Pregnancy Hangups, Ch. 02 free porn video

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Pregnancy Hangups

by Fidget

Chapter 2

Amy felt terrible about making things worse for Jill and Don. Needing a pick-me-up, she opened her laptop, navigated to the email that she had sent Jill, downloaded the file, and watched it again.

Afterwards, panting and flushed with arousal, she realized that she had, yet again, been hypnotized by the video without meaning to. As she reluctantly deleted the file and the email, however, she noticed just how much better she felt about everything after watching it. Her head was swimming with warm sexuality, and she was confident that she and Jill would get exactly what they needed. It occurred to her that she was already looking forward to rewatching the video, and she wasn't quite able to stop herself from opening her email back up, going to the Trash tab, restoring Jill's email, redownloading the file, and starting it once more.

She awoke expecting more warm feelings of conditioned sensual bliss, but she quickly discovered that this viewing had had a different effect on her than the previous ones. Her feelings of pleasant relaxation had indeed grown stronger, but the warm sexuality was starting to burn, and she was again struck with the impression that something very important was missing, that there was something she should be doing. She pulled up her writeup of the audio from the file to see if it held any clues, but soon wished she hadn't, because when she read it she became sharply aware of how empty her vagina felt without a cock in it. As her thoughts dwelt on how good it would feel to stimulate a cock with her slick pussy until it erupted inside of her, she could no longer deny that the file was affecting her. She was starting to want to get pregnant, or at least starting to want to do things that would make that outcome much more likely.

Her frustration with herself ruined the good mood the video had induced, so she deleted the email once again, and decided that she needed to get out of the house for a while. She packed up her laptop in a huff, ate a quick breakfast, and walked down to her favorite coffeeshop to work.

A few hours later she sipped her third decaf latte and leaned back in relief. Success! She had managed to get through a whole afternoon of work at the coffeeshop without somehow finding herself watching that stupid video! She allowed herself a break, and took a look around the room, noting that a few cute guys had set up shop since she came in. One of them happened to look up and catch her eye, and she smiled at him as her thoughts began to turn to all of the pleasurable things their interlocking bodies should be doing to each other. One thing in particular is especially appealing, she giggled to herself. Feeling uncharacteristically adventurous, she winked enticingly at him, and he stood up and came over to sit down next to her. After a bit of small talk, during which she found herself sliding closer and closer to him as she brazenly flirted, he suggested that they grab dinner and go for a walk together, and she couldn't help but agree.

A few hours of irrelevant conversation and "accidental" touching later, they found themselves outside of her apartment awash with sexual tension.

Tell him you'll call him tomorrow! Tell him you'll call him tomorrow! "Would you like to come up?" she asked innocently, her stomach full of giddy butterflies. NO! she screamed mentally, but her anger at herself for giving in so easily was quickly washed away by eager anticipation when he said, "Yes."

She took his hand, and led him up the stairs and into her studio. They sat down on her couch, the same couch where she had first watched the video just a few days ago, and she impulsively slid over to him and pressed her firm breasts into his arm as she put a hand on his leg. Getting the picture entirely, he leaned in, and their lips met.

Amy was in heaven. She never wanted the kiss to end, and as their tongues danced, she began to slowly rub herself against him. She realized that this situation could easily lead to sex if she wasn't careful, but that realization somehow galvanized her body to redouble its efforts entirely without her approval, and she felt her pussy tingle in greedy anticipation.

Needing to feel more of herself touching him, she swung around and straddled him on the edge of the couch, enjoying the feeling of her breasts squashed against his strong chest as they continued to make out like horny teenagers. As her skirt rode up, her warm pussy began to slide against his crotch through her panties, and she soon noticed a swelling in his pants as she teased him into arousal. The more his erection grew, the more she realized that it needed to be inside her, so she pulled away from the kiss, ground her pussy down onto his cock, felt it twitch against her, and looked up at him with big eyes and fluttering lashes.

"Is that for me?" she asked coquettishly, grinding against him once more for good measure.

