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I got home a bit later that night than I expected. There was a meeting I had to be a part of. I didn't really want to be there. The two people I was mediating with were both, frankly, not that nice. Both were more interested in putting as much hurt on the other person as they could. They weren't interested in resolving the situation, they were interested in damage. I could understand why. The whole situation was a disaster from a business point of view, but still, it was my job to find a happy medium, so that both sides could walk away, feeling like they got what they want.

That's almost impossible in situations where one or both sides were more interested in hurting the other side than resolve the situation, or, worse still, when it was the act of resolution itself that would actually be the hurting part. No one walks away from that situation feeling satisfied, I can tell you.

There have been more than one occasion where I've had to admit defeat and just tell both parties that at this point, the lawyers are going to have to get involved, because it's ONLY the hurting of the other person that is going to give the situation resolution.

At least in situations where both parties are trying to hurt each other out of blind rage and hurt, there is the chance that one or the other will come to their senses. And that's where I come in.

I guess it's customary to introduce yourself. I'm Mike Absalom. I'm a mediator – and a good one, if I may say so myself – for a company who is hired as arbitrators by legal firms. Most of the time our work is woven into contracts – if the contract breaks down, rather than running to lawyers, the two parties (or three, or even four sometimes) come to us. We sit down, try and understand the situation, what everyone wants, and try and come to an agreement. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

What we do isn't legally binding – we hammer out an agreement in spirit, rather than in law. Oh, sometimes what we do gets put into contract form, but mostly it's a way to get people to come together and find a solution for their problems. Less about the letter of the law, and more about the spirit of it, sort of thing.

So yeah, that's what I do. I have always done it in one form or another, and I have a particular way of working. I come from a large family – six kids; five boys and a girl. I was the second eldest and, it seemed, constantly mediating disagreements.

Mom was a single Mom – our Dad died two days after Benji, the youngest, was born. He was killed by a drink driver, crossing a road, after buying flowers for my Mom. She never really got over it, but buried herself in providing for us. She did the best she could, but the reality is that even with two parents, providing a roof, clothes, food and attention in equal measure for all six would be hard, let alone one parent. She did her thing, selling real estate, and we were what our generation called Latch Key Kids. We came home, made a snack, watched TV, irritated each other and some how, I always ended up mediating.

Mediation is an interesting career path. I didn't intend it to be a career choice – it just sort of happened. I originally worked for a plant on the shop floor, making metal widgets for all sorts of things – golf carts, ball point pens, you name it, if it had small metal bits in it, we made parts for it.

Long story short, I was the voice of reason on a number of issues, and when it was necessary, sorted it out. I have no idea why I was picked; perhaps I was the most reasonable.

So anyway, I was working at this metal shop place – a college thing while I was doing a course in Creative Writing – yeah, I've no idea what I was thinking, either – and there was a dispute between management and workers. Some of us were union – some were not. I wasn't, but somehow I wound up being the workers representative anyway. There was a union rep, and he showed up some of the time, but half the time that management wanted to talk to 'the workers', he was no where to be found. Part of me still believes they – the management – did it on purpose.

Anyway, I ended up talking a lot and while I think management was loaded for bear, we managed to work something out.

It happened again four months later – same kind of thing, some demand that we not have vacation in August because there was a big order coming in or something. Anyway, this time they brought in an arbitration company, who basically did the same thing I had done, only 'without bias', as management put it.

It didn't really matter. The arbitration company ended up talking to me and the union rep anyway, and then just passed it on to the management. All they really did was act as a middleman.

We got something sorted that avoided 'unpleasantness', as management put it, and everyone got something out of it. I know I did. I got a job offer from the arbitration company.

And so I changed my college major to business studies, with a minor in psychology, and went to work for them instead. It was certainly easier on my hands, that's for sure.

I graduated two years later, and have been a mediator ever since. And trust me, I've mediated some weird stuff. Movie companies and actor's agents, Car companies and their workers, lawyers who are partners, even a bunch of competitors in a surfing competition, and the company who organized it. I've even done more than a few marriages. I didn't try and be a marriage counselor; I figured those guys knew what they are doing – I just come in when all else has failed and we have to separate out the cd collection.

I have a particular methodology, though. It's what works for me, rather than anyone else. People respond when they see vulnerability and when they see honesty. So, when I mediate, I try and show people my vulnerability, and my honesty. I sit there, talk with both sides independently, to try and get a feel for who the people are, what they think is important and how they feel about the situation, what they want from it, what they think of the opposing side – basically I try and get a feel for both combatants.

I should point out that I've been chastised by the senior partners more than once for using that terminology, but it's how I start out viewing the clients, and it works for me. I just have to shut up about using the words!

From there, I can usually figure out a way to get each side thinking in terms of what the other person thinks is important. It may not be to them – or it maybe, and that is the cause of the conflict. Either way, getting them in touch with the other persons needs is paramount.

Orson Scott Card, a noted science fiction author, and general religious nut wrote a story once about a girl who could 'see' the connections between people – she saw them as lines of force, and they made a web between everyone. And she could see how to cut those lines with a few well-chosen words.

As an aside, how is it that some people can be monstrously intelligent and write incredible stories that are tied together, with interesting people and great dialog, and then have this incredible blind spot in their lives where they believe in invisible people who live above the clouds? I just don't get it.

When I read his story, I did note the similarities between what I do and what this fictional character does. I can't see what connects people, but with enough prodding, I can usually work it out, and it's my job to either untangle the existing connections, OR create new ones that cancel out the old ones.

At least that's how I see it. It's all really just touchy feely stuff, and it's not something I seem to be able to pass on.

