#2 Mamma Bagnata, Figlia Fortunata! free porn video

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Sono ormai giorni che mi attanaglia un pensiero... Vi racconto...

Il mese scorso la mia ragazza conobbe una nuova collega di lavoro e non vedeva l'ora di presentarmela!
Disse che era molto simpatica ed aveva i nostri stessi gusti, quindi, senza farlo apposta, organizzò una cenetta
a casa nostra. Io non diedi importanza al tutto, così preparammo qualche cosa da mangiare ed attendemmo il suono del campanello, ma quando andai a rispondere, ragazzi... Mi si presentò di fronte Miriam: una bella stangona alta
1.80, mora, occhi verdi, completamente truccata e totalmente in tiro, come se da lì a breve fossimo dovuti
andare in discoteca. Per tutta la serata non feci altro che fissarle le gambe coperte solo ad 1/3 dalla minigonna e toccarmi il cazzo sfregandolo senza farmi accorgere, o almeno spero non mi abbia notato nessuno!
La serata si conclude felicemente.

Il giorno dopo, Maria, la mia ragazza, tornando a casa dal lavoro, mi disse se volevamo andare a fare compagnia a
Miriam e la figlia Serena nel pomeriggio, visto che il marito sarebbe mancato fino a sera tardi. Non mi feci ripetere le cose due volte e dissi di sì.

Arrivammo a casa sua e ci aprì la figlia, Serena: un bel bocconcino, appena ventenne identica alla madre! Mi iniziai a fare delle seghe mentali pensando subito a me che scopavo entrambe, a pecorina, e nel momento della venuta, schizzi profondi e belli corposi prima dentro alla figa di Miriam e poi dentro di lei, così, in un'unica sborrata! Ero talmente tanto eccitato nel vederla che subito il cazzo mi si rizzò di istinto, quindi, per evitare brutte figure, chiesi subito dov'era il bagno. Serena fu così gentile ad accompagnarmi fino alla porta e fu proprio in quell'occasione che notai che era ancora in ciabatte! Che cosa mi stava frullando in testa? Non capivo più niente! Avevo in mente solo ed esclusivamente la scena in cui lunghi e bianchi schizzi colavano dalle sue gambe! Un fuoco mi pervade le palle, giuro, ero pronto a tirare fuori il cazzo e spruzzare lì, in quel preciso momento, magari dietro la sua schiena facendo arrivare gli schizzi fino in testa, dietro ai capelli... Mi trattenni, scivolò nel bagno di corsa e mi chiusi a chiave.

Tirai fuori il cazzo e notai soltanto allora che avevo le mutande un pochino bagnate di liquido. Aspettai qualche secondo, aprii la porta e mi infilai dentro alla stanza di Serena, sicuro che fosse la sua dalla mole di pupazzi profumati per tutta la camera. Notai che in fondo al letto c'erano delle scarpine che, pensai, si sarebbe messa da lì a breve ed aspettavano soltanto il mio cazzo, quindi le presi in mano ed iniziai ad annusare profondamente. Riuscii a percepire il forte odore che proveniva dall'interno, mi soffermai a guardare la suola ed era completamente rovinata, quindi mi immaginai che quelle scarpe dovevano essere state indossate più e più volte.

Inspirare profondamente.

Avevo il cazzo talmente tanto duro e pronto per schizzare che non avrei fatto proprio in tempo a posare la scarpa e
a correre in bagno per riempire il lavandino, già le prime gocce di sborra stavano uscendo e stavano iniziando a
toccare il cuscino, quindi feci appena in tempo ad abbassare la scarpa dal naso ed iniziai a riempirla completamente.
Schizzi lunghissimi, molto forti e bianchi, proprio come me li ero immaginati dentro la figa della madre e di Serena!
Schizzi talmente tanto corposi che invasero immediatamente la suola alta e piano piano colavano fino alla pianta.

