Island Encounter
- 2 years ago
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Island Encounter
© 2010 All Rights Reserved
Now this is the life, he thought.
John took one last dip in the clear warm water and then shrugged his way out of the ocean, heading towards his chair. The sand was soft, white and not quite hot enough to burn. He gave himself a quick rub with the towel, then stretched out on the chaise lounge and let the sun’s warmth wash over his body.
Two weeks. He smiled. Two whole weeks of nothing but sun, sea and food. He reached for his sunglasses and slid them on, never turning his face away from the warmth. Before he’d gotten here, he’d sometimes wondered if he’d ever see the sun at a time other than sunrise or sunset..
Work is done, he reminded himself, and you shouldn’t think about it any more.
Good advice, he decided. Instead, he’d think about long walks on the beach, sleeping as late as he liked, and having the odd rum and coke as he enjoyed fourteen days of doing not much of anything in particular. That would be heaven after the last two months at work. It was all he wanted, and all he intended to do.
Although, he considered as he fell into a half-doze, it might be nice if he had someone to do nothing with. Also, if someone could tell him what to do with all this nothing, which got a little overwhelming, that would be appreciated.
His holiday had been the light at the end of two-month-long tunnel, and he’d all but crossed off the calendar days as they passed. His shoulders had felt more and more relaxed the closer the plane got to his destination, and the idea of a string of days away from computers and unmarred by fluorescent lights was the next best thing to the Holy Grail. However…
He had to admit he wasn’t good with unscheduled time. He much preferred to have a schedule or routine, or at least something on the agenda for the day. It was one of the reasons he did so well at work: someone told him what to do. I should have lined up some tours, he thought. Made sure I had something to do besides lie here.
After a quick doze, he woke to find the sun had lowered a bit and he was thirsty. After a languorous stretch, he pushed himself off the chaise and headed to the beach bar. With a margarita in hand, he returned to the chaise, settled back down and tried to relax. He sipped at the tart drink and stared out over the water, wondering how he was going to fill his time for the next twelve days.
‘Excuse me, is this one taken?’
John looked up at the sound of the voice and for a moment, his mouth went dry. Then he recovered himself. ‘No, not at all.’ He reached down to drag the end of his towel closer to his own lounge. ‘Please.’
‘Thank you.’ She lowered herself onto the chaise and John had to swallow a groan. Her bottom was perfect, round and smooth under her blue bikini. ‘The beach is so crowded, I should have come earlier.’ She smiled.
‘Not a problem.’ John smiled back and moved a leg to hide the erection that had sprung up.
‘Oh, by the way, my name is Sofia.’ She held out a hand.
He took it, lingering over the long, tapered fingers. ‘Nice to meet you. I’m John.’
His mouth watered at the sight of her. Her skin was a light, even tan, and he suspected there were no tan lines. She had a body that some might call plump or full-figured, but he could only think of it as lush, with soft curves that cried out to be caressed.
Back off, he told himself. You can’t proposition a woman you’ve exchanged less than ten words with.
‘Well, nice to meet you, John.’ She smiled again and her full lips parted to show lovely white teeth. Her tongue flashed out over her lips and he bit back another moan.
She turned back to her bag and John took advantage to lean back, close his eyes and concentrate on the sun and sound of the ocean, anything that would distract him from dwelling on Sofia and possibly embarrassing himself.
‘Is that a margarita?’
It took a minute for him to realize she’d spoken to him. ‘Pardon? Oh, yes. I got it from the bar just down there.’ He gestured toward the thatch-roofed kiosk a hundred or so feet down the beach.
‘Get me one, please.’
John raised an eyebrow at her clipped tone, then nodded. ‘Of course. Any special requests?’
‘Just a splash of lime juice, but a lot of salt.’ She spared him a brief glance before returning to the magazine resting on her smooth, tan stomach.
John quelled a pang of desire and nodded. ‘Right back.’
God, she’s perfect. John gave into a small groan as he walked over to the bar. Beautiful and assertive. My dream woman. Then he laughed at himself. How much could he tell from that exchange? She might not be assertive at all, she might just be a spoiled brat.
He ordered her margarita at the bar and another one for himself, and strode back to the chairs, wondering what her reaction would be.
‘Here you are.’ John held her glass out, waiting for her to take it before he sat down.
‘Thank you.’ Sofia reached up and wrapped her fingers around the stem of the glass, brushing John’s as she did.
He bit the inside of his cheek and willed his body not to react to the soft skin and light touch. When she had taken the glass, he sat down. He took a sip of his own drink, watching her all the while.
Sofia swirled the liquid for a moment before putting her soft, full lips to the rim and taking a sip. John watched, riveted, as she pursed her lips and swallowed, the long, elegant muscles of her neck moving ever so slightly. His hands itched to stroke that smooth, tan skin, to follow the line of her neck down to her shoulder first with his finger, then with his tongue.
Shaking his head, he forced himself to sit back and look out over the ocean again. You need to get a grip, my friend, he told himself.
Sofia had made him curious, though, and so he turned to her. ‘How is the drink?’
‘It’s fine. You did well.’
John nodded, unsure how to respond. The assertive—bossy, even—tone seemed odd, but he liked it. Sofia appeared to sense his uncertainty and turned to him with a smile.
‘I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound abrupt. My job requires that kind of tone, and sometimes I forget to switch it off.’ She gave a low, sultry laugh that rolled through John’s body and sent all his blood south. ‘Part of the reason I came on vacation was to get out of that habit.’
‘You don’t necessarily have to switch it off all the time.’ John chose his words, testing the waters. ‘I find assertive women to be quite attractive, myself.’
‘Do you?’ Sofia raised one eyebrow into a perfect arch.
‘I do.’ John nodded. ‘I much prefer a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to say so. It’s sexy, if you don’t mind my saying so.’
‘I don’t mind.’ Her eyes roamed over John’s body. He took deep breaths, trying to appear relaxed, only moving one leg to hide the evidence of his excitement. ‘Looks like you don’t mind, either.’
John cleared his throat and met her eyes. ‘No, I don’t. You are the sexiest woman I’ve seen in a long time.’
She let out a deep, rich laugh, but her eyes stayed focused on him. ‘I’ll bet you’ve said that to at least half a dozen women since you got here.’ She gestured up and down the beach. ‘There is no shortage of women, most of who would be…smaller than I, and more attractive.’
He shook his head. ‘I prefer a woman who…looks like a woman. Like you.’
‘Really?’ She shifted in her seat so that her legs draped over the side, her feet resting on the soft white sand.
John’s attention drifted down, then jerked back up when she cleared her throat, with a stop on the way for her breasts. The pale blue bikini top only accentuated the tanned skin, and the valley between them begged him to trail a finger, or better yet, his tongue, along the smooth surface. With a slight shake of his head, he met her eyes.
‘You don’t believe me?’ he asked with the trace of a smile.
‘Convince me.’ Her voice was low, but the order was unmistakable.
John nodded, but didn’t reply right away. He knew this was a test, and although he didn’t know the reward, he wanted to pass. He took his time and chose his answer with care. She wasn’t saying, Convince me that I’m sexy. Instead, John knew she was saying, Convince me that you’re worthy of me.
