194 Amber Two free porn video

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194 Amber two
Amber sat with a television babbling away, she wasn’t really watching it, it was on, just supplying her with a background companionship, some of that “pretend” human contact we sometimes all crave when we are in a lonely house or room on our own.
T, her lover master and pimp, had been away for a day or two “negotiating some business” he had said, though she knew it was just probably drinking and whoring to drum up trade with a contact, selling her willing services again, if the truth was known, to the highest bidder.
The big old house echoed emptily when he was away, especially at night, eerily echoing and reminding her of her loneliness and of the dungeon below. It had been three weeks since the last time, during which the brand had been applied to her soft labia, and it had been a long three weeks, though the pain had passed after the first seven days, Maisy having nursed her fantastically and lovingly for that time though she had since then been on her own. Amber knew Maisy would be back the next time and that it would not be that long once more before her services would be needed if T had his way.
She looked at the mark, every day and wondered what the man who had been so besotted with her that he had paid to mark her `M’ had in his mind.
She knew he was smitten with her, he had written numerous stories for her, his token of undying love perhaps, and they had exchanged e mails, though T didn’t know, but they both knew it was going nowhere, he lived on another continent, had a wife he doted on, and Amber had T, and her job, but still they had a bond, a mental link, and now she wore his mark. Tiny though it was it was hidden away inside her sexiest cavity, she knew it was there and it would be a reminder for evermore of him. she wondered if any-more women in this world bore that scar. She was in love with T, she had been since he first had her, since that first sight of his rippling muscles, his masterful ways, his smooth dark rippling brown skin and his huge dick. Hadn`t she left her husband of 18 years for him, heaven knows life with hubby had been sexually exciting enough, but she knew instantly when she met T, she was his, and in a strange way now she had this distant “pen friend” as well!
She was waiting, not this time for one of T`s clients to misuse her body, (which by the way she enjoys,) but today it was for the dungeon to be occupied by two of T`s friends, a couple of pimps, Leroy and Barry, who had rented it for them to punish some of their own `women’ who had stepped out of line. T had instructed her that they that were coming and to show them where to go and that she was to film it on his cctv but she watch but was not to get involved, or let on about the filming.
After they had gone, she knew she was to clean up behind them, it being beneath the dignity of the two masterful pimps, and when they had finished with the women, it was a sure thing that they would not be fit enough…
The crackle of the gravel heralded the plain blue van`s arrival, driven by a huge black giant known as Odd -Job, huge, slow, massively strong and totally uncaring. It was soon followed by a long low pink pimp- mobile driven by Leroy!
The doorbell rang, and she opened it to the huge frame of Barry, blocking the light and that smaller ratty faced little weasel Leroy peering round the bigger man. She disliked Leroy, who she knew was a vindictive little sadist with a really-nasty streak.
Barry was a disciplinarian, hard but only to keep discipline, and she knew instinctively Leroy was the one to watch for. Barry grunted “we gotta booking”, she answered that T apologised for not being here but she was here to show them all down to “the room.” Then, she turned and led these odd pair into the hall. They were followed by Odd -Job herding the four obviously terrified women before him two white and two black.
They descended the stairs, and she flipped on the lights. The dungeon appeared for the first time to the women, eliciting the intaking of breath.
Odd -Job made three sit on the long side bench, sending the other into the adjoining bathroom growling the command “empty yourself we don’t want you making a mess!” she burst into tears, but set off into the bathroom as Amber excused herself and left them to the job in hand.
Her heels clipped and clopped back up the stairs, echoing along the empty corridor, as she rapidly returned to the office, there to switch on the video system. She followed T`s hand-written idiot guide of instructions left on his blotter, her fingers for the first time, on the unfamiliar panel fixed on the desk top, with a click on came the wall screen, she quickly shut the door then sat, loving the opulence in T`s seat, to watch and absorb someone else`s pain for a change, fascinated by the views on the wide divided screen, the large centre image showing the action in the dungeon and its smaller surrounding screens the dungeon bathroom, and to her surprise every other room in the house! Her sitting room, her bedroom even her bathroom featured heavily, none of which she had known about and in some strange way she felt it a compliment that her lover always wanted to watch her.
By now the second woman, was sat on the dungeon toilet, tearfully relieving herself, the first woman also tearful, was sat back with the others, awaiting the two masterful men, who were now checking out the available equipment. The indifferent Odd -Job on a chair against the door, the only exit, sat reading a paper, as if on a bench in a park.
“NOW” Barry barked at the women, “You bunch of useless cheating whores you’re here to be punished, for your crimes an misdemeanour’s your punishment will be harsh believe me as no one at your level causes us problems,” he emphasised the us “You whores live by usin` your bodies,” he paused for effect “Well you ain`t going to want to for the next few days, and you had better have some savings to carry you over, cos you will owe us if you ain`t taking punters, and I`m tellin` you ain`t goin` to want punters after this!” he again paused, the four pale faces following his every move as he went on …
