Suggestible Sleep Terror Surprise free porn video

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Suggestible Sleep Terror Surprise (MF, caution, mc, oral, impreg)

by Krosis of the Collective


Author's notes: Yes, I know that hypnotism can't force someone to do something they really don't want to do. I'm taking artistic license here.

Also, Guy's name rhymes with 'eye', not 'bee'.


Guy woke up to pain shooting through his outer thigh. "Agh! What the FUCK?!" he yelled.

He felt his wife Trish thrashing in the bed beside him. "Nnn! Mnuhh!" she whined in her sleep. Her foot also hit his ankle, but it didn't hurt as much as her knee had on his thigh!

"Urg..." he grumbled, getting out of bed before he was bruised any worse.

Trish continued to thrash and whine in the bed. A moment later the baby started crying in the next room.

"Of course..." Guy said, tromping out of the room to try to calm little Sara down. He had probably woken her up with his yell.

It took about 20 minutes. When he got back into the bedroom Trish was once again sleeping soundly. Guy sighed. These days getting kicked by his sleeping wife was the only action he was getting in bed.


The couple walked into Dr. Jenner's office looking skeptical. The guy didn't look like a doctor, with his t-shirt and jeans under his lab coat. He was maybe in his late thirties.

"Have a seat!" Dr. Jenner said, ushering the parents to some office chairs.

Dr. Jenner sat down across from them, steepling his fingers. "So I understand that we've been having some nightmares?"

Guy spoke up, "SHE'S been having nightmares. I guess you could say it's a nightmare for ME, but I'm not getting much sleep because of HER."

Trish gave her husband a sidelong look. She had agreed to come here because Guy was so unhappy, and her nightmares had been the main problem. They had approached their GP and got nowhere with sleeping pills. A friend of Guy's had suggested Dr. Jenner.

"Of course, of course," Dr. Jenner replied affably, "and this has been happening since the baby was born?"

At their nods he continued, "Pregnancy can be a difficult time on a woman's body. Sometimes permanent changes occur, some physical..." His eyes momentarily dipped to take in Trish's boobs pushing out her tight shirt, and then back up, "...and some psychological."

He got up. "Luckily, psychological issues are my specialty. Mrs. Belvue, could I please direct your attention to that poster there?"

Trish swiveled her chair to look where the doctor was pointing behind her. There, in all its glory, was the famous picture of the kitten hanging from a branch. "Hang in there, baby!" the caption said.

"" said Trish. It was ridiculously cheesy.

"I know, right? Isn't it awesome? Just keep your eyes on it."

She did so. "And Mr. Belvue, please keep a close watch on your wife's face, okay?" Dr. Jenner asked Guy, who likewise did so.

Dr. Brunner moved behind Trish, speaking slowly, "Breathe your shoulders...that's good. Look closely at specific parts of the poster and tell me about it."

Trish narrowed her eyes. "'s an orange cat."

"Good...keep going..."

Guy kept his gaze on Trish's face, as instructed. He didn't realize that as the exercise continued his own breathing had slowed and his shoulders had relaxed.

Dr. Brunner continued, asking Trish to keep finding new things in the poster and to relax the rest of her body, one piece at a time. Soon she was swaying in her chair, as was Guy.

"When you feel comfortable enough, just close your eyes."


Guy woke as someone touched his shoulder. Dr. Brunner was looking down at him with concern.

"You okay? I think you fell asleep."

"I'm...fine," Guy said, and he realized that he was indeed feeling fine.

Dr. Brunner sat down behind his desk. "Good. Okay, I've given your wife instructions that when she hears the trigger word I've written down on this piece of paper she will break out of whatever nightmare she is in, thank you, and then fall back asleep content. Don't say the word right now."

Guy took the paper. "Bugbottom" was written there. He cocked an eyebrow at the doctor.

Dr. Brunner spread his hands. "Two random words strung together. You're not likely to forget them, right?"

Guy had to agree. "So...that's it?"

"Perhaps..." Dr. Brunner sat back and gave Guy a penetrating look. "Did your friend tell you about my...other services?"

Guy nodded. The other issue, the lack of sex for months now, was heavy on his mind. He pulled out an envelope and gave it to the doctor.

Dr. Brunner opened the envelope, counted the twenty $50 bills, and then put the envelope into his lab coat inside pocket. "Okay...typical nymphomaniac trigger word?"

