Aquela Noite... free porn video

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Era noite lá fora. Talvez fria e chuvosa, mas não lembro ao certo. Como poderia? Só me lembro do que aconteceu dentro do quarto. Ela apareceu numa lingerie lilás, salto preto e o tempo parou. Bem, eu parei. Ela estava linda, sensual, matadora. A única luz acesa no quarto apontava pra o seu corpo. Saboreei aquela visão com paciência. Primeiro apreciei seus lindos pés, perfeitamente encaixados no salto alto fino. Subi às suas pernas e me senti convidado por aquelas coxas grossas a um banquete. Mordi o lábio inferior observando o seu sexo, parcialmente exposto por aquela calcinha transparente. Não havia mais quarto, noite ou mundo. Só conseguia vê-la. Ela veio. Em passos lentos e ritmados ela veio. Dançando alguma coisa de R. Kelly e rebolando devagar. Pouco importava o som, eram as curvas do seu quadril que embalavam-me lentamente. Mais um passo e ela estava à minha frente. - Você quer isso? - Perguntou ela, se inclinando e oferecendo os seios em movimentos suaves.
- Muito! - Disse sussurrando.
Apesar da vontade, não ousei tocá-los ainda. Apenas os vi passando próximos à minha boca sedenta e respirei fundo, sentindo seu cheiro. Ah... era delicioso! Após os seios, ela virou e inclinou-se, empinando a bunda numa dança leve. - E isso? Quer? - Provocou.
Respondi mordendo sua bunda macia. Fui empurrado pra trás. Ela me olhou, dominante, e, fazendo um não com o dedo indicador disse: - An an.... ainda não!
Ela rebolou na minha cara e depois desceu até o meu membro duro. Ao sentir que eu já estava pronto para possuí-la sua pele reagiu, ficando arrepiada. Não resisti àquela cena. Pus minhas mãos em sua cintura, guiando-a para que aquela dança não parasse. Dessa vez ela não me empurrou pra trás. Apenas seguiu os movimentos das minhas mãos, rebolando em mim, me excitando ainda mais. Conduzi minha mão direita ao seu seio esquerdo e a puxei pra perto de mim. A nuca dela ficou exposta e próxima à minha boca, que não hesitou em beijá-la com suavidade. Ela se arrepiou outra vez e outra vez a beijei. - Eu quero você. - Falei em seu ouvido, antes de mais alguns beijos.
- Você não imagina o quanto que EU quero você. - Disse ela, levando minha mão ao seu sexo. Ela já estava molhada! Eu a excitava com uma das mãos sobre a sua calcinha e a outra descobrindo seus seios. Minha boca seguia provando o seu pescoço e nuca. Senti suas unhas arranhando minhas pernas e a respiração ficando mais forte. - Ela está pronta pra mais -, pensei.
Desabotoei seu sutiã e os retirei enquanto beijava seus ombros e braços. Ela se inclinou, mas a puxei de volta pelos cabelos, beijando-lhe a nuca e em seguida saboreando sua orelha. Ela fraquejou, contraindo-se num pequeno gemido. - Você gosta assim, não gosta? - Provoquei.
-Hum rum.... - Ela se esforçou pra falar enquanto segurava o gemido.
Explorei aquela fraqueza por mais um tempo, chupando-a do pescoço à orelha. Ela respondia em movimentos inconscientes e suspiros curtos. Ela não sabia, mas a cada suspiro dela, mais excitado eu ficava. E eu já estava louco! Após alguns instantes ela levantou e virou-se.  Seu olhar denunciava o tesão e desejo que sentia. Ela ordenou pra que eu tirasse a minha roupa. Cedi. Primeiro a blusa, azul clara, depois o cinto e a calça. Antes de tirar a cueca ela veio pra cima de mim. Sentou em meu colo me beijou. Foi um beijo longo e molhado. Coloquei minhas mãos em suas costas e bunda, arranhando-a em um ponto e apertando-a em outro. Ela me beijava e se mexia com força. Pressionando sua boceta contra meu pau duro. Suas unhas, cravadas nas minhas costas, marcavam a minha pele. Puxei seu cabelo e ela jogou a cabeça pra trás, obedecendo ao meu comando. - Por que você é tão gostoso, hein? - Ela me perguntou, ainda de olhos fechados e com a respiração mais ofegante. Pouco importava a resposta. Eu só queria sentir o gosto dela molhada na minha boca e depois deliciar-me com a primeira metida. A primeira é sempre a mais gostosa. - Eu quero te chupar. - Disse.
