Table 12 free porn video

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I am a fifty-year-old bloke – well educated but not arsey. Slim, balding, blue/grey eyes. I run my own successful business. Wicked sense of humour. I am in pretty good shape for my age but if you are looking for a story where the man is ripped to a six-pack and hung like a babies arm holding an orange with balls like melons, then perhaps you might like to look elsewhere. I am told I am good fun and I have wide and varied interests and can hold a sensible discussion on most subjects. I like nice quality casual clothes and like to look like I care! No tattoos or piercings.

The stories that follow are all true and are real encounters over a number of years – only names and some locations have been changed to prevent any embarrassment for anyone.

I have run my own Bistro for over ten years – I own it outright and have a staff of nine. I used to run it with my wife until she left me for the much younger wine company rep that used to supply our wines!! The Bistro is nothing fancy but it's not a greasy spoon either – we serve well cooked simple fresh food in nice contemporary surroundings backed up with first class service.

We are open seven days a week so my leisure time and time to meet people that interest me is severely limited.

I would describe my orientation as open minded. Most of my encounters have been with women but I guess I could be described as bi-curious. I have had a few encounters with men – mutual masturbation and oral sex but I have never had anal sex with a man. I wouldn’t rule it out but it hasn’t happened yet. I am quite interested in mildly kinky things – I love wearing a cock ring for super hard erections and I often wear a ball stretching weight – partly to achieve lower hanging balls but also because it feels great having a heavy weight swinging between my legs when I am rushing around the Bistro – it also feels slightly ‘naughty’ serving people who are totally oblivious (hopefully!) that I have got a 500 gram stainless steel weight clamped around my scrotum!! I am not circumcised and I keep my pubic hair cut really short and my balls are always shaved smooth – not for any reason other than I like it and to shave all my pubic hair off makes me look like a freshly plucked chicken! So it’s short above my manhood – shaved below and I Immac my ass crack every so often – I really don’t like hairy arses either on me or anyone else.

I decided as an amusing mind joke that I imagined making love to everyone that sat at table twelve. It’s a table in the middle of the Bistro and although I flirt outrageously with some of our customers, it’s not possible to have a proper conversation and asking someone out on a date would be overheard by many other diners.

I designed some cards on my laptop and printed out a few – along the lines ‘I have really enjoyed our brief meeting. I would really like to take you out on a date. If you would like that too then please drop me a line at [email protected].‘ The vast majority never replied but here are the accounts of a few that did and have stuck in my memory for various reasons!!





Ali was a woman in her late forties – well-upholstered and a really pretty face. Five foot three-ish and a happy ready smile and a really mucky laugh. She was a dead-ringer for Jane McDonald the famous cruise ship singer even down to the Northern England accent but with curlier hair! Curly dark hair and nice clear complexion – I guessed that there must be some Italian blood somewhere in the past – she was still slightly tanned even though it was early December. Very little jewellery but what she did wear was good quality. I will be perfectly honest – the thing that drew me to her was her chest! She had pretty big everything but the thing that caught my eye was her huge chest – large round breasts and looking at her from behind her breasts were wider than her rib cage! She was a regular and had lunch almost every Tuesday lunchtime – the thing that stopped me passing her the card was the fact that usually she had lunch with a couple of girlfriends but sometimes she had two small boys with her. It came up in conversation that the kids were her sisters – she quite pointedly told me that her own kids were adults and away making their own ways in life.

It was less than a week before she emailed me and we agreed to meet for lunch and a glass of wine – she suggested at her house – I guess partly she would feel more relaxed in her own home and safer – the devil in me thought it was so she could bed me.

I found her house without any issue – a small terraced house on the outskirts of Manchester – unassuming but nicely kept. I was ushered into the lounge and offered a glass of wine or a beer. I chose the latter. Alison was wearing her usual outfit – jeans a size too small and a baggy but nice quality olive green jumper – baggy enough to cover the bulges but nowhere near big enough to hide her breasts. She looked lovely. I sank my beer to help me relax and she had knocked back a glass of wine so I guess she was feeling a little nervous too. Looking at the bottle on the worktop it wasn’t her first glass of the day either! Good choice though a nice quality Sauvignon Blanc.

She said that since offering to make lunch she had regretted it as she wasn’t a very good cook. I told her my favourite food was beans on toast and she nearly choked on her wine. The devil in me thought it was a quick meal and that we could get to ‘dessert’ sooner!! I assured her that I was a connoisseur on beans on toast – has to be Heinz beans, wholemeal toast and real salted butter.

Over lunch, we talked about the usual bullshit that new couples usually do – the weather, how long she had lived there etc. It came up in conversation that she was widowed ten years ago. Her husband literally dropped dead at just thirty-six years old. That kind of put a downer on proceedings and I tried to lighten the mood – it was a pleasure to meet someone who hasn’t previously suffered my repertoire of jokes and funny stories! We finished our lunch and retired to her lounge with a nice cup of coffee – I declined another beer as I was driving later. I was ushered to the sofa and I was pleased she chose to sit next to me rather than on one of the chairs.

