Tripletit 01 First Contact free porn video

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by oggbashan ©

Copyright Oggbashan July 2004

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.

We never intended to land on Tripletit. That isn’t the planet’s real name. It is the third planet out from the local sun so its name starts with ‘Tri’ but every spaceman calls it Tripletit.

We had been getting on each other’s nerves in the small craft. We hadn’t met before this trip and now we knew we were incompatible in close proximity. Dave was small but truculent. He’d make a good Napoleon if he were in command. When some space dust had holed our two man craft we knew that it wasn’t a serious problem but needed base repairs sometime soon. Tripletit was the nearest suitable planet. Dave and I agreed that a stay there would be acceptable. We needed the break from each other. This would be my last trip before retirement. I was glad I’d never have to command a liner with Dave as one of my officers.

The planet is in an out of the way part of the galaxy and barely explored. The few thousand resident humans occupied the repair base, spaceport and lived side by side with the locals in the nearby town. There was no reason to explore further. Tripletit had no minerals or products in demand elsewhere.

The locals on Tripletit are unusual. The adults are all apparently large females and have three breasts, hence the planet’s name. The sex available to visitors is apparently mind-blowing and cheap.

We landed safely and arranged for the minor repairs to be done. We passed through customs and immigration after an extensive health check. Unusually there was a third official to pass, like the others a normal human. He sat us down in an office.

“Captain Joe and First Mate Dave? Isn’t that over-officered for a two man craft?”

Dave replied.

“Yes, sir. We are replacement officers going to different liners to relieve those scheduled for re-training. Using a two man craft was considered economic because no scheduled service will be going there for months.”

“OK. I’ll introduce myself. I’m Bill. My job is to protect visitors from themselves. We think there are no dangerous a****ls or diseases on this planet. We don’t go far beyond the town. The only danger comes from sexual contact with the natives.”

Dave and I looked at each other. We had landed on Tripletit to enjoy the famous sexual delights. Bill saw that look and laughed.

“Don’t worry, gentlemen. Sex here is safe IF you follow the simple rules. If you don’t…”

He produced two credit card size pieces of printed plastic.

“This is an aide-memoire. Do what it says on these cards and you will enjoy this planet. Go too far and you will vanish. We lose about twenty visitors a year and they are never seen again.”

I looked at the card in my hand. It read.

“Left breast or right breast: They’re the best. Centre tit: Don’t! Never, ever interfere with it.

Left slit or right slit: In those you’ll find you fit. Centre: do not fill unless you’ve made your will.”

I looked at Bill. He answered the unspoken question.

“The women of Tripletit have three tits. The left and right ones are larger and produce an euphoric d**g. Suck on either and you will have incredible sex. You may want to come back here again and again. The woman will wrap you in her body. If you are sucking the left tit, you will penetrate the left slit. The right side of her body will close around your back so that the back of your head is leaning against the right tit. It has been described as being the meat in a two-woman sandwich. You don’t have to DO anything. The woman does all the work. You just lie between both sides of her body while she hugs the whole of you and sucks you dry. You will probably fall asleep wrapped by her, waking from time to time to be suckled again and again. The d**g produced by her breast will give you multiple erections yet when you finish you will not be tired or sore. You will feel rested and rejuvenated. Old men come here and leave looking ten years younger.”

“How do you stop?” Dave asked.

“You don’t. You can’t.” Bill replied. “She has to end it when she thinks you have had enough. With a professional she will sell you a set length of time. Three hours is normal. All night is more expensive but as much as a normal man needs in a week. The amateurs are dangerous. Surrounding you excites all the women sexually. An amateur may not have sufficient control to stop herself and you could be held inside her for days. You will suffer no ill effects but it could be embarrassing if you miss an appointment or a liner. Another warning: You are not likely to want to escape from a sexual embrace but if you do, ask her politely to release you. Do not try to struggle free. She will be much stronger than you are and any attempt to escape will trigger her instincts to hold on. You might be crushed and hurt.”

“What is it about the centre breast?” I asked.

“Keep well away from it. It is smaller than the other two but if you suck on it you will be paralysed. We don’t know why, possibly to make sure that a male doesn’t escape until a female is impregnated, but anyone sucking the middle tit will be helpless and unable to move or speak. The effect lasts from an hour to several days depending on how much liquid is taken from the breast.”

“The centre hole?”

“We don’t know what happens. No one has survived. All we have are reports from the Tripletit women themselves. They say that the man filled the central slot and made them pregnant but that he has gone. They don’t say where. They don’t say anything except that he isn’t here anymore.”

We left it at that. Dave took a taxi to a hotel and booked us in. I went to meet the repair team and arranged for our craft to be fixed. That didn’t take long once I had produced the company’s credit card. The work might take anything up to a week. One of the team ran me to the hotel on his motorcycle. I arrived seconds after Dave.

The receptionist was the first local woman we had seen except at a distance. At first glance her shoulders seemed very wide; we had to look a long way up to see her face, and her three breasts strained her blouse at my eye-level, well above Dave’s. She blushed attractively at our obvious interest. She seemed fascinated by Dave and almost ignored me. Why? Her name label read ‘Emma’.

If Emma were a sample of the local talent we would enjoy ourselves on this planet. When she came from behind her desk we noticed a slight limp. She pressed herself against Dave apparently accidentally but I wasn’t so sure it was an accident. At the time I thought that Emma was incredibly tall. Only later did I notice she was at least a foot shorter than any of the other local women.

We went to our rooms, showered and changed into civilian clothes. We met by Emma’s reception desk and asked discreetly asked the porter to direct us to a good sex establishment. He warned us again about the middle tit and middle hole but said we would be safe with the professionals he recommended.

In the street Dave and I felt small. The women towered over us and apart from the occasional human male, there were only women on the streets. When we arrived at the whorehouse we paid the fee for three hours each. That fee was very cheap. Back home it would have bought a couple of glasses of beer. This sort of sex we could afford.

I was non-plussed by the line-up of available women. I chose one at random and Dave took another, the shortest. My woman introduced herself as Aliana and took my hand as we walked through a curtain and down a corridor to a bedroom. Before we got on the large bed she stripped herself and then me. She was obviously expert.

I lay down beside Aliana. She put her arms around me and lifted me on to her body. She offered her right breast to my lips. As my mouth closed around it she rolled over so I was lying on her left side. Her right side folded over me, thrusting her breast deep into my mouth. Her body hinged like a folding mattress. How her skeleton coped with the distortion vaguely puzzled me as the d**g from her breast coursed through my bloodstream. My whole body from head to toe was covered by Aliana’s naked skin. Her skin aroused me as if it was sensuous silk stroking me.

