Photographs Ch. 02 free porn video

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DISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on.

That week, the seed of desire that had been planted the night Danny witnessed his father beating his mother found fertile ground. Each time Danny looked at Christie, he wanted her more. It would hit him at odd moments. Watching her long hands deftly move between pots at the stove, he would have a sudden image of them wrapped around his cock. Occasionally he would have to leave for his room, and when this happened he often masturbated to that same fantasy, or stronger ones — her lips stretched and her mouth full of cock was a favorite. Her shapely body lying naked below him, her expression lost in ecstasy. Going down on her.

And it would hit him at predictable times. When he hugged her he had the strongest longing to bury his face into her shoulder, inhale her light perfume, and press kisses against her neck. If he held her a little closer than before, or a little longer, Christie had given no sign of noticing that Danny could see.

He never saw the thoughtful looks she gave to his back as he walked away.


Christie knocked on Danny’s door early on Monday of the first week of January. He groaned and rolled to face away from the door. ‘Go away,’ he said when she knocked again.

‘Want to earn a little extra money, Danny?’ she called through the door.

Money? Money always tempted, but not quite as strongly at 6:45 a.m. on a school holiday as it did at other times. ‘How much money?’ he asked.

‘Fifty dollars. A hundred if you work all day. We’ve got lots of filing and I need someone to go through the mail and pay the bills while Monica is out.’ Monica, her secretary, had been gone for a week, would be gone for another, and the work was piling up.

Danny rolled out of bed, pulled on a robe and came to the door to open it a crack. ‘She always bitches about me leaving her stapler in the wrong place.’

‘You’re never there when she does.’

‘Point. I’ll be down in ten minutes.’


He drove with her to the office, having elected to work all day. It was a small, two-room affair within walking distance of the courthouse. Christie tried to get the accounting system on her secretary’s computer, but it wouldn’t boot up. She went into her own office, and logged into the computer at her desk. ‘Use this one for today. You remember how to use the software?’

‘Yeah, it’s simple. I don’t need to put the codes on anything?’

‘Do it if you can figure them out.’ She gestured toward a big stack of files in the corner of her secretary’s office. ‘Um, that’s the filing.’ Then she pointed to a basket on the desk. ‘Mail. Do the mail first and pay any bills due in the next week.’

‘There has to be over a single week’s worth of mail there. What does Monica actually do?’

‘You know she only works part-time, but I think Monica is working hard to earn her place on the unemployment line.’

‘I hope so,’ he said, rolling his eyes.

‘Answer the phones?’ she asked hopefully.

‘Sure. I’ll just say you’re in court and take messages.’

‘Thank you, sweetie. It’s better if they talk to a human being, even if I’m not here. You’re really helping me out,’ she said and went up on tip-toes to kiss his cheek. For a blissful second he was enveloped by the scent of her, something light and floral, and the warmth of her body. Where once it would have warmed him, this time his cock twitched. Luckily, she was out the door moments later.

Danny lugged the basket of mail to Christie’s desk, taking advantage of her big comfortable chair after first adjusting it to his greater height. For an hour and a half he dutifully opened mail and paid bills, working slowly and concentrating hard to make no mistakes. It had been a few months since he had done this, and he felt rusty. A phone call interrupted him at ten o’clock, and after answering it he decided he had earned a break. He made a pot of coffee and sat down back at his mother’s computer to see if she had any games. Not finding any, he went online and browsed through websites. After looking at several, he wanted to get back to one of first sites he’d found but couldn’t find it, so he pulled up the browsing history. Danny didn’t know it at the time, but what he saw there would change the course of his life.

Christie had been looking at porn.

Several times a week.

He wet his lips and tried to imagine his sophisticated, elegant mother sitting in her office and watching people get off for the camera on her lunch hour. He looked at the date and time stamps — Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays. All days when Monica didn’t work, usually at lunch except for on Saturday. Did she lower her blinds and lock the door? She must, he thought. Did she finger herself in her office? The thought had him hard. His hand hovered over the mouse. He wanted to see what she was looking at, but it was so personal. It felt like a betrayal.

Danny looked behind him at the window, open to a small, paved pedestrian mall. With knees that were just a bit weak, he rose and lowered the blinds. If his mother came he would say the glare was bothering him. It was sort of true.