Guy leaned forward, his cock already tenting out his pants. "Yeah, and I want the trigger word to be 'Guy's nuts'." His nuts had been suffering for months, so it seemed fitting.

Dr. Brunner sat back. "That's a trigger *phrase*, and I wouldn't suggest creating one yourself. How about..." He looked at a piece of paper on his desk, '...turkey university'?"

"Hey, who's paying you, man? The customer is always right," Guy said defiantly.

Dr. Brunner sighed. "Fine." He got up and got behind Trish again, getting a nice view down her ample cleavage. "Trish, pay very close attention. When you hear the phrase, 'Guy's nuts' you will want, no, NEED to have sex. You will do whatever your master wants. When he is done you will think nothing out of the ordinary happened, and you will be fine with it."

He looked back at Guy, who nodded. Guy hadn't noticed the ambivalent wording of the hypnotic commands.

"When I snap my fingers you will awaken with no memory of anything that has happened since I asked you to close your eyes. You'll feel content, but you will respond to the trigger phrases as commanded. Do you understand?" Dr. Brunner waited.

Trish nodded sluggishly. Dr. Brunner snapped his fingers and her eyes opened.

" cloudy background...?"

Guy realized that she was still describing the poster as if nothing had happened, and based on what Dr. Brunner had just said, that was exactly what she thought! He was amazed at the doctor's skills.

"It's all right," Dr. Brunner said, moving back behind his desk. "I think we're done."

Trish turned around in her chair. "Really? But it's only been..." She looked at her watch. "Half an hour? Where did the time go?"

"Time flies when you're having fun," the doctor said, "You're feeling fine, right?"

Trish thought for a moment and then nodded. She was indeed feeling fine.

They thanked the doctor and went home.


After putting the baby down for the night Guy looked over at his wife as they sat on the living room couch. "Hey, baby, you should put your diaphragm in and we can have some fun."

"Oh, not tonight, Guy, I have a headache," Trish responded, continuing to read her book.

Guy smirked. "But what about your husband's poor testicles, baby?"

Trish put down her book to look at him incredulously.

He continued, "What about...Guy's nuts?"

Trish's eyes glazed over and she dropped her book. She looked at Guy with undisguised lust, got up, and then straddled him, rubbing her pajama covered crotch against his boxers.

'Oh, fantastic!' Guy thought as he pulled his wife's face down for a passionate kiss. Before long Trish had freed his hard cock from his shorts and was jacking it off. Before long, pre-cum dribbled out the tip. They hadn't had sex in several weeks.

Trish was frustrated at just rubbing her crotch on her husband's lap. She let go of Guy's cock and reached down to the central seam of her pajama bottoms. There she found a small hole that had developed in the worn piece of clothing and pulled it apart hard. The seam ripped, revealing her very wet pussy lips. She wasted no time in lining her husband's oozing babymaker up and sinking her body down.

Both of them gasped as his rock hard cock easily penetrated her lubricated depths. She started to move up and down, achieving greater penetration each time until his cock was fully embedded deep inside her.

Guy shook from the pleasure. His wife's pussy had never felt so hot before! But there was a danger. "Baby..." he started to say.

Trish pressed her mouth to his, passionately kissing and licking.

"Mmmf!" Guy grunted as Trish rose up and then thrust her hips back down, starting off an energetic fucking. Guy's concerns flew out the window as Trish pulled off her pajama shirt and shoved her large boobs in his face as she rode him.

Guy was in heaven. He nipped and licked at his wife's nipples and then sucked one with its areola into his mouth hard.

"Aiii..." Trish keened as that sent her over the edge. Guy felt her pussy spasm around his cock, squeezing. After weeks of no sex he couldn't hold it and "Guy's nuts" gave up their unwanted cargo.

Unwanted by Guy, anyway. Trish felt his cock throb deep within her and, with the knowledge that she had done a good job for her man, bounced harder, her own orgasm extending as she felt her insides being deluged by his potent sperm.

"Unhh..." he groaned.

"Aaaahhh!" she cried.

Then it was done and Trish collapsed forward onto her husband, shaking from the orgasmic exertion.

Guy's blood went cold as he realized what they had done. "Shit, baby, get up!"

Trish did so, looking to her husband for the cause of his distress. He was looking down at her spermy crotch.