"He certainly seems to think so," he said, smiling warmly as his hand explored beneath her blouse. Her nipples hardened as he found what he wanted, but since her bra was still in the way, she reached back, unhooked it, and smoothly drew it out of her sleeve. By this point he had her shirt halfway up, so she pulled it the rest of the way off while he admired the view her arching back provided, and then he began to gently caress and tweak her breasts, which sent pleasant tingles to her pussy as she continued to rub it against his crotch.

This went on for a few minutes as their breathing got heavier, but eventually Amy's vagina reminded her of how empty it was, and her thoughts became more and more focused on getting that hard cock into her soft, sensitive pussy.

Abruptly standing, she pulled him up by his belt as she loosened it, unzipped his pants, pulled his boxers down, and slid her hand along his erection. Kissing him again and massaging his cock with her hand, she pulled him backwards into the bedroom. She removed her panties while he stripped, leaving her in just her skirt and thigh-highs. He asked if she had a condom, and before she could stop herself, she blurted out, "no, but it should be safe anyway. Just be sure to pull out!" 

"Sounds good to me!" he said, as his face lit up at the prospect of getting some bareback and then maybe finishing on her tits or face.

Why on earth did I say that? she wondered, aware that there were plenty of condoms in the bedside table not two feet away. She knew exactly why she had said it, of course, but wasn't willing to admit it to herself, especially now that she could feel his cock against her leg as his strong arms gently laid her down on the bed and pulled her skirt up. No big deal, I'm still at least a week away from ovulation. I can enjoy myself this once, and it's too late to go back now that I've already said it. Plus, I'll make sure he pulls out. Her legs spread themselves in anticipation as he lined up, and then shivered as he finally made contact. She loved the feeling of his hard cock separating her lips and slowly, sensuously pushing inside. She gasped with delight when she felt it twitch, as her slick pussy stimulated the sensitive tip, and she could feel his eagerness, his instinctual need, to push further into her. Which was exactly what she needed too, of course.

She grabbed his hips and began to pull him further inside. His eyes held a dark intensity as he savored the feeling of sinking deeper into her. She felt his cock twitch again, filling her with desire as she moaned and pulled on his hips even harder. For some reason, making his cock jerk like that filled her with satisfaction, and she resolved to make it happen again, and again.

His eyes widened as he bottomed out, and the two of them stayed that way for a second, savoring the sensation as he tried to press in just a bit further. Finally, his cock began to withdraw, leaving each of them with a faint sense of loss. That was nice too though, mostly because they both knew that he wouldn't be able to resist returning. And then he was back, sliding all the way in at one go, enjoying the pleasant tension starting to grow in his cock as her tight vagina squeezed him. 

She cooed when he twitched again, and arched against him seductively. He briefly recalled that he should be pulling out at some point, but his mind clouded as his attention was drawn down to the supple breasts in his face, which were so much more enjoyable to think about. While she distracted him with her tits, her needy pussy stepped up its stimulating assault on his cock, stealthily encouraging it to stiffen even further. It responded enthusiastically, and at the base of his penis he began to feel a pleasant, urgent tightness, one which increased in urgency each time he slid himself back in. It was an addicting sensation, and he sank back into her more and more furiously each time, enjoying the building pressure, but confident in his ability to control himself. Overconfident, as it turned out, he indulged in that tempting embrace one time too many, and his cock's suddenly unbearable tightness triggered something deep within him as he felt his dick begin to stiffen in unstoppable reflex.

Just as he was going to warn her and pull out, however, she wrapped her legs around his torso and pulled him all the way into her, taking him further and further past the point of no return with each luxurious centimeter. Sensing what was coming, his body released an intoxicating cocktail of endorphins into his bloodstream, which made him suddenly realize that he wanted to finish right here, right now, buried in her soft, fertile pussy. He thrust himself as far into her as he could just as reflex finally drove the muscles around his penis to start rhythmically clenching, rewarding him with waves of ecstasy as he sent spurt after spurt of his semen deep into her tight, receptive body. Feeling his cum triggered her own orgasm, and she rode out the pleasure experiencing a sense of primal satisfaction, as though she were one step closer to accomplishing some untold goal for herself.

