Babysitter P.t.2 free porn video

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When my eyes opened the next day I was slightly disorientated, not quite knowing where I was. I quickly realized I was naked, lying on a couch, covered by a light sheet, but not sure how , where or why. Then the events of the previous night came flooding back and I sat up with a slight gasp, the sheets falling away from my ripe, firm breasts, and I hastily pulled the sheet back up again and looked around. The room was deserted, but I could hear movement and the light noise of plates and dishes being moved coming from the adjoining Kitchen, God, was it Francine or Jeremy, I thought in mild panic, had Jeremy seen me like this? I felt the heat flood into my face and looked around again.

Just an arm's length away were my clothes, neatly piled on a chair, not the special sexy dress I'd been parading for Francine when the night had turned sexual - I felt myself blushing wildly - but my street clothes, and I realized that Francine must have organized them for me. I slipped into them hurriedly and had barely finished when the kitchen door opened and a smiling Francine entered with a tray containing coffee and cereal.

"Ah, I thought I heard movement" she said, "and I thought you might need some breakfast before you go"

I felt the blush starting again and couldn't meet her eyes as memories came flooding back. She placed the tray on the table in front of me and bent down and lightly caressed my cheeks with her lips and an immediate fire sprang up in me, but she acted as if she hadn't noticed and started a light, inconsequential conversation about their plans for the day and what mine would be, and before long we were laughing and joking, and as relaxed as if nothing had ever occurred between us, and that was the way the atmosphere stayed until I finally looked at the clock and sprang up, saying I had to go or dad would kill me.

She laughed at that and quickly collected her purse from her bag and paid me the usual baby sitting rate plus a small bonus...for staying over for the night, she said, but when I looked sharply at her there was just a wide innocent smile on her face and I relaxed. I left with the feeling of her warm embrace and the tingle from her light kiss still lingering on my lips as I headed for home. Well, I'd certainly never had a babysitting assignment like that before, I thought to myself, and grinned, but, wow, I'd sure enjoyed it!

The next few days passed slowly as life for me returned to normal after that amazing night, but I'd frequently find myself looking at the dress, remembering and shuddering with pleasure. The days turned into a week and then another and there was no communication from Francine or Jeremy, and I was back to the rounds of my regular customers whose lives somehow seemed to have taken on a gray shade of boring normality, or perhaps it was just me, perhaps somehow I had been changed by the events of that night.

I didn't think I had, I certainly didn't go around staring lustfully at any women, certainly didn't feel any sudden lift in temperature or a dryness of the mouth when I saw my horny friends in their bikinis at the beach, in fact everything quickly returned to the regimen of study, work, sleep, study, work, sleep, yawn, yawn.

It was late Friday afternoon three weeks later that my mother took the call from Francine, asking if it was at all possible for me to baby sit that night. Apologizing for the lateness of the call, but explaining that a sudden emergency had arisen. Strangely enough I did not have a booking that night, well actually I did have, but it had been cancelled inexplicably the previous day, so mom, on my behalf - she and dad always looked after my bookings anyway to ensure I didn't do too many - told Francine that it would be ok, and she'd tell me as soon as I got home from College.

She didn't even react when Francine advised that it might be another late night that would require me to stay over, but I did when I heard, feeling an immediate and wild flush run through me. This time, however, as I was scrambling around getting myself ready in the brief time I had after College, I decided not to take the risk of taking the sexy dress with me, after all, I had to acknowledge that this might actually be another straight forward baby sitting exercise, and Jeremy wouldn't get drunk again and Francine wouldn' thinking stopped there as heat almost overwhelmed me and I dashed into the shower and stood for an age under a very, very cool spray.

I stood in front of the door of Jeremy and Francine's house and composed myself before ringing the door bell. When the door opened, Francine was standing there with a warm, welcoming smile on her face, and as she ushered me in, she gave me a brief hug that still managed to send shivers through me, then walked me into the kitchen and placed a steaming cup of coffee in front of me, "I knew you'd be bang on time" she said with a grin, "Punctuality and reliability were two of the things that everyone said about you, and convinced us that you were the right person to look after Jamie when we were away"

I flushed with embarrassment at her compliment, then noticed that her smile had quickly disappeared and a small frown replace it. "Is something wrong?" I asked, then glanced around, realizing that I hadn't seen or heard anything of Jeremy or Jamie since my arrival.

She seemed to flush just slightly, then raised her eyes to mine and took a deep breath, "Well, I have a bit of a confession to make" she said, hesitantly, "Jeremy has taken Jamie to his mothers for the weekend, so you won't be needed as a baby sitter tonight." she stopped and took in another deep breath, then plunged on, "In fact, there was never a baby sitting job at all tonight, but I knew if I told your mother and father the real reason for asking you here they probably wouldn't have let you come"

She stood up and walked around the room, stopping to look out the window at the fading summer sunshine, "I guess I should just tell it as it is, and if you're upset or offended, then you can go home and tell your parents that one of us had fallen sick or something and the evening had been cancelled, and, of course, you'd still be paid for the inconvenience," she said, and returned to sit at the table and finally look me in the eye.

"After Jeremy and Jamie left for his visit to his mother this morning I got a sudden call from a very important client wanting to see some of our designs urgently. I guess you realized from what we said last time that we're trying to get ourselves established in the industry, and every single client is of vital importance in that building process, well, when Mary Squire said she needed to see the gear tonight I almost died, I mean it's virtually impossible to get any of the top models at short notice, and a model is so vital to the impact clothes can have on a buyer, particularly one of Mary's stature. She represents one of the largest Boutique chains in the country, and if we can get our designs in there, well, the future of the business is assured."

I listened in awe to her talk, I could see the excitement and the determination in her eyes as she spoke and could feel myself being lifted and carried along by her enthusiasm, wow, this was what the fashion world was all about, dreams and corporate wheeling and dealing. "I understand" I said, almost breathlessly, "But what does it have to do with me?"

