زوجته حامل …فركب حماته ونكها free porn video

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انا عادل 27 سنة متزوج من حوالى عام او اكثر اعيش بالشرقية لكنى اعمل فى دمياط و اخذت زوجتى معى لاكون قريب من العمل افضل من تكون زوجتى بعيده عنى …
كنت انزل البلد كل فترة لارى اخوتى و اقاربى .. حملت زوجتى و كانت فى الشهور الاولى و نصحنا الدكتور بالا تقوم بمجهود فكنت دائما بجوارها كنت اعمل فى معرض للموبليا و كان يعمل معى ايضا اخو زوجتى و لها اختين متزوجين و اخت لم تتزوج بعد تعيش مع حماتى فى قريتنا ..
فى يوم وصلتنى دعوة فرح لابن عمى بالبلد و كان لازم احضر الفرح بدعوى التهنئة و النقوط عليا .. لكن لا استطيع اخذ زوجتى معى و لا اقدر اتركها لوحدها فاتصلت بحماتى ان ترسل اخت زوجتى الصغيرة تجلس مع زوجتى يومين حتى اعود من الفرح .. بالفعل وصلت اخت زوجتى صباح ما نويت السفر
و انا فى الطريق من دمياط لقريتنا بالشرقية اخذت افكر فى اشياء كثيرة و كيف انى محروم من الجنس بسبب تعب زوجتى من الحمل و انا من طبيعى احب الجنس جدااا و احب ممارسته يوميا ..
و لاحت حماتى و انا افكر فى الجنس و كيف انها لا تتعدى الثامنة و الثلاتون و توفى زوجها و هى ما تزال فى عز شبابها و افتكرت صديقى مجدى و هو يحدثنى عن البرشام الذى يثير المرأة و يجعلها فى حالة اثارة كبيرة و محتاجة للجنس قولت لنفسى ماذا يضر لو جربته مع حماتى و بالفعل اخرجت الموبايل من جيبى و اتصلت بمجدى و سالته عن اسم البرشام و كتبته على الموبايل و لما نزلت من السيارة روحت صيدليه يقف بها شاب و قولت له محتاج لبرشام طلبه منى صديق و فتحت الموبايل لكى يقرأ الاسم و عملت نفسى لا أعرف البرشام و لا اعرف لماذا طلبه صديقى سألنى الصيدلى صديقك متزوج قولت له ايوه متزوج ..
اخذت البرشام و خرجت من الصيدلية و انا أقول لنفسى اى محاولة يا البرشام يكون بجد و يعمل نتيجة او لا يوثر و يا دار ما دخلك شر
كان مجدى معرفنى ان مفعوله بعد حوالى ساعتين وصلت لبيت حماتى بعد المغرب رحبت بى و سالتى عن اخبار زوجتى كان معى كانز اشتريته مخصوص للمهمة و اثناء ما حماتى دخلت المطبخ فتحت الكانز و وضعت به برشامتين و ذهبت لها قابلتى فى الصالة فقولت لها الجو حار جدا و انا اشتريت الكانز من المحطة و انا جاى اعطيت لها واحد و شربت الاخر و كنت انظر لها و هى تشرب و اتكلم عن زوجتى و تعبها من الحمل و ازاى انا كمان تعبان لكى اوفر الراحة لزوجتى و هى تصبرنى و تقول معلش هانت كلها كام شهر و يجى النونو و انا بدات المح لها و اقول الاولاد كبروكى بسرعة و هى تضحك و تقول خلاص بقى هناخد زمنا و زمن غيرنا ..
استأذنت منها لكى اذهب للفرح و قالت لا لازم تيجى تبات هنا اكيد عند عمك البيت فيه ناس كتيرة بسبب الفرح و الهيصة قولت لها هقعد شوية و اجى …
خرجت من بيت حماتى و انا انظر فى الساعة كانت حوالى التاسعة قولت حلو قوى اقعد عند عمى ل 11 او 12 و ارجع خصوصا اننا فى الصيف و الناس بتسهر ..كان دائما معى فى المحفظة برشامة فيجا و ترامادول اخرجتهم من جبيى عند او ثلاجة قابلتنى قبل ما ادخل بيت عمى ..
جلست مع ابن عمى نضحك و نرقص و نغنى للعريس و انا استرجع مع اصدقائى بالقرية ايام الطفولة
و جاء و قت العشاء قومت مع العريس و الاصدقاء اتعشينا و و حوالى الحادية عشر و نصف استاذنت و قولت لهم هروح انام لانى تعبان من السفر و هكون بكرة من بدرى عندهم عشان تكون الدخلة و السهرة الكبيرة اصر عمى ان ابيت معهم لكنى اتحججت بان حماتى لوحدها و هى تنتظرنى كمان البيت هنا زحمة من كثرة المدعويين
خرجت من بيت عمى و انا افكر يا ترى البرشام عمل ايه مع حماتى الوقت وصلت منزل حماتى بنادى عليها فتحت الباب و دخلت المنزل و كنت مستعجل اعرف نتيجة البرشام لكنى لم يظهر شىء عليها قالت اتعشيت قولت ايوة قالت يخص عليك وانا كنت مجهزة لك عشا قولت فى سرى مش تستعجلى نأكله بعد ما أكلك …
قالت خالص اعمل لك شاى قولت لها مش هتنامى قالت لا انا هسهر شوية والا انت عاوز تنام قولت لها لالالا انا متعود على السهر قولت لها هدخل اخد دوش لما تعملى الشاى لان الجو حاااااااار جدا قالت ماشى
دخلت الدوش طبعا كانت برشامة الفيجا ظهر اثرها على زبى و كان منتصب على الاخر قولت ابدا انا اجس نبضها لان حتى لو البرشام عملت عندها حاجة مش معقوله هى اللى هتبدأ .. خرجت من الحمام و انا لا أتردى الا الحملات و الشورت و كان زبى واضح جدا من الشورت و منتصب جدا و روحت لها المطبخ كانت بتصب الشاى
