To Partheno Agoraki! ;) free porn video

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Δεκαπέντε ώρες ταξίδι με το καράβι δεν είναι εύκολο πράγμα. Αλλά δε μπορούσε να γίνει αλλιώς. Φοιτητής εγώ, ήμουν αναγκασμένος να το κάνω αρκετές φορές το χρόνο. Είχα συνηθίσει να κοιμάμαι για να περνάει η ώρα. Μερικές όμως φορές η ώρα περνούσε σχετικά ευχάριστα στο σαλόνι του καραβιού αν πετύχαινες ευχάριστους ανθρώπους. Πότε με συζήτηση, πότε με χαρτιά. Σε αυτό το ταξίδι είχαμε μαζευτεί 4-5 άτομο άγνωστα μεταξύ τους και η συζήτηση είχε ανοίξει για τα καλά. Το ταξίδι ευτυχώς ήταν πιο υποφερτό από άλλες φορές. Ένα μεσήλικο ζευγάρι, μια γυναίκα γύρω στα τριάντα της οποίας το μπούστο με είχε ερεθίσει, (ορμές εφήβου γαρ) και ένας κύριος γύρω στα πενήντα και εγώ αποτελούσαν αυτή την μικρή παρέα που συζητούσε περί ανεμών και υδάτων. Η ώρα περνούσε και ένας-ένας αποχωρούσαν για να πάνε στις καμπίνες τους για να κοιμηθούν. Στο τέλος απομείναμε εγώ και ο πενηντάρης κύριος. Η συζήτηση δεν άργησε να περιφέρεται γύρω από το εκπληκτικό και ευμεγέθες μπούστο της κυρίας που είχε αναχωρήσει. Σαν ντροπαλός εγώ αρκούσουν περισσότερο να συμφωνήσω με τα καθόλου φειδωλά σχόλια του κυρίου, το τρίτο ουίσκι που είχε παραγγείλει είχε σίγουρα συμβάλλει σε αυτό.

- Λοιπόν εσύ μικρέ καμιά γκομενίτσα έχεις.

Στα δεκαεννιά μου ήμουν παρθένος ακόμα, καθότι όπως ανέφερα παραπάνω ήμουν υπέρ το δέον ντροπαλός, αλλά η μαλάκια ήταν απαραίτητη εργασία καθημερινά, πότε σκεπτόμενος τα βυζάκια της Δέσποινας, πότε το κωλαράκι της Μαρίας. Φυσικά όμως μη θέλοντας να το αποκαλύψω, τη νύφη την πλήρωσε η συμφοιτήτριά μου η Αργυρώ που για τις επόμενες ώρες ταξιδιού θα ήταν η "γκομενίτσα" μου που μάλιστα κάναμε και τέσσερις φορές την εβδομάδα σεξ. Ενθουσιασμένος φάνηκε και ο κύριος που με αντάμειψε με ένα:

- Μπράβο… κι εγώ στην ηλικία σου γαμούσα καθημερινά όποιο κοριτσάκι έβρισκα μπροστά μου. Μακάρι να βρίσκαμε ένα κοριτσάκι να το γαμούσαμε στην καμπίνα μου και οι δύο. Έβλεπα δύο τρία να περνάνε και με κοιτούσαν παράξενα, σίγουρα θελαν να γαμηθούν.

Η φαντασία μου άρχισε να οργιάζει. Έβλεπα ήδη τον εαυτό μου στην καμπίνα του εν λόγω κυρίου να γαμάμε ταυτόχρονα την άτυχη τυχερή που θα περνούσε έξω από την καμπίνα του. Ήθελα επιτέλους να πάρει την θέση της παλάμης μου ένα μουνάκι. Οι εφηβικές μου ορμόνες είχαν χτυπήσει κόκκινο και ο πούτσος μου ορθωμένος κοιτούσε ταβάνι. Δεν άργησε να μου προτείνει να βάλουμε σε εφαρμογή το σχέδιο του. Καυλωμένος εγώ, τον ακολούθησα στην καμπίνα του.

- Ας κάνουμε πρώτα ένα μπάνιο πρότεινε να είμαστε καθαροί.

Μπαίνω εγώ πρώτος. Γδύθηκε μένοντας μπροστά μου τσίτσιδος.

- Δεν πιστεύω να ντρέπεσαι μικρέ. Άντρες είμαστε.

Φυσικά συμφώνησα μαζί του. Ύστερα από δέκα λεπτά βγήκε.

- Σειρά σου. Εγώ θα έχω το νου μου μπας και περάσει καμιά καυλωμένη να κάνουμε τη δουλειά μας.

