You Who Know...and I Know free porn video

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You Who Know...

...What Love Is.


Copyright Oggbashan January 2017

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.


I was behind our near neighbour Marjorie, Mrs Jefferies, at the supermarket checkout. She had a large overflowing trolley. I had a couple of items in a small hand basket, a couple of things my mother wanted for our evening meal.

I could have gone through the express checkout but I thought Mrs Jefferies might want a hand with her shopping. If she did and I helped I hoped that she might offer me a lift home. There was a heavy storm outside with driving rain. I'd get soaked walking the half mile home.

I had always liked Mrs Jefferies from the first time I had met her. My parents had moved near to her in my second year at university. They had downsized our house because I was the third and youngest son to leave home. Mrs Jefferies, and to a lesser extent her husband Alan, had been good neighbours. They had helped my parents to move in and had introduced us to other local people. They had made the transition to a new place much easier.

I was deluding myself. What I should have thought was 'I had always loved Marjorie, Mrs Jefferies', not just liked. She had been my last and most intense adult crush. She had been amused by my love for her but gentle and kind. If the saying is right that you could work out what a woman would be like in later life by looking at her mother, then Marjorie's daughter Linda would have been my ideal partner.

In my first summer vacation after the move I had asked Linda out. She was home after her first university year. It hadn't worked. She liked me. I liked her. But there was nothing more. Why? If I was honest it was because we were still too young and inexperienced to make real commitments. I still am.

Linda told me when we decided to end our non-existent relationship that she had never been sure whether I wanted to be with her or with her mother. That hurt mainly because there was some truth in it. I was still having a crush on Marjorie. A motherly peck on the cheek from Marjorie had had more impact on me than a kiss on the lips from Linda.

That had been three years ago. Now I was standing close behind Marjorie with a slight scent of her perfume reminding me how much I had felt for her. It wasn't the same. I knew it had been a crush I had had. Marjorie is still someone I like and appreciate for who she is but my feelings for her are more rational. I would have done anything then for a Marjorie kiss on my cheek. Now that kiss wouldn't mean more than a friendly gesture.

Or would it? I was feeling hurt and rejected. A friendly gesture from Marjorie might bring back the puppy love I'd had then just because I was temporarily so vulnerable. I'd have to be careful. But it looked as if she would need help loading her pile of shopping. I'd be happy to do that and delighted if I got a lift home. Why didn't I just ask her?

I did. I suggested that I could help take her shopping to the car and please could she give me a lift home?

"Of course, Harry. Your help would be useful and there's no point in you walking home when I'm here with the car."

Marjorie smiled at me. That smile was almost enough to revive feelings I thought had ended years ago. She was wearing her full length shiny black padded coat. I remembered hugging her and being hugged by her while she had been wearing that coat. It has a fur-trimmed hood. The fur had tickled me when she gave me a kiss.

We loaded her shopping into bags and back into the trolley. Marjorie waited the few seconds for me to pay for my items. We went to the lift down to the underground car park. I pulled the trolley inside and stood at the back. Marjorie was pushing and remained close to the doors. Unusually we were alone in the lift. The supermarket had been quiet perhaps because people had shopped before the storm.

The lift doors closed. The lift started downwards. The lights went out and the lift stopped abruptly. There was a dim emergency light. I fumbled in my coat pocket for my mini-torch and turned it on.

"I think it's a power cut," Marjorie said. "Probably caused by the storm. But I'll try the emergency button."

She pressed the emergency button and after a few minutes or so a tinny voice answered. It was a power cut. No one knew how long it would last but our plight would be reported to the Fire Brigade. If the power cut covered a large area they would be busy.

Marjorie confirmed that there were just the two of us and we had ample supplies of food and drink for hours if necessary.

"Or a week," she added to me after she finished the call.

"Why so much?" I asked idly.

"The wider family are coming over for Alan's birthday. It's a big O event, his sixtieth."

"His sixtieth? But you're not that old," I protested.

"I am, Harry. I'm actually a year older than Alan."


"But what? Linda's my youngest and she's twenty-three. Robert's thirty-five."

I still couldn't take it in. Marjorie had been my dream woman. At times she still was yet she was sixty or sixty-one? u*********sly I shook my head.

