Trumped Up Punishments - Chapter 13 Spanking Machi free porn video

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Trumped Up Punishments - Chapter 13 - The Rise of the Spanking Machines

Monday, 6 November. The first Monday of the new month had arrived. The students of Millennium High had been informed in early October that the normal early morning punishment assembly would be reinstated, not just for the first Monday of each month, but for every Monday … The first Monday of each month would have an additional punishment assembly in the afternoon, one open to the public. This would be reserved for more severe punishments for more serious offenders.

As the students were entering the hall, they could not help but notice the ten spanking new (pun intended) spanking machines that stood on the stage. They each consisted of a wheel holding a small whip; these were attached to padded, metal punishment horses.

When all the students were in their seats, Mr. Barton’s voice came over the speaker system. “The school has accumulated a large backlog of punishments with over eighty students on 10 demerits or more. Mr. Bolden-Ahern, one of our schools most generous benefactors, has enabled us to buy the ten spanking machines you see in front of you. These will enable us to punish students much more efficiently in the future. What will happen now, and every Monday, is as follows. Any girls with fewer than 15 demerits will be spanked on their bottoms. Girls with 15 to 20 demerits will be whipped on their breasts. Girls with 21 to 25 demerits will be spanked on their vulvas. Girls with more than 25 demerits will be punished at our monthly punishment assembly this afternoon.

“All boys with 10 to 25 demerits will receive a whipping, with the number of demerits determining the number of lashes they will receive. Boys with more than 25 demerits will be punished at this afternoon’s assembly.”

Over the previous month, the discipline regime at the school had indeed become much tougher, with demerits being handed out for infractions as minor as yawning in class. It had been noticeable, however, that the (mainly male) teaching staff had been rather stricter with girls, particularly pretty ones, than with boys, and so there was a much greater backlog of girls to be punished than boys.

“I will now read out the names of the first ten lucky girls to try out our new equipment. Will the following please make their way to the stage: Berenice Hopkins, Amanda Bright …”. Mr. Barton read out ten names in all. Ten girls were moving through the rows of seats in the auditorium and walked up to the stage. When they were all standing in a row, Mr. Barton resumed his remarks:

“You are all on between 10 and 14 demerits and will receive a whipping on your bottoms. Please pick a whipping machine, take off your skirts, tights and panties and put them on the chair next to your machine. Please then stand next to your machine facing the auditorium, hands by your sides.”

The girls were all eager to get to one of the machines on the left or right of the stage, but, of course, some of them lost out and had to settle for one of the center-stage machines, the ones in full view of the entire audience. Some began to take off their skirts and tights slowly and bashfully, others did this in a matter-of-fact way, put their clothes on the chair and stood facing the audience as instructed. Their blouses were fortunately long enough to cover their pussies.

“Now, ladies, I instruct you to lift your blouses so that we can check if you comply with the school’s strict grooming code for girls on demerits.”

The code provided that all girls with more than five demerits had to keep their pubic area hair-free in order to be prepared for any punishment they might have to undergo. All the girls obeyed, eight revealing their bald slit, two, at the two machines in the center of the stage, a bush of dark pubic hair.

“Ok, two of you obviously did not think it worth obeying the school’s grooming code. I am awarding you five demerits each, which takes you into the next punishment category. Take your clothes and return to your seat until I call you again.

“Will Sian Butler and Emmeline Strawbridge please come to the stage.”
Sian and Emmeline were on 10 demerits each and had been relieved not to be called up. Now they had to make their way to the stage and partially undress next to the machines in the very center of the stage. When they were done, they dutifully raised their blouses showing that they, at least, had followed the rules.

“Thank you. Ladies, our new machines have illuminated arrows showing where to put your hands and knees. Please lie on them as indicated!”

The girls had to kneel on two kneepads and then lean forward across a padded surface. Guards were moving along the row securing the girls firmly with Velcro straps on their knees, across their backs and their wrists. When they were secured, each machine scanned their bottoms using a red laser beam. At the same time, the knee pads on which the girls were kneeling were moving apart, making a whizzing sound. Each girl was showing the audience a gaping, nude slit and a glimpse of her anus.