اول ما لمحتى بالمنظر ده و انا عملت فيها عبيط ولا كانى عامل حاجة و قولت لها ايه الحر ده انا دايما كده فى الشقة عندى دايما بالشورت و الحملات ولا يضايقك يا يا حماتى قالت لالا يا حبيبى خليك على راحتك انت مش غريب ..
كلامها شجعنى و قولت لها و احنا بنشرب الشاى معقوله ياحماتى فى الحر ده و انت لابسه كده .. كانت لابسه جلباب بلدى و على راسها ايشرب كبير .. قالت عادى اتعودت على كده قولت لها اتعودتى ايه اللى اعرفه يعنى انت مش كبيرة اوى فى بنات فى سنك كده لسه مش اتجوزا بس انت اللى اتجوزتى بدرى اوووى انا عارف كنت مستعجله على ايه و اضحك و هى تضحك و الاحظ بين الحين و الاخر نظرتها لزبى المنتصب بالشورت ..
كانت حماتى بيضا و جسمها ملفوف و كانت تهتم بنفسها و يظهر ده على حواجبها و لفة رجلها من تحت او هنشها المدور عندها تقف
قولت لها و انا ابتسم بجد حرام كده معقوله تلبسى كده كان عندك خمسين سنة يا ستى البسى و افرحى مدش واخد منها حاجة دا انا سمعت دكتور فى التليفزيزن بيقول النكد و الحزن بيقصر العمر عاوزك تلبسى كده و تدلعى نفسى هو الواحد هيعيش كام مرة ..
قالت بس يا عادل هلبس ليه و لمين قولت لها البسى و ادلعى لنفسك انتى مش لازم لحد مقعوله حتى فى الحر ده و انتى لوحدك و لابسه كده و تنامى فى الهدوم دى طب اقول لك و حلفت و انا اضحك لازم حالا تقومى تلبسى احلى قميص عندك و هتشوفى انت كان عندك عشرين سنة و مسك ايدها و بشدها و هى تضحك اوى اوى و تقول تخرب عقلك يا عادل ضحكتى قميص ايه اللى البسه قولت لها ايه مش عندك قمصان نوم و الا ايه قالت عندى كتير بس مش ينفع هو انا لسه صغيرة حست من كلمها شوية ضغط و كله هيبقى تمام
شدتها من ايدها اووووى و اخدتها عند الدولاب و قولت لا يلا خدى قميص و على الحمام خدى دوش و البسى و تعالى ضحكت و قالت يووة فكرتى بزمان لما كان حماك بيعمل كده و يشترط انى البس قميص ضحكت و قولت لها طب يلا و مع تصميمى و انى هزعل بجد و انها لازم تشوف نفسها لان الحزن وحش على صحتها وافقت و قالت طب اختار لى قميص انت دورت فى الدولاب و روحت على قميص احمر قصير و قولت لها ده قالت لالالا ده قصير اوى اوى قولت لها طب و ماله هو للخروج ده هنا فى الشقة المهم اخدته و دخلت الحمام و انا انتظرها و كل شوق لاتمم المهمة المستحيلة …
خرجت من الحمام و هى تضحك و تدارى وشها من الكسوف و انا انظر لها لارى اجمل امراة جسمها ممشوق و صدرها واقف ناهد و سرتها تظهر من تحت القميص و شعرها مبلولة بالماء ضحكت و صقفت على ايدى و قولت ايوه كده هلك هلاك اظهر يا قمر طب صدقينى اجمل من عروسة فى ليلة دخليتها و قربت منها و مسكت ايدها و و قولت تسمحى لى بالرقصة دى يا عروسة ضحكت و قالت يخرب عقلك يا عادل انت عسل بجد هونت عليا كتير يا ريت كنت قريب مننا ..
قولت لها ممكن بقى تجيبى ايدك و تنسى كل حاجة قولنا الواحد مش بيعش غير مرة واحدة .. اخدت ايدها و قربت منها و كانى هرقص معها بجد .. هى فعلا جميلة سكسية على الاخر قربت منها و امسك ايدها و اخليها تلف قادمى و انا اتعمد انى التصق بها لغايه ما زبى المنتصب لمس مؤخرتها .. قالت بس يا عادل ظهرى تعبتى اوى اوى .. انا قولت بس فكرة لانى مش عاوزة حاجة عادية قولت هنيكها من غير ما اطلب منها واحدة واحدة …
قولت لها تعرفى يا حماتى انت بس شوية مساج و تدليك و هتكون تمام التمام قالت ازاى قولت لها يعنى اكيد ظهرك تعبك من الوقفه فى المظبخ و شغل البيت التدليك ده هيفك العضلات و هترتاحى خالص
قالت و فين بقى التدليك ده قولت لها انا اعمله لك ده سهل خالص بس تسمعى الكلام مش تطلعى روحى زى موضوع القميص قالت بعد الشر عليك حاضر هسمع الكلام يعنى هتعمل فيها دكتور بقى ضحكت و قولت ايوه و لازم تسمعى كلام الدكتور
قولت لها تعالى و اخدتها اوضة نومها و قولت لها يلا نامى على السرير قالت حاضر لما نشوف اخرتها كانت بالقميص الاحمر القصير و رجلها و فخدها يظهر بوضوح قولت لما اطلب حاجة اشوف رد فعلها قولت لها ممكن تقلعى السنتيان قالت ليه بصيت لها و قولت قولنا ايه قالت حاضر و فعلا خرجت لما قلعت و دخلتها و هى نايمة على ظهرها و صدرها باين كله تقريبا الا الحلمة قولت لها نامى على بطنك .. و رفعت القميص و شوفتها الاندر الصغير عليها و ظيرها الكبيرة الجميلة البيضا المدورة و مشيت ايدى على ظهرا بشويش و قولت لها عاوزك تقولى ااااه عشان مع ضغط ايدى و كلمة ااااااه اكيد هترتاح قالت ماشى لما ايدك تيجى على مكان الوجع هقول اااه و بدات امشى ايدى و اضغط بشويش و فى مكان فوق ظيرها و اسفل ظهرها قالت اااااه ضغطت جامد شوية الاه زادت و مع الوقت بقت تقول اه طول ما ايدى على جسمها ..
