Galaxy Of Terror X-Rated Cut free porn video

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A starship had crash-landed amidst what must have been the scene of a large battle. In the distance, a towering pyramid raised by alien hands stood as a silent and enigmatic sentinel.

The mangled, ruptured hulks of the other craft surrounded the newly-trapped vessel, which was unable to call for help. A six-man team had been dispatched to search inside the distant alien structure.


Dameia was part of the squad exploring inside, the shoulder-mounted lights of her backpack shining through her long, curly blonde hair as she trailed behind the others. Her striking blue eyes kept darting between each of the other three members before her, as they maintained a distance from her greater than was strictly necessary.

Their fifth had been left at the entrance to keep watch. No one questioned that the hulking warrior Quuhod could hold his own, though he had been badly shaken by the loss of his crystal throwing weapons.

Yet that had not been the only loss inflicted by this horrible place. Dameia had witnessed for herself the death of their commander Ilvar, and now the brash Cabren had taken charge of their team.

The corridors of this structure made no sense, twisting and turning unevenly as if it had been designed by a madman. Eventually, they had wandered into a small room with pillars of crystal pulsing with a dim green light that bathed the team in their strange glow.

Alluma, their empath, was clinging to Cabren’s arm like a frightened child, her head resting on his shoulder. Dameia sorely missed the same intimacy she had with the commander and had even considered the final member of their team, Balon, as a source of companionship in this dark place.

However, she quickly dismissed such a notion, Balon despised her and was not shy to show it. He was a short man of slight build with close-cropped brown hair and was looking about the place with visible unease in contrast to Cabren’s calm, almost casual demeanor.

In fact, the squad leader seemed almost too cool and collected, looking over the glowing pillars in a manner that was almost bored. Though, even Dameia had to admit Cabren was quite handsome, with his roguishly-styled wavy shoulder length black hair and a thick mustache atop his upper lip.

With his rifle slung over one shoulder and Alluma gripped firmly by the hip he gave off the air the classic dashing hero. But then when he looked to Dameia for just a moment his smile turned sour and he looked away, continuing on towards the next corridor.

Since Ilvar had perished it had seemed they all shared this animosity towards her, leaving her in a depressed isolation.

“W-what are we even doing in this place?” Dameia asked timidly, just to break the bleak silence.

“Did you not see all those ships outside, Dameia? There has to be a reason for it, and why this structure was at the center of it all,” Alluma responded, yet the empath’s tone seemed almost scolding.

“What I want to know is why you are even here?” Balon chimed in with a sneer directed at Damiea.

“I just want to help!” Damiea snapped back.

“Oh, like you helped the Commander? Yeah... No thanks,” Balon scoffed.

“It wasn't my fault, there was nothing I could do! S-something was in the vent with him!” Dameia desperately tried to explain.

“That's enough!” Cabren shouted, finally reaching his limit.

They all went silent, Dameia’s chin quivered as she tried to swallow down the lump in her throat and blink away the tears welling in the corners of her eyes.

“Dameia, go join Quuhod on rear guard, you’re no help here,” Cabren snapped, voice as cold as deep-space frost.

“Bu-” Dameia tried to speak out, but one hard glare from the team leader made her reconsider.

She turned away before they could see the tears beginning to trickle down her cheeks and started the long walk back down those dark tunnels alone.


Even though Dameia was truly alone in the winding corridors, she couldn't shake this unsettling feeling that she was being watched. She was careful to follow the markers they had left on the walls to guide themselves through this maze of passages.

They had always disliked her because she was so close to the commander and she knew they believed that the only reason why she was even on this mission was that she and the commander had been so close. That was why she had left the ship the first place, to try and prove that she was more than just the slut in a uniform they had made her out to be.

But now Ilvar was gone, and she could still hear how he had screamed before the rope had been ripped from her hands. The feeling of such failure crushed her chest with sorrow and stopped to lean against the wall and openly sob in her private moment of grief.

She had slumped into and squat and cry until there were no tears left for her to shed for the man and this awful situation she was in. She wiped away the wet streaks on her cheeks and composed herself before resuming her trek.

She still had a job to do.


Dameia was elated when she recognized the final bend that led to the entrance they had found. Only that moment of relief was crudely dashed when she saw Quuhod face down on the ground in a pool of his own blood, one of his arms abruptly terminating in a ragged stump.

A bolt of terror passed through her body with a feeling like her blood turning to ice, she froze for a moment in pure shock at such a horrid sight. Jolting back into action she scanned the large room quickly before lunging forward and picking up the laser rifle dropped on the ground not far from where she stood.

She quickly checked to make sure the weapon was charged and saw that not a single shot had been fired. Whatever had killed this skilled man did so without him ever being able to retaliate.

When she stepped in closer her face twisted into an ugly grimace as she saw that his arm had been cut clean off. His crystal blades had been shattered and scattered all around his corpse, proving that whatever had killed him must have been incredibly powerful.

