Cockatoo Part 16 (Includes Missing Chapter) free porn video

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Apologies, I had a blonde moment and missed a chapter
Here is the missing one and the latest

Cockatoo Part 16

I was getting seriously pissed off being everyone’s punch bag, but he
had me backed into a corner, and I knew I would have to go along with
him. But, it gave me a glimmer of hope that I could get Jandaeng off my
back. With my head in my hands I said, ‘I have no choice, I agree.’

He pushed my phone and wallet back across the table. They had been taken
from me in the van on the way here. I was thankful I hadn't brought the
new burner phone with me to the Muay Thai.

‘Whenever you make contact or meet Jandaeng, text me on this number. Use
it any time of the day or night. Is that clear?’ He pushed a piece of
paper across the table.

‘What if he’s bugging the phone?’

‘We have installed encryption software. Even if he is bugging your
phone, he will not able to read anything you send to me. If you know
where he wants to meet you, text me the location.’

'Does Jandaeng have any idea you are investigating him?’ I asked.

‘I believe not. However, he may have been watching you tonight, so we
will hold you overnight and let you go in the morning. Mistaken
identity, if anyone wants to know. People will have heard the comments
about terrorist when we picked you up.’

‘Yeah, thanks for that, by the way.’ My sarcasm didn't seem to affect

‘If possible get him to talk about the Triads, we need to catch him
red-handed. Is that what you say?’

I nodded. ‘You haven't told me your name.’

‘For your purposes, my name is Thaksin. I hope I do not need to say that
you will not tell anyone about this arrangement. If you do, I will find
out and you will be sorry.’

He rose from his chair and left the room. I laid my head on the table
and as tired as I was I could not find sleep. All I could think about
was the clusterfuck I had somehow got myself into: I was spying on
Kritsada’s people for him whilst spying on Kritsada for Jandaeng, a
rogue cop working for the Triads, I was double crossing Jandaeng for
Kritsada, as well as for the Thai anti-corruption police - all in all a
triple cross with a pike and twist. Still, it couldn't get worse I

I did manage to sleep for a while before they let me go at 5 in the
morning. I grabbed a tuk-tuk back to the hotel, showered and bolted down
some breakfast before heading off to meet Kritsada. He was waiting for
me with Dao, his PA and my minder for at least a while. We came up with
a plan for the next few days which would involve meeting the bosses of
what he called his ‘entertainment’ businesses. In reality that meant the
bars and clubs he ran in the red-light districts of Patpong, Soi Cowboy
and Nana Plaza. In all about fifteen different venues, controlled for
Kritsada by five bosses, one of whom Kritsada believed was selling him

Ostensibly my job would be building a new IT system for the back-office
functions. At least that’s what Dao and everybody else was told.
Unbeknownst to her, I would also be trying to identify the traitor who
Kritsada suspected was leaking information about his operation. I was to
tell Kritsada if I thought anyone was holding back or not being
straight, or if anything else come out of my digging around. Dao had set
up a schedule for us to visit the bars and clubs to meet the bosses and
to start on a project plan. They had already been told I was coming, and
that they were to give me full co-operation. We agreed that I should
brief Kritsada at the end of each day. We shook hands before Dao and I
set off to the first visits. I hadn't realised how many places Kritsada
owned. Little wonder the Triads were interested in taking over his

The ruling Junta has said that it wants to get rid of the sex industry
in Thailand. Prostitution is technically i*****l in Thailand, but
estimates for the number of prostitutes range up to 700,000, with most
of the customers Thai. It's a multi-million-dollar industry, and until
something happens, there are fortunes to be made in the business. That's
what was sucking in the Triads.

The visits were straightforward; Dao would introduce me to the boss, and
with her as translator I went through a process to understand their part
of the business and what improvements they thought were needed.
Generally, they were courteous and helpful, but I could tell they
weren't altogether happy to have a Farang digging around in their
businesses. Dao was invaluable, as she obviously spoke for Kritsada, and
she could make them jump if she wanted to. One of the bosses, a
bullet-headed Thai named Yut, seemed to resent me and Dao more than the
others. He was polite but I could see he wasn't happy about taking
orders from Dao. She told me Yut meant war in Thai, and he got put on my
list as someone to look at more carefully.

I got to know more about Dao as we went on. We would break for lunch and
inevitably we got talking. She had graduated from Bangkok with a First
in Economics, and then onto an MBA at Columbia in the US. She had job
offers in the US, but she felt culturally drawn back to Thailand. Her
father knew Kritsada, who took her on as an intern. She rapidly proved
her worth to Kritsada, and he eventually asked her to become his PA.
Although it was obvious that she had far more influence than a PA; she
had executive oversight of a large portion of Kritsada’s businesses and
effectively was running some of them for Kritsada.

Kritsada had told her some of my history although some of it he had
discreetly left out. She was interested in what I thought about Areeya,
in particular what her plans were for the future. I assumed that Dao was
concerned about Areeya coming back to the business. I told her honestly
that I did not know what Areeya was planning. She seemed content with
what she was doing on Samui and had not shared anything with me. Dao
seemed happy enough with that, but I guessed she would still be wary of

Privately, I felt that Areeya would tire of life on Samui at some point
and she might come back to the family business as Kritsada had
originally wanted, but I kept that to myself. I assumed that family ties
would win out in that case. Dao probably felt the same way and was
trying to see whether Areeya would be a threat to her in the near

We met Kritsada each evening and gave him a debriefing. He would ask Dao
to step out at the end of the meeting and he would ask if there was
anything that I had observed. I mentioned Yut, and his eyes narrowed
slightly. He told me that Yut had been a hot head way back. His temper
had got the better of him a few times, but he had calmed down, proved
himself efficient and his businesses made good profits. I told Kritsada
that this was purely first impressions and that as I dug deeper, I would
get to know more. Nin was arriving back in Bangkok in the next few days
which would allow Dao to go back to her regular work.

By Friday I had made all my first visits and would take the weekend to
pull together my notes and ideas for a review with him on Monday. I
would then go back for some meetings with the bosses and dig a little
deeper. Nin would be my translator and her IT skills would come in
useful as well. We met in his office and he broke the seal on a new
bottle of GlenDronach. He took a sip of the whisky before clapping me on
the shoulder.

‘I am sorry, James, but I cannot be with you this weekend. I am flying
to Chiang Mai to visit a factory I am interested in buying.’

‘That's no problem sir, Nin will be back and I'm sure we can entertain
ourselves. I'm having lunch with Doctor Wichasak on Sunday, she wanted
me to contact her while I was here in Bangkok. You and her were very
good to me after the pirate attack and after Pao had been stabbed.’

Kritsada waved his hand, ‘You are very welcome, James. It was the least
I could do for you. Send her my regards, please. We should all get
together when I'm back from Chiang Mai. By the way, what do you think of

‘I think she's extremely capable. She's efficient and has dealt with the
bosses we've met so far extremely well. I sense some of them like Yut
don’t like dealing with a woman, especially one so young, but she isn’t
intimidated by them. I like her.’

He nodded and smiled. ‘I have high hopes for her. She impresses me also.
Don't forget our little party next week for my friends. I'm sure
Jandaeng would like to hear about it.’

I shivered at the mention of Jandaeng. We finished the whisky, and I
headed back to the hotel. I called Alex and Areeya as I had every night.
I was missing them so much. I hated keeping secrets from them, but I
thought I had to keep this new angle from them for the time being. I
trusted them implicitly, but I couldn't bring myself to tell them even
over the burner phone. The less they knew, the better I thought. I
smiled to myself as Areeya wanted to know all about Dao, and I felt
there was some resentment at how close Dao was to her father. If ever
they got together, I thought, there would be fireworks. They confirmed
Nin was coming to Bangkok the following day and would be bringing some
gifts for me from them.

Pao was out of hospital and recovering well. She was staying at the
apartment for a few days until she was back on her feet. I told them to
send her my love. Alex laughed and said she thought Pao would rather
have my cock. I could hear Areeya in the background telling Pao what
Alex had said and then Pao's giggle came through loud and clear.

That brought the call to an end, and I promised I would make it back to
Samui in a few days. I was about to go for some food when my phone rang.
My stomach dropped as I heard Jandaeng’s voice.

‘It's time for us to meet. I trust you've recovered from your narrow
escape. I will text you where to meet me. Be there in 30 minutes. Do not
be late.’

