#2 Mamma Bagnata, Figlia Fortunata! free porn video

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Sono ormai giorni che mi attanaglia un pensiero... Vi racconto...

Il mese scorso la mia ragazza conobbe una nuova collega di lavoro e non vedeva l'ora di presentarmela!
Disse che era molto simpatica ed aveva i nostri stessi gusti, quindi, senza farlo apposta, organizzò una cenetta
a casa nostra. Io non diedi importanza al tutto, così preparammo qualche cosa da mangiare ed attendemmo il suono del campanello, ma quando andai a rispondere, ragazzi... Mi si presentò di fronte Miriam: una bella stangona alta
1.80, mora, occhi verdi, completamente truccata e totalmente in tiro, come se da lì a breve fossimo dovuti
andare in discoteca. Per tutta la serata non feci altro che fissarle le gambe coperte solo ad 1/3 dalla minigonna e toccarmi il cazzo sfregandolo senza farmi accorgere, o almeno spero non mi abbia notato nessuno!
La serata si conclude felicemente.

Il giorno dopo, Maria, la mia ragazza, tornando a casa dal lavoro, mi disse se volevamo andare a fare compagnia a
Miriam e la figlia Serena nel pomeriggio, visto che il marito sarebbe mancato fino a sera tardi. Non mi feci ripetere le cose due volte e dissi di sì.

Arrivammo a casa sua e ci aprì la figlia, Serena: un bel bocconcino, appena ventenne identica alla madre! Mi iniziai a fare delle seghe mentali pensando subito a me che scopavo entrambe, a pecorina, e nel momento della venuta, schizzi profondi e belli corposi prima dentro alla figa di Miriam e poi dentro di lei, così, in un'unica sborrata! Ero talmente tanto eccitato nel vederla che subito il cazzo mi si rizzò di istinto, quindi, per evitare brutte figure, chiesi subito dov'era il bagno. Serena fu così gentile ad accompagnarmi fino alla porta e fu proprio in quell'occasione che notai che era ancora in ciabatte! Che cosa mi stava frullando in testa? Non capivo più niente! Avevo in mente solo ed esclusivamente la scena in cui lunghi e bianchi schizzi colavano dalle sue gambe! Un fuoco mi pervade le palle, giuro, ero pronto a tirare fuori il cazzo e spruzzare lì, in quel preciso momento, magari dietro la sua schiena facendo arrivare gli schizzi fino in testa, dietro ai capelli... Mi trattenni, scivolò nel bagno di corsa e mi chiusi a chiave.

Tirai fuori il cazzo e notai soltanto allora che avevo le mutande un pochino bagnate di liquido. Aspettai qualche secondo, aprii la porta e mi infilai dentro alla stanza di Serena, sicuro che fosse la sua dalla mole di pupazzi profumati per tutta la camera. Notai che in fondo al letto c'erano delle scarpine che, pensai, si sarebbe messa da lì a breve ed aspettavano soltanto il mio cazzo, quindi le presi in mano ed iniziai ad annusare profondamente. Riuscii a percepire il forte odore che proveniva dall'interno, mi soffermai a guardare la suola ed era completamente rovinata, quindi mi immaginai che quelle scarpe dovevano essere state indossate più e più volte.

Inspirare profondamente.

Avevo il cazzo talmente tanto duro e pronto per schizzare che non avrei fatto proprio in tempo a posare la scarpa e
a correre in bagno per riempire il lavandino, già le prime gocce di sborra stavano uscendo e stavano iniziando a
toccare il cuscino, quindi feci appena in tempo ad abbassare la scarpa dal naso ed iniziai a riempirla completamente.
Schizzi lunghissimi, molto forti e bianchi, proprio come me li ero immaginati dentro la figa della madre e di Serena!
Schizzi talmente tanto corposi che invasero immediatamente la suola alta e piano piano colavano fino alla pianta.

Appena finii il decimo schizzo corsi in bagno a cercare di svuotare la sborra nell'altra scarpa per riempire anche
quel plantare, solo che il liquido era tantissimo, quindi mi venne in mente un'idea. Non volevo assolutamente sprecarlo, volevo che quei piedini candidi lo toccassero e ci sguazzassero dentro, così mi affacciai dal bagno chiamando la mia ragazza. Maria giunse velocemente e le confidai che lavandomi le mani avevo aperto troppo velocemente l'acqua che mi era finita tutta sul vestito, quindi avevo bisogno di un asciugacapelli asciugarmi. Mi disse che non c'era problema e che avvisava lei Serena, di là in salotto. Quando mi rispose così mi balenò l'idea che nell'altra stanza c'erano solo loro due... e Miriam? Preso dall'eccitazione chiusi la porta ed iniziai a cercare disperatamente l'asciugacapelli, lo attaccai alla spina ed iniziai ad asciugare piano piano il liquido In entrambe le scarpe.