“Your faults will be read to you all by my partner and so will our considered sentence understand?” tearful nods affirmed they did and little Leroy stepped forward, grinning sadistically, “Mary and Joan, you both thought you could skim us off, and we caught you out, so your down for thirty strokes of his whip and ten of my belt. Both ladies looked pale and Mary burst into tears, Leroy took no notice, and carried on to the next girl a black named Jay, who had been freelancing on the side. The sentence he read was forty of the whip and twenty of the belt. She protested at the sentence, and he added a bonus of 5 of the cane for back-chatting!
The last was a really tartily dressed white girl named Jane, a brazen little cow from San Francisco, that according to Leroy had “caused him big problems with the cops” he went on to say he was less than happy with her and that she would suffer badly, then he had sold her to his Mexican friend Pedro to work south of the border.” He gave no tally this time, probably to add to the fears of the woman, and she knew now that she would soon be turning tricks in a south-American brothel for the rest of her life.
“Right, let`s start!” Barry pointed to Mary and ordered her to strip…
Mary stood, and began to shed her clothes, Odd -Job, lowering his paper to watch as she removed her clothes, she was naked in seconds as befitted a working whore. Her black body shone under the lights in a sweaty film of fear, as she was secured to the lift by her wrists, her face a mask of panic as Barry swung his whip for the first time, Amber at the desk up in the office watched fascinated as the whip descended, and the hung body began to scream, each stroke marking the swinging girl, red welts appearing as every stroke arrived, and the body jigging about as the girl attempted to negate each slashing swing of the leather. Amber murmuring that it would do no good she had walked that path plenty of times!
Amber licking her lips as she watched strangely jealous perhaps of the stinging whips caress, something she had always thoroughly enjoyed. She had never passively watched a live punishment before, only received the punishments, or at least been part of receiving mutual punishment, to sit and watch detached like this was alien to her.
Her fingers strayed to the hem of her dress and slid upwards to slither over her knickers, she began to automatically strum, it was not a conscious action and her eyes never left the whip and its wriggling victim.
In the dungeon Barry finished with the first girl, it was now Leroy who stepped forward, he released their first victim then led her to the flat crucifix. Amber knew the feeling of vulnerability when you lay open -legged on the horizontal St Andrews cross, she remembered the lack of support for the victim`s head, and the pain in her neck as she had waited a full hour strapped on the thing, her punter late, stuck in traffic! She smiled at the memory, but she knew what was coming for the woman, and she knew the whip was just the warm up.
Legs akimbo the straps were secured, then the wrists, the sobbing whore waited, Leroy stood at her shoulder, and the belt swung down curling itself across her belly and into the woman`s sexual cleft.
The body rose in an involuntary twitch of a body in extreme pain, eyes bulging, face contorting with the sting of the leather and the scream from her lips was pitiful. The remaining women looked on in fear and trembling, minds taking in the fact they had each been sentenced to the same or worse.
The body its muscles unable to keep it up from the cross, slowly returned to the `rest position’ her sex red from the stroke. To Leroy it was the signal to strike again, and strike he did, the sound of the leather striking into her body once more was accompanied with a second bloodcurdling scream.
The body again rose, held its raised position then fell back the victims head wagging from side to side in an attempt to dismiss the agony of her ravaged cunt. Leroy struck once more a sadistic leer now all over his narrow features and his eyes sparkling.
Barry, partly so that he had not the need to watch his partners glee, fetched the next woman to first strip and then to the lift.
He slipped her into the cuffs and lifted her to secure her. She seemed resigned to her punishment perhaps glad not to watch the first girl`s agony.
White skin soon began to redden under the heel of the whip, Amber vaguely aware of the first girl being told to dress and wait without snivelling, staggering back to her seat, hands clasped to her crutch, the ten of the belt over and each step a torture.
Joan the second girl was now becoming a red well chastised body swinging on a rope and crying like a baby, that stage over released she without being told lay herself on the cross, Leroy securing her as Jay the third girl began to undress at Barry`s behest.
The ten strokes of the belt were laid on as before, each eliciting the same screaming, raised body, head swinging reaction. As the woman was released, again the instruction to cease snivelling and to dress, by now the third girl was secure and her toes swinging clear of the floor. Again, the swooshing whip caressed the black skin, the now familiar screams echoing around the room, her feet doing an involuntary jig as each blow landed, Odd -Job, having indifferently returned to his paper and the first two girls were now too distracted to care.
Transferred to the cross, the belt rained its terrible bruising punishment onto the secure woman`s tender genitalia, distraught the whore hardly noticed the final stroke had arrived. She was released, and hardly able to move she staggered towards the seats, but Leroy, re directed her to a padded bench. She was quickly d****d over the stool her wrists secure, her shapely backside presented to Leroy and that awful cane.