I had almost convinced myself that Jandaeng had given up on me. He
hadn't contacted me since I arrived, and a little hope had grown that he
didn't need me anymore. The call put an end to that. However, now I knew
he was rogue I was no longer running so scared of him. Sure, he was as
slippery and dangerous as a snake, and I was under no illusion that his
threats were real, but I felt the tables were beginning to turn

My iPhone pinged with the address. After texting it to Thaksin, and
praying that his encryption worked, I shot downstairs, jumped into a
tuk-tuk and sent a text to Alex on the burner phone that I was meeting
Jandaeng. She texted back ‘Be careful’. As the tuk-tuk dropped me off, I
recognised this was the bar where I, as Scarlett, had my run in with
Jandaeng. Was this coincidence or was there a message in this? Had he
worked out that I was Scarlett? There was no time to worry about it and
I walked into the bar. The mamasan looked up, and I saw a flash of
recognition followed by fear in her eyes. She glanced towards the back
of the bar where I saw Jandaeng sitting at a table, with what looked
like a couple of his men close by. They stood up as I approached the
table and frisked me, presumably to check if I was carrying a gun. They
found my iPhone and turned it off, to stop me recording anything.

They nodded to Jandaeng, who impatiently motioned for me to come to the
table. I sat down and waited for him to start.

‘You were lucky to escape the bomb.’ There wasn't an ounce of sympathy
in his voice.

‘I didn't escape completely. I dislocated my shoulder, but I guess you
know that.’

He was wearing the sunglasses, so I couldn't tell anything from his

‘Why is Kritsada going to Chiang Mai?’ Jandaeng was not one for small

I shrugged, ‘he told me it was to see a factory he wants to invest in.’

Jandaeng lit a cigarette and blew the smoke out of the corner of his
mouth. Like the sunglasses, it seemed the action of a villain in a B

‘I don't believe you. Why is he really going?’

‘That's what he told me. Why don't you ask him yourself if you don't
believe me?’ I was determined to make Jandaeng drag the information from
me. I was aiming for truculent co-operation, thinking that giving him
too much too easily would seem suspicious

He took another drag from his cigarette before replying. ‘You would be
wise not to cross me. I have told you what I can do.’

‘And I’ve told you what I know. He is going to Chiang Mai to see a
factory. That's all I know.’

The mamasan brought across two beers and we stopped talking. I looked up
at her and she gave an almost imperceptible nod as she placed the
bottles on the table. As she put the bottles on the table I saw a young
Thai man enter the bar and sit down. He ordered a beer and waved off the
attentions of one of the bar girls. He was talking on his phone in fast
Thai, seemingly engrossed in his conversation. I could have sworn it was
one of Thaksin’s men who had k**napped me outside the hotel.

‘What else do you know? You have not been very useful so far. My
patience will not last forever.’

I shrugged my shoulders. ‘What can I say? He is entertaining some
contacts next week. I'm invited.’

‘Who are they?’

‘He said they were from the diplomatic community. He didn't mention any
more names.’

‘Find out who they are.’

‘If I can, before the evening, I will, but if not I can tell you
afterwards. I can tell you one thing. He is worried about the Triads. I
overheard him talking to one of his bosses. They seemed really

He was about to light another cigarette but he laid his lighter back
down on the table. He had tensed ever so slightly, but I could see that
I had hit home.

‘Why is he concerned about the Triads?’

‘He thinks they are trying to take over his business, the bars and
clubs. He even thought the bomb was aimed at him.’

Jandaeng finally it the cigarette and leant back. ‘The bomb was
terrorist action. Stupid fool, Triads are much cleverer than that.’

I shrugged. ‘You wanted to know what was going on. I just pass it on.
Are they trying to muscle in on him?’

For the first time Jandaeng got agitated. ‘Do not ask such fuckin’
stupid question. How do I know? I not fuckin’ know. You go now.
Remember, I want to know who Kritsada meeting next week.’

I didn't need a second invitation to leave. I walked out past the guy I
thought I recognised. He was still on his phone, but his eyes followed
me as I went past. I knew I had rattled Jandaeng with the mention of the
Triads. I just hoped I hadn't tweaked the tail of a tiger. I called
Thaksin from the tuk-tuk on the way back to the hotel and told him what
had happened. He grunted when I mentioned Jandaeng’s reaction to the

‘Good, my friend. I think we can work together well. Call me when he
contact you again.’

I called Alex from the burner phone when I got back to the hotel. She
was glad to hear I was safely back, but I admit I gave her an edited
version of what had gone on. She seemed happy enough, and I promised to
call her again the next day. I toyed with the idea of calling Kritsada,
but decided his phone wouldn't be secure enough to talk openly. I would
bring him up to date on Monday.

I woke late the next day, feeling alone and miserable, carrying too many
secrets that I couldn't share with anyone. A long swim in the hotel pool
and a late breakfast helped shake me out of my depression, and I had
just got back to my room when Nin arrived pulling two large suitcases.
She wasn’t Alex or Areeya, but was a link back to Samui and I was
delighted to see her. The gash in her leg had recovered well, and she
wasn't even limping any more.

‘I bring gifts for you from Miss Alex and Miss Areeya.’ She wheeled one
of the suitcases into my room. ‘Please stay out of room until I

I opened up my Mac and began to work on the report for Kritsada until
Nin appeared and told me I could go back into my room. She was grinning
all over her face as I followed her into the room. I couldn't see
anything different to begin with, but she pulled open the wardrobe doors
to reveal a rack of female clothes; dresses, skirts and tops, all
arranged on hangers. As I was looking through the wardrobe Nin opened
the drawers to reveal a selection of panties and bras. I started to
laugh and Nin was looking a bit worried.

‘You like them?’ She asked nervously. ‘Miss Alex said you lost your
Scarlett clothes, so she replaced them for you.’

‘I love them, Nin. It's just what Alex would do.’

‘There are shoes too, and makeup. Miss Alex also sent this.’ Nin turned
her back to me and pulled something out of a bag. She turned to face me
and in her hands was a wig, not quite the same as Alex’s old one I had
lost in the bombing, but it was close to it. She put it into my hands
and I looked at it for a moment before sitting down on the bed. All the
tension and stress of the past few days overwhelmed me and I started to
well up. I blinked away the tears and wiped my eyes. Nin put her arms
around me.

‘What is the matter, James?’

‘It’s nothing, Nin. I'm just so glad to see you. It's been tough this

She hugged me tight. ‘Miss Alex and Miss Areeya both miss you. They sent
their love for you.’

I hugged her back and then called Alex on the burner phone. She picked
up straight away. ‘Did you like our gifts?’

‘I love them, the wig is beautiful. It cheered me up so much. I think I
might just give Scarlett a trial run tonight.’ I looked over at Nin who
gave me a big grin and a thumbs up.

Areeya chipped in, ‘Make sure you behave yourself. We don't want any
more trouble.’

I laughed, ‘Don’t worry, I intend to keep myself out of trouble
tonight.’ After promising to call them the next day, I hung up and
turned to Nin. She was bouncing up and down with excitement.

‘James, where do you want to go tonight? Back to the bar?’

For a lot of reasons, not all of which I could share with Nin, I didn't
want to go back there.

‘No, not tonight. Let's try somewhere different. Any suggestions?
Remember, I want to keep out of trouble.’

‘You want me to call Shane? See if he free?’ The idea of dressing as
Scarlett with Shane made me shiver, and I felt my cock stir as I thought
about what that might involve.

‘Yes, give him a call and see.’ I felt giddy as Nin made the call; half
hoping that he could and half that he wouldn't be able to make it. She
came back and said, ‘He say he not sure, he will see if he can join us
later. We should tell him where we are.’

I wasn't sure if I was disappointed or relieved that he couldn't make
it. I needed something to take my mind off what was going to happen over
the next few days. With everything else going on I had let the idea of a
Ladyboy show in Samui slip to the back of my mind. I would have to get
back onto that as I had money tied up in it.

‘Nin, why don't we go see a Kathoey cabaret? We need to plan for the one
on Samui. I’ve been to Calypso, is there another good one?’

‘OKaaaaay, I think Playhouse Cabaret good too. We go there and then for
some food in Yaorawat. I tell Shane.’

That was settled, and I started to think about what to wear. Nin and I
looked through the wardrobe and I pulled out some things I thought
looked nice. I stripped off my shirt and jeans and pulled a pair of lace
panties up my legs. How would I ever get over that sublime feeling as I
pulled them tight and they settled around my balls. I had lost any
embarrassment about dressing and undressing in front of Nin, so we spent
the afternoon laughing and trying on different looks, taking them off
and coming back to them. Nin told me my legs were nice and I should wear
something short, but I was still unsure about showing them. In the end,
I decided on a long, floaty yellow chiffon skirt that flared out when I
twirled around. Nin suggested I team it with a loose white lace top with
capped sleeves.

