Brandy's Bedroom free porn video

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My daughter dove into my arms. I stumbled back and nearly tripped over the porch steps. It felt good to have her in my arms again after so long. "I've missed you, baby."

"Brandy!" her mother hissed. "Don't hug him like that!"

My daughter let go and stepped back, rolling her eyes for only me to see. I was taking her in. I don't know when she got so tall. She must've been 5'6". I was sure she was under 5' the last time I saw her. She really sprouted these last three years. She had filled out a little too, with a tiny waist and wide hips. Her breasts had grown as well, and her butt was a broken heart waiting to happen.

"Hello, Sam," I said to her mother.

"It's Samantha to you, Charles."

"Charles, a word?" Her scumbag brother stepped toward me. I don't know why this guy felt the need to escort my ex-wife and daughter here, let alone while wearing his police uniform. Probably trying to intimidate me.

"Gonna arrest me again, Henry?"

"Don't tempt me."

"I wouldn't dare," I said. "I know you don't bother with things like evidence or probable cause."

Henry beckoned me over until we were out of earshot of Samantha and Brandy. Brandy looked annoyed as her mother whispered things in her ear.

"I'm here to make something clear to you," Henry said.

"Henry, don't start."

"Shut up and listen," he snapped. "Brandy doesn't believe you're a sick fuck. But you and I know better, don't we?"

"You don't know shit, Henry. You lied in court to get your sister that restraining order, and you kept me away from my daughter for three years."

"And if she wasn't 18, I'd still be keeping you away from her, but if she wants to spend her last summer before college with you, I can't stop her."

"Look, just say what you're going to say."

"I'm going to be checking up on her all summer long," he said, his chin stiff. "And if I find out you've touched her, even looked at her the wrong way, I'm going to beat the hell out of you with my nightstick before I bring you in. You get me?"

"Jesus, Henry. Sam has really twisted your mind with all her lies, hasn't she?"

"Don't fuck with me, Charles. That's my niece."

"I get it. Are you done threatening me?"

He didn't answer, just clicked his tongue and rested his hand on his nightstick before walking back to Samantha. "I think we're done here."

Samantha gave Brandy a hug and then glared at me. "You behave."

"Jesus Christ, Sam. Give me some credit."

They drove off and Brandy waved goodbye. I had to keep from giving them the finger. Brandy smiled at me once they were out of sight. "I've missed you, Daddy. I mean, Dad. Mom says I shouldn't call you 'Daddy'."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Cause it turns you on."

I palmed my face. "That's just... call me whatever you want. Your mother is out of her mind, Brandy. I know she told you some things about me, but they're not true."

She smirked at me. "Okay, Daddy. Come on, I want to see the house. It's been forever."

"You know the way," I said.

She hurried inside. I picked up her suitcases and followed her heart-shaped ass into the living room.

"Oh my god," she said, "even the furniture is the same!"

"It's been three years, Brandy, not 30," I said, setting the luggage down.

"It's just like a blast from the past, you know?"

I followed her as she walked around, trying not to look at that ass she had, the way her blue skirt seemed to fall off it and ripple with every step she took. She had a matching blue halter top and blue sandals. I noticed she had painted her fingers and toes baby blue as well. It contrasted sharply against her long red hair, fanning around her shoulders and chest.

In the dining room, she pulled out one of the chairs and sat at it. I chuckled as I stared at her. "Now that's something I've missed."

"Me too. You were always so fanatical about eating dinner as a family."

"Still am."

"And no cell phones at the table?"

"The rule stands."

"I can follow it," she said, standing up. "Don't want to get a spanking." She winked at me.

I rubbed my face again. I was going to let that one go.

The kitchen was next. She tugged open the refrigerator. "Whoa, I think I left this Chinese food in here three years ago."


She giggled. "Seriously, you need to go shopping." She pulled out a bottle of wine. "Wine? No brandy?"

"You don't refrigerate brandy."

"Oh. Do you have any brandy?"

"Yes. Why?"

She shrugged. "Just curious." She put the wine back and closed the refrigerator.

I followed her down the hall, but she didn't go into her room; she went into mine.

"Wow, you still have this giant bed." She ran and jumped on it, lying on her back with her arms spread apart. My eyes were on her blue skirt, the way it was riding up her thighs. I could've seen her panties if I had done something perverted like bend over... but I didn't.

"You remember my bed?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said. "I used to jump on it all the time."

I smirked. "Be my guest."

"Really?" she said, sitting up.


She kicked off her sandals and climbed to her feet. "I'm gonna do it."

"Do it," I said, my eyes darting to her skirt.

"Don't blame me if I break your box spring. I'm not 60 pounds anymore."

"I'm not worried about it."

"Okay, here I go!" She jumped, and as she came down, her skirt came up. I saw a flash of panties: simple white cotton, hugging tight to her crotch, and then they were gone. But up she went again and the skirt with it. My eyes feasted. She was giggling, and then she fell down on the bed. "Mom would kill me if she ever caught me jumping on the bed."

"I'm not as strict as your mother. Ready to see your room?"

"Yup." She jumped off the bed and passed me. Her room was right across the hall. "Wow, you left it just like I had it," she said. It was still painted purple with a purple blanket on the bed, and a desk off to one side that held a small TV. She laughed as she looked at a poster on the wall. "God, I can't believe I ever liked that band. So embarrassing." She ripped it right off the wall, crumpled it up, and dropped it into the paper basket. "It's so purple in here. Did you paint?"

"Not since you made me paint it the first time."

"So crazy. I was so immature." She opened the closet. It was empty. I had shipped all her clothes back to her a long time ago. "It's really weird being back in this room."

"This room has missed you, and so have I."

She stepped forward and gave me a hug. Her mother wasn't there to interrupt us this time, and I held her tight. So she was so warm and soft. It hit me then, I had my baby girl back, at least for the summer.

"I've really missed you, Daddy."

"Me too, k**do."

"I'm sorry mom kept me away from you for so long."

"Not your fault. It's just how things happened."

She let go of me and sat down on the bed. "Still, it shouldn't have happened like that. I told the judge you never touched me or anything."

"After everything your mother and Henry said, the truth didn't matter. The judge had already made up his mind."

She bit her lip and looked down at her bare feet. She was bending her toes against the carpet. "But, like, is some of it true? Like, what Mom said, how you have a fetish for me? And she said you asked her to act like she was your daughter during sex?"

"Okay, look," I said, rubbing the back of my neck, "I really didn't want to talk about this, but if you want to get it out of the way, here it is. Your mother found out I had looked at some... things online, and so I admitted that, yes, I liked..." I paused, sighing. "I'm trying to phrase this so it's not weird or gross, because it was blown way out of proportion once. It cost me the last three years with you, and I don't want it to cost me anything else."

"Daddy, I'm not worried you're going to touch me or something. And I get it, I'm not a little k**. I know people are into different sex stuff. There's lots of porn out there where people pretend to be father and daughter."