"I know, Harry," Marjorie said. "It's a shock, isn't it? You've still got a soft spot for me, haven't you? It's flattering, but I'm older than your mother. Which reminds me. You've been wandering around looking like a wet week in Yorkshire. What's wrong?"

"Was I that obvious?" I asked.

"Yes. We've got plenty of time and nothing to do. Why not tell me?"

"Sara." I said abruptly.

"Sara? What about Sara?"

"I asked her to the Valentine's event at the night club. I'd already bought the tickets. She turned me down and laughed at me."

"You ought to have expected that from Sara," Marjorie said. "She's been a first class bitch as long as we've known her. Did she give any reason?"

I was surprised by Marjorie's statement. She didn't usually call anyone a bitch.

"Reason? More like reasons. I'm boring, staid, conventional, inexperienced, pathetic, ridiculous..."

"That sounds like classic Sara," Marjorie interrupted. "But the only adjective she got right was inexperienced. You are, aren't you, Harry?"

"Yes," I whispered almost to myself.

"That's why you and Linda didn't work out. You were both babes in the wood with no idea about adult relationships. Linda's changed. She's had to. She seemed to attract the useless bastards at university. Luckily for her and me she had enough sense to see through them eventually. It was hard letting her make her own mistakes but I couldn't help except afterwards, picking up the pieces."

"I'm sorry," I said, "for Linda and you."

"You don't need to be, Harry. She's learned from the experience. But you? Sara wasn't the first rejection, was she? Even Linda hurt you although she tried not to."

"I haven't had a real girlfriend," I blurted out. "Every girl I thought might be didn't work out."

"And there weren't many of them, were there?" Marjorie prompted.


"It's getting hot in here," Marjorie said.

It seemed to be a non sequitur, but was it? Marjorie's questions were opening painful memories.

"I'm taking my coat off," she said.

Underneath she was wearing a closely fitted dress. It emphasised the curves I remembered admiring. Marjorie slung her coat across the shopping.

"I'm going to sit down," she said. "We might have a long wait. Why don't you come over here? I wouldn't be able to see you past the trolley."

I sat down beside her. She reached out a hand, grasped one of mine and gave it a short squeeze. She continued to hold it lightly.

"If this had been a smaller lift I might be worried," Marjorie said. "I'm slightly claustrophobic. I know you're not. You go potholing. But this lift is large enough for six or eight trolleys so I can cope."

"You're sure?"

"No. It depends how long we are stuck. But being with someone who loves me helps. You do love me, don't you, Harry?"

"Yes, Marjorie, you know I do."

"But you don't love me enough to want me to divorce Alan and marry you, do you?"

"No." I replied.

"Why not? If you love me, why don't you want me to leave Alan?"

"Because that would make you unhappy, Marjorie. You love Alan."

"Yes, I do. He can be irritating, boring, and many other things. I have faults too but we love each other for who we are. I couldn't imagine living without him and I know he feels the same. We chose each other as partners and have lived together longer than you have been alive. That's special. I know you love me but your love isn't the same, is it?"

"I suppose not."

"You have a problem, Harry. It's a simple problem. You don't know what love is or that there are different kinds of love. You love your mother, don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

"But that love isn't the same as the love you feel for me?"

"No, Marjorie, it isn't."

"I know that this conversation is awkward for you. Do you know why I started it?"

"No. Why did you?"

"Because Linda asked me to talk to you."

"Linda? Why would she?"

"Linda likes you. She thinks you are a very nice person."

"Nice? That sounds awful."

"It's not, Harry. She's met too many men who weren't nice at all, just as you have found with Sara. Sara went out with one of my sons for a couple of months and treated him like dirt. I won't say what I think of her but you are fortunate she turned you down. She uses men and throws them away. I wouldn't want that to happen to you, nor would Linda. That's why she asked me to talk to you. She wanted me to warn you about Sara. I don't have to because she rejected you. Linda's home for the Big O party and she heard that you were involved with Sara. She was horrified. She wouldn't wish Sara on her worst male enemy."

Marjorie's voice was getting higher as she spoke. I squeezed her hand. She squeezed back.

"You're not happy about being stuck in here, are you Marjorie?" I asked.

"No. I wish they'd hurry up and fix the power cut or rescue us."

"Why are you worried?"

Marjorie looked at me.