“The number of lashes you are all about to receive will be determined by chance, using our punishment wheel. This will be turned by Jonathan, our current top student on 50 academic merits. Jonathan, please make your way to the stage.”

Jonathan had not been told he would have to do this – he was full of anticipation, though, because he knew that later in the day he would be giving Ibby, one of the girls from his own year, eighteen whip lashes on her naked, open pussy. He spun the wheel, and it landed on 26.

“Jonathan, I would now like you to start the punishment of your fellow students by pressing the red button next to the wheel. The machines are all programmed to administer 26 lashes.”

Jonathan pressed the button, and all ten wheels started whirring, turning and bringing their crops into position. There was then a unison beep and all the wheels turned at great speed, propelling their crops forward and across the bottoms that were waiting to be hit. A scream from the ten girls, excited chatter followed by applause from the crowd. The crops then withdrew back into a ‘ready’ position. There was a whirring sound as they adjusted to a new position. “Crack!”, they all struck again, at precisely the same time, but now slightly lower across each bottom. Two thin red lines were forming, exactly parallel, and with just a quarter of an inch distance between them. This was obviously precision equipment!

At the end of the session, each girl had twenty-six parallel lines covering her entire bottom. They were unstrapped, told to get dressed and returned to their seats.

“The next punishment category had just seven girls in it, but this has now gone up to nine. Will the following please come up.”

Mr. Barton read out nine names. When the girls were on the stage, Mr. Barton told them to take off their blouses and bras and stand against the upright padded area next to each machine. 200 juvenile cocks in the audience got even harder if possible as ten girls, some of them seriously beautiful, some not so much, exposed their breasts to the audience and stood in the prescribed position. Laura Gamble, a sophomore who had got into trouble because she had prepared the wrong assignment for her history class, was happy (if that was the right word) to have managed to select the machine at the very left edge of the stage. Though everyone was still able to see her, she thought this would make her less conspicuous. Unfortunately this left one of the machines center-stage empty, and Mr. Barton instructed Laura to make her way there. Just her luck! Far from inconspicuous, the topless girl now had to walk across the stage and stand against one of the two center machines.

All the girls were secured with Velcro straps around their midriffs, ankles and wrists (which were tied behind their backs, thrusting their breasts out prominently). It was important in order for the machines to operate properly to restrict their mobility as much as possible, and the guards did a very good job: none of them was able to move her upper body.

Laura felt particularly constrained and was close to panicking. She could not move an inch, and the broad Velcro strap just underneath her large breasts was making it difficult to breathe. She was dimly aware that Jonathan was now again spinning the punishment wheel, but the front of the wheel was not visible from her position. The wheel was beginning to spin more slowly, and the audience grew noisy with excitement, breaking into frantic applause when the wheel stopped.

Mr. Barton’s voice: “Unfortunately for the students being punished, the wheel has landed on …”, he paused to increase the suspense – Laura was expecting him to say 200 – “96!” I will program the machines to administer these in nine bursts of ten quick, sharp flicks, followed by six more serious lashes. Jonathan, please do the honors!”

Each girl’s breasts had, in the meantime, been scanned by the red laser, and, Jonathan having pressed to button, they whirred into the ‘ready’ position. The first set of ten lashes was aimed at the very top of each girl’s breasts, hitting the same spot again and again, in less than five seconds. A whirring sound, a beep and then another set of ten, hitting slightly lower, again in the same spot over and over.

The nine sets of ten lashes avoided the girls’ nipples and areolae; Laura hoped this was so as to avoid inflicting too much pain, but was somewhat worried that these tender areas would be ‘saved up’ for later. And so it proved. The nine sets over, nine sets of breasts covered with nine red, almost purple stripes, Mr. Barton announced that each of the six strokes would hit areolae and nipples, and that they would be of increasing intensity.