She stepped away from the body, but then the heel of her boot thumped against something on the ground, heavy yet yielding. With a quick turn, she saw Quuhod's missing arm lying on the ground, the blood-smeared flesh crawling with maggots.

They were all over the exposed flesh, chewing into the putrid meat and squirming around beneath the hairy skin it, the most disgusting things she never wanted to see on this planet. Fumbling with the rifle Dameia blasted wildly at them in a nauseated panic, gagging with disgust as she did her utmost to remove them from her sight.

At once arm started to smoke, the hairs shriveling and the maggots writhing in agony as the invisible beam played back and forth across them and their home. Flames covered the limb, the rotten flesh, and the occupants therein quickly charring and crumbling away until nothing was left but a heap of ash and scorched bone.

Still trembling with horror, Dameia turned and ran out the opening and onto the high precipice of the pyramid.


The view was black as pitch all around with only the lights of their downed ship in the far distance. Dameia pulled out her radio and urgently spoke into it, fearing there was a murderous survivor of whatever battle had strewn the planet with wrecked starships now lurking in the pyramid.

Yet there was no response, no matter how many times she attempted to hail the ship. Her calls became more and more desperate as they were only met with static. She even resorted to trying to hail the others in the alien structure to try and warn them, but those too either went ignored or failed to reach deep enough into the pyramid.

At the end of her tether, in a single moment of blind frustration, she pitched the radio off the edge and watched as it vanished into the blackness below.

There were only two options she could see, return to the ship where there was some measure of safety, or go back inside and watch the backs of the people that hated her so much.

Her face hardened and she took in a deep breath to steady her nerves, before turning and walking back inside with rifle in hand.


This place had already been unsettling to walk through when Dameia thought it was abandoned. Knowing there could be a murderous alien or maybe a crazed survivor lurking in the unpredictably laid-out hallways made every step a monumental challenge.

Yet she continued taking those steps even as her heart pummeled in her chest. At every corner, she leveled her laser rifle at the opening and shone the shoulder mounted lights of her backpack down the corridor.

After a while of looking over her shoulder all the time and coming up with nothing the stress of being on such high alert rapidly took its toll. She stole a moment to sigh and catch her breath, letting the weapon hang by the handle with the muzzle nearly touching the floor as it swayed in her loose grip.

It was in that moment she had perceived a presence behind her, the hairs sprung up along the nape of her neck. She reacted on pure impulse and turned around to face this unknown threat, her eyes bulging in horror at what she saw.

The light from her backpack illuminated a glistening wall of purple flesh and from it, twin horizontal rows of thick red tendrils thrashed excitedly in the air. This massive maggot was reared up before her with circular maw lined with flesh-rending black hooks, gaping and openly drooling for her with an alien intent.

She bellowed out a scream of terror and tried to lift her weapon with shock-frozen limbs to fire at it. One of those crimson ropes of hard segmented muscle acted quicker and lashed the rifle out of her hands, snapping the weapon in two and leaving her defenseless.

Scared stiff, Dameia could only watch helplessly as dozens of those crimson ropes of flesh lunged for her attacking her lithe figure with each one having its own objective. Even without her weapon, she battled against the strong tendrils, striking out with her arms and trying to kick her legs free from their clutches.

Dameia could feel them everywhere, grabbing at her legs and waist, sliding under her shirt and into her pants and swiping over her face and lips. It was reeling her in, forcing her against its bloated mass, the putrid reek of rotting flesh filling her nostrils.

The maggot began to produce disturbingly loud sucking and gurgling sounds, giving her the distinct impression that it was excited to touch her, extruding thick slime from its body with greater fervor. The foul substance was smeared all over her body until her clothes were heavy with it. More splattered her face, some getting into her mouth as she screamed and gasped for breath, carrying such a potent flavor that it made her gag and sputter with disgust.

It seemed to be focused on her voluptuous figure and left her hands free to beat against its body until the palms ached and her muscles burned. Yet that didn't stop it from tearing off her backpack and stripping her coat away with violent tugs of its many limbs, exposing her to the other exploring tendrils.

She was left in just her white tank top and brown cargo pants, the material of her top looked as though it had been glued to her busty frame by the ooze saturating it. It was clear then she wore no bra over those perky tits, her chubby pink nipples tenting the nearly transparent fabric.

Her arms were bound by tentacles, and she desperately pulled at them with a panicked whimper. When she managed to slip loose, all the strength she had been using to free them suddenly became a backward momentum. She was staggering backward and her boots slipped in the slime.

Dameia grunted as her round ass hit the floor, her face contorted into a wince before dropping into a wide-eyed gaze seeing the maggot looming over her. It was in that brief moment she caught a glimpse of the tall spire of red flesh jutting from the center of its body.

