La Rose D'Amour Chapter One free porn video

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Or the Adventures of a Gentleman in search of Pleasure. Translated from the French.
"Thus every Creature, and of every kind,
The sweet joys of sweet coition find." -DRYDEN.
At the age of s*******n, through the mistaken but paternal fondness of my father, the Count de L-, I was still immured in an old chateau, on the coast of Brittany, with no society but that of my tutors, an eternal round of daily lessons, to be gotten only by poring over some dozens of musty volumes. Naturally of an indolent disposition, I became ennuyed to such a degree by the monotonous routine of my life that I verily believe I could not have survived three months longer had it not been for an accession of company which the old chateau received.
I was most agreeably surprised, while at my studies one morning, by the noise of carriage wheels driving rapidly over the stone pavement of the courtyard. I threw my book into one corner, bounded down the stairs, and met my father at the hall door; he was accompanied by my uncle, Count C-, and his two sons, who were about my own age.
In the course of the day my father told me that he was about to start for Russia as ambassador, and that after remaining at the chateau for a week or two, my uncle and cousins would return to Paris, taking me with them, as during his absence I was to reside with my uncle.
The next day my father, after giving me a great deal of good advice and his blessing, started en route for St. Petersburg.
My cousins, Raoul and Julien, I found to be two as wild young colts as ever were let loose upon the inhabitants of a country village, setting at defiance everything, and leading me, who proved an adept scholar, into all kinds of mischief, whilst their father, who had some business in the neighbourhood, could not look after our conduct.
Going one day into my cousin Raoul's chamber in search of him, on opening the door, I was perfectly astounded at what I saw. There lay Raoul on the bed, in the arms of one of the femmes de chambre, Manette, a most lusty, finely-formed, rosy-cheeked wench.
When I entered the room my cousin was lying on the top of Manette, clasped in a tight embrace, a pair of large white legs crossed over his back, and from the heavings and motions of their bodies, I perceived that they were enjoying themselves in a manner altogether satisfactory; and so intent, and enraptured were they, with the exercise they were taking, that they did not notice my having entered the room. Although, during the three days my cousins had been with me, they had, by licentious conversation, uprooted all my preconceived notions of virtue in woman, so strictly had I been reared, never having been allowed to enter the company of females, not even in the village adjoining the chateau, that seeing the two on the bed in that manner I was so amazed that I stood at the door watching them till Raoul raised himself off the girl.
He got up, standing with his back to me, while Manette still lay with her eyes closed, her petticoat and shift thrown up, her thighs wide apart, revealing to my ardent gaze a round white belly, the bottom part of which was covered with a large growth of jet black curly hair, and lower down, between her thighs, I discovered what I had so often heard of, but never before seen - a cunt; from between the locks of curly hair that grew over the mount above, and around the dear delicious slit, I could perceive two fat and rosy lips slightly gaping open, from which oozed out a little whitish-looking foam.
My senses were so confused with what I saw, and the strange emotions which had been called up in me, that I stepped forward towards the bed. The moment my step was heard Manette buried herself under the bedcovers, while Raoul came to meet me, and taking me by the hand led me up to the bed, saying,-
"Cousin Louis, what have you seen? how long have you been in the room?" I answered and told him I had witnessed their whole performance.
Raoul threw the cover off the girl, and raising her to a sitting posture, with one arm round her waist, said,-
"Cousin Louis, you who have never tasted the pleasures to be received in the arms of a pretty girl, do not know what it is to resist the temptation of making use of every opportunity and means in one's power, to gratify the appetite, and see what a beautiful, charming mistress Manette is; who could deny her? Having done me the honour to invite me to her chamber last night I could not but return the courtesy this evening, and know the sequence."
I replied, "Yes, she is very charming," and feeling a desire to get an insight into the pleasures derived from the conjunction of the sexes, I laid my hand on the bare knee of Manette, who still sat on the edge of the bed, her clothes scarcely covering her cunt and thighs, and slipped it under her chemise, till it rested on the hairy mount that overtopped the delicious slit beneath.
But Raoul stopped me, saying, "Excuse me, cousin, but Manette is mine, at least for the present, but as I see you are anxious to initiate yourself in the mysteries of the Cyprian goddess, I think that with the help of Manette I shall be able to find you a companion for the night; can we not Manette?" said he, turning to her.
"Oh, yes," said the girl, jumping to her feet, and assuming a smiling look, "we will get Monsieur Louis my little sister Rose, who I am sure is a much prettier girl than myself, and she has larger and whiter breasts than I have," said she, covering a pair of fine round white globes, which I was greedily devouring with my eyes. "I am sure," she went on, "that you will be pleased with Rose, when we bring her to you tonight."
Telling Manette that on condition she brought her sister at night to my chamber, I would be secret and mention to no one what I had seen, I retired and left them.
