice slowly turned her head from side to side like she was kissing his base and the cock was frenching her throat good. She pulled it back out and taking a deep breath she swallowed it whole again. She frenched it again slowly rolling and twisting her mouth around the base, his tip gently massaging her throat. Richard was stunned but was so enjoying the moment. He started pumping his hips forcing his cock head to pull up her throat and then back down as far as it would go. Clarice started to twitch, she pulled out for another breath. Richard put a hand on the back of her head and urged her all the way down. She willingly accepted instruction and sucked him down her throat, much like her mother but not as experienced.

Clarice's hands dropped to her waist and were working furiously in her crotch as she began slowly working the entire length of Richards cock out until the tip was the only thing in her mouth. Richard pulled on her head so she allowed it to slowly slid all the way back in. Then she began pumping quicker as she began to climb to her own orgasm. Richard didn't know if it was her first tonight but knew she was close. He held her head and took over pumping as she lost herself in her orgasm. He pumped at a rhythm that seemed to fit hers. She opened her eyes and looked up at him. A little watery and dilated she had earnest desire deep in them. She pushed herself against him, sucking him all the way down again. This time she started working her throat and tongue, more like her mother's style.

Richard felt himself close to cumming, “Clarice dear? I'm ready soon.” Clarice snorted at his words and she held herself down and worked her mother's style on his full ready offering. “OH yeah! Here it comes.” he grunted as his juicy offering jetted down her throat. Clarice shot herself into another orgasm as if the first one hadn't stopped. She snorted and gagged as she jerked and twitched from her orgasm. Richard watched her; the look of bliss on her face, his cock stretching her lips, the drool on the side of her mouth, her watering eyes rolled back in her head. He pumped his last and pulled out far enough for Clarice to breathe. She was limp and suckling on the head. Richard leaned down to pick her up and put her to bed. She smiled, “Thank you Richard.” He kissed her cheek and pulling on his pants as he headed out her door.

Pierce and Jacky were still up talking as Richard joined them. “One more for the road?” asked the gracious host. Richard thought to himself, yeah one more. They toasted the evening and new day ahead. Richard headed home in a daze. Been a long time since he's had that exciting a night.

Getting home after the party and in bed was a dream that ended with a loud knock at the door. His head throbbed and he wasn't sure if it was a knock at all. He turned on his back and listened. There it was again. Must be a knock. He got to his feet and checked his clothes. He was wearing his pajama. That was good. He grabbed a robe and headed to the front door. There with a smile was Clarice. She was carrying a bucket and broom. Her hair was tied back with a rag tied around her head. Richard invited her in and she stood there as he admired her. Her light frame wearing one of her old Spring dresses that was a little small for her now. The hemline was up to her knees and the top squeezed her chest accentuating her waist and breasts. Her shoes were the only sensible things she had on.

“Well, I'm ready. Tell me what to do” Clarice smiled and appeared happy as ever. Richard thought back. The night before, wasn't it some crazy dream? Hadn't he dreamt the whole thing. His head was till throbbing, “So, the room... ” “Yes.” she said waiting for directions. “The bedroom.. ” he clarified with a questioning tone. “Yes.” she nodded affirmative. Nope. Not a dream. He shook his head and rubbed the sore spots. He motioned her down the hallway. There he pointed out a dusty room with some old clothes and boxes on an old bed, “I can give you a hand in a few minutes. I just need some coffee.” She reached into the bucket and pulled out a mug of coffee which read Jacky, “This is from my parents. They said you might need it.” Richard smiled and laughed, took the cup and sipped.

Clarice set down her tools and asked where to put the boxes and clothes. She was ready to get her room cleaned and prepped for her moving in. He was still getting over the sudden realization that this wasn't a dream. Numbly he pointed to the office when she started coming to him with each item in turn until the bed was cleared of stuff. She got right to work stripping the bed, washing the floor and window, straightening up the closet and dresser. Richard had mostly abandoned the room for lack of use. He was simple and didn't have much need for the extra room anyway. He wandered off to brush his teeth and change to his day clothes. When he returned, the room smelled damp but clean. Clarice was making the bed and he watched the short dress ride up her legs as her ass swung around in the air. She was bent over tucking in the sheets when it came to him. She had a small ass but it still looked good in her old Spring dress.

Richard's groin started to swell with the thought of her taste and her desires. He had tasted her juicy treasure the first day they met. He remembered his mistake thinking she wanted to be eaten out by him. Instead she wanted to swallow his cock whole. Watching her ass bobbing around like this made him wonder if she would enjoy having that ample cock filling her other holes. Suddenly she stopped and looked over her shoulder. Richard felt red as he was caught with impure thoughts and feelings. Clarice just smiled and returned to making the bed. Richard rubbed his groin and headed down to the kitchen to make.. what time is it? Brunch. To make brunch. He set down the cup of coffee and read the name again, Jacky. He picked up the phone to invite them over for some after party brunch. The phone kept ringing. No answer.