"You were supposed to put in your diaphragm, Trish! You could get pregnant!" Guy was freaking out. He really didn't want another kid; one was more than enough.

"Oh..." Trish said. "Okay, I'll go put it in now."

"Uh, no," Guy grabbed her arm before she could get up, "That'll just trap my boys inside you. When was your last period?"

"Ended a few days ago," she replied.

Guy, being a typical dumb guy, didn't know what that meant. "So...does that mean that you might get pregnant?"

"Probably not," she answered. "I'll be fertile next week."

Guy sighed in relief. "Okay...let's go to bed."

She was fine with that.


Guy woke up as his wife's hand careened off of his head. "Ow!"

"Uhrr! Nnn!" His wife was thrashing in the throes of another night terror.

What was the trigger phrase? Guy's head was muzzy from just waking up, and probably also from the whack to the head.

'Oh, right,' he thought. "Bugbottom!" he exclaimed.

Instantly Trish stopped thrashing. She turned toward Guy, said, "Thanks love," and then fell back to sleep without the nightmares.

Guy shook his head. Incredible!


The next day Dr. Jenner was eagerly waiting for his 8 AM appointment. He didn't charge a lot for his extra nympho hypnoservice because he got an additional benefit out of it.

His intercom beeped. "Mrs. Belvue to see you, Doctor," his receptionist reported.

He pressed the talk button. "Very good. Send her in and no disturbances for an hour, please." He stood up, came around the desk and then sat on the edge, waiting.

The gorgeous Mrs. Trisha Belvue came into the office. She was dressed in a nice blouse and skirt for work, which he knew she would need to be at by 9 AM. She had told him this, among other information, while she and her husband were in the hypnotic trance from the previous day.

"You asked to see me this morning, Dr. Jenner?" Trish stepped forward, looking a little confused.

"Indeed I did, Mrs. Belvue. I wanted to are Guy's nuts doing?"

Trish's eyes fluttered and then the ravenous nymphomaniac Jenner had created replaced her. She moved toward him hungrily.

He unzipped his pants. "You should suck my cock," he said matter-of-factly.

Trish knelt down and took the doctor's hard dick into her mouth as his trousers fell to the floor. His penis wasn't as long as her husband's but it was a bit thicker. She tickled the head with her tongue and then licked up the shaft before sucking half of it back into her mouth again.

Jenner grabbed some of Trish's long dark hair, pushing and pulling her head in order to slide his shaft in and out with long strokes.

Trish pulled her face off of his cock and looked up at him. "Please fuck me?"

Jenner realized that she had unsnapped her skirt, pulled aside her panties and was fingering her pussy while sucking his cock. He also noticed that she was wearing nylons with garters, which he had always felt was an incredibly sexy look.

"Oh yeah," he said, pulling her to her feet and helping her to unsnap her garters. She removed her panties and then they re-secured the garters. NOW it was perfect!

He bent her over the desk and lined his cock up with her puffy, glistening pussy. "Birth control?" he asked, pausing.

"Diaphragm," she responded back.

Jenner smiled and thrust his hips forward, easily piercing Trish's wet labia.

"Yeessss..." Trish moaned.

Jenner pulled back a little bit and then pushed again, his cock invading further into the married woman's forbidden depths. With a couple more thrusts he was as far as he could go.

"I've got to touch these..." he said, unbuttoning her blouse and unlatching her bra. Her bountiful boobs dangled down toward the desk and he bent over Trish's back, grabbing a handful of each. They were so soft and warm, larger than any others he had fondled, but they were also still firm and bouncy.

"Pleeeaase..." Trish pushed her tush back at him provocatively.

Still holding those magnificent boobs, Jenner pulled his hips back and thrust hard into the wanton woman. She grunted in pleasure. He pinched her pronounced nipples as he thrust again, and then once more. Finally he let go of her breasts, grabbed her garter belt and used it to pull her back onto his cock as he started thrusting in and out.

"Aah! Yesss..." Trish moaned.

After a few minutes of this he pulled out and then sat on the same chair she had occupied just the previous day. "Turn around and ride me, cowgirl," he commanded.

"Yee haw!" she exclaimed as she removed her blouse and did just that. Jenner noted that there was still a little mama fat around her middle but it looked sexy.

Trish turned away from him and then easily slid her sopping pussy down the doctor's throbbing member. Both gasped at the pleasure and then she started to bounce.

