L'infirmière free porn video

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Souvent, les histoires parlent d'aventures sexuelles réussies, mais il ne faut pas oublier que pour beaucoup, il faut se taper pas mal de râteaux, pour connaître quelques succès. Dans la catégorie "humour", on pourrait en mettre quelques-uns, particulièrement carabinés.

A propos d’aventures ou d’expériences, aussi catastrophiques que pittoresques, je me rappelle une anecdote, digne des bronzés ou d’un scénario du même genre. Bien des années après, autant que ça en fasse rigoler quelques un(e)s…

J’avais 22 ans, marin sur un paquebot naviguant dans les Caraïbes, la nuit du nouvel an. Après avoir fait la nouba au carré du personnel, nous nous sommes retrouvés, une dizaine de copains et copines de l’équipage, à faire la fête dans la piscine du pont supérieur, désertée par les passagers pour raisons de sécurité (un peu de mer houleuse) et qui faisaient la bringue ailleurs.

Au bout d’un bon moment et après être tous passés dans la douche commune jouxtant la piscine, des couples s’étaient faits, je me retrouvais en compagnie de l’infirmière du bord (que je connaissais plus ou moins, ayant eu quelques fois l’occasion de converser avec elle, mais sans aller plus loin), charmante jeune fille à peine plus âgée que moi et lui proposais de la raccompagner. Elle parut enthousiaste et nous devisâmes agréablement, le temps de traverser presque tout le bâtiment et d’arriver à sa cabine. Je n’en menais pas large, me demandant quelle catastrophe allait me tomber sur le crâne, ou quelle millième bêtise allais-je encore commettre, et qui allait tout foutre par terre, comme cela m’était arrivé avec toutes les Demoiselles que j’avais tenté d’aborder depuis mes 15 ans. C’était pour moi la première fois que ça allait aussi loin avec une fille que j’avais tenté de draguer. Arrivé dans sa cabine, la Demoiselle s’allongea sur sa couchette, tout juste vêtue de son peignoir largement ouvert et de son string, me regardant avec un merveilleux sourire et m’invitant à me mettre à l’aise, elle avait apparemment l’air tout à fait coopérative.

Je me dis que c’était peut-être le moment de me déshabiller pour la rejoindre, ce qui n’aurait pris que quelques secondes. Je commençais à déboutonner ma chemise, quand j’eu l’idée, afin de meubler le silence que je trouvais gênant, de lui dire : « tu es si adorable, j’ai très envie de faire l’amour avec toi ». Grossière et dramatique erreur. J’avais pourtant toujours fait preuve de douceur, de délicatesse et du plus profond respect, mais en une fraction de seconde, elle s’était recroquevillée sur sa couchette, ayant troqué son expression sensuelle par un rictus haineux. Elle me dit en hurlant d’une voix agressive, presque hystérique : « Et bien moi j’ai pas enviiiiie ! ». Je restais deux secondes abasourdi, puis, voyant sa colère toujours intense, je trouvais la force de me retirer tout doucement, sans faire de gestes brusques, qui auraient pu être mal interprétés. J’avais eu l’impression d’être passé à deux doigts d’une accusation en règle de tentative de viol.

Quelques temps plus tard, lors d’une escale, je croisais une charmante demoiselle, qui me faisait visiblement de l’œil. Cette jolie brunette d’origine brésilienne fut d’un abord favorable, j’étais heureux d’avoir cru enfin pu réussir à draguer une Femme. Malheureusement, quand nous trouvâmes une chambre d’hôtel, la Demoiselle me fit comprendre qu’elle avait besoin d’argent. Je compris avoir eu affaire à une Dame plus intéressée par mes sous, que par ma petite personne. Toutefois, cela faisait des mois que je n’avais pas pu toucher une Femme, je me suis dit, pourquoi pas ? Sur le coup, je me suis félicité de ce qui apparaissait comme une bonne fortune, la Demoiselle étant visiblement une occasionnelle qui joignait l’utile à l’agréable et ne boudait apparemment pas son plaisir.