After a few moments, he was ready and lifted his green eyes to meet her sparkling brown ones.
‘It doesn’t matter, on the face of it, whether a woman is thin or not, whether she is tall or short. What matters is how she carries herself. I could tell you—and I’m sure others have—that your long, dark hair feels like silk, that your skin smells like coconuts and feels like satin, that your legs make my mouth water.
‘But who has told you that the way you walk shows how much you are in control, and how much you like it? And who has told you they have found that attractive?’
John took a breath, Sofia’s eyes were fixed on him. Her breathing was more rapid, but it was the only reaction she made. He felt as though there was no one else on the whole beach, as though they were alone in their own world.
‘Who has told you that what they want most is to let you exercise that control over them? That nothing is more attractive, more exciting, than the idea of catering to your wishes?’ He leaned forward and lowered his voice. ‘Who has told you that the only thing greater than their desire to touch you, is their desire for you to tell them to do so?’
He sat back and waited for her to speak.
She tilted her head, keeping her eyes fixed on him. He wondered what she thought of him, of his body. He did his best to stay in shape, but couldn’t bring himself to be as obsessed as some of his friends. He tried to imagine what she would be seeing: a man about six feet tall with dark-blond hair in need of a cut (he’d been too busy with work to get it done), a reasonably fit body—no six-pack abs but no excess of fat, either, and desire plain in his eyes. He had taken off his sunglasses earlier and now was glad.
She has to see it in my eyes, he thought as the anticipation built. Any pretty woman can get any man hard, but that’s plain lust, not desire.
For long minutes, Sofia’s eyes studied his body and he did his best not to fidget, or to press for a reaction. With no warning, she stood up, holding her drink. ‘Get my bag, and your things. Follow me.’
Her tone brooked no argument and John was only too happy to comply. Sofia strode away and John hurried to gather their towels and her bag and then followed. She led him down the beach, past the bar, then back a bit into the cover of the trees. The crowd had thinned on the sand, he’d noticed, as everyone began making their way back to their rooms to prepare for dinner. Voices faded and were replaced with the crash of waves, and the gentle flicker of wind through the palm fronds.
‘Lay down one of the towels.’ Sofia’s voice was firm, John hastened to obey. ‘I think I need a bit of a massage.’ She lowered herself to the towel and stretched her legs out, then stared at him, head cocked to the side, as though she was solving a puzzle. She beckoned him down to her, placing a hand on his chest to stop him when he was on his knees.
‘What should I call you?’ she mused. She dragged a finger nail down his chest and made him shiver. ‘We should make this special, shouldn’t we? You’d like it if I picked a pet name for you?’
‘Yes, I would.’ John paused, then allowed himself a small smile. ‘Miss Sofia.’
She dropped her head back and gave a low, rich laugh. ‘You catch on quickly, don’t you? I like that. I think for now I’ll call you ‘pet.”
‘I’d like that, Miss Sofia.’ John kept his eyes on hers though the temptation to let them roam over her body was strong. Especially as she lay back, propped on her elbows, presenting her breasts to him, he knew better than to touch them without instructions. ‘What would you like me to do?’
‘A massage, as I said.’ She turned over, hiding her lovely breasts but revealing her back and derriere. John flexed his hands as he fought the urge to touch her body. She continued, ‘Start with my feet, then work your way up my legs. There’s oil in the bag.’ She looked back at him, eyes hidden under half-closed lids. ‘And behave yourself, pet. There may be a reward if you do.’
‘Yes, Miss Sofia.’
John reached for her bag and found the bag of suntan oil. He squeezed some into his hand, then rubbed his palms together to warm it.
‘Hurry now, pet, I’m waiting.’
‘Yes, Miss.’ John reached down and closed his hands around one perfect foot, sighing to himself as he did. At last, he thought with relief, I’m touching her.
He rubbed in gentle but firm circles, taking care to stroke each toe, smiling to himself at the contented sigh he elicited from her. He finished one foot, then pampered the other, and then needed more oil to continue on her legs. As before, he squeezed some into his hand and warmed it up.
He shifted to the side and laid his hand on her leg, hissing out a breath as he ran his hand over the silky skin, stroking and kneading the muscles underneath.
‘You’ve done this before, haven’t you, pet?’ Sofia shifted on the towel, causing her buttocks to roll under the thin material of her bikini bottom and John to catch his breath.
‘Y…Yes, Miss Sofia. A time or two.’
‘You’re quite good.’
‘Thank you, Miss.’
‘When you’re done the other leg, you may rub the oil on my back, pet.’
‘Thank you, Miss Sofia.’
John had to count backwards from ten to keep from exploding right then. Just the idea of running his hands over the satiny plains of her back was enough to make him harder than he’d ever been. Her order to do it made everything more intense. Deep breaths, he told himself, deep, deep breaths. He counted the inhales and exhales as he drizzled more oil onto his hand and warmed it.
His heart pounded as he lowered his hands to her back, he was almost surprised they weren’t trembling. He was unable to stifle a groan as he touched the warm, smooth skin. ‘Thank you, Miss Sofia.’ One more deep breath, and the scent of her skin and the oil went straight to his head. ‘This is heaven.’
She let out another husky laugh and this time the sound went straight to his groin. He gritted his teeth and counted until he was under control again. Another laugh like that, he thought, and I don’t think I’ll be able to contain myself.
‘You may untie me, pet.’
‘Pardon, Miss?’ John blinked, he’d been lost in tantalizing thoughts of Sofia.
‘My top.’ She turned and regarded him with a cool gaze. ‘You may untie it so that no oil gets on my suit. You are paying attention, aren’t you, pet?’
‘Yes, Miss.’ He smiled over the excited knots in his stomach. ‘It was only your beauty that distracted me.’
‘You flatter me, pet.’ She favored him with a half-smile as she lay back down. ‘I like that.’
John reached for his own towel to wipe the oil from his hands before reaching to untie the bow below her shoulder blades. His imagination started to veer into unexplored territory, conjuring images of her breasts unfettered by the blue material, but he pulled himself back and concentrated on the tie behind her neck.
With an audible swallow, he moved her hair—it was long and felt like silk, as he knew it would—to the side so that he wouldn’t pull it as he loosened the strings on her top. He laid the strings on the towel and reached again for the suntan oil.
Sofia gave a soft, contented sigh. ‘Thank you, pet, that feels much nicer.’
‘I’m glad you’re pleased, Miss Sofia.’
There was silence for a few moments as John rubbed the oil onto her back with long, lingering strokes. He ran his fingers along her spine, and she arched her back in appreciation. ‘A little lower, pet.’
Another deep breath and John let his hands go lower, kneading the muscles just above her backside, which was still hidden by the second piece of her bathing suit. Would she urge him to go even lower, he wondered, and let out a shaky breath at the thought.
‘I think you’ve earned a small reward.’ Sofia’s voice held a hint of teasing.
‘Yes, Miss?’ John kept his voice even.
‘You can remove my suit bottom. Then you can massage my backside, I think I’d enjoy that.’
As would I, he thought. Aloud, he said, ‘Yes, Miss. I’ll do my best.’