Going to my chamber early in the night I spent an hour in a fever of excited expectation till Manette entered the room, leading her sister by the hand. Rose was a most beautiful girl, and the moment she entered the room and the door was closed, I sprang forward, caught her in my arms, and led her to a sofa, where I sat down and drew her to my side. I unpinned the handkerchief that covered her breasts, and clasping her again in my arms covered them with burning kisses. This caused Rose to blush exquisitely and struggle somewhat to release herself from my embrace, when Manette stepped before us, saying, -
"Monsieur Louis, Rose was never in company with a man before now, and of course is a little backward, but is very willing to remain with you, and by yourselves you will, I am sure, find her all you wish; is it not so, sister?"
To which Rose replied, "Oh yes," and hid her face in the cushion of the sofa.
Manette told me that as wine was a great reviver of the spirits and provocative of love, she would go and bring me some, telling Rose to ply me plentifully with it. She went, and soon returned with a tray of wine, cakes, &c, and retired, wishing us "a happy night of it."
When Manette retired I locked the door, then drawing up a sofa to the table I led Rose to it, and seating myself by her, endeavoured to put her at her ease by not proceeding to any liberties at first, till I had plied her with some half-dozen glasses of wine. After she had drunk pretty freely, the natural vivacity of her character began to show itself, in her open and free conversation. I now put my arms around her waist and neck, and pressing her close to my breast, imprinted burning kisses upon her rosy pouting lips. I then slipped one hand into her bosom, feeling and moulding her firm round bubbies. After dallying thus awhile I stooped and slipped a hand under her chemise, raised her clothes up on her knees. Squeezing and playing with her legs, I slid my hand along her thigh till my fingers rested on a bunch of silken mossy hair, which overhung the entrance of her virgin cunt.
Playing with the silken curls, twining and twisting my fingers through them, I dropped one finger lower down, and putting just the tip of it between the lips, I titillated her so well that she began to wriggle about in her seat. I could stand it no longer. I was on fire; the blood was boiling through my veins. I raised her on her feet, and began stripping her, fairly tearing her clothes off in my haste, till she stood perfectly naked before me. Ye Gods! what beauties, what charms, were exposed to my ardent fiery gaze, what delicious breasts, how firmly moulded, small, yet so round and firm. I press them, kiss them, take the nipples in my mouth, I draw her to me, till feeling her naked body against me, I drop on my knees and transfer my love kisses to the lips of her luscious little hairy slit. I was in a perfect frenzy, I burned, I raged. In a trice I threw off everything, and clasping her body to mine, I raised the trembling girl in my arms, and carried her to the bed.
Placing a pillow on which to rest the plump, luxurious cheeks of her backside, I lay her down, springing on the bed by her side. I open wide her thighs, and my prick being up in arms and eager for the fray, I lay my length on her. With the tips of my fingers I unclose the pouting lips, and with the utmost trouble insert the head of my virgin rod into the entrance of her no less virgin cunt.
No sooner did I feel the head lodged aright than I drove and shoved in with the utmost fury; feeling the head pretty well in I thrust and drove on, but gained so little that I drew it out, and wetting it with spittle I again effect the lodgement just within the lips. At length by my fierce rending and tearing thrusts the first defences gave way, and I got about half-way in, but had become wrought up to such a pitch that the floodgates of love's reservoir gave way, and I sank upon her breast in a delirium of transport as I oiled her torn and bleeding cunt with a perfect flood of virgin sperm.
Poor Rose had borne it most heroically, keeping the bedclothes between her teeth, in order to repress any cry of pain, whilst her hands clasped my body to hers, or even handled the shaft of love to assist its murderous intentions on her virginity.
As I lay panting and gasping on Rose, glowing with the fierce excitement, my eyes darting forth their humid fires, the stiffness which had perceptibly remitted, returned with redoubled vigour, and I again began to make headway into her. The sperm that I had spurted into her cunt had penetrated and oiled the dark and narrow passage, making my further entrance somewhat easier. I now recommenced my eager shoves, my fierce lunges, and I felt myself gaining at every move, till with one tremendous and cunt-rending thrust I buried myself into her up to the hilt. So great was the pain of this last shock that Rose could not suppress a sharp shrill scream, but I heeded it not; it was the note of final victory, and only added to the delicious piquancy of my enjoyment as I buried myself, if possible, yet further within the soft, luscious folds of her love sheath. We lay for a short time in the closest conjunction with each other, so that the hair on both of us was interwoven in one mass.
