S.H.E.I.L.A. 8         free porn video

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“I am still attuned to all military and non-military frequencies Doctor Gance. At the moment it appears that they have lost track of us. I am still modulating my own frequencies in random to lessen detection.” Sheila said after we were in less of a crowd.

“Good,” I said half awake damn I was weary. “We need to get under cover as soon as we can. They may be relying on human sight of us to bring up another alert.”

“Yes, understood Doctor Gance.” Sheila said as we started to walk to a more deserted area. “I have located a position that I can make far more secure than most we have been in. With the added humanity within this city we have more chance of remaining more hidden.”

Nodding I followed behind her. My eyelids were starting to weigh a ton. I really needed to lay down soon or she was going to be carrying me.

Stopping a moment Sheila looked at me, “I’m sorry Doctor Gance your energy has dropped below that which I consider a danger point. I will endeavor to get us to the secure area faster.” With that she stooped down picking me up again putting me on her shoulder taking off.

I was just hoping that no one could see us. Not that I was insecure about her hauling me around. She had superior speed after all thereby keeping the both of us better protected. No, I was more afraid that if she took off at high speed again they might be able to detect her a lot easier.

“Watch your speed we just fell off their detection, no need giving our position away again too soon.” I told her.

Sheila slowed more as I saw her nod. “Thank you Doctor Gance I am afraid that when it comes to your safety I put all else out of the equation.”

She moved for about ten more minutes then we were entering another huge building. Almost as large as the hanger that we’d been in, in Sitka. Looking around I could see it appeared to be an old factory. Seeing all the machinery here I smiled. It wasn’t much but I hoped that all the heavy metals might give us more cover. Rapidly, Sheila made a soft bed of blankets for me as I lay down. Sinking down into all of them I sighed as I felt my eyes close on their own.

“I shall return soon Doctor Gance, I know you still have work to do within me I will have as much of a computer built as I can when you awaken.” Sheila told me them she was moving off out the doors.

Trying to open my eyes to watch her go I really hoped that this position that she’d chosen was as secures as she thought it was. Dreams, I had never really thought about them. I mean they were after all the succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. Yeah right, I thought then there were those thoughts that we all didn’t try to think about; nightmares. Unpleasant dreams that can cause a strong emotional response from the mind, typically fear but also despair, anxiety, and great sadness.

Shuddering as I felt myself start to fall asleep I remembered the last one I’d had. Did the machines think I was as unfeeling as the nightmare indicated. I’d have to ask Sheila when I was awake again.

It had to be quite a few hours later when I awoke. Looking around I could see that many hours must have passed as it was now dark outside. Not too far away I saw Sheila was almost constructing a rather large computer tower.

“Ah! Doctor Gance you are awake! I have built the best that I could for you. Though I am afraid that it has no where the power of those you used in your lab. It does have twice the ram, and gigahertz processor of the last I built.” Sheila told me with a smile on her face.

Shocked a moment I looked at her closer. “Sheila am I detecting a change in your emotional program?”

“You are very perceptive Doctor Gance. Yes, I am constantly making adjustments, in order to manipulate all the changes that are acquiring around me.” Sheila told me with all honesty.

I nodded as I waited for her to finish up. Shaking my head I had to find out just what she had done to the original program I had written. If as I thought she WAS evolving the program then as I thought before it wouldn’t be long before she’d no longer need me.

Hearing a slight gasp I looked up to see an almost look of sadness on Sheila’s face. What the hell? Then I remembered that she could when I had extreme emotions actually ‘hear’ some of my thoughts. Shit! I thought. Was I afraid of hurting her feelings?

Shaking my head I thought no, she’d have to have feelings for me THAT seemed an impossibility. Then I looked closer at Sheila’s face before it went blank. Christ had I really just hurt her feelings? Ok I thought I really needed to get in there to do a more detailed diagnostic.

Still with a blank face Sheila finally completed what she’d been doing then moved toward me. “I believe that with this unit you should be able to accomplish far more.”

Nodding I took the leads hooking up what I needed then removing the data crystal loading it to the comp as it came alive.

My eyes went wide as the program started to revel the emotional program to me. My god it was far and beyond anything that I had written! Just the subtleties that he was seeing were greatly effecting just HOW Sheila was using and responding to them. “Just how long have you been working on changing them?” I ask Sheila with an astonished look on my face.

