Black Friday Bargain
- 2 years ago
- 26
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Chapter 1. Meeting Sari
“There is someone I would like you to meet, David.”
Father had walked into my study looking like the cat that had just found the cream.
I followed him into the library and as we entered a young woman rose from an armchair.
To say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement. She was tall, perhaps five feet nine or ten. Her figure was superb except that she looked a little top heavy since she had large full breasts. From her narrow waist her hips broadened out gently and below were long shapely legs.
There sprang to mind a picture of a Greek goddess I had once seen, and this thought was enhanced by the classic beauty of her face.
Her chestnut coloured hair tumbled in seemingly careless abandon to cascade over her shoulders in shining waves. Glittering green eyes looked at me and there was something in them that fleetingly looked like a moment of startled recognition, as if she knew me, which I was sure she did not. Then a shutter seemed to drop down over her yes. She still looked at me, but it was if she did not see me.
I was riveted by her beauty. “She’s one of the loveliest women I have ever seen,” I thought. I mentally corrected myself. She was clearly no more than twenty four of five, just a year or so older than I was. She might better be described as a girl. There was a twinge of desire in my groin.
I wondered what she was doing here and for a moment considered humorously if father had bought her for me like families did back in the past, like paying a bride price. “Perhaps she belongs to some wealthy family with whom my father wants to have ongoing business connections.”
I had to stop myself laughing at the thought of father buying me a wife but my imagination roamed further. “Perhaps he’s bought her as a concubine for me – or himself.”
My fantasies were brought to a halt as father went on, “This is Sari Mikowski,” Sari, my son David.”
“Hello,” she said her voice a soft contralto that even in that one word revealed the accent of one whose native tongue was not English. Her eyes still looked through or past me and the voice matched her eyes, being distant and vague. I began to wonder if she was some sort of beautiful imbecile who was not quite with us.
She made no attempt to extend her hand for me to shake.
I remembered the flash of seeming recognition I had seen in her eyes a moment before and decided she was not imbecilic, yet there was something strange about her. There was a coldness and remoteness. Those eyes that did not see, a frigid stance which seemed to say, “I am untouchable”.
The word hauteur came to mind. She looked rather like those models on the catwalk with that frozen look of disdain on their faces that some assume as they strut arrogantly, displaying the latest creation.
Not sure how to respond to the frozen response my father’s introduction had elicited I followed her lead and said simply, “Hello.” I also failed to extend my hand.
I thought Sari was a name matching in beauty the one who bore it, but in my head I found my own name for her, “Ice Maiden.”
There was silence for a moment, and then my father said rather pompously, “Sari and I are to be married.”
I thought I might have misheard so I said, “What did you say, father?”
Impatiently he replied, “We are going to be married.”
That really focused me. Until that introduction I had never met or even heard of Sari. That my father was to remarry might not have altogether surprised me. Mother had been dead six years and there was no reason why he should not have sought female companionship, but someone who was approaching forty years his junior!
Then a wave of horror swept over me, “My God, I would have a stepmother about one year older than me.”
“Aren’t you going to congratulate us?” father asked, in a voice that he might use when intimidating some quailing witness in court.
What the hell did he expect? He brings in a stunningly beautiful Ice Maiden, announces they are to be married, and expects me to applaud!
I wanted to say, “Don’t be so ridiculous. Who do you think you are, Don Juan?” Instead, and knowing what was good for me, I managed to choke out, “Of course, congratulations.”
The Ice Maiden seemed to lose whatever slight interest she might have had in me and turning to father and putting her hand on his sleeve said, “Darling, you did say we were going to eat in that lovely restaurant we saw the other day…”
“So,” I thought, “Ice Maiden is able to string a connected sentence together.”
“Ah, yes. Time to go I suppose.” Father nodded briefly to me, placed his hand on Ice Maiden’s elbow and they left. The Ice Maiden did not even nod to me. I think I had ceased to exist for her. I was rejected as beneath her notice.
Chapter 2. A Recalcitrant Son
They left behind a thoroughly disorientated David.