Putting my arm around her neck, I drew her to a yet closer embrace, and planting numberless kisses on her rosy lips and damask blushing face, which was wet with tears of suffering which the brave little darling could not prevent from starting from her lovely eyes, I drew out the head and slowly thrusting it in again; my fierce desires goaded me to challenge her to a renewal of the combat. A smile of infinite love crossed her lovely countenance, all signs of past pain seemed to vanish, and I could feel the soft and juicy folds of her cunt, throbbing and clasping tightly on my enamoured prick; my movements quickened in an instant, and so exciting was the to-and-fro friction, aided by the delicious jingling of my magnificent stones against her backside, despite all her pain, Rose was thrown into such an ecstasy that she clasped me in her arms, and throwing her legs over my back paid down her first and virgin tribute to man, forced from her by the soul-stirring motions of my rod of love, while I met her and spurted another stream of burning sperm into the utmost recesses of her fount of love, commingling together, partially cooling the fires which were raging within us.
So novel, so new, exquisitely delicious, so transporting, so heavenly were the sensations, ecstatic were the joys we both felt that we twined and writhed in each other's arms like serpents, while Rose exclaimed,-
"Oh God! I die! Oh heaven! What joy, what pleasure. Oh! oh! ah! ah!-h!-h-"
Ending in one long deep-drawn sigh. With a few convulsive jerks and struggles of her delicious backside she loosened her holds, and stretching herself out with a shudder, fainted away, and I, who was at my last gasp, also sank into oblivion.
When we had recovered from our delirium I got up and poured out some wine, gave it to Rose, and tossed off a bumper myself, I then planted a soft kiss on the lips of her torn and bleeding cunt, exclaiming,-
"True fount of love, sole seat of never failing joys and pleasures to man, dear, delicious, hairy little slit, from this moment my whole life and soul are forever devoted to you."
I spent the night with Rose, in one continued round of pleasure, revelling in the full enjoyment of her virgin charms. Again and again did we renew our embraces, swimming in a sea of pleasure. So furiously did we enter into our combats of love that nature soon became exhausted, and we fell asleep in each other's arms.
In the morning when I awoke Rose was sitting up in the bed, looking with anxious eyes on the now diminutive, shrunken instrument which the night before had ripped open the entrances to her virginity, robbing her of her maidenhead. When she perceived that I was watching her she threw herself into my arms and hid her face in my bosom.
Gently raising and reassuring her, I made her take hold of it, and began dallying with her breasts, tickling her, pressing them, sucking their rosy nipples, while the touch of her hand renewed in me the fires which were already springing into flame. Rose had the pleasure to see the small shrunken thing she first took into her hand spring up into a magnificent rod, smooth and polished as ivory, its large uncapped head red and glowing with the heat that was raging in it. I determined that she should reap the reward of her labour, and gather into her storehouse the rich harvest of love that was awaiting her.
Gently laying her down, and placing a pillow under the firm half-moons of her backside, she stretched open her legs to the utmost, exhibiting to my gaze the gaping lips of her cunt, ready open to receive the delicious morsel which, panting and throbbing like a high mettled courser, raised his foaming head erect against my belly.
Laying myself down on Rose I made her take hold of my prick to put it in, but so firm and erect was it that she could barely bend its head down to the entrance. So magnificent was the erection that with all the stretching her cunt had received the night before it would not enter. Drawing myself back to wet the head within the lips, and slowly shoving it into her, she could not move, but lay quietly till I stirred her up so powerfully that we soon melted away, making her feel the pleasures more sensibly, and giving her the full enjoyment of that which she had but tasted the night before.
We had barely recovered ourselves when we were aroused by a knocking at the door. Slipping on a loose robe de chambre I immediately opened it, and Raoul and Manette came in. I led them up to the bed, and pulling off the coverlet showed them the blushing Rose, more beautiful in the morning from the fatigues she had undergone the night past.
I called their attention to her, saying, "Behold her chemise; see how it is dyed by the juice and crimson tide, which flowed from the parent stem after I had plucked la rose d'amour from my lovely Rose."
My cousin Raoul now congratulated me. He said that he was "overjoyed that he had been in a manner instrumental in procuring for me such a delicious rose as Rose turned out to be." That he was sincerely glad he had been partially the cause of my being thus happily initiated into the mysteries of the divine art of love, and at the same time of my having had a virgin partner in my delicious combats.
Manette, too, congratulated her sister.
"How pleased she was to learn that she had secured such a lover as M. Louis, how happy you will be together now you have once tasted the supreme joys to be obtained in each other's embraces, sipping of the pleasures of which I am sure you will never tire."
I now spent all my nights with Rose, sometimes in her own chamber, again in my own, and not content to wait for the night I would sometimes get her into my room in the day, and enjoy myself with her.
One day, while in my room with Rose, she stretched across the foot of the bed, her clothes raised up, and exposing to my view all her beauties, I standing between her legs with my prick (which was a very large one, few men being able to boast of one as large), in my hand, Manette suddenly entered the room, I having neglected to lock the door.
She got a fair view of my prick, and stood looking at it, apparently amazed at its being so big, but seeing the manner in which I was engaged, she retired.
(To be continued.)

