Halloween Four, 24/10/2016: Abergale’s Party free porn video

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Halloween Four, 24/10/2016: Abergale’s Party

Pulling up into her driveway Abergale got out of her car and noticing that something had been left for her in the mail box. Opening it she took out a single unstamped envelope addressed to her and shoved the envelope unread into her jean pocket. Walking into her kitchen she threw her bag in the corner and opened the envelope she was dumbfounded to find a party invitation that Rosa had promised her when they met in the car park the day before. Abergale re-read the invitation several timed turning it over in her hand shaking her head in disbelief finally laughing to herself at the absurdity of her voluntarily going to party where Rosa would be.
“She’s a fucking psycho.” She said to herself tossing the invitation on the kitchen worktop walking towards the bathroom in order to take a much deserved shower. Catching her reflection in a nearby mirror she stopped dead in her tracks to take a closer look at the dirty bag lady that was looking out at her from the glass.
“Holy shit,” she said staring at her reflection, “just as well nobody saw you drive back. They’d have called the nut house for sure.”
A long hot shower later she looked into the mirror again this time at something that resembled a human. Nodding to herself she ran a brush through her hair trying her best to get all the knots out of it and fight it into some type of order.
“Ok,” she said finally putting the brush down and straightening up to look at her reflection,
“That’s better.” She said, inspecting herself closely, “You almost look human again.”

Walking back into the kitchen she took a bought lunch out of the fridge and put it in the microwave to heat. Opened a drawer Abergale took out a fork shutting the drawer with her body by leaning up against the kitchen worktop. Tapping the fork against her hand to relive her boredom she watched the contents of the oven slowly rotate from across the kitchen as the microwave’s clock slowly counted down. As the clock neared zero Abergale walked over to the oven and placed her hand on its handle opening the door as soon as the beep sounded. Taking the hot packaging out of the oven she gingerly carried it to the worktop and began to eat. Without thinking she picked up the invitation again glancing over it and read aloud,
“Would like to take this opportunity to invite you to a Halloween Bash.” Abergale screwed up the muscles in her face picking up the unstamped envelope.
“I can’t say I didn’t get it.” She said to herself, “She must have put it in the mail box herself.” Then deciding to think about it later threw the card across the flat surface of the worktop only coming to a halt when it hit the wall.
“I’ll think of something.” She said pushing a fork full of foot into her mouth, “how hard can it be to turn down an invite?”

Abergale wedged herself into the corner of the kitchen drink in hand looking around at the five skeletons, three mummies and two bride of Frankenstein’s that populated her immediate vicinity. All these were sprinkled in with various cos-play characters from comics, sorry graphic novels, video games and movies that kinda looked familiar but she didn’t really know who they were supposed to be.
“How the fuck did I get here?” she mumbled to herself as she took a gulp of her drink, “and how long do I have to stay before I can go?”

Abergale was dressed as a sexy Witch something that was frowned upon in her town as it reminded people of a series of Witch Trials the town had had in the mid 1750’s, not really as famous as Salem but just as bloody. She had come to the party alone a fact that “The Hunk” Rosa’s husband had taken immediate advantage of feeling up between her ass cheeks almost as soon as she’d walked through the door, something that she quite enjoyed until she figured out it was him. After she had gotten a drink she amused herself for the next hour by reciting an impotence spell from memory in his direction. If she remembered it right Rosa wouldn’t be getting lucky tonight or any night for the rest of the month. After a while of doing this Abergale could feel a pain in her head coming from just above her right eye like a glass splinter burrowing its way down into her eyeball. Her head ache did have that advantage of giving her an excuse to leave the party early and walking out into the clear pale moonlight of that October night she took a deep lung full of the cold crisp night air.

Walking away from the Rosa’s house the sound rapidly grew fainter and fainter until it was all but inaudible. Shoving her hands deep into her jacket pockets and hunching her shoulders she kept her eyes fixed on the ground before her as she walked towards her house. It wasn’t cold but there was a strong breeze starting to blow so she decided to take a shortcut she knew through a local wood which passed through the town’s old cemetery. She hadn’t been there in years, not since she was a k** when she used to spend a lot of her time there. The old cemetery was the only place she could get any privacy when she was younger, nobody went there even back then and she had spent many hours sitting with her back against the cold tombstone of some guy called John Gordon her panties around her ankles and her fingers knuckle deep in her soaking cunt.

Her headache began to go as she continued to walk into the night the combination of the fresh air and exercise lifting her sprits somewhat. After a little while she left the sidewalk and crossing a small patch of grass walked into the small wood towards the cemetery. This would take at least 20 minutes off her journey she though. Almost as soon as she entered the wood the moonlight which had been quite strong up to now all but disappeared, blocked out by the skeletal branches of the bare autumn trees. Gradually as the minutes passed her eyes became accustomed to the surrounding darkness as she once again began to walk on to the cemetery. As she walked wildness of the night and loneliness of the wood combined to give Abergale a very uneasy feeling which only grew as she approached the cemetery. The feeling that something unseen was following her sent a shiver around her body which seemed to end in an intense feeling of pleasure in her pussy and nipples.