Aliana’s hand eased my erection into the right hand slit. Her lower lips pulled me in and grasped me firmly. Her arms wrapped around her body sealing me in the woman sandwich.

I find it difficult to describe the sensation of sex with Aliana. I felt enclosed as if I was inside a womb yet I certainly wasn’t feeling like a baby. I was sexually aroused to a height I had never experienced. My mouth sucked eagerly at her breast. With every trickle from her glands I sank deeper into an euphoric state. I was as hard as I had ever been but not desperate for release. I could wait until she was ready. Her body writhed around me. Her muscles clasped my erection and gradually, ever so gradually, brought me to a climax and eruption. Immediately afterwards I seemed almost ready again as I relaxed to her gentle caressing body. I was held, engulfed, surrounded, protected, swamped by the d**g and her body but still a rampant male penetrating and filling Aliana. I was hers: she was mine.

The climaxes and ejaculations followed every half-hour until the three hours were up. Aliana unwrapped me, pulled her breast from my mouth, and then dressed me carefully. I couldn’t have dressed myself, not because I was weak, but because I was on Cloud Nine. I was totally out of this world on a high plateau of bliss. Aliana laid me on the bed and left me. She returned an hour later with a strong pot of coffee. Several cups later I could stand up with her help. She half-carried me back to the reception area where I met Dave. He looked as happy as I felt. Our escorts carried us out to a taxi and sent us back to the hotel.

On arrival I could just manage to walk through the foyer to the bar. Dave stayed talking to Emma. I sank into a deep armchair and gratefully sank a cool beer brought by a waitress labelled ‘Angela’. I ordered one for Dave as well. He was flushed when he sat down.

“Phew!” Dave said first.

“That was really something, wasn’t it?” I asked.

“I’ll say.” He replied. “I have never had such an experience. I’d settle here except that I don’t think I’d live very long. Once a month – maybe. Once a week? I’d be a wreck. Once a day? I’d be dead.”

I would have answered but ‘Angela’ approached bringing the next beers. She heard everything Dave said.

“I’m pleased you enjoyed this planet’s famed hospitality, but please be careful. You have been warned, haven’t you?”

I looked up her tall body, past her three outlined breasts straining against her dress, to her face. She seemed genuinely worried.

“Yes,” I said. “We have been warned. Is it that dangerous?”

“It is with amateurs,” she replied. “They don’t have the self-control to stop when they should. Well-run professional establishments are safe. Anywhere else might be fatal.”

Dave just sipped his beer.

“I’ll remember that,” I said. “I’m not sure I’ll be ready for another session for days.”

Angela laughed.

“You will be. In a couple of hours the healing effect will kick in. You’ll feel like attacking a Martian Dust-Devil with your bare hands.”

Angela walked away with an attractive wiggle to her hips. My eyes followed her.

Angela was right. We had an evening meal and found ourselves full of energy. Dave and I decided to see the local sights by night but separately. We had had enough of each other’s company and would have to endure it again when our craft was repaired. I left first. Dave was deep in conversation with Emma.

I walked around for an hour or so. There wasn’t much to see once you had seen the park and the public buildings. To burn off my excess energy I jogged around the whole edge of the park. I met Dave jogging the other way round. After that I didn’t see him again as I completed five circuits.

I returned to my room and showered again. I decided that another beer would be pleasant. In the bar the staff had changed. Angela who had served us earlier had shed her uniform for a dress. She beckoned to me. I joined her at her table. She came straight to the point.

“Your friend Dave is in trouble, Joe.”

“He’s not really my friend,” I replied. “We are travelling together by necessity.”

“Whether he is your friend or not, will you help him?”

“I suppose so. What has he done?” My lack of enthusiasm must have been obvious.

“Come on.”

Angela stood up and took my hand. I felt slightly ridiculous, as if I was a c***d being dragged along by his mother. We passed through a curtain into the staff area, through several doors and along a corridor. Angela stopped outside a numbered door and knocked.

“Emma,” she said loudly. “It’s Angela.”

I barely heard the answer. “What do you want?”

“I want Dave back – please?”

“Come in.” Emma’s voice said very faintly.

Angela dragged me through the door. I was hidden behind her at first.

“Oh shit, Emma!” shouted Angela. “Did you have to…”

I peered under Angela’s right arm. Emma was lying naked on her bed, eyes shut, her legs spread wide. Dave’s shoulders and head were all that was left of him. His eyes were open, staring blankly at the ceiling. Emma’s body was distended as if she was in late pregnancy. Her large bump was pulsing slowly. In the next couple of seconds Dave’s body had slid another couple of inches into her. I would have shouted but Angela’s hand clamped over my mouth. My head was trapped between her arm and her right breast. I tried to struggle but Angela was much stronger than I. My arms and legs flailed futilely behind her.

Angela quickly unbuttoned the top of her dress and pulled her triple cup bra upwards. I barely noticed. I was watching Emma pull Dave’s unresisting body further in. Emma’s face distorted with effort and her body shone with sweat as Dave’s shoulders stretched her legs impossibly wide apart. Once the shoulders had entered his head followed instantly. Emma’s lips made a slurping sound as they closed behind him. Her legs gradually came together and her hands eased her pregnant lump higher.

Almost as soon as Dave had been completely engulfed Angela swung my head round to her centre breast. I was still fighting her headlock with all my strength. I clamped my lips shut. Her fingers squeezed my nostrils shut. I opened my mouth to breathe. Her tit stuffed between my lips. She released my nostrils. My mouth filled with liquid. I tried not to swallow.

“Take it, Joe,” Angela pleaded. “It is your only chance of survival.”

Did I trust her? I had little choice. She could hold me tighter than I could endure. I swallowed. I felt my muscles relax into uselessness. Angela lifted me and held me across her body. My head rested on one of her shoulders. My arms and legs flopped. I could still see Emma. She still had her eyes closed and looked exhausted. I lost sight of her as Angela carried me from the room. She took me to another room in the same corridor and lowered me to the bed. I flopped helplessly, unable to move anything, not even my eyes.

“Stay there, Joe. I must help Emma. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Don’t worry. The effect will pass – eventually.”

I was raging internally. I had been paralysed. Angela could do whatever she wanted to me. Would I disappear like Dave? No wonder those who disappeared had never been found. No one would think that they had been swallowed inside a woman’s body. Were they women? Were we fooled by an apparent external resemblance?