The most recent site advertised itself as Romantic Interludes. Danny sneaked looks at porn before, and Romantic Interludes was very tame compared to some of the things Danny had seen. It was romantic. Satin sheets and candlelight. If he had never seen his stepfather beat her, if he didn’t know that he had blackmailed her into sadistic sex, he would have wondered what the turn-on was. But Danny had seen, and he knew this was something that Christie had never had. The thought was sad enough to wilt his hard-on.

This window into Christie’s soul felt too personal. He didn’t know if he could bear to learn something so painful, but he looked on. He found a couple other similar sites. Many of the couples she had watched were mixed: a white woman with an African-American or Hispanic man.

A site that featured college-age boys jacking off for the camera had him intrigued. Another site she visited often featured slightly older men doing the same thing. The final category were mixed-race couples, mostly white women with men of color.

His erection grew painfully hard, but he didn’t dare do anything about it. Someone, like his mother, could walk in at any time. She would be selecting jurors all morning, so he wasn’t too concerned, but it might pay to be cautious.

There were two videos that she watched often enough — four times in the last month for one and six times for the other — to link to directly rather than going through the site’s main page. The first showed a buff Hispanic man of about twenty with a woman around twice his age. The woman had a passing resemblance to Christie, pretty and dark-haired. The second video, the one she watched more than any other, showed a fair, blond woman with a tall young man with dark skin. He didn’t really resemble Danny aside from height and ethnicity, but something about the pairing of these two — one dark, one so fair — struck home.

He quickly closed the browser, rose, and headed to the small bathroom off Christie’s office. Safely behind a locked door, he fumbled with his zipper in his haste to pull out his cock.

Danny imagined Christie sitting at her desk, watching the couples fuck. Perhaps she pinches her nipples first, through the fabric of her suit. From there she unbuttons her blouse, slowly, button after button. Her bra is satin, black against her fair skin. She pushes it down, exposing her breasts to the cool air, nipples hard. He wondered for a second what
they looked like, and decided they would be the size of small cherries and taste as sweet. He swallowed, wishing he was sucking and tasting those sweet sweet breasts right then. He spread pre-cum on his dick and stroked in a fast, steady rhythm.

Her stockings. He thought her stockings are the kind that only went thigh high, leaving her cunt bare to her touch. She raises her skirt up her shapely thighs, and thrusts her pretty pussy forward. Her fingers dip into the juices streaming from inside her and she licks them before slipping them into the folds around her clit and massaging herself there.

Then Danny walks in. His mother looks at him with heavy-lidded eyes, a slight smile on her face. Danny kneels before her, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. He tastes those sweet-cherry nipples, kisses her ruby mouth, and thrusts his cock deep inside.

In the office bathroom, the real Danny came, spurting cum all over. He leaned back against the chilly tile wall, still stroking his cock, now sticky with cum. He imagined his mother again, this time naked on her knees before him, licking his cock clean. He looked down at the dick in his hand, but the sight of cum on his good pants put a damper on his arousal.


He tried to stuff his penis back in his pants, still half-erect and coated with cum on the end. He pulled it out again and reached for a paper towel. Several swipes with a damp towel later, he got it stowed away and went to work on his pants. And the sink. And the floor.

‘I am an idiot,’ he said. It took a full five minutes before he was presentable again and able to return to the office. It looked exactly like he had left it. Danny raised the blinds and settled behind the desk to think. He had a lot to think about.


By 11:45 they had chosen a jury. Judge Risberg called a recess, and Christie walked back to her office. She found Danny chatting with Rafael Martinez, an investigator she sometimes hired.

‘Buenos dias, Ralph.’

Ralph, who had been raised in the States, replied with a mock Irish accent, ‘Top o’ the mornin’ to ye, Lassie.’

‘Top o’ the mornin’?’ Danny said. ‘I didn’t think people said that anymore, even to joke.’

Ralph didn’t seem to mind. ‘I have to properly greet this fine Irish lass.’

Christie laughed and said, ‘What are you doing here? I think my subpoena is for tomorrow.’

‘I’m here on another case.’ Ralph was fit, but not bulky, and with Christie’s two-inch heels she stood just a little taller than him. But he had a calm, self-assured manner. Like many Hispanic men Christie had known, he always spoke quietly. She liked his company. He made her feel comfortable and safe.

