Pregnancy Hangups, Ch. 02 free porn video

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Amy felt terrible about making things worse for Jill and Don. Needing a pick-me-up, she opened her laptop, navigated to the email that she had sent Jill, downloaded the file, and watched it again.

Afterwards, panting and flushed with arousal, she realized that she had, yet again, been hypnotized by the video without meaning to. As she reluctantly deleted the file and the email, however, she noticed just how much better she felt about everything after watching it. Her head was swimming with warm sexuality, and she was confident that she and Jill would get exactly what they needed. It occurred to her that she was already looking forward to rewatching the video, and she wasn’t quite able to stop herself from opening her email back up, going to the Trash tab, restoring Jill’s email, redownloading the file, and starting it once more.

She awoke expecting more warm feelings of conditioned sensual bliss, but she quickly discovered that this viewing had had a different effect on her than the previous ones. Her feelings of pleasant relaxation had indeed grown stronger, but the warm sexuality was starting to burn, and she was again struck with the impression that something very important was missing, that there was something she should be doing. She pulled up the transcript of the audio from the file to see if it held any clues, but soon wished she hadn’t, because when she read it she became sharply aware of how empty her vagina felt without a cock in it. As her thoughts dwelt on how good it would feel to stimulate a cock with her slick pussy until it erupted inside of her, she could no longer deny that the file was affecting her. She was starting to want to get pregnant, or at least starting to want to do things that would make that outcome much more likely.

Her frustration with herself ruined the good mood the video had induced, so she deleted the email once again, and decided that she needed to get out of the house for a while. She packed up her laptop in a huff, ate a quick breakfast, and walked down to her favorite coffeeshop to work.


A few hours later she sipped her third decaf latte and leaned back in relief. Success! She had managed to get through a whole afternoon of work at the coffeeshop without somehow finding herself watching that stupid video! She allowed herself a break, and took a look around the room, noting that a few cute guys had set up shop since she came in. One of them happened to look up and catch her eye, and she smiled at him as her thoughts began to turn to all of the pleasurable things their interlocking bodies should be doing to each other. One thing in particular is especially appealing, she giggled to herself. Feeling uncharacteristically adventurous, she winked enticingly at him, and he stood up and came over to sit down next to her. After a bit of small talk, during which she found herself sliding closer and closer to him as she brazenly flirted, he suggested that they grab dinner and go for a walk together, and she couldn’t help but agree.

A few hours of irrelevant conversation and “accidental” touching later, they found themselves outside of her apartment awash with sexual tension.

Tell him you’ll call him tomorrow! Tell him you’ll call him tomorrow! “Would you like to come up?” she asked innocently, her stomach full of giddy butterflies. NO! she screamed mentally, but her anger at herself for giving in so easily was quickly washed away by eager anticipation when he said, “Yes.“

She took his hand, and led him up the stairs and into her studio. They sat down on her couch, the same couch where she had first watched the video just a few days ago, and she impulsively slid over to him and pressed her firm breasts into his arm as she put a hand on his leg. Getting the picture entirely, he leaned in, and their lips met.

Amy was in heaven. She never wanted the kiss to end, and as their tongues danced, she began to slowly rub herself against him. She realized that this situation could easily lead to sex if she wasn’t careful, but that realization somehow galvanized her body to redouble its efforts entirely without her approval, and she felt her pussy tingle in greedy anticipation.

Needing to feel more of herself touching him, she swung around and straddled him on the edge of the couch, enjoying the feeling of her breasts squashed against his strong chest as they continued to make out like horny teenagers. As her skirt rode up, her warm pussy began to slide against his crotch through her panties, and she soon noticed a swelling in his pants as she teased him into arousal. The more his erection grew, the more she realized that it needed to be inside her, so she pulled away from the kiss, ground her pussy down onto his cock, felt it twitch against her, and looked up at him with big eyes and fluttering lashes.

“Is that for me?” she asked coquettishly, grinding against him once more for good measure.

