زوجته حامل …فركب حماته ونكها free porn video

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انا عادل 27 سنة متزوج من حوالى عام او اكثر اعيش بالشرقية لكنى اعمل فى دمياط و اخذت زوجتى معى لاكون قريب من العمل افضل من تكون زوجتى بعيده عنى …
كنت انزل البلد كل فترة لارى اخوتى و اقاربى .. حملت زوجتى و كانت فى الشهور الاولى و نصحنا الدكتور بالا تقوم بمجهود فكنت دائما بجوارها كنت اعمل فى معرض للموبليا و كان يعمل معى ايضا اخو زوجتى و لها اختين متزوجين و اخت لم تتزوج بعد تعيش مع حماتى فى قريتنا ..
فى يوم وصلتنى دعوة فرح لابن عمى بالبلد و كان لازم احضر الفرح بدعوى التهنئة و النقوط عليا .. لكن لا استطيع اخذ زوجتى معى و لا اقدر اتركها لوحدها فاتصلت بحماتى ان ترسل اخت زوجتى الصغيرة تجلس مع زوجتى يومين حتى اعود من الفرح .. بالفعل وصلت اخت زوجتى صباح ما نويت السفر
و انا فى الطريق من دمياط لقريتنا بالشرقية اخذت افكر فى اشياء كثيرة و كيف انى محروم من الجنس بسبب تعب زوجتى من الحمل و انا من طبيعى احب الجنس جدااا و احب ممارسته يوميا ..
و لاحت حماتى و انا افكر فى الجنس و كيف انها لا تتعدى الثامنة و الثلاتون و توفى زوجها و هى ما تزال فى عز شبابها و افتكرت صديقى مجدى و هو يحدثنى عن البرشام الذى يثير المرأة و يجعلها فى حالة اثارة كبيرة و محتاجة للجنس قولت لنفسى ماذا يضر لو جربته مع حماتى و بالفعل اخرجت الموبايل من جيبى و اتصلت بمجدى و سالته عن اسم البرشام و كتبته على الموبايل و لما نزلت من السيارة روحت صيدليه يقف بها شاب و قولت له محتاج لبرشام طلبه منى صديق و فتحت الموبايل لكى يقرأ الاسم و عملت نفسى لا أعرف البرشام و لا اعرف لماذا طلبه صديقى سألنى الصيدلى صديقك متزوج قولت له ايوه متزوج ..
اخذت البرشام و خرجت من الصيدلية و انا أقول لنفسى اى محاولة يا البرشام يكون بجد و يعمل نتيجة او لا يوثر و يا دار ما دخلك شر
كان مجدى معرفنى ان مفعوله بعد حوالى ساعتين وصلت لبيت حماتى بعد المغرب رحبت بى و سالتى عن اخبار زوجتى كان معى كانز اشتريته مخصوص للمهمة و اثناء ما حماتى دخلت المطبخ فتحت الكانز و وضعت به برشامتين و ذهبت لها قابلتى فى الصالة فقولت لها الجو حار جدا و انا اشتريت الكانز من المحطة و انا جاى اعطيت لها واحد و شربت الاخر و كنت انظر لها و هى تشرب و اتكلم عن زوجتى و تعبها من الحمل و ازاى انا كمان تعبان لكى اوفر الراحة لزوجتى و هى تصبرنى و تقول معلش هانت كلها كام شهر و يجى النونو و انا بدات المح لها و اقول الاولاد كبروكى بسرعة و هى تضحك و تقول خلاص بقى هناخد زمنا و زمن غيرنا ..
استأذنت منها لكى اذهب للفرح و قالت لا لازم تيجى تبات هنا اكيد عند عمك البيت فيه ناس كتيرة بسبب الفرح و الهيصة قولت لها هقعد شوية و اجى …
خرجت من بيت حماتى و انا انظر فى الساعة كانت حوالى التاسعة قولت حلو قوى اقعد عند عمى ل 11 او 12 و ارجع خصوصا اننا فى الصيف و الناس بتسهر ..كان دائما معى فى المحفظة برشامة فيجا و ترامادول اخرجتهم من جبيى عند او ثلاجة قابلتنى قبل ما ادخل بيت عمى ..
جلست مع ابن عمى نضحك و نرقص و نغنى للعريس و انا استرجع مع اصدقائى بالقرية ايام الطفولة
و جاء و قت العشاء قومت مع العريس و الاصدقاء اتعشينا و و حوالى الحادية عشر و نصف استاذنت و قولت لهم هروح انام لانى تعبان من السفر و هكون بكرة من بدرى عندهم عشان تكون الدخلة و السهرة الكبيرة اصر عمى ان ابيت معهم لكنى اتحججت بان حماتى لوحدها و هى تنتظرنى كمان البيت هنا زحمة من كثرة المدعويين
خرجت من بيت عمى و انا افكر يا ترى البرشام عمل ايه مع حماتى الوقت وصلت منزل حماتى بنادى عليها فتحت الباب و دخلت المنزل و كنت مستعجل اعرف نتيجة البرشام لكنى لم يظهر شىء عليها قالت اتعشيت قولت ايوة قالت يخص عليك وانا كنت مجهزة لك عشا قولت فى سرى مش تستعجلى نأكله بعد ما أكلك …
قالت خالص اعمل لك شاى قولت لها مش هتنامى قالت لا انا هسهر شوية والا انت عاوز تنام قولت لها لالالا انا متعود على السهر قولت لها هدخل اخد دوش لما تعملى الشاى لان الجو حاااااااار جدا قالت ماشى
دخلت الدوش طبعا كانت برشامة الفيجا ظهر اثرها على زبى و كان منتصب على الاخر قولت ابدا انا اجس نبضها لان حتى لو البرشام عملت عندها حاجة مش معقوله هى اللى هتبدأ .. خرجت من الحمام و انا لا أتردى الا الحملات و الشورت و كان زبى واضح جدا من الشورت و منتصب جدا و روحت لها المطبخ كانت بتصب الشاى
