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It started innocent enough. I went to pick up my wife's friend Allison in order to bring her to a 'girls only' Deck and Pool Party at our home. My job was to drive home whoever was feeling tipsy. Allison always got tipsy so she didn't even bother to take her car. And this is where I came in.

On my way to pick-up Allison, my wife rang my cell phone and said that she just talked to Allison and she promised to be ready by the time I arrived.

I said, "Honey. You know she always keeps me waiting. I'm going to Dunkin' Donuts and spend 45 minutes with donuts and Iced Coffee. It'll an hour and a half or so." I figured my Sunday afternoon was ruined. Boy, was I wide of the mark.

However, as fate would have it, Dunkin' Donuts was closed for repairs, so I drove directly to Allison's house off Redondo Drive Parkway.

When she answered the door, Allison was dressed in a simple robe. She said, "Well, if it isn't Gary. I'm not exactly ready yet, but I can put you to good use. Follow me."

I didn't move, but said, "I can't stand waiting for my wife to get ready so like, ah, how long you going to be?" I was frustrated and let it out, not caring since she was my wife's friend, not mine.

She said, "Well, it can be fifty minutes or five minutes depending if you cooperate."

Waiting fifty minutes was out of the question, so I followed her up the stairs. At this point I was to pissed to admire her jet-black long flowing hair or her very feminine round sexy ass.

As far as appearances, Allison's face was average, but a turn off to me since she seemed to be always sad, like she suffered all her life. I never knew what kind of figure she had since I only saw her in bulky jeans, sweatshirts and dress suits. She did not dress sexy, but I sort of could tell that she probably had a nice figure but didn't want to show it off. I doubted she was a looker. Like she was at least three years older than me, pushing 33 to 35, and older chicks don't do nothing for me. So quite frankly I didn't give a rat's ass for her except to please my wife.

Anyway, I followed to her upstairs study when she said, "Sit here, I'll be right out."

She returned quickly still in her robe but let it drop to he floor and said in a worried tone of voice, "How do I look? I need a second opinion."

Underneath the robe was a bathing suit since she was going to a Pool Party. It was a one-piece pale green swimsuit, conservative in style. This was the first time that I had seen her in a bathing suit and quickly averted my eyes from her body as she's my wife's friend. Yet I saw enough to know that she had a hot body. Usually I gawk at young chicks, but here was an older woman who was stacked. For the record, I've never had sex with a chick older than me.

I replied, "Great. So I guess we can go now."

She snapped, "Smart ass. Men really don't have any fun with clothes."

My reply. "I ain't a fashion critic and besides you look okay, Allison."

But Allison was having none of my praise. "I feel like a fat cow."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Sure I heard that kind of women talk from my wife, but my wife while attractive has nowhere a sexy body. Nowhere. Period.

I said, "Not too big, not too tight, no holes in the suit, so what is the problem? " As soon as I said it, I knew I made a mistake. Never be flippant with a woman who is insecure about her figure.

Allison said, "First, I know you didn't mean it. You said it fast without looking."

I gave her a once over from head to ankles. "So I looked, already."

She wailed, "Oh, bull, Gary. My butt, belly and boobs are the problem."

I soothed her by saying, "No one will notice. I mean it's a girl only pool party."

Allison was unyielding, "Oh, they'll notice. You don't know how cruel us woman can be behind our backs"

"If you say so. " I laughed.

She added. "Oh, I know women! But seriously, Gary, how do I really look?"

I gave her an okay gesture with my hands and my face.

She growled, "Gary!"

I said, "Okay, I'll look you over real good although my wife might kill me if she knows that I checked out your body. "

She liked hearing that for some reason and seemed to relax for a few seconds while

I looked her over.

This is the exact moment where I began to falter. So I took my time and thought about how she looked before answering. As I said, she's around three years older than I am; I'll be 30 in a few months. Yet in spite of her advanced age, Allison still had a sexy figure. Maybe it was her tiny waist that made everything else seem so hot. Her tits looked large and firm, her ass was real shapely. In fact, that was the best part of her body. I gawked at her tits, saw her nipples in the one-piece bathing suit that covered a lot but I was still able to make out enough to know that she was built much, much better than my wife was. She was built to fuck. As a young man, I'd do anything to fuck a chick as good looking as her and now in my twenty-ninth year, I', no. I'd do nothing. I'm married. Happily. Period. No affairs for me.

"Why are you taking so long to answer me, Gary? Oh, god, is it really that bad." Her voice was now alarmed. And most importantly of all, she was totally unaware that I was gawking at her body. Chicks get like that; they get so consumed by their inner thoughts of not being attractive that they miss the obvious.

Somehow I was losing it, maybe it was her figure, maybe it was that I was resentful for her making me wait, but I was no longer diplomatic especially with my eyes. I was yearning for her body like crazy. I said, "Want the truth or ......"

She said nervously. "Tell me the truth and then ... I'll.....I'll hide in the closet."

She had been divorced for over six years. As far I knew she seldom if ever dated. So her self-esteem as far as being attractive to the opposite sex was probably low.

She continued, "Gary! I can't let them see me like this. I'm sagging all over.""

I said, "Allison. Your figure's better than my wife, but you better not tell her I said that." Then I added, "You're pulling my leg, right. Like angling for compliments?"

Now she really smiled. "Gary, I appreciate you saying that. Really, I do. Give me a sec to let that sink in, but I liked hearing that. And no, I won't tell your wife. So yes, you can say what you like, and not one word will get back to her. Of course, they better be complimentary."

I felt relieved but not sure why. Her smile changed her appearance for the better.

She turned her back to me, letting me take in her long legs, superbly shaped butt, and a finely tuned back and that flowing long dark black hair. But it was the ass that had me reeling. My cock was twitching. Allison may not be as pretty in the face department as my wife, but her body was the body of a twenty-two year old babe.

