زوجته حامل …فركب حماته ونكها free porn video

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انا عادل 27 سنة متزوج من حوالى عام او اكثر اعيش بالشرقية لكنى اعمل فى دمياط و اخذت زوجتى معى لاكون قريب من العمل افضل من تكون زوجتى بعيده عنى …
كنت انزل البلد كل فترة لارى اخوتى و اقاربى .. حملت زوجتى و كانت فى الشهور الاولى و نصحنا الدكتور بالا تقوم بمجهود فكنت دائما بجوارها كنت اعمل فى معرض للموبليا و كان يعمل معى ايضا اخو زوجتى و لها اختين متزوجين و اخت لم تتزوج بعد تعيش مع حماتى فى قريتنا ..
فى يوم وصلتنى دعوة فرح لابن عمى بالبلد و كان لازم احضر الفرح بدعوى التهنئة و النقوط عليا .. لكن لا استطيع اخذ زوجتى معى و لا اقدر اتركها لوحدها فاتصلت بحماتى ان ترسل اخت زوجتى الصغيرة تجلس مع زوجتى يومين حتى اعود من الفرح .. بالفعل وصلت اخت زوجتى صباح ما نويت السفر
و انا فى الطريق من دمياط لقريتنا بالشرقية اخذت افكر فى اشياء كثيرة و كيف انى محروم من الجنس بسبب تعب زوجتى من الحمل و انا من طبيعى احب الجنس جدااا و احب ممارسته يوميا ..
و لاحت حماتى و انا افكر فى الجنس و كيف انها لا تتعدى الثامنة و الثلاتون و توفى زوجها و هى ما تزال فى عز شبابها و افتكرت صديقى مجدى و هو يحدثنى عن البرشام الذى يثير المرأة و يجعلها فى حالة اثارة كبيرة و محتاجة للجنس قولت لنفسى ماذا يضر لو جربته مع حماتى و بالفعل اخرجت الموبايل من جيبى و اتصلت بمجدى و سالته عن اسم البرشام و كتبته على الموبايل و لما نزلت من السيارة روحت صيدليه يقف بها شاب و قولت له محتاج لبرشام طلبه منى صديق و فتحت الموبايل لكى يقرأ الاسم و عملت نفسى لا أعرف البرشام و لا اعرف لماذا طلبه صديقى سألنى الصيدلى صديقك متزوج قولت له ايوه متزوج ..
اخذت البرشام و خرجت من الصيدلية و انا أقول لنفسى اى محاولة يا البرشام يكون بجد و يعمل نتيجة او لا يوثر و يا دار ما دخلك شر
كان مجدى معرفنى ان مفعوله بعد حوالى ساعتين وصلت لبيت حماتى بعد المغرب رحبت بى و سالتى عن اخبار زوجتى كان معى كانز اشتريته مخصوص للمهمة و اثناء ما حماتى دخلت المطبخ فتحت الكانز و وضعت به برشامتين و ذهبت لها قابلتى فى الصالة فقولت لها الجو حار جدا و انا اشتريت الكانز من المحطة و انا جاى اعطيت لها واحد و شربت الاخر و كنت انظر لها و هى تشرب و اتكلم عن زوجتى و تعبها من الحمل و ازاى انا كمان تعبان لكى اوفر الراحة لزوجتى و هى تصبرنى و تقول معلش هانت كلها كام شهر و يجى النونو و انا بدات المح لها و اقول الاولاد كبروكى بسرعة و هى تضحك و تقول خلاص بقى هناخد زمنا و زمن غيرنا ..
استأذنت منها لكى اذهب للفرح و قالت لا لازم تيجى تبات هنا اكيد عند عمك البيت فيه ناس كتيرة بسبب الفرح و الهيصة قولت لها هقعد شوية و اجى …
خرجت من بيت حماتى و انا انظر فى الساعة كانت حوالى التاسعة قولت حلو قوى اقعد عند عمى ل 11 او 12 و ارجع خصوصا اننا فى الصيف و الناس بتسهر ..كان دائما معى فى المحفظة برشامة فيجا و ترامادول اخرجتهم من جبيى عند او ثلاجة قابلتنى قبل ما ادخل بيت عمى ..
جلست مع ابن عمى نضحك و نرقص و نغنى للعريس و انا استرجع مع اصدقائى بالقرية ايام الطفولة
و جاء و قت العشاء قومت مع العريس و الاصدقاء اتعشينا و و حوالى الحادية عشر و نصف استاذنت و قولت لهم هروح انام لانى تعبان من السفر و هكون بكرة من بدرى عندهم عشان تكون الدخلة و السهرة الكبيرة اصر عمى ان ابيت معهم لكنى اتحججت بان حماتى لوحدها و هى تنتظرنى كمان البيت هنا زحمة من كثرة المدعويين
خرجت من بيت عمى و انا افكر يا ترى البرشام عمل ايه مع حماتى الوقت وصلت منزل حماتى بنادى عليها فتحت الباب و دخلت المنزل و كنت مستعجل اعرف نتيجة البرشام لكنى لم يظهر شىء عليها قالت اتعشيت قولت ايوة قالت يخص عليك وانا كنت مجهزة لك عشا قولت فى سرى مش تستعجلى نأكله بعد ما أكلك …
قالت خالص اعمل لك شاى قولت لها مش هتنامى قالت لا انا هسهر شوية والا انت عاوز تنام قولت لها لالالا انا متعود على السهر قولت لها هدخل اخد دوش لما تعملى الشاى لان الجو حاااااااار جدا قالت ماشى
دخلت الدوش طبعا كانت برشامة الفيجا ظهر اثرها على زبى و كان منتصب على الاخر قولت ابدا انا اجس نبضها لان حتى لو البرشام عملت عندها حاجة مش معقوله هى اللى هتبدأ .. خرجت من الحمام و انا لا أتردى الا الحملات و الشورت و كان زبى واضح جدا من الشورت و منتصب جدا و روحت لها المطبخ كانت بتصب الشاى