Vedendo il liquido che faceva su e giù per tutte e due le scuole, mi venne nuovamente una voglia ancora più
grossa della prima, così, senza pensarci due volte, aprii la porta del bagno e questa volta decisi di imboscarsi nella
stanza di Miriam. Sentii che ancora si stava facendo la doccia, ecco dov'era la troia! Ad aspettarmi, vicino al letto, così come per l'abitudine della figlia, c'erano delle scarpe molto più alte! Delle decolté nere lucide con dei fiocchettini alla
punta molto invitanti che gridavano: riempiteci tutti! Ero eccitato da morire ragazzi, ma ancora non mi bastava, volevo rischiare di più!

Con la scarpa abbassata in modo che mi toccasse il cazzo e pronta a raccogliere qualsiasi spruzzo da esso prodotto, aprii la porta del bagno della camera padronale e vidi Miriam sotto la doccia! Aveva dei seni stupendi, capezzoli turgidi, forse per via dell'acqua non proprio calda, una fighetta completamente depilata a parte una sottile linea centrale ed un culo a mandolino. Miriam non mi riusciva a vedere, aveva tutti i capelli insaponati e gli occhi chiusi infastiditi, così non sono riuscito a trattenermi ragazzi, mi sono messo la sua scarpa sul naso, ho inspirato profondamente e mi sono avvicinato piano piano verso di lei, scostai leggermente la tenda semi trasparente e mi trovai proprio di fronte a lei.


Abbassando la scarpa per qualche istante, vidi gli schizzi di sborra mischiarsi con l'acqua della doccia e
raggiungere il corpo perfetto di Miriam. Rallentai la sega in modo che gli spruzzi si facessero più lunghi ed intensi
In modo da non finire soltanto sulla pancia, ormai completamente imbiancata, ma anche sulle tette! Il getto di sborra però iniziò a diminuire, così mi dovetti accontentare di inzuppargli la figa! 4 o 5 spruzzi finirono proprio lì e nemmeno a farlo apposta, Miriam abbassò le mani per lavarsi proprio l'interno della sua figa. Spinse completamente dentro il liquido che continua a uscire dal mio cazzo ed a mescolarsi con l'acqua della doccia. Le sue mani belle delicate, così, immerse nella sborra e dentro la sua figa, sembrava un connubio perfetto per iniziare a prenderla e sbatterla forte, ma mi limitai soltanto a questo, quindi piano piano mi allontanai facendo cadere le ultime gocce di sborra un po' nelle scarpe ed un po' per terra, vedendo Miriam che continuava ad infilarsi le dita dentro, proprio come se si stesse per masturbare.

Raggiunsi l'altro bagno e continui ad asciugare le scarpe di Serena, riponendole poi dove le avevo trovate. Raggiunsi la mia ragazza ed iniziare ad entrare nel discorso, dopo poco ci raggiunse Miriam tutta bella vestita e truccata, mentre la figlia si andò a mettere le scarpe.

Tornò dopo poco anche lei con le stesse scarpe che avevo sborrato poco fa, così iniziammo a parlare del più e del meno.
Per tutta la sera, Sabrina, non fece altro che guardarsi le scarpe come se qualcosa stesse bagnando i suoi piedini, forse con lo stesso sudore, scioglieva piano piano la sborra che si attaccava alla pianta del piede. Miriam, invece, non smise un istante di grattarsi la figa, senza farsi accorgere... Proprio come se "qualcuno" le fosse venuta dentro e non si fosse lavata bene!

Ieri, la mia ragazza, tornando dal lavoro, mi disse che Miriam aveva scoperto d'esser incinta e non sapeva come poteva essere successo visto che con il marito non facevano sesso da un po' ed in più avevano avviato le pratiche per il divorzio proprio per questa ragione...
Ed è per questo che mi attanaglia un pensiero:
Sarà mica il caso di mollare Maria e provarci con Miriam? Beh, convivendo con lei, anche Serena avrà degli schizzi sotto la doccia tutti per se, non trovate?

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Arti Ki Chudai

Ye kahani tab ki hai jab me 12th me padta tha. Meri behan arti jo ki mujhse 2 saal badi the aur jawan husn ki mallika thi. Height 5.5, aur ras bhare chuchu. Jinhe dekh kar log palat palat kar dekhte the. Main kafi porn aur sex stories padne ka shokeen tha. Jese jese meri tharak badi mujhe arti me behan kam aur ek jawan aurat jyada najar ane lagi jesse main apne jism ki pyas bujhane k plan banane laga. Arti thoda khule vicharo wali ladki the. Use movies dekhna naye gaane sunna pasand tha. Toh...