اول ما لمحتى بالمنظر ده و انا عملت فيها عبيط ولا كانى عامل حاجة و قولت لها ايه الحر ده انا دايما كده فى الشقة عندى دايما بالشورت و الحملات ولا يضايقك يا يا حماتى قالت لالا يا حبيبى خليك على راحتك انت مش غريب ..
كلامها شجعنى و قولت لها و احنا بنشرب الشاى معقوله ياحماتى فى الحر ده و انت لابسه كده .. كانت لابسه جلباب بلدى و على راسها ايشرب كبير .. قالت عادى اتعودت على كده قولت لها اتعودتى ايه اللى اعرفه يعنى انت مش كبيرة اوى فى بنات فى سنك كده لسه مش اتجوزا بس انت اللى اتجوزتى بدرى اوووى انا عارف كنت مستعجله على ايه و اضحك و هى تضحك و الاحظ بين الحين و الاخر نظرتها لزبى المنتصب بالشورت ..
كانت حماتى بيضا و جسمها ملفوف و كانت تهتم بنفسها و يظهر ده على حواجبها و لفة رجلها من تحت او هنشها المدور عندها تقف
قولت لها و انا ابتسم بجد حرام كده معقوله تلبسى كده كان عندك خمسين سنة يا ستى البسى و افرحى مدش واخد منها حاجة دا انا سمعت دكتور فى التليفزيزن بيقول النكد و الحزن بيقصر العمر عاوزك تلبسى كده و تدلعى نفسى هو الواحد هيعيش كام مرة ..
قالت بس يا عادل هلبس ليه و لمين قولت لها البسى و ادلعى لنفسك انتى مش لازم لحد مقعوله حتى فى الحر ده و انتى لوحدك و لابسه كده و تنامى فى الهدوم دى طب اقول لك و حلفت و انا اضحك لازم حالا تقومى تلبسى احلى قميص عندك و هتشوفى انت كان عندك عشرين سنة و مسك ايدها و بشدها و هى تضحك اوى اوى و تقول تخرب عقلك يا عادل ضحكتى قميص ايه اللى البسه قولت لها ايه مش عندك قمصان نوم و الا ايه قالت عندى كتير بس مش ينفع هو انا لسه صغيرة حست من كلمها شوية ضغط و كله هيبقى تمام
شدتها من ايدها اووووى و اخدتها عند الدولاب و قولت لا يلا خدى قميص و على الحمام خدى دوش و البسى و تعالى ضحكت و قالت يووة فكرتى بزمان لما كان حماك بيعمل كده و يشترط انى البس قميص ضحكت و قولت لها طب يلا و مع تصميمى و انى هزعل بجد و انها لازم تشوف نفسها لان الحزن وحش على صحتها وافقت و قالت طب اختار لى قميص انت دورت فى الدولاب و روحت على قميص احمر قصير و قولت لها ده قالت لالالا ده قصير اوى اوى قولت لها طب و ماله هو للخروج ده هنا فى الشقة المهم اخدته و دخلت الحمام و انا انتظرها و كل شوق لاتمم المهمة المستحيلة …
خرجت من الحمام و هى تضحك و تدارى وشها من الكسوف و انا انظر لها لارى اجمل امراة جسمها ممشوق و صدرها واقف ناهد و سرتها تظهر من تحت القميص و شعرها مبلولة بالماء ضحكت و صقفت على ايدى و قولت ايوه كده هلك هلاك اظهر يا قمر طب صدقينى اجمل من عروسة فى ليلة دخليتها و قربت منها و مسكت ايدها و و قولت تسمحى لى بالرقصة دى يا عروسة ضحكت و قالت يخرب عقلك يا عادل انت عسل بجد هونت عليا كتير يا ريت كنت قريب مننا ..
قولت لها ممكن بقى تجيبى ايدك و تنسى كل حاجة قولنا الواحد مش بيعش غير مرة واحدة .. اخدت ايدها و قربت منها و كانى هرقص معها بجد .. هى فعلا جميلة سكسية على الاخر قربت منها و امسك ايدها و اخليها تلف قادمى و انا اتعمد انى التصق بها لغايه ما زبى المنتصب لمس مؤخرتها .. قالت بس يا عادل ظهرى تعبتى اوى اوى .. انا قولت بس فكرة لانى مش عاوزة حاجة عادية قولت هنيكها من غير ما اطلب منها واحدة واحدة …
قولت لها تعرفى يا حماتى انت بس شوية مساج و تدليك و هتكون تمام التمام قالت ازاى قولت لها يعنى اكيد ظهرك تعبك من الوقفه فى المظبخ و شغل البيت التدليك ده هيفك العضلات و هترتاحى خالص
قالت و فين بقى التدليك ده قولت لها انا اعمله لك ده سهل خالص بس تسمعى الكلام مش تطلعى روحى زى موضوع القميص قالت بعد الشر عليك حاضر هسمع الكلام يعنى هتعمل فيها دكتور بقى ضحكت و قولت ايوه و لازم تسمعى كلام الدكتور
قولت لها تعالى و اخدتها اوضة نومها و قولت لها يلا نامى على السرير قالت حاضر لما نشوف اخرتها كانت بالقميص الاحمر القصير و رجلها و فخدها يظهر بوضوح قولت لما اطلب حاجة اشوف رد فعلها قولت لها ممكن تقلعى السنتيان قالت ليه بصيت لها و قولت قولنا ايه قالت حاضر و فعلا خرجت لما قلعت و دخلتها و هى نايمة على ظهرها و صدرها باين كله تقريبا الا الحلمة قولت لها نامى على بطنك .. و رفعت القميص و شوفتها الاندر الصغير عليها و ظيرها الكبيرة الجميلة البيضا المدورة و مشيت ايدى على ظهرا بشويش و قولت لها عاوزك تقولى ااااه عشان مع ضغط ايدى و كلمة ااااااه اكيد هترتاح قالت ماشى لما ايدك تيجى على مكان الوجع هقول اااه و بدات امشى ايدى و اضغط بشويش و فى مكان فوق ظيرها و اسفل ظهرها قالت اااااه ضغطت جامد شوية الاه زادت و مع الوقت بقت تقول اه طول ما ايدى على جسمها ..
