Encuentro En Mallorca free porn video

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Allí estaba yo, en el aeropuerto de Palma de Mallorca, en pleno agosto esperando que Tmr viniese a recogerme. Después de haber chateado durante más de un año y habernos mandado fotos y videos más que picantes, qué menos que poder pasar un fin de semana juntos. Así que en cuanto me dijo que estaría un fin de semana sin su marido, cogí el primer avión que salía hacia ses illes.

En pleno sol, cociéndome, veía los coches y taxis pasar y recoger gente. En los pocos momentos en los que mi mente no estaba pensando en sus pechos, en su culo o en lo que haríamos estos dos días, me asaltaban las dudas constantemente. ¿Coger un avión para follar? Y ella está casada, ¿eso estaba bien? Y yo, que bueno… sin ninguna experiencia…menudo follón.

Un coche se paró justo delante de mí y vi una cara conocida dentro que me miraba sonriente. -Almogaver? -El corazón me dio un brinco y la boca del estómago se me cerró.

-Hola Tmr -balbuceé.

-Anda entra, que parece que vayas a derretirte -me dijo. Con las rodillas y las manos temblándome entré en el coche, y fui recibido por el fresco aliento del aire acondicionado, el olor del perfume de Tmr y… bueno, unas muy buenas vistas. Iba con una camiseta normal, de tirantes. De esas que… sirven para no pasar calor, digamos. Dejando al aire libre una buena proporción del escote.

Me incliné para darle dos besos, y al hacer ella lo mismo, su camiseta quedó holgada y pude ver su escote en primer plano.

-Ya tenía ganas de verte, tanto tiempo hablando… -me dijo ella, sin percatarse (o sin mostrar que se había percatado) de mis miradas a sus pechos.

-Ya… yo también -dije sin saber qué más decir. Mierda, cerebro bloqueado. Bueno, típico en mí, y ella lo sabe. Solo espero que no me tome por retrasado…

Arranca el coche y mientras salimos del aeropuerto, no hago más que sonreír de forma nerviosa. Mis neuronas no parecían capaces de empezar ningún tema, así que mientras íbamos por la autopista, me limité a contestar las preguntas que me hacía. Que como había ido el vuelo, que si mucha seguridad, que vaya calor estaba haciendo (pero lo bien que se estaba con el aire acondicionado) …

-Bueno y dime, ¿qué te apetece hacer? -me dijo al salir de la autopista. Me miraba de una forma que me excitaba, mucho.

-Eh… pues… nose… podríamos eh…. ¿Ir a tomar algo? -propuse acalorado de repente, sin saber si comportarme “normal” o si ir a hacer aquello por lo que habíamos quedado.

-Jajajajaja -empezó a descojonarse Tmr. -Así que has cogido un avión para ir a tomar un par de cervezas en medio de este calor asfixiante? Creí que habíamos quedado para echar un buen polvo, como los que debería echarme mi marido. -Me dijo mientras sus ojos se clavaban en mi paquete, bastante hinchado a causa de la delantera de mi amiga.

Tragué saliva nervioso. Joder, claro que quería follar. Más ganas que yo no creo que las tenga nadie. -Si claro… -dije entre risitas nerviosas. -Es que intentaba ser eh… diplomático, osea… bueno ya sabes. -Menuda elocuencia la mía. Sentí como mi sangre se marchaba de mi miembro para ir directa a mi cara, que debía estar más roja que el semáforo que teníamos delante.

Empecé a reírme sin saber por qué, y las carcajadas de Tmr se unieron a las mías. Cuando por fin se nos pasó la tontería, me di cuenta de que también se me habían quitado todos los nervios.

-Venga pues, vamos para tu casa, que seguro que hay mucho que quieres enseñarme. -Ahora hasta me pareció que la voz me había cambiado.

-Pues mira… ya que hablamos de enseñar cosas, deberías saber que… bueno voy sin bragas… ¿no quieres ver lo que hay debajo del pantalón? -me dijo con tono pícaro. -No vas a comprobarlo?

Aquello me provocó una erección instantánea. Posé mi mano sobre su muslo, tocándoselo por encima del pantalón. Al ir acercándome a su vulva, noté que la temperatura de la ropa aumentaba. Si que estaba caliente, sí. Concentrándose en conducir, llevó el coche hasta un garaje en una casita entre jadeos. Mis dedos se habían ido deslizando por su regazo, desabrochado la cremallera y palpado todo lo que había podido sin abalanzarme sobre ella. “No tendría mucha gracia terminar estampados contra otro coche ahora” pensé.

Apagó el motor, se quitó el cinturón y mientras se cerraba la puerta automática del garaje se abalanzó sobre mí. Sin decir palabra, me desabrochó el pantalón, apartó los calzoncillos (nuevos y caros para la ocasión, aunque no les prestó atención alguna) y agarró mi miembro, caliente y tieso. Terminó de bajar la piel hasta que la punta quedó al descubierto brillando a causa del líquido preseminal que me había estado lubricando desde el momento en que mis dedos se habían puesto sobre sus muslos.

Bajó y subió la piel lentamente un par de veces, como en una lenta paja mientras yo gemía y entornaba los ojos. Clavándome su mirada en la cara para ver mis expresiones, pasó la lengua por el capullo de mi polla. Tensé todo mi cuerpo a causa del placer, cosa que pareció encantarle.

Sus labios rodearon mi glande, succionándolo, para bajar a lo largo del tronco hasta llegar a rozar los testículos. El placer que me proporcionaba sentir la succión a la vez que el glande rozaba su garganta me estaba matando. Lentamente levantó la cabeza hasta quedar mi miembro fuera de su boca, pero sus labios siguieron rozándome la puntita. La besó suavemente y empezó de nuevo a descender otra vez. Con las manos me agarró de los testículos y los presionó y acarició suavemente.

