In-laws free porn video

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I’m Ian, I live, with my wife, Sue, in Luton; our k**s are both away at university. Sue’s mother lives in Carlisle (a safe distance!), but she had recently spent some time in hospital. We had driven up to see her, and I had just about survived the journey; but now that she’d been discharged, Sue wanted to go and see her again and spend a couple of nights there.

Sue’s sister, Maddie, lives in Leeds and she, too, wanted to go and spend some time with the old lady. Now Sue (are you still with me?) doesn’t like to drive long-distance, so we both arranged to take a couple of days off work, drive up to Leeds on Friday, spend the night at Maddie’s, and then Sue and Maddie would go up to Carlisle (with Maddie driving) on Saturday and get back to Leeds on Monday, when I would drive Sue home. I didn’t want to go to Carlisle, nor did David, Maddie’s husband; but even if we’d wanted to, there was only one spare room at their Mum’s so, poor us, we would have to miss out on the trip.

David and Maddie’s son, like our two, was at university, so David and I had the house to ourselves after we waved the girls (girls!) off on Saturday morning. The plan was beer, footie on Sky, more beer, probably more beer, and a takeaway curry. Sounded good.

I gave David a hand on Saturday morning as he got out his lawnmower and cut the grass; helped him tidy a few borders and we even shifted some flags he had stacked up that had been too heavy to move on his own. Although it was only March, it was quite a warm day, and we’d worked ourselves into a sweat by the time we’d locked everything in the shed and gone back into the kitchen for a beer. The next agenda item was to watch the early kick off game with a pizza and beer, but I felt too grubby to sit and relax.

‘Mind if I nip up and grab a quick shower before the game?’

‘Sure, no problem, I might follow you.’

I went upstairs and stripped off in the bathroom and was about to get into the shower when I realised I’d left my soap bag in the spare bedroom where Sue and I had slept the night before. I tied a towel round my waist and went out of the bathroom towards my bedroom. As I passed David and Maddie’s room, I glanced in and saw David. He was standing, completely naked, wanking himself in front of a full length mirror. He doesn’t have a great body, he’s a typical forties bloke like me, but the sight of him standing there was riveting. His cock was jutting out rigidly and he was stroking it quickly. He looked as if he wasn’t far from cumming as he arched his back and bent his knees. I could feel myself aroused and I could do nothing about my towel which was tenting in front of me; I put my hand on the bulge in the towel, and squeezed my thickening cock through the cloth.

David didn’t last much longer and globs of spunk flew out of his cock and landed on a towel he’d placed on the floor. I really shouldn’t have stayed there to watch, but I couldn’t resist; I’d never seen another man wank himself off and I found it to be quite a turn on (what the fuck?). I certainly should have got out of the way as he finished himself, but I didn’t, and as he relaxed after his climax, he was suddenly aware of his audience (and I was still clutching my cock through the towel). He grabbed his towel from the floor and held it to his groin, face bright red and mouth struggling to make coherent sounds. I, too, could feel myself blushing and I mumbled something about getting my shampoo as I hurried to the spare bedroom.

Sitting down to watch the footie was very uncomfortable. David had heated up the pizza, and we’d grabbed beers and arranged ourselves in front of the TV, but conversation was reduced to short phrases and grunts. Neither of us could make eye contact.

The game started so we were able to divert our attention for 45 minutes. At half time I got up to go for a pee; when I returned, David looked up at me.

‘I’m…er…sorry about that before. Should have shut the door but…er…’

‘Don’t worry about it,’ I said, relieved the subject had been broached, ‘We all do it. It’s me should apologise for watching.’

‘Thing is,’ I continued (shut up…shut the fuck up…shut the actual fuck up), ‘I thought it was a bit of a turn on watching you.’ (What? How much beer had I drunk?)

‘Did you?’ He relaxed a bit, obviously relieved that the initial embarrassment had been dispelled. ‘Really?’ He added, in disbelief.

‘Erm…yeah, god knows why. I even got a hard on…’ I really don’t know when to shut up.

‘Mm, yes, I did notice that, but…’

The game restarted, mercifully ending our ridiculous conversation before I could say anything else stupid. But I was only safe until the final whistle, because I’d obviously piqued David’s interest.

‘So, how come you were turned on by a middle-aged bloke having a wank?’

‘Hell’s bells, Dave. I don’t know. I’m not queer or anything – I’ve not been with a bloke since Peter Caldwell and I used to suck each other’s dicks after swimming class when we were in the third form, and I think that was fairly normal behaviour for thirteen year old adolescents who had never touched a girl but who had raging hormones’.