Looking back to reassure herself that no one was in fact there her heart leapt when she saw a large dog in the middle distance. As the dog approached Abergale’s whole body started to tingle with apprehension. Not sure what to do she started to look around for a branch to defend herself. Finding nothing she backed herself up against a nearby tree watching helplessly as the large strange dog approached. Stopping a little distance of the dog looked at Agergale doing nothing for a few moments he finally sniffed the air a few times and wagged his tail.

At the realisation that he was friendly Abergale let out a deep breath which she had been u*********sly holding for about a minute.
“Jesus dog, you scared me.” Abergale put out her hand to the dog to let him smell it and let him know that she wasn’t a threat.
At this the dog trotted up to Abergale wagging his tail vigorously and took a deep wet sniff at her hand covering it in slobber. Abergale looked at her hand and back at the dog,
“Wounderful.” She said shaking the dogs spit off her hand as best she could looking at the dogs dopy face.
“Good dog” she said sarcastically walking off towards the cemetery wiping her hand off as best she could in her dress the large dog trotting alongside her.
“You needn’t think you’re coming with me.” She said to the dog who totally ignoring her continued to walk beside her.

After about five minutes she reached the old rusty gate of the cemetery which was loosely held shut by a chain and a padlock. Abergale opened the gate as much as she could thinking she could possibly squeeze through the gap but gave up the idea almost immediately. The dog looked at her turning his head to one side in curiosity.
“Well I’m not going back,” she said to the dog, “that would take too long.”
Looking around for the best nearby climbing spot Abergale chose a spot and slowly started to pull herself up the rusted balustrade. I’m sure the residence won’t mind, she thought to herself smiling, slipping down almost as fast as she climbed. This was a lot easier when I was younger she thought. Just at that point the dog shoved his muzzle under her skirt and pushed her up with to the point where she got her footing on the railing. Holding on the railing she felt the sticky mess of dog spit now between her ass cheeks.
“Hey .” she said looking down at the dog from her perch on the railing, “ I’m not that kind of girl.” Then laughing she added,
“Well I am but if you tell anyone, snip, snip ok.” Smiling to herself she continued to climb over the fence while enjoying the wet sensation now spreading all over her pussy and asshole because of her exertion.

Reaching the top she carefully lifted one leg over metal railing and then the other. Somehow as she manoeuvred over the fence she got her panties caught up on one of the barbs ripping them almost off herself as she lowered herself down to the ground.
“Dam it,” She mumbled to herself reaching the ground. Then slipping off her panties she examined them holding them up to night sky, “They were expensive. They’re ruined.”

She started to put them back on again but thinking better of the idea she took them off again discarding them in a nearby bush enjoying the feeling of the cool breeze blowing up her skirt and around her pussy and ass cheeks. She looked around at the cemetery in darkness of the early night, smiling to herself at how appropriate it was for Halloween. The old cemetery had been badly neglected, it had become much shoddier than she remembered, and as she walked into the older parts of the cemetery it just got worse. The old gravestones seemed to sprout out of the moss and weeds like rotten teeth in the moonlight. It was almost like the dead were pushing up dislodging them in an attempt to climb their way out of the grave.

Walking through the cemetery the dog trotted up behind her from the direction of the fence wagging his tail.
“How did you get in here?” She asked the stray who she noticed had her discarded panties in his mouth shaking them and sniff them periodically.
“Hey, give them back.” She said running up to the stray who thinking she wanted to play with him ran off into the grave yard her panties in her mouth.
Abandoning the chase as soon as she saw him disappear off into the night she continued to walk through the cemetery the Gravestones that surrounded her reminding her of all the times she had masturbated there when she was younger her body remembering the many intense pleasures she had experienced over the years. Looking around these feelings began to mix with the creepy scene of the gravestones mixing in her body until an intense wetness began to make itself evident between the opening lips of her cunt. Leaning against a grave stone to take a rest she took a look around it all looked very familiar to her. Suddenly, after a few moments, realising she realised that this was the spot where she used to masturbate when she’d come here as a k**. Crouching down beside the tombstone she cleared away some of the grass and weeds that had grown up over it reading the familiar name on the stone smiling like she had seen an old lover for the first time in a number of years.

Smiling to herself Abergale stood up and opening her legs she lifted herself onto her toes and then lowered herself gently onto the edge of the hard, cold stone. The familiar biting sensation of the stone against her wet cunt sent a shiver through her body, immediately bringing back a flood of memories from her distant past. Slowly Abergale began to grind her gash against the tombstone each movement of her hips against the stone exposing the sensitive flesh of her opening cunt to the unrelenting icy roughness of the stone. Each movement of her hips shot small darting sensations of pleasure through her from her fingertips to her toes. Placing her hands in front of her Abergale leant forward placing most of her weight on her hands lifting herself off the stone a little allowing her hips to move back and forth with greater speed and freedom her hips began to move in a figure eight motion as her legs began go squeeze against either side of the cold headstone. A light sheen of sweat broke out all over her body as her heart rate began to rise. Each movement of her hips strengthened the growing sensation of bliss which was washing all over her body in warm playful frothy waves.

Shifting her weight slightly to allow one of her hands to come free u*********sly she moved it upwards till it found its way to her tits squeezing them roughly, focusing as best she could on her hardening nipples, pinching them, twisting them between her fingers. Hurriedly Abergale began to unbutton her top using her one free hand something which seemed to take an eternity. Finally in frustration she grabbed at her top in annoyance pulling at it several times finally ripping it open sending several buttons flying as she did so. Throwing it on the ground she immediately began to claw at her mini skirt pulling at it savagely, ripping it off her as if she had become possessed by a daemon intent on ravaging her body in the most a****listic and brutal way. Totally naked and exposed to the cold night air goose bumps rose up all over her flesh.