Dr. Jenner realized he probably wasn't going to last much longer. He reached around the sexy MILF to manipulate her clit as she fucked him.

When she had finally overheated from the pleasure she cried out and jammed her pussy down hard on Jenner's cock, grinding her crotch against his. He felt her insides grip his dick and then he lost control.

"Augghh!" he grunted, feeling his prostate release a blast of semen that mixed with the roiling sperm in his balls. The potent mixture rushed up his cock shaft, forcefully injecting itself deep into the spasming reproductive system of the mind controlled wife.

Finally, both of their orgasms subsided. Jenner realized that he had to act fast, now that his hypnotized lover had completed her primary objective.

"Mrs. Belvue, listen to me."

Trish paused, doing exactly that.

"You must never tell your husband of this appointment, or that we did this. Do you understand?"

She nodded. "Should I put my diaphragm in now?"

"WHAT?!" Jenner pushed her up off of his cock. A torrent of his sperm-filled cum splashed down into his lap, but he knew that there was still a lot remaining deep inside the sexy mother's hot body.

He thought for a moment. "Um, sure, you should do that. Better safe than sorry, right?" He shook his did that make any sense?

Trish extracted the diaphragm from her purse and pushed it deep inside her dripping vagina, pressing the remainder of the doctor's dangerous seed against the opening of her cervix.

"One more thing, Mrs. Belvue...if you get pregnant do not tell anyone it's mine, okay?"

Trish nodded. She was fine with that.


A few days passed, and Guy took advantage of Trish's nymphomaniac trigger every night, though he made sure that she put her diaphragm in first.

Dr. Jenner wasn't going to see Trish for her "appointment" for another week. His services were becoming quite popular, it seemed, so his free time was becoming scarce.


John Bayle came into Trish's office, as he did every once in a while to chat. She knew the confirmed bachelor was feeling her out to see if she was up for an affair but she always shut him down. She was a married woman, and loved her husband!

He made some inane chit-chat and then asked, "Did you hear about Marty?"

She looked up from her paperwork. "What about him?" She knew Marty had called in sick but nothing beyond that.

"Broke his fucking-- er, sorry -- his freaking leg...base jumping, if you can believe it!"

"What's base jumping?" she asked, and then took a sip from her water glass.

John sat down in her spare chair. "That's when you parachute off of a building or mountain instead of out of a plane. You have a lot less time to pull your chute and there's a chance you'll crash into something."

"Sounds stupid," she replied, shaking her head.

"Yeah...that guy's nuts!"

'...guy's nuts...'

Trish got up from her desk and made her way past John to close the door. He looked at her quizzically, and then she hiked up her skirt and straddled him in the chair, pressing her lips to his in a tongue-y kiss.

Though this was ultimately what John wanted, he was taken by surprise. Trish had changed her demeanor right in front of him and was now grinding her crotch into his. After his initial shock, though, he returned her kisses and grabbed Trish's firm butt, pulling her down in order to increase the friction between their nethers.

Frustrated, Trish got up and unsnapped her skirt. As she had done with Dr. Jenner, she also unsnapped her garters, removed her panties, and then re-secured the garters. Once John saw Trish pull her panties down he quickly doffed his pants and underwear.

Trish clambered back into John's lap. His cock wasn't as long as her husband's or Dr. Jenner's but it was very thick. She reached down and rubbed the head along her pussy lips, spreading their combined juices in order to make penetration easier.

As Trish did this John wasted no time in unbuttoning her blouse and freeing those breasts he had longed to see. As he reached around and unsnapped her bra they sprung free and he was in heaven, shoving his face into her boobflesh.

By this point Trish had managed to slot the head of John's cock between her pussy lips and was pushing down, slowly forcing it to go inside her. She was becoming desperate...she NEEDED it!

Finally she got the angle right and that thick cock slipped inside of her. She gasped at the feeling of her vagina being stretched, uncomfortable but also good. John was now suckling on one of her nipples and that also felt good.

She rose up a bit and then settled back down. John gasped into her boobs but kept licking and sucking. She did it again. She felt less stretched now so she was able to start an up and down rhythm. It was starting to feel really good.

John couldn't believe it...Trish the hottie mama was fucking him! He didn't know why but he wasn't about to ask. Her pussy was so fucking tight!