She helped me with my makeup, very light, with subtle eyeshadow and a
dark red lipstick. I managed the wig myself and even I thought I looked
pretty good when we had finished. Nin lent me a pair of her dangly
clip-on earrings and a bracelet. She told me we would get my ears
pierced the next day and get me some real earrings. I put on a pair of
low wedges and put my phones and purse into a small shoulder bag and we
were ready to go.

Nin had let her hair down, it fell almost to her bum at the back, and
wore a pair of bright red shorts and a dangerously short pink top. I
told her she looked beautiful, and she kissed me on the lips and said I
did too. We jumped in a tuk-tuk and headed out to get to the early show.
We were early, so we killed some time with a drink before we went in. I
was now much more confident about being dressed and I know I got some
looks, but I didn't care too much what other people thought any more.

The show was great. The dancing, the lip syncing, the outfits and the
sets were all so well done. The girls were beautiful as were the boys
who were also in the show. I could only hope we would be able to get
somewhere near as good as this in Samui. It gave me some many ideas for
what we could do when we were able to get our show going. More
importantly, it was exactly what I needed to get my mind off what was
going on. I lost myself completely in the music and the excitement of
becoming involved in something like this. As we left, the girls lined up
either side for the guests to take photos for a few baht. Nin took a few
of me with some of the girls although I was a lot taller than most of
them. They read me, of course, and were giggling between themselves, but
not in a nasty way. As I was about to leave, one of them took my hands,
kissed me and said, ‘You very nice, look lovely.’ I thanked her and
tipped her a few more baht. Well, who wouldn't?

Yaorawat is Bangkok’s Chinatown and is one of the most authentic and
unchanged parts of a city which is changing rapidly everywhere else. At
night Yaorawat Road is teeming with food stalls and restaurants which
overspill the pavements and onto the road itself. Nin and I walked hand
in hand down the road, stopping to watch the cooks preparing the food
right in front of us. The smells, the noise and the smoke flickering
around the light bulbs of the food carts is intoxicating. Nin had a text
from Shane saying he could get away in an hour, so to tell him where we
would be around then. We sat and ate at one of the pavement restaurants
where the food was ridiculously cheap and eye wateringly spicy.

Nin wanted to see one of the old bars she used to work in before she
came to Samui and she texted Shane to meet us there. It wasn't far from
Yaorawat and Nin said she knew a shortcut, so we decided to walk. Hand
in hand we wandered slowly along the streets. The crowds began to thin
out and Nin began to look nervous, casting anxious glances over her
shoulder. I asked her what was wrong.

‘I think I make wrong turn. I am not sure, but I think we are also being

I looked round, but couldn't see anything behind us. I gripped her hand,
‘Come on, keep walking. Never look like a victim.’ We walked on trying
to appear as we knew exactly where we were going. Thailand may be the
land of smiles, but there is also a snarl not far away if you're
unlucky. Nin had found her way again, but just as she said the bar was
around the next corner, a group of men stepped out of a side alley in
front of us and blocked our path. There were three of them, and they
looked like trouble. One of them said something in Thai and Nin snapped
something back, which seemed to anger them.

‘What did you say, Nin?’

‘He tell us to give them our money and I told him I would rather piss on
his mother’s grave.’

‘OK, maybe not what I would have said, but it's too late now.’

I tried to step in front of Nin to shield her, but she shoved me out of
the way. The three of them seemed uncertain what to do, not expecting a
show of defiance from a couple of girls. One of them drew a knife and
waved it around. Even I could tell by the way he was acting he was
nervous. He said something again in Thai and Nin just spat on the
ground. I looked around and all I could see was a short metal pole lying
on the pavement by my feet. As I bent down to pick it up, the man with
the knife yelled something and ran straight at Nin. I shouted at her to
run, but it looked as if she had frozen as she didn’t move at all. I got
my hand on the pole just as he reached her and I thought he was going to
kill her right in front of me. Memories of what happened to Pao flashed
into my mind and red-hot rage enveloped me as fight overcame flight.
Adrenaline was pumping into my bloodstream, and I was ready to die
before I would let anything happen to Nin.

Everything after that seemed to happen in slow motion. As the man
reached her and thrust his knife towards her, Nin took a step backwards
and sideways, grabbing his wrist at the same time and turning her whole
body, somehow throwing him straight over her shoulder onto the ground.
Standing over him with his wrist now in both of her hands, she twisted
sharply, and I heard the crack as bones in his wrist splintered. His
screams echoed down the alley as he lay on the ground writhing in pain.
The other two ran towards us and I could see knives glitter in the

‘Take the one on right,’ said Nin as she turned to face the other one. I
was concentrating on the guy heading for me as he thrust his knife
towards my stomach, but I managed to parry it with the pole. He took a
step backwards and came at me again. By sheer luck I managed to block
this thrust, but the knife flashed very close to my face. He came at me
once more, but this time I was expecting it and smacked the pole
straight down on his arm. I hit him hard enough that the knife fell out
of his hand, and as he bent down to pick it up, I hit him on the side of
his head with the pole. The impact jarred my arm so badly I almost
dropped the pole. He grunted and fell to the floor. I hadn't seen what
happened to the other guy, but as I turned around I heard him scream and
saw Nin stand over him then stamp on his wrist with her foot. Some
people were watching from the end of the road, drawn presumably by the
screams. One of them would surely call the police, and I didn't want to
be here when they arrived.

I turned back to Nin and said, ‘I think we should get out of here

She nodded, but walked across to the first guy who lay whimpering on the
ground like a wounded a****l as he held his wrist with the other hand.
She bent down and said something to him before standing up and reaching
for my hand.

‘Well,’ said a deep Australian voice, ‘I wouldn't want to run into you
two sheilas in a dark alley.’

We turned around to see Shane standing there clapping his hands and
grinning from ear to ear. ‘Come on, let's get moving. Neither of you
want to be around when the cops start asking questions.’

We followed Shane down the alley and away from where we had been until
we found a bar far enough away that we felt safe. I badly needed a
drink, so we ordered some beers and then we all started to talk at once.

Shane put his hand up and said, ‘One at a time. I’ll go first, then you
two can fill me in on what happened before I pitched up. I arrived at
the bar looking for you two when I heard screams coming from the alley.’
He shook his head in mock amazement and looked at me. ‘For some strange
reason I had a feeling that it might involve you. I came running out to
see Nin here drop one bloke and James, I mean Jamie, or Scarlett… shit,
who the hell are you tonight?’

I blushed. ‘Scarlett, I think.’

He grinned and went on. ‘Look, I see Nin take out one bloke with a great
throw and stamp on his wrist. At the same time Scarlett smashes another
bloke on the head with a pole and lays him out. Only then do I notice
there’s already one on the ground, moaning and holding his wrist. That
was a sweet move Nin, by the way. Can you teach it to me?’

Nin blushed and mumbled, ‘Thank you.’

I picked up the story. ‘We were walking down the alley to the bar
minding our own business, when these three guys stop us. I guess they
thought we would be a pushover. Nin, I couldn't believe what you said to
them when they first appeared.’ I turned to Shane, ‘When the first guy
took out his knife and told us to give them our money, Nin said that she
would rather piss on his mother's grave.’

‘Strewth, way to go, Nin,’ said Shane and gave her a fist bump.

‘To be honest, I thought she had gone mad. So, when the first guy came
at her with his knife I thought it was all over. The next thing I know
he's on his back screaming his lungs out as she snaps his wrist. You saw
what she did to the other one. Where did you learn to fight like that,

Her face split into a huge grin. ‘I learn how to defend myself while
working here. I got good at it. Not first time I have had to fight men.’

I raised my bottle to her, ‘Thank God you were there, Nin. You were

‘To Ninja Nin,’ said Shane, and we all collapsed in laughter.

‘What did you say to him when we left, Nin?’ I asked.

‘I tell him next time I meet him I cut off his balls with his knife.’
That set us off again.

‘Look, Nin, I could get you a job teaching close quarter fighting any
time,’ said Shane when we had stopped laughing.

‘Thank you, Shane, but I not sure anyone ready for Kathoey to do that.’

‘Wasn't there a Kathoey Muay Thai fighter?’ I said.

Nin nodded, ‘Yes, Nong Toom, she my idol. She changed a lot for Kathoey
in Thailand.’

Shane ordered some more beers, and we sat for a while calming down from
the evening’s action.

I frowned, and Shane said, ‘Why the face?’

‘Well, I did say I didn't want any trouble this evening,’ I said with a
straight face which set the other two off one more time. I waited for
them to stop laughing before asking, ‘Shane, when are you due back?’