-Uff… me voy a correr Tmr, me voy a correr… -dije entre gemidos y jadeos. Una capa de sudor me empapaba la frente.

-Hmmhmm -dijo ella como respuesta, sin sacarse mi miembro de la boca. Empezó a rozar la zona del frenillo con la punta de la lengua, y en aquel momento empecé a correrme.

-Arghhhhhh…ahhhgh…. -No pude evitar acompañar cada uno de los chorros de semen caliente que salían disparados de mi polla con un gruñido de placer. Tmr mantuvo su boca en mi polla, succionando y lamiendo a la vez mientras me corría. Cuando terminé me quedé en el asiento del coche con la mente en blanco. “Joder, eso sí que es una buena corrida” pensé. Ella salió del coche con los ojos traviesos y sonriendo, pero sin abrir la boca. Escupió en una papelera que había en una esquina. -No me gusta tragármelo, pero no quería que mancharas el coche -me dijo a modo de explicación.

Aún estaba aturdido por el orgasmo, pero al ver una gotita de semen que se le había escurrido entre los labios y le había resbalado por el mentón, mi neurona se puso a trabajar. Me puse bien los calzoncillos y salí del coche.

-Vamos arríba? -me dijo ella. Tenía una mancha mojada en la zona de su entrepierna.

-Vamos -dije solamente, mientras pasaba un dedo por la mancha de semen que se le había quedado en el rostro. La seguí mientras subía por las escaleras, mirando fijamente el movimiento de su culo. Mi polla estaba lista otra vez para el ataque, así que le puse una mano en el trasero y palpé todo lo que pude. -Oye! ¡Espera un segundo que ya llegamos a la cama hombre! Jajajaja -me dijo sorprendida. -No, da igual, túmbate aquí mismo, en el suelo -le dije con la cara seria. Realmente quería que se tumbara y empezar a hacer cochinadas de todo tipo, allí mismo, sin esperar ni un segundo más. Ante su duda (y sorprendido por mi comportamiento), me acerqué a ella y la “empujé” con mi cuerpo hasta que su espalda quedó pegada a la pared. Mis manos se pusieron sobre sus caderas, recorriendo la silueta de su cuerpo, y las suyas me desabrocharon del todo el pantalón, y me bajaron otra vez los calzoncillos. Mis labios buscaron los suyos, y nos encontramos en un beso lleno de lujuria y pasión. Bueno, un prototipo de beso, no sabía qué hacer exactamente así que me dejé llevar torpemente mientras mis labios besaban los suyos, nuestras lenguas se encontraban y la suya se me metía en mi boca, explorando curiosa.

Sus dedos se cerraron alrededor de mi miembro, y empezaron a pajearlo, esta vez de forma más energética que antes, y mis manos subieron por su cuerpo acariciándolo por debajo de la camiseta, y aprovechando por el camino para ir quitándosela. Cuando se la quité, me quedé embobado mirando sus tetas. Las fotos que me había enviado no les hacían justicia, joder menudo par de melones. La rodeé con los brazos para desabrocharle el sujetador y así poder liberarlas y tener pleno acceso a ellas. En cuanto estuvieron a la vista, me quedé embobado mirándolas.

Las agarré con las manos, llenándomelas con ellas, disfrutando de su suavidad y de la dureza de sus pezones. Me fijé también el tatuaje de una mariposa que tenía en el costado, y repasé el contorno de la figura con los dedos, sintiendo como una corriente eléctrica me subía por las yemas y me provocaba una agradable sensación de cosquilleo. Seguí el camino que marcaba la tinta hasta sus pantalones, y le desabroché el botón. Se los bajé poco a poco, disfrutando de lo que veía, intentando grabar en mi memoria cada instante. Su vulva, completamente depilada, estaba brillando a causa de sus propios flujos. ¿Tetas o coño? Menudo dilema se me presentaba. Tmr, viendo mi duda (o con ganas de orgasmo), puso sus manos en mis hombros y presionó hacia abajo. Me arrodillé ante su vulva, y me acerqué lentamente. Besé sus labios mayores con suavidad, manchándome un poco con su humedad. Pasé la lengua por mis labios para poder saborear a mi amiga, y lo que probé me pareció delicioso. Volví a besar sus labios, pero esta vez no me aparté, ni me paré. Dejando la boca en contacto con su coño, pasé la lengua por su rajita, apartando los labios y lamiendo. Primero de forma ascendente, luego descendente. Abriendo mi boca tanto como pude, fui pasando la lengua por doquier, pensando que así podría limpiar sus bajos de su flujo, pero cuanto más pasaba la lengua, más parecía que ella mojaba. Por el aumento en el volumen de sus jadeos y gemidos, lo que estaba haciendo le estaba gustando.

-Hmmm… ooohh siii… sigue sigue…… -consiguió decir mientras me clavaba sus uñas en mi cabeza y en mis hombros. Después de la mamada que me había hecho en el coche, sus uñas eran lo de menos. De hecho, hasta me estaba gustando. Quería que se corriese en mi cara, poder sentir las contracciones que le provocaba el orgasmo en mi lengua. Le agarré fuerte de las nalgas para empujarla contra mi cara mientras mi lengua se metía en su vulva, y su pelvis empezó a moverse hacia delante y atrás, como si estuviese follando. Estos espasmos vinieron acompañados de unos pequeños gritos sofocados, que me indicaron que Tmr estaba llegando al orgasmo.

