زوجته حامل …فركب حماته ونكها free porn video

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انا عادل 27 سنة متزوج من حوالى عام او اكثر اعيش بالشرقية لكنى اعمل فى دمياط و اخذت زوجتى معى لاكون قريب من العمل افضل من تكون زوجتى بعيده عنى …
كنت انزل البلد كل فترة لارى اخوتى و اقاربى .. حملت زوجتى و كانت فى الشهور الاولى و نصحنا الدكتور بالا تقوم بمجهود فكنت دائما بجوارها كنت اعمل فى معرض للموبليا و كان يعمل معى ايضا اخو زوجتى و لها اختين متزوجين و اخت لم تتزوج بعد تعيش مع حماتى فى قريتنا ..
فى يوم وصلتنى دعوة فرح لابن عمى بالبلد و كان لازم احضر الفرح بدعوى التهنئة و النقوط عليا .. لكن لا استطيع اخذ زوجتى معى و لا اقدر اتركها لوحدها فاتصلت بحماتى ان ترسل اخت زوجتى الصغيرة تجلس مع زوجتى يومين حتى اعود من الفرح .. بالفعل وصلت اخت زوجتى صباح ما نويت السفر
و انا فى الطريق من دمياط لقريتنا بالشرقية اخذت افكر فى اشياء كثيرة و كيف انى محروم من الجنس بسبب تعب زوجتى من الحمل و انا من طبيعى احب الجنس جدااا و احب ممارسته يوميا ..
و لاحت حماتى و انا افكر فى الجنس و كيف انها لا تتعدى الثامنة و الثلاتون و توفى زوجها و هى ما تزال فى عز شبابها و افتكرت صديقى مجدى و هو يحدثنى عن البرشام الذى يثير المرأة و يجعلها فى حالة اثارة كبيرة و محتاجة للجنس قولت لنفسى ماذا يضر لو جربته مع حماتى و بالفعل اخرجت الموبايل من جيبى و اتصلت بمجدى و سالته عن اسم البرشام و كتبته على الموبايل و لما نزلت من السيارة روحت صيدليه يقف بها شاب و قولت له محتاج لبرشام طلبه منى صديق و فتحت الموبايل لكى يقرأ الاسم و عملت نفسى لا أعرف البرشام و لا اعرف لماذا طلبه صديقى سألنى الصيدلى صديقك متزوج قولت له ايوه متزوج ..
اخذت البرشام و خرجت من الصيدلية و انا أقول لنفسى اى محاولة يا البرشام يكون بجد و يعمل نتيجة او لا يوثر و يا دار ما دخلك شر
كان مجدى معرفنى ان مفعوله بعد حوالى ساعتين وصلت لبيت حماتى بعد المغرب رحبت بى و سالتى عن اخبار زوجتى كان معى كانز اشتريته مخصوص للمهمة و اثناء ما حماتى دخلت المطبخ فتحت الكانز و وضعت به برشامتين و ذهبت لها قابلتى فى الصالة فقولت لها الجو حار جدا و انا اشتريت الكانز من المحطة و انا جاى اعطيت لها واحد و شربت الاخر و كنت انظر لها و هى تشرب و اتكلم عن زوجتى و تعبها من الحمل و ازاى انا كمان تعبان لكى اوفر الراحة لزوجتى و هى تصبرنى و تقول معلش هانت كلها كام شهر و يجى النونو و انا بدات المح لها و اقول الاولاد كبروكى بسرعة و هى تضحك و تقول خلاص بقى هناخد زمنا و زمن غيرنا ..
استأذنت منها لكى اذهب للفرح و قالت لا لازم تيجى تبات هنا اكيد عند عمك البيت فيه ناس كتيرة بسبب الفرح و الهيصة قولت لها هقعد شوية و اجى …
خرجت من بيت حماتى و انا انظر فى الساعة كانت حوالى التاسعة قولت حلو قوى اقعد عند عمى ل 11 او 12 و ارجع خصوصا اننا فى الصيف و الناس بتسهر ..كان دائما معى فى المحفظة برشامة فيجا و ترامادول اخرجتهم من جبيى عند او ثلاجة قابلتنى قبل ما ادخل بيت عمى ..
جلست مع ابن عمى نضحك و نرقص و نغنى للعريس و انا استرجع مع اصدقائى بالقرية ايام الطفولة
و جاء و قت العشاء قومت مع العريس و الاصدقاء اتعشينا و و حوالى الحادية عشر و نصف استاذنت و قولت لهم هروح انام لانى تعبان من السفر و هكون بكرة من بدرى عندهم عشان تكون الدخلة و السهرة الكبيرة اصر عمى ان ابيت معهم لكنى اتحججت بان حماتى لوحدها و هى تنتظرنى كمان البيت هنا زحمة من كثرة المدعويين
خرجت من بيت عمى و انا افكر يا ترى البرشام عمل ايه مع حماتى الوقت وصلت منزل حماتى بنادى عليها فتحت الباب و دخلت المنزل و كنت مستعجل اعرف نتيجة البرشام لكنى لم يظهر شىء عليها قالت اتعشيت قولت ايوة قالت يخص عليك وانا كنت مجهزة لك عشا قولت فى سرى مش تستعجلى نأكله بعد ما أكلك …
قالت خالص اعمل لك شاى قولت لها مش هتنامى قالت لا انا هسهر شوية والا انت عاوز تنام قولت لها لالالا انا متعود على السهر قولت لها هدخل اخد دوش لما تعملى الشاى لان الجو حاااااااار جدا قالت ماشى
دخلت الدوش طبعا كانت برشامة الفيجا ظهر اثرها على زبى و كان منتصب على الاخر قولت ابدا انا اجس نبضها لان حتى لو البرشام عملت عندها حاجة مش معقوله هى اللى هتبدأ .. خرجت من الحمام و انا لا أتردى الا الحملات و الشورت و كان زبى واضح جدا من الشورت و منتصب جدا و روحت لها المطبخ كانت بتصب الشاى