Adjusting her weight Abergale carefully moved against the tombstone pushing her now bullet like clit into the sticky gooey mess that existed between her soft aching body and the hardness of the tombstone. As the minutes passed her pussy grew wetter and wetter as her body responded to her unrelenting grinding motion. u*********sly she moved her hips back and forth as if fucking the headstone beneath her, an unending supply of cunt juices oozing out of gash lubricating the surface of the stone her skin pull tight against the muscles of her body as she balanced her weight on her toes and hands

She couldn’t believe how fast her body was responding the sensations of pleasure had grown so strong that she had to pull back several times keeping herself on the edge of coming allowing her to draw more and more pleasure from between her legs which squeezed the grave stone between them tightly. She managed to keep herself teetering on the edge for the next five minutes but finally she couldn’t stop herself any longer finally giving her body over to the pure a****l lust that had been building for some time now. Wrapping her legs around the headstone as best she could she relaxed and let her body start to shake, gently at first, but as the sensation grew stronger her jerking became more and more violent as a wave exquisite pleasure broke over her. Almost silent up to now Abergale started to moan loudly as she slid down the headstone her body jerking as her gash squirted a thick liquid from it that gushed violently out of her all and over the dead person’s name and birthday. As she continued to slide down to the ground she lay back into the grass and weeds grabbing at them her muscles straining against them trying to pull them out of the ground. After a few seconds her body stopped jerking as the final darts of pleasure raced around her. Abergales closed her eyes and signed loudly letting go of the last bits of tension from her body. As she did so she could feel the last of her squirt ooze its way out of her like a huge slug. For a few seconds the thick glob of squirt pooled between her legs before sinking into the earth of the grave.

Abergale lay naked on the grave feeling the caress of the gentle night breeze against her body the muscles in her pussy pulsing as the last waves of orgasm shot like darts from her clit out to the rest of her body. After a few minutes she sat up against the grave stone enjoying the coolness of the stone against her skin. Exhausted she sat there unmoving, her eyes gently closed letting the minutes pass by. Finally after what seemed like an age she managed to open her eyes only to see the stray dog sitting a little way off, her ripped panties still in his mouth. Unable to move she just laughed at the sight of the large black stray dog looking at her. The dog responded by cocking his head to one side only making the whole scene funnier to her.

In response to her giggling the dog stood up and moved forward two or three steps sniffing in the direction of her cunt drool starting to stream out of his mouth in long slimy strings. Excitedly he continued to inch forward hungrily licking his lips as he did so.
“Oh,” she said to the stray, “I see, you want to lick some cunt do you? “ Then opening her legs and tapping the side of her inner thigh. “There you go I’m not stopping you. Have fun.”
To her surprise he walked forward and immediately and expertly started to lick her open cunt his tongue pushing almost an inch into her at his first attempt licking in one long motion from one end of her cunt lips to the other.
“Oh, good boy,” she giggled shifting herself so that she could open her legs wider to give the stray full access to her pussy. Reaching her hand down she gently began to fondle the dog’s cock which quickly began lipsticking its way out of its sheath inch by inch until she was gently fondling an engorged heavy purple dog cock in her hand with a huge knot at its base about the size of a tennis ball.
“Oh my God,” she said moving the weighty cock around examining it closely, “you’d rip me apart with that.” Fascinated by it Abergale gently moved her fingers from the knot at its base to its tip smiling to herself as it began jerking pushing out a long slimy strand of thick precum growing from the end of the cock as she continued to run her fingertips over it examining it minutely. Letting the precum flow onto her fingers for a few seconds she finally brought her hand to her mouth slipping her fingers between her lips tasting it.

The dog roughly pushed his mussel into her pussy licking hungrily at her cunt lips breaking her of the dog’s cock hypnotic effect. He pushed his head into her again, hard, mixing her now oozing pussy juice and the slimy drool oozing all over her cunt mixing the different bodily fluids into a frothy clammy mess. Reaching down with a hand on either side of her pussy Abergale pulled her lips apart exposing her clit. The stray immediately responded focusing hard on bullet like nub of flesh. Arching her back a deep moan of pleasure erupted uncontrollably from her lips as her legs began to shudder as the full length of the dogs rough tongue slithered it way over her clit only for him to repeat the tongue lashing without respite bringing her excitement higher and higher until she came hard again exploding her thick hot squirt over his tongue.

She couldn’t believe it, he had been licking her for about a minute maximum, she had never cum so quickly before and from what she could tell he was in no mood to stop his head still buried deep between her legs hungrily lapping up every drop of the slimy mess leaking in a heavy discharge out of her gash. Reaching into her pussy with an index finger of each hand she pulled her pussy open wide for him, exposing the soft inner flesh of her gaping cunt to the onslaught of the strays unrelenting tongue. The stray didn’t disappoint as his tongue began to explore the deeper recesses of her reaching into places she would never admit to liking so much. After a few seconds Abergales whole body jerked her back arching, her heels digging into the grave tearing up the grass and weeds exposing the bare earth. Unbelievably the strays tongue moved deeper into her eagerly lapping at parts of her that she never could imagine ever being touched in her filthiest fantasies. At this stage Abergales had reached such a level of excitement that almost ever lick of the strays tongue or movement of her body brought her bubbling over the edge, making a mockery of her attempts to keep her body under control. Once again she exploded into a violent orgasm her body jerking uncontrollably as she came a number of times in quick succession.