اول ما لمحتى بالمنظر ده و انا عملت فيها عبيط ولا كانى عامل حاجة و قولت لها ايه الحر ده انا دايما كده فى الشقة عندى دايما بالشورت و الحملات ولا يضايقك يا يا حماتى قالت لالا يا حبيبى خليك على راحتك انت مش غريب ..
كلامها شجعنى و قولت لها و احنا بنشرب الشاى معقوله ياحماتى فى الحر ده و انت لابسه كده .. كانت لابسه جلباب بلدى و على راسها ايشرب كبير .. قالت عادى اتعودت على كده قولت لها اتعودتى ايه اللى اعرفه يعنى انت مش كبيرة اوى فى بنات فى سنك كده لسه مش اتجوزا بس انت اللى اتجوزتى بدرى اوووى انا عارف كنت مستعجله على ايه و اضحك و هى تضحك و الاحظ بين الحين و الاخر نظرتها لزبى المنتصب بالشورت ..
كانت حماتى بيضا و جسمها ملفوف و كانت تهتم بنفسها و يظهر ده على حواجبها و لفة رجلها من تحت او هنشها المدور عندها تقف
قولت لها و انا ابتسم بجد حرام كده معقوله تلبسى كده كان عندك خمسين سنة يا ستى البسى و افرحى مدش واخد منها حاجة دا انا سمعت دكتور فى التليفزيزن بيقول النكد و الحزن بيقصر العمر عاوزك تلبسى كده و تدلعى نفسى هو الواحد هيعيش كام مرة ..
قالت بس يا عادل هلبس ليه و لمين قولت لها البسى و ادلعى لنفسك انتى مش لازم لحد مقعوله حتى فى الحر ده و انتى لوحدك و لابسه كده و تنامى فى الهدوم دى طب اقول لك و حلفت و انا اضحك لازم حالا تقومى تلبسى احلى قميص عندك و هتشوفى انت كان عندك عشرين سنة و مسك ايدها و بشدها و هى تضحك اوى اوى و تقول تخرب عقلك يا عادل ضحكتى قميص ايه اللى البسه قولت لها ايه مش عندك قمصان نوم و الا ايه قالت عندى كتير بس مش ينفع هو انا لسه صغيرة حست من كلمها شوية ضغط و كله هيبقى تمام
شدتها من ايدها اووووى و اخدتها عند الدولاب و قولت لا يلا خدى قميص و على الحمام خدى دوش و البسى و تعالى ضحكت و قالت يووة فكرتى بزمان لما كان حماك بيعمل كده و يشترط انى البس قميص ضحكت و قولت لها طب يلا و مع تصميمى و انى هزعل بجد و انها لازم تشوف نفسها لان الحزن وحش على صحتها وافقت و قالت طب اختار لى قميص انت دورت فى الدولاب و روحت على قميص احمر قصير و قولت لها ده قالت لالالا ده قصير اوى اوى قولت لها طب و ماله هو للخروج ده هنا فى الشقة المهم اخدته و دخلت الحمام و انا انتظرها و كل شوق لاتمم المهمة المستحيلة …
خرجت من الحمام و هى تضحك و تدارى وشها من الكسوف و انا انظر لها لارى اجمل امراة جسمها ممشوق و صدرها واقف ناهد و سرتها تظهر من تحت القميص و شعرها مبلولة بالماء ضحكت و صقفت على ايدى و قولت ايوه كده هلك هلاك اظهر يا قمر طب صدقينى اجمل من عروسة فى ليلة دخليتها و قربت منها و مسكت ايدها و و قولت تسمحى لى بالرقصة دى يا عروسة ضحكت و قالت يخرب عقلك يا عادل انت عسل بجد هونت عليا كتير يا ريت كنت قريب مننا ..
قولت لها ممكن بقى تجيبى ايدك و تنسى كل حاجة قولنا الواحد مش بيعش غير مرة واحدة .. اخدت ايدها و قربت منها و كانى هرقص معها بجد .. هى فعلا جميلة سكسية على الاخر قربت منها و امسك ايدها و اخليها تلف قادمى و انا اتعمد انى التصق بها لغايه ما زبى المنتصب لمس مؤخرتها .. قالت بس يا عادل ظهرى تعبتى اوى اوى .. انا قولت بس فكرة لانى مش عاوزة حاجة عادية قولت هنيكها من غير ما اطلب منها واحدة واحدة …
قولت لها تعرفى يا حماتى انت بس شوية مساج و تدليك و هتكون تمام التمام قالت ازاى قولت لها يعنى اكيد ظهرك تعبك من الوقفه فى المظبخ و شغل البيت التدليك ده هيفك العضلات و هترتاحى خالص
قالت و فين بقى التدليك ده قولت لها انا اعمله لك ده سهل خالص بس تسمعى الكلام مش تطلعى روحى زى موضوع القميص قالت بعد الشر عليك حاضر هسمع الكلام يعنى هتعمل فيها دكتور بقى ضحكت و قولت ايوه و لازم تسمعى كلام الدكتور
قولت لها تعالى و اخدتها اوضة نومها و قولت لها يلا نامى على السرير قالت حاضر لما نشوف اخرتها كانت بالقميص الاحمر القصير و رجلها و فخدها يظهر بوضوح قولت لما اطلب حاجة اشوف رد فعلها قولت لها ممكن تقلعى السنتيان قالت ليه بصيت لها و قولت قولنا ايه قالت حاضر و فعلا خرجت لما قلعت و دخلتها و هى نايمة على ظهرها و صدرها باين كله تقريبا الا الحلمة قولت لها نامى على بطنك .. و رفعت القميص و شوفتها الاندر الصغير عليها و ظيرها الكبيرة الجميلة البيضا المدورة و مشيت ايدى على ظهرا بشويش و قولت لها عاوزك تقولى ااااه عشان مع ضغط ايدى و كلمة ااااااه اكيد هترتاح قالت ماشى لما ايدك تيجى على مكان الوجع هقول اااه و بدات امشى ايدى و اضغط بشويش و فى مكان فوق ظيرها و اسفل ظهرها قالت اااااه ضغطت جامد شوية الاه زادت و مع الوقت بقت تقول اه طول ما ايدى على جسمها ..