اول ما لمحتى بالمنظر ده و انا عملت فيها عبيط ولا كانى عامل حاجة و قولت لها ايه الحر ده انا دايما كده فى الشقة عندى دايما بالشورت و الحملات ولا يضايقك يا يا حماتى قالت لالا يا حبيبى خليك على راحتك انت مش غريب ..
كلامها شجعنى و قولت لها و احنا بنشرب الشاى معقوله ياحماتى فى الحر ده و انت لابسه كده .. كانت لابسه جلباب بلدى و على راسها ايشرب كبير .. قالت عادى اتعودت على كده قولت لها اتعودتى ايه اللى اعرفه يعنى انت مش كبيرة اوى فى بنات فى سنك كده لسه مش اتجوزا بس انت اللى اتجوزتى بدرى اوووى انا عارف كنت مستعجله على ايه و اضحك و هى تضحك و الاحظ بين الحين و الاخر نظرتها لزبى المنتصب بالشورت ..
كانت حماتى بيضا و جسمها ملفوف و كانت تهتم بنفسها و يظهر ده على حواجبها و لفة رجلها من تحت او هنشها المدور عندها تقف
قولت لها و انا ابتسم بجد حرام كده معقوله تلبسى كده كان عندك خمسين سنة يا ستى البسى و افرحى مدش واخد منها حاجة دا انا سمعت دكتور فى التليفزيزن بيقول النكد و الحزن بيقصر العمر عاوزك تلبسى كده و تدلعى نفسى هو الواحد هيعيش كام مرة ..
قالت بس يا عادل هلبس ليه و لمين قولت لها البسى و ادلعى لنفسك انتى مش لازم لحد مقعوله حتى فى الحر ده و انتى لوحدك و لابسه كده و تنامى فى الهدوم دى طب اقول لك و حلفت و انا اضحك لازم حالا تقومى تلبسى احلى قميص عندك و هتشوفى انت كان عندك عشرين سنة و مسك ايدها و بشدها و هى تضحك اوى اوى و تقول تخرب عقلك يا عادل ضحكتى قميص ايه اللى البسه قولت لها ايه مش عندك قمصان نوم و الا ايه قالت عندى كتير بس مش ينفع هو انا لسه صغيرة حست من كلمها شوية ضغط و كله هيبقى تمام
شدتها من ايدها اووووى و اخدتها عند الدولاب و قولت لا يلا خدى قميص و على الحمام خدى دوش و البسى و تعالى ضحكت و قالت يووة فكرتى بزمان لما كان حماك بيعمل كده و يشترط انى البس قميص ضحكت و قولت لها طب يلا و مع تصميمى و انى هزعل بجد و انها لازم تشوف نفسها لان الحزن وحش على صحتها وافقت و قالت طب اختار لى قميص انت دورت فى الدولاب و روحت على قميص احمر قصير و قولت لها ده قالت لالالا ده قصير اوى اوى قولت لها طب و ماله هو للخروج ده هنا فى الشقة المهم اخدته و دخلت الحمام و انا انتظرها و كل شوق لاتمم المهمة المستحيلة …
خرجت من الحمام و هى تضحك و تدارى وشها من الكسوف و انا انظر لها لارى اجمل امراة جسمها ممشوق و صدرها واقف ناهد و سرتها تظهر من تحت القميص و شعرها مبلولة بالماء ضحكت و صقفت على ايدى و قولت ايوه كده هلك هلاك اظهر يا قمر طب صدقينى اجمل من عروسة فى ليلة دخليتها و قربت منها و مسكت ايدها و و قولت تسمحى لى بالرقصة دى يا عروسة ضحكت و قالت يخرب عقلك يا عادل انت عسل بجد هونت عليا كتير يا ريت كنت قريب مننا ..
قولت لها ممكن بقى تجيبى ايدك و تنسى كل حاجة قولنا الواحد مش بيعش غير مرة واحدة .. اخدت ايدها و قربت منها و كانى هرقص معها بجد .. هى فعلا جميلة سكسية على الاخر قربت منها و امسك ايدها و اخليها تلف قادمى و انا اتعمد انى التصق بها لغايه ما زبى المنتصب لمس مؤخرتها .. قالت بس يا عادل ظهرى تعبتى اوى اوى .. انا قولت بس فكرة لانى مش عاوزة حاجة عادية قولت هنيكها من غير ما اطلب منها واحدة واحدة …
قولت لها تعرفى يا حماتى انت بس شوية مساج و تدليك و هتكون تمام التمام قالت ازاى قولت لها يعنى اكيد ظهرك تعبك من الوقفه فى المظبخ و شغل البيت التدليك ده هيفك العضلات و هترتاحى خالص
قالت و فين بقى التدليك ده قولت لها انا اعمله لك ده سهل خالص بس تسمعى الكلام مش تطلعى روحى زى موضوع القميص قالت بعد الشر عليك حاضر هسمع الكلام يعنى هتعمل فيها دكتور بقى ضحكت و قولت ايوه و لازم تسمعى كلام الدكتور
قولت لها تعالى و اخدتها اوضة نومها و قولت لها يلا نامى على السرير قالت حاضر لما نشوف اخرتها كانت بالقميص الاحمر القصير و رجلها و فخدها يظهر بوضوح قولت لما اطلب حاجة اشوف رد فعلها قولت لها ممكن تقلعى السنتيان قالت ليه بصيت لها و قولت قولنا ايه قالت حاضر و فعلا خرجت لما قلعت و دخلتها و هى نايمة على ظهرها و صدرها باين كله تقريبا الا الحلمة قولت لها نامى على بطنك .. و رفعت القميص و شوفتها الاندر الصغير عليها و ظيرها الكبيرة الجميلة البيضا المدورة و مشيت ايدى على ظهرا بشويش و قولت لها عاوزك تقولى ااااه عشان مع ضغط ايدى و كلمة ااااااه اكيد هترتاح قالت ماشى لما ايدك تيجى على مكان الوجع هقول اااه و بدات امشى ايدى و اضغط بشويش و فى مكان فوق ظيرها و اسفل ظهرها قالت اااااه ضغطت جامد شوية الاه زادت و مع الوقت بقت تقول اه طول ما ايدى على جسمها ..
