Ntolo. free porn video

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They shuffled down the queue. Eventually it was his turn to empty the shopping trolley onto the conveyor, eagerly assisted by his young son. Then he noticed who was attending the till: a tall young black woman. She caught his eye and smiled as she began scanning his weekly load through:

-My! It’s good to know that someone in Awka actually buys fresh produce and cooks. You’re a lucky man to have such a wife.

He returned her smile:

-Actually, I’m the cook in our home. My partner can’t.


-Can’t, she’s disabled. I look after things.

He couldn’t see it through her black skin, but knew from her expression that she blushed. She muttered:

-I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.

-That’s OK, you didn’t. Life is as it is. But tell me something? I’ve rarely seen your face around What brings you here?

-I’m a student, I work here part-time.

Her name-badge said ‘Ntolo’. He and his son had packed their bags. He paid her, and shook her hand:

-Lovely to meet you lady Enjoy your time in my city. The image of her lingered in his head. The next time he went shopping with his son, he searched the checkouts, but she wasn’t to be seen. The following week she was there. The Mall was quiet; there was no queue:

-Hello again Ntolo. How are you?

-I’m fine, thank you, apart from my course. I’m stuck on a couple of points for an essay.

Her smile was wide and relaxed as she checked his groceries through.

-What are you studying?


-Um… I’m a sociologist, I teach at NAU, Where are you?

-ANSU, 200 levels.

He glanced behind him. Nobody in the queue:

-What are you stuck on? What’s the essay about?

-Weber’s ‘Protestant Ethic.’ I feel disadvantaged because I understand neither protestantism nor catholicism in a European context very well, and all my classmates do.

Her face fell:

-Sorry, I didn’t mean to burden you with my problems.

-You’re not burdening me at all Ntolo. Look…

He handed her his card:

-If you’d like to chat about it, if that might help you, please give me a call, at work or at home. You’re welcome for a meal, to meet my family properly — he tousled his son’s hair — and then we can talk about your essay. When’s it due?

-Not for a couple of weeks yet. Will you really help me? You don’t know me…

-I’d love to help you. And share a meal with you. Just give me a ring if you think it might assist please? We Igbos try to be hospitable folk.

He smiled into her brown eyes, and knew she’d phone.

He really did want to help her, of course he did. She was a stranger in a strange land, had entered a new world both culturally and in her studies. And she was tall, young, slim, statuesque, and excited him.

His partner answered the phone. He’d told her about Ntolo, so she wasn’t surprised at the accented Efik voice, in perfect English:

-He’s out just now, to take our son to his piping lesson. He’ll be back after nine. Give me a number so he can get back to you please?

His partner noted the girl’s number:

-He’ll phone you later. Bye for now. It would be lovely to meet you soon.

Ntolo agreed to come by for a meal and a chat later that week. He picked her up after her shift at the supermarket. She was nervous:

-I’m sorry Okiti, this is all very strange for me. I’m sure someone must have invited you for a meal since you arrived in Awka?

She turned away:

-Yes, my former boss did. But not in his home, not to meet his family. He always kept me separate from that part of his life. You’re… so very different Okiti.

-Don’t worry lady. Both my partner and son are very welcoming. And I hope my cooking’s not dreadful. But I’ve told you she’s very disabled? You need to know what to expect…

-What’s wrong with her? Why is she so disabled?

-She has multiple sclerosis. Almost unheard of where you come from; it’s a disease of the far north. It’s neurological, wrecks the nervous system eventually. She has it pretty bad, has been wheelchair-bound for over six years now. Crouch to her height when you talk to her, but otherwise treat her as you would any other human being. She’ll really appreciate that. Most folk treat her gingerly, almost as if she’s a freak. She’s a very decent human being who has a most evil disease. She’ll welcome you to our home; we don’t get so many visitors of late. And my son loves you already!

-How can he love me, he doesn’t know me? He’s only seen me at the checkout a couple of times…

-Ntolo you’re someone very exotic to him. He’s never met anyone like you before. I don’t generally believe in ramming my politics down his throat, but he’s been brought up to despise tribalism. And he knows from your smile what a lovely woman you are. Um… as I do. So relax, you’ll have a pleasant evening.

He brought her upstairs to meet his partner. Ntolo crouched as she spoke to the woman, and they were soon deep in talk. He coughed:

-Just going to finalise dinner.

They didn’t glance up.