"If they take a long time I might need to pee..."

I laughed.

"So might I. So what?"

"I didn't want to do it in front of you, Harry."

"I'd be a gentleman and look away. Anyway, you have an eight-pack of kitchen rolls in your trolley. We could clear up any mess."

"I'm afraid that you might think less of me, Harry?"

"Why? Because I know you go to the toilet? I'm not THAT inexperienced, Marjorie. I know your body works like most people."

"It wouldn't make a difference to what you feel for me?"

"No, Marjorie. I love you, but as a real woman, not a goddess on a pedestal. Like Alan I love you for who you are. You're human and imperfect like all of us are. You don't need to worry. If you have to pee, then pee."

Marjorie didn't look convinced.

"That's not all you are worried about, is it?" I asked.

"No. I'm worried about running out of air."

"Air? That's not a problem. Look."

I pointed at the vents by the floor and ceiling.

"This lift isn't airtight. Even if it was, which it isn't, I did some calculations in my head when the lift stopped. If this lift had been a sealed chamber we would begin to feel uncomfortable about the air quality..."

I paused for effect.

"...sometime tomorrow afternoon."

"You're sure, Harry?"

"Yes, Marjorie. The lift is vented. We haven't got a problem with the air."

Marjorie still seemed dubious. I let go of her hand, reached across, picked her up and dumped her on my lap. I pulled her head against my shoulder.

"Harry!" Marjorie squeaked. "What are you doing?"

"Giving a woman I love a hug. I think you need one."

Marjorie settled against my shoulder.

"You could be right. What would Alan say?"

"Possibly 'Relax and enjoy it'. I'm no threat to you or to him."

The hug seemed to reassure Marjorie. She continued to talk to me about love and my inexperience. I appreciated that she meant well but some of the things she was saying hurt because they were true. I didn't know enough about women and even less about love.


Two hours later the tinny loudspeaker spoke.

"We're told the power cut should end in about ten minutes."

Marjorie climbed off me to acknowledge the message. We stood up. I helped her to put her coat back on.

"When we leave the lift, Harry, can you take the shopping to my car, please? I will need the supermarket's toilet before going home. But I'll use the stairs."

"Of course, Marjorie. Where's your car?"

"It's obvious but I'll have time to show you before I dash off."

The main lights came on. The ventilation fans started. I had lied to Marjorie. The lift vents wouldn't have been working without power but we would have had breathable air for many hours even without them. The lift jerked into action and we continued downward to the car park. As the doors opened a security guard was waiting for us.

"Are you folks OK? He asked.

"Yes," Marjorie answered, "but I need the toilet."

The guard stood aside. Marjorie pointed to her car and gave me the car keys before she dashed for the stairs.

I pushed the loaded trolley to her car and unloaded it. I took the trolley to the trolley park. Marjorie was there as I returned to the car.

"OK?" I asked.

"Yes. I wasn't really desperate. I was worried because I didn't know how long we might be stuck."

I gave her the car keys. We climbed in for the short drive to her house. The storm had subsided slightly. It was still raining but not the torrents. Marjorie parked close to her front door. I helped her unload her shopping into her kitchen.

"Where's Alan?" I asked.

Marjorie glanced at the kitchen clock.

"He's probably at the station. He was going to the library and then to the station."

Alan commutes by train. I assumed he was buying a ticket or something.

"Does your mother need her shopping urgently?" Marjorie asked.

"I'm not sure. Perhaps."

"Please take it to her and then come back for a coffee in about half an hour. Please?"

"Of course."


As I reached my front door I could see Alan's car turning into the road. I was pleased that he would be home in seconds. I hadn't been convinced that Marjorie was as unaffected as she said she was.

I handed the small amount of shopping over to my mother before telling her that I had been stuck in the supermarket's lift with Marjorie.

"I can see she was grateful for something, Harry," my mother said as she wiped some of Marjorie's lipstick off my cheek. "We, and you, are invited to Alan's party on Friday evening. You'll come?"

"Yes, Mum. I'll be there. Marjorie has invited me in for coffee in a few minutes."

"OK. Give Marjorie my love."

"Will do."

I went to the bathroom and made sure I had removed all lipstick traces. A few minutes later I rang Alan and Marjorie's door bell. Alan opened the door.