Γδύθηκα κι εγώ τελείως και μπήκα μέσα. Ο πούτσος μου στεκόταν καμαρωτός-καμαρωτός καθώς το μυαλό μου σκεφτόταν παρόμοια σενάρια από τσόντες που είχα δει. Όση ώρα έκανα μπάνιο σκεφτόμουν να τραβήξω μαλακία να ξαλαφρώσω, άλλα συγκρατιόμουν με την ιδέα να τα δώσω όλα με την κοπέλα που θα ψαρεύαμε. Βγαίνοντας έξω παρατήρησα ότι ο κύριος ήταν ακόμα γυμνός καθισμένος στην κουκέτα. Ξεφύλλιζε ένα πορνοπεριοδικό ενώ με το ροζιασμένο χέρι του χάιδευε ελαφρά την ευμεγέθη και ανασηκωμένη πούτσα του. Ξαφνιάστηκα ομολογουμένως. Με κοίταξε με ένα χαμόγελο.

- Δεν έχει φίλε μου καμιά να τριγυρίζει, μάλλον η ώρα είναι περασμένη αλλά κοίτα εδώ, έχω ένα πορνοπεριοδικό και είπαμε να βολευτώ με αυτό. Έλα να πάρεις μάτι κι εσύ.

Γαμώτο σκέφτηκα, δε θα γαμήσω ούτε σήμερα. Το πορνοπεριοδικό ξαφνικά έγινε η καλύτερη επιλογή, παρά να την παίξω μόνος στην τουαλέτα.

- Κάτσε χτύπησε το χέρι του στο στρώμα δίπλα του. Ομολογώ ότι αισθανόμουν λίγο άβολα με ένα γυμνό άνδρα δίπλα μου.

- Πάρε μάτι και τράβα μαλακία να ευχαριστηθείς.

Έβλεπα στις σελίδες που φυλλομετρούσε γυναίκες που γαμιόντουσαν από έναν δυο ή τρεις άντρες, ενώ στο τέλος κατέληγαν με σπέρμα στο πρόσωπο και είχα ερεθιστεί αλλά ταυτόχρονα το μάτι μου έπεφτε στην μαλακία που τραβούσε ο κύριος και ντρεπόμουν να την παίξω. Ξαφνικά σε μία από τις σελίδες εμφανίστηκε ένας άντρας στα τέσσερα ενώ ένας άλλος είχε χώσει το εργαλείο του στην κωλοτρυπίδα του πρώτου ως τα αρχίδια. Πούστης σκέφτηκα αστραπιαία, αλλά παρατήρησα ότι το θέαμα που απεικονιζόταν στην γυαλιστερή σελίδα με ερέθιζε.

Η επόμενες σελίδες συνέχιζαν με γκέι πορνό, αλλά η στύση μου δεν έλεγε να πέσει. Αντιθέτως αυτή η γύμνια με ερέθιζε περισσότερο. Βέβαια ακόμα δεν τολμούσα να απλώσω το χέρι μου στον πούτσο μου. Ο κύριος με κοίταξε.

- Ντρέπεσαι ε; Κάτσε να βοηθήσω…

και άπλωσε την χερούκλα του στα γεννητικά μου όργανα. Τα χούφτωσε απαλά και άρχισε να τα μαλάζει. Άναυδος εγώ δεν έκανα καμία κίνηση αλλά από το μυαλό μου άρχισε να περνάει η σκέψη ότι ο εν λόγω κύριος δεν ήθελε να βρούμε γυναίκα να γαμήσουμε, αλλά γαμήσει εμένα. Η καύλα όμως και η αναμονή στο να αδειάσω τα αρχίδια μου δε με άφηναν να αντιδράσω.

Το άγγιγμα του με ερέθιζε ακόμα περισσότερο. Η αναπνοή μου έγινε γρηγορότερη σε λίγο θα έχυνα αλλά αυτός καταλαβαίνοντας το πίεσε με τα δάχτυλα του λίγο κάτω από το πουτσοκέφαλο συγκρατώντας το άσπρο ποτάμι που θα ξεχύνονταν.

- Μη χύσεις ακόμα μικρέ θα περάσουμε ωραία.

- Με συγχωρείτε δεν είμαι πούστης, δε μου αρέσουν οι άντρες…

απάντησα με κοφτή φωνή λαχανιασμένος ακόμα από τον παρολίγον οργασμό μου.

- Ούτε εγώ είμαι πούστης… απλά να ξεκαυλώσουμε δε θέλουμε; Έτσι δεν είναι;

Είτε από την καύλα της αναμονής, είτε από το ζούληγμα των χεριών του στα αρχίδια μου είτε από τις εικόνες του περιοδικού που με είχαν καυλώσει συγκατένευσα θετικά. Δε μου φαινόταν τόσο τρομερό τελικά. Άσε που η θέα του πούτσου του με καύλωνε. Έπιασε το χέρι μου και το έβαλε στο πούτσο του.