1 year ago
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All he could do was listen and imagine

It was New Years Eve and we were at one of the best hotels in downtown Chicago for a NYE event...I was dressed to the nines- a sexy, mid thigh length dress- tight in all the right places. My long hair curled down to the middle of my back, and gold heels to show off the shape and tone in my long legs. We had dinner, a few cocktails, and we ready to dance and party. The news station was there live. We even made it on tv. We dance and drank and mingled all night.Now, the both of us, especially...

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“I plan to ask her to marry me at graduation, not to marry me at graduation. I know many teenagers as well as older folks seem to think two or three months is plenty of time to be engaged. I hope to be engaged for two full years so when we turn twenty, that year’s McArthur Family BBQ could become our Wedding Day.” “I know you usually hold it in June, Sarah, but that year it could be the Sunday between my and Claire’s birthday’s in July. Could that be planned? Maybe you can get that dunk tank...

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The Trouble with Passion Part One

The cold evening air blew through Lucy’s hair like needles. She shivered sending cold chills down her spine. As she made her way across the campus quad she hugged her sweater closer around her waist. It was Friday and Lucy couldn’t help but wish she was anywhere but where she was at this very moment. Her roommate Fiona had invited her to go to a party across campus just hours earlier. “Come with us, Lucy,” her roommate had said. “My boyfriend, Carl, has a sexy friend he’d like you meet!” ...

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Evie Sucks Off Her Virgin Boyfriend

I knew from the start that he didn't have very much experience in sex. The farthest he'd every gotten with a girl was kissing and a hand on her breast over her shirt. He claimed it was because his ex girlfriend, his first and only girlfriend before me, was abstaining until marriage. Now I don't know if that is true or not but I do know that he is shy. He'd been my best friend for years and then he moved away for school just after we decided to become a couple so we never ever so much as kissed...

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Next morning Kate was still asleep when I left for work, during the day I got a phone call from Wayne, we discussed the last night and asking if I was happy the way it went, I told him that it couldn't have gone better. Then he mentioned would I like a repeat performance, to which I said. "Yes."Wayne said. "Leave it with me, I'll get back to you with the arrangements," this was ok by me, so I left it at that.When I got home Kate was waiting for me in the living room, dressed only in her thin...

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Meri Chudai Gym Mai

Hi mera naam Priya hai aur mai chandigarh ki rehne wali hu waise ton yaha par jhar ladki kehti hai ki wo dikhne mai sudar hai aur uski story sachi hai agera wagera but mai unn mai se nahi huu mai tohdi motti hu aur dikhne mai v theek hu yeah story 5 months pehla ki hai jab mein weight loose Karne k lyi Gym Join kiya tha pehla mera figure 32 30 34 tha meri age 34 hai aur mai married hu jayda time barrbaad naa karte huye story pee atti hu han ton story yeh hai ki meine weight lose karne k lyi Gym...

1 year ago
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Tickle Abuse

Just looking at the name, TickleAbuse obviously ain’t going to be for everybody. Hell, you could split the title in half and still get the same effect looking at either side. Both tickling and abuse can either be somebody’s worst nightmare or spermiest wet dream, but it really depends on what you’re into and what kind of mood you’re in, not to mention who’s involved. The hentai weebs might be interested in some monster tickling, but the rest of us pervs would rather watch if pretty girls are...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Echoes of a Bitter PastChapter 3

I was able to get to my old home very quickly, thanks to the unofficial help of the station staff at Derby who held a train for three minutes for me. I travelled with the driver in his cab an old steam driver who had converted to diesels. When I mentioned the family name he was shocked. "Your dad is Reg Gilson?" "Yes." "I fired for him for quite some time. I am really sorry to hear your news. I'll let the others in the Link know, if you don't mind. I am sure they will want to...

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Silken Chains Part Four

Walking back to the girls after setting down the bottle he sat down on the floor between their entwined legs. His hands moving independently over a different girl as he sat there. His left hand stroked over dasha’s smooth muscular calves. As his right hand moved over Talis’s calves which were less developed but equally nice. His hands explored higher soon reaching smooth satiny thighs on the girls. Dasha knew well her place parted her legs offering him access to her hidden sore treasure....

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RachelChapter 6

I had to replace the door. It was old, and it had warped. That was why it wouldn't close properly. I called a hardware store, gave them the measurements, and the man there told me it would be ready when I came to pick it up. Rachel helped me to set it up and she held it while I put the lugs in it. After swinging it back and forth a couple of times, I closed it, and it sat snug. I opened and closed it again, and it was a perfect fit. Rachel was relieved that now her privacy was assured, and...