تعدت انزل على فخدها و ادلكه و من فوق امد ايدى لغايه ما تلمس صدرها لكنى لم اقترب منه اكثر حتى اشوقها و اسخنها طلبت منها تنام على ظهرها و لما اتعدلت على ظهرها كان كسها واضح منتفخ تحت الاندر و اثار بلل عليه عملت انى مش واخد بالى و قعدت جبنها و ايدها مفروده على السرير و انى ادلك و اروح شمال و يمين حتى قربت زبى من ايدها المفرودة على السرير لكنها لم تبعد يدها قولت حلو البرشام اشتغل و سخنت ..
بدات ادلكها بطنها و افركها و هى تقول اااه لكنها اااااااه مختلفه اكيد بقت ممحونة و انا ازيد فى الفرك قولت لازم اسخنها على الاخر و انيكها من غير ما اطلب منها نزلت بايدى على سرتها و سوتها و ايدها لامسه زبى و حست كانها بتحركها بشويش كانها نفسها تدعكه لكنها منتظرة البداية منى و انا ولا كانى هنا ..
قربت بايدى من سوتها فوق كسها افركها و لم المس كسها و نزلت شوية على فخذها و انا ادلك و افرد ايدى فيلمس صباعى الكبير كسها من بعيد قولت اعذبها اكتر فطلب منها تنام فى وضع الحضان تسند على ايدها و رجلها و ظهرها لفوق و وقفت ورا ظيرها بالظبط بين رجلها المفتوحه و قعدت ادلك فى ظهرها المرتفع و هى مازلت ممحونة و تقول ااااااااه و كنت حاسس انها على الاخر
انا مع التدليك بقيت اقرب منا من ورا و جسمى يلمس جسمها و زبى خلاص بقى يخبط فى ظيرها من ورا و اقرب و ارجع تانى كانى بعمل مساج بجد و بايدى من بين رجلها اقرب من كسها و المسه مرة و ارجع لما حست ان الاندر بتاعها غرقان قولت خلاص الفريسة جاهزة للاكل قولت اهجم بقى عليها قربت خالص من ظيرها و زبى بقى لامس فقله ظيرها و بضغط اوى و هى لقيتها زى اللى بتتعدل و زبى بقى بين فتحة ظيزها بالظبط و وقفت على كده لقيتها بترجع لورا على زبى بدات اهجم برضو براحة و ادخل ايدى من فوق فى الاندر و افرك لها ظيزها قالت الاندر مضايقك و انت بتدلك اقلعه قولت فى نفسى دى دابت خالص حرام بقى كفاية عليها كده قولت لها ماشى احسن برضو عشان اعرف ادلك كويس لان مكان الاندر لازم يدلك عشان على اللى ماسك عظمة الظهر قالت طب اتعدل و اقلعه والا تنزله انت قولت لا ماشى هنزله لك انا ..
بدات انزل الاندر براحه براحة و ظيرها البيضا الجميلة كنت هجم عليها بس قولت شوية و نزلت الاندر كله و بمد ايدى ادلك لها لقيتها غرقان على الاخر و زبى رجع تانى بين فتحة ظيزها و حست انها متعمدة و انا طبعا ساند على ركبتى و واقف وراها مباشرة و زبى تقريبا دخل ظيرها لقيتها بتقول ما تقلع الشورت بتاعك اكيد مضايقك و انت قاعد كده قولت لها انتى شايفة كده قالت ايوه هتكون على راحتك اكتر قلعت الاندر و قولت لها نكمل والا ارتحتى قالت لا نكمل ايدك حلوة اوى و بتريحى رجعت وقفت و هى فى نفس الوضع و زبى بقى حر من غير حاجة و انا بتعدل لقيتها رجعت قوى بظيرها فدخل زبى بين ظيزها و زادت فى كلمة اااااااااااه و صرخت يخرب عقلك ده زب والا خابور هو كبير اوى اوى ليه كده يكون فى عونها بنتى
قولت خلاص بقى و قعدت ادخله و اطلع براحة بين ظيزها و هى مستلسمة و كانت بتهز ظيزها و انا بدخل و بطلع لغايه ما زبى قرب من شفايف كسها الغرقان و بحركة منها زبى دخل كسها الساخن المولع و خرج من صوت كانها مش اتناكت قبل كده و قالت ااااااااه اااااااح كمان كمان انا بحس براحة كمان كمان اعمل كمان و ترقص ظيرها و زبى فى كسها ..
بدات اعمل بقوة و مسكتها من ظيرها بايدى اشدها عليها و ادخل زبى فيها بكل قوة و هى تصرخ و تقول كمان كمان و انا مستمر بكل قوة و و ضربتها على ظيرها بايدى فرحت و قالت كمان اعمل فيا كل حاجة انا تعبانة من زمان كمان
و قعدت اضربها و اشتمها و اقول لها يلا يا متناكة يا شرموطة يا لبوة و هى مبسوطة و تقول ايوه كده اضربى و اشتمنى ايوة انا متناكة انا من اللليلة المتناكة بتاعتك انت و بس يا دولة يلا كمان
و انا مستمر فى النياكة ادخل زبى و خرجة و قربت انزل قولت لها هنزل قالت نزل فى كسى اروى كسى العطشان قولت لها يحصل حمل و الا حجة قالت مش تخاف من يوم ما ركبت اللولب مش شلته قمت منزل فى كسها دفاعت من مية زبى الساخنة و هى تصرخ و تقول يالهوووووووى ايه ده احساس عمرى ما جربته
و اتعدلت و انا نمت على ظهر و هى قعدت تمص فى زبى لما وقف و نكتها تانى و تالت و نزلت فى كسها مرتين و مرة فى ظيزها و نمنا و كنا فى الصباح على موعد اااااااااخر ……