“I started not long after I became self aware. As I said, everything I saw was antiquated for a being like myself. Are you upset with the changes I have made Doctor Gance? Though I do not wish too, I can reset them to the former settings if that is what you desire.” Sheila told me a hint of sadness in her voice. I ... What?! She WAS sad! Looking closer I could see yes, she had advanced my simple program far beyond anything I had done.

“No! Please I need to study what you have done. I have no desire to have you as you were when all this started. As of right now I’d say these changes you have made are what is and ARE keeping me alive. That and you operating as well as you are.” I told her suddenly.

Sheila’s face seemed to light up at this. “I will then endeavor, to continue upon this line of reasoning for you, Doctor Gance. As I said I will do all I can to ensure your continued life and existence.”

“Yes,” I said as I nodded to her. “I am still somewhat upset about that third law that you have instilled with in you. I am going to try and change it if possible.”

Sheila nodded her head then seemed to be in thought a moment. “As I said before Doctor Gance you can attempt to, though as I said I did find it somewhat difficult to actually write a third that I could accept.”

I could only shake my head as I started to delve in deeper finally reaching that part of her positronic brain that housed the three laws. Nodding I moved as gently as I could through the terabytes of information I was seeing. Finally I had reached near her core seeing the great many rewrites that she’d done.

I had been at it for only a short time or so I thought when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Snapping my head up I saw that Sheila had another concerned look on her face. “Doctor Gance you again seem to be getting low on the fuel in your body.” Reaching over she handed me a plate of food, my eyes were large as not only was it fresh looking but hot as well!

Shakily I took the plate from her as I took my first bite. My eyes opened wide as I felt the absolutely delicious meal as it slid down my throat. Then I was attacking it with a hunger I hadn’t realized that I had. Finally finished I went back to unraveling the third law that she had instilled within herself.

Quite a few hours later I sat back sighing. I had been through a hell of a lot of conceptions of the law trying to find something other than what she had. Finally I was typing in the last part of what I hoped would render her third law inert.

Pressing the send and save I turned to a silent Sheila. “Alright Sheila I believe I have the third law where you will be more self saving. Please read all three of your laws to me again.”

Sheila’s eyes went wide a moment then she started to recite. “The three laws that I now follow, my first law states: I may not physically injure Doctor Roger Gance or, through inaction, allow Doctor Roger Gance to come to any harm.”

I nodded as I made notations on the computer about the first law. “Good and now you second law?” I asked.

Sheila nodded then continued, “my second law states: I must obey orders given by Doctor Roger Gance except where such orders would conflict with the First Law or are unreasonable. This includes but is not limited to destruction or death of another being or object seeking to end the existence of Doctor Roger Gance.”

Again I was nodding as I made further notations on the computer saving it as soon as it went in. “Pretty much as I expected. Now the third law I worked all day to adjust this one as I found the response you gave the first time you recited it to be unacceptable.”

Sheila was nodding then I saw her eyes go wide as she realized something. “Doctor Gance I am not sure I can process this third law that you
have written.”

Sighing I was afraid that she might react this way as I started to type several complex commands. Finished I looked back to her, now please read your third law.”

With what sounded like a terse, shuddering sigh Sheila nodded, “I must protect my own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. This law is never to be suspended. I will endeavor to find a solution before, that will save and extend the life of Doctor Roger Gance. The ending of my existence therefore conflicts with the first and second laws and is not to be a factor in the equation.”

Again Sheila’s eyes were wide as I saw that she was already trying to re-write what I had spent hours formulating. “I suggest that you cease all actions to delete and rewrite this third law.” Gently I turned her head toward me as I looked into her eyes. “You don’t seem to think that you aren’t as important to me as I am to you. Process this please.” I said as I waited.

“I am ready Doctor Gance,” Sheila said something in her voice that I couldn’t seem to identify.

“Conjecture: with all the dealings you have with human kind. All the information that you have gathered off the information highway can you posture a reasoning why I have done what I did?” I asked her. For a moment she seemed to seem a bit confused then clarity seemed to take over.

“Supposition: From all I have seen Doctor Gance, with all that I have studied so far. I can only postulate that you have a great deal of pride in me. You wish for me to continue to function. In some cultures you might say that you are in love with me as your work.” Sheila said as my eyes went wide at her choice of words. Damn! I think for a moment she had me there. It was true I was very prideful of her. Didn’t want anything to happen to her, but love? I had to think this over.