تعدت انزل على فخدها و ادلكه و من فوق امد ايدى لغايه ما تلمس صدرها لكنى لم اقترب منه اكثر حتى اشوقها و اسخنها طلبت منها تنام على ظهرها و لما اتعدلت على ظهرها كان كسها واضح منتفخ تحت الاندر و اثار بلل عليه عملت انى مش واخد بالى و قعدت جبنها و ايدها مفروده على السرير و انى ادلك و اروح شمال و يمين حتى قربت زبى من ايدها المفرودة على السرير لكنها لم تبعد يدها قولت حلو البرشام اشتغل و سخنت ..
بدات ادلكها بطنها و افركها و هى تقول اااه لكنها اااااااه مختلفه اكيد بقت ممحونة و انا ازيد فى الفرك قولت لازم اسخنها على الاخر و انيكها من غير ما اطلب منها نزلت بايدى على سرتها و سوتها و ايدها لامسه زبى و حست كانها بتحركها بشويش كانها نفسها تدعكه لكنها منتظرة البداية منى و انا ولا كانى هنا ..
قربت بايدى من سوتها فوق كسها افركها و لم المس كسها و نزلت شوية على فخذها و انا ادلك و افرد ايدى فيلمس صباعى الكبير كسها من بعيد قولت اعذبها اكتر فطلب منها تنام فى وضع الحضان تسند على ايدها و رجلها و ظهرها لفوق و وقفت ورا ظيرها بالظبط بين رجلها المفتوحه و قعدت ادلك فى ظهرها المرتفع و هى مازلت ممحونة و تقول ااااااااه و كنت حاسس انها على الاخر
انا مع التدليك بقيت اقرب منا من ورا و جسمى يلمس جسمها و زبى خلاص بقى يخبط فى ظيرها من ورا و اقرب و ارجع تانى كانى بعمل مساج بجد و بايدى من بين رجلها اقرب من كسها و المسه مرة و ارجع لما حست ان الاندر بتاعها غرقان قولت خلاص الفريسة جاهزة للاكل قولت اهجم بقى عليها قربت خالص من ظيرها و زبى بقى لامس فقله ظيرها و بضغط اوى و هى لقيتها زى اللى بتتعدل و زبى بقى بين فتحة ظيزها بالظبط و وقفت على كده لقيتها بترجع لورا على زبى بدات اهجم برضو براحة و ادخل ايدى من فوق فى الاندر و افرك لها ظيزها قالت الاندر مضايقك و انت بتدلك اقلعه قولت فى نفسى دى دابت خالص حرام بقى كفاية عليها كده قولت لها ماشى احسن برضو عشان اعرف ادلك كويس لان مكان الاندر لازم يدلك عشان على اللى ماسك عظمة الظهر قالت طب اتعدل و اقلعه والا تنزله انت قولت لا ماشى هنزله لك انا ..
بدات انزل الاندر براحه براحة و ظيرها البيضا الجميلة كنت هجم عليها بس قولت شوية و نزلت الاندر كله و بمد ايدى ادلك لها لقيتها غرقان على الاخر و زبى رجع تانى بين فتحة ظيزها و حست انها متعمدة و انا طبعا ساند على ركبتى و واقف وراها مباشرة و زبى تقريبا دخل ظيرها لقيتها بتقول ما تقلع الشورت بتاعك اكيد مضايقك و انت قاعد كده قولت لها انتى شايفة كده قالت ايوه هتكون على راحتك اكتر قلعت الاندر و قولت لها نكمل والا ارتحتى قالت لا نكمل ايدك حلوة اوى و بتريحى رجعت وقفت و هى فى نفس الوضع و زبى بقى حر من غير حاجة و انا بتعدل لقيتها رجعت قوى بظيرها فدخل زبى بين ظيزها و زادت فى كلمة اااااااااااه و صرخت يخرب عقلك ده زب والا خابور هو كبير اوى اوى ليه كده يكون فى عونها بنتى
قولت خلاص بقى و قعدت ادخله و اطلع براحة بين ظيزها و هى مستلسمة و كانت بتهز ظيزها و انا بدخل و بطلع لغايه ما زبى قرب من شفايف كسها الغرقان و بحركة منها زبى دخل كسها الساخن المولع و خرج من صوت كانها مش اتناكت قبل كده و قالت ااااااااه اااااااح كمان كمان انا بحس براحة كمان كمان اعمل كمان و ترقص ظيرها و زبى فى كسها ..
بدات اعمل بقوة و مسكتها من ظيرها بايدى اشدها عليها و ادخل زبى فيها بكل قوة و هى تصرخ و تقول كمان كمان و انا مستمر بكل قوة و و ضربتها على ظيرها بايدى فرحت و قالت كمان اعمل فيا كل حاجة انا تعبانة من زمان كمان
و قعدت اضربها و اشتمها و اقول لها يلا يا متناكة يا شرموطة يا لبوة و هى مبسوطة و تقول ايوه كده اضربى و اشتمنى ايوة انا متناكة انا من اللليلة المتناكة بتاعتك انت و بس يا دولة يلا كمان
و انا مستمر فى النياكة ادخل زبى و خرجة و قربت انزل قولت لها هنزل قالت نزل فى كسى اروى كسى العطشان قولت لها يحصل حمل و الا حجة قالت مش تخاف من يوم ما ركبت اللولب مش شلته قمت منزل فى كسها دفاعت من مية زبى الساخنة و هى تصرخ و تقول يالهوووووووى ايه ده احساس عمرى ما جربته
و اتعدلت و انا نمت على ظهر و هى قعدت تمص فى زبى لما وقف و نكتها تانى و تالت و نزلت فى كسها مرتين و مرة فى ظيزها و نمنا و كنا فى الصباح على موعد اااااااااخر ……