"Okay, I'm going to act like I didn't hear the porn part, but yes, it's pretend. That's it exactly. It's all pretend, role playing. But your mother got it into her head that it meant I wanted to do something to you, which I didn't, and don't, and she used Henry to manipulate that family-court judge into giving her sole custody and refusing me visitation."

She nodded like she understood. "Okay, but is it true you were spanking me because you liked it? That's what mom said."

"No, that's not true. I was punishing you because you were misbehaving. You remember the rules I had about curfew and how you always broke them."

"Yeah, but is it true you told her you wish I'd been born a boy because I was a temptation as a girl?"

"Jesus, she said that?" I covered my face.

"Well, is it true?"

"That was out of context. What I meant was that she wouldn't be worried about me doing anything to you if you were a boy, and that if I wouldn't touch my son, I wouldn't touch my daughter either. That's what I meant."

"She also said you said you wanted to have sex with me on my 18th birthday."

"What the fuck. I never said that."

"Okay, I'm just telling you what she said."

"Well, your mother is exaggerating or lying or whatever, because she's trying to scare you away from seeing me, but I am and always will be your father, and I would never do anything to break your trust. Okay?"


"All right," I said with a heavy sigh. "I'll get your luggage so you can settle in."

I returned to the living room to grab her suitcases. I was glad that was over with. That talk was one I was hoping wouldn't come up, but just the same, I was glad it wasn't hanging over me. I wanted to strangle Sam for all the shit she told Brandy. What a fucking bitch.

When I brought the luggage back, Brandy was sitting on the bed with her back against the headboard, going through an old year book. She turned it around and held it up for me. "Daddy, look at my hair! It's like I'd never heard of a straightener before."

I kissed the top of her head. "Your hair is beautiful, now and then."

"Well, of course you'd say that. You've got the hots for me, now and then."

"Oh, come on, Brandy."

"Just teasing, Daddy," she said. "Hey, let's celebrate my summer vacation."

"Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"With a toast, of course, a toast of brandy for Brandy."

"Baby, you're 18."

"Yeah, and I'm not ordering at a bar. I can drink. You know I've been drinking with my friends since I was like 14, right?"

"Believe me, I know."

"Come on, be the cool parent. Let me drink."

I sighed. "Have you ever even had Brandy?"

"Nope, just beer. You haven't really had Brandy yet either." She winked at me.

"Brandy, that's enough, that's not funny."

"Come on, I'll stop teasing you if you give me alcohol."

"You're going to hate it, but why not?"

I went back out to the kitchen and took a bottle of Brandy down from the cabinet. I had plenty of shot glasses. I poured two. I also grabbed a couple beers. She was going to need one. I brought the shot back and handed it to her. I put one of the beers down on her bedside table.

"You're going to need that."

She grinned. "Thanks! Here, sit down, we'll toast." I sat down at the foot of the bed. She raised the shotglass. "To an awesome summer!"

"To summer." We clinked glasses and I took my shot and then watched her take hers. She nearly spit up. She started coughing and turned on her side.

"Oh, god! It's terrible! I can feel my toes tingling!" She coughed again. "God, gross. Why did you name me after that stuff? Yuck. I'm going to name my daughter Appletini or something."

"Your mother named you, and the alcohol had nothing to do with it." I popped the lid off her beer. "Try this."

She took it and swallowed a mouthful. "Ah, that's more my pace."

"You're too young to have a pace."

She settled back into the bed and lifted up her feet. She put her heel on my thigh and crossed her other foot over. My eyes followed her toes to her calves to her thighs to that blue skirt that hinted at so much underneath.

"Rub my feet?" she said. "That brandy made my toes all tingly."

"Sure," I said, placing my hands on top of her foot. My thumb came underneath and ran along her instep.

"Mmm, thanks. Can I ask some more questions about... you know?"

"Baby, can't we just leave the past in the past?"

"I guess I don't understand. I won't get upset even if you're like 'Yes, Brandy, I am all hot and bothered by you and I wanna fuck you.' Like, yeah, that would be weird, but I wouldn't cut you out of my life or anything." She paused to take a gulp of beer. "So I wanna know, how can you separate the pretend stuff from the real stuff? If you like to pretend to have sex with a girl who's your daughter, wouldn't that mean you think of me like that since I'm your legit daughter? And I'm not judging. I'm just curious."

I focused a little more on rubbing her foot, as that task was infinitely easier than explaining my fetish. My thumb ground into the ball of her foot and she inhaled.

"Brandy, it's like this. Let's say you saw a really attractive guy, like maybe one of these guys in one of the posters on your wall. Let's say you met that girly looking boy up there."

"God, Daddy, that's the next poster to go in the trash."

"Just let me do my analogy thing here. So you meet him, and you think he's great and hot or whatever, but at the same time, you know he's not attainable, so you don't think of him like that, since he's out of your league."

"So that's what you think about me, that I'm out of your league?"

I switched feet, rubbing her other one instead. Her eyes seemed to flutter as my thumbs rode into her heel. "Maybe it's more like, I choose to play in another league."

"Hm," she mumbled. "So that means you are attracted to me then?"

I rolled my eyes. I was not going to answer that question point blank. "Don't you have any fetishes?"

She raised her eyes. "You're asking me what my fetishes are?"

"No, no, it was rhetorical. What I'm saying is you said you're not a k**, so I'm sure you have your own things you're into, and they're probably hard to explain to your father."

She shrugged. "Not really. I can explain my fetishes."

"Really?" I said, pausing the foot massage. Now I was curious. "Like what?"

"Do you really want to know?" she said, taking another sip of beer. "Because I might surprise you."

I chuckled. "I'm already surprised. I guess you aren't a virgin anymore." I said it casually, but I wanted a direct answer.

"You wanna know if I'm a virgin?" she asked. "Keep rubbing."

I started rubbing her feet again, running my thumbs up and down her instep. "I'm curious if you are. I think any father would be. And if you aren't, I'd like to hear more about your boyfriend."

"If I answer your question, will you answer my next one, no matter what it is, truthfully?"

"I don't know about that."

"Come on," she said encouragingly. "We'll do it like a game. We'll play truth or dare. But you always have to tell the truth when you pick truth, or if you're too scared, you have to take a dare. The dare can be anything, and you have to do it, but if you don't do it, you lose the game."


"Anything," she repeated. "But you have to live with yourself if you dare me to do something really mean or wrong, like daring me to have sex with you... so keep that in mind."

I shook my head. "Brandy, come on, I would never dare you to do something that."

"So then let's play. Or are you scared?"

I thought about it for a second as I held her toes in my hand. I wonder what secrets I could hear, and what dares I could make her do. "Okay, deal. But we already started, and it's my turn, and you have to tell the truth. Are you a virgin?"

