My Mommy free porn video

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The sun woke me, its warm rays caressing me, pulling me slowly awake. I stretched, groaning, then settled back into the mattress, my gaze on the window. This was the first day of summer vacation; I had nowhere to be and, aside from my chores, I had nothing planned.

I turned my head at the knock on my door. "Come in."

The door opened and my mother appeared, smiling. "Morning, sweetheart. Thought I heard you."

My brow twitched, my gaze dropping for the briefest moment. She was wearing a white babydoll with powder blue accents, her heavy, pendulous breasts straining the fabric, her dark areolas and long, thick nipples clearly visible. Though she was a good twenty pounds overweight, she carried it surprisingly well on her tall frame. At thirty-six, she was much prettier than most of my friends' mothers, with long, thick legs and gorgeous, flowing, dark hair that she wore loose most days.

I met her gaze, her dark eyes smiling. She's a morning person and, as such, is rarely in a foul mood. I wondered if it was her dreams that were the cause of her frequent good moods, or if it was something else. Good sex, maybe?

She moved to my bed, sitting on the edge. Without hesitation I rolled over, wrapping myself around her, her scent reaching me. I inhaled, my cheek moving against her knee, my eyes on hers, but they slid closed as she reached for me, teasing my hair, running the tip of her finger over my brow then down my nose. "How did you sleep, sweetheart?"

"Good." I inhaled deeply. "I love the way you smell," I murmured.

She pushed at the hair on my forehead. "I know you do, sweetheart."

Her tone, low and dreamy, brought my eyes open again and I took another deep breath, my gaze on hers. She shook her head, caressing my cheek. "Do you have plans for the day?"

I shook my head, biting the soft skin at her knee, gently. She shook her head, tugging at my ear. "Come on, I'll make you breakfast."

As she stood, my gaze went to her ass, the negligee not covering her panties, a pair of filmy white things with strings that tied at her hips. Of her collection of panties, they were one of my favorite pair. They hid very little, only just shielding her labia behind the opaque front panel. I watched her fleshy cheeks wiggle as she made her way toward the door. She turned, catching me, her head shaking. "Come on, lazy."

I peed, then entered the kitchen. She was standing at the counter, dicing a tomato. An avocado sat nearby, along with a few eggs and some cheese. I moaned. "Omelets?"

She nodded, smiling. "Wanna set the table?"


All through breakfast I stole glances at her, her breasts, her soft, full lips, her short but natural nails, currently covered in a vivid red. She really was lovely to look at.

When we were finished I offered to clean up. She pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Thank you, baby."

"Welcome, Mamma. Thank you for breakfast."

"Sure. Gonna go brush. Come find me when you're finished?"

I found her curled up on the sofa, a book in her lap. She closed it as I approached, her finger inside, holding her place. I lowered myself to the floor before her, laying my head on the cushion, not surprised when she moved her fingers into my hair, and for several minutes we sat in silence, her teasing my hair, me purring with the attention.

I opened my eyes, my gaze landing on her foot. By the looks of her polish, she was due for some pampering. "Would you like me to give you a pedi?"

"You know I can't turn that down."

I laughed softly, pulling myself up. "Be right back."

I returned with the small basket that contained the various buffs and files and lotions, as well as a towel. I returned to the bathroom for the small wash tub, filling it with hot water. I grabbed a bar of soap on my way out.

I started by working on the light callouses on her heels, filing them smooth, then I filed her nails before finally placing her feet in the tub, the water now no longer steaming. I took my time washing her, wanting her to feel pampered. And when I was satisfied, I dried her off. I chose the polish she'd used on her fingernails and began applying it to her toes, again taking my time.

"You take such good care of me," she said, breaking the silence.

I met her gaze, smiling, nodding. "I want you to know I love you."

She shook her head, her smile reaching her eyes. "I do, sweetheart."

I cleaned my mess and returned to kiss her lips. "Gonna go take a shower."