A unison beep, then a whirring and Laura’s nipple was hit full on by the riding crop. She could not really see how the strokes could conceivably get harder – her nipple was on fire! All nine girls had screamed out when they were hit, and some of them, including Laura, were sobbing. Again, the dreaded beep, and all the wheels swung round, propelling their whips against the girls’ breasts, this time a little higher, hitting the very upper edge of their areolae. This hurt less, although the force of the stroke had noticeably increased. Laura had large nipples surrounded by large areolae, so there was quite a bit of distance between the two strokes. Not all the girls were so lucky. Sian (one of the two girls whose grooming had fallen short of requirements), had tiny nipples surrounded by tiny areolae, and her pain was extreme as the whip seemingly continued to hit the same area (her tiny nipple), even though the next two strokes were aimed at the lower edge of the girls’ areolae. After the sixth stroke, she felt as if her nipple had been ripped off.

The nine girls were then unstrapped and got dressed again, before resuming their places.

Mr. Barton now announced that there were three girls who were due to receive a whipping on their vaginas, and that they would be required to strip totally naked for their punishments. However, for variety’s sake the only boys with significant demerits, seven in total, would be punished first.

Mr. Barton read out their names and they made their way to the stage as yet unsure of what their fate would be. When they were on stage, Mr. Barton ordered them to strip entirely naked. They reluctantly obeyed, and it soon became clear that their reluctance was in no small part due to the fact that they all sported very prominent erections. They were all strapped into a punishment machine standing upright and facing the audience. Theo, a freshman who had managed to accumulate 15 demerits for persistent lateness, and who had, of course, witnessed previous punishment assemblies, was pretty sure that this meant that they would all be whipped on their erections.

Mr. Barton came on again: “I said at the beginning that the number of demerits will determine the number of strokes. Let’s just see how many demerits each of these boys have accumulated.”

Over each occupied machine, a number lit up. Two boys had ten, one (Theo) had 15, two had 20 and two 25.

“Alexa, our top female student with 70 academic merits, will now spin the wheel. If it lands on a number lower than 10, the number of demerits will be multiplied by that number; if it lands on a number higher than 9, that number will be added to the number of demerits to determine the total number of strokes the machines will be programmed to execute. Alexa will also be asked to help program the computer when it comes to where the strokes are to be placed. Spin the wheel, Alexa!”

Alexa gave the wheel a good spin. Theo could not see the front of the wheel, but as it was getting slower, he caught the excitement of the audience. In fact, wheel ended up teetering on the brink of the ‘200’ notch, but then did not go over, staying on ‘7’, instead. The numbers above the machines changed to 70, 105, 140 and 175 respectively.

“Alexa, will you please join me up here in my booth?” As Alexa was climbing the stairs backstairs, Mr. Barton explained that the first 70 lashes were going to be at a low setting, but at high speed. Seven machines were, in the meantime, bathing seven penises in red laser light, as each machine acquired the positional data on each victim.

“Alexa is now in control of my mouse – she will click on the part of the male organ that she has chosen for the first 35 strokes.”

All seven machines whirred into the ‘ready’ position. The infamous beep sounded, and all seven machines started rotating, whipping seven shafts in quick succession and moving slowly along the shaft. The whole sequence lasted less than 20 seconds. None of the boys being punished had made a sound – the pain had not been too bad, Theo thought, though the experience had been not exactly pleasant.

“We will stick with the same intensity, but Alexa has chosen a different area.”

The beep sounded, and all machines started rotating again, this time hitting the boys’ glans. This was particularly painful for those boys who were uncircumcised but whose foreskins did not cover their glans when erect – Theo was one of these. After 20 seconds it was over, and Theo’s glans was bright red and felt on fire. The numbers above two of the machines went out, those two boys had paid their debts to society.

“For the next 30 strokes, the light whip currently attached to the machines will be replaced by a stiff riding crop.” Guards were moving along the five remaining machines, making the change. Alexa will determine the location for each stroke.”

‘Beep.’ An evil whirring sound, and the crop came down on Theo’s shaft, hard, taking his breath away. The crop slowly returned to its starting position. ‘Beep.’ This time, the crop came down on the very base of Theo’s (and everyone else’s) penis, catching a little bit of stomach as well as his shaft. Theo was not sure how he could stand 30 more of this.