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BlacksOnBlondes Jamie Michelle 05102022

It’s a war going on for market share in the high end prostitute world of New York and this madame Jamie is taking a proactive approach to business. It’s no secret that every pimp is flooding Manhattan with porn star hookers to sell their pussies for cold hard cash. All these girls will hop from pimp to pimp or just try to steal the clients. Jamie realizes this and is bringing in an army of BBCs to go after the wall street wives and executives. Take Isiah for example. Jamie met him...

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SugarDaddyPORN Marie Jacob Big Titty Teen Marie Jacob Came Back For More

Miss big titty teen Marie Jacob has a confession to make… She loves Sugar Daddy dick! To her, guys her own age just don’t know how to fuck. So when she got her first taste of older men, she was hooked. Our daddies love plowing young tight pussy like Marie’s. A trend is starting here at SugarDaddyPORN. Many of our favorite girls are coming back for more than just the money and support our daddies can provide for them. They love getting railed by our big dicked, experienced...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 1

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.9 am came way too quickly for Andre Harris who could barely form a coherent thought as his alarm blared next to him. He reached up to hit the snooze button so he could get a bit more sl*ep but as soon as he touched it, the brand new digital clock exploded with a loud crack, leaving smoking remains behind.Needless to say, Andre was completely awake now....

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The New StartChapter 18 The Opening of Autumn

Tani had returned from her mission explaining that after carefully surveying the site it was found to be a bust. None suspected where she had really been or what her real mission was. Two days later Steve had returned and given his speech. With the two of them present, again the community was complete once more. Lynn and Misty had spread the word of Tani's piercings so that everyone knew of them with the exception of the older adults and the children. The two of them talked to Tani...

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John and Lyn the teacher and guest

Lyn Swift had called John to explain that after the end of term Mark had departed to his Uncle and Aunt's house so the games they played at her house were over, John invited her round to his house where he had a punishment room built in the back garden. Lyn knew john dished out punishments to ladies and girls,and asked if john could "sort her out" that afternoon, was told to visit but to wear something sexy , not the stuff she wore in the classroom !Lyn turned up with a bottle of wine, wearing...

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Sex Studio Secrets 2 Takako Hot New Year

Takako longs for a sexy surprise for the New Year from her far friend in sexy old AmsterdamTakako longs for a long abuse on camera in my private studio on first floor of my sexy shopTakako longs to be taken in her anal canal by a lovely long mighty member of a dominant manTakako longs to be taken beyond her limits to see new stars in her hot mind blowing orgasmsTakako rings twice at my door, I instructed her the secret sign for my special studio guestsTakako rings twice and I immediately open...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt16

Chapter 18 Marcy had hoped the stop at CC's would have been the last one. She had suffered enough embarrassment for a day. Lisa's claim that they still had a few errands to run made her worry that it wasn't all over after all. Her worries were soon confirmed when they stopped in a rather seedy looking neighbourhood. Getting out of the car Marcy knew better than to stray away from Lisa's side. It was kind of weird, but the big shift of control in their relationship had also...

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Foster care 2 Girls day out spa day

Introduction: Chapter 2 in this saga. I can not remember a time where my biological mother was not using one drug or another. I remember being hungry a lot and learning how to get food from school and other kids and neighbors and even the trash sometimes. Sometimes I think I was more the adult then she was because not only did I manage food for myself but I usually managed to make sure she ate something too. I think part of this is why I was always very small for my age compared to other girls...

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Living in Cockington

My family and I arrived in the village of Cockington on a hot Saturday afternoon, it was a lovely little place full of small cottages and large country houses and it was going to be the perfect place for the k**s to grow up and live.After the removal van had left and we had spent several hours unpacking everyone wanted to go for a wander, so Milly my teenage daughter and ben my youngest went off to find the park, my wife Veronica went to find a local shop and I thought I would go visit the...

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I was email sexting (e-sex?) an online friend I'd yet to meet...these were some of the passages (each paragraph represents a different email, sent on separate days). It's not Shakespeare, but perhaps entertaining. :)I dream of you walking into my room one evening while I’m writing your email…you’re wearing that little black dress of yours….as soon as I see you I close my computer and jump up off my bed as you stand hesitantly in the doorway. Of course, I’m lounging in my bed writing an email,...

1 year ago
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Prices Party

When I got there I realized that practically my whole class was there. It wasn’t that warm seeing as it was November, I had came with my friend Tristan and just coming from the golf course. She had a pool with a hot tub so I was lucky to a bathing suit in my car. Everyone was just hanging out, playing beer pong and just hammered. Than it seemed at one moment everyone went for the pool or hot tub. I decided not to go because Price wasn’t going at the time and I wanted to try and get an...

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