زوجته حامل …فركب حماته ونكها free porn video

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انا عادل 27 سنة متزوج من حوالى عام او اكثر اعيش بالشرقية لكنى اعمل فى دمياط و اخذت زوجتى معى لاكون قريب من العمل افضل من تكون زوجتى بعيده عنى …
كنت انزل البلد كل فترة لارى اخوتى و اقاربى .. حملت زوجتى و كانت فى الشهور الاولى و نصحنا الدكتور بالا تقوم بمجهود فكنت دائما بجوارها كنت اعمل فى معرض للموبليا و كان يعمل معى ايضا اخو زوجتى و لها اختين متزوجين و اخت لم تتزوج بعد تعيش مع حماتى فى قريتنا ..
فى يوم وصلتنى دعوة فرح لابن عمى بالبلد و كان لازم احضر الفرح بدعوى التهنئة و النقوط عليا .. لكن لا استطيع اخذ زوجتى معى و لا اقدر اتركها لوحدها فاتصلت بحماتى ان ترسل اخت زوجتى الصغيرة تجلس مع زوجتى يومين حتى اعود من الفرح .. بالفعل وصلت اخت زوجتى صباح ما نويت السفر
و انا فى الطريق من دمياط لقريتنا بالشرقية اخذت افكر فى اشياء كثيرة و كيف انى محروم من الجنس بسبب تعب زوجتى من الحمل و انا من طبيعى احب الجنس جدااا و احب ممارسته يوميا ..
و لاحت حماتى و انا افكر فى الجنس و كيف انها لا تتعدى الثامنة و الثلاتون و توفى زوجها و هى ما تزال فى عز شبابها و افتكرت صديقى مجدى و هو يحدثنى عن البرشام الذى يثير المرأة و يجعلها فى حالة اثارة كبيرة و محتاجة للجنس قولت لنفسى ماذا يضر لو جربته مع حماتى و بالفعل اخرجت الموبايل من جيبى و اتصلت بمجدى و سالته عن اسم البرشام و كتبته على الموبايل و لما نزلت من السيارة روحت صيدليه يقف بها شاب و قولت له محتاج لبرشام طلبه منى صديق و فتحت الموبايل لكى يقرأ الاسم و عملت نفسى لا أعرف البرشام و لا اعرف لماذا طلبه صديقى سألنى الصيدلى صديقك متزوج قولت له ايوه متزوج ..
اخذت البرشام و خرجت من الصيدلية و انا أقول لنفسى اى محاولة يا البرشام يكون بجد و يعمل نتيجة او لا يوثر و يا دار ما دخلك شر
كان مجدى معرفنى ان مفعوله بعد حوالى ساعتين وصلت لبيت حماتى بعد المغرب رحبت بى و سالتى عن اخبار زوجتى كان معى كانز اشتريته مخصوص للمهمة و اثناء ما حماتى دخلت المطبخ فتحت الكانز و وضعت به برشامتين و ذهبت لها قابلتى فى الصالة فقولت لها الجو حار جدا و انا اشتريت الكانز من المحطة و انا جاى اعطيت لها واحد و شربت الاخر و كنت انظر لها و هى تشرب و اتكلم عن زوجتى و تعبها من الحمل و ازاى انا كمان تعبان لكى اوفر الراحة لزوجتى و هى تصبرنى و تقول معلش هانت كلها كام شهر و يجى النونو و انا بدات المح لها و اقول الاولاد كبروكى بسرعة و هى تضحك و تقول خلاص بقى هناخد زمنا و زمن غيرنا ..
استأذنت منها لكى اذهب للفرح و قالت لا لازم تيجى تبات هنا اكيد عند عمك البيت فيه ناس كتيرة بسبب الفرح و الهيصة قولت لها هقعد شوية و اجى …
خرجت من بيت حماتى و انا انظر فى الساعة كانت حوالى التاسعة قولت حلو قوى اقعد عند عمى ل 11 او 12 و ارجع خصوصا اننا فى الصيف و الناس بتسهر ..كان دائما معى فى المحفظة برشامة فيجا و ترامادول اخرجتهم من جبيى عند او ثلاجة قابلتنى قبل ما ادخل بيت عمى ..
جلست مع ابن عمى نضحك و نرقص و نغنى للعريس و انا استرجع مع اصدقائى بالقرية ايام الطفولة
و جاء و قت العشاء قومت مع العريس و الاصدقاء اتعشينا و و حوالى الحادية عشر و نصف استاذنت و قولت لهم هروح انام لانى تعبان من السفر و هكون بكرة من بدرى عندهم عشان تكون الدخلة و السهرة الكبيرة اصر عمى ان ابيت معهم لكنى اتحججت بان حماتى لوحدها و هى تنتظرنى كمان البيت هنا زحمة من كثرة المدعويين
خرجت من بيت عمى و انا افكر يا ترى البرشام عمل ايه مع حماتى الوقت وصلت منزل حماتى بنادى عليها فتحت الباب و دخلت المنزل و كنت مستعجل اعرف نتيجة البرشام لكنى لم يظهر شىء عليها قالت اتعشيت قولت ايوة قالت يخص عليك وانا كنت مجهزة لك عشا قولت فى سرى مش تستعجلى نأكله بعد ما أكلك …
قالت خالص اعمل لك شاى قولت لها مش هتنامى قالت لا انا هسهر شوية والا انت عاوز تنام قولت لها لالالا انا متعود على السهر قولت لها هدخل اخد دوش لما تعملى الشاى لان الجو حاااااااار جدا قالت ماشى
دخلت الدوش طبعا كانت برشامة الفيجا ظهر اثرها على زبى و كان منتصب على الاخر قولت ابدا انا اجس نبضها لان حتى لو البرشام عملت عندها حاجة مش معقوله هى اللى هتبدأ .. خرجت من الحمام و انا لا أتردى الا الحملات و الشورت و كان زبى واضح جدا من الشورت و منتصب جدا و روحت لها المطبخ كانت بتصب الشاى
