Ashley's Angelic free porn video

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I'm Jay, a young, twenty-something business professional. At the risk of sounding a little conceited, I consider myself to be a good looking guy. I'm fairly athletic and work out at the gym to stay in good shape. I am a recent university grad, so I have just started my climb up the corporate ladder; I'm not exactly raking in the big bucks yet... even though I'm working like I am!. To help make ends meet I'm renting a downtown condo with two friends of mine, Geoff and Ashley.

Geoff is my best friend, has been since high school. I moved from a small rural village to the big city in my grade 9 year... talk about culture shock. Geoff befriended me early in the school year and helped me so much with the transition, and we've been best buds ever since. He really is a true friend, he has my back at all times, and I have his. We both went through business school together and flourished, graduating at the top of our class. Now we are making our way out into the world. We both work in the business district for big, powerful corporations. He's a marketing whiz, while I'm skilled in matters financial. That may be why we worked so well together in school, he had the big ideas and knew how to sell them, and I was able to structure things and ground them in financial reality. We worked hard and partied harder in school... hell, we still do! But now we are in that awkward phase of trying to grow up while not wanting to lose sight of the good times. My parents told me that living through one's 20s can be a strange, awkward experience. I'm only starting to realize how right they are.

Ashley is Geoff's other best friend, and she has been a great friend to me since high school as well. Ashley and Geoff grew up together in the same neighbourhood; they've known each other all their lives. They know so much about each other, probably even more than each of their parents do. They finish each other's sentences all the time, it's like they're twins or something; it never fails to make me smile. She went to the same university Geoff and I did, but took a different path, studying English and the arts. She wants to be a university professor, so she's currently taking her Master's to help achieve that goal, working as a T.A. and proctor at the U to make ends meet.

Oh, one other thing about Ashley... for the longest time, she had been the bane of my existence.

Strange thing to say about such a good friend, right? Well, allow me to explain.

In my time I've had the pleasure of the company of my share of attractive ladies. I'm not indiscriminate in my sexual activity, but I'm not inexperienced either. At first I tended to go towards the kinds of girls most young guys like... the popular girl, cheerleader types. One night in my university days, however, that all changed.

I had one drunken hook up with a girl who definitely fell into the BBW category. We were at a rockin' house party, lots of people, beer, weed and good times. Somehow the two of us ended up by ourselves in a spare bedroom. She pulled out a joint for us to share, and we smoked it, just chilling talking about stuff. Then, out of the blue, she kissed me. Despite my high and mellow state, I was shocked. She kissed me again, and this time I reciprocated. One thing led to another and we were naked and getting it on hot and heavy. She had a lovely, soft, curvy body, but she was also firm and fit, and she did things to me that, at that time, I never felt with any other girl. The sex was incredible. We both fell asleep afterwards, but when I woke up she was gone. I never even got her name nor her number.

Regardless, I was hooked. From then on I searched for girls who were pretty and had it together, yet were also curvy and voluptuous. Skinny just didn't do it for me anymore; I wanted the feel of soft, big breasts, shapely legs, and big yet firm buttocks.

Naturally, my buddies picked up on this and started calling me "fat lover", "chubby chaser" and so on. At first it didn't affect me; guys wisecrack on each other all the time, it's just what guys do. I gave each of them shit for one thing or another, so this just became their go-to laugh at my expense. But I thought about it after a while, and it really started to bother me. Society already makes too many demands and dictates on us all. The pressure on women to fit the "accepted" forms of beauty is so harsh, and too many women that don't fit the ideal find their self-esteem shattered. And that is just wrong. I'm not intending to be holier-than-thou, goodness knows I've said and done hurtful things to others for no good reason. But I guess when something like this affects you personally, you become more sensitive to that criticism and realize just how cruel it is. Anyway, even though I tried my best to pretend this was no big deal, Geoff sensed how I really felt and would thus try to deflect the verbal shots directed at me and to steer conversation in a different direction. He also told me in private that it didn't matter what kind of women I liked, that I should just go for what I wanted if it made me happy. God bless him for that.

So, you may ask, how does this relate to Ashley? Well, if I were to describe my vision of the perfect woman in physical form, it would be Ashley. No question about it, she is angelic.

Of course, I didn't realize this until years after meeting her. At first, in high school, she didn't make a huge impression on me. After not too long I got to know her and like her a lot as a friend. But I just saw her as "one of the guys"... just part of the regular crew of friends Geoff and I hung around with in those days. Soon after my encounter with "mystery voluptuous girl", however, I started to view Ashley in a totally different way. I saw her physical features for what they were, total female perfection. I already knew what a great person she was after being friends for so long, but now that I was awakened to her outer beauty I wanted to be more than friends with Ashley... so much more than friends. And when we all moved into the same condo, my desires for her only intensified.

One Saturday, Geoff was off to the gym so it was just Ashley and I in the condo that morning. I was just waking up after going out with a few drinks with friends from work the night before. I got out of bed, stretched, and headed toward the main bathroom, just across the hall. I opened my bedroom door, but what I saw after opening it just a crack instantly froze me in my tracks. The bathroom door was more than half open, and in the bathroom mirror I could, for the first time ever, clearly see Ashley completely naked in all her glory. Ashley could not see me from her position, so she had no idea I had such access. She must have thought I would be sleeping off the effects of the previous night for a while longer, and with Geoff gone she therefore didn't take the precaution of fully closing the door to safeguard her privacy. In any case, the sight of her angelic form immediately made me rock, solid hard.