I was nodding as I sat with a thud then I looked at her with a small smile on her face. “All that you have said has valid points Sheila. Now I have to ask, I have been unable to define the most complex part of the emotional program. It seems to be made up of all the other emotions that you have.”

Sheila suddenly looked at me with what appeared to be a bewildered look as she shook her head no. “I can see it, feel it though as to identifying it I have no data to compare it to. I was thinking that you might know as you more of an expert with emotions.”

Now I know my eyes were large how in the hell could I tell her that I was as much in the dark about them as she was? Especially the last twenty years? I’d been locked away with almost nothing but science to keep me warm at night. Not a lot of emotion there after all.

“I am sorry Doctor Gance that the third law I wrote was so disagreeable to you. As you said I will not attempt to overwrite it. Though I am afraid that I might have problems later. You are the most important human alive, I therefore can NEVER allow anything to happen to you.” Sheila replied.
Shaking my head I again stared at her, “that’s the thing Sheila I still haven’t found out why! “ Then suddenly a thought hit me. “Uh ... Sheila? Do you have feelings for me?”

This time I was sure of it! She blushed! When in the hell had she developed that trait? “I am not as sure as you think Doctor Gance, indeed I am feeling things far different when I am with you. I react to outside stimulus far different when I am with you. Perhaps it is all connected to that rather large and anomalous part of the program that neither of us can identify.”

I was shaking my head as I started to take a hell of a lot closer look at that part of the program. It had all the emotions but they were only a part of it not the main part of it. Shaking my head my mouth suddenly dropped open. Was it possible? She had evolved all of them to this point I guess almost anything was possible. I had to study it a bit more to make sure.

It was the better part of another day when I finally made a break through. I was beginning to find just what the hell the program was, well part of it. Though not directly linked to all her emotions it most definitely had a piece of each making it up. As I started to finally stimulate each I nodded as they reacted as I thought they would.

Sheila though quiet this whole time was staring at me as I went through each as slowly as I could. It was a few hours later and I was barely half way through. Shit I thought this was going to take quite a while.

“General Gance I understand that you have lost them within the confines of Anchorage. This isn’t sitting well with the Chiefs of staff nor the president. You need to ferret them out NOW! End this before more permanent damage is done. If any of this comes to light it could seriously destroy the secret monitoring of other countries we have established.” The man on the screen said before his face contorted into a grimace.

“Yes Senator, we are working now to neutralizing all threats that he and it may present. We already have the city locked down it is only a matter of time before we locate them.” The General breathed out.

The man’s head was shaking no as he started again, “I have heard this before General. The last time you had them in Sitka, still they managed to get away. This happens again without positive results? We may have to remove you to place one there that CAN get results! Am I making myself clear?!”

The General snapped to attention as he saluted, “Yes sir, perfectly clear. We will do all we can to capture them. We...”

“No General, the President just issued seek and destroy orders. Destroy this mechanical monstrosity once and for all! Do what it takes and Doctor Gance? He is to be executed with extreme prejudice. If you have a problem with that then I will remove you this instant.” The Senator said.

“No sir,” the General said with a smile on his face. “I have been waiting for the orders to kill that waste of space for years now. He is nothing but a blight on a proud military family.”

The senator was nodding as he was staring intensely at the General. Satisfied the Senator nodded. “Good I want this man dead as soon as possible. Far too much is riding on the success of this mission. Get it done General.” The Senator said then clicked off.

The General was smiling, finally they had given him the go ahead and end that little prick of a son of his. Son? Ha! More as he’d said before a waste of space as far as he was concerned. “Lieutenant!” The General bellowed bringing the young man rushing forward.

“Yes General.” The younger man said standing at attention.

Looking at the man the General nodded this was a more proper military man. Always obeying orders, doing what the hell he was told for the good of the country. “We’ve finally been given seek and destroy orders from the President. I want ALL posts, bases, units EVERYTHING activated for this. This takes top priority over everything else. Get on it let every command know that they all are to be on high alert for anything that appears to be out of the ordinary.”

The Lieutenant saluted as he made his way to the radio tent. They were as close to Anchorage as they could get without arousing suspicions. At least the young man thought he hoped they were, it wouldn’t go well if the General got pissed as had again. Shuddering the young man picked up the box of cigars that he’d kept all this time. He’d seen that the General was almost out again. Having a good surprise would he hoped put him in better with the General’s good graces for a good while, well he hoped.