She asked, "Give me a guy's point of view. How do I look? I mean has gravity taken over? Be truthfully honest."

Maybe if I waited another second I would have never blurted this out.

"I got a hard-on." I whispered, but she most certainly heard me. I quickly turned my back on her and headed for the door to go downstairs.

She blubbered, "Oh, my god, oh, my god. Wait. I can't believe you said that to me. How could you? Gary that was...."

"The truth." I replied. I was standing in the doorway of her upstairs study and felt like a fool, a man about to be beheaded, with a hard-on.

"Yeah but...," She was now getting embarrassed, her face was getting a rosy color. Her eyes took in my jeans. I knew she could see my hard-on pushing my pants out.

She continued, "No one ever said something like that to me. That was crude, Gary"

I was worried what she might tell my wife. "Yeah, maybe but I'm not coming on to you. All I did was tell you the truth and now what, you put me down."

I wanted to get away from her and quickly walked down the stairs. The whole episode since I arrived in her home took less than five minutes.

I felt she was right behind me and her voice was insistent. "Wait. So if you're not coming on to me, why use those words? Why mention your, ah, your sex organ?"

I knew I had to be diplomatic or she might tell my wife some bullshit story about me coming on to her. I replied. "Because it was the truth. You did ask me from a guy's point of view and I hate to inform you, Allison, but for a guy, a stiff dick means you're a turn-on. Like you're very attractive and so my damn dick got hard."

I stopped, thought for a second, then added, "And in case you forgot, a hard-on is meant as a compliment. You got that? Compliment, not a come-on"

She seemed flustered and raised her voice, "But tasteless. You got to admit."

My cock was no longer hard. I sneered. "Whatever. Do me a favor, don't ask me how you look next time." Then I thought of how not to let my wife get involved and cover my ass. I added, "Wait until I tell my wife about this."

She asked incredulously, "Really? You'd tell your wife about this?"

I waited a moment, said, "I got nothing to be ashamed of. When I got married, I didn't lose my manhood. Point is, Allison, just because I got turned on doesn't mean I am going to hit on you. Sally and I've been married over seven years and I haven't cheated. I still think she's hot looking. But we tell each other our sexual fantasies. Just because someone turns you on, doesn't mean you have to fuck her. But it doesn't stop me from getting a boner when I see a hot looking chick." I was talking way too much.

She sat down and looked up at me with her big brown eyes. "Sorry. You're right, I think." She was pondering and that made me worry. "Listen, I got to think about it; sit in the car, I'll be out in a minute. I got to change into street clothes anyway."

I should have left to sit in the car, but being a stubborn Taurus I wanted to argue my point of view. "What is there to think about, Allison? I meant it as a super compliment of worship. Can't you get that?"

She seemed amused now, "You're irritated with me?"

I said, "Damn straight I am. Like you asked me to look at your body. I did. My cock got hard. That means you look great as far as I'm concerned and now you are off on some ego trip or something."

She said, " Sorry. Maybe you're right." She paused, then continued, "Maybe? Not sure. I think you could have used more delicate words. But, sit for minute."

When I did, she spoke, "Yes, it was a compliment and I no longer feel like a fat cow." She smiled and gave me the peace sign. "You know, I don't socialize since my divorce. This is the first time I put on a bathing suit in years. That was my second divorce, you know. I feel I'm no longer attractive to men. You understand that, I hope, Gary? And you're really a sweet man for sharing your thoughts with me."

I replied, "Just remember it was meant as a compliment."

Her voice got soft, sweet. "It really has been years since a guy looked at me that way. I guess I ....I... I guess......"

I asked, "You guess what?"

She shifted her legs, and now I had an open view of her body as she lounged in the chair in her bathing suit that had turned me on. Her tits were prominent, her pubis mound pushed out at her crotch. Her legs were wonderfully long.

She asked, "Can I share something with you. I mean it goes no further than the door. Not your wife, especially not your wife or she and I might n longer be friends. Can you give me your word, Gary?"

"Sure." I replied.

She insisted, "I won't share my feelings with you unless I can be one hundred percent certain of your loyalty. Not ninety-nine percent. Your word?"

"Okay, I give you my word. Swear not one word to my wife or buddies."

She said. "I liked it. To my amazement, those few crude words make me feel good. I feel like a woman again."

"That is what compliments are supposed to do." I was still unsure and had to defend myself. "I didn't mean to gross you out, Allison. Really didn't think before I spoke. You said speak as a man would and my reply came out of my gut. No harm, right?"

She was still sitting over ten feet away but I felt we were touching. She said, "Oh, I like what your gut had to say. It was pure, real, simple and powerful."

Then she really, really blushed. She continued but was not looking at me. Her voice low, almost a whisper. "Hearing you say your were erect. And seeing how you were looking at my body and then seeing, you know, seeing the bulge. I got scared, Gary. I guess I should have said thanks and left it at that."

I laughed, "But then we wouldn't have had this interesting conversation."

Her voice was soft. "Gary, I need a favor. Don't tell Sally about this. I have my reasons, please."

I quipped, "No problemo, Allison. I mean like she ain't going to be too happy with me if she hears I got a boner from looking at you."

She smiled in a soft feminine way. Something I have never seen her do. She said, "Gary, I got to change into street clothes. I'll put the bathing suit on at your house so give me a minute. Really, one minute to change and we'll go." At the top of stairs, she turned, said, "And give you time to calm down."

I knew that she had seen my hard-on through my pants. Now I could enjoy being turned on, and not fear her wrath. I joked, "Good idea. This one is a real beauty."

At the top of the stairs, she again requested, "And don't tell Sally. I really need for you to promise me."

I felt in control and said, "I won't if you answer me one question."