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The Road or an RathadChapter 3

I picked up Brenda from St. Ann's on Friday afternoon. Central had been closed for teacher's conference, a perk that the private preparatory did not have. Still, it allowed me to pick her up. Brenda saw me, and came over very fast. It was two weeks since our picnic, and the weather was absolutely cold now. She climbed in, and we kissed briefly. "So, want me to run you home, or do you want to go to my house? Mom is gone until six tonight," I added hopefully. "Hmm, home to my house, or...

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BangingBeauties Blake Blossom The One You8217ve Been Waiting For

Beautiful Blake Blossom is Michael Stefano’s biggest fan. She has dreamt of riding his big dick for so long that when PervCity finally introduces her, the outgoing blonde is speechless. She can’t stop smiling, and when he sucks her natural big tits, she joins him by licking her own nipple. The coed has never been so wet and horny as she stiffens his cock with a slurpy blowjob, until he swivels her around on the dining room table and rams his prick into her dripping shaved pussy. Blake...

4 years ago
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My Slutty Teen Slave

Although this is not a sequel to my earlier story involving Katie, it is a continuation of my sexual adventures from that point. Please note it is not necessary to read the first story before this one. But just so you know, Katie was a cougar that I met online and lost my virginity to. On with this story! *** With that first encounter, I realized that my experiences with Katie had just begun. We met...

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Brother and Sister Find Relief With Each Other

I had just returned to the states after a five-year assignment in Germany. I had built up 60 days leave and decided to take 30 days at home visiting with friends and family. My first night home I decided to go with some friends to some of our old stomping grounds. At one of the bars we bumped into a group of girls who we had started conversations with and buy drinks for all night. There was one of them in particular, Carol; I had been flirting with, a tall red head with nice tits. Feeling the...

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Flames of LifeChapter 10

Two months later Ernie and Gayatri are in Rivers shopping when Ernie goes into the store called Lambert Jewellery. By now Gayatri is used to Ernie doing almost anything because he does so much that seems not to be connected, yet it later turns out to be linked. At the counter he asks the young woman, “May I speak to ‘Enri Lamber,’ please?” She glances at him, turns, goes to the curtain to the back of the store, and pulls it aside while saying, with a French accent, “Papa, counter,” before...

2 years ago
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One Wild Night

One Wild NightGawaine C. Ross People call me Buck. I’m an artist in oil colors, and a sculptor. I run in marathons, so I’m in good shape. Most women smile when I walk by; I think it’s because I’m 6’6” and wear tight clothing. I have hazel eyes and brown hair. My parents were immigrants from Poland, and our whole family is very close. I have my own apartment and my own studio. I’d known about The Primeval Woman, an annual arts festival that takes place every year out in the Nevada desert. It...

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Hedone 2 Alter of Lust

The darkness echoed with the screams of pain and pleasure. Every nerve in his body screamed in agony. Slowly he came awake to a world of purple light and smoke. What had happened? Where was he? Who was he? Slowly his mind adjusted to his new surroundings. How had he come to be here? Lost, confused and dazed he tried to move but his body was sluggish and refused to move. He closed his eyes and tried to relax but his mind would not stop reeling. Flashes of images came and went. A room...

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Looking for Hope

Looking For Hope By Dawn DeWinter CHAPTER 1 - DOWN THE MANHOLE Hope is gone. There is no sign of hope. Hope is nowhere to be found. She hasn't replied to an e-mail since the eleventh. Why doesn't she answer? She can't be on vacation. If she were, she'd have told us all. She's always kept in touch before. Why not now? It's not like Hope to have gone missing. Where is Hope? Does anyone know where she lives? Where she works? Does she live or work in New York City? Tell me if...