‘Come to lunch with us. Do you have time?’

‘I was hoping you would ask that. It’s what I came for.’

They walked down the mall to a nearby deli where Ralph and Christie ate lunch together several times a month. Christie ordered a salad and the men had sandwiches, which they ate outside at an umbrella table. They talked about business for a while, and then Danny’s basketball schedule. Talk turned to Ralph’s large family, sisters that were pregnant and brothers getting married, and Christie proposed a question that she had been meaning to ask.

‘Ralph, why aren’t you married. Aren’t you my age?’ Suspecting he had feelings for her to one degree or another, she only dared bring up the subject because Danny was with them to act as a buffer.

‘Christie, amiga, the best women are all taken.’ He smiled a little mischievously. ‘It’s the single life for me until one of them comes to her senses.’

Christie smiled, and Danny watched this little exchange with avid interest. Considering his mother’s obvious taste for men of color, and the tiny blush on her cheeks, he wondered if she was attracted to Ralph. An irrational jealously gripped him, and he found himself clenching his fists. Don’t be silly, he told himself, but the truth was, as he had learned that morning, there were things about his mom he never knew.

Danny looked around the mall to calm himself and found something that sent his adrenalin spiking again.

‘Mom,’ he said quietly.

She turned toward him, the smile she had been giving Ralph still on her face. It faltered at the expression on his own. ‘What?’

‘Don’t look, but Dad is outside Starbucks watching us.’

Her expression froze, and then turned neutral.

‘Thank you, Danny. I think it best if we act as if he wasn’t here.’

Ralph’s eyes darted between them, then he turned his head slightly and took in Steve calmly drinking coffee and watching them as if he were at a play and they the show. ‘This is the third time,’ Ralph said.

‘Oh, it’s far more than that. He’s here several times a week.’

‘How long has he been doing this?’

‘Since I got married. It’s part of his routine. Go to the studio, take portraits, spy on Christie, go back to the studio, take more portraits,’ she said, and a touch of bitterness might have colored her voice.

‘How do you stand it?’ Ralph asked.

She exchanged a glance with Danny, who had a grim expression. Steve didn’t always beat her, he didn’t always beat her when he saw her having lunch with Ralph, or she might have stopped, but tonight would be the night. She knew it, and she could tell Danny knew it.

‘I’m used to it. This is my life,’ she added, and her words were for Danny, who still held her gaze. ‘It’s best if we finish up and take our conversation to the office.’


Steve Tyler took in everything. The way she smiled at Ralph, leaning in slightly. The little blush. He’d made Christie his life’s study, every nuance of behavior. Just as he had known about Danny’s girlfriend, he knew what Christie was thinking and feeling right now. His self-control asserted itself, and his right hand froze around the coffee cup, keeping him from crushing or throwing it. To all around, he was a man calmly drinking coffee on a brisk January day.

He didn’t beat Christie to punish her, beatings were more about his sexual needs. Besides, she didn’t often give him reason for anger. But sometimes he had to exert his control to keep his house and his life in order. She was headstrong now and then. That MacAwley spirit. If he gave her a lot of free rein, it was because he recognized that, paradoxically, it kept her easier to control in those times when he demanded obedience. He could only push her so far, but tonight he would remind her that there was only so far that she could push him.


At 3:00 Danny finished the filing. He went through his pockets, put his pocket knife on the desk, and walked over to the courthouse to watch his mother. Past the metal detectors, he went upstairs to the appointed courtroom and slipped inside, taking a seat toward the front so he could watch. Trials were not usually the riveting battles seen on TV. A lot of times they were plain boring. Danny only came because he didn’t feel like reading the book he had brought with him that morning, and he liked to watch his mother.

Today she wore what he called one of her ‘court suits’. Black skirt cut just above the knee, black jacket, white blouse, and black heels. A monochrome outfit that made the blue of her eyes even more shockingly deep. The suit made her look sophisticated and sexy at the same time.

And yet, hidden beneath that sophisticated outfit lay the fading marks of a caning and bruises from a leather strap.