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"God Mother. Dad was right. You are The Queen of cocksuckers." The guilt set in immediately. Rose had just swallowed her son's ejaculate for the second time of the evening. She had FUCKED her own son. Rose arose from Brad's bed and ran to her own bedroom. She locked the door behind her, worried that Brad would follow her for more incestuous sex. She cried herself to sleep, not just because she had had sex with her son but because she had enjoyed it so much. Her first fuck in over a year...

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Rose BlossomsChapter 2

It was only the next day that things became even more involved. Rose had a late jazz band practice at the school. It was going to be another hour and a half before I had to go and pick her up. Todd and I were watching TV. But I think he was watching me more than the TV show. I know he was thinking about last night when I sucked his cock. I could not blame him because I was thinking about it too. I got off my chair and sat on the couch with him. “Are you thinking about what I did last night,...

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Rose and DennyChapter 2

Rose stripped naked and fell on her back on her big bed, touching her already moist pussy with her fingers. A moan escaped her lips. Then in a loud voice she yelled. "Brad, get in here now!" Brad heard his mother calling to him. Without bothering to put on his pants he headed for the master bedroom. He was guessing that watching the young Jones boy sucking on his six incher had made his mother horny and now she wanted some of her son's cock too. Watching Brad's blow job had effected...

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Roseanne barr meets rosie of Donnel

It was a wild Hollywood party,,1989 everyone that was anyone was thier. A luxurious penthouse in the sky. The party thrown by roseanne was to be the most decedant,,orgy of sex and v******e ! Every sexy kink was to be explored, Roseanne sits atop a magnificent throne! Dressed like a 50s sex kitten,,her big boobs in a glorious red bra,,matching panties cover her ample hips and ass,,,black garters and nylons,,,full heavy make up,,and a 50s bouffant hair do.reigning over her subjects,,,,large...

