Southbound Ch. 17-18 free porn video

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Originally edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks. I’ve made some minor changes since, so any errors are mine alone.


Chapter 17 A New Arrangement

‘Is Phil going to be all right?’ Fiona asked quietly as we lay in bed.

‘I think so. It’ll take some time. He’s hurting, but he’s young and resilient and I believe he’ll get over this in time.’

‘And what about you?’

‘Good question. I’ve been wondering what would have happened if I’d still been married to Carla when this occurred. How would I have handled it? How would I have felt afterwards? It’s pointless, really. While I was there, I spent a lot of time at night wishing I was here with you. I did not want to be in that house. It was my past and I don’t want to go back there.’

‘Well, here you are, right where you want to be. It’ll get better now, right?’

‘It already has,’ I said as I rolled toward her and pulled her to me.

‘I’m glad you don’t have to go back to Langley,’ she murmured. ‘I hear the planning meeting is going to be held here.’

‘Yeah. Leo decided to reward the sales and management group with an ‘away meeting’ since we’re having such a great year.’

‘You know I volunteered to be hostess, don’t you?’

‘I heard a rumour to that effect. Just what does that entail?’

‘While you and your people are in meetings, I’ll be in charge of entertaining the wives and others.’

‘So what are you going to do to entertain them?’

‘Well, I will hire a small bus and we’ll sightsee, shop, eat, shop, go to San Francisco and shop,’ she grinned.

‘You’ve got three days to do all that, so I can expect some interesting charges on my Visa I suppose.’

‘Don’t be frightened, dear. I’ll use my own card. I’ve had several very good months lately.’

‘Yes, I know. I keep hearing about it from Leo. He likes to needle me that you’re making more money than I am.’

‘Are you jealous?’

‘Not for a minute. You’ve earned every dime. I’m so proud of you I could burst.’

‘And I’m proud of you, Andy. You made it all possible. Everything I have is thanks to you.’

‘You aren’t giving yourself enough credit. You made it happen. I just gave you the tools to do the job.’

‘And,’ she said, wrapping her hand around my slowly growing erection, ‘it’s a mighty fine tool too.’

The house was sold, although for less than I expected. The market had softened, particularly in the price range that our house had been listed at. We netted $265,000 after retiring the mortgage. I split the money equally in three, with a little over $88,000 thousand going to Neal, Phil and Ruth. Ruth didn’t want to accept it, but it was a provision in the will and I convinced her that it was Carla’s wish.

Neal accepted the cheque and thanked me. I reminded him that it was from his mother and he looked somewhat embarrassed. Phil had no noticeable reaction to his check. He looked at it and I wondered what he was thinking. At length, he handed it back to me.

‘Look after it for me, will you?’ he said. ‘I’ll just piss it away if you don’t.’

I nodded. His mother’s car was sold and we would use that money for a down payment on a new car for him. He was going to be staying here in Livermore for the foreseeable future. He planned to start community college courses in the New Year and that would give him some time to recover from the loss of his mother. I noticed that Tina was being particularly attentive to him, trying to cheer him up I suppose.

‘What are we going to do with four cars in this household?’ Fiona asked one day.

‘I don’t know. I haven’t even thought about it. Why four?’

‘Well, there’s you and me and Phil and Tina. Unless our children decided to share, there’s going to be four cars on the property.’

‘Well I guess we’d better convince them to share then, hadn’t we,’ I grinned.

Phil had his eyes on a Mustang until I went over the realities of car insurance for young people in California . We collectively, with Tina’s inclusion, chose a Ford Escape. Phil chose the model and Tina chose the colour. They were both in full agreement with the choices.

I wasn’t astonished when Phil told me that he was going to attend the same community college as Tina. Tina still had a year left in high school, but had already stated she was planning on attending Las Positas College. Phil would have to write an entrance exam to back up his school records from Langley. As long as he applied before December first, he could enroll for the second semester beginning in mid-January.

The college campus was in Livermore, less than five minutes from our favourite golf course. It seemed like an ideal solution for us and them. The college also offered high school courses and that’s when Tina surprised us. She was going to finish her high school by the Christmas break and apply to the college for the spring semester, just as Phil would.

‘Can you do that?’ Fiona asked.