اول ما لمحتى بالمنظر ده و انا عملت فيها عبيط ولا كانى عامل حاجة و قولت لها ايه الحر ده انا دايما كده فى الشقة عندى دايما بالشورت و الحملات ولا يضايقك يا يا حماتى قالت لالا يا حبيبى خليك على راحتك انت مش غريب ..
كلامها شجعنى و قولت لها و احنا بنشرب الشاى معقوله ياحماتى فى الحر ده و انت لابسه كده .. كانت لابسه جلباب بلدى و على راسها ايشرب كبير .. قالت عادى اتعودت على كده قولت لها اتعودتى ايه اللى اعرفه يعنى انت مش كبيرة اوى فى بنات فى سنك كده لسه مش اتجوزا بس انت اللى اتجوزتى بدرى اوووى انا عارف كنت مستعجله على ايه و اضحك و هى تضحك و الاحظ بين الحين و الاخر نظرتها لزبى المنتصب بالشورت ..
كانت حماتى بيضا و جسمها ملفوف و كانت تهتم بنفسها و يظهر ده على حواجبها و لفة رجلها من تحت او هنشها المدور عندها تقف
قولت لها و انا ابتسم بجد حرام كده معقوله تلبسى كده كان عندك خمسين سنة يا ستى البسى و افرحى مدش واخد منها حاجة دا انا سمعت دكتور فى التليفزيزن بيقول النكد و الحزن بيقصر العمر عاوزك تلبسى كده و تدلعى نفسى هو الواحد هيعيش كام مرة ..
قالت بس يا عادل هلبس ليه و لمين قولت لها البسى و ادلعى لنفسك انتى مش لازم لحد مقعوله حتى فى الحر ده و انتى لوحدك و لابسه كده و تنامى فى الهدوم دى طب اقول لك و حلفت و انا اضحك لازم حالا تقومى تلبسى احلى قميص عندك و هتشوفى انت كان عندك عشرين سنة و مسك ايدها و بشدها و هى تضحك اوى اوى و تقول تخرب عقلك يا عادل ضحكتى قميص ايه اللى البسه قولت لها ايه مش عندك قمصان نوم و الا ايه قالت عندى كتير بس مش ينفع هو انا لسه صغيرة حست من كلمها شوية ضغط و كله هيبقى تمام
شدتها من ايدها اووووى و اخدتها عند الدولاب و قولت لا يلا خدى قميص و على الحمام خدى دوش و البسى و تعالى ضحكت و قالت يووة فكرتى بزمان لما كان حماك بيعمل كده و يشترط انى البس قميص ضحكت و قولت لها طب يلا و مع تصميمى و انى هزعل بجد و انها لازم تشوف نفسها لان الحزن وحش على صحتها وافقت و قالت طب اختار لى قميص انت دورت فى الدولاب و روحت على قميص احمر قصير و قولت لها ده قالت لالالا ده قصير اوى اوى قولت لها طب و ماله هو للخروج ده هنا فى الشقة المهم اخدته و دخلت الحمام و انا انتظرها و كل شوق لاتمم المهمة المستحيلة …
خرجت من الحمام و هى تضحك و تدارى وشها من الكسوف و انا انظر لها لارى اجمل امراة جسمها ممشوق و صدرها واقف ناهد و سرتها تظهر من تحت القميص و شعرها مبلولة بالماء ضحكت و صقفت على ايدى و قولت ايوه كده هلك هلاك اظهر يا قمر طب صدقينى اجمل من عروسة فى ليلة دخليتها و قربت منها و مسكت ايدها و و قولت تسمحى لى بالرقصة دى يا عروسة ضحكت و قالت يخرب عقلك يا عادل انت عسل بجد هونت عليا كتير يا ريت كنت قريب مننا ..
قولت لها ممكن بقى تجيبى ايدك و تنسى كل حاجة قولنا الواحد مش بيعش غير مرة واحدة .. اخدت ايدها و قربت منها و كانى هرقص معها بجد .. هى فعلا جميلة سكسية على الاخر قربت منها و امسك ايدها و اخليها تلف قادمى و انا اتعمد انى التصق بها لغايه ما زبى المنتصب لمس مؤخرتها .. قالت بس يا عادل ظهرى تعبتى اوى اوى .. انا قولت بس فكرة لانى مش عاوزة حاجة عادية قولت هنيكها من غير ما اطلب منها واحدة واحدة …
قولت لها تعرفى يا حماتى انت بس شوية مساج و تدليك و هتكون تمام التمام قالت ازاى قولت لها يعنى اكيد ظهرك تعبك من الوقفه فى المظبخ و شغل البيت التدليك ده هيفك العضلات و هترتاحى خالص
قالت و فين بقى التدليك ده قولت لها انا اعمله لك ده سهل خالص بس تسمعى الكلام مش تطلعى روحى زى موضوع القميص قالت بعد الشر عليك حاضر هسمع الكلام يعنى هتعمل فيها دكتور بقى ضحكت و قولت ايوه و لازم تسمعى كلام الدكتور
قولت لها تعالى و اخدتها اوضة نومها و قولت لها يلا نامى على السرير قالت حاضر لما نشوف اخرتها كانت بالقميص الاحمر القصير و رجلها و فخدها يظهر بوضوح قولت لما اطلب حاجة اشوف رد فعلها قولت لها ممكن تقلعى السنتيان قالت ليه بصيت لها و قولت قولنا ايه قالت حاضر و فعلا خرجت لما قلعت و دخلتها و هى نايمة على ظهرها و صدرها باين كله تقريبا الا الحلمة قولت لها نامى على بطنك .. و رفعت القميص و شوفتها الاندر الصغير عليها و ظيرها الكبيرة الجميلة البيضا المدورة و مشيت ايدى على ظهرا بشويش و قولت لها عاوزك تقولى ااااه عشان مع ضغط ايدى و كلمة ااااااه اكيد هترتاح قالت ماشى لما ايدك تيجى على مكان الوجع هقول اااه و بدات امشى ايدى و اضغط بشويش و فى مكان فوق ظيرها و اسفل ظهرها قالت اااااه ضغطت جامد شوية الاه زادت و مع الوقت بقت تقول اه طول ما ايدى على جسمها ..