Ela se deitou e eu comecei a chupá-la, mas no pescoço e orelha, como antes. Queria prová-la por inteiro, de novo. Suas mãos, presas aos meus cabelos, conduziram-me aos seus seios. Ah... como eu adorava aqueles seios. Pressionei-os contra o meu rosto e os suguei intensamente. Era uma delícia que eu queria sentir havia tempos. O lindo par de peitos dela estava arrepiado e o bico duro. Passei a língua ao redor e os chupei novamente. Mordi o bico e ela respirou mais forte, apreciando o prazer daquela mordida. Mordi outra vez e os chupei. Uma das minhas mãos estavam em seu clitóris, que estava inchado, denunciando seu tesão. Desci dois dedos até a entrada do seu sexo. Ela estava tão molhada que encharcou os meus dedos. Eu os levei até a minha boca e suguei, sentindo o delicioso gosto dela. Eu precisava de mais.
Provei a sua barriga e desci à virilha. Ela tentou guiar minha cabeça ao seu clitóris, mas não obedeci, provocando-a. Beijei, lambi, chupei sua virilha e coxas. Indo de um lado a outro sem passar por sua boceta, deixando-a sedenta. Massageei suas virilhas e passei meu rosto por sua boceta molhada. O cheiro e o gosto estavam maravilhosos! Passei a língua mais uma vez, lentamente, indo até o seu clitóris. - Ah... delícia - Dissemos juntos.
Peguei uma camisinha e pus nos dedos indicador e médio. Ainda chupando-a, meti meus dedos nela, com a palma da mão pra cima, puxando sua boceta contra minha língua. Ela gemeu alto. Achei seu segundo ponto fraco e esse a faria gozar na minha boca. Pressionei meus lábios contra sua pele de forma a expor seu clitóris às carícias da minha língua. Por dentro eram meus dedos que a penetravam e ela parecia mesmo estar sendo comida naquela hora. Seu sexo se contraía, assim como seu corpo, involuntariamente. Ela gemia mais alto e respirava muito forte. O tesão era tanto que ela mal conseguia respirar. Meu pau latejava de tesão ao vê-la tão excitada. Não parei. Continuei a chupá-la ainda mais e aumentei a intensidade dos meus dedos. Suas mãos procuravam um porto, algo pra segurar. Por vezes me arranhava e puxava meus cabelos, por outras puxava a colcha tentando se conter. Eu a chupava e metia ainda mais. Suas pernas se contorceram, pressionando meu rosto entre elas. Ela tentou sair, involuntariamente, como quem faz quando está prestes a atingir o orgasmo. Seu corpo pedia mais e teve mais. Até que então aqueles gemidos e movimentos tomaram uma intensidade final: - Ah.... - Ela gozava como eu mais gostava, na minha boca.
Diminuí o ritmo e retirei os dedos para que ela pudesse se recompor. Ela me olhou com desejo, pronta pra mais. Me puxou pelos cabelos e me deu um beijo, para depois me jogar na cama. Ela chupou e mordeu meus peitos, mas logo desceu ao meu abdômen e, por cima da cueca, me chupou. Eu queria tirar a cueca de uma vez, mas agora era ela quem me provocava. Ela chupava por fora e me olhava nos olhos, só pra ver minha reação. Eu tentava me conter, mas o tesão era maior. Meu corpo ansiava por mais, meu pau duro latejava por baixo da cueca. Ela o acariciou por fora, da base a cabeça, depois descendo até o saco. Subiu e desceu a mão por cima e pelas minhas pernas. Subiu mais uma vez e colocou uma mão dentro da cueca. O seu toque me fez suspirar. Ela se deliciou me olhando com satisfação e