“He certainly seems to think so,” he said, smiling warmly as his hand explored beneath her blouse. Her nipples hardened as he found what he wanted, but since her bra was still in the way, she reached back, unhooked it, and smoothly drew it out of her sleeve. By this point he had her shirt halfway up, so she pulled it the rest of the way off while he admired the view her arching back provided, and then he began to gently caress and tweak her breasts, which sent pleasant tingles to her pussy as she continued to rub it against his crotch.

This went on for a few minutes as their breathing got heavier, but eventually Amy’s vagina reminded her of how empty it was, and her thoughts became more and more focused on getting that hard cock into her soft, sensitive pussy.

Abruptly standing, she pulled him up by his belt as she loosened it, unzipped his pants, pulled his boxers down, and slid her hand along his erection. Kissing him again and massaging his cock with her hand, she pulled him backwards into the bedroom. She removed her panties while he stripped, leaving her in just her skirt and thigh-highs. He asked if she had a condom, and before she could stop herself, she blurted out, “no, but it should be safe anyway. Just be sure to pull out!”

“Sounds good to me!” he said, as his face lit up at the prospect of getting some bareback and then maybe finishing on her tits or face.

Why on earth did I say that? she wondered, aware that there were plenty of condoms in the bedside table not two feet away. She knew exactly why she had said it, of course, but wasn’t willing to admit it to herself, especially now that she could feel his cock against her leg as his strong arms gently laid her down on the bed and pulled her skirt up. No big deal, I’m still at least a week away from ovulation. I can enjoy myself this once, and it’s too late to go back now that I’ve already said it. Plus, I’ll make sure he pulls out. Her legs spread themselves in anticipation as he lined up, and then shivered as he finally made contact. She loved the feeling of his hard cock separating her lips and slowly, sensuously pushing inside. She gasped with delight when she felt it twitch, as her slick pussy stimulated the sensitive tip, and she could feel his eagerness, his instinctual need, to push further into her. Which was exactly what she needed too, of course.

She grabbed his hips and began to pull him further inside. His eyes held a dark intensity as he savored the feeling of sinking deeper into her. She felt his cock twitch again, filling her with desire as she moaned and pulled on his hips even harder. For some reason, making his cock jerk like that filled her with satisfaction, and she resolved to make it happen again, and again.

His eyes widened as he bottomed out, and the two of them stayed that way for a second, savoring the sensation as he tried to press in just a bit further. Finally, his cock began to withdraw, leaving each of them with a faint sense of loss. That was nice too though, mostly because they both knew that he wouldn’t be able to resist returning. And then he was back, sliding all the way in at one go, enjoying the pleasant tension starting to grow in his cock as her tight vagina squeezed him.

She cooed when he twitched again, and arched against him seductively. He briefly recalled that he should be pulling out at some point, but his mind clouded as his attention was drawn down to the supple breasts in his face, which were so much more enjoyable to think about. While she distracted him with her tits, her needy pussy stepped up its stimulating assault on his cock, stealthily encouraging it to stiffen even further. It responded enthusiastically, and at the base of his penis he began to feel a pleasant, urgent tightness, one which increased in urgency each time he slid himself back in. It was an addicting sensation, and he sank back into her more and more furiously each time, enjoying the building pressure, but confident in his ability to control himself. Overconfident, as it turned out, he indulged in that tempting embrace one time too many, and his cock’s suddenly unbearable tightness triggered something deep within him as he felt his dick begin to stiffen in unstoppable reflex.

Just as he was going to warn her and pull out, however, she wrapped her legs around his torso and pulled him all the way into her, taking him further and further past the point of no return with each luxurious centimeter. Sensing what was coming, his body released an intoxicating cocktail of endorphins into his bloodstream, which made him suddenly realize that he wanted to finish right here, right now, buried in her soft, fertile pussy. He thrust himself as far into her as he could just as reflex finally drove the muscles around his penis to start rhythmically clenching, rewarding him with waves of ecstasy as he sent spurt after spurt of his semen deep into her tight, receptive body. Feeling his cum triggered her own orgasm, and she rode out the pleasure experiencing a sense of primal satisfaction, as though she were one step closer to accomplishing some untold goal for herself.