She paused and said, "Sure. Just ask."

I was still sitting near the door, sprawled out on a sofa, "I don't want to ask it unless you will really answer it. And I got my reasons for making you promise me, fair?"

She said, "I'll answer."

I didn't let up, "But truthfully?"

"Of course, Gary."

I looked at the ceiling away from her; it was getting to close for comfort. "I don't know why I want to know this but I do." I said defensively.

She was still standing on the steps, posed, giving me a full frontal view of her tits, her belly, her prominent mound, and long feminine legs. It was a sexy, tease pose. I had it done to me before so I knew it rather well.

She asked, "What could be more threatening to say then you got an erection from looking at your wife's friend?"

I was unsure. But I saw her waiting for an answer.

"Did you get wet?" I spit it out.

"Jeez! Oh, my god." And Allison sat down on the top of stairway steps. Her eyes searched my face for a clue. She said, "You're incorrigible."

I shrugged, then blushed. "Okay, that was way out of line." I got up and walked to the door to leave, said. "Listen, I'm turned on again and please forgive me Allison, like, it's not me talking. I'm coming across like a jerk, but hard-ons do that." I lowered my head in shame, but hadn't left the house yet

Still at the top of the stairs, she spoke. "wait, Gary, don't leave. Let's talk this out, please." She took a breadth, then continued, "To answer your question, no." Her voice was again soft, feminine. "I... I wasn't ...... wait." She paused. "Give me a sec." She closed her eyes and then continued, "When you first told me about your erection, no, I did not get ah, you know, ah, sexually excited. In fact, I was stunned and totally taken aback. But now, in the last minute or so, well, ...."

I waited for her to finish but she did not. I asked. "Well what?"

"Well, yes..." she answered.

All I could say was, "I take it you mean ......"

Allison said, "Yes... okay, yes. That is what I mean."

I said, "Wet?"

We were the only ones in the house, yet she whispered only for my ears, "Very wet."

I stammered, "Don't tell me that."

Allison was smiling, playful. "You told me your erection was a real beauty this time. I didn't know there were different types of erections."

I said, "Listen, Allison, while you change, I need to go to the bathroom and give myself a hand job or a gallon of cold water. This talk is getting too much for both our sakes. I don't want no problems. Like I'm married, and my wife is your friend."

"I agree." Then she said, "You can use the bathroom downstairs. I'll be finished before you or ...ah, does it take to do what you need to do?"

She was giggling. Playful. She actually looked attractive when she smiled. Ever since I've known her, she had that long sad, face.

Then her demeanor changed, she looked thoughtful, then said, "I've never seen a guy do that to himself. Always wanted, but no guy would let me watch. Know something, I have two big fantasies actually. One is watching two guys suck each other, and the other is watching a guy masturbate."

"Rent a fag porno." I immediately felt stupid for saying that.

She asked, "Are you really gong to do it?"

I looked at her, not sure what she meant.

"Masturbate?" She clarified.

I replied, "I better or I might get in trouble."

She said, "Can you actually masturbate in the bathroom?"

My reply. "Sure. All this talk, and especially how you look, got me very, very hard. I know I shouldn't be saying this, being married."

She asked, "What I meant was can you do it in the bathroom instead of the bed room? It's so sterile looking. Usually people masturbate in their bed, I'd think."

When I didn't reply, she said, 'Okay. Do what you have to, I'll be just a two minutes or do you need more time?"

"A few minutes is fine. I'm ready to burst."

Allison disappeared into her bedroom. I heard the rustling of coat hangers and shoes dropping on the floor.

I looked at my watch. Less than twenty-five minutes had gone by since I arrived. Wow, what a turn of events. I caressed my dick and thought of her body.

It was less than five minutes when she came down the stairs dressed in a colorful blouse, a tennis skirt and sneakers. Around one shoulder she had a gym bag with her bathing suit inside.

At the bottom of the stairs, she paused. She looked to her right where the down stairs bathroom was, listened for sounds. Then she turned her gaze to the living room and screamed as her gym bag fell from her shoulders. "Oh, god! Oh, Gary!"

I was sprawled on the same couch as before but this time I was naked from the waist down, except for my boots, and my hard cock was in my hand.

She said in a shaky voice, "Please tell me you are not doing what you are doing."

I said nothing but continued to stroke my very erect cock; I felt it get harder and longer since she arrived.

She begged, "Say something."

I said, "You said you always wanted to see a guy do it."

"Well, yes but......I can't look. Really. It's not right." Her voice trailed off.

Most importantly she had not left the room; she had not called the police, and she had not screamed ****.

I said, "There is no harm in watching me. I'll enjoy it as much as you will." Then I added most prudently, "As long as we both agree to not let this go any further."

"But your married to my friend." She was thinking hard and looking harder. "And how can I trust you?"

I said, "I can finish in the bathroom. Would you rather that I did?"

She stayed put at the bottom of the stairway and nothing, "I mean if I watch, Oh, god, Gary, this is difficult. I want to watch but I might get turned on and I can't do that. Not to your wife, really."

I said, "I feel a lot more excited that you're in the room and watching me do it."

She squeaked out, "You'll just masturbate and .... and .... ah, cum and that's it?"

I said, "If you watch, I'll cum a lot more. Sit next to me. Let me see your face."

Her face was knotted up, but also had a nice rosy coloring to it. "Okay. I'll come closer. And I'm putting my trust in your word.

She had decided. Allison walked unsteadily to the chair next to the sofa.

She said, "Are you an exhibitionist?"
I said, "I never did this before. But for now, I like it."

She said, "And no fucking. Seriously, no fucking. I can't do that to Sally."

"Just want to cum." I said, then added, "Got any lotion in your bag. It feels better when my cock is lubricated."