تعدت انزل على فخدها و ادلكه و من فوق امد ايدى لغايه ما تلمس صدرها لكنى لم اقترب منه اكثر حتى اشوقها و اسخنها طلبت منها تنام على ظهرها و لما اتعدلت على ظهرها كان كسها واضح منتفخ تحت الاندر و اثار بلل عليه عملت انى مش واخد بالى و قعدت جبنها و ايدها مفروده على السرير و انى ادلك و اروح شمال و يمين حتى قربت زبى من ايدها المفرودة على السرير لكنها لم تبعد يدها قولت حلو البرشام اشتغل و سخنت ..
بدات ادلكها بطنها و افركها و هى تقول اااه لكنها اااااااه مختلفه اكيد بقت ممحونة و انا ازيد فى الفرك قولت لازم اسخنها على الاخر و انيكها من غير ما اطلب منها نزلت بايدى على سرتها و سوتها و ايدها لامسه زبى و حست كانها بتحركها بشويش كانها نفسها تدعكه لكنها منتظرة البداية منى و انا ولا كانى هنا ..
قربت بايدى من سوتها فوق كسها افركها و لم المس كسها و نزلت شوية على فخذها و انا ادلك و افرد ايدى فيلمس صباعى الكبير كسها من بعيد قولت اعذبها اكتر فطلب منها تنام فى وضع الحضان تسند على ايدها و رجلها و ظهرها لفوق و وقفت ورا ظيرها بالظبط بين رجلها المفتوحه و قعدت ادلك فى ظهرها المرتفع و هى مازلت ممحونة و تقول ااااااااه و كنت حاسس انها على الاخر
انا مع التدليك بقيت اقرب منا من ورا و جسمى يلمس جسمها و زبى خلاص بقى يخبط فى ظيرها من ورا و اقرب و ارجع تانى كانى بعمل مساج بجد و بايدى من بين رجلها اقرب من كسها و المسه مرة و ارجع لما حست ان الاندر بتاعها غرقان قولت خلاص الفريسة جاهزة للاكل قولت اهجم بقى عليها قربت خالص من ظيرها و زبى بقى لامس فقله ظيرها و بضغط اوى و هى لقيتها زى اللى بتتعدل و زبى بقى بين فتحة ظيزها بالظبط و وقفت على كده لقيتها بترجع لورا على زبى بدات اهجم برضو براحة و ادخل ايدى من فوق فى الاندر و افرك لها ظيزها قالت الاندر مضايقك و انت بتدلك اقلعه قولت فى نفسى دى دابت خالص حرام بقى كفاية عليها كده قولت لها ماشى احسن برضو عشان اعرف ادلك كويس لان مكان الاندر لازم يدلك عشان على اللى ماسك عظمة الظهر قالت طب اتعدل و اقلعه والا تنزله انت قولت لا ماشى هنزله لك انا ..
بدات انزل الاندر براحه براحة و ظيرها البيضا الجميلة كنت هجم عليها بس قولت شوية و نزلت الاندر كله و بمد ايدى ادلك لها لقيتها غرقان على الاخر و زبى رجع تانى بين فتحة ظيزها و حست انها متعمدة و انا طبعا ساند على ركبتى و واقف وراها مباشرة و زبى تقريبا دخل ظيرها لقيتها بتقول ما تقلع الشورت بتاعك اكيد مضايقك و انت قاعد كده قولت لها انتى شايفة كده قالت ايوه هتكون على راحتك اكتر قلعت الاندر و قولت لها نكمل والا ارتحتى قالت لا نكمل ايدك حلوة اوى و بتريحى رجعت وقفت و هى فى نفس الوضع و زبى بقى حر من غير حاجة و انا بتعدل لقيتها رجعت قوى بظيرها فدخل زبى بين ظيزها و زادت فى كلمة اااااااااااه و صرخت يخرب عقلك ده زب والا خابور هو كبير اوى اوى ليه كده يكون فى عونها بنتى
قولت خلاص بقى و قعدت ادخله و اطلع براحة بين ظيزها و هى مستلسمة و كانت بتهز ظيزها و انا بدخل و بطلع لغايه ما زبى قرب من شفايف كسها الغرقان و بحركة منها زبى دخل كسها الساخن المولع و خرج من صوت كانها مش اتناكت قبل كده و قالت ااااااااه اااااااح كمان كمان انا بحس براحة كمان كمان اعمل كمان و ترقص ظيرها و زبى فى كسها ..
بدات اعمل بقوة و مسكتها من ظيرها بايدى اشدها عليها و ادخل زبى فيها بكل قوة و هى تصرخ و تقول كمان كمان و انا مستمر بكل قوة و و ضربتها على ظيرها بايدى فرحت و قالت كمان اعمل فيا كل حاجة انا تعبانة من زمان كمان
و قعدت اضربها و اشتمها و اقول لها يلا يا متناكة يا شرموطة يا لبوة و هى مبسوطة و تقول ايوه كده اضربى و اشتمنى ايوة انا متناكة انا من اللليلة المتناكة بتاعتك انت و بس يا دولة يلا كمان
و انا مستمر فى النياكة ادخل زبى و خرجة و قربت انزل قولت لها هنزل قالت نزل فى كسى اروى كسى العطشان قولت لها يحصل حمل و الا حجة قالت مش تخاف من يوم ما ركبت اللولب مش شلته قمت منزل فى كسها دفاعت من مية زبى الساخنة و هى تصرخ و تقول يالهوووووووى ايه ده احساس عمرى ما جربته
و اتعدلت و انا نمت على ظهر و هى قعدت تمص فى زبى لما وقف و نكتها تانى و تالت و نزلت فى كسها مرتين و مرة فى ظيزها و نمنا و كنا فى الصباح على موعد اااااااااخر ……