I returned to my study, asking myself, “What’s the old man up to? Has he got horny in his old age? Perhaps he wants a decorative female to parade around and sit at table during his dinner parties?” Then another thought struck me, “Good God, he’s going to try and replace me!”
You see, I was one prize disappointment to father. He was an eminent barrister renowned for his ability to make the most scrupulously truthful witness look like an arch liar. Ours was a family of barristers who had made a fortune winning unwinnable cases for wealthy clients.
It was without question that I should follow in the family tradition. At least, it had been unquestionable until the time came for me to enter university, when I announced I would study medicine.
Father, my uncles and no doubt grandfather and great grandfather had they been alive, were horrified. They constituted the legal firm of Brook, Brook, Brook, Brook and Parsons. In case you are interested, Parsons is my father’s sister’s husband.
As I became more recalcitrant they became more adamant in their demand that I “Stop being such a stupid sod”, and follow the family tradition.
Had mother still been alive she would no doubt have sided with me, as she frequently had when alive, often sheltering me from my hectoring father. She was one of, if not the only, person who could bring father to heel. “Do stop trying to be so intimidating George, “she would say, “you’re not in the courtroom now.”
That would bring father down to a muttering but compliant level, such was mother’s influence with him.
My only defence against father and uncles was stubbornness. I can’t say they eventually relented, indeed, they used all their courtroom skills plus bribery to try and change my mind, but finally they accepted the verdict and retired from the struggle still complaining and threatening.
So that was it, I conjectured, the beautiful bride to be was to bring forth a new male heir. But why, I wondered had a girl like that accepted a man my father’s age?
I tried to be objective. For his age father was still a handsome man, he had an aristocratic appearance and with the timbre of his baritone voice he sounded impressive. Above all, he was rich, well connected and powerful. So, I decided, the bargain had been struck, child bearing in exchange for security and status.
I suppose I might as well admit that while mother was alive, and right up until my stand about studying medicine, I had been somewhat cosseted and spoilt, as befitted one who was to take his place in the family law firm.
Once I had won the case for medicine father seemed to lose interest in me. The bonds of affection between us had always been tenuous, his interest in me being little more than one to carry on the family traditions in legal practice. Of course, I still got the benefits of the family wealth. My father could not “let a son o
f his go around like a pauper,” but he began to become almost a stranger to me.
Looked at objectively I suppose like Ice Maiden I had made my bargain as well. I accepted his lack of affection for the sake of being supported through my medical course. I could have left the family home and entered a university college or taken rooms somewhere, instead I settled for the comfortable environment that only demanded that I keep out of father’s hair.
I gave a sardonic laugh. “I suppose that makes both me and the girl whores in our own way.”
Thus I came to the conclusion that father was marrying Ice Maiden in the hope of producing another son who would follow in his legal footsteps. Of course, he might not be alive to see that hoped for outcome as he would be well into his sixties if and when such a son was born. He would need to live until he was nearly ninety to witness the boy’s entry into the law practice.
Another thought occurred to me. My father was a very chauvinistic male, what if the child was a girl? Would he like Henry the Eighth dispose of his fair bride? I had a chuckle at that thought.
Having demonstrated my independence about studying medicine, I fully intended to continue that independence once I had graduated. I would cease to be financially dependent on the family, and make my own way. The anticipated brother or sister could have their share of family goodies, and welcome, but graduation was still some way ahead for me so, I decided, “I’ll keep my head down below the trench line for the time being.”
Chapter 3. The Wedding
The one aspect of the upcoming marriage that did trouble me was the stepmother aspect. How was I to cope with a beautiful if icy stepmother? It seemed faintly ridiculous to have a stepmother more or less my own age. “Still,” I thought, “needs must. I’ll have to deal with it as best I can. Perhaps Ice Maiden might melt a little.”
As it turned out, Ice Maiden did remain frozen, which was just as well, as well I thought.
The wedding was to take place a couple of months after I was first introduced to Ice Maiden, never the less, all the formalities had to be gone through. There had to be an engagement, and my father’s engagement gift to Sari was a magnificent diamond ring plus a Jaguar car. His wedding present to her was an exceedingly expensive motor launch, and he probably saw as an added bonus himself as her husband.