She took out a bottle of lotion and took off the top and handed to me. Her eyes never missing a beat. She seemed enraptured; we both were.

I rubbed the lotion onto my cock. It glistened and seemed to grow another two inches, or so I like to think.

She asked, "Do you mind if I talk while you do it?"

I motioned no.

Her voice was softer, sweeter, and very, very feminine, "Your cock is beautiful. It's shape. It sort of is fat and long. Lovely really. Must make Sally very happy." She paused and stared at my cock and hand, then added, "Does she suck it?"

I felt my cock stir. "Oh, yeah. I like blowjobs. She sucks good enough."

Allison said, "Do you want me to go on talking?"

I quickly replied, "You bet."

Allison asked, "Do you cum in her mouth?"

I struggled to answer. "Lately, a real lot. She likes it more than fucking. "

She absently said, "Some girls don't mind the taste."

"Oh, Allison, oh, god. Oh baby, my cock is busting. I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum, baby. Here I cum. Look at my cock; it's going to burst for you baby. Make me cum, make me cum!"

And then it blew. The cum shot out, hitting me on the chest, on my chin, as four powerful squirts erupted.

It might have been a minute or two that went by, for my eyes had closed and I let the orgasm overtake me and calm me down.

Then her whispering and so, so feminine voice was talking to me.

"That was so, so beautiful. Gary, I loved it. Oh god that was, was.... RAW."

She had moved closer and keenly observed my cock go soft.

I milked my cock to the last drops out. That gesture was especially pleasing to her.

I joked, "Was it as good for you as it was for me?"

She tried not to, but finally laughed and laughed; I joined in.

She answered while staring at my deflated but thick, cum- spent cock. "I loved it." Then opened her purse and handed me several tissues. "Want to wipe?"

I wiped off.

We sat there for a good minute without talking. Her eyes dreamy and sparkling.

I said, "Before we go, I need a hug or I'll feel that you used me."

She gave a little girl's giggle, then knelt beside the sofa next to my head and shoulders and leaned over and hugged me.

I let her squeeze me and did not make a move. She tightened her squeezed. I still did not move or try to hug her back. She even caressed my arm and my back.

I stayed passive but did mange to sit up and finally got her to sit next to me on the sofa. She continued to hug me and then I hugged her back. I gave her a non-sexual hug. The longer it went on, the more she squeezed and rubbed her arms and chest against me.

I pulled her head next to mine and whispered in her ear. "Do you want to cum? You might need one as much as I did."

She answered much too quickly. "No. I can't."

I continued to whisper, "I know you don't want to fuck, but maybe you want to masturbate?" I stayed passive, not making any sexual moves on her.

She hugged me tighter. "I can't do it in front of you." She held me tightly.

Seconds went by, then she added, "I might want to do it, but I can't."

I stroked her hair, caressed it as if it was her tits and legs.

"Close your eyes. Trust me. I am not going to fuck you. I promise. You know me pretty good by now. But I can help you get off and I would love that you get off. Okay, close your eyes." I continued to caress her hair and when I pulled away to look at her face her eyes were closed.

She said ever so softly, "I'm scared."

I needed to go slow. That I was sure. I took her left and hand and kissed the back of

It. Then I moved closer and was able to get my cock next to her hand and placed her hand on my deflated cock. I held her hand and fingers there until she grasped my soft cock and balls without my help. Her fingers where gentle and inquisitive.

Then I laid her head on the sofa and guided her by the shoulders so that her ass was almost off the sofa.

I said, "I already came so I wont' fuck you. Just gentle caresses. You deserve it for giving me so much pleasure when you watched me jerk-off. You know you gave me a great deal of pleasure. Don't you Allison. That was the best cum I had in years."

She relaxed in my arms.

I looked her over and made my decision. Her skirt was relatively short and I leaned down and pointed my nose between her legs.

With my mouth, I went straight between her legs to her panty-covered pussy. I planted one long kiss on her pink panties, as her aroma made with me dizzy, like in joyful delirium. Oh, that wonderful gift, the beautiful feminine pussy smell.

She yelped and tried to push me off and wiggled some. I heard, "I don't know if this is a good i..., a good idea..........Really, I'm not sure."

I held tight and kissed and licked at the juncture where her panties where wet and her pussy crack was.

In seconds, she stopped resisting and her protests were no more.

It went slow. I was in no hurry.

She made no protest when I pushed aside her panties at the crotch and let my chin, tongue and nose make contact with her womanhood. I licked, I slurped and I kissed her pussy lips. I kissed and lick until I wanted to put my head inside of her. When I lifted her ass to take off her panties, she was as eager as I to be relieved of them.

Her legs wrapped around my neck, her hands guided my head, and I worshipped her pussy, over and over.

Allison began to sing. Well, they were moans, but it was music to my ears.

Musical moans. No doubt about it.

She ended up on the floor with my head between her legs and she came, and came. I rested my head on her thighs or stomach, then went back to soft kisses and then too forceful sucking. Her pussy kept on drenching my mouth with girl cum.

Her hands held my head tight, firmly, as she humped until her orgasm subsided.

When she rested, I wanted to see more, and removed her blouse and bra. She was naked except for her sneakers. Me, I took off my sweatshirt.

I worked my way to her breasts, used my tongues and lips to adore them. She began singing again. If her nipples were little cocks she would be filling my mouth with buckets of feminine cum.

When I turned her over on her stomach, she did so without protest. I kissed and

licked her lower back and ass cheeks and between her legs.

She began to sing. I worked my nose and tongue between her buns and licked and sucked at her asshole, and then moved to her pussy and slurped until I felt myself very, very hard.

Then I went to her face and offered her my dick. I simply put my throbbing dick at her mouth. She began to lick, then suck and slurp and had my whole cock down her throat. I held and guided her head, but my cock was too hot to go slow. I let go a blast of cum in her mouth, and then another and another. She continued to suck and kiss my dick after it went soft.