Dinner was a vegetable casserole; his son was a strict vegetarian. Ntolo drank a few glasses of wine, Okiti only one. He expected to drive her home later. His partner and son plied her with questions about life in Calabar. She answered with the broadest smiles. He’d never seen anyone smile so much. Now that she was out of her work clothes, Okiti could admire her body better. Fuck, she was incredibly sexy… but as a university lecturer he knew how to put that out of his mind.

Dinner over, his partner and son retired to watch television. Ntolo spread her work on the dining table, and then Okiti drew his battered copy of ‘The Protestant Ethic’ from the bookshelf:

-So lady explain in more detail why you’re having problems with this?

She was articulate and well-read, but had little knowledge of European economic history. Okiti ran through the points he thought most relevant: how the pre-eminence of Mediterranean cultures had gradually been eclipsed by more rapid economic growth in northern Europe after the reformation.

Pointed out some weaknesses in Weber’s thesis; the fact that both the Netherlands and Belgium had large Catholic populations; that Catholic Bavaria was part of Germany’s rise to economic strength; that France had remained a major economic force throughout the period since the reformation.

Ntolo wrote pages of notes in a flowing script. They were fully engrossed when his son entered the dining room, pyjama-clad, and launched himself squealing on the woman, his arms round her neck:

-I need to go to bed now. Will you come for dinner again? Please?

She tousled his hair and kissed his cheek:

-I’d love to. If — she glanced in Okiti's eyes — I’m invited…

Okiti beamed:

-Course you’re invited, we’ve all enjoyed your company. Now you…

He looked with love at his son:

-Off to bed. No stories tonight, I’m helping Ntolo with her studies. But you’ll get an extra story tomorrow.

-Yes dad. Love you…

And with a hug and a kiss, the boy was through the door.

Ntolo looked at her tutor, eyes sparkling:

-What a lovely c***d! You must be good parents, both of you.

-Thank you. There’s nothing more important in life than being a parent. Now, would you like to continue our tutoring session, or are you getting tired?

-I’m good for a while yet. Thank you for taking the time with me. I don’t know how I can ever repay you…

But this smile was different, and she leaned towards him, mouth slightly open. He resisted the urge to lean in and kiss her tempting lips. But it took some doing, and he couldn’t stop himself from touching her cheek gently:

-No repayment will ever be expected young woman. Now, let’s get back to the matter in hand?

They spent another half-hour discussing her essay, till she stifled a yawn: -Um, maybe I’d better get going. You’ve worn me out with your tutoring Okiti. Would you mind walking me to the bus stop? I don’t know this part of town.

-I’ll drive you home, nwatakiri nwanyi.

-nwatakiri nwanyi? What’s that?

-It’s… mmm… affectionate Igbo word for ‘silly girl’, in this case. Now, would you mind saying goodnight to my partner?

The drive to her flat was short. She hesitated as he parked at her door:

-Would… would you like to come in for a minute Okiti? I want you to see where I live…

His heart leapt. Fuck, would he:

-Thank you for inviting me. Yes, I’d love to see your place.

Her arse swayed under the skirt as he followed her up the stairs. When they entered her living room she muttered:

-Sorry, I really need to pee. Excuse me please.

He glanced round the room in her absence. Couldn’t help but think of her naked sex crouched over the toilet, tried to banish the thought. This wasn’t a standard student bedsit. The furniture was decent, and curtains concealed the windows. The bedroom and kitchen were separate rooms. Ntolo had class, and wasn’t poor. When she rejoined him in her living room, there was a scent about her that hadn’t been there before. Subtle, musky. Her voice was silk:

-Let me give you the tour Okiti.

She took his hand to lead him into the tiny kitchen. Compact and organised. He didn’t recognise all her herbs and spices. She smiled as he peered at them:

-I’m a reasonable cook Okiti, I’d like to have you for dinner one evening. Maybe soon, so you can look over how I’m doing with my essay?

She was right beside him, her scent enveloping him:

-I’d love that.

He knew what was happening. Knew it should be impossible. He was over thirty years her senior. Thank fuck she wasn’t his student. She took his hand again:

-Bathroom next. Actually, there’s no bath, just a shower.

Like the kitchen, it was neat and tidy. Like the kitchen, it was small. Her breast brushed his arm as she turned:

-Not much to see, is there? But there’s more next door…

The bedroom was light and scented. Simple furnishings:

-I hate that it’s just a single bed, but it’s quite comfortable.