We talked about all sorts of things and we just got on really well – an observer would have thought we had known each other for a long time. We laughed and giggled like teenagers. She got up to get herself another glass of wine and offered me another beer which I declined. As she returned I could help but notice that she had a serious case of camel toe going on – had she pulled her jeans up tight to turn me on or was I just flattering myself? She sat even closer to me this time and I casually slipped my left arm around her and she responded by nestling into the crook of my arm – the weight and warmth of her left breast felt good pressed against me

I put my right hand on her hip and she looked me in the eyes as I leant forward to kiss her. She leaned towards me and we kissed gently – slowly and like adults rather than desperate teenagers. We kissed again and again and my attention wandered to her earlobes and her neck – she smelled of a good quality perfume – I couldn’t name it but it wasn’t cheap stuff. She loved having her neck kissed and moaned almost like she was about to have a mini orgasm.

My right hand had slipped inside her jumper almost subliminally and my hand rose over her tummy rolls gently caressing her until my hand reached the cup of her bra. Her breasts didn’t disappoint – they were huge, heavy and warm. I caressed her breasts and gently squeezed her bra where I thought her nipples would be and soon after, I could feel the outline of her swollen nipple through the fabric of her bra. I kissed her neck as I gently pinched her nipple and saw her mouth fall open a little as she let out a deep long moan and arched her back a little increasing the pressure of my hand on her breast.

Her legs were uncrossed but together and I moved my free hand from under her jumper to her thigh – she parted her legs very slightly – and I moved my hand closer to her inner thigh just short of her crotch.

As we kissed again my hand gently pressed upon her mound – my fingers traced the outline of her camel toe and the kissing got more passionate.

She whispered that she hadn’t had a lover for over 5 years and that I would have to be patient and gentle – I promised I would be and I meant it. I wanted nothing more than to give this lovely woman the best pleasures I could.

Figuring this would be a good time to mention it I told her I was slightly spooked by all the photos of her husband and kids on the walls and mantelpiece – I felt like I was being watched.

It was her suggestion to go upstairs and I followed her up the steep narrow stairs to her bedroom. I swear she wiggled her lovely round arse more than any woman normally does – she could probably sense my eyes boring into her ass cheeks like little laser beams!

She closed the curtains enough to give a dim light but not quite dark and walked directly toward me confidently pulling her jumper over her head to reveal her huge chest. We hugged and she pulled my top off over my head – the warmth and pressure of her chest against mine was wonderful. I reached around her back and unclipped her bra.

Her breasts were surprisingly firm for a woman nearing fifty with such a big chest. We hugged and kissed for a few minutes whilst my hands explored every inch of her fabulous breasts.

I slipped my hands downwards and fondled her nicely rounded arse gently pulling her towards me – enough so that she could easily tell I was hard. I stood slightly to one side and as my hand moved to between her legs she moved her hand to the obvious bulge in my pants. I stood back slightly to undo her trousers and caught my first real sight of her breasts – large, firm, full and rounded with dark semi-erect nipples – I couldn’t wait any longer to enjoy them and as I undid her belt and the single button on her jeans and the zip I started wiggling them down over her full hips. Eventually, I managed to get them off – they were tight all the way down and I ended up on my knees as she stepped out of her jeans and her panties came off with them – I looked up and was greeted by a beautifully shaped but incredibly dense full bush of dark curly hair. Not a hair out of place. It was a long time since I had seen a full bush – most women now seem to be removing every trace of body hair.

We stood facing each other and hugged tightly – her hands turned to my trousers and she struggled to undo the buttons so I helped her – as she undid my zip they fell to the floor and her hand returned to the aching bulge in my underwear. Her hand slipped in my waistband and stroked my manhood – she smiled as she squeezed so I guess she was happy with what she found.

I nodded towards the bed and she laid down on her back – I took my underwear and socks off and lay beside her – both completely naked at long last. I laid down on her right side and put my left arm around her shoulders my right hand already busy cupping her left breast and gently drawing tiny circles around her nipple – watching it darken and expand until it was the shape of a raspberry. Her areolas were dark and well defined and I leaned forward and traced circles around her nipples with my tongue, leaning back every so often to check the effect. Alternating from left to right she was soon making some fabulous noises of appreciation. Her breathing was deep and slow and I could have laid there for a long time just keeping her on fire and watching her breasts rise and fall. Her chest and neck were flushed and she looked happy and lovely - her head with its curly hair resting on the pillow – her mouth slightly open and eyes closed.

I traced a line down very slowly from her cleavage towards her navel with my tongue and she put her hands on my head as I headed south and moved my position from alongside her to kneeling between her legs. I had forgotten how luxurious a well-managed bush is – a neat triangle of thick, dark hair - musky and inviting. I put my hands under her buttocks and bent down to kiss her just below her navel – her pubic hair tickling my chin as she pulled her knees up a little to give me better access. Squeezing her buttocks and wriggling my tongue down through her thatch I gently parted her pussy lips and my tongue soon found smooth skin with no hair.