She had just finished showering and was towelling herself off. Her wavy blonde, shoulder-length hair, recently tinged at the salon with dark brown streaks, fell invitingly around her round, beautiful face. Even from this distance I was drawn into her piercing blue eyes. Her very large, round and firm breasts were a revelation. They had no droop to them whatsoever and were practically begging to be massaged, kissed and suckled. Her hourglass shape and feminine curves were driving me mad. I could see just a hint of her pretty pussy, and couldn't help but notice she kept that area neat and well-trimmed. At one point, she accidentally dropped her towel behind her, so she had to turn around and pick it up, allowing me a view of her ample, shapely rear end. Part of me felt wrong about being such a blatant voyeur, but I just could not help myself; it was nearly all I could do to keep myself from running into the bathroom and ravishing her right there on the spot. After a few minutes, she put her bathrobe on and moved towards the door, so I moved out of eyesight as quietly and quickly as I could. I waited until I heard her go in her bedroom and then a couple minutes after that before going into the bathroom myself. I took a long, hot shower and masturbated furiously a couple of times, thinking of nothing other than what it would be like to kiss her, to touch her soft skin, to experience every inch of her curvy, womanly, angelic body.

Predictably, as awkward as it was becoming to live under the same roof as Ashley, after that day it just became many times worse. I wanted little more than to kiss her, feel her sexy body against mine, and make love to her for hours on end. But how do you tell one of your best friends in life that you want to make her your lover? What if she says no? I could lose her as a friend, and I couldn't bear that. I also convinced myself that if things went completely wrong I could even lose Geoff as a friend... and to drive myself away from two of the most important people in my life was just unthinkable. So for a long time I tried to keep up the façade of being happy, but inside I was completely miserable and constantly afraid that everyone in my life, especially Geoff and Ashley, would soon notice and question me.

The whole situation was driving me insane. In fact, I think it was pure insanity that led me to act as I did on that fateful day.

It was another Saturday, in early spring. I was just coming home from the gym. I opened my apartment door and said "Hello? Anyone home?" There was no response. I dropped my gym gear off in my bedroom, and as I passed by the other two bedrooms in the hall, both doors were open and no one was in either of them. I shrugged, figuring both Geoff and Ashley were out shopping or running errands or something like that. I went to the kitchen and made myself something to eat. I then went to the living room to see what was on TV...

... where, much to my surprise, I saw Ashley.

She was lying on the couch, stomach down, sleeping. Had she been here all this time without me realizing it? Apparently so. I thought to myself, "Well, I guess I should leave, let Ashley have her nap and her privacy. Maybe I'll go in my bedroom and listen to the radio. Or surf the net and see what's going on. Wait, maybe I'll go out for a coffee and see if Geoff or anyone else is around to hang out with. Yeah, I really should go now and do something like that."

Except I didn't move at all. It was like I was rooted to that spot. I was transfixed by Ashley's round, shapely ass. It was covered by the LuluLemon pants she was wearing... but otherwise, it was there in all its glory, just crying out to be kissed, caressed and fondled. I finally started to move, trying to convince myself that I was going to leave the room, but once again my body disobeyed and acted of its own accord.

I got down on my knees and lightly brushed my hands across Ashley's butt and marvelled at how firm and soft it was. Then I planted gentle little kisses on each of her cheeks, first the left one, then the right. Part of me inside was screaming that this was wrong, it was SO VERY WRONG! But I was so horny, I wanted more... no, I NEEDED more! I slowly, ever so slowly, took hold of Ashley's pants and slid them down, trying to be careful not to wake her but overwhelmed with desire to see Ashley's ass free from its restrictive clothing. Her pale white flesh was mesmerizing. I kissed her bare left cheek, feeling her skin on one of her most sacred parts of her beautiful body for the first time. Feeling especially bold, I then gave her a little lick. And another. And...


It was so soft as to be almost inaudible, but there was no mistaking the sound of that voice. Ashley had awakened, had noticed me and surely wondered just exactly what in the hell I was doing. I was caught like a rat in a trap. My breath stuck in my throat. "What have I done?" I asked myself. I got this ridiculous idea that, maybe if I didn't look at her, this whole episode would be a figment of my imagination, or maybe a feverish dream, and I'd be able to leave the room and act like nothing ever happened.

"Jay?" A little louder this time, but still whisper-soft.

I looked up. I had no choice. I saw Ashley's head tilted back, looking at me from over her shoulder. I expected her to be furious with me, or even worse, sad and disappointed that I would ruin everything in such a selfish way. But the expression on her face was completely unreadable. It was drawing out the torture (and this most definitely was torture now, no question about it) of waiting to see what her reaction to this crazy act would be. Her blue eyes were staring intently at me, piercing through my very soul, stabbing me deeper than any knife ever could. We were probably locked frozen like this for only seconds, but it felt like hours, days even. I was desperate to break the silence, but what could I say to get myself out of this predicament? I could only fumble and stutter, "Ash... I... uh... you see... I..."

"Jay." No hint of a question in her voice this time. No hint of anything in that voice, to be perfectly honest. It was enough to shut me up. The silence hung thick in the air again, until Ashley decided to break it.

"You know, Jay, I don't recall asking you to stop."

My mind was blown. Did she really want me to continue? I looked at her and raised my eyebrows as if to say "Are you sure?" She just shifted her eyes towards her bottom, gave it a cute little wiggle, looked back up at me and smiled as if to say "That's right baby, I'm yours if you want me!" How remarkable that we could communicate so much without saying a word.