Pude sentir como su vulva se movía en pequeñas contracciones que me excitaron más si cabe, mientras ella no paraba de gemir mi nombre.

-Ahhh ahhh ahhh… almogaver almogaver…. aaaahhh…

Dejé la lengua quieta mientras se recomponía, recuperando el ritmo normal de la respiración. Poco a poco me separé de su vulva, y miré mi miembro. Con el glande totalmente descapullado, estaba goteando y manchando el suelo. Tenía la sensación de que me iba a estallar, de que con el menor roce me iba a correr. Tmr se arrodilló ante mí, y estando cara a cara me volvió a besar sin decir nada. Su lengua recorrió toda mi boca y jugueteó con la mía, mientras mis manos manoseaban torpemente su culo. Mi hinchada polla quedó atrapada entre nuestros cuerpos, y el contacto con su piel fue suficiente para que volviese a correrme, esta vez no fue orgasmo tan placentero per se como el de antes, pero si pudiese escoger, volvería a repetirlo mil veces, puesto que el contacto con su cuerpo, nuestras lenguas bailando una con la otra, sus pezones rozándose contra mi pecho… fue impresionante.

Tuve un par o tres de espasmos acompañando mi corrida, que manchó nuestros abdómenes de lefa, caliente y viscosa.

Su boca se separó de la mía y riéndose me dijo: -Parece que con poco te basta no? -Bueno, supongo que… ya sabes, la poca experiencia es lo que manda ahora… -dije sin saber si iba en serio o si debía justificarme.

-Ven, vamos a ducharnos que estoy muerta de calor y quiero quitarme el pringue este. -Se levantó y la seguí (quitándome la ropa de los tobillos, que solo hacía que entorpecer mi paso) hacia el baño. Completamente en pelotas, entramos en la ducha. Mi miembro estaba pringoso de semen, y no se decidía a bajar del todo su volumen, como si tuviese miedo de perderse algo. Ella lo miró divertida, y le dije: -Tendríamos que hacer algo no? A ver si eso se calma. -Pero como tienes tanta energía? -me respondió sonriendo. -Pues mira, será que me pones -le dije sin vergüenza ni tapujos. Habiendo hecho lo que habíamos hecho, no había necesidad alguna de volverse recatado ahora.

-Jajaja, anda, frótame la espalda que no llego -dijo ella dando el tema por zanjado y poniéndose de espaldas a mí. Su espectacular trasero quedó a la altura de mi abdomen, y puse las manos encima suavemente. Había cuatro marcas rosadas en cada nalga, de cuando la había empujado contra mi cara. Con el agua tibia bajando por su espalda, y el pelo mojado pegándosele en la espalda, empecé a masajearle los hombros con las manos llenas de jabón. Poco a poco fui bajando, los brazos, la espalda… la rodeé para enjabonarle bien las tetas. Sus pezones se endurecieron casi al instante al contacto con mis dedos, y dijo: -Creo que a lavarme por delante ya llego yo…-pero se dejó hacer sin quejarse, así que fui moviendo mis manos por todo su cuerpo, limpiando las manchas de semen de su abdomen y vientre, masajeándole suavemente la espalda y la zona lumbar. Llegados a este punto, y dado que el agua no había parado de correr, apenas quedaba jabón en mis manos, así que pasé mis dedos por su vulva, palpando sin poder ver dónde los metía. Mi polla volvía a estar enhiesta y la punta iba rozando con sus nalgas. Sin ver su rostro, me imaginé que estaba con los ojos cerrados disfrutando del momento, mientras mis dedos se deslizaban en su interior, o palpaban alrededor de su clítoris. Por el respingo que dio, supuse haber acertado, de forma que mientras la penetraba lentamente con dos dedos de la mano izquierda, con la derecha me quedé dando círculos alrededor de su botoncito del placer. Suavemente, sin ninguna prisa y sin cambiar el ritmo de mis movimientos, oí como sus gemidos aumentaban de volumen y su respiración se aceleraba. Me dio la sensación de que, a pesar de su gozo, yo estaba disfrutando más. Un torbellino de sensaciones recorría mi cuerpo, los dedos que estaban en su interior estaban calientes, mi miembro -alojado entre sus nalgas- palpitaba impaciente y caliente, mientras el agua de la ducha nos refrescaba. Su cabeza se giró para mirarme, y nos besamos con fuerza.

-Para, ven -me dijo entre jadeos. Se separó de mí, salió y empezó a secarse con una toalla. - ¿Y yo? -pregunté mirándola desde la ducha, con la polla apuntando al techo desafiante. -Toma, usa esta y no tardes, quiero que me folles. – Ante tal petición, no pude hacer otra cosa que secarme como si no hubiera un mañana. Mis ojos no se apartaban de sus pechos, y los suyos de mi miembro. En menos que canta un gallo y con su cabello mojado, se fue contoneándose hacia una de las habitaciones. Una vez seco del todo, la seguí sin pensarlo, y al entrar en la habitación me la encontré sentada en el borde de la cama, igual que estaba en una de las fotos que me había mandado semanas antes. Pero esta vez, llevaba la misma ropa encima que la que llevó el día en que vino al mundo.

-Ven, hoy te haré un hombre de verdad -me dijo mirándome a la cara. Aquella mirada felina de lujuria me provocó un escalofrío que recorrió toda mi espalda. Volví a tragar saliva, y con la polla más tiesa que un palo, la boca entreabierta y la respiración acelerándose, me acerqué a ella, que se tumbó completamente en la cama.