Then we held each other, arms and legs entwined. I looked at my watch. One hour had gone by since I arrived. My soft cock was between her legs and she rubbed her very wet pussy lips against my cock, as she enjoyed the sensations.

I said, "Do you think my wife will hate you any less if she finds out that you sucked me off and I licked your pussy and asshole and tits but did not fuck."

"Of course, you jest." Then she added, "But we don't have time, do we?"

I pondered. "I got an idea. You can call Sally and ask her what happened to me. I hadn't arrived at your home yet. That you expected me thirty minutes ago.'

She asked, "What will that prove, Gary?" she continued to rub her open pussy onto my soft cum soaked cock.

I said, "My wife will call my cell phone and I'll tell her I'm just leaving the donut shop and will pick you up and be back in 45 minutes or so."

Allison gave me a questioning look. Then said, "I want to feel you inside of me."

I explained, "We'll have enough time if you do what I suggested. But don't call her until you are calmed down. Don't give her any clues. Think you can handle it?

I left the room to give her time to get it together, then Allison phoned my wife and it went as expected.

Allison came into the kitchen where I was waiting naked except for my shoes. She had my clothes and hers in her arm, and said, "I'll put them in the dryer with two damp wash clothes and those dryer fresheners to get any sex smell off them."

I put on the radio to a country western music station. My cell phone rang and when I answered, my wife heard the music in the background. I told her I got caught up in the newspaper and was leaving immediately and if she wanted any donuts.

She said, "Be polite, Gary. The only favor I ever ask of you. Be nice to my friends."

I quickly returned to the sofa and Allison was all over me. We went at each other's body with renewed passion. We sixty-nined until I was cock hard, and she fingered my ass hole which I sort of disliked but then it felt okay.

Then we moved head to head and finally we kissed. We sucked each other's tongues and mouths as if they were sex organs. We kissed like lovers. I entered her. We held steady, felt each other's sex. Slowly we fucked and slowly she fucked me back until she began to sing again. Her cunt tightened over my cock and she came and came.

I loved it all, the sounds, the smells, the wetness. When she quieted down, I took my cock out and went back down on her very wet, very juicy, very sweet pussy. I licked and gulped, and loved her taste and smell and moans. I lifted up her legs and licked her asshole and fingered her as she had fingered me. Then I rubbed my cock tip at her ass hole and began to push.

She said, "Gary, if you want to do fuck me there, I'll let you, but wait, let me kneel."

She got in a doggie position and I entered her puckered hole, inch by inch until I was able to move in and out and then she tightened her ass muscles and I erupted, over and over. When I finally got my cock out, there was a whooshing sound. I moved my face to where my cock was, and began to lick and kiss and suck away.

We showered, brushed our teeth, as she was very specific that no sex smell be on me.

My wife was waiting as I pulled into our driveway and came to my open car window. Allison gave a causal hi to my wife and a thank you to me and walked off to mingle with the other ladies.

Then my wife kissed me and said, "What is that smell?"

"Crème de Lemon." I replied and handed her a half-filled box of donuts.

My wife said, "Too sugary for me." She blew me a kiss as I drove away.

Then it was time to think. I knew Allison would want to do it again, and again.

Author: Esperanza – email: [email protected] –Love to relieve comments on the story,

Allison had asked me on the ride over if I was feeling guilty. Yet.

I said that I had no guilt. My only concern was that my wife might figure something out by my actions or hers. I sure did not resent us having sex. I loved it. It was delicious.

I told her that I'd probably fuck my wife tonight just to make sure. Allison said she did not want to hear me talk about that. Not right now, anyway. But she did add that it was a good idea to fuck her if we usually fucked on Saturday nights.

She told me that I had a nice cock. She liked to talk about cock, not only mine as I was to find out.

"Really. Your cock has a nice shape and it's long, too. I like that. Did anyone ever tell you had a nice cock?'

I said, "I guess a few chicks. Never really paid attention."

"I had longer ones."

I laughed, not at all insulted. "Gee, thanks for the compliment."

Allison was not to be stopped. "I fucked three black guys years ago, different times of course. Two of them had huge ones. I loved their cocks but their personalities were Stone Age. Wanted to cut off their dicks and keep them as souvenirs."

I said, "I never had a black chick. Several Orientals, and one Spanish babe."

"But the biggest cock I ever had was this white guy. He's around seventy, well, he's at least seventy, although he tells us young chicks that he's just retired at 65. But I know better; he is definitely over seventy. But his cock works just fine, too fine. He's an old fart and gets more sex than anyone I have ever know. He likes variety. A nice guy, but I also heard he goes both ways."

I asked, "You ever do a threesome with him with another guy?"

She answered effortlessly, "No, like I told you before I've never seen two guys suck each other. That is one of my sexual fantasies, see a guy suck another guys cock. Maybe even watch them ass fuck, too. So now I only have one fantasy left now that I saw you masturbate. So no, I never saw him do it with a guy but I'd love to."

I asked reluctantly, "Why you telling me this, Allison?"

"Well, I like talking about sex, especially cocks. And I wanted to gauge you reaction."

I let that sink in then said, "No interest. Thank you."

She waited a sec then asked, "You never asked me how long his cock was."

I laughed again, "Just waiting for you to embarrass me. Knew you would get around to it."

She said, "If it makes you uncomfortable I'll drop it."

"No it doesn't. Don't think of my cock all that much in those terms. Only if and when I get a hard-on."

She said in a very somber tone, "His is f******n inches. I measured it myself, not once, either."

"Good for him." I said and she finally dropped the topic.