I leaned up slightly to appreciate her. Her pussy lips were full, large, dark and swollen laid out like a rare orchid flower in front of me. Her inner lips were creased and lined and protruded well outside her outer lips – no wonder she had a serious case of camel toe when she had tight jeans on. I couldn’t wait to fully appreciate her and to give her an unforgettable orgasm. I gently kissed her inner thighs as her hands on my head gently pushed my head down towards her.

My tongue wiggled between her lips and traced a line up and down between them. I gently sucked her inner lips and pulled ever so gently and soon I could taste her natural juice starting to flow. I spread her juices and up and down her and gradually it became apparent exactly where her clitoris was. My tongue rubbed in slow circles around it and I could feel it swell and harden to the size of a pea. My constant attention to her lips and clitoris was having the desired effect – I could feel her hips rise and fall and the pressure of her hands on my head gave me all the directions I needed. Once she was convinced that I knew what she liked her hands disappeared from my head. I glanced up and she was looking very flushed and her hands were kneading her breasts like a master baker – she was pinching her nipples quite hard and they reminded me of cherries. Her eyes were closed and she looked very, very happy.

I concentrated on her clitoris with my tongue – my hands gently pulled her lips apart and the ‘man in the boat’ was almost purple in colour – I spread her lips apart a little more firmly and her clitoris freed itself from its hood and stood to attention – almost like a micropenis. I went straight to it with my tongue – flicking it, drawing circles around it with my tongue and sucking on it gently. The rise and fall of her hips quickened and when I sucked on her clitoris she let out almost a cry of pleasure along with several expletives.

I had been rock hard now for nearly an hour and I was desperate to enter her but she was so turned on and so close to orgasm I thought I should wait.

I put my middle finger at the entrance to her pussy and she was so wet, relaxed and ready that I felt almost no resistance as my finger slipped deep inside her. With my palm facing upwards I searched for the tell tales of her G spot by making a ‘come to me’ gesture feeling the front wall of her pussy. She was so turned on that I instantly found the patch of skin that felt like a wet walnut shell. Two fingers were required. I massaged this spot quite firmly but slowly and her cries of pleasure slowly turned to a deep husky howl. I don’t think I have ever heard a woman make such a deep noise but it was music to my ears. Her hips were rising and falling more slowly but her knees were as far apart as she could get them.

I kept this up and knelt forwards to keep her clitoris amused and the combination of massaging her G-spot and sucking her swollen clitoris was having the desired effect. Her hips rose and fell to the same rhythm as my tongue and fingers. She was panting hard - a low guttural grunt and my fingers could feel her vaginal muscles starting to contract – she was so close.

I gradually increased the tempo and she soon took over the lead – I matched her hips thrusting with my tongue and fingers and she stopped squeezing her breasts and put them on the back of my head pushing my face hard into her soaking wet pussy. She closed her legs – the warmth of her thighs against my ears was lovely. The rise and fall of her hips slowly changed to bucking up and down rhythmically and almost staccato as my tongue massaged her clitoris and my fingers pushed hard against her G-spot.

Her pussy muscles tightened with a grip of iron and rhythmic waves of pulsing muscle squeezed my fingers hard her hips bucking hard and fast as she orgasmed and every muscle in her lovely body involuntarily twitched and went into spasm – she cried out loud, swore like a sailor, sobbed and howled all at the same time. As she started to relax a little, I became much gentler and slowed down and as her waves of pleasure slowly receded. Her thighs gripped my head less tightly and her pussy gave up its grip on my fingers.

As I withdrew my fingers, she had one or two more little involuntary spasms then leant back deep into the pillow and her legs fell slowly apart then straightened out as she uttered just one sentence, ‘Fucking Hell – that’s better than any vibrator!!'

I moved and lay at her right side – my right hand on her tummy – she looked absolutely exhausted but very happy, contented and relaxed.

She rolled to her right and her breasts rested against my chest. She put her left leg across me to snuggle up close.

We lay there for a good half hour – not saying or doing anything just being in the moment. It was almost dark outside now.

She got up to go to the bathroom I watched her ass wobble as she walked away from me and my mind wandered to what might happen next – I glanced down at my cock which was semi hard but my thighs were wet with precum.

She returned, turned on a dim bedside light and she now showed no inhibitions whatsoever – her naked body on view for me – she looked brazen and confident – where had the ‘be patient and gentle with me’ gone?? I didn’t know and I didn’t care!

I was lying on my back and she sat astride me just above my knees and stared straight into my eyes and said the words that every man wants to hear, ‘That was fucking amazing.’