Totally exulted Abergale slowly struggled to her feet and sat on the side of the tombstone trying to recover as best she could. As yet unsatisfied the stray immediately clamped his front legs around her right leg and started humping his fully extended cock slapping loudly against the skin of her leg as it spurted precum all over it. Trying to get him off her leg Abergale turned her back to him however the stray slipping off her as she did so.
“Hey now.” Abergale said smiling over her shoulder at him, “a girl can only take so much.”
Almost immediately however he jumped up behind her wrapping his forelegs around her hips and pressing his weight heavily against her he again started to humping his cock just coming into contact with Abergalse ass cheeks. Realising what he was trying to do and the sheer size of his erect cock Abergale tried to get his front legs from around her hips. At the same time the stray, feeling his target just out of reach, began to yelp in frustration and with a strength that shocked her began to pull Abergales cunt hole closer and closer to his aching cock with each stroke. Abergale held onto the headstone as best she could for balance but as the stray continued to tug at her she was eventually pulled from her support and fell heavily on all fours onto the grave.

The dog instantly took advantage of Abergales new position and jumping up on her back began humping at her pussy his cock missing the target again this time slipping under her body splashing precum up to her navel.
Abergale could feel the course matted hair of the stray rubbing roughly into the smooth skin of her back. Looking down Abergale only then saw all 10 inches of his fully erect cock.
Oh my God, Abergale thought if he gets that in I’ll be destroyed. Trying to stand up again the stray pushed down on her with all of his weight pushing her head into the dirt and leaving her ass high in the air and totally exposed. He pushed again at Abergale and this time found her open gaping cunt. Pushing hard he crammed half of his stiff cock into her filling her up almost to capacity.
Abergale cried out as pain mixed with pleasure the stray’s throbbing cock pushing into her deeper with each brutal thrust. The strays a****l instincts kicked in and latched onto Abergales hips he pulled her ass closer to him he began to fuck her hard and fast panting furiously as he did so. The muscles of Abergales pussy contracted instinctually around the pounding cock squeezing it tightly as it spurted a seemingly unending supply of cum deep into her cunt.

As the minutes passed and the stray continued to push more and more of its 10 inch cock into Abergale’s abused cunt she could feel the dog’s warm cum seeping deeper into her as he pushed more of his meat mercilessly in and out of her. Every thrust working its way deeper into her until his knot sat just outside of her resting tightly up against her cunt lips. Abergale could feel her body’s excitement grow as her pussy grew full of dog cock which pumped more cum into her by the second. She imagined the slimy cum slithering deeper and deeper into her with every loud squelching thrust from the stray. Finally, after making its way into her womb it would try to fertilise her eggs in an attempt to bring forth a dog/human abomination. The thought disgusted Abergales mixing in her mind with the a****l pleasure that were now undeniably growing stronger and stronger in her with every second that passed. The stray continued to pull and push at Abergale’s cunt as darts of pleasure began to burst all over her body concentrating on her clit. At this stage she could feel a pressure deep in her as her pussy was now totally full with dog cum. A few seconds later it began to ooze out from around her pussy lips and beginning to dribble down her inner thighs. Reaching down between her legs Abergale started to rub the skin around her clit her fingers slipping over a combination of dog cum and cunt juice which covered it. She continued to do this for a few seconds until she couldn’t take it any more. As her body exploded into orgasm her back arched and her cunt squeezed the stays cock only serving to accelerate his pounding on Abergale in an effort to get ever last drop of cum into his bitch that he could in order to breed her

After a few seconds Abergale could feel the muscles in her pussy loosening as the unrelenting pounding finally subsided. A few seconds passed and for a moment Abergale foolishly thought he had been fully satisfied in reality however the stray was just resting, gathering his strength for the next vicious onslaught on her pussy. She didn’t have long to wait as a few seconds after he again tightened his grip around her waist and pushed once hard and deep into her. The full length of his cock pushed into her making her feel as if she would rip apart. Realising what he was doing and her powerlessness to stop it she opened her legs as much as she could relaxing herself as possible. As her pussy loosed slightly the stray’s cock met little resistance as the knot slipped into Abergales well lubricated cunt the end of his cock coming to rest against her g spot as the knot began to swell in her locking them together.

The stray cock continued to pump his cum into her contracting as it did so gently massaging Abergales G spot as it did so creating an increasable amount of pleasure from a tiny movement. Reaching down again between her legs Abergale pulled back her cunt lips exposing her clit, lubricating dog cum spurting out over her fingers as she did so. Then placing her index and middle finger on either side of it she began to move her fingers either side not touching the clit itself teasing herself to greater heights of pleasure. Abergale could hardly control herself as she felt a really hard orgasm beginning to build deep in her body as the strays cock swelled pressing hard into her g spot. Finally she couldn’t control it any longer and she began to cum her body jerking uncontrollably as she did so. Her pussy began to pulse as wave after wave of pleasure exploded from deep in her cunt sending sparks of pleasure shooting all over her. The stray feeling Abergale cuming under him trusted hard into her four or five times finally stopping panting hard unable to continue any longer. Abergale totally exhausted slumped onto the cold earth of the grave her ass held high by the strays cock still wedged tightly into her bursting pussy.