تعدت انزل على فخدها و ادلكه و من فوق امد ايدى لغايه ما تلمس صدرها لكنى لم اقترب منه اكثر حتى اشوقها و اسخنها طلبت منها تنام على ظهرها و لما اتعدلت على ظهرها كان كسها واضح منتفخ تحت الاندر و اثار بلل عليه عملت انى مش واخد بالى و قعدت جبنها و ايدها مفروده على السرير و انى ادلك و اروح شمال و يمين حتى قربت زبى من ايدها المفرودة على السرير لكنها لم تبعد يدها قولت حلو البرشام اشتغل و سخنت ..
بدات ادلكها بطنها و افركها و هى تقول اااه لكنها اااااااه مختلفه اكيد بقت ممحونة و انا ازيد فى الفرك قولت لازم اسخنها على الاخر و انيكها من غير ما اطلب منها نزلت بايدى على سرتها و سوتها و ايدها لامسه زبى و حست كانها بتحركها بشويش كانها نفسها تدعكه لكنها منتظرة البداية منى و انا ولا كانى هنا ..
قربت بايدى من سوتها فوق كسها افركها و لم المس كسها و نزلت شوية على فخذها و انا ادلك و افرد ايدى فيلمس صباعى الكبير كسها من بعيد قولت اعذبها اكتر فطلب منها تنام فى وضع الحضان تسند على ايدها و رجلها و ظهرها لفوق و وقفت ورا ظيرها بالظبط بين رجلها المفتوحه و قعدت ادلك فى ظهرها المرتفع و هى مازلت ممحونة و تقول ااااااااه و كنت حاسس انها على الاخر
انا مع التدليك بقيت اقرب منا من ورا و جسمى يلمس جسمها و زبى خلاص بقى يخبط فى ظيرها من ورا و اقرب و ارجع تانى كانى بعمل مساج بجد و بايدى من بين رجلها اقرب من كسها و المسه مرة و ارجع لما حست ان الاندر بتاعها غرقان قولت خلاص الفريسة جاهزة للاكل قولت اهجم بقى عليها قربت خالص من ظيرها و زبى بقى لامس فقله ظيرها و بضغط اوى و هى لقيتها زى اللى بتتعدل و زبى بقى بين فتحة ظيزها بالظبط و وقفت على كده لقيتها بترجع لورا على زبى بدات اهجم برضو براحة و ادخل ايدى من فوق فى الاندر و افرك لها ظيزها قالت الاندر مضايقك و انت بتدلك اقلعه قولت فى نفسى دى دابت خالص حرام بقى كفاية عليها كده قولت لها ماشى احسن برضو عشان اعرف ادلك كويس لان مكان الاندر لازم يدلك عشان على اللى ماسك عظمة الظهر قالت طب اتعدل و اقلعه والا تنزله انت قولت لا ماشى هنزله لك انا ..
بدات انزل الاندر براحه براحة و ظيرها البيضا الجميلة كنت هجم عليها بس قولت شوية و نزلت الاندر كله و بمد ايدى ادلك لها لقيتها غرقان على الاخر و زبى رجع تانى بين فتحة ظيزها و حست انها متعمدة و انا طبعا ساند على ركبتى و واقف وراها مباشرة و زبى تقريبا دخل ظيرها لقيتها بتقول ما تقلع الشورت بتاعك اكيد مضايقك و انت قاعد كده قولت لها انتى شايفة كده قالت ايوه هتكون على راحتك اكتر قلعت الاندر و قولت لها نكمل والا ارتحتى قالت لا نكمل ايدك حلوة اوى و بتريحى رجعت وقفت و هى فى نفس الوضع و زبى بقى حر من غير حاجة و انا بتعدل لقيتها رجعت قوى بظيرها فدخل زبى بين ظيزها و زادت فى كلمة اااااااااااه و صرخت يخرب عقلك ده زب والا خابور هو كبير اوى اوى ليه كده يكون فى عونها بنتى
قولت خلاص بقى و قعدت ادخله و اطلع براحة بين ظيزها و هى مستلسمة و كانت بتهز ظيزها و انا بدخل و بطلع لغايه ما زبى قرب من شفايف كسها الغرقان و بحركة منها زبى دخل كسها الساخن المولع و خرج من صوت كانها مش اتناكت قبل كده و قالت ااااااااه اااااااح كمان كمان انا بحس براحة كمان كمان اعمل كمان و ترقص ظيرها و زبى فى كسها ..
بدات اعمل بقوة و مسكتها من ظيرها بايدى اشدها عليها و ادخل زبى فيها بكل قوة و هى تصرخ و تقول كمان كمان و انا مستمر بكل قوة و و ضربتها على ظيرها بايدى فرحت و قالت كمان اعمل فيا كل حاجة انا تعبانة من زمان كمان
و قعدت اضربها و اشتمها و اقول لها يلا يا متناكة يا شرموطة يا لبوة و هى مبسوطة و تقول ايوه كده اضربى و اشتمنى ايوة انا متناكة انا من اللليلة المتناكة بتاعتك انت و بس يا دولة يلا كمان
و انا مستمر فى النياكة ادخل زبى و خرجة و قربت انزل قولت لها هنزل قالت نزل فى كسى اروى كسى العطشان قولت لها يحصل حمل و الا حجة قالت مش تخاف من يوم ما ركبت اللولب مش شلته قمت منزل فى كسها دفاعت من مية زبى الساخنة و هى تصرخ و تقول يالهوووووووى ايه ده احساس عمرى ما جربته
و اتعدلت و انا نمت على ظهر و هى قعدت تمص فى زبى لما وقف و نكتها تانى و تالت و نزلت فى كسها مرتين و مرة فى ظيزها و نمنا و كنا فى الصباح على موعد اااااااااخر ……