Appena finii il decimo schizzo corsi in bagno a cercare di svuotare la sborra nell'altra scarpa per riempire anche
quel plantare, solo che il liquido era tantissimo, quindi mi venne in mente un'idea. Non volevo assolutamente sprecarlo, volevo che quei piedini candidi lo toccassero e ci sguazzassero dentro, così mi affacciai dal bagno chiamando la mia ragazza. Maria giunse velocemente e le confidai che lavandomi le mani avevo aperto troppo velocemente l'acqua che mi era finita tutta sul vestito, quindi avevo bisogno di un asciugacapelli asciugarmi. Mi disse che non c'era problema e che avvisava lei Serena, di là in salotto. Quando mi rispose così mi balenò l'idea che nell'altra stanza c'erano solo loro due... e Miriam? Preso dall'eccitazione chiusi la porta ed iniziai a cercare disperatamente l'asciugacapelli, lo attaccai alla spina ed iniziai ad asciugare piano piano il liquido In entrambe le scarpe.

Vedendo il liquido che faceva su e giù per tutte e due le scuole, mi venne nuovamente una voglia ancora più
grossa della prima, così, senza pensarci due volte, aprii la porta del bagno e questa volta decisi di imboscarsi nella
stanza di Miriam. Sentii che ancora si stava facendo la doccia, ecco dov'era la troia! Ad aspettarmi, vicino al letto, così come per l'abitudine della figlia, c'erano delle scarpe molto più alte! Delle decolté nere lucide con dei fiocchettini alla
punta molto invitanti che gridavano: riempiteci tutti! Ero eccitato da morire ragazzi, ma ancora non mi bastava, volevo rischiare di più!

Con la scarpa abbassata in modo che mi toccasse il cazzo e pronta a raccogliere qualsiasi spruzzo da esso prodotto, aprii la porta del bagno della camera padronale e vidi Miriam sotto la doccia! Aveva dei seni stupendi, capezzoli turgidi, forse per via dell'acqua non proprio calda, una fighetta completamente depilata a parte una sottile linea centrale ed un culo a mandolino. Miriam non mi riusciva a vedere, aveva tutti i capelli insaponati e gli occhi chiusi infastiditi, così non sono riuscito a trattenermi ragazzi, mi sono messo la sua scarpa sul naso, ho inspirato profondamente e mi sono avvicinato piano piano verso di lei, scostai leggermente la tenda semi trasparente e mi trovai proprio di fronte a lei.


Abbassando la scarpa per qualche istante, vidi gli schizzi di sborra mischiarsi con l'acqua della doccia e
raggiungere il corpo perfetto di Miriam. Rallentai la sega in modo che gli spruzzi si facessero più lunghi ed intensi
In modo da non finire soltanto sulla pancia, ormai completamente imbiancata, ma anche sulle tette! Il getto di sborra però iniziò a diminuire, così mi dovetti accontentare di inzuppargli la figa! 4 o 5 spruzzi finirono proprio lì e nemmeno a farlo apposta, Miriam abbassò le mani per lavarsi proprio l'interno della sua figa. Spinse completamente dentro il liquido che continua a uscire dal mio cazzo ed a mescolarsi con l'acqua della doccia. Le sue mani belle delicate, così, immerse nella sborra e dentro la sua figa, sembrava un connubio perfetto per iniziare a prenderla e sbatterla forte, ma mi limitai soltanto a questo, quindi piano piano mi allontanai facendo cadere le ultime gocce di sborra un po' nelle scarpe ed un po' per terra, vedendo Miriam che continuava ad infilarsi le dita dentro, proprio come se si stesse per masturbare.

Raggiunsi l'altro bagno e continui ad asciugare le scarpe di Serena, riponendole poi dove le avevo trovate. Raggiunsi la mia ragazza ed iniziare ad entrare nel discorso, dopo poco ci raggiunse Miriam tutta bella vestita e truccata, mentre la figlia si andò a mettere le scarpe.

