Brittany's First Summer - Epilogue To Owning free porn video

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Brittany’s First Summer
by Rebelman

Brittany stood in the alley and watched as her BMW drove away with Wendy behind the wheel.
She hadn’t been allowed to drive her own car since that fateful day some three months ago when
her entire world had collapsed.

Before that, the roles had been reversed with her and the young girl. Brittany had used Wendy as
her pet, torturing and humiliating her every chance she could. She had made two big mistakes
though, one was underestimating Jimmy and the other was keeping a journal.

Jimmy had figured her out and, with the help of his father, destroyed her life in only a few days.
He had confis**ted all the blackmail material and had gotten enough evidence to lock her away
for a long time. To make matters worse, he had found her journal.

The journal contained all of her ideas for future torments and notes on past successes regarding
her domination of different people. She had begun by blackmailing her nanny with a few pictures
she had taken of her with a boyfriend making love. Brittany had showed the nanny, Maria, the
pictures the very next morning and threatened to send them to her father. Maria submitted
quickly to Brittany for fear of losing her job as her father was very strict. That was the first time
she had dominated anyone.

“Fuck Jimmy,” she said to the empty alley. He had been the catalyst that started her downfall and
she was determined to get him back. No male had ever played her like he had and it frustrated
her that she could not control him. She had certainly tried to control him though.

She remembered the middle of June when Jimmy announced they were going to the lake. His
girlfriend Katy was busy visiting some college she was planning to attend, so it was an
opportunity to get him to bend to her will. She had followed his orders and worn a small bikini
with only a t-shirt as a cover.

On the way, she had spoken to him suggestively, in her sexiest voice, and made sure to keep her
legs spread to entice him. She thought it was working until they arrived at the lake and Wendy
had been there to meet them.

It was a blow to Brittany’s ego that Jimmy never showed any interest in her sexually or
otherwise. He was always doting over that bitch Katy and had even chosen to fuck slutty Diane
over her. It infuriated her to no end that her advances were constantly denied, and it made her all
the more determined to get to him. It didn’t happen at the lake though. Jimmy had simply
dropped her off, leaving her in Wendy’s hands.

“Grab my stuff and let’s go,” Wendy told her. Brittany was left to pick up the cooler, umbrella,
and chairs before scurrying to catch up with her Mistress. They ended up at the lake shore in a
partially secluded cove about 50 yards from the main swimming area. Wendy watched while
Brittany set up the chairs and umbrella before sitting down and ordering her to fetch a bottle of
water from the cooler.

Brittany was sweating through her thin t-shirt from carrying the heavy ice chest and was about to
sit down. “NO,” said Wendy, “that chair is for some nice boy that might come along and want to
talk to me. You can stand right here next to me and make sure the umbrella’s shade is on me.”
She scowled at the order but moved to where Wendy had indicated and tugged at the umbrella to
make sure the other girl was shaded.

“Now take your shirt off,” Wendy said. She sipped her water while watching Brittany pull the t-shirt
off. Her suit was small, but she had worn this outfit to the lake on more than one occasion
and it didn’t bother her to show off a little skin.

“No,” her Mistress said suddenly, “I don’t like that suit. Take it off.” Wendy began rummaging
through her bag as Brittany turned red and slowly began to strip out of the bikini. She glanced
around and saw no one, since it was still early in the day, but knew the area would be filled with
people soon.

“Don’t worry,” Wendy laughed, “I won’t make you stand around naked. Put this on.” She held
up a small wad of cloth for Brittany to take. It took a minute to figure out how it went on since it
was mostly string. The new bikini was so small it barely covered her nipples and the front of the
G-string dove deep below her navel, covering just above her pussy lips. It was a good thing she
had been keeping her pussy shaved bare.

“Much better, but we need something else to give it a bit of pizzazz.” Wendy dug through her
purse again and Brittany groaned when she saw what was being offered to her. It was the large
black butt plug that she had been forced to purchase a few weeks ago. Wendy had been reading
through the journal and found the part about her thoughts on using butt plugs to humiliate her
slaves. She had immediately sent Brittany out to fetch three sizes of plugs and now it appeared
the medium sized one was about to get used.

“You know what to do,” Wendy smiled over sunglasses, “I will even let you lube it up.” Brittany
waited for her to hand over the lube but the other girl just stared at her. It finally dawned on her
what was expected and she hesitantly put the plug to her lips and began licking the tip. She knew
it would be easier on her if it was wet so she lathered it with as much saliva as possible before
Wendy told her to insert it.

This one was larger than the one she had been using over the past week and it was difficult to
insert. Wendy watched on in amusement as Brittany struggled to get it in while grunting and
groaning. Finally, the widest part slipped in and she was able to stand almost upright. Still
getting accustomed to the size, she hunched over a bit making her ass stick out.

“Turn around so I can see,” Wendy ordered. Brittany turned her back to the girl and turned a
bright shade of red when she began laughing. “It appears the G-string doesn’t cover the base too

Brittany reach back to touch the base of the plug and realized that it would be very obvious to
anyone within 20 yards that she had something up her ass, especially if she continued to hunch
over like this. She forced herself to stand upright and could feel the large plug moving inside her
as she did so. It was humiliating and painful at the same time and she realized it was probably the
exact effect Wendy had been looking for.

“Go get me a snow cone,” Wendy told her flatly. She handed the hapless girl a dollar bill and
pointed across the park to a small stand that had just opened for business. To get there, Brittany
would have to walk in front of the growing group of people gathering at the lake shore.
“May I put my shirt back on?” Brittany asked quietly. Wendy raised one eyebrow and gave her a
look that answered her question without the need for words. The humiliated girl turned and
began walking gingerly towards the snow cone stand with the pressure of the butt plug ever
present with each step she took.

The walk along the lake shore and back was almost unbearable for her as people openly stared. If
the tiny bikini didn’t get their attention, the butt plug did because the black rubber contrasted so
much with her pale skin. Most people kept their voices low as they talked about her, but others
gawked and several older women made sure she heard how they felt about her display.