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Roses video Chapter 10 Maria and Rose swap moms

POV: Maria Both Rose and I kissed each other's moms for about twenty minutes straight. I couldn't help, but to look at Rose and my mom from time to time. It all created the perfect storm of sexuality where the taboo aspect of it still made it quite hot.'Even as I'm not actually related to Kate, it still feels like incest. Maybe it solely because she is my godmother or that my mom is making out with Rose right now. Who the hell knows? Kate has always been like a second mom to me, and she never...

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Roses video Chapter 10 Maria and Rose swap moms

Both Rose and I kissed each other's moms for about twenty minutes straight. I couldn't help, but to look at Rose and my mom from time to time. It all created the perfect storm of sexuality where the taboo aspect of it still made it quite hot. 'Even as I'm not actually related to Kate, it still feels like incest. Maybe it solely because she is my godmother or that my mom is making out with Rose right now. Who the hell knows? Kate has always been like a second mom to me, and she never had...

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Law of the BloodChapter 4 The Executioner

Roban thought about yesterday’s events after the girls had left but that got him horny, so he stood up to relieve his bladder and wash. He was hungry but before he went out to search for food there was knocking on the door. After he called out, “Come in”, the door opened and a woman he hadn’t seen before entered. The woman was of regal beauty somewhere in between twenty-five and thirty. High cheek bones, a thin straight nose, intelligent sparkling blue eyes and a rather small mouth with thin...

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RosemarieChapter 9

I had previously encountered the 'three-note-interrogative' a few times; the young ladies of my acquaintance using it when they wanted to cajole me into doing something they thought I might be reluctant to do. "Edward..." I smiled at Rose-Marie; "Whatever it is, Precious, you've got it." It was just over a week after Margaret turned up on the doorstep. She'd been to the house several times since for meals and she'd come with us to St. Jude's on Sunday. After the service she'd...

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RosemarieChapter 8

I can't say things got back to normal. What is 'normal'? My life had been turned upside down by meeting Rose-Marie in the first place. I'd fallen in love with her and we were going to marry. Her abduction by her father upset things, but we'd got through that with help from Dulcie, her husband and her (now our) God. All this, and the summer wasn't over. We went out into the country a lot, walking together and stopping frequently to use our binoculars. I introduced her to the gym; as...

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Rose Goes on the Road With Her BrotherChapter 2

The party for her grandmother had been a success. It had been nice meeting her cousins, aunts, and uncles again; a time to catch up, reminisce, and have a few laughs. It was also gave Rose a perverse thrill to be socializing innocently with the family, none of whom had the slightest idea that she and her brother had screwed each other's brains out the night before. The disappointing part was that their parents had insisted they stay at the house for the night rather than checking into a...

1 year ago
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To Break a Wishbone

To Break a Wishbone By Robyn Thanksgiving. Not my favorite time of year certainly. For most it is the time each year one gets to share the company of friends while eating a grand meal. For me too, Thanksgiving is the one day when all my family gets together from all over the country to celebrate together. Aside from being a time of turkey and talk, though, it is also the time of criticism and comparison. You see, I was born a twin. The "older one" as I'm constantly reminded of....

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I Love You Stephanie Mahoney

I fell in love at an early age. Really early. I remember it clear as day, seven years old, like a bolt of lightning. Her name was Stephanie Mahoney, and she was a sixteen year old goddess assigned to babysit my precocious little self. I told her within minutes of her walking through the door that I planned on marrying her, and bless her, she didn’t laugh, just smiled and said she liked younger men, but she expected to be kept in a certain fashion when we did get married. My parents were in a...