- Θα την παίξουμε ο ένας του άλλου.

Πρώτη φορά έπιανα πούτσο και μάλιστα τόσο μεγάλου άντρα. Ήταν σκληρός σαν πέτρα. Τον χάιδεψα λίγο από την βάση ως το κεφάλι και μετά άρχισα να τον κουνάω πάνω κάτω προσπαθώντας να μιμηθώ τις κινήσεις του δικού του χεριού.

- Αχ ωραία το κάνεις μικρέ συνέχισε να μαλακίζεις την πούτσα μου. ¨Έτσι, έχεις ταλέντο, και απ’ ότι κατάλαβα είσαι παρθένος, μην ανησυχείς μου αρέσουν τα παρθένα αγοράκια.

Για κάποιο περίεργο λόγο τα λόγια του με ερέθιζαν, είχα αναψοκοκκινίσει. Ξαφνικά σηκώθηκε ήρθε όρθιος μπροστά μου ενώ καθόμουν καθιστός με τα γεννητικά του όργανα σε απόσταση αναπνοής από το πρόσωπό μου.

- Άνοιξε λίγο το στόμα σου.

- Γιατί;

- Άνοιξε και θα δεις. Θέλω να με γλείψεις λίγο.

- Δεν το χω ξανακάνει, δεν ξέρω. Δε θέλω.

- Θα σ' αρέσει θα δεις.

Έπιασε το καυλί του και άρχισε απαλά να το τρίβει στα ρουθούνια μου και στα κλειστά μου χείλη. Η μυρωδιά του με μέθυσε. Τα χείλη μου άνοιξαν μόνο τους και η γλώσσα μου άρχισε να γεύεται το πουτσοκέφαλο του. Τι υπέροχη γεύση που είχε! Σιγά-σιγά άρχισα ενστικτωδώς να προσπαθώ να το βάλω όλο και πιο μέσα. Ήθελα να τον βάλω όσο πιο μέσα γίνεται. Κόντεψα να πνιγώ και αποτραβήχτηκα αφήνοντας τον καυλωμένο πούτσο του όλο σάλια.

- Αγοράκι μου είδες που σου αρέσει; Θέλεις να τον φας όλο ε; Έλα Παρ’ τον πάλι στο στόμα σου.

Άρχισα πάλι να τον γλείφω κι αυτός βογκώντας μου κουνούσε το κεφάλι πάνω κάτω με τα χέρια του. Είχα παραδοθεί πια. όταν χόρτασε τσιμπούκι με σήκωσε όρθιο με κόλλησε πάνω του και άρχισε επιδέξια με τα χέρια του να ζουλάει τα κωλομάγουλα μου, ενώ το δάχτυλό του χάιδευε την κωλοτρυπίδα μου. Σιγά-σιγά άρχισε να το βάζει μέσα.

- Πουτανάκι είσαι τελικά. Είδες που το γουστάρεις; Θα σε ξεπαρθενέψω εγώ σήμερα. Μου αρέσει να ξεπαρθενεύω νεανικά κωλαράκια. Μην τολμήσεις και χύσεις. Θα σε κάνω να χύσεις όταν σε γαμάω.

Πλέον το μυαλό μου από τρυφερά μουνάκια σκεφτόταν καμαρωτούς πούτσους να εισβάλουν μέσα μου. Ανυπομονούσα πλέον νιώσω το καυλί του στην κωλοτρυπίδα μου. Με έπιασε και με έβαλε στην κουκέτα στα τέσσερα.

- Τούρλωσε το κωλαράκι σου.

Υπάκουσα. Άνοιξε πάλι με τα δύο του χέρια τα κωλομάγουλα μου και αποκάλυψε την αγάμητη τρυπούλα μου. Άρχισε να την γλείφει. Βογκούσα πλέον. Έχωσε ένα δάχτυλο μέσα. Αισθάνθηκα περίεργα. Άρχισε να το κουνάει πάνω κάτω. Σιγά-σιγά έβαλε και δεύτερο και τρίτο. Εκεί άρχισα να πονάω. Σταμάτησε λίγο και μετά άρχισε πάλι να χαλαρώνει την παρθένα κωλοτρυπίδα μου. Για ένα δεκάλεπτο περίπου με γαμούσε με τα δάχτυλα του και χρησιμοποιώντας ένα λιπαντικό που ως δια μαγείας είχε εμφανιστεί. Ο πόνος πλέον είχε περάσει και ένιωθα μια απέραντη ηδονή. Με το κεφάλι στο στρώμα ψιθύριζα.

- Ναι μ' αρέσει, συνέχισε!