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Cindy called around the next morning about 9am and said her parents had been picked up by another couple and wouldn't be home until the afternoon.I asked her if she would like to go to the beach which she replied that she would love it but first of all wanted to feel my dick inside of her and fill her with cum.We went to the bedroom and stripped off. Cindy noticed that my cock was not fully erect so went down on her knees and started stroking it and licking it's tip. It didn't take long before...

3 years ago
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Mike and I were enjoying a quiet evening at home, with no kids and no work. We were trying to figure out what to do as it had been months since we were home alone. We decided to have a romantic dinner and watch a movie. Mike picks a movie that has a lot of sex scenes and, of course, it makes me want sex bad. Mike, on the other hand, said he wants to stay up and watch some more TV.I was upset and just about to go to bed when he came in. He told me to put on my sexiest nighty, he had some...

Group Sex
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Hot Cannons Warm Lovers Ch 01

**** This story takes place amid the gathering clouds of the period leading up to the War of 1812-14 and a little beyond that, ending about 1815, though this won’t encompass all of that. I’ll only focus on a few individuals and events. I’ve tried hard to get it right, but I can’t guarantee anything. Some of the characters lived at the time, and as far as the military engagements which appear in this at various points, I’ve endeavored to be accurate, though this won’t even get close to the...

4 years ago
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House Slut 26 Interlude

-phenylalanine Note: I had to edit this because for some reason when it published a bunch of random words and errors were inserted into the text - unsure why. Hopefully it’s fixed. -phenylalanine The next week went by fairly sedately compared to her other recent activity, and after that Tegan had her scheduled week off to allow for her monthly visitor. As far as Tegan could tell Brandon and Yeong were progressing nicely and in the brief moments she saw them seemed happy together, in a...

3 years ago
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Help with goodbye Part 1

A special shout-out to Slutmommy, Katielover, and Lickalotofpusp for their instrumental roles in this story. I found out on Tuesday that I had to go on a business trip the next Monday. Being on the road is bad enough, but for a whole month and not having any time to prepare is really bad. Kind of sucks, but at least I will be out of town for the first part of winter. I told my fiancé and she was immediately disappointed; we both were. A month is a long time to go without sex and be apart from...

4 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 32 Game 2

Chapter 32: Game 2 Friday, it was time for game two of the season. I was put in on the roster as shortstop again much to the angst of Nobel, he was still telling everyone he would be better there than as first baseman, but the rest of the team were getting bored of his boasting, he hadn’t been even that good in that position making a few mistakes in the first game, which luckily hadn’t cost us runs, his batting had been poor, he was in the order at seven, which also didn’t please him at...