‘Ha, yes, my pubescent squeeze was an ugly lad called Nigel Farrow. I’d forgotten him.’

‘If I’m honest,’ I continued with both feet, ‘Sue and I haven’t been, you know, much, recently. I think she’s been worried about her Mum, and there’s been a couple of other…well, you know. Not getting it. It’s been DIY for a while. Thank god for the internet.’

‘Mm…do you look at blokes wanking on-line? Or even bumming each other?’

‘Gay porn?’ This was getting embarrassing again, ‘Sometimes, I suppose…do you?’

‘To be honest, I do occasionally, for a bit of variety, you know. It’s like sometimes I’ll wank over teens, and other times I’ll look at old birds. Depends on my mood. Watching someone wanking does gives me a hard on, though. Bumming I’m not so sure about…I’ve never fancied getting shit all over my helmet.’

‘Yeah, I think they do a lot of cleaning up before they film it…not sure about queers in real life, if they mind a bit of shit…depends, I suppose.’ I think this was officially qualifying as the weirdest conversation I’d ever had…

‘It’d put me well off. But wanking…and sucking, too…I don’t mind that. Maybe we’re all a bit bi…’

Trouble was, even though this had started out embarrassing, I think we were both getting into it. I’d not had a frank discussion about sex with another male since I was about s*******n; and I admit, I was enjoying the experience, the honesty. I suppose it was a bit like a confessional – and neither of us was going to break confidence after what had happened upstairs; we were both a little ashamed of ourselves.

‘That explains why watching me wanking got you going, too. Pity you didn’t come in and join me.’

‘That would have killed your mood, given the look on your face when you realised I was watching.’

‘True, it felt like being caught by my Dad.’

‘Oh well, I know now. If I catch you again, I’m to join you.’

We both laughed at this, but I don’t think I was alone in wondering if that was actually going to happen. The conversation was interrupted by both of us getting messages from our wives to tell us that, after stopping for lunch in Skipton, and terrible traffic through the Lakes, they had arrived safely in Carlisle.

The mood broken, we decided to go down to David’s local and have a couple of pints and play darts until the evening kick off, watch the game there and come back home with curry and more beer.

We’d cleared up from the curry, all the cartons in the bin and the empties on the draining board. sleepy from all the beer, we were sipping a decent malt I’d brought with me, and listening to David’s (fairly vapid) choice of CD. I could feel myself drifting off, when David spoke.

‘I’ve got a DVD that’s better than anything you’ll see on a porn site – a bloke at work burned it for me – do you want to have a look?’

‘Go on, then – how’s it better than on-line?’
David was rummaging behind some car magazines on a low bookshelf, ‘It’s back here, somewhere, got to keep it well hidden.’ He pulled out a slim sleeve, and extracted the disc which he placed in the player under the TV. ‘It’s high definition, not fuzzy like on-line, and some of the girls in it – well, I’m not sure they’re even legal.’

‘Eh? It’s not k**dy stuff is it?’

‘Christ, no. But instead of dressing tarts up to look like teens, these really do look young and fresh. Don’t worry, nothing dodgy, just classy.’

He started the player and it was okay, lots of very nice girls doing the usual girl on girl stuff, but nothing that wasn’t readily available online – I think David hadn’t been looking in the right places. But it was certainly worth watching, if only my eyelids weren’t so heavy. The beer, the curry and the malt were making me drowsy and I kept drifting off.

I woke suddenly, I think I’d started to snore, and looked around. David was grinning at me, obviously I had started to snore! I didn’t feel quite so drowsy now, and I realised he was sitting on the sofa with his jeans around his ankles, gently stroking his cock as he watched the antics on the 48-inch screen.

‘No stopping you,’ I laughed.

‘Why don’t you join me?’

I presume he meant have a wank to the TV porn, but I took him literally. I got off the chair I’d been slumped in and half walked, half shuffled over to the sofa and knelt in front of him – only inches from his cock. I was pretty hard myself by now, and I didn’t bother to think through my actions. I pulled off his trainers and then dragged his jeans off, tossing them to one side of the sofa. All the time his stiff cock was in the centre of my vision. I picked up his feet and pushed him so that he was now lying along the sofa, wearing only a t-shirt, completely naked from the waist down, and fully erect. Neither of us had spoken. His arms were by his sides, his cock unattended, so I reached out and stroked it, tentatively, with the flat of my hand. David made a low groan in his throat.

As I stroked it, I began to curl my hand around his cock until I was stroking it properly, a true expert wank motion. David’s cock is quite fat, fatter than mine, so it felt strange – very nice, though – and he is uncut, so I had the pleasure of pulling on his foreskin, something I have been denied myself. As the head was bared, I could see precum glistening in the slit of the purple knob; I pulled the skin right down so that I could see the whole helmet, and rubbed my thumb round the ridge. David groaned some more.