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William Redman CarterChapter 14

"Mom, can I ask a favor?" asked Lucy while putting some eggs in a pot of water to boil. This was the first chance, since arriving at the house the previous evening, for her to talk to her mother alone. William and her father had gone fishing, leaving them alone in the house. "Sure," answered Ann while peeling a potato. There were a handful of peeled potatoes in a water-filled bowl and a small pile waiting to be peeled. She was making a potato salad for dinner that evening. "I was...

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Prom Week

Frank was serving Brick a large piazza when his daughter Melany came in. Brick noticed the size of the breasts under her tight white tee shirt. "Look at the pair on her Frank!" Brick whispered."That's my daughter Melany" Frank replied. "Sorry Frank I." Brick started before Frank stopped him, with an understanding look on his face."It's alright Brick I know my daughter has one of the best set of jugs this side of the playboy mansion" Frank explained, beaming with a filthy form of pride."Shit,...

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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 16 Fear and Faith

Busy with her preparations for the forthcoming visit of Luna and Dudley Ginny did not know whether to be excited or apprehensive. She decided she was probably a bit of both. As she was getting everything ready to put in the oven when the visitors arrived she meditated on the difference between those things she had heard about Dudley from Harry and what she had been told by Luna. She had never met Dudley, but there were irreconcilable differences between Harry and Luna's versions of his...

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Todds Story

Todd's Story by Todd In the beginning, and I am not certain that this has anything to do with the rest of the story but you never know, my sister used to love to dress me in her doll clothes when I was very little. I do not know how long this took place or how often. But my parents have confirmed that it did take place. Later in life, in junior high, I shared a bathroom with my older sister and our dirty clothes were gathered in a common hamper. One day curiosity got the...

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The Good Wife Gone Bad

I checked my watch and saw that it was time for my lunch break. Hooray, I thought with a sigh. I cleaned up my work station and packed everything away, taking my lab coat off and hanging it up. I went to my desk and got my handbag, taking my phone and turning it on as I walked to the staff room to have something to eat. As soon as my phone was on it buzzed repeatedly with several text messages that I had missed while I had been working for the duration of the morning. The last text message was...

2 years ago
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How Does Your Garden GrowChapter 18

“Where is he? Where’s that big, bad devil? Where is Father Murphy? Where is Sister Lisa? Where are Sheriff Warner and Mayor Kalamatas? Where is Chief Moskowitz? Where is WGTO? I want coverage! I want the whole fucking community to witness me put several bullet holes in this motherfucking demon, so they know to fear me, and not him or his human handler, partner, whatever you call that prick?” Big Joey Massena, the capo for this particular town, demanded. The sweat pouring profusely off the...

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The Neighbor

I had taken off for the weekend and when I returned my roommate, Matt, was excited to tell me what had happened while I was gone. Matt told me Dana across the street had gotten laid off from her 11pm to 7 am factory job. Her husband, Joe still had his 11 to 7 job each night. Matt proceeded to tell me Dana in her boredom after her husband left for work, called him and came over. And in a short while they were fucking. Matt looked at me and said "she's going to be fucking both of us". I...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 25 Tuesday August 10 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 “So what do you have to say about the numbers?” Alice asked, looking up from her salad. Jake finished chewing a bite of steak. He was eating with Alice in the conference room at Diana’s. Financial reports for July were lying around the table. He and Alice had been reviewing them when their lunch had arrived. “It’s about what I expected. I was disappointed that June and July numbers were down until I realized that the year-on-year numbers were up modestly. That...