My face widened into what I'm sure was my goofiest smile ever... but who was I to turn down such an invitation?! I started kissing her gorgeous rear end again, softly at first but with more and more hunger until in no time it felt like I was devouring her. She let out several soft moans of pleasure to let me know I was on the right track. My left hand traveled up her body until I could reach one of her breasts which I gladly cupped and massaged, marvelling at how firm and perfect it felt. "Oh yes... feels good." Ashley said, her voice barely hovering over an audible level. I continued to touch and feel, travelling my way up her body, planting passionate kisses on her back, the side of her breast, her cheek, her earlobe, her neck. Ashley squirmed under the constant attention. I whispered into Ashley's ear, "Baby, you're so beautiful", and with that I kissed my way back down her angelic body. I had wanted this moment for so long, and it finally was about to happen...

... until, out of nowhere, Ashley tensed up and her body went ramrod straight. I saw her eyes fly open, and she bolted upright, yelling "Ohmigod, the TIME! Shit, I'm gonna be late!!"

I was shocked, to say the least. My mind was racing a million miles an hour, trying to figure out what was happening. "Ash...wh... what's going on? Where are you going?" I asked meekly.

By this time, Ashley had her pants pulled up and was, I guess, reasonably satisfied she was presentable enough to go to... well, wherever the hell it was she had to go. She barely looked back long enough to say "I'm sorry Jay, I'm proctoring an exam at the uni, and if I don't leave now I'll be late!"

I asked, "On a Saturday?" But it was too late for Ashley to hear me. The apartment door slammed shut. She was gone.

I slumped on the couch, fighting the urge to be violently ill. I replayed the encounter endlessly in my mind, trying to figure out if I had done something wrong, committed some unforgivable error along the way. A small voice inside me questioned whether Ashley was lying; I tried to banish that thought from my head, but the voice remained, mocking me. I was a wreck.

A couple hours later, Geoff came back home and asked me if I wanted to go out to the bars with him and the guys. I did so, and in the process drank myself into oblivion, trying to forget about Ashley. I failed.

The week after was rock bottom for me. It was supposed to be the culmination of all I was longing for, but instead it was the complete opposite. I was distracted at work, to the point my boss sat me down to ask what was wrong... I got through that uns**thed, though heaven only knows how. I was curt and rude, and then I'd feel guilty about acting that way which just made me feel more miserable. Worst of all, I didn't want to go home and spend time with Geoff and Ashley. I purposefully did things like stay out late and leave for work early or late so as not to have to talk to them. My two best friends in the world, and I was doing everything I could to avoid them. How messed up was that?

Once again early on the Friday morning I snuck out of the apartment and was walking down the hall towards the elevators. But this time Geoff was ready for me. "Hey Jay" he yelled down the hall. "Hey, wait up, come on man I gotta talk to you!" Reluctantly, I turned around to see Geoff running to catch up with me.

When he reached me, I could see the worried look on his face. I guess I didn't fully realize how much I must have scared Geoff (and probably Ashley too) until that very moment. Geoff said, "Jay, what's going on? You've totally not been yourself lately, you've really freaked Ash and I out!"

I hung my head and hesitated... I had no idea what to say at that moment. Finally, I spoke. "I... I'm sorry Geoff. I really am. I've... just been dealing with something that's really difficult... I don't know how to explain..."

"Well, you know you can talk to me about anything, right? I mean, we've been friends forever, we've had each others' backs, we've dealt with a lot of shit together! Whatever it is, you can't keep it bottled up like you have, it's gonna eat you up! I... I don't want to see my best friend like that."

"Thanks Geoff... I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help, really I do... you know you're like a brother to me. I just... I think this is something I need to try and figure out on my own first. I don't know why, but it just is. I hope that, in good time, you'll understand, and I'm sure you will, but for now, I need you to trust me... please."

Geoff looked deep into my eyes, like he was trying to read my mind. At last, he said, "OK... OK, I'll trust you. But only on one condition."

"What's that?" I asked.

A little smirk... so typical of Geoff!... crept across his face. "Stop being such a dumbass! Think you can handle that?"

I laughed out loud in spite of myself and what had happened this wretched week. "Fine. I'll try and stop being a dumbass... ya jackass!"

We both laughed at that and hugged it out. For the first time that week, I felt somewhat normal again. I had patched things together with one of my two best friends. I just hoped I could do the same with the other.

I went through the rest of the day as I normally would have. Fortunately I didn't have any pressing deadlines or projects at work so I could sail through the day with little stress and get to the weekend. I even felt my spirits high enough that I went to the gym for a quick workout. I hadn't gone all week so it felt good to do a little work and get a little sweat going. As I showered, however, I started to get nervous again, mostly because trying to come to some kind of understanding with Ashley would be a big step into the unknown. I didn't know in which direction things could turn. At the same time, I knew I couldn't avoid the confrontation any longer. I could only hope for the best.

I entered the condo and closed the door. I didn't hear either Geoff or Ashley, so I wondered if anyone else was home. I put my things in my bedroom and searched the kitchen and living area. Nothing. I said, "Geoff? Ash? Anyone home?"

"Jay, is that you?" It was Ashley's voice.

"Yeah... I didn't hear you before so I didn't think you were home. Where are you?"

"I'm in my bedroom. I'm just... uh... changing."

I thought I caught a hitch or something in Ashley's voice, but I didn't think anything of it then. I said, "Where's Geoff?"