She noticed where his eyes were fastened, and slipped the vibrator from the top of the cabinet into a drawer: Sorry…

She was giggling, maybe a wee bit embarrassed, but maybe a wee bit excited too:

-I really wasn’t expecting a visitor. And… you’re the first man who’s ever seen my bedroom. Well, my bedroom here…

-I’m honoured Ntolo. But I think it’s time I got home, and let you get your rest. When am I invited to dinner, and to review your essay?

She smiled at him, that glorious full-face smile:

-Well, I need to write it first. I’ll give you a ring. What nights are best for you?

-I have to take my son to egedege dance and judo classes Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. So any night other than those.

-He goes to dance classes? What sort of dancing?

-Igbo's traditional dancing. He’s quite good. If you’re interested, I know he’d love you to see him some time. But now, really, I must go. Don’t want my partner worrying.

She showed him to the door, then stood with her back to it:

-Where I come from, it’s traditional for friends to kiss when they part.

-It is here too. I’ve never kissed an Efik woman before…

It was a good few minutes before he left her. She phoned several days later:

-I’m nearly finished the first draft of the essay. How does dinner on Friday sound?

-Sounds just wonderful lady. Maybe you could email me your essay when you’ve finished the first draft? Then I could let you have my comments before we meet. That’ll speed things up. You don’t want to be late submitting it to your tutor.

-I’ll do that then. Friday about seven? Any dietary requirements, likes and dislikes?

-I’m happy to eat whatever you put in front of me Ntolo. Friday at seven then.

He was trembling with excitement as he put the phone down. Couldn’t put her out of his mind for more than a few minutes at a time as the hours dragged till Friday. Finally he was at her door, clutching a decent bottle of wine and a bunch of red roses.

She looked gorgeous when she opened the door. She oozed class, and the delicate scent was there again.

-Welcome to my home again Okiti. And thanks for your comments on my essay. You’ve been a great help to me already…

And she leant forward to kiss his mouth, all soft promise.

Her meal was a simple beef stew, with sweet potatoes and vegetables he didn’t recognise. There was already a bottle of wine on the table breathing, and he placed his beside it:

-This looks and smells delicious lady, An Efik dish?

-More or less. It took some searching to find the vegetables though…

-There’s an big departmental shop near Amawbia, d’you know it?

-Yes, that’s where most of this came from. Now, eat up.

She poured two glasses of wine. Didn’t allow them to empty throughout the meal. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as they ate companionably, chatting about their lives, allowing themselves into each other a bit. He helped her clear the table, but she didn’t permit him to do the dishes:

-They can wait till tomorrow Okiti. I’ve done a re-draft of my essay. I’d like you to look over it.

-Sure, that’s why I’m here.

Her smile was wide and open, teeth gleaming in the deep blackness of her face. She leant in to kiss him, a slack open-mouthed kiss:

-Is that the only reason you’re here? Just to help me with my essay?

Fuck, she was direct:

-Maybe not the only reason…

-Hmm, so what are the others? -It’s immensely flattering for a man my age to be invited to dinner by a beautiful young woman. And your intelligence adds to the attraction… not to mention that I’ve never had an Efik woman friend…

-Does that turn you on, that I’m an Efik girl? I know it turned my former employer on.

-I have to be honest and say that it does. Not sure why. How d’you know it turned your former employer on?

-Ah, that would be telling. Now — she took his hand — let’s get comfortable so you can read my essay, tutor.

She stood and picked up a neatly-stapled bundle of papers. Sat on the narrow chaise-longue and patted the space beside her. He rose and joined her, fumbling for his reading glasses. They weren’t touching, but very close. He inhaled her scent as she passed him the essay.

He read it with care. This woman was very bright indeed, and a fast learner. She’d incorporated some of the thoughts he’d emailed her, and written a couple of penetrating new paragraphs of her own. He removed his glasses, laid the essay on his lap, and looked in her deep brown eyes:

-This, young lady, is a quite outstanding piece of work. If one of my Junior Honours students had written it, I’d give it about eighty-five percent. Maybe more. But I think I’ve helped you enough: it has to be your essay. You should be very proud of yourself Ntolo.

Her eyes sparkled:

-Why thank you. I had an excellent private tutor to guide me. Now, I have some fine cognac. Perhaps we can indulge ourselves, if that’s our work done for the evening?