He couldn't take any more of the sexy situation and grunted as his cock spattered her insides with his potent sperm. Because Trish hadn't put her diaphragm in that morning there was nothing protecting the mouth of her cervix from the bolts of seed splashing against it, and she was now right in the middle of her fertile time. As she felt him explode within her she also went over the edge, moaning as her insides contracted, urging even more of his seed to spurt deep inside her. Her cervix spasmed open and some of John's sperm slipped inside her womb, where they would have the greatest chance to fulfill their prime directive.

John struggled to control his breathing. "Why -- not that I'm complaining -- but why did you do that?" he asked her.

"I needed it," she replied matter-of-factly.


"Yes, Master," she answered.

He laughed. "Ha! Master? You kill me, Trish."

Trish reached over to the desk, grabbed her water glass and smashed it down on hard surface. Turning back, she then jammed the jagged remains into John's throat.

"Uhhkk..." he gurgled as blood fountained from his severed jugular and onto Trish's chest.

"Mmm..." Trish moaned. It felt so warm on her skin...

Soon the blood stopped, as did John's life. Trish got up and looked down at the father of her future second child, who she had just murdered.

She was fine with it.


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Galaxy of Terror XRated Cut

A starship had crash-landed amidst what must have been the scene of a large battle. In the distance, a towering pyramid raised by alien hands stood as a silent and enigmatic sentinel. The mangled, ruptured hulks of the other craft surrounded the newly-trapped vessel, which was unable to call for help. A six-man team had been dispatched to search inside the distant alien structure. --- Dameia was part of the squad exploring inside, the shoulder-mounted lights of her backpack shining through...

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Terror in the Snowstorm Ch 02

I wrote this story and originally submitted it to another site. I have made a few slight revisions to the story before posting it here. Enjoy! Author’s note: If you’re into wham-bam-thank-you-mam stories, this isn’t one of them. It’s an extremely long story, and you should really read my ‘Terror in the Snowstorm — Part 1’ story first to learn how the characters got to this point. Thank you for your indulgence. Comments are welcome, constructive criticisms will be much appreciated. * As we...

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Season of Terror

Season of Terror By Tigger Copyright 2002 All Right Reserved Introduction: A Moment of Crisis Her lips set into a fine, hard line against the emotion burning in her throat, Victoria Denato started to stride out of her pastel-and-chintz-decorated bedroom only to catch herself at the last moment. If her plan was to have any chance of success, she had to have Jane Thompson's full cooperation - and she was absolutely certain that cooperation would not be forthcoming if she failed to...

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Angel S1 E16 Season One Finale The Hero and the Terror Part II

Angel S:1 E:16 Season One Finale "The Hero and the Terror Part II" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover --- Acknowledgments Back in August of 2013, I began writing my first ideas that had been occupying my mind for years. Looking back to that night, seated in front of my computer when I began typing "Angel's" first couple words, I never thought it would become something to so many people. After several revisions I finally reached...

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My Night Terror Life

My Night Terror Life Story Description: This story described a forced physical transformation as well as forced sex. The final Chapter (8) also contains bestiality so if not interested in that, please skip from Chapter 7 to the Conclusion! Introduction: I've finally been given more (albeit still limited) freedom, so I'm taking this time to try and document what's happened to me; what's still happening to me. Hopefully I can keep my writing hidden from my holders. My life can only...

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Poppy ll The Land of Terror

POPPY II: THE LAND OF TERROR, OR THE STORY OF THE ARTIFICIAL BEING BASIL © 2002, 2020 by Anthony Durrant It was a warm day at Dr. William Faulkner's home, where he was having a little party to celebrate his greatest achievement: the creation of an artificial being out of the body parts of ither sentient beings. "How's he coming?" asked Dr. John Gladstone, his faithful assistant, and Faulkner replied: "Remember, I only brought him to life a few weeks ago. We're teaching him...

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The Blue Terror

THE BLUE TERROR (Warning: contains rape, snuff, demonic cannibalism)I carried the unconscious girl down the last few stairs that led to my basement, glad that she was probably no more than 110lbs. I placed her on the makeshift altar I had built and took a moment to catch my breath. I had abducted her from a coffee stand after weeks of observation. Her name was Amber, and she was young and beautiful. I had only talked to her once, so I didn’t really know much about her. It was easier for me that...