The walk back gathered a small following of teenage boys that got braver as they crossed the
lake front back to where Wendy was lounging under the umbrella. Finally arriving in front of her
mistress, Brittany handed the snow cone to her. Wendy looked up to see a group of about six
boys that had followed her pet back and mused that it was like she was the Pied Piper.

“My, my,” Wendy smiled, “you are popular today. On your knees and kiss my feet, slut. I want
them to see what a good little slave you are.” Brittany hesitated for only a second before
dropping to her knees. She had given up on resisting since it only gave Wendy a chance to use
some new implement of torture on her. She simply bent over and began kissing the dominant
girl’s feet, much to the surprise of the boys.

“Good job slut,” Wendy said, “now take your admirers one at a time behind those trees and
thank them for watching you.” Brittany groaned but did not resist. She stood up and turned to
face the small group of boys, finding all of them with small tents at the front of their bathing
suits. She picked the nearest one and took his hand in hers before leading him to the trees Wendy
had indicated. Using the wooded area for cover, she sank to her knees and tugged the boy’s
shorts down to his ankles, quickly engulfing his cock.

She had done this many times in the past few weeks and the only way to get through the ordeal
was to fantasize that it was someone else. A dream guy with a hunky body and a long hard cock
came to her thoughts and it actually began to turn her on. She pretended the hunk was her
boyfriend and that she was giving him a blowjob instead of this skinny, pimply faced,
anonymous k** that was really in front of her. Her fantasy man was tall and handsome, with a six
pack stomach and muscular thighs. She worked her mouth over the boy’s cock as she imagined
her fantasy guy standing there with a chiseled chest and perfect, well groomed hair. In her mind
his face materialized as … JIMMY?


A car door slammed, jarring Brittany back to the present. She turned and walked deeper into the
stinking alley towards a door at the far end. There were no windows here, only tall brick walls
and dumpsters with rotting food. It was Jimmy’s fault that she was here. He had a knack of
coming up with things he knew would humiliate her to the core.

She made it to the door without vomiting over the stench of garbage and pressed a button next to
the handle. She couldn’t hear or see anything behind the windowless door, but there was a
camera above it that she was sure someone was watching her. She waited for a few more minutes
before hearing the lock turn and the door swung open to reveal a large black man.

“Are you Brit?” the giant asked in a deep baritone voice.

“Yes,” she answered simply as she did not trust her voice to say any more. She was so afraid that
she didn’t even care that the man had called her by a nic name she despised. The monster in the
door stepped back and let her squeeze past into a narrow hallway.

“Door at the end,” he said. Brittany walked to the where he indicated and opened the door that
led into a small office. He moved around to the other side of a large wooden desk and sat heavily
in a chair that groaned at having to hold his formidable weight. “You ever worked at a place like
this before?” he asked gruffly. Brittany shook her head, still afraid to talk. The big man nodded
and then smiled at her.

“Don’t worry,” he said, “You’ll get the hang if it really fast… or else.” He let the implied threat
hang in the air and Brittany shivered. “My name is Wally. You do what I say and we won’t have
any problems.” He swiveled his chair around, opened a cabinet behind him, and rummaged
through the contents. He pulled several pieces of cloth from the shelves and turned back to face

“Wear this,” he said, holding the garment out for her. The outfit consisted of a simple short skirt
and white blouse that was a size too small for her. She took the clothes and waited for him to tell
her what to do. “Get dressed,” he told her, “you’re on in 5 minutes.” Wally stood up suddenly,
making the terrified girl take a step back. He walked past her and out the door, leaving her to get

She considered making a run for it but quickly reconsidered. After the mall incident Brittany
knew better than to cross the group that now controlled her life. She began undressing in order to
put on her new ‘uniform’ and it reminded her of the time in the mall when she had gotten into

Wendy had taken her to a shopping center a few cities over and had her trying on slut clothes in a
few of the trendy stores. It was all very tame compared to what she had to do at the lake, and
quite boring. Brittany would try on some random skimpy outfit before walking across the store to
model it for Wendy. After a few seconds of twirling around like a mindless ditz, it was off the try
on something else.

The whole process was tiring and Brittany was getting irritated with being constantly humiliated
in front of the store employees. As her temper reached the boiling point it didn’t take much for
her to blow up. The cute girl that was helping them had picked up a size three skirt and brought it
to the back as part of the next outfit.

“What the fuck is this,” Brittany had shouted, “do I look like a fat cow? Are you stupid?” The
girl blanched and left hastily. Wendy happened to be only a few feet away, hidden behind a rack
of clothing, and heard the entire exchange. She stepped out where Brittany could see her and
immediately told her to get dressed before going to find the clerk.

When Brittany exited the store, the girl was standing next to Wendy. “We’re going to lunch,” she
said, “this is Tamara and she is coming with us. Mind her as you do me.” Brittany cringed at the
thought of being told what to do by this idiot. She doubted Tamara was smart enough to come up
with anything new to humiliate her, so she just shrugged and followed them to the food court.

The two girls carried on like old friends, as if Brittany wasn’t even there, talking and laughing as
they decided what to have for lunch. They finally decided on Chinese and were quickly giving
their order. Wendy picked a table in the middle of the food court and Tamara sat down as well.
Brittany received a stern look from her Mistress when she tried to pull up a chair and thought it
better to remain standing.

“Kneel by my chair,” Tamara said suddenly. She pointed to a spot on the floor near her chair and
waited for Brittany to follow her order.

“Fuck you!” Brittany blurted out, “I won’t take orders from a low life MALL employee!” To her
surprise, Tamara’s face lit up and she smiled broadly at the fuming girl.

“That wasn’t smart, was it?” said Wendy calmly. “I think we need to take a trip out to the car.” It
suddenly occurred to Brittany that she had been set up. Wendy stood, leaving the food on the
table, and began walking toward the exit with Tamara next to her. Neither looked back and
Brittany hesitated before following them out to the car.