"He said he had to go take care of something... I don't know where, he wouldn't tell me anything."

"Huh... that's weird," I said. And it definitely was, especially after what he had said to me this morning. What could he possibly be up to?

Ashley said, "Yeah, I know. Listen Jay, about last week..."

I tensed up. "Yeah?"

"I... think we need to talk about it. When I get done in here...we should talk."

Now I was really nervous. She sounded so... serious. It wasn't like her. I just said, "OK", and sat down on the couch.

I think it took 15, maybe 20 minutes, but it seemed like forever. I got up and paced the living room a couple of times, hoping it would help calm me down... but it didn't. I wanted to ask her to hurry up, but that didn't seem like the smartest thing to say, so I held my tongue.

At long last, I heard Ashley's bedroom door open. I could hear the clacking of what sounded like high heels on the wooden floor. I had just enough time to wonder why Ashley would be wearing high heels when we were about to have a serious discussion. Then she turned the corner into the living room... and I was incapable of any further rational thought.

Ashley sauntered in like she owned the place. Her high heel shoes were jet black. Other than that, she wore nothing else but the sexiest of lingerie, and very little of that; black bikini bottoms tinged with red lace and a black and red bra that offered a fantastic view of her ample cleavage. The bra appeared to be strained to nearly its breaking point as it tried to hold in the wonders that were Ashley's breasts. She slowly sashayed towards me, her movements demanding I stare at her curvy, shapely legs leading up to the thin triangle of fabric that just did hide her world from me. She had a naughty little smirk on her face and a definite hunger in her eyes. I was enthralled. This beautiful woman, this absolute angel, was walking toward me like this; I almost had to remember to breathe, so stunning she was.

She reached me and gently tugged on my shirt collar, imploring me to stand up. When I did so, she didn't say anything, just tracing her finger from my lips, down my chest, across my lower waist and just above my crotch, and back up to the back of my neck, that crooked little smile of hers never leaving her face. She then grabbed to bottom of my T-shirt and pulled it upwards, and I raised my arms to make it easier for her to remove it from my body. Her breath caught a little as she looked at my muscular chest and defined abs. She gently ran her fingers down my naked torso, down my sides and then placed her hands firmly on my ass and squeezed. Her soft touch was sensuous and electric, stiffening my manhood even more than it already was. She softly exhaled and leaned in closer, close enough to push her boobs against my chest. I inhaled deeply and revelled in her feminine scent. She whispered in my ear, "I wanted to find a way to make it up to you for last week."

I swallowed hard and looked deep into her eyes, and said the only thing my brain could think up at the time. "So far, so good."

She giggled. My god, she looked absolutely radiant! She replied, "Then wait 'til you see what else I have planned."

She took me by the hand and led me towards her bedroom. I walked right behind her where I had a perfect view of her plump, sexy ass. At the foot of her bed we settled into our first proper kiss. Her soft, full lips touched mine, and we both sighed a little as we kissed each other deeply. I stuck my tongue out, searching for hers, and she opened her mouth to grant me access. Our tongues danced wildly together as our kissing increased in passion. I ran one hand through her luxuriant hair and the other down her back to cup one of her fleshy butt cheeks, while both her hands were grabbing and massaging my own butt. We kept kissing for several minutes, only breaking long enough to breathe. I started to kiss down her cheeks, towards her earlobe and beyond, but to my surprise she stopped me. "Ah ah now, ladies first," she said. I smiled and relaxed, eager for her to do to me what she would. She kissed me softly on the lips again and then tongued her way down my neck. She planted soft kisses all over my chest and down my stomach. She was driving me wild with her teasing, and I'm sure she knew it.

Finally she decided it was time to get down to serious business! She got down on her knees and undid my belt, slowly pulling my jeans down my legs. She did the same to my boxers. I stood before her, fully naked, my cock fully erect. She looked back up at me, saying, "Mmmm Jay, I bet you want me to suck on your big cock. Would you like me to wrap my pretty lips around your big cock?"

"Oh yes, Ash baby, do it, you look like you want it bad."

"Oh baby, I want it SO bad!" She took my rock hard member in her hand, looked up and locked eyes with me with her super sexiest look. Her eyes didn't leave mine as she licked the crown of my cock before sliding her mouth over it. She slowly took more and more of it in her mouth, soon taking several inches. Then, still maintaining eye contact, she just as slowly slid her lips back up my hard penis until the tip was just resting on her tongue. At that moment we just smiled at each other; no words were necessary. It was clear we had both been yearning for this moment for a long time, and now it was finally here. We were both a little nervous and in a bit of disbelief, but our feelings for each other and the desire to experience each other sexually overrode any other concerns.

Ashley went back to working on my cock. She sucked it in and out, slowly at first, and then soon moving to a comfortable speed, her hair waving a little as her head bobbed up and down. I was in heaven; she was simply incredible. "Oh god... ohmigod Ashley... so good," I said breathlessly. I knew if she kept this up for too much longer I would have a massive orgasm.

Ashley sensed this; she stopped and said, "Not so fast baby, I want this to be special. You can't come yet, you naughty boy!" I gave her my best pouty look but she just gently laid me down on her bed. She proceeded to perform a dance that would have put any performer at any "gentleman's club" to shame. She looked so sexy as she moved her legs, jiggled her enormous breasts and shook her fabulous ass. It was a great show but I wanted more.

"Please, Ash baby, I'm going to explode if you don't touch me again soon. I need you so bad!"