‘The fuck’s happening here?’ he asked.

My hard on was very uncomfortable by now in my own jeans, so I let go of David’s cock to unfasten my belt and zip and yank my jeans off, kicking off my trainers at the same time. I pulled my jumper over my head so that I was completely naked, I was getting very warm. David took off his t-shirt and lay back down, as naked as me. As I knelt by him, resuming my stroking of his big cock, he reached a hand down and grabbed hold of mine, which was pushing against the sofa, and slowly started to wank me, in time to my movements on him.

Unable to resist the engorged knob any longer, I ducked my head and, with the tip of my tongue, flicked the slit, tasting the precum. I repeated the action until my tongue was flickering across his knob rapidly. Then I licked further down, beneath the foreskin, to get at the rim of his helmet. I pulled the skin back again, and rolled my tongue around the helmet, licking like it was melting ice-cream. As I pushed my tongue further down the head, my upper lip encountered it, and then my whole mouth encircled the end of his cock.

David had stopped wanking me, his hand had dropped limply to the floor, as he lay back, eyes closed, and concentrated entirely on the sensation of my mouth on his cock. My gag reflex isn’t trained like a porn actor’s, and I couldn’t possible deep throat him, but I was able to take the whole head into my mouth, and suck deeply on it, tasting the salty musk of his cock. As I sucked, I continued to stroke, and, I suppose, I should have expected what happened next, as David thrust at me and my mouth filled with his hot cum. I didn’t feel like swallowing, so I spat it out into my open hand and rubbed it onto his cock, continuing to wank him until he pushed me away.

‘Thanks, Ian. I…that is…’

‘K…’ I couldn’t think of anything to say…

I was still very horny, my cock was rock hard, I’d found wanking and sucking David an incredible turn on, but unless I was going to do it myself, I couldn’t see what was going to happen next.

‘It’s your turn now, mate.’ Ian said as he stood up from the sofa, his damp cock softer now.

I stood up as well and we faced each other as he reached between us and took hold of my throbbing cock, gently squeezing and stroking it. To my surprise, he dropped to his knees and begin to suck on my cock without any hesitation. All inhibitions seemed to have gone, no taboos, no restraint. His hands were clutching my bum cheeks as he sucked me enthusiastically. Then he really shocked me, pushing a finger into my hole; my first reaction was to clench, but as he pushed, I relaxed and let him finger me. He took his mouth off my cock long enough to spit on his fingers and went back to probing me, pushing his hand up between my legs, my balls against his wrist; something that had never happened to me before.

I couldn’t help thinking he’d been reading up on prostate massage, because I could feel him tickling the bump up my arse, and it was driving me crazy, especially combined with the sucking I was getting.

He took his mouth off me and began to wank me, continuing to massage me with the other hand, so it wasn’t long before I could feel my climax building. I muttered some sort of warning, and then came massively on his face. The stimulation carried on for another few seconds until I’d finished shuddering, and then he let go of me and we both collapsed, naked, side by side, onto the carpet. Completely drained and, in my case at least, after the best orgasm I could ever remember having.

‘I need a wash,’ he said eventually, and went into the cloakroom to clean up his hands and face.

I lay there, still exhausted, idly fondling my cock as I recalled the last half hour of frenzied gay sex which I’d just enjoyed. Was it gay? Or is it just normal for a couple of guys to get each other off in the absence of female company? I know when I walk down the street I admire pretty girls: nice bums, tits, legs; I’ve never once looked at a bloke and fancied him, so I know I’m not gay. What does bi mean? You’ll do it with anyone? Am I really bi? Or did I just need sexual release?

‘No need to say the wives never get to hear about this?’ David said as he re-entered the room.

‘Definitely. Just between us. Absolutely shtum.’

‘Are you having any regrets?’

I thought about it, ‘No, I’m not, it was fucking good. I’d like more.’

‘There’s all day tomorrow – what did you have in mind?’

‘I don’t know, I’ll sleep on it.’ I grinned, ‘I’m knackered anyway, I’m off to bed, we could have an energetic day tomorrow!’

As we gathered our clothes and turned everything off, David reached out and gave my limp cock a squeeze.

‘Night. See you in the morning.’

I’d had trouble getting to sleep, so many thoughts and images were in my mind, and I’d been unable to catch up with my sleep in the morning, so I’d been up quite a while, even having gone to Tesco for some stuff, before David came blearily into the kitchen, drawn by the smell of the fresh pot of coffee I’d made.