começou a me masturbar lentamente. A cueca atrapalhava sua nova investida e ela, enfim, a retirou, deixando meu membro livre. Ela mordeu o lábio inferior e o umedeceu, como que se preparando para o deleite final. Sua boca aguava por sugá-lo e eu estava ansioso pra ser chupado por ela. Mas ela se conteve, pois sabia o quanto que eu queria aquilo. Ela pegou o meu membro com firmeza e me olhou novamente, excitada com meu olhar de desejo, quase que suplicando por sua boca em mim. Ela me masturbou mais forte a começou a beijar-me na região da virilha. A cada beijo, mais perto ela ficava. O prazer de sentir sua boca se aproximando me deixava maluco e ela se divertia com isso. Foi chegando mais perto, mais perto... até que ela parou de me masturbar, tirou a mão de mim e, olhando nos meus olhos, subiu com a língua da base à cabeça do meu pau. Nossa! Safada... Ela desceu e subiu com a língua de novo, para, enfim, engolir-me com sua boca. - Gostosa, que delícia...- foi a única coisa que conseguir dizer.
Ela me sugou com vontade e eu a auxiliei com a mão prendendo o seu cabelo e ditando o ritmo com que ela me chupava. Ela subia e descia perfeitamente, fazendo sua boca e língua deslizar suavemente por todo o meu membro. A soltei por um instante e ela passou a chupar e lamber também o meu saco, coisa que eu adoro! Ela voltou e engoliu meu membro novamente, com sua boca molhada e quente. Eu queria gozar, mas queria comê-la antes.
Puxei-a pelo cabelo para que ela retirasse o meu membro da boca dela. Ela o tomou na mão e o esfregou no rosto, como quem saboreia um prêmio. Tomei o meu pau da mão dela e o bati no rosto dela. - Ai... bate mais, cachorro! - Ela pediu.
Aquilo me excitou ainda mais e eu bati outra vez. Ela abriu boca e eu surrei seu rosto, bochecha e língua, antes de enfiá-lo outra vez em sua boca. Ela sugou-me com ainda mais desejo. Eu precisava comer aquela boceta logo!
Retirei-me da boca dela de novo e dei um tapa estalado na cara, ordenando que ela levantasse: - Eu quero te foder toda, safada! - Exclamei.
- Então fode comigo, vai... - Provocou ela.
Tomei-a pelos braços e a coloquei sentada de frente pra mim, numa mesinha no canto do quarto. Esfreguei meu pau na boceta molhada dela e ela suspirou com o toque da minha glande brincando ali. Mas já não era hora de provocar. Eu queria meter nela e logo. Enfiei a cabeça devagar. Ela fechou os olhos, se concentrando em todo o prazer que aquela penetração causara. Era como se estivéssemos rompendo o céu. Penetrar naquela boceta tão quente e molhada era uma sensação deliciosa! Por isso a fiz com calma. Fiz os primeiros movimentos lentamente, prolongando o prazer. Minhas mãos em sua cintura, ajudando no apoio. Suas mãos indecisas entre me acariciar ou arranhar, entre puxar-me os cabelos ou fincar-se na minha pele. Eu segui metendo até o final e ditando o ritmo. Seu corpo pedia cada vez mais, mais fundo, mais intenso. Eu o fiz. Seus gemidos estavam altos novamente e eu a comia com vontade, indo cada vez mais fundo, preenchendo todos os espaços da sua boceta com meu membro. Suas pernas estavam se contraindo cada vez mais e eu estava prestes a gozar. Segurei a sua cintura com força, me esforcei para tomar fôlego e meti com mais intensidade do que nunca. Nosso sexo se encontrava com violência. Agora não só ela, mas eu me contorcia de prazer. Estávamos gozando. Ela soltou um gemido alto, eu travei a respiração. Penetrei o mais fundo que pude e pressionei seu corpo com força contra o meu. Ah... estava enfim acontecendo. Ela sentiu um jato grosso invadir o seu corpo e seus músculos se contraírem. Eu diminuí o ritmo até parar. Estávamos exaustos, mas saciados.