3 years ago
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Ex Daughter Grown Up Part 9 Sex and Love Continues

(Introduction: if you have read parts 1-8, you will know the people involved: a husband back working in the country he loves and where his grown-up 17y.o. step-daughter from a previous marriage has arranged for her ‘daddy’ to be taken care of by others…lots of them, and now I am flying to the Company’s Hanoi office where Tinh, the receptionist and younger sister of Liem at the office I have just left, and Linh, their mother, housekeeper at my hotel, have both taken care of me before….and where...

1 year ago
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Last Train

(This story was written in collaboration with JustTK. Please feel free to check out his stories. This story is pure fantasy. I will warn that there will be parts where men will be eating other men's cum, but there is no guy on guy action. It focuses mainly on the female character. I hope you enjoy.) Its a busy night on the subway train. Everyone is coming home from partying all night, the New Years flare wearing off. This would be the last train of the night. The loading area is full of people...

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A stranger in the hot tub

Saturday night Victor and I had been invited to a “special” party. We knew our hostage and his wife were into the swinger style; so, we thought it might be a swinger night after all…Their house was enormous and had several decks and levels. Victor and I danced, mingled with strangers and had some drinks.We walked around the big manor and suddenly stumbled on a secluded hot tub. There was a young guy already in the tub; I thought that if we started making out he would get out and go away. So, I...

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Aoife the Queen Maker A Halloween Story

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

1 year ago
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PervMom Sheena Ryder Laundry Day Lust

When Sheen Ryders stepson asks her for help getting his tie on for his big date, she immediately turns on the step motherly concern. She does not want her handsome young man getting any girls pregnant, so before he leaves, she jerks his cock and lets him titty fuck her to squeeze all his cum out. Later, Sheenas stepson is totally embarrassed because he blew his load in two minutes on his hot date. Sheena wants to make him feel like a man, so she teaches him how to properly fuck a wet pussy....

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Mothers Day Gift

It is Mother's Day morning and I haven’t found a gift yet for mom. I have been preoccupied with school, the volleyball team and my boyfriend that I barely had any time. Now, I’m frantically scrambling to find one at the very last minute. I live with my mom in this small efficiency apartment in Florida. Mom figured it was the best way to save. We’ve lived there for about two years going. Our apartment has one large bedroom, a bathroom and a spacious living room that adjoins the small kitchen. I...

4 years ago
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Ill Make it a Date Part Ten

I'll Make it a Date, Part Ten Chapter One This is Greg again. Even now, I fall in love with Tabby all over again when I read her story. I hoped she would not be afraid to express her emotions, and she wasn't. I feel a little guilty about pressing her on it, but it was important to me that you know how seriously she takes being a young woman. There really is no way that anyone would know - meeting her - she was not born a girl. I guess I left the story at the evening when I had my...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 4 The Priestessrsquos Inspiration

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk – Faerie “He’s going to be a while,” I said, a smile playing on my lips as my brother followed the faerie princess into the pavilion grown out of the grass in moments. Nathalie giggled. The fourteen-year-old girl nodded her head as she rubbed her hands together. Her small breasts jiggled as she squirmed, her blonde, braided pigtails swaying about her head. Then she looked to her right and squeaked, covering her tits. The...

4 years ago
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After the Bug

This story takes place in my Burke's Virus universe which was introduced in A Plague of Changes and continued in A Touch of the Bug. After the Bug By Morpheus I grimaced as I heaved my load, a heavy steal pole. I would have wiped the sweat from my eyes, but both hands were needed to hold the pole. It was big, heavy and awkward. As annoying as this was, it was nothing new to me. In fact, it was just another day at work. My name is Jim Brody and I was a 6 foot 1, well muscled...

1 year ago
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TheRealWorkout Kitty Caprice Bump Set And Spike My Pussy

Kitty Caprice is one of those curvy girls with an ass that just doesnt quit. Shes trying to get her beach volleyball game tuned up, so she works with her coach on it. Kitty wears a very sexy bikini that doesnt close to cover that big jiggling ass of hers. She saunters around the beach volleyball court letting her coach get a good look at her tits and ass as she poses, stretches, and bends in ways that drive her coach nuts. He finally cant take it and has to get her indoors for some private...

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The story of Dan Jane Ch3

Dan has only just shut the front door to their house as Jane stepped out of her skirt. She pointed for Dan to kneel and he knew what she wanted before she put her hands on his head and started to grind her soaking pussy into his face. Dan couldn’t believe how wet she was from just a conversation with Mark, he wondered what they had been discussing. Dan eagerly lapped at his wife’s beautiful dripping cunt, it wasn’t long before she had an orgasm. “Go and fix me a G&T and meet me in the...

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Family Affairs Aunt Sarah Ch 2

Family Affairs (Aunt Sarah) I woke up to the beeping from the security panel by the bedroom door. Rachel was still asleep, so I slid out of the bed and went to the panel. I couldn’t think who the hell would be coming to the house at 5:30 in the morning, so I backed the recording up enough to see the car coming in through the front gate. I didn’t recognize the car, and I was about to go wake Rachel when I heard her say, “Oh, that’s your aunt Sarah! I gave her my access code to get in if we...

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My Roommate

My Roommate By Ricky Oh, those lost days of our youth, how good it is we don't have to live them over again. But they do have a charm in memory that makes us forget the abject terror we felt when dealing with the opposite sex. As a sophomore in College I was one of those strong but skinny kids, no amount of working out seemed to put any bulk on my bones. I was desperate to raise a beard, but despite ample hair on my arms, legs and head the face simply would not cooperate....