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PornWorld Susy Gala Slutty Dr Susy Gala Tag Teamed By Colleague and Patient

It’s the beginning of the week and after pleasuring herself and getting fucked by her colleague, horny doctor Susa Gala still isn’t quite satisfied. As she and her colleague who she just fucked are seeing their first patient of the day, she decides to perform the physical examination herself. While she’s doing it, she pulls his pants down and starts blowing him. While his cock is going in and out of her throat, Dr. Susy’s colleague comes up behind her and starts fucking her. From there, the...

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The Adventures of Eric and Donna Save the Last Dance For Me

The Adventures of Eric and Donna: Save the Last Dance For Me! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Eric's life-long friend Steve bounded down the outside cellar stairs towards Eric's basement, the default hang out for all of Eric's friends since elementary school. As was the custom, he walked in without bothering to knock, jumped over the back of the sofa, and landed on the cushion next to Eric. As was also their custom, he referred to Eric...

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You BetchaChapter 19

As Mom and Kelly swapped with Stan and Dad, it was the first time that I actually witnessed my parents get it on with each other. It was still a bit weird to see Mom’s naked ass, of course, but there were worse things and she actually had a nice, if rather plush one. Kelly’s own backside was smaller as well as more muscular and tanned, but each lady had a fine booty in her own right. Sure, it was strange to see my own mother’s bare bottom as well as that of one of hers and Dad’s intimates....

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A bouffant for Billy

A Bouffant for Billy By Darlene leQueen Billy was nervous to say the least as he sat at his mother's vanity dressed in a pair of her ruffled frilly pink panties ad a lacy pink bra and one of her frilliest baby doll night gowns trimmed with marabou fur all over. "Now Billy, I told you time and time again if your grades did not improve by your last report card you would be punished, did you think I was kidding?" "Your grades have not improved at all." His mother snapped as she retrieved...

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The Breastmilk Battle Book

Counselor Troi dragged herself down the wide, brightly lit, corridors of the USS Enterprise. Her every muscle burned with each step she took. Her mind felt as if it might leak out of her skull. Her one thought was to get to her quarters before she fell into a c*** or went insane. Whenever she walked by someone, feelings of dread and anxiety swept over her like hail. For the first time in ages, she wished she wasn't empathic. The emotions of her fellow crewmates were doing nothing to help her...

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Mom And Son Sex No Limits Part 6

Hi how are dear friends , After long wait of story now I wrote next part of story. Sub ka bahut thnx apny bahut pasnd ke mri story. Mry mailing address pa contact karny wali females ka thnx. My mailing address ()…   Story ka next start karny sy phly jin frnds ny abhe phly parts nae parhy wo zror parh lein.   Let’s start story… Is k bad m mom so gay agly din dad apny business trip sy wps a gay . Daily ke routine chalti rahe phr m exam ke tyari k ley dehli chala gaya dosry ghar wahan 50 din...

4 years ago
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Blow Up Doll

Blow Up Doll By BlowMuP As she went down the street, Tiffany got several shocked looks from people around her. As far as she remembered, crowded sidewalks never used to be like that. Normally, on her way to work, the sidewalks were crowded but people still managed to go about without actually having to hustle their way through the crowd. These days, she seemed like a magnet to all those people, there was plenty of space on the sidewalk but people looked like they were all...

2 years ago
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Nightmares can come true Part 1

Nightmares can come true (Part 1) Authors note 1: Some of this is fantasy and some of this is reality. You need not decide which is which. The beginning is a bit slow, but we'll get the good stuff sooner or later. Authors note 2: As a self professed Grammar and Spelling Nazi, I noticed a few mis-spelled words and decided to correct these mistakes. Author note 3: I'm not promising anything, but will try to update about every other week. This is not set in stone, but will try. ...