She waited until we a were almost at the pool party and said, "Girls talk about these things. A friend told me about him, about how long his cock was. I said it sounded interesting and she asked if I would like to meet him and I said yes, sort of and she fixed me up. We met and we fucked a lot for around two months and I could tell he was tiring of me so I told a few of my girl friend and they all fucked him."

"Lucky guy." I replied.

"Lucky girls, too. I mean we got to enjoy it."

I said, "True."

Then she probed, "I think his is twice as long as yours. It's just incredible to look at is all I'm saying, Gary."

I sincerely replied, "My self esteem is getting sort of low."

She ended it with, "I can phone him and see if he would do a threesome with us. I mean what do you have to lose. You get to fuck me again, watch him and me fuck, and we all get off and you get to see the longest cock in the world. I mean the guy is harmless. He is over seventy so no need to worry about v******e."

I joked, "Set me up with a threesome, me and you and another chick. I might want to handle that now."

Allison said, "I might be able to arrange that. Let me think about it."

I smiled and wondered if she would be willing to share me.

She said, "You don't have to have sex with him. Just let him suck you. I mean have you ever had sex with another guy. I mean when you were a k**."

I said, "When I was thirteen. Some younger neighbor k** jerked me off and then sucked on my cock. I liked it but then some other older guys said not to do it anymore since that would make us queer so I never had sex with another guy."

Allison had it all figured out, "Just close your eyes and pretend it's a chick and let him suck it."

Same as Moans or Music Videos

1 year ago
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Music By Alyssa Davis It was a typical Spring afternoon and Terry was practicing his harp routines with his teacher, Ms Jones. She had been teaching Terry for 4 of his 16 yrs and he was her star pupil. He had a natural talent for the harp, unusual for a person so young, and a boy. As he played, she admired him with pride, as much as if he were her own son. He was a slender young man, handsome to the point of being too pretty for a boy with his shoulder length blond hair, petite...

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A Night at Magees Face the Music

(elliie's comments) When I wrote it, my intent was for the transformation to be in parallel columns on the page. It didn't stay like that in the text file, but maybe you can fix it up when you do whatever editing you do. (fictionmania's comments) We have tried to tab a section of the story below. to format it to Ellies request. It hopefully will work in most browsers. Some older browsers might have a problem. If you do please contact us and we will try another method of...

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Great sex to great music

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Camp Challenge Mitchie Face the Music

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Great sex to great music

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While listening to the music

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Slave Slut Sisters Face the Music

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For the Love of Music

He loved the satin of skin under his touch, loved the sounds of desire, exertion and eventual satisfaction. It was a carefully crafted symphony in his hands. There had been pain, wounded pride, bruised skin, broken shards of a life falling to the floor, before she reached for him, before her hands had given him back life. So he honoured her, cherished her, served her with the very core of his being. Her mood was exuberant today, seductive in its joy, pure Rachmaninoff without the taste of...

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Moving to the Music

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The Musician

Taryn always always always makes sure she’s remembered. Someway. Somehow. Yeah, that’s a good way of putting it. But there’s more to this sex kitten. More to this sensual siren. She’s realizing she wants…..wants…well…she wants to mean something. Inspire. Motivate. And not always sexually. She’s got a soul like everybody else. Just nobody knows the humble and modest part of it. But God, how the hell does she share that? One day off has just began at 9:00pm on a chilly rainy Saturday night....

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Making Beautiful Music

The concert had begun. The sounds of the crowd swelled as the band took the stage and the rhythmic thumping of the heavy bass and drums rang out in the filled-to-capacity arena. Everything came off without a hitch, just as it always did when Alex was in charge. It was his job to make it look effortless, but several months of planning, sweat, and hard work was now paying off. Alex’s job was over for the time being. There would be more to do at the end of the night, but for now, it was time to...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 38 The Sound of Music

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: June 7, 2010) Chapter 38 - The Sound of Music Disembarking was much better than boarding. I think we were off the plane and at the baggage claim before the coach passengers were even finished standing up. Amanda and I were the...

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Ass Music

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The Invaders Cue The Cheesy 50s Sci Fi Music

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Lori was overjoyed to have us back home; as was Tracy. Even though we tried to be quiet, we woke them as we got into bed. Despite being tired, we made love, and then I slept soundly until nine in the morning. I would have preferred to have gone back to sleep, but I had to get across to the university to enrol. I grabbed a quick breakfast, got my organizer folder from the study, and drove across to the University. I parked behind the Electrical Engineering building, and went up to Professor...

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Fluffy Duffy the Devonshire AffairChapter 10 Facing The Music

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The Musician

Larry was a musician. No, not some band hack playing for beers at a local bar but a highly sought-after session man. In a day in the Studio he could turn some mundane ballad into a potential hit, and get paid good money for it. This meant travel, of course. Studio to studio Larry toted his three guitars and ancient Orange amplifier, putting a riff on here or a solo on there, for some emerging sensation. While they did the interviews, posed for the photographs or clowned around for a music...

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Moans Of My Friend

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For the Love of Music

He loved the satin of skin under his touch, loved the sounds of desire, exertion and eventual satisfaction. It was a carefully crafted symphony in his hands. There had been pain, wounded pride, bruised skin, broken shards of a life falling to the floor, before she reached for him, before her hands had given him back life. So he honoured her, cherished her, served her with the very core of his being. Her mood was exuberant today, seductive in its joy, pure Rachmaninoff without the taste of...

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Making Music

I was late again, I couldn’t fucking believe it. Today of all days, Principal Bitch had to come into my office making a nuisance of herself for fifteen minutes. Anyone would think she knew I was rushing and what was waiting for me. Once she left I could hardly wait to jump up from my desk and dash out of the door behind her. I didn’t even bother locking it, I just took off down the corridor as fast as possible without actually running. I didn’t want that cow berating me again right now. My...