Her soft hands gripped my semi hard shaft and with all my precum she was easily able to slide her hands up and down the full length of my shaft. I was soon fully hard, thick, veiny and ready. She spread my precum onto my scrotum and seeing that my foreskin still partially covers the head of my cock even when fully hard she gripped my scrotum at the top between her forefinger and thumb and pushed my balls down towards my ass which pulled the foreskin tight down my shaft. She looked at my cock for quite a while watching her hands slide up and down the full length of my veiny, shiny shaft, squeezed my smooth balls and whilst I gazed at her breasts and watched her massaging my cock I saw her lick her full lips several times – this was going to be great!!

She fondled my balls and urged on by my moans of delight soon discovered that I love having my balls squeezed – she made like an ‘OK’ sign around the top of my scrotum and squeezed to push my balls down to stretch my scrotum – she soon got the hang of this and soon my balls were being pulled hard and my scrotum stretched until it was shiny. I loved this but I was desperate for her to go down on me – I didn’t have to wait long.

She stayed sat astride me and shuffled slightly forward until her pussy was within reaching distance of the head of my cock. She gripped my shaft and slid the head of my cock up and down her wet slit. She shuffled her ass back to my feet, leaned forward – looked up and smiled at me then took my cock in her mouth. She sucked hard and her full lips were locked around the head of my cock as she pulled upwards. Her tongue explored my slit and around the edge of the mushroom head of my cock. She licked the length of my shaft – occasionally sliding her warm soft lips over the head of my cock. She gripped my scrotum like she did before and licked my shiny balls before taking them into her mouth one at a time probing them with her tongue and rolling them around her mouth. Then she took both balls into her mouth at the same time as she stroked my shaft – I could have come in seconds. Her warm soft breasts were brushing against my thighs – she sat up slightly and with a firm grip around my throbbing shaft drew tiny circles around her nipples with the head of my cock.

She shuffled backwards so she was sat with her pussy lips astride of my hard shaft which was pointing at my navel and slid forwards and backwards – she was so wet and the feeling of her hard clitoris rubbing against the back of the mushroom head of my cock was almost too much to bear – I could easily have come there and then. I think she sensed this and knelt up on her knees to give her the height she needed and guided the head of my cock between her wet lips sliding the head of my cock around between her lips – I could feel the warmth and wetness, the ridge of her clitoris and the soft willing opening to her pussy.

Almost imperceptibly she lowered her self until my shaft was inside her and then continued to lower herself until every millimetre of my shaft was deep inside her. The last inch or two made her gasp slightly.

She slowly rocked her hips back and forth and squeezed my shaft with her impressive pussy muscles.

She slid a little forward so that I entered her as she rolled her hips backwards. Sometimes she would shuffle back a bit so that I entered her more deeply as she thrust her hips forwards. Eventually, she settled somewhere between the two and knelt up slightly until my shaft was almost out and then sank down again slowly but firmly – soon she got the distance just right and as she knelt up she would tighten her pussy muscles as she sank down on my feeling every ripple and vein sliding deep inside her.

Then she sank down hard on me and stayed there just gently rolling her hips but squeezing my shaft – I opened my eyes and saw her cupping her breasts. She saw me looking at her and she put her hands on the bed behind her and leaned right back to give me a clear view of my shaft inside her. A wonderful sight.

Then she sat up again and carried on rolling her hips – her grip on my shaft was something else – she had the grip of a twenty-year-old!! I wasn’t complaining and the way the urgency of her movements increased told me she was ready for another orgasm.

I leant forward as best I could and gripped her buttocks as she rode me – her hips bucking quicker and quicker as she forced herself down on me. She put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me flat on to the bed as she gradually lost all self-control and rode me like a rodeo cowboy – her breathing heavy and fast, her face and chest flushed, nipples dark and hard. I could feel my balls starting to tighten and my shaft felt incredibly hard as she moved quicker and quicker and harder and harder.

She could tell from my breathing and my upward thrusts that I was going to come soon and she leaned back, supported herself with one hand and the other hand went straight to her clit and she used the tips of two fingers to flick side to side across her clit incredibly fast – her breathing was so deep and fast and as she let out a scream that was almost primeval her pussy muscles clamped down on my shaft hard and the familiar rhythmic pulsing took over as she leaned forward again and bucked her hips fast and hard screaming and shouting unintelligible things.

I could stand it no longer - the hard, fast pulsing of her warm wet pussy sent me over the edge, my balls tightened and my cock expanded to its absolute limits as my warm cum spurted deep inside her – again and again and again with every thrust. The throbbing and pulsing of my cock deep inside her caused more spontaneous spasms deep inside her and me – sometimes I would spasm and she would react – sometimes she would spasm and I would react – over the next few minutes the uncontrolled twitches gradually subsided, my cock softened and slipped out of her.

She lay on the bed alongside me – both wrapped in each other’s arms as our breathing gradually returned to normal. We were both wet with perspiration but inwardly glowing.

We didn’t speak for ages. We didn’t need to. We had both had an amazing time.

It was now almost dark outside but as she got up and walked to the bathroom I could see the outline of her body – just lovely.

She returned from the bathroom and snuggled under the duvet and I went to the bathroom to freshen up.