I calmed down slightly. Angela had saved me from something. The knowledge I now had might be dangerous to the inhabitants of Tripletit. Dave had disappeared. I was hidden away in the staff quarters. No one would look for me until our craft was repaired. When would that be? Two or three days, a week perhaps? I would have closed my eyes if I could. I couldn’t but drifted off into a light doze.

I woke up as I heard Angela enter the room. Her face, blurred because I couldn’t focus my eyes, looked down at me.

“Emma is resting now. The crisis is over for her. I’m sorry about Dave. We were too late to do anything. Once he was that far in he couldn’t come out again. I had thought that Emma would make love to him first but she must have been very desperate. She paralysed him at once and started…”

A tear fell on my face. That was unexpected.

“This might help,” Angela said.

She pushed a breast between my lips. Left, right or centre? I couldn’t focus or turn my eyes. Warm milk trickled down my throat. I could swallow. I did. More milk followed for several minutes.

Gradually I was aware of sensation returning to my skin. I blinked my eyes, turned them down and focused. Angela’s right breast was filling my mouth. I sucked harder until Angela pulled away.

“Wait,” she said mysteriously.

She shed all her clothing. Her hands wandered over my recovering body to strip me bare. I was just beginning to flex my fingers and toes when her breast filled my mouth again. Her pussy claimed me, her body folded around me, her arms clamped me back into immobility before she began to arouse me slowly and gently.

Angela was totally unlike Aliana. Aliana had been quick, efficient, professional. Angela was slow, sensuous and delightful. Even without the euphoric d**g flowing into my mouth I could have been transported to a heavenly place where I was caressed between two nubile houris yet both bodies were Angela.

I was vaguely conscious of the passing of time as I was aroused, milked, rested, aroused again only to be claimed by Angela’s body and pussy. Dawn came and changed to full daylight before Angela’s body unfolded and left me almost as helpless as I had been when paralysed by her. I slept, waking to find myself tightly wrapped in the sheet. Beside me on the pillow was a note. I turned my head to read.

“Sorry, Joe, I’m back on duty. I will return on my break. Don’t leave the room even if you can. I’ll explain later.”

I writhed on the bed trying to release myself from the swaddling sheet. It took over an hour before a corner came free. After that it was a matter of minutes to unwind myself.

Angela’s room had an en-suite shower room. I cleaned myself up, drank some water and dressed. I was beginning to feel more in control than I had since Angela’s hand closed over my face in Emma’s room when the door opened. Angela entered and smiled as she saw me.

“Good. You got free. I thought you would. Now listen carefully.”

I nodded.

“You don’t know anything about Dave. You saw him – where last before…?”

“In the park.” I said.

“OK. In the park. Then you went to a brothel on your own and paid for a night. Have you got enough money for that?”

“I think so. How much would I need?”

Angela told me. It was ridiculously low. It wouldn’t buy a meal in a poor restaurant on Earth. I counted it out. Angela gathered it up.

“I’ll give this to one of the girls at the brothel. She’ll confirm your story. Which one did you visit earlier? Do you remember the girl’s name?”

I told Angela about Aliana.

“OK. Aliana will get this money.”

“Is it enough? It seems very little.”

“You want to give more? That might help.”

“Yes.” I peeled off a couple of bills, enough for two nights stay in a good hotel.

She opened what I thought was the bedside cabinet. It was stuffed full of pre-packed food that heated itself once you pull the tab.

Angela lifted me to her lips and kissed me hard. My arms went round her neck. I held on supporting my whole weight until her body closed around me. It felt odd to have one breast pushing against my chest and the other two pulling on my shoulder blades. Odd, but arousing. It would have been a dangerous position if we hadn’t been fully dressed. Angela held me for half a minute before lowering me to the bed. She whisked out of the door before I had my feet back on the floor.

I made myself a meal and some coffee. Later the effect of Angela’s lovemaking took effect. I couldn’t run so I did press-ups. I started normally but changed to one-handed, doing twice as many as I had ever done at my fittest. If love-making on Tripletit continued to affect me like this I’d be the athlete I never was.

Angela returned looking tired and drawn. She sat down on the bed. I sat beside her.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Emma. I tried to cover for her but the hotel manageress found out. They know what she’s done with Dave. She’s in real trouble. It isn’t good for our tourist trade when visitors vanish without trace.”

“Can I help?”

“I don’t know. No human is supposed to know what we Tripletit women can do. You know. I was hoping to persuade you to keep quiet about it.”


“A few sessions of mind-blowing sex…?”

“That would be more than enough incentive but why are you doing this for Emma?”

“She’s my older sister.”

“Oh.” What else could I say?

“I was afraid she’d do something like this. She can’t hunt Tripletit men, not with her injured leg. Human males are easier and so trusting…”

“I think you had better tell me how people on Tripletit normally reproduce before I understand the situation.”


Angela lifted me to her lap. She pulled my head to her shoulder.

“OK. You deserve to know if we can work out how you can help Emma. It’s like this. The males here are much smaller than the women, and even smaller than you, about four feet tall and very agile. They live in the hills and forests and are very timid with good cause. Females can only get pregnant by absorbing a male’s body completely. That is the end of the male. The pregnant woman usually produces either a single girl or twin boys. When the boys are eleven years old they are sent to join the other males.

The women have to trap or chase the men. The men can usually run faster but don’t have the same endurance. Trapping one is easier than chasing one. Neither is easy. Once caught the male must be paralysed with milk from the centre breast. Even doing that is difficult. Adding milk to water given to a trapped male sometimes works but he is likely to suspect. Making love to a male can sometimes lull his suspicions long enough to switch him to the middle breast.

Emma had no chance of capturing a wild male. She couldn’t run and she is small for our people. She would be competing with other females. We tried hunting together once or twice but unsuccessfully. She was panicking because she was getting older. Not old, she had another fifteen years of potential c***d bearing, but she was worrying herself sick about it.

I knew that sooner or later she would take a human male. It would be difficult for her because of her size. She couldn’t manage a normal-sized human. Dave was just right. He was smaller than the average human, much smaller than you are. As soon as she saw him that was it. She had to have him.”

“So Dave didn’t have a chance of escape?”

“Not really. Emma could have run off with him at any time. She stalked him, perhaps even flirted with him. As soon as they were alone together she paralysed him with her middle breast. He could have struggled as hard as possible to avoid her breast but he couldn’t stop her. You couldn’t stop me. Once Dave was paralysed she opened her legs. You saw what happened to him.”