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Talis Terror

TALI?S TERROR TALI?S TERROR Tali Rollerbladed for her life...she was damned fast, but not fast enough PING! One right on her tender, full buttocks. Tali tried to skate faster, but how much faster could it be with a psychotic driving behind you at five miles per hour, shooting your butt with air pellets? "Whee!" Heather squeezed the air rifle trigger and one more BB shot around the side of the convertible window, hitting Tali square on the ass, eliciting a squeal. Heather shot...

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Texas TerrorChapter 13 The Massacre

We arrived at the haven the next afternoon and were greeted by a joyous crowd of familiar faces. Everyone was glad to see us back. Jack invited us in with open arms and I took him aside and handed him twenty percent of the money we had taken from Steinman. He took it and whistled as he fanned it, estimating the bundle's value. "There must be near fifty grand here.", he said with a smile. "You know you don't have to do this." "I called you for help and you were there when I needed...

2 years ago
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Vacation In TerrorChapter 2

I felt the first stroking hand high on my leg just a few moments after I was tied up and left in this room. Voices were everywhere, crowds of people talking and laughing, disorienting me because of the blindfold that I was still forced to wear. I jumped and cringed away from the hand that caressed the silky skin of my thigh, bumping into someone else who was standing just behind me. Hands came down to my waist, forcing me to stand still. My head twisted back and forth, the gag in my mouth...

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Kate Mahoney Global War on TerrorChapter 2

Wednesday Evening Switching between homework and idle online chat, Kate received an email from the principal, Mr. Laffey. It gave the dates for the meetings of the Honor Code Committee along with her official appointment as one of the three student representatives. It said nothing about The Program. She wondered why the email did not come from the Assistant Principal instead. Later that night, a separate email arrived from the nurse and it carried a huge attachment that took eight minutes...

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There and BackChapter 154 Ritual Terror

Everyone tensed as a black line appeared in the air, and a long-legged, oddly proportioned black creature seemed to drag itself through a barely visible hole, one long limb reaching through first, followed by the rest. It was a ghastly sight – and certainly looked like no demon I’d seen in either game before coming to Thedas. The demon paused momentarily, staring at us with its eyeless face as if surprised; it looked from person to person, and each Warden it looked upon reacted in some...

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Black Monster Terror

BlackMonsterTerror! I’ll start by stating the obvious; everyone loves big cocks. Every dude I’ve met wants to pack a monster meat rod in their pants while many girls want them in their pussies. Those of you with tiny dicks might not think bigger is better, but I’m yet to meet a bitch that is down for being fucked by a 3-inch prick. How are you going to give her pleasure with that dud anyway? In any case, it is easier to claim that bigger isn't necessarily always better when you are not gifted...

Interracial Porn Sites
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London terror

Connie Chang-Norton stepped out of the shower and reached for the large terry cloth towel hanging on the rack. The Chinese beauty toweled the excess water from her short, black hair as the water droplets on her smooth, bown skin sparkled in the sunlight from the window. Slowly, almost sensually, she rubbed the towel over her firm, well shaped breasts and down across her flat, hard stomach. Placing one foot on the edge of the bathtub, she leaned over to dry her, shapely legs. Returning the towel...

Group Sex
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Terrorized Family Of Five

Terrorized Family Of Five Terrorized Family Of Fiveby Ynyn ([email protected]) *** A family of illegal immigrants is attacked by a group of vigilante border patrolmen. (M+/Fff, nc, rp, 1st, oral, anal, gb, mexican) *** In the Border States, illegal immigration is a big issue that divides communities. While many people protest to try to get politicians involved, others take aggressive action. There is the well-publicized group known as the minutemen, these citizens actively patrol...

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Nicole Dillon sat on the couch and sipped her beer. She didn't know many people at the party personally, and was feeling a little self-conscious. The music was loud and booming, and again she wondered to herself why she had come. But she knew the answer to that: Mike had asked her. It was his house, and he was one of the most popular guys in school -- a straight-A senior student, star football player, and handsome. He had come up to her in the hall at school and asked her to his party, right...

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Summer Sleepwalking Surprise

When Jesse finally arrived at Grandma's he was tired ... damn tired. He had been riding in the car in the summer heat all the way to the coast, then on a ferry, then on ANOTHER ferry, and then he finally arrived at Grandma's manufactured house on some crappy dumb island he didn't even remember the name of, it's that boring. While his Mom and Dad caught up with his Grandma and Grandpa in the living room, he took his suitcase to his usual bedroom, only to find the bed unmade and girl clothes...