4 years ago
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Babysitting Sucks Chapter One

Matthew had better plans for a Friday night than to sit in and babysit his younger sister Laura and her best friend Bella. Let's face it, babysitting sucks. Especially considering he was nearly 18, but his mum had other ideas for him. As well as not being able to go out, he also had to tidy the house and cook tea for the three of them. He wasn't going to cook anything fancy, just some burgers and chips or some shit like that. He'd had plans to go and see his girlfriend Lorraine today,...

2 years ago
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Very hot faggot sucking bbc story i found and find

I had been fantasizing about sucking a big black cock for a long time. Looking at websites and pictures on the net, mesmerized by the sight of black cock. I finally couldn’t take it any longer, I decided I needed to try sucking one. I went on the web and found a sight that listed gloryholes in the area. I posted a note asking which ones were frequented by black guys and if I would be able to find black cock. After a couple of days, I received a response from a guy who pointed out two movie...

4 years ago
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The Coachs Wife

It had been a long a boring summer and I had to start a new year at another new high school. My dad was in the Navy and we had to move every 2 years to another base. This one would be different because we would stay 4 years and I could get to graduate at this High School. I was working out 3 times a week and just got a play book to study before summer football season would start. The coach was nice and he liked I could play both offense line and defense line. I was about 6ft 4 and 255 pounds...

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Mother in law canrsquot handle her alcohol part 2

As I got to the bottom of the stairs I could here her Mum Anne talking on the phone in the kitchen.“I’ll be home in the next 10 mins, just get in a taxi now” I could hear her say. So I waited at the doorway to listening.“I’ll pay for it when you get there”Yeah, I’ll make it worth your while,see you soon”And she hung up.“Make what worth your while”She spun round, embarrassed and shocked that I had over heard her.“ nothing” she giggled.“You dirty bitch, your lining up booty call” I joked.As MILs...

1 year ago
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Amy and the Professor

Amy and the Professor Dr. Andrew T. Temple & Pooch- Dr. Temple sat deep in his leather recliner. His right hand held a portfolioof the students scheduled for his upcoming Graduate Philosophy 522 class. Hisleft hand held a tumbler of his favorite Single Malt Scotch. It promised tobe a good night. One of his favorite activities lay before him; picking hissemester prey from among the many young, bright and fuckable co-eds who hadregistered for his course. Over his long and successful tenure at...

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‘My mom won it in a jitterbug contest when she was 20,’ she said, ‘and mom would never sell it.’ The older plump lady said to me, ‘My mom loved this old thing. She’d sit behind the wheel and remember when she was young and she was single, then put it back into the garage and it would sit there for another month.’ She laughed, ‘My dad cursed it because it ran so erratically, so it sat in the garage most of the time. Mom would get it out and clean it up once a month.’ As we walked out to the curb...

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Mom Dances with Black Guy at Party

If you want to see pictures of my mom, check out my profile page. Feel free to leave comments. The following is based on actual events. I just recently created an xhamster account because I feel like my story needs to be told. I still can’t believe what happened… My mom and dad are open swingers. I have known about their swinging lifestyle since I was in high school. Today I’m 22 years old and in college. This past weekend, we all attended my cousin’s wedding in Las Vegas. My mom, who is in her...

4 years ago
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Toxic But Not Sinister

The message had come in around ten when she was still at the bar, and she got there close to one. It read "I fucking hate you", and it was followed by the eggplant, drops, and tongue emoji. No follow-up. It wasn't that far of a trip and definitely didn't need to take three hours, but she took a little while because she stopped for another couple of drinks on the way, and that took a while longer because she got hit on by someone else who barely met her increasingly relaxed standards.Under...

2 years ago
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Fantasy or Nightmare

After 25 years in the communication field I was finally going to retire. I had spent the last two years in DC working for a defense contractor and had one year left on my contract and then retirement. We found a house in TX that we both liked. Because of the hot market we did not want to lose it so we put in an offer and ended up buying the place. The only issue was that I had to stay in DC to finish up, so my wife and two sons moved without me. I of course went down and helped...

3 years ago
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The Pee Party

The Pee Party Ashley thought that she was so cool. She had cool friends and she hung out at the cool table during lunch. That was just a bunch of bullshit. They were just like the rest of us, only worse. Ashley was sixteen years old and I was fifteen years old. Ashley always hung out with her four best friends forever. Amanda, Anita, Abigail, and AnnMarie were also sixteen years old. They were all born in September too. They called themselves the five aces. I called them the five...

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I Found a DVD part 3

I found a DVD part 3Hopefully you will have read parts 1 and 2 so far.Having babysat for my friends Jane and Pete a couple of times and watched videos of them enjoying each other, I was getting hornier than ever. I had seen Pete's cum all over my friend Jane's face, I had seen Jane cum and squirt over his face and finally I had seen my friends hairy pussy filled with spunk. Since watching these amateur porn films, I had been constantly wet in the pussy area. I just couldn't seem to shake the...