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The Bad Girls 2

My name is Ali Andretti I am 35 a teachers assistant at my daughter Susan's High School. Recently Susan was selected for the first XI soccer team. Two of her team mates Christine and Samantha 18 are now our girlfriends.I am now the older woman getting regularly fucked by Samantha (or Sam as she prefers). We usually double date with Christine and Susan.Tonight we have parked the car and are making out. It doesn't take long before my blouse is unbuttoned exposing my breasts and my skirt is around...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 19

Bob, furious, paced in front of the house waiting for Ed to arrive. The man had hurt his wife’s feelings for no reason. When Ed came home, Bob was going to give Ed a piece of his mind before his wife had a chance to see him. His stomach churned at the thought of having to leave the house because Ed had been a bastard. Bob had listened to her vent her anger for almost twenty-four hours. Marguerite was furious with Ed and was threatening to kill him when he arrived home. The day before, a...

4 years ago
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How I Convinced My Neighbour Aunty To Have Sex With Me Part 8211 1

Hi everyone, I am a very old reader of indian sex stories site stories but didn’t know whether it was true or not but I always wanted to try sex with some women who was elder than me but couldn’t get chance but I always waited for the right movement and one final day it happened with me I don’t know weather what everyone here says is true or not but my incident is a real one cause I was waiting for this from past 3 years and had a good plan for it. Alright let me start my story I was living in...

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The Big Girl Moves Awway

Did you read Huckleberry Finn when you were in high school? Well, this story starts like that: you won’t know anything about Kathy or me unless you’ve read a story titled ‘The Big Girl’, but that doesn’t really make a difference to this one. Kathy and I had been going together about four months when this story starts. I’m a Joe Average. I work in the accounting department of a medical insurance office, which means I know little about insurance and less about medicine. I like sports and music,...

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Summer ProjectChapter 3

The sound of the doorbell caused both Stephanie and Jeff to freeze for a moment. It had to be Kim, Stephanie thought, she was to drop by so they could go to tonight's party together. Kim was always embarrassed by her white and rusted-out Aries K-car, an unreliable car at best. Stephanie renewed her struggles to get free of her bonds, praying there would be some give to any one of them. She wanted to warn Kim as well as getting help for herself. Even as she squirmed, she felt the stranger...

4 years ago
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Passionate Encounter With Madhu

Hi everyone, I’m a 32 year old married guy from Bangalore. Life was good for some time after marriage, but then I started missing the touch of new women from my bachelor life. After reading though this website, I thought that I should also share my real experiences. I stay in Kaggadasapura area of East Bangalore. Some of you may know it. It’s a high density area, with plenty of scope for passionate encounters :-) Couple of years back, me and my wife visited her friend’s house to wish them on...

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Hiding in SchoolChapter 12

I was speechless and I couldn’t move even if my life depended on it. I was barely even aware of my surroundings. That is until I heard Steven say, “Exsqueeze me? What do you mean expelled?” “Yeah. He hasn’t done anything to warrant that action from the school. He’s one of the top students in his class,” Bree stated. “This ex-student knows why this action is warranted, Miss Summers and Mr. Croft,” Principal Summers turned to me and added, “Don’t you Miss Hamill?” “That’s a cold insult...

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My Aunt Wants My Dick

Hai everyone, my name is Karan, 18 years old, and I am from Mumbai. Let me ask you all a simple question. How many of you secretly threw a side glance at your aunt’s boobs and thought, “Damn! She has got some good stuff in there.” Well, I sure did. And I didn’t stop at wondering at those assets but I also took it a step (or many) further. It was early September and the climate was very cool. A slight drizzle added much calmness to the weather. This is the climate when bachelor dicks say, “I...

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my sister jean chapter 2

I really liked Jean. Heck, I adored her. She was a wonderful sister and I know she loved me as well. So it wasn't an act when I set out to be her champion. I stuck up for her. I defended her from my mom's sometimes erratic sense of fair play and when my friends teased her, I'd only let it go so far. I'd let those guys know that she was my sister and not to disrespect her. Jean, at first, was uncertain, but her loving nature pushed right through. She spoke to me with affection and...

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WTF Highs School Defense Force

Windroy Twelve Forrest Secondary School was just your average public high school.  Well... on the outside, anyway.  Although it was over a hundred years old, the school building looked very modern and was up-to-date in terms of school equipment and such.  At present, it had over 50 classrooms and around 900 students.  The computer-labs had the latest computer models and used the Linux OS.  The gymnasium had the latest in training equipment and the library took up two floors.In the year 2XXX, it...

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Souvent, les histoires parlent d'aventures sexuelles réussies, mais il ne faut pas oublier que pour beaucoup, il faut se taper pas mal de râteaux, pour connaître quelques succès. Dans la catégorie "humour", on pourrait en mettre quelques-uns, particulièrement carabinés.A propos d’aventures ou d’expériences, aussi catastrophiques que pittoresques, je me rappelle une anecdote, digne des bronzés ou d’un scénario du même genre. Bien des années après, autant que ça en fasse rigoler quelques un(e)s… ...

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Notebooks on GirlMaking part 6

Notebooks on Girl-Making by Salomeee Notebook II: Full time slave Chapter 6 It was a rainy Sunday, and I couldn't agree with anybody to let me do her shift at the Cafe, so there I was, alone and bored. I wasn't at home very much, so I didn't even have a TV. I tried to keep sleeping until later, but I couldn't. I felt somehow nostalgic and a bit depressed. You know how bad Sundays get when you're alone and had nothing to do. I didn't expect to see you, either, as I know you...