She flushed slightly and took another deep breath, "Well last time you were here you paraded that creation of Mavis and John's, and I'm sure you remember Jeremy saying that you were a natural as a model, graceful and beautiful, and I've never know Jeremy to be wrong about these things. He used to be a photographer, so he has an eye for what appeals to people and he's seen and photographed so many models that he can practically pick them at first glance, and he certainly picked you, in fact he hasn't stopped raving about you since that night" she said.

I felt myself go bright red, although most of it was pleasure and delight at the fact that Jeremy had seen something so special in me, something I'd certainly never seen.

"Anyway, to cut a long story short," she continued, "after I'd made a number of unsuccessful calls to modeling agencies, it suddenly hit me that you would be the perfect person to model our clothes for Mary, particularly as it was going to have to be an evening assignment, which is something most professional models avoid as often as possible"

"Me!" I almost squealed, "But I've never done any modeling, oh I'd ruin your chances, oh I couldn't!"

She smiled warmly and reached across and lightly brushed my arm, "Oh, I know all that, but I've also seen you parade, and I know that Jeremy's right, you're a natural, don't forget, I was a model myself once, so I know what it takes, and you have what it takes. But before you decide, why don't I show you the designs we've created, and if you don't like them or still feel that you can't do it, I'll ring Mary and make some excuse to cancel the session" she said.

I felt terrible as I followed her out of the kitchen, knowing that she was relying on me, knowing that their whole business might be in jeopardy if she cancelled , yet feeling incredibly scared at the prospect of parading and perhaps ruining her chances by messing that up. She walked down into the master bedroom and opened a special, large walk in wardrobe and clicked on the light and I gasped in astonishment, arrayed before me was a smorgasbord of exotic .. and sometimes erotic.. dresses and lingerie. It was like suddenly being thrust into Aladdin's cave and being blinded by the jewels in the boxes, although this time it was the jewels of fashion, every girls secret dream and fantasy seemed to be sparkling in front of me. I tentatively reached out and brushed my hands over some of the soft, shimmering materials, and she watched my face as she did so, seeing the delight and the awe in my expression, "Beautiful clothes need a beautiful woman to set them off, and you are extremely beautiful, Felicity", she said, and her voice seemed to have taken on a new timbre, one that reminded me of our previous time together, and sent a chill of delight rushing through me. Suddenly I knew I was going to do it for her, and as I turned around and our eyes met, she knew also, and she drew me to her, kissing me lightly on the lips and whispering thank you into my ear as she held me close.

Then she stepped away, and was suddenly all business, drawing out the particular creations she wanted to show to Mary, and I gasped and sighed as they were placed on the bed. Half a dozen of the most beautiful, sensual dresses I had ever seen, in a variety of sometimes subtle and sometimes bold colors. Then she hesitated and glanced at me as if thinking, then with a half lift of her shoulders she reached in and brought out some of the exotic lingerie, "I'm not sure if you'd be prepared to model these" she whispered, "and I'll understand, because some of them are very revealing, but they are a part of what we want to sell to Mary's chain of Boutiques, so......?"

I looked at then and felt my throat go dry, I picked up one of the sets and realized immediately that they would be almost completely transparent when on my skin, that I'd be parading almost naked in front of this buyer, this woman, and I flushed deeply. Seeing that, Francine lightly touched my arm, "I understand" she said softly, "The first time I had to do a lingerie shoot I almost died of embarrassment, but I found after the very first one that nobody was really looking at me, no one was really seeing my body, they were all too busy chatting about the material and the cut and all the technical things ... then she grinned ... in fact when I got back from that first parade down the catwalk I found I was actually angry that no one had paid any attention to me or my body"

I laughed along with her, remembering my own feelings when she and Jeremy were talking all about the cut and material of the dress I'd paraded last time, instead of admiring me, so I hugged her briefly and said, "Of course I'll wear them, I'll parade everything you want me to .. gulp .. if you really think I can, I mean I don't want to let you down" I stammered.

She placed a finger across my mouth and smiled almost lovingly across at me, "You will be perfect, I know it, and Mary will be here in less than an hour and I have to do your make up and everything, so let's get started" she said, and leaned forward and kissed me, this time not so briefly, and I momentarily felt her tongue slip forward and brush over mine ... or was it just my overexcited imagination?

The next hour seemed to fly by in a flurry of activity. I quickly learned that throwing a little make up on at home was vastly different to being 'made up' for modeling, and I was amazed at the difference when I saw the final result in the big mirror, gosh, even I thought I looked beautiful, and that was very rare indeed, normally all I saw was my imperfections, my slightly large nose, my slightly crooked left eyebrow, etc. but now, wow, I looked stunning! and Francine laughed at my obvious amazement and delight. Then It was straight on to sorting out which outfits I'd have to wear and in what order, as Francine told me it was important not to keep Mary waiting too long between each different outfit, so it would be rush back, slip out of one, slip into the other and back into the lounge room, which for someone who normally took a month of Sundays getting dressed was going to be a huge lesson indeed.

I was pleased, and a little relieved, when Francine decided to go with the slightly more formal dresses first, then on to the more risque ones, before finishing with the lingerie. I was holding the last show piece in my hands, still a little shocked by it's brevity and see through nature, when the door bell rang and Francine went hurtling down the corridor, yelling back at me, "Put the first dress on and I'll call you when I'm ready". I did as she asked. Careful not to crease it in any way, and stood there waiting nervously to be called. A moment of outright panic set in, oh god, what if I made a huge fool of myself, worse still what if I ruined everything for Francine and Jeremy? I stared in the mirror, unable to hide the smile of delight that lit my face as I saw again the amazing make up job, and it was as I was basking in that small glow of self appreciation that Francine called me in for the first time.

I squared my shoulders and marched as purposefully as possible down the corridor into the lounge room, remembering all the tips about shoulders back, chest out, sway those hips and most of all 'Smile', that Francine had drummed into me the previous week and again as we were working through the make up. I stepped inside the door and tried to put the widest smile possible on my face, as I marched, or slunk, or tottered across the room. In my feverish mind I was doing all three, but I saw Francine's bright smile of encouragement, and that lifted me up.

