Aquela Noite... free porn video

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Era noite lá fora. Talvez fria e chuvosa, mas não lembro ao certo. Como poderia? Só me lembro do que aconteceu dentro do quarto. Ela apareceu numa lingerie lilás, salto preto e o tempo parou. Bem, eu parei. Ela estava linda, sensual, matadora. A única luz acesa no quarto apontava pra o seu corpo. Saboreei aquela visão com paciência. Primeiro apreciei seus lindos pés, perfeitamente encaixados no salto alto fino. Subi às suas pernas e me senti convidado por aquelas coxas grossas a um banquete. Mordi o lábio inferior observando o seu sexo, parcialmente exposto por aquela calcinha transparente. Não havia mais quarto, noite ou mundo. Só conseguia vê-la. Ela veio. Em passos lentos e ritmados ela veio. Dançando alguma coisa de R. Kelly e rebolando devagar. Pouco importava o som, eram as curvas do seu quadril que embalavam-me lentamente. Mais um passo e ela estava à minha frente. - Você quer isso? - Perguntou ela, se inclinando e oferecendo os seios em movimentos suaves.
- Muito! - Disse sussurrando.
Apesar da vontade, não ousei tocá-los ainda. Apenas os vi passando próximos à minha boca sedenta e respirei fundo, sentindo seu cheiro. Ah... era delicioso! Após os seios, ela virou e inclinou-se, empinando a bunda numa dança leve. - E isso? Quer? - Provocou.
Respondi mordendo sua bunda macia. Fui empurrado pra trás. Ela me olhou, dominante, e, fazendo um não com o dedo indicador disse: - An an.... ainda não!
Ela rebolou na minha cara e depois desceu até o meu membro duro. Ao sentir que eu já estava pronto para possuí-la sua pele reagiu, ficando arrepiada. Não resisti àquela cena. Pus minhas mãos em sua cintura, guiando-a para que aquela dança não parasse. Dessa vez ela não me empurrou pra trás. Apenas seguiu os movimentos das minhas mãos, rebolando em mim, me excitando ainda mais. Conduzi minha mão direita ao seu seio esquerdo e a puxei pra perto de mim. A nuca dela ficou exposta e próxima à minha boca, que não hesitou em beijá-la com suavidade. Ela se arrepiou outra vez e outra vez a beijei. - Eu quero você. - Falei em seu ouvido, antes de mais alguns beijos.
- Você não imagina o quanto que EU quero você. - Disse ela, levando minha mão ao seu sexo. Ela já estava molhada! Eu a excitava com uma das mãos sobre a sua calcinha e a outra descobrindo seus seios. Minha boca seguia provando o seu pescoço e nuca. Senti suas unhas arranhando minhas pernas e a respiração ficando mais forte. - Ela está pronta pra mais -, pensei.
Desabotoei seu sutiã e os retirei enquanto beijava seus ombros e braços. Ela se inclinou, mas a puxei de volta pelos cabelos, beijando-lhe a nuca e em seguida saboreando sua orelha. Ela fraquejou, contraindo-se num pequeno gemido. - Você gosta assim, não gosta? - Provoquei.
-Hum rum.... - Ela se esforçou pra falar enquanto segurava o gemido.
Explorei aquela fraqueza por mais um tempo, chupando-a do pescoço à orelha. Ela respondia em movimentos inconscientes e suspiros curtos. Ela não sabia, mas a cada suspiro dela, mais excitado eu ficava. E eu já estava louco! Após alguns instantes ela levantou e virou-se.  Seu olhar denunciava o tesão e desejo que sentia. Ela ordenou pra que eu tirasse a minha roupa. Cedi. Primeiro a blusa, azul clara, depois o cinto e a calça. Antes de tirar a cueca ela veio pra cima de mim. Sentou em meu colo me beijou. Foi um beijo longo e molhado. Coloquei minhas mãos em suas costas e bunda, arranhando-a em um ponto e apertando-a em outro. Ela me beijava e se mexia com força. Pressionando sua boceta contra meu pau duro. Suas unhas, cravadas nas minhas costas, marcavam a minha pele. Puxei seu cabelo e ela jogou a cabeça pra trás, obedecendo ao meu comando. - Por que você é tão gostoso, hein? - Ela me perguntou, ainda de olhos fechados e com a respiração mais ofegante. Pouco importava a resposta. Eu só queria sentir o gosto dela molhada na minha boca e depois deliciar-me com a primeira metida. A primeira é sempre a mais gostosa. - Eu quero te chupar. - Disse.
Ela se deitou e eu comecei a chupá-la, mas no pescoço e orelha, como antes. Queria prová-la por inteiro, de novo. Suas mãos, presas aos meus cabelos, conduziram-me aos seus seios. Ah... como eu adorava aqueles seios. Pressionei-os contra o meu rosto e os suguei intensamente. Era uma delícia que eu queria sentir havia tempos. O lindo par de peitos dela estava arrepiado e o bico duro. Passei a língua ao redor e os chupei novamente. Mordi o bico e ela respirou mais forte, apreciando o prazer daquela mordida. Mordi outra vez e os chupei. Uma das minhas mãos estavam em seu clitóris, que estava inchado, denunciando seu tesão. Desci dois dedos até a entrada do seu sexo. Ela estava tão molhada que encharcou os meus dedos. Eu os levei até a minha boca e suguei, sentindo o delicioso gosto dela. Eu precisava de mais.
Provei a sua barriga e desci à virilha. Ela tentou guiar minha cabeça ao seu clitóris, mas não obedeci, provocando-a. Beijei, lambi, chupei sua virilha e coxas. Indo de um lado a outro sem passar por sua boceta, deixando-a sedenta. Massageei suas virilhas e passei meu rosto por sua boceta molhada. O cheiro e o gosto estavam maravilhosos! Passei a língua mais uma vez, lentamente, indo até o seu clitóris. - Ah... delícia - Dissemos juntos.