She climbed on to the foot of the bed and said "Buckle up, Jay baby." She ran her tongue down the underside of my cock all the way to the scrotum, then back up the tip again before taking as much as she could in her mouth and sucking me off again.

"Oh yes baby, that's so good..."

Before I could finish what I was about to say, Ashley did something even more amazing. She removed her bra, freeing her glorious breasts. Then she took those mammoth mounds and wrapped them around my hard dick.

Holy shit, I thought. Tit-fucking... she's tit fucking me.

She looked at me and said, "Do you like that baby?"

"Oh god I LOVE it baby! Please fuck me with your beautiful tits!"

She pumped my dick furiously, wrapping her boobs around my shaft while putting the head of my cock in her mouth. I held out as long as I could to make this amazing feeling last, but the sensations were just too much.

"OHMIGOD GIRL I'M CUMMING!!!" I yelled in ecstasy. She just let go of her breasts, took more of my cock in her mouth and sucked it for all she was worth. I came so hard I shuddered, but she didn't stop. She swallowed everything I had to give her; I was definitely NOT expecting that!

I shook my head and said, "You are a NAUGHTY little girl!"

She crawled up the bed and kissed me; I could taste the faintest hint of cum saltiness. She replied in her best schoolgirl voice, "Oh daddy, I have been a bad little girl. Are you gonna... spank me?"

A wicked smile crept across my face, "Well, naughty girls do need to be punished. And you have been so very naughty! On all fours, bad girl!"

I got up off the bed and watched as Ash assumed the position. She turned her head back to look at me, pretending to be afraid of whatever "punishment" I was going to dole out. God, she was so hot! The combination of her kinky streak, plus the raw horniness that seemed to radiate from her body, it was all driving me wild.

I whispered in her ear "Remember, my wicked one, this will hurt me more than it will hurt you." She moaned a little in anticipation. I went behind her and pulled down her panties; she shifted each leg up in a seamless motion so I could completely remove the offending garment. I now had full view of her fabulous bubble butt. I gently grabbed a handful of her hair and gave her right butt cheek a swat, hard enough to sting but not so hard to cause real pain. Ashley let out the most adorable little squeal I'd ever heard. I swatted her ass a few more times, alternating sides until both cheeks were a nice shade of pink. I then massaged her rear end to take the sting away, and to prove I could be a little naughty too, I reached a hand down and slowly swiped a finger down her pussy. Ashley whimpered, "Oh god...", as I marvelled at how wet it was.

I moved up to whisper in Ashley's ear again. "Here baby, taste how wet you are." I gave her my finger and she sucked on it without hesitation. I hungrily kissed her neck and earlobe and said, "God Ashley, you are the sexiest woman I've ever laid eyes on. Let me make love to you the way an angel like you deserves to be loved."

She looked at me with those piercing eyes. "Oh god Jay I've wanted you for so long! Please give me your touch and make love to me!"

I moved Ashley on to her back. I gave her a deep, passionate kiss. I planted little kisses down her neck and collarbone, then took hold of her round, large, firm breasts. I kissed and licked all around them, and took one nipple in my mouth and sucked on it. I heard Ash moan in satisfaction. I switched back and forth between both breasts, sucking each nipple in turn. Ashley kept moaning, saying, "Oh Jay that feels so good, please don't stop!" I played with her breasts for several minutes; I could have spent hours playing with them, but there were other parts of her sexy body that needed attention.

I shifted down to her meaty thighs, kissing and gently nibbling my way up each one of them, until I reached her crown jewel, her pretty pussy, shaved except for a cute little landing strip over the top. I deeply inhaled her intoxicating scent, and looked up to see her reaction. She was biting her lower lip, begging me to orally please her without saying a word. Continuing to look up at her face, I gave her pussy a long, slow lick, from bottom to top. She cried out "Oh god yes!" Concentrating on giving Ashley maximum pleasure, I licked and sucked in and around her pussy, and gently nibbled her luscious lips. I spread those lips apart and penetrated her with my tongue. She tasted so sweet, by far better than any other woman I've been with. I kept lapping her up, enjoying her scent, her taste, everything about her. All this time Ashley was squirming and saying, "Oh god Jay... feels so good... don't stop... yes!"

I continued giving my angelic Ashley oral pleasure. I alternated between licking her pussy, softly nibbling on her pussy lips, and just plain tongue-fucking her. She was enjoying the attention but I wanted it to be more than just enjoyable for her, I wanted to make her cum just as hard as she did for me earlier. I put my tongue inside her again and swirled around, in search of the magic G-spot. Her clit came into view, aroused by all my ministrations. I eagerly sucked on it, and Ashley's reaction... "Yes Jay OHMIGOD OH FUCK!!"... let me know immediately I was having the desired effect on her.

As I sucked on her clit I put first one, then two fingers into her tight pussy. She bucked and writhed beneath me, screaming "DON'T STOP... OH GOD FUCK ME!!" She put her hands on the back of my head and pushed, trying to bury my face deeper in her pussy, desperate for climax. I kept sucking and fingering her for all I had. Ashley tensed up and she cried out "OHHHHMIGOOOOOOD!!" as the orgasm ripped through her body. Her juices flowed freely; I lapped up as much of her sweet essence as I could.

I moved, somewhat reluctantly, from between Ashley's thighs to come face-to-face, kissing her, giving her a slight taste of her cum to return the favour she gave me. She was glowing as she came down from her orgasmic high. We kissed, softly but passionately, for a few minutes, until she whispered these magic words in my ear:

"I want you inside me."