Then I heard Francine going into her spiel about the cut of the outfit, the material it was made of and the age bracket it was specifically aimed at, and I started to relax. At one point I was called over so that Mary could feel the texture of the material, and for the first time I dared to actually look at her. I was surprised, I'm not sure why, perhaps I expected a buyer for a large chain store group to be somewhat mature and maybe even a little hard nosed, but Mary was beautiful in her own right, dressed beautifully and obviously quite sophisticated and knowledgeable. I guessed she would be in her early to middle thirties, she had blonde hair cut quite short, but obviously quite natural, and when she stood to walk around me, was quite tall, at least a couple of inches above my own 5ft 8.

Then Francine asked me to parade the next dress and I hurried out of the room as quickly as possible, without spoiling things by running. But once out of sight I raced down the corridor, into the bedroom, slipped off the first dress and slipped into the second and raced back to the lounge again. Slowing as I got close so my entrance would be as polished as I could manage. All nerves had gone now, I was totally focussed on doing the best job I could for Francine, strutting and posing as Mary or Francine directed to give them the best view of the product. Never the less I was pleased when I headed out to get the third dress to hear Mary make a complimentary comment about that 'young, fresh model' that Francine had managed to secure, and what agency was I tied to. I didn't hear Francine's reply, but I heard her tinkling laugh, and a moment later Mary's slightly deeper one joining in. and for some reason a warm shiver ran through me.

When I returned with the sixth dress, one of the more risque ones, I was sure I heard a sharp intake of breath as I walked in. It wouldn't have surprised me, as this dress was cut sharply down the front to the waist, with the side panels lifted slightly like a butterfly wing, so my naked breasts were almost completely visible, especially if I dipped even slightly - something Mary asked me to do on a couple of occasions, so she could see if the material resumed it's proper position. It always did, but she seemed to want to make sure, and she was in charge so I paraded and dipped on demand. I could feel her eyes almost burning into my breasts, but instead of making me feel uncomfortable, it gave me a warm feeling all over, and when I glanced at Francine and saw her happy smile, I felt even warmer.

s I returned to the bedroom after that parade I glanced back and saw Mary come out of the lounge and move down to the toilet, so I realized I had a little more time between parades on this occasion, so I was a little slower taking off the dress. Also it was the end of the dress section and the beginning of the lingerie, a fact which still made me a little nervous, a time to remove the only article that had been constant in the first section, a brief pair of panties, and don the almost see through items laid out before me. As I did so, I sensed eyes on me, and turned slightly, my panties held in my hand, and saw Mary standing outside the bedroom door looking in, looking straight at me, looking me up and down with a light in her eyes that I hadn't noticed before, a light that sent shivers down my body. A body, I realized with a start, that was totally naked. She looked, but said absolutely nothing, and it was so quiet I could hear my own somewhat disjointed breathing, then with a faint smile she turned and walked off down the corridor.

I stayed stock still until I heard her laughter as she greeted Francine, a little unnerved by her visit, feeling my body shaking slightly. Then I snapped out of it when I heard Francine's call and quickly slipped into the first of the lingerie, and hurried back down the corridor to start the parading again. The rest of the showing seemed to go by in a dazed, almost dreamy way, I noticed Francine had put on some low, slow music and that she and Mary were both sipping a drink, and I just undulated around, stopping whenever I was told to do so, dipping and bending, and even at one point dancing in front of them.

Then I heard Francine say in a warm, friendly voice, "Well that's the last one of the selection, I've set out for you, I think they will give you a good idea of the sorts of designs Jeremy and I produce within our company, and I hope you've found them to your taste". I could almost feel the silence as she waited for Mary's response, and I found myself holding my breath, staring at them, no thoughts of dashing off and changing out of the last item. Then Francine saw me standing there and with a sharp cry, jumped to her feet, "Oh, sorry, Felicity, I got carried away, whatever must you think of me, I'll get you a wrapper, so you don't get cold" she said, and immediately dashed out of the room.
I stood there feeling a little self conscious, feeling Mary's eyes on me, I turned to look at her and again she was looking me up and down, sending that warm tingle through me again, then she gestured to the couch, "Come sit with me" she said, a smile in her voice, "Francine told me that you're not a regular model and I couldn't believe that, you're so beautiful and polished, and handled all the outfits so well, she is so lucky to have had you, it made all the difference to the way I saw the costumes" she said.

I gulped, "Does that mean you're going to order from Francine and Jeremy?", I asked, and she grinned and nodded. I heard the shriek before I saw Francine come rushing across the floor with a short robe in her hands.

"You really mean that?" she asked Mary, and again Mary nodded, smiling, and turned to me.

"Thanks to your very beautiful, sexy model" she said, "I don't think anyone else could have carried them off the way she did, you should book her up permanently for your company, I know I would" and she leaned over and lightly brushed her lips over my cheeks. I felt my face flushing and I looked at Francine, and she was flushed too, then she seemed to snap out of it and handed me the robe.

"I think that deserves a drink for all of us" she said, then glanced sideways at me, a curious, almost pleading look in her eyes, "You will join us, wont you, Felicity?" she asked.

I stopped, halfway through slipping into the robe, "Well, I don't normally" I said, then grinned widely, "But as this is a special occasion, I'd love to drink a toast with you and Mary", then I gulped, and turned a flush coming to my face, "Oh , I'm sorry I hope you didn't mind me calling you Mary' I said.

She smiled warmly at me and relaxed into the couch cushions, slipping her legs up and tucking them underneath her, "Of course not" she almost purred, "The official duties are all over now, we can relax and have fun together, and I'd love you to call me Mary, you don't have to rush off do you?"

Francine arrived with our glasses and handed one to each of us, "Oh, no" she said with a laugh, "I arranged for Felicity to stay here tonight"

Mary's smile widened, and somehow the distance between us seemed to shrink, although I don't think either of us moved, "A babysitter, model" she said shaking her head and laughing lightly, "Whatever will you think of next Francine" and we both laughed along with her, and Francine sat down so I was between the two of them. She sat very close, and from time to time as the conversation roamed over the fashion industry and we moved to another drink and then another, her hands would brush over my back or my side or my leg, sending little chills all up and down my spine.