The maggots cock was exotic with the head knobby and bloated, the widely flared crown was ringed with scaly warts. The shaft following it was a misshapen length, studded with short fleshy nodes and thick veins wider than her fingers

Dameia's eyes went wide and she sucked in a terrified gasp when the creature’s vile desires for her became so painfully clear at that moment. With a wail of denial, its body had smothered her and she renewed her frenzied strikes on its body even as those tendrils pushed under her shirt and into the hem of her pants.

The maggot was pulling apart her clothing like it was unwrapping a present, exposing the generous curves of her knockout figure that every man yearned for. The entirety of her nude figure was covered in thick slime by now, giving her exposed creamy skin a glossy sheen in the light of her discarded backpack.

Her large breasts wobbled as she struggled, their nipples stiff points from the cooling goo, the way they danced had this perverted thing reaching out to them. Her arms and kept her legs tightly closed to prevent this vile creature from violating her further.

There was just too much of her mountainous breasts to protect with her hands and could only watch helplessly as those dexterous limbs pushed past her arms to get at her rack. Those ropes of hard segmented muscle ground against her plush tit flesh, shocking her with electric tingles of pleasure.

She whimpered watching those segmented limbs coiling up her globes to give them this achingly hard squeeze. Again and again, they crushed them like a pair of pythons, her plush flesh bulged between the crimson loops of hard muscle. With a bite of her bottom lip, she attempted to stave off the shocks of pleasure as those slender tips crudely smacked at her sensitive nipples.

When those tentacles wormed between her silken inner thighs, she clenched them tight to prevent this maggot from ravishing her any further. It was a futile effort and bit by bit her quivering legs were being spread open, exposing her pouted seam to it.

The words she had so often heard spoken behind her back came roaring back into her thoughts then, that her only use on the ship was in giving pleasure to her superior. There she was in that alien monolith, trapped under a terrifying monstrosity, its limbs forcibly exploring the most intimate parts of her.

Dameia sobbed while straining against the bondage of those strong tendrils, helpless as it kneaded her tits and gouged slender tips of muscle against her sensitive nipples. A tangle of red tendrils had crowded between her legs, lashing at her tender slit and playing over the wrinkles of the divot of her asshole.

She was being assaulted with waves of unwanted pleasure and she screamed out against it. As much as she attempted to refuse it, her arousal was only rising when those thick and powerful limbs violated her from both ends.

Her eyes snapped tightly shut, lips twisted into a grimace, trying to bite back the urge to moan feeling those tentacles playing inside her. So focused was she in resisting this stimulation that she missed this imposing phallus being lowered between her quaking thighs.

Then the tentacles slashing about in her twitching pussy retreaded, but only so she could feel the kiss of this scorching hot dick pressed against the pouting seam. This sudden contact made her stiffen, her eyes shot open when the horny bug was shoving so eagerly against the satin softness of her slit.

Her head lifted off the ground with urgency to look past her chest to see this impossibly sized organ poised right against her sex. Her mouth gaped and this pitiful whimper spilled out before this alien cock suddenly shoved forward.

A sudden pressure burst between her legs, Dameia's head rocked back from the blow against her puffy pussy lips. Again and again, the maggot attacked her tight seam, her frantic cries were being stuttered by those crude lunges, but its cock was struggling to smoothly bust inside.

Over and over the maggot ruthlessly humped at her, slowly spreading the mouth of pussy open until those meaty lips began to swallow such a bulbous cockhead. With a terribly loud squelch, this stopper of rock stiff flesh was crudely rammed inside.

Her head reeled back even further and thumped off the stone floor, her mouth parted wide with the intent to scream. The only noise that had come forth was a startled gasp when the pain she had anticipated never came.

There were only harsh surges of discomfort to be felt in a rapid-fire when it felt like this huge organ was stuck at the entrance of her pussy. What distressed her most was those wild aftershocks of pleasure that followed behind every savage push. She whimpered and tossed her head from side to side, humiliated and even frightened to feel anything stimulating while trapped under this beast.

Dameia was drinking in the sight of this disgusting organ being worked so vigorously into her pussy, her vibrant blue eyes wide in shock and horror. Her desperate cries of denial were unable to drown out the profane wet noises as it plundered her sex, forced to hear how wet she had already become for this revolting creature.

She needed to hate what this invertebrate was doing to her and tensed up against the hard dick pumping into her tender slot. However, this did not give her the pain she craved to feel, instead, it had this monster gurgling and grunting with an unmistakable delight as it humped powerfully against the resistance of her passage.

The assault of this alien dick and how it was stuffing more thrashing tendrils past the muscled noose of her asshole was unraveling her. Those terrified cries were giving way to something huskier, tainted with this hint of desire behind them.

She had lost all control of her urges, her back arched as the first moans of lust spilled forth, her passage eagerly pulsating around the cock pumping inside. The maggot was beating her pussy up with its fat stopper, the crown harshly scraped at her velvet walls, those fleshy nubs sawing against her swollen cunt lips.