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Backyard Backdoor

I stood up and stretched. The sun was warming up the day. My grass had been freshly cut and the flowers I had recently planted look great. I had a six foot wooden fence around my yard which gave me some privacy from my neighbors. I had sunbathed in the nude out here plenty of times. I always wondered if any of them peeked over to see me. I decided that I wanted to feel the sun on my body. I shed my robe and stepped out into my yard completely nude. The sun felt great on my body. ...

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Plötzliches Bewusstsein. Ein nicht genau beschreibbares Gefühl für ICH EXISTIERE. Das Wissen einen Körper zu besitzen. Die Wahrnehmung für oben und unten, Wärme, Stille und Dunkelheit. Und das Wissen weiblich zu sein und auf den Namen "Eva" zu hören. Mehr war da nicht. Plötzlich wusste Eva das sie nackt aufrecht in einem kleinen finsteren Raum stand. Sie war aus einem Schlaf erwacht und hatte keine Erinnerungen wo und wer sie war. Sie fühlte wärme und konnte ihren Körper bewegen, wenn sie auch...

3 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 68 Portrait of an Ambitious Man

(As Kenshin and Saitou approach the inn, Soujirou is waiting for them at the front gate.) Soujirou: Mr. Himura Battousai, and Mr. Saitou Hajime. Kenshin (thinking): That voice... (aloud) Be careful, Saitou. This is the man who killed Governor Okubo. Soujirou: Oh no no no, today I'm just your guide. Look, I'm not even armed. Mr. Shishio is waiting for you inside. Please come in. Saitou: We can't start out being this cautious. Let's go. (Shishio sits on a cushion, smoking a...

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Succubus Blessing 8211 Part 5 A Deal

Rohan: Are you sure it’s fine down there? Prince: I told you your ass is clean. I stood up behind Rohan after enjoying eating his ass. I had pinned him against the wall and lifted his left leg onto the dresser opening his ass wide for me. His cherry-red asshole was wet and ready for my cock, which was rubbing against it. R: Don’t be a tease. Push it in. I pushed, and he moaned as my thick cock pierced his virgin ass, not stopping till I felt the end of his anus. 6 inches were in. As his...

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He Helped Me Masturbate

My man and I have been together for several weeks and I had finally let him stay the night. We had a wonderful first night of pleasure where I had more than a few orgasms. Afterward we were talking on the bed and he asked me how my first time was and I said wonderful, a large smile spreading across my face. Then he asked me if it was better tan masturbating and I admitted with my head down in shame that I had never masturbated. “What, really?” He asked in surprise. “Yes, I just never had the...

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My plan for a threesome Part 2

I was extremely thrilled that this adventure was taking off, and that while I lay on the bed with two pairs of strong hands working massage oil over my skin my neighbor had just told my gardener that I was ready. I gasped excitedly and deeply as I felt a finger worked into my clit. Standing by the bed near my feet and working my leg muscles, my gardener verbalized his surprise and I assured him that I was very much into this moment. I mean let’s face it… I was naked & covered in oil on...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 70

After Brandi's departure, Laura fell into her usual depression. Of all her lovers, both Brandi and Jonelle pierced her heart most deeply, and separating from either always caused her great pain. For three or four days she was unbearably glum and abstracted, and then on the fifth day something happened to make it even worse. She was cruising the aisles of her local Safeway, listlessly picking up a few things, when she noticed a new assistant manager handling the cash drawers, money orders,...

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Chithapa Pontatiyai Matter Seithen

Ithu oru kudumba kathai enbathai munbe therivithu kolugiren, en chithapa manaivi udan eppadi kama uravu eer patathu enbathai indru tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar raj vayathu 25 aagugirathu, intha vayathu migavum aabathaana vayathu niraiya thirumanam aana auntygal enai kama veri kondu paarpaargal. Auntygal 30 vayathai thaanginaale kama aasai athigamaagi vidum, kanavargal yaarum oruvarai matume oothu kondu iruka maatargal. Pengal niraiya aangal meethu aasai paduvaargal,...

1 year ago
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Mind Fuck

MIND FUCK ???? MIND FUCK ???? by Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ????????? ???? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected] ????...

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Construction Site Gangbang

“Hey, sweety, how ya doin’?”Kayla’s heart beat a little faster. Ooo, God, go away, you sweaty a****ls, she thought, clutching the blueprints to her full, pert tits and trying to ignore them. The construction workers didn’t stop.“Hey, baby, ain’t you fucking gorgeous! What’s a little girl like you doing out here?”Kayla walked faster, as fast as she could on the wooden catwalk on her high heels. It made matters worse that she didn’t quite know where she was going; it was a huge construction site,...

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10 Book2Chapter 6

We drove for a half hour and turned onto a paved road but at the next road, he turned around and went back. I didn't have to be told that he was leaving false tracks with his truck tires. It was probably not necessary but I liked the way he was careful. Nothing was said and I was in no mood to talk. We drove for over an hour, finally getting back to paved roads. He seemed to know where he was going and turned onto a smaller road. We came up to a cut off and we drove down far enough for Herb...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Reagan Foxx Eliza Jane The Pact

Teen Eliza Jane is studying for school when stepmother Reagan Foxx comes in. Dolled up in sexy lingerie, Reagan wants her to take a study break while her husband watches football. She slithers all over Eliza distracting her from her studies. Soon the blond teen can’t resist her cuddles and her huge MILF tits. Eliza worries about her father walking in on them. But Reagan is highly convincing and before you know it, the lesbians are necking. Eliza has never gone further than kissing with...