A few minutes after he sat down, she took her turn at questioning a police officer. She rose from her seat and walked across the open space before the judge. He often thought of the way she moved in court as being like a big cat, a lioness, deceptively graceful beauty hiding the razor sharp claws she held in check until the right moment. Every eye was riveted to her, and everyone was equally shocked when she posed some question that betrayed her intelligence. Something so beautiful co
uldn’t be so hard and ruthless inside, but that was the way Christie behaved in court. The defending attorney objected to something she said, and she calmly retracted it. Danny smiled. It would happen again. Christie would push as far as she could get away with.

Today, Danny watched her distractedly, thinking of her taste in porn. It was obvious she liked men of color. What he wondered most was if she had ever made the mental leap from men of color to her son. Did she fantasize about him while she masturbated? Danny didn’t really think so, but if she did, her behavior toward him had been flawless in spite of it. No, he didn’t think so, but even if she did, he was mature enough to know that it was a very very long step from fantasizing about something taboo while you masturbated to wanting to actually do it.

Sitting there, watching her, Danny made that mental step. He wanted to actually do it. Moreover, he believed that his mom needed what he could give her. She clearly was sexually frustrated. Lonely. Yes, she was very lonely. He imagined it couldn’t be any other way.

Beginning today, Danny would actively try to seduce his mother. The only question now was how to go about it.


On the drive home, Christie was silent. They usually had something to talk about, so after awhile Danny said, ‘What’s wrong?’

She shook her head slowly. ‘I hate this case.’

‘What’s the case?’

‘Civil suit against a drunk driver who left a little girl in a wheel chair. Hit and run.’

‘You defending?’


‘Wouldn’t the guy be in jail already?’

‘He is, but the family wants damages.’

‘Does he have a lot of money.’

‘Some, but not a ton. If we win, he’ll probably lose everything. His wife and kids will be in a bad way.’

She braked suddenly and he braced himself, hand on the dash. ‘And the plaintiffs?’

‘They are already losing everything trying to pay her medical bills.’

‘Shoot. Sounds like it sucks for everybody.’

‘And all because of one jerk’s poor judgment. You think on that in the future when you’re out drinking,’ she said.

‘Will do, Mom.’

‘I’m serious, Danny.’

Then he reached out to the steering wheel and placed his hand over hers. Warm and large against her much smaller one, dark skin over fair, she stared at the contrast they made.

‘I will. I promise.’

After a moment he drew his hand away. It left hers cold and feeling somehow wrong, as if something was missing. She stared at her hand for a moment until the car behind her honked and she drove on.

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Lazy Days

She stepped out of the shower. A slight smile tugging at her mouth. It was Sunday and there was nothing pressing she had to do. Well not exactly true, she could feel her body pulsing. She had gotten a little carried away when shaving. It felt so good. As she dried herself, she ran the towel over her freshly shaved mound and moaned slightly. She was so sensitive. It felt so good. She slipped her fingers into her cleft. Feeling the slick wetness between her lips. Her hips bucked slightly as she...

3 years ago
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Like mother like daughter

Like mother like daughterMy name is Stephanie I'm an 19 y/o blue eyed blond BBw and I desire my father. He is a 36 y/o brown eyed brown/ grey haired thin and mussily man. My mother was also a blue eyed blond BBw of 36 years. Since I was a lil girl my dad and I have always had most things in common. We could watch a movie and know the script word for word from then on. Our since of humor was unique, but we always got each other. Then I grew into a woman mirroring my mother. As my female urges...

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sexy indian grannys affair

this is the story of how i fucked my grandmother (my mother's mother). she was married very young, i think when she was around 14 yrs. those days they were married young. my mom was born when my granny was 17!! my mother got married when she was 22 and i was born a year later. the incident happened during my 12th, i was 17 at that time my granny was 57 but she looked like she was 40 because of the regular work they did when they were young. my granny and granpa had a farm and some cows...

2 years ago
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Me And My Cousin Huma Part II

By : Suhail Khan Hi, I am Suhail Khan from Aligarh. In my previous post, I mentioned how the sexual relations between me and my elder cousin Huma started. We were having regular sex, almost every day in the afternoon when her parents used to sleep. She started taking birth control pills regularly. This continued for 14 months, and then the time came of her marriage. One day after we had sex, she said, “Suhail, main bohut tension mein hoon, jab suhagraat mein woh mere saath karenge, to unko pata...