Gateé sobre ella hasta que nuestras caras se encontraron a la misma altura, y seguimos el beso que habíamos interrumpido en la ducha. Sus pezones se frotaban contra mi pecho, y con una mano le iba manoseando una teta. -Así no, más suave -dijo ella. -Agárrala así, y masajea… si así- dijo mientras me indicaba como hacérselo bien. Que gozada de tetas, mientras tenia a una agarrada, le pasaba el pulgar en círculos al pezón. Y si no hubiese necesitado el otro brazo para apoyarme en la cama, habría hecho lo mismo con las dos. Mi polla estaba a la altura de su vulva, frotándose contra ella a cada movimiento de nuestros cuerpos. Su mano me la agarró, y la dirigió a su agujero. Dejé de prestar atención a sus tetas, y me centré. Torpemente empujé hacia ella, y sentí como el glande se abría paso dentro de ella. Acompañé el primer empujón de un gruñido de placer. Cogí aire mientras lentamente retiraba un poco mi miembro, y volví a embestir. Esta vez estuve a punto de metérsela entera. Volví a retirarme, y como dicen siempre, a la tercera va la vencida. Con un gemido de placer, conseguí introducir todo mi miembro en su coño. Me quedé quieto unos instantes, con los ojos abiertos pero sin mirar nada mientras disfrutaba de esta sensación recién descubierta. -¿Te gusta? -dijo Tmr mirándome -Ahá -dije. Poco más daba de si la neurona ahora mismo. Empecé un torpe vaivén, sin ritmo, acompañado de mis bufidos y jadeos de placer, y de sus pequeños gemidos. Sus piernas se cerraron entorno a mi cadera, y me marcó ella el ritmo. -Así, si, tienes… ahhh…. Que ser constante…hmmm… sigue así- me ordenó. Soltó mi cuerpo del agarre de sus piernas pero su mano se quedó en mi pecho, frenándome si me aceleraba, o ayudándome a conservar el compás. Activé el piloto automático y me dediqué a disfrutar del momento. Mi mirada iba de sus pechos a sus ojos y a nuestros sexos unidos. Ver mi polla entrando y saliendo de su chocho, mojada, brillando de sus flujos era una de las mejores cosas que había visto nunca. Los jadeos de Tmr se aceleraron, y sus dedos empezaron a frotar el clítoris. Sin previo aviso, arqueó la espalda y me clavó las uñas de los dedos que tenía apoyados en mi pecho. Todo esto acompañado de un suave grito, y de unos movimientos en su vagina que ordeñaron mi polla. Me quedé quieto para no correrme, con el miembro metido hasta los huevos en su interior. -Veo que lo de que te corres rápido es verdad -dije con una sonrisa. Se mordió el labio inferior y consciente de mi parada técnica, me preguntó: - ¿Crees que aguantarás más? -Me parece que no mucho. -Ve despacio, y cuando veas que voy a correrme quiero que esta vez aceleres.

Seguí follándola manteniendo el ritmo. A pesar de la reciente ducha, nuestros cuerpos estaban empapados en sudor, y nuestros sexos volvían a estar pringosos. Era increíble como lubricaba. Creyendo dominar un poco más la situación, me puse a mamar de sus pechos. Pasé primero la lengua por su teta, y luego puse mis labios alrededor de su pezón, apretándolo ligeramente mientras lo succionaba y lo lamía. La mano que antes estaba en mi pecho se puso ahora en mi cabeza, enredándose sus dedos entre mi pelo mientras gemía. Cambié de teta, y a esta otra le mordisqueé ligeramente el pezón, rozándolo con las puntas de los dientes. A pesar de tener la mente en ello, supe que no iba a tardar en correrme. Pero ella tampoco parecía que iba a tardar mucho más, sus respiros se aceleraron y subió el volumen de sus gemidos. Dejé de lamer sus tetas y puse la cabeza en su pecho. Aceleré las embestidas, haciendo que con cada impacto contra su pelvis, se oyera aquél característico chaf. Empecé a jadear fuerte, a embestir con energía y cada vez con más velocidad. Cuando empecé a sentir que me iba a correr, Tmr volvió a arquear su espalda. Esta vez, las contracciones de su vulva ordeñaron mi polla y consiguieron sacarme la leche. Sentí con cada embestida como lanzaba un chorro de semen caliente en su interior. No me acuerdo de cuantos fueron, si muchos o pocos. Mi amiga se quedó quieta, con los ojos cerrados recuperando el aliento. Poco a poco me dejé caer encima suya, y al ir a apartarme, me agarró. -Quédate así, déjala dentro de mí -me dijo. Cumplí su deseo y me recosté sobre ella, mezclando los sudores y dándome cuenta del calor que tenía y de la temperatura de su cuerpo. Pero me dio igual, volvía a tener la cabeza entre sus tetas. El olor a sudor mezclado con el de sexo impregnaba nuestros cuerpos. Cuando al final mi polla se salió de su interior, cayeron unas cuantas gotas espesas, mezcla de mi semen y sus flujos, que resbalaron por su ingle y mancharon las sábanas. Por la cantidad, parece que al final si que fueron unos cuantos chorros los que le solté dentro. Tmr me empujó suavemente hacia un lado, y al quedar tumbado boca arriba en la cama, me vi invadido por el cansancio.

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Hi friends, kese ho sab muje meri last story kai sare feedback dene ke liye thank you so much… jo log naye he unhe bata du aadi here from junagadh gujarat a cool handsome fair guy with 5.8ft height , 7.5inch dick length , 3inch width agar koie girl or woman puri tarah se satisfied ho ne chahe to muje jaroor mail kar sakti he pe promise to last long sex secretly ab aap logo ko jyada bore na karte huve me apni story pe aa jata hu baat 15din pehle ki he mere ghar pe kaie sare guest aye the unmese...