There was a bit of awkwardness at first until I took a deep breath and asked, ‘Any bad feelings about what happened yesterday?’

‘Can’t say I’m completely comfortable – what they call a “paradigm shift” I believe – but I can’t deny I enjoyed myself, and as long as it stays just between us two, I don’t think there’s any harm. No, no bad feelings. Je ne regret rien.’ He laughed.

‘That’s good, because I really got off on it. Look,’ I took a breath, ‘I’m not sure I was completely honest yesterday…when I spoke about gay porn…I do get off on it. The conversation started because I’d caught you wanking, so I wasn’t in the right state of mind for a full confessional. But after what…we did, there’s no point keeping secrets. Thing is, you helped me fulfil some of my fantasies – I would never have told you, or hit on you, or anything – but I’ve wanted to wank someone else for a long time; and getting to suck you off was a dream come true. But you really took it a stage further…I’m into butt plugs, you know, shoving stuff up my bum. I’ve got several butt plugs, I’ve used two or three prostate vibrators; I’ve even got a dildo – a plastic cock to shove up. All that’s ok, but when you massaged my prostate and made me come, well, that was fucking incredible. I’ve never shared any of this with Sue, and never asked her to finger me, so…’

‘Wow, I’d no idea, I…’

‘No, of course you didn’t, it just happened, and it was brilliant.’ I paused, wondering how I was going to say what I wanted to say…

‘Thing is, er, thing is…how do feel about sticking your dick in my arse?’

As David opened his mouth to reply, I held up my hand, ‘Hear what I have to say. I’ve never been fucked in the arse, and it isn’t easy, but I’ve practised with plugs and things, and as long as we’re patient, it might work. I made sure I was clean; after I had a good shit this morning, I cleaned myself out with my facecloth wrapped round my toothbrush. When I went to Tesco, I didn’t just get croissants and the Sunday Times, I bought some KY jelly and some Durex, so you won’t get dirty. I even bought a replacement toothbrush and face cloth.’ I laughed.

‘So, don’t answer. Have your breakfast than go and have a shower. When you’re dry, it’s up to you. Come into my bedroom and try to fuck me, or we could just have a wank together, or get dressed, come downstairs and read the paper. Up to you.’

David nodded thoughtfully, finished his coffee, and went upstairs. I tidied up a bit and then went up, too. I left my bedroom door open, undressed and lay on the bed. I opened the Durex packet and got the KY ready, putting a dollop on my hand and started to finger myself with one hand and gently wank with the other.

I heard the bathroom door open and David padded along to his bedroom. He didn’t close the door, I wasn’t sure whether or not that was a good sign, and then I heard him come towards my room. As he appeared in the doorway, my heart skipped a little; he was naked and very erect, so it wasn’t go to be a total rejection.

He walked over and knelt on the bed, between my legs, both of our cocks were standing rigidly to attention. He looked me in the eye, gave a little rise of his eyebrows, then opened a Durex and rolled it onto his cock. We were going for it!

‘We’ll need a ton of lube to get going,’ I explained, ‘Slather it all over your knob and put a load on my hole, too. Then push gently, I’ll tell you if I need you to stop.’
I brought my feet right up to my buttocks and raised myself up to meet his cock. He tried to push it in but no luck, so he started to poke his fingers in, stretching the muscles a little, as he had last night. He tried again with his cock and this time the head started to go in. I grimaced in pain and he stopped immediately – I was glad he could see my face – when I nodded, he pushed again, and this time got further in. He pulled out and applied more lube and then put the head in once more, and this time it slipped past that hard ring of muscles and the pain ebbed away.

‘Just slide it in and out for a bit – just a couple of inches – until I get comfortable.’

After a while, I was more relaxed and raised my bum to meet him, and he started to push further in. His cock is very fat, a lot bigger than anything I’d shoved up there, but he was gentle, taking great care not to hurt me. Eventually he was able to start fucking me properly, we got into a nice rhythm, and as the rim of his cock head was rubbing my prostate, I began to leak fluid from my own cock which had gone quite soft once he was in me properly.

Incredibly, even though my cock was soft, I could tell that I was going to cum soon, obviously just from having my prostate massaged – something I had tried to do on my own, but never succeeding in doing. As my prostate milk was flowing from my cock, David was speeding up, my tight man-cunt bringing him to a climax which he emptied into the Durex. I was a little sorry not to feel his hot spunk shooting into my colon.