4 years ago
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Meri Padosan Chandni

Dosto mera naam Rahil hai aur meri age 25 years hai mai ek smart n clever ladka ho.Ab story mai ata hu meri padosan chandni bohat hi khubsurat ladki hai uska figure 32 26 30 ka ho ga dekne mai todhi choti lagti hai uski age 18 ya 19 yrs ki hai,woh shalwar jamper pehenti hai. Mere mummy papa aur chota bhai sab mere cousion bahi ke bedi ki mangni mai gai the out of town mujhe office se chutti nhi mili thi to mai ghar pe akela tha jab mai office se gahr aye to dekha mere mummy papa log ja chuke...

3 years ago
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The Test

                                                                  The Test                                                            By Sardonicus        He had been captured about three days previously, he thought, though it was difficult to mark the passage of time correctly when being ?processed? as his captors referred to it.        Interestingly, though the combat was fought in the traditional manner, male on male, all of his captors were definitely female.  He presumed, correctly, that...

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Carnal Veil

The intro music finished followed by a ladies sultry voice filling the radios, i-phones, and other devices tuned into her popular podcast.“Greetings and salutations to all my veiled listeners and dreamers. Tonight's show is like my others. The letters I’ll read I’ve changed all names, just in case real ones were used. I’ve changed the location and if needed spiced it up a little. I’ll remind you that sex should always be a safe, pleasurable, and with practice, a memorable experience. The first...

Love Stories
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Doing Another Sexy Neighbor Rhoda

I'm surrounded by sexy women -- they're all married, they're all very pretty and sexy, and, fortunately for me, they're all willing to put out. Yeah, whatever terms you want to use for it, all of my married neighbors are willing to spread their legs, to take my cock up their pussies, and most of them are equally willing to suck my big hard cock into their sexy mouths and suck me until I'm hard enough to fuck them or even to suck me completely off. It's an unbelievable...

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Stephanies Scheme Chapter Two

Warning. This is an adult story with some strong sexual content. It is not intended for and should not be read by minors. It is also not intended for anyone who believes that men are men, women are women and that's the way things should always be. It is concerned with themes of male transvestism, panty fetishism, male submission, female domination, and the like. It does not contain any kind of violence nor does it depict children under the age of consent. Note, however that unlike my...

2 years ago
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For the Love of a Sister

I had known for a long time that I was in love with my sister. I first realized it when I returned home from school one day, aged 14, in tears. I had told a friend that I liked her “more than a friend” and, predictably, it didn't go as I had planned. I lay on my bed that afternoon, head buried in pillows, refusing to talk to anyone. That was, until my sister came home from her school. She came into the room quietly and closed the door behind herself. She sat on the edge of my bed and told me...

2 years ago
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Counseling at Camp Care pt 4

Aly's eyes slowly blinked and opened, it was still somewhat dark. The light rain outside pattered on the roof and windows of the cabin. Aly's eyes adjusted to focus as she slowly looked around at the group, all laying in the big makeshift bed on the floor. To her left, Erin and Suzy were cuddled up, wrapped in a blanket. They laid on one small mattress, slightly edging off onto Aly's larger mattress. To Aly's right, on her mattress, was Alex. He was 'spooning' her side. His arm and leg...

2 years ago
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ShawnChapter 28

We landed ten minutes later and collected all of our luggage. Liz phoned home and didn't get an answer and was worried. "Sweetie she is here at the airport looking for us. Let's find her. You go that way and I will stay with the luggage. Don't go outside the building." She gave me a peck on the lips and ran off. She was quite changed from a week ago. My eye had already found her mother Mary and that was why I shooed her off in that direction. Soon a young looking woman of twenty seven...

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The Powers 2

Check out the first story: You have just gotten back from your college class and had the rest of the day off. You enter your dorm thst you shared with your girlfriend Luna. You begin to think how much has changed since highschool. For starters Luna is your girlfriend and she has changed a bit too, she now has blue hair and has tan skin since you both go to the beach a lot. You look at the small black box that you have on your desk. "I think it's time to...

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The Dungeon

I could feel myself slowly waking from a heavy, dream filled sleep, my limbs felt heavy, my mouth dry.  I wanted to reach out for the glass of water that I always had on the bedside table, however I could not seem to lift my arm. Ah well, I would just lay and enjoy the memories of my evening with my lover.  We had spent a lovely day in York, followed by dinner in a romantic Italian Restaurant in the Shambles, then.... and then what?    I vaguely recall leaving the premises, held close to his...