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Harry Potter and the Shadows of EvilChapter 1 Hermione

Hermione Granger clutched the old tome she had found closely to her chest as she moved through the halls of Hogwarts back towards the entrance to the Room of Requirements. 5 weeks into the school break, several members of the so-called Dumbledore's Army had returned to school for a little over a week (with their respective parent's permission, of course, or in Harry's case, cowed acceptance from his uncle, who was really more than happy to have him out of the house.) With Dumbledore's...

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RosemarieChapter 7

Well, everything was okay, wasn't it? I'd proposed, she'd accepted, her father had been and gone ... just the formalities to finish. Sure, Wilbur. "Okay, Precious. When do you want to do the deed?" "Would yesterday be too soon?" She smiled. "Depends on what you want. As far as I'm concerned it's formalising something that's already happened," I said seriously. "It'll be your day, so you need to think what you want from it. Who do you want to be there? We won't contact...

3 years ago
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PurpleProse1020Chapter 3

It took Gabi about 20 minutes and one cup of coffee to find the nerve to punch in the address to She fumbled with the spelling, eventually tracking it down with a search engine. She gritted her teeth as the home page downloaded, fearing that her screen would suddenly be overflowing with pornographic images, but instead she found a very simple, no-frills site. She went to the site's search engine, adjusted it for an author search, and typed in "purpleprose1020." Up...

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Rose BlossomsChapter 3

Two days later, when I went to tuck them in, Rose invited me to join them. She wanted Todd to fuck me. I stripped naked as I admired my son’s cock and my daughter’s pussy. I got on the bed and kissed Rose, “Todd can do anything you want him to do. But I want a taste of you first, my sweet and very sexy Rose. Even Todd thought that was a good idea.”Yeah, ma, lick her. I know she likes that a lot.” Rose laid down and spread her legs, “You think I’m sexy.” I ran my fingers over her pussy and...

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Rosewood Circle

Before anyone suggests a part two, I already did that and then I combined them into this one story. Rosewood Circle I was recently watching a Disney movie about a youth retention camp called ‘Holes.’ There was a passage in that movie that made me think. One kid told the kid digging the hole next him that ‘it shouldn’t be labor to help your neighbor.’ Well I had been helping my neighbors for many years now and it was definitely becoming labor for me. Hell I was getting older too....

4 years ago
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Rosetta Chapter 3

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 3 "Well, it certainly sounds more exciting than my brush with MORFS." "You're a morf? One of us?" "Of course. Nothing useful, like yours. But it did get exciting in a sad sort of way." Rose consciously switched back to English. "Exciting and sad? What happened?" "I grew up in a small village near the coast of Eire - Ireland, you call it. We used to joke that...

2 years ago
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Rosetta Chapter 4

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 4 Rose wasn't given much time to brood on her feeling that she was being set up. While she was making the calls, her father and sister were breaking out the supplies for the other part of their Black Friday tradition - putting up the Christmas decorations. Before she knew it, she was anchoring and testing the animated yard display, while her father was stringing the DanceGlows along the roof and around the windows and her mother,...

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Rosetta Chapter 5

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 5 Rose woke with a feeling of empty loss. Some of it was a normal reaction to the day, but there seemed to be something else - something from her dreams. She experienced the normal part every year. There had been so much build up to the events of the last few days, what with Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and her birthday, and now it was suddenly all over. On top of that, the visit by her Gram was ending. When Rose went to school,...

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Rosetta Chapter 6

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 6 Her nap was not as refreshing as she would have liked. She almost attributed the things she heard to dreams, but they were not said "in the language of" her dreams. It was clear that the speakers had no idea they were being overheard - much less by a thirteen year old girl. The general consensus was that the ogre - her father - had scored a major coup of some sort and was in a position to parlay that into an even bigger score....

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Rosetta Chapter 7

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 7 WHUMP! SCREECH...BOOM... tinkle... crash! "Shit!" Rose almost never heard her father swear. but his eyes were in the rearview mirror, looking shocked. Looking back, she saw a large truck sitting across the traffic lanes behind them. The front end was on the other side of the road, blocking part of that traffic as well. There was wreckage everywhere. *Lena! What happened? Are you ok?* *I'm... fine. Just before the...