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My Cousin Me

HI all,I am lucky and am 21 years old male.I currently work at Chennai.I’ve been reading all the incest stories for a very long time.The story am tell u is abt me and my cousin sister.She’s hot with a chubby ass and boobs’re good but not as big as ass.I always had a lust towards her and she too knew all my intentions yet she didnt show it out.It all happened say 3 months before,wen i got a phone call tat my grandpa was dead,had to come from chennai and attended the funeral.After a week things...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 4

Doug strode into the room with an undisguised sense of authority. He was a short man, with a neatly trimmed mustache that exaggerated his frown and short black hair that gave him a distinguished look. He looked around and noticed a man changing the sheets on the only bed in the room. He cleared his throat and asked, “Where’s John Carter?” Nurse John turned and examined the intruder. He didn’t know what to make of the man. He answered, “He’s in the next room reading to the Wilson girl. She...

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Trading UpChapter 22

We were clear of the desk just as Cecilia and Marty got off the elevators. Cecilia took one look at Jane and grinned dazzlingly. She came over to her and wrapped her arms around her. “How’re you doing?” she asked, kissing her cheek as they hugged. “So sore!” Jane groaned. “So worth it.” They laughed together at that and Marty went to check out with a knowing smirk for me before he went to the desk. Barb and her parents appeared a few minutes later, still wearing last night’s formal attire....

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The ArrangementChapter 8 Fun and Farewells

I woke the next morning in rumpled sheets that still smelled like Riley, a wet spot still noticeable beneath my ass. My groin was pleasantly sore from overuse, and I felt my cock pulse with anticipation as I thought of yesterday's events and fantasized about today's version. I took a quick shower, and my mood darkened a bit as I remembered that we had about 24 hours left on this ship. By the time I woke up tomorrow morning, the Marvel of the Seas would be back in the port of Miami, and...

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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsChapter 7 The Queen Betrayed

"Take those nose plugs out," ordered the Baron. Olivia sighed and smiled at her nemesis. "No, I don't think so," she replied calmly still feeling relaxed. "Semen Sez, take the nose plugs out," said Simon. Olivia's brow furrowed and she winced. Her head itched again. She reached up and removed the nose plugs. She took a deep breath of the Baron's cock stench and smiled. "How much control over her do you have?" asked the Baron. "Not much, yet," replied Semen Sez. "Not a lot...

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WiFi Cafe

She watched him from two tables over. He was tall, with dark brown hair and brown eyes so dark they got lost in his eyes. He was clean shaven with a strong set jaw, his shoulders were broad, and he looked like he worked out.She had been in the café for a good two hours, searching the internet for various things, and instant messaging friends that she had in cyber-world. A twinge in her bladder told her it was time for a bathroom break. Making sure she had her purse, she got up, and walked...

2 years ago
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Sex with a virgin girl Tanya

Hi Readers i am Sanju main 6 mahine pehele mumbai gaya tha waha maine rent pe falt liya. main roz subhe 8 baje nikal jata tha aur phir dopeher main ata tha. Mere padosi Mr. Agarwal He is a big businessman. unki ek ladki thi Tanya, jo amir bap ki beti thi. wo 12th main hai. wo din bhar ghar main akeli reheti thi. ek din mere flat ke bahar ek lifafa pada hua tha. usne wo dekha aur bell bajayi. maine door khola aur dekha to wo samne khadi thi. phir maine use andar bulaya. phir thodi der bad chali...

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Crosswinds Chapter 8

Diana struggled to contain the sick feeling in her chest as she approached the smoldering house. She scanned the perimeter. Dark old trees twisted in the horizon, the closest neighbors were a kilometer away. Their blackened windows suggested that no concerned citizens would intervene.She covered her face during the approach. Black smoke gushed from underneath the door, and the intense warmth singed what little hair protected Diana’s shins. . She swallowed the last bit of self preservation stuck...

4 years ago
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The End of the World but New Start

It was a normal day just like any day, well I don't what you can call normal in this life anymore but it's normal as any. The life me and my daughter live is a very different one then normal ever since the great war things have been different and it has been hard. I was lucky enough to be a son of a senator and we were put in this bunker that was meant to be able to hold people long enough for the radiation to clear which they said was about 35 years. It didn't work what was left of the...

2 years ago
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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 10

"Let's claim my first treasure ship." There is no hesitation for Wendy. "Yes, Captain. We will set a course for the primary shipping routes at once. The treasure ships are heavily armed and sometimes escorted by other vessels. It may get dangerous. It will be tomorrow morning before we are in position. Is there anything that you require tonight?" "Send in a bottle of rum for now. My wench and I need to speak." With a nod Sully was gone. She looks at you. "So if we fail, then you and...

3 years ago
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Happy days

So it was way back when the old mid-summer hippy festival used to happen in the fields adjacent to Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain ( that's in England - for our overseas readers ! ) . The current fairy had persuaded me to go to the festival with her and her ex, strange maybe but he had a car ....... We got there and pitched the tents, grabbed a beer and proceeded to skin-up and get nice and mellow. All was going well and she asked me to go for a wander about the site to see what was happening. I...