Clarice was back with her cleaning tools, a sweaty brow and a smile, “I'm going to get some things and be right back.” Richard barely nodded as she quickly headed out the door. So, he cooked himself some food and sat down for a look at the newspaper. The room was quiet. His mind was foggy. A filmstrip played back events from the previous night. The newspaper was just something he was fiddling with as he watched himself star in the movie. It seemed like a fantasy. He thought about Clarice moving in and what that might bring. The headline on the newspaper read, “Changing Events Bring Calamity” His heart leaped as there was a knock at the door.

When he opened it, there was Clarice with an overstuffed suitcase, “When do I get a key?” His mouth must have fallen open when she had said it, as he got the strangest look from Clarice. She looked saddened for a moment, “You do want me to move in don't you?” Richard had to snap himself back into reality, “Yes sweetie. Of course. It's just happening so fast.” Clarice got a confident look on her face, “I'm sorry. I'm just so excited to be here with you... Sit down and relax. I'll unpack, then I'll make sure you're comfortable.” With that she disappeared down the hall. Richard went back to his chair at the table and the newspaper. He turned the page and the next headline he saw read, “Family Survives Fire” Trial by fire? Richard thought to himself.

He faded into the newspaper stories as time passed. Clarice suddenly appeared with a tray of sweets and fresh coffee. She knelt down next to him and kissed his cheek. Richard closed his eyes and remembered that mouth, her tongue and breath on his face. She slowly reached her arms around him and rubbed herself against him with a squeeze. He turned to kiss her forehead. This is what felt good. Thinking about what might happen was scary. But, this. This felt so good. Clarice leaned up and met his lips. Her tongue probing his lips for entry. He wanted her, she wanted him. He gave in to his desires and grabbing the nape of her neck kissed with all his passion. His lips grinding against hers, his tongue pushing into her mouth. She was breathing heavy and weakened in his arms.

Clarice's hand slid down between his legs to find his penis full but pliable. After last night, it was no wonder. Richard groaned and shifted his legs. As they kissed Clarice found access to his glorious appendage. She pulled away from his lips and bent over into his lap kissing and licking the head of his engorging meat. He slid back to give her room and spread his legs. She in turn, sucked his cock into her mouth as far as it would go, her way blocked by his legs. Still, she did her best to show her affection and appreciation. Richard arched and held her head down with the hold he still had on her neck. Clarice worked her tongue slowly around the shaft as the head poked through the opening to her throat just a little. It kind of rolled over the opening like a speed bump and Richard took joy in thumping across it repeatedly. God was it good. Richard pulled her up by her neck and gave her another strong kiss, his tongue forcing it's way around in her mouth.

With his hand still on her neck he forced her mouth back onto his thick shaft. She moaned until the head pushed into her throat and she gagged. She sucked him in all the more. He moved his hand down her back to her little ass. Richard pulled up her dress to spy her white cotton panties jumping under their own power. He rolled to the side a little and pushed his cock deeper into Clarice's throat while he looked to see her hand cupping her pussy. Her middle finger rubbing her cotton panties into the opening of her asshole. The thought of her possibly enjoying having her pussy and ass fucked with his cock nearly caused him to cum right away. He was reaching his hand down her crack when suddenly there came another knock at the door. Richard went flush thinking they had been caught, Clarice still struggling to get his hot rod deeper.

“Clarice! There's someone at the door! Clarice!” he said repeatedly. Clarice pulled herself off with a sigh and said, “You straighten up. I'll get it.” Richard quickly pulled his pants together and picking up a sweet off the tray, sipped some coffee from the mug Clarice had brought. Pierce and Jacky walked into the dinning room smiling. Clarice had a basket in her hands, “They got me a house warming gift. Oh, I love you mom. Dad.” Jacky noticed the cup with her name on it, “Clarice made me that cup when she was at prayer camp after graduating high school.” Richard felt guilty; he's using the cup that Clarice made for her mother, Clarice was just sucking his cock, he's taking her away from them. It was all a little surreal. Jacky silently mouthed, 'Thank You.'

“We got you something too. Don't get up.” said Pierce handing an envelope over. “It's a room for let contract. Make sure she reads and signs it. You can fill in the holes.” Richard laughed, “Thanks. I'm going to do just that.” How ironic his words were, 'fill in the holes,' just after he had thought the same thing about his daughter. Clarice took them back to show off the room she cleaned and moved some of her stuff into. They talked as Richard sat and sipped his coffee having another sweet to restore his strength. After a couple of long stern comments from her mother and father, Clarice returned, “I'm going over to my house... I mean, my parent's house for a little while. I'll be back soon.” Richard felt a wave of relief as they exited the house. He took a deep breath and thought, 'What will happen next?'