Utterly spent, they collapsed into each other and enjoyed the afterglow. As he withdrew, he began to apologize.

“I’m so sorry, Amy! For some reason I just couldn’t seem to pull out!” he said.

“No problem, I’ll go grab some Plan B sometime tomorrow,” she responded distractedly, still euphoric from the feeling of his warm cum in her vagina. “Don’t worry about it.”


She woke up with him spooning her the next morning. Feeling his strong arm around her, she pressed her ass backwards into his hips. He seemed to already be awake, and gave her shoulder a soft kiss. That reminded her of the sex that she should be having right now, and as she realized how empty her vagina was, she felt a strong desire to be filled again. She began to gently grind her firm ass into him, and soon felt him swelling against her. As his cock thickened, she became singlemindedly focused on getting it back into her pussy where it belonged.

He didn’t seem to need any help with that, and as he became fully aroused he bent her forward to take her from behind. He slid a hand up the back of her leg and cupped her butt, enjoying the feel of the hot piece of ass he was going to hit again this morning.

And there it was, the sensation she was waiting for, as she felt his cock spread her moist lips and slide into her silky depths. He seemed less intense this morning, content with moving himself in and out almost robotically. That wasn’t enough for her—she needed him to feel how inviting and stimulating her pussy was, so she began to flex her vagina each time he withdrew. It seemed to work, as his return thrusts became more focused and intense, and she felt him grab her hip and pull himself deeply into her, causing his cock to twitch. This sent a shiver down her spine. She needed to feel that again, to make him twitch again. She feigned sliding herself off of him, and felt a powerful tightening of his grip as he instinctively pulled her back onto his cock, rewarding her gambit with the feeling of his cock strongly twitching deep inside her once more.

She felt his rhythm increase, and knew that her sly pussy had done its job perfectly. He would do anything to stay inside her now, and both of them became intensely focused on the pressure building in his cock as she continued to stimulate it with the silky walls of her vagina. Finally he could stand it no longer, and enjoyed the feeling of his balls tightening as he once again began to squirt his potent seed into her unprotected pussy. This of course sent Amy over the edge again as well, and she bucked against him as her body rewarded her with waves of pleasure for successfully filling herself with his cum.

Less than an hour later he was gone, with a brief “I’ll call you” on his way out the door.


She sat on her couch that afternoon going over the events of the past 24 hours in her head, still glowing with satisfaction at how full her pussy felt in spite of her indignation at the feeling. She concluded that she had been compelled to leave the house by the video: the skimpy top, short skirt, and thigh-highs she had apparently decided to wear to a coffeeshop to work were a dead giveaway. She had convinced herself that she was feeling claustrophobic and needed a change of scenery, when what she really wanted was to go out, find a guy who wouldn’t be able to resist her flirty pussy, and get fucked. And boy did I get fucked, she recalled pleasurably, feeling a sudden urge to go out and do it again.

On that note, she didn’t seem to be able to stop watching the video today either. Now whenever she finished watching it, she changed the file name, or put it in a different place, but she always seemed to find it and watch it again. Her head had been buzzing lazily with thoughts of sex all day, and the idea of getting dressed and going out to buy Plan B just seemed like so much effort.

Her reverie was suddenly interrupted by a call from Jill.

“Uh, I think we may have a problem,” Jill said. “I don’t think you limited the wording of the hypnotic instructions to just my husband, and I’ve been getting really flirty around my male friends. I can’t explain it, but I just feel so drawn to their broad, masculine bodies!”