"Hello Harry, we're expecting you. Thank you for looking after Marjorie."

I was about to say it was nothing when I was grabbed and fiercely kissed by Linda.

"Let him come inside at least," Alan protested.

Linda dragged me into the hall.

"What's that for?" I asked once our lips parted.

"For looking after Marjorie," Alan suggested.

"No," Linda said, "for that and just because I wanted to."

Linda took my hand and led me through into the kitchen. She pushed me on to a kitchen chair. Alan poured coffee for four. He put two mugs in front of us.

"Marjorie lied to you, Harry," Alan said. "She isn't mildly claustrophobic. She panics in a confined space but you helped her. I'm grateful. So is she. She's lying down upstairs. I'll take her some coffee."

He left the kitchen.

"Thank you for looking after Mum," Linda said. "She told me what you did. I know you love her but you behaved like the nice guy you are."

Nice? I wasn't sure that I liked that description but if it meant being kissed by Linda then I'd live with being called nice. I couldn't answer because Linda was wrapped around me and kissing me again.

"But you're an idiot," Linda continued as we paused for breath, "you should have known that Sara wasn't right for you. When Mum told me you were involved with Sara I freaked out. Sara messed up my brother. You don't deserve what Sara does to her men."

Linda's kiss stopped any comment I might have made.

"Why Sara?" She asked when the kiss ended. "I think I know why she was interested in you, but why were you considering her?"

"She is spectacular," I started to say.

"She is," Linda interrupted. "A spectacular bitch. OK. She looks great and moves well on a dance floor but she's evil. Does she know how much you are worth?"

"No. I'm sure she doesn't. Only my family and yours know that."

A few months ago I had inherited money, a house and a farm from my maternal grandfather. Alan, who is a solicitor, had acted for me getting the probate. I had often sat at this same kitchen table as Alan explained what he was doing and gave me papers to sign. As my solicitor he was acting in confidence but the reason for my frequent visits couldn't be kept secret from Marjorie and Linda. I didn't see any problem with them knowing.

The farm is a hundred miles away in another county. My grandfather's tenant had been willing to continue the tenancy on the same terms. I could see any reason to change them. They were a fair deal for him and for me. The farm might be worth several million pounds if I sold it but the income was more useful.

The house was only a mile away. It hadn't been modernised since the 1950s. The builders would install a new kitchen, bathroom and central heating once the electricians had finished re-wiring. It could be a great family home once it was finished but at the moment I continued to live in the tiny flat I was buying with a mortgage.

"Mum told me she had been lecturing you about love while you two were stuck in the lift. You needed it. You should have known Chloe didn't and wouldn't love you. You're a sentimental idiot, Harry. But I'm not jealous of your love for Mum now. You showed your love for her in a positive way and she appreciated it. So do I."

Linda's fingers on my lips stopped my retort. She left them there as she spoke.

"Shut up, Harry, and listen. You might be in your twenties but when we were together you seemed as mature as a f******n year old. I know. So was I, then. I've grown up. I've had to. Some of the men at university tried to take advantage of my innocence. They failed but I was lucky. But you? You're still vulnerable to any designing woman who wants to use you. Chloe was a symptom of your inexperience. You escaped from her clutches. If she had known how well off you are? You might have been another of her victims.

I've decided that Harry needs an education in love. Mum started it. You're my project for the next few weeks starting at Dad's birthday party. You are going to be my partner at that party. You are going to take me to the Valentine's dance with the tickets you bought for you and Chloe. You haven't got a choice. I'm claiming you. I'm going to be beside you as much as I can. After a few weeks you should know that I love you and you might begin to appreciate what real love is. Now I'll let you speak. Are you willing to learn love from me and Mum?"

"Have I got any option, Linda?"


"Then I'm a willing pupil."

Linda's kiss told me that was the right answer even if I wasn't wholly convinced.

Marjorie and Alan walked into the kitchen as the kiss ended.

"I've told Harry that you and I, Mum, are going to teach him about love," Linda said.

"He ought to enjoy that," Alan commented.Marjorie's reply was a hug followed by a kiss.

"Harry already knows that wanting the best for those he loves is real love. Thank you, Harry."


By the time of the Valentine's dance I knew more about love. I knew that Linda loved me. But I still have a lot to learn. I'll enjoy the teaching.