2 years ago
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The MILF Who Loved to Have Sex with Younger Men

I've been very bad since my husband left for his business trip. My name is Roxanne, and I love to have sex. I guess the term is called MILF or Cougar. This time, however, I had sex with several people. I even had sex with my son’s best friends. I know you must be thinking I’m an absolute slut. Well maybe I am, but I just love the feel of a nice thick cock up my cunt. I really do hunt when I'm alone. I like to look for young studs that love to have naughty hot sex. My son is twenty years old,...

2 years ago
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The Chosen of DestinyChapter 2

Michael had a plethora of emotion as he stood beside the two women that just seemed to appear out of nowhere and drop into his life. They were standing at the nurse's desk and Lace was filling out his release papers. I'm surprised the police haven't been by to ask questions. He thought. He looked down at the clothes he was wearing. A brand-new pair of jeans and a t-shirt. A new pair of sneakers also. Apparently Lace went shopping for him. He liked what he was wearing... He just missed his...

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Frigid to Slut

This is entirely fictional. It is an adult story about sex, cheating, exhibitionsism and cuckolding, so if you don’t want or like reading about such stories, then I suggest you close this and move along to something else. Like all of my stories, it starts a little slowly, setting the mood but, or so they tell me, my stories are well worth the time it takes to read them. This is fictional, and as such, I can write it however I like. If it doesn’t make sense to you, then we simply don’t think...

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Very Satisfying Quickie

We are lovers, so time can be a problem. But I will take a quick meeting over not seeing him anytime. We were meeting after work. The anticipation of getting to see him that evening had my pussy so swollen and so wet I couldn't even focus on work. All I could think about was ripping my clothes off and letting him fuck me. I called him when I was leaving work. He was already there waiting for me. Just the sound of his sexy voice sent thrills inside the pit of my stomach. My pussy was so hot and...

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This happened to me about 4 years after I married my first wife. I was in the air force and my squadron had been sent to Europe for 65 days on temporary duty. As it happened, I got to come home early, and I decided to surprise my wife by not telling her I would be comming home. My wife, Debbie, played cards with my buddies wifes every Tuesday night while their husbands were away. I got a ride to my house and walked in. Sure enough, there was Debbie, Sandy, Cheryl and Beth, sitting at the...

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Love Conquers All

When Allen Louder woke up, he was sure it was going to be just another ordinary day. With the sun's warmth, and the sound of singing birds drifting in through the open window, he began undressing to take his morning shower so he could go to school. He was a good-looking young man. At 18 he stood an even 6 feet tall. He had blonde hair and light green eyes, and a wide smile for everyone he met. He was popular with the guys because of his friendly disposition, and was even more popular with...

2 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 14

Liv had been lucky thus far. The road had been filled with downward sections and tight turns, handicapping the SRT-8's power advantage and accentuating the 944's prowess. The mountainous downhills allowed her to keep the engine off except when she needed to accelerate out of a turn. The sparing use of the engine kept the cylinder head temperature in the safe range, but all of this was about to change. Ahead was a long steep uphill grade. While Liv currently held a commanding lead over the...

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My 1st time

The wife and I were on our holiday in Jamaica and we loved this place so friendly and they couldn't do enough to please you. Our 1st week had gone by and Susan was all tanned up and she was looking so good, Susan is a size 20 and she is not shy to show it off, yes she gets some looks cos she has it all hanging out but she is a proud lady and I am a proud husband. Some people around the pool and estate we were stopping on you could hear them "Why does she have to show it all" so one day I over...

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My mom8217s sister

A few days ago, I remembered that My mom’s sister, Aisha, and I have been flirting a lot more together. Don’t get me wrong, it’s all very innocent aunt – nephew relationship; a longer-than-normal touch as we pass something across the table, a slight foot brush underneath said table. I like to give my Aunty a hard time. When I was a kid I always messed with her and even now that we’re both older, she likes to pretend that she disapproves of me. In reality, I am better than her...

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Hot Fucked With Horny Bhabhi

Hello guys and girls, I’m regular user of ISS but this is my first story and sorry for any mistakes. I hope you like it please mail me at I’m Aditya 21 years old and I’m from Bangalore studyin B. com I have a 7 inch nice and juicy dick. I’m average guy of 5’10” height and I’m very good in fucking and can satisfy a women in every possible way and this story is having sex with my very hot bhabi, she is 25 years old and have very sexy and hot figure having stats as 36 30 36 and she is 5’5”a very...