My cock, already semi-hard, instantly stiffened. We smiled nervously at each other, anticipating the next stage of our love-making. There was a box of condoms on the night table; Ashley had obviously been well-prepared! I took one and fitted it over my penis. I looked at my angel; she was still on her back, legs halfway spread-open. She smiled again and crooked her finger, seductively motioning me to come towards her. I climbed back on to the bed and gave her another quick kiss, copping a feel of her right breast at the same time. I then grabbed hold of my cock and rubbed it on the outside of her pussy, wanting to heighten the anticipation a little more without going into "cruelly teasing" territory. Finally, the moment we'd been waiting for; I eased my cock into her pussy, slowly, inch by inch, until I was all the way in.


Ashley moaned, "Oh my GOD Jay, that feels so good, my pussy is so full of your big cock! Please fuck me hard!"

"Get ready baby," I replied. I slowly moved my cock until just the tip was inside her, then slid it all the way back in. I repeated this process, slowly at first then progressing to a steady pace. My mind, swimming in a blissful state, had only one thought it kept repeating to me; I'm fucking her... my angel, my Ashley... I'm really, actually making love to my dream girl!

I bent over and kissed Ashley as I continued pounding her tight pussy. I said, "You are incredible baby, you're so sexy, I can't get enough of you!"

She replied, "Baby you're amazing, you make me feel so good! Take me now and make me yours forever!"

I held on to her hips and increased my thrusts. She wrapped her legs around me, her heels digging into my buttocks. Our breathing grew heavier until we were both panting. I wished that the moment would last forever, but the release was building, and it was going to be immense. I prolonged the moment as long as I could, and was thrilled to hear Ashley yell, "Oh god I'm GONNA CUM!" as I wanted to ensure I pleased her as much as she was pleasing me. He hips moved up against mine as she matched my final thrusts with her own. We both cried out "OHMIGOD!!" as we came simultaneously; I later marvelled at how in tune we were with each other sexually in such a short time.

I slowly pulled out and lay on my side beside Ashley. We took a minute or so to recover our breath, just looking at each other in contentment. I brushed my fingers across a few strands of hair falling down her angelic face. I gently kissed her forehead, her nose and her lips. She returned my affections. Our kisses were now gentle, almost chaste. I thought our first session of love-making was coming to its natural end.

I was wrong.

In one swift movement, she grabbed my shoulders, aggressively flipped me on my back and straddled me. She bent forward to kiss me hungrily, thrusting her heaving breasts against my chest. She had a combination of assertiveness and vulnerability in her lovemaking that was alluring; this, clearly, was her assertive side coming to the fore!

"Fuck, I want your big cock again!" she growled. Who was I to say no to that? She took another condom from the box and fitted it over my dick, which she then guided into her smoking hot pussy. In almost no time at all she started enthusiastically riding me, cowgirl-style.

What a sight she was before me! Her firm, voluptuous body was jiggling in all the right places, her pendulous breasts flopped up and down, the look on her face one of pure naked lust. Most of this night we spent making sweet love to each other, but this... this was fast, hard fucking, and it was just as exciting to me in its own way. It clearly was for Ashley as well as she showed with the torrent of dirty talk she unleashed. "Oh fuck your fucking cock feels so fucking big in my fucking pussy! Goddammit Jay FUCK ME!!!" My angelic Ashley had a little bit of devil in her!

As tired as I was, I had enough left in me to meet her increasingly rapid thrusts. Sweat poured off our bodies. The only sounds in our world were our combined grunting and the whip crack-like sound of us slamming into each other's sex.

"God, I love your hot pussy on my cock! You like that, Ash? You like me pounding your pussy with my big cock?!" I barked.

"Yes I LOVE it Jay! Don't stop, keep fucking me, I need your big hard cock so BAD OH FUCK ME!" was her reply.

We gave each other all we had, fucking each other into a frenzy. With a few final plunges and a combined cry of "YEEEEEEAAAAHHHHH!!!!", we both came to an earth-shattering, mind-blowing orgasm. It left us both physically and emotionally exhausted. Ashley slid off me and on to her side of the bed; soon enough, she was fast asleep. Not long after that, so was I.

I blinked a few times before realizing I was awake. The room was dark but not pitch black. How long was I asleep? What time was it? Did it matter? After the night Ashley and I just enjoyed, absolutely not!

The room still faintly smelled of sex. My eyes adjusted to the dimness, and I could more clearly see Ashley. My angel was still asleep. We were in a spooning position; I was the "big spoon", so to speak, holding on to Ashley as she lay inside me. I watched her sleep, her chest slightly heaving with each breath, while contemplating my sudden reversal in fortunes. Watching her breathe... in, out, in, out... was so peaceful, but after a while, I couldn't help myself. I softly ran a finger up and down her arm a couple times, then across her cheek. She stirred, yawned and stretched, and looked at me with her deep blue eyes.

"Hey you," she whispered, smiling.

"Hey yourself," I replied.

"Mmmm... so, big boy, how did you enjoy last night?"

"It was incredible. You... were incredible."

"Aww, thanks baby."

"You're welcome. And, if I may ask, how was it for you, my lady?"

"You were amazing. You made me feel like no man ever has, did things to me I never thought possible."

"Thanks Ash. I dreamed about this for a long time, so I wanted this to be special for both of us."

"Jay... confession?"


"How long had you dreamed of us being together?"

"Since sometime during second year university." I thought Ashley would be surprised by this, but it didn't look like she was.