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A Little Night Music

You have retired to bed, your muscles a bit achy from the day. It is warm and you decide to lie back on your soft mattress on top of the bedclothes. The room is mostly dark, but illuminated with a silvery glow from the remarkable full moon shining through the sheer curtains. Everything seems to give off a magical warm glow from within. You give a deep, body cleansing sigh and close your eyes, willing your body to relax. You are in the ephemeral zone between sleep and wakefulness when you...

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Two Choir Singers Make More Than Music

I was out carol singing before Christmas with the group from a church. I am not part of the church congregation but am in the town choir and we were asked to help out with numbers. The first couple of nights I noticed young woman in the group. I thought she was attractive, however another guy in her group joined her when we moved from site to site so I assumed he was her boyfriend. On the third night the other guy was not there. I took the opportunity to speak to her a few times as we moved...

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Face the Music

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A Litte Night Music

All of my stories are based on real events that occurred in my life. However, I reserve the right to embellish, modify, add, or omit anything. Enjoy!I could feel my hands tensing. My back and arms were aching. All I could think about was pleasing him as I kept pushing the limit of my body. The room echoed with sound, louder and louder. Until he reached over my shoulder, closed the piano book, and said "I think that's enough for today." There was a subtle hint of disappointment in his voice. I...

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A Little Night Music

You have retired to bed, your muscles a bit achy from the day. It is warm and you decide to lie back on your soft mattress on top of the bedclothes. The room is mostly dark, but illuminated with a silvery glow from the remarkable full moon shining through the sheer curtains. Everything seems to give off a magical warm glow from within. You give a deep, body cleansing sigh and close your eyes, willing your body to relax. You are in the ephemeral zone between sleep and wakefulness when you sense...

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Elevator Music

The bell chimed softly as the door slid open. Two women entered the elevator. The shorter one walked to the glass wall in front of them, resting her hands on the brass railing that guarded the three clear sides. Middle-aged, she was slender with light brown hair tumbling across her shoulders. She wore a simple black dress, held up by thin straps. Black stockings and black heels completed an outfit set off only by a gold locket suspended by a thin chain around her neck. The outfit might have...

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My 4F Childhood Farm Family Flying and Fiddle Music

Once upon a time, a thousand years ago (or so it seems), I was a farm boy whose father had an unusual hobby. Dad was a World War II fighter pilot with enough kills to be an ace, but it didn't make any difference to him; he just liked to fly. He had flown with some kind of barnstorming group before the war. While barnstorming, he was inspired to sign up and he was sent to learn how to fly fighters. He met my mom about that time, immediately married her, and started creating my sister. In the...

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I met my administrative aide the morning of my first day, and it was love at first sight. Well — of a sort. Mrs. Nolan was a gray-haired woman in her sixties with a no nonsense attitude and the heart of a drill sergeant. Her desk sat just outside my door and I truly believed that not even the Columbus Cannonball would get through my door if she hadn't approved it first. She was waiting outside Bill Evan's office when our meeting broke up. "Mrs. Nolan, this is your new boss, Ceferino...

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For the Love of LiciaChapter 17 Cruel Music

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The Blameless BystanderChapter 6 Dancing Without Music

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Not Your Average JoeChapter 8 Facing the music

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The Musician

His dusty brown hair and radiant smile made you look at him as his piercing blue eyes stared right at you through the crowd. Tonight he wore the shirt you liked on him because of how it stretched nicely over his muscular figure. You bit your lip as you thought of how much you would like to take that shirt off of him. Tyler and you had been friends for a while but nothing ever got anywhere. You met him at a party a couple months back and liked him from the moment you met him. He had such a...

4 years ago
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The Musician

His dusty brown hair and radiant smile made you look at him as his piercing blue eyes stared right at you through the crowd. Tonight he wore the shirt you liked on him because of how it stretched nicely over his muscular figure. You bit your lip as you thought of how much you would like to take that shirt off of him. Tyler and you had been friends for a while but nothing ever got anywhere. You met him at a party a couple months back and liked him from the moment you met him. He had such a...

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The Musician

The downpour caught me by surprise. Shit, I am soaked to the skin and freezing cold. The light winter jacket that I was wearing did nothing but get wet. My teeth start chattering and I quickly look around for somewhere that I can duck into to get warm. Ahhh I see a bright sign up ahead, a few letters missing but can make out JO AN S NS PUB. I can go in for a quick drink and wait out the storm. I hurry along the sidewalk as fast as I can in the stupid 4 inch heels that I wore as the icy rain...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 9 A New Musician

Savannah, Georgia September 1984 Bright morning sunlight fell through the windows into Tina's room. Some intangible feeling woke her and her eyes fluttered open, seeking focus. Her left arm was still around Rebecca and the smaller girl's right arm was around her shoulders. Tina's head was lying in the crook of Rebecca's neck. Without moving her head she raised her eyes to see Tony standing in the half-opened doorway. A smile came to her lips. "I think I took an extra flight of stairs...

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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 11 Marcie Parties with Collegiate Musicians

Marcie found herself back at school without her roomie, Laura. She found herself growing lonely without her best friend and lover, and eventually became bored by what was on the TV and went for a stroll. A block or so from her dorm apartment, she heard a piano being played and followed the music until she determined it was coming from a particular window on the second floor of 145 Frontis Street. An etude by Chopin was being played and played well. Marcie stopped and listened. She was still...

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Moaning Lisa

We had just completed the filming of a Im no movie star..Just a stunt driver in this movie.During the shoot I had met Lisa who was on the crew..Nothing special just a very polite young athletic blond ..We spoke from time to time but that as all..After the shoot they through a party..lots of drinking and lies lol...Lisa came up to me and we started chatting..The next thing I knew she dad her hank on my knee..Smiled and ran it up to my croch and smiled...I smiled and we stated...