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The Dildo That Erased Claire Bonnevilles MemoryChapter 13

She didn't have to worry about Cindy and Danny on Saturday. They had decided to go garage saleing, and were gone when Chad got there. She had stretched and was ready anyway. They ran twenty miles. It was wonderful, but they decided to take the next day off. Chad said he needed to work on lesson plans and Claire was thinking about going "home" to see how that felt. She did go to the house on Sunday. It was quiet. Too quiet in fact. She thought that was odd, since John had never made a lot...

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Nicks Hallucinations

When I got home from work typically I would find Nick in the backyard by the pool drinking or sometimes he would have passed out in the family room.   We have been married for over 15 years and Nick is more than 10 years older to me.   Nick was always a good husband and we had a great time. Ever since he lost his job recently, he took to heavy drinking. He had a very well paying job that allowed us to pay off the mortgage on the house.   We had even added a large deck and a pool in our...

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The Devils Pact Hell Chronicles Chapter 12 The King and Queen of Hell

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Twelve: The King and Queen of Hell Mark Glassner – The Abyss “Chasity, organize the guard and scout the plain,” I commanded, staring out at the distant city of brass across the rocky, blasted lands of hell. The hot wind continued to blow, searing across my skin. It was annoying. The wind stopped as power leaked out of me. I blinked. *Did you just control the wind?* Mary whispered in my mind. *I think I did.* Karen smiled as she...

2 years ago
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My Sister My Lover

My Sister and I loved watching my cock sliding into her pussy, I liked the way her lips caressed my cock and she loved the way it disappeared and reappeared. We would sit for hours playing with each other before putting it in, then, if she was sitting on me, would ride slowly up and down so we could both watch the movement. If I was on top she would sit with her back against the headboard, propped up to see. We were twins and we had enjoyed the sensations for a couple of years now, not that...

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House TrainingChapter 3

All at once the cuffs opened, the gag deflated, and I stumbled out of the frame into a new room. With a click and a whirr, the frame slid back into the wall and the opening closed behind it, leaving me trapped in yet another room. ||TRAINING ENGAGED|| said the dreaded voice from the ceiling. ||BEGIN LEVEL 3: POSTURE|| Again, the room was very dimly lit by a single spot-light. The floor glistened. When I reached down to feel it, I noticed that it was made up of shiny metal tiles. "That's...

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Dilemma Continued Ch 02

These stories will not stand alone, the reader should read both Dilemma and particularly Dilemma – Lorelei’s Story by Joesephus first as this chapter hinges on that story but I don’t want to bore the reader by repeating it. Some of Lorelei’s story as written by Joesephus is included for continuity Time for a decision No matter how I tossed and turned, I could not find sleep that night. At about three in the morning I gave up and threw on a robe and went downstairs. At the kitchen table I...

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Lalola and Alex

I decided that after my boyfriend of six years left me for another woman I’d change and show him what he was missing out on. I lost weight, let my hair grow, and started dressing sexy. I also went back to school and got a better job. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lalola. I am 25 years old. I have long black curly hair, dark brown eyes, with an exotic face and my measurements are 40DDD-30-43. So you know how much I’ve changed in the 1yr I haven’t been with my ex I used to be 44DDD-40-53....

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Model Sex SlaveChapter 15 The Lodge

Diana endured her third punishment session, early in the morning, the second one having been at midnight. She had climaxed twice each time and had brought her correctors to the same dizzying high's, once each session. She genuinely relished role-playing, getting herself completely wrapped up in the act. Sometimes almost forgetting that is wasn't real. She thanked them both, for their generous effort to correct her offending behavior. She added that, with a few more weeks of guidance, they...

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A family ACT CHAPTER one

Mary Desmond was sixteen and hot to fuck. She straightened as she stepped from the shower. The warm air felt wonderful upon her naked teenaged body. The shower would help her look fresh for the act she would be doing on stage. She was sharing her dressing room with her brother, Ronny. He had used the shower first, and then she had gone in. The warm water had excited her. Her tits bobbed on her chest. She moved carefully. She liked the feel of her flesh sliding freely. She glanced...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Business Training Corporate

Sally glanced down at her watch. The session should have been done 30 min ago, but Bob was still droning on. It wasn’t that Bob wasn’t interesting to watch. Her friends described him as young Alec Baldwin. But being lectured on corporate initiatives late on a Friday just didn’t cut it. Over the course of the two week training course, Sally had tried to make a connection with Bob. Initially she tried flirty smiles and glances to no avail. Next she tried her cutest skirt and a top that showed...