“What do we do now, Angela? Dave has gone. How can we account for that?”

“It would be best if he seemed never to have arrived on Tripletit. Can you think of anyway that could be made believable?”

“I might be accused of murdering him. There were only the two of us on the craft. How about… I know. He was injured by the space dust and died soon after arrival. That is more plausible. It needs the co-operation of the port authorities. Can that be done?”

Angela thought for a while.

“Maybe. Those living on this planet have Tripletit wives. They have a stake in the planet. I’ll ask the manageress and see what she says. Meanwhile, please stay here.”

“Must I?”

“Yes. You keep out of sight until we have the story straight. I’ll make some coffee for us before I go.”

Angela tricked me. She put some of her middle breast milk in my cup. She stripped me naked and left me helpless on the bed. She gathered up all my clothing and took it with her in a holdall.

It seemed an age before Angela rushed back in.

“Joe! We’re in trouble. The police suspect what has happened to Dave. They are looking for you. They must not find you until we have all the story in place. They’ll come here soon. You must hide…”

The internal phone rang. Angela answered it. I couldn’t do anything. I was still paralysed in my major muscles. My eyes could move.

“Thanks. I’ll do what I can,” I heard Angela say.

She stripped off her waitress uniform. She pulled her panties off and threw a full kaftan over herself.

“This might work, Joe, but it is dangerous. I have no time to explain.”

She pulled up her kaftan and fed my feet into her central slit. If I could, I would have struggled. Angela was much larger than Emma. My body was sucked inside her up to my hips in one swift gulp. She pushed my arms by my sides and sucked again. I sank inside her up to my elbows. She panted quickly before placing her hands on my shoulders. She groaned quietly as her body sucked and her hands pushed.

My head stayed free. The rest of me was swallowed. My body was beginning to regain its sensations. I was incredibly aroused. Her insides were slick, warm and soft. Her muscles pulsed around me, treating the whole of me as if I was a giant erection. She stood up. My head was dangling between her legs.

She opened a drawer and selected a pair of full French knickers. They slid up her legs covering my head. I could see through the sheer silk even after she dropped her dress so that its hem swept the ground.

“Listen, Joe. We have no time. If the police come in here they will search the room. There is no evidence that you were here. They may want to search me. If they do, I will suck you inside. Hold your breath. I’ll push your head out as fast as I can. Got that? Hold your breath!”

A few minutes later there was a heavy knock on the door. I couldn’t hear what the police said. Angela’s soft inner thighs covered my ears. I felt her tense around me. I had been breathing deeply and quietly. As soon as I felt her insides begin to suck I took a deep breath. My head slid inside her. I saw red then black as her lips closed behind me. A few seconds later her lips parted. I managed to get my mouth and nose to the small opening. It parted slightly more so that I could see through the panties. Her kaftan was again brushing the floor. I breathed quietly.

I was too aroused by my exotic confinement. Angela was breathing hard and that and the rhythmic pulsation of her internal muscles were giving me an erection. She was walking around the room. I could see the carpet beneath her feet.

She tensed again. I prepared to hold my breath. This time I had just enough time to snatch a quick breath as I was sucked deep down her canal. The compression was too much for my erection. I ejaculated uncontrollably into her.

My head was spinning from holding my breath by the time she pushed my head out into the open. I couldn’t control my noisy gasping. She pushed her panties down and lifted the hem of the kaftan. Her face peered at me.

“Are you OK, Joe?” Angela asked.

“I think so. I’m not sure. Can you let me out yet?”

“Yes. The police came back to check again. I thought they would but even so they nearly surprised me. I had to haul you inside as fast as I could. Did it hurt?”

“No, but…”

“But what, Joe?”

“It had an effect on me. I came inside you.”

“Did you?” Angela seemed unconcerned. “That doesn’t matter. I can’t get pregnant that way. Out you come.”

She spread herself on the bed and pushed me out. The shoulders were a strain for both of us. Once they were through I popped out like a champagne cork. I was slippery with her juices. She carried me to the shower and washed us both.

“By now,” Angela said, “the manageress should have the story ready and all the pieces in place. Hang on while I check.”

She picked up the internal phone. I didn’t understand the conversation because it was in the local language.

Angela turned to me.

“The story is ready. You have been at the brothel again. You will leave there in half an hour and return to the hotel. On your return you will be informed, with regret, that Dave has died of his injuries. You will of course stay for the funeral. Can you arrange that with your company?”

“Yes. I think so. I’ll miss my ship but the mate could probably manage.”

“Now we need to get you and your clothes to the brothel without being seen…”

“Not again!” I protested. “Once inside you is enough for one day…”

“That isn’t necessary. I’ll hide you inside my kaftan.”

She did. I was carried to the brothel and upstairs to Aliana’s room. There Angela left to return to the hotel while I dressed. I gave Aliana some more money. She followed me down to the reception area and kissed me passionately, waving as I left. I think she was overacting but she had been well paid.

Emma, looking pale, greeted me with the news of Dave’s death. I was suitably shocked and sent a message to company headquarters and to our destination planet. HQ approved my request to stay for the funeral, which would take place a couple of days after the post-mortem report. The planet told me that my liner would have another captain.

The post-mortem report was a wonderful piece of fiction. It said that Dave had been pierced by a piece of space dust but had written it off as a scratch. It had caused peritonitis and he had ignored that until too late. The best efforts of Tripletit’s hospital (detailed) had been unable to save him. There were pictures of the original penetration (my stomach marked with a jabbed pin) and lurid pictures of the peritonitis (from the hospital files).

A couple of hours before the funeral a message came for me from my company’s Headquarters. I would be retired forthwith. Could I arrange for the two-man craft to be released to a company representative who would call in a couple of weeks? I could travel with him or the company would pay for transport to any civilised planet of my choice.

The funeral was a solemn affair, too solemn for a coffin full of rocks. Afterwards there was a reception at the hotel. Apart from Angela and Emma I knew none of the mourners. I had been living with Angela and having sex every night, all night. I felt years younger and I looked it.

As we stood around drinking after the speeches Angela drew me aside.

“I’m pregnant,” she hissed in my ear. “I don’t know how you did it, but blood tests confirm it is yours. What are you going to do?”

I looked at her for a couple of seconds.

“Marry you?” I suggested diffidently.

“You have to ask me first,” Angela replied.

I dropped to one knee before her. I had to reach up a long way to take her hand.

“Angela, will you marry me, please?”

There were gasps from the assembled company. I had used my quarterdeck voice. Everyone had heard.