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Moaning in next room by mine

That is fucking.... or sthrengtly a****l's copulation? Why...It means that Sonia, a new plunder girl of my son, in spite of her innocent young woman face is horny and amazing womanhood.Now I could to conclude that she is just one new sign in son's dairy collections of women fucked by him. He is young student. My son lead her in our flat this evening, four or five hours ago. Now is 2 hour passed midnight or 2 o'clock in early morning of new day. I couldn't sleep, because they are...

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Moaning Lisa Sings the Blues

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Moaning Maid

Notes:my first time writing sorry if I suck.INTRO: The rich langot family was always away so they hired a young sexy Asian maid named Kate. The only son the langot family had was Chase. Chase was a young and handsome 18 year old and a virgin. But that will soon change. Chase was tired of toys and wanted real pussy. And once Kate arrived Chase knew he wanted hers and badly.Chase soon creates a plan to seduce Kate. Kate was cleaning the house one evening while his parents where on a business...

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My name is Samit from Delhi. I’m 27 yrs tall, handsome with average body. My tool size is 8′ long and 3′ thicker. I m a very regular reader of this site and I think the stories here are really erotic and fascinating. I also thought of registering my true story for all of my ISS reader’s friends. This incident happened abt 6 to 8 months back. My sister got married to a well to do family in Delhi(NCR). Everything was going well and my sisters in-laws were very happy with my sister. She also...

4 years ago
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Moan Poem for Halloween 2019

Synopsizing: Oh goddess, I’m SO Sorry Honey! I didn’t mean it! Please don’t hurt me? If I wrote it, why can’t I explain it? I don’t control the spirit. These stories are created by spirit writing. I’m not the culprit! Out of control, my cramped one finger is constantly busy typing. Unless I submit, allow, permit, and accord access to the spirit writing? She is sincerely amused, to plan a great evil, she means to visit on me! “An emasculated creepy crawly, hopeless of reprieve! In blind...

3 years ago
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THE MASSAGE FOR MY NEIGHBOR LADYAt age 16 had completed secondary education, and had entered the university. But had an unfulfilled ILLUSION, had the desire to make love to my neighbor a woman over 50, and single. At that moment I wondered how I could approach her, and get her caresses. She was a thin woman but very elegant.She was single, never married, lived with his sisters and nephews. This happened almost 25 years ago. I had to invent the story that was studying a technical program in...

3 years ago
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Bob Sluts His Very Willing Trophy Wife

THE VOLUPTUOUS COCK RECEPTICLE: Bob looked out through the front window of his home and watched his wife, Vicky, guide her luxury sports car up the long circular driveway and park it just past the front door. When the Jag stopped she got out and he watched her preposterously well built body undulate around the rear of the vehicle and start towards the front door, swaying provocatively on her 5 inch, stiletto heeled boots. It was a prick hardening sight to see. She was...

1 year ago
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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 16 Friday

"Mary! You're back. Come here and be kissed." "Hi, Saul. Did you miss my cooking?" "Saul," Tom said, "You mean this woman can cook? What have we been missing?" "Not much, you loves. I'm glad to be back. We had a wonderful time, but it's good to be home." Mary and Ken settled at the table for the meeting. "The big thing is the Introduction," Anne began. "Heather?" "So far, everything seems to be going all right. We have plenty of stock for all the things we're going to...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Febby Twigs Third Appearance

Febby has always had a crush on one of her rich celebrity clients Prince. This time when she heads over to the massage appointment she decides to give him much more than a massage, and lets her hands wander down to his big cock and get him excited before telling him that she has a special way to help him relax his muscles even more. She blows him and sits on his face before having all kinds of crazy Vag and Anal sex with lots of Ass to Mouth, Ass to Pussy and squirting, followed by a hot...

4 years ago
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A Genny Story Bottom Baby

I want to say thank you to all the people that have written me and saidthey got something out of my stories. I have been just blown away at yourkindness. And it turns me on thinking about you getting hot while reading about me.A Genny Story....Bottom BabyI am GennyMy history with anal sex has been disappointing. I have tried it threetimes, twice in college and once shortly after. The two times in collegewere pretty much the same. I was dating a guy and we were having greatsex. And you know how...

4 years ago
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Your first time

We entered the hallway together and you look around and take a quick look further into the living room. It looks like you seen on the pictures.You smile to me and i smile back and say you can leave your clothes here. You smile back and takes off your jacket and shoes and enter the living room.I stop you with one hand and smile. I did tell you to leave your clothes in there didn't I ? As in shock i can tell in your face you realize that I meant all clothes. With a blushing face you go into the...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Emma Starletto Jewelz Blu Lacy Lennon My Step Cousins Are Bad Bunnies

Vera King can’t get over how cute her daughter Lacy Lennon and her adopted sisters, Jewelz Blu and Emma Starletto, look in their Easter finest. They’re going to take a family photo, but first Lacy and then Jewelz refuse if they can’t look sexy. Lacy speaks for all three when she says that they won’t do the photo unless they can be sexy bunnies. Vera agrees, but tells them to hurry because step cousin Seth Gamble is on his way. When Seth arrives, the girls refuse to take...

1 year ago
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Far Too Hot And Getting Hotter chapter 4

Far Too Hot(chapter four)Kevin is making me so hot, the relentless slapping of his balls on my pussy, his giant cock spearing my arse, his hands playing with a nipple and my ever sensitive clit. Kevin, you’re driving me mad.I spit again on my fuckers pole, his face is contorted, his mouth is gaping, his breathing is spasmodic, his hands fist the bed on both sides of him.“Oooo, this looks like just what I need, I’ve always wanted to be in a porno.”It’s Jen, my darling Jen . . . . . fuck, that...

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