‘Not until the morning. The Ambassador has calmed down a bit. They
managed to talk him out of the panic room at the Embassy yesterday, but
he’s still half convinced it's going to be a counter coup. He’s a real
wuss.’ Nin looked confused ‘Sorry, Nin. I mean he's got a yellow streak
between his arse and his head.’ She looked even more confused.

‘He means he's a coward, Nin.’ I said, then looked Shane straight in the
eye, ‘Come back to the hotel with us then. Stay the night.’

He lowered his bottle to the table. ‘Are you sure, babe?’

‘I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure, Shane. Is it alright with you
Nin?’ She giggled and said, ‘Yes, yes. No problem.’

‘Then it's decided. Let's get a tuk-tuk back.’ Nin and I roared with
laughter watching Shane squeeze himself into the tuk-tuk. He had to bend
himself almost in half to get inside and the vehicle leant alarmingly
over to one side. Thankfully for everyone, including the tuk-tuk driver,
it wasn't a long trip back to the hotel. Nin grabbed one of Shane’s arms
and I the other as we walked through the lobby to the private penthouse
elevator. It slid open as I put in the code we’d been given, and within
seconds we were stepping into the apartment.

‘Wow, and wow again.’ said Shane as he took in the size of the place.

‘Make yourself at home, while I get some room service. Nin can you make
some drinks?’ Whilst I ordered a selection of Thai snacks, I sneaked
looks at Shane as he toured the apartment. Maybe because of the fight
earlier on, I'm not sure, but right now I was horny as hell. My cock
started to twitch as I watched him move around, and I saw Nin looking at
him as if she was going to eat him. Which if things went to plan, she

Nin gave us all beers, and we drank them on the balcony looking out over
the glittering lights of Bangkok. We talked and laughed about some of
the times we had together, from the time when Shane met us on my first
time out en femme, to the terrible night when Pao was stabbed. I asked
him what he had thought of me that first night.

‘You don't really want to know, do you?’

‘Only if it’s nice.’

He grinned. ‘I had staked out my objectives, identified my target of
opportunity, and was eager to close and engage in hand to hand

‘Bastard.’ I threw a cushion at him. ‘I was terrified of you that first
time, pretending to be out with the lads, and then when we met on the
ferry, the penny still didn't drop that we were set up. I'm still not
sure I will forgive you.’

‘Seriously, it was all professional for me at that point. Alex and
Areeya had told me you needed some babysitting on the way to Bangkok.
Although having seen what Nin can do, I think I was surplus to
requirements. I was only following orders.’

Nin laughed, ‘We were so glad you were with us, Shane.’

‘Amen to that.’ I raised my bottle to him and I think he blushed at that
moment beneath his tan. Room service arrived with the food and we ate
and drank a few more beers out on the balcony. If I was feeling horny
earlier, I was now on fire. I whispered to Nin who grinned and grabbed
my hand and pulled me up. I turned to Shane. ‘We’re off to bed, Shane.
You can either use the spare bedroom or you can come and join us. Your
choice, big boy.’

Nin giggled and hand in hand we wiggled our way towards the master
bedroom. We threw ourselves onto the bed, and I pulled Nin in for a
kiss. Wrapping her arms around my neck she slipped her tongue into my
mouth, and I nearly sucked it out of her throat. It must have been only
a few seconds before we felt the bed move as Shane joined us. Nin
slipped off the bed and in a few seconds was naked except for her
panties. I did the same, and we embraced in front of Shane, and I could
see Shane watching us wide eyed as we kissed and stroked each other. I
was overwhelmed with lust by now, and I knew what I wanted to do to

Nin pushed me to my knees and I took the front of her panties in my
teeth and eased them down until her cock sprang out. Turning my head so
that I could watch Shane, I licked and tongued the side of Nin’s cock.
He peeled off his t-shirt and threw it into a corner as I took Nin into
my mouth. She gave a little squeal, and I felt her grow inside my mouth.
I watched Shane as he slipped off his shorts to reveal his beautiful
cock, giving it one or two strokes making it grow before my eyes.

Letting Nin slip from my mouth, I pointed to Shane who was now sat on
the edge of the bed. Dropping to her knees in front of him, Nin kissed
and licked the end of his cock before slipping it into her mouth.
Standing up, I slid off my panties and moved round to stand next to him,
my cock level with his face. He couldn't make up his mind whether to
look at me or Nin, who was now energetically and noisily sucking away. I
got his attention by slapping my cock on his cheek a couple of times
before he opened his mouth and poked out his tongue. I slapped that with
my cock as well before slipping it through his lips and into his warm
mouth. He made me groan as he wrapped his lips around me and began to
bob his head to and fro. Putting my hands behind his head to keep him
there, he looked up at me as I slid myself into his mouth. His eyes were
locked on mine as he swirled his tongue around the head.

Looking down I saw Nin sucking Shane. She couldn't deep throat him but
was doing her best to get as much of his cock in her mouth as possible.
Shane let me slip out and his tongue flickered against the tip of my
cock, making me tremble and my knees almost gave way. I pushed myself
back into his mouth and started to drive in and out. He slapped my bum
and I squealed, but it felt good, the sharp little sting adding to the
incandescent fire of desire I was already feeling. I looked down at him,
‘Can I fuck you?’

He nodded and Nin let him go as he stood up. Shoving him onto the bed
and onto his hands and knees, I pushed Nin up to his head and she slid
her cock into his mouth. Running over to the bathroom i found the lube
which Nin had brought with her. I shot back into the bedroom, my cock
swinging around wildly. Kneeling on the bed, I lubed myself and put
some on Shane’s hole. I knelt behind him and put my hands on his back as
my cock tapped at him. He twitched as he felt it there, and I eased the
head in and pulled straight out, teasing him as he waited for me to push
all the way in.

I repeated this a few times, then pushed hard just as he was being
shoved back onto me by Nin at the other end. He gasped as I slid into
him, and then once again as I went past his muscle. Beginning slowly
with long strokes I built up the pace gradually until I was pounding him
hard. I found I could reach round to stoke his cock as I was thrusting
into him. He grunted under the assault from Nin in his mouth, me at the
back and my hands on his cock. Nin leant forward and I did the same so
that we were kissing as we spit roasted Shane. Nin grunted, ‘I cumming
now,’ and erupted into Shane’s mouth. My climax was close but I was till
on the edge, so I kept pumping into Shane, my balls slapping against
him. Nin pulled out and slid under Shane taking his cock into her mouth.
He groaned as he felt her mouth wrap around his now rampant cock, and
within a few seconds he climaxed, his cum splashing out onto Nin’s face.

I slowed down once more and with one or two long strokes I too came,
some of my cum being forced out of Shane and dripping down onto Nin’s
upturned face. Totally spent I slumped forward onto Shane’s back and he
slid sideways, avoiding Nin as he did so. I wanted to stay inside him,
until I felt my cock begin to shrink and I pulled out with a plop. We
collapsed onto the bed, all of us breathing heavily. Nin’s face was
splashed with cum, Shane’s and mine I guessed.

‘Come on, we have to get cleaned up.’ Pulling her under the shower we
gently washed each other, kissing as we did so, which, of course,
produced the inevitable result and we play fenced with our cocks.
Eventually stepping out of the shower, we were greeted by Shane standing
there grinning all over his face.

‘Don't stop on my account girls, I was enjoying that.’

We grabbed him and dragged him into the shower where Nin washed his back
and I got the first prize, washing his front. At some point, I found
myself kissing him and stroking his cock. I’m pretty sure Nin had a
finger in his bum as he was squirming all over the place. I fell to my
knees and took him into my mouth, or as much as I could without gagging.
He slipped out of me just as he came and I took most of it on my face.
That led to another clean up, but we had all had enough by this time. It
had been a long and stressful evening and after drying each other we
headed back to the bedroom. Shane took the middle of the bed and Nin and
I on either side of him. He pulled us both close to him, and in that
happy state it wasn't long before we drifted off to sleep.


I awoke to find the room still in darkness, but Shane wasn't in the bed.
His voice from the main room I slipped on one of the hotel robes and
went out to see what was up. He was already dressed and talking on his
phone, and I guessed what had happened. I plopped myself onto his lap
and put my arms around his neck.

‘Do you have to go?’ I asked when his call finished. He kissed me and
said, ‘Sorry, love, the Ambassador is having a hissy fit. He wants extra
security 24/7 now. The little shit is scared of his own shadow. I didn't
want to wake you.’