Feeling a bit daring, I walked naked from my room to the bathroom at the end of the hall. While I showered, the warm water relaxing me, I pictured my mother, sitting on the sofa, her negligee leaving her long legs exposed, her skin soft and inviting. But while I was here, taking a shower I really didn't need, she was out there, on the sofa, nearly naked. I shut the water off and toweled dry, spending a few extra minutes on my hair, running a brush through it.

In my room, I stared into my underwear drawer for several moments, unseeing, my mind on her. I pushed the drawer closed and, still naked, made my way to her bedroom, pulling open her lingerie drawer, running my fingers over the silky delights within, coming out a few moments later with a frilly babydoll, similar to the one she was wearing but this one in pink with white accents. I pulled it on and went to stand in front of her full length mirror, turning this way and that. Satisfied, I slipped from her room, quietly making my way down the hall, the morning air warming my naked skin, my stomach fluttering as I reached the front room.

She was stretched out across the cushions, her book resting, closed, on her stomach. Her eyes also closed, I wondered if she was asleep. The question was answered a moment later when they opened, meeting my gaze before dropping to the negligee then to my exposed sex. She shook her head but remained silent, instead watching me as I settled on the floor near her feet, crossing my arms, laying my cheek on them, my gaze moving from hers, down over her breasts and stomach, over her long legs to the toes only inches from my face. I watched as she flexed them, moving one foot against the other. "You have such pretty feet," I whispered.

"Wanna know what I think?" she asked, her tone quiet. I met her gaze, shaking my head. "I think you have a thing for mommy's feet."

I smiled, shy, laying my head back down on my arms, my gaze on hers. She seemed to know just what to say to make my stomach flutter. She brought her foot closer, brushing her toes against my arm, then my hair before dragging her toe across my lip. Again my stomach fluttered. I watched, mesmerized, as she opened her mouth, showing me her tongue, showing me what she wanted. I opened my mouth in response and she nodded, pushing her toe in, shivering when I closed my lips around her, teasing her with my tongue. A few moments later she pulled her toe from between my lips, only to curl her toes up and push the undersides of them to my lips, nodding when I pushed my tongue out, teasing them, sucking on them.

"You like to suck on momma's toes, don't you, baby?"

I nodded, pushing my tongue between them, making us both moan. For several minutes I sucked and licked at her before moving to her arch, nibbling at the skin there, sucking at it, making her shiver. She brought her other foot to me now and I switched. I shook my head when her hand began to move over her panties, her fingers teasing. She groaned but removed her hand. I continued to tease her with my tongue, giving this foot the same attention I'd given the other. I could smell her excitement even from where I sat, her scent intoxicating.

I released her toes and moved up, nipping at the soft skin on the inside of her knee, a place I knew made her crazy. Her fingers found my hair then, combing through it, nervously, her nails grazing over my scalp, making my eyelids heavy as I continued to nip and suck at her. She shifted then, moving closer to the edge of the sofa, lifting her other leg, her scent suddenly overwhelming me, making me pull in a long breath, my eyes closing. "You smell fantastic," I whispered.

She continued to run her fingers through my hair, every few moments clawing at me, gently, just enough to scratch lightly my skin. She was never aggressive, never loud, never anything but a lady; always soft and dreamy and loving. "I'm glad you think so, baby girl."

I bit down harder on the inside of her knee, making her moan. I brought my hand up, catching her foot, bringing it closer, releasing her skin and turning my attention back to her foot, sucking at her toes, watching her eyes. She shook her head. "Such a sweet girl," she murmured. I smiled, my gaze dropping from hers to her panties, now exposed, the thin material stretched tightly across her sex, a small wet spot forming low on the front panel. She brought her hand under her thigh, her finger moving to tease the leg band at the softest part of her thigh, just at her ass cheek. I followed her movements, waiting, knowing that she was getting aroused now, knowing that soon she'd show me the wettest part of her. She took her time, though, for several moments just watching me tease her toes and her arch, nothing more than her fingernail creeping into her panties.

She pulled her toes out of my mouth, moving to brush her arch against my cheek. "You're making me wet, baby girl."

I love the endearment. She knows it drives me crazy. I nipped again at her skin, making her moan.

"What, baby?"