Utterly spent, they collapsed into each other and enjoyed the afterglow. As he withdrew, he began to apologize.

"I'm so sorry, Amy! For some reason I just couldn't seem to pull out!" he said.

"No problem, I'll go grab some Plan B sometime tomorrow," she responded distractedly, still euphoric from the feeling of his warm cum in her vagina. "Don't worry about it."

She woke up with him spooning her the next morning. Feeling his strong arm around her, she pressed her ass backwards into his hips. He seemed to already be awake, and gave her shoulder a soft kiss. That reminded her of the sex that she should be having right now, and as she realized how empty her vagina was, she felt a strong desire to be filled again. She began to gently grind her firm ass into him, and soon felt him swelling against her. As his cock thickened, she became singlemindedly focused on getting it back into her pussy where it belonged.

He didn't seem to need any help with that, and as he became fully aroused he bent her forward to take her from behind. He slid a hand up the back of her leg and cupped her butt, enjoying the feel of the hot piece of ass he was going to hit again this morning.

And there it was, the sensation she was waiting for, as she felt his cock spread her moist lips and slide into her silky depths. He seemed less intense this morning, content with moving himself in and out almost robotically. That wasn't enough for her - she needed him to feel how inviting and stimulating her pussy was, so she began to flex her vagina each time he withdrew. It seemed to work, as his return thrusts became more focused and intense, and she felt him grab her hip and pull himself deeply into her, causing his cock to twitch. This sent a shiver down her spine. She needed to feel that again, to make him twitch again. She feigned sliding herself off of him, and felt a powerful tightening of his grip as he instinctively pulled her back onto his cock, rewarding her gambit with the feeling of his cock strongly twitching deep inside her once more. 

She felt his rhythm increase, and knew that her sly pussy had done its job perfectly. He would do anything to stay inside her now, and both of them became intensely focused on the pressure building in his cock as she continued to stimulate it with the silky walls of her vagina. Finally he could stand it no longer, and enjoyed the feeling of his balls tightening as he once again began to squirt his potent seed into her unprotected pussy. This of course sent Amy over the edge again as well, and she bucked against him as her body rewarded her with waves of pleasure for successfully filling herself with his cum.

Less than an hour later he was gone, with a brief "I'll call you" on his way out the door.

She sat on her couch that afternoon going over the events of the past 24 hours in her head, still glowing with satisfaction at how full her pussy felt in spite of her indignation at the feeling. She concluded that she had been compelled to leave the house by the video: the skimpy top, short skirt, and thigh-highs she had apparently decided to wear to a coffeeshop to work were a dead giveaway. She had convinced herself that she was feeling claustrophobic and needed a change of scenery, when what she really wanted was to go out, find a guy who wouldn't be able to resist her flirty pussy, and get fucked. And boy did I get fucked, she recalled pleasurably, feeling a sudden urge to go out and do it again.

On that note, she didn't seem to be able to stop watching the video today either. Now whenever she finished watching it, she changed the file name, or put it in a different place, but she always seemed to find it and watch it again. Her head had been buzzing lazily with thoughts of sex all day, and the idea of getting dressed and going out to buy Plan B just seemed like so much effort.

Her reverie was suddenly interrupted by a call from Jill.

"Uh, I think we may have a problem," Jill said. "I don't think you limited the wording of the hypnotic instructions to just my husband, and I've been getting really flirty around my male friends. I can't explain it, but I just feel so drawn to their broad, masculine bodies!"

Mmm, I know what she means, Amy thought, warming up to the idea of trying to flirt and tease her own guy friends into arousal. That would be so hot. "Oh no, Jill! I'm so sorry! How could I have been so stupid?" she said, her voice full of a concern that was only partially genuine.

"You have to fix this, Amy. Your stupid hypnosis video is ruining my life!" Jill yelled, and then she hung up.

End of Chapter 2

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback, comments, or questions, I'd love to hear from you at [email protected]. If you enjoyed this story so much you'd like to support my work on Patreon, you can find me at Patrons get early access to my stories, input into which stories I write, and some fun other perks.