At that moment she knew they had all been right about her, she was nothing more than a depraved slut, but she no longer cared.

Dameia gave in then and her legs relaxed in the iron grip of the tendrils, but her eyes were tightly scrunched shut against the freak mounted over top her and focused on only this intense pleasure surging from deep in her core. The maggot was quick to take full advantage of her surrender and shoved her toned thighs back towards her body.

The beast spread her wide into a compromising mating press, all so it could better force its throbbing flesh into her supple sleeve. She was compressed under it, her hips lifted high to receive those greedy thrusts it took at her, stuttering her moans as her body jolted under its undulating mass.

That thick cock and the nubs of flesh that studded it had fucked her to climax in only a handful of thrusts once she accepted her role as its sex toy. Her legs shuddered and her toes curled into tight balls in her boots, frantically gasping as her passage spasmed over its pumping girth.

Yet as she was being overwhelmed by this orgasmic euphoria, the maggot was mercilessly fucking its cock so much deeper into her gushing pussy. Her eyes fluttered while obscene sloppy sounds erupted from between her legs, blissfully oblivious to how her flat stomach was being pushed out to take such a massive organ.

Groans of dismay were being fucked past Dameia's pouty lips when the maggot began to reshape her fuck hole to take far too much inside. She rocked her head from side to side when the harsh surges of discomfort finally registered in her sex-addled mind, it was taking it too far.

Dameia wanted to beg it to stop, but she just couldn't seem to find the words when those mighty fuck strokes shocked her system. When her passage had nothing left to give, it was forced to offer up the puckered ring of her cervix and this horny invertebrate seemed overjoyed to beat at it with its bloated cockhead.

She had finally been gifted the pain she had once sought out from this maggot violating her, grunting and whimpering as it bore down against such a sensitive barrier. It was not to be denied and her cervix gave way with a shudder, the bulbous head surged into her squishy chamber.

Dameia’s mouth hung open in surprise, her vibrant eyes bulging in their sockets in a sudden moment of clarity, this freak had broken her pussy with its inhuman desire. Yet all she could do then was hyperventilate as her womb groaned and sloshed loudly when the huge alien dick plundered it again and again with long strokes.of its dick.

All focus had been fucked from her eyes, the lids sagged heavily over them, her mouth hung slack with a scream suddenly forgotten. For Dameia this maggot’s womb wrecker might as well been smashing right into her grey matter as it was slowly fucking all sense out of her.

The halls echoed with the grotesque sounds of the invertebrate fucking the woman trapped under it, yet the only vocalization was its pleasured gurgles and snarls. Only her arms and legs were visible around the creature, spasming with every buck of its bloated mass.

This blonde beauty had her head twisted to the side, her tongue hanging from her mouth, gurgling and gasping from such ruinous thrusts. Her limp body was rocking against the cold floor, those huge tits swaying in broad rotations until the slime slathered globes wetly smacked off one another to the tempo of the maggot’s fuck strokes.

The stiff nubs on the beast’s cock ground into her plush pussy lips until they were swollen and red, the pink meat of her fuck tunnel being tugged past them, clinging to those fleshy protrusions. Just below that brutal fusion, a half dozen tendrils had burrowed between the round cheeks of her back end and had caved in her puckered asshole to choke her bowels with thrashing muscle.

This mentally devastated woman was trapped in this peaked state, cumming explosively from the ruthless use of her slackened holes. She moaned senselessly and her pussy quivered with weakened contractions around his girth with a need to be filled, the maggot was elated to oblige.

It hissed with delight as it released inside her with a raw power that could be heard externally and every flex of its dick made her go stiff in response. A thick brownish yellow slop surged from its tip with the consistency of wet cement and so hot it scorched her insides raw. There was so much pouring from the verile grub, her womb was ballooning to take it all until her midsection was slowly swelling up.

Her eyes rolled back completely white as her mind truly came apart when the maggot used her for a cum dumpster. Every potent shot inside her made her midsection shudder and grow a little more round until she looked into an early term pregnancy.

Her fertile chamber was polluted with its foul load, fit to burst with the stuff when it finally stopped and ripped its cock from her used up cunt with a wet pop. She was left sprawled out in a pool of slime, her stomach swollen and flushed pink from such a rapid expansion.

Dameia's once perfect seam of a pussy had been stretched out into this gaping void, the walls fucked red and raw. Then the steaming hot brown muck it had pumped into her flooded into her still winking cavern to erupt in a thick burbling mess of a queef.


When the others discovered Damia, the men froze in shock and Alluma buried her face into Cabren’s chest with a stared gasp.

Damiea’s stomach was swollen taut and bright crimson, the veins bulging under her paper-thin flesh. The round sphere that was her midsection was bulging and twisting with what looked like countless serpents infested the catatonic woman, their alien mouths trying to bite through her belly from the inside.

