#2 Mamma Bagnata, Figlia Fortunata! free porn video

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Sono ormai giorni che mi attanaglia un pensiero... Vi racconto...

Il mese scorso la mia ragazza conobbe una nuova collega di lavoro e non vedeva l'ora di presentarmela!
Disse che era molto simpatica ed aveva i nostri stessi gusti, quindi, senza farlo apposta, organizzò una cenetta
a casa nostra. Io non diedi importanza al tutto, così preparammo qualche cosa da mangiare ed attendemmo il suono del campanello, ma quando andai a rispondere, ragazzi... Mi si presentò di fronte Miriam: una bella stangona alta
1.80, mora, occhi verdi, completamente truccata e totalmente in tiro, come se da lì a breve fossimo dovuti
andare in discoteca. Per tutta la serata non feci altro che fissarle le gambe coperte solo ad 1/3 dalla minigonna e toccarmi il cazzo sfregandolo senza farmi accorgere, o almeno spero non mi abbia notato nessuno!
La serata si conclude felicemente.

Il giorno dopo, Maria, la mia ragazza, tornando a casa dal lavoro, mi disse se volevamo andare a fare compagnia a
Miriam e la figlia Serena nel pomeriggio, visto che il marito sarebbe mancato fino a sera tardi. Non mi feci ripetere le cose due volte e dissi di sì.

Arrivammo a casa sua e ci aprì la figlia, Serena: un bel bocconcino, appena ventenne identica alla madre! Mi iniziai a fare delle seghe mentali pensando subito a me che scopavo entrambe, a pecorina, e nel momento della venuta, schizzi profondi e belli corposi prima dentro alla figa di Miriam e poi dentro di lei, così, in un'unica sborrata! Ero talmente tanto eccitato nel vederla che subito il cazzo mi si rizzò di istinto, quindi, per evitare brutte figure, chiesi subito dov'era il bagno. Serena fu così gentile ad accompagnarmi fino alla porta e fu proprio in quell'occasione che notai che era ancora in ciabatte! Che cosa mi stava frullando in testa? Non capivo più niente! Avevo in mente solo ed esclusivamente la scena in cui lunghi e bianchi schizzi colavano dalle sue gambe! Un fuoco mi pervade le palle, giuro, ero pronto a tirare fuori il cazzo e spruzzare lì, in quel preciso momento, magari dietro la sua schiena facendo arrivare gli schizzi fino in testa, dietro ai capelli... Mi trattenni, scivolò nel bagno di corsa e mi chiusi a chiave.

Tirai fuori il cazzo e notai soltanto allora che avevo le mutande un pochino bagnate di liquido. Aspettai qualche secondo, aprii la porta e mi infilai dentro alla stanza di Serena, sicuro che fosse la sua dalla mole di pupazzi profumati per tutta la camera. Notai che in fondo al letto c'erano delle scarpine che, pensai, si sarebbe messa da lì a breve ed aspettavano soltanto il mio cazzo, quindi le presi in mano ed iniziai ad annusare profondamente. Riuscii a percepire il forte odore che proveniva dall'interno, mi soffermai a guardare la suola ed era completamente rovinata, quindi mi immaginai che quelle scarpe dovevano essere state indossate più e più volte.

Inspirare profondamente.

Avevo il cazzo talmente tanto duro e pronto per schizzare che non avrei fatto proprio in tempo a posare la scarpa e
a correre in bagno per riempire il lavandino, già le prime gocce di sborra stavano uscendo e stavano iniziando a
toccare il cuscino, quindi feci appena in tempo ad abbassare la scarpa dal naso ed iniziai a riempirla completamente.
Schizzi lunghissimi, molto forti e bianchi, proprio come me li ero immaginati dentro la figa della madre e di Serena!
Schizzi talmente tanto corposi che invasero immediatamente la suola alta e piano piano colavano fino alla pianta.