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Wham Bam video Cam

Oh great ! , the camcorder's broke . It refused to record on to disc and here was I on a mini break in a lovely Dutch town with glorious scenery and weather ...I was pissed off. However, I enjoyed the rest of the break and had to make do with still photos on my digital camera.About a week after my return home I remembered about the camcorder and decided to have a look for a second hand one online as I could not afford or justify the cost of a new one when it only got used once a year for...

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Thats All That Matters

Author’s Note: DG Hear, MistressLynn and myself are doing a mini writing invitational. We are each picking one song from Ray Price and using it as the basis for a story. I’ve picked ‘City Lights,’ DG Hear, ‘For the Good Times,’ and MistressLynn (aka MissLynn), ‘That’s All That Matters.’ I will also be doing ‘A Girl in the Night.’ We hope you enjoy the stories – Jake Rivers **** As he lay in a hospital bed, his wounded body trying to heal, Clay let his mind drift. It had been two weeks since...

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The LotteryChapter 64

Liz woke up early Saturday morning, slid out from under her husband's arm and got out of bed. She went into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Running her hands through her disheveled hair and over her nude body, Liz examined herself. She cupped her small, but still firm, breasts and looked at the hickey Jerry left between her globes. Smiling, she stepped back and moved her hands over her stomach, wishing it was still as flat as it was in her younger years. When she moved her...

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Story 1

I have an active mind and it often drifts off into sexual fantasy, conjuring up all sorts of erotic images that make my nipples tingle. Just last night I was laying in bed buzzing my clit with a vibrator when I was taken back to the previous weekend and a dinner date I had at the Royal Anarkali, a great Indian restaurant down the street. The guy’s name was Sujay and I had met him a week earlier while I was doing some shopping at the mall for a few new outfits. He was so confident and smooth in...

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A Mothers Secret

[ A story idea suggested by my friend Robert Enjoy! ]Is it wrong to be pleasantly surprised to discover that your mother has a secret sex life? Either way, I was very surprised to discover that though she and my step-dad have been married for quite a long time, that she's been up to some very interesting experiences; and not with my step-dad!She'd left her phone out on the kitchen counter and went outside, and while she was there, for some reason, I found myself picking it up and taking her...

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The Farmer Gets A Wife chapter 1 The Meeting

DAY 1 BILLY It wasn't long after my eighteenth birthday when I finally decided to leave home. Well I call it home but in reality it was just the latest hostel I had stayed in, my homes had been a series of foster homes eventually ending up in a young person's hostel once I was too old to be classed as a child. I had managed to scrimp together a few hundred pounds from my crappy low paid job and decided that now would be a good time to try my luck in the big city. So I left my home...

4 years ago
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Good Grades P4

Lucinda kissed her step Daughter on the mouth as I edged nearer to them. My massive cock jutted out in front of me a string of precum slowly dripped from the slit in my knob. Although Jacinda was kissing Lucinda passionately, her eyes were fixed on the b**st a few inches away from her face. Lucinda kissed her passionately and her hand moved further up Jacinda's thigh and Jacinda opened her legs a little further showing a tight, studded leather thong underneath the fishnets she wore. She gasped...

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The night Uncle Harry enjoyed Mum then me

I was finding it hard to sleep, with all the noise around from the partying downstairs, this coupled with the moonlight, from the full moon, cascading into the small bedroom, where I slept with my younger brother, at my feet.Let me explain, we were enjoying our annual Midsummer family get-together at our Grandparents Summerhouse, in the rural countryside.We c***dren had long since retired, as it was in the early hours of the morning, and my brother had long since fell into a deep slumber at my...

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Katie And The Koral Chapter 2

In which Katie introduces Darius to PeterI didn't hear the door open or notice him until he was in the room.He was tall, over six feet. An immaculately dressed black man about thirty five years old. Slim waist and broad chested with well defined muscles. The sort of body you would expect on a weight lifter. It was obvious from his well trimmed physique that he trained regularly. An impressive figure.Katie walked towards him, dropping her gaze to the floor as she went.To my astonishment, head...

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Anatomy of a Cheating Divorcee

Great Thanks to the always awesome mikothebaby for her editing magic, and patience with grammar, spelling and punctuation. Her valiant attempts to make my stories readable are much appreciated. As Always, any and all errors are mine, and mine alone. I've had MANY requests (OK more like demands and threats) to write a follow-up to the flash tale "Anatomy of an Affair", so here goes. Also while this saga is in story form, the attribution of this fable had a lot of "help" from the same...

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A Couples Toy Party

A few months ago, a woman I work with told me that she was doing these adult toy parties on the side, and asked me if I'd be interested in hosting one at our place. Now, I'd been to toy parties before, had enjoyed going, and had managed to collect a few interesting things when doing so. The difference in this one was, it was for couples. That I was surprised at as I'd never been to one where there would be men present. Knowing how wild and crazy the others had gotten I'd actually been too,...

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Winning a Bet

Getting a suntan and a strangers cock in a public wood! One of my online friends have dared me to let a complete stranger fuck me, and we have made a bet, I had to make it to a public wood and get some sun and lure a stranger to fuck me. I was allowed to have my husband watch what happened and keep me from harm. The following hot and sunny day we drove to a nearby wood, I had a bikini under my dress and a bag with a blanket, a termo with coffee some sun-lotion. I was both a little nervous...