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Anil and I have been friends since childhood. We grew up together and drifted apart after college. We met recently after almost 10 years. His introduced me to his stunning looking wife Namrata who is a 5″7 tall Sardarni with a clear rosie complexion. I was very taken by her looks and her gorgeous figure. She is pretty and voluptous and knows she is extremely sexy and held my attention. I could not help thinking how Anil kept her happy – they have 2 kids 6 and 9. Upon coming home I masturbated...

2 years ago
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Kaise Maine Apni Taiji Badi Mummy Ko Choda

Mera naam sanjay hai,umar 24 saal or delhi me rehta hoon maine medical science se related padai kar raha hoon ye incident 8 months pehle ka hai ye story meri taiji (badi mummy) ki chudai ki hai jo ki relation me dur ki.vo hai to village ki par lagti bahut sexy hai vo hamare sath bahut pehle se reh rahi hai kyo ki unke husband ki death ke baad mummy papa ne unhe hamare sath rakh liya or meri dekh bhaal Bachpan se wahi karne lagi.unki ek ladki bhi hai jo ki meri hi age ki hai.vo dusri city me...

1 year ago
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Summer Training

Michael has always wanted a sex slave, don’t ask why or for how long just accept it people, because that’s not what’s important. What’s important is the How and the Who? How will he obtain a sex slave? The next question is who will it be? Well to answer the first question Michael has been given a unique opportunity in the form of his Mother and Step-Father leaving the recent University Graduate for a month long cruise. One of those spur of the moment trips that they never expected something to...

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Sonics New Look 2 Miss Soniques Debut

~Ring ring! Ring ring!~ Sonic groaned as he sat up on the couch, the loud ringing of his telephone waking him from his afternoon nap. Didn't people realise that saving the world was hard work? He thought he deserved a little relaxation after all these years! Sighing, the Blue Blur leaned over and picked up the receiver, holding it to his ear. "Hello?" he asked irritably, rubbing at his eyes. "Hello there, blue boy." Sonic nearly dropped the phone, snapped out of his grogginess...

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Jennifers surpriseChapter 3

As Jennifer's tongue circled and slithered around the head of her son's cock, she kept eye contact with him, connecting with her offspring in a place forbidden, a place where the minds of mother and son meet, not in the form of mother-son love, but in the form of pure, depraved, incestuous lust. A place where the boundaries of family vaporise, where the walls of taboo are broken down by a mother who wants nothing more than to fuck her own son and a son who wants to fuck his own mother. A...

1 year ago
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They Called Me Horse

Eric was a shy person. He hated being the center of attention and did whatever he could to not draw attention to himself.He was home schooled for most of his life but then his parents thought that sending him to public school for his senior year would help him with his social skills before he went to college. Eric found himself suddenly thrust into a large school and he absolutely knew no one! He was OK that no one seemed to even notice him. At least no one did until he had his first gym...

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The Corruption of Princes

The corruption of Princes By Argus Chapter 1: The Black Prophecy Rising from amongst the towering cliffs like some brooding elemental beast of old, the great castle of Regent stood tall and firm against the encroachment of the centuries. Beneath it's ancient grey walls huddled the inner city, it's own encircling walls a mere shadow of the castles grandeur. Huge barges laden with goods creaked down the mighty river Raine, as crowds bustled and jostled in the markets....

1 year ago
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Lucky You

A long yawn escapes your lips. You rub your eyes before leaning back in your chair. You take a sip of the half forgotten cup of coffee on your desk beside your laptop. You crack your knuckles...its time to get back to it. Your parents always taught you to work hard. Something that you have taken to heart. Your no stranger to job sites, you've been working part time for things since you were 14... ...And have gradually been doing more and more in the world of work ever since. Your peers can...

3 years ago
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How I came to love Shaved Pussy

California has it’s fair share of cold, wet weather. Perhaps not as bad as some areas of the country, but then, you wouldn’t be riding a motorcycle in December if you lived in Minnesota either. It WAS cold, and wet, and raining like hell that dark December evening, and I WAS riding a motorcycle, a Honda CX500 to be exact, home from work. I was looking forward to getting home to the apartment I shared with Tanya, where she would be waiting for me with warm dry clothes. Thursdays...