تعدت انزل على فخدها و ادلكه و من فوق امد ايدى لغايه ما تلمس صدرها لكنى لم اقترب منه اكثر حتى اشوقها و اسخنها طلبت منها تنام على ظهرها و لما اتعدلت على ظهرها كان كسها واضح منتفخ تحت الاندر و اثار بلل عليه عملت انى مش واخد بالى و قعدت جبنها و ايدها مفروده على السرير و انى ادلك و اروح شمال و يمين حتى قربت زبى من ايدها المفرودة على السرير لكنها لم تبعد يدها قولت حلو البرشام اشتغل و سخنت ..
بدات ادلكها بطنها و افركها و هى تقول اااه لكنها اااااااه مختلفه اكيد بقت ممحونة و انا ازيد فى الفرك قولت لازم اسخنها على الاخر و انيكها من غير ما اطلب منها نزلت بايدى على سرتها و سوتها و ايدها لامسه زبى و حست كانها بتحركها بشويش كانها نفسها تدعكه لكنها منتظرة البداية منى و انا ولا كانى هنا ..
قربت بايدى من سوتها فوق كسها افركها و لم المس كسها و نزلت شوية على فخذها و انا ادلك و افرد ايدى فيلمس صباعى الكبير كسها من بعيد قولت اعذبها اكتر فطلب منها تنام فى وضع الحضان تسند على ايدها و رجلها و ظهرها لفوق و وقفت ورا ظيرها بالظبط بين رجلها المفتوحه و قعدت ادلك فى ظهرها المرتفع و هى مازلت ممحونة و تقول ااااااااه و كنت حاسس انها على الاخر
انا مع التدليك بقيت اقرب منا من ورا و جسمى يلمس جسمها و زبى خلاص بقى يخبط فى ظيرها من ورا و اقرب و ارجع تانى كانى بعمل مساج بجد و بايدى من بين رجلها اقرب من كسها و المسه مرة و ارجع لما حست ان الاندر بتاعها غرقان قولت خلاص الفريسة جاهزة للاكل قولت اهجم بقى عليها قربت خالص من ظيرها و زبى بقى لامس فقله ظيرها و بضغط اوى و هى لقيتها زى اللى بتتعدل و زبى بقى بين فتحة ظيزها بالظبط و وقفت على كده لقيتها بترجع لورا على زبى بدات اهجم برضو براحة و ادخل ايدى من فوق فى الاندر و افرك لها ظيزها قالت الاندر مضايقك و انت بتدلك اقلعه قولت فى نفسى دى دابت خالص حرام بقى كفاية عليها كده قولت لها ماشى احسن برضو عشان اعرف ادلك كويس لان مكان الاندر لازم يدلك عشان على اللى ماسك عظمة الظهر قالت طب اتعدل و اقلعه والا تنزله انت قولت لا ماشى هنزله لك انا ..
بدات انزل الاندر براحه براحة و ظيرها البيضا الجميلة كنت هجم عليها بس قولت شوية و نزلت الاندر كله و بمد ايدى ادلك لها لقيتها غرقان على الاخر و زبى رجع تانى بين فتحة ظيزها و حست انها متعمدة و انا طبعا ساند على ركبتى و واقف وراها مباشرة و زبى تقريبا دخل ظيرها لقيتها بتقول ما تقلع الشورت بتاعك اكيد مضايقك و انت قاعد كده قولت لها انتى شايفة كده قالت ايوه هتكون على راحتك اكتر قلعت الاندر و قولت لها نكمل والا ارتحتى قالت لا نكمل ايدك حلوة اوى و بتريحى رجعت وقفت و هى فى نفس الوضع و زبى بقى حر من غير حاجة و انا بتعدل لقيتها رجعت قوى بظيرها فدخل زبى بين ظيزها و زادت فى كلمة اااااااااااه و صرخت يخرب عقلك ده زب والا خابور هو كبير اوى اوى ليه كده يكون فى عونها بنتى
قولت خلاص بقى و قعدت ادخله و اطلع براحة بين ظيزها و هى مستلسمة و كانت بتهز ظيزها و انا بدخل و بطلع لغايه ما زبى قرب من شفايف كسها الغرقان و بحركة منها زبى دخل كسها الساخن المولع و خرج من صوت كانها مش اتناكت قبل كده و قالت ااااااااه اااااااح كمان كمان انا بحس براحة كمان كمان اعمل كمان و ترقص ظيرها و زبى فى كسها ..
بدات اعمل بقوة و مسكتها من ظيرها بايدى اشدها عليها و ادخل زبى فيها بكل قوة و هى تصرخ و تقول كمان كمان و انا مستمر بكل قوة و و ضربتها على ظيرها بايدى فرحت و قالت كمان اعمل فيا كل حاجة انا تعبانة من زمان كمان
و قعدت اضربها و اشتمها و اقول لها يلا يا متناكة يا شرموطة يا لبوة و هى مبسوطة و تقول ايوه كده اضربى و اشتمنى ايوة انا متناكة انا من اللليلة المتناكة بتاعتك انت و بس يا دولة يلا كمان
و انا مستمر فى النياكة ادخل زبى و خرجة و قربت انزل قولت لها هنزل قالت نزل فى كسى اروى كسى العطشان قولت لها يحصل حمل و الا حجة قالت مش تخاف من يوم ما ركبت اللولب مش شلته قمت منزل فى كسها دفاعت من مية زبى الساخنة و هى تصرخ و تقول يالهوووووووى ايه ده احساس عمرى ما جربته
و اتعدلت و انا نمت على ظهر و هى قعدت تمص فى زبى لما وقف و نكتها تانى و تالت و نزلت فى كسها مرتين و مرة فى ظيزها و نمنا و كنا فى الصباح على موعد اااااااااخر ……