“Yes, Joe, I will.” Angela replied not quite so loudly.

The room erupted with clapping and cheering. Most unsuitable for a fake funeral.

I arranged for my pension to be paid on Tripletit. At the rate of exchange I was a very rich man on that planet.

Our marriage was a grand affair. Emma was a matron of honour. I saw Aliana in the congregation. She had retired from the brothel and owned a small restaurant.

Angela and I had found a way for humans to impregnate Tripletit females without killing the male. If the woman engulfs the male completely and he ejaculates while deep inside her – she has a fifty-percent chance of becoming pregnant. Human males stopped disappearing on Tripletit except temporarily.

Emma had a daughter. So did Angela. Emma lived with us but still looked out for very small human males.

By the time our daughter became nubile it had been found that the process also worked if a Tripletit male was engulfed. If he held his breath he would survive. The males stopped being so hard to catch and the population started increasing. It will take tens of thousands of years to populate the planet even thinly.

The warning notices about Tripletit were changed. Not all men wanted to be engulfed so completely. Being wrapped in female skin is one thing. Being wholly inside a female can be frightening but enjoyable if she loves you. I love Angela. She loves me. I still sleep with Angela wrapped around me like a duvet. I may have been retired a long time but I can still make love to her all night – every night.

When are YOU visiting Tripletit?

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Seducing Stephen Chapter 1 Morning Wood And First Contact

Introduction: I love young men. I love their innocence, their energy, their lust for life. I love how excited they get, and how hard they stay. I love the embarrassment they experience if, and when they cum too quickly and how with the slightest encouragement, they are hard and ready to go again after they cum. But most of all, I love knowing that they will never forget the intimacy of their encounters with me and that they will be better, more considerate lovers after spending some time with...

1 year ago
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A cam site doesn’t thrive for over a decade for offering a shitty experience. Credit to Cam Contacts for all the hot girls with no fake fucking titties, plastic surgery, too much makeup and have that ‘girl-next-door’ vibe. Being an exhibitionist or simply a voyeur, hot girls from over 170 countries willing to assist you to realize your sexual fantasies.A lot of sites have great interactive features, but just takes it a notch higher. The site makes it possible for you to meet-up...

Live Sex Cam Sites
2 years ago
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First Contact

Catherine Allen, Captain of the Enterprise Omega, leaned back into my arms and drew my hand to her breasts as we looked out over the spaceport of Solon. My sexy lover was the commander of the spaceship that had brought our contact mission to Solon and she took her prerogatives seriously, including having me in her bed every night. Now that we had landed, however, I, as the ship's chief xenologist, was essentially in charge of the contact operation. Although supposedly ours was the first group...

1 year ago
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Night of Many Firsts Part 3

Night of Many Firsts 3Don Abdul ©Eddie is still caressing her tits, and rubbing his way up and down her torso when he feels her gentle movement, as she sways her hips opening up her ass to take in more of his cock. When he reaches in between her legs and rubs her clit, her rhythm changes and he begins to fuck her ass more actively. They continue to move together in blissful harmony and in enjoyment of their shared anal dance. The thought, and the pleasure of his cock live and breathing deep...

2 years ago
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Sex Survey Females Firsts 3

I invite all my fine female dear readers to respond to this sweet sexy survey of their number #1 erotic experience. I invite you to write me the best possible sex you dream to have in the future, or maybe it better stays only fantasy?I invite you to tell us as much as you like about the ideal circumstances needed and the sexy scenario you long for.I invite you to share your feelings about your favourite fantasy. Why is it so special? A secret? A taboo? A fetish?I invite you all to check as well...

2 years ago
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Night of Many Firsts Part 3

Night of Many Firsts 3Don Abdul ©Eddie is still caressing her tits, and rubbing his way up and down her torso when he feels her gentle movement, as she sways her hips opening up her ass to take in more of his cock. When he reaches in between her legs and rubs her clit, her rhythm changes and he begins to fuck her ass more actively. They continue to move together in blissful harmony and in enjoyment of their shared anal dance. The thought, and the pleasure of his cock live and breathing deep...

3 years ago
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First Contact

I lay dozing in the pilot's couch, periodically performing a one-eyed visual scan of the control instruments. As usual all readings were in the green; which was good since the ship was flying on automatics. I'd lifted from the moon's deep space launch site 35 days ago on a 10 year resupply mission to New Earth, the fourth planet of Proxima Centauri. It was pretty much a trash hauling mission and, for all practical purposes, I was just along for the ride. Union regulations required a...

2 years ago
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First Contact

First Contact Everyone knows exactly where they were when First Contact happened. Its one of those moments that just gets burned into your brain, and you never forget. But in my case, it was especially hard to forget, because it was the last day of my life as I had known it. The first sign we had that we were not alone in the universe was when their spaceship entered our solar system. I had been forced to live in the observatory thanks to being kicked out of my own house,...

3 years ago
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The Preacher ManChapter 44 First Contact

Fifteen days later... Time: March 30, 8240 10:32 PM The congregational unions of Qataban sang me a spontaneous farewell hymn this evening, at the end of the cathedral Prayer service. It was an ancient folk melody and an extremely touching gesture. I had to fight to hold back my tears. So many changes are about to happen. I'm flying with my family tomorrow to the Caribbean island township of Dalma, and I can't wait to show my wives the incredible beauty there. And at midnight tonight, we...

1 year ago
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Aurum Et Periculo the Mystery of the Roman GoldChapter 2B First Contact

The next two Parts are scene setting. I wanted to introduce all the characters who mattered and start them moving toward the eventual resolution. That produced an unwieldy long story. So, I am going to split this and post the two together. The roller coaster ride begins after this section. We took the Eurostar from St Pancras to Paris Nord. I’d booked Premier class because I wanted the dinner amenities. So, we ate on the train. We got into Paris that evening and took a taxi to the Hotel...

4 years ago
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ConvergenceChapter 27 First Contact

The alien Captain sat staring at the harsh landscape of the airless moon. He had seen thousands of similar landscapes on other worlds and their satellites. He never tired of seeing a new one. It was why he chose the hard life of space exploration over the softer life of a planetary-bound career. New worlds, new experiences, and new revelations were like a drug to the Captain. His mindset was also why a Companion chose him as a host. The Captain and his Companion had made a good team for many...

4 years ago
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Space Odysseum 2201 First Contact

The following tale is a depiction of pure speculations and the result of wild imagination. It guides the reader through the maze of problems an Anal Etiquette space crew have to overcome in order to survive and save the Planet from a menace unseen before! They may not make it without your active advice and support! This is a story is not for the faint hearted. The warning are in the tags - if you see anything you don't like do not read it... The year is 2201 A.C. The...