Είχα χαλαρώσει πλέον για τα καλά. Ήρθε από πίσω μου και ακούμπησε τον πούτσο του στην κωλοτρυπίδα μου τρίβοντας τον πάνω κάτω. Η ώρα είχε φτάσει. Τον ήθελα μέσα μου, να χώσει τον μαυριδερό πούτσο του όλο μέσα στον κώλο μου και να με γαμήσει σαν να μην υπάρχει αύριο.

Άρχισε επιτέλους να τον βυθίζει αργά-αργά. Πονούσα αλλά δε με ένοιαζε. Ένιωθα να εισχωρεί μέσα στην κωλοτρυπίδα μου κάτι που δε χωρούσε αλλά ταυτόχρονα έσπρωχνα και εγώ. Μπήκε σχεδόν όλος. Σταμάτησε και μετά άρχισε να με γαμάει αργά. Όταν κατάλαβε ότι δεν πονούσα πια, ο ρυθμός του έγινε πιο γρήγορος. Παραληρούσα. Όποτε ο πούτσος του έβρισκε τον προστάτη μου φώναζα ενώ ηλεκτρισμός διαπερνούσε όλο μου το κορμί. Που και που μου χαστούκιζε τα κωλομάγουλα.

- Τώρα αγοράκι μου θα σε κάνω να χύσεις. Θα χύσεις τόσο δυνατά όσο δεν έχεις χύσει ποτέ.

Με έπιασε από την μέση και άρχισε να με καρφώνει με όλη του τη δύναμη πάνω στον πούτσο του. Σίγουρα στις διπλανές καμπίνες είχαν ξυπνήσει από τις κραυγές μου. Λαχανιασμένος με ξέσκιζε φωνάζοντας ότι δεν έχει γαμήσει τέτοιο καυλιάρικο αγοράκι ποτέ με τόσο στενό κωλαράκι. Υποσχόταν να με γαμάει όλο το βράδυ. Και ξαφνικά ένιωσα το σπέρμα μου καυτό να πετάγεται με δύναμη πάνω στα σεντόνια της κουκέτας. Δε σταματούσα να χύνω τρέμοντας ολόκληρος. Έκατσε ακίνητος όση ώρα έχυνα. Όταν τέλειωσα ξάπλωσα μπρούμυτα λαχανιασμένος. Πήρε τα χύσια μου από τα σεντόνια και τα άλειψε στην κωλοτρυπίδα μου.

- Είδες αγοράκι μου που στα έλεγα. Τώρα θα χύσω κι εγώ.

Έβαλε την πούτσα του στα κωλομάγουλα μου και σφίγγοντας τα με τα χέρια του. Κουνιόταν πάνω κάτω λες και έκανε ισπανικό σε βυζιά. Ένιωσα το καυτό το σπέρμα να ξεχύνεται στην κωλοχαράδρα μου και στα αρχίδια μου. Έπεσε πάνω μου ξεθεωμένος και αυτός.

- Πάλι καλά που δεν βρήκαμε καμιά γυναίκα!

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It wasn’t my fault. Honest! I was sitting at the game watching my high school football team getting killed, again, when I noticed it. A small drop of sweat. It started between her shoulder blades and ever so slowly made its way down her back. It paused every so often, being held back by one or more of the tiny, fine, bit of red peach fuzz that covered her body. Then, as she perspired a bit more and the drop joined another and gathered mass. That made it fall a bit more. I thought for sure...

3 years ago
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Red Ribbons in Her HairChapter 12

Gabe looked over his notes, rereading what the department press release official had deemed newsworthy and mixing it with what he and the Captain had come up with to try and coax their suspect out into the public eye. All it would take would be one person to see his picture and recognize him and they could have him, finally. But then Kaylee could go home. Gabe wasn't sure if he liked the idea of her not being there for him. He turned and looked over at where she was brushing her hair,...

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Hermione Granger Chapter 4 Fulfillment

She even started taking notes in her diary and keeping them locked away in her trunk. She treated some of their sessions like lab experiments noting what worked, what didn't etc. Lavender seemed to like it a bit rougher than Hermione. She enjoyed being pinched, nibbled, scratched, and having Hermione pull on her hair while she ate her pussy. She had even asked Hermione to pretend to be a professor and spank her for doing something wrong. A fantasy Hermione enjoyed a bit more than she’d...

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BurningAngel Adria Rae Teen Gothic Nympho

You wouldn’t think a gorgeous petite goth like Adria Rae would need to cast a spell on someone to get the dicking she desired, but Owen Gray is a hard nut to crack! She used her witchy feminine wiles and for once her incantation worked! She could hardly contain her excitment as she slid his meat deep down her throat – and her black lipstick barely came off at all! He returned the oral favor before penetrating her perfect pussy in every position on the dining room table. She’s...