I returned and got under the duvet with her – neither mentioned the enormous wet patch!!

She asked me if I would stay the night – I explained I would love to but I had evening service in less than an hour. She knew that already. I told her I would love to see her again and I meant it. She said she would like that very much.

Over the next two years, we saw each other every six to eight weeks.

On one occasion, she told me when she caught me looking at her breasts to ‘have a good look – they will be gone soon!!'

My initial horrible thought was that she had breast cancer and was having a mastectomy – why hadn’t she told me? She explained that she was having breast reduction surgery as the pain she experienced in her back and shoulders where her bra straps dug in was beyond a joke. She went from 36FF to 36DD – still a great pair of boobs – much more in keeping with the rest of her frame and she looked happier for it. She stood more upright and looked fantastic and was completely pain free.

Sometimes I stayed over at her place – sometimes she stayed in my flat. We laughed and giggled and cried at all the same things and we had some great times. We went on holiday together for a long weekend in Paris and we really were great friends.

She always knew that I had other female friends and that my intentions were never long term. I had made that clear early on the relationship to avoid any hurt later on. Eventually, she told me over a very tearful bottle or three of wine that she had become close with a chap she works with and we agreed that we would not see each other again. He could offer her a long time happy future and many other things I couldn’t. She said we could be friends but I didn’t think that was a good idea – I would always want more and maybe she would too and that’s wasn’t fair on anyone. Sadly we never saw each other again.

Did I love her?? Yes, I think I did.


Closing notes –

If you know me, you will now understand why if Jane McDonald comes on the TV I get an erection.She worked as a nurse specialising in after care for new mothers – she taught Kegel exercises which explains the phenomenal pussy muscles – I think every woman should do them!!



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Online Love

Chapter 1 Jim had been dating a woman from a city a little over 2 hours from him. They met in an online chat room that was on the biggest online service back then. For two years they dated on and off, but it was mostly for the sex. Although they were both fond of one another and enjoyed what they did together, neither of them felt the need to move to eithers area and take the relationship to the next level. Terri, his lover, had all of her family there, and Jim had his where he was from...

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Changes In Paradise 05 The Rescue

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to post on any free site. Changes in Paradise: Part Five, The Rescue By Patricia You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 ? 4," if you haven't already. Thanks for the...

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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 22

I went down to the warehouse at eight the following morning. I went in early, because I had forgotten to ask Jim Davis what time he wanted me to be there. I found him just opening the back roll up door to the warehouse, and helped him to load four cases of sausages into three coolers. He told me to put the two smaller coolers in my trunk, and to take two cases each of the jerky and pepperoni sticks for my back seat. He told me that there were two people that were supposed to be coming in for...

3 years ago
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The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension and love causes it. Love is grand; divorce is a hundred grandMahatma Gandhi was what wives wish their husbands were: thin, tan and moral.In Brighton she was BrendaShe was Patsy up in Perth,In Cambridge she was Candida,The sweetest girl on earth.In Stafford she was Stella,The pick of the bunchBut down on his expensesShe was Petrol, Oil and LunchIt is impossible to love and be wise.Love your enemies in case your friends turn out...

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Vengeance Is MineChapter 5

The sun in my eyes woke me up. I was lying in bed and felt the warm rays of the sun on me. My mind drifted back to the dream I had. The dream I had last night was so real. I remembered exactly what she looked like, and for a lack of a better word, she was perfect. The way she walked was so alluring and desirable. “She’s a dream Meredith, that’s all,” I said to myself. Still, there was a feeling of desire that hadn’t been there before. She intrigued me and I wanted to know more about her, but...

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Dogging comes to America

I thought about my own past of years before when I was a single male traveling around the country. I was never in one place long enough to meet the nice girls. I also went into the army at fifteen and my formative years were spent learning how to kill other human beings. For sex I found it expedient to visit adult bookstores and adult movies where guy always gave me a blow job. I actually earned a little cash this way. One night I sucked my first cock and from then on I was hooked. For...

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Jack and His Sister A Tale of Love Incest and Obsession

The noise of engines in the street below brought Jack back to the world. Seven a.m. and every bus in Manchester sounded as if it was using Lever Street to escape the city. Most had to stop at the lights on the junction with Great Ancoats Street and wait for the change that allowed them to turn and continue their journey. On green, the guttural combustion growls escalate in volume and rise through the icy November air and into his third floor room, through the small gap that the fixed...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 10 San Francisco

"Anne, take a look at this." "Say, Heather, you look good even with clothes on," Saul gibed. "You do look terrific, Heather. Try to ignore this brute," Anne said. "This is what I plan to wear to San Francisco tomorrow." Heather wore her favorite kind of outfit, a mid-thigh dress of heavy, well-fitted knit with push-up sleeves and a zipper front. It was a rich red that picked up the lights in her long chestnut hair. She wore no jewelry. "You're wearing stockings? I've never...