He collapsed down on me, breathing heavily as both of us were, for the time being, utterly spent. I pushed him to one side, and his softening cock slipped from my hole, the Durex heavy with his cum. I pulled it off him and wrapped it in a tissue. He dipped his fingers in the milky liquid which had flowed from my cock as it pooled on my belly, and then surprised me by kissing me gently on the mouth. My lips parted, and the tips of our tongues entwined as we basked in the glow of our lovemaking.

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"I can't wait to get there. I need to fuck you." Jack's hand slid up my thigh and rested there, a finger slightly glancing my crotch. I looked in the rearview mirror of the Uber we were in. The driver had glanced back after Jack had said it and then quickly looked back after catching my eyes. "Come on, Jack." "Oh, I will. Right on that hot ass of yours." Again a glance from the driver and an apologetic look back from me. We were on our way to visit one of Jack's friends at the beach....

3 years ago
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Lipstick Lover

Lipstick Lover "This is the best thing that could have happened to me!" I thought to myself, here I am, a 47 year old man in the body of a 25 year old woman, and a very beautiful woman at that! It all started with my fascination with lipstick, I always found it was a real turn on for me, to see a beautiful female all dressed up and with her perfect make up, but the lips were something else, I just desired to kiss those coated lips and feel the lipstick on my own lips, it drove me...

1 year ago
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Birth of a New Sissy Part III Completion

Birth of a New Sissy Part III: Completion By DarkPrince67 [email protected] I suppose at some level I knew it would happen. Or at least I should have. After nearly a month of servicing Jeff's cock and fucking myself silly on my dildo lover things took a turn. I came home from work a little early on a day Laura was off as well. When I got home she was out, but as soon as I walked into the house the phone rang. I grabbed it, not really thinking much about...

1 year ago
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Melody Lost From HomeChapter 5 Ropeville School 2

I awoke cuddled up with the small form of Pauline who was still asleep, but when I awoke she looked at me — with eyes of the slave personality. "Good morning my master, how may I serve you this morning?" she asked me. I thought for a moment and made a suggestion she nodded and moved down in the bed, I felt her breath on my cock as her warm mouth engulfed it, and then I felt her tongue as it swirled around the stalk, and then I felt her nose as it positioned itself against my pubic bone,...

1 year ago
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Favorite Aunt Revised

I would like to say first that I appreciate your comments on my first version of this story. They helped me focus on a few things that needed attention which encouraged me to write this revised edition. If you have read the previous version, please read this one. I would like to know your take in a sort of "before and after" snapshot on whether the story flows better or not. By all means, keep the comments coming. Also, if you’d like, please send me a private message to discuss the...

2 years ago
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The Island Chapter 15

Introduction: Authors Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, Im Tantric&hellip,). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy. Chapter 15 I left Anjali in the clearing, returning to her meditation, and strode purposefully back to the stream, still nude. I washed off quickly, the cool...

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The Interview Part 2 Tricias Story

I called Tricia at noon as she had requested. She wanted to meet me at a restaurant for lunch and then we would return to her apartment for the interview. I packed up my recorder and tablet. Tricia was very easy to spot in the restaurant. Her beautiful strawberry blond hair stood out like a flag. Tricia saw me and stood up, her long legs bringing her height up to 5' 10". I hurried over to her table and shook her hand. Tricia gave me a peck on my cheek. She moved to sit down and I pushed her...

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After Work

After Work(A note this was written for my ex started when we were together, and finished after we broke up so it was cut short and I had to find a way to end it)She had fallen asleep, sprawled on the bed the towel from her shower underneath her. She rolled over her hair spilling over her arm, as the alarm on her mobile went off, she stretched and yawned and looked at the time with a startled expression trying to remember in her sleep foggy mind why she had set her alarm for such a crazy hour,...

3 years ago
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Third Times the CharmChapter 17

December motoring from Holland to Pentwater is pushing ones luck ... idiot is more like it. We shipped the mast and boom by rail but the boat was just too much. US 31 is two lanes, curvy and heavily festooned with power lines, low overhanging trees and lots of traffic. Many of the Lake Bulkers were tying up in Ludington and their crews were heading home ... Holland is shipping and there's not any really good places for a boat the size of the K5 to sit on the hard and undercover. The Weather...

3 years ago
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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 37 Destination Silver Cove

The next morning, Ki Jung gathers her belongings, eats her breakfast, and leaves Marshall city. Though her goal is Silver Cove, she heads towards the area she noticed the day before where large amounts of Qi was being drawn in. With Sharpie flying high above, it isn’t long until she can see the cliff the Qi is being drawn to. In minutes, Ki Jung is covering the last couple of kilometers to her destination. As she gets closer, she can feel the energy in the air being pulled towards the...