4 years ago
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Sexy Bhabhi Ki Chudayi

I’m sam back with new story, so sidha story pe aate h. Iss story ko heroine shefali bhabhi h.Let me introduce shefali bhabhi her size is 36-32-32 her age is 32 .Unke body ke curves dekh kar lund khada ho jata. Ek br mjhe mail aaya ..Ur vo mail shefali ka tha tho hmri aise hi baat hone lgi ur hm itna ghul mill gye ki shari baate share krne lge bhabhi ne mjhe btya ki unke hubby unhe satisfy nhi kr paate h.Ur unhe mann h kisi lambe lund se chudne ka. Tho uss raat hamra phone sex hua ur videocall...

1 year ago
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Dinner party

"Oh, Carl," Nancy whispered after her husband had rung the doorbell, "I'm so nervous, I hope I don't embarrass you, I know how important this dinner with Mr. Ford and his wife is, I hope I don't screw it up for you!!!" Carl gave his wife of three years a big hug and a kiss and replied gently, "Don't worry about a thing, hon, Mr. Ford is a real down to earth sort of fella and I'm sure Mrs. Ford is too, so just be yourself, okay!?!" Nancy Brickman was about to respond to her husband when the big...

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My Little VentrueChapter 81

~~Jack~~ Waking up beside Antoinette was a good way to start the night, normally. Waking up next to the beautiful seductress should have been the best thing ever, like usual. Not this night. He sat up, as did she, and the two of them looked at each other for a little while before she nodded, and got dressed. A perfect opportunity to watch the busty demoness move around naked, normally. He didn’t watch. Couldn’t get into the mood, couldn’t find himself wanting to do anything, except check...

4 years ago
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Cathys Thong lacy underwear

Hi all this is my first story so please leave comments.First of all this is and 100% true story as all of mine will be.This all started to give you some back ground in and place called Ocean City Maryland.I was on vacation with my mother at the beach on 32nd street right ocean front with and great balcony view of the girls sun bathing ahhh yes.At this time I am and teenager myself and so is the young lady in this story. I met some other guys the same age as me and we all had and laugh looking...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Aubrey Sinclair Incredibly Cute First Timer

After getting ped off by her agent for her first ever porn shoot, Aubrey was willing and ready to show Ike that she will do whatever it takes to become a Team Skeet girl. She had an idea of what it would entail, but she had no idea it would cum so easy to her! Sucking cock was her specialty and flaring the lips of her pussy to engage beefy cock was her calling. The icing on the cake was her incrediblly cute face and radiant smile. Getting a view of her mug covered in jizz was the sure fire sign...

3 years ago
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Cocksucker 3

It was a few months before I got the chance to return to Rob's place. In the interim we continued to have erotic exchanges by internet and phone. We were finally able to identify a morning when we could get together. It had featured in some of our cyber sex that we would hook up after I had been in the gym. This had obviously stuck in Rob's mind as he had a request as to what I should wear. He wanted me in my sweat pants and a t-shirt as if I had just come from a workout. So I set off for his...

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Younger Days Part 8211 2

Once we got out of the pond, Anitha behaved like nothing has happened and covered her body while changing her dress. On reaching the mansion, we realised we are very hungry, even though it was just seven ‘o clock. They woke up their husbands and we all had dinner. I was very tired after all the swimming training and went to sleep immediately. My experience with Anitha was my first ever and it left me really perplexed. I never expected to have such an experience with my neighbour. The feeling of...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Angela White Ella Knox Fucking The Squirting Step Sisters

Angela White was in the shower washing her beautiful natural big breasts. Markus Dupree joined her and started to eat her pussy. Just in that moment her step sister Ella Knox came in. She was upset, after all Markus was her boyfriend now. He fucked her hard at the refrigerator and made her breasts bounce all over. Angela was calling him. Markus left Ella and went to the bedroom to check on Angela. She jumped him naked and started to suck his dick. When they were fucking Ella came in. Markus had...

1 year ago
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Mommy My First

Hi this is Ramya from Chennai this is my first story in ISS and I have read many stories relating with mom and servant and son and all now I am here to explain the true experience my mom did which I have not shared with anyone still. I am Ramya age 24, finished maybe and now I am at home and my mom Sheela my dad Vignesh is an police officer ok let me go into the story straight away. My dad is a police officer and mom house wife and my dad was a strict officer and he always keeps on his duty not...

4 years ago
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Private Heroes The Devils Breath Part 7

No place like home. While me and Jodi hang up our jackets, Jake and Ashley come down from their rooms. I dropped Holly and Daniel off at their hotel so that they could pick up their stuff. I wanted to go with them through fear of them not coming back but I have to remember that they are my guests not my prisoners. Me and Jodi announce a family meeting and everyone sits in the living room. "Kids we're gonna be having some guests for a while. My nephew Daniel has come over from London."...

3 years ago
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cucks first time to try bbc

I was attending my local swimming club which Im a member and theres this one guy ive seen there couple of times, who is really big and really black, he works out so much. For some reason I could never take eyes off him every time I see him I cant stop myself looking, maby because he wears really tight sweat pants which you can basically see everything he is packing downstairs. I tried to put these taughts to the back of my mind.So a couple of weeks ago on a quite morning I was leaving the pool...