Appena finii il decimo schizzo corsi in bagno a cercare di svuotare la sborra nell'altra scarpa per riempire anche
quel plantare, solo che il liquido era tantissimo, quindi mi venne in mente un'idea. Non volevo assolutamente sprecarlo, volevo che quei piedini candidi lo toccassero e ci sguazzassero dentro, così mi affacciai dal bagno chiamando la mia ragazza. Maria giunse velocemente e le confidai che lavandomi le mani avevo aperto troppo velocemente l'acqua che mi era finita tutta sul vestito, quindi avevo bisogno di un asciugacapelli asciugarmi. Mi disse che non c'era problema e che avvisava lei Serena, di là in salotto. Quando mi rispose così mi balenò l'idea che nell'altra stanza c'erano solo loro due... e Miriam? Preso dall'eccitazione chiusi la porta ed iniziai a cercare disperatamente l'asciugacapelli, lo attaccai alla spina ed iniziai ad asciugare piano piano il liquido In entrambe le scarpe.

Vedendo il liquido che faceva su e giù per tutte e due le scuole, mi venne nuovamente una voglia ancora più
grossa della prima, così, senza pensarci due volte, aprii la porta del bagno e questa volta decisi di imboscarsi nella
stanza di Miriam. Sentii che ancora si stava facendo la doccia, ecco dov'era la troia! Ad aspettarmi, vicino al letto, così come per l'abitudine della figlia, c'erano delle scarpe molto più alte! Delle decolté nere lucide con dei fiocchettini alla
punta molto invitanti che gridavano: riempiteci tutti! Ero eccitato da morire ragazzi, ma ancora non mi bastava, volevo rischiare di più!

Con la scarpa abbassata in modo che mi toccasse il cazzo e pronta a raccogliere qualsiasi spruzzo da esso prodotto, aprii la porta del bagno della camera padronale e vidi Miriam sotto la doccia! Aveva dei seni stupendi, capezzoli turgidi, forse per via dell'acqua non proprio calda, una fighetta completamente depilata a parte una sottile linea centrale ed un culo a mandolino. Miriam non mi riusciva a vedere, aveva tutti i capelli insaponati e gli occhi chiusi infastiditi, così non sono riuscito a trattenermi ragazzi, mi sono messo la sua scarpa sul naso, ho inspirato profondamente e mi sono avvicinato piano piano verso di lei, scostai leggermente la tenda semi trasparente e mi trovai proprio di fronte a lei.


Abbassando la scarpa per qualche istante, vidi gli schizzi di sborra mischiarsi con l'acqua della doccia e
raggiungere il corpo perfetto di Miriam. Rallentai la sega in modo che gli spruzzi si facessero più lunghi ed intensi
In modo da non finire soltanto sulla pancia, ormai completamente imbiancata, ma anche sulle tette! Il getto di sborra però iniziò a diminuire, così mi dovetti accontentare di inzuppargli la figa! 4 o 5 spruzzi finirono proprio lì e nemmeno a farlo apposta, Miriam abbassò le mani per lavarsi proprio l'interno della sua figa. Spinse completamente dentro il liquido che continua a uscire dal mio cazzo ed a mescolarsi con l'acqua della doccia. Le sue mani belle delicate, così, immerse nella sborra e dentro la sua figa, sembrava un connubio perfetto per iniziare a prenderla e sbatterla forte, ma mi limitai soltanto a questo, quindi piano piano mi allontanai facendo cadere le ultime gocce di sborra un po' nelle scarpe ed un po' per terra, vedendo Miriam che continuava ad infilarsi le dita dentro, proprio come se si stesse per masturbare.

Raggiunsi l'altro bagno e continui ad asciugare le scarpe di Serena, riponendole poi dove le avevo trovate. Raggiunsi la mia ragazza ed iniziare ad entrare nel discorso, dopo poco ci raggiunse Miriam tutta bella vestita e truccata, mentre la figlia si andò a mettere le scarpe.

Tornò dopo poco anche lei con le stesse scarpe che avevo sborrato poco fa, così iniziammo a parlare del più e del meno.
Per tutta la sera, Sabrina, non fece altro che guardarsi le scarpe come se qualcosa stesse bagnando i suoi piedini, forse con lo stesso sudore, scioglieva piano piano la sborra che si attaccava alla pianta del piede. Miriam, invece, non smise un istante di grattarsi la figa, senza farsi accorgere... Proprio come se "qualcuno" le fosse venuta dentro e non si fosse lavata bene!