After getting up from the table and walking around the back yard he went in to look at Clarice's room. She did a wonderful job straightening up and arranging her mementos on the dresser. There was a long cotton evening gown laid out on the bed. Richard wondered if it was going to actually get used. Dirty old man, he repeated in his mind. He walked back into his own room and looked at the clock, 3:30 in the afternoon. Time for a nap. Laying on the bed he became restless. His dick was hard then soft then hard again. It was difficult to get comfortable as he lay there wondering, thinking about Clarice, his new youthfulness, the neighbors and how things were going to work out. He grabbed at his cock every time it got hard. Finally he faded off to sleep.

Richard felt it was dark. He stretched and tried to look around in the dark. There was a lump in the bed next to him. It was Clarice. She had come home while he was asleep. He got up to change and pee before returning to bed and gently sliding in next to her. He could feel her heat and her body lift and collapse with each breath. God he missed having someone in the bed next to him. It's been so lonely for so many years. He just laid there quietly enjoying her just being there. Soon he was fading off again.

Soon Richard was awoken by rustling and rubbing against his body. He wondered if he was still sleeping. Is this a dream, he thought. As he slowly woke he found Clarice had pushed herself against him so he was spooning her. His dick was hard and she was gently rubbing her butt against it. Did she know what she was doing, he thought. Slowly he slid a hand up to her shoulder and gently brushed her arm. There was a quiet 'mmm' coming from her side of the bed. The stiff rod between them ached as her cute little ass rubbed and rubbed. Richard couldn't stop himself and arching his hips pushed the hot poker between her small cheeks. That's when he felt her fingernails scratch his pajamas and his dick. Her body shook a little when she realized what it was she touched.

Rolling her head she spoke, “Richard. I need you.” Richard slid his hand around to her neck and kissing her cheek gave it a squeeze. Clarice shook again arching her back searching for his lips with hers. He held her tight and kissed her lips teasing her mouth with his tongue. She quickly spun around to face him, one hand on his shoulder and one on his stiff cock. Richard let go of her neck and slid his hand down to her ass. She was wearing her small nightgown and the usual cotton panties. His big hand covered her crack and his fingers found the wet spot. He ground his hand in holding her tight as they kissed, their tongues holding a battle royal in their mouths. Her hand stoked his meat as he continued to rub and squeeze her holes. Again her body shook under his wise moves, she groaned into his mouth.

Richard let go of her cheeks and he rolled onto his back. Clarice took no time in shifting down to his waiting cock. She pulled it free from his pajamas and frantically licked and kissed it. He was hard but after the last couple bouts of exercise, he wasn't sure if he would cum very soon. Still, Clarice didn't know that. Her youth left her needy but inexperienced. She soon had his stiff rod against the back of her throat while she serviced all she could get into her mouth. Richard could tell she was trying, “Move your legs closer to me, this way.” He instructed her to lay parallel to him. When she did it made getting the angle much easier and she was able to slide herself right down his shaft to the root. Her hand shot down between her legs as usual. Richard could smell her fragrance. Sliding his hand under her hips and beneath her panties he said, “Let me help you with that.” She reluctantly let go of her hold but kept feeling his hand as it took place of hers.

Richard's big hand cupped her hot wet pussy lips and his fingers were positioned right to the opening of her asshole. The slick juices got rubbed around until she was wet from crack to crease. Clarice enjoyed the sensations and was pumping herself up and down on the full length of his glorious shaft. He poked a slippery finger into her asshole as he rubbed. Clarice's body began to tremble. He slid it in and out mimicking her rhythm. Her body jumped into a small orgasm. Then he slid his thumb into her love canal. His middle finger sliding all the way into her hot asshole. It tightened and released as if it was milking his finger. Her body began to spasm and her actions caused Richard to squeeze his fingers together touching his thumb and middle fingers inside her canals. This seemed to throw Clarice into a huge orgasm and she choked and gagged through waves of pleasure.

As she began to recede from her mind numbing orgasm Richard gently slid her panties off, lifted her leg over him so she was on top straddling his face. Her mouth still blindly suckling his thick meat down her throat. Richard pulled her hips toward his mouth so he could lick her sweet treasure. Clarice groaned and gasped for breath as his cock pulled out of her throat. However, when Richard began rubbing his tongue around her pussy lips she squealed and jumped. He poked his tongue deep between her folds and she shot into another huge spasm. Pushing his dick into her mouth Clarice numbly returned to suckling. He slid one hand down to the back of her head and using his hips plunged his man meat back into her throat. The waves of the orgasm just kept coming. Clarice kept jerking and shuttering as wave after wave crashed over her. Her body turning limp under his control. Richard was the dirty old man now.

He put both hands on her ass cheeks and inserted the middle finger from each hand into her asshole and stroked them in and out. His strong hands stretching her asshole, his tongue deep in her pussy and his cock driving deep into her throat. Clarice's body was limp but still jumping and twitching with her now constant orgasms. The only sound she made was a 'huh-ggg, huh-ggg, huh-ggg as she caught a breath between each deep thrust of his glorious appendage into her throat. He thought to himself, 'Well Pierce, you said, fill in the holes.'