She smiled. "Okay, truth is... Yes and no."

"Yes and no?"

"Technically, I haven't had a cock in my pussy, but I'm not exactly a virgin."

I cleared my throat. "Well, grown up words..."

"You're the one who asked. Do you want to play or not?"

I did. "What does 'not exactly' mean?"

"I've had lots of things in my pussy, so my pussy doesn't think I'm a virgin."

"Like what?" I asked.

She smirked at me. "Carrots, bananas, I tried celery, corn on the cob, and a cucumber once, but it hurt, so I left it off the grocery list next time."

"Wow, so my daughter was gangbanged by the produce section."

"Clean up in aisle one," she said, taking a sip of beer. "Okay, my turn. Truth or dare?"

"Geez, okay. Truth."

"Did you, or did you not, call mom by my name while you guys were fucking?"

"What the... Who said that, your mom?"

"Yeah. She said that was the very last time you guys did it, and it scared her so much she went to Uncle Henry."

"Look, I, I don't remember. She says it happened, but when it happened, if it happened, I was drunk that night, and I don't remember it."

"You honestly don't remember?"

"I honestly don't."

"So that means it probably happened."

"I can't defend myself against something I can't remember."

She grumbled. "Fine. Your turn."

"Okay. Truth or dare?"


"You said you could explain your fetishes. Explain one."

"Okay, let's see." She took a sip of beer. "I'm into... daddy-daughter porn."

I nearly fell backward off the bed. "What?"

She bit her lip. "You stopped rubbing my feet."

"Oh, I get it. You're just saying that to fuck with me, aren't you?"

She shook her head. "You can't lie in a game of truth or dare. It's sacred. After mom told me everything about you, I did a lot of research and I looked at some of it online. It turned me on."

"I... don't know what to say."

"But it doesn't mean anything between us, right? Just like you said yours doesn't mean anything. It's all pretend, right?"

I was looking at her a little differently now. "Yeah. Yeah, of course not. I mean, yeah. Does your mother know?"

"Are you k**ding me?"

"Right, stupid question. I'm just so surprised. Why do you like it?"

"It's my turn. Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I said.

"Okay, why do you like it?"

I rolled my eyes. "Geez, can't you ask me easier questions?"

"You asked me the same question first!"

"It's just... this stuff is uncomfortable to talk about."

"You're telling me! Honestly, you're the only person I can talk to about this, so I'm kinda glad I can finally admit it to someone, you know?"

I smiled. I felt like I really knew her in that moment. We had a secret in common, something a father and daughter should probably never have in common. "All right. I guess I like the dominant and submissive relationship between a father and daughter, the forbidden nature, the trust that's already between them."

"And breaking that trust?" she offered.

I smirked. "My turn. Truth or dare?"


"Why do you like it?"

"Hm. Well... I guess I like the idea of a daddy taking advantage of me, using me, wanting me, taking care of me, loving me, protecting me. It's like you have a lover, a protector, and a family all wrapped up in one."

"You're really serious, aren't you?"

"Yeah. What, did you think I'm just lying to get you to talk?"

"Not anymore."

"Truth or dare?" she asked.


"Okay, Daddy, be honest. If I was in the 'daddy-daughter league' too, would you want to fuck me? You would, wouldn't you?"

I stared hard at her. "Are you in it?"

"It's still my turn."

I broke eye contact. "I would never do anything you didn't want me to, but I would do anything if you wanted me to."

She seemed to blush. "Oh."

"So what league are you in?"

"You have to say truth or dare first."

"Geez, truth or dare?"


"What league are you in?" I asked.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I'm still in the minors and maybe I've talked to a few scouts, and I'm thinking about which league I'd like to play in, but your league is temping, because I've always thought you were handsome, and then I started to think you were sexy after I found out about your fetish and stuff. Kinda got in my head and made me wonder... So, I dunno, but that's part of the reason why I wanted to spend the summer with you, to find out how I wanna play the game."

I nodded, but my mind was racing. She was really considering it. I couldn't believe it. "Your turn."

"Truth or dare?"


"Okay," she said. "What other fetishes do you have?"

"Pussy," I said. Her eyes seemed to sparkle at my use of the word. "I love the smell of it... on my hands and fingers, or if I eat a woman out and it's all over my nose and chin. It's intoxicating."

"Ooh, but is that really a fetish? I'm pretty sure all guys love pussy."

"Yeah, but do all guys want to put their head between your legs and inhale?"

She giggled. "You wanna put your head between my legs?"

"I meant, like, not yours, just... you know what I meant. My turn, truth or dare?"


"You gotta take a dare in here eventually," I said.

"You first. I'm not going down that road until you do."

"Okay. Give me another fetish," I said.

"Cock," she said with a grin. "Love the smell of it."

"Now you're just cheating at the game. And you said you were a virgin."

"I gave a hand job once," she said. "It would have turned into more, but he exploded and I went home. And if you're going to softball the truth or dare game, so am I," she said. "Truth or dare?"

I grumbled. "Truth."

"Give me another fetish too, something that makes your cock rock hard," she said.

I smirked at her. "Spanking."

"I knew it!" she said.

"Hey, I was punishing you, regardless."

"That explains the hard cock I always felt under my tummy when I was bent over your knee."

"Stop it, you did not. Truth or dare?"


"I want another fetish," I said.

She bit her lip guilty. "Big cocks."

I laughed. "What the fuck? Are you sure you're a virgin?"

"I am, and I prefer them bigger."

"You haven't even had one yet," I said. "Or was that handjob guy so big, you can't go back?"

"No, the handjob guy wasn't that big, which is why I'm not with him."

"So where does fetish come from? Too much porn?"

"Sort of. A very special porn video, actually. Amateur quality, guy's POV, but my favorite. The guy in it has a really nice big cock, and the girl, well, she was boring, pretending to be a school girl with bad grades, but the sex was great. It was recorded in a bedroom that looked strangely like yours..."

My whole face was frozen. "Are you fucking k**ding me?"

Her grin was widening. "Love that part at the end when you slap her in the face with your cock."

"Oh my fucking god. Your mother showed that to you? What kind of sick fuck is she? She said she threw it away!"

"She didn't show it to me. She lost it. Well, I stole it and she never found it. Same thing."

"I can't believe you watched that!" I said.

She laughed wildly and then dug her toes into my tummy. "Your face is so red, Daddy. It's so cute."

Of course my face was red. I was embarrassed, humiliated, mortified! But I was also turned on by the idea of her watching me fuck, and loving my cock. "I think you might be more fucked up than me."

She was still laughing. "Oh, I am, definitely. Truth or dare?"

"I'm not taking a dare until you do. Truth."

"I can play all night. Your next fetish."

"Long, bare legs," I said, and then I crossed a line. I slid my hand up the inside of her calf, to her knee, and brushed the inside of her thigh before running my hand all the way back down.

She shivered. "Daddy..."