After a few moments she could feel his cock beginning to shrink until finally after some effort he pulled it out of her pussy after which the strays cum began to flow out of her, down her legs and soaking into the earth of the grave after pooling at her knees for a few seconds. Abergale couldn’t move as exhaustion covered her completely drifting off into a deep, restful and satisfying sleep.

When Abergale awoke it was already beginning to get bright the stray still sitting beside her. Quickly she gathered up her filthy cum and dirt stained clothes dressing quickly and beginning to walk albeit with some difficult towards her house the stray dog trotting along beside her. It would have been obvious to anyone looking out their bedroom window seeing her and the dog what had happened so she moved as quickly as she could in order to get indoors as quickly as possible. Finally Abergale arrived at her place fumbling with her keys to open the door.
“That short cut seemed to take forever.” She said to herself opening the door and letting herself and the dog in. She glanced at her watch she hadn’t even been walking 10 minutes since she woke from her sleep on the grave still she was safe now.

After a quick shower and a change of clothes she began to feel a little human again wrapping a dressing gown around her naked body she walked into the kitchen and made herself a sandwich. The dog sat beside her looking intently at her eating following the sandwich as she moved it from the table to her mouth and back again. Abergale got the hint and threw a few sliced of meat on the ground for him making a mental note to buy some dog food for her newly adopted lover.

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Halloween Party

I was invited to an annual halloween costume party. My friends get some of the most inventive costumes I've ever seen. This year I was told there was going to a treat to thank us for showing up. My specialty was the jungle juice I mixed up. It was guaranteed to pack a punch, and a few drinks was enough to get many people hammered. I dressed as a priest, and when I got to the party I did a double take. It sure looked like that Christina Aguilera was there, dress as a harem girl. The outfit...

3 years ago
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Halloween Sex Party

A few months ago, back when I was still teaching, I heard some students talking about a party the seniors throw every year on Halloween where everyone dresses up and hooks up. It wasn’t hard to find out the location. This year, my former students were Seniors and would be attending this party. Remembering just how hot some of my students were, I decided that I would attend as well. I showed up dressed as a doctor with a mask covering most of my face so that I wouldn’t be recognized. I also...

1 year ago
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Halloween party

We had been invited to some friends for Halloween and they like us enjoyed an exciting sex life and we had played together on a few occasions. We had had a great night everyone was dressed in fancy dress, and most of these involved masks of some sort or other.You’re Ann Summers sexy witch outfit left absolutely nothing to the imagination and the rubber mask gave you anonymity to most but our close-set friends as they knew your body too well. Jake and Sarah who hosted the party had invited a lot...

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Halloween party

Back when I was younger a friend asked me if I wanted to go to a Halloween party. I asked do I need to dress up. Of course he said. Wondering what I should dress up as, my sister came in carrying her costume. Having a kinky side I asked her it I could wear some of her clothes. She just stared at me for a minute, then said are you for real. Yes I said. Steve invited me to a party and I wanted to surprise him. She said I have to think about it. Little did I know she ran to her room and called a...

2 years ago
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Halloween Trick or Treat Surprise

Chapter 1 –Susan Charity Event To my surprise Susie my wife of 15 years comes home from one of her many business trips. She is all excited about a Halloween costume party fund raiser, for non profit that supports women studies. The invitation states, the best couple for this evening will receive a free weekend in Bermuda. She wants’ us to go as couple switching genders.  Let me explain, when we got married years ago, she was an extremely sexy size 12, 5’ 5” with fantastic curves, huge D cups...

2 years ago
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Halloween and the Salon Stylist

Halloween 2014 "Halloween and the Salon Stylist" "Oh just sit down Tommy and hush. You said we could dress you up as a woman and you agreed to work this way all day today. It's Halloween silly," Shelly said holding the cape and waiting for him to sit in the styling chair. The other girls in the shop stood and watched as they giggled in anticipation of Tommy's transformation. It was early in the morning and all the stylist and the nail tech were all here to...

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Halloween Sisters

Halloween Sisters By Carol Collins It all started innocently enough. I, Jim Stone, was very busy on a project for work and barely remembered giving my beautiful but mischievous wife permission to select my Halloween costume when she selected hers. It was a decision absence mindedly made that would affect the rest of my life. I finished my ten-hour a day seven days a week project two days before Halloween. I planned on...

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Halloween Story Things that go Bump Bump Bump In the night

Later on Belisa stood out on the side walk, waiting for her friends to pick her up. She didn't really take Halloween very seriously so she just decided to wear her favourite dungarees with a red T-Shirt and white shoes. She just wanted to be comfortable, have a laugh and dance anyhow. Crystal and Amy arrived in an open top car. "Hey, Belly!" Called Crystal, a slender young blond who was in the front side seat. "Don't call me that, you know I hate that!" Replied Belisa half laughing,...

1 year ago
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Halloween Miracle

Halloween Miracle By Debbie L Traffic was heavier than normal as Billy Tanner drove to his little sister's school. He knew he would be late and hoped that the afterschool-care coordinator would be patient with him. She had in the past. He pulled the old station wagon into the parking lot fifteen minutes late and was out of the driver's side door almost before coming to a full stop. Fortunately, Cindy Tanner was still there, being watched by Michelle, the coordinator of...