2 years ago
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The Magic Pouch

Derek was a typical 19 year old for today. He was of an average height, about 5'10", and build for his age. He had nice brown hair and green eyes. He wasn't exactly a jock but he wasn't a geek either. He liked to play sports but was never good enough to be on the varsity squad and he didn't like riding the bench so he had other creative endeavors. Derek excelled at his computer courses and although it wasn't all that suave with the ladies it did give him a change to get close to a few...

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Another First for Sarah

All of that was in the past now, though she had kept taking the pills… with everything that had happened, she didn’t dare to go off them. This particular night, Sarah was back in her old job at the elder care unit. When they had asked her to fill in for the regular nurse who was on vacation for a couple of weeks, she had hesitated, but decided that she might as well, as long as it was a temporary assignment. It had already been a long shift at the nursing home when the night took a...

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Married man brutal cherry pop

This happened when I was stationed in Fort Gordon, GA (Augusta) in 2010.I met this 38 year old married beefy bear through craigslist. I was originally looking to get fucked by a daddy but ended up meeting up with a man that was vers but more bottom. He was on post for some additional training, as he was a contractor with a big government office. We met up one day, took us some time to get together, as I had to find a way to break away from my friends for a few hours. We finally met up and went...

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Mary Deannas Anniversary Fuck part 4

Sharon Learns It AllWe went to a restaurant that had secluded tables and she just said, "Spit it out girl!"I didn't know how to begin. Sharon said, "I know its hard. I KNOW what you are going through. Let me help you."I stared at her, with the implication of what she had just said going through my mind."You. You and Robert, too," I stammered?She nodded yes and said, "Robert has been Fucking me for two years. I was his first conquest after he started working here. Now, tell me how it happened."I...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Jessa Rhodes 01052019

Jessa FUCKING Rhodes!!! Seriously, they don’t get any hotter or sluttier than her. Tan, smooth skin, piercing eyes, huge breasts and a booty only few women can attain, she is truly a XXX angel. And you’d think with looks like hers she be the stuck up snobby type…and you’d be wrong. Get to see her in all her glory as she talks about her life and her sexual interests before taking not one, but two, hard cocks. Spontaneously fucked all around the house and her face...

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KatieChapter 11 Katie the pimp

And indeed it was. We cleaned up the towels, clothes, put away the film and went to Katie's room. That is, after I went to relieve myself and scrubbed off that ridiculous eye-liner mustache. As I got back to her room, Katie and Andy left for the bathroom. I discarded the rest of my costume ... that is, the stockings and garters, but left the boxers on. I sort of understood why Katie liked them, now. When the girls came back into the room, Katie winked at me. "Pete, Andy wants you to make...

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She Stoops to Conquer part 5

She Stoops to Conquer by Priscilla Chapter 5 I woke early next morning with a clear head, but feeling rather peculiar where it touched the pillow. As I lay there coming back to life, my hand felt the strange protuberances on the sides of my head, and all the previous evening's extraordinary events came flooding back. I ran my hand down over my body, sensing the flimsy softness of the nightie, the mounds beneath it on my chest, and the soft panties around my waist and below. I...

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Uncle Deflowers Me

Let me first describe myself to you. I am Mehak, 18 years old. I stay in Mumbai (India). I am 5 feet 4 inches, fair in colour, more then average looks. My vitals are 33-28-34. This is a real story of incest, which happened 4 years ago. It was in the year 2008, at that time I was studying in 8th grade, in one of the prestigious college in Delhi. Let me tell you, I was a sportswoman during my school days and used to play badminton and table tennis. My body was not that developed at that time and...

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ExpeditionChapter 7 The Carpet

In the morning, a tired group carpeted in from the pool. "Can we keep the carpet?" asked the Cheese. "How come, chum?" quipped the Whatever. "Bill loves it." Jo said. "I was kinda planning on getting it back. It's on the inventory." Vickie said, "Oooh, that could be a problem." "Yup. Government funded." "We need it to explore," begged Bill. "I thought I let you use it for exploring the general neighborhood yesterday." "Yeah ... well ... uhm ... we got ... ah ......

3 years ago
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The Little Ignorant Slut 30

This is the continuing tale of Jane, the little ignorant slut. It is a silly, whimsical story about a young girl with a very overactive sex drive. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life, also, the author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals in real life. It is OK to...

2 years ago
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Charmaines Meaningful Affair

CHAPTER 1 Sitting on a stool at the bar in a rowdy group who’d been to dinner at the Comedy House restaurant-theatre, Charmaine Ross noticed the curly-haired guy about her age studying her, thankfully appearing very casual about it. The heart of the bored woman fluttered. She hadn’t committed adultery for a couple of years. Unless she did it soon she’d forget how good it was. Douglas was losing fitness and these days puffed and even dribbled over her and he performed his beloved bang. Like...

1 year ago
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Reddit ShinyPorn, aka r/ShinyPorn! Do you have a kink for a certain material? e.g., latex, PVC, leather, oil, rubber, and so on? Surprise-surprise, I am here to talk about a subreddit that will basically satisfy your dirtiest dreams when it comes to this shit and it is called r/ShinyPorn/. You are obviously very welcome to explore it all, and I shall mention the kinkiest and my personal favorite aspects of not only r/ShinyPorn/ but Reddit.com in general.First of all, Reddit is a free website,...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sexy Mature Milf Blindfolded Bang

Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here with a story of a sexy mature milf. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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The town of Starside

OOC: Change of plans. After a recent bout of inspiration I decided to restart the story in a way more suited for others to contribute if they deem it necessary as well as to allow me the liberty to put in other storylines, since the intro was pretty fixed. Long story short the town of starside is an imaginary land for unreasonable smut, filled with ignorant bimbos and lots of convenient events that make no sense but always ends up in sexual satisfaction for you, the reader. And quite often me...