3 years ago
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Arabian NightsChapter 6

Michele sat sobbing as she told Sarina about being taken forcibly by Jamhal, the Cabal's vicious pimp. She told Sarina how Jamhal had justified his actions because Michele was no longer unsullied. "Sullied, unsullied - it means nothing to the Cabal. You are their property and it is forbidden for anyone to touch you other than the Cabal or those they have given permission to do so," Sarina explained. "Like you?" Michele eyed her mentor, smiling mischievously. "Like me," Sarina smiled...

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Carpool buddies revisited

This is a follow to my carpool story from earlier in the summer. I had found a really good thing in my carpool group. It was refreshing not to sit in traffic alone on my work commute and my new friends were terrific, but it ended up lasting only a couple weeks. When it became apparent to everyone that Natalie and I were sleeping together, the group dynamic got a little uncomfortable. I don’t think there was any jealousy really, but it stopped being fun for one reason or another. That...

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Jane Stalwart and the Cock of OsirisChapter 8 Danger in Strasbourg

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph," muttered Patty, looking up when Jane returned to the room. Patty was standing in the center of the room, looking at the pools of sexual fluid all over the floor. Jane's sudden return through the broken door, nude had startled her. "What happened?" asked Patty, taking in Jane's naked body. Half the semen on Jane was still wet and the other half dried flakes. "Aket, that's what happened," growled Jane, striding over to the basin. "And he has the...

4 years ago
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The Escape

Reliable, dependable, respectable, Kimberly Parsons was the perfect pastor’s wife. Her course had been set since the tenth grade when Frank Parsons had asked her for a date and she had refused. It was the first time any girl had refused the rising star of the football team. A few months later, Frank asked again and was again met with a refusal. Though she did allow him to sit with her at lunch in the cafeteria. By the time Frank mustered the courage to ask a third time, nobody doubted that...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Maya Bijou Petite Pool Day

Watch the incredibly fun sized Maya Bijou get wet… While she has a fun relaxing day at the pool! Its amazing how small she is, even her swan floaty towers over her as she rocks back and fourth on it. Can you feel the foreshadowing yet? Maya makes her way inside and proceeds to get rocked back and fourth in all sorts of creative and compromising positions. Good thing shes so small, or that would have been a hard feat to accomplish! Watching her tight pussy wrap around a huge cock is...

3 years ago
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Weekend Hooker for My Husband

Hubby would normally arrive home from the around 6.00pm. Why was his key turning the front door lock at 11.30am on a Thursday? Closing the door behind him, I could hear his footsteps all the way till he reached the kitchen. I was sitting at the breakfast bar, holding a half drank cup of coffee wearing only a silk robe. "Glad I caught you!" he started. Sitting on the stool opposite he continued."We'll need to go round to your flat to pack a bag full of toys and outfits!" "Why do we need to do...

2 years ago
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Nia, Jenna and I had been friends since we’d met at design school and we’d all been lucky enough to land jobs at MNY; the hottest new fashion house in New York City. We’d been there since September but it had quickly become clear to us that the job was hardly what we’d been dreaming of. The three of us had been assigned to the office of Carly Sioux; the creative director of the company. All we’d done for three months was sit at reception, answering calls, escorting visitors to various...

Quickie Sex
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The Dog Walker

Introduction: A story about a woman having sex with seven dogs. As a dog walker, I cared for up to five dogs in one day for five different owners. I would pick them all up for the day and take them for a long walk. Then I would take them back to my home to feed them. I had two of my own dogs I cared for, two German shepherds. We ended up in my living room after I fed them. With my two male German shepherds excited to see me, I got down on my knees to pet and play with them. They loved the...

2 years ago
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To Reign in Hell Book 2 Hollywood Be DamnedChapter 18

“Oops, we forgot a candidate and he’s just Tweeted at us about it. Former Congressman John Delaney of Maryland wanted to remind us that he is still running for President. However, the halo that showed around his head seconds ago when he did a brief live feed would indicate that he’s unlikely to be in the race much longer. Delaney is an avowed Catholic, much like Joe Biden. “Actually, we got another annoyed Tweet just now, this time from spiritual guru and author Marianne Williamson, who...

4 years ago
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DiscoveryChapter 2

Sarah let herself go limp, trying to ease the ache in her neck and lower back. Her throat was raw and she couldn't block out the taste of her brother's come. What was wrong with him?? Why was he doing this? She couldn't believe what he had just done to her... she felt overwhelmed with the horror of her rape. She heard him walking now and turned her head slightly. She saw him move to the front of the hope chest at the end of her bed and pick something up, though she couldn't see what it...

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Melissa and Ellie versus the Control Monsters Part I

Melissa and Ellie versus the Control Monsters Part I I had stayed late Friday night. Molly, one of the more junior team members had run into trouble and couldn't effectively debug. She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but she puts in the effort, so you don't mind helping her. Like many others, she has no idea what goes on behind the pretty face of the slick development environment, which is fine until one has nasty intermittent bugs to hunt down. A couple of hours of...