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summer heat

The summer heat had become nearly unbearable and the thought of another evening spent trying to stay cool only added to her growing frustration. Although the heat often affected her demeanor she pondered the deeper reason for her discontent, nothing tangible just a growing sense of the world not being in balance. “Fuck” she muttered under her breath as the office witch fired off another volley of emails that would sap the remaining hours from the day. Each word of her response had to be...

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Neet K Sath Sex Ka Maja 8211 Part II

So dosto ek baar fir hazir hu apni adhuri story ko pura krne k liye sorry time nai mile ise pura krne k liye kiu k kuch aur experiences jo ho gae the mujhe.. well mein apne bare mein fir bta deta hu m jashan n my dick size 6′ 2.5″ inch hai. N meri darling hot n sexy neet jiske bare mein main pehle bhi bta chukka hu fir bta raha hu, Neet dekhne main sundar bt gol matol aur sexy, uski figure 36,30,36 kya mast mome aur gand thi uski maine jb use dekha tha first time to mere lan khada ho gya...

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The Tender Trap

Author’s Note: This story is a collaboration with my former editor Pete. Having just completed his regular, early morning swim in the bay, Don walked up from the water and up onto his own small, private beach. The cool, crisp Southern California water left him invigorated and he felt ready to begin his day. After walking the short distance up through the sand to his house, he stripped off his clothes, dried off, and was now sitting naked in his comfy armchair-recliner, scanning through the...

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A Mysterious Woman

Gary White was an introverted man.  He had social problems and didn’t really connect with women.  He went out alone at a club and struck out once again.  Nobody talked with him or even looked in his direction.It wasn’t that Gary wasn’t attractive, he just didn’t know how to talk to the opposite sex.  He got very nervous and sometimes would stutter when he couldn’t get his thoughts out.He had been drinking and decided to take a train home.  It was raining and foggy and out of nowhere there was...

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Changing Realities Part 4

***I lay back, beckoning as I did so, longing for the company. I had been so long without that I had almost forgotten what it felt like to have someone else in my bed. I gasped as my partner lay gently atop me, kissing me delicately at first, almost hesitantly, as if unsure what to do. Gradually, almost bashfully, my partner's ardor increased until our kisses became deep and passionate. Fingers roamed my body, caressing me lightly, softly stroking everywhere, causing my breath to quicken...

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Library Girl Chapter 16

Chapter 16 -- "Shave and a Haircut, Two Bits" Well, it's just how it developed, sort of without Jimmie deciding anything. It had been five weeks since he got the neat haircut to match Yvette's look, and his bangs were now too long, covering his eyebrows completely and starting to get in his eyes. Same for Yvette, and she finally spoke up to suggest a trip to Blake's salon "just for a trim". And so it was, when they met at the shop on a Sunday, so as not to interfere with the busy...

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Lollipop for a good boy

Tim saw her leaning in the doorway. She wore a lab-coat that hung to her knees but, thankfully, the buttons didn't go all the way down and when she re-crossed her legs, he got a glimpse of trim kneecaps. He wondered if she might be naked underneath and in a rare moment of benevolence, he forgave his girlfriend for forcing him to make the appointment. [email protected]

3 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 51

At dinner they were asked whether they had started to think about the wedding yet. "Yes," said Victoria, "April but we haven't decided where. The church here is too small and the nearest one to Craig Hill is at Ripley. We looked at Ripon Minster the day before yesterday but it's much too grand. We'd like to go and look at the church at Thirsk tomorrow. Mark did suggest Richmond and let the regiment do the catering but I'd much rather have the reception here." "So would I," said...

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Trick or Treat

Ever since I was little girl I’ve always loved dressing up and with Halloween approaching it was time to decide whether I needed something new for this year. A large wickerwork basket in the corner of my bedroom contains all my fancy dress outfits and I was having a nice quiet evening on my own so I decided to drag everything out to see what I had before making any decisions. As soon as I discovered the ‘she-devil’ outfit that I wore last year it brought the memories flooding back. We sell a...


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