Tornò dopo poco anche lei con le stesse scarpe che avevo sborrato poco fa, così iniziammo a parlare del più e del meno.
Per tutta la sera, Sabrina, non fece altro che guardarsi le scarpe come se qualcosa stesse bagnando i suoi piedini, forse con lo stesso sudore, scioglieva piano piano la sborra che si attaccava alla pianta del piede. Miriam, invece, non smise un istante di grattarsi la figa, senza farsi accorgere... Proprio come se "qualcuno" le fosse venuta dentro e non si fosse lavata bene!

Ieri, la mia ragazza, tornando dal lavoro, mi disse che Miriam aveva scoperto d'esser incinta e non sapeva come poteva essere successo visto che con il marito non facevano sesso da un po' ed in più avevano avviato le pratiche per il divorzio proprio per questa ragione...
Ed è per questo che mi attanaglia un pensiero:
Sarà mica il caso di mollare Maria e provarci con Miriam? Beh, convivendo con lei, anche Serena avrà degli schizzi sotto la doccia tutti per se, non trovate?

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A Surprise Encounter and A Long Night Of Fun

It was a cold, snowy Wednesday. My wife was off from work this week and was visiting friends with our Son for a few days. I had the house to myself and all I had to do was go to work, and kick back at home. I loved the freedom of the week. I had an extra spring in my step at the gym each day and had been going out after work for a few drinks each night. Today was no different. I woke up, shoveled the snow off the driveway and walkways and left for work. My coffee seemed to taste that much...

2 years ago
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Shit. Damascus. Seriously? Damascus? I let myself be talked into going to Damascus? Easy, my boss said. A nice city, actually, he said. Very interesting sites. Fascinating history. Take your wife with you, the company will pay for everything. This will be perfect to re-connect with your wife after too many business trips. We desperately need this project, he said. You´re the best man to get it done. You won´t regret it. Yeah, yeah, the usual stuff that led me to visit Jordan, Egypt, Turkey...

3 years ago
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Cousine Heike

Es ist jetzt schon einige Jahre her, ich war schon 18 aber noch in der Ausbildung und wohnte auch noch bei meinen Eltern.Nach der Arbeit radelte ich bei schönem Wetter nachhause, vorbei an der Videothek, das grosse Plakat vom neuen Schwarzenegger Film hing im Fenster und ich stoppte um mir den Film zu leihen. Aber wie üblich waren alle Kopien verliehen und ich schlenderte duch die Videothek, ich war schon in der Abteilung ab 18und ging noch um ein Regal zu den Pornos. Wenn schon kein...

4 years ago
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From Nothing EverythingChapter 9

At first, I was a tad embarrassed being naked with a hard on. But it quickly passed. Having a fourteen-year-old apparently unconcerned with her nakedness distracted me from my own self consciousness with ruthless efficiency. Swimming after our discussion relieved some of the urgent sexual tension. Sunbathing to dry, conversation slipped back into non sexual comments. My erection partially softened. But then, the sun dried her and my erection returned. It was her pubes’ fault. As they dried,...

3 years ago
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An Unremarkable DayChapter 11

A couple of days later, while Jake was looking for a good spot to spend the night, he noticed some greener vegetation off to the right of the trail. The ground had been a bit hillier for the last few hours, and there seemed to be a spot worth checking out towards the base of a rise two or three hundred yards back from the trail. There was no obvious track in that direction, but the vegetation wasn't so thick - as though people had passed that way not too long ago. Jake led Sue off the...