Ieri, la mia ragazza, tornando dal lavoro, mi disse che Miriam aveva scoperto d'esser incinta e non sapeva come poteva essere successo visto che con il marito non facevano sesso da un po' ed in più avevano avviato le pratiche per il divorzio proprio per questa ragione...
Ed è per questo che mi attanaglia un pensiero:
Sarà mica il caso di mollare Maria e provarci con Miriam? Beh, convivendo con lei, anche Serena avrà degli schizzi sotto la doccia tutti per se, non trovate?

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Apni Mami Ko Choda Or Sath Me Unki 20 Saal Ki Ladki Ko Bhi

Hey friends, I’m addy and mai ek bar phir apke liye ek sexy story likh rha hu Meri mami h jinka naam neelam hai or ek unki ladki hai jiska naam shanu hai mami ki agr 38 ke aas-paas hogi or shanu ki age 20 saal ab zyda tym na late hue story pe aata hu Ye baat us tym ki hai jb mai aj se 2 saal pehle garmiyo ki chuttiyo me agra gya tha mai or mummy hum sirf 2 log kareeb 1 mahine ke liye gye the jesi mai ghr pahucha tho dekha shanu lower n top me khadi thi mene usko bcpan me dekha tha.Us time hum...

2 years ago
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Around The Corner

I don't know why I had a hard-on. I just did. I was eighteen and I spent half my waking hours with a stiff cock. I don't know why I walked downstairs that morning in just my open, white silk shirt, either. I knew my mom was home, but didn't think we would run into eachother as I hurried to the refrigerator. As I turned the corner into the kitchen, she was right there. My cock's face actually touched the belt to her dress. She stepped back as I apologized and held my hands over most of my cock....

2 years ago
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Secret Affairs with my friends son

It wasn’t a beautiful day… It was raining heavily, and I was walking holding my handbag above my head trying to save myself from rain. I was looking stupid. My car had spoiled, and I had to leave it where it stopped. My house was still a little far, so instead of going to my house, I took a left turn and started walking to Rachel’s house. Rachel was a friend of mine, and we worked together in the same office. I was single while Rachel divorced her husband seven years ago. Since then Rachel was...

3 years ago
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My First Fucking Experience With A BiSexual

I’m a 22 years old bi-sexual from Surat. I got pretty good feedback on my previous two stories. One of them was true and another was fiction. Today I’m going to share third story, which is true story of my first fucking experience. I bet you’ll like my story. Send me feedback on Couple of months back, I found a guy on Tinder. He was a 20 years old college student from Ahmadabad. We got to talking and I found out that the guy is also a bi-sexual. I acted as if I’m straight. We continued talking...

Gay Male
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Dive Training Part 3 The Shark

The events of last weekend with Kate and Janice keep trotting in my mind. Certainly, they are wonderful memories, which I will treasure forever. I am also looking forward to a repeat performance with them scheduled for next Saturday.  I am also trying to wrap my mind about Kate telling me she loves me. She would be very easy to fall in love with. She is so sweet and sexy, beautiful, and cheerful; however, she is still so young compared to me. I have lived so long without ever being truly in...

3 years ago
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my british slutty girlfriend msn chat history nau

Time From To Message 30/10/2012 22:48:54 Mark and Gem u know who im on msn come say hello 30/10/2012 22:49:04 Mark and Gem u know who hey 30/10/2012 22:49:09 u know who Mark and Gem hey 30/10/2012 22:49:11 Mark and Gem u know who nice 30/10/2012 22:50:14 u know Mark and Gem that u? 30/10/2012 22:50:18 Mark and Gem u know yes 30/10/2012 22:50:21 u know Mark and Gem wow 30/10/2012 22:50:27 u know Mark and Gem very cute hun 30/10/2012 22:50:30 Mark and Gem u...