4 years ago
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My wifes desire

Once I had convenienced my wife Andrea that I deeply wanted her to fuck other men she has become insatiable. Before she never spontaneously wanted sex , it seemed her duty but now she wants it anywhere anytime. One thing she makes sure of is that I always eat her afterwards. Its not uncommon for her to call me at work to inform me that I'll be having a creamy pie tonight. I've easily eaten gallons of cum from her hairless vagina. She keeps her body in fantastic shape and she has an all over...

4 years ago
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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 02 Ch 02

The following morning, when Katie and Matt arrived for breakfast, they found Jane squirming around in her chair, too excited to sit still. The news just burst out of her as she whispered to Katie! I tried a test this morning and it showed that I’m approaching my fertile period! And I wasn’t the least bit nervous!’ She giggled as she added, ‘Tony is going to have to work hard for the next four days! I’m going to wear him out!’ Matt was let in on the news and breakfast took on a festive air,...

2 years ago
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Alson and Sarah Schoolgirls Pt2

Sarah sat in the front row of her math class staring determinedly at a blank spot on the blackboard in the front of the room with her legs crossed tightly as her mind raced. She couldn’t believe what she was doing, after awakening in Alison’s arms after the most amazing night of her life. She had just gotten dressed when Alison handed her what looked like a purple egg. “What is it?” “A vibrator, now put it in your panties and make sure it’s right up against your clit.” “How do I turn it on?”...

4 years ago
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My wife is the most exciting woman I have ever met

As I write this story my wife and I are in our mid 50s and it is a time to reflect on our lives and relationship.My wife and I met at school when we were 15 years old, looking back at her at that age I can accept why older guys hit on her and why her male cousins and their friends ****d her over a long period of time.However she maintains it was not **** as she was an equal consenter to the daily sex she had with a group of about 10 young guys aged about 19.I have always been very self concious...

3 years ago
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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 3

We went in and were seated at a table. A young waiter came by and poured water for us all. I said, "Laura, they have a very good house Zinfandel that would go quite well with the veal. I'm going to have a glass, would you join me?" "Yes, thank you." The waiter departed with our drink order. Laura said, "I'm surprised you drink." "I enjoy a glass of wine with a meal and an occasional mixed drink. In moderation, there is no harm in it that I've seen." She nodded. "I was...

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Jilnar Jardaly the Little Leb CockRiding Slut

This is the story of...جلنار ​​جردلي Jilnar Jardaly the Little Leb Cock-Riding SlutOne fine day, Jilnar the Little Leb Cock-Riding Slut's mother called her to come downstairs. She had just finished preparing her a basket of X-rated goodies for her to take to her beloved old Grandpa, in his cottage, in the woods. Of course, as we all know, Grandpa wasn't Jilnar the Little Leb Cock-Riding Slut real grandfather. He was just a lonely old man whom she had known, and been visiting, ever since she...

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Kissing Cousins On The Farm

Muffy tried to be quiet as she snuck into the barn. She was looking for her two cousins, Bobby and Beth. She was here at the farm to visit them for a month in the summer, but they'd told her to hang the clothes out on the line and had snuck off. She'd finished quickly then went to look for them. The old dog "Ruff" was lying in the dust by the open barn door and Ruff was never far from Bobby, so she knew they had to be in there. Muffy tensed her fifteen year old body as she heard a sound. She...

1 year ago
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Surprise for You part I

“Come on, dear, I have a surprise for you.” I smiled mischievously as I led him into the basement of our house, blind folded. “Hon, what are you doing?” he asked nervously, holding onto my hand, so not to trip. “You’ll see,” I licked my lips as I pushed him down into a sitting position on the cold hard floor. Then I slowly peeled off my long coat, which I had been wearing over my secret under garments: a black leather teddy, black fishnets, and long black boots. The crotch area of my teddy...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Natalia Starr Alexis Fawx My First Thai Session

Natalia Starr is excited for her massage today. It will be her first time getting a Thai massage and she couldn’t be happier. Alexis Fawx greets her, telling her she’ll be the one taking care of her today. She tells Natalia to get undressed so they can get started. Natalia turns around and starts taking off her clothes as Alexis watches her. She can’t help but notice how smoking hot Natalia is. When she lies down on the table, she tells Alexis that’s she’s been...

1 year ago
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Teen 3some in a pool

We'd just finishe school for the day, it was the middle of summer here in oz, so it was hot as hell. So Bridie and Cheryl came over for a swim. We went inside and dumped our bags on the floor. The girls sat down as I poured us all a drink to cool off. We sat and talked for about 10 minutes until we decided to go for a swim, the girls slipped off into seperate bathrooms to get changed and went to my bedroom to get into my board shorts. As I got changed I kept thinking to myself how awesome it...

Group Sex
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The Saturday Surprise

The Saturday Surprise Belladonna "You think you know me better than I know you?" Amber Eason asked, as she stared down at Tate Carpenter. Tate looked at the girl he had worked with for three years and said, "I know that I know you better." "Would you care to make a wager on that?" "I think I would," Tate replied, smiling at the girl he had found attractive from the moment she had been hired. Although Tate was not her boss, Amber did perform secretarial tasks for him...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Evie Olson Fucking for the deposit

Peter has enjoyed his time in Miami, but alas, it’s time to go back home. He needs the apartment he’s been renting inspected so he can get his deposit back and use that money to get back home. Everything looks fine according to inspector Evie Olson, except for this missing sea shell statue. No big deal Pete thinks till he hears about the price. Uh oh! Looks like that deposit check ain’t happening. Peter is so screwed without that money. Isn’t there something he can do to get that deposit back?...