Already tenderised, her vulnerable butt waited expectant and quivering fearfully. The five blows fell mercifully quickly, each with a slap that left a vivid red line across both rounded cheeks. By now the woman, on release could barely walk, dressed now, her two companions, helped as best they could bruised as they were.
Odd -Job was told to “load them and return to the brothel,” and as soon as the three could, he ushered them from the room, Odd -Job almost carrying the third girl who was finding walking extremely difficult.
Amber, breaking off from her self-stimulation to meet the limping group in the hallway and open the main door for the pitiful party, who were soon secured in the back of the old blue van, Odd -Job commenting to Amber that “he bet they would think twice before they crossed these masters again!” before driving off.
Amber slipped back into T`s office once more, knowing the pain the three were going through, having walked that path herself, knowing first-hand the cold path of deep bruising and stiffness that tomorrow would be bringing.
Everyone knew that the fourth woman would be the main recipient of the day, the big event, call it what you will, she had caused Leroy humiliation, and police problems, and to save face, he would make her pay, and in the most painful way possible. She knew it, and was putting a brave face on, waiting her fate defiantly,
Barry, knew his partner was looking forward to punishing the woman, and he knew it was inevitable that she would be in poor shape when she left this place, he did not want to watch, it was not his way. However, he knew he alone was the only one could keep a reign on Leroy`s sadistic tendencies, and as he didn’t want a corpse on their hands he was forced to remain.
Leroy told the defiant Jane to stand and strip off her clothing. The woman a good shaped white trollop of about the 40year old mark, knew she must except the inevitable, she stood, jaw set and began the disrobing she knew would lead to the great pain and damage Leroy was eager to inflict, the first stage of her ordeal, that with the dreaded Pedro the Mexican, she knew would be ongoing.
Her dress fell, then the bra, her 38dd breasts stood proud, finally the shoes and the thong, as she drew herself up almost as a gesture of her bravado.
“Pedro wants you whole and workable at the months end, so you are saved some of the pain I had imagined for you” the little man threw her cuffs, she fitted them herself, ankles first, the last on her wrist, using her wrong hand being a slower process. Ready now she stood fixing him with a stare that said…`well what now!’
“on that face down,” he indicated with a nod the cross so recently in use. She soon lay patiently waiting as he clipped the cuffs to the short chains. Secured now she lay, her head drooping between her raised arms, expectant and awaiting. The next ten minutes warmed her back and backside, a cat of nine tails providing the heat, and the slashes of pain, Jane just managed not to scream, she knew this was the starter and had no wish to let this little b**st know he was getting the reaction he so wanted.
Amber watched with interest, her hand now busy in her knickers once more, and the awaited climax beginning to build nicely, in the corner of the screen she saw the small red van arrive, it slid into view, parked and two slimy looking Mexican`s approached the front door. Amber again frustrated answered the bell, the men introducing themselves as `Pedro`s’ men, come to collect a new whore. there eyes unwrapping her as they waited her explanation that the woman was being dealt with as they spoke, and would soon be ready, she ushered them into the sitting room and fetched coffee for their wait, scuttling back to the office with indecent haste.
By now the subject back was red with welts that looked painful to say the least, Leroy released her and with Barry`s help, turned and re-secured the woman, laying her on the painful back relishing her discomfort.
Amber rang the Dungeon intercom, telling Barry of the arrival of Pedro`s men, and was told to “fetch them down” again she did as bid, another interruption, practically running back to the office as the dungeon door closed on the pair.
Both Leroy and Barry shaking hands with the new arrivals, Leroy returning to the waiting woman, cane in hand, he began at her knees. Heavy swipes each about an inch apart, measured hard, punishing strokes, each leaving livid red stripes across both of her legs alternately. Each stroke now making her moan, then as the strokes neared her sex slowly the sound rose to a scream real pain tinged with fear, he skipped over the mons and progressed upwards across her stomach when her tits, the strokes closer now as his aim and eye got more in tune. The nipples attracted his attention, especially hard strokes exploding on the tender nubs causing her body to jerk and her screams to hit a new note completely.
Leroy smiled as the welts appeared purple blue across the pale skin of the soft breasts, he discarded the cane and took up a crop, her face contorted as he moved to behind her head, the crop sang, then struck between her legs with fearsome force.
The woman fainted. Leroy, struck again and again, his face a mask of sadistic pleasure. Barry leapt up, stopping another swing mid stroke, telling his partner “Enough!” and calming the situation.
Leroy slunk away to sit and regain his composure, Barry removed the cuffs motioning the two Mexicans to collect the still comatose Jane, and her clothes, and with the girl over one of Pedro`s men`s shoulder they set off from the Dungeon. Amber recently recovered from the frustrated orgasm, met them in the hall, the men dumped the naked woman in the van, and were soon gone.
She watched them leave, Barry and Leroy, appearing, and telling her to thank T, soon followed suit, and as she closed the great wooden door once more she realised she was on her own once more.