He shifted uncomfortably:

-I’m driving lady, and I’ve already had some wine. Maybe coffee would be better for me. I take it you have nescafe? I get mine from Tonson's.

-Old stuffy tutor! Leave the car here and take a taxi. I love good cognac, but I don’t like to drink alone. It feels a bit… well… slutty.

There was a new look in her eyes as she said that.

-Well, a taxi it will be. I can’t have you feeling slutty…

She rose. He felt her eyes on his groin. His bulge increased as she crouched before the sideboard, her arse tight against the short dress she wore. Just a hint of white panties against black skin above the white thigh-highs. Fuck, she was gorgeous.

She sat beside him and placed the vintage Courvoisier and two balloons on the table before them. Her thigh was pressed against his as she poured, handed him a glass:

-Cheers then, and thank you for your guidance Okiti.

She raised her glass to chink his, and her breast brushed his arm.

-There’s one thing you haven’t yet learned during your time in Igboland. We normally say ‘aru ike’ rather than ‘cheers’.

-OK then, aru ike. What does it mean?

-It means ‘good health’. The glasses tinkled together, and they sipped. He watched as her full lips embraced the liquid. Placed his glass on the table:

-Put your glass down girl.

She shivered at the new tone in his voice. Felt herself dampen. Obeyed him.

Shivered more as his arms went round her, drawing her to his maleness. Went liquid as he kissed her, gently at first, then with increasing passion and need. She flooded when his hand slipped under the front of her dress, fondled her breast. Felt her nipples engorge under his ministrations. Then his other hand went to her knee… and stroked up the stocking to touch naked blackness above it. She couldn’t resist, opened her thighs to allow him access. He accepted her invitation, felt her flood as he fingered the wetness through damp silk. He broke their kiss:

-I’m going to take this tonight Ntolo. Take my first Efik cunt.

His voice was harsh, demanding. She giggled:

-What if I say no?

-No is no. I’ve never taken a woman against her will. But — he looked deep in her glowing eyes — you’re not going to say no, are you?

She gasped and shuddered as his finger slid under the damp silk, and deep into her wet heat.

-No, I can’t say no to you.

-Tell me about your sexual experience Ntolo.

She twitched and her hips rose as a second finger joined the first, deep in her cunt soul:

-Ohhhhhhh… what do you want to know?

-Everything. I’m happy to tell you about mine. Right now all you need to know is that my relationship with my partner is that of a loving carer. We haven’t had sex in years; it hurts her. Sex is often the first thing to go when someone has MS.

So she told him, gasping as his fingers played with her g spot. She’d only had two partners: a boyfriend in Calabar, and her previous employer. The former employer, knowing Calabar is an AIDS hotspot, had insisted she was tested, and she was clean. He’d used a condom although she was on the pill. She’d last had sex a year ago.

-So mine will be the first cock bareback in your cunt?

-Yes, the boy back at home always used a condom.

-Do you want me bareback in you?

She writhed in orgasm at the insistence of his fingers on her g spot. Finally she moaned:

-Yes, I want your naked cock in my — she struggled with the word, finally managed it — in my cunt.

She lay naked on the single bed, legs splayed. Her wetness glimmered in candlelight through her tight black pubic curls. He wished he’d brought his camera, but knew they’d have other times together.

-How do you like your sex, girl? Hard, or gentle?

-Gentle at first please. You’ll know when I need more.

He couldn’t resist any longer. Her cunt scent filled the room. His nakedness bent to kneel beside her, and his mouth went to her sex. Jesus, his first smell and taste of black cunt, and she was as delicious as she looked. She groaned as his mouth moved through the curls, seeking her source. Her hips lifted when his tongue found her need, his fingers fondling the hard nipples on her tight breasts:

-Jesus Ntolo, your cunt is adorable. Need to make you cum for me before I fuck you. Have you squirted before?

She groaned, and her hands settled on his head, pressing him close:


-Then you haven’t. I love a challenge.