3 years ago
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Tennant Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hii…all my ISS friends…I m puneet from Kanpur (U.P)…age 26..married with one kid… A short notice for Kanpur bhabhis n aunties..if u r not satisfied with your partner…then i am there for you .. Ill make u satisfied…mail me at i m a pussy licker..i loves to lick pussy until it gets squirts…i m little bit healthy and my asset is my throbbing thick dick..whose size is 5.7 inches * 2.8 inches…this was just small introduction of mine… The story begins a few months back…when my new Tennant shifted to...

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Be Here In This Moment Chapter 2

As I lay in my bed that night I couldn't help but replay the memories from earlier. From entering the warehouse to being introduced to the fourth floor, to what happened with Kimiko, and Teresa watching. My mind was a mess – and it was a blur. I still had a decision to make. But would it be the right one? I got up and headed to the gym. A little exercise should help ease my mind. I got through my workout with a clear head. I checked my watch and remembered I told Teresa I would return. I went...

1 year ago
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A Fantasy to be fulfilled

My Crossdressing fantasies, If you'd like to be in this one, let me know. I've done this and is so much fun. Dressing up to greet my date I carefully lay out my clothes. I love to dress up and be a submissive sissy, and my lover likes me accessible and clean. Per instructions from him, I start with a good clean and lube by enjoying an enema and carefully inserting a butt plug. Nothing like the feel of a butt plug! I've selected some very sexy lingerie to go underneath a sexy long black skirt...

3 years ago
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E005 The Next Day

When Emma got home she still felt shivers running through her. She did what she was directed to do and went right to her bedroom to ready for bed.Now, Emma wore thick panties and a long nightgown her whole life – usually flannel in winter and cotton in summer. They all buttoned up to her neck and had long sleeves.After she had taken her bra from her purse, looked at it and blushed, and then throwing it in the trash tonight, as she undressed and stood before her mirror looking at herself, she...

Love Stories
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SensualistChapter 5

A Jog Fuck – Phone Sex – Spying on Denise Using a Dildo – In the Backseat with Lillian – First Time Anal - Caught in the Act I was on my best behavior the following day, knowing that both Denise and Maureen would be watching my every move. Just before noon I told my mother I was going for a run. I was striving to be in the best possible condition on entering college in a few months to make a good impression on the swimming coach, and had taken to jogging several miles every other day. On the...

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Retribution One Down

Retribution: One Down By Bill Hart I truly doubted that he ever expected to see me again. But having known her for as long as I had and as well as I did, I could easily imagine she'd told him I was nothing more than a base coward afraid of my own shadow. She had clearly convinced the damn fool, who I'd once called my best friend, that he could easily take her away from me without me even putting up a fight. She had always been a rather selfish person. For as long as I'd known...

2 years ago
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Naruto KoRn Koncert In Konoha Part 3

57 Days Until The Concert Naruto was sitting on the couch watching TV with Hinata while Hanabi and Haku were out shopping for new furnishings for his house, when an envelope was slipped under the door. Naruto got up and picked it up, opened it and read aloud. ""Naruto, I know what you have going on at your little "Palace of Lust" and I plan to go straight to Hiyashi about it and he wont take this shit. Unless you bring 1000 ryo to the park at 10:00 I just might let...

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they were a young couple having dinner at a hotel they had always wanted to visit. It was a special occasion since they were celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary. She had always been stunning, but, since the birth of their daughter two years before, she had developed an innner glow of completeness that made heads turn wherever she went. He had outgrown his tall, gangly, puppy dog look and was truly handsome with just the right touch of severity about him to cause men to automatically be...

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Helping the Homeless

Tom was walking home from school on a crisp autumn day. The sun shone through the bare trees, and a slight breeze carried cheerful bird chirps. Despite the happy atmosphere, Tom could not have been in a more sour mood. His English professor gave him a failing grade on a term paper, and a car had nearly hit him as it sped down the road, only slowing down to scream "watch where the fuck you're going." Being a broke college student, this was normal for Tom. His car had broken down three weeks...

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Devil8217s fuck session

I am KARAN studying in class 12 in a school of Gurgaon, Haryana I am writing my experience hoping you people will like it please reply me at my email address at the end of the story and soon I would be starting a group on yahoo also which you people can also join. Ok here it goes. After studying in this school for more than 12 years I needed a change from this institution. This all started when I went for this change and believe me my wildest fantasy did come alive when I reached this school....

2 years ago
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It wasn't until I went to jail on a minor d**g conviction that I discovered what a perverted faggot I was. I had been assigned to B-8 and was to be housed in an almost all black barracks and there was very little oversight at that end of the jail. Most of the prisoners in "Crazy-8" were d**g offenders with a few guys sprinkled in who were there on parole violations or finishing out time on a longer sentence. There were two sleeping areas which housed about 50 men each and they were separated...

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