I thought she was getting a bit emboldened when I felt her hand slip onto my inner thigh and start to caress it, but when I looked down I realized it wasn't Francine at all, it was Mary. I gasped, and her hand hesitated, then after that momentary hesitation, it began to move again, circling and caressing my inner thigh. I watched it, almost hypnotized, knowing I should call a halt, but somehow not wanting to. I glanced sideways at Francine and saw with a start that she too was gazing down at Mary's hand stroking my inner thigh, gazing and smiling, smiling and running her tongue lightly over her lips. I turned slightly and looked across at Mary, and our eyes met, and there was a hotness in them, and an invitation, the same almost pleading invitation I'd seem in Francine's eyes that very first time. It was the moment of truth and I knew it, knew it and wanted it!

Slowly I let my legs fall apart, hearing the slight intake of breath from Francine, and seeing the quick spark of joyfulness that flickered through Mary's eyes. I expected to feel her hand immediately take the proffered opportunity and move straight to my eager young pussy, but instead it came up to cup my face and she pulled me forward gently and kissed me on the lips. A slow, gentle kiss that seemed to build and build and build, sending liquid fire coursing right though me. Then I felt hands on me, not Mary's which were still cupping my face, but Francine's, easing the robe from my shoulders and tugging it away, then moving to the clip of the almost see through bra and undoing it. I dropped my hands from Mary's neck where they seemed to have drifted of their own volition, to allow Francine to remove the bra completely.

Immediately one of Mary's hands dropped and started to cup and caress my breast, causing my body to jump and jerk and a moan of pleasure to seep from my throat into her hot, tantalizing mouth. Then I felt myself lifted slightly and Francine was peeling the panties from my body, leaving me totally naked, and a moment later Francine's hands were on me too, stroking and caressing me, and my body threatened to explode.

I guess Mary's and Francine's hands must have brushed close to my breast as they both sought to arouse and excite me, because she puled back from our kiss, leaving me slightly breathless, and glanced down, her eyes widening slightly, then smiling hotly as she saw my totally naked body. She glanced over at Francine and a silent message seemed to pass between them, and she stood up and started to take off her clothes.

We both watched as she disrobed, Francine's hands continuing to caress and excite my body, and when she was finished we both moaned with delight and pleasure. Mary was absolutely beautiful! High , firm breasts that were larger than both Francine's and mine, with nipples that seemed to stand out a mile, dark pink and juicy. She obviously worked out because there was hardly an ounce of unnecessary fat anywhere. But what caught my eye most, and sent massive shudders running through me was the fact that her pussy was completely bare! I'd never seen one like it, I could only gawk, and drool, god yes, I actually found myself drooling at the sight of it, so beautifully sculptured, like a work of art, with her glistening inner pink pussy lips showing and even a hint of her clitoris peeping through.

She stood for a moment, proudly displaying her beautiful naked body to us, enjoying the adoration and the lust she could see in our eyes, then she slid back onto the couch and took me in her arms and kissed me passionately. Her tongue darted between my lips like a butterfly searching for somewhere to land, flicking here and there in a wild abandoned dance, and my own tongue darted eagerly forward to dance with hers. I felt her breasts pressing against mine, her long, hard nipples boring into me like red hot pokers, and one of her hands slid between my legs to lightly caress my pussy lips. I shuddered and shook with the fire that was racing through me, then felt a movement, and from the corner of my eye saw Francine stand up and walk quickly from the room. I was shocked, had I upset or offended her? a small feeling of panic ran through me, and I shifted in Mary's arms as if trying to escape them.

Then I saw Francine again coming back into the room, carrying a large, long object, which she proceeded to lay out on the carpet in front of us. It was a square of fake fur in a strange black and white design, but it looked thick, soft and sensuous. Mary seemed to sense something was happening and pulled back to look around, her eyes widened and a hot, sultry smile creased her face, "Oh, Francine, how did you know? I've always wanted to make love on a fur rug, and now ... she looked from Francine to me and back ... now I have two of the most beautiful people I know to make love with me" she whispered, and slid from my arms down onto the rug and squirmed sensuously about on it. When she looked up again her eyes looked as if they were on fire, and she was breathing unevenly, "Hurry, please, I can't wait" she said, hotly.

But we did wait, waited for Francine to disrobe, watched her as her incredibly beautiful body was revealed, Mmmm, I shivered at the sight of her, remembering, those feeling of intense desire welling up in me again, then all three of us were naked on the rug, feeling its sensual fur feeling against our naked bodies and writhing around on it. For a moment it was a little chaotic, with three bodies squirming around, but then I was flat on my back, Mary and Francine kneeling either side of me, and they began, working instinctively like a well oiled team they began to make love to me, their lips and tongues searching out and caressing every conceivable part of my body, sending me into raptures over and over again.

They worked on my breasts until I thought they were going to explode, then took turns working on my overheated pussy. I was amazed at how different it felt when each of them was working on my pussy, Francine was slow and sensual whereas Mary was quick and darting, but the effect was the same from each, rapturous ecstasy as orgasm after orgasm ripped through me, sending me off to some distant Galaxy called satisfaction. Then I found myself on my own, and I turned over to see Mary and Francine entwined, their faces buried between each other's legs, moaning and shuddering as they brought the maximum pleasure possible to each other. Mary was the first to scream and buck into an orgasm, but Francine was only a heartbeat behind, and I watched as they shuddered and shook in each other's arms.

The sight excited and aroused me, and I found myself moving swiftly as they parted to bury my face in between Mary's thighs, licking and lapping at the cream that was pouring from her, loving the taste and the aroma, driving her up once again to a shuddering, shaking orgasm that poured more juices into my eager mouth. I was amazed at how sensuous her shaved pussy felt beneath my lips, at how incredible it felt to explore her sculptured lips and that extra long clitoris that I'd seen peeping through her pussy lips earlier. I felt Francine stroking and licking my pussy, and within minutes I was writhing and screaming through an orgasm again.