One hand remained on a breast, tugging and twisting the turgid nipple gently, as the other stroked down her blackness. Two fingers glided into her gaping pink cunt, palm up, as his tongue worked her clit. The fingers found the delicious sponginess, started making love to it. She squealed and moaned to his ministrations, his mouth and fingers deliciously wet from her slimy need. He twisted the nipple harder as his fingers rubbed more determinedly inside her. Fuck, she was so beautiful, all of her. His gorgeous needy black girl. He wanted to plunge into her, but wanted more to see where his mouth and fingers could take her first… her writhing body and soft groans told him what was happening to her. He worked her sponge ever harder, pulled her nipples viciously now in his fervour… was rewarded with a primal scream from deep within her, her muscles tightening on his fingers, her entire being twisting wildly… and the joy as her ejaculate splashed his face and she sank, panting, on her back. He licked every drop of clear fluid from her and rose to kiss her mouth. Some women thought they’d peed when they squirted; he wanted her to know it wasn’t urine.

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Prince Reiven fumed with rage. His father had no right to force him into marriage…and with a female, no less. The dark elves had long since been able to choose the sex of their mates freely, technology assuring that every couple could procreate a child no matter the sex of the parents. Unfortunately, ever since the intergalactic war had done away with the majority of the ruling class in just about every planet, royals struggled to arrange the marriages of their surviving offspring to form solid...

3 years ago
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The Best Of My Life Part 2

If you haven't already, check out Part 1 so you're not lost if you're feeling lost.---Her mom would be gone all weekend until Monday morning and I could see it in Stephanie's eyes. She knew what wanted and she wanted it NOW. She made a leap and I caught her in my arms easily. We started french kissing and necking heavily for a long time. "My bed. NOW." Stephanie whispered, finally breaking the silence. I was more than happy to comply with that and carried her over to her bed, a full-size queen...

4 years ago
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Boss Lady

The door popped open as the shapely blonde and the handsome stud approached the car. The spaghetti straps of her little black dress were challenged by her full bust, and the hemline showed more of her legs than if she were wearing his white shirt. That shirt was half unbuttoned and his tie draped loosely as she had started undressing him before they left the club. She dove inside and he followed. An older, smaller limousine, the seats formed an “L”, with the forward-facing seat at the back...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 82

Your laugh of the day! Judy Wallman Trump, a professional genealogy researcher in southern California, was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that President Donald Trump’s great, great uncle, Remus Trump, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889. Both Judy and President Trump share this common ancestor. The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows in Montana territory. On the back of the picture Judy obtained...

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Love to watch her

Ever since I was about 7 or 8 years old I was excessively curious about my penis. I touched it all the time. later on when I was 11 or 12 my sister caught me, said she'd been watching me you a couple years. At first, I was totally embarrassed. I got over that pretty quick. I had changed my mind and decided it was really hot. She told me that she saw me squirt my cum all over myself and on anything with a surface. My sister and I used to have sex a couple times a week. We thought it was...

3 years ago
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My Seven Day Plan Night 3

It was Wednesday morning and Robert and Samantha had an early start to their day. Samantha packed Robert’s overnight bag for him whilst he showered and shaved for work. Samantha zipped up the bag just as Robert finished in the bathroom, towel around his waist and came up from behind her to put his arms around her waist. “What a wonderful evening last night, I am sure going to miss you tonight …!” he whispered to her and Samantha smiled at the recognition. “It’s only one night sweetheart, I...

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Winter at Cousins House

This is story that happened about 10 years ago, and in that time of my life many bad things happened to me, so that period of my life is pushed back in my mind and only the good things flash back sometimes. I was 24 years old, I had passed heaven and hell so far and the story happens just when I ended long relationship with one girl. Maybe I will write this long and wide, and you are supposed to hear good porn story, but I hope you will forgive me that. I wanted to move out to live at my step...

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Willie and Jake

Willie and Jake are two guys that I knew from the hood, we often would play tag football or dodge ball together and sometimes a short game of basketball. Willie and Jake would often laugh at me cause I knew nothing about basketball. One spring evening Willie and Jake and I was hanging out at the bleachers, not the ones at the high school, but the ones at the stadium. Willie was jawing at me for not knowing any basketball players on major teams. Jake came to my defense saying '...leave David...

3 years ago
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Grace 9The Estate 3 of 3

The author kindly advises that this scenario contains descriptions of exhibitionism, anal sex, groupsex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.Grace 9-The Estate (3 of 3)(Uni student Grace Worthington fucks in a live porno Internet feed)It was Thursday morning. The University gardener left home early to begin his shift at the nearby Uni grounds. He walked through the gates around 6am, clocked on and began his work for the day. 30 minutes later he passed by...

2 years ago
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Webcam Boys Chapter 10

Introduction: Carls masterplan to finally expose Peter as PBear is underway. Meanwhile, Johns impending eviction has William worried hell lose his brofriend forever Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. Its a work...