For the wedding he managed to get a tame bishop to conduct the ceremony in the city cathedral. I vaguely recalled grandfather having defended the cleric on a paedophile charge some years before.
The congregation was made up of legal colleagues, family members which was much the same thing, their womenfolk and politicians to whom favours had been done or from whom they had been received.
There was no one there at the ceremony or the reception who were real friends of my father. My father had often espoused the view that one did not really have friends, only people who could “do you favours.”
Ice Maiden did seem to have a few friends present but they were all about her own age. With them I saw Ice Maiden show some signs of animation for a change. It did strike me as odd, however, that she seemed to have no relatives present.
I did have a friend with me, Sylvia, but even in our case we were also currently bound by favours. It seems to run in the family this exchange of favours business. The favours uniting Sylvia and I were exchanged in bed.
Sylvia was a fellow medical student and my current bed companion. We were not in love or anything like that, and the relationship was one of exchange. Neither of us sought anything long term either with each other or anybody else. We had sexual needs, and we satisfied them with each other – for the time being.
I seemed to have no problem in getting girls for sexual gratification, but I did have a rule that stated, “Only one girl at a time.” Sylvia and I had been serving each other for about six months at the time of the wedding.
My father, conservative in most things, was at least a liberal with regard to my sexual needs. When it became obvious that I was good and ready to begin sexual activity, he spoke to me, or rather, he gave a speech, in which he announced that although he wouldn’t actually find sex partners for me, should I find some for myself, I was “welcome to bring them home for the night”.
Having a generous allowance plus a BMW and access to a ski boat, I had little difficulty in finding girls to gratify me, much to the chagrin of my fellow male students and those girls who missed out on me.
Did I hear you say, “Arrogant young bugger”? Not really because I am only telling the truth. Money seems to buy most things, except one. If you don’t know what that one thing is, then you must wait to find out.
It was at the wedding reception that Sari met Sylvia for the first time. Sari’s sparkling green eyes seemed to sweep over Sylvia, her lips curved in a faint mocking smile, she murmured, “How do you do,” and moved on.
Sylvia stared after her for a moment then turned to me and said, “Bloody frosty bitch isn’t she?”
I shrugged and said, “Careful, sweetheart, that’s my stepmother you’re talking about.”
We both burst out laughing.
During the course of the reception I noticed that Sylvia was not the only one to be the object of Sari’s disdain. She seemed to shower her frost over everyone except father, whom she treated with exaggerated and rather embarrassing affection, and her few friends present with whom she actually laughed.
Sylvia nudged me in the ribs and asked, “How’s it going to be, having a sexy stepmother like her around the place?”
I tried to laugh that one off saying, “Getting my prick inside that one would be like entering an ice box”. Never the less Sylvia had added to certain thoughts lurking in my head.
For all her coldness Sari was very physically desirable. If proof was needed for that, one had only to see the lustful looks in the eyes of the men, young and old, at the reception. Also, by an equal and opposite reaction, one only needed to look at the anger and spite in the eyes of their female companions.
I hastily tucked that thought of Ice Maiden’s physical attractions into some dark recess of my mind, and as soon as all the sycophantic speeches were over and the “happy couple” sent on the way to their honeymoon, I took Sylvia to bed and endeavoured to relieve myself of lustful thoughts – for a while.
Chapter 4. Marriage Problems and a Slight Thaw
While the honeymoon couple were away life got back into its routine of study and bedding Sylvia. During this time I wondered if Ice Maiden would eventually drop her detached attitude and become more sociable.
I had thought that once safely married and secure, Sari might warm up a little. She did not. With everyone Sari stayed at a distance. We had two servants, a cook, Josie, and Lisa whom we described as our “Housekeeper.” Neither of them actually lived in our house, Josie being married and Lisa having a small cottage of her own. Ice Maiden treated them with the same disdain she used with everyone else except my father. The trouble with Josie and Lisa was, that they interpreted Ice Maiden’s attitude as one of contempt for their status in the house.