He hooked his fingers around the thin edges of the small piece of material, at her hips, and began to pull it down. His movements were slow, as much to ensure he didn’t harm the material or scratch Sofia as to prolong his own pleasure, even if it was almost painful.
As the material came down, revealing the soft, round globes that were as tan as the rest of her body, John forced himself to look anywhere but there. He could feel his arousal, throbbing in his swim trunks, and he needed to keep himself under control. Looking at her shapely calves didn’t make it easy, but it helped.
He set the suit bottom aside, took a deep breath and reached for the bottle again. He repeated his routine: pour the oil, set the bottle down, warm the oil in his hands. So as not to startle her, and to demonstrate he could show restraint, he began massaging her thighs, starting above her knees. He used short strokes this time, only wanting to accustom her to his hands since he’d already massaged her legs.
As he worked his way up, he let his gaze wander over her rear end. It was, as he’d suspected, perfect. Round and soft, lush like the rest of her. He tried not to hurry his strokes, but he’d been holding himself back so long that it became impossible. An inhale, an exhale, and at last he was touching the supple skin and feeling the muscles underneath.
Sofia shifted, her legs parting slightly, and before he could avert his eyes, John caught a glimpse of her sex. There were sparse dark curls and moisture glistened on them as well as the skin. He blinked, had an image of himself using his tongue to pleasure her, and his restraint broke. With a grunt, he turned slightly away from Sofia, he knew she would know what had happened, but he could at least try to keep her towel clean. One, two, three pulses and his trunks were wet, although not from the water. His breath was ragged.
‘Are you all right, pet?’ Sofia rose up on her elbows and turned her head to look at him. Her eyes slid up and down his body and she smiled. ‘You look…winded.’
‘I’m fine, Miss Sofia.’ He gave her a rueful smile. ‘I’m afraid I couldn’t contain myself.’
She laughed. ‘Literally, I see. Well, that’s fine, pet.’ She reached over and stroked his thigh and he shivered at the unexpected sensation of her hand on his skin. ‘I’m flattered and I see no point in denying anyone pleasure.’
‘I hadn’t meant to, Miss, but…your body is wonderful.’ His eyes darkened and he let a smile play over his lips. ‘I’m so glad you’ve given me the privilege of touching it.’
‘You should be.’ Sofia’s tone went from playful to prim. ‘And now, I believe you have more work to do. I’ll turn over.’
John didn’t even have a chance to catch his breath, she moved smoothly onto her back, propped up on her elbows, not even bothering to keep her top in place. He managed not to gape as he drank in the sight of her.
His gaze swept up from her feet, over the shapely calves and silky thighs, lingering for a moment on the dark curls between them before going on to a smooth abdomen. As he reached her breasts, he couldn’t make himself hurry. He’d imagined them for what seemed like hours and now had the chance to look at them.
Reality exceeded his fantasy and his mouth went dry. He could imagine how the skin would feel under his hands, how the brown nipples would feel like pebbles as he ran his palms over them. That led to thoughts of how warm and wet she would feel lower, between her legs. He wondered if he was sweating, the idea of touching or tasting her there made him feel like a man dying of thirst being near an oasis.
‘Go on, pet.’ Sofia gave him an arch look. ‘I don’t recall giving you permission to stare.’
‘My apologies, Miss.’ He ducked his head as he reached for the oil. ‘I couldn’t look away.’
‘So I noticed.’ She lowered herself to the towel and closed her eyes. ‘Start with the feet again, pet, although you don’t need to take too long. That felt very nice. And remove your swimsuit,’ she added. ‘I like to look as well.’
‘Yes, Miss.’ His stomach tightened but he slid his trunks off, not daring to look at her face to see her reaction now.
As directed, John started with her feet, making sure to run his thumbs over the balls of her feet. She’d enjoyed that, he knew. After a few moments, he began working his way up her calves. His heart began to hammer in his chest and he took a break for more oil in large part to calm it. As he placed his hands on her knees and began to massage her thighs, he gave up trying to avoid looking at her sex.
She parted her legs, both to accommodate his hands but also, he thought, to tease him. Her pubic hair was sparse but curly, and he imagined how it would feel as he ran his fingers through—if she deigned to let him do so. Sofia had said she saw no point in denying pleasure, that didn’t mean she might not have some fun delaying it.
He rubbed the oil into her skin, lingering as long as he could on her thighs, and then her hips and abdomen. He did rub his hand over the top of her mound, but it was far as he dared go. She’s killing me, he thought as his pulse quickened, and she’s probably loving every second of it.
He, on the other hand, was tensing up again. With her naked body before him and his hands on it, so close to such intimate places, his erection had returned in full force. When she moved a bit and brushed his erection with her hand, he gasped and had to stop his ministrations. His mind raced with thoughts of her keeping her hand in place, stroking him, but he shook them out and continued, although his heart was racing.
His hands were firm on her ribs as his thumbs moved in circles. He dared a glance up at her face and saw her eyes closed but a smile on her lips. Pleased that she appeared to be enjoying his efforts, he moved his hands up further so that he almost brushed the underside of her breasts.
Would she let him touch her breasts? The idea that she wouldn’t made him feel hollow. Surely, after all this time, she would let him do that, wouldn’t she?
‘Pet?’ Her voice cut through the fog of his thoughts.
‘Yes, Miss Sofia?’
‘You’ll be doing my breasts next. Make sure use plenty of oil, the skin there can be sensitive and I don’t like it to be dry.’
‘Of course, Miss.’
John’s heart stuttered as he once again poured oil into his hands and warmed it. Once again, he had a sense of being tested, and so he began rubbing the oil into the sides of her breasts, reveling in the soft warmth. Sofia made an approving noise and John relaxed. He carried on, paying close attention to her reactions and adjusting his touch accordingly.
He drew in a long, deep breath as his palms covered the front of her breasts and he felt her nipples underneath. The sensation was as he’d imagined, little pebbles under the center of his hands. His fingers dug gently into the tan flesh as he massaged, and there was no hiding his body’s reaction. The one advantage, he thought, of having come earlier, was that despite how aroused he was, he’d last longer this time.
‘Shoulders now, pet.’
‘Yes, Miss Sofia.’ With some reluctance, John moved along her body and reached over to rub her shoulders. His mind had started to drift when his body jerked, it took a moment to realize that she had touched him. Her finger traced lazy circles around his nipples. ‘Oh, Miss.’
‘You’re very handsome, pet. I think I would enjoy your body.’
‘It’s yours, of course, Miss Sofia.’
‘Is it now?’
He was coming to adore that laughing, questioning tone of her voice. ‘Certainly, Miss.’
She let him work on her shoulders for a few more minutes before laying one hand on his arm. ‘That’s enough. Thank you, pet. That was wonderful.’
‘You’re welcome, Miss Sofia. I’m glad I could please you.’
‘You did, and you aren’t done yet.’
John’s heart raced as he fought back a grin. ‘No, Miss?’
‘No.’ She sat up, and her breasts swayed. He bit the inside of his cheek to douse his excitement at the view. ‘You’ve already had your release, and I think it’s hardly fair that I haven’t had mine.’