Richard was feeling the wonderful sensations of exploring a young woman's sexual potency when something brushed his side. He wondered what it could be. Clarice's leg wouldn't have done it. The more he thought about it the more things became unclear. His body was tingling but he had stopped thrusting. A voice sounded, “Richard?” His mind was starting to clear, the feeling of Clarice's body on him started to fade. How could she talk with his cock down her throat. He felt another brush against his side. He heard the voice again, “Richard? Are you OK?” Richard found he was laying in the dark, on the bed. He mumbled, “Hmm?” It must have been a dream. But, how much of it was a dream? Clarice's voice was close, “Richard. I need you.”


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NEIGHBORS by Rachel Ann Cooper © 1997 My name is George Brent and Marla and I had met in college although we never had dated. It wasn't that I wasn't attracted to her. I was, but she seemed a little tall for me. See, I'm only 5'7" and she is 5'6" and we're within eight pounds of one another. I'm slight and non muscular. It was too even a match. However, she was offered a good job in auditing at Conner Corporation and grabbed it up while I lingered trying to find...

4 years ago
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(Peeping on the neighbor girls leads to much more)Part 1 – The TrespassIt was a smoldering summer morning, normal for Phoenix, when I chose to climb the wooden, six-foot-tall fence separating our backyard from our neighbor's, to retrieve the basketball that had inadvertently bounced into their yard the previous day. I absolutely hated going over to a neighbor's house, knocking on the door, and requesting something I'd lost in their yard. Looking back, I have no idea why I felt that way. When I...

3 years ago
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My face was buried between the thighs of Cheryl Findley. Her shaven labia (and, consequently, my face) were coated with my saliva, her juices, and the semen of my neighbor, Bob. The taste was exquisite. When I felt the hand on my shoulder I ignored it at first. Then the hand squeezed harder and a voice came from behind me. "May I cut in?" I lifted my head and turned to find my brother in law, Harry, smiling down at me. "Which of us would you like to join?" I asked, "Cheryl or...

2 years ago
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Neighbors John had just come in from work, it was late, around 11:30 pm. It was a warm summer evening with a light breeze blowing. Without turning on the lights he went in to his bedroom stripped and dropped his clothes in a pile and walked into the kitchen and got a beer from the fridge. Wearing only his briefs he opened the sliding glass door and walked out onto his balcony. He lived on the second level of a building in a new, modern apartment complex on the southeast side of town. It sat up...

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We’d been neighbors for about three years.   Tonia and her husband Glenn were not really close friends, but we kept an eye on each others place while the other was on vacation, shared an occasional barbeque, and played cards now and then.   I’d always felt a little bit of tension between Tonia and I, nothing I could put my finger on, just a look now and then, or when standing in a group, sometimes we’d bump into each other. I was always careful to keep my distance and not to come on to her but...

1 year ago
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Janet has lived next door to me for many years and we have become close. She has a son named Max who is a great guy. I get to watch him when Janet and her husband are away. On this day Janet and I and a couple of our friends were sitting by the pool talking while the k**s were playing. Max got out of the pool and walked over, picked up a ball and threw back in at the other k**s. "My goodness Janet, what is that between Max's legs?" Carol asked. "I was looking at that too! Janet, have you...

3 years ago
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We’d been neighbors for about three years.   Tonia and her husband Glenn were not really close friends, but we kept an eye on each others place while the other was on vacation, shared an occasional barbeque, and played cards now and then.   I’d always felt a little bit of tension between Tonia and I, nothing I could put my finger on, just a look now and then, or when standing in a group, sometimes we’d bump into each other. I was always careful to keep my distance and not to come on to her but...

Wife Lovers
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I made one of those bold mid-life decisions a few months ago when Idecided to leave a company I spent 15 years at to start my own business. The idea of waking up, lounging in my house all day needing only a computer, fax machine and a cell phone to consider it a work day appealed to me. I took my client roster with me and in no time business was a success. One morning, sitting at the breakfast bar in my kitchen, scanning thefinance pages on my laptop. It was a lazy, warm day for me as I sat in...

3 years ago
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Not many people would call me a sexy guy - short, middle aged, and a bit overweight.  So I was completely (but pleasantly!) surprised by the following experience. About a month ago I was home alone.  My wife was out with the kids doing some shopping.  I was at loose ends and feeling a bit horny.  And as we all know, there are ways to handle that. I should tell you that my sex life is mostly with myself.   My wife has lost interest in sex, and while she will accommodate me if I ask I usually...

4 years ago
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"Have another, Melly?" the bartender asked. "No thanks, Jack. I'm good," I slurred. I was a bit more drunk than I had anticipated and wondered how I was going to get home. "Is there anyone you can call for a ride?" he asked. "It's a nice night, I think I'll walk. Thanks anyway," I said as I slowly got to my feet, trying to keep myself steady. Just as I stood up and took a few steps away from the bar stool, I lost my balance. I fell right into the arms of Jason, my neighbor who...