After that it became like a surreal dream, bodies, body parts and juice all mixed and mingled into an exotic cocktail of wild, unbridled passion that lasted almost the whole night, leaving the three of us sprawled exhausted, but blissfully happy, on the floor. We may have lain there all day if the phone hadn't rung at 9 0'clock, it was Jeremy advising that he was on his way home and would be there in about an hour. You have never seen such a mad scramble! But it was fun too, three naked females each trying to work out which panties were theirs, and taking every opportunity to 'accidentally' grab and grope as we did so, and it was three hot, happy, but somewhat flustered people that greeted Jeremy on his return, and he gave us a strange look before handing Jamie over to Francine to cuddle. His look turned to one of extreme joy when Francine revealed that they'd won an order from one of the biggest Boutique chains in the country, and I had a hard time escaping from his hug when he found out the important role I'd played in it, although Francine stuck strictly to the modeling role, much to my relief.

I left with their thanks and praises still ringing in my ears, watching as Mary herself left in her neat, compact convertible, seeing her smile and wave, and catching the kiss she blew as she drove away.

It had been a night to savor for a long, long while, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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This was so embarrassing… He would be here in nearly an hour. I am 18 after all, why on earth did my parents have to call a babysitter on me for the night. I am no baby! Just because last summer when they were away I had a party and had the cops called on me, was no reason to put me through having a babysitter for just one night. They were going to be gone only ONE NIGHT! This was ridiculous. I was in my room, pouting of course. What could I do to make my parents feel stupid for this? There had...

3 years ago
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Babysitter SlutChapter 4

Brenda was more relieved than shocked when she heard her daughters talking about the cock they had obviously just had. Brenda stood and walked toward her twins and the babysitter. Candy and the babysitter were apprehensive, but Joy had a smile on her face. One look at what her mother was wearing was proof to the little slut, life was about to get interesting. “So, you girls have been fucking have you.” “Yea, and it was so much fun, I hope your not going to stop Us?” Begged Joy, with her...

1 year ago
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The headmaster pt2

The headmaster pt2I am the Gardner/caretaker it may help to understand if you have read pt1.Victoria, the Head Girl is due any second at the Pavilion. I can see her crossing the rugby pitch in the moonless night. She has her short skirt swaying as she purposely strides my way. Her boobs bounce behind her crisp white shirt as she comes up the steps.We kiss and in doing so my hands grab her bum. Before our kiss parts I have manoeuvred her skirt up so that my palms cup her beautiful bum. The fact...

2 years ago
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431 After the passing pt2

431 After the passing pt2He stared hard at the images, flipping the pages, checking each image carefully Ann of Hull, Sarah of Liverpool, and Tina of kings-Lynn all leered at him as he turned the readers wives pages. That took about two minutes as laughing he picked her easily, her face more youthful and smiling but recognisably her, he then looked at the clothed body, now beside him, markedly more robust, but to him still most attractive. She was flattered that he recognised her so easily. “Do...

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416 A SUNDAY SHOP GIRL REMEMBERS (PT2)(See 196 Sunday shop girl 1)Sadly, this is a very true story. It was sent to me by a lass that is now, a nurse in north America, where she moved to too escape these folk as soon as she was able Anne-Marrie (as we know from part 1) had been coached from an innocent young virgin to a used young lady, still a virgin technically but no longer the innocent, unable though because of the trap she had fallen into to tell anyone and wrapped in the shame of the web...

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410 Daves reassuring hand holding pt2

410 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt2They sat at the table she naked, he in PJ`s, coffee and a chip and egg meal, filling empty stomach`s, it was the Sunday evening and she had been sleeping all day after her overnight ordeal. He too had slept after masturbating a number of times watching the video and marvelling at her absorption of the pain she had endured. They were both wondering how to break the massive silence between them. In the end it was Gaye who spoke, “Well? Am I the biggest whore...

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MUM 1 PT2Well it has been 4 week sence life changed with my mum Jean on her birthday when we first moved into an i****tual relationship and most evening mum and I would email or skype each other the on skpe it would normally be with mum and I naked watching each other get off she would always know just when to talk filthy at me telling to shot my load in her slutty whore cunt or start pissing for me to watch and telling me she can't wait till I visit again so she can suck my cock or have me...

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Caught by Mom PT2

Caught by Mom PT2Following on from Caught by Mom- Just Fucked the Most Popular Girl in SchoolSuzy wasn’t in school today. The day after we lost out virginities and being caught by Mom. Although Mom enjoyed having me as a ‘companion’ in her bed last night and despite receiving a very nice blowjob, I’m desperate to get my hands on Suzy again. No Suzy at School! After a very long day at school I reluctantly wander home. Could I have misread Suzy’s intensions? Has she lost interest in me? Dragging...

4 years ago
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274 Visiting a Yorkshire lady. Pt2 They sat talking most of the afternoon, filling in the inevitable gaps while they had the time together reinforced by sandwiches and her home-made cake. She pealed spuds, and prepared vegetables, for the main meal of the day, as they sat surrounded by the smell of a steak and k**ney pudding in the oven. He fetched a bottle of wine from the car, a present for Sharon, and some beer for Mark and himself, while he was away Mary slipped away and returned in a...

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But Im married PT2

But I'm married. PT2 I felt great on my walk home. It wasn't until I got to the front door of my house when I felt guilty.What have I done? I just fucked the masseuse and let a lady eat me out.Hi honey I'm home.Mmm that's nice.What an ass I thought.My massage went well.Mmm that's nice.With that all the guilt I felt quickly disappeared. When should I make my next appointment? Two weeks I thought. I too want my pussy to be on fire like the petite girl who bit me on my tit. I was sitting on the...

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But Im married PT2

But I'm married. PT2 I felt great on my walk home. It wasn't until I got to the front door of my house when I felt guilty.What have I done? I just fucked the masseuse and let a lady eat me out.Hi honey I'm home.Mmm that's nice.What an ass I thought.My massage went well.Mmm that's nice.With that all the guilt I felt quickly disappeared. When should I make my next appointment? Two weeks I thought. I too want my pussy to be on fire like the petite girl who bit me on my tit. I was sitting on the...