Trois jours plus tard, je constatais un écoulement blanc au bout de ma zigounette. Dans l’inconscience de la jeunesse, j’avais négligé les règles élémentaires de sécurité et j’avais visiblement attrapé une blennorragie. Heureusement que le sida n’existait pas encore ! Je me rendis au service médical du bord, pour consulter le médecin.

Première gêne, quand je vis que l’infirmière était là…

…mais il fallait bien se soigner. Je ne vous dis pas, l’impression d’horreur et de honte apocalyptique, pour le presque gamin que j’étais encore à l’époque, de devoir expliquer ma situation, avec un minimum de détails, puis de sortir mon truc pour le montrer au médecin, sous l’œil à la fois apparemment consterné et plutôt dégoûté de la Demoiselle… C’est vrai que pour les gens qui n’y connaissent rien et n’ont jamais été confronté aux rapports vénaux, ça doit être un peu spécial. Mais là, en quelques jours, l’infirmière découvrait que le jeune marin, avec lequel elle avait failli passer un bon moment, l’avait révulsé, en plus voyait des prostituées et pour couronner le tout, ramenait une maladie vénérienne (comme on appelait encore souvent cela à l’époque).

Le médecin m’examina, mais le problème était qu’il avait une personnalité un peu spéciale. Il s’efforçait d’afficher un comportement courtois avec les passagers, mais avec l’équipage, il se permettait des manières qui auraient fait rougir l’humoriste Bigard, même dans ses sketches les plus osés. Le docteur prit la parole de sa voix de stentor : « MAIS VOUS AVEZ ATTRAPÉ UNE CHAUDE-PISSE ! RASSUREZ-VOUS, CE N’EST PAS GRAVE, UNE INJECTION D’UN ANTIBIOTIQUE ADAPTÉ, ET VOUS SEREZ RÉTABLI DANS TROIS JOURS ».

J’étais de plus en plus gêné, l’infirmière me regardait, un sourire méprisant en coin, qui commençait à ressembler à un foutage de gueule en règle. Je précisais au docteur, que j’avais également des problèmes à la gorge et espérais que le traitement me soignerait là aussi. Il m’examina, puis il s’écria : « MAIS ON A FAIT AUSSI MIMI A LA DAME ? LA VACHE, ELLE VOUS A PAS RATÉ ! ». L’infirmière commençait à être prise d’un fou-rire, qu’elle avait de plus en plus de mal à réprimer. Je devais être rouge comme une tomate. Une fois l’injection faite, le médecin reprit la parole en ces termes : « FRANCHEMENT, VOUS ÊTES CON D’ALLER SAUTER LES FILLES EN ESCALE. ALLEZ VOIR CELLES DU BORD, ÇA MANQUE PAS ! ». Puis, d’un large et gracieux geste, désignant l’infirmière, il hurla encore plus fort : « PRENEZ MON ASSISTANTE, PAR EXEMPLE. ELLE EST JEUNE, BELLE ET ELLE N’ATTEND QUE ÇA ! QU’EST-CE QUE VOUS ATTENDEZ POUR LUI SAUTER DESSUS ? ».

L’infirmière fut visiblement partagée entre une certaine réprobation, mais depuis le temps, elle connaissait le toubib, et son fou-rire, qui ne la quittait pas. J’ai préféré la fermer, discrétion oblige, mais je me suis pensé « mon couillon, si tu savais, je ne t’ai pas attendu pour tenter de draguer toutes les Dames du bord, y compris ton infirmière, mais quand elles disent non, c’est non ».

J’étais mort de honte, inutile de vous préciser que l’infirmière ne m’a plus jamais adressé la parole, même pour me dire bonjour quand je la croisais par hasard.

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Youve Been A Naughty Girl

I arrive at your hotel room and knock on the door. As you open the door, my eyes almost pop out of my head with the sight before me. You are dressed seductively in a sexy red lingerie set with matching high heels. The lingerie consists of a red see-through bra that perfectly supports your beautiful 12DD breasts, a crotch-less see-though thong, and a sheer half coat that covers your shoulders. I can see that your bare pussy has been freshly waxed and your perky nipples are visibly aroused. You...