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As a photographer back in the 80's, I had some fantastic sexual experiencesI'd like to share with you. Let's start with Ruth.My friend Charley, the biggest pussy hound I ever met (more on him later),called and said he had an older woman friend who needed photo head shots inorder to join a "Big Beautiful Girl" modeling agency. I told him I'd do itfor free after hours to add to my portfolio.She came to me later that week and I was surprized to find her a beautifulspecimen of an older woman -...

2 years ago
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Mandy Bob JasonChapter 8

Mandy was very quiet on the ride home. Then she burst into tears again and cried, almost wailing at her loss. Jason was there for her. Again he pulled her to his shoulder to comfort her. Through her sobs of desolation, Mandy cried that she and Bob had not been separated for more than a few hours since they met. He was the light of her life and and with that light extinguished she didn't know how she would manage. Jason just held her in his arms and stroked her hair telling her that somehow...

2 years ago
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The Conversion Of Stef

The Conversion of Stef part 1 "What are these?" Anne my wife asked holding up a pair of shear black panties "Ahhhhh hmmm they would be mine," I replied hoping that it would be the easiest accepted answer This seems to stump her for an answer"what do you mean yours," she said looking puzzled "Hmmm wellll I like to wear them." "You like to wear women panties?" "Well I find they have a nicer feel and hold me better." My wife looked at me strangely and walked away....

4 years ago
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Michael to Michelle 2 Glory hole revelation

My wife never knew, we stopped having sex a long long time ago so I was free to femanize my body and she wouldn't notice. We were young teenagers in love and we fucked like rabbits, I'm the only one she's been with so my 4 inch cock seemed to please her. She got pregnant with Stacey first, now 20 then our two sons Darren 18 and Joel 17 and having three kids, our sex lives took a back seat and we never got it back. Anyhow, one morning I woke up seriously horny, my wife was just leaving for...

1 year ago
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Interracial cuckold

Cuckold...She was sitting there.. casually smoking her cigarette. Wrapping those red lips around it, inhaling and then blowing out the smoke in such a sexual way. There i was, sitting on the ground of our bedroom floor, naked, stroking my small white cock. Dave was laying on the bed watching all of this, stroking his big black cock.. he would laugh every once in awhile, when Amber would put me down. Amber is my wife, she loves me, but she doesnt love my small dick. She became interested in...

4 years ago
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Mind fucking Hayden Panettiere

Hayden Panettiere had returned to her New York hotel room after a long day. She enjoyed her work, helping promote the message of the Candie’s Foundation, which strove to reduce teen pregnancy. Still, the busy schedule did occasionally take its toll on her, with the constant public appearances, television interviews, and photo shoots the foundation asked of her, along with her work with other charities, not to mention her professional obligations to a multitude of studio projects. Hayden was...

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Lacys Perfect Anniversary

Lacy's Perfect Anniversary By Lacy White It had been seven years since Lacy and Jan had consummated their relationship, I will be the first to admit the past seven years have been wonderful. Their first night together had been in Key West Florida; things could have not been any better. But that's only what I imagined; our times together are even more spectacular now as we are getting to spend more time together. But one never forgets their first time. It was November and...

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My 5th bi experience with 62 yo Charlesmore fir

Friday, six days after Charles took my anal virginity was another night of firsts. On Thursday I found out my parents would be gone to my dads parents for the night because of a illness. My first thought wasn't of my grandparents, it was of Charles. I knew I had to see him but how do I let him know? So that night I left a note on Charles' car asking if I could come over at 9 pm. I needed to make it late enough to make sure my parents wouldn't make the return trip home unexpectedly. I woke up...

3 years ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 55

"Yes, Andrea," said David. "You're a fucking Admiral. Take a look at Jake ... seaman apprentice." Andie took her eyes off her new uniform jacket and turned to look at Jake. He was just slipping it on. "That's not a seaman apprentice uniform ... that's a lieutenant commander. Two and a half sleeve stripes." She accosted David, "You Sir, are a terrible Liar!!" "Got to be an officer to work the torpedoes. We'll have to teach him how they work. It should be fun ... trust...

3 years ago
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Inevitable Rape

(Original story by Phil Phantom) *** Pam and I have been going together since the seventh grade. We are now in our mid-twenties with four kids. Pam always said she'd have four kids - two boys, two girls. She always said we'd settle in our home town, buy a house in Elm Heights, that I'd go to law school, and that she'd be free to be a housewife and full-time mother. In fact, Pam planned our wedding in our sophomore year. From the moment we met we both knew we were perfect for each other....

4 years ago
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Games Genies Play Part 2 of 6

Far beyond the reach of space and time lies the City of Brass. A sea of flames surrounds it and the brass walls glow hot enough to blind any visitor who made it through the endless magma. This hellish region is home to powers so unimaginable that gods themselves fear to meet them. In a tower high above the city five genies met. Each one has enough power to shake the foundations of the world. Together all of creation was at threat. The mighty quailed at the outcome of the...

2 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 29

It rained for about an hour and then the sun was out. As the women who were doing the cooking today were in the kitchen, I drew Barbara aside so I could discuss with her who she felt could handle driving what. Pauloa and Gerona were the two best drivers of the truck. Ambat and Nadira were next best. And Fretail and Harlou were the best ATV drivers. We hadn’t had anyone drive the tractor yet and I was not sure we wanted to take it too. Barb agreed with me, but if we needed it we could always...