I shook my head, my gaze dropping, watching as her other hand came down, teasing the elastic, running her fingers up and down, pulling at it, giving me a glimpse of her labia. "Tell me what you want, sugar," she murmured. I smiled, not taking my gaze from her panties, her fingers. "You want your momma's pussy, don't you, baby girl?"

My eyelids slid closed, my stomach turning in the most delicious way.

"Look at me, sweetheart." I met her gaze. She shook her head, pulling the material aside, exposing herself, her clit, her pouting lips, her wetness. "Is this what you want, baby?" she said, running two fingers through her lips, down to the wettest part, pulling at her labia, opening herself up, showing me how excited she was.

I nodded, reaching again for her foot, watching as she reached for the strings at her hips, untying first one then the other then pulling at the material, wiggling her ass, pulling it out from under her, leaving herself completely exposed now. She pushed both hands down between her legs, using a finger from each to spread her lips, pulling herself open, showing herself to me. "You've made me wet," she whispered.

I nodded.

Still holding herself open with one finger, she dipped the other into herself, teasing. It came out wet and she held it out to me. "Come here, baby girl."

I shook my head. She chuckled. "Playing hard to get this morning?" I nodded. She straightened her legs, lifting one over my head, setting both feet on the cushions, one on either side of me, lifting her ass, moving closer, close enough for me to lean forward and taste her. "Better, baby?"

I nodded. And though I wanted nothing more than to push my face into her folds, to push my tongue inside of her, I wanted her wetter.

She slipped her fingers into my hair, toying it. "What are you waiting for, baby?" I shook my head, my brow twitching. She laughed softly. "You want to watch me masturbate, don't you, honey?" I couldn't stop the smile. He tone dropped to its sexiest register. "You want me to make myself wet for you, don't you, sweetheart?"

My stomach fluttered. "Yes, Momma."

"Taste this," she said, holding a finger out to me.

I closed my lips around it, my eyes closing as I moaned. When I'd stripped her essence from her finger, she pulled it from between my lips, bringing it back into her folds, pushing it into herself, pulling herself open, showing me how wet she was. I moaned, and a moment later she held the finger out again. I sucked at it, my gaze on hers.

"Have you ever tasted anything as sweet as your momma's pussy, baby?" I shook my head, rolling my eyes. She pulled the finger from my lips, only to replace it with another. "Do you remember the first time I fed you like this?" she asked, her voice low and sexy. I nodded, smiling around her finger. "You're momma's girl, aren't you, baby?" Again I nodded. She shook her head, pulling her finger from my lips, moving her hand into my hair, pulling me to her, gently, slowly, my eyes closing as I moved into her wetness, sucking at her hole, making us both moan. "That's it, baby, suck," she whispered.

I opened my eyes, meeting her gaze, her knees pulled back, legs open as I sucked and licked at her. She was absolutely correct when she'd said that nothing tasted as sweet as her pussy.

She released my hair, bringing her hands down, under her thighs, pulling at her labia, opening herself up further, and in seconds I was rewarded when she began to shudder, her vagina squeezing at my tongue as she came. I held my tongue still, allowing her to ride me, allowing her to set the pace. She moved against me, wiggling around on my tongue, crying out as she went over, squeezing me in time with her heartbeat. I jumped a little, my breath catching at the sudden blast of urine. I groaned, the sound muffled by her open sex. She continued to clasp at me, more urine dribbling into my mouth, mixing with the delicious taste of her to form a new, even more heady froth. My head swam as I lapped at her, trying to get everything, and I found myself shifting my focus from her sweet hole to her pee hole, sucking and licking at it, making her writhe, her fingers clenching and relaxing in my hair, the movements jerky, her muscles spasming. She cried out again, her body jerking as yet another jet of urine shot out onto my tongue, making me moan, making my own vagina convulse with need. I continued to lick and suck at her hole, her body rigid, her thighs trembling against my cheeks, and as her orgasm began to ebb, her body sinking down into the cushions, she released a long, slow breath, her eyes opening, her gaze finding mine. She shook her head. "That was incredible, baby. What the hell did you do to me?"