Peguei uma camisinha e pus nos dedos indicador e médio. Ainda chupando-a, meti meus dedos nela, com a palma da mão pra cima, puxando sua boceta contra minha língua. Ela gemeu alto. Achei seu segundo ponto fraco e esse a faria gozar na minha boca. Pressionei meus lábios contra sua pele de forma a expor seu clitóris às carícias da minha língua. Por dentro eram meus dedos que a penetravam e ela parecia mesmo estar sendo comida naquela hora. Seu sexo se contraía, assim como seu corpo, involuntariamente. Ela gemia mais alto e respirava muito forte. O tesão era tanto que ela mal conseguia respirar. Meu pau latejava de tesão ao vê-la tão excitada. Não parei. Continuei a chupá-la ainda mais e aumentei a intensidade dos meus dedos. Suas mãos procuravam um porto, algo pra segurar. Por vezes me arranhava e puxava meus cabelos, por outras puxava a colcha tentando se conter. Eu a chupava e metia ainda mais. Suas pernas se contorceram, pressionando meu rosto entre elas. Ela tentou sair, involuntariamente, como quem faz quando está prestes a atingir o orgasmo. Seu corpo pedia mais e teve mais. Até que então aqueles gemidos e movimentos tomaram uma intensidade final: - Ah.... - Ela gozava como eu mais gostava, na minha boca.
Diminuí o ritmo e retirei os dedos para que ela pudesse se recompor. Ela me olhou com desejo, pronta pra mais. Me puxou pelos cabelos e me deu um beijo, para depois me jogar na cama. Ela chupou e mordeu meus peitos, mas logo desceu ao meu abdômen e, por cima da cueca, me chupou. Eu queria tirar a cueca de uma vez, mas agora era ela quem me provocava. Ela chupava por fora e me olhava nos olhos, só pra ver minha reação. Eu tentava me conter, mas o tesão era maior. Meu corpo ansiava por mais, meu pau duro latejava por baixo da cueca. Ela o acariciou por fora, da base a cabeça, depois descendo até o saco. Subiu e desceu a mão por cima e pelas minhas pernas. Subiu mais uma vez e colocou uma mão dentro da cueca. O seu toque me fez suspirar. Ela se deliciou me olhando com satisfação e começou a me masturbar lentamente. A cueca atrapalhava sua nova investida e ela, enfim, a retirou, deixando meu membro livre. Ela mordeu o lábio inferior e o umedeceu, como que se preparando para o deleite final. Sua boca aguava por sugá-lo e eu estava ansioso pra ser chupado por ela. Mas ela se conteve, pois sabia o quanto que eu queria aquilo. Ela pegou o meu membro com firmeza e me olhou novamente, excitada com meu olhar de desejo, quase que suplicando por sua boca em mim. Ela me masturbou mais forte a começou a beijar-me na região da virilha. A cada beijo, mais perto ela ficava. O prazer de sentir sua boca se aproximando me deixava maluco e ela se divertia com isso. Foi chegando mais perto, mais perto... até que ela parou de me masturbar, tirou a mão de mim e, olhando nos meus olhos, subiu com a língua da base à cabeça do meu pau. Nossa! Safada... Ela desceu e subiu com a língua de novo, para, enfim, engolir-me com sua boca. - Gostosa, que delícia...- foi a única coisa que conseguir dizer.
Ela me sugou com vontade e eu a auxiliei com a mão prendendo o seu cabelo e ditando o ritmo com que ela me chupava. Ela subia e descia perfeitamente, fazendo sua boca e língua deslizar suavemente por todo o meu membro. A soltei por um instante e ela passou a chupar e lamber também o meu saco, coisa que eu adoro! Ela voltou e engoliu meu membro novamente, com sua boca molhada e quente. Eu queria gozar, mas queria comê-la antes.
Puxei-a pelo cabelo para que ela retirasse o meu membro da boca dela. Ela o tomou na mão e o esfregou no rosto, como quem saboreia um prêmio. Tomei o meu pau da mão dela e o bati no rosto dela. - Ai... bate mais, cachorro! - Ela pediu.
Aquilo me excitou ainda mais e eu bati outra vez. Ela abriu boca e eu surrei seu rosto, bochecha e língua, antes de enfiá-lo outra vez em sua boca. Ela sugou-me com ainda mais desejo. Eu precisava comer aquela boceta logo!
Retirei-me da boca dela de novo e dei um tapa estalado na cara, ordenando que ela levantasse: - Eu quero te foder toda, safada! - Exclamei.
- Então fode comigo, vai... - Provocou ela.
Tomei-a pelos braços e a coloquei sentada de frente pra mim, numa mesinha no canto do quarto. Esfreguei meu pau na boceta molhada dela e ela suspirou com o toque da minha glande brincando ali. Mas já não era hora de provocar. Eu queria meter nela e logo. Enfiei a cabeça devagar. Ela fechou os olhos, se concentrando em todo o prazer que aquela penetração causara. Era como se estivéssemos rompendo o céu. Penetrar naquela boceta tão quente e molhada era uma sensação deliciosa! Por isso a fiz com calma. Fiz os primeiros movimentos lentamente, prolongando o prazer. Minhas mãos em sua cintura, ajudando no apoio. Suas mãos indecisas entre me acariciar ou arranhar, entre puxar-me os cabelos ou fincar-se na minha pele. Eu segui metendo até o final e ditando o ritmo. Seu corpo pedia cada vez mais, mais fundo, mais intenso. Eu o fiz. Seus gemidos estavam altos novamente e eu a comia com vontade, indo cada vez mais fundo, preenchendo todos os espaços da sua boceta com meu membro. Suas pernas estavam se contraindo cada vez mais e eu estava prestes a gozar. Segurei a sua cintura com força, me esforcei para tomar fôlego e meti com mais intensidade do que nunca. Nosso sexo se encontrava com violência. Agora não só ela, mas eu me contorcia de prazer. Estávamos gozando. Ela soltou um gemido alto, eu travei a respiração. Penetrei o mais fundo que pude e pressionei seu corpo com força contra o meu. Ah... estava enfim acontecendo. Ela sentiu um jato grosso invadir o seu corpo e seus músculos se contraírem. Eu diminuí o ritmo até parar. Estávamos exaustos, mas saciados.