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Jilnar Jardaly Gets AssFucked

How you doin'? My name's Bill. I won a free trip to Dubai last year and, one night, I went to a local bar where the brochure said I was supposed to get a free fancy drink. On the TV they had the late evening news, being read by some chick. I couldn't understand one fucking word she was saying but I was getting a massive hard-on because she was the damn sexiest thing I'd ever fucking seen!When I ordered my free drink, I asked the bartender what her name was. He said her name was Jilnar Jardaly...

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A lovely old lady who wanted me to help her and th

I live in a smallish village and as is well known; gossip is a way of life. Being only in my early thirties and still single there was a rumour that I must be gay. However, what no one had a clue about was that I was a devoted fucker of old women. Of course, I did not play with any locals, but when shopping in the village store, I was gently accosted by Mrs Henry. She was exactly my type: late seventies, quite fat, massive tits and she always smelt lovely. I my opinion, she would be a great...

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Adult Education 7

You have no idea," she whispered. She closed the distance between our lips and kissed me fiercely. My cock stiffened to steel in my pants as she ground into me. My hands ranged up and down her back as she heated up. I only occasionally strayed down to her ass, teasing her mercilessly."I want out of these clothes," she breathed. I helped her undress everything, noticing the excitement in her taut nipples. She helped me undress, and then I pulled her back into my arms, continuing my gentle...

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Stranger On A Bench 3

The golden sun lights up the sky. A new day is raising its head to view the fleeting moments of its existence.On a bench, in a park, a young man sits engrossed in the object held in his hands. With his shoulders hunched, his lower legs are drawn back hard against the seat. On any other day, he would be in bed wrapped up with his partner. Her slender body usually pressed against him, rousing him slowly to a sensuous awareness. When she was horny, he would feel her hands upon his body. She gently...

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A Different Way to Pay the Rent

I struggle against the ropes tied around my hands and feet. It is no use; no matter how hard I tried, I cannot free myself. So far my venture into adulthood has began rather horridly. My eighteenth birthday was celebrated with my social worker smiling as I signed paperwork and my foster parents slipping me a twenty as they wished me well in life. My social worker offered to drop me off anywhere of my choosing, but I declined. As far as I was concerned, the sooner I got away from the painted...

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2087 Persona Slayers of Monsters

"Now arriving at Yasuki Station. Now arriving at Yasuki Station." The voice on the intercom cuts through your clouded mind, waking you from your rest. For a second, you're not sure where you are, your steely eyes groggily opening to the sight of empty seats. As you reach up to rub the exhaustion out, the information begins to filter back into your brain. Yasuki. That's what the female voice had said. Yasuki Station. Everything comes back in a rush. You're on a train, and you've now arrived at...

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Pignose Petunia From Lookout MountainChapter 2

I guess if you are reading this personal discourse about my family life with my first cousin Petunia and our five pig-nosed little ones, you must have liked my account of my sinful ways with my close blood relative on the down low. My own legal spouse, the hypocritical little bitch is probably down at the church on her knees taking care of the parson’s deprived parts rather than praying good and proper like a respectable female. I suspect with some deep reservations that the last of my...

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Teds revenge

Ok guys my story is different in that I'm not talking about some young fantastic bodied lovers. Face it, we all age, some of us get divorced, life goes on. My name is Ted and I am oh let's say 50ish. Divorced and back in the dating game. My problem, and eventually my solution to that problem started like this. I met Debbie, pretty lady with a nice figure, especially for people our age and a really nice size rack, we're talking D cups here and she showed them...

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My weekend with a Domme continues

I was thankful when I was lead over to a wooden dining chair and told to sit. She joined the handcuffs behind me in a manner that was llse and comfortable. My legs were wobbly from having so much strain on them and from my cumming and to be honest; I really didn’t pay that much attention to what she was doing.When I looked up, she had brought another chair around directly in front of me . She unstrapped her harness and her dildo and stood before me naked to the waist. Her breasts were at...

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Mistress Carmen and Mistress Natalia

Her husband Ali had called from the office again to say he was working late and she suspected he was doing more than just figuring up peoples taxes, this was the third time this week and it was only Friday. She had known about his philandering ways when she had married him, Hell, she liked to sleep around too once and awhile, but she thought this was ridiculous. She knew if this kept up, either he would divorce her or she would have to put a stop to him fucking around at work. Either way she...

4 years ago
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College life spring semester 34

*******************I hurried up and entered Scott's room. There I found him with Haydenresting his head on Scott's bare shoulder and sniffling."Well... Hayden came out and the results were exactly what he said they'dbe. His rents fucking blew a gasket on his ass. Show em, Hayden," Scottsaid while holding and comforting the obviously distraught Hayden.Hayden moved a little and removed his shirt. There was a nice whelp on hisback along with a huge scratch. "I don't care what you did or said...