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Wimpy white boy

I am a wimpy white boy. My slutty white wife and I ended up in a cuckold slut wife relationship in a bizarre sort of way. I guess I should have seen it coming because according to my wife and the big black bull that broke me down and made me come clean, I had been living in denial my entire life. The way they see it, my slutty white wife and I would have ended up like this sooner or later even if he hadn’t come around and properly motivated us. Even before I was forced to take a job working in...

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MrPOV Liz Jordan I Wanna Use Your Dick

Before we made this video, I asked Liz something along the lines of, “can you have a real orgasm on camera?” Liz replied, “my real orgasms are kinda boring, to be honest with you.” Here’s the thing bro, I love crazy loud orgasms on camera, but a lot of times I can tell when they’re fake. There’s nothing fake about Liz Jordan. Which is to day, Liz is The Real Deal. I had Liz open this scene with exactly how she masturbates at home. No cameras. No...

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A Friend In Need

That couldn’t possibly be the phone ringing, could it? I thought to myself. It’s three thirty in the morning who could be calling me at this time? I reached out in the dark for the phone and struggled to get it, but I was able to find it. “Hello…” I muttered, not sure if this was a dream or if the phone had actually rang. I repeated “Hello?” There was nothing but silence so I figured I was dreaming so I was about to hang up when I heard someone crying on the other end. The voice sounded...

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I Wanna Snog Brian Storm

It was August, so it was already starting to get chillier at night. Me, Debra, and my friends Patty and Connie were waiting outside the theatre alley, amongst the screaming girls. Patty made some comment to me about how annoying the younger fans were. But there was one thing on my mind: the lead singer of the band the Mockers, Brian Storm. Previously Patty and Connie and I, friends since elementary school, were waiting in the alley the past three nights after their concert, amongst the...

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Cynthia MartinChapter 36

Ken Bradley was standing in the corner of J.J. Murphy's Saloon in the Loop of downtown Chicago nursing a beer and watching the patrons with some amusement. Bradley was six feet three inches tall and weighed 190 pounds. Although to a casual observer he appeared to be in good physical condition, he didn't look like what he was: a professional football player on the NFC-champion Chicago Bears. Earlier in the season, when Sammy Johnson had suffered a knee injury and was put out of action for...

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StepSiblings Monica Asis Bookworrm Stepsis Gets Her First D

Monica Asis is a sexy bookworm, too busy being a nerd to realize that she is hot. When she comes home from school, she tells her stepbro about the girls that are picking on her in school. They say she is flat chested and make fun of her. He assures her that her boobs are nice and not at all flat, and she responds by lifting up her shirt and unleashing them. She starts rubbing her tits and asks him to play the game they used to play together as kids. He comes over and grabs her tits then starts...

4 years ago
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Fun Behind the Wheel

At twenty one years of age I finally got what most people get when they turn sixteen, a car. Seeing as I’ve lived in bigger cities ever since leaving home I have never really needed one until now. A white Pontiac, it wasn’t brand new or anything but I loved it anyhow. My first few weeks back behind the wheel were exciting, I could come and go as I pleased without having to plan my whole day around the bus schedule or getting rides from friends. I had forgotten what freedom felt like and I...

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Popping Poppy

I watched as Poppy did another set of pirouettes, her small frame twirling again and again, legs, back and neck as straight as an arrow as she listened to her coach bark, “Again!” for the hundredth time in an hour. I, Ash Darkwood was a judge for the regionals and had stopped in to see some of the performers practice before hand. Poppy was incredible, but not just in ballet. Her coach had her minimally dressed in order to not distract from the intricate moves she was pulling off, but I ...

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Confessions Lacy Lennon Anny Aurora Anny Gets Her Makeup Artist To Make Out On Her Pussy

Anny Aurora lives the dream; she always gets to fuck all these boys for her scenes but she just can not stop thinking about how hot her makeup artist Lacy is. She wonders how sweet it would be to taste that pussy and see Lacys face look up at her from between her legs while getting a toy deep in that pussy! To feel Lacy Lennons naked body and to feel that tongue of hers all over that pussy. Oh what a feeling that would be! It be better than she could imagine and they would both be licking the...

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Another Shower

She was mad. She was furious. Jessica failed to understand how she could, day in and day out, tolerate a legion of imbeciles at her cousin’s office. One of her subsidiary companies was in financial crisis. For three quarters, the results were the same and became worse. Its revenue plummeted instead of skyrocketed. Bad call to allow her cousin to run that business, just because she felt obliged to repay her uncle for loaning her some start-up money despite the fact that the debt had been fully...

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Moms Bikini

100% fiction! Our family has owned a waterpark in Northern California for several years and it is basically our whole life operating it and the attached tanning Parlor that is open year round. I have never really paid that much attention to my mom’s looks over the years because she is just that Mom. She has her own style. It’s basically just casual. I don’t want to call her a plain Jane because although she fits the mold, she takes really good care of herself. She always has found time to keep...

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Icarly hellip

Most people probably wouldn’t stay friends with someone who had knocked them u*********s on multiple occasions, especially if the victim in the scenario was supposed to be smart. However Freddie Benson’s friendship with Sam Puckett had always been… unique. No matter how much physical and verbal abuse he received from her Freddie could never stay mad at the violent blonde girl like he in all honesty should. Why that was used to be a mystery, now it was very clear. He had feelings for her. He’d...