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St Emilias Academy for the Sexual Education of Proper Young Women

Abigail stepped out of Professor Mathison's office and closed the door behind her as quietly as she could. She leaned up against it just for a moment to catch her breath and compose herself. She didn't dare stay longer, though, because the professor was still inside and she didn't want him thinking that she was hovering around his office waiting for him to leave. Down the hall she went, brushing her hair with her hand and making herself look as proper as she could again. The sun had already...

1 year ago
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My husband helped me to bear child from his relative

Husband having less Sperm count convinces wife to bear child from his relative and become a proud mother Husband’s Great Help Dear readers. I would like to share how good and benevolent is my husband. How I can term him as the best unselfish person who only cared for my good and happiness. I am a 26 year housewife happily staying at Ahmedabad with my husband who works in an oil industry. He is getting very good salary and is handsome. My husband Rahul is very handsome also. A s soon as I...

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A young sissy

My desires were had to explain, not that I would have told anyone anyways. Being so young and wanting the company and pleasure of older men was not something that seemed common, but to me seemed natural. I craved their hands on me and I craved pleasuring them. Even then, I knew men had needs. Even then, I knew I wanted to meet their needs, anyway they needed or wanted me too.Late at night, alone in my bed, I would imagine being with the men I saw in a Playgirl magazine. Their soft cocks looked...