Mmm, I know what she means, Amy thought, warming up to the idea of trying to flirt and tease her own guy friends into arousal. That would be so hot. “Oh no, Jill! I’m so sorry! How could I have been so stupid?” she said, her voice full of a concern that was only partially genuine.

“You have to fix this, Amy. Your stupid hypnosis video is ruining my life!” Jill yelled, and then she hung up.


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Commercial Company

Deftly backing the trailer into the spot where the guard said to, I climb down from the tractor, unlatch the fifth wheel, disconnect the air and electrical lines, and lower the landing gear. “Damn,” I mutter, looking at the darkening sky, “I hope it doesn’t start to rain!” Climbing back in the cab, I pick up the satellite unit I use to communicate with the company. “Dropped at the lot”, I send them. “I’m about out of hours today, and I’d like to go get a shower and some dinner. Think you can...

2 years ago
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Camping With My CousinsChapter 4

Mrs. O'Brian was showing me how to sift the flour in the kitchen and we managed to get it pretty much over everything. For an older lady, she was certainly giggling a lot each time I pinched her pretty bottom or copped a feel of her generous endowed breast. With a little encouragement I got her to pop out her taut nipple and started sucking on it for a bit of fun and found that it really turned her on. She was going into a beautiful orgasm with the suction of my lips on her breast and she...

1 year ago
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My First Swinging Experience

Although it has been a few years now, my first swinger experience was very memorable. There have been dozens of swinger couples since that first swinging experience but I remember it like it was yesterday. I had always had a strong sex drive but have never really considered swinging. That is, I never had considered it until a close friend revealed to me that they were swingers. When Beth said that she and Marcus were swingers I was shocked! I hardly knew what to say. Swingers!?? Beth and...

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Heavy cummers wanted0

Melissa told me that the feeling of a man coming in her drives her over the edge and the warm gooey feeling of cum being shot inside of her drives her crazy. I already knew this fact, but with the exception of one or two of our playmates, most men don't cum in large amounts. We decided to put up an add seeking men who cum in buckets so to speak. After posting the want add, it was like a flurry of action. Every guy with a dick responded as we had posted a pic of Melissa's shaved...

2 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 63

“OH MY LORD! It really is Josey Ruiz... “Josey, I saw you being sworn in on television the other night. Uh, I’m Phyllis Morris. Mira and I have been best friends since childhood ... Can I sit on the bed next to you?” Mira told her, “Phyllis, I have never in my life seen you so bold. Did you actually come over here buck-ass-naked ... in daylight?” “No, but I wore my see-through raincoat ... Mira, will you move over on the other side of Josey so I can sit beside him? ...”Josey, you are...

3 years ago
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Sarah has a wild experience continued part 4

Quickly filling the smartie tube,i layed on my back out in the garden and pushed the open end inside me as deep as i good. They started to fall out of the tube, oh wow!! lifting up my legs i worked the tube in an out as more woodlice were dropping inside me, it felt as if i was being touched all over.Then i heard a car pull up, oh no,mums home.I pulled the tube out and dropped it on the ground it was empty. Standing up i straightend my skirt as mum came to the back door "hey Sarah" "what you...

2 years ago
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Naruto Evil Harem Story

Being an Uchiha was supposed to make you great, you were supposed to have greatness in your blood, if you were lucky you could even have the Sharingan...but, not you, nope not the bastard Uchiha. Having survived and witnessed the Uchiha massacre by your own cousin Itachi it left some serious mental and emotional scars that unfortunately for you led to your inner chakra problems. Your name is Lokiru Uchiha as you awaken for another day among the village hidden in the leaves it still doesn't feel...

3 years ago
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A Boy In Babeland chapter 5

He remembered Dawn falling asleep with him but he was now alone in bed covered by the sheet, Dawn must have covered him before she left. April had been in her room with Kim while Dawn was sleeping with her brother in his room. "They have really?" Kim asked her oldest sister intently listening for her answer "Yeah I was with them it was so sweet seeing them do it" April said with a smile to her sister Kim, "I wish I was there too it must have been really a great sight" Kim...