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I really welcomed moving into the condo after my divorce. The divorce put me through a lot of mental anguish and coming home at night and not ever having to worry about things like cutting grass or raking leaves was a welcome luxury in my life. It still is a welcome luxury three years after. The condominium complex I found has a swimming pool, tennis and basketball courts. Next to the pool is a clubhouse that contains the changing rooms for the pool, a full-featured gym and a main room with a...

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His Mothers Best Friend

“You’re only 29, gotta lot to learn. But when your Mommy dies, she will not return.”The Sex Pistols, 1977 On the day Daniel Congress buried his mother, it rained like hell. Absolute buckets. The morning had broken bright and clear, but by early afternoon the sky was ashen and the wind had picked up. As the funeral cortege turned into the Colma cemetery the rain began to fall, gently at first, but by the time the mourners were assembled around the open grave, the wind-driven downpour was lashing...

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A Voice from the Past Part 4

New Job She reported for work bright and early Monday morning and after some paperwork she was shown her office, which she would share with Brad; not a bad thing she thought. She asked Brad to show her around the plant so she could see the operation and the inventory problem and thereby get a better idea of what was needed. When they were out of ear shot of everyone, Brad faced her and looked her in the eye and said, “you know last week was hottest day I ever had at work and I wanted to...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 748

Illegal immigrants are boycotting Arizona by the thousands and moving elsewhere - showing their outrage with Donald Trump’s proposed law of sending illegal immigrants back to their native countries. In the small town of Guadalupe, AZ, south of Phoenix, Manuel Renaldo is one of those who are vowing to punish Arizona by leaving. As he loaded his stolen car with his taxpayer-furnished belongings and family of ten, Renaldo told this reporter through an interpreter: “It’s a matter of principle;...

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Threesome With Stepmom And Sister

Hello, there people my name is ketan and in my previous story log, you guys have read how my mother jyoshika taught me how to have sex and ended up becoming fuck buddies. If you haven’t then read that previous part before reading this one. In this part, you will get to know how I ended up having sex with my own biological sister and my stepmom for a threesome. Before starting the story let me introduce my sister her name is anika. Her stats fair complexion with not quite large or fluffy ass,...

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A Lovely Holiday

It was only a little caravan on a small site at Skegness, but it was there that we spent our very first holiday together, we were both just sixteen and as horny as hell just like sixteen year olds the world over!It was raining when we arrived, but we spent half an hour in the site shop stocking up with food and booze until at last, the rain eased just long enough for us to go for a stroll on the beach.It was a lovely evening, still warm even at nine o'clock. We found a lovely little pub right...

First Time
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Legal Misunderstanding

I was sitting in my favorite easy chair, watching some soccer on TV - Borussia Dortmund vs. Bayern Munich, if I remember correctly - generally trying not to think about anything else, when my dear wife Anna passed me on her way out. “Tom, I’m going out tonight,” she announced nonchalantly. “Yes, my dear.” Well, what else could I say? I was surprised that she told what she planned to do at all. Usually my ever-loving wife would just leave without a word. “Without you, of course.” She took her...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 15 Zenos Paradox

July 23, 1983, McKinley, Ohio Just as I had when Nancy told me that her mom had put her on the Pill, I missed a shift due to being completely surprised by Maggie’s question. I recovered enough to find the correct gear, and willed my heart to stop beating rapidly. The silence was deafening, but I needed to think about how I could answer her question. I wasn’t sure I knew the answer, but saying that seemed lame in the extreme. Almost immediately, I realized that I really shouldn’t have been...

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Late Night Ferry Ride

The last ferry of the night pulled out right on schedule. Vickie was out of breath from dashing down the rain-slick sidewalks, jaywalking dangerously and ignoring the flashing red ‘no-walk’ lights on almost every street corner. She sprinted onto the gangplank just as the deep sounding horn blasted over her head, the tired and bored worker hardly glancing at her ticket as he hurriedly stretched the chain closed behind her. She was the last passenger to board and the water immediately began to...

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It Was Certainly Innocent Enough 3

It Was Certainly Innocent Enough, Part 3. By Jamie_clo Ms. Johnson met me at the door, wearing her black leotard and pink tights. I was carrying my sewing machine and sewing basket. Mother made me wear the pink Princess shirt I got the night we bought the sewing machine. I guess she figured that I should show Ms. Johnson the abilities of the sewing machine, as if Ms. Johnson hadn't seen enough last night when I sewed the names on 34 leotards and 68 pairs of tights. And I'm sure...

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Bo Peep and the neighbor

It had been a hot summer and I had no luck finding a job. My parents did not seem to understand that there just weren't that many companies hiring that year due to the economy so they had really been pressuring me to find a job. They all wanted someone with experience but having just graduated high school I had none. I was nearly at my wits end so when I was asked to house sit for my uncle I jumped at the chance. He lived a half an hour out of town in a nice quiet neighborhood and had a nice...