And it's certainly not a skill I practice at home with the wife. Oh yeah, the wife. We've not even mentioned her yet. That's a bit crap for a story in the Loving Wives section, I know. But I needed you to have some background in what I do and how I do it, because it'll have import later.

Do I have to do the self-description? Do I? Really? When I read a story, it's the last thing I care about, what the guy looks like. Ok, ok. I'm six foot, spot on. I'm 197 pounds – at least I was a week ago. I drink vodka, I like wine, I bike for exercise and yes, my hair is starting to thin and is definitely gray at the sides. Fuck old age. Is that enough? Do I have to go on about skin tone? Or being clean-shaven? Or any of that shit? Does anyone care? Really? Yes, I have a cock. No it's not huge and no it's not small. I do ok. Jeesus.

So the wife. Yeah, I should talk about her.

Love of my life. I know, everyone says that, right? But it's true. It's like one of those things you say about having kids – How Great Having Them Is – it's just words to people who've never had them.

I find the whole thing about announcing you are having kids really interesting and not a little bit funny. You say, "We are pregnant" – and even that makes me smile. "We?" I would have just stuck my dick in her and had a grand old time, and from that point onwards, it's 100% her. She would grow it, suffer the discomfort, have to give up drinking, end up peeing a lot and finally, suffer the indignity of the actual birth, not to mention the bodily issues that can happen after, both from stretch marks to post partum depression. And yet the guy gives out cigars. Yeah, you did a whole lot, asshole.

Then there's what all the friends tell you. "Go get drunk, you won't be able to once the baby comes.", "Go to the movies, you won't be able to once the baby comes.", "Go eat out, you won't be able to once the baby comes.", "Go sleep, you won't be able to once the baby comes." And my personal favorite – "Go have sex, you won't be able to once the baby comes." And then they drop that one line at the end, "But it'll be the best thing ever!"

Yeah, sounds like it. Sounds great. I mean, so many people say it, so they must mean it, but damn, you get all sorts of very explicit and specific reasons why it's going to suck, and then be told at the end, "But it's great – best thing ever" and I can't help but notice there are no specifics on that.

But, given how I feel – felt – about Kristi, I can well believe it. That's her name, by the way. It was Kristi Fenton and is now Kristi Absolom, at least it will be for the next couple of months.

Anyway, I felt that way about Kristi and she did about me. When it came to kids, I knew that my little party shtick about it was both true and also coming from a place of darkness.

For us, the whole prospect of having kids was a non-starter. Kristi had discovered, on her first period, immense pain and 'women issues' as she put it. She'd been taken to hospital by her parents and found that her tubes were malformed. It had taken surgery, them being tied and the egg parts of the tubes removed, because if they weren't, it would be at best agony every month and at worst, life threatening. Apparently it had been described to her as 'cancer waiting to happen'. So out they came, and with it, any chance of Kristi bearing children.

By the time we were together, she'd gotten past it, or as past it as a woman can really be. My understanding is that a woman doesn't count herself a woman if she can't fulfill one of the most basic of womanly functions. I don't know that I buy that, but in Kristi's case I knew it was a dark pool that neither of us really wanted to look into too deeply.

I was ok with it. I loved children and had assumed they would be in my future somewhere, but when it became a choice between having Kristi in my life, or children, it was a no brainer decision.

We talked about it a lot, and a few years back, Kristi even announced that we should get donor eggs, combine it with my sperm and do a surrogate pregnancy. We looked into it, and I was tested – turns out my swimmers are fine – and even started looking into surrogates and the procedure. But I was never totally sanguine about it, and something just felt off. Kristi was all gung ho, but when the time came to do it, I just couldn't. I don't know why, but something was off. It was when Kristi collapsed when I said no that I discovered what it was.

Kristi had been carrying around some major groundless guilt about not being able to bear children, and the whole surrogacy thing was both an attempt to make me happy and also what she deemed her 'punishment' from god. I have no idea where any of this came from, but it was there and it took some therapy to piece together and start the repairs. But you do what you must. I knew something wasn't right and it appears my subconscious knew more than my conscious mind. Although, while it was right on then, in this case, it let me down pretty drastically.

So, kids never happened. We never adopted – it just also didn't feel right, although I've no idea why – and we decided that if we had to be childless, to embrace it. We traveled, saw the world, ran with the bulls, had breakfast at the feet of the pyramids, played hide and seek in the ruins of Pompeii, dived in Pearl Harbor, spent weeks drunk off our asses 'wine tasting' in Napa Valley and Bungie jumped off the Sydney Harbor bridge. We lived life.

Life long friends drifted away when they had kids – they had a different life from us, and we all knew it. There were lots of "we must get together" and to start with, we tried. But no one was ever available; no one could get sitters, and even when they could, they had to be home by eleven and couldn't even get nicely loaded, since they had to be sober to be in charge of their children when they got home.

When they'd leave our downtown condo, in Bellevue, a well to do suburb of Seattle, we'd look at each other and giggle and say, "Glad we don't have kids!" It was all a bit pathetic and we were obviously covering our own voids, but we were also drunk and then we'd have slow lazy sex on the balcony. We were three stories up, so we weren't worried about being seen, so there were upsides.

We were good. I had my work, which sometimes was intense, and she had hers. She was a curator of a technology museum in Seattle. It was funny – she was into all the little gadgets like Iphones, Ipads, fitbits and all the other things that are traditionally a Man Thing, and I liked classical music and sculpture and opera. We often joked we had bits of our brains switched around, like in that Star Trek Episode (Original Series, natch. I have Been Educated on that by my occasionally nerdy wife, have no fear).