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Office Stalking ch2

It had only been an hour since Erica made me her slave, but it seemed like an eternity. The smell of her sex still filled my office. The taste of her pussy lingered on my tongue. Trying to work was useless. I could only think of Erica and our new 'relationship' - my undeniable desire to serve her and please her. I could only dream of how she would use me for those purposes.My daydreams were cut short by an incoming IM from Erica. I opened it and read as my pulse quickened. Go to the ladies...

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A Nice Simple Job

Revised version of my earlier story. Tried to clear up some of the inconsistencies (I know that I didn't get them all) and tidy up a few things. I left it a bit open-ended, but I think it's a good bit cleaner at the end than before. At least, I hope it is. Big thanks to everyone who reviewed the last one (especially Alice Kramden and Catfish), even the reviews of those who disliked it were polite and helpful. Fair warning though, if you hated it before, you probably still will. This...

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Wife BBC Surprise

With my wife and I having dabbles in threesomes and sex clubs for about 9 months with limited success, she decided to call a halt to it all saying that it wasn't what she wanted and it was only me she wanted. Whilst being disappointed, I was also pleased of her love and commitment to me so that was the end of it as far as I was concerned.The next week or two passed by as we slipped into our old everyday life routines, I couldn't help but think about the 'fun' times she had with other men while...

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Big Bill Sandy

This is a true story how I got my first sexual experience and remember it like was just yesterday. Big Bill & Sandy Was the summer after I gradated the year was 1970 and had just turned 18. Sad to say was still with out having sex with a woman. I did belong to a motorcycle club for the past two yrs and sense I was now of age to speak, I was now allowed to do more within the club. No we were not a bunch of Harley riding, bar busting, leather wearing roughs necks. We were a AMA sanctioned club...

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When i was seduced

It is the story when i was fifteen years old.my father was working as government officials in a government department in a small town.we were living in a flat in the departmet campus.i had one younger brother of age 13 and a sistor of 11 years old.in the nearby flat of the campus there lived the family of a office friend of my father containing his wife archana aunty and two childrens-one daughter named poonam 12 years old and one son 9 years old. It was the time when curiosity regarding sex...

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first time or maybe not

I walked into the bedroom. I see my wife standing in front of the mirror in just her bra and panties.“You still find me attractive?” she asked.My wife Lan and I have been married 15 years. She will be turning 40 years old next weekend.I find you more attractive now than the day I met you. I fantasized about you the first time I saw you and I still do every day as I pulled her onto our bed.“Are you still fantasizing about how much of a slut I was before we got married?” Lan asked.I had a “I do...

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Inside the Doll

Inside the Doll By Scrambler J Copyright 2000 Neil tried to open his eyes, but for some reason he couldn't. Everything was dark, and he felt cold. So very cold, like he had jumped into the icy waters of the deep ocean. He had a funny taste in his mouth and he could hear someone singing. No, not someone, Kim. It was his Kim singing to him. But why was she singing so funny, and why was he so cold? Finally Neil managed to open his eyes and the first thing he felt was raw...

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Wife Works At Our Friends Resort Bar

Wife Works Our Friends Resort BarOne summer while our new home was being built, my wife Susan and our k**s moved into a small cottage at one of those old “ma and pa” lakefront resorts in Wisconsin. The trouble turned out to be that this resort was not owned by any “Ma and Pop”; but rather a young muscular Dentist, Phil and his equally hot young wife. I still had to go out of town a lot for work and I was a little worried about leaving my hot little wife at the resort surrounded by hunky young...

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Bottle in rectum

He wanted to see the asshole slut take a full 1 liter bottle into his asshole. A full 4 inches in width and radically ribbed. If this monster was inserted and stroking would surely wreck is asshole for daily fistings. Everything was set and had been stroking a beer can thick dildo in his loose asshole for a solid 1/2 hour now, forming puffy ass lips and a huge hanging hole. He would start the insertion by trying a normal 16 oz water bottle in his rectum. He had collected all sizes and shapes...

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All Jazzed Up Pt 1

Introduction: Daddys little angel is an angel no more… Slurping my soda and spinning around in Daddys favorite chair until I was dizzy always made me feel happy. Happier than I was at home, at least. His office was my safe haven, my place to relax and get away from it all. For three years, I had been referring to it as my second home. My name is Jasmine Carter, but you can call me Jazz. My daddy is Jay Carter, owner of Carter Estates, in New York City. We live in a quiet suburb in Manhattan. My...

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Evil Teacher

It was the first day of high school for Alice and her brothers Josh and Mathew. They had heard that their scared. Finally its was time to MEET her and get to KNOW her. When they got there it was time.... When they walked in and shook her hand. she had this devilish smile. They found their seats. They had a POP QUIZ on the first day of schoundiesce said what the hell to her on accident. She madly yelled to them WHAT DID YOU SAY? Alice quickly said nothing miss sorry and tried to run but was...

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Housewifes first squirt

So, a few years back, I wanted a little extra cash around the holidays. I took a seasonal job, part time at one of those big box electronics stores. This is where I met, well, let's call her "Patti". Patti was older than me, early forties, shoulder length dirty blonde hair, ice blue eyes. She was tall, around 5'10", long tone legs that led to very feminine, curvy hips. She was a natural 36F, and yes, they were amazing. Patti dressed modestly, she was a "good girl", went to church, was happily...