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My First Triple Header

My Best Day Ever Starting with Lovely Arlene.During my first summer out of High School, I was sleeping in on a day off from my summer job. The phone rang too early, I sleepily answered to a dull hum. There was no voice but household noises in the background on the phone. In 1960 there was no way to know who was calling, so I hung up.  A few minutes later it happened again. No voice again. I listened for a while until I heard a familiar faint noise in the background. I let  Arlene know I...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 32

Ryan had just saved her work log when her phone rang. She answered, hoping it wasn’t a last-minute request for anything. She was anxious to finish up and get out, Brody was going to pick her up and they were going to get one last, quiet celebration in before the tour and the playoffs started up. It was her supervisor, but luck was with her—the work was already done. Relieved, she sent the files and copied them to the shared drive on the network. She looked at the clock and groaned, the end of...

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The FavorChapter 35 The Coupon

It was late on a Thursday evening in the middle of January when I got a phone call. "Jeff, could you please come spend the night?" Jess asked me. I thought about it, and decided, 'Why not?' Jess had not asked me like this before, and the thought of that beautiful, mature woman asking me to spend the night with her had me quite hard. Jess met me at the door with a smile and a big kiss. She helped me undress right there, and led me upstairs. She stopped me before we entered her room and...

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Mixed MessagesChapter 1

We had been hacked! I mean, what else could it be? What I was seeing on Mom's computer screen couldn't be what it appeared to be at face value! These were the thoughts that went through my mind as I tried to get my breathing back under control. I had been staring at the screen and the awful text that I had been reading for over twenty minutes. There was no movie special effect to cause a ripple in the air. There was no return to normal after a hallucination. The awful truth was still in...

4 years ago
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The New Pet Part 2

Rocco finished his whiskey and watched the ladies nursing their glasses of wine. The three of them had retired into the living room and sat down to relax with a couple of drinks. Sarah and Jolene sat on the sofa across from Rocco. Sarah was still naked. Jolene was wearing her jumper dress without panties and she had been flashing Rocco quite often the entire evening through dinner and drinks.His cock twitched every time Jolene caught him staring at Sarah. Each time, she winked and spread her...

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A Horny Night in Stars Hollow Ch 04

‘I’ll drive you,’ Dean offered as Rory was franticly trying to find her school uniform. ‘Thanks, I’ll be reading in a sec,’ responded Rory as she rushed pass. She stopped to give Dean light kiss on the lips. As she ran off again Dean gave her ass a nice squeeze, eliciting a little squeal from her. Lorelai walked over to the teenage boy, ‘I’m gonna go take a nap, but remember you’re welcome anytime,’ she told Dean as she gave his still exposed cock a little tug. She then turned around and...

2 years ago
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Last PunchChapter 3

Jack was in absolute terror at this moment. This was the figurative road, and they had just come to the fork. Which way to go? "Jack, I think it's time to talk about last night." Jack winced at her words, he knew the longer he put off the talk with his sister, the longer he would have to suffer the fear of what she was going to say. "Mandy, I am not sure what happened last night, but I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." Jack stopped talking quickly as he noticed Mandy's smile and the...

2 years ago
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Every Woman Has a Price2 Undervalued

Frieda ground her teeth. Shouting “Fuck you, Val!” wasn’t worth the effort. She was kicking the snow off of her boots on the back mat. She hadn’t even unzipped her parka yet. “Girl!” Her dad’s girlfriend glared as she leaned back from the front counter. “Get your ass in gear.” “Be there in a minute!” Came out despite “Die screaming in a fire, you harpy slut!” standing ready on Frieda’s vocal folds. The weather had delayed her a little. It wasn’t snowing hard; she was early for her four pm...

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My bhabhi

I am 20 years old with a handsome look, and i have a special attraction towards women with large boobs and ass. One such women was my bhabhi she was 26 years old and she was from west bengal. She was very good looking and she could lure anyone at the first sight. It was hot summer and i was at my brothers place who used to stay in delhi and i was there on a official trip. My brother used to go early in the morning to his office and return late in the night. They did not have any children as it...