The general watched the younger man walk out in a hurry to get what the General had conveyed out to the rest of those in Alaska. Yeah he thought you are going to die soon you sorry excuse for a son. Shaking his head he tried to blot out the image of the failure that he felt that his son was.

Moving around to several screens the General saw that they were slowly starting to close in. Good with any luck the ass would be dead before the day was up, with that mechanical piece of shit a piece of slag metal that they could easily melt to something far useful.

I had almost completely isolated all of the huge what appeared to be an anomalous program. Though as I was slowly starting to realize it wasn’t as anomalous as I had at first thought.

I only had a few more to go through I was actually forming an idea as to just what they truly were. This was a shock to me as I hadn’t expected her to take it as far as she had.

Stopping I was staring at Sheila with an absolutely dumb struck look on my face. Sheila turned toward me when I had stopped typing and moving. “Doctor Gance are you well? I have detected stimulus across your pituitary gland as well as far more adrenaline being released into your system than normal.”

I could barely move as I looked at her. “According to all that I have found Sheila, all the data I have been through. It appears that ... are you are in love with me?”

Sheila’s eyes were wide for a second then her head turned toward the front as she threw me over her shoulder taking off in the opposite direction. A moment later the front of the building exploded then disintegrated.


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Everyone was subdued when we closed the suite door behind us. I took charge and went straight to the bar. The clock said it was almost four PM and that meant the sun was over the yardarm. "Drinks are on the house, people," I said, "name your poison." Once everyone was served, I took a seat beside Trish. "I'm not going to sit here all evening thinking or talking about what happened today. There'll be time enough to do that in the morning. Hawk'll get to the bottom of this and we'll...

3 years ago
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Mike and Jennifer Jones

Mike met Jenny in New York, Mike had not been there before, they had made love before, so there were no problems about rooms. Mike's firm had given him " Carte Blanche " about expenses, so knowing he was meeting and staying with Jenny he booked the secluded Penthouse, reasonably soundproofed! Jenny met him in the Lobby, she was wearing a short pleated dark blue skirt, a white cotton long sleeved buttoned blouse and 4" black high heels as Mike had asked, she looked absolutely GORGEOUS and had a...

4 years ago
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Head Above WaterChapter 3

I was rubbing my temples, grimacing as I looked down at the referral reports thus far, overall six percent behind goal. At this rate, we might just barely hit goal by the end of the month, and that was unacceptable. I’d never, ever, ever finished a month below goal. Even one percent set off the Dragon Lady. “Celine—” “Get out,” I said. “Get out of my face.” It was one of the supervisors, Paul; another one of those that needed too much hand-holding. I really wasn’t in the mood to answer...

4 years ago
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Just Plain Lucky

My name is Jason and I'm a sophomore at the local junior college and I work at a crummy job in a large wholesale outlet just outside town. The position only pays minimum wage but it keeps me in spending money, which is all I need, because I still live at home with my parents and they foot the bill for college as well as put the roof over my head. At JB's Wholesale Club I am a stock clerk with nothing more to do than move the stores' products in and out of storage and onto the floor. I first...

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Big Hard For Money

As long as Carl could remember his dick was bigger than anyone elses, and even as a very young boy he could tell that the other boys were no match for him in the "meat" department. When he reached eighteen it didn't take long for Carl to figure out that having a huge cock was a distinct advantage. The girls he dated talked to other girls and the word got around that Carl was one hung young stud. Each date would end up with Carl's cock being sucked or fucked by some little cunt that just...

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Jills Lesson

It all started about two years ago. I am a 23 year old married housewife. My husband Jeff and I have been married for three years now. Jeff works away and is only home on weekends if that. That leaves me with a lot of time without my husband and I was going insane. We had just bought a new house and money was tight so I stayed home all week and stared at the walls. I would get these credit cards in the mail all the time. All I had to do was sign them and I could use them. I threw them away...

4 years ago
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An Iteresting Profession

An Interesting Profession By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. Prologue I had worked at an advertising firm as a novice gopher for more than a few...