This story was inspired by the Aria "Voi Che Sapete" from Mozart's opera The Marriage of Figaro. In that aria a young man is asking older women to explain love to him.

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The following tale of sexual depravity contains adult material. If you are under the legal age for your area (generally 18 or 21), or object to explicit sex, stop reading NOW. Otherwise, if erotic situations and taboo acts turn you on, then please enjoy yourself. The characters and situations are, of course, completely fictitious. Feel free to post or archive, as long as the story remains intact and unmodified, and my contact information remains attached. Otherwise, this work should...

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Whos Whos

The other day I read a story in one of Dark Wanderer's YW-pages, I don't remember which but it was called "Strip Gammon". After I read it I had to call my best friend and neighbor Carl and ask him if he had written our story. He assured me that he hadn't but suggested that I should do it. It was one of those warm summers when the temperature never went under 30 degrees Celsius during the day and had been so for more than a week so everything was warm, so warm that it wasn't easy to get...

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Whoring Days

My whoring days - I start my careerI felt his cock enter me from behind and he thrust it upward violently, all but lifting my feet off the floor. Ten minutes earlier I had entered his flat on the second floor of a large block of mansion apartments located opposite Battersea Park, South London. This was my first ‘escort’ agency assignment. A home call prearranged by the agency office and I was scared shitless! I rang the bell and was let into a large spacious flat by a tall not particularly...

4 years ago
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Daughters Slut Training 5 Daughter Whored Out

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Daughter Whored Out By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah I slipped out of my eldest son's room, feeling so naughty as his and his younger brother's cum dripped out of my pussy and asshole. I scooped up my bathrobe I left outside his door, pulling it on to hide my naked shame. I was such a wicked mother. But my sons needed to relieve themselves. How could they sleep when their...

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Mike to Breed My Real Life Stories Part 2 Innocence lost at Gay theater Whored out

Several months later I was out to visit my cousin at college and on the way back late one night we stopped at a road side rest not to far from where I lived to go the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and realized there was writing on the wall with phone numbers and all sorts of smut...I wrote some of the numbers down. I went to a pay phone on night and called one of them and this deep voiced man answered on the other side. I said that I found his number and immediately he asked if I was a...

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Whored out at the mine

This a true story of my first experience of being whored out.I sat at my desk in my office at work ( I recently got a promotion to team leader) I was feeling so horny, yesterday my husband took my naked pictures in to his work ( he works asa heavy mining equipment salesman) and put them up in the men's changing rooms and public toilets with add reading " whore to use please contact on number below if you want to use her!"My naked pictures were up for any one at my hubbies work to see, the...

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STORY ndash lsquoWhored Out to his InLawsrsquo Pt 6

STORY – ‘Whored Out to his In-Laws’ Pt 6Stephen could not believe the situation he found himself in, bent over his desk with his trousers around his ankles, cuffed, collared and blindfolded while Lisa pushed harder at the tight virgin hole of his red spanked arse with her strap-on while a hard cock was pushed into his mouth by ‘James’. Stephen had no idea who James was, how he knew Lisa, all he did know was that Lisa had fed him James’ cum from her pussy...but despite the perversity of his...

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STORY ndash lsquoWhored Out to his InLawsrsquo Pt 5

STORY – ‘Whored Out to his In-Laws’ Pt 5Smiling for the cameras, and the audience she knew would be watching with their own perverted arousal, imagining them pleasuring themselves but wishing they were in the office with her know to share her pleasure and to encourage Stephen to accept his new pleasures in his role as her SLUT. Her audience enjoying what was happening on the screens in front of them.Terry was sat alone in his office, trousers around his ankles as he sat at his desk watching one...

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lsquoWhored Out to his InLawsrsquo Pt 4

STORY – ‘Whored Out to his In-Laws’ Pt 4.....Stephen tried to get out of his sexual-high promise, but knew he would agree to anything to keep Lisa, she was becoming his world and his world was becoming filled with more and more sexual experiences. Experiences that Stephen could only have dreamt of before Lisa, dreamt of and fantasised about while spending so many hours alone viewing porn on the internet. But now things were happening for real and Stephen would do anything Lisa asked.....Lisa...