3 years ago
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Not many people would call me a sexy guy – short, middle aged, and a bit overweight.  So I was completely (but pleasantly!) surprised by the following experience. About a month ago I was home alone.  My wife was out with the kids doing some shopping.  I was at loose ends and feeling a bit horny.  And as we all know, there are ways to handle that. I should tell you that my sex life is mostly with myself.   My wife has lost interest in sex, and while she will accommodate me if I ask I usually...

2 years ago
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My second submitted story – this is a complete work of fiction, definitely a fantasy.  I guesss it’s up to you to decide whether it’s a fantasy for the man or the woman . . .       Larry had moved into the neighborhood three months ago.   The house was rented because he wanted to get comfortable with the area before buying.   But there was an option to buy with this lease and so far, he thought it was going to be a distinct possibility.   The house was modest, only 6 rooms and a garage.  ...

3 years ago
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My wife Nicole travels alot so i spend a good amount of time on my own. Her best friend Sarah moved next door not too long ago and we let her two teenage daughters, Erica and Natalie, have acces to our large swimming pool out back. Both girls loved to come over and swim and bring there friends all the time. Natalie was long and lean at around 5'9" and 120 lbs. She had a great body and loved to flaunt it. Her dark brown hair wis long and wavy and always perfect. Makeup is always impeccable, with...

4 years ago
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This story was written for Tiffany, one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, the fantasies described her were fantasies that we shared. My biggest regret is that we never got to act them out in real life; we have to be content to enjoy them in our minds.Living in an apartment complex can mean that ones privacy is sometimes compromised. This is not however always a bad thing as I found out.My wife, Tiffany, and I had recently moved into a very nice 3-bed room apartment on the ground...

4 years ago
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This story was written for Tiffany, one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, the fantasies described her were fantasies that we shared. My biggest regret is that we never got to act them out in real life; we have to be content to enjoy them in our minds.Living in an apartment complex can mean that ones privacy is sometimes compromised. This is not however always a bad thing as I found out.My wife, Tiffany, and I had recently moved into a very nice 3-bed room apartment on the ground...

2 years ago
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Sitting in front of the TV watching some male to male porn displayed while I stroked my dick became a sudden awakening of introspection. While still stroking my hard cock, I began evaluating what I liked but where my life was. My sex life was mostly with men but in reality I was more omni-sexual than gay. I liked sex of all varieties but I enjoyed sex with men possibly just a little bit more. I really enjoyed fucking a guy's asshole while jacking him off. There is almost nothing better...

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Jake had always considered himself the neighborly sort, helpful, sharing and certainly caring. He had lived in this neighborhood for over thirty years and together with his wife Helen they had watched a variety of neighbors come and go, raised their two children and sent them off to college and enjoyed each others love, affection and company. Then two years ago Helen was diagnosed with breast cancer and even the radical surgery didn't help. Jake had taken her home and tried his best to help...

3 years ago
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When I turned 18 my neighbor came over to my house with a birthday cake. My parents weren’t home, and I let my neighbor in. She put the cake on the kitchen counter. She was somewhere around 40 years old and divorced. She had on a thin white shirt. Her breasts sagged quite a bit, but were still sexy to me. I wondered how come I had never noticed before. My penis was getting had and I only had on a thin pair of blue shorts and no underwear. I knew my penis would be evident, so I went around to...

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Jim was eighteen and always had a thing for the sexy neighbor next door. She had huge tits and he dreamed about sucking them and her rubbing his cock. One day he was walking home and she pulled over and asked if he wanted a ride. He was eager to get in the car. She was wearing a tight low cut top and he could see her nipples as she wore no bra. She also had shorts on and she looked so hot. Jim was wearing jogging shorts and a tank top. As they drove she talked to him and he kept staring at her...

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She stayed wet long after she left Bekki. When she heard the garage door go up, she was still trying to figure out how to tell Mike about her afternoon. "Hi, baby," he greeted her and slipped both arms around her waist. "Mmmm, you're so warm today." He nuzzled her neck. She inhaled deeply and decided to waste no time. "Yes, that's what Bekki said, too." "Huh?" His breath stayed close to her ear but now his hands were over her ample breasts. "Bekki next door?" "Uh huh." She put her hand over...

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This is 30% true and 70% fantasy. The true part: I've been living in the same house for 10 years now I've seen 3 different neighbors come and go from the house next door to me. I live at the end if a cult-a-sac so I only have one house next to me . Now a forth family is moving in, a mother and her two c***dren. A son who looks to be 21-22 and a daughter who is 18-19 maybe even 20. The mom is about 5.7 slim hazel eyes long reddish brown hair, handful sized tits, round bum, and long legs. The...

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I'm 55, semi-retired and live in a modest home situated in a typical upstate NY suburban neighborhood. As in the past couple of summers, my immediate neighbor's smokin' hot little 19 year old daughter Tamara has come home from college for the summer. God damn, this chick can rock the fuckin' foundation of a volcano...she's gorgeous, statuesque, lithe, and friendly as all get out. As she matures, she's developing into a real stunner and has this hot Kendall Jenner but-a-little-older type of look...