‘Yes, Mom. You know I’m ahead on some of my credits, so I talked to my counselor and she agreed I could take the exams in December. I can put a conditional application in for the spring and as long as I pass, Phil and I will be starting at the same time. It just makes sense, doesn’t it?’

Fiona looked at me and I shrugged. ‘If you think you can do it, then … okay,’ Fiona said hesitantly.

That brought a big smile from both Tina and Phil, along with a high five.

‘Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad.’ In a flash, she and Phil were gone.

‘What do you suppose that was about?’ I asked innocently.

Fiona looked at me with mild distain. ‘Boy, are men ever dumb,’ she said, shaking her head.

Over the next two months, I saw Tina and Phil with their heads in their books, studying together. That was something new for Phil, who regularly crammed for any exam at the last minute. When I quizzed him about it, he explained that he was making sure he wouldn’t have any problem with the entrance exam and was helping Tina as well. I wondered if it wasn’t the other way around, but any sign that he was taking his education more seriously was welcome, so I left well enough alone.

As fall approached, the early morning golf on Thursdays came to a close, but we were invited to join some of our unofficial club on Sunday mornings to help them make up mixed foursomes. We immediately agreed. We soon found ourselves in with five other couples, playing regularly once more. We alternated partners and got to know a number of people, none of whom had anything to do with our business.

The golf led to our being invited to social gatherings including barbeques, card parties, and other occasions which allowed us to meet more people and make new friends. We reciprocated, of course, and by the end of the year, had acquired a group of new acquaintances and friends. I had both Fiona and Carla to thank for that. Fiona was a natural when it came to making new friends and Carla was the one who drew my insular social habits to my attention. In the space of a few months that had all changed for the better.

Christmas was approaching and I already knew there was one gift that I wanted to share with Fiona. It was a membership at Las Positas. It wouldn’t be a surprise since I wanted to make sure I could qualify for one, but with three of our friends acting as sponsors, it wasn’t a problem. This was one membership I was confident we would use regularly.

The week before Christmas, Fiona and I were out Saturday evening visiting one of our friends’ homes and had been introduced to two new couples. One was the brother-in-law of our friends, the other his neighbour. We got along very well with them and on the way home late that night Fiona remarked that we seemed to be collecting new acquaintances at quite a rapid rate.

‘I have to thank Carla for that,’ I said.

‘Oh … why?’

‘She was the one who pointed out how narrow my interests were. Y
ou are the one who helped me change all that.’

She reached out and squeezed my hand. Words weren’t necessary.

When we walked into the kitchen, I could hear the TV in the living room and we looked in to see who was up. What we saw was Tina and Phil lying together on the sofa, both of them sound asleep. We also noticed that Tina’s bra was on the floor and Phil’s hand was tucked up under her sweater while Tina’s hand had slipped inside Phil’s fly.

I looked at Fiona and she looked at me. I think we were silently asking ourselves the same question. ‘What now?’

It was Fiona that reacted first, taking my hand and leading me back into the kitchen and opening and shutting a couple of cupboard doors, hopefully making enough noise to awake the sleeping teens.

‘That should do it,’ she said in a normal voice.

‘We’ll soon know,’ I acknowledged as I began to set up the coffee maker for the morning.

It was a minute later than a sheepish Tina came into the kitchen, wiping sleep from her eyes.

‘I guess we were tired from studying,’ she said, not looking either of us in the eyes.

‘I guess,’ Fiona said with a smirk. ‘Why don’t you head to bed?’

‘Okay … g’nite,’ she mumbled as she turned and left.

Phil crossed from the living room to the hallway, mumbling his ‘g’nite’ as he went.

Fiona turned and looked at me, barely able to restrain herself from bursting out in laughter. She grabbed me and began to do just that, using my shoulder to suppress the noise. I didn’t think it was quite so funny.

‘What do you think they were up to?’ I asked quietly.

‘Oh really, Andy. Isn’t it obvious? Your son and my daughter were having a rather intimate time of it on the sofa. It’s called a hot make-out session.’

She hadn’t raised her voice and she clearly wasn’t angry, which caught me by surprise.

‘This doesn’t bother you?’ I asked in surprise.

‘Andy, Tina and Phil have been like this since the first time they met,’ she said, crossing her fingers and displaying them to me. ‘Didn’t you notice the hug she gave him when you brought him down here after his mother was taken into the hospital?’