‘No. I’m glad I woke up. I can say goodbye properly.’ I kissed him and
began to wriggle around on his lap and I felt his cock begin to stir.

‘Stop it, you bad girl. I have to go.’

‘What if I rang the Embassy and told them you had been k**napped and
they had to pay a ransom to get you back?’

‘They would probably say good riddance and to keep me.’ he kissed me one
more time and then tipped me onto the floor.

‘Ouch, you sod, that hurt.’

He laughed and ducked to avoid a cushion, my favourite weapon of choice
at the moment. After he left I sat there for a while, missing him.
Sighing deeply i walked into the bedroom, slipped into bed beside Nin
and cuddled up to her back, I was fast asleep in seconds.


I woke to find Nin spooning me and it felt nice to wake up with someone
holding me again. She stirred and yawned, before asking ‘Where Shane?’

‘He had to go to work, Nin. He left early.’

‘OK, I have to go to bathroom.’ She walked away, her cute little bum
wiggling as she went. I managed to haul myself out of bed for the second
time this morning, put the robe back on and went to make some coffee. I
rang room service for some breakfast as I couldn't be bothered to go
down for it. Nin out of the bathroom and sat drinking her coffee stark
naked. My cock began to pay attention.

'Nin, please put a robe on, you're far too pretty for me this time of
the morning.’ She giggled and padded off to the bedroom, casting a
cheeky little grin over he shoulder as she got to the door. Putting my
head in my hands I wondered if I had developed some kind of sex

We had breakfast and I called Alex before heading over to Dr Wichasak’s
apartment for lunch.

‘How are you baby?’ she asked when she eventually answered the phone.
‘Did you have a quiet night?’

‘Yes, Nin and I went out for dinner, then came back and had some drinks
here. Very quiet.’ I had my fingers crossed as I said it. ‘How about

‘So so, busy at the Cockatoo and the restaurant though. Pao should be
well enough to go back to work this week, which will help Areeya out.
Pao sends her love, and asks if Nin is looking after you.’

I coughed and heard Alex snigger. I don't think it was Pao asking.

‘I miss you all, but mostly you and Areeya.’

‘Me too. Have you seen Shane?’

‘I saw him once last week, he's busy laying down his life for the
Ambassador. Although i think he might shoot him anyway if he gets the

‘OK, give him a kiss for me if you do see him, or something else if you

‘Got to go,’ I said. ‘I'm seeing Dr Wichasak for lunch.’

‘Definitely give her our love, we owe that woman a lot.’

‘You don't have to remind me. Love you.’

‘Love you too, and be safe over there. See you soon.’

I always felt guilty about not telling the whole truth to Alex, but
right now I thought it for the best. I called in at the hotel shop to
buy some chocolates and flowers as a gift for Dr Wichasak. Nothing I
could bring would ever be enough to thank the Doctor for what she had
done for me and Pao, but I hoped she would appreciate the thought.

The tuk-tuk dropped me off at her apartment block where the receptionist
asked me to wait for a few minutes while she rang upstairs, and i took
the chance to look around. It was obviously an expensive block judging
by the furnishings in the reception area and the two security guards,
one of whom was giving a very intense stare. The receptionist came over
to me, made a wai and then said the Dr Wichasak was waiting for me on
the 20th floor, and one of the security guards would go up in the lift
with me.

The guard overrode the lift controls taking us nonstop to the 20th
floor. The doors opened and there stood Dr Wichasak, a big smile on her
face. ‘Sawasdee kha, khun James. It's so nice to see you again.’

‘Sawasdee khap, Doctor. It's sweet of you to invite me.’

‘James, please call me Praew, Doctor is so formal.’

‘That's a pretty name.’

She smiled. ‘In Thai it means shining, or dazzling. It's my nickname.
Many Thais believe that using a nickname wards off evil spirits who try
to steal c***dren. Please come through and have a drink.’

She took the flowers and chocolates I had brought and she seemed
delighted that I had brought something. It seemed as if the apartment
took up the whole floor. Praew saw me looking, ‘It's my home in Bangkok,
but it doubles up as my private consulting office as well. I have a
place on Phi Phi Don, but I don't get there very often.’

She led me through the apartment and we ended up in large room with
floor to ceiling windows giving a panoramic view over the city.

‘What a fabulous view, Praew.’

‘I love this city, James, I’ve lived in lots of places, LA for one, but
none is as exciting as this place.’

‘Alex and Areeya, and Pao, of course send their love. Pao is returning
to work next week.’

‘She’s a tough girl, we very nearly lost her twice. We did what we
could, but she pulled herself through the rest of it. You are all very
fond of her?’

‘Yes, I met her before Alex and Areeya. Long story.’ And one I didn't
really want to get into I thought.

‘James, I've arranged for lunch to be brought in. We can eat on the
balcony, is that OK?’

We sat and ate lunch on the balcony looking out over the city. In the
distance you could get a glimpse of the Grand Palace, and a little
further away, the golden spires of Wat Arun glinting in the sunlight. We
sat and talked about how things were going in Samui and my project here
in Bangkok. She talked about her work here in Thailand as well as her
consulting all over South East Asia as well. I asked her if she would
tell me how she knew Kritsada, and she said that she had got to know hm
after the death of his wife, Areeya’s mother. They had grown close, but
her career and his businesses had stopped anything coming of it. I
guessed that she and he had been, maybe were still involved in some way,
but I didn't press it. We went inside for coffee and sat looking out
through the windows.

‘James, may I ask you a personal question?’

‘Of course, what do you want to know?’

‘I first met you as James when I treated you after the pirate attack,
and then you appeared as Jamie when I treated Pao. You said then you
would tell me what was going on if I wanted to know. Would you tell me

I had guessed she would ask, but I wasn't sure how much I should, or
even wanted, to tell her. I thought for a moment, then decided to tell
her most of the story.

‘It all started when we had to get an urgent message to Kritsada that we
couldn't trust to the phone or email. It had to be delivered in person.
Alex and Areeya came up with this crazy idea for me to go dressed as a
girl so I wouldn't be spotted because we thought we were being watched.’

Praew raised an eyebrow at this, but she didn't interrupt.

‘I said no at first, but I guess you know how persuasive Alex and Areeya
can be. They did a makeover on me and, to be honest, I was amazed at how
I looked. I wasn't a beauty, but I didn't look so bad. They eventually
convinced me that I could get away with it. So, Nin and I set off to
Bangkok on the ferry. We met Shane on the ferry, by accident I thought,
but it turned out it was part of Alex’s plan.’

I paused to take a drink, uncertain how far to go. I realised I had
never spoken to anyone other than Alex about how all this made me feel,
and suddenly it all began to tumble out.

‘Praew, I didn't understand what was going on, but dressing as Jamie
made me feel different. I was terrified at first, but as time went on
and nobody laughed or shouted at me, I became more confident. There was
an incident on way from the ferry to Bangkok…’ I had to stop and smile
at the look on Praew’s face.

‘Somehow, that doesn't surprise me, James.’

‘Well, it meant we had to spend a night in a hotel together; myself, Nin
and Shane. There was only one room left, and we had to share it.’ I felt
myself go red at this point. ‘I found out Shane was gay, and as James it
wouldn't have meant anything, but as Jamie, I was really attracted to
him. I didn't understand why to be honest. I know I was lonely that
night and maybe a bit scared too, but that wasn't the only reason I
liked him. I was confused as hell, Praew. I had never felt any
attraction to a man before. Alex is different.’

I knew I sounded defensive, and I looked at Praew to see if she would
say anything, but all she did was nod her head, as if to say OK, go on.

‘Nothing happened that night, but it had shaken me. I couldn't work out
why I was feeling like this. As I said, as Jamie, I felt different. More
vulnerable certainly, but also more aware of my own feelings and
emotions. Jamie seemed to bring out a side of me, which I hadn’t
realised was there. It was frightening, but nice as well. I realised
that I liked being Jamie.’ I winced, remembering Jandaeng. ‘Well, most
of the time, anyway’

I took a drink, realising the next part would be difficult to say.

‘We got back to Samui OK, and Alex suggested a trip on the boat to have
a break. To cut a long story short, I dressed as Jamie on the trip, and
Shane and I ended up in bed and he made love to me. The next night we
got back to Cockatoo and Pao was stabbed. That's when you met me as

Praew leant forward and took my hand. ‘Thank you, James. That must have
been hard for you to say.’

‘Parts of it, Praew. But, thank you for listening, it has actually made
me feel better, sharing it with someone.’

‘How do you feel about it all now? Being Jamie, I mean, and about

I paused for a moment, trying to get my thoughts in order.