3 years ago
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A pretty teen American girl is on vacation in Japan

Tokyo was every bit as exotic and exciting as Stacey thought it would be. It was the 19-year old blonde American’s first trip anywhere, let alone to another country, and she was thrilled with every new shop. Every neon light that flashed words that she didn’t understand, it all seemed like a movie to her. Everyone seemed so polite and a surprising number of people spoke English, and she was able to get along just fine. She looked over at Martin and smiled. He smiled back and gave...

1 year ago
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After the Energists Start of the 11th GradeChapter 4 Anytime

London-Middlesex Board of Education Building, London, Ontario 9:05am, Saturday, October 6, 1979 “Bertha McGregory! Long time, no see!” Mr. Williamson said as the new vice-principal of Timmins High School walked into the conference at the L-M Board of Education Building on Hyde Park Road. “We missed you at our last planning session in August.” “Good to see you, TR,” Paul’s and Cathy’s mother said to Medway’s vice-principal and now NIS administrator colleague. “I had a tough call to make at...

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Amy is interviewed for the job at Mrs Potter

Amy had got back from university and desperately needed to find a summer job. Her mum's best friend Jean Potter owned a ladies shop and she asked whether she might have a job for her for a few weeks. Jean Potter had known Amy ever since she was a baby and asked her to pop into see her and they would have a chat.Jean suggested she called in after the shop had closed the following evening. It was a nice summers evening and Amy was dressed in a t shirt, short skirt and sandals when she tapped on...

1 year ago
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Milfty Amber Chase Summer Side Boyfriend

Being a good neighbor can be tough sometimes. For Amber Chase, it is extra tough because she thinks of our stud as the annoying brat next door. When he comes over to ask for a job from her husband, she puts him to work instead. But when she notices he has a big boner in his pants, she can hardly believe it. Instead of kicking him out, she asks him to jerk off for her while she touches herself! A couple days later, Ambers neighbor comes over again to thank her for getting him a job. She tells...

4 years ago
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Charlottes New Job Part 6

Peter kissed Charlotte long, deep, and passionately, holding her trembling body close to him. He could feel the weight in his arms change as her knees got weak and he had to support her more. But he expected it and even liked that his kisses could make her melt like that. Charlotte moaned into his mouth as she gave herself over to his kiss and embrace and her hand went up to cradle his face.After a few wonderful moments where Charlotte was swept away in delirious abandon, Peter broke the kiss...

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Chapter 6 How my wife turned into a slutThe poker game

Hello again. I’ve been writing these stories to tell you how my wife became a slut. I’ve really enjoyed telling you about our little adventures. Anyway a little catch up, we decided we wanted to try a threesome and that is when we meet Michael and we have been having fun ever since. Michael is basically been living with us now and we all fuck all the time. I’ve never gotten jealous even though Michael has a bigger cock than me and I know Anna loves to fuck and suck his cock more than mine but I...

Group Sex
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Maine Apni Married Cousin Ki Virginity Loose

Hi friend’s I’m Money from Kanpur main ISS ka daily reader hu or sabhi stories mujhe bht pasand hai.sabhi choot waliyo ko mere khade lund ka praanaam and I’m 20 year punjabi boy and doing B.sc final year and my dick size is 6.5″ long and 2.5″ is thick and this is my first story about me and my cousin sister and how to fuck her and I will tell you in Hindi friends please comment me my e-mail id Ye baat aaj se 5 month purani hai jab meri bhua ki ladki kanpur mere cousin brother ki shaadi me aayi...

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Sex With My Mother

"We should have known he suspected us," I said.My mother nodded in agreement. "Yes, we've been very lucky.""Lucky, how?""He's agreed I can have the house and a million in cash.""Why?""Because darling have you any idea just how much damage the scandal would do to his career. Yes we'd be prosecuted, and yes we'd almost certainly go to prison, but his career would be over, who would trust a man as a government minister if he couldn't even stop his wife and son from screwing each other's brains...

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What’s Leaks Love got to love? Well, it says it right there in the name: this is a site for people who love leaks. That begs the question of just what kind of leaks they’re talking about. Since you’re reading this on ThePornDude and not a directory of local tradesmen, it’s probably a safe bet that nobody’s going to be talking about fixing pipes. You might, however, find a few sexy housewife and plumber scenarios if you look around a little.Fuck-the-plumber storylines have long been commonplace...