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My School Hawty Roshni

Hi friends, this is Vijay (name changed). I am 24 yrs old graduate. I am 5’11” tall and got a athletic body. I am working in Bengaluru. I stay alone here. This incident happened to me recently few months back when I was staying in Ahmadabad. one day i was working when i got a text msg from an unknown number saying “HI, do you remember me??” I called on the number immediately and it was my school junior Roshni on the other side. i was surprised to hear from her after so long. For the next few...

4 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 63

Daddy had his eyes closed and was conducting Beethoven's Fifth Symphony as I came up to the car. It was easy to tell because he was at the da da da daaaah part. He turned toward me as I opened the door. His face looked relaxed and he smiled at me silently, leaned forward, turned the key and started the engine. We eased out of the parking lot towards home. He listened to the CD for a while, then lowered the volume. "How did it go?" "Real good. I think Myra's going to come work for us....

4 years ago
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Dear John Part 15 of 15

CHAPTER 43Déjà vu all over again. Randell was a big guy but today he was a pussy. He didn’t faint like Mort almost did, but he was nervous. Oh my, he was nervous! I had to allow that in his case he had reason to be. Both his mother and his sister had had miscarriages in what were supposed to be routine hospital deliveries. He was mortally afraid that he might have inherited some terrible gene or something.Just as was usual, a white clad man with a stethoscope around his neck came out, and he...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Dark Reader

Dark Reader is a must-have extension for your browser. There, I said it. I mean, I don’t need to think about these things at all. I know for a fact that most of you guys out there are in dire need of a good extension that will convert any website into dark mode. It can be a real pain in the ass when you’re trying to watch porn at night, but your favorite site doesn’t have a dark mode option. So, when it comes to getting a good experience from any website, no matter what they have as their UI...

Useful Software
2 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 73

I stopped in the lane as the lad on the bicycle pedalled towards me. If this was indeed Liam, then from what I could see, Amanda hadn't done justice to this fine example of manhood. I judged him to be about twenty or so and quite well built and fairly tall. He had bleached blond hair cut close to his head. He had a fairly handsome face, though I noticed on closer examination, a front tooth was chipped, and he had a slight squint in one of his deep blue eyes. But, all in all, young Liam was a...

2 years ago
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Scott Michelle and Amber

I knelt down next to Mama in the bath and ran a scrunchie across her shoulders. Her head was back against the little purple pillow, one of those that suctions onto the side of the tub. I bought it for her from Wal-Mart. She had a scented towel across her eyes and her breaths came in slow and rhythmic succession so I knew she was asleep. I moved the scrunchie across the front of her chest and watched the water and soap flow down over the vast expanse of soft flesh. I dipped the little plastic...

4 years ago
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Me Mom and My Moms Lesbian Lover

I arrived at my mother's house shortly after five o'clock; I had made arrangement s at an Italian restaurant she liked at six. As I approached I spotted my mother's lover Angela seated in a chair on the front porch, her legs resting on the wood railing. She opened her eyes and smiled up at me in a dreamy manner like someone who'd just got fucked. "You're mom's running late," she said. "It's my fault." Angela was not an unattractive woman by any difinition. I liked women who were a bit...

3 years ago
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The God Box

A time of great change is coming. It will arrive without warning or fanfare. Many people will begin their Saturday like any other, completely unaware that far away is a secret lab built to test experimental, extremely unethical technology. The God Box is “Wrong” on many levels, but the alpha phase is complete. A research team discovered methods to modify reality and expected to cure disease and eliminate poverty but instead died under mysterious circumstances before the findings could be...

Mind Control
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Blackmailed Couple Ch 1619

Chapter Sixteen:Usage – The Party Begins in DepthDespite how she was almost dizzy with trepidation, she was able to look over the crowd as she followed her Master down the stairs. She noticed that the lights had dimmed down a bit, but she was able to see that all eyes turned toward her as she made her way down. There were murmurs of approval, and she couldn't escape the warmth that she felt growing between her legs with the knowledge that so many were viewing her in that way. Mark stopped her...

4 years ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 37 Second Helpings

It was just after three in the morning by his watch when Henry was awakened by all the lights in his bedroom coming on and the Emir's voice booming through the intercom, "Anybody else fancy a drink? I'm in my stateroom." As he rose and quickly dressed, Henry asked the sleepy Ayda, "Princess, what is he doing? Why this call to his room?" "I expect he wants to shuffle partners," she replied, "I wonder who you'll get next. Alima, if I know my daughter, and I rather fancy...