We've been married almost twelve years. We'd met at, of all things, a lawn hockey match. I'd only just moved to the Seattle area, from my college in Missouri, and before that, the suburb of Chicago where I'd been brought up. I didn't know many people and someone from work had invited me and I had honestly nothing better to do that Saturday.

Two co-ed teams, going at each other. The level of violence was a thing to behold. As far as I could tell, it was a great excuse for women on both teams to bash the living shit out of the men on the field, and be applauded for it. Sometimes it was hard to tell who were the women and who where the men. The women were so butch and roided up.

I'd just been watching one man get a hockey stick in the shins so hard his shin guard had split and there was blood everywhere, when I was aware that there was someone beside me, holding a glass of something and gazing at the scene in front of her.

"You think he'll ever want to be on coed team again?" she asked, glancing up at me.

"I know I wouldn't. Limping home is not a way to finish anything," I said, somewhat lamely.

She smiled at me, looked back at the man being escorted off the field, supported by two teammates and said, "Oh, I can think of ways of getting to that situation might be fun. Not like that though. Nice to talk to you." And she nodded and wandered off.

For me, it had been electric. Kristi was about 5 foot 7 inches, brown haired, but streaked with blonde, a somewhat round face, beautiful eyes, accentuated with dark makeup and long eyelashes (real too, I found out later), a proportional up turned nose, awesome cheekbones and a round pouting mouth, that if you concentrated on it, all you wanted to do was kiss it. She had incredibly blue eyes and blinked just a little too much.

She was nicely proportioned – nothing too big, nothing too small – an actual ass that had shape but not huge or wobbly. Somewhat narrow hips, but all in all, just a delightful package.

I watched her wander away and almost kicked myself for my lame responses, shaking my head ruefully.

I got another opportunity later that day, when I was visiting the temporary bar set up off the field. They only sold cheap shitty wine and beer and premade cocktails, that tasted, well, premade. I was buying a glass of the least offensive wine – yes, I'm a snob. I know my wine tasting. Mom's sister, my aunt Nancy, had a part time job reviewing wine and I learned a lot from her about nose, bouquet and all the other rubbish that went with reviewing. I also learned that 95% of it was utter bullshit, done to impress other people who didn't have a clue. At the end of the day wine, like art, is about what works for you and what doesn't. There is nothing on earth that makes a wine worth $100, let alone $1000, apart from your willingness to pay for it.

I'd bought the only thing that didn't make me wince and turned to go, but found this delightful creature who'd talked to me earlier standing behind me in line, fiddling with some little black box with what looked like a pen attached. She was concentrating on it so hard she didn't see me standing there, patiently waiting for her to notice and get out of my way. In the end, I cleared my throat.

She glanced up in somewhat annoyance, realized the situation and said, "Oh, so sorry. Just got this and I can't stop playing with it." She held up the box, which had some kind of grey LCD screen on it.

"It's a Visor. One of the new PDA's." she said, as though that explained everything.

I just looked at her, and she said, "Never mind. Sorry, let me get out of your way."

She sidestepped, I stepped around her, then just stopped. She got a drink, turned around and now I was in her way. She just looked at me, a hint of a smile playing around her lips.

"We must stop meeting like this," she said, with mock intensity.

I smiled back. "So, what's a Visor? Let's get out of line and go talk."

And we did. For an hour.

I learned a Visor was one of those new digital personal assistant things, that Palm had first produced. I learned she was a gadget junky. I learned she was a trained librarian and historian. I learned she had only come today because a friend was playing and she couldn't figure out how to turn him down without seriously hurting his feelings and I learned she was free next Friday and really wanted to see the latest Harry Potter movie, but hated going on her own.

The hint was heavy and by god I took it.

And that was the start.

We were in bed together at the four-week mark, and married about ten months later. I could go on about the chaotic wedding – all my family showed up and it was like a Clampet reunion. Hers were there too, much more upper class than us, looking over their bifocals at us suspiciously, and then having a whooping good time when someone on my side noticed and dragged them into the fray.

I could go on about her family – one sister, a brother in the army doing god knows what god knows where to god knows who, and a father and mother, long since divorced and now friends. I'd only met her brother a few times, him being out of the country a lot, but he'd seemed like a decent enough guy. Concerned about his sister, but not one blind to who she was. We'd shared a beer or ten - those army guys can drink – and had some, well, I'd call 'interesting' conversations. I learned way more about her early boyfriends than I honestly wanted to know.

I could go on about our years together. Growing together, having fun, exploring life and generally acting like teenagers whenever we thought we could get away with it. We were partners, in every sense of the word.

We belonged to several groups together – I read poetry and she ... well, she came along and tried. She painted and I ... if I'm honest, I didn't even try. I could read and write but my skills ended there. I didn't even know which end of the paintbrush to use. I'd try and do abstracts and she'd come over and look and make comments like "I see you are still in your seven year old period." And then laugh hysterically.

Oh she cracked herself up, my wife.

We both had state of the art mountain bikes and made heavy use of them. The Seattle area is littered with bike trails and we made the most of them. It was our main exercise and we loved it. We even went on biking weekends to Portland and Vancouver.

I don't mean to make it sound like some kind of hippy dippy nirvana, though. We fought. We had disagreements. By god the woman had a temper on her – when she was royally pissed she could make every room Siberia. She had a wicked sense of sarcasm that could really cut right to your core, and when she was really angry, she'd do it right in front of other people, where my only recourse was either to retreat and look wimpy or have a knock-down drag-out cat fight in front of our friends.

I tried both approaches and neither really worked. Me retreating often made the problem go away faster, but made me look like a turd in front of our friends, and me fighting her preserved my pride but made our new fridge, the bed, last that much longer. She knew damn well what she was doing.