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The Condo SwappersChapter 2

Laurie Simmons sat on the living room couch, watching television. Her low-necked sweater and short, blue skirt showed off her firm, young tits and her long, slender legs wonderfully. "Dinner will be ready soon," advised her mother as she walked in from the kitchen and sat down beside Laurie. She was a tall, well-built woman with long brown hair that matched her daughter's. "By the way, I got a raise in salary at my job today," she told Laurie. "Gee, that's great." "Yes, I really...

4 years ago
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Tammy Likes to Trick or Treat

Tammy Johnson was a pretty girl of 18 who often dressed up for special days like Halloween or Christmas in costumes that showed off her shapely body and piercing blue eyes. This year she had made her Halloween costume on her sewing machine making sure that it would hug her curves tightly in those places where she knew men liked to let their eyes linger. This Halloween was a bit different because it was the first year that she was no longer a silly virgin. She was so relieved that she had...

2 years ago
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Falling Ch 04

Chapter 4, In which I get the girl — and the guy If I got a signature to match the verbal commitment I’d just obtained, the commission alone would more than double my total compensation for the past two years combined — and it would do great things for my standing in the bonus pool. It didn’t, however, change the fact I was totally wasted, mostly naked, and leaking semen from every part of my body. That didn’t bother me, although part of me wondered if it should. The problem was that it was...

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gut next door

Well after Dan next door find out I was a crossdresser and we had sex.I knew there was something I had to do. I woke sunday morning and loaded some boxes in to back of my pick up.He seen I was dressed as Paula and came over and asked what was in the boxes.The stuff I don,t want anymore all of Paul's old clothes.For now on you only see Paula. He said really?Yes, what about the other nieghors he asked.I don't care what they thing it free world and they know.I said well I better take this stuff...

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My Ritu Recently one of my friends told me about this site. After visiting this I wish to share the readers a real incident took place in my life. I am Anil, 23 years of age and working as manager in a private financial institution at Thiruvananthapuram. Our head office is at Chennai. There were 5 staffs including me there. Two months back one peon retired. On compassionate ground the authorities decided to post his daughter Ritu at my office, since he was a loyal worker and his financial...

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Sara The Best feeling of the Universe

English isn't my mother language so I hope you will forgive me about grammars and word's errors. Please read the first part of SARA for understand better the story. (F/f, petting, teasing ) The next morning Viktoria dragged her daughter out of the bed, shocking the still sleeping girl.. Viktoria decided to give to her daughter a little lesson of humility. Now she has found a good candidate for put new spirit in her job, she was feeling free to start a new education for her...

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The Neighbors Suck Like UsChapter 7

Jerry was having a lovely dream. The boy wouldn't have wanted to wake up from that erotic fantasy, even if he had started to. Of course, in his slumber, he had no idea what was causing his wonderful dream-nor that it was something which would have been well worth waking up for. His mother bathed his cockhead with her tongue, then let her lips slowly part as she fed the flaring slab of purple meat into her mouth. She began to suck softly. Jerry whimpered at the sensations. Margot nursed...