Alexa was having fun. The mouse arrow was hovering over the very tip of the penis diagram on the computer in front of her. “Not yet”, whispered Mr. Barton to her, conspiratorially. So she clicked on the area immediately underneath the glans. ‘Beep.’ ‘Swish, thud.’ Five screams, more screams, female ones, of excitement, in the audience. The five shafts were hit again and again. Still, all five erections were standing proud. The machines were set at 50% strength, and, after 15 strokes, Mr. Barton increased this to 70%. “Now”, he whispered into Alexa’s ear. Alexa moved the mouse arrow to the tip of the penis diagram and clicked. She got such a rush from the feeling of power, she could not help but inconspicuously, in the dark, rub her left hand against her crotch. Mr. Barton noticed, however, with a smile.

‘Beep – swish, whack!’ Theo’s glans was on fire, he just could not stand it. His erection was now, at long last, subsiding. Alexa saw that the same was happening to two other boys. A warning sign came up on the monitor: ‘Erections lost – advise implementing two separate punishment programs’. Alexa glanced at Mr. Barton for help. He clicked on ok and the screen split in two, the left one showing an erect penis, the right one a droopy one, with the number two over the left side of the screen, the number three on the right. Mr. Barton pointed at the erect shaft and clicked – two crops went down on two shafts. He then pointed to the scrotum on the right side of the screen, grinned and nodded encouragingly. Alexa moved the mouse pointer there and clicked. Three machines moved their wheels outward and turned them, so that their crops were now pointing straight at the three boys’ scrotums. ‘Beep!’ The three crops whizzed through the air and hit the boys where it hurt the most. Their screams were loud enough to be heard above the uproar in the auditorium.

Alexa’s mouse pointer moved over to the left hand side of her screen. She increased the strength to 80% and clicked ‘ok’. A higher whirring sound as the springs propelling the two wheels were wound up at increased tension. Then the ‘beep’, and two crops went down on two glans with increased force. Again, the two boys screamed out in pain. However, one of them had been circumcised at birth and the skin of his glans had become hard and leathery over the years, so that the stroke did not affect him as much as it had Theo and the other two uncircumcised boys. The other had not been circumcised and his glans, although his penis was fully erect, was enveloped by a generous mantle of foreskin. It hurt, but it could have been much worse!

And so it went on, although, to save time, Mr. Barton told Alexa to administer the punishment of erect penises and gonads simultaneously. They endured another 25 strokes to his scrotum. The pain was unbearable, but eventually it was over, and the number above his machine, which had been counting down the strokes, went out. He was left in the restraints, however, as had the other two boys who had ‘dropped out’ before him.

As it happened, the two boys whose erections had remained in place throughout had 70 strokes remaining at the point, while the two whose balls had been beaten along with Theo’s were now down to 35. To save time, Mr. Barton told Alexa to administer 35 blows to their scrotums next, in quick succession at a strength of 30%. He adjusted the program accordingly and told Alexa to click ok.

The two boys were relieved that the whirring sound their machines made was of a lower pitch, indicating less tension. ‘Beep’. Then two whacks a second into their balls – the pain unbearable and mounting. Then it was over, the two boys collapsed in their restraints, the numbers above their machines went down to zero and went out.

“Ok, Alexa, let’s make these 35 count. Full strength, 100% on the shaft. One stroke every two seconds. We’ll program the machines to shift to the balls once an erection goes down.” Mr. Barton whispered.

One boy managed to stay erect for 15 hard strokes, the other for 20. So one got 20 hard whacks into his balls, the other 15. They were both beyond caring at the end.

“A round of applause for Alexa who did her job beautifully!” Lackluster applause in the hall as Alexa was walking back to her seat.

Mr. Barton then read out the names of the three girls to be whipped on the pussy and told them to choose the three machines in the center of the stage. They got undressed and then sat on the machines facing the audience. Guards were strapping them in so that they legs were spread very wide, giving the audience deep insights into their pussies and a glimpse of their bottom holes.