1 year ago
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Hi, I am Akhil from Hyderabad. Now I will submit my recent good fucking I had with my neighbor lady Padma. She is 25 years with a female baby of 5 months. She is of 32-28-34 size but medium complexion and lean. But her sizes are very good. Her husband is working in a software company and busy with his duty. They are tenants of my opposite flat. At the beginning, I have no intention of fucking this young lady but when she talked to me while moving from my flat to going down, I found some...

2 years ago
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It was a usual school day and as often happened I woke up with a hard on. I remember I was dreaming about my hot neighbor from thirteenth floor giving me a blowjob. Images from the dreams were so live and arousing, that I needed to release my semen really badly, but unfortunately I hadn’t have time to do it. When I was dressing up I had the dilemma whether I should put my underpants on, or should I give my dick a little more space to hang freely and relaxed in jeans alone. I went for jeans...

3 years ago
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A young man in his late teens is walking the neighborhood, looking for odd jobs to perform for some summer money and has visited several homes coming up empty and is beginning to get discouraged. He has tried all his close neighbors and is leery on leaving his familiar surroundings when he comes up on a home that appears to need a lot of work and there is a car in the driveway. He summons up all his courage and rings the doorbell and after several rings he begins to walk away when the door...

3 years ago
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I had been fucking my eighteen year old neighbor boy for over three months. I remember the first time we fucked. He came over to give me something never knowing what he really was going to give me. I had a short robe on and was nude underneath it. I took him to the kitchen and sat him on a stool as I poured us some iced tea. As I slid the glass to him my robe gapped open and I did not bother to close it. He stared at my huge tits and I smiled. He was going to be easy to fuck. I then sat on the...

2 years ago
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My wife was leaving for a three with business trip. We had just fucked the night before so I would be good for a while (so she thought). As she drove away, I was ready for some fun action. I stepped into the bedroom, stripped naked, and rolled on the bed. I put my legs over my head and pulled my ass down until my hardening cock was touching my lips. I ran my tongue round the head and pulled harder to get an inch or so if my cock in my mouth. I rocked back and fourth for a few minutes. ...

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Again, this is true and not a fantasy:We use to have a neighbor by the name of Don and his wife Mabel. One day I was sitting in my downstairs rec room and there was a large glass sliding door on the left. I was sitting on the couch watchng tv in my underwear when I looked out the glass door and saw the bushes between Don's house and us moving. Then I looked at the bottom of the fence and I noticed a pair of work boots. My neigbor Don was looking at me!! However, I couldn't see his body, just...

1 year ago
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As the woman sat on her porch rocker, she thought back to a particular day. Was it 1951 or possibly 1952? She couldn’t remember all that well but what she did recall was the day and the moment he did what he did. Her best friend and her were about to turn 20 years old. They had the same date of birth too. She smiled once she started to recall the events of that day. While slowly rocking on the porch rocker one day, she relaxed and sat back. Her and her friend Elaine seemed inseparable, almost....

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As the woman sat on her porch rocker, she thought back to a particular day. Was it 1951 or possibly 1952? She couldn’t remember all that well but what she did recall was the day and the moment he did what he did. Her best friend and her were about to turn 20 years old. They had the same date of birth too. She smiled once she started to recall the events of that day. While slowly rocking on the porch rocker one day, she relaxed and sat back. Her and her friend Elaine seemed inseparable,...

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He knew she was going to be at her window, which is exactly what happened every day. His window faced hers and he could see clearly inside the bedroom. He stood in the dark behind his half drawn curtains and looked into her brightly lit bedroom. He didn’t know if she knew he was there but he suspected she did, her routine never varied. She walked into her room. Her white skin glowed in the soft light of the lamps, her body was covered by nothing but a soft white towel, her dark brown hair wet...

4 years ago
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If you read my first story, then this is a little story that happened when I was 16. When I grew up everyone on our street had a "victory garden" because WWII made everything scarce so everyone grew vegetables on a plot of land that was not used or owned to our knowledge. It was just called "the canal" and there were deep woods where we played as k**s. Since I was by now firmly into sex at home and with the neighborhood boys we fucked and sucked each other in our fort that we played in. One day...

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She had been alone for a while, and was starting to get desperately needy. At the same time she didn’t just want anyone, she had her eyes on someone special. His figure had been intriguing her for some time already. They really didn`t know each other, she actually didn`t have much contact with anyone in her building, and that only made it easier, because no one would be asking questions. She was well aware of his arrival times, and was determined to be noticed by him, in a way he would not be...

1 year ago
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She had been alone for a while, and was starting to get desperately needy. At the same time she didn’t just want anyone, she had her eyes on someone special. His figure had been intriguing her for some time already. They really didn`t know each other, she actually didn`t have much contact with anyone in her building, and that only made it easier, because no one would be asking questions. She was well aware of his arrival times, and was determined to be noticed by him, in a way he would not be...