4 years ago
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My Little SisterChapter 7 A very understanding history teacher

Our day on the beach finished far too quickly. It had been exciting but quite exhausting and both Abi and I had trouble keeping our eyes open as Mum drove us home early that evening. As the noise of the car engine droned on, my mind kept replaying images of our day - the excitement of the sea and the waves on our naked bodies, our little bit of 'voyeurism' in the morning with Annie and Kate, our fun with each other and the tanning cream, the amazement and excitement of Mum 'helping', our...

2 years ago
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Sandy and Mark

Back when I had my boat, I made some great friends at the boat club I belonged to at a local marina on Lake Michigan. Mark and Sandy were retired, and about ten years older than me. Despite the age difference, we all really got along well. With another group of friends, we spent our weekends at the club hanging out, boating, and partying together.Mark and I got to be close. He was like an older brother to me. We spent many hours drinking and talking about life. We’d talk about our families, and...

4 years ago
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SubTraining From My Daughters

My two girls were home for the holiday. One, Amber, lived some distance away, working. The other, Tanya, had been away at University, and this was the first time in almost a year that they were both home with me at the same time. I noticed how much they had changed while they had been away, both of them more confident, more dominant.It was only their second night home and I had enjoyed a year of having the house to myself, and not bothering to lock the bathroom door when I was in there, or even...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 44

This one is compliments of billstories‎ Better than a Flu Shot! Miss Beatrice, The church organist, was in her eighties and had never been married. She was admired for her sweetness and kindness to all. One afternoon the pastor came to call on her and she showed him into her quaint sitting room. She invited him to have a seat while she prepared tea... As he sat facing her old Hammond organ, the young minister noticed a cut glass bowl sitting on top of it. The bowl was filled with...

3 years ago
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making a deal with a demon part 2

(Strip, Watch & Wait) I got very nerves, but when I looked up I saw that all the pets where already naked. Each one standing at a point of the star. They acted like I was not even there. So I did as I was told. I striped, waited & watched. Lucas picked up the knife and chalice. He held the chalice in front of him self right over the candle there and said “ Corvendom Levintoria” then let it go. but it did not fall. instead it floated there. He took the knife and chanted “I give of my self to...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Silvia Saige Danni Rivers Time To Make Up

After meeting Alice, Jill decides to go home and talk with her girlfriend Olivia. When she enters her room she sees Olivia between the legs of another women. Jill is in shock, and cannot find the words to confront Olivia. She leaves totally speechless. Alice on the other side thinks that she scared Jill way by being too upfront. Her friend Sam, thinks otherwise and offer her to share Chloe with her. Alice not impress by her best friend’s offer and refuses by hanging up the phone. The...

4 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 25

"Get up lazy," I giggled as I shook my sleeping brother. "I want to go running." "What time is it?" Eddie said as he stretched. "About six, it's beautiful outside. Come on, get up, I want to go." "Okay, okay, do I have time to take a piss?" "If you hurry." Eddie went to the head and I quickly changed, putting on my bikini, a pair of socks and my running shoes. When my brother got back to the room, he laughed at me. "Is that what you're going to wear?" "Yup, is it okay...

4 years ago
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The Dirty Slut Part 8211 2

Hi everyone this is rinku again. Sorry for the late post of the next part of my indian sex  story. I got a tremendous response for the first part and I was really overwhelmed. Will continue with second part of my story now from where I left off … All this while my brother sitting right in front of me looking helpless. I was getting turned on by all the action and my pussy was dripping wet. But I did not want my tormentors to know. Farooq had held his undies on my face for a while and was...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Katalina Kyle Katalina Kyle8217s Ass Is Back

Katalina Kyle finally makes her presence felt poolside, in this sexy summery anal scene from Jules Jordan. Possessing truly voluminous tits and ass, blonde Katalina is stuffed in rainbow floral shorts and a top that can not contain her melons. Katalina struts mightily as we gaze on her bodacious backside. Jules notes “I could do this all fucking day”. Aware that there is major titty spillage, Katalina shelves her top. Her huge boobs pop and have a little extra something with those...

3 years ago
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What Snooker can lead to pt 1

I'm not a professional writer so be easy on me. This was 2 months over 40 years ago, so the details may be off and the conversations may not be totally accurate but I tried to convey the feeling at the time. All names mentioned are not our real names, of course. =========================================================================================== I had transferred from a two year junior college to a four year university in Air Force ROTC and had just gotten to the...

1 year ago
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A rainy day with Shikha

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am raju from india 24years old having normal physical structure. we are having a small family of five persons. My mom is a normal house wife and father is working a job. And my sister shikha a 22 years now. My sister was reading in high school then she was 19 years old she was studying in twelve standard.Her height was 5' 2" then. she is thin and beautiful. Her boobs are perfectly shaped and her butts are very hot and gives her a very sexy look. she...