"Gonna tell your mom I did that?"

She shook her head and took the last sip of her beer. "What happens in Brandy's bed, stays in Brandy's bed."

"My turn," I said. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth of course."

"What makes your pussy drip?"

"Daddy, you're getting naughty," she said with a smile. "Hope you're not taking advantage of me 'cause I'm a little drunk."

"We can stop playing anytime you want," I said.

She looked guilty. "My feet. I love having them rubbed. It makes me wet."

"Really?" I said.

She nodded.

I put my hands on them and started to rub again. She shivered.

"So this is..."

"Yup," she said with a breath. "Panties soaked. I like to paint my toenails so guys will look at them. Did you notice?"

"I did notice," I said.

"I painted them baby blue since I know it's your favorite color."

I chuckled. "For me?"


"Are you really wet or are you teasing me?" I asked.

"I'm really wet," she said, reclining further into the bed. "Like, fuck, I kinda want to play with myself."

"Want me to leave?"

She shook her head. "No, we're in the middle of a game. I can wait until later. I'm just getting really horny."

"I don't believe you," I said. "I don't think you're wet at all."

She looked at me. "Why would I lie about that?"

"I dunno, that's what I can't figure out."

"You'll just have to trust me," she said. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," I said.

"Finally," she said. "Let's see, what can I do to really embarrass you? I dare you to..."


"Suck my toes for 60 seconds."

I laughed softly. "This better not make you wet while I'm doing it."

She grinned. "No promises." She lifted up her foot and wiggled her toes. "Start sucking."

I held her foot by the ankle, and then I let my tongue come out. I licked along her instep and she squeaked. My tongue ran over the ball of her foot and poked between her big toe and second toe. I could see her mouth was hanging open as she watched me. Her hands were on her tummy. I opened my mouth and took in her second and third toes, sucking and licking between them. I heard her let out a moan and she squirmed. I nipped at her toes with my teeth, licking them and sucking harder.

"Ohh," she said with a heavy breath. "Okay, okay, 60," she said, pulling her toes out of my mouth.

I smiled at her. "Did you like that?"

She bit her lip. "You have to say truth or dare first."

"Truth or dare?"


I laughed. "Okay. I dare you to show me how wet you are."

Her eyes bulged. "Um... wow, okay... big dare."

"You can always stop playing."

"And let you win? No way. But how do I show you?"

"However you want. Just prove it, unless you can't."

She put her feet flat on the bed. They started to spread open, gliding across the purple bedspread. My eyes shot up to the space between her legs. Her skirt was splitting open as her legs moved farther apart. Then came the panties, those white panties that had peeked out at me earlier. The mere sight of them gave my cock a stir. They were most certainly wet. I could see the outline of her pussy lips as they stuck to her crotch, as well as the little bulge of her hard clit.

"I can't tell from here..." I said.

She looked me in the eyes. "Do you wanna come closer?"

"May I?"

She nodded. As I leaned in a little closer, she grasped the collar of my shirt. She pulled me in and I tipped forward, my face coming between her legs, stopping inches from her pussy, the heat warm against my face like a summer day. They were soaked, and this close, I could see through them.


"I see."

Her hand was on my head, her fingers running through my hair. "Believe me?"

"I believe you."

"Truth or dare?" she asked.


"Wanna smell my pussy?"

I glanced up at her from between her legs. "Oh, yes."

Her other hand ran down her stomach and between her thighs. Her long middle finger stroked on top of her panties, across her hard clit and along the valley of her labia. "Do it."

I came closer, my nose bumping into her hard clit. I heard her take a quick gasp as I took a deep inhalation through my nose. Fuck, that scent. Maybe it was because she was my daughter, but pussy had never smelled so sweet. I could not help myself. I ground my nose against her sex and she let out a loud moan.

"God, careful, Daddy."

"Sorry, baby, it smells so delicious."

"Mmm, you like it?"

"I love it."

"Making you hungry?"

"Famished," I said. I moved my mouth in, and without warning, I let my tongue run from the bottom of her pussy to the top, dragging it across her panties, stabbing it forward to spread her lips apart, feeling the coarseness of the cotton, pushing against her hard clit poking out.

"Holy fuck!" she said.

I pulled my tongue away and looked up at her. "I couldn't help myself."

"I can't believe you just licked my pussy," she said.

"I licked your panties, not your pussy."

She was blushing scarlet. "You're naughty, Daddy." She closed her legs and I sat up. "Take your turn."

"Truth or-"


I grinned. "Okay." I climbed off the bed, standing right beside it. "Your turn. I dare you to smell my cock."

She stared up at me with big uncertain eyes. "I dunno..."

"Are you quitting the game? Are you scared? Yup, I bet that video I made scared you, huh?"

"I'm not scared."

"Prove it."

She climbed up on her knees, the skirt taking away my lovely view of those wet panties. She inched closer, looking at the big bulge in my pants. I put my hands on my hips as my daughter came forward, crawling on her hands and knees toward me.

"Open the belt," I told her. "Hard to smell anything through jeans."

"Okay," she said under her breath.

Her little fingers were shaking as she grasped the leather and pulled against the buckle. They loosened, held together by a button. She nervously pinched it between her fingers and pried it apart. They nearly slipped down my legs, but my zipper held them up. She was trying hard not to touch the bulge as she reached for the little metal tongue. She pulled down with a steady hand until the weight of my jeans took over, leaving me there with a raging hard cock covered by a thin layer of 40% cotton 60% polyester.

She looked up at me. "Your cock is hard."

"You didn't think it would stay soft while I was licking your pussy, did you?"

"I thought you licked my panties?"

"My cock couldn't tell the difference."

I reached out for her, running my hand through her hair, holding the side of her head. "Don't be scared. Just move a little closer and take a breath."

"Yes, Daddy," she said. She stretched her neck and her nose came closer to my big cock, bent to the side, making an obscene outline. Her nostrils pulsed as she inhaled. "Hmm..."

"Still too far?"


Her nose came right to the flap of my boxers, the single button strained to break apart as my fat daddy cock pushed up against it.

"Unbutton that."

She glanced up at me. "Are you sure?"

"Trust me," I whispered to her, nudging her in with my hand on her head. She reached up, careful not to touch my cock as her little fingertips bent the plastic button to the side. It split open and she could clearly see thick cock flesh before her eyes.

"Oh," she whispered.

"It's not going to hurt you."

Her nose came closer and closer. And then I felt the tip of it touch the shaft of my cock. She inhaled and hummed in her throat. I stroked the side of her head.

"You like that, baby?"

She looked up, pulling the tip of her nose away from my cock. "Yes. It smells musky."

"Are you getting wetter?"

"Yes," she whispered, keeping eye contact with me. "It's kinda making my mouth water."

"Well, now you're giving me ideas..."

She sat back on the bed, breaking contact. "My turn first."