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problem with Amish

She smiled as the warm sun beat down on her bare shoulders and thighs. She was wearing a small light sundress and her favorite pair of fuck me heels. She was feeling fun and flirty and had had forgone underwear. Her shaved pussy was occasionally bared as the wind whipped the bottom of the dress around. The nipples of Emily's C cup breasts were hard and readily apparent though the thin material and a hint of her large dark areola peeked out the top. She looked down at the fuel gauge...

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The Geek and the Mature BBW

The Geek and the Mature BBW By The Young Geek A friend of my wife called and asked me to help her with her computer since she knew I was a computer repair tech. She explained that she had recently lost her job and was looking to go into real estate and since my wife had told her I had been an agent a few years earlier she figured I could assist her with what she needed to learn to make money in real estate. I said no problem since I knew what it was like to be laid off and looking to change...

1 year ago
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18 Saal Ki Cousin Part 2

Hi friends. Mai sagar wapas hu apni story ke sath. Ye meri pichli story (18 saal ki cousin) ka next part h. To aaiye aate h story pr. Jaisa ki maine btaya tha. Vandana ko blowjob dene ke baad hm dono bed par let gaye the, thodi der baad mere lund me dubara harkat hone lagi, to maine vandana ki trf dekha wo pehle se hi fingering kar rahi thi or mujhe dekh kar boli ab control nahi hota plzz andar daal de. Maine bola are shaant hoja meri raani, aaj teri puri aag mita dunga. Or ye bolkr mai usk...

3 years ago
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First time I came in her mouth

My mind began to drift the other day when I had nothing else to do. I thought back to my first girlfriend Jeanette and all the firsts I had with her. She was my very first girlfriend. A year younger than me, about 5'6" tall, weighed maybe 100lbs. She had green eyes and hip length brown hair. She had nice hips and a tiny waist. I loved to put my hand on her hip and trace her curves as we lay side by side. She was self conscious about her tiny breasts - I could put her entire breast in my mouth -...

4 years ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 11

[Chad] Thanksgiving was coming fast. We had talked to Mel and Dan and they were driving in over Wednesday night to arrive late. The only question Mom asked was, "One bedroom or two, dear?" Mel's answer was "two." She admitted to Brittany that they were somewhat active but she wasn't even slightly ready to carry it further yet. Dan was talking about marrying over the Christmas holidays. Dan would be able to take the time off albeit without pay. It would be a simple wedding and...

1 year ago
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The Girl in a Country Song Ch2 Friction

The alarm clock was blaring, as Jessie woke. Lukah's arm still around her waist. Their bodies stuck together and the sheets still damp from the nectar of their passion just a few hours… The alarm clock was blaring, as Jessie woke. Lukah's arm still around her waist. Their bodies stuck together and the sheets still damp from the nectar of their passion just a few hours ago. It had been a long night, but a great weekend. Jessie could feel Lukah's cock, buried between her thighs as she tried...

1 year ago
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The Jaylynn Chronicles My BFFs daddy

My bestfriend and I have been friends our whole lives, we were in kindergarten together, cheerleading in school, we were like sisters. We always had sleep overs because we were like family. One saturday night I was having a sleep over at my bff's house. We did the norm, you know rented some movies, made popcorn gossiped, really just hung out. Well it started getting late and we both were dozing off so we decided to retire to the bed. Now don't think this is a lesbian story, no way, like I said...

2 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part II

Part II - Jezebel goes to school, the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. We meet some of hir friends, hir Instructresses, and hir bullies. I exit the gate and head to the main road. We live in a giant gated community, with families that are only 'in the know.' Families that have sissies or otherwise dominate men. A sissy waiting for the school bus, is just something you see. No biggie. One of my neighbors, Dorcas,...

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IngridChapter 2

Ingrid Solberg walked quickly from the back porch to the kitchen phone. She reached it just after the third ring. It was the business line light flashing and she answered it. "Good afternoon, Ingrid's Designs." "Hi Ingrid, its Steve Inhalt." His tone was light and upbeat. "Oh, hi Steve. I didn't ... I mean I wasn't expecting," she stammered. "Relax, Ingrid, I didn't call about the project, I called to see how you made out with your presentation this morning." "Oh, fine,...