“Sit all the way back in the seat,” Wendy told her when they arrived at the BMW. Brittany
wasn’t usually allowed in the front so she began to get nervous. Within minutes her hands were
cuffed behind the seat and her neck was secured with a belt wrapped tightly around the head rest.
“I have been waiting for this since the day you became Jimmy’s bitch,” Wendy told her, “I
wanted to do it the first day, but Jimmy talked me out of it. He said you would screw up
eventually and then I would enjoy it even more. He always seems to be right about that sort of

Tamara was sitting in the back seat and handed a small bag over to Wendy. Laying it on the
center console, she tugged the zipper and it opened to reveal a set of needles. Brittany’s eyes
went wide and she moaned in terror upon seeing the implements.

“My nipples still hurt where you had them pierced.” Wendy told her, “Even with the rings out
the doctor says it will take a while for them to heal completely. Jimmy got this kit for me and
I’ve been practicing on a piece of leather.” She pulled a large needle from the case and Brittany
struggled helplessly against her bonds.

Wendy pulled up the terrified girl’s shirt to reveal her breasts and rock hard nipples. Without
hesitating she grabbed the small bud closest to her and pulled it. Brittany let out a cry of pain and
the extended nipple was soon in the grasp of a peculiar looking pair of pliers.

“Please don’t Mistress,” the poor girl begged, “I will be good. I will eat your pussy all night.”
Wendy was tormenting the girl by slowly moving the needle towards her breast. She suddenly

“What about my friend Tamara?” Wendy asked.

“Yes,” Brittany blurted out, “I will lick her pussy too. I will do whatever you want.”

Wendy looked back at Tamara and smiled. “Maybe,” she mused, “but I’m still going to pierce
this nipple.” She grabbed the pliers and slowly began to push the needle through the tough skin
until it exited the other side. Brittany howled in pain at the intrusion, but could barely move
given the way she was tied. Wendy attached an open ring to the needle and within a few minutes
the teenager was sporting a small round piece of jewelry from her breast.

“That was fun,” said Tamara, “better than you said it would be.”

“I know,” said Wendy, “doing it made me horny. Maybe I should become a tattoo artist. I have a
free canvas to practice on after all.” She snickered at Brittany’s reaction to her statement and
began untying her from the seat. “I’m starved, let’s go get some food.”

The girls got out of the car and headed back to the mall with Brittany dragging behind. She
moved carefully as to not let her shirt rub against her sore nipple and the girls giggled at her
plight. Once back at the food court they found their plates still sitting on the table.

“Go sit on the floor and save our spot,” Wendy told her pet, “We’ll be back in a minute.” The
two friends made their way to get some warm Chinese food and returned to find Brittany
obediently sitting on the floor. Some people were staring, but she didn’t seem to notice.

“Good girl,” Wendy told her, “now eat up.” A plate of cold Chinese food was set in front of her
on the floor and she looked up at her mistress in distress. “Eat it now!” The hapless girl started to
pick up the plate but was stopped with a slap to the back of the head.

“I didn’t tell you to pick it up,” Wendy said, “kneel and eat it without using your hands.” The
humiliated girl bent over and began gingerly eating the cold food off the plate.


BAM! BAM! BAM! The loud knock at the door jarred Brittany out of her thoughts as she pulled
up the skirt. “You got 5 minutes,” Wally said through the door. Brittany could hear him talking
to another girl as he walked away and she wondered how many were trapped into working here.
She pulled on the small shirt and winced as it snagged her newly pierced nipple. The left one had
healed as it was several months old but the right had only been done a few days ago. Wendy had
put the new ring in as punishment for refusing to work at this place. Brittany knew what would
happen if she balked but she had contemplated giving up and going to jail rather than being here.

The dive she was now employed at was a few miles from her home and it would only be a matter
a time before someone she knew saw her here. She may as well stand naked on the corner by her
home and write the word whore across her chest. Still, that was almost preferable to her new fate.

This was Jimmy’s idea. He always knew how to get to her and it was baffling how he had
figured her out so well. He was very clever and she would have admired his intelligence if it
wasn’t always used against her. She felt they would be a powerful couple if she could just get
him to take an interest in her. He never seemed to even notice her and let the other girls take
control with certain guidelines he laid down for them.

This new job was an all-time low for her and she had begged him to let her work at the strip club
instead. Wendy had started taking her there each Tuesday back in July and, because it was
almost an hour away, she didn’t think it was likely someone she knew would come in and see
her. It appeared Jimmy had known nothing about this, but it hadn’t fazed him to learn that she
had been stripping for over a month.

Brittany had been thoroughly humiliated the first time Wendy took her to the strip club. She had
no clue where they were going and was shocked when they pulled up to the dingy building with
a small faded sign that read PLAYMATES. Parking around back, Wendy had made a call on her
cell and a small wiry man opened the back door a few minutes later to let them in.

Stepping inside, waves of cigarette smoke and stale beer attacked her senses. The loud, pounding
rock music vibrated her entire body and the small group of customers didn’t even notice when
they entered the main room. The man waved toward a small corridor and led them to changing

“Get her ready in here,” he said with a gravelly voice, “we’ll try this one time but if you cause
any problems you’re out of here. I don’t need to get busted for some u******e slut.” Wendy
nodded and pulled a few hundred dollar bills out of her pocket and handed it to the man.

“Thanks Gary,” she said, “she won’t be any trouble.” He took the money and retreated out the

“You cost me $200 bucks bitch,” Wendy said, “I expect you to make at least double that before
we leave tonight. It’s 11:00 pm now so you have three hours to make it happen.” Brittany was in
shock as she realized she what she would have to do. She stood frozen until Wendy reached over
and tugged at her nipple ring.

Brittany cried out as pain shot through her left breast. The ring was only a week old and still very
tender. She immediately began undressing and within a few seconds was completely nude. The
teenager was given a tiny G-string and sent out to the stage.

She felt as if she would cry as Wendy pushed her out into the main room. It was late on a
Tuesday night so there were only about three men in the entire place. To Brittany, it felt as if it
were standing room only in a concert hall as she climbed the steps and moved to the center of the
stage. A new song started that sounded much like the one that had just been playing and Brittany
stood in total fear, afraid to move.