All their faces were twisted into an ugly grimace at those grotesque churning and gurgling sounds coming from her, yet none had made a move to help. Damiea was moaning, her hips writhing in the air, the lips of her pussy flexing in a show that she was indeed cumming as those things battered at her stomach.

It was then her bruised pussy lips bulged as something pushed at them from underneath until finally, they gaped wide to the bloated maggot that had burrowed through her birth canal. The purple-hued grub was slathered in pink afterbirth, its toothy maw snapping at the air and dozens of tiny red tendrils slashed from its underbelly.

It was then Balon had stepped forward as this freak pushed further from her ruined sex and aimed his laser rifle at her prone figure.

“Fucking slut.” He muttered in disdain.

Then he squeezed the trigger.


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Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 16

True Story, Anal, Black, Consensual Sex, Cuckold, Cum Swallowing, Exhibitionism, Gay, Group Sex, Mind Control, Oral Sex Author's infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Introduction: continuing story about Greg and his wife Sandra Now Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 16. Previously in Chapter 15 We finished eating and went upstairs to get ready to go to the game. For some reason I felt sticky as well as stinky. I was surprised after I showered Sandra wanted...

2 years ago
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Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 3 ReIssued

Introduction: Coninuing adventures of Greg Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 3 Re-Issued by gregorthegrant True Story, Cheating Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Now Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 3 Re-Issued. Introduction: This is a dream I had after my sons took my wife. I wondered what Sandy and the boys were doing right now. Probably walking around town. Yeah I thought. Probably looking around for men for Sandy to fuck around with. I wondered if she did find men...

4 years ago
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Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 12 ReIssued

Introduction: continuing story about Geg and his wife Sandra Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 12 is now being called Part 12 xnxx-Revised. by gregorthegrant True Story, Anal, Ass to mouth, Authoritarian, Bestiality, Bi-sexual, Black, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cuckold, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Extreme, Gay, Group Sex, Humiliation, Interracial, Male Domination, Males / Female, massage, Oral Sex, Prostitution, Wife Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A ...

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Family Beach Party Turned X Rated ReIssued Part 4

Introduction: continuing story about Geg and his wife Sandra Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 4 Re-Issued by gregorthegrant True Story, Cheating, Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Report Introduction: Continuing story. Please read Parts 1,2 and 3 first. Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 4 Re-Issued. The real sexual part gets started about half way. I like to have the intro to lead to the sex because thats what happened. I just want to remind you about Part 1...

1 year ago
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Family Beach Party Turns X Rated ReIssued

Introduction: Beginning of family adventures Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Re-Isssued by gregorthegrant True Story, Cheating Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Posted Fri 3rd of February 2012 Message: I have listened to all the remarks. I now have an editorial adviser. He is gently editing my stories for gross spelling and sentence structure. I hope that this adds to your reading pleasure. All persons in this story are at least 18 years old. Family Beach Party Turns X...

3 years ago
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Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 11 ReIssued

Introduction: Further dreams of Gregs Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 11 xnxx is now being re-issued as Part 11-Revised. by gregorthegrant True Story, Anal, Ass to mouth, Authoritarian, Bi-sexual, Black, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cuckold, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Extreme, Gay, Group Sex, Humiliation, Interracial, Male Domination, Males / Female, massage, Oral Sex, Prostitution, Wife Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Report: Now Family Beach...

2 years ago
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Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 13 ReIssued

Introduction: continuing story about Geg and his wife Sandra Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 13 is now being called Part 13 xnxx -Revised. by gregorthegrant True Story, Anal, Ass to mouth, Authoritarian, Bestiality, Bi-sexual, Black, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cuckold, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Extreme, Gay, Group Sex, Humiliation, Interracial, Male Domination, Males / Female, massage, Oral Sex, Prostitution, Wife Bestiality Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A...

4 years ago
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House of Tantric Terror

The MagiFunFair, the long awaited event that only happened once a year had finally arrived in Ponyville. There were games as far as the eye could see with dozens of prizes to be won. Everyone from Ponyville was there, including of course, the Mane 6. There was no way they were going to miss out on the big day.Unsurprisingly, Twilight Sparkle had come up with the perfect plan to enjoy all the games and rides without missing out on anything. Along the way, the Mane 6 managed to bump into a...

2 years ago
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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt1

(Hello everyone, this is going to be a multiple part story dealing with themes of non-consent, blackmail and extreme sissification. This is not a story for the faint of heart so please be warned. If you are interested in non-TG related stories of mine I advise you to check out either my DeviantArt profile or my Literotica profile both under the username Fibaro. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy my story and if you do comments and feedback are highly appreciated. Keep in mind that English is...