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Summer Stock

I’ve written this story in my journal many times. Each time I tell this tale to myself, I remember another half forgotten detail about the wonderful woman who taught me how to make wild, passionate love. I know I will never tire of repeating this story. Arlene Calvin was the love of my life. Yes, that’s right, Arlene Calvin, the famous actress you see on late night talk shows and the covers of supermarket tabloids. These days she’s best known for her TV appearances as a zap-gun toting, science...

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CamSoda Teen

Cam Soda Teen! Are there images of naked teens harboring rent-free on your mind? Well, I understand your predicament! Someti-cum ames I will have a wet dream about a tight teen cunt, and the next thing you know, I’m masturbating skin-to-skin using my pres lube! I can’t fucking help it: teen pussy just really puts my cock into fifth gear!Now, you are checking this part of my website because you are crazy about teens or just curious to know what teens are hiding under those skimpy dresses. Well,...

Live Teen Sex Cams
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family fun time

It comes a day when you just get tired of wanking to fantasies that will never just happen. You have to make them happen. I made it happen last month when I took a part time job in an adult video store. I started my first day with coffee, viagra and an open mind. My new boss an old Jewish woman in her 60's showed me how to work the cash register, pointed out the camera's and slapped my ass as she said,"Bob will be in before noon, call me if he dont show" 7 o'clock in the morning and I'm...

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Pleasure Boy 2

You have heard about my first day in San Diego and how much fun I had allowing 4 men to use my body for their sexual enjoyment. Now we fast forward to 4 months later, when I attended my first costume party. Normally when I go into town on Liberty, I would change out of my uniform and into civilian clothes and then walk down this certain street which I called my ‘walk of pleasure.’ I called it that because even though men would pick me up in their cars and then use me for their sexual...

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Introduction: The inner thoughts of a womans mind Erotic novels by Gail Holmes WILLOW HALL It will be fun, just the three of us, plus its all for free, think about it, a whole weekend! Come on Hazel, I was convinced youd be up for it Suzy leaned forward in her chair as she spoke. The three girls had been mates well before high school, they all worked together as typists in a large office complex on the outskirts of London, Suzy had seen the advertisement in one of her girlie magazines. Let...

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The House on the Hill Chapters 78

The House on the Hill Chapter 7 Michael was exhausted as he re-entered the room where he had started the day. Although he had heard that they were going to be helped by a maid he was surprised when saw her dusting the desk in the corner of the room. "Good afternoon, Miss Evelyn," the maid said with a smile. "I am sorry if I surprised you but I thought it best to try to get your room in order before you returned. I cleaned up everything and made your bed and I also drew a hot bath...

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Therianthropy On stage

She stared at her own breasts in the mirror, not particularly large, but perky and supple. She hefted each tit, one and then the other, before giving a squeeze together and pushing them both up against her chest as the chain dangling between her dark pink and pierced nipples tinkled and chimed. Cylvan wasn't particularly self conscious of her bust, but she had some envy for her beloved Mistress's ample bosom. She thought about how large and full they were, and the pleasing view whenever...

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Lustful ViceChapter 36

After lunch, Ray drives the girls back to campus. When they get close to their dorm, Yesenia asks Ray to stop the car. “Can you let me out here, Ray? I need to head over tot eh library for a while.” She looks over to her friend and throws her a wink. “Sure,” the man grunts. “I guess I will see you later.” As she gets out of the car, Yesenia gives Ray a kiss on the cheek. “Thank for lunch. It was fun. Have a safe drive home.” “My pleasure, Yesenia,” he says. And it is. The ride to the dorm...

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JulesJordan Angela White Angela White8217s Ass Receives Maximum Penetration

Curvaceous cutie Angela White uses all her holes to please Manuel Ferrara. Angela White has made a name for herself as one of the best performers in the industry with her unquenchable thirst for cock and her willingness to do whatever it takes to get every last drop of cum. She’s looking super fine as she teases in a pink bathing suit and fishnets with her gigantic tits billowing out of her top… they can not be contained!!! Angela fingers her tight holes to get herself nice and wet...


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