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Seducing Amber pt2

Amber and I laid on the bed for a while relaxing and for me going over what had just taken place. I finally got up and told her I was going to make some tea and she said that would be nice. Throwing on a sheer nightgown I headed for the kitchen and when I had finished making the tea and putting out some ladyfingers, Amber came into the kitchen having already gotten dressed. I was a little disappointed, but I knew she might still be a bit apprehensive. We settled down on the sofa and had just...

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The final chapter Amber and Kelly in the shower

The three of us lay there, naked, on the couch for a while, watching the remainder of the porno. I was laying on my back with my head on the arm rest. Amber was on my left with her head on my chest and Kelly was on my right with her head on my stomach. We were, again, telling each other which porn star we would fuck and it what positions. The last scene was a shower scene. There were two girls and a guy. Amber picked her head up off of my chest, looked at me and grinned. I knew that look by...

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Amber Chapter 7 Saturday

It was a stressful 24 hours. It was what I wanted; of course it was what I wanted. But sometimes you just can't have what you want, or rather who you want. Amber. My schoolgirl fantasy; my knicker-showing tease.A date.It was ridiculous how excited and scared I was at the prospect of going on a 'proper' date with Amber. Excited, scared and stressed. And there was something that came naturally when I was any of those things. I cleaned the pipes three times at work, each time provided only...

4 years ago
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HotWife Amber The Clients Part 2

Amber arrived the next morning on time. She was wearing a nicely fitting mid-thigh length skirt, tall boots, and a professional close-fitting blouse. Jesse was in the lobby when she arrived. Jesse tried to be discrete when he looked her up and down, but Amber caught him. Only a moment passed before Jesse called everyone around and announced that he would have to push the meeting back two hours. Nobody was disappointed in the delay and many started heading out for coffee or to check their...