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Prom Night Terror

 PROM NIGHT TERRORByYnyn Mary was very excited about prom night. She was going with her boyfriend Sean; the two had been going out for 2 years, since the start of junior year. And now, at the pinnacle event of their final year of high school, they were going to have their first night together. Mary had planned out this night for months, her mom was going to be out late with her friends from work and the house would be empty. She had told her mother that she was going to stay the night...

1 year ago
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The Terror Out of Space a Rae Arizona Adventure

The twin suns of Arcturus II shone down from a cloudless sky on the endless vista of the Emerald Sea. Rae Arizona and her cousin Jan floated in the rippling water, enjoying the warmth on their naked bodies. They seldom wore clothing except when on a mission, preferring to be one with nature and it's wonders. Sith, their feline humanoid partner, was off hunting in the Forbidden Mountains while Pallas and Daisy, their cybernetic companions, played a game of 3-D Escher chess in the beach house...

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The weekend with Robert The bell rang as Donna was busy cleaning up the house. Two weeks of neglect had made it very messy indeed, and her daughters hadn?t helped either. Old pizza was everywhere she found out, and the dust...She opened the door, wondering who it could be. ?Hello Cutty.? Ninon walked inside. She looked at Donna with disgust. ?That?s not the way you planned to see Robert, is it???Of course not, I?m cleaning up the house.? She answered annoyed ?What are you doing here Ninon, you...

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Stinkerface and the Tot of Terror

Once upon a time in a small town named Washington there lived two darling little girls. Their names were Rachel and Erica but they were mostly known as Stinkerface and the Tot of Terror or T.O.T. They lived with their mommy and daddy in a big, smelly apartment that was dark all day and night. The apartment was noisy, too, as it faced a large highway that big trucks and cars drove up and down all day long. Although the girls were awfully cute, they were also awfully bad. They never listened and...

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Fighting Terrorism Finding Love

There are no explicit descriptions of sex in this story. The computer devices and technology described are purely a product of my imagination. Although, to paraphrase what someone once said . . . . . ‘Yesterday’s science fiction is today’s reality’. So who can really say that they don’t already exist . . . somewhere. ‘The Agency’ is fictional but perhaps it isn’t. Who really knows what goes on hidden away from the eyes of the American public. Hopefully, the gremlins that attacked my last...

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Fighting Terrorism Finding Love Sequel

In response to several readers who wanted me to provide more details regarding the romance between Rick and Erika I’ve written this sequel. While it could be a stand alone story I strongly recommend that you read ‘Fighting Terrorism – Finding Love’ first. I hope you enjoy reading the sequel as much I did in writing it. I, also, wish to thank Blunajana for her help in correcting some of my German terms and translations. I hope they have all been addressed in this sequel. Thanks for reading...

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Terror in the Closet

The night the dresser spit the drawers out, spewing socks and underwear all over my darkened bedroom was enough to scare the beejezus from me. But it was the following night that I came totally unglued. ‘Careful Robert,’ Mrs. Bellman had warned me, wagging an aged digit at my face while snatching the first month’s rent from my open palm. ‘Things have been known to happen here…’ punctuating the word happen as if it were some sort of secret that she wasn’t supposed to let on. Taking the...

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Suggestible Sleep Terror Surprise

--- Suggestible Sleep Terror Surprise (MF, caution, mc, oral, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Author's notes: Yes, I know that hypnotism can't force someone to do something they really don't want to do. I'm taking artistic license here. Also, Guy's name rhymes with 'eye', not 'bee'. --- Guy woke up to pain shooting through his outer thigh. "Agh! What the FUCK?!" he yelled. He felt his wife Trish thrashing in the bed beside him. "Nnn! Mnuhh!" she...

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Terror in the Snowstorm Ch 02

I wrote this story and originally submitted it to another site. I have made a few slight revisions to the story before posting it here. Enjoy! Author’s note: If you’re into wham-bam-thank-you-mam stories, this isn’t one of them. It’s an extremely long story, and you should really read my ‘Terror in the Snowstorm — Part 1’ story first to learn how the characters got to this point. Thank you for your indulgence. Comments are welcome, constructive criticisms will be much appreciated. * As we...

4 years ago
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Season of Terror

Season of Terror By Tigger Copyright 2002 All Right Reserved Introduction: A Moment of Crisis Her lips set into a fine, hard line against the emotion burning in her throat, Victoria Denato started to stride out of her pastel-and-chintz-decorated bedroom only to catch herself at the last moment. If her plan was to have any chance of success, she had to have Jane Thompson's full cooperation - and she was absolutely certain that cooperation would not be forthcoming if she failed to...

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Angel S1 E16 Season One Finale The Hero and the Terror Part II

Angel S:1 E:16 Season One Finale "The Hero and the Terror Part II" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover --- Acknowledgments Back in August of 2013, I began writing my first ideas that had been occupying my mind for years. Looking back to that night, seated in front of my computer when I began typing "Angel's" first couple words, I never thought it would become something to so many people. After several revisions I finally reached...