4 years ago
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Jizz Pig

I am a Jizz-Pig, simple as that! I love gratuitous sex, lots of anonymous sex. I frequent any and every location where hookups can take place and am gluttonous when I find myself in these situations. The more jizz I swallow the better.I have a friend that always mocks me by saying: “Two legs and a penis, and you’re happy.” He is absolutely right. Big, small, good-looking, ugly, tall, short, clean, dirty, I don’t give a fuck! All I want is cock and cum. I have no interest in a relationship and...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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On the Tracks

It was three in the afternoon on a Saturday, a time I would normally just be shaking myself awake and finishing my third cup of tea. Today, however, I was already finishing off my busy day. My girlfriend had gotten me to wake up early so we could eat lunch and then go out to a museum. If not for her encouragement, I would be sitting in front of my computer screen right now, dressed in sweat pants and a t-shirt. It had certainly been an interesting, lively day, and the weather had also been...

2 years ago
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HotwifeXXX Charlie Valentine Charlie Has Her Husband And Boyfriend Cum By

As wife Charlie, her husband and company friend Jason have some after dinner chat they discuss Jason’s free lifestyle and the subject comes up that Charlie likes him too and finds Jason very attractive. Her husband and Jason’s boss explains that he loves keeping his wife happy and that Jason could have her sweet tight pussy right now and he will enjoy watching Charlie enjoy a good big hard cock down her throat and balls deep inside her pussy for fun. But the best part is Charlie...

3 years ago
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ReEducation week four

Monday I awoke, after a few kinky dreams, I headed to the shower for releaf. The soap was replaced with a new bar. The previous bar had my main key, for my chastity. I ran to the bedroom to get the spare, hidden on the lampshade. That was missing too. I cried, and mum heard and came to ask what was wrong. She said, "Well you need to learn to be more girly. Perhaps you will get releaf from your toys." I said, "What do you mean?" "Well you know your dildo. I will find...

4 years ago
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 8

Now that Ken was working for Higgins Construction, their life together established a pattern, but it was one quite different from the way it had been before. In the beginning, Ken was arriving home first, since construction work normally ended at four o'clock. Kathy would usually arrive home while Ken was in the shower. As soon as he came out to the bedroom, Kathy would insist that he lie on the bed while she massaged his aching muscles. She would always begin on his back, shoulders and...

3 years ago
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My friend Ben2

Subject: my friend Ben Chapter 3 Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction and all names and places are fictional. Copyright 2011. Not to be copied or changed without the owner’s permission. if you read this story and are under 18 then smack your bottom. MY FRIEND BEN Today is the day that the two horny boys went to join the other boys for their summer camp of fun and friendship... First stop was to the battle Ship "USS ALABAMA. A retired battleship based near Mobile...

3 years ago
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Free World

An alternate world out there. Women have no rights and are treated as objects or animals. There have been attempted revolutions in history but none have succeeded and this is one of the few universal truths of humanity in this world. You could and likely many times will buy, sell, or trade women like furniture, and like furniture could even find them on street edges to just be picked up by anyone willing. Sexuality is also much more prominent in society. Nudity, sex, anything of that sort. This...

4 years ago
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Mere Friend Ki Wife Ke Saath Pehli Baar

yeh kafi pehle ki baat hai.Mera ek dost tha jiski shadi hue teen saal hue the aur unke ek ladka tha.Dost ki biwi jiska naam veera tha.Woh ek sundar aur gajab ke figure ki malkin thi.Use main jab bhi dekhta tha toh bas ek hi khayal man main aata thi ki bas ek bar ise chod doon.Par main yeh bhi jaanta tha ki yeh mumkin nahin hain aur yeh soch kar main hatash ho jata tha. Par kudrat ke likhe ko kaun badal sakta hai.Uska pati kisi karan se roj hi sharab pee kar ghar aane laga.Yeh mujhe baaton hi...

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