Group Sex
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Amber wont do it again

Introduction: 17 Year old Amber Davis is in trouble Go to your bedroom and take off your panties!But Daddy.Go to your bedroom and take off your panties, Now, Amber!s*******n year old Amber Davis could not believe what was about to happen. Her father was going to spank her. Amber had only been spanked twice in her life. The last time was five years ago when she was twelve. She knew she had broken the rules, but a spanking at her age. It was too humiliating to even imagine.Jim Davis continued...

2 years ago
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Curious Amber

Amber breathed out and then sucked in as much air as she could. The sensation from the cyber skin vibrator tapping at her anus was slowly driving her mad with pleasure. Her girlfriend of five years, Marie knelt behind her caressing her ass cheeks and pussy. Amber felt the toy slide in an inch, and she gasped as it stretched her a bit more than what was comfortable. It was bigger than the previous one and Marie had promised to be gentle with her. She always was and Amber loved her for it. Her...

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Amber and Friends

He thought he had gotten away clean when he saw his ex and her friends come into the bar. Alas, he was not so lucky. “Jake? Jake!” Amber said. She ran across the lot and caught his arm ten strides before he got to his car. “I thought that was you.” “Oh, hello Amber,” he said. “Hello yourself. I thought you were in Miami.” “I was.” Jake took a moment to look at her. She had lost weight through her middle, which only served to accentuate her ample chest. Her hips and ass also appeared to...

1 year ago
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Curious Amber

“Oh, oh, slowly Marie, slowly.” “I’m sorry, it’s just that you look so fucking sexy.” Amber knew she did, and she was proud of it. Ever since she was in her late teens and had finally grown into a woman, people had always commented on her hourglass figure, piercing blue eyes and her raven black hair. Not that she was a bitch about it, but she knew she was hot like shit and enjoyed the attention. Marie was also a very attractive woman. Being five years older than Amber made her thirty and she...

2 years ago
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My Step Sister Amber Forbbien Love

*** " Scarlett" I open my eyes to see Amber standing over me. Why are you standing over me? "I rush up here, I am like so excited to see you" "you're". " Yes, lil sis" "you never called me sis before" "I called you sis before" "No you haven't". " I made breakfast for you" "where's mom" "at work and I had just drop dad off at the airport for his business trip. I'll be downstairs if you need me". Amber leaves my bedroom, I slide my feet into my sandals and I head...

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Amber and Jake An Altered Fates Story Final Chapters

Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Edits by SteveZ Part 6 Jake awoke the next morning feeling wonderful; she kissed her lover Bob gently as he began to stir. It was great to feel so sexy. She padded over to the mirror and looked admiringly at her - at Amber's body. 'Well, in many ways it was tempting to see if Amber would be willing to trade bodies and lives,' she thought, 'but I love most of my own life too! I'm rich, have a great job, my income from all sources is...

1 year ago
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Amber Pays the Rent Reposted

Amber was shocked at the news! She was just told by her boss that her job was being eliminated. What on earth was she going to do now? Even with a regular paycheck she barely got by.The next day she went to the unemployment office and she was told she would get some weekly benefits but then they told her how much. That would never pay her rent or put food on the table.As the next few days went by she dreaded telling her landlord that she would not be able to pay him. He seemed like a nice...

3 years ago
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Amber Womb of the State

Mature and Younger, Flashing, Up Shirts, Cuckold, Cream pie and KinkyAmber blushed as the boys whistled at her, she stood dressed in a formal long Red Gown. Behind her walked out James in a tuxedo, they were attending an award ceremony of 20 year service as foster parents. Their present 4 foster boys had seen them leave, together or separate every night for the past week.It was 21 years ago at the age of 35 that James suffered a massive stroke. He went from a commercial pilot to rehab and...

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Asian Amber Picks Ch 02

Amber and I got off at the gas station but I was clearly in the dog house. This had to be the strangest situation I have ever been in. Amber stayed outside and sat on a nearby bench while I called CAA. I must have been on the phone for at least thirty minutes, trying to explain the location where my car was. Luckily the time I was inside gave Amber time to cool off and rethink the situation. I walked outside, Amber waved for me to come over and patted the bench next to where she was sitting to...