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Rachel pt2

.Rachel pt2Just after the summer of fun with Liz and Mark my father got transferred to the other side of the country which really pissed me off . So with heavy heart we packed up and left within a week. I was so depressed I really loved Mark and Liz and was going to miss them so much, for awhile I thought I might never have such fantastic sex again I will always remember Mark hammering my pussy from behind as I would eat out Liz's cunt it was perfect. It took almost three days to get to our new...

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The boys in the group Pt2

The boys in the group Pt2: The meeting...My first time was with my best friend, later known as my boyfriend named Mark. It happened by chance one day after scuool, back at his parents house and he told me to keep it a secret afterwards. Mark even made me promise not to tell any of the other boys in the group, afraid that they might over react so I didn't.We all started hanging out together as a group again during my last year in highh scuool. After a long while of Mark and me doing things in...

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173 Visiting aunt Fiona pt2

173 Visiting aunt Fiona. pt2We left Fiona bound of tits, and cuffed of wrist, laid on the carpet of the living room, Amy beside her had just returned from a multi climax induced faint and the two men were sat naked waiting Amy`s full return Phil just having had a BJ from the cuckolded Rob. The three were glad of the respite, Fiona though found the tender tits a trial, purple like balloons tied and bound, as they had been for near 30 long minutes now, they were causing her some discomforts, the...

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New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt2

New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt2 That was Saturday. Then came Sunday. Being dominated completely and being helpless for a 6’3” bull that has been a strength coach is a dream come true. If it is yours as well, Please read. I knocked on the door and she stood there looking at me with a mix of happiness and condescension on her face. She had on black yoga pants that hugged her muscular lower body. Her tanned abs were obvious below the sport bra that fought to control her large breasts. ...

1 year ago
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Taking an XHamster Lover and Teaching Her Pt2

Taking an XHamster Lover and Teaching Her Pt2 In part 1, I took my sexy nymph from the fancy restaurant where we met to the hotel where we enjoyed a very hot evening of sex!!! When I left off the story, we were just getting ready to shower and sit in the in room hot tub. This story picks up just a little while after the tub. I am relaxing she is drying her hair. Can you hear the hair dryer? [/Image]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sitting in my chair I smiled as I swirled the...

3 years ago
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College Visit with Not My Niece Pt2

The college visit with not my niece. Pt2 I hope that you are reading this because you enjoyed part 1 of the story. Ellie and I met a few weeks ago and have shared a few fantasies. I decided to write them down and share them as stories. I do not have permission from her to share her identity, but trust me, she is real and damn.. she is hot! +++++++++ We went back to the hotel by 9:00, washed and changed into jeans and shirts and then hit a club near the hotel I enjoyed the sights of all of...

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Black Mailedpt2

Charlie had positioned himself behind me and was rubbing his huge penis glans over my bung hole. I whimpered as his huge member probed my outer anal muscle ring till it parted and admitted his head to enter my neither region. I begged 'please, don't do me like this, please don't,' Charlie growled 'bitch, you just swallowed my cousins seed, I'm gonna breed this ass pussy, you ain't sucking me dry till I seed your ass.' Charlie pulled his penis back and slid more into me, I gripped the mattress...

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The Roommates Pt2

The roommates pt2When we arrived every light in the house was out. We figured that 2am was a little late for poor Mark and Josh. Mark snoring like a lumberjack and Josh playing soft music and burning inscents burning.Smiling we entered our bedroom and closed the door. The next morning Dash and I had ALOT to tell Mark and Josh, but wehesitated to tell them until we got a feel for what our to new roommates were into, we decided to start doing little things to gauge how comfortable they were with...

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Brad and His Cousin Josephpt2

I looked at Claude's crotch and saw that he was stroking a monster of a penis, Joseph grabbed my feet and Brad held my hands. Claude crawled over my butt and bust my sloppy bung hole wide open with his enormous penis. I cried out all to no avail, Claude grunted and slammed his penis up in my butt without mercy for all of 20 minutes. With a growl deep from with in, Claude erupted a flood of semen that flushed out from around the massive shaft that filled my anus. With each throb of his penis...

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Brad and I pt2

After Bra had left, I filled the tub with warm water and slid down into it. My butt hole was swollen and painful to the touch, the tissue had traces of blood. After I had bath, I dried off and went into my folks room to find something to soothe my aching bung hole. I found some petroleum jelly and smeared a generous amount in and around my tender puckering bung hole. A glance in the mirror told me that it was a bright reddish color and hurt like hell. It was late Wednesday as my folks and I...

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Curious Pt2

For a ... For a recap of the story so far read Curious pt1, and yes I know I have bad punctuation and grammar CURIOUS PT2 By Dake9872 8:05! The clock radio read. There we go! After pinching myself and slapping myself for five minutes it looked like I wasn't dreaming. I really was Brooke Morgan; I felt exactly what beautiful women felt like to touch, from the long hair and killer figure, to the boobs and clit. Hopefully Brooke wasn't me. I mean going to bed Esmeralda and waking...

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Scratch that Itch PT2

Trying to Scratch that Itch PT2 Thanks for all the reviews and some of the ideas! Please read the first installment because this is an ongoing story. Please enjoy Tabitha's adventures. "Don't take any longer than an hour you slut!" as she pokes her head out of the shower and gives me a wink. I blow her a kiss and close the door. I grab my purse and I wiggle out that door. I put my purse in the crook of my arm and have my elbow down and my wrist up and bent forward and my other...

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Babysitter Gets Caught Then Gets Schooled Shocking Revelations Final Lessons Collecting Debts

Introduction: When the twins walk in on a lesson session, thats when more secrets are revealed. And so both Jason & Joey give the babysitter her final lesson. As Jason and Joey both just sat there still stunned by what theyve just walked in on, Joey notices the wine bottle I bought for me and their mother for our wedding anniversary that was half empty. Then Joey begins fuming(as they both begin to put two & two together, immediately suspecting Kayleen),.., Let me take a wild stab, this is the...

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Babysitter Wife Dad MotherinLaw and Me

Originally published as Best Father's Day Gift Ever but due to low response I am re-posting under a different title. True storyIf you have read our earlier posts, you will know that nearly 6 years ago my dad, Liam, had done a nude painting of Babs, which she gave to me for my birthday. You will also know that Babs and my dad have had sex before also on more than one occasion. My dad and I look very much alike so it wasn’t difficult to see why Babs fancied him so.Last year, Bab’s mom Helen was...