3 years ago
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Lyndias Biker AdventureChapter 5

I was bent over as my nipple chain was roughly pulled by Art, when suddenly a very large, very hard cock was jammed into my steaming cunt. I could hear my scream from far away as the hot throbbing length of it pushed all the way to my cervix in one hard shove. As the cock was being pounded into my over-stimulated pussy, I fell forward, my head resting against the display case full of vibrators and dildos. Looking between my legs, I could see a very large set of black balls swinging in rhythm...

3 years ago
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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 41

Stephen Scott was very proud of his accomplishments. He had plenty of reason to be pleased; at age fifteen, he was indisputably the most brilliant computer scientist / electrical engineer / astrophysicist to come out of MIT in a long time, maybe ever. The fact that he was finishing his doctorate thesis at such a young age was further proof of his unique abilities. He was excited to be the one picked to intern with the U.S. Air Force for the summer term. What made it even better was the fact...

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I Got Double Ds

I Got Double D's by Ed Gay This is a story of trading places. A husband and wife actually trade identities. Through the power of the occult a body transfer occurs. She becomes he, male with all of the masculine equipment therein. And he occupies her female form, complete with all of it's curvy protrudences. This is turnabout at it's best, or worst, depending on how you look at it. For the husband, it is a nightmare. A strong, aggressive, male is suddenly thrust into a weak,...

1 year ago
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Femme Attack

One of my favorite pastimes is people watching. I usually head to the queer-owned coffeehouse in town, Divas, a couple times a week to catch a cappuccino or two. I'd just sit outside and enjoy the view of all the Femmes walking down the street. I am talking to the Bros, and this vision of loveliness walks up to us looking lost and confused. "Excuse me, could anyone tell me where 112 Fourth Street is?" She has the voice of an angel, and the face of a Goddess. No one moves; I think we are all...

1 year ago
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Tired of masturbating to the same old, massive video sites like PornHub, xHamster, and Eporner? No? I can’t blame you, but I can tell you that variety is the spice of life. There are other sites offering totally free, high-quality pornography by the sticky bucketful. One such site is Porn K Tube.That’s not a typo. PornKTube.com has been around a decade, so it’s actually just a few years younger than the site they blatantly stole their name from. So, how does it hold up to the classic? Not bad,...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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“Yep,” she said, as she watched her future husband get completely naked. Harry had kept himself in rather good shape over the years. She especially like the hair on his chest. After he did, she laid on the bed on her back and asked him to get on her chest and give her a titty fuck! Fortunately, in the last two years, Ginny had gone from a small bust(78cm/30in) to bigger than her mother(91cm/36in), which put this item on her list. She ran her hands through his abundant black chest...

3 years ago
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A Knock At The DoorChapter 17

Sara Adams busied herself around the house. It was hard now that she was a widow. She had her loving brother Dan to keep her company, but they had to be very discrete. Now, home alone, she was very lonely. Her mind seemed to be constantly on her son and daughter. She'd had a wonderful time with Tim, her son's best friend, but it still wasn't enough. Sara wanted more, and it was driving her crazy. Sara knew that Joel had taken his sister Janie into his home when Janie had left her asshole...

2 years ago
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My ultimate cuckold experience

Quick background info for those who haven't read any of my other stories.I'm submissive by nature. My submissive side was always a secret until I started to experiment with my girlfriend of 3 years which led to her becoming the dominant person in our day to day lives and led her to cuckolding me.Anyway, I have written about many of our stories, she was ok with me posting our stories but she never read them or showed much interest. Today I woke up to see my girlfriend, Sue, next to me in bed...

2 years ago
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I cant wait I couldnt wait

She couldn’t wait to finish work. She hadn’t seen him in almost a week and she was jumping at the bit to have him inside her. The work day dragged in and she could hardly contain her excitement when she finally finished. She rushed home and started to get ready for him to arrive. She took off all of her clothes revealing a gorgeous curvy figure. Her boobs were round and perky, a bit more than a handful but they complimented her large hips and round buttocks. Her waist in contrast was slim and...