3 years ago
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Lexi chapter 01

-Lexi- chapter 01I thought I had been so careful, but all it took was one slip up, leaving the curtains a little too open. Now here I was, looking at pictures that had been emailed to me - pictures of me dressed up like a schoolgirl slut. That particular day, I had cuffed one hand to the headboard and was wearing a bright red ball gag, as I used my free hand to fuck my own ass with a medium sized vibrating dildo, my fishnet clad legs splayed up in the air, and 6 inch black pumps with ankle...

4 years ago
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Playing for Time

The Red Dragon - 9:00pm If a person wanted to find Michael Cross in Reno, they would only have to look as far as the Red Dragon Casino. There, you would find him sitting at the bar watching the poker tables. Looking for weaknesses in the other players. He did this every Friday night. His blonde hair partly covering his deep blue eyes. If a person was to look at him, they would think he was a picture of innocence... That's a laugh. Michael Cross did look youthful, but that was OK, because...

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Her First Black Cock

Mary was a very attractive but shy 18 year old who was born and raised in Iowa. Mary was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighted in at about 100 pounds even. She had wavy blonde hair and beautiful light blue eyes. She had had a sheltered life and she knew it. In her high school graduation class there were only 6 black students.Mary was always raised to be friends with everyone, but only close friends with people like herself. It would have been a scandal in her family if she would have ever...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Hot Lonely Mami Sumi

Hi Raj here, I’m 21 year old average looking guy from Mumbai, with a 6.5″ dick, girls, aunties, moms, can contact me on for sex chat as well as sex! Total privacy on my side! Coming to the sex story my mami her name is sumi, she is in her thirties and smoking hot, she has a perfect figure with 36D boobs and a big lovely soft ass! She has very little fat and always looks perfect. She and I always casually chatted on what’s app and stuff! We also used to talk about her ex boyfriend, I told her...

2 years ago
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AmandaChapter 2

My wife and I watched one happy family come down the stairs and into the kitchen where Amanda was making breakfast. I had never known Brian well and had only met him a couple of times. Now I had a friend for life. Linda clung to her mother and June kept promising the little girl that she wouldn't ever go away again. June brought up the subject of how her actions had not only destroyed her marriage, but her friends as well. She was devastated when I told her that we were actually divorced,...

3 years ago
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Best Friends BUTT fucked by DAD

I was taking the summer off after graduating high school and was pretty much doing nothing but hanging around the house and using the pool all the time. I was in great shape since I had played football and I was starting college in a couple of months. My parents were divorced and it was just me and my dad at the house now since mom had moved out.I had friends over occasionally and we would usually just hang out around the pool and drink beer!One afternoon, it was hot as hell outside and I had a...

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Threesome With Cook And Her Friend

This is in continuation with my story sex with elderly cook Lakshmi. One day Lakshmi told me that her friend Swathi was coming to stay with her and requested me for permission. Lakshmi told me that her friend would work in the other homes that she was working in so that she could devote attention full time to my home. Since I was more worried about missing sex, I asked her how we could have sex with her friend staying at the house. Lakshmi said her friend would be away almost the whole day and...

2 years ago
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Road Par Mili Rupa Ki Chudai

Main Vicky aaj aap sab ke samne apni life ke pehle se ki kahani le kar aaya hoon. Main jahan rehta hoon, whan ke ladko ke lund bahot meshur hai. Jese ki mera khud ka lund 8 inch se bada hai. Ladkiya aur aurten humare lund ko dekh kar bhag jati hai. Mujhe aaj tak aisi choot nhi mili, jo mere lund shant kar sake. Par maine aaj tak bahot sari choot aur gand ko shant kiya hai. Aaj ki kahani mere pehle sex ki hai. Isse pehle maine apne dosto ki bahot gand mari hai. Ye kahani mere us sex ki hai, jo...

4 years ago
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No FutureChapter 41

A Well-Rounded Education Alex 2030 "How is your daughter?" Karen asked. Alex gazed dozily at the young woman who he'd only moments before been fucking and from which exertion he'd hardly yet recovered. Like most men, he wanted nothing more than to take it easy after such strenuous exercise but Karen was just as alert and alive now as she was when she'd dragged him onto her narrow single bed. "Why do you want to know?" he asked. "I am training as a teacher," Karen said. "I...

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Sucking Older Man From Craigslist

I was very horny and always looking to meet with an older man after my first great experience in college. The summer after I graduated, I sat around and was pretty bored so I went online looking for older men all the time. My usual site was craigslist and I always looked for men who were older and not shy about wanting a young guy like me.  It was always hard to find a good fit. A lot of guys in their thirties would message me which drove me nuts. That or a guy that was scary looking and made...

Gay Male
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A Lift 01

'Half true-half fantasy' kind of story. It starts slow but gets hotter as the story moves on. Since most of the details are true, you'll find some paragraphs of description, conversations, and real life effects. I did rush it on for the convenience of my readers when the characters are talking on the phone. I hope you'll like the story. I'm eagerly waiting for your feedback. Enjoy! ~ Erotica Lover --------------------------------------- It all happened because of two character flaws in me. If...

Straight Sex
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I would like to share my sex enjoyment in Malaysia. I was travelling to Kuala Lumpur for Technical meeting. I arrived Kl at 9apm and went from airport to my hotel. It was about 11pm. I was tired and was looking forward to rest as soon as room was given. The receptionist was charming, sexy with very good figure. She smiled and welcome me. The room was given and I started to move to my room. She requested me to wait as someone will accompany me to my room with my luggage. As there was no bell boy...