3 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 14 Howdy Mr what a big sword you have

We rode at a much faster pace for the remainder of the day. The breaks were shorter, and the time spent walking was cut in half. No complaints came from the girl or from the horses. I still made her keep up her exercises, both mental and physical, for the journey. It was getting to be late afternoon when I noticed that the farms started getting closer together. The terrain was rolling and lush. We did pass one older man on the road, but he scurried off the road and hid before we approached,...

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Na bharyatho students

Hai iam vikram reddy age 24y; na bharya aruna reddy age19y maku oka kooturu 1y;nenu banklo job chestaanu nenu rentku unna house 3portionlu untundi kinda 2; pina 1; pina owner vallu untaru kinda oka portianlo memu na pakka portionlo 5bachlers(students) untaru andariki oke common bath room ma bed roomki students roomki madyalo oka door unnadi. Ika kataloki veldamu; na bharya chala andagatte 28,20,30 na bharya sandlanu chuste evarikina oka sari dengalanipistundi pakkaku unna students eppudu na...

1 year ago
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Sexy sister with orange panty

Mere chacha ji ki familiy main chacha,chachi, aur daughter hai. Humahre un ke sath bhut ache prem payar hai. Main un k ghar jata rehta huin. Meri chachi bhout sexy hai aur un ki beti sara mere s 3 monhts choti hai. Uska to jwab hi nahi. Itni sundar ladki lakho main ek ho gi. Aur uski sexy tange, kale khule baal, kali ankhein, round beautiful boobs, moti gang agar aap dekh lo to whi chut jye. Vo kapde bhi bhout sexy phenti hai. Hum school se hi ek sath padte hai aur aab college main bhi. School...

1 year ago
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Penis Problems

In this particular case his painfully positioned erection was caused by his English teacher, one Ann Travotore. She was youthful, he guessed late twenties or early thirties. Her hair was just past shoulder length and loosely curly. She had a long angular face with a sharp chin, and deep brown eyes. She wore skirts with floral patterns that always went to her ankles. Her blouses were always in good taste, she never allowed an errant button to be open. Today her blouse/skirt combo were as...

4 years ago
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Four more women of Gordor

Author Note All Gordor related stories can be found here In an Ancient and magical world was the city of Gordor. It was a great city of magic and warriors. It was the city of danger and wonder. A city of light and darkness went through this land. Dark forces played with people lives and carried out evil deeds. The fate of the many worlds was fought in this city. The greatest tales were told here There are 4 such tales. These are tales of 4 women who each lived...

1 year ago
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More Family SecretsChapter 10

Dave hung around the game room while he waited for James to finish Dahlia's massage. He felt slightly guilty about the plan bouncing around in his head, but there was no way he would miss a dildo duel between his very attractive girlfriend and her even more attractive rival. The fact that they were aunt and niece was icing on the cake. He would have invited Ed, but if he had done so their collective absence would have been noticed by Frank. And Dave couldn't invite Frank. His youngest...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 78 Dont Stop

Xania and Amy continued to kiss, lick, and fondle until most of Alan's cum was gone. But they didn't stop there. With the others giving them some privacy, they were able to get even more intimate. Xania wound up lying on top of Amy. Xania's pussy had finally recovered from her last orgasms, so the two beauties fingered, kissed, and fondled each other until they reached a mutual orgasmic peak. They just rested for a while, lying on the floor entwined in each other's arms. Amy said, "You...

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Stripped By Magic

The soft clink of a bell rings throughout the store as you enter. You hardly notice the door sliding shut behind you as you gaze at the shelves, which are lined with some of the strangest things you’ve seen in your life. Warped candles, strange idols, vials of multicolored liquid; at some point you see… what looks like a mummified monkey’s hand? Shaking your head, you step further into the store. “Ah, a customer!” You jolt and turn as short, elderly man comes through a door behind the counter....

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A Faithful Whore Ch 01

I crossed the final few steps to the bench at the overlook and collapsed as gracefully as I could. I’d had a stitch in my side for the last half mile, but I was determined not to show my discomfort. Anders was an avid hiker, and I’d pretended to be a little more experienced than I really was. I felt like I had a personal responsibility to do my part to dispel the myth that Americans are all fat and lazy. Really, Anders had enough experience with Americans to form his own opinion. He’d been a...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 36 First Explorations of Carol

Sunday, April 10, 2005 (Continued) I got home just before dinnertime, that being an excellent habit to get into. I was impressed with Julia when I saw that Carol was doing some cooking in the kitchen with Mom. Mom was in Teaching Mode, telling Carol what needed to be done, why, in what order, and that sort of thing. Seeing me watching her, Carol proudly announced, "I've decided I want to be a much better cook. Mom's going to be giving me lots of lessons from now on." I would write "her...