Carl spun the wheel – it seemed to land on ‘200’, but then went a few notches further, landing on ‘7’. A groan of disappointment in the auditorium. Mr. Barton set the strength to 100%, and this was shown by the high-pitched whirring noise. ‘Beep’. ‘Whack, whack, whack’. A short break. The machines were whirring, shifting position. The next three whacks hit the lowest part of the girls’ pussies, almost their perineum. Again, a break. The girls’ pussies were bathed in red light – the machines were looking for their clits, where the next three whacks were to go. Screams filled the hall as all three crops connected with the girls’ love buttons with deadly accuracy.

The girls were left in place as Mr. Barton announced that there would a punishment assembly open to the public after school, where more serious offenders would be punished ‘by hand’ as it were, with Jonathan and Alexa as ‘executioners’.

“Assembly dismissed!’

To be continued …

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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 20 A Birthday Spanking

Emily heard her brother’s request, but she didn’t move. Instead she just said, “Tommy, I haven’t heard an apology yet.” Quickly turning to Shelly, Tommy blurts out, “I’m sorry Shelly.” Then he turned back toward his sister, and with his eyes, he implored her to untie him. Instead of moving toward her brother to satisfy his wishes, she now felt herself slipping back in her unusual, but now not uncommon, role as his disciplinarian and teacher. She looked back at her brother, shaking her head...

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Sue and Her Sister Sandras Spanking SessionsChapter 2

Recalling where we had left off in part one, I had only recently been made a permanent member of the spanking club with Sue and Her Sister Sandra paying my fee which I could, quite frankly, not really afford. They both knew how desperately I wanted to spank and humiliate some of the more mature members of the club on the female side and my favorite target was the dreaded Mrs. Tingle. She always tried to maintain control even when she was upside down and being nailed by a lad with a ten inch...

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Kellys Wedding Day SpankingChapter 4

Kelly's episode of public spanking at her wedding reception completely embarrassed her mother Suzanne, who stood in the audience fuming while Brad spanked Kelly, and was even more embarrassed when other people took turns spanking Kelly, and then reach her boiling point when she saw that the whole scene was being videotaped by the wedding photographer. "Henry, stop this at once!" she said to her husband, but Henry was enjoying the show. He had known for years that Kelly was a spoiled brat,...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 7 Spanking the Bimbo Wifes Hot Ass

Chapter 7: Spanking the Bimbo Wife's Hot Ass by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I smiled at my husband as I sat up in the bath, the soapy water cascading off my big, wonderful, soft titties. My husband had a stern look on his face as he stood in the door of the bathroom. He was handsome, if a little nerdy, but I loved him so much. He was the bestest husband in the world because he invented the bimbo serum. “Do I need to be punished?” I asked. I had been so naughty. I fucked so...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 7 Spanking the Bimbo Wifes Hot Ass

Introduction: Frank disciplines his bimbo wife after her interracial gangbang! The Bimbo Formula Chapter 7: Spanking the Bimbo Wifes Hot Ass by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I smiled at my husband as I sat up in the bath, the soapy water cascading off my big, wonderful, soft titties. My husband had a stern look on his face as he stood in the door of the bathroom. He was handsome, if a little nerdy, but I loved him so much. He was the bestest husband in the world because he invented the...

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Kellys Wedding Day SpankingChapter 2

It was true, although Kelly's ass cheeks were stinging with pain from Brad's spanking, she also realized she was getting hot. The humiliation of getting spanked in front of her entire wedding reception was turning her on. Almost against her will, her pussy was getting wet, and she was raising her ass up to meet Brad's hand each time he brought it down to spank her again. By now there was a mixture of laughing and even some cheers from the crowd. "Go on, Brad, give her a good spanking,"...

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Kaelyn James Spanking Machine

Chapter 1The black corrugated soles of my boots let out a distinct screech as I gave ground to my friends insistent pulling.  My resistance cause the knee high – high heel boots to leave black scuffs on the, formerly clean, white tiles.  Still my friends continued to drag me along.  Jake and Eric held me firmly by my slender wrists and would not take no for an answer.  Their continued pulling had caused my black and purple fingerless gloves to bunch up around my wrists.  ?Quit it guys!  I said...