It was weird, because to everyone else, she was an absolute delight. Even if she abhorred the people we were with – and she could be biting about some of the people we knew in our social circles – she was so polite and excruciatingly nice to them. It was only me she showed her vast displeasure with, when she felt the need arose. In some ways I felt hugely privileged – it was only me that she felt comfortable enough with for the mask to come off. That's a compliment. On the other hand, sometimes I seriously worried for her mental health.

But what really pissed her off, more than anything, was me attempting to use my 'fucking Jedi mind tricks' on her.

Apparently, when I get into Mediator Mode, as she puts it, I unconsciously adopt a particular stance and facial expression. She picked up very early on what that looked like and that was one thing that no matter what we were arguing about was guaranteed to put it up a level or two. It was at those points that the inevitable "Your family sucks too" kinds of taunts came out. There is no argument that can't be made worse by dragging family into it.

Mind you, she also learned that bringing my mother into it was not a thing she should embark on. A weekend spent in a motel because I threw her out made that point.

In the interests of fairness, though, I should also point out that it's not like she often didn't have anything to scream about. I was – no, am – no picnic to live with. I am moody, I can fly off the handle about something insignificant (never drive with me when I've had a bad day), I tend to look down on stupid people (and we are ALL stupid at some time or another), and I have been known to enjoy the strip club on occasion, even knowing what it represents in terms of women's exploitation.

I was as capable as she was of provoking a bad situation, although I did prefer to deal with it behind closed doors.

She knew when she'd overstepped the mark. She knew it very soon after, once her heat had died down and I often got lots of apologies and then the next week, I'd be hard pressed to even get up in the morning.

I should talk a little about our sex life. It was nothing short of spectacular. Well, I thought it was, anyway. We were nothing short of perfectly coupled in the bedroom. Or the living room, or even the back of the car, one night in Victoria, up in Canada.

We explored each other, were honest about fantasies (at least I was. Turns out she wasn't – not completely), we did some risqué things – going out to dinner with her wearing no underwear and a short mini dress, never knowing who she was flashing, stuff like that. We played a couple of games of me picking her up in a motel bar, till one night some guy hit on her and didn't want her to say no, and it took me explaining the facts of life to him while gripping his balls through his suit pants, and we never did that again. Again, I never did. With what I know now, who the fuck knows if she did.

Sorry. Shouldn't swear. Sometimes, well, life gets the better of you, you know? Sometimes you are the windshield and sometimes you are the bug.

For all that, we were happy. At least I thought so. I was. My work occasionally got consuming, and in some situations, I had to travel. I was work for hire for my company and to a certain extent I had to go where the work was. But it was never for long and I would be home again, and it didn't happen that often.

Kristi occasionally traveled to see some tech company who wanted to donate old equipment to her museum for posterity and a couple of times I got to go too, although sitting around watching a bunch of beards droning on about how some hard drive the size of washing machine used to be worth three quarters of a million dollars, and now you could get earrings with more storage capacity than that, was not my idea of a good time.

But hey, I got to play golf in Arizona, in the dead of winter, on Intel's dime, play nickel slots, and do nasty things to my wife on hotel property, so what the hell did I care?

So, back to the evening I was talking about, which is what the story is really about anyway.

I walked into our condo, with its nice view, and threw my jacked on the chair and yelled out, "I'm home. What's for dinner?"

The lights were on, and I knew she was home – I had parked next to her little Mazda Miata Mx5 convertible in the under building parking lot. The entry of our condo was into the kitchen and I busied myself grabbing a beer (low calorie Diet beer, as she called it) and wandered into the living room.

And there she was, sitting on the couch, knees together, looking up at me and biting her lip. It wasn't her that arrested my motion though – it was the guy sitting next to her.

"Honey..." she said, weakly.

I just stopped and stared, not believing what I was seeing. Her body language was contrite, upset, nervous, and stalwart, all in the same set of posture. You can't live with someone as closely as we had for that many years and not know what you are seeing. Well, apparently you can, as I was discovering. But right then and there I could read the entire situation as plain as day.

The guy, well, he was young, had a smile on his face that was just this side of non-confrontational. Not a sneer, but definitely in the same family. A cousin perhaps. It was classic arrogance that was being masked with some semblance of 'sensitivity' on his part. Hell, for all I know, he might even believe it, but the body language was classic possession demonstration and the need to imprint that on the events that followed. I was being told without words that he was the Alpha male here, in terms of owning her.

She was leaning forward, and he was leaning back, both arms spread out along the sides of the couch, one behind her. You could see she was leaning forward a bit so as it to not appear like he had his arm around her. But it also didn't take Einstein to see what she hadn't removed it, either. She was doing her best to not have the situation look too bad, missing the point that the more she tried, the worse it actually looked. Now she just looked guilty rather than contrite.

Just looking at the two of them, I knew what the situation was, at least part of it. I knew what had been going on. I didn't know where they thought it was going – whether this was a confessional and a promise to not repeat, or a 'dear john' moment, or what it was, but I knew what had occurred prior. You can't not, when you see something like this.

I just looked at them for a moment more, then flopped into the chair adjacent to the couch, at right angles to it. It put me right next to this guy, who looked at me with I'm sure he thought was concerned. I could see Kristi frown at me sitting down, and I could read the expressions crossing her face – their placement of sitting was really bad. If I got violent, she wouldn't be able to stop me. But it was too late now.

There was obviously a script here they were playing to, and I had to hold back the anger that was forming in my stomach to understand what that script was.

I popped the beer and sighed, and took a long drink.

She bit her lip again, and I could see she was about to say something but didn't. I assumed it would have along the lines of, "Yes, a beer would be a good thing about now."