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Micro Wave Man Ch 05

Jul 7, 2009 MWM Chapter Five ‘Got To Run.’ Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature audience. ...

1 year ago
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Diane is Turned into a Slut to Milk

First off, i need to tell you that i have no idea what Thomas did to me. That is, i am aware of the results but i do not know if the modifications he made were chemical, surgical, or done some other way. What i can tell you is that one year ago i was five foot eight and measured 38D 28, 40. Now, i am five foot ten and measure 44DD, 20, 48. My head and facial hair is all shaved clean, including my eyebrows. My eyelashes are trimmed to 1/4 inch but were left intact as a health issue. Against...

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Sister Ellen and The Order of Saint Silenus

Sister Ellen - Order of Saint Silenus (*) by [email protected] If you aren't old enough, or live in a place where erotic fiction is banned, or are offended by stories involving transgenders having sex with men and boys, you should stop reading now. This story is a sequel to "Sister Ellen, Part I", written by David Smith. With his permission, I've stolen his two major characters and created a "fork" in their history. David promises a Part II, which I'm sure will be quite hot,...

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Rebecca in trouble part 7

David was worried about Rebecca. She had left Tuesday for Brazil and he had not heard from her since. It was now Thursday, so he decided to fly down to Brazil and see if he could find her before their parents found out on Saturday.David was one year older than Rebecca. He was over six feet tall and was in great physical shape, keeping his lean body completely hairless as this was the latest craze in his school. There was little body hair to remove to begin with, and his youthful face was...

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Every child always wants to know how his mother and father met. I tell mine, it all started with a flat tire on a jeep. But maybe that is getting a little ahead of my story. My name is Kelly, born Kelly Wooten. I was the younger of two sisters in a small southern coastal town. When I was a senior in high school I managed the astounding feat of getting married, getting pregnant and getting divorced all within that single school year. Okay, the events didn't occur exactly in the order I listed...

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Daughter Heather Part 3

Thanks to all who have written such positive reviews for this story - I did not expect that. I originally wrote the first part just so I could contribute something to this site. She again swayed her hips, back and forth, slowly, surely, and intentionally all the while looking directly at my eyes. "Yes, this is all going to work out quite well." I was a mass of confusion. I couldn't move my body, I couldn't speak. I had just been injected by some drug that somehow compelled me to...

2 years ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 8

"Well," said Andrea. "We know where the watch is. The only problem is it's not broke." "Shall we give Amos the shadow of a doubt? I'd hate to accuse the boy of stealing it" "He's your employee ... you're calling the shots." "You have the most unusual way with words ... Calling the shots? Where is that from?" "In my time, it's a pool ... that's billiards with pockets ... term. Calling the shot is calling the pocket." "I am aware of the game ... sinful is what it...

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With My Sisters Help

With My Sister's Help My sister Tina is older than I am and is now a very popular senior in high school. She is nineteen years old, a tall well built blonde, and a cheerleader. I on the other hand just turned sixteen and became a freshman in high school. I’m a nerd, a computer geek, and not very popular. I like to play chess and other games that do not require much effort. Tina was determined to make me popular before she graduated in June so she got started right away in...

4 years ago
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The Young Cherry Cheerleader Pt 2 Return of the Young Cherry Cheerleader

Introduction: Again, not my story, just reposting… RETURN OF THE YOUNG CHERRY CHEERLEADER CHAPTER 1 Jennifer Wilson was just starting her sophomore year of high school. Her freshman year had been an unforgettable one. She had been introduced to the wonderful world of sex, highlighted by an orgy with her sister and a room full of men. Little Jennys sister had graduated and headed off to college just a week before, and she missed Susie terribly. She often looked at a framed photo of the...

3 years ago
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Sharing Ana with her Black Master

Anita was holding hands with me while we entered that room.My wife’s Black Master had told me I should bring Ana to him in that nice hotel room… and then I could stay and watch…Jerome smiled at me as he dragged my sensual wife to the bed.I found a chair there, so I sat down to watch as promised…Ana looked sexy and beautiful in her black low cut dress that showed her nice ample cleavage; her hair and makeup were perfect. But she looked tense and her breath was quickening. The lucky nigger...

4 years ago
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Change to Live

Copyright 2001 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All...

2 years ago
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I couldn’t believe she caught me…She walked in just as I was edging for the third time. I must have been stroking for over an hour. I didn’t expect her home from the office Christmas party so early. She usually likes to stay out drinking with the ladies from the office until the early hours, but tonight she showed up before 11.“What the fuck are you doing?!?!” she screamed. I tried to close my browser as quickly as possible, but my hands were shaking from the adrenaline of being caught. “What...

3 years ago
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A Meeting At Sea

Alexandra stood at the railing of the 4 th floor deck watching the waves crash against the ship and the pod of dolphins playing in the steamy evening. It was getting late in the day and the sun had started setting, and she was enjoying it. She and her friend, Catherine had escaped their lives in the cold Midwest winter for a week in the Mexican Riviera. They couldn’t wait to sit together on their room’s balcony and share a bottle of wine watching the sun quickly drop below the horizon and the...