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Sleepwalking Daddy

PART 1There it was again. That little thump. The sound of dad's feet getting out of bed. It had happened more and more often recently. Dammit. And I had just gotten all nice and cozy under the covers, too. Now I had to get up, go downstairs, make sure he didn't hurt himself ...I stood up and quickly put on my slippers and my bathrobe. Man, it was really not comfortable, getting out from under that warm duvet. With a big yawn, I made my way from my room down the hallway towards the stairs....

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Xmas terror part 1

This story is fictional and is part one He spun the revolver and pointed the barrel to his head, he pulled the trigger. Click the gun went showing that slot didn't have a bullet. "Another day to fight." He grabbed his badge and put it on his belt. He added 8 more bullets into his gun. He looked over his partner Jenny who was pulling up her belt and putting her badge on her belt. He grabbed the key to the police squad car. "I'm driving." Tony said. "That's fine by me but try not to kill...

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Terror in the Snowstorm Resolution

“Seth, do you believe in sudden love?” Tara asked. “What do you mean by sudden love?” “It’s the only way I can express it. What I feel for you can’t be called love at first sight, since I spent most of this past semester trying to ignore you because I didn’t think you were good enough for me. We grew up in completely different economic and social situations. My family is old-money rich, and my parents both earn enough money now to have this mansion, our staff, a yacht, and all the...

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Terror in the Snowstorm Aftermath

As we started through the deep snow on the lane leading from Zeke and Merle’s cabin to the hard road, I could see the fire rapidly growing inside the cabin, through the cracked rearview mirror of Zeke’s Jeep. I knew that poor, murdered Merle’s body was being cremated, and that his brother, Zeke, was being roasted alive. The horror of the entire situation, Zeke’s attempted rape of Tara, his brutal murder of his brother Merle (who Zeke had called Ox, to make fun of his immense size and...

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Terror in the Snowstorm Ch 03

A further chapter in the story of the unlikely relationship between the beautiful blond heiress, Tara Hawthorne, and me, Seth Johnson, a poor kid from the wrong side of the tracks, during Christmas break in our sophomore year in college. At the time, Tara was nineteen, and I was twenty. You will have to read the first two parts of this story to understand this one. Warning: As is usually the case with my stories, this one is pretty long. ____________________ After I had gone soft in Tara’s...

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Tales of Terror 3

Tales of Terror 3 by: Paul G Jutras [email protected] Dennis The Explorer Gathering his stuff in his back pack, Denis headed out of his house and began to hike off into the woods. He took a sip of his bottle water and headed toward a fork in the road. From the time he was small to after he graduated from collage he loved to hike through the woods during his free time. Since moving to a new neighborhood, he couldn't wait until he could check out the new set of woods...

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Tales of Terror 6

Tales of Terror 6 By Paul G Jutras Lois The Snow Woman It was a snowing December 19th and ace reporter Lois Lane was trudging through the snow toward the Daily Planet. All the roads were closed and she couldn't get a taxi to work. Unlucky for her that is. Passing the jewelry store, the front window shattered and The Sorceress flew out with a sack of gems. At the same moment, Superman came fly out of the sky and like a red and blue rocket. "Not so fast!" "I don't...

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Tales of Terror 8

Tales of Terror 8 By Paul G Jutras THE MISSION It was way past midnight when secret agent Alex Gallery and his girlfriend Goldie arrived back at his apartment. They had just begun to undress one another when Alex's hot line phone rang. "This is Agent Gallery speaking." Alex said as he picked up the phone. It was The Chief, of course. "The Buzzard is reported to be spending his nights at the 57th Bordello.." The Buzzard was a gangster, a particularly sleazy one. He was...

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Tales of Terror 9

Tales of Terror 9 By Paul G. Jutras Ranma 1/2: NIGHTMARE OF HAPPOSI ST. 2 It was a warm summer day at the Tendo dojo. Mr. Saotome and Mr. Tendo were busy in their usual game of GO and Kasumi was busy cooking lunch in the kitchen. The rest of the group was just glad not to be in their hot school classes on such a nice day. "Greetings again Happosi." The dream fairy said as she appeared before the wrinkled midget of a master in his martial arts robes. "I have come once again...