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The Spanking Couples Cfnm PartyChapter 2

On her way home from school that same day, Carol was walking on cloud nine. At last weekend's Spanking Party, she learned several things about herself. Although she still likes to bottom now and then, she also learned that she likes to be in control in sexual play situations a lot. After switching from her bottom role to that of a top at the party, she really enjoyed spanking the three men and making them eat her pussy at her command. Not only that, but she also discovered that she really...

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MMen SSpanking NNewsie BBottomsCotton PantiesDownChapter 3

Tori Sings A New Song A What if Story! By Spanking Arts Disclaimer: This is fan fiction loosely based on the events taking place in the TV show Victorious. I do not own Victorious or the characters which appear in the show. This is a satire with spanking as part of the plot. All characters are adult 18 year-old or over in this story. If you don’t like that please go to another story. Please (R & R) Read and Review. It all started a the LA Songfest when Tori and Jade skated head to...

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Lady Rebecca Joins the Spanking ClubChapter 2

The Upper Weston on Thames Spanking Club was both discreet and quite strict in its rules of official membership that limited the membership to only gentlemen and ladies of genteel society with no inhibitions about public display of their privates in close contact with the opposite sex. I know that must sound disconcerting to many females of a modest nature but I assure you that a relatively significant percentage of the female sex are so inclined in my experience and you would be surprised...

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Linda Wright’s seven year old nephew Matthew has been living in her home for a month with her sixteen year old daughter Mary, and her thirteen year old daughter Donna. Along with her loving Christian husband Dan whom she has been happily married to for over twenty years. Linda was very pleased with how well behaved Matthew has been ever since that fateful day in church, where he learned a good lesson, after lying over Miss Calusa’s knee. Matthew has been provided with structure, along with...

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Ninas Double Spanking

Living athome Mum meant her Mum always had the upper hand over 37 year old Nina and this week more than usual her Mum was being so picky about everything she did. It was as though she was trying to goad Nina into misbehaving and as her Mum got shorter tempered with Nina so Nina was feeling more aroused at the thought that perhaps her next spanking was just minutes away. In fact Nina’s Mum didn’t realise at all the impact her irritation was having on Nina. She was still livid with her daughter...

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Spanking and Sex

Abi and Fran met at Uni. Both are now 20 years old and share a small two bed terraced house in the student area close to their University. They enjoy each other’s company and each other, sharing a large double bed leaving the second bedroom empty. Both girls shared a fantasy. To be spanked. So it wasn’t long before spanking played a part in their love making. The spankings were long and hard, and the love making afterwards had both girls moaning and groaning in erotic sensations as they played...

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Spanking and Sex

Abi and Fran met at Uni. Both are now 20 years old and share a small two bed terraced house in the student area close to their University. They enjoy each other’s company and each other, sharing a large double bed leaving the second bedroom empty. Both girls shared a fantasy. To be spanked. So it wasn’t long before spanking played a part in their love making. The spankings were long and hard, and the love making afterwards had both girls moaning and groaning in erotic sensations as they played...

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Spanking the Girl Scouts MomChapter 2

I was able to detect that the Girl Scout’s mother was friendly and cooperative on the surface but it was blatantly obvious to me that she hated the humiliation of lowering her undies so I could spank her on her naked flesh. I could not help but notice the gold cross she wore around her neck and I speculated that she was a good Sunday church-going housewife with lots of time on her hands to help out her daughter in the cookie selling fund raising each year. I knew she had volunteered to take...

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The Spanking Couples Femdom Poker Party

The Spanking Couples:  Femdom Spanking Poker PartyAfter their initial introduction at the Spanking Party, Bill and Debbie quickly became friends with Ron and Marion.  After all, they all loved spanking games and bisexual sex.  For several weeks, the two couples took turns hosting each other for private, bisexual spanking parties.  Bill and Debbie both began to love the taste of both cock and pussy ? even when forced to ?Clean-Up? partners of both sexes.  Bill, like his friend Ron, was becoming...

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Sarahs First Spanking

Sarah’s First Spanking Sarah Blackwood is 20 years old and is coming to her final term in collage in Manchester and is ready to embark on a career as a chief. She is in her student digs a few miles away from the main campus packing up her stuff knowing that in final few weeks will be full of parties and heavy drinking. She is also single, as her boyfriend of 2 years David had dumped her for another woman in America so she was looking forward to go to a few collage parties as a...