“Dance bitch!” A drunken patron called out. Brittany looked out into the dim room and could
just make out Wendy at the DJ booth. She was pointing at her own nipple as an indication of
what would happen if she didn’t perform. It was enough to get her started dancing and the men
began to cheer her on. It only took a few minutes for her to get into it and before long she was
bumping and grinding like she did on the dance floor of Frank’s club. She danced on stage for a
few songs and then another woman took her place. The men cheered as she moved to the floor
and over to her Mistress.

“Good show,” Wendy yelled into her ear over the music, “now go do some table dances and get
me my money.” Brittany had no idea how to accomplish this but moved to the closest customer
for fear of being punished.

She sat at a table occupied by a middle aged man sipping from a small tumbler filled with
alcohol. He eyed her suspiciously but relaxed when she smiled at him. He wasn’t much of a
talker but she was able to get him to loosen up and have a conversation with her. She had to slide
her chair close to him in order to hear what was being said and he smelled of whiskey and sweat.
Only the constant threat of punishment kept her going.

The man was nice enough and after a few minutes he asked Brittany for a table dance. She had
been watching the other strippers while talking and felt she had a good idea of what to do. With
only a G-string on, she simple moved in front of him and began rubbing her ass on his crotch. He
grabbed her hips and ground into her as the music blared and before long the song was over and
he handed her a twenty dollar bill.

The next few hours continued much the same as some men left and others came in. By 2 am she
was exhausted and ready to go home. As the last customer left, Gary turned up the lights and all
the corners of the dingy room could be seen. Smoke still filled the air and the other women
shuffled to the dressing room to get changed and go home.

“What do you think Gary?” Wendy asked the manager.

“She’s ok. I can’t take a chance on getting caught with an u******e girl though. This was just a
onetime thing.”

“What if I gave you a bonus?” Wendy asked. Gary’s head snapped to attention.

“What kind of bonus?” he asked cautiously.

Wendy reached over and slapped Brittany on the butt. “How about a piece of ass if you let her
work here every Tuesday night?”

Gary didn’t hesitate. All the women employed here were burned out whores and he was tired of
fucking them. He had been drooling over Brittany’s tight young body all night and now he
stepped forward and pushed her to the stage. Once there he bent her over and literally ripped off
the G-string.

Wasting no time, he had his pants around his ankles and was balls deep in her pussy in seconds.
He humped her furiously for only a few minutes before shooting his load into her.

“Bring her back around next week,” Gary told Wendy while pulling up his pants, “I’ll get her a
fake ID.”

That night had been a turning point for Brittany. She found that she actually liked working at the
club. Not the humiliating part of showing her body or the lurid acts, but the realization that she
could control men. She found she could use her body to entice and convince them to do things
for her. Getting money was almost too easy and within a few weeks, Tuesday nights at
Playmates had become a very busy place.

The other girls hated Brittany but she didn’t really seem to notice. She was forming a plan in the
back of her mind and right now this was a training ground. She tried talking in different ways,
from cursing to acting coy, noting the reactions and storing away this new found knowledge. By
the end of July she was actually looking forward to going to the club on Tuesday nights.

Although she got to keep none of it, she kept track of how much money she was making. The
amount grew as she worked her customers and by the beginning of August she was up to almost
$1,200 per night. Gary asked Wendy to let her come on Thursday nights as well and Brittany
pretended to be appalled by the suggestion. Of course the dominant girl agreed, thinking it would
humiliate her even more. The feeling of power almost overwhelmed the teenage stripper.
Through her new control over Wendy she started making contacts.

The men that came to the club ranged from bankers, to bikers, to lawyers. She forced herself to
learn the names of the men she felt might be of use to her later. Since Wendy never let her wear
anything but the G-string she had to develop a system for memorizing their phone numbers too.
Wendy noticed the change and tried new ways to humiliate her charge. She waited until right
before Brittany went on stage before clipping a little bell to her nipple ring. The nude girl only
smiled at the added jewelry and did her best to make it ring on stage. In the end, Brittany used
the little bell to make more money than she ever had and she asked for it on several more

Another time, Wendy made her wear the medium sized butt plug up her ass while dancing.
Again, Brittany seemed unfazed and put on a raunchy show that had the men cheering. She used
the plug to rub against the men’s hard cocks while grinding on them during table dances. Two of
the men actually came in their pants that night.

Brittany now understood the power she had with her body and realized she could have an army
at her disposal. All she needed was a large group of horny males to choose from, and she had a
good idea where she would get them. The next semester of High School was starting in a few
weeks after all.


Brittany took one last look at herself in Wally’s full length mirror and grimaced. The simple
white blouse was extremely unflattering and the skirt wasn’t much better. At least this outfit
covered her lack of underwear and it wasn’t obvious that each nipple had a ring through it. She
stepped out of the office to see Wally coming up the hall. He pointed to a door down the way and
followed her in that direction.

“Your first customer is already here,” he said catching up to her. He opened the door, letting her
pass first and almost flattened the smaller girl as he tried to follow her through. Brittany had
stopped cold when she saw the person waiting for her. It was Mr. Greenspire, her old biology

Her face flushed hotly and she began to shake as Wally pushed her forward. She ended up
directly in front of her teacher and he seemed as surprised as she was.

“Brit will take care of you, Sir,” Wally told the customer.

Mr. Greenspire broke out in a broad smile, “Yes, I’m sure she will.” He put his hands on his
enormous, fat hips and looked her over menacingly. Brittany had been somewhat of an issue for
him last year by organizing several students to ridicule and play practical jokes. He could never
catch her and she had all but admitted to being behind it several times. Now he was in control
and enjoying her look of total terror.

“Let me tell you what I want,” the teacher said. Brittany cringed as he began listing things he
desired and she probably would have run back through the door if Wally hadn’t been standing in
the way. Finally, Mr. Greenspire finished and both he and Wally looked at her expectantly.
“Repeat it to him,” Wally snapped, “and make sure you get it right.”