‘I'm OK with it all, I think. I like being Jamie from time to time. It
allows me to live out a different part of my personality. I wouldn't
want to be Jamie all the time, but when I am, I feel calmer, more
sensitive, more relaxed; in a way I can't do as James. Maybe it's about
not having to carry around the macho bullshit all the time. It’s also
made me aware of how women are treated by men, how vulnerable women can

I thought back to the attack the previous evening, and how easy the men
thought we would be. Wanting to forget about that, I looked at Praew,
‘There is, however, one thing I really like about being Jamie.’

Her eyebrow shot up. ‘Oh?’

‘The clothes.’ I laughed, ‘I love dressing up as Jamie. It's so much
more fun dressing as a girl than as a man.’ Praew laughed with me,
before a frown creased her forehead.

‘And how about Shane?’

Praew couldn't possibly have missed the smile which flashed across my
face as I thought back to another part of last night.

‘I'm good with that too. As Jamie, I really like him, but I love Alex
and Areeya in a way that I could never love Shane. They know about Shane
as well.‘ I didn't want to tell Praew how Alex had pretty much pushed me
into bed with Shane. Trying to analyse my relationship with Alex would
have taken us off into a completely new dimension.

‘How does Shane feel about it all?’

The question shook me. I hadn't really given it any thought. ‘I'm
ashamed to say that I don't know, Praew. He isn’t a big talker.’ I
smiled again, ‘I know he really likes Jamie, and probably James too, for
all I know. But I don't know exactly. He seems to be someone who takes
life pretty easily. Are you saying I need to take his feelings more into

She didn't answer for a minute, letting her eyes play over my face,
whilst deciding what to say.

‘It's not for me to say, James. What I will say is that you seem to have
been on a switchback ride since you came to Thailand. Given everything
that has happened to you over here, you may have awoken feelings and
emotions which were buried deep inside you, so it's not a surprise that
you're unsure about what you feel. You are lucky to have people who care
deeply about you, and who can help you on your journey of self
discovery. It wouldn't be for everyone, but from what I have learnt
about you, I think you have the courage and sensitivity to deal with it.
We have a saying kham nam kham thale, it means to cross over water and
sea, to fight through many obstacles to succeed. You will find your way,
I am sure of it. You are one of the bravest people I have ever met. You
don't hesitate to put yourself in harms way for people. You have charm
and style and are easy to be with. People are attracted to you, even if
you don't know it. You're easy to like James. Just be aware of the
influence you have with them. Don't hurt them if you can avoid it.’

I squeezed her hand and felt a tear forming at the corner of my eye.

‘Thank you, Praew. You have been so patient to listen to me. It was
great to get some of that off my chest.’

‘You are very welcome, James. You’re a remarkable ma..I mean person.’

I grinned back at her. ‘Yes, I'm confused sometimes too.’

We laughed together, until Praew’s mobile trilled.

‘Please excuse me, James, I have to get this.’ She walked away a few
paces and although I couldn't understand any of the conversation, I
could tell from the glance she shot at me, that the call was about me.
There was only one person who would call her about me, and that was
confirmed as she walked across and handed me the phone. ‘I'm sorry,
James. It's Kritsada, he wants a word.’ I took the phone from her and
she disappeared from the room.

‘Hello, khun Kritsada.’

‘Hello, my dear James, I hope you've had a good time with Praew?’

‘Yes, sir. She has been a most gracious host. Is there something I can
do for you?’

‘Yes, James, there is. You remember the party I talked about this week?
The one you will be coming to?’

‘Yes, of course.’

‘Well, I have request for you, which I hope you will be able to agree

'If I can, sir, I will.’

‘Good, good. Now, I find myself without an escort for the evening. It's
a long story, but I wonder if you would agree to be my escort for the
evening? As Jamie, I mean.’

To be continued.

Same as Cockatoo part 16 (Includes missing chapter) Videos

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Cockatoo Part 19

Cockatoo Part 19 I live for feedback [email protected] We finished dinner in the restaurant, then walked upstairs to the flat and sat out on the terrace, drinking and talking about what our next steps should be in the plan to launch the new club. We threw around ideas for possible names, some better than others, and we provisionally settled on Cockatoo Cabaret as a tie in with the bar. I also mentioned that when I had googled Koh Samui Blue, I discovered there were barely...

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Cockatoo Part 1

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Cockatoo Part 1

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Cockatoo Part 24

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Cockatoo Part 11

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Cockatoo Part 22

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Cockatoo Part 2

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Cockatoo Part 26

Cockatoo Part 26“Dao, Dao, calm down. What do you mean she’s been taken?”Alex wrenched the phone from me and talked to Dao in Thai. At the same time, Alex’s phone rang.“Jamie, it’s Shane. I tried to call your phone, but it’s busy.”“Alex is on the other phone to Dao. She says Areeya’s been taken. What the fuck’s going on?”“Thaksin just called to warn me. Jandaeng was being taken under guard to hospital to have treatment on his arm. They were jumped between the prison and the hospital, and he was...

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Cockatoo Part 46

Cockatoo Part 46 "Dao, Dao, calm down. What do you mean she's been taken?" Alex wrenched the phone from me and talked to Dao in Thai. At the same time, Alex's phone rang. "Jamie, it's Shane. I tried to call your phone, but it's busy." "Alex is on my phone to Dao. She says Areeya's been taken. What the fuck's going on?" "Thaksin just called to warn me. Jandaeng was being taken under guard to hospital to have treatment on his arm. They were jumped between the prison and the...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 10

Cockatoo Part 10 I live for feedback [email protected] We woke early as Alex had to be at the airport to catch the flight with Kritsada at 7am. He was going to pick Alex up from the flat in his car as he headed off to the airport. I was going to follow a bit later as I had to collect Samantha from her flight for our planning meeting. I lay in bed and watched as Alex got ready to leave. I didn't think I could ever tire of watching her as she moved about the flat showering...

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Cockatoo Part 20

Cockatoo Part 20 I stopped dead in my tracks. "What did you say, Pao?" "Miss Sam, she meet the man. The horrible man. Nin follow him and saw them talking." "Was Nin sure it was Sam?" "Yes, Mr James, she say she saw them clearly outside hotel he staying." I couldn't believe it. What the hell would Sam be doing with this creep? Areeya was now well ahead of me on the way to Cockatoo, I didn't want her to hear this until I go there. "Pao, please don't say anything to Alex or...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 11

Cockatoo Part 11 I live for feedback [email protected] It was at this precise moment that Areeya looked up, stared straight into my eyes and winked. I staggered back in shock. Areeya must have seen me when she glanced at the door. Either that or she was some kind of a witch. I managed to bang my knee as I stumbled backwards and it was a miracle I didn't scream. I made it back to bed and managed to fall asleep but slept fitfully for the rest of the night. I can remember...

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Cockatoo Part 2

I had no idea how long I had spent under water but I could see a bright light above me and I thought it must be the sun shining through the water as I clawed myself towards the surface. But, I thought, ‘No, that can’t be. It was dark when I fell in.’ The light grew brighter and brighter and I wondered ‘Maybe I’m dead’. I tried to open my eyes but it was so bright I couldn’t f***e my eyelids open. I heard sounds from a long way off and it sounded like voices, but they were muffled and I...

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Cockatoo Part 2

I had no idea how long I had spent under water but I could see a brightlight above me and I thought it must be the sun shining through thewater as I clawed myself towards the surface. But, I thought, ‘No, thatcan’t be. It was dark when I fell in.’ The light grew brighter andbrighter and I wondered ‘Maybe I’m dead’. I tried to open my eyes but itwas so bright I couldn’t force my eyelids open. I heard sounds from along way off and it sounded like voices, but they were muffled and Istrained to...

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Cockatoo part 13

Cockatoo Part 13Nikkie SilkJandaeng’s voice came through loud and clear and chilled me to the bone.‘It seems you’ve had some trouble at your bar over there, James.’Bad news travels fast I thought. I hated the sound of his voice. It mademy flesh creep and took me straight back to the bar in Bangkok and whathe had done to me that night. I took a deep breath and tried to keep myvoice as calm as possible.‘Yes Inspector, the mamasan was stabbed in a bar fight. I’m surprisedyou know about it.’‘It is...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 32

Cockatoo Part 32 Nikkie Silk Jandaeng's voice came through loud and clear and chilled me to the bone. "It seems you've had some trouble at your bar over there, James." Bad news travels fast I thought. I hated the sound of his voice. It made my flesh creep and took me straight back to the bar in Bangkok and what he had done to me that night. I took a deep breath and tried to keep my voice as calm as possible. "Yes Inspector, the mamasan was stabbed in a bar fight. I'm...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 3

Maybe things could have been different, I don’t know, but I found myself in a taxi on the way to Samui airport. I was struggling to come to terms with what had happened and I felt physically sick at what I had heard. I had to get the taxi driver to stop so I could retch at the side of the road. I managed to buy a ticket on the next flight to Bangkok and by mid afternoon I was back in the city. I booked into a hotel close to Nana Plaza and sent a couple of hours stewing in my room, drinking the...