"OK, your turn," I said. "You also must have been thinking about doing this for some time. How long?"

"Since the day I first met you."

My jaw dropped. "Wow... seriously? I... I had no idea."

Ashley shrugged. "I was too shy and insecure about myself at the time to tell you my true feelings. And then you became friends with Geoff and me... which was great of course, but a little bittersweet for me because I never thought we'd progress past friendship into something more."

I nodded. I knew exactly what she was talking about.

Ashley continued, "Plus, you used to date girls who were... well, built differently than I am. After a while I thought I just wasn't your type. It wasn't until you were going out with Lindsey that I thought to myself, maybe, just maybe, there was a little hope that you and I would get together."

I flinched at Ashley saying that name. "Ugh, Lindsey!" I practically spat the words out. Lindsey was someone I dated for some time as a junior and senior in university. It did not end well. I had largely forgotten her for a long time, but Ashley invoking her name brought back a flood of bad memories.

Ashley caressed my face and said, "Oh baby, I'm sorry to bring her name up. I just didn't know how else to describe what I was thinking! I..."

I interrupted her by putting a finger to her lips and kissing her forehead. I then looked at her eye-to-eye and said, "No Ash, you have nothing to apologize for. I'm the one who should be sorry. You were trying to make a point and I over-reacted in hearing that name. I'm sorry, honey."

Ashley kept her eyes fixed on me for a while, but then dropped her gaze downward. She suddenly sniffled a little; a single tear rolled down her cheek. She looked back up, and I could tell she was very emotional.

"Jay... part of me still can't believe this is real, that this is all happening. Please tell me it is. Please tell me this isn't a one-night thing, but the start of something special for us."

Her words were serious and sincere. But I already knew the answer. I gave her another kiss on the forehead and hugged her a little tighter.

"Ashley, you're too important and too special to me to make you nothing more than a one-night stand. I don't know what our future holds, and I'm not one for predictions. But right now there's one thing I know for sure."

"What's that?"

"I love you Ashley."

Ashley's lower lip quivered, but she still broke into a big smile, an angelic smile, if you will. "I love you too Jay."

We kissed as true lovers. Everything was right in the world.

"I guess there will be a lot of changes, a lot of things for us to talk about, and with Geoff as well" I said.

Ashley suggestively ran a finger down my body; the touch was thrilling.

"Jay, we have plenty of time for that later. I'd rather spend the rest of the long weekend getting to know each other better," she said with more than a hint of suggestion.

"Uh, Ash..."

"Yes, Jay?" She was playing innocent with me; I love it when she does that.

"It's not a long weekend."

"Well, it will be once you call in sick on Monday." She took my hand and placed it on her right breast. "And maybe Tuesday too."

We smiled and kissed again. I had a few days to consummate my new relationship with my angelic Ashley, and I was determined to not waste a single second.

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Alchemical Ink Shattered Angel

The Alchemist was getting ready to close his tattoo shop when the bells on his door chimed. He turned and there she was, a shattered angel. She stood paused, frozen in his doorway, neither in nor out, motionless on the threshold, undecided. The setting sun bled over the rooftops from across the street, staining her hair and cheek with the illusion of mortal wounds. The empty hunger in the crushed blue of her eyes screamed of lethal injuries hemorrhaging but invisible on the surface of her skin....

2 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 3 The Fear of Angels

"Did you really agree to what I just heard?" Cate asked her brother after they'd gotten into the car and underway. "Yeah, he did. I'm waiting to see how this all falls apart," Gail laughed at the mess Alex had just gotten himself into. "I'm telling you, Alex, if that creep tries anything... ," Cate said, leaving the rest of the threat unstated. "I'm sure he's not going to ... never mind, I'm not so sure of that, myself," Alex replied. "If he tries anything with me, you may...

4 years ago
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Stacy the Angel

Introduction. The ways of the Official are many, varied, and often formal. That their methods and phrases – often arcane or even quaint to the modern ear – are accepted goes without saying. In dealing with an ‘Official’ you have to listen very carefully, often to long sentences and unfamiliar words that almost borders on ‘legalese’ or ‘jargon’. We seem to live in a world where ‘ticking the box’ and recording target achievements seems more important than doing the actual job. This story is...

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Dombo and Angel

‘Welcome to this year’s induction ceremony to Major League Baseball’s Hall of Fame. As Commissioner of Major League Baseball, it is always my pleasure to host the annual induction ceremony. However this year is extra special because for the first time in history The Baseball Hall of Fame has waived its 5 year waiting period to accommodate the induction of not only one of the games’ greatest players of all time, but also one of its greatest ambassadors. Dominick Carvoli Passed away 3 weeks ago...

2 years ago
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A Fallen Angel

An angel once fell from heaven: too curious about the world below her. Craving desperately to find a love that she had only dreamed and heard stories of before. A love that stands the test of time, and could overcome despair, destruction, sadness, and all the things the world would throw at her. To her a love like this was worth more than any love found amongst the perfect realms of the heavens. She longed to feel, to experience everything she had never felt before. She hungered to feel pain...

3 years ago
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Marys Guardian Angel

Mary’s Guardian Angel By Beagle9690 July 2016 Her name is Mary.....Mary Susan Brown to be exact. Mary is a good and charitable woman. She was born and grew up in a small coal mining town in Western Pennsylvania. Her father was a dentist and her mother his dental assistant. His dental office was located in their spacious brick home. An only child, Mary lived a happy and tranquil life. Perhaps a somewhat sheltered life with parents who loved her. She adores music and dancing and the...