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Bill and AmberChapter 4

For those who were kind enough to read my story, "Bill and Amber," but were disappointed in the conclusion, I have added a fourth chapter. It can probably stand alone; however, if you haven't read the first three chapters I believe this will make more sense to you if you do. I hope you will enjoy the story, and as always, your feedback is welcome. Thank you. Now, the fourth and final chapter. Bill and Amber The reunion It was so warm and peaceful. A bright light shown through the...

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Mitch and Amber

What the hell was she thinking? Amber had done it she had agreed to go on a weekend trip with a man she hardly even knew; she hadn’t even met the man in person.   They met six months ago online and after the first few conversations they had been intimate with one another.   She still didn’t know if she should be ashamed of herself or just be accepting of her behavior.   Her thoughts ran through her mind making her even more nervous than she already was.   Mitchell was going to be there...

First Time
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Bill and AmberChapter 2

After only being together a month, it didn't seem like it should be so hard to say good-bye at the airport, after all, it was only going to be for three weeks ... but it was hard ... terribly hard, for both of them. Bill had tears in his eyes when he took her in his arms and kissed her good-bye. Amber, trying to put on a brave face, forced a smile and gently wiped them away. "I'll be back, darling," she said. Amber looked into his teary eyes and knew she had to tell him; he needed to...

2 years ago
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Amber gets a ride home

The work day was winding down and everyone was getting ready to go home. Amber was waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up and bring her home.   “Amber, do you need a ride home”, Tom asked her.   “No, Justin will be here any minute, but thanks for asking”, she replied.   “OK, I am going to finish some work, so if you change your mind I will be in my office.”   About a half hour later Amber walked into Tom’s office and asked for a ride home.   As they walked to Tom’s car they made small talk.  ...

Straight Sex
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Amber Brief Stardom

Amber really hoped to die and called her landlord to say she would be moving out next week. There was no money to pay the rent. The chances were only one out of 50 but she would be executed if not selected and want to entertain others with her nudity and death but thought a lot about and would need to privately hang from a tree in the back yard hoping someone would find her and have fun removing her body. Being homeless was not fun but she would risk it. She called her ex husband and said...

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The Shed Spying on Amber

Amy is my twin sister. We were born less than an hour apart. By all accounts we were a “surprise” to our parents and older siblings. Charlie, the oldest, turned 33 last month. Meg and Liz (also twins) turned 28 in April, and the closest to us, Amber, will be 25 this fall. Amber just finished college at State and moved back in after graduation. She was taking the summer off to relax before starting the job hunt for a career. Our parents are very laid back and thought this was a grand idea....

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Asian Amber Picks Ch 01

As we traveled down the long stretch of highway in my convertible, heading to my parents cottage I looked over to my sexy 21 year old bomb shell girlfriend sitting in the passenger side. Amber was very sexy, probably one of the sexiest and smartest women I have ever knew. She was Chinese-Canadian, born here in Canada but her parents moved here about 30 years ago. Amber was 5'4", 105lbs, long black hair, brown eyes and actually very tanned with B cups and a tight little ass. People would often...

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Bill and Amber conclusion

Introduction: spin-off from, Picture perfect trilogy. Bill and Amber Conclusion Ambers right leg was stiff from the half crouched position she had been laying in. She slowly opened her eye lids. The dried tears formed a cloud over her eyes and it looked like she was seeing everything through a thin veil. The house had an almost eerie feeling to it. Everything was dark, empty, lifeless. Amber remembered seeing Bill driving away. She knew it was useless but she had to try. Bill, she yelled out,...

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Owning Amber

Amber was very skilled graphic designer. And most of my clients were calling for Amber to handle their designs personally. I soon changed the dress code for the shop allowing the ladies in the design room to wear casual clothes on Fridays. Amber normally would wear jeans and tee shirts on Fridays. The jeans held her heart shaped ass as if she was liquid and poured herself into them. I was very happy with the way things were going with the print shop. The guys never missed a Friday and my...