I nuzzled her, my face still pressed up against her, wanting to be as close to her as possible. "Just tryin' to make sure you never try to leave me."

She shook her head, pushing her fingers through my hair. "Never, baby girl."

I pushed further into her wetness, moving my face side to side, slowly, enjoying her wet warmth on my lips and cheeks and chin, delighting in her scent, wanting to be nowhere else. And for many minutes we stayed like that, just enjoying the closeness, reveling in the love.

And as if to read my mind, she said, her tone low and gentle. "Nobody can love you the way I do, baby girl. You belong to me."

I nodded, my eye locked with hers. I pulled back just enough to speak. "Yes, Momma."

"Momma's little sweetheart," she whispered.

I nodded, pushing back into her, teasing her, swirling my tongue around inside of her, cleaning her. Then I pulled back out, taking her inner lips between my lips, pulling at them, making her moan.

She nodded, pushing her fingers into my hair. "Suck on your momma's lips, honey?"

I nodded, pulling back, trying to hold onto them, making her moan as they slipped out. I caught them again, and again I pulled on them, my lips covering my teeth. Soon she was moaning constantly, wiggling her hips at me, and as she began to grow more excited, she tilted her hips, presenting me with her clit. I nipped at it, my gaze on hers, smiling when she nodded. "Yes, baby, like that."

"You peed in my mouth."

Her brows drew, her lip catching in her teeth. "I came so hard."

I nodded, the smile reaching my eyes. "It was nice. You taste good." I swiped at her, making her wiggle her hips. "You're unbelievably sexy," I whispered.

She smiled, her hips moving again, trying to get my tongue where she wanted it. I moaned, finally giving in and pushing my hand down between my legs, my fingers slipping through the wetness there. I nipped harder at her, earning a sharp squeal, her head shaking, her eyes showing her excitement. "Just your teeth, now, sweetheart. Nibble on momma's clit," she said, breathless. She nodded when I uncovered my teeth, crying out a moment later, pulling at her labia, pulling herself open, pushing herself against me. "Harder, sugar." Again she cried out, and again I bit down, harder now.

Though I'd cleaned her up from her last orgasm, my cheeks and chin were soaked again with her juices. And though I wanted to continue feasting on her, my knees were starting to complain. I released her, flicking my tongue at her when she opened her eyes. "My knees are starting to hurt."

She pouted, releasing a long sigh. "I was almost there, sweetheart."

I stood, offering her my hands. I pulled her up and drew her down the hall, my gaze on hers. She shook her head, smiling. "Your face is wet, baby."

My brow twitched, and just inside her room she pulled me to her, her arms going around my waist, mine around her neck as she licked and sucked at my chin and cheeks and lips, making me dizzy with desire. When I was clean, she moved toward her bed. I stopped her. She met my gaze, one brow up. "What, sweetheart?"

I crawled up onto her bed and laid on my back, my head nearest her. She smiled down on me, her head shaking. "Want me on top?" I nodded. She laughed softly. "You want momma to ride you, don't you, baby girl?"

My stomach fluttered. I nodded, and a moment later she was lowering herself down over me, her hair tickling my stomach, her inviting pussy hanging over me. I pulled at her and she slid her knees up, bringing herself down, pushing herself onto my face. This was my favorite position, and within moments she was rotating her hips, her wet, juicy pussy sliding over my lips as I sucked at her.

"You love momma's pussy on your face, don't you, baby girl?"

I nodded under her, making us both moan. A moment later I cried out as her tongue found my clit. Within moments I was riding out my orgasm, pushing my tongue up inside of her as she, too, went over.

When the shuddering ebbed, she rolled over onto her back, breathing heavy, arms out to the sides. I moved until I was laying between her legs and caught her under her knees, lifting, pushing her open as I moved forward, pushing my face into her, making her cry out.

She brought her hands down, her fingers going into my hair until she reached the back of my head. She pulled me into her, moaning, rolling her hips, directing me into the wettest part of her. "You have the most amazing tongue, baby girl," she said, her breathing becoming labored again.