1 year ago
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Halloween Creep Night

Halloween Creep Night Trick Or Treat Revenge: Part One You have picked these codes: M/f, scatology, spanking, bondage, college, humiliation, nc, Serious A ghoulish tale of a cranky old fart who gets his revenge on a sorority pledge sister. Taylor felt her skinned ass intently it hurt her to walk, her raw red, paddled ass scraped against the bottom cheeks of her Halloween Costume and with a whimper of sheer misery it dawned on her the wetness in her panties was the bright red blood the Vampire...

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Halloween Howlers

Halloween is a time where some take to scaring people, others TP, toilet paper the trees in several of their teacher’s yards. And, still there were those, eighteen years-old, adult in age, only more mischief making minions who egged the windows and front doors of yellow yolk and white gooey, messes. But, even more cavalier and rather striking was the farce some of the female ‘click, ‘leaders made a farce of the legal liquor age and brought along the ones who would sniff their butts to be...

3 years ago
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Halloween Surprise

While attending a party, man meets a woman dressed as a dominatrix...but is it just a costume?Halloween Surprise.Let me start off by saying that Halloween is for k**s. I would tend to think that most of you adults on this site would have to agree. It is not like I am anti-Halloween or anything, that would be far from the truth. Believe me, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the little ones come to the door dressed in their colorful costumes. Even better when they come to the door escorted by their hot...

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Halloween After the Party G

Halloween: After the Party- G Author's Note: Seems that there was room for a sequel by request. I wrote the other sequel first and discovered that the story changed a lot because of the way the other story ended. It was more than just deleting sex scenes and fixing transitions. They are different people. I was nervous as I approached the door to Starbucks. I could see my hand shaking as I reached for door handle. I don't know why I was so nervous; it was a first date, sort of. I mean...

2 years ago
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Halloween A Pussycats Tail

"The Literotica Annual Halloween Story Contest is on!" I smiled wistfully as I read the announcement on my computer screen. I loved erotic stories almost as much as I loved writing, but I unfortunately lacked the talent to combine my two interests together. While it was easy enough for me to write about things that I had personally experienced, when the time came to make something up, my mind would inevitably run into a blank, unscalable wall. A sparse and unexciting sexual history...

4 years ago
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Halloween 2000

HALLOWEEN 2000 By Cathy_t_ I had been unemployed since the end of April and had been assigned, by Social Services, to work off my cash grant from Welfare, at a Senior Citizen's Day Care Facility. I found, rather rapidly, that I actually enjoyed being there and helping the residents. We would play games with them and keep them interested in life in general by coming up with projects for them to do. Not big projects, mind you, but small things that would test their memories and...

1 year ago
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Halloween For Life

Jordan and Anna packed up their belongings, they left their small apartment in Bangor Maine and moved to Phoenix Arizona in the beginning of October. The couple were high school sweethearts, having their first date at a sophomore dance and Since then they were inseparable. Even through college they stayed close with phone calls and visiting each other as much as possible. Once they both had their degrees,Jordan in manufacturing and Anna in accounting, the two were married. They...

3 years ago
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Halloween Surprise

Let me start off by saying that Halloween is for kids. I would tend to think that most of you adults on this site would have to agree. It is not like I am anti-Halloween or anything, that would be far from the truth. Believe me, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the little ones come to the door dressed in their colorful costumes. Even better when they come to the door escorted by their hot looking moms. Not that I would ever even consider using a kid's costume as a conversation starter just to make way...

4 years ago
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Halloween Murders

There is no sex in this story and doesn’t necessarily a have happy ending. Murders rarely have happy endings. A big ‘Thank You’ to Mistress Lynn for editing this story and making it a much better read. **** Dexter was dressed up as a cowboy. ‘Why are you carrying a sports bag,’ his wife asked. ‘I’m Doc Holiday from ‘Gunsmoke’, and this is my medical bag.’ Marsha was dressed in a bridal gown, with a veil and tiara. Dexter knew it meant more than just wearing a costume. It was for the...

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Halloween Masquerade Disguise Ch 01

I call my mother, Julie, her twin sister, Jennie, my sister, Jessica, and my sister-in-law, Joanne, the Witches of Eastwick. Yeah, I know there were only three witches in the movie, Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Susan Sarandon, but I expanded it to four to encompass my four female relatives. Definitely, the four of them are witches. Don’t get me wrong. I mean that in a good way. I love them all. Still, they are witches and their witch like behavior worsens, especially around the Halloween...

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Halloween and the Goblin

Introduction: Wife gets ravished by a horny goblin Halloween and the Goblin By rodeotexas November 2012 The young attractive couple, Kate and Dan, had recently purchased the huge old Victorian house. They knew it would be a huge renovation project but have plans to operate it as a bed and breakfast. Dan was an architect and Kate an Interior Designer which enabled both of them to work out of the house. It was the grandest house on the block but sorely in need of restoration. Three months...

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Halloween Night Encounter

I would like to relate the story of one of the best Halloween nights I had ever experienced.It occurred the year that I had auditioned and won the role of Count Dracula for a local amateur theater. I met her after the opening night performance, she introduced herself as April.Now with the exception of her long honey blond hair she bore a remarkable resemblance to famed Hammer movie star Barbara Steel. She told me how much she loved the play and my performance during our first meeting and we...