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Games People Play

I'm not sure when it started really. Jo and I had been married twelve years the previous Easter. Somewhere during those twelve years we'd started the old fantasy sex lark. You know, we'd dress up and pretend to be different people. I'd been everything from Tarzan to Robert Redford. Come on, this all happened a few years ago, before all these youngsters on the films today were even out of nappies. If it hadn't been so long ago, I doubt I would be able to talk about it now. Shit, it did my...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 257

In their bedroom, dressed in pajamas, the girls flopped into bed. Terry grabbed the remote and dialed the lights down, then turned to her sister. "Arlene said that we wouldn't have any more periods until Little One turns them on for us again. Boy, I can sure live with that." Alice got a look on her face and responded, "Well, as you know, I've only had one, but it sure was icky – not to say anything about worrying if I were bleeding to death. If that's what it takes to be a woman, I...

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An Unsuitable Position

Mr Francis smiled as he ushered his guests through the office door. He knew the artwork he had recently purchased from the dealer in town would impress them, but he was particularly pleased with the gasps and palpable sense of awe. He had really knocked their socks off! The first couple of people stopped dead in the doorway, and he had to ask them to move further into his office to allow everybody to see his new installation. This was turning out to be a very successful day. Not only was...

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Fucked For License

Hello, guys, this is jasmine anu again.Let me introduce my self, I’m jasmine (real name changed) I am studying my final year in a reputed college near potheri, Chennai. I am a fat chubby guy with a large body.My chest will look like a married 30-year-old lady.My boobs size increased due to many of my partners and many groping in public places.I also have a fat ass. Since I’m fat both my breast and my ass look like women parts. Sometimes I have to wear bras to hide my boobs inside.Still, they...

Gay Male
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Private show surprise at the porn store Part Three

This part is somewhat longer than the other two. Bear with me.By 6:15, when I figured Andrea would be at home, I had showered and shaved, dressed in what I thought was my casual best, bought three bottles of a nice pinot noir and was rapping on the door of Andrea's apartment.I heard a "just a minute" from deep inside. Several seconds later the door was opened. Standing in front of me was a beautiful, willowy redhead. I smiled and said Hi. She smiled and purred,"Ooh Andrea told me her new...

4 years ago
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Average JoeChapter 6 Where do we go from here

I left off looking for a gift for Ariel's graduation. I had no idea what to get. An older saleslady said she had an idea for me. "Buy her a gift card from her favorite restaurant. We sell them all here at the store. Also, buy her two movie tickets to the theatre good any time." "I don't quite understand how that helps me," I said. "Well, she's not going to the movies alone and I'm sure she's not going out to eat by herself. See, if she invites you to go with her. Just understand...

2 years ago
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The Sexual Saga Of My Family And Me 8211 Part III

Hi Friends thank you much for your response to Part 1 and part 2 of this story. I really appreciate your good words. Any ladies, bhabhis, aunties want to contact me please do so on Now read on for Part 3 I was going towards the bathroom the phone rang. My mother picked it up and it was my elder brother. She sat down on the sofa next to the phone to talk to him while wiping her leaking pussy with a napkin “Hello Beta, how are you? Achha, how is Upasna? When? Oh, ok yes I’ll tell him, Haan he...

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My Angel Showed Me The Way To Heaven

Hi my name is Jeevan. I am a very friendly person from mysore any girl or ladies who is sex starving can contact me, my email id I maintain secrecy you can trust me. Sorry guys am not a story writer if there’s any mistake pls forgive me this is my first story here. Okay coming to the story am an engineering student living in a rented house in mysore with my parents am 23 years old with 6″ monster. Heroine of the story is my landlady’s daughter she’s of 25 years age staying in home finished her...

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The Wrestling Proposal

I couldn't help but laugh. "Are you serious right now Brittany?""Yes I'm serious. I want to fight you." She said with a smirk. She was standing up in the living room looking down at me on the couch while I was trying to play Halo 4. She had on what could only be described as an outfit that one would work out in. It consisted of a top that was like a smaller, thinner sports bra and a pair of booty hugging boy shorts, both the same color and both bright orange. I paused the game for a minute to...

2 years ago
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Legal Issues Ch 07

Early morning sunlight streamed through Lynn'scurtains. The young woman woke slowly, still smiling from her dream. She felt unreasonably happy, as if she were a small child tucked into bed by loving parents after a full day of play. An empty chair stood beside her bed and, next to the chair was a small table. Atop the table was a plate full of vegetables and a bowl full of mixed greens. Lynn's stomach rumbled loudly and she remembered she hadn't eaten anything the day before. But, worse was her...

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Special Report

It was the chance of a lifetime, and one she simply could not afford to pass up. All she had to do was read a news report on live TV, something she had done a million times already, while a few men jerked off on her. If she could make it through the entire report without quitting, while making a passable job of the information, she would get a huge cash prize. Since she was currently single, she had no one who would even object. She told her agent that she would take the gig. When the night...

Group Sex
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The Last Life on Earth

We sit together, the mountain and I, until only the mountain remains. -Li Bai, trans. by Sam Hamill The last living thing on Earth sat beneath the bloated red sun, using the energy of the dim rays to turn to the raw elements of its habitat into useful tools for its continued existence. DNA coded for RNA which was turned into proteins, much as it had for billions of years. If a person had been on the beach, looking at the shallow pool where life had persisted against all odds after each and...

1 year ago
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Moms lesbian experience

100% fiction! Bob has been my best friend since forever. We used to hang out all the time and talk about all sorts stuff. One evening, me bob and his girlfriend Christine, were talking at a bar…one thing led to another and we ended up talking about my sexy hot beautiful she was even at this age!! Things kept getting dirtier and we were pretty drunk. And somehow we agreed on the fact that if I manage to get bob and Christine fuck my mom I’d be allowed to make out with Christine whenever. And we...