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Foursome with Steve Marie and Mandy

I was thinking of getting Steve to undress Mandy while you and I sat at opposite sides of the room watching. He could take his time, taking each piece of clothing off very carefully, he could leave her stockings on and lie her down in between us. I thought maybe then he could take his time to rub that cock of his up and down her body for a while, just like he probably did on holiday. You and I would still be fully clothed, until..... until I offer you a drink from the table. we both go over to...

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My Girlfriend Chapter 4

My Girlfriend? Chapter 4 Hi, my dear readers.. So happy you are still there. What a night.. what a date.. and oh this is just the beginning.. So lets take it up where we left off.. oh my! The collar and leash immediately became real. The combination essentially defined control. She did not take my hand, but the leash tightened as she took her leave from the house. Yes, I followed and as you can imagine, my steps were at first anything but sure. The heels I wore, added several...

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Made Mademoiselle

Face Value by GENEVA Made Mademoiselle When the Emperor Napoleon had invaded Austria, just before his victory at Austerlitz, Jerome Meunier and I, Henri Cachin, were part of the French forces, in an infantry regiment. I suppose I should have been proud to do military service and serve under the greatest general that France had seen, but the soldier's life was not for me. As a street urchin in Bordeaux I had been involved in some petty theft from the shopkeepers, and as I grew older...

2 years ago
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Maruthuvarin Kathal Thevathai Nurse

Naan Chennaiyil oru maruthuvamanaiyil kadantha oru varudangal maruthuvaraga vellai seigireen. Enathu vellai paarkum pozhuthu nadantha kathaiyai ungalidam indru solgireen, vaarungal kathaikul sellalam. Enathu peyar vasanth vayathu 30, naan paarpatharku azhagaga irupen pinbu ennathu udambu kattumasthaga irukum. Ennai neraiya pengl udal uravu vaithukolla asaipaduvaargal ennai neraiya nabargal virumbuvaargal. Engalin maruthuvamanaiyin oru ilam pen vellai seithukondu runthal avlin peyar merry. Paal...

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The Wifes Wild Ass Chapter 5

Chapter 5After she made the suggestion, Darleen dropped her gaze demurely and blushed a rosy pink. After a moment she gazed up through her lowered lashes to see how Caroline had taken the suggestion. Caroline looked a bit bemused, but not at all shocked or disgusted or angry. And she was smiling slightly."Have you--ever--with a girl?" Caroline asked.Darleen shook her head. "No. Never," she whispered. "But I've thought about it a lot--like when I told you, in school and--and later, Caroline....

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My first time catfishing

In my last story, I gave my origins story as to how I became a catfish. If you haven't read that one yet, go back and read it first. It will give some context to this story. So I was about a year into my marriage and I had started a new job. The job required a lot of travel. One of my first trips with the new job was a solo trip to a small town. I wasn't really the type to go out exploring at night so, it just meant me being alone in my hotel room after work. Since before being married I wasn't...

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Fishing Buddies

I have always wondered what it would be like to suck on a cock, but I live in a small community where everyone knows your business. It all happened one day while out fishing with my long time friend Kevin. We were out in his boat drinking beer and wishing we were catching fish. After some time of no action we went back to shore and to the local tittie bar for a few drinks and a game of pool, then we decided it was time to hit the water again. An hour had gone by since the tittie bar and I was...

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The Priests Wedding

Patriarch of the Milky Way, His Beatitude, Father Nicholas O'Donnell left the office of His Holiness, the Pope, bemused. Father Nicholas had just spent nearly three hours in the presence of His Holiness and was astounded at the things he had learned. Ostensibly, this meeting had been to welcome Father Nicholas into the fold under his new title, Patriarch of the Milky Way. In reality, His Holiness wanted to gather Nicholas' impression of marriage and to let Nicholas in on some major secrets...

2 years ago
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I got pregnant by my high school boyfriend when I was 15. And after finishing high school, I had to work full time to support my son, because I come from a low income family and my parents were unable to help under their already unstable financials. Being a single mother is not easy especially when I’m not a college grad and working for years as a cocktail waitress in a bar in a hotel restaurant to support me and my son.My mom’s friend got me a job as a waitress in the hotel restaurant where I...