Lisa literally ran the house. She was a well set up woman of around fifty and at one time I did think she might have been my father’s choice as companion in his old age, which indicates the place she occupied within our household.
My father held many dinner parties, mainly attended by those from whom he sought “favours.” Seated at the meal table Ice Maiden maintained her distant attitude. At times it was almost as if she was not there, mentally and emotionally speaking. Physically it was another story. The men still clearly lusted for her, and the
women hated her.
With me she remained equally reserved although I was told to call her “Sari” and I, of course, was “David.” To my great relief she made no attempt to play the substitute mother to me. Had she done so it would have been both embarrassing and ludicrous.
For some time Ice Maiden and father continued their displays of affection, my father calling her “Pet” and “Darling,” holding her hand or stroking her. Sari reciprocated calling him, “Sweetheart” and “Dearest.” It was all very doting and to me slightly nauseating.
It was around twelve months after their marriage I began to notice a fall off in this connubial bliss. Father seemed to be less uxorious and Ice Maiden referred to him as “George”, having dropped the endearments.
I took little notice of this, assuming it was the fall off that seems to occur in most marriages when the first blossoming has faded. I confess that I based this on my own experience, which although not marital, did indicate to me that six to twelve months was as long as I lusted for any one female.
Two years went by. I was well into my medical course, and socially speaking I had passed beyond Sylvia to Stacy and from Stacy to Tania and was currently enjoying Rosemary.
Ice Maiden seemed to have thawed a little in relation to me. At the same time I noticed that she and father were starting to snap at each other ever more frequently. I gathered that as some of the warmth between stepmother and father diminished stepson became the doubtful beneficiary of Ice Maiden’s need for an ally in the house.
It is said that “familiarity breeds contempt.” Living in the same house as Ice Maiden might have meant that as I got used to her just being around, I would no longer have unfilial thoughts about her. I must admit to you, it was not so. At times Sari made it very difficult not to have prurient thoughts about her. To see such a physically attractive woman floating around the house and at times glimpsing her in minimal underwear or scanty casual garments did nothing to keep the hardening of my manhood at bay.
I suppose I should have been grateful that she kept me at double arms length most of the time. Had she been overly affectionate or physically demonstrative, I think my life would have been one great hell of sexual hunger for her.
As it was, I set up my own defensive barrier. I avoided her whenever possible, made excuses for not eating with father and Ice Maiden, taking my meals in the kitchen early with Lisa and Josie before they left for the night, and whose conversation I found more stimulating than that which took place in the dining room.
As for that dining room conversation, it consisted mainly of my father going on about his latest legal victories to which Sari made appropriate noises of admiration. Alternatively they might engage in one of their ever more frequent tiffs, or would sit in silent hostility. When I did join them for a meal anything I had to say seemed to skate past them.
I longed for the time when I would qualify and could leave home and begin my professional life. That way I should be independent and away from the tantalizing Sari.
Sari was becoming a real itch in my groin. In addition, I began to feel an intense envy towards my father as images of him laying Sari came floating into my consciousness.
Life was made even more difficult when Ice Maiden began the slight melting process. She actually started to make the odd enquiry about my studies. I suppose this was a safe topic, but it did seem to indicate that she was reaching out just a little.
When responding to her queries about my studies, she also opened up a fraction about her own academic life. I had earlier considered whether all the remoteness on her part might be a cover up for her lack of intelligence. When I learned that she was an honours graduate in classical studies at a university in her country of origin I had to review that view of her. “My God,” I thought, “there is a brain under that ice. Who knows, I might even find a human being in there.”
So things tramped along with father and Ice Maiden getting ever more irritable with each other, and my existence being acknowledged by my frosty but now slightly unfreezing stepmother.
I tried to puzzle out what the real problem was between father and Ice Maiden. It was always over very petty matters that led me to suspect there was more to it. I was due to find out.
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I recommend reading part 1 if you havent already I realize now that I did mess up the Shaw thing but it seems unnatural to change it now. Sorry this took so long it was the combination of life and writers block . ******************************************************************************************************************** She was woken by a whispered Sari, its time, you have to get up now. The naked breast resting on Saris shoulder as the girl leaned over her was an instant reminder of...