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Spanking Club Ruse

Lisa glared at the granny aged woman and demanded, “Stop. I need to check what’s in your bag.”The older woman did stop, blushing, turned and looked at Lisa, and stood still.Lisa was the nineteen-year-old manageress of the lady’s clothes department in the retail outlet. She was dressed for the hot summer weather in a short-sleeved white blouse and dark blue skirt with bare legs. Right then she had a very stern look on her young-looking face and her eyes blazed.The older woman looked in her...

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Kellys Wedding Day SpankingChapter 5

Kelly's wedding night was an exercise in her training and punishment. Olga tied her up, spanked her, put nipple clamps on her, pulled her hair, taunted her, bullied her in every way possible. The night passed in a blur of pain and pleasure for Kelly, who was being re-educated to regard Olga and Brad as her mistress and master, and to take orders from them. "Piggy," Olga said at one point. "That will be your name from now on. Piggy. You've been such a slim, snotty rich bitch, and I like...

2 years ago
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MMen SSpanking NNewsie BBottomsCotton PantiesDownChapter 2 Under Leverage

Almost immediately the clashes between editor, Priya and staff became an issue of animosity as well as productivity. Penny had a concern over the Indian beauty lack of people skills at the Cal Tech Daily News. The Drama play centered faux school paper was a farce. It had finally reached a crisis. It reached a point where in mass the staff quit in protest. Howard had come to Penny’s, now in charge, in her great hour of need. Together they had managed to soothe the journalists back to work and...

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The Good Spanking Cafe

The Spanking Good Caf? By Jake Olive [email protected] many years of working for other people, Mickey and Pam Miller decided to start their own restaurant in May of 2012. In order to stand apart from the other similar restaurants in town, they decided that their Caf? needed a theme. After careful consideration they settled on ?The Spanking Good Caf?.? Located just outside of Orlando Florida, the Caf? would hopefully be known for its’ great food and it would have a light spirited spanking theme to...

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Mrs Denvers Double Spanking The Aftermath

Elizabeth Carson sat in the car. She was far from comfortable she had to be acknowledge to herself. The 36-year- old was suffering the effects of the 24 fierce red lines across her bottom given courtesy of Mrs Denver’s senior cane. She got herself as comfortable as possible before driving off. She drove carefully as the stinging distracted her but thankfully got home without incident. As she drove she reminded herself she suffered the humiliation of being spanked and caned to prevent her...

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Carol Learns About Spanking

Carol Learns About SpankingChapter One:  Carol?s First SpankingCarol could not believe her ears.  Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill.  And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month.  Last month it was more than $200.  Now it was more than double.  When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences.  And, she...

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The Bare Bottom Spanking and Wedging of a High School Senior

The Bare Bottom Spanking and Wedging of An 18-Year-Old High School Senior with a Hard-on For Bullying The Bare Bottom Spanking and Wedging of An 18-Year-Old High School Senior with a Hard-on For Bullying? 48385 Word Count ??????????? It's payback time for a sexually-harassed, high-school senior co-ed who partners with a male principal to discipline a male high school senior who is not only embarrassing her in public but also bullying kids on the bus with painful and demeaning wedgies.? Is...

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Ryans First Spanking

This starts the story at the beginning, that is how Ryan was spanked for the very first time by his Aunt when he was 16 years old, and his Mum had to decide if she was going to continue spanking him when he returned home –   “Hi Sis, how has my Ryan been?” asked Audrey.   Ryan, Audrey’s 16-year-old son, had been staying at his Aunt Lizzie for four weeks whilst Audrey and Jeff were away on a break.   “Hi Audrey, he’s been fine” then after a...

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The Spanking Agency part 1

1: Bottoms for Hire.Thirty-two Winchester Road sat just off the main bypass heading into the West End of London where small businesses and retailers of all shapes and sizes went about their trade. Today was the 20th of November and a steady drizzle fell from leaden skies as the huddled masses of the grand old city went about their daily routines.Inside number thirty-two, the man and his new client walked into and looked around the empty first-floor room. The woman turned to the Estate Agent who...