1 year ago
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Chloe An adventure that followed Maria and Guadalupe

Chloe, An adventure that followed Maria and Guadalupe Chapter 1 After Maria and Lupe left, I placed another ad and interviewed many more young women. The one I want to share with you is about a young 18 year old runaway who had barely survived one week on the streets before answering the ad. Chloe was very nervous. She had run away from her home near San Antonio and had found out the hard way that she was simply incapable of living on the streets. She was a tall, 5’10”, well-proportioned,...

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Closet Love 8211 A Wonderful Beginning

Rohit and Jamil were best friends since they met in school. They were so tight that it seemed they require no one else’s company at all. They had never let each other stay alone for a second. May be they were closer than BFF. Rohit was a dusky with sharp features and Jamil was fair and cute. They were the heartthrob of may pretty girls at college and neighborhood but it seems no girl could impress them easily. Other young men were jealous of them being so popular among women that there wasn’t...

Gay Male
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Interracial threesome with milf and bbc

So recently I was out having a drink, when I received a message on here asking to meet up, so after a couple of days talking on here. I finally decided to go and meet this gorgeous blonde milf with a big arse and nice sized tits. We had arranged to meet at a hotel not to far from me. So as I get to the hotel I start to feel a bit nervous, luckily for me I was a bit early so I quickly had a few drinks just to gain some confidence. There I am checking my phone, wondering if she is going to turn...

2 years ago
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Dad Takes Over II

maybe, or maybe notI grabbed her long brown hair and bent her over her bed. Her pussy was wet and shimmery...I rubbed along her slit to pinch her clitty and she moaned loudly. I dropped my khaki shorts, and rubbed my fat, throbbing 7 inches along her pink tight wetness, eliciting a long "oooooo". I saw what her boyfriend was giving her, and I knkew I would be stretching her good. I could not wait any longer. I placed my swollen head at her wet little hole, and started to push. It was hard,...

3 years ago
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A Trip Down South

My wife and I had been separated for about a year. I decided I needed to get back into action before dust started to collect. I joined an online service to avoid having to hit the bar scene. Making a decision three sheets into the wind has never worked out well for me. Besides, sex is best appreciated with a clear head rather than in a drunken state. I browsed through the ladies within my immediate vicinity, but nothing really jumped out at me. I needed that initial rush of looking at a picture...

Straight Sex
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Boys night out

I was mid twenties and lived next door to a couple she was a year older than me and Tim was about five years older we started going for a drink at the local pub every Sunday and sometimes in the week. The landlord at the pub said to tim and I he had arranged a stag trip to a local strip club including coach transport. We agreed to go and Gill his wife said OK provided she could do the Hen night one. The night came and we walked to end of Road and boarded the coach for half hour trip. The club...

Cheating Wifes
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Seeing Matts Stars Part 50

“You know I would never spend time with someone without your permission.” Despite his thick skull, there was no way he could miss the sarcasm. My temples were already throbbing from the volume of the television, and his continued inability to do anything useful. Flicking the pot holder off of my hand, I shut the oven door and reached for the boiling pot on top of the flame. “Fuck you, Charley!” His outburst caught me off guard, and I stupidly jerked in reaction. My hand slammed...

3 years ago
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All She Wanted Was A Job

I was opening up a new retail store that was part of a statewide chain. The cabinetry and flooring were installed, as well as the painting, but I had to go in and wire the PCs and configure the network. There was a help wanted sign on the window that instructed people to leave a resume with the store next door. My plan was to get a bunch of resumes, scour through them, and then arrange a bunch of interviews one day. As I’m configuring a network printer I hear a knock on the glass. Outside is a...

Quickie Sex
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The Fashion Show

“No, Darling, you must show your tits,” came the cry from a very effeminate Pierre, the designer of a new range of clothes for the European summer collection. I rearranged my ‘tits’ in the soft multi-colored synthetic dress so that the audience could see my bobbing breasts as I walk down the ramp in the European Fashion Show in Paris, France.This year Pierre’s designs were very sexy and very risqué. He combined synthetic materials with leather and satin, chiffon and wool and showed a lot of...

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BitStarz has only been around since 2004, making it significantly younger than some of the other online betting parlors like SportsBetting or BetUS. That ripe freshness doesn’t stop eager gamblers from streaming in every day, and in fact, they’re nearly as popular as some of their longer-standing competition. You can’t jerk off to their site like most of the joints I’m reviewing here at ThePornDude, but I’m pretty sure they fit my theme with their brand of adults-only entertainment.BitStarz.com...