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Miss Kiss

Another story for one of the Literotica girls. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, hers was worth at least thirty-seven hundred. If only she would spend more time with us, post more, we would be in a constant state of bliss… * I’d known as soon as I saw her that I would rent her the apartment. It was her eyes I saw first, and it was those dark, dark eyes that had decided it. Christ, I thought, you could get lost for a week in those luminous pools, and their hypnotic effect had had...

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GreeniesChapter 21A

Aboard the WSS Nebraska, Mars orbit September 11, 2146 Major Wilde was once again observing the final flight briefing less than two hours from the scheduled launch time. Admiral Haybecker was explaining to the AA-71 pilots and gunners for the tenth time that no matter what else they blew up in or around New Pittsburgh on the coming strike they were not to touch so much as a hair on the head of the Alexander Industries ammunition plant. "That plant is a vital part of the WestHem military...

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Shersquos Caught with masterbating

My girlfriend has always been adamant that she doesn’t masterbate and I’ve always tried to encourage her to do it more and get to learn her body. 4 months ago I started a new job which meant I was away a lot of the time so this encouragement was more important than ever because if she masterbated we could sext or Skype together which would be sexy. She still wasn’t interested and I decided not to push her too much.We started to play some games via text which involves sending photos, guessing...

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JourneyChapter 14

April donned her favorite persona ... Ship ... a clone of Simone. But that made her very sad. Very sad indeed. Scanning Gary's mind, she found that Vee was ideal ... Gary's ideal ... and April wasn't going to make that mistake again. Nope ... cloning a real person was not a good thing. She was excellent at being Stevie Nix ... but that was another sadness ... besides ... two in the same time? No ... wait ... that was almost 100 years in the past. Is there such a thing as the past to a...

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Private Jayla De Angelis Zlata Shine Groupies Addicted To Anal

The stunning Jayla de Angelies and busty Zlata Shine have come to Private Specials, Anal Loving Bachelors to take on stud Dean Van Damme for their www.private.com debuts, and this is one wild anal threesome you won’t want to miss! A double deepthroat blowjob with a side of rimming is the perfect way to get the party started as this sexy duo show off their oral skills in some style. Then watch Zlata’s big natural tits and Jayla’s spectacular body in action as both girls take turns enjoying a...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Fulifilled

Damn! I really should be focusing on studying the internal components of this computer, but I am so tortured right now. I have been stuck on him for weeks and I just cannot get him out of my mind. I should have never got that close to him, but he is just so fucking sexy, I could hardly resist. Chuck is 6’6, he has a sexy ass skin tone, and he sports a low cut and a goatee. He has tattoos covering his entire upper body and can please me like no one else can. How do I know?

2 years ago
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Perfect PitchChapter 7 Nocturne

The ride back to my barn was quiet. Rebecca sat next to me, head on my shoulder. She was content for the moment, but the look in her eyes told me that she was already busy planning the next phase in her campaign to capture my soul. She already had my heart. Had there been a nanny-cam in my truck, it would have recorded a stunned look of total disbelief and confusion on my face. I was surprised that the meeting with Rebecca's parents had gone so well. I was overwhelmed at the realization...

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Strangers At The Beach

It was an exceptionally warm summer day, and like so many other people, Ashley headed to the beach. She walked past the crowded beach; what she had in mind wasn’t suitable for all those families’ eyes. She knew a spot, a bit past the wide sandy beach; the grass was closer to the water, the shore had a bit more rocks, the area more bushy and green than the wide-open beach. Not a lot of people knew about it, and the sharp, small rocks kept the ones that knew about it out of there. Once there,...

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Hospital Rounds

It is the 11PM to 7AM shift at a Hospital, where an attractive nurse by the name of Amber is working with Angie, and a male nurse who is asleep. Angie, an attractive blonde of a voluptuous build at 5’1” of height, has gone downstairs to pick up a late night visitor to the ward; it is one of the psych nurses by the name of Erin, who is a slender attractive blonde. The two nurses know Erin but are surprised that she is visiting at this hour of 1AM; so they figure that something important must be...

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Reminiscence of Passion

She awoke with the sunlight streaming in through the nearby window, creating a shadow of the mini-blinds on the wall in front of her. Blinking her icy blues in the light, she looked next to her and gazed upon His face. She trailed a fingernail across His cheek, careful not to wake Him. She slid it over His neck and down His strong arm which was d****d over her. A smile crept across her lips and her tongue moved slowly over them as she recalled the night before.He came home from work and she...

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A Mothers Love

Gavin's father left when he was just a month old. He had been brought up by his single mother, Dawn, and they had a very close relationship, as close it gets. They did everything together and told each other everything. Dawn hadn't been in a relationship with a man since her husband left them 16 years ago but didn't feel she needed a man. She was best friends with her only son and didn't want a man to get in the way of what they had. Gavin was seated on the couch in a room dimly lit by the...

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Summer HeatChapter 3

Once inside and seated, she said, “That was different. I had never been in a church and had no idea what happened inside one in any way except for a few movies. Thanks. I enjoyed my time and meeting the people including your parents.” “You’re welcome.” “Gerald, would you like some coffee, water or a soft drink?” “No, thanks. I shouldn’t stay late. We have work in the morning.” “I understand. Gerald, could we have lunch together tomorrow? I would like to talk about our time tonight.” I...

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