2 years ago
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A little deeper this time Part 1

We had been at it for what seemed like ages. The weather was insanely hot and we were in no mood for clothing when we both came back from the BBQ. Our hands just couldn’t keep off each other, and the copious amounts of beer hadn’t helped matters either.Cara was just finishing up shower, having left me trying to catch my breath after some of the most intense fucking I had ever had. I lay on the end of the bed watching her towel down her glistening ebony skin, her amazing bountiful curves keeping...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 9

Fred, very tentative with the big RV, maneuvered it into the Wal-Mart lot only a few miles from the dealer. Carla, sitting in the passenger seat, pointed to the other side of the lot. "There are two RVs parked over there." "Okay, thanks," Fred said as he waited for a car in front of them to move. The lot was busy, at least closer to the front of the store, but once he managed to get past it and to the other side, there was nothing to hinder him. "If I had realized, I could have come...

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Fetish Night

I wrote this story on the site but for some reason it got lost. This is the best of my memory to it but its not as well written as the last one. it pissed me off too. This story is not yet true. But it will be. My wife one day asked what I was writing and I let her read it. She got so turned on by it that she wants it to become a reality. So by the time you read this it has become reality. Me, my wife, and some friends had a long night of drinking and playing some card games, trying to play wii...

4 years ago
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Ass filled fantasy

My body is draped, stomach down, over the cold metal counter, my feet and legs hang down, my well lubed ass is exposed, waiting. My dick is by no means flaccid at the thought of what may happen, then the curtain by my face is drawn, a cock, dripping precum is pressed to my lips, I extend my tongue, passing over the slick head and curling under, flicking a few times, this throbbing cock waits for me. I slowly slide the head into my mouth, curling and swirling my tongue, then withdraw this...

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Sexy Seduction of Awesome Anna by Pretty Petra, as Young as YummyI see Anna enter my sexshop for ladies only in old Amsterdam at my closed circuit and immediatelyI know that my last shop-assistant, my only granddaughter Petra, will not let her leave untouched.I raised her from young age, after her parents died in a car-crash. Petra copied my sexual taste.I see what we both love in looks: tall, slender, small breasts, wasp-waist. Even a real redhead!I sit upstairs in our private rooms and smile...

3 years ago
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Problems and SolutionsChapter 24

“It may not last,” Rachel said when she got home. “What may not last?” “Al and Sayuri. She’s very Japanese. She’s quite demure about everything.” “That may be just what Al needs. Eddie was very aggressive. And that really pretty one from around here. Maybe he just needs to finish his degree, get a job and set up housekeeping. Sarah’s not like me; he doesn’t need to be like you. What are the pop-psychology theories about second children?” “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll Google later. How was...

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Studio Prem 8211 Lata 1

The name of my studio friend is Prem and his wife is Lata, both are well built, they were child hood friends and active in sex from school days. They do not have their own child so that they had adopted a boy and girl from an orphanage home. Now Prem is 36 and Lata is 32 years old. They had tried in their bed room to see them self on screen but could not enjoy doing sex and in turn the on screen image of their own activity. Other day my sex act with Nina in his studio and then the way they had...

3 years ago
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She Wanted to Come Back Home

The guys and I were out to a club one night, the place was really crowded, and actually a bit too crowded for my liking I was getting ready to leave. Then I saw her she was reaching over the bar to get a napkin, her dress was so short I could clearly see her whole butt, and G-string. When her feet hit the floor I got to see all of her, she was the most beatiful woman I had ever seen. Long blond hair, the face of an angle, long thin neck, 36DD boobs spilling out of her deep V dress, down to her...

4 years ago
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Accidental touch part 1

Damn, I'm out of smokes again...going to store...ah, I'll take some vine and some snacks also..I feel like drinking tonight...Looking for some vine, searching something good..I hate this cheap, strange tasting stuff..If I can't get decent vine I'll rather buy some beer...reading labels..mmmmmm...that's something, what a perfume, brought by a breeze of someone passing..turn around, I caught elegant lady in black skirt, black stockings and white blouse...but sadly only her back side, well, it...

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Denises Degredation

Denise had a very good job as a drafter with a large Engineering firm near the city. She just did not make enough to cover all the bills. Harry was good to her and the kids but he had problems holding any job for a length of time. He also could not hold onto money. Denise could not even leave money in the checking account. Harry spent any money he could get on beer, marijuana and gambling. Denise covered her despair with a tough front. She knew though that one-day things would get out of...

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Teresa Scalia Showdown at the Hoedown

Teresa Scalia found her way from the middle school auditorium to the principal's office. The debacle between Barbara Anderson and Michele Smithson had just concluded and Teresa wanted to check on her friend. Michelle had suffered a humiliating stripping and spanking at the hands of Barbara. Teresa tapped on the office door "Michelle are you in there? Are you all right?" "Yes Teresa. Are you alone?" Michelle answered. "I'm alone." said Teresa. "Okay, come in and close the door behind...

2 years ago
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A long Naughty Session

We are in the play room. You have me lay on my back on a bench; You put cuffs around my ankles and tie ropes to the D rings. The Bench is placed between two posts, You thread the rope through eye hooks in the posts, lifting my legs and spreading them wide, exposing my pussy and my ass. You lube my ass lightly and then fill it with an inflatable plug. You pump it up till I whimper and then give it two more pumps. Using a light flogger and then the riding crop, You spank my pussy, making sure...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Gf8217s Best Friend

I’m back with the new story…..Third true story ……Which happened on september this year…. Yeah story mere girlfriend ki dost aur mere bich hui intimate sex k bare me h … My name si manish(21), a college student studying at berhampur but lives in sunabeda(koraput). Mera height 5’9 good looking guy but not very handsome and my dick size(big enough to satisfy any horny aunties or girls)…. Ap saab toh mere gf ko jante hi honge she is neha.My love..Ab uske friend k bare me janne ka time aa gya...