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LeilaChapter 8

It was late on Saturday morning when we returned to my Parents' house. I was able to finish correcting the papers before dinner. "How did your trip go?" Mom asked, after we had started eating. "Kennith and the others were agreeable to me running the PhD program for a time while they got their feet on the ground as it were," I told her. "What about after that?" Dad asked. "They are planning on running it more as a cooperative venture where everyone will teach classes. I'm not sure...

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Swim Team SpiritChapter 12 Loving Wife

Sunday Early Janelle was standing in the dark. As her vision improved, she recognized the bedroom of Cutie's parents. There was the great antique oak rolltop desk, and the carved headboard that Mike had made for them. A single small body was under the covers, and Janelle heard noises in the attached bathroom and saw a light under the door. The light went off and the door opened; Mike walked out wearing -- nothing! Janelle thought he was handsome, even if he was as old as her father. Seeing...

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Angels And Insects

Marcus woke just before dawn, hunger squirming through his guts, angrily twisting; burrowing deeper like a maggot gnawing away at his rotten core. He stumbled to the bathroom, barely making it in time to vomit the remains of last night’s meal into the sink - thin ropes of bile dragged reluctantly from his body, burning the back of his throat.Placated for now, the hunger retreated and he ran the tap, splashing tepid water onto his face until the nausea faded. It was getting harder these days to...

Oral Sex
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Arlene and JeffChapter 148

The men sat in Dave and Evie's apartment talking, laughing and killing time, their shoes off and their feet propped on ottomans or the coffee table. The TV was on, muted, as some guy was catching and eating bugs on one of the "survival" shows, not that any of the men were paying attention to the TV. Diana walked in and plopped down in her husband's lap. "Mind if I invite Steve and Marcie to go with us tonight, then share in our party?" (Steve and Marcie are the nearest neighbors down...

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Cousins Just Not Cousins Anymore

Guys, I am back with my life story which includes some of the most romantic sessions I had in my life. So far you have heard about my relation with my neighbour and his younger brother. Once you start getting sex, you just can’t stop right there and thats what happened with me. I was looking for someone else to quench my thirst. My maternal cousin came in handy. He was of my age, around 18 years. I slowly convinced him into having sex with me. He is a very nice guy. Never says no to anybody...

3 years ago
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Pooja Aur Uski Business

Friend’s Wife Hi readers ye meri pahli story hai ISS me, ise to mai ISS ke regular reader hu kafi salo se.Ye story ke kuch hisse sachi hai aur usko thoda fantasise kar ke apke samne rakh raha hu, pasand aya to jarur mail kijiye is mail id per: Mera naam Rajesh Mangat hai mai Mumbai ke Kandivali ilake me rehta hu, mera 1 distributor ship company chalata hu. Mai 29 age ka hu 5.7” hight bachular ladka hu. Ye story kuch 1 saal pahle ki hai. Hamari office Borivali me hai. Charkop sector me 1st...

3 years ago
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One Night in a Bar

It was crowded at the bar. Apparently, someone was having a hell of a party. I hate crowds, but came so that I could see you. Being so far apart, we don’t have much time for fun, and the little time we have I like to spend alone with you. You had opted to go and get us something from the bar, leaving me alone at the table. I can see you wriggle your way through the crowd to the bar, your sexy ass looking so good in the tight short skirt. You disappear for a few seconds, but the crowd parts and...

1 year ago
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Casting Porno Tube! If you are not some fucking greenhorn with no experience of porn, then you must have watched at least one casting video. If you have not, what the fuck have been you been jerking off to? Luckily for y’all thankless toads, today I’m in a generous mood, so I’ll give you a low down of this popular and recognizable niche.It is actually based on a simple premise; a young woman hoping to break into the porn industry enters a room outfitted with a coach. From there, the casting...

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Vishi Czarina of GrokChapter 5

"Quiet, whore!" cried the Olliphanti as Meena's shrieks filled the cabin of the small scout ship. Anserk and Vishi were chained against the bulkhead where they watched the petite blonde try to wiggle away, her anguished cries trying the patience of the Olliphanti piloting the craft while his companion enjoyed the fruits of their purchase. The Olliphanti proboscises were obviously used for more than olfactory sensation as the taller alien had over a foot of one nose buried in Meena's nest...