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Cockatoo Part 12

Cockatoo Part 12Nikkie SilkPreviously in Cockatoo: Jamie and Nin had made it back to Koh Samuiafter their journey to Bangkok to warn Kritsada. Jamie, Alex and Shanehad sailed to the West Coast for a short vacation where Jamie and Shanehad made love. The trio had sailed back and were in Cockatoo where theywere attacked. Pao had stepped between Jamie and the attacker and beenstabbed.There was pandemonium inside Cockatoo in the moments after Pao had beenstabbed. As I cradled her in my arms I felt...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 3

Maybe things could have been different, I don’t know, but I found myselfin a taxi on the way to Samui airport. I was struggling to come to termswith what had happened and I felt physically sick at what I had heard. Ihad to get the taxi driver to stop so I could retch at the side of theroad.I managed to buy a ticket on the next flight to Bangkok and by midafternoon I was back in the city. I booked into a hotel close to NanaPlaza and sent a couple of hours stewing in my room, drinking the gutrot...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 1

Cockatoo Part 1 It's a clich?, isn't it? Man comes home early and finds his wife in bed with someone else. Only slightly less of a clich? in my case, as the "someone else" was my wife's closest girlfriend - closest in every sense of the word. It was a quick divorce; no kids, only a rented flat, so the only squabbles were about books and cds. In the end I told her to keep the lot. I wanted to make it a clean break. I managed to fit all I owned into the boot of my small car. I was 25 ye...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 31

Cockatoo Part 31 Nikkie Silk Previously in Cockatoo: Jamie and Nin had made it back to Koh Samui after their journey to Bangkok to warn Kritsada. Jamie, Alex and Shane had sailed to the West Coast for a short vacation where Jamie and Shane had made love. The trio had sailed back and were in Cockatoo where they were attacked. Pao had stepped between Jamie and the attacker and been stabbed. There was pandemonium inside Cockatoo in the moments after Pao had been stabbed. As I cradled...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 17

CockatooNikkie SilkPreviously in Cockatoo‘I'm sorry, James. It's Kritsada, he wants a word.’ I took the phone from Praew and she disappeared from the room.‘Hello, khun Kritsada.’‘Hello, my dear James, I hope you've had a good time with Praew?’‘Yes, sir. She has been a most gracious host. Is there something I can do for you?’‘Yes, James, there is. You remember the party I talked about this week? The one you will be coming to?’‘Yes, of course.’‘Well, I have request for you, which I hope you will...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo part 10

Cockatoo Part 10Nikkie SilkMy heart skipped a beat as I heard Shane’s voice from behind me and felt his hand on my shoulder. It couldn't be, I thought, I must be so tired I was hallucinating. Alex said, ‘Hi Shane, glad you could join us.’ Nin looked as if she had seen a ghost, Areeya was smiling in welcome and I felt like I would pass out. The hand moved off my shoulder and Shane’s massive frame came into sight.‘Hi Nin, Hi Areeya.’ he said, then paused and looked at me, ‘Hi Jamie, how are you?...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 5

Cockatoo Part 5 I lived for feedback. [email protected] "That's nice, baby," I heard Alex say. Something was wrong though, Alex's voice wasn't coming from on the bed and if she had my cock in her mouth how could she say anything? Her voice seemed to be coming from the somewhere further away. I opened my eyes and saw her sitting in her robe on one of the couches. It took me a good few seconds to process that and as I looked down the bed I saw Areeya, naked, smiling and...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 16

Cockatoo Part 16 I live for feedback [email protected] We decided to have a celebration dinner tonight downstairs and Alex disappeared to the restaurant to organise the dinner. Areeya had to go down to Cockatoo to sort out some issues they were having and so I was left to my own devices for a while. We agreed we would all get together at Cockatoo for a drink before dinner. The first thing I did was to email Sam about how the plan had worked out. I had an email back in...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 23

Cockatoo Part 23 I love feedback [email protected] Twitter @nikkie_silk Jandaeng was wearing a pair of those mirror aviator sunglasses beloved of all Asian movie heavies. It obviously meant I couldn't see his eyes, but even if I could see them, I guessed I wouldn't learn much. He let me stew for a few minutes, hoping that I would say something to fill in the silence following his remarks about Tony. I said nothing, not willing to give away anything that Jandaeng didn't...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 29

Cockatoo Part 29 Nikkie Silk I love feedback [email protected] My heart skipped a beat as I heard Shane's voice from behind me and felt his hand on my shoulder. It couldn't be, I thought, I must be so tired I was hallucinating. Alex said, "Hi Shane, glad you could join us." Nin looked as if she had seen a ghost, Areeya was smiling in welcome and I felt like I would pass out. The hand moved off my shoulder and Shane's massive frame came into sight. "Hi Nin, Hi Areeya."...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo part 37

Cockatoo Nikkie Silk Previously in Cockatoo "I'm sorry, James. It's Kritsada, he wants a word." I took the phone from Praew and she disappeared from the room. "Hello, khun Kritsada." "Hello, my dear James, I hope you've had a good time with Praew?" "Yes, sir. She has been a most gracious host. Is there something I can do for you?" "Yes, James, there is. You remember the party I talked about this week? The one you will be coming to?" "Yes, of course." "Well, I have...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo part 36

Cockatoo Part 36 Nikkie Silk We turned around to see Shane standing there clapping his hands and grinning from ear to ear. "Come on, let's get moving. Neither of you want to be around when the cops start asking questions." We followed Shane down the alley and away from where we had been until we found a bar far enough away that we felt safe. I badly needed a drink, so we ordered some beers and then we all started to talk at once. Shane put his hand up and said, "One at a time....

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 7

Cockatoo Part 7 I live for feedback [email protected] "Shit," I thought as the water closed over my head, "this wasn't part of the plan." I had no idea how long I had spent under water but I could see a bright light above me and I thought it must be the sun shining through the water as I clawed myself towards the surface. But, I thought, "No, that can't be. It was dark when I fell in." The light grew brighter and brighter and I wondered "Maybe I'm dead." I tried to open...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 18

Cockatoo Part 18 I live for feedback [email protected] Previously in Cockatoo James, recently divorced, travels to Bangkok on business for a fresh start. He meets Alex, a friend from their university days, whom he discovers is now transgender. Alex and her partner, Areeya, a Thai girl, run a successful restaurant and ladyboy bar on Koh Samui, an island off the coast of Thailand. James falls in love with Alex and all three manage to survive a pirate attack in the waters...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 21

Cockatoo Part 21 I live for feedback [email protected] I glanced back as I left the bar at Tony, who was smirking all over his face and I swore to myself I would wipe that look off his face as soon as I could. I hurried back to the apartment, where Alex was working on some business for the restaurant. I let her listen to the conversation on the tiny recorder I had used to tape everything that was said. I could see she was getting more and more angry as the...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 3

Cockatoo Part 3 I live for feedback [email protected] I took another swig of beer and tried to look innocent. Alex looked at me for a few seconds as if making up her mind about something, took my hand and pulled me up, "James, I always thought you were a perfect gentleman, come on I think we should go eat." The strange thing was she didn't let go of my hand as we walked out of the bar. We walked slowly back to Koh Samui Blue, the action had really kicked off now. The...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 12

Cockatoo Part 12 I live for feedback [email protected] I woke up to find my ear being nuzzled and kissed from behind. Mmm, that's a nice way to wake up, I thought. I felt a hand slide over my waist and begin to rub my cock. Even better, I thought. I remembered that Pao had stayed the night and rolled over to see...Areeya's face smiling back at me. If it were possible to jump two steps back when you're lying down, that's what I did. "My God, where did you come from?" I...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 9

Cockatoo Part 9 I live for feedback [email protected] Areeya came back into the room, gave me a kiss and sat down on the sofa with Alex and me. I wanted to know a little more about her father before meeting him this evening. He was flying in from Bangkok on the company plane and would only be here overnight to have dinner with us. I asked Areeya about her father and she said he was really looking forward to meeting me this evening. I said that I would be honoured to meet...