‘I saw them hug, but I didn’t think it was more than her comforting him when he was in pain.’

‘That’s exactly what it was, but it was also more. Don’t you remember how quickly you and I connected? I’m guessing that happened with them too.’

‘Oh.’ I wasn’t exactly full of brilliant comment at that point.

‘Are you upset about it?’

‘I don’t know,’ I admitted. ‘They’re so young, Fiona. I’m not sure I’m comfortable with them getting serious about each other.’

‘Let’s sleep on it and talk about it in the morning.’

‘Okay,’ I agreed, happy to let it go until I had some time to think about it.

Fiona and I were up first on Sunday morning, getting ready for our regular golf game. It was several minutes later that Phil made an appearance. He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt but barefoot. He looked sheepishly at Fiona and me.

‘Are we in trouble?’ he asked, unsure who he was asking.

I was about to play dumb when Fiona took the matter out of my hands.

‘No … not trouble,’ she said, about to add something when Phil spoke again.

‘We didn’t do anything … wrong,’ he stumbled.

‘Okay,’ Fiona nodded. ‘You’re eighteen, Phil, and Tina will be in a few weeks as well. That’s means you’ll both be adults. So … you have to think about that and what you both want in your future. Unless your Dad feels differently, I won’t interfere, but I will ask you to act responsibly. I won’t say anything different to Tina.’

Phil still looked a little uncertain, but nodded acceptance, probably relieved that he wasn’t getting an earful from me or Fiona about their behaviour last night. He went about his normal breakfast routine wordlessly.

I didn’t have anything to add to what Fiona said. It took me a while to accept that Phil was now an adult in the eyes of the law. The death of his mother and his moving here to Livermore with us had changed him. He was more mature. His studying with Tina and preparation for college told me his change was for the better. He had grown up in a very short period of time. When I reflected upon it, Fiona had said the right thing at the right time.

Tina made her appearance just before we got ready to leave for the golf course.

”Mornin’ Mom, g’mornin’ Dad,’ she offered, looking at Phil uncertainly. She was dressed in a dressing gown, her hair uncombed.

‘Good morning, Tina,’ I said with a smile, hoping to allay her apparent worries.

She gave her wordless mother a kiss on the cheek, then the same for me, then, surprisingly, the same for Phil. I saw Phil’s eyes widen in shock and it was all I could do not to burst out laughing. Fiona had her back turned and didn’t see the cheeky little move.

They say mothers have eyes in the back of their heads. I know mine did. How Fiona knew what Tina had just done I don’t know, but she did.

‘You’re kind of pushing the envelope, aren’t you girl?’

Tina giggled, having been caught, but unrepentant. ‘Just saying good morning to my boyfriend, Mom.’

Phil had turned beet red by this time and didn’t know what to do or say.

Fiona had turned back from the sink to face the three of us. ‘So, when did Phil officially become your boyfriend?’ she asked with a knowing smirk.

‘About five minutes after I met him,’ she shot back quickly. ‘Something like you and Dad, right?’

I saw Phil cringe when she said that and I thought he was about to say something, but couldn’t manage it.

Fiona was shaking her head in that time-worn method parents do when they know the situation is hopeless. She gave her daughter the ‘mother stare’ before saying, ‘I expect you to behave like an adult, young lady. You are still young and I am still your mother. Understood?’

‘Yes, Mom,’ she replied, chastened. She looked at me and I was expressionless I thought, so she wouldn’t pick up any hints about what I was thinking. She went about making her breakfast.

‘That was interesting … the way you handled it, I mean,’ I told Fiona as we drove to the club.

‘What was I going to do? Yell and scream at her? She knows what happened to me. I don’t have to beat her over the head about it. She’s heard the story enough times. All I can do, Andy, is remind her.’

‘Smart,’ I nodded. ‘I wasn’t quite as sure about Phil, but he’s changed. Tina’s still the more mature one, and I think she has a positive influence on him. I hope you agree, but I don’t want to throw cold water on them just yet. I trust them.’

‘I do too, but we both know the effect of raging hormones. It can be like a drug and one or the other of them can lose control. I guess we’re like most parents. At their age, we just have to hope they remember what we’ve told them and hope for the best. We can’t be watching all the time.’