"Dare," I answered before she asked.

"Um, okay. I dare you to, um... do you want to taste my pussy juice?"

I sat down next to her. "Oh, yes."

"Okay," she said, lying back. She spread her legs a little, and I moved between them. Her hand wandered across her stomach, her fingers slipping into the rim of her panties. I watched as the outline of her middle finger ran down across her clit and slipped between her pussy lips and vanished into her warm wet hole. She pulled her fingers out and held them up, gooey and slick in front of my face. "Still want to?"

Damn, and I thought she wanted me to eat her pussy. Nevertheless, I did not hesitate to wrap my lips around two of her fingers. My jaw tightened as the taste flooded my mouth. Fuck, I could not believe I was tasting my daughter's pussy juices. This was far from my expectations.

"Fuck," I whispered.

"Is it good?" she asked.


She was blushing. "Okay, your turn. Dare."

I stared hard at her. "I dare you to show me your breasts."

Her eyes got big. "Um, okay. For how long?"

"For however long you want."


She took the bottom of her halter top and lifted it up over her head. There was no bra to hide her round, soft breasts from my eyes. Her nipples were stiff, pointing toward me. As she dropped the halter top on the bed, she shyly covered her chest.

"What do you think?"

"Lovely," I said.

She smiled. "Thanks."

"Dare," I said.

"Oh," she said. "Um... Can I dare you to lick my panties again? Just for 60 seconds?"

My grin was wide. "Yes, you can."

"Okay," she said. I noticed as she leaned back in the bed and spread her legs apart, she did not bother to put her halter top back on. However, as I came closer to her pussy, I watched as her hands began to explore her own body, her fingertips grazing her nipples.

We met eyes for a moment as my tongue rolled out and poked at her soggy panties. She held her breath as I licked the cotton outline of her pussy lips, but she gasped as my tongue ran over her hard clit.

"Oh fuck," she whispered.

I closed my mouth around her little clit and sucked on it through her panties. She groaned loudly and grabbed my head. Then she began humping up against my mouth as I licked, running my tongue up and down her pussy lips, stabbing the tip against the cotton, trying to make my way into her warm wet hole.

"Fuck, Daddy! Okay, okay, 60 seconds."

I pulled my mouth away. "I can go longer."

She shook her head. "You almost made me cum."

"You don't want to cum?"

"Well, I mean, I'll make a mess and stuff."

"I like messes."

"I dunno. I'm nervous. It's your turn. Dare."

I sat up on the bed. My nose and lips were still wet from her pussy. I wanted her to taste it. "I dare you to kiss me for 60 seconds."

Her legs were closed now. "Seriously?"


"Like, what kind of kiss?" she asked.

"The sloppy kind. Pretend I'm your boyfriend. I want your tongue in my mouth."

"Um, okay."

She came closer to as we both rested on our knees in front of each other. She put her hands on my shoulders. Her little fingers caressed my neck while she looked into my eyes.

"I'm a little nervous about this," she admitted.

"It's just a kiss. What daughter wouldn't kiss her father?"

"Most daughters don't put their tongues in their father's mouths."

"And most daughters don't dare their father's to lick their panties."

She blushed and then pressed her lips to mine. I pressed back, my hands holding on to her waist, crushing her body against mine. I could feel her hard nipples poking into my chest, and I cursed my shirt for being in the way. My cock was throbbing in my boxers, touching her hip. Her tongue stretched out and passed between my lips and my tongue met it. All the sounds of our wet, sloppy kiss reached my ears, our lips smacking together, our muffled groans and strained breath. I couldn't believe it. I was kissing my daughter. I had never been so turned on.

"60," she said as she broke the kiss, wiping her wet chin. "Truth or dare?"


"I wanna see your cock. Take off your boxers."

I was glad she asked. I was about to dare myself to do that. I lifted my shirt up first, pulling it off. I didn't want it in my way anymore. Her eyes roamed over my hard chest and followed my hands down to the elastic band of my boxers. I pushed them down inch by inch, the shaft of my thick cock showing more and more, until it sprung free, bobbing in front of her.

"Fuck," she said.

"Better than the video?" I asked as I pulled the boxers off.

"Yes," she whispered.

"Still scared?" I asked.

"More curious than scared," she said.

I grinned. "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to lick my cock, from base to tip," I said.

Her eyes were wide. "Daddy, that's a really big dare."

"I licked your pussy," I reminded her.

"You licked my panties."

"Same thing," I said, "and you know it."

"Okay... one lick."

She lay down on her tummy and propped herself up by her elbows. My thick cock hovered in the air inches from her face. She seemed to size it up as she titled her head.

"I'm gonna have to touch it, like, so I can lick it properly."

"You can definitely touch it."


She slowly wrapped her hand around the base of my shaft, lifting my cock up. She moved her face in closer and I watched her tongue come out. And then I felt the warm wet coarseness of her tongue touch my shaft. She dragged it all the way from the bottom to the top. I held my breath as the tip of her tongue ran along the underside of my bulbous mushroom head. And then she pulled her tongue away, followed by her hand.

"I did it," she said.

"You missed a spot," I said quickly.


"Where your hand was holding it."


She took my cock by the head this time and lifted it up. Just feeling her squeeze the tip between her fingers was bliss. She came in again and let her little tongue run down the base of the shaft, connecting the wet line she had started. She gave me a smile and then planted a soft kiss on the underside of my cock before letting it go.

"My turn," she said.

"Okay..." Fuck, I wanted more. "Dare."

"Okay, I dare you, daddy dearest, to put your cock between my boobs for 60 seconds and do that titty fuck thing you did with mom in that video."

I laughed. "Happily."

She smirked as she lay back on the bed. I went after her, moving up her body, straddling her stomach, laying my fat cock down on her chest.

"Do I push them together now?" she asked, taking her breasts in both hands and mashing my cock between them.

"That's good, baby. Ready?"

"Yeah," she whispered, looking down at it.

"Okay, here we go," I said, pulling my cock back before I gently pushed forward. My big cock slipped out from in-between her tits.

"Sorry, Daddy, I know my boobs aren't as big as mom's," she said, pushing her breasts back together.

"That's okay, sweetheart," I said gently grinding my cock back and forth between them.

"I guess we need oil," she said as she watched my cock slide between her soft breasts.

"Yeah," I mumbled, but it still felt great. I pushed a little harder, jamming the head of my cock into her chin.

"Oh, careful."

I did it again, trying to poke at her mouth. She looked up at me and smirked. Then she looked down, and as my cock came toward her, her tongue shot out and gave it a lick.


"Mmm, such a bad daddy," she said.

I thrust forward again, and she gave my cock one more lick. I was going to ram my whole cock into her mouth on the next thrust, but she said, "Time's up."

I frowned as she sat up and my cock fell away. I needed more, a lot more.

"My turn?"