I brought her to two more orgasms before she began to pull at my hair, begging me to stop. I moved up, laying atop her, my breasts pressed against hers. She smiled up at me, her head shaking, her eyes half closed. "Wonderful, baby," she whispered. She pulled me down then, searching out my tongue. She broke the kiss a few moments later, moving her lips to my ear. "You'll always be momma's girl, won't you, baby?"

I nodded, enjoying her warm embrace. I'd known for years that I would always want to be near her, to smell her scent, to taste her delightful pussy. "Yes, Momma, always."


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Im A Slut Wife Now

My name is Andrea. I am 40 years old, married for 22 years, and I have two k**s. My husband, Thomas, and I have fun together, make each other laugh, still have great sex several times a week and every day I'm happy to go home to him. I have always been focused on being a good mother and wife so I didn't have too much time at the gym but I made the most of that time. I wanted to make sure Thomas never had eyes for other women. I believe myself to be an attractive woman and I know my husband...

4 years ago
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Bar Trap 2

Bar Trap 2 (Part time whore) I was supposed to put on heavy makeup. Starting with the foundation, I applied a generous layer of a brand especially designed for the use on stage, that did a very good job covering up any dark shadows. After I was satisfied with the effect, I used a brush to put on powder and make it all smooth and feminine. Next I did my eyes, first with a black eyeliner on the lower lid, then a white, thicker one on the upper lid. Black shadow followed, and...

2 years ago
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The Hart LandChapter 5

I was up before daylight, and dressed in my bib-overalls and work boots. I grabbed my hat and work gloves as I went out to our old ranch truck. I never wear a shirt or underwear when I work in the hay fields with the Johanssons. The hay chaff will take your hide off if it gets next to your skin and you have tight clothes on. It sticks to your sweaty skin and feels like sand paper as you move. I left both side buttons loose on the sides of my overalls, making them just loose enough to allow...

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The MagicianChapter 3 Mavis

“You’re a glutton for punishment.” Moses shook his head and began, “My agent got me a cruise gig just at a time when I was starting to hate the constant travelling in the UK, Australia and North America.” “Hey, cruise ships are constantly on the move, man.” “Yes, I know,” Moses chuckled, “but aboard ship your hotel room is constant and everything you need is within walking distance of your cabin, it’s travelling but without all the one-night stand upheaval. But this time they wanted a...

3 years ago
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Halloween Fun

Every year, it’s the same argument with the wife. One of us has to take the kids out for trick or treating and every year we argue over who did it last year. So last year I took photos. I took the kids out trick or treating and so THIS year, it was my turn to stay home and scare people and hand out the treats.By seven o’clock, all the younger kids had already hit our house and by eight o’ clock we saw the teenagers. The teenagers were the most fun, because they were the one’s I like to scare....

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My Halfbrother Is A Nudist

I need to let you know that when the events that I am going to relate to you took place, I was a very naïve high school virgin. I've never had a boyfriend and I've never been kissed. I don't even know what a boy looks like. I mean a naked boy. Oh sure I'd seen pictures in Health Ed and even seen daddy's hairy butt. But that's not the same as seeing a real naked boy. It all started the summer I turned fifteen. Both my parents worked. I didn't have to go to summer school and I was home...

1 year ago
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Dirty Girl Takes 20 Inches Of Cock

My girlfriend and I were discussing fantasies the other night in bed and the subject of threesomes came up. I naturally assumed that when she said that she wanted one, that my luck would be in and that I was to be entertained by two lovely ladies, after a bit of a show. Imagine my surprise when she said that she would rather sample a second cock during our love making games and not another smooth pussy, as I had foolishly anticipated.When my girl makes demands, she usually gets what she...

Group Sex
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A Private Eye Finds Her FeetChapter 2

After that, it was anticlimactic. The next morning Tom Leech called Lydia and said he'd received her resume and when could she come in for an interview? She told him that she was available anytime and he asked her to come in at two PM that same day. Lydia was nervous; she'd never had a formal job interview before. She had no idea what to expect; so she arrived early. The address belonged to a huge building, relatively new, that looked like a giant storage shed made of steel siding. In...