‘That’s the way it works,’ I agreed. ‘I remember Carla and I going through this with Neal. You have to give them enough freedom and yet hope they have a sense of responsibility that will keep them from making a big mistake.’

Fiona was nodding. ‘As I’ve told you many times before, my love, I like the way you think.’

We held a company Christmas party at the Microtel in Tracy two weeks before the big day. I had met Rita, Bobby Lee’s wife, and his three sons when they first arrived in early July. She wasn’t quite as little as Bobby Lee had made out. I’d guess she was five-foot-five, but beside the big guy, she was dwarfed. His boys all looked like they were going to be younger versions of their father. The food bill in that household must be astronomical.

Wick’s wife, Eileen, was darn near the same size as Wick, and while no raving beauty, you could see they were are life-long couple. She couldn’t thank me enough for getting her and Wick out of the ‘frozen tundra’ of Appleton. She
was also surprised to find that I was Canadian and wanted to know about Vancouver and the west coast. Apparently they were regularly bombarded with Alaska cruise and B.C. Tourism commercials on their cable channels.

We had held a backyard barbeque for both families during the summer to welcome them and get to know them better. The Christmas party would be only the third time we had been together socially. We did have a ‘get to know you’ reception for all the new people on a Saturday night in September. We had made all the new hires we expected to make and invited them and our staff to meet and mingle. It turned out to be a good idea and we would consider a summer picnic as a regular mid-year event.

Once the attraction between Tina and Phil had been revealed, they stopped being coy about it around the house. It wasn’t as if there were a lot of overt displays of affection, but they certainly didn’t act like brother and sister in my view. I worried about it for a while, but as Fiona was quick to point out, worrying wouldn’t do any good. She convinced me to let them be and expect them to act appropriately. Easier said than done.

Chapter 18 The Anniversary Honeymoon

‘I just remembered that I didn’t keep my promise,’ I said to Fiona.

We were lying beside each other on a pair of lounges, looking out over the beautiful blue Pacific from the shores of Napili Bay, on Maui.

‘What promise?’

‘That we’d have a proper honeymoon in the same calendar year as we got married. I missed by two weeks.’

‘I forgive you. This really is paradise. Golf in the morning, swimming or sailing in the afternoon, dinner in Lahaina in the evenings. It’s perfect, Andy.’

‘It’s too bad we can’t play the local course until next week. That tournament has blocked it off.’

‘Why don’t we go and watch the pros,’ Fiona said brightly. ‘We might learn a thing or two.’

‘The only thing I’ll get out of it is an inferiority complex when I see how far they hit the ball.’

Fiona rolled toward me and took my hand. ‘You’ve got nothing to feel inferior about, trust me,’ she said, stroking my crotch lightly. You’re a big hit with me.’

‘Thank you. That’s what counts.’

‘Do you know what tomorrow is?’ she asked.

‘No … aside from Friday … I don’t.’

‘It’s our anniversary. It will be exactly one year from the first time we made love.’

‘How do you know that?’ I asked, surprised. ‘I remember it very well, but not the date.’

‘A woman never forgets the first time with the man she loves.’

‘Then we should do something special to mark the occasion,’ I said.

‘Oh, don’t worry, we will,’ she snickered.

I had a pretty good idea of what she had in mind.

I was ready for a vacation. Fiona was as well. When I looked back on the past year it seemed to have gone by in lightning fashion. The dozens of events that had made up those 365 days had all merged together into a blur. We had rebuilt a manufacturing plant, installed new equipment, hired new people, produced new products, found new customers and made many new friends.

But more importantly, we had found each other and we had formed a new family, while sadly, I had lost part of my old one.

‘I’m going to hate it when we have to go home,’ Fiona said.

‘Don’t you want to show off your all-over tan?’ I kidded.

‘It isn’t all-over and don’t you go telling anyone it is.’

‘It does look good on you, babe. It makes you even sexier than you already are.’

‘You look pretty studly yourself,’ she grinned with a raised eyebrow.

‘Thank you. All compliments gratefully received.’

Fiona rose and put on a light wrap over her bikini. She had bought it when we arrived. It would protect her from the sun and still be comfortable. I pulled on an oversized t-shirt and we both slipped on flip-flops before heading down the beach and back toward our condo. Actually, it was Leo and Bernice’s condo, on loan to us at no charge as part of his generous thank you for the performance of the new Tracy plant.