"Yup. I'll take a dare," she said

"I dare you to rub your panties on my cock for 60 seconds."

She pulled her eyes away from my hard cock to look me in the eye. "Huh? How do I do that?"

"However you want."

"But I'm wearing them."

"Yeah, and you have to keep wearing them while you do the dare."

"Oh, I see. That's a dirty trick, Daddy."

"Don't be mad if I'm better at this game than you."

"Sit back," she said.

I sat back on the bed, my cock pointing up, lying on my stomach. She came closer, her legs widening. I was looking at her creamy breasts while she was busy lining up her crotch. She straddled me, sitting down slowly, her panty-covered pussy touching my shaft, sending lightning into my rod and through my body.

I couldn't see much from under her skirt, but I felt everything. She gently rocked back and forth against my cock, grinding her pussy up and down along the length of my shaft. She was pushing down hard too, crushing her cunt into my cock, gyrating her hips to dance on my cock.

"Fucking hell," I said, looking into her eyes.

She grinned at me. "Truth or dare?"

"It's still my turn," I said, barely able to focus as I felt the cotton of her panties sliding up and down. She was so wet, her juices were seeping through and coating my long cock. I was praying for some kind of accident that would help my cock to slip past the fabric of her panties and into the warmth of her tight little daughter hole.

"I dare you to suck my nipples while I do this," she said.

I was glad she asked, because I wanted to do it anyway. I opened my mouth and wrapped it around her nipple, pulling the hard tip between my teeth and sucking. She groaned and pushed down against my cock. I pushed back, grinding my shaft up into her panties. I wanted inside of her, badly, now more than ever. I adjust my cock and then thrust up, the head of my dick stabbing against her pussy, trying to rip into it.

"Shit!" she cried. "Careful, Daddy! It'll go inside if you're not careful."

I pinched her nipple between my teeth and she squeaked. I thrust against her pussy again, and again her panties cockblocked me. I lifted my hips up, spearing my cock toward the edge of her panties, trying to angle the head to slip inside. It was so frustrating to be defeated by a pair of $5.00 panties.


"Oh, god, Daddy! Be careful. Are you trying to fuck me? Because it seems like you're trying to fuck me. Don't thrust up like that."

She readjusted her crotch and then pushed down, pinning my shaft to my pubic bone as she grinded down and wiggled her hips. "There."

I grunted with her nipple in my mouth, but then she pulled her breasts away from me. "60."


But she didn't get up, she stayed there with my cock pinned under her soaking wet panties. "Take your turn."

"Truth or dare?" I asked quickly. I knew what the next dare was. She about to get fucked.



"Ask your question."

"Fuck... My question is... shit. Brandy, baby, I want to fuck you so badly. You can feel how hard my cock is. I need you, baby girl."

She smiled with a blush. "What's your question, Daddy?"

"May I please put my cock in your pussy?"

"Um... I'm not sure yet," she said softly.


"That just seems like a bit too far, don't you think?"

"Baby, I can't keep playing this game. I'm horny as hell. I need to fuck or stop."

She bit her lip. "But I like playing this game. I'm horny too, you know?"

"Then dare me to make you cum," I told her.

"How would you make me cum?" she asked. "Without sex, I mean?"

"I'll rub my cock against your pussy," I told her.

She wiggled her crotch. "I'm already doing that."

"I'll do it this time, and we'll take your panties off."

She gulped. "What if you accidentally put your cock in me?"

"I wouldn't do that. That's not the dare."

"You promise not to?"

"I told you, I wouldn't do anything you didn't want me to."

She was blushing red. "Okay. I dare you to rub your cock against my pussy until I cum."

"Lie back," I told her.

She did as she was told, lying on her back, looking up at me with trepidation.

"Take off your skirt and panties," I said.

"Okay," she whispered. She lifted herself up as she ran her hands down to her skirt and panties, hooking her thumb in the waist and pushing both down at once. My eyes were ready to take in the sight of her pink puffy lips, but she shyly cupped her pussy with her hands, blocking my view. "I'm embarrassed."

"It's okay, baby. I like what I've seen so far."

"I didn't think it would happen like this," she said. "I really thought we would just tease and flirt with each other a little."

"I know. Move your hands and spread your legs, baby."

She opened up her legs and moved her hands. I crawled between her thighs, sitting on my calves. She kept her legs nice and wide for me as I scooted closer. I was holding my cock up, but as I came closer, I let it drop. It fell right on top of her crotch, lying across her wet pussy and pubic mound.

"Oh, oh, god," she said, looking down and watching me. "You promised, not inside me, right?"

"Trust me," I whispered, holding my cock by the base. It was a bat made of solid steel. I gave it a swing, tapping her pussy flesh. It rippled when I hit it and she squirmed and moaned.

"God, Daddy. That felt good."

"You want me to do it again?"

"Yes, please."

I did as she asked, gently tapping her pussy lips with the shaft of my cock, her wet juices amplifying the sound of each quick slap. She was breathing hard, lifting up her back to try to meet my cock each time it connected with her pussy.

"Mmm fuck," she said. I glanced at her and realized she was cupping her breasts, rolling her nipples between her fingers, giving them gentle squeezes. "More," she said.

I carefully pressed my fat cock up against her pussy lips. They spread open to hug my long shaft. I moved my cock from side to side, all while my mushroom head batted her hard little clit.

"God, Daddy! Fuck, I'm so wet."

"I know you are, baby. Your pussy is drooling all over me," I said slapping my cock into her cunt again, splashing little droplets of leaking pussy juice.

"I wanna cum so bad," she said.

"Where do you like to rub your pussy when you cum, baby?"

"My clit."

"Rub it with my cock. Take it."

I reached for her hand, taking it and bringing it down. She stretched her neck to get a better look as she took hold of it. She carefully grinded my mushroom head right into her hard clit. Her hips started gyrating, rubbing her clit up into the head of my cock.

"Fuck, right there," she said.

I was pushing back, crushing my cock head into her clit as she rubbed. I was so hard, I was worried she was going to make me cum, but I didn't want to cum yet, not until I was deep inside her pussy.

"You love my cock, don't you, baby?" I asked as I watched her slapping her clit with it.

"Fuck, yes, I love it."

"Just imagine how good it would feel inside you, baby, stretching you open."

"Ohh, Daddy, I know it would."

I pulled my cock back and pushed forward, rubbing the head up along her pussy lips and back into her clit where she lifted her hips to rub against it again.

"Fuck, that feels amazing!" she said.

"Do you want it in your pussy, baby?"

"God... Yes... but, we can't."

I took control of my cock and started slapping her clit in quick succession. She moaned loudly and threw her head back.


"We can," I whispered, assaulting her swollen clit with my rock hard cock.

"Daddy! God, fuck! I'm cumming!" she screamed.

While I rubbed, grinded, and slapped her pussy with my cock, I could see her muscles contract and spill her little girl cum. I watched it run out and soak the bed. She was still whimpering and moaning as she finished. I kept rubbing... It was my turn next.