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Rosetta Chapter 12

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 12 Shielding sensitive information from a telepath is best done in layers. It helps to have some natural shields to begin with. Then the outermost conscious level - keep the information out, and fill it with a compelling, emotionally charged image. Preferably, one that is profoundly disturbing. In a pinch, one that is overwhelmingly attractive will do. Either way, it does two things: makes it believable that your mind keeps returning...

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Rosetta Chapter 13

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 13 As the morning wore on, the snowfall started to slack off. By late morning, it was light enough that the neighborhood children were out playing in it. Of course, there are children and then there are children. Rose was startled by a knock at the door. Even with her MORFS augmented hearing, he hadn't heard anyone walking up to it. The mystery was solved a moment later, when she caught a glimpse of a familiar form standing on her...

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Shift Happens Lionel

Shift Happens: Lionel by Kaitlyn Autofield It had been such a long Friday, and Lionel was eager to get home to his apartment and rest for once. ?He walked up the two flights of stairs just as Silvia was on her way down. ?She flashed a smile at Lionel which sent tingles down his spine. Silvia was obviously dressed for a night out with her friends, making her quite a lovely sight for Lionel. ?Secretly, he wished he would sum up the courage to ask her out, but living...

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RosemarieChapter 5

We were happy. At least, I think we were happy. The emaciated, shy girl I'd met back in December and fallen in love with, had become a lissom sylph and gained confidence. There were still moments, though, when she slipped back into uncertainty and I enjoyed convincing her of my opinion that she was beautiful. From time to time, though, she became very quiet and I noticed her looking strangely at me when she thought I wasn't aware. I had an internal battle too. Perhaps 'confusion' would...

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Roses video Chapter 6 Kate Needs To Talk

I awoke and suddenly licked my lips. 'I had sex with Rose,' I thought, rubbing my face slowly. 'I committed incest and cheated on my husband with my sexy daughter,' I thought before I lazily leaned up. I peeked over to my left side and bit my bottom lip. "I'm sorry that I'm not sorry, Chase. I fucked our daughter and made both of us feel incredible both inside and out. I know you are sleeping right now, but I told you this was happening. I certainly hope Rose doesn't want it to be...

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Roses video Chapter 6 Kate Needs To Talk

POV: KateI awoke and suddenly licked my lips. 'I had sex with Rose,' I thought, rubbing my face slowly. 'I committed incest and cheated on my husband with my sexy daughter,' I thought before I lazily leaned up.I peeked over to my left side and bit my bottom lip. "I'm sorry that I'm not sorry, Chase. I fucked our daughter and made both of us feel incredible both inside and out. I know you are sleeping right now, but I told you this was happening. I certainly hope Rose doesn't want it to be just...

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Roses Video chapter 13 Chase Is One Lucky Bastard

"Chase, you just had sex with your daughter, you may look at me and my hot daughter too," I heard Lil point out before I felt her hands on mine. "We don't mind if you look at us, Chase. I'm pretty sure your daughter and wife here will love it, and their slits may get wetter." I took a deep breath and slowly turned her way. "Wow, you do have a great body, Lil. I just never thought I'd see it," I commended her, checking her out. "And don't forget about me, Chase," Maria...

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Primrose House

Note: This story is based loosely upon a letter that appeared in an early edition of the Petticoated website. I think it's still available to read, although I can't remember the name of it. Primrose House I took the call at 3pm on an idle Wednesday. I knew the voice was Helen's straight away. Even as a girl she had always spoken so precisely, so elegantly, that it was hard to mistake her soft Home Counties accent despite the advancing years. The way she pronounced the S...

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Josie in Tombstone

After all the noise and smoke and killings of 1881, Tombstone, Arizona began attracting scribes the way a buffalo corpse attracts vultures and flies. It seemed as if every newspaper back East had to have an eyewitness account of the big shootout between the Earps and the Clantons. These overly romantic seekers of Truth and Beauty inevitably ended up sitting across from Big Minnie, buying her drink after drink at the Bird Cage Theater and scribbling furiously in their journals. Minnie had a way...


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