We were carrying some debt, but the sales results and profits were solidly above expectations. It was going to make it much easier to decide when to order the second press and laminator. The coffee pod business had started slowly, but was gaining momentum. The number of machines being sold to the public had continued to increase, especially around Christmas time. It would appear we had another winner. Leo was generous with both his praise and the bonuses handed out to the staff.

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This story is true all names have been changed to protect identities.I appeared at the front door , she came and let me in “ hey!” She said . She gave me a hug , “so glad you could make it “ . So me and Tilly had known each other for about 13 months and we were friends she was 20 and had a 4 month c***d with a another guy . But me and Tilly were about to date before she fell pregnant . So she came to the door in a white vest top and grey shorts . I looked down as she walked away “ a little hot...

3 years ago
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Slots III

SLOTS III By Julie O. Chris checked his watch, it was just past 10:00 and they were just crossing the Nevada State Line. They had made pretty good time despite getting caught in LA traffic. He figured they would be in their hotel in less than an hour and then the Honeymoon would truly start. Erin was also checking the time. However she wasn't as excited to see the time pass. She truly loved Chris and was so happy to be his wife, but she was also nervous about their first night...

2 years ago
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A Massage Or Not

One of my straight friends called me to say hi and told me about a new massage center opened very close to his office. He said he went there twice and he would be going again and again as he had a wonderful experience. I was eager to ask when he invited me for the next time. I went to his office after work and we went to the massage center. There was a young asian boy at the reception and it was obvious that he was gay. He welcomed us warmly and took us to a change room where we could take off...

2 years ago
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A Schoolboys Secrets Day Seven The Unexpected

What a great start to the New Year! I can’t believe how randy Kyle got after that...rather fucking hot Christmas Eve. Maybe Calvin unlocked something inside him; he just couldn’t get his hands off me once we got under those sheets! One night I was woken up to feel his hands fixed to my crotch! It was so nice, that had to be one of the best nights so far. But it was yesterday that I was taught a valuable lesson. Here’s how it goes: Morning: nothing new, woke up to find Kyle holding onto me,...

4 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 10

All things considered, I would be the first to admit my feelings for my little sister Princess were bordering on true obsession and I had not the slightest clue on how to extricate myself from the bonds of such close family ties. She was without a doubt the cutest and prettiest of all my female acquaintances and her generosity in the dispensing of pleasurable female favors were decidedly matchless. It was completely habit-forming to know she was available next door to drain me of my pent-up...

3 years ago
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MissSpelled Part 2

Miss-Spelled Part 2 I woke up with a groan. And it wasn't totally due to the fact I had a hangover. I was in a girl's room, in a girl's bed which I was sharing with the amazingly beautiful Becca, and the almost as beautiful Kayleigh and Sarah sleeping on air beds on the floor. This time yesterday I would have given my right arm to wake up with these three. Unfortunately, yesterday I was Phil Jameson. Today I am Sophie Jameson and in this new reality (due to a case of...

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Alexs Craigslist Adventures Ch 0

I Love AdventureThis is where it all began. I was in my early 20s and decided to answer Seth's ad. He had a swimmers build, and a gorgeous 7" cock. Also his personal motto was "Spitters are quitters" (I think you know where I'm going with this.) So of course I let him cum in my mouth, several times, but this story is about our first fuck. Enjoy!!!-----"We could meet up somewhere, like my truck. I love adventure." Was his typical line. We had an empty parking lot where we regularly met.Seth was...

2 years ago
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Getting A Head in Business Gay

My phone buzzed on the desk, and I made the mistake of looking at it."GET IN!!" Read the text message from my friend Ben. "ONE-NIL!"I let out a small groan of disappointment, I couldn't believe I was missing the semi-final. City had never got this far and I was stuck in the office. I looked at the clock, thinking if I could get home in time to watch the second.Anne would be a bit annoyed, but I had stayed late and that was what she wanted. That and a nicer house, which meant I had to get a...

1 year ago
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Sylvies little sister

Note : This story is completely fictional! Sylvie slumped down on the living room couch bored out of her mind. She hated staying home on Mondays. It just didn’t feel right after all the school she just graduated from, but now she was 18, and her college courses ran from Tuesday to Friday, and she had to get used to it whether she liked it or not. So usually, she would go out with her friends or work an extra day down at the waterslides, but today she stayed at home, bored to death until around...