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The Chair

Morning came and he woke her with a long, deep kiss. She smiled up at him, expecting more, but he kissed her one more time then got in the shower. She waited for him to come back. When he did he dressed and continued about his routine. As she got up to dress, he told her to put on her sexiest bra and panties underneath her work clothes and he’d think about her like that all day. Little sparks of excitement ran through her body. She slipped on the red lace bra that was just about see through,...

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High Adventure on the High Seas

An odd, short term romance many years ago in post-war China. Quite an adventure for a young man. * Right after World War Two, the Pacific was awash with surplus of every description. Boats, ships, aircraft and weapons were everywhere. It was mind boggling in the enormity. What an opportunity for enterprising young men. I’m Chick, a nickname because my last name is hard to pronounce properly, and I was a crewman on board a submarine in the South Pacific. We were patrolling off the south tip...

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Fanfiction Lesbian Fighting League

Once again, the Fanfiction Lesbian Fighting League, or FL² for short, was up and running. Tonight's episode was their anniversary celebration and the arena was packed. The crowd was filled with excited lesbians ready to watch yet another marvelous display of sex and violence for their pleasure. " the most watched show after dark!" came the voice of FL²'s play-by-play announcer, Kyu Sugardust, a pink-haired love fairy from the world of HuniePop. "As always, we've got a packed arena...

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Fuck Toy for Master and Mistress

Kneeling before them I focus my attention on massaging their feet. As always I start with Master's feet. I massage and rub his foot and toes. Sucking each toe in turn into my mouth. I end each foot, licking the sole. Making sure I lick hard and slow so not to tickle Master. I tend to Beth's feet the same way massaging the tired from her, sucking her toes and licking her soles. In the end their feet nearly shine from my tender care.They both move to the bedroom and strip. Beth lays prone on the...

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A Night With My Younger Step Sister

A night with my younger step sister Lets just establish some stuff first. This is a fictional story, none of the people in this story are real. My name is Marty, Im 22 years old, and have a younger stepsister Abbie who is 15. It was around my dads birthday in June when the following took place. About two weeks before, when the family all sat down for dinner, my dad said that he and Sharon (his other half and Abbies Mum) were going away for the weekend of his birthday and that I would have...

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The Walters BrothersChapter 13

Since I couldn’t do much real work I spent the next week scouting and watching the trail. We’d made the stashes we talked about, weapons, ammo, a little grub and coffee, some rags for bandages, that sort of thing. I wasn’t just ridin’ around. There were a few choke points on the trail in, and I had Gal and Eion help me loosen the base of a couple of big boulders, and rig a deadfall out of some mighty impressive logs. It probably wouldn’t hurt them but it would clog the trail and make them...

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Rock N Roll Fantasy Ch 2

Alicia peeked out the door of her dressing room. She was wearing a rather sheer revealing robe and would rather not be seen walking the few feet to Rick’s room. It had been almost exactly an hour since Rick made the suggestion that they share a little pre-concert playtime. She wanted to be prompt. It wasn’t a good idea to displease Rick. She was on the verge of stardom and wouldn’t do anything now to screw that up. Rick had told he would give her one song of her own on the upcoming album and...

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Big brother

jen was growing up more every day and was getting so curious about sex. She had read several sex magazines and loved seeing the naked men. She would lay in bed and look at the men's cocks as she fingered her own pussy. She truly wanted a cock to ram her and fuck her. One day she had the house to herself as her parents went on a trip and her brother was away at school. She stripped naked and layed on the couch and looked at the magazine and dreamed of a man's cock fucking her as she fingered her...

3 years ago
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Chachi Ka Tohfa

Hello dosto…..ISS ke sabhi pathko ko mera Salaam,,Mai 2 saal se ISS par story padh raha hu.Maine socha kyu na mai bhi apni sacchi ghatna aap logo se share karun..Isiliye aj mai apni pahli dastan aap logo ko batata hu..Ye ghatna meri zindagi me 6 mahine pahle hui,,Sorry maine apne bare me to bataya hi nahi,,Mai AYAAN MALIK from Allahabad…Age 23 year, kad 5.8″ inch,dikhne me bhi smart hu, aur final year ka student hu.Aur mera lund 7 inch lamba aur 2.5 inch mota hai,,ye ghatna meri chhoti...

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