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Ninas Discipline Spanking

  “I don’t ask three times my girl and I don’t suffer rudeness” Mum snapped. “Go to your bedroom and stay there until I take you to the spare room where I will give you the discipline spanking you have earned.”   Mum was right. I knew the rules. She will ask twice but never a third time. I had had a hectic day at the office, but a successful one. My team had secured a great new contract and I was brimming with happiness. I half heard Mum ask me to clear away the dinner...

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Our Spanking Ritual Part One MF

Our Spanking Ritual M/F This story is written from two points of view. Usually you only see the story from one perspective; this gives you the whole picture. Our Spanking Ritual M/F How I see it: Lately I have been putting in a lot of overtime at work. This has meant that when I finally get home, I eat late, and I don't get to spend very much time with my lovely wife. I usually call her on the phone about one o'clock to let her know if I will be arriving home on time, or if I need to...

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Ninas Discipline Spanking

  “I don’t ask three times my girl and I don’t suffer rudeness” Mum snapped. “Go to your bedroom and stay there until I take you to the spare room where I will give you the discipline spanking you have earned.”   Mum was right. I knew the rules. She will ask twice but never a third time. I had had a hectic day at the office, but a successful one. My team had secured a great new contract and I was brimming with happiness. I half heard Mum ask me to clear away the dinner things but I was...

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Gwen Gets A Spanking And More

It was now several months since Gwen Mitchell's husband Tom has passed away and the fifty-eight-year-old Gwen was now having a couple of drinks in the pub with her longtime friend Mavis Tompkins. They had had a couple of drinks when Gwen said, "Do you know what I miss most with Tom gone?""Getting shagged?" asked Mavis."No, I do miss that but mostly I miss getting spanked," announced Gwen."I never knew Tom spanked you, Gwen," said Mavis who was very surprised at that admission."Often, but I...

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Bottom EporationsThe Intimacies of Anal Enema and Spanking Book Two

Oddly, Gloria had slept with them and Roy and she had sex for their very first time. She’d loved it, reveled in it, Dad was pretty big, a fat eight inches. She’d only had sex twice, one time each with different high school boys and it was, to say the least unfulfilling. Last night was anything but; her little pussy had been stretched accepting Dad’s big tool but she had, he’d gotten it all into her. It had hurt a little bit but it was sure worth it, he’d made her feel like a real woman. ...

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Spanking session

Demetra was a nice lady. She spanked me on every week at Saturday. I took the spanking without any noise. On every Saturday, she asked me after dinner to get ready for the spanking. She make a list of my naughtiness and then decide how hard spanking I need. After spanking, I slept with her nakedly and she had no problem. I cradled my face against her warm breast. We were living together for the past eight months and for the last 6 months, I am getting spanking from her. In the gap of every...

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Ninas Office Related Spanking

This continues the Nina series. The 38 year old has a new intern and she turns out to be a friend of Ella’s who now threatens to spank her stepmother for wrongdoing at the office as well as for misconduct at home. Nina’s bottom was really sore as she walked in to her office. Ella had given her six strokes of the cane before work. 38 year old Nina had to go to the kitchen, fully naked, knowing she was going to be given six strokes of the cane. Six strokes while naked, whilst her sweet but no...

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A Well Deserved Spanking

Marlene and Henry Schofield had been married more than forty years, having married when they were both in their late teens. The marriage was not one where a pregnancy had brought it forward because they were very much in love but two children did arrive when the Schofield's were in their early twenties.Like most marriages, they had their ups and downs over the years, but they were generally happy although, in more recent years, disagreements had become arguments and sometimes the arguments...

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Doreen and Maureen The Spanking Shopkeepers Spanking Fantasies Sometimes Do Come True Part One

It was the day after my eighteenth birthday in late June that year when Doreen Hannah cheerily announced to me that I would be receiving my birthday spanking during the stock take that would take place that Thursday afternoon when the store was closed for its weekly half day. I had smiled at this comment, seen as I had accepted a monthly spanking from the two sisters months back. Although their punishments hurt and left me feeling their efforts for days afterwards, I did enjoy having my bottom...


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