I chuckled as a thought occurred to me. It's funny your reactions to sudden extreme stress like this. I'd seen it before and it had always puzzled me. People say the most asinine things, or make some remark, or bring up some point that has absolutely nothing to do with the current situation. In my line of work you see it a fair amount and I'd always quietly wondered at what was going through their minds at that exact moment. Presumably a complete denial of the reality of the situation, and here I was, feeling it myself.

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My Seed My Wife My ChildChapter 2 Chiurgeon

I woke with a headache. My hand went to my head and I groaned. Slowly I opened my eyes blinking to clear my vision. I was laying down on a soft bed. It was as large as my own mothers bed, raised up high off the floor and surrounded by curtains, thick and green, but tied back around the four posts. I turned my head and saw the stone walls devoid of decorations, cold and gray. A fire place large enough to walk through sat in one wall like a gaping mouth cold and dark. A washing stand, with...

4 years ago
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My first Blowjob

Recieving my first blowjob.As weeks went by after getting my first handjob from Amanda, the memories of how it felt having her jerking my hard cock and letting my cum shoot onto the stair case stuck in my mind. As well as how it felt to rub her pussy and make her cum. A number of nights with the the thoughts still fresh in my head I stroked my cock cumming a number of time while waiting to have Amanda give me a handjob again. Luckily for it did soon materialize, again at the mall in the...

1 year ago
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Merisarmili bhabhi

Hi dosto me mera name raju hai mai mere lund ka size 8inch (m.p)ke ek chote kasbye ka rhnye wala hoon me aaj jo khani apko batanye ja rha hoon vo ekdm sach or iss iss ki hi wajye se hai.jaisa ki mnye batyea ki mera name raju umer 27 hai or mai ek pvt compny me job kerta hoon.mere gher me meri ma or iske alva mera bada bhai or do badi bhane hai.jab mai 10 sal ki hi uha tha thabhi marye pitaji ka dehant ho gaya tha.bhaia gher me hum sab bhai beno me bade hai unka name vinod umer 37 sal phir meri...

3 years ago
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Wife best friend and I go to the bookstore

As told to me from a friend : It has been awhile since my wife or I have posted any updates, but as you can see from our photos we have been busy traveling up and down I-5 looking for places to fuck. We can't wait for the rain to stop and the sun to come out so that we can start doing some outdoor fucking. But what we want to share is an adventure we took with her best friend.As you may have read in our previous writings, her friend was brought into our kinky lifestyle when I decided to cum on...

4 years ago
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My beautiful boots

You know what it’s like; it’s twenty past five on a Saturday afternoon and almost too late it dawns that you have to have a new pair of boots, boots that is with serial killer heels (not boots for wandering aimlessly around in or standing pointlessly in puddles or rivers at low tide) and that you have to have them now, not tomorrow or the day after but now, today. You will not do what a sane person would do and spend hours on the internet patiently trawlling the websites of ‘JustFab’ ‘New Look’...

2 years ago
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Cowboy Meets New Slave1

We met on an on line dating site and chatted for a couple of months before deciding to meet in person. We agree that you will come spend a three day weekend with me at my home in the South Texas country side. You question what is going to happen during your visit. All I will tell you is that I have a surprise for you that will make you want to stay with me and never return to your home. It is 10:00pm when I meet you at the airport. I take your bags telling you I parked across from the...

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Meri Behan Ko Choda In Goa 8211 Part II

Hi to all friends, thanks for the reading story which I have written and also thanks for the likes of the story. Now I am going to write 2nd part of the story (Meri behan ko choda in goa part-2. Fir hum dono ne ek sath shower liya aur shower lete waqt hum logo ne fir lip kissing ki. Aur shower lekar bahar aagaye aur bed par dono nude let gaye, aur chadar oodhliya dono bohar kareeb aagaye Mera lund fir baji ki chut ko touch kar raha tha aur hum dono lip kiss kar rahe the aur mera hath baji k...

1 year ago
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Aunt Rose Part 1

In my thirties we used to live next door to Jean and Frank. They were an older couple and great with us and our two offspring. We always referred to them as Aunt Jean and Uncle Frank. We moved away but occasionally kept in touch. A few years later (I was mid-forties by then) Frank sadly passed away and we attended his funeral to show our appreciation and respect for all he had done for us. It was 9 months before I saw Aunt Jean again. I was in the area on business and thought I’d pop in and see...

1 year ago
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InnocentHigh Paige Owens Head Of Class

Our stud recently met Paige Owens on the beach, and wants to prove to his friend they are fucking. So, he hides a cam in his football helmet to let him watch it all go down. Paige shows up in some pigtails and big, heavy glasses, ready to please her newfound fuckbuddy. She assures him that no one at his college will be able to tell she is in high school, and that she is about to graduate anyway so he should not worry. That is enough reasoning for our stud, and soon they are off to the races....

2 years ago
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The Neighbour

During May 2010 David and I had been to a party at my sister’s - an adult party –By the time we were ready to leave it was late at night and my sister dared me to let my hubby drive me home in nothing but my heels leaving my clothes behind, I accepted the dare, yes I’d had a few wines, so not thinking too much about it, it’s about 12 miles back to our place mostly through some countryside and some streets. I also know another reason why I accepted her dare was, I had previously told her...

2 years ago
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My Disastrous Night

Kate thought she had a wonderful life, a strong marriage, and a good family. Then in one night it all fell apart. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every single character is at least 16 years old. Any reference to an...