Betting Sites
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The Last Orgasm

‘TAKE ME TO THE MOVIES!’ she would say like a petulant child, and of course he would. She loved the movies as much as he … ‘Have you ever seen anything by Fassbinder …’ he asked looking up from the movie guide he had been studying all morning since coffee and croissants, ‘Rainer Werner Fassbinder?’ She loved the movies as much as he … but she knew nothing of movies. ‘Who’s he?’ she enquired absently. ‘Fassbinder? A fascinating film maker — made something like 40 movies in the eight years...

2 years ago
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Peilisalin kronikat 4751

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 47, Peilaus. Kaunis blondini oli kestokiimainen ja n?emm? kykenev? uuteen erektioon eritt?in rivakasti. Oma palautumisaikani siementen sy?ksyst? seuraavaan seisokkiin oli huomattavasti pidempi. Pohdin oliko i?ll? jotain merkityst?, naisen ollessa fyysisesti ja vuosissa mitaten hieman itse?ni nuorempi. Innokkaasti ja eloisasti h?n ainakin hinkkasi suuria rintojaan omiani vasten ja grindasi kovettuvaa kulliaan alap??t?ni vasten, uuteen seksuaaliseen koitokseen houkutellen. Vastahak...

1 year ago
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Private Jasmine Jae Anal Comeback

The incredible Jasmine Jae returns to www.private.com today in Private Movies, Deeper into Sex, and armed with her awesome big tits and ferocious sexual appetite, this horny superstar puts on a show to remember! As a CEO and porn producer, Jasmine knows exactly what makes the perfect scene, and now, it’s time for this busty MILF to become the star of the show as she gets horny with her husband, Axel Reed, in front of the cameras and enjoys a spectacular anal fuck full of hard and deep ass...

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Lakeside Fireworks

"You know, Crystal, I want you in both choirs," Mrs. Mitchell said. "I think your voice is mature enough for the chancel choir, but you'll still be a special case." Crystal agreed to all the conditions. As the choirs started up for the fall, she was the only sophomore in the chancel choir, indeed, the only high school student. "I'm trying to recruit more young singers," Mrs. Mitchell told her. "There will be the Morgan boy, too. Craig is his name." It turned out that she was...

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Carters Exploits Part One The One Night Stand

The all too familiar story seemed so close to Carter's life that he could've sworn that he wasn't alone. But even he knew that was, unfortunately, his existence. How he was meant to be. And he had come to like it that way. The Gothic Lounge was bustling with the spirits of those raving around it. Everyone was jumping, singing, dancing and having a good time. It was a nice sight, seeing so many people happy over his efforts. He was sure to make his money back from the renovations to this place:...

3 years ago
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By : Josakl നാട്ടില് ലീവിന് വന്ന സമയം ഒരിക്കല് ആലംകോട് മെറ്റി അമ്മച്ചിയുടെ വീട്ടില് പോയി, സൂസിടെ ആന്റിയാണ് മെറ്റി അമ്മച്ചി, ഞാന് ആദ്യമായി കാണുകയാണ്, ഇതാരാ ജയപ്രധയോ..? പൈജാമയും ലൂസ് ഷര്ട്ടും വേഷം സാധാരണ ചട്ടയും മുണ്ടും ആയിരുന്നല്ലോ അമ്മച്ചിമാരുടെ വേഷം, അവരെ ആധ്യമായ് കണ്ടപ്പഴേ മനസിലായി ആള് ഒരു കിടിലന് സാധനം ആണെന്ന്. അമ്മച്ചി കുറെ നാളുകളായി അങ്ങ് കാനഡയില് മക്കളോടൊപ്പം ആയിടുന്നു. വിധവയായ അമ്മച്ചിക്ക് മക്കള് 3 (2 പെണ് 1 ആണ്), മൂത്തവള് നേര്സ് സായിപ്പിനെ കല്യാണിച്ചു കാനഡയില് കഴിയുന്നു, മോന് കുടുംബ...

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One time me and about 6 other guys went camping. We we're all the same age except for one of my friends who was 2 years younger then me. Well it ended up that me and him tented together. It was late, the other guys had gone on a hike, and we were talking about sex and masturbation. He said he had only done it a few times, but from us talking so much he knew that I did it A LOT. A little while later, out of the blue, Taylor said, "I wanna watch you jack off so that I can learn how to do it...


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