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The Bar Part 4

After a few minutes they stopped kissing and we heard them whispering to each other. We couldn’t hear what was being said but both women smiled as they stood up and walked past us to the pool table.Upon reaching the pool table, Carol and Sarah looked back at John and I with big grins on their faces and quietly said, ‘Just watch.’So, we continued to watch them, wondering what they were going to get up to next.Sarah sat on the edge of the pool table while Carol parted Sarah’s legs and moved...

Group Sex
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A Sluts First Time

A slut's first time By Tanya Grant I hope you like this story, it's not true, but it did grow out of a cyber relationship I was having at the time. ************** "Simon, I'm about 15 minutes from the hotel, are you there yet? I breathed into my telephone. "No, I'm about half an hour away" you replied, "But the room's all booked, why don't you go in, get the room and make yourself comfortable." "Ok lover, I'll see you in half an hour or so, I hope your feeling up to this,...

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Fucking My Friend8217s Sister

Hello, my dear horny people, I am here with a story of my friends sister. I hope you all have been good and healthy. It’s a lockdown in Maharashtra (at least when I’m writing this) again. That has given me some time to write the next installment of my sexual journey. It was September of 2019. I was working in Chennai, my work there had almost wrapped, and I had to leave for Hyderabad for my next project. I got the address of my new workplace. I remembered that my good friend and old classmate...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 10

After their extended discussion, mainly one sided, about changing their dress code and public behavior, Amy was pouring wine for a toast to the future. Nathan and Kathy were aware of how the consumption of wine had caused weird changes in their guests, and even themselves. Nathan had even had the intelligence to relate cause and effect to his own prowess last night. When he drank that stuff, he seemed to get into a loving mood with some kind of ability to satisfy every female who wanted to do...

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Me And My Real Life mom

PAR 1This is actualy not a story but a fact of life- (a biaography){-))Me and my mom have ben having sex since as long as i can remember...Im 20+y.o. (something) and my mom is 50+ y.o. We werent alsways like this ,,, This all stared when I was 15 y.o. At that time i realy didn;t care about girls, but oticed that my dick would get hard,, at that time we lived alone.. i never seen my dad...so from that day i saw something strange happed to my mom ... she started dreessing better, (we...

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Sunny TooChapter 17

We loaded up in the Defender. Not that we packed ... no ... we three loaded up in the car and headed over the mountain via Bells line of road. The state called it B59 ... the locals call it Bells. Ramone’s Service supplied our wants and needs quickly and we were off again. Odd ... the girls aren’t speaking to me. It’s a wonder ... but the silence is good; I needed to concentrate on the curves. Just before Kurmond the road became one lane. “Accident up ahead, Sir. Car over sped the corner....

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I met a couple from this site the other night

Well this just gose to prove that there are some horny people out there, the other night I went and met a couple from this site that I had been chatting with and the Husband wanted to watch his wife being fucked by another man. I had not been convinced that there where many genuin people about and when I had a message from this young lady telling me how she would like to be fucked by my hard cock while her hubby watched I thought hear we go again, I have had several people contact me like this...

2 years ago
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This weekend was my 20th year high school reunion in New Orleans. I still can't believe it's been 20 years. I must admit, I had a blast - and by blast, I mean lots and lots of … moments. It was so great to see everybody again. I have to be honest though, the highlight of the weekend was the trip back - and I'm not talking about the bus ride either!Well, as you can imagine, people were posting away … the reunion. Some of the pictures I saw of me after the fact would really shock you. You know...

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Senior Moments Ch5

By Jax_Teller David and I had become best of friends and cohorts in spying on his mother and aunt's sexual adventures. I had set it up so if David would be open to a bisexual encounter, I would be there for him. It turned out that a small gesture on my part motivated him to take the chance and make a move on me without my consent. I was very happy to wake to David sucking my cock, not just for the blow job, but that he was getting something sexual. David and I showered together...

1 year ago
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Parody Pass! Remember when Netflix and chill was a thing? It was short-lived, but for a glorious moment in time, we had a perfectly viable excuse to invite girls over for sex. Not that there were never perfectly viable excuses to invite girls over for sex before Netflix and chill became known. There have always been great excuses for that. No, the difference was in the fact that any girl who agreed to come over to Netflix and chill knew damn well what was about to go down.There was no playing...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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One For The Team Chapter Four

November 1984 Robert wanted Charlotte to stay the night but they both knew it was fanciful and a downright dangerous idea. Robert Fellows may be the housemaster of Bridge House but he was still a student at Chelmsford College and would be subject to expulsion if they were caught. "Do that thing to me again and then I'll leave, but I'll come back tomorrow night and every night after if you want me to," Charlotte kissed him and stroked his burgeoning erection. "What thing?" Robert...

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Alyce in the Wonderful Land of Lust

Alycereclined against her favorite tree on campus. It was a relatively warm day with a pleasant cool breeze that reminded her spring break was only a week away. She enjoyed the time she spent here on the Quad. With midterms coming up, she barely had time for herself. It seemed that studying had become her new social past time. Majoring in English, Alyce got to combine her most favorite hobby with her school work. She loved reading, but sometimes, she wanted to read something other than the...