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A Different Kind of Love Part One

“You have her for fifteen minutes, and then we’re sending him in,” Mr. Barns’ voice comes from outside my dressing room. My prep team is holding lingerie against my skin, deciding what color looks sexiest against my tan skin tone. They apply makeup, spray things in my hair and apply lotion to my body. I’m completely naked in front of them. I scroll through Instagram and listen to music, moving whenever they ask me to. I’m used to this, I’ve done it before. The life of a porn star never changes....

Straight Sex
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Boston Solutions IncorporatedChapter 10

Stephen sat down in the chair heavily. Looking over at Magus, he asked, “Why did I take twenty-one hours this semester?” “So that you can get your degree in three years,” Magus answered. “That’s right,” Stephen said. “Are you signed up for your summer classes?” Magus asked. “Yes. Nine hours,” Stephen answered. It was going to be a busy summer taking three courses on the shortened summer schedule. “Excellent,” Magus said. “The final examinations nearly killed me,” Stephen said. He was so...

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Break Him Carefully

Halfway there! A month and a half ago, my amazing, sexy husband agreed to three months of constant tease and denial, without release. Since then, almost every night, 7 nights a week (and sometimes in the morning, too!), we work together to make me cum as much as I want, then I edge him intensely, over and over again, to my heart’s content. Sometimes we’re quick – half an hour and off to sleep. Sometimes we linger – time flies when you’re having fun. But the key is that we make time to do it...

5 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 183

From a friend of J & G. A college math professor and his wife are both 60 years old. One evening the wife comes home and finds a note from her husband that says, “My dear, now that you are 60 years old, there are some things you no longer do for me. I am at the Holiday Inn with my 20-year-old student. Don’t bother waiting up for me.” He returns home late that night to find a note from his wife: “You, my dear, are also 60 years old and there are also things I need that you’re not giving...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 333

"Atlantic flight 709 this is Morton tower please acknowledge." "Morton Tower this is Dover Air Force Base Tower; we are communicating with Atlantic flight 709. They are at 35000 feet 100 miles out, heading 180, transponder is 7700. Radio frequency is 129.75. We will relay for you if necessary." "Thank you Dover AFB, stand by please." "Dover tower relay to Atlantic 709, maintain altitude and heading, at way point Echo change heading to 220 and begin descent to 4000 ft. Intersect the...

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The Dinner Party Sharing is caring

The Dinner PartyI like to train twice a day. Every day I wake up at 05:30 face the horror of another day and drag myself out of bed. Even Sundays suck, I’m so busy in the week I have to spend the only day I’m not busy doing all the things I never had a chance to sort out during the work or getting ready for the next week. Then I train again in the evenings and chill on my own happy I achieved something.I’m in the gym as soon as it opens. I like to feel strong and healthy and I admit the female...

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3 horny girls

Nervous as she was dialing the numbers, Samantha's hands shook. She pressed the last button with a feeling of finality. The ringing on the other end of the line seemed to last forever. "Hello?" Her friend Alice said. "Hey, um, Alice, it's Sam, I was wondering if you wanted to come over I have something I need to tell you" "Sure, I was actually just about to call you! I need to tell you about someone I met last night."Alice said. "Ok, see ya in a bit" Sam replied. She paced the living room in...

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JulesJordan Anny Aurora Anal Creampie

Anny Aurora have her ass filled with Manuel’s load! Anny Aurora is still pretty new to the game, but that doesn’t stop her from taking Manuel’s big cock deep in her tight little asshole. She’s dressed in a tiny teal bathing suit with hot pink fishnets with matching heels as she shows off her sexy body. Anny exposes her perky tits then pulls her panties to the side to show off her perfect pussy and asshole. She makes her way inside where she finds a couple sex toys...

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I found my Nephews Fleshlight and used it on him

I went around to visit my sister, who was recently divorced, as we planned to go out for a night on town, supposedly to celebrate her freedom, guess what, she picked a guy up and disappeared, leaving me with some creep, who I eventually dumped, and went back to her house, to spend the night.I got back late, in fact it was early morning, so I sat down on the settee and turned-on the TV, and with a large glass of wine I was confronted by a full blown Porn movie, I guessed my nephew was watching...

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My Sissy Life Part 16

My Sissy Life Part 16 On the ride home all I could think about was that soon, I was going to have breasts. Real breasts. C cup size breasts. When we got home my mother said that she was going to start dinner and that I should be ready to serve in about a half hour. After dinner my father told my mother that he had a few things to do at the office and left. I told my mother that I wasn't feeling good and asked if I could goto bed. She said yes and I went to my room. When I got...

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The FootlockerChapter 6

The next day I called Lara and setup another appointment for two days later. I let her know we were interested in the property we had toured, but wanted to see the outbuildings and other property features we didn’t get to see yesterday. I also told her we would want to tour a couple of homes in the four to five million dollar range before we would consider making an offer. With that call out of the way, I started cleaning up for our appointment with Ryan Finn. As I showered, I reviewed a...

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Experimenting in the loft attic

Ok, so its not the first time i played with my cock, but it was one of the most memorable. I had been playing with myself now for a few months, since i first discovered the pleasure masturbation gave me, and this day started like all the rest. I had gotten off school because of a teachers dispute and everyone was out for the entire day. I had woken with a hard-on, and decided to take as long as possible playing without coming. So every time i got too close i had to stop and let it simmer for...