3 years ago
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First time massage from my Dads contacts

I found my dad’s porn stash by accident one day. He had gone away on business and I was in the loft when I found the bag. There was the usual wank mags, videos and I thought that was all. So I pulled out my cock and started to wank. He had some good, hard core, heterosexual stuff. As I pulled my s*******n old cock, I was really enjoying this stash when I found a little black book. Inside was his contact list with whores, escorts, cinemas and other acquaintances. Mostly there were places a long...

2 years ago
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Exploits on Leeto Make Contact

Exploits on Leeto: Make Contact MarionThe generation spaceship Perseus was a day’s travel away from the recreational spaceport Leeto.  Perseus was to remain docked at Leeto for several weeks before continuing on its journey to relocate the human population on board to a new homeworld.Marion walked over to her port side window and stared out at the endless range of stars.  She had just finished a ten hour shift in the botany laboratory working in one of the many vegetable and fruit gardens.  It...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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A Night of Firsts

I have been crossdressing in private since I was young. Now in my late forties and after three failed marriages, I had decided to step outside as Jessica.So after a lot of planning over several months, the day had finally come.I stepped in the bath as JD and shaved any hairs on my body that should not be there. It did not take long as I had been preparing my body for weeks to be smooth. I stepped out of the bath as Jessica and dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around myself just like any...

3 years ago
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Human Contact

It's a Tuesday afternoon, a few weeks into the mass quarantine.  I'm a divorced guy, and living alone I haven't had actual physical contact with a fellow human in a long time now.  No handshakes. No hugs. No high-fives.  No fist-bumps. No brushed shoulders. No accidentally bumping the cashier's hand when she hands me back my card.  No nothing. At least I get to video-chat every day with my coworkers, friends and family, but that is no substitute for the real thing. Human bodies were meant...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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A Day of Firsts

A Day of Firsts by Kathy Nelson [email protected] (c):Kathryn Nelson, 1998 It was one of those hectic work periods where I was putting in 70 to 80 hours a week. You know, when there's no time for anything else in your life except the job. But, thank god the rush was over and it looked like things were going to calm down. Friday night had come around and I was going home at a decent hour. I even had the whole weekend off and I was ready to celebrate. Well, more like...

2 years ago
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An Afternoon of Firsts

The bar was crowded for the big football game. Standing room only. I was alone but hoped to find another regular to watch the game with. I ordered a beer and resigned myself to a disappointing spectacle. A good game was much more enhanced when watching with a familiar face or two. Halfway through my beer, I see Jim walk in. Jim was a guy a frequently chatted with and we really hit it off. He was the perfect guy to watch the game with. I flagged him over, shook hands and told him "Looks like...

2 years ago
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4th bi experiencemany firststrue story

My 4th Bi experience happened that night of my 3rd experience. I'll never forget it was on a Saturday,Sept 24 1983. I was 16. It was 7:16 pm when I looked at the clock for what seemed like the millionth time. My parents were down the street at another neighbors house. I was sitting in my bedroom wondering what time I should go over to Charles house the anticipation was killing me. Earlier that day he asked if I wanted to come over tonight but what time should I go? I had occasionally looked out...

4 years ago
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Eye Contact

Dr. Mason glanced over at his waiting room and smiled at the wonderful sight. It was filled with attractive and horny women waiting to see him. His customers were all females and possessed attractive qualities. There was a reason for his fortune of beautiful women. Dr. Mason was an Optometrist with a passion for mind control and hypnosis. His life work was one big game to him and his customers were the playing pieces. The game starts the moment his customers walk in the door. His office is...

3 years ago
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A Vacation of Firsts The Conclusion

Eric watched with unblinking eyes as the tiny panties revealed a small but erect cock hidden underneath, and that was another first for him. The stunning woman before him had just pulled her panties down and revealed a cock and he was not repulsed. Tonya's head was bowed in shame with this act. To her, it was like showing off a birth defect. Eric responded by placing his fist under her chin and gently raised it up and looked her in the eyes. He gave her a warm smile and then removed his boxer...

3 years ago
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SiliqueChapter 4 Contact

Trat's command module managed to climb out of its hole just 3 days after the birth of the colony. Moving closer to the earthling birthing camp made surveillance possible. Trat had no protocol to follow based on the situation he found there. The entire population of Golan was effectively in military and medical quarantine. His command module was not equipped to fight. His ship was not supplied with enough equipment for himself and the infants to remain hidden. The plan called for the...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 16: DOLPHIN CONTACTOnce again I find myself sitting next to the water looking over the vast expanse of the ocean and wondering what could happen next in my life that has turned so crazy. This time I am sitting on an isolated beach on a small island off the Southwest coast of Columbia, roughly halfway between Buenaventure and Tumaco. The island is uninhabited, primitive and secluded. The significance of the island and the reason I find myself sitting on this particular beach, alone, is:...

2 years ago
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Full Contact

I sat in the office of the donjon staring at the pictures. The class I just finished teaching was not the usual Thursday night sparring-fest. Some of the students were unhappy about it but with a tournament on Saturday I thought reaction drills would avoid shaking anyone's confidence. Students rarely disturbed me after class. Sharon, the other assistant instructor, stayed on the floor and closed the school so she caught a majority of questions. Our master left the heavy sparring classes to me...

1 year ago
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Eye Contact

Maggie's legs gracefully draped over my shoulders, her knees almost in contact with her own firm spectacularly nippled breasts. Her slim tanned body was highly flexed at the hips, her moist and beautiful flower open and eager for my advances. As my hands tucked under her shoulder blades to orchestrate the penetration, my role as impaler was clearly defined as our genitals met, my rigidity forcing its way tightly in, slippery but firm, and our eyes locked... No, no! Hold on a minute. That's...

3 years ago
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First contact

We grew up in a rather conservative household. My mom hated that friends would come over to our house, we weren’t allowed to visit friends at their house as well so we spend the majority of our teenage years at home with no outside contact, besides at school. I discovered masturbation by accident and even believed that I discovered something that nobody knew. I had sexual education a few weeks before but of course they never told us about orgasms or how good it felt. So one night I was...