2 years ago
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An Unusual Seduction VII

The three of us, Carol, John and I, walked into the bedroom with Carol holding both our hands. John and I took Carol's robe and opened it like she was a surprise package of lust. I stood back and gazed at both Carol and John. They were both the embodiment of young, fit, lustful lovers. I loved them both.  John pulled Carol to him and folded her into a full-body naked, passionate embrace. Carol reached up and pulled John in for a fevered kiss. Their mouths were wide open, their tongues...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Jumping the Fence Chapters 3 to 4

Chapter ThreeI recall feeling terribly alone. The first time ever I think, and was now unsure. I’d never been without nearby company and people I trusted and my Sydney hosts were unknown to me. However I managed my feelings by looking on my position as a new adventure, just as I’d looked at my year past and how positive that had been. I had to keep my wits about me and staying on track meant I pushed my emotions into the background. I easily found my way to my new abode and met Lyn and Greg,...

2 years ago
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Toms Sexy sister

My friend, Tom, has a sexy twin sister. She is very pale, like the whole family. I don't know what you call that but I guess they all have something lacking in their pigment. No big deal, it wasn't at all repulsive, in fact it was kinda sexy. Something different. She had big blue eyes and light freckles over her nose. She smelt like a girl should, sweet and delicious. We were fixing up his car. Me, Tom and another mate of ours, Vince. Tom had a big red Toyota Supra. It was his pride and joy. He...

2 years ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 42

You remember last time. They had just made a purchase of six sextants ... really good sextants, with mahogany cases and the New American. It was Andrea, the Twins and David ... remember? David pulled away from the curb and decided the best way to find the dock area was to keep going to the river. The French were partial to wheel spoke streets. Detroit was laid out by the French so there were three main spokes in the wheel centered on the Fur Trading Post on the river. Coming in from the...

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How Big the Ocean

‘Just don’t—’ ‘Screw it up again?’ I nearly yelled into the cell phone. I wasn’t angry, it was just hard to talk over the crying in the backseat. I actually laughed. ‘I didn’t mean that,’ Helen answered in a wounded voice. ‘It’s just that you can be so . . . so . . .’ ‘Flighty?’ I offered, accompanied by a snort. I turned my head and told the two girls back there to pipe down, but that had no effect at all. You can’t reason with a Siamese cat being subjected to something it didn’t choose. ...

1 year ago
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Step Fantasy GIFs

If there is one common thing about all of the NSFW subreddits, it’s that they allow you to jerk off to all kinds of porn you won’t find on other tube sites. These communities focus on specific porn niches and show you only one type of pornography. It’s fucking awesome. In fact, some communities are so meta and niche that they basically show you an entirely new genre of porn!That’s not the kind of porn genre I will be covering today, though. Today, I will prove to you that XXX subreddits are...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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12 Hours to Please

Hi I'm Dan, and this is the story of how I met my hot wife, Ria. It was quite a journey. It had been a difficult start to the relationship for both of us. I was a white Brit in his mid-twenties who grew up in the city and had plenty of sexual adventures. Whereas she was an eighteen-year-old South Asian student from India who was sexually naive. In fact I soon learnt she was a virgin. We met online. Why did I go online if getting pussy wasn't a real problem? Well, I decided to look further...

2 years ago
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Parent Teacher Conference Ch 03

We landed in Venice in the morning. I was so excited for the opening but more excited that Colette was with me. The opening wasn’t until the end of the week so we had plenty of time for ourselves. Hopefully she would leave Italy with a ring on her finger and a wedding date in mind. I still couldn’t believe that I was actually going to propose to her. I told myself a long time ago that I wouldn’t get myself caught up in a woman who I would want to marry and then her leave me for someone else...

1 year ago
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A Friday Night Fuck with Three Black Guys

You see, my friend and I were in the Army together, we were both about 20 when he told me this story about his mother. As a child they lived on a farm where his father raised and bred animals mostly donkeys. He really did not know exactly what they were raised for only that his dad made quite a bit of money from this business. His father had died of some rare cancer that quickly taken his life when my friend was a young boy. He was sent to stay with an aunt in the city and was...

3 years ago
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Glamour Shots Chapter 7

 As much as I knew she was right, the wait – even though only a matter of minutes – would be excruciating, a situation that was not helped at all by her raising my pussy-slick fingers to her mouth and sucking her own sweet honey off of them as she stared into my eyes! I damn near creamed myself when she did that, and it may have been one of the most erotic moments I’d ever experienced. Throughout my entire lower abdomen I ached with arousal, a dull ache that I knew would persist for hours even...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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My sister is A Stripper

A pounding noise reverberates through the room, waking me from pleasant dreams. Opening my eyes, wondering who might be at the door, I realized that the pounding was coming from within my own skull, and I groan. Apparently I wasn't alone, because my groan was echoed by other voices.In shock, I look around and find three other women in my bed, one of them is... This is too much for my extremely hung-over mind to fathom, and oblivion takes me.* * *I had just turned 18 a week ago, and my friends...

2 years ago
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The More the Merrier

Lily was in her fourth and final year of college. She was a business management major, a rather stuffy field for such a young and lively girl. After working so hard and saving up, she wanted to send her last spring break somewhere exotic, relaxing. Over the last year, she prepared for her trip by dieting, working out, and otherwise getting her buxom 5'9 frame into perfect shape. She pranced her curvy blonde body out in front of mirror at least a hundred times. She was bikini ready, and wait to...

2 years ago
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first sex

First i tell you about me .I am Ruhi khan 16 yrs ,white complexion and very sharp figure. I live with my family in ahmedabad ,my father is an bussinessman and my mother doing job in school and my sister study in college. I study in 10 std,and i come to my home at noon 12,that time i alone with my servant pradeep a 40 year old man. he serve food for me and i sleep then,one day i come to home and ask for water from pradeep,he gave me and ask beta kya hua r u tired..i say yes…he then put his hand...