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Some Kind of HeroChapter 83

I was up in time for my usual morning routine Friday. I didn't want to run the property line today, not with all the equipment sitting around, but I did the treadmill for a few miles and then the StairMaster for a few more. Mrs. Trinh had omelets and orange juice for breakfast, and was very chipper, almost dancing around as she served. Today for the first time she slipped in to eat at the table with me without my having to prompt her to. After breakfast I went back downstairs and then into...

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Rhiana gets multi orgasmic

Another few months passed during which Rhiana phoned regularly to update me on the family and her love life. She always told me that she loved me but couldn't get away to see me because her mother always checked that she really had a date both from a security point of view and to ensure that Rhiana wasn't taking advantage of her. I had told her that she could always come round during the day but she said baby Harry didn't sleep that much now and it would be hard for her to ignore him...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 37

Well, everything was planned and my friends, who would help me, were at my home. I would be the target for whoever would walk by, and Illiana, Sally and Patrick would come with me to make sure nothing bad could happen to me and Illiana would film everything on her camcorder, so I could have a chance to see how I looked standing there. It would be the first time that I could see how I looked when I was on a dare. However, I also would make sure that at the end of the dare, I would get the...

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Bajuwali Aunty Ke Sath 8211 Mumbai

Hello… i am monty from mumbai.meri umar 29 saal hai. Main bachpan se hi sex ko bahut zyada pasand karta tha… Aur main apni sex needs ko satisfy karne mein laga rehta tha… mujhe 30 saal se jayada ki umar ki female pasand hai.. main hamesha apne khyalo mein pados ki bhabhiyo aur auntiyo k bare mein sochta rehta tha aur masturbate karta tha apni sex ki need ko pura karne k liye. Hamare pados mein bahut ladkia rehti thi par mujhe kam umar ki ladkio se zyada apne se badi aur married ladies pasand h...

5 years ago
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Billie the Magicians Assistant

Billie the Magician's Assistant By Katie Dale "Guess what, Billy?" asked my sister Julie one Friday evening. "What?" Ever since my eleventh birthday, I insisted that my friends call me 'Bill', not 'Billy'. But members of my family continued to call me 'Billy', and I didn't really mind. At the time this story took place, Julie was thirteen years old, a year older than me. "Grandma's started teaching me magic." "Cool," I said. Ever since I was a little child, I knew that...

2 years ago
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KissMeFuckMe Maya Woulfe Charlotte Sins Planning To Unwind

Charlotte Sins asks her girlfriend, Maya Woulfe, how her day went. Maya says it was okay, and then asks Charlotte about her day. Charlotte says work is so busy and stressful lately that it almost feels as if she lives at the office… but hopefully things will calm down soon, so she can take a vacation and spend plenty of time with Maya. They eagerly plan what kind of things they’ll do on vacation (including having sex on the beach, of course), and also fondly reminsice about how...

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Black PlagueChapter 6

On the advice of the Captain of the garrison in Esala, Stefan and Gregor chose a longer, but safer route back to the fortress Sardaford. Instead of toiling through the mountains and thick forest, they turned due south and followed a road that led to the eastern most stretch of the King's Highway. From there they would turn west and continue directly to Sardaford. Fewer vagabonds and bandits traveled the southern road because there were fewer places to hide along the mostly flat plateau. On...

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Meri Mom Aabha Se Mera Pyar 8211 Part 3

Hi yeh kahani meri aur meri maa ki shadi ki kahani hai. Please apna comment mein bheje. Ab tak maine bataya ki kaise mom ko maine dildo gift kiya aur mom ne uska use bhi acche se kiya, phir ye bhi bataya ki mom ne kaise meri lund ke ras ko panty se chata. Agey ki kahani kuch aisi hai. Us raat jab maine aur meri maa ne ek sath muth maara tha aur maine apna sara maal mom ki panty mein gira ke mom ko diya tha to mom ne mere lund ke ras bade chav se chata tha. Uske baad yahi routine kuch dino tak...

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Motel story Version 3

( Fiction)I knew how tired he was working all night in emergency surrounded by sick people that need help, wearing a mask and focusing on saving each life, he told that to receptionist last night when he checked in to our small motel. My colleague Peter, receptionist told me that I have to wake him up at 7AM sharp and bring fresh Orange juice and toast in to his room.I Knocked at the door, but after no answer I pushed a bit and opened the door. Room was dark, and smelled on dreams. I placed the...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 27

I had on my swimsuit when Tamara arrived. Trish and I were sitting on the patio drinking ice tea. She walked through the gate with a grocery bag. I stood and walked over to hug her. Every time I get this close to her, a warm feeling rushes through my body. It was so calming and yet I would also begin to get an erotic excitation that was apparent by the bulge in my swimsuit. "Hi, Tamara," Trish said from her chaise lounge. Trish got up and walked over to greet her. "Hi, Trish," Tamara...