This wasn’t like her. Sarie never had sex in public places. Never anywhere she could be caught. Certainly never with anyone she had no intention of dating seriously. Yet one month after breaking up with Melinda, the girl she’d loved for two years, she found herself flat on her back on the conference table at work. At Angie’s mercy. Angie “the powerhouse” Baker was so different from her. So different from Melinda. It was what had first attracted Sarie. Angie was open about being a lesbian,...
Office SexTRUE STORY. My mom is a very simple, attractive, tall, 38 year old women who works at the college i attend as a teacher aid. In terms of sexual appeal, she has large breasts, and she often goes to the gym. In terms of what's going on in this story, we have to attend my aunts rehearsal dinner for her 50th birthday, and we also have visitors over that we have to take to the dinner. Mum asks me to drop fua and fui to Rohans place. On our way there, fua asks to stop at the sari shop. We use the...
Pete and Sam had gone back to the car to fetch some baseball bats and rope. It was getting late, dusk would be arriving shortly, and people had started to clear out of the park, so we figured this would be a good time to get ready. We would pick out some immigrant straggler, chase them into the backwoods and beat the crap out of them. Call it our Sunday evening entertainment, boys night out, whatever. My job was to wait on the park bench and scope out potential victims. Actually I had my...
Hello everybody! This is Sunny with a fantasized story. I fantasize a lot about touching; feeling and fondling big-breasted females and also beautiful, voluptuous bellies, deep holed navels. I love females wearing saris and revealing. I can give them lot of pleasure, fondling and pampering. I also love to keep my erection for a longer period and enjoy it. Sometimes I enjoy my erection for many numbers of days. I am married hence “No Sex” with others. Only fore playing and fondling. Accidentally...
This wasn’t like her. Sarie never had sex in public places. Never anywhere she could be caught. Certainly never with anyone she had no intention of dating seriously. Yet one month after breaking up with Melinda, the girl she’d loved for two years, she found herself flat on her back on the conference table at work. At Angie’s mercy. Angie “the powerhouse” Baker was so different from her. So different from Melinda. It was what had first attracted Sarie. Angie was open about being a lesbian,...
Author's note: I'm not sure how many chapters I can write for this story, so I welcome everyone to add chapters. It's 5:30 AM and you couldn't sleep at all. Today was a big day. You knew that you're not the only one: everyone was in an excited yet nervous mood for weeks. At 6:50 AM, you turned the TV on. This TV program would have the highest viewer rating in history. Exactly at 7:00 AM, the program began. A famous master of ceremonies spoke: "Hi, everyone. I know everyone is anxious, but we...
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At the time of this story Desiree’s husband was in the middle of a two week training course 1,000 miles away. I along with my wife and a few friends were helping Desiree move the last few loads into their new house. They had bought a nice house in suburbia with a half acre of ground and a nice in-ground pool surrounded by a privacy fence. John’s mother had the kids for the weekend so that Desiree could finish moving in. We were packing their shoes into boxes when I notice that they...
It was finally Friday afternoon and Keith was having a hard time controlling his hard cock. All he could think about was the evening planned with Ms. Davis and his mother. He could only dream of the things they might do together, but it only further pushed his cock to the spurting point. Keith hustled for the door at the final bell for the day and headed straight home. He managed to get home ten minutes earlier than normal and considered himself lucky not to have gotten a ticket. But when he...
I pulled into the drive at home and realized both my parents were home. I did a quick check to see if anything was obviously out of place. I knew my body was sticky, but a quick check of the mirror didn't look too bad. I came in, hung my coat and headed for my room. I grabbed some fresh clothes and hit the shower. As I got out of the shower, I noticed all the scratches and marks over my body. Teeth marks on my chest and scratches on my hips and ass. I thought back, but couldn't distinctly...