Brittany took a deep breath and tried to figure a way out of this nightmare. She looked around at
the other girls with unknown stains on their shirts and hair matted with sweat. She didn’t think
she could do this, but she knew there was no way out.

“Well?” Mr. Greenspire prodded.

Brittany’s shoulders slumped as she began speaking. “That will be two double big burgers with
cheese, one large order of fries, one small order of onion rings, and a large chocolate shake.” she
shuddered a bit before continuing, “Would you like to try our Big Burger apple pie with that?”

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University Life First Ch 16 Epilogue

Here’s Chapter Seventeen and the Epilogue of my babies! I probably shouldn’t say this but I have to admit that this was my favourite of the lot! I absolutely love this story and I’m a bit gutted that it’s come to an end…shall deffo be missing Nens and the gang…and let’s not forget Minty! Anyway hope you lot enjoy this story and as I said in my bio I shall be going on a little hiatus whilst I sort out a few ish! Thanks for being on this journey with me and Merry Xmas and a splendid New Year...

3 years ago
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SummerEpilogue Winter

In the small town of Lewes in Sussex, a county in the south east of England, it doesn't snow in winter. It rains. In the Grange, the leaves had long since fallen from the trees, been trodden into mulch and washed away. Skeletal branches touched the drenched grey sky. A figure stood in that torrential downpour. Being watched. The figure in the rain walked barefoot across the muddy grass, moving almost in slow motion, each pace measured and careful. There was mud and grit on the soles of his...

1 year ago
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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Fifteen Epilogue

“100%.” I respond, my voice full of confidence I didn’t know I had. “Anything to update from home?” “No, everything has been pretty normal. I have barely heard from her.” “Are you doing alright?” I asked her as a formality. “I appreciate your concern, but I think you don’t need to worry about me right now,” she answered honestly. “You need to worry about both my sister and yourself.” “I mean, that’s what I’m doing, yeah?” I asked her with a shrug. “Yeah.” she answered softly. “For what...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 16 Epilogue The Rogues Loving Harem

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part 16: Epilogue - The Rogue's Loving Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Six: Crowning Achievement Princess Ava – Echur, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My hands smoothed the smooth satin of my blue gown. It hung over the layers of petticoats beneath, giving my figure the shape of a bell, a tight waist that then flared out over my legs. I shivered, my small breasts...

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An Unforgettable Melody Epilogue

Epilogue Song Titles I’ll Fly Away (Johnny Cash) An Unforgettable Melody - Epilogue To the entire world, they appeared to be a normal, if surprisingly healthy, elderly couple. To each other, however, Mike and Melody were still as young and energetic as the day they first met, over one hundred years ago. Still as in love as the day they married, nothing in the universe could ever hope to crack their undying dedication. Their two children, Harry and Maya, had grown into wonderful...

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The Maid Epilogue

Hello Romance readers and apologies for gate crashing your category with this final instalment of a thing that has so far lived in non-consent/reluctance. To Andi and Stephano fans, I’m sorry about the delay to the arrival to this short piece, it should have come along a lot quicker than it did but tragedy struck in my small literary world. My beloved beta reader Lexi (vmc123) suddenly passed away a few days after the final chapter of The Maid was posted. She was living with a chronic...

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The Deception of Choice Epilogue

The Deception of Choice. ~ The Epilogue ~ Preamble. A night at the opera for Grace and Helen and Francesca. And, as is appropriate, and traditional, and altogether in keeping with the reverence for the eternal verities that has so marked the telling of this tale, the end is signalled when the fat lady sings.. Not that anyone would ever call that epitome of svelte elegance, Grace de Messembry, fat! Even if she were surely no-one would dare? No I speak metaphorically only of...

1 year ago
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Letters from Sky Part 16 and Epilogue

" can Sky not live happily ever after?" Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 16 and Epilogue © 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, May 26th (Morning) Hi, Marsh It's your Sister!! :) You around, Marsha? I still haven't heard from you, I guess 'cuz of the holiday, and things come up. Anyway, I did...

4 years ago
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Just Another Day In Paradise Epilogue

Before you read this epilogue, I should note that I haven't fully decided if this is canon in the story of Alexis and Nick. There are so many potential paths their story could take as Alexis transitions to womanhood, but I haven't decided yet if I want to write a follow-up, particularly as I have no personal experience in that area to draw upon. I didn't feel happy leaving the story completely open-ended however, so this should hopefully tie everything up to some level of...

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The Alpha Club Chapters 7 10 plus Epilogue

THE ALPHA CLUB (continued) BY TRISHA PREFACE Here are the last four chapters and epilogue of "The Alpha Club." The story is finally complete. It follows the same outline I originally schemed out years ago even before I started writing, and it is with great satisfaction that I have at last finished it. This means too that, at this time at least, I don't have any plans to write more about it. However, if other writers would like to take up their hand at writing in this...

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Body Switched The Epilogue

A note to potential readers from the editor. Fans of the prior stories in this series have often asked over the years for us to do more of the story. As much as that is appreciated by the both of us, we feel the story is basically complete. Because of the demand for something more, back in 2012 we finally decided to bat around some ideas and see if we could come up with a nice thank you for the fantastic readers of our little saga. I took our rough ideas and notes on the character's...

2 years ago
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Frenemy Switch Epilogue

Frenemy Switch - Epilogue - Version June 2015 *************************************** This story builds on the Three-some Switch story arc. You can jump in anywhere you'd like, but the intended order to read the installments is: 1) Three-Some Switch 2) Three-Some Switch Back Story 3) Three-Some Switch Back Story Pt 2 4) Three-Some Switch part 2 5) Frenemy Switch part 1 6) Frenemy Switch part 2 7) Frenemy Switch part Epilogue These stories are available...

1 year ago
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Life Out of Joint Chapter 77 Epilogue and Authors Notes

LIFE OUT OF JOINT by Crazy Baron Chapter 7/7 -- Epilogue and Author's Notes Synopsis: Whatever happened to Mr. Caldwell? ***** EPILOGUE "I've got to be going," I say as I give my mother a quick kiss on the cheek. "Duty calls." "Promise me you'll take care of yourself, dear," she responds. She has a warm smile on her lips but I can clearly sense that beneath her calm exterior she worries about me--as she does every time I go out at night. She is no longer openly anxious, let...