His eyes widened. ‘Miss Sofia, I’m sorry. If you had just told me…’
‘I’m telling you now.’ Her tone was brisk. ‘And so, I think you should turn your efforts now to arousing me, don’t you think? Shouldn’t I feel the same pleasure?’
‘Of course, Miss!’ Desperation crept up within him. He wanted nothing more than to please her, he just needed the chance.
‘Good.’ She nodded. ‘But I think…I think we will need to make it challenging.’ That playful note was in her voice again and he grew even harder. ‘So,’ she continued, ‘I think I have an idea for that.’
‘Yes, Miss Sofia?’ He forced the words out through a dry throat.
‘On your knees, pet, and turn around.’
He did, and his member jumped as he felt her nimble fingers on his skin, and then something else.
‘I’m finished, turn back now.’
He obeyed and found that she’d restrained his hands. Looking around, he realized that the top of her bikini was missing. He closed his eyes and gave a low groan and moved his arms, realizing she’d used her top to tie them. It had seemed so flimsy on her, yet now it had no give. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes, his breath racing as he met her gaze.
‘Now, pet.’ She settled back on her elbows, then drew her knees up. ‘Your massage was quite good, but I’m looking for another form of relaxation now. I think you know what I mean.’ She leaned her knees to the left, then to the right, her legs together and hiding the part of her he was dying to see again. ‘You do know, don’t you, pet?’
He nodded, trying to keep his breathing steady.
‘All right then.’ Inch by inch, she moved her legs apart. He stared, mesmerized. ‘Now, you’ll have to be diligent, pet, since your hands are of no use.’
‘Yes…yes, Miss.’ His voice was just above a whisper.
‘You may begin.’ Sofia remained propped on her arms, her legs now open, her sex in full view. ‘Now, pet.’
‘Yes, Miss Sofia.’
John took a breath, then shuffled forward on his knees to get closer. He shifted to gain his balance, staring all the while at the sight before him, hardly daring to think it was real. He leaned forward, spreading his knees apart for balance and inhaling her scent, which made his senses reel.
Although he wanted to, he knew better than to assault her as though he hadn’t seen a woman in years. Miss Sofia wouldn’t appreciate that. He didn’t want to make her wait, but neither did he want her to think he had no restraint, no finesse.
Then there was no more time to think, as her soft, wet nether lips were within reach of his tongue. He traced the edges, getting his first taste of her and groaning when he did. He smelled the coconut scent from her suntan oil, mixed with the sweet and salty essence of Sofia. A rush of excitement rolled through his body and with a major effort of will, he managed not to come.
‘Very nice, pet. Continue.’ Her voice was low and husky and he throbbed again at both her tone and her approval.
Instead of thanking her, as he supposed he should have, he continued to explore her with his mouth. His tongue traveled in and out, around and over the silky, slick folds. Almost by accident, his tongue rubbed over the bud at the top and she jerked a little. John smiled to himself, pleased by her reaction. She was wet and flowing and he couldn’t get enough of the way she tasted. He thought about what would happen when she came, and he began to concentrate on that instead of just exciting her.
She hissed out a breath as he redirected his efforts to her sensitive bud. ‘Yes, pet. Keep doing that.’
He paused long enough to say, ‘Yes, Miss Sofia,’ in a raspy voice before resuming.
‘Pet?’ Her voice was even but he could hear the desire underneath.
‘Yes, Miss?’ He stopped once again, although it was hard. He looked up and saw her stroking her breasts and teasing her nipples.
‘Be sure to contain yourself. I have further plans after this.’
‘Yes, Miss Sofia.’ With an effort, he put the vision of her rolling her nipples out of his head in order to comply with her wishes. His tongue flicked and swirled, and her breathing grew ragged as her hips moved against his mouth. After she made an audible gasp, he closed his lips over the spot and sucked. She bucked against him and cried out.
She hasn’t told me to stop, John reasoned, so I’d better wait until she does. He smiled to himself as he continued to lick and suck, relishing every drop of her, every gasp and movement of her hips. After a time, he felt a hand on his head, pressing back, and he obeyed. He sighed in relief as he knelt back. As enjoyable as it had been, his body was shaking from the effort of pleasing her without being able to use his arms even to brace himself.
There was no sound aside from the wind through the leaves and the ragged breathing of the two on the sand.
‘You are a treasure, pet.’ Sofia took a deep breath and laid her hands on her stomach. ‘I was fortunate to find you.’
‘So was I, Miss.’ John relaxed a bit, sat back on his heels and tried to even out his breathing. ‘I had feared I’d spend this whole vacation at a loss for what to do.’
She laughed. ‘I thought the whole point of a vacation was not having much to do.’
He chuckled and shrugged. ‘That too, but when I looked ahead and saw all this open time, I wasn’t sure what to do with it.’
‘Well.’ Sofia rose to her knees. ‘I think we might be able to keep you occupied, pet. If you’d like.’
‘I would.’ He nodded.
‘Good.’ She studied him for a moment, then looked concerned. ‘Are you all right, pet?’
‘Fine, Miss Sofia,’ he assured her. ‘Although I would ask that my arms be released, just for a few moments.’
‘I think we can compromise.’ Sofia stood and walked behind him. He felt the warmth of her body as she knelt down, and the soft brush of her nipples against his back. He dropped his head forward and concentrated on not coming.
She released his hands and he sighed as he brought his arms forward, rolling his shoulders and rubbing his wrists to release the tension. Sofia watched as he did and then said, ‘Here, pet. Hold out your hands.’
He did and she bound them again, this time in front. ‘There.’ She smiled. ‘That should do nicely. Now, lay back on the towel, pet.’
With a feeling of pleasant apprehension, he did. He had to admit it wasn’t a bad situation. Lying on the towel, with his arms in front of him, he could at last let his body relax. He also had a perfect view of Sofia’s lush body above him and had lifted his hands up to her before he realized it. She raised and eyebrow and tsk-ed in mock disappointment.
‘I never said to touch, pet. That calls for a bit more punishment.’ Sofia reached over and found her suit bottom, and arranged it to cover his eyes. ‘Now, lift your arms over your head.’
His body tense with anticipation, he did. How could I have done that? he wondered. He could sense her next to him, but it was torture not to be able to see her. He could rely on his imagination, of course, but to be denied the sight of her body now, when he was helpless before her…Her voice caught his attention again.
‘If you behave pet, perhaps I’ll remove that. For now, you’re just mine.’
‘Yes…yes, Miss.’
‘And what a lovely body this is,’ she murmured. She dragged her fingernails over his chest, his nipples hardened and every muscle in his body clenched. In a low, silky voice, she made comments as she stroked his skin, touching him everywhere but the one place he knew—and she knew—he wanted to be touched the most.
‘Patience, pet.’ Her voice was a husky whisper by his ear, and her tongue flicked out over the lobe. He couldn’t help the way his body jerked. ‘Control, pet.’ She tsk-ed again. ‘I’m not ready for that yet. I know you won’t disappoint me.’
‘, Miss.’