1 year ago
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Gretchen the Softball Slut

Gretchen was on the varsity softball team as a sophomore. She was the new relief pitcher in the school. Softball was a big part of her new high school that was in the southern US it was the only sport that had a chance to advance on to state. She was only relief because the other girl was a senior and the coach thought she should start. When the coach saw how good Gretchen was he started a different pitcher every game, so they took turns. Gretchen was at the top of her class, but mostly came...

1 year ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 8

[Chad] With big smiles, we went out to the car and Dad drove the short trip to church. He parked and we got out. A car with out of state plates pulled up close to us. We all stopped to greet those we figured were new people. Mom and Dad greeted a couple about their age. They were two very tall individuals. The back door opened and a female's shoe came out. The rest of that leg had cream-colored slacks. She just kept getting out. Finally, she stood and it was a female about our age who, in...

3 years ago
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One Thing Different 2 Christina

CHRISTINA I Christina smiled into the camera. "And that's how modern man took the first steps on the road to creating central heating." She turned to the other camera. "Next we'll be stepping into a different time and finding out exactly what it was that the Roman's... fed to the lions." She held the smile for five more seconds. "We're clear," said the cameraman. "That's great." The characteristic scowl returned to Christina's face. "What a waste of time and who writes these...

4 years ago
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SusanChapter 25

Barbara Sloan was sitting on the floor leaning back against Steve who was kneeling behind her with his arms around her. With his large hands cupping her tits, she just sighed and whispered, "Darling, you're much better than some dumb old bra." Then she closed her eyes and added, "My God! What a day this has already been ... And we haven't even cut the wedding cake!" Whispering in her ear Steve replied, "But we've already lost a lot of the guests. I guess this is just the extended...

2 years ago
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My First Orgy

My name is Amanda, and I’m twenty-six. Last year I moved in with my boyfriend, Alan. When I did, he already had a female roommate, named Christi. She is one sexy woman, and I always noticed that she had different guys over. Quite a few times, she had more than one. She made some noise, but nothing major, so I didn’t mind. It was still really obvious what she doing in there. We did hear some moaning, and we heard the bed hit the wall too. Anyway, she at least always kept the sex in her bedroom....

3 years ago
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Cousin sister fuck

I am nikhil, 23 years young and energetic. This happened one year back with my sweet cousin, Preeti . She has a very good figure with nice curves of 32-30-32. She has a very smooth skin fair in color, big boobs, long hair and a big round ass. She was 20 years at that time. It was in the month of January, when I was in my third semester of my BA course. They happened to be a wedding of one of our close relative in Bangalore. The wedding was to take place on 25th January and my parents had...

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Daddys Little Pet part 1 Kitty edition

You wake up your very own cat bed, on the bedroom floor next to daddy's own double bed. You're naked, apart from your tagged little collar with your name tag on it, and you're wearing a decent size plug in your tight little ass.. A plug with a long, fur tail on it... You've been sleeping well. Having some wet dreams... The room is hot enough that you can sleep comfortably naked, just like daddy does on the bed. You can feel the sticky wetness on your fingers, and you know you've touched...

2 years ago
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Friday The Wharf

SEPTEMBER Saturday Adèle lay exhausted on her untidy bed, her head throbbing from last night’s drinking, and her body from a whole day’s exertions. Ben had come over early in the morning and taken her mercilessly, over and over… and in a few hours, Robbie was coming to do the same. She sighed, her eyes closed against the aches that were slowly suffusing her entire body, and the sweet soreness in between her legs. And her head… She’d kill for a beer, she thought, and dismissed the idea almost...

3 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 98

The actual meeting of the Cattleman’s Association went better than I ever thought it would. They did have us come up to the stage so everyone could see us as they introduced us. I learned later that the price of cattle wasn’t discussed during the meeting, because only those involved in a large sale such as ours, would be told what the prices were. The thing I like about their association is, even the little guys can consolidate their small herds and get the same price as the big guys. To me,...