2 years ago
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A letter from my Mistress

I have you alone, finally, in my hotel room. I have taken you to dinner, making you wear your pretty pink thong under your jeans. I have made you walk to and from the restroom and the waiters stand numerous times so you have to feel them, reminding yourself and showing me what a pathetic whore you are. I watched you squirm in your seat as it was riding up your ass, occasionally rubbing MY balls with my toes under the table. I told you at dinner, that once we got back to the room, you were mine...

1 year ago
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You know that something is wrong when your once wonderful c***d starts talking to you. Now it is common knowledge that parents and c***dren don’t communicate with each other and either sulk or scream when faced with even the idea of trying. So it’s understandable that I was unconcerned when my spittle spitting baby grew up to be a screaming, tense and rather rude young man. In fact, to tell the truth, I was over the moon about it. The more he and I shouted, screamed and generally shook the...

4 years ago
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Fraternity Girl Initiation

Tammy wiggles uncomfortably, looks around the smoky hotel suite. Where isKrystal? She looks at her watch-only nine pm, they've only been here an hour. She sips her beer, tugging at the hem of her entirely-too-short denim skirt. Stupid parties-she hates them, hadn't wanted to come in the first place. ButKrystal had insisted, hadn't wanted to be alone at the biggest frat bash of theyear, the one where the official "Frat Girl" was chosen from a collection ofnames put in a hat. It sounded silly...

3 years ago
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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 3 Out of mind

Rob and I spent the night in the coach. The seating was remarkably comfortable and we slept like logs, once we had disposed of the corpse. In the grey light of dawn we found Metzendorf’s garments strewn over the floor of the coach. The indications were he had divested himself in a great hurry; several buttons being lost from his shirt and tunic, and his breeches were turned inside out. In a pocket of his discarded jacket I found a ‘wrap’ of Satan’s Breath. Rob and I exchanged looks of...

3 years ago
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Down on the Farm

You hit your clock and turn it off. You sit up in bed - it's the ass crack of dawn of course. It's so hot in your room, which is why you slept in only your thong. You stretch, get up and head to the bathroom. You take a minute to admire yourself in the mirror - perky B cup tits, flat abs, long legs and a big bubble butt. Then you sigh, 6 months ago, this is not how you imagined your Saturdays in September going. You were supposed to be at Arizona State - right now you should be sleeping before...

1 year ago
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Jamacian Dick

The land of Jamacia sparkled as the sun rose above its streets. Beatiful, lust, green jungles were scattered everywhere. People and cars roamed the streets below like a busy hive of ants. It was beatiful and I was able to see all of it through my small six inch window on the airplane I was sitting in for nearly an entire day. Tall buildings gave off an erie shadow as the sun rose high above them. I watched as the people below did their everyday lives. It was quite a marvelous site. At...

4 years ago
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Road Trip Part 2

Just shy of three hours later I pulled into driveway of the large hotel chain and stopped in the valet parking space. I waved off the bellman and opted to carry my own luggage inside and less that fifteen minutes later I was in a luxurious suite. I unpacked my suitcase and hung what clothes needed hanging and then placed my toiletries case in the bathroom. I then set up my laptop and spent the afternoon on Lush and a few other sites as the time slowly passed. I half expected a call from...

Straight Sex
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Too Much LoveChapter 74

By the time he arrived at 85 Jay Street with Ceri on his arm, Simon Anderson was gaining a fresh appreciation of how a process could be nearly perfect and yet go completely off the rails at the same time. Ceri had arrived at his apartment at the appointed time dressed to kill in a drapey blue dress cut to expose an oval of flesh centered on her pierced navel. It had sequins that sparkled when they caught the light and the way the color matched her eyes gave her a witchy, otherworldly...

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My Friends Daughter Chapter 4

If you haven’t read Chapters 1,2, and 3. I suggest you do as it will give you insight into what is happening in this chapter. The brief synopsis of what has happened up to this point is: In chapter one, my friends daughter gave me her virginity with her mother watching without her knowing. In chapter 2, my friend, Karri and I had woke up and had our time together while her daughter, Lexi, was sleeping. In chapter 3, for the first time mother and daughter had openly watched each other while they...