She resumed her explorations, and he gasped when he caught the scent of her sex again. She settled her body over his chest, and the warm wetness he felt made holding off his orgasm one of the great challenges of his life. Somehow, he managed.
When she at last wrapped her fingers around his erection, he couldn’t hold back a long, low groan. His hips arched up as her hand moved up and down in slow, firm strokes. ‘Oh, Miss. I am so grateful.’
‘I know.’ A few more languorous strokes and she said, ‘Remember, pet. Control.’
He didn’t have time to acknowledge it before she took him in her mouth. His eyes widened beneath his blindfold and he blanked his mind in his efforts to retain the control she had admonished him about.
Her tongue whirled around him, over the head of his shaft and then down the sides. She held him still with her hands as her mouth played over him. He’d never felt anything like this in his life and doubted he would again. Still, he concentrated on holding himself back. She might take you inside her body, he told himself. That’s worth waiting for. There was no guarantee, but focusing on that helped keep him from exploding from her attentions.
He wished she’d uncover his eyes. Her backside, he thought, would be in a perfect position for him to admire it. He might even catch a glimpse of those wonderful, wet lips if she leaned forward far enough. As she leaned forward, sliding her mouth up and down his erection, he could feel her breasts and nipples as they grazed his skin.
She continued for some time and he began to think he wasn’t going to last when she trailed her tongue up his length and then sat up. He felt her move and bit back a moan at the idea that he’d missed seeing that part of her again. Then she stroked his face and he blinked as she removed the makeshift blindfold.
‘You have amazing control, pet.’ She smiled and ran her tongue over her lips. ‘I’ve had many men who haven’t lasted half as long as you.’
‘I’ve let myself hope for a reward, Miss.’ He gave her a pained smile in return. ‘It helped keep my focus.’
‘I’m sure it did.’ She ran one finger over his lips, then along his jaw. ‘I’m of a mind to give you that reward, although there’s one final task.’
‘Anything, Miss.’
‘Bring your arms down.’
John moved his arms forward so that his hands rested on his stomach, inches from the wet heat that he itched to touch.
‘Now.’ She gave him a predatory look and moved her body up until her thighs were on either side of his face. ‘Once more, pet.’
Anything, Miss. He kept his eyes open as she lifted her sex over his lips and lowered herself so that he had access. Once again he dragged his tongue over the lips, savoring her taste, and then, as she came even closer, he thrust his tongue inside. She made a sound low in her throat and he continued, alternating sliding his tongue inside with running it over the wonderful little pearl, the action made her rock her hips back and forth.
Sensitive from his earlier attentions, Sofia climaxed after only a few moments. John was pleased but wished he could have made it last longer. He managed one last slide of his tongue inside her before she rose up and maneuvered herself back.
‘That was lovely.’ Sofia’s eyes were bright and her lips a deep red, swollen slightly from where she’d bitten her lip. ‘And now, I think we’ve both been waiting for this.’
John stared, mesmerized, as she rose up over him, then lowered herself just enough so that the tip of his staff brushed the velvet heat of her sex. She rocked back and forth and he hissed out a breath.
‘Remember, pet,’ she said as she slid lower. ‘Not too quickly.’ He gritted his teeth as her body enveloped him. For a moment he was lost in the sensation. She was wet like the ocean, hot like the sun.
‘You feel wonderful, Miss. Thank you.’ John stared at her, watched as her breasts bounced in time with the rhythm she set, raising and lowering herself on him. Her dusky lips hid and then revealed his own raging desire, he had no idea how he had lasted this long without coming.
‘I need more stimulation, pet.’ She rolled her hips as she leaned forward, presenting her breasts to him. ‘Go on, use your mouth.’ She winked and gave him a wicked grin. ‘You used it so well on other parts of me.’
‘Yes, Miss.’ He raised his head and took one hardened nipple in his mouth, pleased when she threw her head back and gave a soft cry. After a moment, he pulled back and released the delicious pebble with a small pop, then turned to take the other one between his lips and tongue. He laved it, sucking and running his tongue in circles.
Sofia groaned and flexed her muscles and he let go with a gasp.
‘Miss Sofia. I’m sorry, I can’t…’
Her body clamped around his. ‘Now, pet! Come now!’
He could only obey, his hips thrusting up into her almost of their own volition. It seemed like every molecule in his body came apart in her, he saw stars. She collapsed on top of him, he wished he could stroke her back, but his hands were still bound.
He was first aware of the quiet. Aside from their quiet, ragged breathing, he heard nothing. Then there was the sound of the waves, then, the breeze through the leaves. Music flitted down from the restaurants and clubs in the resort. He opened his eyes and saw the sun was setting, wondered how long they had been there.
‘My, pet. I never thought I’d meet someone like you at a place like this.’
He laughed and she joined in as she pushed herself up. ‘I hadn’t expected to meet anyone like you, either, Miss Sofia.’
She smiled as she untied her top. ‘I think you can call me Sofia. For now.’
John sat up and reached for his towel. He shook it out and wiped the sand off of Sofia’s arms and legs. ‘If you’d like.’
‘You’re here alone, aren’t you, John?’
He paused before answering. ‘I arrived alone.’
She stepped into her suit bottom, then swung the top from her fingers. He held his breath. ‘Tie this for me, please.’
‘Of course, M…Sofia.’ He stood, his own suit still on the ground and tied the halter around her neck and back.
‘And you’ll need that.’ She gestured at his trunks, then gave a smile that has his blood rushing south again. She laughed. ‘Especially if that’s going to happen again.’
He pulled on his trunks and shook out his towel. ‘It’s only a testament to your beauty.’
‘You are a flatterer.’ She shook her head, still smiling. ‘I think I may need to keep you around.’
‘At your service, of course.’
They walked back to the beach, returned their towels and began making their way back to the guest buildings.
‘Which one are you staying in?’ Sofia asked.
‘Building Seventeen, second floor.’ John turned to look at her, her head came about to his shoulder. Her dark hair was lustrous and gave no sign of their earlier activities.
‘Fate must be on my side.’ Sofia let her eyes run up and down his body once more. ‘I’m also in building Seventeen, on the third floor.’
‘What luck.’ John stepped back to allow her to go first on the path when it narrowed. ‘Perhaps we’ll see each other.’ He didn’t try to hide the hopeful note in his voice.
‘Oh, I believe we will.’
The rest of the walk passed in companionable silence, with a faint undercurrent of tension. They arrived at their building, and John offered to see her to her room. She accepted and they ascended the steps together. Her room was on the corner, providing a view of both the ocean and some of the grounds.
‘I believe it must be time for dinner.’ Sofia pulled her card key out and tapped it against her fingers.
‘It is.’ He nodded. ‘If I may, I’d be honored if you would join me.’
‘Yes, I’m sure you would.’ She slid the key through the reader, then pushed the door open. ‘If so, pet, you’d better hurry. I’m hungry and will be ready in twenty minutes.’
His eyes gleamed. ‘Yes, Miss Sofia.’
Introduction: Please read Foreword by the Editors first Chapter One ______________,,______________ You will not find the place marked on any published map, and no one you know can provide you directions to it. No commercial airlines schedule flights there, and even global satellite images of the area reveal nothing but seemingly endless blue waters. There are no fancy internet websites maintained to allow you to book a vacation there, and no ordinary travel agent can make a...