2 years ago
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Sex with Salma

Hi I am Ali from Moro I’m 20 year old and good looking boy, let me start my story that 100% real 7 right. Ye 3 maah pehle ki baat hay jab me full time farig tha,ek din mere dost nai kaha k yaaar meri cousin ka sim band ho gaya hay tum kuchh kar sakte homene kaha tum sim leaao i will try my best aur hum us office gaye waha mera ek dost kaam karta tha mene us se kah k sim khulwa dya aur use check karne k liye apne mobile me dala aur usmein apna no: save kardia. Sham ko uska phone aaya use uske...

2 years ago
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How Not To Babysit part 20

PART TWENTY: RESCUED Before I get home, Dev sidles up next to me on his bicycle. He easily keeps time with my rapid stride. Jenny, unfortunately, cannot and is half-dragged, half-carried. "Hey sexy," he smiles at me. "Go away!" I tell him. "You asshole!" He smiles at me and maintains speed. Two more guys join him, Will and Stewart. "Go away!" I repeat. "All of you!" "But you look so hot in that outfit," Dev says. "Katie." I stop abruptly. We're no longer on First. There...

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Sinnndy goes to a Bachelor Party

Let me give a little background first, I usually don't stick with one person for more than a week, but my boyfriend Billy is different, we have been together for six weeks, a record for me. What makes Billy so different, is that he doesn't have a jealous bone in his body, and my, what a body, he was married once before, and is in no hurry to do it again. He loves sex as much as I do and loves watching me get gang fucked by guys he sets me up with, both friends, and guys he knows through...

Group Sex
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Full Court Press 2

As I woke up, I looked over at the beauty next to me. Replays of the day before played in my head. I could not believe that I was so lucky to find Sasha. I suddenly was glad that I had gotten injured by her. It gave her an excuse to bring me back to her house. Sasha shifted in the bed next to me and then sat up. She looked at me and smiled the most beautiful smile that I have ever seen. I moved closer to her and kissed her. Sasha closed her eyes and deepened the kiss. Her cool tongue caressed...

2 years ago
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One Year With Kayla

Her parents didn’t like the idea of us dating so every thing we did was on the down low. They cough us kissing once and that lost all of Kayla’s parents trust with me. But tonight was special. It was our anniversary! So I had to plan something special for us… this is my night I pulled up to her house in my WRX STI all black on black with a system at about 7:00. I start walking up to the door when she runs out of her house telling me to hurry back to the car. So I run back confused as hell...

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A Night In Town With my Wife

It all started one Friday evening. Me and my wife Emma had decided that we would get dressed up and go to a few bars and perhaps a club. This is something we had never done as a couple before. We are both in our late twenties and have only been married for a few years. We still get along great. We put some music on, cracked open a bottle of wine and started to get ready. Emma is beautiful. She is around five foot nine. She has a curvaceous body with long blonde hair with firm DD tits and a...

Wife Lovers
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Little Sissy Of Mistress 2

There he was in a barely covering Maid dress and in stockings. This was very humiliating for him but all this humiliation was making him excited and he was thinking what she wanted next.“let’s complete the attire of this slut” Mistress said and motioned to open the second box. There were high heel sandals in the box and all pink in color. “Put these on” Mistress said “and model for me”The process was repeated again. All the sandals were ultra-high heels. He slipped couple of times as he had no...

2 years ago
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Surprising pick up

So, one day the wife was away with friends for the night to watch a show in Edinburgh, as I was at a loose end I decided to go into town and do a bit of shopping, once done I thought I would head into the local weather spoons for a drink and some lunch. As I sat there in a corner sipping my beer and reading the paper a lovely looking youngish woman of late twenties asked if it was okay if she sat at the same table as me, I of course said yes no problem, but was somewhat caught off guard as the...