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Caught in a SnowstormChapter 3

The first thing that Alice did as soon as the tow truck dropped her off in front of her house was to try to run up the driveway so she could call the school on the land line and find out about her two little darlings. That was not a good move, because about halfway up the solidly iced hard surface, her feet went out from under her and she found the sudden shock of her heart-shaped sinful backside coming into hard contact with the unforgiving ice. The sharp pain reminded her of youthful...

4 years ago
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You Will Jerk Off Like I Tell You To

That's right, baby. I'm talking to you. This isn't a story, and we're not characters. I am your master now, and from now on, you obey me. Now take your hands off your fucking cock. You can only touch yourself when I tell you to, you can only move when I tell you, you can only cum when I tell you to. I might also add, you can only cum where I tell you to. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, faggot, but if you really are that dense, then you'll find out soon enough. Since this is most...

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The girl next door

'Hi Mr Kennedy.' Was the only thing that Kelly ever said to Jim whenever she saw him watching her washing her Dads car. Jim never knew that she would watch him watch her out of the windows of the car. She liked the attention. But Jim had other plans. He would feel his large dick start to rise and go into the house. Jim and Kellys parents where all pretty good friends. Kellys mother would often go to BINGO with Jims wife. But this month was the Bingo tournament in Chely. Chely was about 3 hours...

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Theories of Flight

I have this theory about flight. I think there’s this great, cosmic deity. Not religious or anything, just cosmic, that moves planes through the sky like a small child moves toy cars. Everything’s fine as long as he’s interested. But one day, he’ll grow bored and let it fall to the earth or nosedive it into a mountain. So fuck flying. Right up its bitch ass. When Kelly suggested Hawaii for our anniversary, I thought twelve-day cruise. I can handle water. Sure, The Titanic gave me nightmares...

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Limitless Wishes Theory and Praxis

This story is X-rated. The sequel to chapters 5+6, it starts in an alternate universe with a morality that in comparison to ours is... outlandish. It changes further. No gross things like torture or rape though. Again, I'd like to express my thanks to Catfish Hunter, who did a great job in hunting down my grammatical errors. ==== Chapter Seven: Theory ==== I was lying in a lukewarm gooey puddle, my legs outstretched. I enjoyed the calm moment. On my left side, there was my best...

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Nursed By My Mother Part 1

I am a normal eighteen year old horny male who stands six foot one inch ans posess a very athletic build. I live alone with my what used to be very prudish mother Susan. Mom is a tall woman at five foot ten inches and has extremely long stout legs that seem to take for ever to get up to her round and rather large womanly ass. Her huge bust fills out the package perfectly giving her an almost amazon quality. Let's just say that more then once I have fantasized about my mom when I masturbate.My...

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Alices Weekend AwayChapter 3

I opened my eyes in the darkness it took me second for my senses to register where I was. I remembered the evening before, and while it definitely wasn't something I would want all the time, it was fun for a change. I also remembered what Alice said as I slipped off to sleep. "Now you can fuck me or fist me when you find the energy. Don't worry if I look like I'm sleeping, I'll wake up and we can cum together." Moving slowly, so as not to wake my sleeping beauty, I ease off the bed and...

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Es war eine dieser typischen langweiligen Stunden in der Schule. Wie jeden Tag hatte mich das Taxi zu dem alten Gebäude, welches die Rockwell Privatschule beherbergte, gebracht. Draußen drückte die Hitze und allmählich drang diese auch in die Zimmer. Ich saß da und sah gelangweilt aus dem Fenster. Die Blätter an den Bäumen ruhten. Die Zeit schien einfach nicht zu vergehen. Mein Stuhl knackte. Meine Banknachbarin klopfte mit dem Fuß leicht dagegen. Doch das störte mich nicht, denn in meinem Kopf...

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How Not To Babysit part 15

PART FIFTEEN: FOXHOLED Dave? Now? How am I supposed to hide from him this time? It's bad enough that he caught me last time. Once can be a game gone wrong. A trap. But twice? Twice is a pattern. Twice is a choice to wear girl clothes. Twice means I'm a tranny. Fuck me! Go away Dave. "Come in Dave!" she calls to him. "We're in the laundry room." "Why are you calling him over?" I panic. My instincts kick in. I want to run. If I go into the hall, Dave will be waiting for me. I turn...

2 years ago
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The Introductio to masking and One Weekend

This is a two parter, two stories that follow up each other. This is a direct continuation from The Introduction Jeremy stared on in utter shock at the shemale with a male face, while her previous one hung emptily from her hand. "What...is happening?" The man smiled as with glee he started to explain. "This is a skinsuit im wearing. They can turn you into anything you want. Did you even expect that your shemale visitor was a real man underneath?" "No but..it's all fake...

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Model Wife

It was a week or so after Julie’s 38th birthday that she received a message on facebook from Ed a man she hardly knew asking if she would be interested in modeling for him. Both Ed and Julie had been doing photography for several years - Ed on the west coast and Julie on the east. They only knew each other through social media and the occasional craft related question or comment.Julie was surprised that Ed reached out to her. She considered him a genius behind the camera. Normally, Julie would...

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