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My Night Terror Life

My Night Terror Life Story Description: This story described a forced physical transformation as well as forced sex. The final Chapter (8) also contains bestiality so if not interested in that, please skip from Chapter 7 to the Conclusion! Introduction: I've finally been given more (albeit still limited) freedom, so I'm taking this time to try and document what's happened to me; what's still happening to me. Hopefully I can keep my writing hidden from my holders. My life can only...

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Poppy ll The Land of Terror

POPPY II: THE LAND OF TERROR, OR THE STORY OF THE ARTIFICIAL BEING BASIL © 2002, 2020 by Anthony Durrant It was a warm day at Dr. William Faulkner's home, where he was having a little party to celebrate his greatest achievement: the creation of an artificial being out of the body parts of ither sentient beings. "How's he coming?" asked Dr. John Gladstone, his faithful assistant, and Faulkner replied: "Remember, I only brought him to life a few weeks ago. We're teaching him...

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The Blue Terror

THE BLUE TERROR (Warning: contains rape, snuff, demonic cannibalism)I carried the unconscious girl down the last few stairs that led to my basement, glad that she was probably no more than 110lbs. I placed her on the makeshift altar I had built and took a moment to catch my breath. I had abducted her from a coffee stand after weeks of observation. Her name was Amber, and she was young and beautiful. I had only talked to her once, so I didn’t really know much about her. It was easier for me that...

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Talis Terror

TALI?S TERROR TALI?S TERROR Tali Rollerbladed for her life...she was damned fast, but not fast enough PING! One right on her tender, full buttocks. Tali tried to skate faster, but how much faster could it be with a psychotic driving behind you at five miles per hour, shooting your butt with air pellets? "Whee!" Heather squeezed the air rifle trigger and one more BB shot around the side of the convertible window, hitting Tali square on the ass, eliciting a squeal. Heather shot...

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Texas TerrorChapter 13 The Massacre

We arrived at the haven the next afternoon and were greeted by a joyous crowd of familiar faces. Everyone was glad to see us back. Jack invited us in with open arms and I took him aside and handed him twenty percent of the money we had taken from Steinman. He took it and whistled as he fanned it, estimating the bundle's value. "There must be near fifty grand here.", he said with a smile. "You know you don't have to do this." "I called you for help and you were there when I needed...

2 years ago
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Vacation In TerrorChapter 2

I felt the first stroking hand high on my leg just a few moments after I was tied up and left in this room. Voices were everywhere, crowds of people talking and laughing, disorienting me because of the blindfold that I was still forced to wear. I jumped and cringed away from the hand that caressed the silky skin of my thigh, bumping into someone else who was standing just behind me. Hands came down to my waist, forcing me to stand still. My head twisted back and forth, the gag in my mouth...

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Kate Mahoney Global War on TerrorChapter 2

Wednesday Evening Switching between homework and idle online chat, Kate received an email from the principal, Mr. Laffey. It gave the dates for the meetings of the Honor Code Committee along with her official appointment as one of the three student representatives. It said nothing about The Program. She wondered why the email did not come from the Assistant Principal instead. Later that night, a separate email arrived from the nurse and it carried a huge attachment that took eight minutes...

1 year ago
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There and BackChapter 154 Ritual Terror

Everyone tensed as a black line appeared in the air, and a long-legged, oddly proportioned black creature seemed to drag itself through a barely visible hole, one long limb reaching through first, followed by the rest. It was a ghastly sight – and certainly looked like no demon I’d seen in either game before coming to Thedas. The demon paused momentarily, staring at us with its eyeless face as if surprised; it looked from person to person, and each Warden it looked upon reacted in some...

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Black Monster Terror

BlackMonsterTerror! I’ll start by stating the obvious; everyone loves big cocks. Every dude I’ve met wants to pack a monster meat rod in their pants while many girls want them in their pussies. Those of you with tiny dicks might not think bigger is better, but I’m yet to meet a bitch that is down for being fucked by a 3-inch prick. How are you going to give her pleasure with that dud anyway? In any case, it is easier to claim that bigger isn't necessarily always better when you are not gifted...

Interracial Porn Sites
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London terror

Connie Chang-Norton stepped out of the shower and reached for the large terry cloth towel hanging on the rack. The Chinese beauty toweled the excess water from her short, black hair as the water droplets on her smooth, bown skin sparkled in the sunlight from the window. Slowly, almost sensually, she rubbed the towel over her firm, well shaped breasts and down across her flat, hard stomach. Placing one foot on the edge of the bathtub, she leaned over to dry her, shapely legs. Returning the towel...