2 years ago
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Our new babysitters mum 7

Introduction: Wendy turns 14 This is the sequel to Our new baby sitters mum (1), (2), (3) (4) (5) & (6) It is almost certainly better if you read them first. Wendy went on another camp with the girls from her school. She couldnt say much about the sex that she was enjoying because of the solemn promises that she had made to us but she did say that her mum had had an implant inserted so that she was protected from getting pregnant and that she loved it when her boyfriend fucked her and filled...

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Summer Vacation

Author’s Note: Hello! This is the second story that I’ve written. With inspiration from stories such as ‘At the Cabin’ and ‘The After Party’, I’ve decided to focus a story around a group of teens just out of High School who are spending a week at a cabin by the lake. I’ll be delving into all the characters, their personalities and their relationships. With plenty of sexual tension, there will be personality clashes and the week away may not go as planned for these teens. Will be adding a branch...

2 years ago
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With the boys

This all started when my husband said he wanted me to get to know his friends better. They are a group of 6 guys (including my husband) who are awfully close they have known each other for years. My husband is the only one who is married amongst his friends. He insisted that I dress sexy for our gatherings, as he wanted to show me off to his friends. I was happy to do this as I love my body and wear skirts and dresses regularly. I also didn't mind being the only girl present, as I have a lot...

3 years ago
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Taking Katie To Make Dawn Chap 3 Waking Dawn

Amanda stood beside the tub, the air of the pristine white bathroom filling with steam and the scent of jasmine and rosemary. She had smiled as she poured in the aromatic oil as she recalled, 'rosemary for remembrance'. The suds threatened to overwhelm the sides of the freestanding antique bathtub even before Amanda let the flowery cotton dress fall from her shoulders to pile in a discarded heap around her feet, probably never to be worn again. With deliberate slowness Amanda peeled down her...

1 year ago
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Her Private Oasis

Before they were married, he promised her the world and he was doing all he could do to make that promise come true. One of the promises he made her was a private oasis. Not much just a private fenced in part of the yard where they could sit in the evening and not have to worry about nosey neighbors. She wanted to be able to listen to the bird’s sing while having a cup of tea in the morning or enjoy a beer with him at night or to be able to sunbathe in the nude. He was eager to finish it for...

1 year ago
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If you are under the league age to read stories or accounts containing sexual activities or are offended by such stories please leave now. The following story is for the private non-commercial use of our audience any reposting or use of this story is completely fine as long as It is not done for profit. Enjoy. HAZING ? by: Deviant Dave It was simple the only way to be anyone or have any fun at college was to join a frat. I was a freshman attending a Podunk rural college in...

1 year ago
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My Nurse My Husband and Me II

Disclaimer: I am not a writer so please be nice in your criticism, but constructive guidance is welcomed. This is only the 2nd time I have ever written. This story may be true or not true, you decide. But we have received some nice comments and private messages asking for more. Thank you for you comments.Since it has been several months since we posted the first chapter. Please read part 1 first, are blessed as our just continue to...

3 years ago
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Sarahs Stallion Ch 04

I want to thank LadyFalcon for her assistance by making constructive comments and editing this story. * * * * * * Now that we’d had sex, I found myself thinking about Sarah during every waking moment. When she wasn’t with me, I felt like part of me was missing. God, I was in love with this woman! I’d savored being near Sarah before, but now I wanted to be with her all the time. It seemed I was a moth and she was attracting me to her flame. It was consuming me. She caused my hormones to...

3 years ago
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New Beginning Chapter 8211 2

Hey, guys, this is shubham back again with 2nd part of the story. Enjoy but don’t forget to drop a mail on for any suggestions or queries. After she regained her composure she started laughing. “I think we are two mud people, we love the mud too much. Looks like we end up doing it on the mud again and again. But wow! It was wonderful, best fuck I ever had.” I was glowing with confidence for her ringing endorsement of my sexual prowess, although the fall might have contributed some. She got...