2 years ago
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Doggy Mommys First Online Contact

Sixth episode of Doggy Mommy series by Sonya Esperanto and approved by her. It was Friday evening and Garry was spending the night with Michelle, Kyle and Bernard, their dog, as had become normal for him. He had Kyle nude on the floor with a nude Michelle sucked his cock as an enthusiastic Bernard pumped his cock in and out of her ass. This was Garry's favorite entertainment, watching Michelle fuck animals. It had been 3 months since he had placed Michelle and Kyle under his control with his...

1 year ago
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City Sin Part One First Contact

CITY SIN Part One: First Contact Roger almost died when he read the memo from Mr. Stevens: WALLACE – Something came up, can’t go to meeting this weekend. You and Fernandez are going in my place. Talk to him for more info. – STEVENS Roger hated Alejandro Fernandez! He was the single most annoying person Roger had ever met – a complete “man’s man.” He just oozed masculinity, from his dark, South American skin, to muscled body, to his gorgeous honey-brown eyes; from bragging about his sexual...

3 years ago
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A Confession A Night of Firsts

I hope you enjoy it. Please PM me or comment below and let me know what you thought. Of course I also encourage voting. If you go into the Forum section of the site you will see the Sex Stories Section. The CAW10 entries are there... I strongly suggest reading them as they are wonderful and written by very talented people. Enjoy! A Confession – A Night of Firsts I am a bit worried as I write this. Mostly because of what I have done and what I know, with absolute certainty, I...

4 years ago
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A Confession A Night of Firsts

Introduction: A teen girl meets the guy she wants to make her a woman. Hello! Thank you to everyone who has been encouraging me to keep writing. This story is not intended to be part of a series, but I hope it is well received. I hope you enjoy it. Please PM me or comment below and let me know what you thought. Of course I also encourage voting. If you go into the Forum section of the site you will see the Sex Stories Section. The CAW10 entries are there… I strongly suggest reading them as...

2 years ago
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Dedicated to a lovely young lady that would have graduated in 1960 with a first initial of "J" First and most important, this is a totally true story. Because it is true, there is little sex and what there is, has not been embellished to the best of my knowledge. One almost always remembers their "Firsts." Their first kiss, first date, first love, first sex and first crush. This is a story of all the above and more. I have always been a shy person. All through my freshman and sophomore...

3 years ago
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A Night of Firsts

Anita lay naked on the bed, her body trembling with anticipation. Her small breasts heaved against her chest as she looked at him. Her eyes focused on his finger tips as they reached into the waistband of his black boxer briefs. A fairly significant bulge stuck out. She knew it was going to hurt. But she didn't care. She wanted to feel a cock inside her for the very first time. It was Alicia who suggested Bobby.Bobby and Anita had known each other for about a year, they met through Alicia. She...

3 years ago
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A Long List of Firsts

It’s funny how simple things trigger memories in a person. Sights, sounds, smells and even feelings of pain or pleasure can spark a flashback. That pain I was now feeling as my cock strained against denim made me recall how all this began. 15 Months Earlier It was Friday night, not long after leaving work, where I found myself in my favorite place. My home away from home, at least from the time just prior to my divorce until now, where I could relax before heading home or in this case to...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 40 Firsts Part I

January 1981, Milford, Ohio On Monday morning at school, Tracey Jones pulled me aside and told me she had a question she needed to ask me. She and I were on different lunches, so I asked if I could call her, but she wanted to talk face-to-face. I suggested that I’d drop by her house after I saw Doctor Mercer that evening if she wanted, and she was fine with that. When I walked into Miss Barkhurst’s class, where I was the teaching assistant, I sighed. Dona Bingham was in this class. She...

1 year ago
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First Contact

First Contact by Chris Cole The doorbell rang just minutes after mom left for work. Standing at the door, with Xbox in hand, was my buddy Mark who came over to spend the day. It was cold, wet and windy outside, so playing video games inside seemed to be a good way to spend the first day of Easter break. Mom wouldn't be home until late afternoon and that gave us the run of the house. Mark and I had been buddies since my family moved into the subdivision five years ago. We played on...

4 years ago
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A Night of many firsts2

A Night of many firsts. July 11, 2019 As I entered my White Porsche Cayenne with my wife, Sylvia - I felt intense. Past few months have been the best of my life - Particularly with my new role as an Orgasm Donor, which I discovered 3 days after my wedding night with Sylvia. She was a virgin until then - but a real slut when it comes to getting her share of extreme orgasms. Its true what some people say - there is more pleasure in giving than in receiving. She was feeling week at her knees...

3 years ago
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An Evening of Firsts1

"You are mine tonight. To do with as I please. Be good and obey and you'll enjoy it. I promise you an orgasm that you'll feel for days. Fight me, and you will regret it severely," you coo in my ear. "Understand?" Your words are playful and soft, but I can sense the stern tone behind them.  "Yes." "Yes, what?" you ask.  "Yes....mistress," I reply hesitantly.  "Good boy." I barely have time to fathom what might be in store for me later before I feel something warm and...

3 years ago
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An Evening of Firsts0

"You are mine tonight. To do with as I please. Be good and obey and you'll enjoy it. I promise you an orgasm that you'll feel for days. Fight me, and you will regret it severely," you coo in my ear. "Understand?" Your words are playful and soft, but I can sense the stern tone behind them.  "Yes." "Yes, what?" you ask.  "Yes....mistress," I reply hesitantly.  "Good boy." I barely have time to fathom what might be in store for me later before I feel something warm and...

3 years ago
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My new degrading life pt 2first day

A quick recap… My life had really changed over night. I used to live in the suburbs with my father, step mother and step siblings. I had my own room, my own stuff, and privacy. I went to school, where I was one of the popular crowd, and I mean truly popular, not slutty popular like some of those used up by 21 chicks I knew. I respect for myself and the respect from the people around me. I even had a boy friend, who despite not getting anything, was still a great guy, as far as I could...

2 years ago
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My First0

I was nervous when he told me that his parents were gone for the day but I knew that I wanted to do this. I was scared and unsure of exactly what was going to go down but I knew that whatever it was it would be good. I told my parents that I was going to go over to his house for the day. Little did they know that it was just going to be me and him. When he pulled up in front of my house I started to shake a little at what we were going to do. But I didn’t let it show and I walked out of...

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My First4

When I was around the age of 13 I began watching porno’s, I couldn’t get enough of them, id wake up watch a porno and wank, id wank at a porno hours later, and again and again and once more before I went to sleep, I absolutely loved porn. But as time progressed it became harder and harder to for me to ejaculate quickly at normal porn, and I would end up racking off for almost an hour and only a drop of semen would exit my penis, I didn’t know what to do until a friend of mine sent me a link...