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Amber Heard behind the scenes

Working in the movie industry is a stressful but also and interesting and exciting thing to do, especially when there is opportunity's to meet all sorts of folks. Al Pacino, Seth Rogan, Chevy Chase and Meryl Streep, all of them I have met and worked with on set. But then there was the time I worked on a film with a director named Patrick Lussier and that film in question is Drive Angry back in 2011, and yes that means I did meet naughty blonde hottie actress, Amber Heard. Since I got the word I...

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Amber and Bobby Fraternal Twins with benefits

I had developed too over the past years and now stood 6’00” tall and weighed 168 pounds. Our hair and eye color was the same but I was tall and lanky in stature. Puberty had also left me with a cock that grew instantly to 6” in length and typically stayed rock hard for most my waking hours. As weird as it seemed in my head I always looked at Amber and wondered what she would look like and feel like naked. I never acted on it but the thought was in my head daily. Amber and I were both...

1 year ago
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Amber The Next Generation

Amber, my beautiful young neighbor and now my wife, and I have been going at it hot and heavy for the past four years, now. Since she gave herself to me that first time. We just celebrated our first wedding anniversary, or "anal-versary," as we call it!!! It all started at our wedding, when I was introduced to my lovely bride's young cousin. "Chris, I'd like you to meet my cousin, Amber," my bride said. Apparently, Amber was a family name. There were at least two Amber's in every...

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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 15 Amberrsquos Trip Paris and Back Home

Mike’s phone buzzed as he sat at his desk. It had a simple text message, “Download file from ur cloud mailbox. XOXOX Amber”. He figured out that it must be around four in the morning where Amber was. She was up late to be sending him something; he reminded himself of the eleven or twelve hour time difference between them. His body trembled as he wondered what it might be. He prayed it would have rich sexual content. It took a few minutes for the large video file to download to his iPhone;...

1 year ago
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Amber Gets Stretched Part 4

A week and many "work out" sessions after Amber starts to work in my shop, I get another call from the Scalzi twins. "Gary, you been holdin out on us long enough, we want that slut of yours now. We'll be there at six." I don't know what to do, I haven't mentioned anything to Amber yet, but I got to come up with something fast. I try not to look worried as Amber walks down the stairs, wearing a sexy uniform as usual. A strapless bikini top that hardly covers her tits, and a thong bottom that...

Group Sex
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Angie Amber

So I was laying in bed, naked, smoking a fat doobie when I heard Angie's key in the front door lock. She walked in carefully, to avoid the squeaking floorboards and headed to my room. I threw the sheet over my nakedness -- just in case it wasn't my girl. But it was. And she had company. Looking at the girl I knew, right away, that this had to be Amber. Both girls wore heavy coats that covered them from neck to knee. Both girls looked at each other conspiratorily and giggled. Then both flopped...

4 years ago
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Bill and Amber conclusion

Conclusion Amber’s right leg was stiff from the half crouched position she had been laying in. She slowly opened her eye lids. The dried tears formed a cloud over her eyes and it looked like she was seeing everything through a thin veil. The house had an almost eerie feeling to it. Everything was dark, empty, lifeless. Amber remembered seeing Bill driving away. She knew it was useless but she had to try. “Bill,” she yelled out, “Bill, please answer me, please Bill, I need you, please, oh...

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Talkative Schoolgirls Amber Allison Are Paddled

Talkative Schoolgirls Amber & Allison Are Paddled The lives of two sisters changed dramatically when both their parents were suddenly killed in a plane crash.  The eighteen-year old non-maternal twins sat in the lawyer’s office were wearing matching white short skirts, tank top shirts and tan pantyhose for the occasion.  They’re uncle was also present for the reading of the will and the codicil that had been added a couple of years ago.  The executor read the will to the three of them and the...

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Amber pt3

Part 3I could tell Amber was horny as we were leaving the restaurant, twitching and glancing at me on the way to the Tahoe. Sliding in to the front, instead of sitting on her side, she took the middle seat, buckling next to me before saying "Are we still doing my reward?"I grinned, starting the Tahoe and said "Yes Honey, anything you want"Her hand slid up my thigh and pushed against my pussy as she looked out the window, not meeting my eyes. She was breathing heavily as she ground it into me,...

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