Group Sex
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Terrorized Family Of Five

Terrorized Family Of Five Terrorized Family Of Fiveby Ynyn ([email protected]) *** A family of illegal immigrants is attacked by a group of vigilante border patrolmen. (M+/Fff, nc, rp, 1st, oral, anal, gb, mexican) *** In the Border States, illegal immigration is a big issue that divides communities. While many people protest to try to get politicians involved, others take aggressive action. There is the well-publicized group known as the minutemen, these citizens actively patrol...

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Family Beach Party Turned XRated Chapter 153

True Story, Anal, Black, Consensual Sex, Cuckold, Cum Swallowing, Exhibitionism, Gay, Group Sex, Mind Control, Oral Sex Author's infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A [email protected] Report Introduction: continuing story about Greg and his wife Sandra Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 15 xnxx I kept thinking about the unusual afternoon Sandra and I had spent outside and inside the old fire hall museum. I could feel what the dogs as well as Troy and...

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Going to an Xrated theater

ever go to an x-rated theater? nobunch of men jerking off. I bet you'd like it yes I would , all over meI know. I should take you to one yes and your wife too she could lick me cleanI have taken her before she can be a real slut but only for me did she play with any oneno. but she did play with me and I played with her did anyone watch you hard to tell but I think so. it's always so dark in those theaters did you have her nakedtits out. cunt on display. my cock out mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes sucking...

2 years ago
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Galaxy Home

She sat at the bar silently watching him watching her. The night had been long and hard, full of monotonous glitter laced bullshit from exotic dancing and she was drained. To leave might’ve not been the best financial decision she had made during the week but her mental state was soured and she needed a gin & tonic, that she had paid for, in a bar that didn’t smell like Victoria’s Secret body spray, old men and overpriced Moet, scents all numbed by the veneer of business class cocaine. Out of...

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GALAXYChapter 2

After knocking on the door, I said, “Alpha Oscar Kilo, Oscar Kilo,” and the door opened and I had them both wrapped around me, peppering me over and over asking, “Are you Ok?” Alex had a very tight hold on me, “It was on TV and we were worried about our friends, but I was terrified for you, daddy!” With that she moved my face and started a most, uhm ... bodacious kiss. My first instinct was to push her away, but my ... fourth instinct was to kiss her back, just as hard. Her sister closed...

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Xmas terror part 1

This story is fictional and is part one He spun the revolver and pointed the barrel to his head, he pulled the trigger. Click the gun went showing that slot didn't have a bullet. "Another day to fight." He grabbed his badge and put it on his belt. He added 8 more bullets into his gun. He looked over his partner Jenny who was pulling up her belt and putting her badge on her belt. He grabbed the key to the police squad car. "I'm driving." Tony said. "That's fine by me but try not to kill...

4 years ago
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Terror in the Snowstorm Resolution

“Seth, do you believe in sudden love?” Tara asked. “What do you mean by sudden love?” “It’s the only way I can express it. What I feel for you can’t be called love at first sight, since I spent most of this past semester trying to ignore you because I didn’t think you were good enough for me. We grew up in completely different economic and social situations. My family is old-money rich, and my parents both earn enough money now to have this mansion, our staff, a yacht, and all the...

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Terror in the Snowstorm Aftermath

As we started through the deep snow on the lane leading from Zeke and Merle’s cabin to the hard road, I could see the fire rapidly growing inside the cabin, through the cracked rearview mirror of Zeke’s Jeep. I knew that poor, murdered Merle’s body was being cremated, and that his brother, Zeke, was being roasted alive. The horror of the entire situation, Zeke’s attempted rape of Tara, his brutal murder of his brother Merle (who Zeke had called Ox, to make fun of his immense size and...

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Terror in the Snowstorm Ch 03

A further chapter in the story of the unlikely relationship between the beautiful blond heiress, Tara Hawthorne, and me, Seth Johnson, a poor kid from the wrong side of the tracks, during Christmas break in our sophomore year in college. At the time, Tara was nineteen, and I was twenty. You will have to read the first two parts of this story to understand this one. Warning: As is usually the case with my stories, this one is pretty long. ____________________ After I had gone soft in Tara’s...

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Tales of Terror 3

Tales of Terror 3 by: Paul G Jutras [email protected] Dennis The Explorer Gathering his stuff in his back pack, Denis headed out of his house and began to hike off into the woods. He took a sip of his bottle water and headed toward a fork in the road. From the time he was small to after he graduated from collage he loved to hike through the woods during his free time. Since moving to a new neighborhood, he couldn't wait until he could check out the new set of woods...

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Tales of Terror 6

Tales of Terror 6 By Paul G Jutras Lois The Snow Woman It was a snowing December 19th and ace reporter Lois Lane was trudging through the snow toward the Daily Planet. All the roads were closed and she couldn't get a taxi to work. Unlucky for her that is. Passing the jewelry store, the front window shattered and The Sorceress flew out with a sack of gems. At the same moment, Superman came fly out of the sky and like a red and blue rocket. "Not so fast!" "I don't...

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