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My First5

My name is David; I grew up in a pretty stable home with my sister Mary. My parents weren’t rich but they tried to give my sister and me many of the things the other kids had. When I was thirteen my parents went out of town for the night, to work on their marriage it turns out. They got a babysitter who was a senior in high school and a family friend to watch my sister and keep me from destroying the house. Her name was Heather and she was very beautiful; five foot eight, 120 pounds, dark...

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My First1

-------------------- Drifting in and out of some seamless euphoria, i stop and think. to ponder on my thoughts. something i haven't done in a very long time. I've done things every normal person has done, but no one wants to hear about that. you want the dirty stuff, the stuff that makes me sick even mentioning it, yet i thought it up in my own dirty mind. to better understand my actions later on in the story, why don't we start at the end of the beginning. i was younger, i was...

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myfirst experience

She is disable and lived in her room and cannot move. My aunt also live in same village but at some distance on the other side of the village.She has four daughter's and uncle was died when the her youngest daughter(sadia) was 3 years old.Since then she was taking care of them.Her daughter's name were summaya(1st),sidra(2nd),nuvera(3rd) & sadia.Nuvera lives with grandma and take care of her. She was 17(now 19) at that time and is the prettiest in her sisters with 5'4'' tall, long black...

2 years ago
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My First6

Literally the day before I had to pay up I was walking down the street on the way to see my girlfriend when I saw a huge black guy standing by an open van. He was obviously a builder or something because his van was full of tools. As I walked past he looked me up and down. It felt weird, this poof looking at me like that. In a sudden outburst of insanity (I still don’t know what made me say this - at this point in time I thought I was as straight as straight could be.) I said… “You willing...

3 years ago
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Wifes FirstTime With Another Man

My wife Karen and I have been married for 9 years, and have three k**s. Karen is a short 5'1; slim, has an attractive face, short brunette hair, and smallish tits with magnificent large, puffy nipples. She’s fairly reserved, especially about sex. It’s not that Karen doesn’t enjoy it, she does, she’s just not comfortable talking about it. She claims to have no sexual fantasies, and outside of breathing heavily, makes little sound while we’re having sex, which is maybe once or twice a month since...

3 years ago
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my firstcock part 2

Later on that day I was watching a porn Video I had found in my parents room, I was on the sofa with my skirt hitched up around my waist playing with my cunt when I heard the front door was my brother with a couple of his friends...told you she was a horny slut I heard my brother laugh. I jumped up a bit startled that he had brought his friends over so soon.Don’t stop playing with your sweet cunt Brian said, I want you nice and wet when I take that cherry of yours. I sat back down and...

1 year ago
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my firstcock

I was 13 and very aware of my sexuality, my brother was 17 and I knew that he liked to look at me when I was getting undressed. I used to leave my door open just a little when I came home from school and was getting changed. I would slowly take of my tie then unbutton my shirt revealing my very large tits. Even at 13 I was a D cup...running my hands over my tits I pull the shirt of...I unzip my skirt and let it drop to the floor, bending over to step out of it...I glance in my mirror and see my...

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My wifes firstblack cock

We've been married to my wife Ann for 52 years, although l've known her since we were 12 when a group of about 8 girls and a similar number of boys hung around together, the boys got a "stinky finger" from most of the girls, we all got one from Ann, when we reached the age of 15 the group began to drift apart as we started work and made other friends, l didn't see Ann again until we were 18, but that another story, we married when l was 20 and she had just turned 21, she was still enjoying a...

1 year ago
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First BGG! It will come as no shock to my readers that I love fucking pussy. It's one of the few things that I enjoy more than masturbating. I know you guys can't empathize, but the feeling of a tight pussy sliding up and down on your cock is incredible. There's nothing like it. I only wish you could experience the joy I feel every day, just once.Better Than Pussy?But hold on one god damn minute. Believe it or not, there is something I love even more than fucking pussy: fucking two pussies at...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
2 years ago
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My night of many firsts

I was never a big hit with the girls in High School and I was a virgin by the time I graduated. Now with living at home and just working I didn't have a real chance to date. It was the 80's and I didn't have a computer yet and when I hit at the age of 18 I was able to go to the Adult bookstores and I was a k** in the candy store. Well I would gather up some masturbating supplies and race home to jerk off, some of the items I would get were the local swingers magazine. I figured that I wanted to...

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A night of many firsts

I was a horny but shy guy in school and I never had the guts to ask girls out. After getting out of high school I finally had to shed my virginity. I was a regular at the local adult bookstore and I decided to get a swingers magazine. I still lived at home so I had to try to find someone to host After sending several letters out I got a reply back from Joe and Patty, they were in their mid 40’s. Patty was a tiny blond with a nice body. Joe was a taller guy 6’3” about 250 with a slight beer gut....

3 years ago
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A night of firsts

I was a horny but shy guy in school and I never had the guts to ask girls out. After getting out of high school I finally had to shed my virginity. I was a regular at the local adult bookstore and I decided to get a swingers magazine. I still lived at home so I had to try to find someone to host After sending several letters out I got a reply back from Joe and Patty, they were in their mid 40’s. Patty was a tiny blond with a nice body. Joe was a taller guy 6’3” about 250 with a slight beer gut....

2 years ago
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A night of many firsts

I was never a big hit with the girls in High School and I was a virgin by the time I graduated. Now with living at home and just working I didn't have a real chance to date. It was the 80's and I didn't have a computer yet and when I hit at the age of 18 I was able to go to the Adult bookstores and I was a k** in the candy store. Well I would gather up some masturbating supplies and race home to jerk off, some of the items I would get were the local swingers magazine. I figured that I wanted to...

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Night of Many Firsts Part 2

Night of Many firsts (Part Two)Don Abdul ©He leads her to a particular spot and then seals his lips over hers, it feels as though they are both going to explode with lust after their lips touch. He draws her even closer into the whirlwind of their passionate kiss. Then she feels his hands reach into the neckline of her top, suspecting that he wants to feel her unclad bosom. To her surprise though what she experiences next is not the feel of his hands on her tits, but the ripping sound of her...

1 year ago
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A Night of Firsts pt 2

I opened the door to the club and walked inside. From the outside, the older brick building looked sort of run down, but once inside I found myself in a club with large bar on one side, polished brass railings, mirrors, subdued lighting, tasteful seats at the bar, hardwood floors, tables, a few booths further away and at the very end of the club a large stage with karaoke being sung. This was no seedy dive bar, thank goodness.The lights, the music (karaoke music is always so loud as if...


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