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Massive ass on the office

Betty was one of my work colleagues, she was about 5′ 4 and was overweight just the way I like my women. Her breasts where huge and needed those huge bras to hold them and no matter what she wore you couldn’t help but notice them. Her back curved in to the top of her massive ass that must have been twice my width and her legs where not out of shape just must larger, thicker and she always wore stockings or at least I hoped so. It was my second week there and I was still getting...

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Swap Week Chapter 7

Swap Week: Chapter 7 By RogerGirl Nicole woke up and went through her now normal morning routine. She put on a bra and matching thong, short denim shorts, a tank top, a pair of girl's ankle socks, and a pair of white canvas tennis shoes. After wearing heels so much, it felt nice looking sexy, but without the uncomfortable shoes. She packed her bags, ate some breakfast, and drove to school. After parking the car, she walked toward the main building and noticed Jennifer and Kyle...

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Dorothy alone

Dorothy was built like most women of that time that I had much to do with - slightly plumpish, with full buxom breasts. She was pretty and had thick black wavy hair. The dress code in those days was either blouse and skirt or a dress. The dresses were full and billowy and when it was warm, she would often sit and ease the dress up to her high thigh to cool down. Of course, I had seen up her skirts when the soft creamy flesh of her thighs, above her stocking line, came into view and that view...

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Introduction: Ben & Angie finally return to Astoria and we have the wildest night of sex I could imagine. HOT TUB HEAVEN, THE CONTINUATION I stay at the Astoria Holiday Inn every Monday and some Tuesdays while Im working in town. I enjoy soothing my bones in the hot tub every night Im there. Two weeks ago, I had the experience of a lifetime. A couple were sitting in my favorite spot in the tub while their three kids splashed in the pool. I eased in and sat far enough away from them so I wouldnt...

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100 Bottles Of Beer

I had to listen to my daughter and my four nieces sing “One hundred bottle of beer on the wall” for the entire trip. Not just once either. As soon as they got down to “One” my wife would say, “One more time!” I promised myself that I would kill her later. I had been coerced into this trip. Both of her sisters had been married on the same day in a double wedding ceremony. They were also celebrating their fifteenth wedding anniversary. My wife volunteered to take their daughters with us on...

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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 8

Ron woke up before Brenda and was fixing a meal when she slid out of the shelter. She dressed in front of the shelter and walked over to the fire. She did not recognize what Ron was cooking. He saw her trying to see what was in the pot. "Chickweed and blueberries," he said, "We are going to have to start living off of the land a bit. I don't want to use the last of our MRE's. If we get to a place where the land won't feed us we'll use the MRE's." They both ate in silence. Brenda...

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Setting my Wife up with a BBC Blacken

I would like to start out that as a 40 year old male, I have always had a fairly perverse mind while my wife is more on the prudish side. Over the years I have slowly gotten my wife to go from only making love in the dark and missionary style to introducing toys and talking about fantasies. Our sex life has gotten better and my mind has gotten more perverted the further we have come. A few years back, I was walking into the locker room at the gym I belong to and a black guy was changing. He was...

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Bikini Beach The Sub

Bikini Beach - The Sub ElrodW Synopsis: A young man is dropping his sister and her friends off at Bikini Beach, and overhears a problem with lifeguard staff. Anya realize he might be able to help, but he doesn't know what he's getting himself into. This story and the Bikini Beach story theme are copyright, all rights reserved. Use of the characters or them without the express permission of the owner is a violation of copyright...

2 years ago
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Justice ResurrectedChapter 15 Compacts and Understandings

Myka woke up long before dawn after a restless night. It had taken all the efforts Prince Kyftassa and she could muster to get Alyssa to go to bed instead of fleeing back to Meikar in devastation. Myka had then been rudely hauled into the room the prince was to use to be interrogated as to what was going on. By the time the handsome man deigned to let her leave, Myka was exhausted from the long ride and the explosion of emotion which she had to face that wearying day. The young Ce'al rose...

4 years ago
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Thats All That Matters

As he lay in a hospital bed, his wounded body trying to heal, Clay let his mind drift. It had been two weeks since the last surgery to repair his shattered legs. The doctors had told him right from the start that it would be a lengthy process. Never did it cross his mind it would be five long, lonely months, waiting to go home. His boss had offered him the chance to go to England for three months to work with an affiliate and update their security system. The job paid a hefty bonus if he...