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My Sons Migraines Ch 5 Epilogue

[Read previous chapters before proceeding] Chapter 1: (4100 words) Chapter 2: (1650 words) Chapter 3: (2300 words) Chapter 4: (3500 words) Chapter 5/Epilogue is 2000 words [AUTHORS NOTE: I hope you enjoyed these chapters. If you did, give them a POSITIVE RATING at the bottom. It helps others find them. This was my first attempt at fiction and sex stories. I've been...

4 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 16 Epilogue

Foreword Many readers requested that various subplots in the Making of a Gigolo series be addressed at the conclusion of the series. To have included all the data requested would have made the last story much too long, so this epilogue is provided to address some of those issues. My thanks go to Norm, for providing the idea for and the data concerning the PP of A. You'll understand when you get to that part. Epilogue If Bobby Dalton was a kind of earthquake in Granger, it should come as...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable MelodyEpilogue

Well, this is it; we’ve arrived at the end. This has been an incredibly fun and invigorating journey. I can’t thank everyone enough for their support and thoughts as I’ve written this series. The only thing that has made me happier than connecting with Mike and Melody is seeing how many others enjoy connecting with them as well. The epilogue contains no sex or erotic scenes, but I hope you enjoy it all the same, as this has always been the ending I have envisioned for the series. As always,...

1 year ago
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Crazy Twin Sister Final Chapter and Epilogue

Crazy Twin Sister Final Chapter and Epilogue Crazy twin sister tricks her twin brother who got the family inheritance to go to a costume party dressed as each other. She has him drugged, checks him in to a mental hospital as her and pays off the doctor and staff to feminize and condition him to be a bimbo whore. Does Brian escape a life as Leroy's trashy whore? Does Brianna keep the family riches? Private detective Sam Splayed is now on the case. Categories refer to entire story, not...

3 years ago
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Summer SailingEpilogue

So I got my good degree, I got to start a PhD in ... well it doesn’t matter, you wouldn’t understand it anyway; at Lancaster University. Maybe not the best uni in the UK, but I liked it. That first summer I missed the sailing week. I had graduate school to attend. Tony, Joanne and Sarah wrote often, and we met up at holidays. Sarah went to Oxford. Joanne took a year off. At first everyone thought it was just for a gap year. I got to go to the sailing week the next year. It was great fun!...

1 year ago
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Kanata SummerEpilogue

"Steve, your sister's here," my wife called out to me. I turned off the ball game I'd been watching on TV then set the remote down on the coffee table before rushing to the front door to greet my sibling. As the portal swung open, my eyes were greeted to the sight of Karen walking up the front sidewalk with their 4-year old son Bobby in tow. As soon as he saw me, the tyke ran past his mother and into my waiting arms. "Unca Steve!" he enthusiastically yelled as I swung him above my...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 148 Kyoto Epilogue 3An Early Summer Morning

(A beautiful morning. The sun shines, birds chirp, people go about their business. The morning peace is suddenly rent by a shriek.) Misao: WHAT?! You're going back to Tokyo tomorrow?? (Misao, Okina and Kaoru are eating breakfast together.) Misao: Why? We just got the Aoiya rebuilt! I thought we could finally relax and have fun now! Kaoru: Why? You've taken care of us long enough. And it's about time I reopened the dojo in Tokyo. Misao: But you can open a rundown dojo with only one...

1 year ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 149 Kyoto Epilogue 5An Early Summer Afternoon

(Kenshin splashes the marker with water, offers flowers and incense, and prays.) Hiko: Visiting the grave after so long... You've neglected her for ten years. What brings you here now? (Sanosuke and Yahiko are walking through the ruins of Shishio's hideout.) Yahiko: When I was fighting that Ten Swords bat guy, it was like I was in a dream. I didn't understand anything. After the fight, I thought about it a lot. (he holds up a fist) I won! I'm the best! (letting it drop) But, were we...

4 years ago
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Best Summer Job EverEpilogue

One of the nice things about online schooling is that you can learn at your own pace. I got done with the twelfth grade curriculum by the end of February. I submitted the transcript to my High School back home, and they accepted it, so I graduated from my hometown's high school. The executive classes were more structured, and I didn't finish them until May. They turned out to be designed for someone with a lot of business experience, probably a business degree. I had to spend a lot of time...

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The Mist of Time Ch 22Epilogue

CHAPTER 22 I enjoyed Brian’s writing although I thought it somewhat fanciful. Bella was in tears when she finished reading. ‘I feel so much for Adelaide.’ She declared. ‘Finding love with the man she couldn’t have and yet devoting her life to him.’ She stopped and looked at me. ‘When we are married we must go up to the old house and tell them.’ I must have looked as if she had lost her senses. ‘If we kept Bees we would have to tell them, it’s sort of the same thing.’ I shrugged my shoulders,...

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The Hitchhiker Chapter 20 Bittersweet Endings and Epilogue

Mary Ann said, “We’re OK but it’s been a long day and I need some alone time with Tony right now.” Jessica looked at her face and said, “I understand, have a good night sweet girl.” We went into her room, closed the door and lay down in bed. I took her in my arms and the tears really started to flow. “I’m so sad right now Tony,” she said between sobs. “You haven’t done anything wrong and it’s not your fault but I’m still so sad. Please just hold me tight for a while.” My heart ached as...

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A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta Epilogue

Epilogue Dave and Maddie sat at a table in the dimly lit interrogation room. Neither knew for sure how this would play out, but whatever came, they would face it together. After several agonizing minutes, the door swung open, revealing Henry Ironside. He strode to the other side of the table and sat down without a word, leafing through a manila folder. “Quite the day you two have had,” Henry said. “You could say that,” Dave replied. “Murder, espionage, treason… the list goes on and...