1 year ago
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ModernDaySins Emma Hix Vanna Bardot Rocky Emerson Cum Gluttons Try Not To Cum Challenge

Nathan Bronson returns home and finds his girlfriend Rocky Emerson waiting in the bedroom with two of her friends, Emma Hix and Vanna Bardot. Nathan is a bit surprised because he wasn’t expecting Rocky’s friends to be visiting today, but that surprise turns to shock when Emma and Vanna say they’re here to help with his premature ejaculation problem. Nathan is upset that Rocky told them about that, but the friends assure him that they’re not here to judge, and they just...

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Melissas Eat Out

This story is called “ The Eat Out” for one reason only. There is a girl named Melissa and she is the girl that is going to get eaten out. She has the biggest tits for a 18 year old girl. She is so skinny for her age, but not too skinny. Her ass was so big for a 18 year old. It was so round that no one could wait to fuck her in the ass. The story goes on, Melissa has the best day of her life. She is wearing the slutest things in the world. She is wearing a tanktop of a goddess, it only covers...

4 years ago
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THIS HAPPENED IN 2003We were renovating our kitchen but needed a professional to cut out the worktops so Donna rang someone from the phone book, when he came to survey the job I could tell she fancied him. He was Ronnie, 45, married, and had been doing the job for twenty years. We asked him “When can you start” and we agreed, two weeks.Two weeks Tuesday and I was getting ready to go to work when Donna came downstairs, she was dressed to kill, in a shortish black skirt, red top and stockings....

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My Wife8217s Affair With My Neighbour

Hi all ISS members and sex story readers. I am Jayanth from Bangalore writing this sex story for the first time since I became member of pride ISS club (). This is my true story written without hiding anything from my heart except the real names of us. Please read this story and send your sincere comments to enable me send some more real stories happened in my life. I am basically an engineer working in some reputed private organisation in Bangalore. I am married to mirmala in 1991 to a bsc...

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Good Neighbors mdash Part 1

This my original work; originally posted to another site. Enjoy! *hugs*Stacey_tvGood Neighbors, Part 1"You should really go check in on Martin," my wife said. "When was thelast time you dropped in on him?""Just last week," I said. "You were at your Women's Club that night. Itold you, remember?""Still," she said. "It's the least we can do since his wife left him.They were such good neighbors to us when we moved in.""But the ball game...," I started to say."No," she cut me off mid-excuse. "Grab a...

1 year ago
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I was ready to go all the way

Hi to all my readers of ISS, this is Alex once again with my first ever sexual encounter. I’d like to tell you the story of the day I lost my virginity; I was 19 years old. Heck, I wasn’t even sure that I was ready to go all the way with a woman. As it happen I had a friend who was going to get married in a few weeks and he wanted to have one last big fling before he got married. He talked me and a friend named Ajit, into going on a fuck quest. My soon to be married friend was named Alfred....

3 years ago
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Sex With MILF Teacher And Her Mature Mom

Hi, this is Rahul. I used to go for tuitions to Mrs. Salma. She was about 40 years old, her husband was in Dubai, and she used to be alone at home. Her daughter was married off and she lived alone, except when her husband came down. It was now more than 6 months since I began going to her place and seeing her in nighties and so on, I began to fantasize about her. It so happened that one day I got a CD from a friend, it was about how the teacher fucks her student. After seeing that movie, I was,...

4 years ago
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The Piercer Seduced Me

Introduction: Arielle goes to get her piercing, and she never expected what she ended up getting I couldnt even believe I was about to get my second and third holes pierced. I was petrified of needles. What was I thinking? Would I even be able to go through with this? I walked into what was supposed to be the best piercing parlor in Manhattan, and my heart rate instantly increased. Even though the place was very clean and bright, it really hit me that I was about to have four needles jabbed...

2 years ago
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Aparna Aunty Me

Hi friends I would like to share my sex experience with my tenant aunt Aparna, Aparna was a typical very orthodox Konkani aunty in her mid 30 featuring an attractive buxom structure. An average person will give a second look on her structure; I being an average male had the same assent on her. She had moved to my house nearly 3 years before, during that time I had no intention towards her owing to fear factor, but as days passed with increased interest in sex knowledge I could not control...

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Words: 16,627 By: Dick N. Bahlz Every guy dreams of a place where women are naked, ready and wanton. This is the story of a very special place where anything goes and everything happens. It’s a sexual dream-come-true for many. For others, it is a place to express their wildest inner thoughts on sexuality. For yet others, it is a must-have place where they can act-out things they previously reserved for that time when one is half-asleep—half-dreaming of nirvana—sex without reserve,...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 1

Death came barreling at me in the form of an overloaded vegetable truck. My brain was even more overloaded as the reality of it hit me. I'd lived this exact scene before and FAILED to survive. In a moment I would be dead ... again. In fact my deadness would lead to all sorts of aliveness, which, if history really is repeating itself, would lead to a lot more deadness. So ... though I was alive, right now, I would be very dead in just a few moments. Really. Truly. Dead. R.T.D. The...

4 years ago
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A Walk In The Woods

A Walk in the Woods You can thank Bill Durr for doing a fantastic editing job on this story. Any remaining mistakes are mine ... It all started with a walk in the woods. I had come up to my family's cabin for a long weekend hoping to break a case of writer's block, and thought maybe a hike would be good for me. So I put on my hiking boots and took a walk in the woods. I had walked for maybe a half-hour when I heard a scream. I ran toward the sound, found a boy, naked and tied to...

3 years ago
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A Hot Day at Work

OH FUCK IT’S HOT!! I groaned wiping the sweat from my face, WHEW BABY!! We had been working hard dropping trees, clearing brush and doing burn piles. It was our first job of the season, making our winter hibernating bodies strain under the challenge. At our first break the homeowners came over to check our progress. They were rather hot and sexy men, very ‘friendly’. JT & I exchanged glances both of us were thinking the same thing, ‘well are they just a little different or what?’ The taller...