ASMR Porn Sites
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Lovely Little Jean

She was a very small girl, barely five feet high, and she likely did not weigh a hundred pounds although her young body was all curve and valley, hill and mound, slope and ditch, delightful to look at, and, I was sure, even more pleasant to roger. She stood at the side of my table, her hands behind her, rotating her enticing torso slightly from side to side so her jutting boobies brushed by my face one after the other, jiggling as they did, and said, very softly and with mischief in her eyes,...

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A King and His QueenChapter 3 Ambers Interview

Amy Podgorski, ever since the fourth grade, insisted upon being called Amber. She was a petite little woman with blond hair and blue eyes. She was twenty-one years old and currently lived at home with her parents. She didn't like living there, but she couldn't afford to move away from home. Her parents, like most good parents, worried about her and were constantly giving her advice that she couldn't or wouldn't follow. She felt that at her age she should be out on her own. She would...

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The Adventures Of SallyChapter 5

After Leesha left, I went upstairs, and put on my bathing suit. I grabbed the cordless phone on my way out the door, and headed towards the pool. Alex and Sally were laying on a couple of the many lounge chairs around the pool, soaking up the sunshine. I chose a chair on the other side of the pool, and put my dark glasses on to shield my eyes from the sun, and to make sure that they couldn't see what I was looking at. I watched the girls lying in the sun, remembering the events of the night...

2 years ago
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naughty little brother syndrome

I was back from college with half the day still available and my parents were predictably out so I had the place to myself. great. I could sneak guys back here and fuck on the sofa even! Or wank myself in the kitchen - that type of adventure, and roam the house naked when I wanted to. I had assumed little brother worked a normal shift but I was to find out about his midweek day off. So what the fuck was all that noise cum-ing from the living room? sounded like an orgy in there! His...

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Black Magic

As I wrote earlier, our start into wife sharing happened on our recent vacation. A young stud that was extremely interested and flirting with my wife at the dance club was her first partner. As it turned out, we tried to contact him two days later but found out he checked out. We were both disappointed but willing to try again in the days we had left on our vacation.Our opportunity came a day later when at the club, a black singer, Andre, was performing. His voice was sensual and mellow and the...

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My First Footjob From Mature Stinky Feet

This is my first time writing about this particular experience. It was not unique, as the woman in this story actually indulged my fetish until she tried to give a blowjob to another boy in my neighborhood and he told on her. Eventually had to move away when I was around f******n or so.I have always been turned on by big, stinky female feet. My best and most memorable experience occurred when I was eleven with a friend of my mother. It was pretty much through of this experience, along with...

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An Unusual BeginningChapter 5

Cynthia You'd think nothing else could possibly happen to wreck the weekend. After all both girls had accepted the other. Wrong! While Rebecca and Samantha had been reaching their truce we forgot entirely about Cyndi, and why shouldn't we, she wasn't even meant to know about Samantha and I. At least Mom remembered because she managed to come into my room, wake us and get both Samantha and Rebecca out of the bed before Cyndi woke up. As it turned out Mom need not have bothered. After...

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Remix Chapter 10 Trance

Remix, Chapter 10: Trance By Brevdravis It wasn't the blood that freaked out James. Intellectually she expected the shock, and was prepared for it. It wasn't the cramps either, although they were a bitch and a half, creasing her lower stomach like a vise. No, the part about having her period that really pissed James off, was having to borrow a maxi-pad from her mother. Anne's smile at the request had been strange, half a smile and half a look of concern. Whatever thoughts were...

3 years ago
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A Weekend at the Cabin Ch 1

The snow began falling an hour ago and it looks like there are at least 3 inches on the ground as we drive up to the side of the cabin. A single lamp on a side table lights our way as we enter. You stand there, in the doorway, looking around at what can be seen. It is just as I described it last night when you just couldn’t wait to know where we were going this weekend. A large fireplace sits on one side of the room with an old bearskin rug on the floor in front of it. Just ahead are leather...

1 year ago
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The Snake Bite VictimChapter 7 Phuket Thailand

Dan was quick to point out to Stephen that the name of the island province was pronounced with a silent 'h', in other words it's supposed to be called pu-ket, not fu-ket. He and Stephen were both the same age, 47 at the time, although Dan hadn't been promoted beyond Lieutenant Colonel. He had retired a year before, while Stephen was still soldiering on. He had been married and divorced twice, not an uncommon statistic in the military. The constant moving and separation always placed a...