2 years ago
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A Night with an Angel

Introduction: One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel Laying in bed, crying. Just like any other night. I hated my life. I was constantly bullied, hated. Never accepted. Let me introduce myself, my name is Lucy. Im 17, I have short blood red hair, blue eyes and a slightly curvy figure. Im kind of pear shaped so my hips are wider set. And therefore, people feel the need to call me fat and bully me every day. And it doesnt help that I like dressing in black and red and...

2 years ago
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Dominance of Lady Angel

I am a control freak. I will freely admit it. I am hard-headed, a perfectionist, and quite used to getting my own way. In spite of these personality traits, or maybe because of them; sexually, I am never happier than when I am totally submissive. Finding a man, however, who was strong enough, and possessed enough self confidence to realize my potential had been largely unsuccessful. Until he came along. We have only known each other for six months, but in many ways, it seems like I have...

4 years ago
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Blooming Of An Angel

I am Angel. My parents had named as Angel as I really looked like an angel to them. By birth I had very fair complexion like any other Anglo Indian. I had light blue eyes but dark black hair. So I was an angel for all my relatives too. My mother was too happy to have given birth to a beautiful girl like me. I was liked by all my neighbors and everyone used to carry me at lease once in their lap when I was a kid. I was a darling of my entire locality. Thus I grew up as an angel in real sense. In...

3 years ago
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Municipal BlondesChapter 24 Guardian Angel

JETLAG HIT ME big time and I had three cups of coffee thick enough to cut with a knife before I got in my rental car and headed southeast. I got a fast car and drove too fast all the way from Zagreb to Split on the A1. The mountain pass wasn’t as bad as I expected but spooky as hell. A five-mile tunnel. Before I took off, I sent a quick text to Jordan to let him know where I was headed. I want him to know, but I don’t want him to get there before I do. The big lie It took over five hours...

3 years ago
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A Night with an Angel

I was laying bed crying. When a voice spoke to me from across the room. A male voice, but not one that I know. "Why do you cry, little one?" I looked up tears still coming down. And there I saw the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on. He was tall. Looking about 6 feet. His head nearly touching the ceiling. He had black messy, spiky hair. His the clearest blue pools you could ever see. His lips were slightly puffed but not enough to create a feminine look. He had a...

3 years ago
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The Guardian Angel

Note: This occurs over a fictional period that did not have a pandemic. Also, if you have followed my previous stories, you might have noticed my last two were short erotic tales. This one is more like the others, but perhaps more romantic, told in the third person. Chapter 1: Seven Years Ago Abby Calder was a mess. Not in any physical sense. Outwardly, she looked like any other seventeen year old girl, though perhaps prettier than most. As she looked at herself in the...

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Interview with an Angel

I sat in my office chair at my computer desk. I sensed someone behind me and figured that my younger daughter was sneaking up behind me to scare me. I spun around and shouted "Ah ha!" After a few seconds of silence, I lowered my pointing finger and closed my wide open mouth. It was not my daughter. Standing in front of me was, an angel. There was no other way to describe him, a flowing white winged figure and he was smiling at me. I said, "Hello." "Good evening. Let me introduce myself, I...

4 years ago
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An Unknown AttractionChapter 14 Interviewing an Angel

Well, I tried to be good. Really I did. I wanted to spare my sister the embarrassment of having her brother subject her to more of his aberrant lifestyle, but I just couldn't help myself. I mean, put any self-respecting teenager who's been doing without for the last half dozen years in bed with two beautiful women and just see what happens. I dare you. What happens is, he thinks he's being clever, and while the sister tries to sleep on the nearby couch he slides under the covers, after an...

4 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 8 In the Arms of an Angel

Spend all your time waiting, for that second chance, for the break that would make it okay. There's always some reason, to feel not good enough, and it's hard at the end of the day. I need some distraction. Oh, beautiful release. The memory seeps from my veins. Let me be empty and weightless and maybe, I'll find some peace tonight. In the arms of the angel, fly away from here. From this dark, cold hotel room and the endlessness that you fear. You are pulled from the wreckage, of...

3 years ago
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Theres More than One Way to Skin an Angel

TRUST ME It’s written in big, black letters on a piece of card stock. It’s the second one I’ve received this week. The first one had three little words on it: I WANT YOU I called a friend of mine and told her what was going on. I asked her if any of our friends were pulling a practical joke, cause I wasn’t finding it funny. I was a single, young, professional that lived alone and things like this gave me the creeps. The second note kind of confirmed my thoughts about a friend pulling a joke on...

2 years ago
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Snow Angel

Lisa Stilton stood next to a parapet of the old castle overlooking a snow covered foreign city. She reminded Bo of the skier, Lindsey Vonn, who hailed from their own country. Or perhaps Lisa was a little Dutch girl with yellow braided hair planning to put her finger in a dike.The final day of their European Honeymoon was to end with a bit of sightseeing before returning to Colorado. Hard to believe his new wife had been Lisa French only a few days before and, to some extent, a different...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Snow Angel

Lisa Stilton stood next to a parapet of the old castle overlooking a snow covered foreign city. She reminded Bo of the skier, Lindsey Vonn, who hailed from their own country. Or perhaps Lisa was a little Dutch girl with yellow braided hair planning to put her finger in a dike.The final day of their European Honeymoon was to end with a bit of sightseeing before returning to Colorado. Hard to believe his new wife had been Lisa French only a few days before and, to some extent, a different...

Oral Sex

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