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Halloween Trick Or Treat

Halloween Trick Or Treat Part One Halloween Trick Or Treat Part One Linda Taylor felt her skinned ass intently it hurt her to walk, her raw red, paddled ass scraped against the bottom cheeks of her Halloween Costume and with a whimper of sheer misery it dawned on her the wetness in her panties was the bright red blood the Vampire craved on Hallows Eve, however in this case it was her butt that had given up the blood.? As the coed recalled the nightmare and the trick she had taken part...

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Halloween Night With Jill

I told Jill the dreamlike story that night as we lay in bed. Initially, she was quite jealous and a bit angry, even though it was obviously a dream. There was no other possible explanation.In her anger, Jill repeated, "How could you cheat on me after all of our years together?"But, as I told and retold the story, she listened more closely. She realized that if it was real, then they had some apparent power over me. Then there was the fact that I went after her, choosing her over them in the...

1 year ago
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Halloween Sorority Coven Costume Sex Party

“It's so big! It's so hard!” You think you hear an excited female voice exclaim as the sound slowly starts you on the way to regaining consciousness. “Owww . . .” the woman groans, “please . . . slow down . . . I can't take it . . . let me catch my breath . . . please . . . not another climax . . . I'm cumming so hard it hurts . . . please, another orgasm will destroy me . . . I can't take another . . . oh please have mercy . . .” Your eyes slowly blink, as you can now make out the desperate...

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Halloween and the Goblin

By rodeotexas November 2012 The young attractive couple, Kate and Dan, had recently purchased the huge old Victorian house. They knew it would be a huge renovation project but have plans to operate it as a bed and breakfast. Dan was an architect and Kate an Interior Designer which enabled both of them to work out of the house. It was the grandest house on the block but sorely in need of restoration. Three months before Halloween they had moved in with their two huge but loveable...

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Halloween Costume Treat

Halloween Costome Treat Here comes another Halloween Party at the Scene, a local nightspot that is a very popular dance club for the under 30s crowd. I am 45 but my wife is 25 and loves to go to the club with her ol' college friends. Every New Years Eve and Halloween time, the club turns up the heat and my wife Casey and I have never missed those hot nights since being married 4 years ago. It's difficult getting a reservation but Casey seems to know the owners well enough to secure our party...

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Halloween on Stanworth Street

I heard them chanting over again, “Go ahead- go in there. I bet you won’t do it.” They were supposed to be my friends, but every Halloween they dared me to go into the old Stanworth Street warehouse. It’s not entirely their fault. Every year, I say I’m going to go in and every year I chicken out. This year will be different. Tonight is Halloween and I’m going to satisfy my curiosity.I know people say the house is haunted, but people say many things to make it sound as if they’re privy to...

Straight Sex
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Halloween With Shelly

I'm Tony. I have been retired for the past five years. Sixty years young and living by myself since my wife's death two years ago. Sure, I still get horny sometimes but at my age it's pretty easy going without sex. An occasional masturbation session satisfies me for a week or two. I have to admit that it's lonely sometimes. There are only so many books you can read or movies you can rent. Once in a while one of my old co-workers will stop by for a coffee or maybe a beer. So I am not...

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Halloween At The Grange

My name is Bethany, I’m gay, single and ready to mingle.~~~~~~~~I picked up the mail from my doormat as usual. Flicking through the bills, junk mail and flyers, one letter caught my eye. It was addressed to me and marked private and confidential, it stood out from the others because it had a small Halloween pumpkin face on the reverse. Other than that, there was no clue to reveal its origin.I placed the other letters on the hall-stand and proceeded to open my mysterious letter.Inside was an...

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Halloween Deception

Why is it when people share stories about losing their virginity, it sounds like a fucking fairy tale? If you just dig a little deeper and you learn the truth is nowhere near close. Oh, and don’t get me started on the bullshit stories people write about how when a girl is deflowered by the man of her dreams, making it sound like a loving gesture of passion and romance. Ugh!It’s said you remember the first and you remember the worst. Well, I will never forget my first or my worst. It definitely...

First Time
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Halloween Bride

This is a true story. The incident took place on Halloween in Columbus, Ohio. Nothing has been changed to embellish the story. I hope you enjoy it. Hugs, Kelly Davidson * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Here I was, parked outside a Wal-Mart on this cool, cloudy day Halloween morning trying to gather up the courage to follow a dream. It wasn't the fear of going into the store dressed that was stopping me. I had scoped out the place the night before in regular clothes (skirt...

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Halloween Revenge

Tom's story. The invitation arrived in the post a week before Halloween, it was a very fancy invitation hand delivered by a personal courier. I was surprised because I didn't know of any parties and trust me as an ex jock I knew pretty much every party going on. I tore open the envelope. Dear Tom, I hope you will do me the honour of coming to my Halloween party. The party will of course be fancy dress and begins at seven at the address in the header. No need...