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After The KingChapter 17

Nimue re-tied Eoric to his horse and nimbly mounted up herself. Her route had been planned out in her head and she estimated it would take her a further four days of riding before she would be able to say for certainty that she was safe. A big concern for her was how well Eoric would hold up. She had brought bottles of some of her brews with her and she would be able to dribble these into his mouth in the place of food and water, but his lack of movement could affect his body. She left the...

4 years ago
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How to Guide Blow Job

TeethThe number one blowjob mistake: letting your teeth hit his cock. I can't stress this enough. Ask any guy and he'll tell you again and again: nothing is worse than a blowjob that is "all teeth". In fact, most guys won't admit it, but their idea of a perfect blowjob would be getting sucked off by a gorgeous woman with removable dentures. Teeth can nick and sc**** the sensitive skin of the penis. Open your mouth wide enough that they stay away from his cock, or suck your lips in over them to...

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How It All Began Ch05

Reclined on the chaise longue, Tanya watched her young student straddle her lover. Idly she slid a finger inside her greasy aroused sex and Tanya devoured the sight of Jack’s hard fat cock disappear into her student’s cunt. Jack threw his head back as Fay sat on his hot meat, it eased into her as Fay’s pussy was ready for him. As she leaned forwards to squat over him, Jack watched Fay’s wet pussy lips stretch over his cock. This thought of their audience watching this gratuitous display and...

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Carols Strip Poker Experience

Strip Poker Carol?s Strip Poker Experience For some time, my wife, Carol, and I had been experimenting with different kinds of sexual games.? I couldn?t believe my luck as I finally discovered her hot buttons. I had been traveling and for once, Carol could come and join me for a few days.? When she arrived, I took her to the hotel and we began to play.? I suggested strip poker and she agreed.? We both agreed that the game would not be over until both of us were nude, and when one party...

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After the WarChapter 12 Bedroom Pleasures

In the Colonel's bedroom Jane asked, "What do you want me to do?" "Take off your dress," said the Colonel, "and lie on the bed in an artistic fashion while I get out of this uncomfortable uniform." As Jane complied she felt herself moistening in anticipation. In a detached way she thought, 'It is deliciously naughty to be forced to be unfaithful to Henry. I wonder whether a different man will feel different inside me? Will I be able to feel how much bigger his prick is when it is in...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11 E10 Jocelyn Higgins 48 from Maidstone

We start this week’s show, as we start every show, with a shot of the UK of Zoo map of the British Isles with all its sparkling little lights ... And then a new light – brighter and larger, indicating this week’s location – down south, way south - to the south-east of London, sharpening down to a point over (as the caption tells us) - “MAIDSTONE”. Then we dive into the map and cut through to an establishing shot of a boring housing estate. Low green hedgerows, little green lawns, grey brick...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk2Chapter 2

With a final kiss, Elliott withdrew his mouth from his mother’s pussy and stepped into the en-suite bathroom. The room was huge, with the massive glass-walled shower enclosure in one corner and a deep soaker tub in another. He ran the water in the tub, knowing she’d want it nice and hot to soothe her aching body. He poured in the bath crystals, which quickly foamed up, the warm flowery scent filling the air. As steam curled invitingly over the tub, he checked to make sure everything was in...

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Wonderful Love Story Of Siblings

My name is John Sanford and honestly, I had always wanted to fuck my little sister Janet for as long as I can remember. I was really big and eager to shove it in her fanny and pussy both. She had big tits and her pussy would always bulge out under her tight clothes. She had a way of pushing up her fanny and wriggling her ass. I knew she was a flirt and a fair game but I spared her for the time being. I waited this long and finally, I got my heart’s desire. I had come to visit my family for her...

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My College Drinking Cure

by Larry Malone (Copyright 2016) I was never much of a drinker, but by the time I was a sophomore in college and a member of a national fraternity, that all changed. For awhile I was drinking so much it almost became a second college major for me, but in a way my fraternity provided me with a unique and unexpected cure. It was during “rush week” when all the fraternities held open house parties to impress and recruit new members, that my drinking got out of hand and got the better...

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Training another Slut to Take My Big Cock

He loves it when I suck him off.He's been training me for weeks to take him balls deep in my throat, and he hasn't tried to fuck my pussy since we started. I've been savoring his taste and smell as he saws in and out of me, leisurely catching and pulling the soft ridges of my throat with his mushroom head. It finally feels like I have a purpose, and it's letting him use my throat to fuck his cum out. A cock in its sleeve- right where it belongs.We started fucking just a few weeks ago, but we've...

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Delta OriginalChapter 21 Unwanted Visitors

They were starting to get the gear not required, packed up when Terry commed Sean. “More trouble is coming Boss. There is a large party coming in from the same direction the others came from. With horses and wagons,” he told them. Lee and Kyle looked at each other. Their medallions had gone from warm to very warm. Lee had thought the sickness was the danger, but after she had cured the little girl, her medallion was still warm. Obviously, the illness wasn’t the threat it was warning her...

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One Naughty Teacher

OPEN! email comments/ideas to [email protected] Slowly, Miss Nicole teased the left strap of her silky black bra up under her white tank top. She buttoned a tight black mini-jacket over herself. She insisted that the students in her high school English class call her by here first name, and loved to watch the effect that her figure had on them, boys and girls alike. Her breasts were large, and she thought her figure nicely filled the less than conservative clothing she was so fond of.