2 years ago
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The 400 Year WarChapter 3

Moving along in the opening part of the 400 year war, the decimation of the American Indian Tribes was primarily due to slow but steady migration away from the encroaching European Settlers as well as several outbreaks of disease due to exposure to the sicknesses of the travelers from the Old World. Actual conflict casualties were at a minimum with incidents more the result of miscalculation or accidental confrontation. At least in respect to those areas north of the Rio Grande River and...

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Mami Ke Saath Pahali Masti

Mera naam roy hai aur main jaipur main ek mnc mein job karta hu. Yeh meri 1st kahani hai so lemme giv u a small intro. Naam hai … Uska yaha kya to use hai so leave tht… Normal physic hai rang saaf 6ft hight ek normal good looking person hu. Mujhe frds banane oasandh hai aur apni life ka har din last day samjh ke jeena mera passion hai. Abhi ke liye itna hi kafi hai baaf mein jisko janana ho they can contact me. So lets start with the think for what you al are here.. Main 2-3 saal mein aone...

3 years ago
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Two black cocks for my two holes

I was home alone that afternoon and horny, very horny.So, I had invited these men to come along and fuck me. Hard, very hard…I felt so fragile sandwiched between these two huge black guys. I let them do whatever they wanted with me. Anything they would do, would make me cum like crazy, as I felt so fucking horny.I wanted these black men to use me, just to use me and abuse my body, doing whatever dirty things they wanted to do to me. I wanted to have their lust.“Harder” I moaned, looking at...

4 years ago
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Soul Provider

Beware the lady with the cheshire cat grin because something's going to disappear! "Hurry up before all the good ones are gone!" Kassandra gave a final tug on the black dress she had just placed on her mannequin and stood back to admire her work. "Kassie, enough already, she looks like she's going to a funeral," Persephone giggled. "You spend waaaay too much time on your mannequin." "Yeah Kass, you'll just be changing it again tomorrow," exclaimed Appollonia. "We really need to...

2 years ago
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A Night of Firsts

We had been building up to this for many months. She was the gorgeous account manager, I was the admiring customer. She had captivated me from the first moment we met, and countless texts, emails and phone calls later, I knew she was someone very special. Innocent on the outside, something much more intriguing on the inside. After a fabulous dinner, followed by a few drinks in one of those hidden bars that only the locals know in my town, she boldly told me it was high time I delivered one of...

3 years ago
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Sex on the beach

My name is Melissa, and I have a boyfriend named Max. We're both 22, and are in college. We've began dating a few years ago, and our relationship is still going strong. We have sex often, but not too often I guess. We live in a co-ed dorm, and we have each other to make school suck a little less. One thing we always wanted to try was having sex outside. I don't know why, but I found myself getting off on the idea. Max and I actually walked around nude behind the school once. Finally, spring...

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Hunter hunts

“Go inside, do as I say, don’t make a sound, and you don’t die. Got it?” Hunter growled into her ear and Paige lifted her hands in compliance. Forcing her inside he pulled a zip tie from his pocket and zipped her hands together. Dropping her bag on the floor Hunter found her bedroom and forced her inside throwing her onto her bed. He looked at her, face down, and admired her ass in her yoga pants and he could see the outline of her underwear through it. He heard her crying into her pillow, and...

4 years ago
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A Second Chance

It was a beautiful Midwest fall day. The sky was a deep blue, a deeper blue than usual. There was a chill in the air, a hint of the coming winter. The fall leaves were brilliant with their reds and oranges. Once upon a time, it used to be my favorite time of the year, but that had come to a crashing halt long ago. I unlocked the door to my apartment and went inside, tired from a long week at work. I didn’t mind the job I had, but it had lost the glow of enjoyment a long time...

2 years ago
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Mere Favorite Jiju Ne Choda 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, thanks for all your reply and comment. Mujhe ye jankar bohut khushi hui ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni achhi lagi. Please ek request hai. Main kisi se number share nahi karti. Main Nafeesa, aur aap yaha padh sakte hai. Main 23 saal ki hu. Mera figure 34-28-34 hai. Main fair hu aur slim bhi. Koi bhi ladka agar ek baar dekh le to tabhi hi uska lund khada ho jayega. Mujhe ladko ko tease karne mein bohut maza aata hai. Main bisexual hu mujhe ladke aur ladkiyo dono ke sath maza aata...

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