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The Man Who Served Drinks at His Wake

THE MAN WHO SERVED DRINKS AT HIS WAKE Arthur Nichols doted on his wife, Una, she was the only woman he had seriously dated, not that she was any more experienced, and it was her that asked him to marry, at their tender ages of nineteen. The only fly in the ointment was her sister, Merle, some eight years older. She was a lesbian and proud and Arthur would have joined her in that sentiment at least, he believed that everyone should be able to live the life that made them happy, as...

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Screwing My Friend8217s Beautiful And Drunk Daughter

Hi, I am Naresh Malhotra. I am 48 years old and divorced. I stay alone. This story is about how I made love to my friend’s daughter Sonia. Sonia is an 18-year-old young sweet sexy soft girl. She has been gifted with an amazing body and her body contours are remarkable for a young girl of her age. The best part is her beautiful face and long silky black hair. The first time I saw my friend’s daughter was at the Diwali party my friend had hosted at his house. I was already divorced and lonely....

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Whatever Lola WantsChapter 2

“Fuck, this is incredible!” Lola screamed as she took my cock deeper inside her on every stroke and Tricia continued to lick her from behind. Lola was an animal right then, every flick and swipe of Tricia’s tongue combining with every thrust of my cock to send her into the stratosphere. She was definitely on Cloud Nine, but then again, who wouldn’t be, and she really gave back as good as she got. She bounced hungrily up and down on my pole, taking me deeper until I bottomed out repeatedly...

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The Pizza Guy

I watched as Jenny Card came out of the rear entrance of her parent's pizza place. She trotted lightly across the parking lot and jumped into Eddy's car. I was parked next to Eddy, but it was late in the evening and I was sure that Jenny couldn't see me in the shadows. I scrunched down in the seat of my old Mustang and prepared myself for a show. Jenny immediately wrapped her arms around Eddy's neck. Their faces moved in and out of the shadows, but it was obvious that they were swapping...

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Brobdingnag Ch 05

Copyright Oggbashan January 2004 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Editor’s Note: This is the fifth chapter of the parts expunged from the published Gulliver’s Travels. Chapter Five — Griselda conveys me to the...

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My Unversity Physical Exam

Hi Everyone! My name is Mary, and I am a junior at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro! UNCG does not require students to get a physical exam for college, but my parents my senior year of high school forced me to get one anyway! lol They said it would be a good time to have my first OBGYN visit.... Boy was it scary!!!! ahhh THIS IS A TRUE STORY; THIS REALLY DID HAPPEN TO ME.... My mother had called her OBGYN and set me up an appointment to get a full OBGYN physical at the university...

4 years ago
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Muslim Slut and her Driving Instructor

Humdia got into the Toyota Corlla, with her head wrap tighlty around her head. Her hair was dishevled as usual, and her pretty face was slightly covered with acne. Her driving Insructor, for 3 weeks now, looked down at his clipboard and filled out the paper work, not looking at the girl. She knew she was safe with him; he would never try anything on her. She was a young Muslim girl in America and her parents signed her up for driving classes with this young american man, but she knew that he...

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Mels Naughty Surprise

Chapter 3 of a story called "Luck of the Irish". Kieran and Mel go to her sister's wedding and she surprises him with her boldness...After dinner Mel said, “Kieran and I are going out for a walk, I’ll show him around the neighbourhood. We might stop back at the pub as well. Don’t wait up for us.”We got our coats and headed out. She showed me where she went to church and to school growing up, the small park where as teenagers, she and her friends would hang out. After about a half hour, we came...

Love Stories
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Hi this is Kumar (name changed) from Tamil Nadu. I would like to share my best experience with my chitty (the younger one to my mom). I am doing my engineering in a reputed college in Coimbatore. My chitty named Kala and I use to think of fucking her from my school days. This incident happened during last devali. My chitty is a hot slut, who ever sees her on the road would like blow at the same place. She is 5’9 tall and a have good physique though she was 41. Though she doesn’t have big boobs...

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Tuition Girl K Sath Sex Kiya

Hello friends, this is Kapil.. Me apke sath ek or story share karne ja raha ho, ye meri 3rd story h esse phle meine story likhi thi just married ladki ko romantically choda par apna email likhna bhool gaya tha. So if someone like the story then he or she can reply me to this email address.. Es story me i do sex with my part time coaching student..her name is yashika ,she is in 12th class and me usko computers and maths ka tuition deta hu..ok now k start the story here I am Kapil from indore....

3 years ago
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Getting Home Late From Work Part 3

The restraints still held my hands behind my back. But he let me lower myself, so that I was on the bed on my back, which wasn’t nearly as hard for me as kneeling to take his jizz down my throat like his little slut had been.My back was pressing down into my tied down hands. My legs were closed, but he quickly ripped them open, showing his my vulnerable little cunt. And oh, was I dripping wet. I was so embarrassed. I didn’t want to show him how close to cumming jamming his hard cock down my...

Straight Sex

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