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STORY ndash lsquoWhored Out to his InLawsrsquo Pt 3 more of

STORY – ‘Whored Out to his In-Laws’ Pt 3 (more of Lisa)Another benefit of Lisa’s and Carol’s fun with Brian their tutor, in addition to getting good grades, was his introducing them to others he knew that enjoyed their sexual pleasures to the full, without being limited to social expectations of sex, who enjoyed all the pleasures that varied, kinky or perverted sex could bring without guilt or self-recriminations. They enjoyed what they enjoyed and if others enjoyed it too, they enjoyed it...

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STORY ndash lsquoWhored Out to his InLawsrsquo Pt 2

STORY – ‘Whored Out to his In-Laws’ Pt 2...Stephen couldn’t hold out any longer and his cock filled Lisa again, knowing he would be licking her beautiful shaven pussy and swallowing his cum again....and now, just as Lisa had planned he wished he was tasting another’s cum , from her....he wanted it as much now as Lisa.....Lisa slide off Stephen’s wilting cock and for the second time lowered her cum filled pussy onto Stephen’s accepting mouth, as Stephen’s tongue probed into Lisa’s wet sex as his...

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lsquoWhored Out to his InLawsrsquo

STORY – ‘Whored Out to his In-Laws’Stephen had grown to love and accept his wife’s sexual desires without question. Though he had always taken care to look after himself, keeping fit, working hard to gain promotion, Stephen had never had that inner-confidence that is friends seemed to have when it came to women and sex. When he began seeing Lisa, he could not believe how lucky he was, she was beautiful, funny, sexy someone Stephen thought was ‘out of his league’ and when it came to sex Stephen...

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Showing Abby Whos Boss

Introduction: A young girl takes an office job with an old friend. Five years ago, Abby strolled into the meeting room and into my life as a 18-year old having just completed high school. I still remember what she wore: red gym shorts, a blue tank top and black flip flops. Her light brown hair came down loose to her shoulders, swaying as she sat down in the seat next to me while we both prepared for the first day of orientation for a summer job for which we had both been hired as temporary...

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Whoops Payback

Whoops Payback By Marina Kelly For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a story about the aftermath of a wife's conduct toward her husband continuing my story 'Whoops'. This story was previously posted on FM; but has been heavily edited and rewritten, thanks to the creative mind of Monica Rose. The ending is a drastic change from my last version. Marina J @ @ @ @ Carol had just arrived home from her office, poured two glasses of Phil's favorite...

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Whoops Whoops  ??????????? I was on my way to a local dominatrix, I finally got the courage to go and try it out for my first time.? I?m six feet tall dirty blond hair, blue eyes and stay fit by working out and playing basketball on a regular basis.? I would say I?m barley above average with in the looks department.?  I walk into the building and see a gorgeous lady sitting at the desk I walk up and start talking to her bout my past experience, which have only been being tied up by old...

2 years ago
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Whoring the bitch by the hole

Being tight on cash, I told my bitch I was gonna whore her, so she could bring in some extra bucks.Since it's a fat, ugly bitch I had to come up with a shrewed businessplan to make at least some money by whoring the bitch. Btw, she's not humongous, just a fatty. And fucking horny all the time! As we all know they're so many whores around, some stiff competition, so I came up with the ideato whore the fuckmeat by the hole; 20 bucks per hole without a rubber! You pay 10 bucks more per hole if...

3 years ago
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Whoring My Hos And A Bitch

It was fairly easy to notice that Mrs. Graham, our high school senior teacher, was constantly looking at the black boys crotches in class. The only problem was she finally looked at the wrong one. Mine.I stayed after the other k**s left class that evening to test my theory. She didn't notice as I watched her cleaning the blackboard. Her large hips swayed with each rub across the board. Her dress was fairly low cut for a lady in her mid 40s but her legs were nicely firm. She turned around and...

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Whos the Boss

It always amazes me….the power of words, and the visual effects of a large cock can have on a sissy. Especially the power of a sexy curvy dominant woman has over a small penis submissive male. A woman with curves knows a small penis man can't satisfy her so, really he is just a toy for her to play with, an after thought if any.Any variation of the above will strike a startling reaction mentally and physically in a male who is about to receive an old-fashioned shaming from a dominant female and...