4 years ago
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Taste of Sherry

Jake heard the front door open, followed by two voices raised in loud, drunken laughter. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. At least somebody is having fun on a Friday night. Despite having broken up with his girlfriend almost a month earlier, he was in no hurry to get back into the game. Work and classes cut into his time, and he remembered all too well how hectic it had been the last time he was trying to find someone. With a few promising conversations going on the dating site he’d...

3 years ago
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Belfast RulesChapter 4

BRIGHTON - 1984 In a way the incident at Brighton should never have gotten off the drawing board because it came at the wrong time and in the wrong place for long range benefit of the future generations of the residents of the Free Irish State. Just because the sheer arrogance of the much maligned female PM had so affronted the lads in Dublin to the point that they were drinking unusually long and with reduced satisfaction was no excuse for the ill-timed bombing project. Danny was called...

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Changes Part 3

Introduction: A man finds out his wife had been in an incestous relationship with her father A father had been awakened in the middle of the night by his daughter. Thinking it was his wife he made passionate love to her and only found out what really happened when his wife called him in the morning. His daughter, Jenny, informs him of a discovery to assure him that his wife will not be upset about their midnight rendezvous. I followed close behind. She took me to the basement door and headed...

4 years ago
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GO FIGURE This is a different sort of short story. I love the fare on Fictionmania, but sometimes get tired of the same bump-and-grind sex plots, just because there aren?t that many ways to present the material. This story is subtle, has no graphic scenes, no explicit language or descriptions, and really no transformations? all that is in the character?s future, and left to the reader?s imagination. Some language may be slightly offensive in it?s crudeness, so be forewarned. ...

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The Fall of York Ch 5862

Thank you to searchingforperfection and catbrown for their hard work in editing and all of their suggestions. I appreciate all votes and comments, and I do read all the comments. This story is a sequel to The Doctor’s Daughter. Both are set during the War of 1812. Since the death of Major General Brock in the fall of 1812, neither side has scored a decisive victory. There have been minor accomplishments for both the Americans and the British, but the War Hawks in Washington are eager for more...

2 years ago
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Whos In Charge Here

  I'm having a hard time seeing into my crystal ball today. For some reason it seems to be fogged up, and I can’t see anything. No, wait, it's clearing up now. There is someone in the shower, so the room is full of steam. It's you, your hair is full of suds, and your body is slick. Hmmmm, I love slick. On the other side of the shower curtain, I'm undressing, planning to surprise you, and join you under the warm water. I poke my head around the curtain, and see your back. There is a...

Straight Sex
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You Win Some You Lose Some

You Win Some, You Lose Some By TwoSpiritsTG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoy the story please leave a review! I love reading them and seeing what my fans have to say. It keeps me energized and going, and brightens up my day. Everytime I see a new review my heart leaps and my day gets a little brighter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= AUTHOR'S NOTE This story is G-rated, but...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 13 A Pretext

April 29, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “I read the paper this morning, Jamie,” Pete said at breakfast on Saturday morning. “How the hell did THAT happen?” “Just like the paper said - financial mismanagement by the managing partners.” “How does that work?” Terry asked. “I thought you were a partner.” “Consider it like shareholders and a board of directors. It’s not quite like that, but the partnership turns day-to-day management of the firm over to the managing partner, or partners. That was...

3 years ago
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The Deer Stand

It was a morning hunt; the last hunt of the opening weekend. Daylight was just breaking. Dark, mysterious figures along the forest line were finally beginning to reveal their harmless details; growling miniature beasts transformed into harmless, dead stumps as sunlight shined upon them. John was sitting in his stand; a simple, ground level box stand with large openings on three sides for windows. For the past forty-five minutes, since he had taken the stand, his mind had been on one thing....

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Basketball superstar

So it was a Tuesday and I was at school in the gym playing a game of basketball it was my first time and damn I sucked. I missed every single shot I made and I could barely dribble without losing control of the ball dammit! I was the worst basketball player ever I looked so bitchy out there in my gym shorts with my pale white boy legs and pale white arms and black hair about past my ears yes I'm emo. So as we were leaving the gym before i could get out the door my old black coach walked up to...

4 years ago
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fantasy meeting up

My wife and I was chatting online to this couple and we turned each other on so we planned on meeting to start with for a coffee as they was close to us so on the day my wife dressed in her sexy underwear and tight low cut top and I had decided to dress down a bit so I ended up dressed in jeans, t shirt and no underwear my wife also told me "I have my Lovense in baby so feel free to play if I give you the nod" I nodded and said ok we got to the cafe before the others so we sat and ordered a...

4 years ago
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Moth Ch 014

Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. * ‘What’s wrong?’ asked Lei. ‘What?’ snarled Kokata. ‘Don’t give me that, Black. You’ve been acting strange for days,’ said Lei. ‘Ever since we traded with the termites, actually.’ ‘You traded with the termites,’ snarled Kokata. ‘I didn’t. I don’t trade things. I don’t need things.’ ‘Crankywort.’ Kokata wasn’t in a mood to joke...

2 years ago
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Hubby sets Judy up to get gangbanged

My name is Steve, and I am a very lucky man. My wife, Judy, is a beautiful, intelligent and loving woman. She stands about 5'9 has beautiful chestnut colored hair, with eyes that match and full, soft lips. She is originally from Virginia and although has been out west for sometime she still has a touch of that Southern accent which drives me crazy. Although she has given birth to our five c***dren she has kept her figure and looks fantastic with a nice slim waste, curvy hips, and a nice set of...

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