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Sexy Chachi Ko Jamkar Choda

Hello iss readers. My name is adnan and I am from mumbai. Age 20. Height 5’9″. Fair and muscular guy. My dick size is 6″ long and 5″ thick. Story ki heroin hai meri chachi jinka naam saima(name changed) hai. Unki age 26 aur height 5’4″. Savli hai aur average look hai unka. Figure to gayamat hai unka 38 30 38. 1 mahine mai kaam ke silsile se delhi gaya tha aur mai jis friend ke ghar ruka tha wo kai baar mumbai aa chuka tha aur hamesha mere ghar hi rukta tha. Jab mai aur friend uske bedroom mei...

4 years ago
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Boredom Its Price Can Be Devastating

It just got to be too much, too many hints, too many inconsistencies. Sally and I had been married a dozen years. When we wed it was for all the right reasons, but things had changed. We both 'grew', as they say. For me, it meant I settled down and saw a future. At least that's what I called it. The bar scene bored me now, the loud music and drunks weren't fun any longer. The music was so loud I couldn't really talk over it, and it was important to me now to connect with people. The...

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Getting A Good Grade Chapter 2

As I lay on the bed indulging in the feel of the cool silk sheets, I saw the door open and she stepped through it. At first, I could only make out a shadow moving slowly towards me. But when she came closer and into the light from the end table, I was awestruck.Prancing toward me like a sexy lingerie model, she walked in wearing a sheer pink babydoll nightie. She looked like a vision; the babydoll had lace embroidery on the cups, but the rest was sheer and see-through. It had tiny spaghetti...

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The ProtectorChapter 19

Tiny and I sat and talked about everything that had been going on for about an hour before Sally returned to the room. She had a big smile on her face and was upbeat and humming to herself. "Hey, have you two had a nice visit? Jon, did you know that Kat is the first shift nursing supervisor? Man, she is in charge of everything and everybody. I think you and she will get along just fine. Oh, I forgot to tell you, since you're getting out of here in the morning, I invited her to dinner at...

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A Secret Meeting with my Long Legged Slut Bree

I left work early and drove as fast as I dared to. My goal was to get to the hotel early and scope out the landscape. This was a very exciting and important meeting and I wanted to be certain that I had the best possible view when my sexy Bree entered the room.When I arrived at the hotel and found my way to the bar (our intended meeting spot), I realized that this was a well lit, open bar area, rather than a dark, typical hotel bar. Both good and bad. Good, because I will have a wonderful view...

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CHAPTER SEVEN: MY PICTORIAL SHOOTThis story contains SLUT, EXHIBITIONISM, BIG BLACK COCK, GROUP, and OFFICE* * * *I was reviewing some modifications for a letter Mr. Donald had drafted. The men had started becoming comfortable with rushing through a draft to capture the main points and elements of a letter, then relying on me to clean it up for their review. Rather than feeling put-out by it, I decided to take it as the compliment it actually was. In the short time working for them, I have...

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A WellLearned Lesson

It's early Saturday morning & Sara is coming into school for math tutoring. Her teacher, Mrs. James, is waiting. She is in lifted spirits. She's finally 18! No one can tell her what to do anymore!"Hello Sara." Mrs. James cheerfully greets her."Hello Mrs. James. Thank you for your help.""No problem. Let's begin with factoring."They sit & go over factoring for about half an hour. Mrs. James heads over to the window to open it."Do you mind? This spring weather can get awfully hot...

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6 December 2006Chapter 4

Dan closed their bedroom door, and Wendy immediately turned her affections to him. She eagerly attacked him, giving him quick, hard kisses. He was already breathless as she hurriedly pulled off her sweater and took off her jeans. “I see you’re not too anxious!” He joked of her beautiful naked body. “I need you, Dan! I need you to love me more than I’ve ever needed Dave!” She panted, undoing his pants. “Wow, you’ve really got it bad for him!” Karen joked, helping Dan off with his...

3 years ago
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The Audition 5

Part 5-The Fates are Laughing"You crazy gurrl." Dennis said grinning with a bulge rising in his pants. My right hand was all over it rubbing up and down. "Maybe when we're done here, you can get me drunk and take advantage of me. "Dennis smiled. "I like that idea."********************************************************************************"Cut!" Ordered Nick. "Everybody Take 10!"(Wow! They take breaks here too? Then again for all I know this is a union shop)Everybody was clearing out...

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Cant Remember What Happened

Sally's brain activated before her body. A switch came on inside her head, a rusty and disused one, like forcing an old circuit breaker back up. Must open eyes, she thought, but can't, they're too heavy. She felt her face pressed into the surface as if it had been in that one spot for years. She could feel the dents in her skin, the old pool of dribble at the corner of her mouth. Where was she, she tried to remember. Boom boom, throbbing in her head. Aah, came the quiet moan from her throat,...