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Birth of the Ringtaker 5 Whos the man

Introduction: Youll need to read the previous stories to get the full enjoyment out of this story. Stan now knows who and what he is. Now its time to see him live up to his family name! So Im laying there with Aunt Barbara riding me like a fucking jockey. Were at the cabin mom and dad own. Mom is on the sofa eating the carrot I just had her fucking herself with. Dad and Uncle Rich thankfully couldnt come. Dads running the bar since its Labor Day weekend. Uncle Rich and Aunt Barbara had a big...

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Whos in Charge part 3

Sheryl sat at her desk trying to concentrate on her work but her mind kept returning to her next set of instructions she found her self checking her emails constantly to make sure she hadn't missed one, what was he going to ask for next she thought with a delicious shiver she had already sent an email to Steve telling him he was getting a blowjob when he gets in but not the fact she was gonna record it as she was mulling this over her email beeped it was Simon"Sheryl thank you for that your...

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Jesus, these hookers are like cockroaches; you just can't get rid of them he thought to himself as he turned on the red & blue lights of his patrol car. Dan thought about calling it in, but decided against it; he wasn't very well liked by his fellow cops these days. Nothing good would come from mentioning this to dispatch. Officer Rosita, his former partner had just been assigned desk duty, pending an investigation thanks to testimony that Officer Dan had provided to...

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Officer Dan responding to a call from Angela (a police dispatcher), saw them in front of the alley, congregating again. Jesus, these hookers are like cockroaches; you just can't get rid of them he thought to himself as he turned on the red & blue lights of his patrol car.Dan thought about calling it in, but decided against it; he wasn't very well liked by his fellow cops these days. Nothing good would come from mentioning this to dispatch.Officer Rosita, his former partner had just been...

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Whorehouse Chapel

Whorehouse Chapel Copyright Oggbashan October 2015The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************It started several years ago when Tom, one of our older widowers, found that Maria, the professional lady he visited two or...

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Sissy whorehouse veronica

Chapter 1 - The CaptureBefore I became a girl I was a lonely boy with no friends. I couldn't seemto make friends with anyone. I hated myself and I hated my life. One day Idecided to take a walk and try to get away form my troubles. It was earlyin the morning, the sky was a pretty pink, and no one else was out. Butthen, out of the corner of my eye I spotted a black van with heavily tintedwindows coming down the street. It slowed down beside me and as it did Igot a little scared. I was alone on a...

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Youtube star

Eva was really excited today she would make her first step in becoming the next youtube star. She was going to make her first stream on youtube. She planned this since days and had everything perfectly planned. She'd do a hairstyle tutorial showing of her beautiful brunette hair. She wore a nice fitting jeans but that didn't matter anyway because she would be sitting all the time. Her top was more important though she wore an expensive dolce gabbana top that she extra bought for this. It was...

Mind Control
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PalimpsestChapter 15 An Old Whores Heart Warming

As promised Mary set up a date for Joe to visit Marcie. Everything good about his date with Marianne vanished in Marcie's presence. "Why aren't you getting naked honey?" she asked when she peeled off her clingy cotton dress revealing her saggy forty year old body. Slim, her fake tits defied gravity. The old whore's face looked skeletal fighting age's loss of metabolism. Her butt sagged and her flesh lost resilience over the years. Her broad face still looked beautiful in its perfect...

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Moving my whores to the city

Introduction: Seedy city life brings adventure and filthy fucking Moving my whores into town For the next six months I used Rachel as a source of much needed entertainment and to be honest I grew very fond of Rachel as I believe she did me. But I knew deep down that once my whores contracts at Donalds expired this coming Friday id be jacking my job and upping sticks with my whores to the middle of the city centre for a new start and to experience new things. Money wasnt a problem anymore as my...

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Moving my whores to the city

For the next six months I used Rachel as a source of much needed entertainment and to be honest I grew very fond of Rachel as I believe she did me. But I knew deep down that once my whores contracts at Donald's expired this coming Friday id be jacking my job and upping sticks with my whores to the middle of the city centre for a new start and to experience new things. Money wasn’t a problem anymore as my whores had worked wonders and had easily accumulated a multiple six fi My whores were...