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The Adventures of Johnny Carmichael Ch 01

First of all, introductions should be in order. It’s only polite. My name is Johnny Carmichael, if you couldn’t already tell from the title. I am in my late 20’s now, so this will start out as a bit of a memoir of how my adult life and career started. I am 6′, in average shape, with platinum blonde hair, and blue eyes. If I did not have my boyish looks in my younger years, I doubt I would have developed the reputation I have today. They are starting to fade in my current years. Don’t get me...

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BounderChapter 6

It was not quite yet midday when we arrived, as we had hurried our traveling pace on the good road to complete the four leagues of distance in rather less than the usual four hours. I was huffing a bit, being a little out of my best physical conditioning, but Koch and Flerrie appeared to show little if any fatigue and they made no particular complaints. I left them for the moment at one of the roadside vendor tents, an ale house of sorts, and let them quench their thirsts. The air had been...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Scarlett Mae From Schoolgirl To Cum Dumpster

At first glance Scarlett Mae looks like and innocent redhead schoolgirl. It is safe to assume that she might even be a virgin. When we got a look at her tight pussy, we may have even confirmed that as a fact. It was cleanly shaven and hurting for a squirting. In order to make this happen, Scarlett had to change out of her innocent clothes and change into something a bit more risque. She jumped into a see through bodysuit and proceeded to get lathered in oil by her man. Her body was glistening...

2 years ago
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A Terrible Thing to Have to Do

{This one isn’t erotic, but it is horror, I guess? So the closest fit is non-erotic.) +++ When Conrad’s daughter Samantha picked spring break to come home for a visit it was a bit of a surprise. But he was tickled pink that she was coming. Samantha was a ray of light in any room she ever walked into, just like her Mother, Mary Ann. When they were home with one or both of the kids around, even now that they were sort of grown up, everything was right in the world. He finished early...

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Me Clarissa And James

My newest neighbor and friend, James, was married to a fun and beautiful woman named Clarissa.  From the very beginning, I made them feel welcome in their home and helped them get settled in.  Over the next few years, we became very close and were often at each other's homes.  James felt like a brother to me from almost the beginning.  We shared common views on nearly everything that life offered.I ran a small business and worked crazy hours while Clarissa was a nine-to-five secretary.  James...

Wife Lovers
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Lonesome River Walk

Friday. Here again at this time of night with these same noisy, drunken fools. Why at 11pm every Friday night do I find myself sitting at this same stupid, crowded horrid little table with a the same damp beer mat covered bar jutting in to the back of my head? Three pints down and straining over the alcoholic hubbub to hear Steve telling me about the Hammers chance for glory this season. Steve has never played football and doesn't know anything more than what he gets off the telly. I...

2 years ago
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A new time in my life

I was waiting for the plane to land in Alabama. I was so nervous, and kept looking at the window to see if we were starting our final decent yet. The guy next to me gave me a smile as I was holding on too the arms of the seats. ‘Scared to fly?’ He asked me smiling as I started to take deep breaths trying to calm myself. I looked over at the guy and realized that he was pretty cute. ‘Does it show that much?’ I asked laughing. ‘Actually I don’t mind the flying just the landing gets me. Always...

4 years ago
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Depression SoupChapter 14 A Lady Named Samantha

My still black eye gave me "braggin' rights," when we went to churchthe following Sunday after the big fish adventure. It was fading by then but still very noticeable. Of course, in a close-knit county like ours everyone already knew at least one version of the truth. Those who had witnessed the incident had to tell everybody else who wasn't there about our altercations with the two Bradleys, father and son. As always, something got added or changed or omitted with each retelling. Truth...

4 years ago
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Escalation and Capitulation

"Mr. Hemming wants to see you naked." "What's the punch line?" "No joke. Daniel wants to see what you look like without clothes." "Just like that, out of the clear blue sky, your boss wants to see me naked." "We were talking about our wives. One thing led to another and I mentioned what a cute little body you have." Little? Yes. Cute? She didn't think so. She was petite, and slender, with small boobs and skinny legs. Angel could not image why anyone would want to see her naked....

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