"Did that feel good, baby?"

"Yes, god yes," she said, her eyes opening again and focusing on me.

"Truth or dare, baby," I said.

"Daddy, we can't."

"Truth or dare."


"I dare you... to let me put my cock inside your pussy."

She bit her lip hard as she looked down. "Daddy..."

"Double dog dare," I added while I gently stroked her pussy lips with the shaft of my cock, thrusting my hips in slow motion to slide my dick across her slippery channel.

"Um... Maybe just, what if I said just the head?" she said.

"Just the head?"

"Yeah, just the head, and only for 60 seconds. It's not the whole thing, so it's not as wrong, right?"

"That's right, baby, just the head."

"And I get to put it in," she said, reaching down, wrapping her delicate fingers around my shaft. "No thrusting either."

"I'll be good," I said. I would have said anything to get into her pussy at this point.

I watched her with all the care in the world hold my cock firmly around the shaft, her fingers carefully coiling just under the head, presumably to stop any more from going in. As she squeezed, my cock head grew bigger and purpler, turning it into a raging bull ready to charge at that red pussy. She brought the head down and gently slid it against her pussy lips, parting them. She seemed to hesitate.

"It's okay, sweetie," I said. "It's just like the cucumber. Just slide it in."

"Okay. You'll keep count, right?"

"Sure I will."

"Okay. Here we go..."

She angled my cock head perfectly with her wet hole, lifted her hips, and then slowly drove herself down on it. Heat enveloped my cockhead, sending pleasure shooting down my shaft and up to my braining, but I quickly hit a wall as her fist bumped into her pussy.

We both let out a groan of pleasure together. Fuck, I was inside my daughter. Finally, all my fantasies had come true. Never mind it was just the head. I'd worry about stuffing the rest of it inside her later.

"Fuck," I said. "Fuck, you're tight."

"Fuck," she echoed. "Your cock is big."

"You should feel the rest of it."

"Geez, I can feel it stretching me open," she said, looking down. "Is it just the head? It feels like a lot more."

"It's just the head, baby."

Her head fell back as she looked up at the ceiling. "Fuck, Daddy. I can't believe we're doing this."

"Me either," I said, gently tugging back on my cock, pulling her hand along with me, only to push forward. She groaned and looked down.

"What are you doing?"

"Just rubbing it inside you a little..."

"But I thought we said no thrusting."

"It's not thrusting, it's massaging. It's just the head."

I pulled back and then pushed forward again, leaning against her. I felt a little bit of slack in her grip and was sure I had gained half an inch.

"Ohh, fuck," she said. "Careful, Daddy, you're going to put too much in if you push like that."

"Sorry," I whispered, gently pulling out and pushing back in. "God, you're so wet."

"Mmm, god, daddy this feels amazing."

"Do you want to feel the rest of it?" I asked, pushing against her and trying again to shove my cock head deeper into her pussy, but her grip wasn't giving.

"God, Daddy, don't tempt me."

"Here, move your hand, baby," I said.

"Why?" she said.

"So I can enjoy it. You're crushing my cock. It hurts."

"Oh. Um, you promise not to push in anymore?"

"I promise."

"Okay," she said, her grip easing on my cock.

I was free, and my cock head was buried between her pussy lips, just kissing inside her. It took every ounce of willpower not to plow into her. Instead, I gently withdrew, and gently pushed back in, feeding my cock head into her pussy.

She groaned again. "Fuck. Oh, fuck. I bet all of it would feel amazing."

"It would," I said, holding still for a moment, reaching down and letting my thumb glide over her swollen clit. I stroked it.

"Mmm, oh."

"You know, baby..." I said, my thumb caressing her clit, my cock head moving around inside her every time she squirmed. "The truth is, you're not a virgin anymore. It doesn't matter if it's just the head or the whole thing. We're fucking. You know that, right?"

She looked at me with a frown. "I know."

"Let daddy put the rest inside you, okay?"

She bit her lip hard. "How much time is left?"

I hadn't actually been counting. It felt like five minutes, but I said, "30 seconds."

"You can put it all the way in, just for 30 seconds, but no thrusting. Just put it in and don't move it."


We both watched as I leaned into her, my cock disappearing into her tight cunt inch by inch. Her pussy was a furnace. I stuffed my long shaft into her as deep as it would go. She was groaning loudly with her head back as I finally hit a wall.

"Fuck! Holy fuck, Daddy! Okay, stop!"

"God, baby, you're doing great."

"Fuck, I can feel it so deep inside me, Daddy," she whined. "God. Okay, okay, it's in. Don't push anymore. Just, just leave it there."

I left it there, lodged deep in her pussy. I wasn't going to press my luck now. Instead, I kept my hand on her pubic mound, gently rubbing, my thumb caressing her clit. "How does it feel, baby?"

"Feels so big," she said. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavy. "God, I don't know what's happening to me."

I rubbed up to her tummy and moved my hand in a circle, massaging around her bellybutton. But my eyes were on my cock. It looked so amazing lodged inside her, her pink lips hugging tight around my shaft, her red clit, everything was so wet and slick, and I was so hard. I could not help but throb inside her. I needed to fuck her, fuck her hard, feel the resistance of her body as I plowed into her. But how to get her to let me? I stroked her clit a few more times and she groaned.

"Feel good?" I asked.

"I think... I think I need to cum again," she said heavily, looking down at me.

I had her now. I quickly yanked my long, fat cock out of her pussy with a slurping sound. "Time's up."


My hard cock was dripping with her juices as it hovered over her. "Your turn."

"Seriously?" she said.

"Yup, and make it a good one, because I'm done playing now."

"Why?" she said, sitting up on her elbows.

"Because there's nothing else I can dare you to do."

She was chewing on her lip, her eyes darting from my cock to my face. "I thought you were going to start fucking me. You know that was way over 60 seconds, right?"

"I lost count. What's your last dare?"


"What is it Brandy?"

Her head fell back and she covered her face. "You're gonna make me say it, aren't you?"

"Say what?"

"Fuck me..."

"What's that?"

She peeked at me between her eyes. "I dare you to fuck me."

"Sorry, I couldn't hear," I said, but my hand was on my cock, giving it a gentle stroke.

"Daddy, fuck me. Please."

I leaned down over her, driving my cock back into her pussy where it belonged, splitting her open as I came face to face. Her warm breath moaned against my chin.

"What changed your mind?" I whispered, burying my cock inside her as deep as it would go.

"Fuck... I, I don't know. I just didn't want to prove mom right, but I don't care anymore. It might be wrong, but it feels so good."

"It's right, babygirl. I've waited so long for this."

I drew my hips back and thrust my cock back into her, making her groan from deep in her belly. I kissed her hard on the mouth, our breath strained as our lips and tongues were busy. I held her close to me as I started to rhythmically pump my long thick cock into her delicate pussy.