____________________________ Greg had warned me that Alexis was on a “pretty tight schedule,” and so the next morning, after having only fucked the cute little fourteen-year-old a couple of more times, I dismissed Anya from my quarters, showered, and arrived at Alexis’ apartment – actually a pair of rooms much like the Guests’ quarters – promptly at 10:00 a.m. Alexis greeted me pleasantly, dressed in a standard light blue robe, but I could see the man was still suffering somewhat...
Introduction: Please read from the beginning…. Chapter Six ______________,,______________ Greg had warned me that Alexis was on a pretty tight schedule, and so the next morning, after having only fucked the cute little fourteen-year-old a couple of more times, I dismissed Anya from my quarters, showered, and arrived at Alexis apartment actually a pair of rooms much like the Guests quarters promptly at 10:00 a.m. Alexis greeted me pleasantly, dressed in a standard light blue robe,...
Freehold The Truong brothers helped their mother down the airplane's stairs, followed closely by Arman's wife Rava. The family gathered at the foot of the stairs, waiting for Waylon. The new arrivals looked around at the different buildings. The combination field tower and reception building wasn't very elaborate. It was about the size of a modest house and the 'tower' portion was only two stories tall. They could see the large hangars at the other end of the airfield, but little else...
The flight from the island is bitter sweet, sweet because of the rescue, bitter because of the unknown. My relationship with Leeza isn't something that we can declare openly. A bit about myself, my name is Don Parson, widower, fifty-one, living in Abbotsville a small city in the northeast. I am a software developer by trade, specializing in computer viruses and the dismantling of them. My last assignment introduces me to Mr. Raven and his twelve-year-old daughter Leeza. Leeza and I got off to...
______________ï‚œï‚______________ A glorious sun-drenched early morning greeted me as I awoke in my bed alongside the lovely brunette “door prize” I had won at the party the previous evening. It had been arranged for me to interview Greg at nine o’clock, so after fucking the young woman just once more I dismissed her from my suite, showered and shaved, and then contemplated what to wear for my appointment with the resort’s Managing Partner. I declined the limited selection of robes...
Introduction: To make sense, start from the beginning…. Chapter Two ____________________________ A glorious sun-drenched early morning greeted me as I awoke in my bed alongside the lovely brunette door prize I had won at the party the previous evening. It had been arranged for me to interview Greg at nine oclock, so after fucking the young woman just once more I dismissed her from my suite, showered and shaved, and then contemplated what to wear for my appointment with the resorts Managing...
Note: This is another Bennett Law Firm story that follows a similar theme found in ‘Whores and Pimps’, Halloween Party at the Bennett’s and ‘Under the Mistletoe’. There is some mild brother sister incest and detailed lesbian parts but the rest is just a whole lot of playing the game. All rights reserved. Jack Reynolds had heard about the parties and contests that old man Bennett threw but it wasn’t until he got the invitation that it became real. He hurried down the hallway to the office of...
Island of Love Introduction Eban. With it’s long history as a resort Island where wealthy black businessmen could come and play with many of it’s gorgeous white women. White couples were recruited around the country with the prospect of making a great deal of money for their two year stay at Eban. Women that were previously married who worked at the resort had to obey the resorts rules. Some of the rules were harsh especially on their ex-husbands. White women were trained on how to please...
Bree walked back down the narrow aisle of the first class cabin of the airliner, an angry pout on her face.“I haven’t been able to get in the restroom yet and we land in two hours!” she complained.“I thought you went to the bathroom before we left Hawaii?”“I have to change into traditional island clothes before I get off the plane,” my island honey explained. Bree is from a beautiful South Pacific Island group, and we were on the second leg of our trip back to her home. We’d spent a few nice...
Group SexThursday had been an extraordinary day for the Olivers. Following their afternoon anal sex, the couple had needed a long nap to recuperate. Later that evening, they dressed for dinner, and Brenda had put on her new white linen mini dress. She looked at herself in the mirror over the dresser but was even more nervous about the dress than when trying it on in the store. The halter-top was cut low in the back, and had a deep V cut in the front, exposing her almost to the belly button, and the...
____________________________ I spent the long flight back to Costa Rica sitting alone and in silence, as did most of my fellow passengers who also appeared equally exhausted following the week of extravagant debauchery. For the return trip I was granted a window seat, and I repeatedly found myself gazing hypnotically out over the vast blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, lost in thought as images of Island Royale flashed before me. My mind kept drifting back to sweet little Alyssa,...
The Island Nine days had passed since the dossiers had been planted. The newspapers were beginning the investigative groundwork, but as predicted the British paper was the most aggressive of the bunch. A staffer in one of the Senate offices had pitched the thing before even reading it, the probe monitoring that office quietly retrieved it. The other Senate office turned the documents over to the FBI. The package was taken seriously because of the classified markings on the documentation....
Site B Waylon woke slowly. He thought about his 'to do' list and rolled out of bed. He stepped into a pair of slippers and shuffled to the bathroom, yawning the whole way. He wasn't normally a slipper kind of guy, but there had been a lot of changes lately. It had been two weeks since they'd fled Texas and he still couldn't believe what the AIs had done, or built. The B site was nothing short of a marvel. Clearly, the AIs had been humoring his minor ambitions all this time. Waylon...
____________________________ Dressed in a loose-fitting light blue terry cloth robe, I joined a couple of dozen similarly attired men in the lobby of the resort shortly before 9:00 a.m. Most of the gathering of Guests sat quietly sipping tea or coffee, but a few Asian men – Chinese, I think – sat huddled together talking in subdued tones broken only by brief sporadic outbursts of laughter. Their conversation was not in English and I did not understand what they were saying, but from...
Freehold Breakfast was a lively event. The previous day's flyby was still a topic of conversation, but one that Waylon would just as soon forget. He'd been angry at the Navy's arrogance, but after he'd cooled down he realized that using the drone to return the favor may have been monumentally stupid. There hadn't been any fallout, so far. The carrier and her escort had departed the area immediately afterwards. That worried him. While he couldn't see the U.S. Government wasting a lot...
____________________________ Cynthia had encouraged me to return to the Nursery and assist in the “tutoring” of a particular group of young girls who had only recently serviced male genitalia for the first time. At her suggestion I skipped breakfast the next morning, anxious that I not be too late to sign up for an early morning opportunity to visit this class, and proceeded directly from my suite to the front desk on the main level. The chance to participate in the training of...
Chapter 1: Paid Vacation Monday, June 3, 2013 Finally, the time was at hand – the girls were arriving today! This past week was devoted to getting everything on the island ready for the six young ladies who would spend the upcoming six weeks here with me. I worked 20 hours per day getting the mansion ready, installing all of the wiring and video equipment, and finally stocking the supplies for the six women and yours truly with plenty left over to spare for emergencies. The supply boat would...
Introduction: Please read from the beginning….. Chapter Seven ______________,,______________ Cynthia had encouraged me to return to the Nursery and assist in the tutoring of a particular group of young girls who had only recently serviced male genitalia for the first time. At her suggestion I skipped breakfast the next morning, anxious that I not be too late to sign up for an early morning opportunity to visit this class, and proceeded directly from my suite to the front desk on...