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Trust Fall Epilogue

Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Epilogue IT’S SATURDAY AND I CHECK the mail. There’s a letter from Ben Sheppard. There’s no return address, but I know it’s from him. It’s postmarked from Milwaukee. It’s nice to see my name and address written out in that crisp script in his usual blue ink. It reads: ‘I had a meeting at a restaurant today. They had a TV on and the Brewers were playing the Reds. Seeing the Reds made me think of Cincinnati and when I think of Cincinnati I only think...

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Prom Ch 16 Epilogue

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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Pennys Promiscuity 51 Epilogue

Epilogue‘Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!’Tony grunted angrily as he slammed his hips into the underside of my buttocks, driving his thick cock as deep into my vagina as its stubby length would allow.Well after midnight and with too much champagne inside me, by the time the taxi had dropped me off at Tony’s apartment, I was desperate to put the difficulties of the day behind me and lose myself in an orgy of sexual degradation.“Fuck me! Fuck me! Come on, fuck me!”Tony was really playing his part this time....

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Revenge For Chriss Sister Epilogue to Another Level of Bromance0

My family and I had no regrets whatsoever about what we did to that piece of shit. Every single bit of pain we inflicted on that bastard was well fucking deserved after what he did. And where he was going, he’d be getting a hell of a lot more than that. My sister’s so-called boyfriend, I’m telling ya. Guess I should start at the beginning though… Chapter 1: The Boyfriend Donna, my 17-year-old sister, met this guy named Tyson over the summer, right after her birthday, just before...

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The Beginning of the Domination of Randi Epilogue

Epilogue:Both babies arrive and life goes on.The next nine months came and went quickly for both Randi and Jill and before they knew it both had delivered baby girls. All five of them were very happy and the ladies had no problem listing Mike as the father of their daughters.All the men were in the delivery room with their women and the Dr. was very glad he could make this happen. He didn’t care what the hospital policy was. As he looked at it he was allowing the father in with the mother, even...

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SLuT9 Epilogue

Jennifer ran upstairs and released Molly from the torture she and Olivia had been committing against the girl, Molly was allowed to dress and released from her slavery for the length of a small celebration party. Jenn didn't have cake in the house, so they just had mint chocolate chip ice cream. Dave thought the party might be a little premature considering Rebbecca's past history in saying one thing and doing the complete opposite. It was during this mini-celebration that Megan came to...

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Unexpected Shower with Daddy Part 3 of 3 Chapters 6 7 Epilogue

Chapter 6It took a few days to calm Mom down enough to talk. When she’d caught us, we both quickly sat up and looked around for something to cover up with, but we’d kicked the comforter, top sheet, and pillows off the bed. Daddy grabbed the towel I’d used that morning and handed it to me, then he went to Mom and tried to hug her, but she wasn’t having it.“Don’t touch me!” she yelled.“Honey, I can explain if you’ll just listen,” he’d said with his hands up like he was surrendering.“Explain what?...

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Alexis a moment in time Epilogue

The intention was to tell the story in its entirety, but due to my own reasons, I decided not to publish the remainder of the story. For those readers who was drawn in by the story itself and not only the sex and filthiness of my behavior, the below would serve as the epilogue in the story of Alexis and me. Ten years later. September 12, 2011 - the day the twin Memorial pools opened to the public. I ran my fingers through the inscribed name on the bronze parapets of the South...

2 years ago
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A fun weekend with teen sluts Epilogue No sex

The author would like to apologise for this epilogue. It does not contain any sexual activity at all! The author simply wanted to let the participants in the story regain some sort of normalcy in their life. Monday morning I woke late, my alarm had gone off unnoticed. When sensing who my naked partners in bed where, all thoughts of work soon evaporated. Next to me lay Susan, a 38 year old ebony beauty, mother to Lisa, a 17 year old equally stunning teen, who lay on the other side of...

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Recluse The Epilogue

Here is a little epilogue for those of you who read ‘Recluse’ and wanted some more closure. Enjoy! –T. * I stepped outside into the warm May sunshine after my last final exam, feeling like a weight had been lifted off of me. I was graduating from college on Saturday but this was the last time I would have to set foot in a classroom. It was a good feeling. My mood lifted even more when I saw Gabriel waiting for me in the parking lot. He was leaning against his motorcycle looking cooler than...

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The Witch and the Dragon Epilogue

Epilogue Ashriel still remembered what being embedded deep within Anniel had felt like. Heaven. He’d been a virgin for more than four hundred years, guarding his purity with utmost fervor and in a moment of drunken weakness… No. Not drunk. It had been that red dragon. Remien Fyre. That bastard, son of a whore, had slipped something into their drinks. Liquid X. Ashriel’s mind had already been running rampant with desire for Anniel. The Liquid X had been like tossing a spark on rocket fuel. ...

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Obsessions Abound Part 3 of 3 plus Epilogue

Tina's Revelation===His body stiffened up as he gasped, "What?"I sat back so I could see his reaction. He was truly shocked by my question."Someone is manipulating files on the network to pull funds out of the company," I explained. "It's ingenious how every financial transaction has added line items that are then nulled out. The reports end up showing nothing out of place, but the nulled out money can't be traced.""What do you mean 'nulled out'?"I could see that he was innocent, and I knew...

Office Sex
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A Hidden Fire Epilogue

Epilogue Dark Shadows. The slow drip of water. My nipples taut at the cold draft of air that signaled his arrival. My heart pounded as his silhouette filled the doorway. That tall, broad frame caused fear to prick; goosebumps on my flesh. Naked, except for the leather collar around my neck, I was chained to an eye bolt in the corner like an animal. Footsteps echoed across the concrete floor, measured and unhurried. I knelt before him, eyes to the ground, hands behind my back. Submission. ...

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Learning to Let Go Epilogue Everything Eventuall

(This final epilogue of my "Learning to Let Go" series of short stories does not contain anything sexual. I'm simply posting it as closure for the story, but -- more importantly -- as my way of processing the pain that our separation has caused. If you're looking for anything as tantalizing as the previous installments, you will be disappointed.)They say ignorance is bliss, but that is a lie.Ignorance is simply the absence of pain and you cannot have the luxury of beloved memories without the...