Oral SexHi, this is sakib. I have had submitted my story before and that my third story. And my entire story is true story. Well I am 23, 5ft 8in tall. Good looking hand some guy. I have 10 inch long dick. My dick is kind of fat too. Its real dick. I am from U.S.A. I live in state of Michigan and city of troy. But I am BANGLADESHI. I was living in use for more than 18 years. Now let me tell you guys about my bhabi. Her name is nafisa(name change). She is my cousin wife, she live in USA too. She lives...
Incest100% fiction! This happened about an year ago in Chennai when I came there to write an examination. It was my mom who accompanied me for the test. Since my dad is working in Germany it was only me and my mom at home. My mom, Susan aged 39, works at a private firm in Kerala. She is such a sexy hot figure that every man wish to fuck atleast once. Of course she had relationships with some men I know which I will tell later. I was just ashamed and afraid to question her though I often heard a lot...
IncestAfter my little tryst with Tony, I found myself very popular with some of the guys on our floor. It seemed that more of them new my name than before, this was about three to four weeks later. Gary and Mike was coming down the hall, they shared a room at the far end of the hall. It seemed strange that they would be using the stairs at this end of the building, rumor had it that they were more than just room mates, besides, you didn't have certain stairs you must use Gary spoke first 'hi David,...
Philip came to work that morning knowing that his daughter, Pam, was coming to his office for a visit with him. She had only called and made the appointment with his secretary and so he'd seen it on his schedule the day before when he got the summary of his next day's activities. Philip got so horny that morning in anticipation of seeing Pam again that he wanted to sit there and jack himself until he came but he thought there was that distinct possibility he might need all of his cumload...
Now sitting on my own for the third night in the dimly lit ops room my mind start’s to wander. The worst thing was the anticipation of what was about to happen to me. We arrange to meet so I can see him delete that message from his phone and he did say he just wanted to have a look, that was all. I can hear the rain outside on the window, it must be the weather front coming through I saw on the met report earlier in the day. I get up and walk over toward the flight planning desk and look out...
3:00 PM MONDAY - NOVEMBER 5 I woke up on Monday at three o’clock in the afternoon. On a different day I would have sought out my big brother George, and seen if he had a little time to make love with his little sister. George is the very best big brother any girl could ever hope to ask for. I may have been the one that seduced him ten years ago, but he knows me better than I know me. He knows what I like, what I want, and what I need. More than that he truly loves me, and he tries to give me...
Well it all started out as just a Poly connection, Amy and I had been talking online and we really hit it off. We started to get together a couple of times a month. She was married with two young adult children and a husband that also had a girlfriend. After a while I learned that the daughter was very interested in Photography, as am I. Every time Amy and I meet her daughter wanted to come along to show off some of her Photographs, after a while I said yes have her come to dinner with us...
JAMAICA -- Day 1"I almost forgot to pack my bathing suit," laughed Marni as she was throwing some final things into her suitcase."I guess we'd just have to stick to the clothing optional beaches then," her husband joked in return, with some wishful thinking, but little real hope."That's not going to happen," Marni responded relatively seriously."I suppose they have places where you could buy a bathing suit there," said Rob. "In fact, you need a new one to go along with your new body. You...
Aug 13, Sunday Wowey! I had a really weird dream last night. I dreamed I was on a picnic table and the girls were eating me for lunch. There wasn't any blood or gross stuff but they were eating me and I could feel them doing it. Strangely enough I was enjoying it. They were enjoying me too and we all chatted about how I tasted. Like I said, weird. I also missed the others. When they were in the bed I could turn over as much as I normally do but I missed holding them and being held. It was...
Julia, Anfang 30, hatte braune lange Haare, eine schlanke Figur und eine Körbchengröße von 80 C. Sie arbeitete als Immobilienmaklerin bei einer angesehenen Firma. Chris hatte gerade seine Ausbildung in der IT abgeschlossen. Er stand schon lange auf Julia. Doch sie ignorierte ihn völlig und beachtete ihn wie Luft. Da Chris Zugriff auf alle Computerdaten hatte, blickte er abends, als alle Mitarbeiter das Büro schon verlassen hatten auf den Rechner von Julia. Hier entdeckte er, dass Julia, die...