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Twisted Terror

Twisted Terror by Paul G. Jutras High over the jungle did the small plane go. Inside, Mark Green looked worried as he rechecked his map and thought back to the madman dressed as a witch doctor who had been on the morning news. The scientist was a long arch foe of his secret agent dad. Since both his parents died in their last undercover mission they couldn't be traded for the hostages. "Hope he'll take me instead," Mark said to himself as he thought about the home he was staying...

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Andersonville 29 Terror from the sky

Fade in -- North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Cheyenne Mountain Command Center General Grim walked swiftly down the carpeted hallway flanked by two high-ranking Colonels who served as his aides. His mood matched his name. Anyone who dared wake him in the middle of the night had better have a good reason, and this one certainly fit the bill. Over the past two days his facility had tracked an object just beyond the orbit of Neptune. Normally it would've been...

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Tinas Terror

Tina's Terror By Timid Tina Tina lay helpless on the bed, not daring to move. The ropes surrounding her body were knotted tightly and cruelly; any movement on Tina's part caused them to tighten more, especially the rope pulling against her crotch. The extra knot lay directly over the spot in her panties that led to unknown pleasures. Unknown to her captor, that is, because the pleasure in Tina's panties was really her penis. *** Chris had...

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Tinas Terror Part II

Tina's Terror, Part II By Timid Tina Tina was in deep trouble. Not only was she at the mercy of the two intruders in her apartment, they had found out her major secret - that she was really a man. Chris moaned softly into the gag that filled his mouth, soaking up all the saliva he produced. The realistic dildo pushed at Tina's vaginal opening, but rubbed up against Chris' cock nestled underneath. There was no escape. *** Tina laid on the bed where Jack had left her, in...

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Cupid Boy and the Tenticular Terror

Author's note: This is set in the 'Exotix Bar' universe and features characters from the stories 'An American Were-Hypnotist in London', 'Supernatural Erotic Xenomorphs' and 'Cupid Boy'. Don't worry though it is a stand alone story. Special thanks to 'Putrescent Stench' for use of some characters. Cupid Boy 2: Cupid Boy and Tenticular Terror The Exotix Bar, (located in a small parasite dimension illegally attached to reality by questionable methods...) It's Monday morning, and...

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Angel S1 E15 Season One Finale The Hero and the Terror Part I

Angel S:1 E:15 Season One Finale "The Hero and the Terror Part I" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover Reid slowly opened his eyes and looked around his environment. A constant throbbing in his leg and ringing ears quickly brought him back to reality and reminded him where he was. He tried to move his left hand but quickly found it was handcuffed to something that was tugging back. There was a faint sound of a voice. He turned...

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Nightmare in Terror

NIGHTMARE IN TERROR by Spanky de Bautumn Cody Daniels was only trying to help her country; she never dreamed things would come to this. She was patriotic and felt compelled to do whatever asked of her to aid in the capture of the terrorist known only as "Roberto". But lying in his bed, bound and gagged, Cody wondered why she let herself go this far in the Bureau's plan to nab the world's most wanted and hated...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt18

Chapter 20 Marcy had a wonderful night's sleep while she didn't realise it, the only reason she had a quiet night was because Lisa had demanded it. What he also didn't realise was that while he was sleeping peacefully John was setting up a website, turning him into a real pornstar. Once it was online John hoped he would make a good amount of money off his sissy neighbour. Money he could spent on further sissifying Marcy as per Lisa's requirement. Not that he minded. Today he would get...

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Little House Full of Terror

Little House Full of TerrorI had been living outside Walnut Grove for around a year.  I had found it so easy to fulfill my lusts with young girls in places on the frontier.  Heck, people disappeared all of the time out here.  A girl or so wouldn’t cause me that big of a problem before I left again.  I really had my eye on a pair I had noticed on their farm on my trips into town.  I learned their names were Mary and Laura Wilder.  Mary looked to be about 15, Laura, 13.  They were cuter than...

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Twin terror for the Olsen girls

Twin Terror for the Olsen GirlsI decided after my success with Hannah Montana and her friend to try to get a job as a limo driver.  I thought since I had a good record, maybe I could get close to some of those babes on TV.  Then I got the job of a lifetime.  It was to drive Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen around for a few days.  They had become famous already at 13, first with Full House, and then videos.  I had watched most of their videos just to admire their budding young bodies.  I gave it a...

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