Part 1 My ship arrives off shore at about 10 in the morning local time. We drop anchor about a 1/4 mile out and busy ourselves with getting ready for some shore leave. I'm very excited because I've only been on the ship for about 3 weeks and I'm already getting to go to a new and exciting foreign country. As I look over the sides of the ship I see a large crowd of small vessels starting to appear. They're locals, fishing boats, runabouts, and all of them loaded with people staring up at...
The sea was an even deeper blue than the tropical sky, but the breakers kicked up by the recent storm that pounded against his island's reef in billows of sparkling white only sent ripples across the lagoon. The sun was warm on his back as Greg Barstow walked along the beach in his usual garb of ragged cutoffs and sneakers. His self-imposed exile might be lonesome, but at least here he was safe, as safe as he could be anywhere on Earth, He opened his mind to the currents of thought that...
Robert’s intuition was right on. Moira’s pregnancy inflamed her already substantial sex drive. He and her two island sex-buddies had their prostates constantly emptied. If it weren’t for their bedroom help it would be difficult for him to meet his work and school obligations in addition to his wife’s needs. The men roomed together on campus and she would go there between classes, sometimes more than once a day, and fuck them both until they were limp. Robert filled her craving pussy morning...
____________________________ I was not scheduled to interview Island Royale’s female partner, Cynthia, until the afternoon and therefore assumed I would be “on my own” throughout Wednesday morning. Greg, however, caught me as I was leaving the dining room following breakfast and suggested I accompany him for a tour of the “Ladies’ Boudoir,” located at the far northern end of the building. The Boudoir consists of a series of connecting rooms, all visible from the Compound through...
Introduction: Please read from the beginning….. Chapter Four ______________,,______________ I was not scheduled to interview Island Royales female partner, Cynthia, until the afternoon and therefore assumed I would be on my own throughout Wednesday morning. Greg, however, caught me as I was leaving the dining room following breakfast and suggested I accompany him for a tour of the Ladies Boudoir, located at the far northern end of the building. The Boudoir consists of a series...
Mark Reynolds needed a change. His divorce finally over, he wanted to put as much distance between him and his past as he possibly could. The divorce was an ugly one, neither party won in this war. And whatever "love" that remained on Mark's part was destroyed in the fighting and bitterness of the divorce. But that was over now and Mark just wanted to move on. His job had been very sympathetic to his marital situation, and had given him the time off he needed for the multitude of hearings,...
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Why in the world anyone would choose to build a tiny little cabin on a tiny little island in the middle of a tiny little lake is something I've never figured out. But there it is and there I was going. It'd come down from my wife's side, and when her parents died she and her siblings had turned it into a sort of family trust. We all split the costs of the upkeep and share a vacation destination. The unwritten by-laws still work fairly well. The obvious hot dates are doled out democratically;...
Bethany Maddox gently pulled the white Land Rover off the ferry and onto the dock. She had noticed a similar Land Rover earlier, but that one hadn’t been pulling a trailer loaded with equipment and supplies. She wasn’t sure where she was going, but she knew she was supposed to be met by somebody at the dock, so she pulled over to the side once she was off the boat and out of the loading/unloading lane. Then she got out and looked around. Haka Nuva seemed small and quiet to her eyes, but it...
"So what did you have in mind for today?" Jennifer asked Mark as they sat at breakfast the following morning. "I don't know, what do you suggest? You're the tour guide," he said chuckling. "Well I have a friend with a boat... care to go for a ride?" she suggested. "Sounds like fun," he said. So Jennifer packed them a picnic lunch and they stopped by the local store for some ice. Mark decided to pick up a bottle of wine and they made their way to her friend's house. After securing permission to...
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NovelsHe awoke in the morning to the pleasant sensation of something warm and soft pressed up against his body. He lay there for a few minutes half asleep, basking in the feeling. It was so calming and delightful that he didn't want to open his eyes for fear that it was just a part of his dreams and it would vanish once the waking world took over. Then it moved, pulling him out of his slumber. Lance opened his eyes and stared up for a minute at the unfamiliar plain white ceiling above him,...
The next morning, Mark got up early and showered, getting ready for his day with his beautiful tour guide. Not sure exactly what they would be doing just yet, he dressed casual in his blue jeans, a lightweight polo shirt, socks and sneakers. Making sure he had plenty of money in his wallet and his credit cards just in case, he locked the room and went downstairs to meet Jennifer. As they had previously arranged, he waited in the hotel lobby for her to arrive. He was sitting in one of the lobby...
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She was a complex woman, a work in progress. Outwardly, she oozed confidence, but was insecure. She could be the life of the party, yet one to one she was very shy. Her moods could change like the weather. Most of the time she was happy and easy going. But there were times when she could be a raging tempest.She had formed a strategy to deal with her moods. She had a vivid imagination. She created for herself a refuge that she could escape to. This refuge was her Island of Dreams. Her island...
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I tried to concentrate on the weather report but my husband Bill’s fingers gliding across my inner thighs were such a distraction. His fingers skimmed the leg band of my underwear causing my legs to tremble. ‘They’re predicting at least two inches of snow for Christmas,’ I commented as I tried to control the sensations that his sly fingers were creating in my body. He was doing really wicked things under the veil of his coat which he’d innocently draped over our laps while we waited for them...
Chapter 2: ‘Literacy’ When I woke up in the morning, I realized that I had not slept this good in quite a long time. The sun was already high in the sky, I looked at the clock and it was precisely 9:15am. I told the collection of ladies last night that our first official meeting would be at 10:00am this morning, so there was an ample amount of time to prepare for it. I showered and shaved, but did not rush. When I was done, I splashed on some cologne and slipped into a pair of shorts and a...
I couldn’t believe it! My husband and I just hit the lottery! We hit big time -- $123 million dollars – all to ourselves. We didn’t have to split it at all. It took a few days for the shock to set in and before claiming the prize, we saw our accountants and our attorneys. My husband and I are in our mid-forties, been married for about 16 years, have no children and a great sex life – even to this day. One of the reasons is we keep it interesting. We are both professionals. I am an electrical...
Island Paradise for Jane I hope you enjoy this latest tale. I just sit and write in one go before I turn myself on too much! Hopefully it all hangs together and you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. I was about to get onto the small twin engine plane for the last leg of my journey to the overseas conference. My best work mate, Clark, was boarding with me and the only other body on board was the pilot and captain who went by the name of Johnny. Clark and he could have...
There are nights like tonight, when I feel so hurt and alone that I cannot sleep. The bed I once shared with my husband, now has one occupant, me. He left me eight months ago, and I am glad. I do not need him or any man to keep me going. I awoke to the sound of birds singing, and the sun shining thru my curtains. I stretched, yawned, and looked at the clock. It read ten am. I got up, looked out my bedroom window, and noticed there was about two inches of snow on the ground. Its glistening,...