Naturally, once we all got to the pool, we all stripped naked as before, while I got the brilliant idea of filming us as we skinny-dipped. The sight of so many nude, wet, and sleek bodies in the hot Georgia sun was more than enough to drive home just how sexy a family this was that I had joined. We swam, dived, splashed water, dunked each other, and generally horsed around near and in the pool, each of us eager and ready to soon fuck each other without mercy. We were all hot and bothered in...
Chapter 1 There are books on parenting but, trust me, they don't cover everything. Not even near. This all started one night when my husband, Mel, woke up, hearing some noise and went to investigate. I was only vaguely aware of his leaving the room but, after a while, I went, myself, to investigate as there were still sounds I couldn't identify. As soon as I went in the hall, I knew it was from one of our boy's rooms. We have twin boys, they're fraternal, and just turned sixteen two months...
Incest?Try these on,? she laughed, holding up a pair of shoes. I gaped for a moment, then laughed too. ?How am I supposed to walk in those?? ?I think the idea is that you don’t.? The heels were so high that the foot was forced into a point, like ballet shoes but without the flexibility. The black leather shoes were held on by thick straps around the ankles. My experiments with ballet had ended at the age of seven when I’d decided pink tutus were definitely not my style. Aside from the pointed toes,...
He said good morning to the neighbor and of course she smiled back and said hello and good morning to him too. He asked her how it was going and again she continued to smile and warmly say everything was great. She then asked how he was doing and of course he told his neighbor and friend that everything was real good and thanked her. Seeing as the two were neighbors and lived about five houses apart, she invited him in. They talked a few minutes and while they did he would try and occasionally...
MatureHadley Viscara really knows how to get cocks hard showing off that rocking hot body in her navy blue lacy lingerie! She’s more than happy to run her hands all over her body just for you! She is so wet and wants to fuck Donnie Rock so bad! She gets on her knees giving him one hot blowjob wrapping those wet lips all over the head and shaft of his cock! Donnie gets her into all your favorite positions letting you watch as he penetrates her deep! Hadley moans out begging for more and more....
xmoviesforyouThere was no hiding the fact she had made a scene. Beth knew she had lost control completely and that had not been a very bright thing to do. Unfortunately, if her intention had been to raise the issue of her brother’s plight, then she had totally failed. The prison staff had only been interested in her and the negative impact she was having on the whole ward. They simply marched her out of the hospital wing and took Beth straight to an isolation cell, before dumping her unceremoniously...
Erin loves her husband but Trevor can be so goddamn exhausting. When her friend Kate visits, however, she gets some relief. The attention Trevor gives Kate would worry many wives. In Kate’s presence, it’s as if Erin disappears but she quite likes being a ghost— present but not forced to engage, a witness but not a participant. There is peace in this. On top of all that, Erin enjoys watching Trevor stumble; his flirts ignored; the fake niceties Kate puts on to humor her friend’s husband; the...
ThreesomesTommy sat watching the television, his mother was talking on the telephone. ‘Yes Maureen, I’ll ask him and get back to you tomorrow, bye.’ Norma replaced the receiver and turned to her son, ‘Maureen was wondering if you could pop in on Saturday to fix her bedroom light, it keeps burning out the bulbs.’ Tommy looked up, his mother was always asking him to do little jobs for her friends, he didn’t mind, it was just that she said he wasn’t to ask too much in payment. This what not the way he...
It might have seemed audacious to ask the woman they’d screwed over to do their wedding flowers, but Calvin and Ivy were desperate. Three florists had already cancelled on them, and the summer wedding season meant everyone else was already overbooked. With a mere two months remaining until the big day, they had next to no time to find the kind of florist that could make their high-profile wedding into the exquisite occasion everyone expected. And Sofia Violet seemed like their only option.They...
CheatingAfter graduation and summer vacation I headed off to college. At this point I had no idea I would someday become a nurse so I decided I’d take an exploratory year to see where my interest as well as talents lay. My new roommate’s name was Gloria. She was a somewhat blonde girl of average height and weight and although I wish I could tell you we were instant friends, that was not the case. Gloria had her own circle of friends whom she had graduated high school with and had gone off to college...