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Babysitter and the Wife at the Gloryhole

Fiction, there are previous parts to this, read them if you can be bothered.Well, it’d been a couple of weeks since we’d last seen Danielle. Kim’s sex drive had taken a huge boost, suddenly we were at it like rabbits whenever we got a chance. Setting up the babysitter to dominate my wife had been a great idea. We’d not heard from Dani, and we hadn’t needed a babysitter, so when my phone rang with her number it came as a bit of a surprise. “Hey stud,” she greeted me. “Long time no fuck. What’re...

3 years ago
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Babysitter into the family sex circle

Nicolette Eagletown stood naked before the full length mirror in her bedroom observing her own beautiful body. Becky, as everyone called her, would be nineteen in two months. She was only 5’1″ and 100 pounds but it was perfectly formed in a 32C – 18 – 33 body and a lovely face with flowing brown hair, big chocolate eyes and flawless skin. She slipped on a pair of red bikini panties, then, a loose sweat pants tops and bottoms before slipping into cross trainers. She...

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Babysitter Deluxe Complete

Cast of characters: Debbie 4, Donna 7, Darlene 9, Dixie, 11, Mom is Mrs. Dawn Wilson; Mr. Roberts is her boyfriend; babysitter is Hal. Lainie, Sept. 7, 2008. Views parts 1,2,3 nearly 20,000 to date. Since this is such a long story, maybe an hour or more reading it, I am re-dividing and re-titling the parts in case you want to do it in parts. BABYSITTER DELUXE Part One the Surprise I was babysitting the four kids I usually did every weekend. they were 4, 7, 9 and 11. One...

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Babysitter Part 3

From: A K little sister AlyssiaBabysitter Part 3 ________________________________My life as Alyssia continues, please let me know if you enjoy it or havesuggestions or just want to chat. I would love to commiserate with otherwriters and readers. I truly appreciated and loved hearing from those whowrote to me and gave me the courage to continue! Thank You. All [email protected] - First DateI'm still laying on the couch where I passed out last night after...

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babysitter and my milf again

my wife has always had a thing for younger guys, and I enjoy hearing about all her conquests and absolutely adore the few times I am allowed to watch or better still join in.Peggy had gone out with a group of girls to a bachelorette party and I figured they would drop her off trashed later that evening.They were going to a male strip club and every time she went there, she was always one of the girls that got the strippers attention.I was enjoying a captain and coke and watching a movie when I...

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January 1, 2007 It's the first day of a new year and since I am stuck in this house with nothing to do, I have decided to start that journal I have always planned. As a young writer, it is important to get into the habit of writing every day. After a while it will just be as natural as everything else that I have learned to do on a daily basis. That's the interesting thing about repetition. Something about creating new connections in your brain. Anyway, excuse my grammar or spelling....

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Babysitters, I hate babysitters and I hate the word babysitter; I'm twelve going on thirteen and there should be another word for this situation. Mom and Dad are going to a conference and I have to stay with a sitter; two weeks of learning new rules from a strange woman. Oh well, I can make it an adventure and see how far I can push the limits... It's Friday afternoon and Mom and Dad are busy with last minute packing. This is no time for me to be underfoot so I retreat to my room to watch TV...

2 years ago
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babysitter seduces husband by accident

I have noticed that all the babysitter stories are from the parents point of view so I wanted to do a story from the babysitters point of view. So this evening instead of spending my evening with friends. I have to babysit for this tragically hot guy and his horrible wife. They told me that I had to play stupid games with their boring five year old and I on top of that I had to let him win every game. Lucky for me the wife started to feel bad so they ended their night early. The only...

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Babysitter Gets Fucked by the Boy Shes Babysitting

“You know…” She began. “We still have some time left…” Rachel purred. Jake chuckled. Rachel moved her right hand down to his crotch and held it there. Rachel felt the boy’s face twist into a grin. Rachel grinned as well and began grasping at the kid’s growing erection. Jake’s cock slowly grew, thickening and lengthening. It pointed upwards and reached passed the kid’s belly button under his shirt and pants. Rachel grabbed the meat through the fabric and started lightly stroking it causing Jake...

3 years ago
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Babysitter Adventure 1

Casey would steal drugs, money and material items from the home. The biggest bonus was the sex. When Andrew caught her stealing he would fuck her silly for hours to teach her a lesson. Sometimes he would also have his buddies over to help out and discipline this bad little girl. They were capable of all taking a good round out of her. She also liked how they talked to her. She was into a bit of abuse and discipline. It turned her on. Casey although only 19 was a little slut you...

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Babysitter Adventure 1

Introduction: Casey loved this house… Casey had babysat for the Smith family now for the past year. She remembered the first time she had met Andrew and Jane Smith for the initial interview. She knew she would like the job from the beginning. There would be perks and lots of them. Casey would steal drugs, money and material items from the home. The biggest bonus was the sex. When Andrew caught her stealing he would fuck her silly for hours to teach her a lesson. Sometimes he would also have...

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Amber was nervous. She is a 26-year-old professor at a local college and at 5'8, B-cup chest on a very athletic body, she had caught many of the students checking out her chest and ass a few times. But she also has a bit of an odd fetish. Or, she thinks she does. That night would be the night she would find out after building up so much courage. You see, after watching a video online about adult babies, she wanted to give it a try. The trouble was finding a babysitter either specializing in it...

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John couldn't believe it. His mum had won a holiday to Ibiza from a competition off the back of a box of cornflakes. First, she'd told him she wasn't going to take him, which wasn't such a huge shock. The prize was for two and of course she'd take her boyfriend, that arsehole Roger. But then, instead of having three weeks on his own, she'd asked her old friend emma to come and stay to look after him! At the age of eighteen, he didn't need a bloody babysitter! And who the hell was this emma? He...