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07 Home 2Chapter 32

Flashback – Ben – Dodged a bullet? Elena got on the phone with her station and swore like crazy about how the idiots in the BTR 80 were firing on us in the church. She finished, looked at me and said, "My station is sending a crew to document everything." I complained, "A hell of a lot of good that will be if they only have corpses to take pictures of." She tried to make the best of the situation, "Don't worry they should be here soon." The BTR 80 stopped firing the gas rounds but...

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Dare into a relationship pt 1

So you know how we look, our friend group consists of 5 people: myself being 184cm, brunette and with an athletic built; John who’s 178cm, blonde, skinny but girls consider him extremely attractive; John’s girlfriend Amanda, she’s 164cm, hourglass figure and blonde too, with what always looked like really nice boobs; Maria, a Latina bombshell that has a really outgoing and outspoken personality, and Sara who was the shy girl of the group although she’s really pretty in a girl-next-door type of...

1 year ago
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White SlaveChapter 6

Chris O'Brien took a glance around her, the plush red velvet draperies, the crystal chandelier casting glimmers of light over the potted palms in the corners of the restaurants... and wondered why she had been so reluctant to give up a night alone in her dumpy apartment for a French meal at Fisherman's Wharf overlooking the San Francisco Bay. She glanced around the restaurant again. The lights were low, the atmosphere hushed. Waiters moved across the deep carpet as quietly as cats. And...

2 years ago
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Cat FightChapter 14 Cousins

tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill’s dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill’s dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now...

3 years ago
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Mountain Air

My buddy, Ty, and I decided that we would take a week during the summer to ride our horses up into the mountains and camp to get away from it all. School had been really tough and I needed a break. So we backed our gear and headed out the back door. Our homes are near the national forest so we could just ride. We rode along ways, most of the day. We found a nice place to camp. It was very isolated, or so we thought. About a hundred yards from us was another camp, we happened upon each other...

3 years ago
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Strange Shower Encounter pt1

It was late one evening after the track team had timed runs, we were getting ready for a meet, and coach wanted us at our best. This evening the varsity football squad was practicing also, they finished before we did and after some playful joking around they left for the locker room. As we finished up, I was assigned to help gather up the equipment, Edward was also there and the two of us dutifully placed everything in the teams locker. Edward and I started towards the locker room to shower...

4 years ago
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Lotus Flower

‘Does this feel good? Just relax, let yourself go.’ I moan involuntarily as I feel Lori’s hands, covered in warm oil, work their way down my spine. Her expert fingers massage my muscles in a circular motion, her hands sliding lower, her fingers hesitating where the towel rests loosely on my hips. I take a deep, shaky breath. ‘Jasmine, you have been coming here for a month now, you need to relax.’ Lori’s voice is soft, deep and sexy, which sends chills down my spine. She moves, her fingers...

3 years ago
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Net MommyChapter 4

For the first time, I really hated the plumber who had visited my place to attend a complaint of a leaking tap in our bathroom. He took almost two hours to finish his works, and during that whole period I had been cursing myself for registering the complaint with the company. Rick remained in his room, and didn't come out to see what was happening. Finally he completed his work; I felt relieved. I thanked him and signed the bill. I showed him door and once he was gone I locked it carefully...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Alexis Zara Alexis Gets Some Stiff Punishment for Stealing

Alexis Zara loves her job polishing watches before handing them off to their owners but she has a special way of polishing them that leads to them never finding their way back to where they belong. She stuffs them in her panties and in her bra thinking she can just get away with it. Mr. Adams catches her on camera and confronts her spreading her legs as watches drop out of her panties. Talk about being BUSTED! She tries to explain but the only thing Mr. Adams wants to hear is her moaning and...

2 years ago
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A Different Kind of Neighbor Part II

As I made my way back to my place the feeling of guilt was enormous. Not because I cheated, but because I was with someone who had a cock. I kept thinking to myself, does this mean I’m gay? I hurried down the stairs, entered my apartment and quickly entered my bedroom not saying a word to anyone.I was having a minor panic attack thinking to myself, 'what the fuck did I do, how could I have done that?' I was reliving the events of the evening when I realized, my cock was hard again. This brought...

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Black StigmataChapter 6

Professor Nelson watched as debris and bodies were hauled away from the ruins of the prison. Rain was pouring from the early morning sky, yet the flames from the chaotic scene burned unhindered. They curled up around concrete and steel, reaching desperately for the sky in their insatiable hunger for air. The entire landscape had been essentially leveled, all grass and vegetation replaced with charred soil or blood-splattered rubble. It was around dawn, yet the black clouds held back the...

3 years ago
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New family

by po469 My name is Paul. I'm a couple months short of my 16th birthday. I live with my dad, Nick, but not my mom because she died in a car wreck when I was six. I remember dad being real sad for a long time but now it does not show so much. We live in a nice house near St. Augustine, Florida. Dad and I love to fish and go frequently. A couple of years ago Dad started dating again but he never brought any of his dates home. At first he would get me a baby sitter when he went out...

2 years ago
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My 33 year old Taiwanese Virgin

This happened around 15 years ago, a wonderful memory I'll never forget....She was 33 from Taiwan and had come to study in the UK for 6 months. We had met online and chatted and got to know each other for a good number of months before she arrived. We spent time together, doing the usual touristy things. She had told me she was a virgin, that she had lived a very sheltered life living with her mother and brother in a very traditional sense. Her emails suggested the prospect of getting away from...

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