This is the first episode in a series of true stories relating how I changed from being a shy, introverted NASA geek into a full-grown raging black bull. One aspect of all the erotic goings on we read about on websites like this one, is that the people who engage in these adventures seem somewhat surreal. Almost as if there is a fantasy race of humans living among us who seem to pull off these antics with ease, with a snap of the fingers so to speak. Oh, how I wanted to jump into the fray, but...
InterracialCherrill felt herself pulled up into Michael's arms, then every cut and whip mark on her breasts felt like they were on fire as she was hugged against his marvelous chest. "Aaaaaahhh..." she whimpered, trying to press down with her feet so that she could stand upright and ease the wonderful but painful pressure against what she now realized was the front of her whole torso, as well as her shoulders and arms where her life-mate was squeezing her in his arms. "Oh my God! I'm sorry!"...
Extract from the Journal of Patient Trokes, A. (Kept in shorthand) The lanterns aboard the Brougham carriage provided the only light by which to see. The dirt road was black as charcoal and the surrounding countryside deserted. The onset of autumn had stripped the trees of foliage, their wizened branches gouged the sky, searching for warmth and daylight so distant it was a forlorn and improvident gesture. I turned my attention to the figure that lurked beside me. I smiled, despite my...
The Christmas Tree By Paul G. Jutras I remember how Christmas once was with the whole family. Especially the selection of the tree. After I would be all bundled in my brown snowsuit, thick black snow boots, rainbow hat with a pom-pom top and mittens, we'd all get into mom's large station wagon. The ride never seem to take long, though we would travel quite a distance. What better way to get a Christmas tree than to cut down one own....
Author’s Note: These stories are hard to categorize… voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, quasi-threesome with bi overtones and a hot wife. If you’re interested in an illustrated version of the stories, send me an email at ———————————- Smiling up from between my legs, she ran her tongue sensuously along my shaft, licking her own juices from my cock. ‘Now, give yourself a minute to calm down, and then tell me how you got ‘poor, sweet, innocent’ Allie to spread her legs for you.’ ‘God, Carol....
Author: Manikyam Njangaludethu our kochu kudumbamanu, achan, amma, chechi (vayasu 18-ennekkal 2 vayasinu muthathanu), njan. Achanu oru thuni kkadayil sales man anu ravile 9.30 poyal ratri 10 manikku varum. Amma veettu joli yanu njangalkku oru pashu unde amma pakal samayangalil athine theettanum kulippikkanumokke kondu pokum. Pakal samayam mikkavarum veettil arum undakarilla. Njan onpatham classil padikkumpozhane adyamayi sexne patti ariyunnathu ente classile our koottukaran sex pusthakam...
CHAPTER 10Her tears ran riot for the entire hundred miles back to Phoenix. Her husband would be out of town for the next two days—a sudden business something or other—but he was on the cell and ready to join her on a moment’s notice if she needed him. He’d promised her that. She would wait to talk to him though. She very much needed to talk to her parents first anyway, and Sam’s dad too. When she talked to her husband she wanted all of what she had to say, all that she now knew, to be vetted...
Cheating,I think it’s fair to say that most people don’t grow up thinking about running for political office, and it’s usually personal circumstances that evolve to encourage them to do so. That is certainly the case with my husband Ed, and you might be interested in learning the path we took to his becoming elected to be the State Representative for our district in 2012.My name is Abigail, but everyone calls me Abi, and Ed and I grew up in a rural, farming county in the Deep South in the late 1990s....
CuckoldI didn’t fall asleep. There was too much going on in my mind. But I was glad to hold Jess as she slept, and to sit and think in the silence. Katelyn wanted me to be the guy she lost her virginity with. Part of me was giving myself a mental high-five. I mean, what guy wouldn’t jump at the chance of bedding a willing teenager? And Kate was willing. Or at least Jess said she was. And then there was Jessica’s story of her own experience. I hadn’t asked for all that information, and wouldn’t have...