4 years ago
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I first met Berlinda when I was an intern on 10 Central. I was fresh out of medical school and during my intern year, I was assigned two months in General Medicine. General Medicine of course became either Pulmonary Stepdown or Leukemia/Lymphoma, as they were the two of the most detested rotations in medicine, and no self-respecting medical resident would be caught dead taking on more than the minimal requirements. Of course, I was an intern, and so I had no one to argue my rights. So 10...

1 year ago
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Old Man Neighbor

I've lived in the same apartment building for many years now and have had this neighbor of mine living here for as long as I can remember. He is in his late 60s, possibly early 70s. Now that I am older and have experienced my fun with an older man (Henry - from previous stories) I am now finding my neighbor to be more attractive.From time to time, we will meet in the lobby or elevator and have small talk ranging from the weather, the news to weekend plans. On occasion he will ask me if I am...

4 years ago
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Mausi Ke Saath

Hi desi hot sex story readers. Mera naam sam hai, me hyderabad ka rehne wala hu.Me ek bahut hi handsome looking ladka hu.Meri age 26 hai.Iss pe ye mera debut hai.Ab der na karte huye story pe chalte hai. Ye ek story nahi balki ek sachi ghatna hai.Ye tab ki baat hai jab me apne 12th class me tha.Me ek bahut hi respectable family ko belong karta hu aur padhai me humesha first rehta tha.Mere pados me ek bahut hi sexy aunty rehti thi.Unki umar kareeb 32 saal ki thi.Unke do bache the.Woh kaafi saalo...

2 years ago
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Angie goes too far and could pay the price

Angie's 34 and has three lovely k**s with Gary, her husband of 10 years, but something happened recently which she will never ever forget and it's going to haunt her for a very long time indeed. She'll probably never trust another man again after this nightmare. Why did she give in to temptation?Angie's very attractive, just over 5ft tall and has worked hard to keep her slim shapely figure despite her three pregnancies. She has long dark hair in a frizzy perm.She's well used to all the men...

3 years ago
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Pornstar Ch 10

Cut! Lill and I and Mrs Price did the editing for the sex scenes up at Mrs Price’s house, and like the first time we went up there it was a bit of a shock. I mean you expect teachers to be reasonably conventional people (even though of course really we knew Mrs Price wasn’t) and also teachers don’t make much money so I expected her to have a small house and like a husband and kids and stuff (except she’d occasionally referred to ‘my partner’ so I had sussed that she wasn’t living with her...

1 year ago
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RUNAWAY Chapter 16 Pleasing Others

She took another look at the map and made the decision to walk along a Northwest interstate. It took her almost 45 minutes to get along the interstate she wanted where she thought she might get a ride. She continued to walk but also looked back at the cars and trucks and on occasion would put her thumb out. Finally after another 45 minutes a sleek black big rig pulled over. Sammi had to walk almost 100 yards as it took the truck time to pull over and stop after passing her. Finally...

2 years ago
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I Was a Modern CavemanChapter 4

(Spring Year Two) Spring announced its arrival with the crackling of our frozen stream and the reappearance of tiny buds poking out of the snowy soil. The girls and I had been cooped up for far too long, and we all felt a rush of spring fever. Although it made no sense at all, one day we all trooped down to the river and had a cold water bath. It was like we were washing the old winter away along with the filth and tight quarters. It was also cold as hell, and didn't last long at all until...

1 year ago
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My story on becoming Bi

I was on a business trip in Japan with the engineering manager of my company, I was the director of materials. This was in the 80's we were staying at the New Otani in the Akasaka area of Japan.One night we were coming up on the elevator to our rooms, had a few drinks in the bar, we were both married at the time. He was about 15 years older, balding, bear belly, very hairy and VERY masculine, not someone who you would consider attractive. I had never had any experience with a man nor had any...

2 years ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 10

DON (Friday 11/25) Jeez, I never expected it! Sure, Bob had fit some of the profile, but that had been over 2,000 miles away. Ana stood up, walked over in front of Bob and motioned him up. He stood hesitantly and Natalie stood up shakily beside him. Ana put her arms around his neck, kissed his cheek and hugged him for a long minute. She finally let go, stepped back and looked at him. She said quietly, "Thank you for my life." He took her hand and said, "Ana, I honestly didn't know it...

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