3 years ago
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DOR part 6 more still coming

Here comes the good stuff:Few weeks go by, me doing the usual trying to avoid my black beautiful Goddess with the over the top assertive attitude. Maybe she needs me to fuck her to get her to sweetness up. She can be my black coffee I'll be her creamer I'll sweeten her. So for most of the days I try to the best of my abilities to avoid her or limit my direct contact with her. Into one mid day monday that she calls me over the radio and orders me to her office. I respond and immediately make my...

2 years ago
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Text Sex 17082010

As we don’t live together just yet we have to think of way to help each other along so last night we couldn’t talk on the phone so we had text sex below are the massages we sent:I texted “what you doing”B/F replied “having a wank what you doing”I replied “I’ve got a finger in my wet pussy thinking about you”B/F replied “almost the same as me then you horny bitch, keep playing and I’ll play thinking of you of u 2”I replied “think about me with a finger in my pussy as well as rubbing my swollen...

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Lockdown Sissy part 1

Author's Note: Thanks to those who have reached out to me with story ideas. It's been difficult to get any writing done these past few months, but hopefully my head is finally back in writing mode. I hope you enjoy this nasty little fantasy. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas--either here in the comments or directly at [email protected] xoxox Emshoninque Lockdown Sissy- part 1 I made a resolution to become a better sissy in 2020. It's something that has...

2 years ago
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Dire Wolf and FangChapter 28

The next morning Dr. Tran actually drove to our apartment, as I had 24 hours bed rest and Doug was there for his own peace of mind mostly. After telling him what happened, he called the clinic and got the report himself. We all talked, and he agreed with what Doug had thought of last night. Dire Wolf and Fang were going to help in a similar case in Ireland. Thankfully, they did have a slasher case. And that is when I found out there was actually a Chameleon that could assume any form she...

1 year ago
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Governors Girlfriend Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Governor Calahan was rather proud of himself, to say the least. He had seduced an English woman, quite legally, in the only state where it was legal to fuck a 16 year old. She would probably tell her friends, as she indicated earlier, but not her parents, since they would not approve of it. Susie, for her part, was falling for the Governor, and she had little doubt of it. Something about how he was capable of both hardness and gentleness, and how he, a...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 117 Between A Rock And A Hard Place

"He really wants to get back together with me?" Jessie asked incredulously. "That's what he said," Warren confirmed. They were sitting at the table in Sophia and Warren's basement apartment. "Oh, this ought to be an interesting conversation. 'Sorry, Crash, I can't help you get back together with Jessie because Sophie and I are doing her.'" "Tell him he can have me back when he starts lactating," Jessie giggled. "Seriously, Warren, I'm upset that you're in the middle of this,...

1 year ago
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Coincidences In Love

A fictional story about two very real lovers I have always been skeptical about people who had online relationships. I am unsure if it is due to the inner cop in me, keeping the warning of online predators in the back of my mind or if it is because I believe that you are set up for failure from the very beginning, without that physical touch to kindle your hearts fire. Either way, I knew it was not for me. That all changed for me when I met Carson, known as SxyWriter69 in the cyber world. I...

3 years ago
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more than one cock at once part 1

One day when me and my mate was out going to our den where we always made it every year. He had his new cousin with him as his mum had just re married. There was a little walk way leading to it you could walk past and not realise it. We crawled in between the bushes which hid it and got in there we'd placed loads of hay around it so it was comfortable. We was just laying there when my mate started talking about what we'd been up to. I looked at him in shock and said that we was meant to keep...

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Brotherinlaw Sex

I moved in with my fiancee about a year before we got married. He was always working on projects and he always asked his older brother to help him.His older brother was married. He was the strong silent type...very handy and attractive. He didn't say much but I was intimated by his rugged good looks. He always looked at me with that "I want to fuck your brains out" look. Women know that look. In any case I stayed clear of teasing or joking around...he was off limits in my book. I...

1 year ago
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Building a Dream Part Seventeen

My phone alarm annoyingly woke me at 5:30 and it took me several attempts of hitting it to shut it up. I nudged Jay who was sprawled out naked on top of the covers and said quietly, “Wakey, wakey. We need to get ourselves up, showered, fed and out of here by quarter to seven.” “Nope,” she tiredly replied. “Leave me alone. I want to sleep.” I reached around and gently caressed a nipple saying, “But today is film day. Just think of all the cock and cunt that’s going to be available.” In a...