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Jon snow and the Ladies of Westeros Pt 4 Cercei Lannister

The royal party finally arrived in a months time, Winterfell ready to receive their guests from the south. The fat king, Robert Baratheon had not even wasted more than a few seconds greeting his friends family before rushing to Ned Stark's room to see his ailing friend, leaving Catelyn, her womb now slightly swelling with Jon's child, to show the guests to their rooms. ####################### Sansa came towards Jon as he stood quietly near one of the windows of his room, looking upon...

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Ross writes for Lynn again

We drove the thirty odd miles to the photographer's studio in silence. Nerves were apparent, but on arrival calmness came over Lynn and I found it was me who was trembling. Of course Lynn had nothing to be worried about, she posses an excellent figure. Although she is 32 years old, her skin glows like that of an 18-year-old. She has shoulder length brunette hair, the most gorgeous natural pout that is always the recipient of comments. Her breasts, although smallish, exhibit a natural firmness...

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In The Car

Hi all, I’m Anil. This is my affair with my colleague by name Rita who was in my office. Though she is short about 5ft or little more, she had big boobs 36B. And nice ass to make any dick stand when she walked in her 6 inch heels. It all began when I got her cell# from a source and started to message her. At first, she didn’t respond may be thinking that I am a stranger. But when I told my name, she replied as she knew me. Our conversation slowly went on as to how we address each other. I asked...

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A Friend in NeedChapter 7

Mandy was happy that her friend and tutor was going to stay, and went up to make sure the room was ready. She and Greg took the boxes that were in there to the garage, and put fresh linen on the bed. She even took the curtains down and washed them and freshened the drawers in the dresser. By the end of the next day, she judged the room ready. Traci arrived mid afternoon two days later. Greg let her in and found himself engulfed in a hug. Even as he returned the hug, he was aware of her...

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A Ghost of a Chance Ch 05

by BrettJ © 2013 While Katherine was enjoying her latest dalliance, there were other activities in her luxurious home. These activities were equally perverse, although fun for all of those involved. ‘Can you believe the two of us were able to get away together this weekend?’ Arthur smiled as he ushered his pretty black secretary into the room they had chosen as their own. ‘Alyssa didn’t even ask any questions, she told me that she was meeting some college friends for a reunion and that I...

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A Flash of Moms FleshChapter 4

With only a little embarrassment, Sarah managed to talk to her son about their involvement. She was delighted that he was enjoying fucking her, without shame. She still could not explain her sudden hunger for cock, because she still did not understand it. All she knew was her cunt was, almost overnight, on fire constantly, and she was having orgasms, beautiful orgasms. Exposing herself at the bank made no sense to her either, but she couldn’t deny it had made her excited. She still had the...

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A Valentines Gift

I  wanted to surprise Warren with something special for Valentine’s Day. He was expecting a quiet evening watching Disney movies with the little one. He is a wonderful man, family oriented as well as an amazing lover and Master. During the week I made some phone calls that would give us some private time. Little Grace loves to go visit her with her step-sister and the children. I arranged for a gift to arrive on Friday with one final call.Friday morning I went about my normal routine of fixing...

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Garter Ardor Part Two

The party was in full swing when Karen joined her friends on the far side of the dance floor. The DJ, in the middle of a 60s playlist, had the crowd rocking to Sly and The Family Stone while I sat at a table at the edge of the dance floor and busied myself in polite conversation with the table’s occupants who I had just learned were relatives of the bride. I had discreetly tucked myself back into my pants after Karen left me here and was scanning the crowd for a group closer to my own age...

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Uncle bob part2

Uncle Bob liked me naked. He got braver and braver having me walk outside to fuck me. He started to bend me over the railing on the front porch and fuck me there. He loved the sex outside and when the ranch hands were gone he would take me around the yard naked and find new places for sex.He got braver having me around and one day brought me to the barn dressed in t-shirt, no bra and jeans and showed me to the workers. They looked me over and smiled. They knew what was going on with a young...

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Kim or Sharon

It is Saturday afternoon and you are just finishing your neighbor's lawn. My dad says since I am 18 that I have to pull my own weight so I mow the lawn of my 40 year old neighbor Sharon. Sharon is of great interest to me becuas she is about 5'10, about 135lbs, 32c breasts, a perfectly slim and trim body, with brunette hair. But even better is her daughter Kim, the object of most of my fantasies. Kim is 20 years old, but decided to put off college for a few years and live at home with a basic...

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Submissive Neighbour Slut

Hello folks, hope you liked the previous story. Here I am, back with another one. I hope you will enjoy this one too. Please feel free to connect with me at OR sumadhur at kik. This is a story about how I endeavored on an erotic journey with a friend. Her name is sarita, she had just moved to Pune for a job and was living just beside our house. She was just a couple of years elder to me and we used to chat below the building every once in a while. We also started chatting on WhatsApp on a...

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