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Halloween Party

Halloween Party Ich zupfte an meinen kurzen zerschlissenen Minirock. Angespannt saß ich in einer Nische. Mein Aufzug war extrem kurz und eng. Ich wollte auffallen, um jeden Preis einen Typen den Kopf verdrehen. Seit Jahren kannte ich die vielen Storys. Wer auf eine von Stacy Grangers Halloweenpartys eingeladen wurde, hatte es geschafft. Diese Jahr war es soweit. Ich war endlich achtzehn. Die Vorschriften meiner Eltern waren mir egal. Ich wollte eine von ihnen sein. Eine Halloweenbitch und mit...

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Halloween Pool Party

Halloween Pool Party by Brenda The Dane Estate sat on 15 acres in the hills north of New York City with a view of the Hudson, plenty of trees and open space and an amazing pool. It was one of the infinity style pools and it looked like you could jump all the way to the river from it. Near to it was an 8 person hot tub with hundreds of perfectly placed jets. It had a seasonal building around it that had a retractable cover so you could swim if it rained or year round. A bedroom,...

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Halloween Bash

Hey group, I thought this one up on the fly after my wife and I came back from a ghost hunt at an abandoned insane asylum. Now you know why I write what I do… Wanted to give you all a flash story just for the fun of it. I hope you enjoy it. _________________________________________________ HALLOWEEN BASH There is one holiday I like more than any other. Halloween. The fun of decorating your yard, kids running around collecting candy and wearing costumes is better than the other holiday...

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Halloween Surprise

I have to say that I firmly believed all of the above just a few short years back as summer ended and September led into October. At the time, if you recall, I was recently divorced and living in the city. I was doing fairly well in a managerial position at a small company my boss John had founded. It probably didn't hurt that I was seeing his wife on the side while he was working long hours at the office. It also didn't hurt that I was going out with a hot looking 23-year-old named Joyce....

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Halloween Personalities

"I should have followed my instinct and not attend that party," I said to myself as I entered my room and removed my Halloween costume.As I undressed I had to concentrate to clear the image of the full red lips and tiny pink tongue of the Corpse Bride licking and kissing the head of my cock. Just thinking about it caused my groin to stir."How did this happen?" I asked myself.It had not been a good end of summer. First, I lost my job and struggled to find another. By the time I did, I was broke...

4 years ago
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Halloween Personalities

"I should have followed my instinct and not attend that party," I said to myself as I entered my room and removed my Halloween costume.As I undressed I had to concentrate to clear the image of the full red lips and tiny pink tongue of the Corpse Bride licking and kissing the head of my cock. Just thinking about it caused my groin to stir."How did this happen?" I asked myself.It had not been a good end of summer. First, I lost my job and struggled to find another. By the time I did, I was broke...

3 years ago
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Halloween at Work

Halloween at Work This is a true story...sort of. It is also a completely original work by me, and should be remembered as such. Thank you. Laura _________________________________________________________ Almost a year ago, just after Halloween I was in search of a job. It just so happened that a former manager, and personal friend of mine was looking for another person to work for her at the store she...

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Halloween Swing Night

Halloween Swing Night by Tanya Fly "For the hundredth time, yes, Tommy, you can pull this off," Gina said as she applied the final touches of makeup to her husband's face. "You'll look great and all the girls are going to love it! You'll be the hit of the party, and very popular." "I don't know, Gina. What woman wants to have sex with a someone dressed like a French Maid?" Tommy smiled as he realized what he had just said. He knew that lots of women liked having sex with...

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Halloween Delight Part One

Halloween Delight; Part one: When I was young, I was only allowed to play in the basement. The upstairs was off limits to me as a play area. I could play in my room, but that was it, other than the basement. This was fine with me, as I found a lot to play with down there, and it was all mine. When I was either 5 or 6, I found a box full of dresses. They were from the late 1800's or the early 1900's and made of silk. They had full skirts that flowed to the ground and long sleeves....

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Halloween Cheerleader Fantasy

Halloween is supposedly a good time to be a TGirl, a time of year when society seems OK with a guy dressing and acting like a girl. Several times on or around Halloween I have walked through Macys or a mall and had salesladies call out "Nice Costume". Or, I as I go into a 7-11 or supermarket, and a couple walks by, the woman will smile and say to her boyfriend, "Hey, next year, let's dress you up as a girl". What's that all about? On the other hand, if my wife and I are invited to a...

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Halloween Spirit

Halloween Spirit By Morpheus I stood in the middle of the office floor, looking over the cubicles and office walls which had all been covered with Halloween decorations. The company of Danner, Dyson, and Dexler...or DDD as most people called it, had always supported holiday cheer, almost regardless of which holiday it was. But since Halloween was Mr. Dyson's favorite holiday, it tended to get a little extra attention. Today was Halloween but most of the employees were thinking...

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Halloween For LIfe Part 2

Anna felt bad about abandoning Jordan like that. She did think that they would be able to have a spa day together. She had no clue they would separate them like this. As she walked with her stylist she confided in her. "My sister is just a little nervous about who works on her hair, and face. We're new around here and she just doesn't want anything real drastic done," Anna explained. "Could you just pass that information along to her stylist so that she'll feel a little more...

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Halloween Humor

I often read jokes that make me laugh. Then I think about what a good and humorous story they could make. So I decided to write about a few of them. I hope you get a chuckle out of it, or at least a smile. A big thank you goes to Mistress Lynn for taking of her time to edit this story. **** Roy and Martha Simmons had been married for over forty years. Even though they were still in love, Martha always considered Roy a cantankerous old fool. Of course, Roy always felt Martha was an airhead,...

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