1 year ago
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Breakdown to Breakdown

     Breakdown to Breakdown        TJ Ryder              slavex.com/A femdom- toiletslave- bdsm story  (preface!  A Europa Femdom colony story!Background!  After the federation's economic collapse and the colony on the planet Europa was just begun, it was discovered that males reaching puberty needed a protein that was only found in the milk and waste products of females at puberty through to menopause.  This biological condition led to inevitable social adaptation over time.  Leading to males...

3 years ago
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Cab Fare

I wasn't sure of what I had taken that night. Actually I knew some of what I had taken that night to be more accurate. I was high — High as a kite they say. I was tipsy as well. The combination of the drugs and alcohol made me unsteady on my feet. I have always had 'balance issues', they were just exasperated by the toxins in my body. I was swaying as I walked down the street with my red and gold high heeled shoes swinging in my left hand. The soles of my feet were black from traipsing...

1 year ago
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Kinky Housemates part 1

JO"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Jo could hear, a sexual cry that woke her up at three in the morning. It was her first day in her new house for University and to be fair the other two girls had warned her of Sarah, the sexual siren whose bedroom was next to hers.The dual wail of her man and her high pitched shriek was evidence that their midnight tryst was coming to its orgasmic end. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Screamed Sarah at the top of her voice along with accompanying energetic male grunts. She sat up in her bed and...

College Sex
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Shaved Aunty8217s Pussy And Fucked Her

Hello ISS readers. This is Sahil Oberoi from Chandigarh submitting the real experience of my life which happened a week ago. I am a great fan of ISS and a follower of the site from past two years. As it is my first story, I would request the readers to kindly ignore the mistakes and please provide a feedback on my mail id i.e. Now coming on the story, i am a 5’7.5″ tall guy with a normal penis size of 5.5 inches. I live in chandigarh since my birth with my family. A few months ago one family...

1 year ago
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Julia A Thorough Checkup

As Julia walked into the examining room, the man on the table was taking off what looked to be a very expensive, well-tailored white shirt. As he pulled it free he revealed a broad, well-muscled and well-tanned chest. Dr. Chegley had to call her name twice before she appeared to come out of a daze and notice him. "Yes, Doctor?" "Nurse, please take his blood pressure. And be quick about it. We've got to get all these physicals finished by Friday, and there are at least a dozen left." As...

2 years ago
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A Rose By Any Other NameChapter 10

Thankfully the rest of the summer was quite a bit less embarrassing than the afternoon I walked in on Chris and Natalie. After undoubtedly having a talk about being caught, Natalie and Chris kept their dalliances to themselves, sticking mainly to Natalie's room, although I did almost walk in on the two of them in the downstairs TV room once or twice. Judging from the sounds coming up the stairs, they were either heavily involved with each other, or had decided to watch a bit of porn. Either...

1 year ago
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Alexis And Her Sisters Are Punished

Velvet and I knew it was plain stupid and would lead to a spanking, and guess what, yup, it has. We are on holiday, Velvet Jaden and me, with Valentine my Mum, and Alexander my Dad, and we came away with my aunt and uncle and two cousins. We were all on the beach, well except for my Dad and Uncle who have gone on a three day sailing trip. Velvet and I were playing ball dangerously close to Mum who told us three times to play further away from her. It wasn’t just the noise, but twice the ball...

3 years ago
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Thicker Than BloodChapter 22

It’s not my fault, so why do I feel guilty. The man, my used to be man, didn’t have to kill those guys. He could have run off after he got the gun away from that Harry guy. But he shot ‘em down, all of them. Oh my, what a scene that must have been! And Jenna was there to see it. I know why she is always crying now for sure: she feels responsible. If she hadn’t been there, none of it would have happened. But, even allowing for that; he didn’t have to kill them, certainly not all of them! Why!...

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We are in a taxi. I am snug and warm beside you. On this occasion, I am wearing a long black hooded cloak. That's all - just a long black cloak. I'm sure this means that a nice surprise is awaiting me.I'm leaning against you, resting my head on your lap, feeling your wonderful fur coat soft against my skin.The taxi driver is used to our evening excursions and pays us no attention. He drives silently through the dark streets.We're nearing the centre and entering the quiet Soho backstreets...


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