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Teaching Mom About Orgasm Epilogue

I decided to write this epilogue because I had received a few requests for the address to the site where mom's pictures were posted. Unfortunately, the site has since closed. That's too bad because the pictures were exquisitely arousing. Not only because they were pictures of a beautiful pussy, but because it was my mother's beautiful pussy. It was the first time seeing her cunt. And as any man who has ever had erotic thoughts about his mother will tell you, seeing her vulva, her lips, her clit...

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Oh Nancy ndash Chapter 4 Epilogue

Oh Nancy – Chapter 4 - EpilogueFreddie slowly stirred from his wonderfully peaceful and well-earned sleeep. He smacked his lips and blinked several times while he sat up and returned to the waking world. He took a deep breath and focused on his surroundings, a dark and initially unfamiliar room lit only by some faint ambient light through the drawn curtains and hallway light entering the room by the jarred door.While he gathered his bearings, he quickly discovered that he was also quite nude...

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Caught Parking Epilogue

The Neighbor's Daughter: Epilogue The weeks following the return from their Hawaiian honeymoon were busy ones for Jim and Alex. Their nights were filled with loving sex, but the days were, at times, hectic. Alex's college classes were scheduled to start in just two weeks and she still needed to complete the admissions process. Following that, they paid a visit to the university book store. Even with his substantial financial standing, Jim had forgotten just how much college books and materials...

Love Stories
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The Pill part 6 epilogue

This is the 6th and final chapter in the story of my adventures in London, on the day when I took a small pink pill and my face and body transformed into that of a beautiful young woman. However, I knew that I only had 24 hours before the effects wore off and so determined not to miss any opportunity as I had a day of sexual adventures, some planned, some on the spur of the moment.The story so far: I had started my day in the back of a van, in a multi-storey car park, choosing the outfits I...

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Revenge For Chriss sister Epilogue to quot

Introduction:Chris from the previous story is back, and seeking revenge for his sister, whose boyfriend ****d herPrefaceMy family and I had no regrets whatsoever about what we did to that piece of shit. Every single bit of pain we inflicted on that bastard was well fucking deserved after what he did. And where he was going, he’d be getting a hell of a lot more than that. My sister’s so-called boyfriend, I’m telling ya. Guess I should start at the beginning though…Chapter 1: The BoyfriendDonna,...

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The Witch and the Dragon Epilogue

Epilogue Ashriel still remembered what being embedded deep within Anniel had felt like. Heaven. He’d been a virgin for more than four hundred years, guarding his purity with utmost fervor and in a moment of drunken weakness… No. Not drunk. It had been that red dragon. Remien Fyre. That bastard, son of a whore, had slipped something into their drinks. Liquid X. Ashriel’s mind had already been running rampant with desire for Anniel. The Liquid X had been like tossing a spark on rocket fuel. ...

2 years ago
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Body Improvement Wilsons Epilogue

Body Improvement -- Wilson's Epilogue by Eric, & Caleb Jones It was becoming increasingly natural to Wilson to dance naked up on the stage and even to lap dance for some of the guys if they waved enough money at him! The customers knew Miss Allure certainly had a sexy body from the outside but, as only Miss Allure and Wilson could know, her body had a great deal of sexiness hiding within as well! And he was enjoying his residence in her soft, curvy body -- even her periods...

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Hell Week Epilogue

Hell Week: Epilogue By Cowgyrl Daylight broke and woke me. I felt drained and weak. I was still in Tom's room, but Tom was not in the bed with me. Looked up and saw Mom Ann sitting in the room with me. "I see you are finally awake, my dear." she said. "The guys will be glad to hear the news. They were worried they lost you." "What happened?" I asked feeling a bit dizzy and nauseous. I felt the tight discomfort of cramping in my abdomen. "I don't feel very good." "Well, you...

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SKIN DEEP Urban Legend Chapter Twelve Epilogue

SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend - Chapter Twelve: Epilogue by Mark McDonald The day Michelle went to the bar to hear the band was the last day of the auditions. The band had hit rock bottom. They had spent two weeks looking for a replacement for Mike and it was a complete wash. The night before the last day Marcus had set that the band could use the bar for the tryout period, the guys had decided that there was no way they would ever find a perfect replacement for Mike. Instead,...

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Epilogue For 8220Not Maid But Mermaid8221

Hello, I hope readers of ISS might have had exciting reading of my autobiography of how our maid Sudha Rani seduced me to give heavenly nights and then how I got two kids from her after setting a chota ghar. Now I want my readers to w know about Sudharani in her own words. One night while we were completely mated I asked about how come she is so beautiful and also an expert in sex while her parents are not so good looking and also not properly educated. Then she whispered her story in my ear as...

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Pagan Princess Chapter Seven and Epilogue

“And she informed you where this Arnold can be found?” The proconsul was delighted with Fulvia’s efforts at interrogation.“Yes she gave me exact details of his whereabouts, a troop of soldiers are on their way there now.” Cooed Fulvia.“I thought this girl would be difficult to break, how was it done?”“Well it was a dual effort between Drachius and myself, but she certainly has a serious aversion to branding irons.”“Yes I heard tell that she has experienced them before at the hands of Antoninus....

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Orb and Prophecy Concluding Chapters Orb and Epilogue

"True TG," where TG fiction meets reality. Episode 12: Orb Hope dawned purple at last on the fourth morning. Patience had paid off: my magic aura was beginning, faintly, to glow again. Richard and Alise had been marvelously gracious hosts in our confinement, and I had apparently learned something valuable about just waiting. It was yet a few days later before I felt strong enough in the magic to actually use it. I didn't dare just cancel the magic wards on the street; that...

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The Black Dog Epilogue

This is the finale. It follows directly from 'The Next Day' and tries to answer those questions that remained unanswered. Whether it does that is for you to judge. It is especially for those who thought I ruined a good story by going beyond Pt 1. But hey... I thought they had more to say... so... Can love survive where the people have to look at what is rather than what they expected, or maybe wanted... The final episode. No correspondence will be entered into... probably. ...

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