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JordanChapter 13

The next morning I woke up to someone giving me light kisses all over my face. "That's a wonderful way to wake up" I told her. Jordan smiled and moved to give me a sensuous kiss on the mouth. "One day I'll be able to do that for you every morning," she told me with a smile. I knew what she was trying to say – you're going to be my husband one day - but I chose not to respond. "How are you feeling this morning? Sore?" I asked Jordan. "A bit but not too bad. Why, do you want to...

2 years ago
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BurningAngel Jewelz Blu Teen Creampie

The gorgeous Jewelz Blu is hanging out in her room. Horny as hell, she’s already dripping wet as she slides a massive dildo into her pussy. She goes wild, fucking herself as she moans with pleasure. But there’s no substitute for the real thing, so she gets down on her knees and slides your thick cock down her throat. Jewelz works your cock like the expert she is, giving you a sloppy blowjob and deep-throating you. Pretty soon, Jewelz can’t wait any longer for you to fill her...

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My Experience with Self Harm

Well, one person did. But let’s face it, there was no way she could help me. She was doing exactly the same thing only she was completely out of control and too wrapped up in her own problems to realise that I was in trouble and needed help too. She was the only one that understood it but I couldn’t even unload my issues on her. She didn’t need my problems as well as her own. Hearing your friend tell you that she cuts herself rather than talk about her feelings is indescribable. I...

2 years ago
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The Kinky CouplesChapter 4

Janet Howard wasn't exactly sure what was happening that she didn't know about, but something was. Gary Spencer had been very attentive to her the first night, taken her out to see the moon set, even put his arm around her, until she had edged away sharply, but now... she was alone. It was the second time she had been left alone and she didn't like it. Julie Spencer and her husband Bob seemed to be hitting it off just right. She liked to play tennis, so did Bob, Janet hated tennis. She...

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Mikis new lover

I want to follow up on my original post about Miki, my Japanese slut. Dave and I had fucked her well that night, covering her and ourselves in cum. The next day after Dave had gone home, we relaxed in bed and she told me she had really enjoyed being filled by cum from two guys. She had never thought about being used like that before. It seemed more "erotic" to her than the experiences we'd had previously.Although she did want to know how I knew Dave. How long we had know each other, etc. Also...

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Typically, his so called buddies would crash through the door and subject each other to random acts of humiliation; taking pictures to post online or use as blackmail. It was not like they had complete disregard for my sleep, just that they were drunk morons looking for a good time. Okay, so maybe it was complete disregard. Over time, their activities mutated and one night they brought over a girl, just one, and had their way with her. At first I thought they had planned it, but after peeking...

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The Glass Elevator

On the average weekday, at rush hour, the 110 Freeway in Los Angeles averages over 20,000 cars at any given time on the 55 mile stretch. For Phillip Riley, the trip from his job in San Pedro—a small harbor town just south of Los Angeles, to his home in Pasadena took an hour and thirty-seven minutes in gridlocked traffic. Stuck in his car, Phillip would gaze at a glass elevator that rose up and down the exterior of a downtown skyscraper. He assumed the skyscraper was a corporate law firm or some...

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HouseOfTaboo Cassie Del Isla Training In BDSM

While lounging outdoors in their summer garden, French hottie Cassie Del Isla reveals to her man Dorian Del Isla that she has some kinky fetishes that she wants to explore. No more vanilla sex for this glamour pornstar. She wants to delve into the dark side of the BDSM world filled with spanking and bondage. Watch this 4K House of Taboo premium porn scene unfold as Master David Perry joins the couple to help make the brunette beauty’s dreams cum true. The Master opens up his suitcase...

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Glamour Shots Chapter 21

The next morning, after the rousing success of the bath, the massage, the candles…and the sex, of course - I felt so much better that I wasn’t even dreading facing Marci! In fact, when I stopped at Starbucks, rather than take the easy path and order a simple latte for her in lieu of trying to remember her favored but very complicated choice, I dialed my office, hoping she was there. Fortunately she was, and when she answered I said, “I’m at Starbucks; I’ll give the guy my phone, and you tell...

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