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Surprise HoneyChapter 9

Waking in the morning, the first thing I noticed was May spooned up behind me. Her breasts pressed into my back her arms around my body holding me close. I lay there for quite some time relishing the feeling of a woman holding me. I loved every moment of it too. After a bit I heard a slight knocking at our door. Jan came in with a tray of fruit, toast and some juice and coffee. As I sat up, May stirred. Looking into my eyes she smiled and then she looked up to see Jan standing at the foot of...

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EvilAngel Tiffany Tatum Crazy Fucking Massage

Skinny blonde teen Tiffany Tatum seeks a ‘special massage’ from a gentleman masseur named Mister Big Fat Dick. The lithe beauty strips to her birthday suit as the buff stud leers with lust. Tiffany lies on her back as the brawny, bald muscleman sensuously massages her nude frame. Tempting Tiffany sucks his hard cock in an enthusiastic blowjob. Mister Big Fat Dick licks her snatch then stuffs his boner inside for a slamming fuck. Tiffany masturbates while the stud sucks on her toes...

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The Portrait

The Portrait By Bill Hart Jeff Martin stared admiringly at the life-size antique painting he'd just finished hanging on the wall of his library. It was an excellent piece of work in an equally excellent condition. Jeff still found it difficult to believe that he'd actually outbid everyone and somehow managed to purchase the portrait at this evening's auction. He had definitely been expecting the winning bid to be several million dollars higher than what he'd just paid for it. But...

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EvilAngel April Olsen Young Anal UpAndCummer

Cute, up-and-coming porn brunette April Olsen loves an audience. The young hottie teases and flaunts her fit body, stripping and masturbating in anticipation of epic butt sex. Heavily hung Spaniard Ramon Nomar fucks her face to a drooling mess! He stuffs his big cock deep into her rectum. A nasty backdoor drilling includes epic dirty talk and a slobbering, ass-to-mouth blowjob. April rides rod and spreads open her gaping anus, yanking her pussy hair while Ramon reams her. For the finale, April...

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Fucking My Angel Maasi Vandana

Hi, Girl’s and Boy’s hope all are you doing well !! Myself Ricky and I are from Delhi. I have been reading ISS stories from past 10 years and I’m a huge fan follower of this website and used to read stories whenever I get a time out from my busy work schedule. Finally. Today I got a chance to share my real life true experience with all my dear ladies and gentlemen. Feedbacks, comments and compliments are most welcome. Any girls or unsatisfied women can contact me for any kind of help or...

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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 10

Four days later, Jamie returned and the girls went to the station to collect him. The train was a respectable thirty-five minutes late, and he was clearly tired from the short but arduous journey. Lauren introduced herself and was delighted that Emma beamed at Jamie all the way back to the house. He was almost the same height as Lauren, not muscular but certainly no wimp. He also had blonde hair, darker than Emma's, cut conservatively like his father's. Lauren guessed that he had yet to...

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The New StartChapter 3 Getting Acquainted

With reluctance, they left the beer behind and followed the stream to the cliff where they found it easier to scale beside the water's edge. Upon reaching the top of the cliff, they looked out on a vast meadow of low shrubs and grasses and dotted with clumps of forest. From their elevated vantage point atop a large boulder, they had climbed this topography extended to all horizons with the exception to that on their left, which had, what appeared from this distance to be a huge range of...

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Cabin Fever

 A wet tongue unerringly trailed up her inner thigh. Instinctively she spread her legs, feeling her sticky pussy lips unglue. The tongue rasped through her folds, wiggled into her silken opening, scooping up her leaking juices, and smeared them on her now throbbing clit.Whimpering, Olivia Chandler looked down. And woke, startled; the fog of lust dissipating when she saw whose face was glistening with her juices. What the fuck, Samantha Moore, her long-time friend?The dream had felt so real, yet...

Love Stories
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Dianna the Hot Wife Bet

Love me some college football.My team is always in the hunt for a National Championship almost every year. They’ve won their conference title four years running. And I’ve been banging Dianna every time my team beats Joe’s team. This is how that came about…A few years back. My team was in the middle of a coaching change. The legendary coach retired and his assistant took the helm. Joe thought this was the year I’d lose this bet. I’ve known Joe for a long time, we’ve been friends since childhood....

Wife Lovers
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Blonde beauties bare beachvolley 2

How to solve this very embarrasing situation: we find the three teen dods of Kris watching porn!We three, that is their mom Kris, my granddod Petra and me - we are neighbours at the nudist beach Petra and me share genes and a similar ingenuous intuition to solve sexy situations as this one isAs the only elder one and only man I take the initiative to find an interesting intriguing way outProper corporal punishment for whom and why? The eldest of the three is only f0urteen - it is probably their...

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Bibbity Bobbity Boo

Danica sat cross-legged, naked in the circle of candles. The small brown nipples that crowned her tiny breasts were hard in the cool air of Celia's basement. Her short black hair, both above and below, bristled with the strange energies of the ritual as she chanted the ancient words. At last she finished, and the 13 candles snuffed out at once. "That was adequate" said Celia, turning on the lights. "But your mind was not completely focused. The candles should not flicker when you make the...

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EllenChapter 4 Aunt Lucy

Summer came, and the preparations for a big Midsummer Night celebration were in full swing. Friends and relatives came to visit from far and wide. One of the first to arrive was Lady Carter’s younger brother, Captain Andrew Lambert, with his pretty young wife Emily and their four children. Ellen became flustered when presented to Lord and Lady Brougham, but Lady Brougham, a stunningly beautiful woman, hugged her with great personal warmth. Ellen was given to understand that Moira was a close...

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