Straight SexSet in New Zealand with NZ spellings and idioms. * CHAPTER 1 Roman Gulliver called himself a businessman. Some women with a penchant for straying knew him as an adulterer. His former wife who’d vowed never to say his name again described her ‘ex’ as a mean bastard who’d made her account for every dollar she spent. Cynthia his mother acted as if the sun shone out of his butt, but then he was an only child. It was mid-afternoon Friday. Roman changed out of his suit for a white short-sleeved...
Introduction: A quick check in on Jeremy and his growing list of wives [[[-IF5-P1.TXT-]]] —————- Island Fever 5: Family Written by: JeremyDCP M/F, F/F and a whole lot more —————- PLEASE NOTE: The following story is a sequel to Island Fever, Island Fever 2: Eternity, Island Fever 3: Matrimony and Island Fever 4: Paradise. In order to fully understand this story and the unique situation that its cast of characters find themselves in, it is paramount that you are very familiar with the...
"No late nights. No smoking. No drinking. Girls will hold you back. I only want the best for you, Harry.” My mother’s words, and there was more, “You'll be twenty-one when the next Olympics start. We'll have you in perfect condition by then." Yes, she was one of those mother’s who need to control, or direct, any ability their child may have. My ability? Sprinting, and aged 15, I was area champion at 100 metres.Running had always given me a sense of power, freed my spirit. But after her take...
First TimeMy sex life had been a disaster. Feroz, my husband had aged but even with he was a vigorous young man, he never really fucked me as I wished. Whenever, he would fuck me, it would him pushing his 6 inch circumcised cock in me, without any prior foreplay, kissing or hugging. I was a just hole for him.Every night, alone on my bed, I fingered myself to orgasm, each night fantasizing a new lover or lovers trashing me, treating like a whore and making me cum. My favourite fantasy was about my son’s...
It was a typical chilly morning in the small town in Michigan’s upper peninsula. Tom glanced at his watch as he starred out the window enjoying the morning sun razing over the horizon. He finally heard the click of the bathroom door opening and the sweet smell of Chantal’s perfume flowing into the room. ?Honey? Could you please bring me my sweater for me please?? Tom sat his cup of coffee down and looked around the room until he saw his wife’s sweater sitting on top of one of the suit cases....
As he came out of his bedroom he saw his younger sister, by a year and a half, still in her pajamas on the couch watching tv. Jennifer, or Jen as she liked to be called, was about 5’1 100 pounds. She was a cheerleader for their high school and was a flyer because of her small size. She had decent tits a good B cup and a tight little ass. With long blonde hair and dark green eyes all of the older boys wanted her but they knew better than to try because of her older brother. As Jason was...
Copyright 2004 Preface: During my recent vacation on Maui, I picked up the idea for this little story, and managed to get it back to the Mainland, in spite of Homeland Security AND the agricultural inspectors! For those of you unfamiliar with things Hawaiian: The Island of Maui is actually composed of two volcanic peaks connected by a narrow isthmus of land. The larger, southern peak, is the Haleakala volcano (Ha-LEY-ah-ka-LAH NOT holly-ACH-ah-lah). From sea level, it rises to just over...
copyright ©2008 All rights reserved. (Author’s note: This is an adventure/love story.) PART 1 — REVIEWING IT ALL CHAPTER 1 He flexed his palms against the back of his head and kept staring at the endless blue above him. The smooth, dark gray rock beneath him was becoming too warm. He would have to move into the shade soon. He wished he had some sunscreen, something in SPF 1000 if it existed. He had gotten burnt badly when they first hit the island. Everyone had. He wondered what Cheryl...
Island DoctorThe tiny brown girl was bent over a special table. An enema bag was delivering warm liquid to her asshole. Her belly was bulging and her open pussy was showing pink excitement. Stuart sat beside her gently holding one perfect little foot while talking softly to her… soothing her. His mind drifted to how all this started…***Stuart’s story: I retired to a tiny Caribbean island after selling my business in the States. I now lived in a small village with very limited resources. ...
It was a hot weekend in the Princess Islands… I had met a hot brunette, a Christian twink online from island of Büyükada and in the weekend we met at the island. The weather was so hot and in order to cool down a bit we rented bikes as most of the people visiting the island. We started our ride from the port up to one of the two hills of the island. The guy wasnt very talkative during the ride but one in a while he opened his mouth to tell me about some historical places on our way. He kept...
Freehold Rowen Dalgliesh took a moment to adjust his collar, before grabbing onto the utility vehicle's frame once again. Waylon glanced at the man, trying to gauge how their conversation was going to go. He eased the vehicle to a stop. "Let's talk here," Waylon said. They were north of the port, on the windward side of the island. It was undeveloped land, except for the small cart path. "What's on your mind, Mr. Dalgliesh?" "Mrs. Truong ... Deni ... asked that I speak...
____________________________ The lobby was bustling with late afternoon activity as Greg and I parted company. A sizeable number of Guests had gathered over near the dance floor where two long banquet tables, draped with several white linen table cloths, had been set up closely together. Four young naked girls, each with her arms extended and her thighs spread wide, reclined on their backs amid an extensive assortment of raw vegetables, fresh fruit, sushi, boiled shrimp and other...
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...
Part One The sea, it was always the sea that drew Robert back to the cape. Ah, the cool sea breeze and the warm nights watching the sun set in the west. The year was 1909 and the place is the island of Nantucket off the coast of Massachusetts. Martha's Vineyard was still a vineyard and the wealthy elite of the eastern seaboard vacation on the island of Nantucket. Teddy Roosevelt was president and the world was at peace. The Wright Brothers have flown their little toy and the entire country...
DEDICATION: For Angela, on a special day. May her dreams come true. Josh idly swept the area to his right with the binoculars. He never tired of watching the big "gooney birds" hitting the beach and rolling ass-over-teakettle whenever they landed, but, as a scientist, he had a job to do. Preparing to head for the office, he took one last look at the sea--then stopped. Something was out there. Where nothing should be. He stood, turned, and ran to call his colleague. "Hey, Jim!" he...
Part 1 Jack Brewster balanced himself at the foot of the worn mattress, his pants open, cock jutting out longer and harder than any 55-year-old's probably had the right to... especially one belonging to someone who'd been through as much as Jack had. We were in the beach house Jack had been renting with "misdirected" government funds for five years. Jack had been doing lots of unauthorized shit, which was why I was sent here to collect him. One untrustworthy soul dispatched to retrieve...
Freehold There was a small crowd waiting at the airfield when the Rapid X landed. Waylon taxied right to the reception building and brought the aircraft to a halt. Arman was ready to help with the shutdown checklist, but Waylon sent him back to help their passengers deplane. Moments later the cabin door was opened and Waylon could hear the stairs being extended. Through the cockpit window, he could see the family matriarch rushing toward the aircraft followed by the rest of the family. "Am...
You arrive at port at around 10:30 am, all the shops in the small town are open and the firsts of the hundreds of tourists that flood the area yearly are rolling in. There are two islands to hike. The north is the larger of the two so you could easily be on your own, its more "natural" with only a few buildings, mostly at the dock but there are a some old barns and farmhouses scattered across the island. There are only small dirt foot paths so you'd be in for a lot of walking, you can camp...