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A housewife or a whore1

Rekha, 23, was what one could call a perfect marriage partner. She could pass for a model any given day. She used to be slightly slim then what she was now but the extra kilos had added more to her charm and looks. The extra kilos were gained at the right places. Anupam, 26, her husband was a land shark. He could make money out of sand. His obsession was to increase his land bank and become one of the top land bank owners of India. With the boom in the land business, he was in alignment with...

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losing my future wife to drugs and being a whore0

So I blew it off no more mentioned private detective got alot of good pics video`s then he said your fiance was gorgeous ? I was like fuck you and do your job so he wrote down all the plates and orgies she was in and all the swinger`s . she was d p`d alot in the video`s he found of her on a site . so that day i got done working early . i got home as a car was pulling out the man hollar`s your old lady is one good fuck !! I was pissed . Still our engagement party was coming up soon was...

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Wife Forced To Be A Whore1

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Joan and I have been happily married for more than 15 years. We decided not to have children, probably now due to our age. Joan is 48 and I am 52, so to have children now, when they were in high school, we would probably be in a rest home. As much sex Joan and I have, Joan uses both an IUD and takes the pill to prevent pregnancy. Once menopause takes hold, we won't...

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Paul and his Whores0

Chapter 1- The Next Day Sonia was dressed in a yellow bikini & spiked heels . Bill she called out , Paul is coming over soon , he wants you out of the house , he's bringing a guest over he wants me to meet, " yes" dear Bill said I'm leaving now as he shut the front door, he was going to the pub to watch the game . Meanwhile a few minutes later Paul pulled up in the driveway & opened the car door and let his latest acquisition out . Last week he had played with his second sex...

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A High Class Whore0

The smell of bacon woke me the next morning and I eagerly hopped out of bed and rushed downstairs. Wearing nothing but a long sleeved top and white panties, I tried to look sexy as I walked around the corner to the kitchen. There he was, a tall man of six foot three inches with sea foam eyes and honey brown hair. He was the most attractive trucker that any one had ever laid eyes on. We ate and talked and once we had finished and cleared the table, he told me how much he missed me as a firm...

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Sandras Boy Toy and Masons Cockwhore

Arriving exactly 10 minutes after the discussed time, Sandra walked into the high traffic restaurant. The hostess was searched her list to find the corresponding table. “So you’re the lucky girl.” She said as she found the table. “What do you mean?” She wondered. The hostess smiled, nearly laughing. “All the waitresses have been eyeing your date. Hoping that you would stand him up.” The envy pumped Sandra’s heart. “Maybe we’ll bring one of yous to join us.” She said, clearly hitting...

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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Five Feeding the Fangwhore

Chapter 5: Feeding the Fangwhore by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 The angel Aurora trembled. Her wings fluttered. She had crossed over from the Ether into the material world and intervened on the vampire Damien D'Angelo, preventing him from killing the youthful Mary. Instead, the Angel twisted him to turn Mary into a vampire. “ was the only way to keep him on track,” Aurora spluttered. Gideon's eyes were wide behind his glasses. The more scholarly angel swallowed....

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My Mommy The Piss Whore1

Its Spring break and instead of getting drunk and doing a bunch of drugs, I decided to go home and see my mother. Sure, call me a mommy's boy, but I don't really care. I wasn't much of a partier and dont really intend to be. Let me tell you a little more about myself. I have dark brown hair and blue-grey eyes. I'm not fat, but I'm not really fit either (around 190lbs). I've only slept with 2 women in my life. My senior prom date in high school, but that slut shouldn't be named, and...

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Diary of a Whoremonger Joanna the Germ Gets Fouled

Joanna the Germ Gets Fouled When I awoke it was dark. The door was open and the fluorescent light from the walkway outside illuminated the motel room ghastly white. I looked at the clock and groaned. "9:20? Fuck me.." The best-looking whores would all be gone. Having made their quota early they'd be home or off clubbing somewhere, but that didn't bother me much.. my mind was festering and my body so agitated it was doing a slow boil, the signs were clear.. no fetching, vivacious...

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weekend whore0

just after I went to sleep, maybe two am or so, I got woken up to three guys, they wanted me to fuck them too, which was cool, but I was tired so I told them “maybe later.” without even a hesitation the three of them dragged me out of the bed and gave me a beating me, then tossed me on the floor pulled my legs apart took turns raping me, when they were done the locked me in the room. In the late morning the next day, I was taken in to the front room and they tied me, bent...

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