2 years ago
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He knew she was going to be at her window, which is exactly what happened every day. His window faced hers and he could see clearly inside the bedroom. He stood in the dark behind his half drawn curtains and looked into her brightly lit bedroom. He didn’t know if she knew he was there but he suspected she did, her routine never varied. She walked into her room. Her white skin glowed in the soft light of the lamps, her body was covered by nothing but a soft white towel, her dark brown hair wet...

3 years ago
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Did you see us last night? Were you peeking through your window blinds? When did you notice us? Or did you hear us through the open window? How long have you been watching us? Was this the first time? How did my wife look in the light of the full moon? Did you watch me as I woke her? Look at her lying in the moonlight in just her panties and a small tank top? Watch as I ran my hands over her body slowly undressing her? Did you see her roll over and smile at me? Did it...

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Want to share one of the most memorable incident of my life the memories of which r still a fresh in my mind… As my college was quite far from my place I lost most of the time traveling 2 and from, so I rented a room near my college vicinity, my landlords were very friendly and nice people the had a daughter Anjali. She was in 12th standard; she was very cute looking gal with a very nice physique with 34 c boobs fair in complexion and around 5’3 inches tall. It so happened 1 day that I came...

1 year ago
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I’m sitting in my chair watching a porn tape my pants were off and my cock was hard I was playing with it but hadn’t CUMED as much as I wanted to. I had to pee really bad but I remember closing my eyes and thinking about you but I new that you were not around and all the sounds that were on the tape my cock was leaking large amounts of clear pre CUM just thinking of you and what I WANTED you doing to me my cock was covered with it I was so involved think about you I didn’t here the door open...

4 years ago
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Living Heart Pt 1

All the other women danced around on the club floor, lost to the rhythmic thumping of the intense dance music. So, when I felt the first tug of sorrow on my empty chest, I was a little taken aback. It was someone else’s heart breaking. I had to correct myself. Their heart was already broken. I scanned the room, looking against the walls for a lone woman crying. It was not uncommon for a woman to come here with her lover and find her lover on the floor with another, often more seductive woman....

2 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 13 Second Thoughts

When Martin arrived home from the hardware store he threw the back door open and stormed inside the house, "Claudia!" his voice rang out. Claudia was sitting in her sewing room staring off into space, and wasn't sure she wanted to respond. She could hear the anger in his voice and she suspected he had found out about Mia running away. "Claudia!" Martin grew more impatient. Claudia slowly got to her feet and walked out to greet her husband, "I'm here," she answered dully. "I heard...

1 year ago
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Neighborly Love

My name is Jack. I’m 26 years old and a computer programmer for a large software company. I make good money, and own my own home in a nice middle class neighborhood. I currently live alone, and don’t have a . Not that I’m a bad looking guy, I’m just rather shy with women. I work a lot of hours and spend most of that time sitting in front of a computer screen. So on my days off I like to work around the house doing yard work or even just relaxing by the pool. One day recently I was outside...

3 years ago
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Grandpa and the twins

Introduction: We go to visit Grandpa and he helps us grow up The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. _______________________________________________________ Mom and Dad and my twin sister and I had gone to visit Grandpa about six months after Grandma had died. It was about a ten-hour drive to get to his house. We were going to stay for five days. Grandpa had a pretty large...

4 years ago
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Ovids Other Metamorphoses part 5

Example of a Noble Wife "Where is that time -- unless you don't wish it recalled -- When, I remember, you loved to be, and be called, mine?" --Tristia 4.3 The return trip to Rome is a haze to me, so little of it do I recall. Cornelius had partaken of the nectar of the Fiasco, drinking the manhood once belonging to me and to Alexios. Some of that male essence, too, had been Julia's, for no woman save the nymphs of Parnassus is entirely female; and without any drop of male essence...

2 years ago
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Sweet Pea

It was my uncle; my fathers younger brother. He was babysitting me while my parents were out. They were going to be out for a long night on the town. I was excited that my uncle was there because he always allowed me to stay up past my bedtime. I remember that I was lying on my tummy on the couch watching TV and he came to sit on the floor beside the couch, and slowly began to rub my legs, up to my ass, then my back and finally caressing my long blond hair. He told me to turn over; this was a...

3 years ago
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Giving Gloria the Details

It was Saturday, and I was going to cut the lawn before the heat of the day. As I walked to the garage, Gloria called to me from her yard next door. " owe me an explanation...remember?" I walked over to her patio where she was sitting reading the newspaper. "Sit down and tell me who tampered with me and what happened," she said. She was wearing a loose-fitting short yellow nylon wrap robe, and it was obvious there was no bra under it. Her hair was, as usual, neatly brushed, and other...