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Fun Games for Sex Parties

1. Guess The Cock: half of the guests volunteer to kneel and wear a blindfold. The other half stand in front of them and place their genitals right in the kneeling players face. Both kneelers and standers must not touch each other other than with their lips and tongue and not a single word should be uttered. Sighs and moans are welcome. The kneeler who guesses the owner of the cock in his/her mouth is the winner. This is a hard game for new members of the group; however, it gets easier as...

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Fling With Big Boss In SFBayArea

Publishing my experience first time. I will share the real sex story I had with my big boss. Life feels dull when you move from a very active party and sexual life as part of reallocation. I moved to bay area recently and if any girls looking to party in SFO or nearby area or wanna enjoy NSA fun ping me back at Without the little background, this real incident can’t be enjoyed fully. About me, 29-year-old well built boy and always looking for new avenues of fun and pleasure. Was having fun...

1 year ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 3

Tabitha hangs up the phone, smiling to herself. “Why does this make me so happy?” “I wander why?” the little creature that started all this says from behind. Tabitha closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. When she turns around she is no longer Tabitha, but George. “Why are you here?” he asks. “The better question is ain’t those clothes a little tight fitting?” the creature asks, taking a puff on the cigar he holds in his hand. “I never took you for the cross dressing type.” “I’m not...”...

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Bimbo Kisses Lollipop Dreams A Platinum ChefDelacroix Side Story Part I

Bimbo Kisses, Lollipop Dreams: A Delacroix Side Story. Robert didn't have anything left to live for. The drugs were barely getting him from one day to the next. Without any money, he and his girlfriend decide for one more score to buy the drugs they craved. But things go wrong, and Robert is watching his life bleed out of a gunshot wound. But he was saved, redeemed by a spirit of justice who only demanded one thing in return: Use this gift to help the lives of others. Robert was...

4 years ago
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Erica Meets Tony

Erica Meets Tony By Erica Wright 03/02/03 - 08/01/03 After months of teasing, Tony and I were finally meeting. I booked the room for the weekend, and checked in around eleven am. I left word with the front desk that a friend would be stopping in to visit and that it would be fine to give him the key to the room. As soon as the door was closed and locked I opened my overnight bag and lay out my clothes on the bed. I opened the double pack of enemas and dropped them in the sink....

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Sunlight pooled like golden water, warm waves licking at the tousled blankets on the bed. Delia woke to the sound of a lawn mower starting in the neighbor's yard, her bleary eyes cracking open only enough to ascertain what the disturbance was. It was morning. She stretched like a cat, pushing aside covers that were musky and sweet from the night before. Her blond hair fell about her as she rose, rippling down her spine like platinum snakes of tangled silk. She padded to the kitchen, yawning...

Wife Lovers
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Hooked Chapter One

Written by ShyA little background before you read!This story was inspired by a long-term recurring dream I could never seem to shake, as well as Peter Pan. It's one of my favorites and I've finally expanded upon it.

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Time in New England Part Three

This is the third in a fantasy series that began with Time in New England Parts one and two and inspired during chats with WholelottaRosie -------------- Because Salem is only a forty minute drive from Boston and there’s much more to see here, we commuted up to that tiny village on the coast. Along the way I gave in to a whim and stopped in a sex shop in Lynn. Rosalind rolled her eyes but giggled like a schoolgirl as we entered the store and shopped around their products and videos. We shared...

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Its Time

It's Time by Deputy Duffy Part 1 I got home after another long day at work and retrieved the mail. I sifted through it...junk, bill, junk, bill.... "What this?" I wondered, looking over an envelope with no return address. "Hmmm?" I took it upstairs to my kitchen and opened it. Carefully. It contained three handwritten pages of pink paper. I read the first one, a brief cover letter, as it turned out. I wrote this letter the day I got home after Marcy's wedding, but it took me months to get the...

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