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My Dominant Experience

Thanks to the trend 50 shades of grey I ve met a couple of ladies who wanted me to dominate them.At first I thought I was dominant just by fucking them hard but then I started enjoying the feeling control. I mean really enjoying it. The amazing rush that dominance gives. So I got into it more I was just watching hardcore porn then started having interests in more kinky stuff.After few times of fucking in the dominant role I evolved and probably will continue the more I do this.Last week I...

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Stranger Housewive In Delhi Who Had Shown Me Heaven 8211 Part II

When she was wiping my body from the front she marked the bulge on my jeans. I tried my best not to show it to her but it was visible & I saw a naughty smile on her face….She told me to open my shoes & be comfortable & went to kitchen. I was seating in her drawing room watching the TV..I had no interest in TV by then as I was so much excited that I want to masturbate. After 5 mins she came & sat just next to me. I was still controlling myself. She asked me the normal questions which girls...

3 years ago
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My First Job interview

Hello reader my name is Monmee. I have just passed my engineering from a government college. I have also done diploma course after matriculation. I belong to a decent upper middle class family. In my family I have my parents and my brother who is two years younger to me. Here I want to share with you an incident that happened with me during a job interview. At first let me tell you about myself. I am fair looking and got a very smooth skin. Have long hairs. But I am a bit short height of...

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The VoicesChapter 10

It soon became obvious to me that CO2 had been wrong in his prediction about me not regretting my decision to cede more control to him and the other voices. It just made me uncomfortable, allowing them to have such control of my life. I realized I'd never be satisfied allowing anyone else to change me, and those around me, no matter how gradual and subtle those changes might end up being. Perhaps it all stemmed from my earlier experiences with the voices, but I just couldn't summon up the...

4 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part Five

Emma intended to give Jimmy a night he would never forget!Finally Emma’s orgasms ended and she opened her eyes! “Fuck Jimmy! That’s the best cunt licking I’ve ever had! What’s next baby?” she asked.“I’m gonna fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before! You’ll love it too! Get up on your hands and knees slut!” Jimmy ordered.“Fuck you! Make me, you weakling!” Emma fired back at him. This was all part of the game.Quickly Jimmy grabbed one of Emma’s wrists and then one of her tits!“Oh God! Don’t...

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Clay Goes to a Party and I chill out some

After a couple of quick IMs with Randy, we exchanged Dudesnude profile names, his group wanted his attention and I was crashing. Mike and Matt kissed me and said they had to get some z’s before meeting Danny at their audition at a sex club in Silverlake. Tim came over to my place and spent the early morning sleeping nude on my bed with me wrapped around him. Clay had left a note saying he had gone to campus to work out and then to Josh’s to work him out, and would begin the drive home in the...

4 years ago
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Chandigarh Me Sister Ki Chudai

Hello friends,i am from punjab and age is 23 . This story is about my cousin sis riya and me .Agar koi bhi bhabi yan girl fun karna chahti hai to most welcome or facebook par search karien jimmy.Kahlon.50 woh mere se ek sal badi hai aur dikhne me bahut hi sexxy hai . Boobs 34 -28-32 poori sexy figure hai uski . Yeh shuru huya jab main 12 th me tha aur hum dono ghar par akele the . Aur tv dekh rahe the . Mera lund apni form me aa gya aur usne dekh liya . Aur kuch react nahi kiya . Then maine...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 4

The wind was a little gusty that night and the dust in the air caused the cattle to act nervous. It made Ed’s work a lot more difficult as the cattle were unwilling to head into the bidding pen. His horse was having to work double time to keep the cattle headed in a straight line and in the proper direction. It was at times like this that it would be nice to have a well trained cow dog, but they didn’t have one. Ed yanked on the rein to change the direction of his horse to cut off a cow that...

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Christina Looks for a College Chapter 2

Dear Readers,Thank you for choosing my story. I really hope that you enjoy it and that it brings you a lot of pleasure. When I write my stories, I always like to include the last paragraph from the previous chapter. This is to refresh your memories. Please send me comments about what you think of this story. Hope you enjoy it. Now chapter 2 of Chris's journey…* * * * *Chris slowly reaches down and pulls down her panties and lounge pants to just past her knees. She then lets her hand find its...

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