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Cockatoo Part 17

Cockatoo Part 17 I live for feedback [email protected] I woke early the next day, my mind already full of what I needed to do. Alex had spooned up to my back during the night and she was snoring gently, her hand laid across my waist. I gently interlaced her fingers with mine and she stirred but did not wake. I lay there for a while planning what I was going to say to Kritsada later that day. Once I had sorted out what to do, I slowly got out of bed and stood looking down...

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Cockatoo Part 34

Cockatoo Part 34 Nikkie Silk I woke to find Alex already up and talking with Nin. My shoulder was still aching, so I swallowed a couple of painkillers with some orange juice before remembering to ask Alex about Pao. She was improving fast, and would be discharged either today or tomorrow. Alex wanted to stay in Bangkok, but I told her to go back to Samui to be with Areeya. In the back of my mind I had the idea that it would be safer there. I also said to Nin that she should also...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 25

Cockatoo Part 25“Shoot him.”Aki’s voice bounced around the walls of the garage as I stared down at the gun in my hand, unable to grasp what was happening. Aki stood behind me, wrapped my fingers around the stock and pushed my forefinger through the trigger guard. He held his hand over mine and pointed the pistol at Jandaeng. “Shoot him and you will be rid of him.”I looked at Jandaeng and even now he stared defiantly back at me. My finger tightened on the trigger and inside a voice told me to do...

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Cockatoo Part 15

Cockatoo Part 15 I live for feedback [email protected] This chapter is dedicated to two very good friends of mine, Jerry and Samantha Anne. I caught the first flight out to Samui and as soon as I landed I rang Areeya on her mobile. She picked up but didn't say anything; she must have recognised my number. I said quickly, "Areeya please don't hang up. I need your help." There was silence but at least she didn't hang up. "Areeya, I need to see Alex. I know you...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 8

Cockatoo Part 8Shane's lips brushed mine so gently I wasn't sure he had kissed me atall, as if he was still giving me the chance to back out. I closed myeyes and pressed my lips onto his and I felt the pressure increase andwe were kissing properly, his lips crushing mine. I felt lightheaded,and the blood began to pound in my ears as I felt his arm pull mecloser. I hesitantly put my hand up to his face to stroke his cheek, andI was shocked to feel his stubble beneath my fingers. It was enough...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 8

Cockatoo Part 8 I live for feedback [email protected] Alex took all my cum into her mouth and then stood up to face me. She kissed me hard on the lips, her tongue opening up my lips and I suddenly realised this time she hadn't swallowed and was pushing my cum into my mouth. I gagged a little as I tasted it on my tongue but Alex kept her lips locked over mine until I was forced to swallow. She broke the kiss and pushed her middle finger into my mouth and I rolled my tongue...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 27

Cockatoo Part 27 Nikkie Silk I live for feedback [email protected] Shane's lips brushed mine so gently I wasn't sure he had kissed me at all, as if he was still giving me the chance to back out. I closed my eyes and pressed my lips onto his and I felt the pressure increase and we were kissing properly, his lips crushing mine. I felt lightheaded, and the blood began to pound in my ears as I felt his arm pull me closer. I hesitantly put my hand up to his face to stroke his...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 14

Cockatoo Part 14 I live for feedback [email protected] Maybe things could have been different I don't know, but I found myself in a taxi on the way to Samui airport. I was struggling to come to terms with what had happened and I felt physically sick at what I had heard. I had to get the taxi driver to stop so I could retch at the side of the road. I managed to buy a ticket on the next flight to Bangkok and by mid afternoon I was back in the city. I booked into a hotel...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 21

Cockatoo 21Nikkie SilkAki jumped as I slid my mouth over his cock, but then Yut had got past the bodyguard and was yelling something. Aki turned towards the noise, but I kept my lips locked around his cock; no way did I want Yut to see my face. I didn’t know if he would recognise me, but I didn't want to take that chance. Yut was still struggling with the bodyguard, but Aki shouted something in Japanese and the sounds of the commotion stopped. Aki put his hands around my head and pulled my head...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 15

I woke to find Alex already up and talking with Nin. My shoulder wasstill aching, so I swallowed a couple of painkillers with some orangejuice before remembering to ask Alex about Pao. She was improving fast,and would be discharged either today or tomorrow. Alex wanted to stay inBangkok, but I told her to go back to Samui to be with Areeya. In theback of my mind I had the idea that it would be safer there. I also saidto Nin that she should also return to recover for a few days, and thenshe...

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Cockatoo Part 35

Cockatoo Part 35 Nikkie Silk I was getting seriously pissed off being everyone's punch bag, but he had me backed into a corner, and I knew I would have to go along with him. But, it gave me a glimmer of hope that I could get Jandaeng off my back. With my head in my hands I said, "I have no choice, I agree." He pushed my phone and wallet back across the table. They had been taken from me in the van on the way here. I was thankful I hadn't brought the new burner phone with me to the...

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Cockatoo Part 41

Cockatoo 41 Nikkie Silk Aki jumped as I slid my mouth over his cock, but then Yut pushed aside the bodyguard and was yelling something. Aki turned towards the noise and I kept my lips locked around his cock; no way did I want Yut to see my face. I didn't know if he would recognise me, but I didn't want to take that chance. Yut was still struggling with the bodyguard, but Aki shouted something in Japanese and the sounds of the commotion stopped. Aki put his hands around my head and...

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Cockatoo Part 23

Cockatoo Part 23“Jamie, you alright, babe?” Shane squatted down, pulling up his balaclava so I could see his face. “Stay there for a moment while we clear the boat. We think we’ve got them all but we need to be sure.”I wanted to hug him, but he stood up, waved his arm, and the men started to move on in the crouching walk all special forces use, their automatic weapons at the ready. We were allowed to get up from the floor but all I could hear was the whining voice of the ambassador.“This is an...

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Cockatoo Part 18

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to produce out a new chapter. I had to stop writing for a while due to some family issues, which are now, thankfully, settled. Thank you to all of you who have emailed me asking how thing are going. I really appreciated those messages. I hope you haven't gone off the story in the meantime. Previously, Nin had persuaded James to come along with her as Scarlett to meet with Joe and Nancy, two Americans who wanted a foursome. The session had finished and Scarlett...

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Cockatoo Part 6

Cockatoo Part 6Alex grabbed my hands, ‘Please, James, it's the only way we could thinkof to get you over there as quickly as possible without Jandaeng beingaware. You could be back here in two days and then fly to Bangkok asJandaeng expects you to next week. Please?’Areeya came up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. ‘James, I amso worried about my father. I would be very, very grateful if you coulddo this for me.’ Areeya squeezed my shoulders, and my imagination wentinto overdrive...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 4

Cockatoo Part 4 I live for feedback [email protected] "Hey, didn't you say Areeya was going to join us?" Alex looked straight into my eyes and said, "Yes, she did, she's sitting just over there." I whirled around to follow where Alex was pointing and Areeya sat just a few yards away from where Alex and I had been. My heart nearly jumped into my throat with shock. "What the hell? Was she there all the time we were, you know?" I was babbling again. Alex took me by...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 13

Cockatoo Part 13 I live for feedback [email protected] Alex jumped off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. I must have dropped off to sleep as I woke some time later on, to find Alex sleeping next to me with me spooning up to her back. She was having what sounded like a bad dream as she was almost shouting in an angry tone, "No, no more, I don't want to do it anymore. Please don't make me do it anymore, no more." I gently stroked her back and she settled down but then,...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 25

Cockatoo Part 25 I love feedback [email protected] Author's Note Apologies for the delay on posting this new chapter. I had some personal issues that took up my writing time. I hope you forgive me and enjoy the story. Alex grabbed my hands. "Please, James, it's the only way we could think of to get you over there as quickly as possible without Jandaeng being aware. You could be back here in two days and then fly to Bangkok as Jandaeng expects you to next week....

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 38

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to produce out a new chapter. I had to stop writing for a while due to some family issues, which are now, thankfully, settled. Thank you to all of you who have emailed me asking how thing are going. I really appreciated those messages. I hope you haven't gone off the story in the meantime. Cockatoo Part 38 Nikkie Silk Nin was chattering away in the tuk-tuk back to our hotel, but I didn't feel like talking much. I was too exhausted from what...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 40

Cockatoo Part 40 Nikkie Silk As I looked at the wrecked room, one name leapt straight into my mind. Whether Jandaeng had told Yut about me, or he had worked it out by himself, I didn't know, but I was sure this was his work. It was a message, not just a random break in. Nin started to edge into the room, but I pulled her back from the door. I didn't want to find out the hard way there was somebody in there waiting for us. "Nin, let's get away from here. We need to work out what to...

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