4 years ago
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The Indomitable Rory CallahanChapter 4

Bending over the manuscript on the lab counter, I tried to concentrate and yet again, I couldn’t. For the last week, I tried to hide in work. I tried to avoid Rory without being obvious. She busied herself going out with her girlfriends or having them over, the house full of laughter and brightness and music. Occasionally, when on her own, she’d knock on the office door mid-afternoon and finagle me into taking a swim with her when the sun was at its most intense. I did. I behaved. And we had...

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Manghihilot na manyak

In our place, there is one quack doctor as I can say. We locally called this "manghihilot", whenever we have some kind of sickness that medical doctors can not cure, we turn to them for cure. They usually use oil and oration and other amulets that drives sickness or bad spirits away. They usually do "hilot" or a type of curative massage that focuses on relieving bodily pains and sickness.Our "manghihilot" is known in our area since I was a c***d, during that time he is on his 50s or...

1 year ago
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Dessert Laid out on the table

“It’s time for lunch! Strip off, lie on the table and spread your legs.” “Are you serious?” “I’m gonna have lunch and YOU are the main course!” “Are you serious?” “Strip and lie on the table!” I command. “I’m going to the kitchen to get some things.” “What are you going to get from the kitchen?” “Lie on your back on the table… You’ll see.” In a few moments I return from the kitchen with a pressurized can of whipped cream, chocolate sauce, strawberries and a banana. You are lying on the...

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Mis deseos de leche PARTE 3

La polla negra vuelve a pasar por mis labios. Esta vez lentamente y con mucha gentileza. Yo sin poder creerlo, es la primera vez que saboreo una polla así. Él sabía que moría por comerla toda, pero solo dejaba que le chupe la punta. Mis ojos estaban clavados en sus ojos, mientras yo le rogaba por más; pero sin efecto. Luego miré a la rubia tetona que estaba viéndome con envidia y se acercó. Se arrodillo junto a mí y me animaba a que se la chupe mas profundamente; pero era imposible. Esa polla...

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My Time with the StarsChapter 2

After leaving Faith at the airport I went back and cleaned up the cabin then went home. For the next several days I edited the tapes I had made of our lovemaking. Believe me I jacked off several times while I was doing this. I rested for a few days and then started planning my next adventure. Once again my first thought was Shania but she was still in Switzerland and I didn't want to disrupt her life to much. Going over the list my eye was caught by Catherine Zeta-Jones name, she is such a...

2 years ago
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I undressed in a Sex Shop with men looking

Sometimes you meet someone and that person opens your eyes to the most wondrous feelings. I was 17 when I met Marc, he was in his forties, a friend of daddies, who insisted I go call on him, as he stayed in the city where I was studying.Marc was a divorcee, attractive, and to me, very sexy, there was something about him that reminded me of Daddy, warmth, security, mature and relaxed, but more importantly, he made me feel sexy, and it was not long before he dominated my dreams, I began to...

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Rocking a rowboat

Eric and I were out fishing in his rowboat one day on a little lake that we know of.It was almost 11 or so in the morning and the fish were not biting at all when Eric looked at me and asked if was up for a bit of fun already knowing what my answer would be. I am a nymphomaniac to tell the truth. I said sure pull ashore by a some trees and we'll see what develops. He says to me no lets just do it right there in the boat. I take a quick look around and see we were still by ourselves and...

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Biwi Ki Galti Se Papa Se Chudai

Hi dosto mera name he viren me mumbai se hu meri age 28 he meri sadi ho gay he or meri biwi ki age he 27 jo ek roop ki rani he inko dekh kar sale buddhe b jawan ho jate he q ki mene meri biwi ki wajah se bahut logo ko marna b pada tha jaha per jati he koi na koi unke sath ched khani karte he or ha mere ghar me mere papa meri maa b he or ha mere papa ki age he 51 jo dikhne me mere jaise he ye bat 2 mahine pahle ki he jab me meri biwi or mere papa meri maa ke sath gaw gaye the jahaper hamara...

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