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The TarotChapter 19

"Yes, you have made the correct decision," said the old woman, reading the cards. "I was afraid you'd say that," said Angilee sadly. "He will suffer a temporary setback." "You mean he will lose this election?" "Yes, but his long term future is bright... without you." "And with me?" "Ominous clouds gather," said Madame Leseur, "his current path will be forbidden to him." "In other words, his career is over." "Yes. Your paths must never cross again if he is to find...

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Obsessed with Mothers body

After seeing her, I went straight to my room and started slowly massaging, and stroking my penis, the image still fresh in my mind. I started to speed up, and before long, I was spurting cum all over my bed. It continued like that for the next three nights. I would go and lie down in my bed, with the lights off, and think of her. My mind would start to wonder, thinking of her in different views, positions, and outfits, and every night I would cum, and for brief moments I was in paradise. On...

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The Class Project Chapter 15

The Class Project by Janice Dreamer Chapter 15 "I know I had asked off for tonight and all next week, Sir, but I had a change of plans. I thought you might need a little extra help is all," Robyn explained to Mr. Peeps. She crossed her fingers, hoping he'd just let her go to work. Donna was with her family and all her other friends were back in their home towns. She'd thought about calling Brad's cell but he was probably asleep what with the time difference. Besides, she'd just...

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The RanchChapter 3 The Whole Townrsquos Laughing at the Devilrsquos Handle Motorcycle Club

Cliff hung up the phone from Elroy’s call unsure where to begin as Elsie leaving him wasn’t something that he wanted to happen. Elsie is a great cook, and she runs this home and farm like a tight ship. She still the beautiful cheerleader who was willing to date a dumb jock wannabe farmer. He can still remember taking Elsie’s viginity on their wedding night. He wasn’t a virgin so after he broke her in, he discovered that Elsie was a wildcat in bed. Elsie was flexible enough to try positions,...

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Slutty Young Girl

Hi all, this is Vinay again. Thanks for the comments and likes for my previous story Sister-in-law fucked with cucumber. I’ll really try to enjoy you all this time too. Well, this is also a kinky but sweet, romantic story. Reading this story once is worth. This story is completely fictional and based on my imaginations. So the story goes like this. I was in class 10th when I first saw her. It was the first day of her at the school. She was 5.4 inches, well-shaped body, brownish hair, and milky...

3 years ago
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After school detention lesson

PART 1 It was such a hot day in a typical Australian summer. The sky was blue as the ocean and I'm relieved today is swimming lesson for my class. I am 13 years old and my best friend William who is also 13 is thrilled to go swimming instead of learning maths. It was almost the end of the year and the whole class would rather swim than learn. We all got to the pool by bus. William and I were disappointed when we were told our swimming coach was sick and was replaced by a substitute. Her...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 22

The chef had dinner out by the time the four ladies returned from notifying family about their accident and assuring them that they were safe, showering, cleaning up, and dressing. They all looked more content than when we met. I guess a hot bath and some clean clothes will do that for you. Fiona spoke for them all as they filed back into the salon. “Did I hear some of your crew address you as, ‘Lord Terrance?’” she asked, clearly perplexed. “I bet my American accent confused you. My Great...

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My Neighbour Janice Continued Part 5

My Neighbor Janice Chapter 5 I was gone all week Monday to Friday so I called Janice on Thursday to tell her that I would be home late Friday night and would see her Saturday. “Just come over when ever you get home as I will be up, it doesn’t matter what the time is or call me when you are close to getting home” Janice said. I agreed and told her I would, and that was looking forward to getting home. The Weekend Friday - Monday Friday morning I woke early, I dressed, packed and checked...

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Oral Sex Has Fulfilled Our Desire

Hello readers! I am Shashank, age 20, an avid reader of stories at ISS. I have been addicted to ISS for a while in the last year but soon learnt that not all stories are for real. I want to thank all the writers who have really helped me in my attempt to stop watching porn. The style of writing has improved over the days among the authors and it really got me away from the desi stories. Kudos guys! Please keep on sharing your experiences in your works! This story of mine has no intercourse and...

2 years ago
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Baby Kelly

Baby Kelly Chapter 1: The death of my parents came unexpected. Coming back from the theatre my father lost control of the car and crashed against a tree. I, a 15 year old boy called Kevin, was home alone when an officer showed up at my door telling me the news. I was in shock from then and the time between that fatal day and the funeral a couple of days afterwards is just a blur. My dads family didn't bother showing up as the relations between them and my father have been terrible...

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Room for Rent Part 2 of 14

No matter how often I lingered in the bathroom after that morning, hoping Kris would burst in for another quick blowjob, it never happened again. Even worse, it didn't seem any more meaningful to her than a basic business transaction - no different that chipping in a couple of bucks towards gas in return for giving her a ride somewhere. It wasn't even worth talking about. After a week I began to wonder if it had really happened at all, or if I'd just imagined the whole thing. And so, life in...

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The babysitter fucked by big brother

I was gone for the night … and when i got home i noticed a girls bicycle by the garage. When I entered I remembered that tonight there was a babysitter for my little s*s, who was already asleep judging by the time . So I decided to get inside silently not to wake her… and I found the babysitter watching a rather ‘hot’ movie on tv…. Instead of saying hello, I spied on her … and saw the young body shake from orgasm as she fingered herself watching tv in my place …Just after she cummed I coughed...

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