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Babysitter horror

You climb off the bus after about forty minutes from leaving your hometown, the driver ensuring you that this is the adress you wanted to go to. Finding yourself in the middle of nowhere, surrounded on all sides by the deep forest, you watch with sinking heart as the bus speed off into the distance. As you look up and down the lowly trafficed old road (if used at all, except for that usually empty old bus), you catch sight of an overgrown path leading into the forest at the other side. Crossing...

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Babysitter gets more Black Cream

Mick my lazy small dicked hubby was excited again as I told him I would be out one evening,'with the girls'.This basically meant I get to sneak out and play with a nice Big black cock somewhere-I hope!I seem to get some attention when out from Black Men, I am never sue if I encourage this or it is what I wear when walking the streets? My normal daytime clothes are short and very tight fitting. No Lady should ever go without stockings and heels either. I seem to attract men since my titties and...

1 year ago
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Babysitter gets educated by an older woman

Jade had been asked to do an evening of babysitting for a friend of her mothers, Alison. Alison had a 5 year old daughter but the father had never stuck around to be of any use. At 18 Jade was desparate to earn a little money to let her go out at the weekend.Alison was not without means and lived in an old barn conversion in a nearby village. Being 5 miles out of town Alison had invited her to stay the night after she had returned from her night out. What exactly the night out was...

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Babysitter Part 2

From: A K little sister AlyssiaBabysitter - Part 2I'm a mess in the mirror, well, I think I look sexy too with my hair alltussled, a little cum rubbed over my cheeks and chin, and a grin like thecat that ate the canary. The dress has some wet spots and a few small gobsof his cum. I wash up as best I can and blot the spots on the dress, Istart thinking, Nicole is going to kill me! I might have ruined her dressand I just gave her man a blowjob. That could be a problem. I still can'tbelieve it!....

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A K little sister Alyssia BabysitterI had been watching Paul and Nicole's two c***dren for a while. She wasvery pretty, about 5'8", nice legs and loved to show them off. She toweredover my 5'6' in her heels, Paul was about 6'1 or so, clean shaven and atrim wide shoulder athletic build, they made a very good looking couple.They would go out, she in a sexy dress and heels, and he in nice pants andshirt, or a suit sometimes dancing or parties I guess, I never reallycared. It was a cool gig, the...

1 year ago
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Babysitters New Customer

We'd had a great marriage. s*******n years, three k**s, a place at the lake with horses, and a fat retirement account built up. My wife's a great lady, to boot. She's hot in bed, even after three k**s, and she's kept her body in good shape. So what was it that made me wander?Over the years we'd had a string of sitters, various teenage girls from the neighborhood, and never once did I ever give any of them a sideways look. Not once. Really. Until Emily came along.How do I describe her? What she...

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We came home early, that night. The party was not very exciting, so we made excuses and left before 10, even though we had told Heather, our babysitter, not to expect us until after midnight. And obviously, she did not expect us--at least, not right then. Although we made a normal amount of noise driving up to the house and walking in, she didn't hear us at all. In fact, neither of them did. Not she or her boyfriend, lying on the couch in a passionate embrace, seemed to notice as we entered...

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Jodie quietly closed the bedroom door behind her and headed downstairs to the lounge. She had just turned 20 and was in her second year at college. Babysitting was, in her eyes, easy money. This was the second time she had babysat for Jack and Sue's kids - twin girls aged 6 and Tom, aged 14. She looked at the clock on the way into the lounge. It was only 8 o'clock but the girls had gone off to bed without a fight. Jodie had read a story to them and they were both nearly asleep when she'd...

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Babysitter Takes DogsChapter 2

When Cindy saw Prince, she knew she would gladly babysit for the Turners. She smiled sweetly for Mrs. Turner while Mr. Turner's eyes secretly ran all over her young body, sexy now in a tight little T-shirt and a brief miniskirt. The Turners had heard from the Jensons that Cindy was a very reliable babysitter. She never let boys into the house. "So, you'll watch Annie and Kitty until we get home?" Mrs. Turner said. "Oh, yes," Cindy said with a big smile. "I'd be glad to." "We'll...

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Babysitter Takes DogsChapter 7

The Barretts heard about Cindy from the Jensons, so they called her and asked if she would babysit their little girl. They had trouble finding a babysitter because they had a dog. Cindy assured them that was no problem at all. She loved animals, she said. When she arrived at the Barrett home, her eyes bugged out of her head. The dog was a German shepherd, a bulky, muscular mass of canine beauty. Cindy's heart leapt behind her jutting tits. "Don't let his size bother you," Mrs. Barrett...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! I had been babysitting Joey and Laura for about two years. The Smiths were my favorite family to work for, since they payed twice as much as my other employers. Besides, Mr. Smith was a pretty good looking guy and it gave me food for thought. Even at age 11, Joey still needed a babysitter. Why, when I was 12 I was watching kids. Still, I was 18, 7 years older than Joey, so I was able to exert the needed authority over him. Joey's twin sister, Laura,...

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Step Brothers Bride Pt2

It was the following morning, the day of the wedding. I woke up early around 07:30, Jim was still fast asleep. I couldn't resist watching the video of Jennifer again. Watching her masturbate for her future brothers in law was something special. I was going to watch the 2nd video of the mind-blowing sex from the night before but Jim started to wake. "What the fuck did we do last night?" Jim said groggily, "Did that really happen?" "Yes Bro," I answered as he looked at me in...

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Badge Bunny Adventures Pt2

After the bar, Kira and I crashed in the barn at my aunt’s house. Years ago, my Uncle Tim fixed the barn up for me, he said a girl always needed a place to hide. I loved spending nights in the barn as a child. From the outside, you would think there were horses inside. When you step inside, the light colored pink walls with black trim kind of pop out at you, black and pink were always my favorite colors. The room was large, set up like a bedroom. I had a T.V., couch and a small bathroom. The...

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Sneaky Panty Smeller pt2

      A couple days had passed and it was time for work at my mother in laws place again. I was anxious and excited in hopes of what I would find this time in Becky's dirty laundry. Wondering if she had seen the mess I had made in her panties from the other day.  As we arrived, I noticed Becky was still home. I got kind of nervous at first, but when we walked into the house, he came up and gave me a big hug, asked how I was and chatted some more about some random things. All I could honestly...

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