4 years ago
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AudryChapter 3 The Competitor

Audry was horny. So she gently sucked my sleeping cock into her mouth, trying to bring it to life, without waking me. Once she succeeded, she gleefully swung a leg over my hips, plugged it in, and sat on it. Then she just stayed there, manipulating me with her talented internal muscles. Soon it was too much for both of us and I started moving my hips and she started bucking against me-her orgasm caught her by surprise and she flailed out of control, screaming in joy. The scream brought me...

3 years ago
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Black Mamba

It had been nearly ten years but I recognized her. She hadn't changedall that much. In fact she was prettier now then she had been in highschool. I knew her because she ran with a crowd that I sometimes ran with.You know, not actually "in" the group but a sometimes replacement. JillJordan wasn't someone I was likely to ever forget. I had a big time crushon her. We never dated or anything. I just admired her from afar and lostcontact after graduation. By the way, I'm Travis Tolliver. I couldn't...

3 years ago
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Cute tiny girl goes Black for the first time Fant

Angela is a really cute 29 year old girl who comes from a really good family with money. She went to grad school and works out a lot. She is great shape and really petite. She lives in a nice neighborhood near a major city in the U.S. Now I've had this fantasy about her the past few months. I always get to hear her tell me stories about the loser guys she goes out with. All of them are these white guys who are very average type of guys in the U.S. She has really pale skin and is really...

1 year ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 34

Flashback – Jack – Dodging Banzai certainly got the attention of whoever was commanding the BTR 80. The bastard wound up the damn tank and came flying forward like a bat out of hell. There was one big problem - the fucker was headed right at me!!! I did a quick tactical retreat (ran my ass off) at a 90 degree angle to the path of the BTR 80. I couldn't resist firing at the fucker as it passed but then I was reminded of the gun ports on the side as the fuckers inside returned my fire. I...

3 years ago
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Falling for the Boss

I had worked at the same place for almost 6 months now. I had just turned 18 a few days ago and made sure my boss knew it. I had had a massive crush on him since I started there and I was almost positive the feeling was mutual. I had spent the drive on my first day wondering if my new boss would be young and sexy or old and fat. By the time I was pulling in I had decided with my luck, he would be old and fat. It didn't take me long to realize, old and fat truly would have been lucky because, I...

Straight Sex
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FamilyStrokes Amina Fara Nina Elle A Thrilling Stepmom Threesome

Whenever Nina Elles stepson has his girlfriend, Amina Fara, over to hang out, Nina gets a little too involved in their business. Today, she tries to impress Amina by offering her a cup of her favorite drink, orange soda. But as she goes to deliver the ice cold treat, she stumbles upon Amina sucking her stepsons girthy cock! She thinks the blowjob is hot as hell and feels her panties get wet right away. When she finally admits it to Amina and her stepson, the family fun begins. She hooks up with...

1 year ago
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The Naked Adventures of Lilly and Friends

"Forgetful" Lilly is an ordinary girl living an ordinary life, with the one exception: She has a dreadful short-term memory and as a result frequently forgets to wear clothes! Much to the amusement of her group of mischievous friends and neighbors. Lucky for her, those same friends like messing with each other as much as her and it's not uncommon for one or all of them to fins themselves without a stitch of clothing on their bodies. Those group of colorful characters are as follows: Lilly-...

3 years ago
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My ebony lover

This is a fiction story but a huge fantasy of mine! Not sure if people will like it or not so rate and comment if you do and I will write a second part. I hope you enjoy :)--------------I was a lonely guy, never really having many 'friends' as such and I was certainly not a prolific lover. Walking down a street I am invisible to the crowds, not even gaining a glace frmo passers by. As such I sought out fun and friends online and this is where my story starts.I had joined a dating site. I know...

2 years ago
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SRU Bimbo Bread

SRU: Bimbo Bread By Jezzi Belle Stewart (c) 2002 Turn Right Productions Ellie Dauberowski sat for a moment in her '84 Yugo in the parking lot of Round Lake's only 7-11 convenience store repairing her face. She had started to cry almost immediately after leaving the parking lot of the detective agency and finally decided to pull in and park before she became a hazard to others on the road. That was Ellie: kind, considerate, model wife and mother Ellie; "Good Old Ellie" her...

2 years ago
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A Mothers DilemmaChapter 3

Sitting at the kitchen table Monday morning, Tiffany picked at her scrambled eggs. Her fork scraped the plate as it brushed the remainder of the eggs toward the edge and then back into a small mound in the middle. She wondered why her mother always gave her so much to eat in the morning, preferring cold cereal or a slice of toast and jam. Putting as little egg as possible on the tip of the fork, Tiffany raised it to her mouth and scrunched her nose, begrudgingly locking her lips around the...

3 years ago
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Sam I Am

Sam I Am By Shintashi Chapter 1 Splashes of water, rising up from freshly stomped mud puddles in the midnight rain were the first to herald the frantic journey of the soaking stranger. He looked down at his watch in the back alley way, trying to catch his breath as he scrutinized the water soaked time peice, wiping the corrupt evening down poor off its glass surface, hoping the batteries were still strong enough to power the nightlight, and at the same time, hoping he had lost...

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