She was working with me, lifting herself up to meet each of my thrusts, taking as much cock into her little pussy as would fit, gasping for each breath I penetrated her nice and deep.

"Oh, god!" she cried. "Fuck. Daddy, do you think I'm a whore now?"

"Shh," I whispered, holding the back of her head as I fucked her. "You're not a whore. And if you are, you're daddy's little whore, understand?"

She nodded. "Never tell mom?"


We stopped talking for a moment as we fucked harder, watching each other as our sweaty bodies drove toward a common goal. We both needed to cum. I was ramming my long cock into her, and she was grinding her cunt into it as I came down. Her mouth opened wide and she lost her breath. Her nails dug into my shoulders, her eyes fluttered, and I knew she was done.

"F-fuck!" she screamed.

I felt her pussy clench down on my cock as she creamed all over. I had taken as much as I could as well. I groaned in her ear, rammed my cock in as hard as I could, and let myself cum. My cock erupted and jerked inside her, spewing warm seed deep in her belly. We held each other tight as our orgasms peaked.

As I finished, I gave her a few slow, weak thrusts, and then pulled my gooey cock out of her slippery pussy. I fell down on the bed next to her and took in air. She turned and wrapped her arms around me. I pulled her in a little closer.

"God, I can't believe we did that," she said.

"Me either."

Her breath was heavy on my chest. "If Mom ever finds out, she'll kill me. And if Uncle Henry finds out, he'll literally murder you."

"Yeah. Let's not tell either of them, ever."

She nodded slowly. "Better hope I don't get pregnant. They might suspect."

"You probably should've used one of those dares on a condom."

She chuckled. "That's not funny."

"I know it's not. I'm the one who's gonna get murdered. We'll have to be more careful next time."

"Next time?" she said, looking up at me. "So, what, you're just gonna fuck me whenever you want now?"

"That's the plan, yeah."

She grinned. "In that case, can we start sleeping in your room? A twin size bed is way too small to fuck in all summer long."

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In Amys bedroom

She proposed that idea, and I was sold. I couldn't believe my ears, and then we both, just got out. We both grabbed our stuff, and went to the locker room."So, that's a yes?" Amy asked."Yes," I replied.We kissed each other one more time, before we got dressed. I wasn't sure, what I just got myself into, but that was one of the big selling points though. We both got into her car and went to her house. She had a nice, medium sized house, and it seemed great. I walked in, not knowing what to...

2 years ago
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The Landladys Bedroom

Chapter 1 This is a true story that happened to me a few years ago. I was working in a small village down in Devon and was lodging with a woman in her early forties named Elaine. Elaine was very attractive for her age and she had many younger friends that were about my age (23 at the time). I got on well with Elaine and often thought about having sex with her if the opportunity arose, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship and living arrangements.I had the day off work one day and Elaine was...

4 years ago
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Neighbour In My Bedroom

"There is a reason, that I like older men," I said to Renard as we lay in the afterglow of our sex. "Sleep with them often do you?" he asked. "No," I said. "You're the first older man I have slept with."He started playing with one of my long plaits, pulling and tugging on it slightly. "I'm honored," he finally said. "I don't intend for this to be a once off," I told him. "I hope you can keep up with me."Renard laughed. "Oh sweetheart, I could say the same thing to you." I joined in with his...

3 years ago
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From Tearoom to Bedroom

I had done the teaching, now maybe it was time for me to be the student again… I was having ridiculous thoughts about her, another sign that Korea was turning me into a sex addict. I respected this woman too much to go in there with only sex on my mind. She was the best professor I ever had, the smartest woman I knew. I loved her quirky style—the way she zipped around the classroom with a fierce attitude, how she dressed with colorful socks under sandals. The fact that she was a Korean woman...

3 years ago
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The Bedroom

I had left the house shortly before she woke that morning. In my long established tradition I brushed the hair from her face as she lay dreaming and kissed her softly on the cheek. I then made my way to the kitchen and poured a coffee to go. Soon I was on the road and making my way toward the office.My phone rang around 7:30 and it was Marie. She always called from the car when she was on her way to work in the morning.“Good morning love.” I offered my standard greeting.“Hi sweetie.” “How is...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Janis Bedroom

Jani, a friend of mine, sent me a picture of herself, naked, on the bed, ass in the air. Her letter began: “... living in a large city like New York or LA. The woman in the photo is me and the bed I lie upon is in the master bedroom of my apartment. My apartment is located on the 10th floor of a 40-story building and my apartment is surrounded by other apartments, condos and office buildings equal in height or even much taller. My bedroom windows run from floor to ceiling and I deliberately...

3 years ago
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A strange voice in our bedroom

A strange voice in our bedroom I remember that warm afternoon at L.A.I could get off work early so I thought I could hurry home and surprise Anita going a night out. It had been a good day although it was so warm, so I was in a good mood. I pulled into the driveway and barely noticed the strange car parked alongside Ana’ car. It was just a friend of her I guessed, so I paid it no further attention and headed inside, opening the door slowly.I gently set my keys down and made my way through the...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Aur Bedroom

Hi as i am new would love to get your reviews Coming to the story Jaise k aap log jante hi h jawan ldko ko aged matured aunties bhabhiyan bht pasand hai Isi trha mjhe b matured aurtein bht pasand h Ye baat last year ki h we chat mein look around option mein se mjhe ek female option dikha ye baat kareeb raat 2 bje ki hai maine req send kiya aur samne se accept b hua fir kya tha hi hello strt hogya Usne apna naam shabana btya aur btya wo akele rhti h 2 bccho k sath aadmi bhr rhta h saudi fir...

2 years ago
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Boss of Bedroom

Hi ISS Readers Today i am going to tell you a story of a dominant wife…… There used be a mid aged couple wife is about 36 and husband is 38. Uncle’s name was Rameshwar Rao was a senior Assistant in State government office and aunty is Project Manager in a very reputed MNC, so obviously her salary is on very higher side. Uncle was around 5.8 feet tall, fair and on the slimmer side where as aunty is bit taller than uncle at 5.9 feet tall and a healty body, she was having a figure like actress...

1 year ago
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From the Bookstore to the Bedroom

Some of my stories are true, or at least, based on actual experiences.  Others are complete fantasy.  This one starts with an actual experience and turns into a fantasy of how I wish it would end. I never get as much “gurl time” as I would like.  It seems when I dress, the time flies by too fast.  So, when I get the rare opportunity to get away from my captive male life for more than the usual few hours, I make the best of it.  In this case, taking the hours required for a complete transition...

1 year ago
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Chering Her Bedroom

Cher, the young blonde, rich student, not the singer, looked around her classroom. She needed two more people for her party this Friday night. Hmm…there was Eddy Standridge, she’d known Eddy practically all her life. Their parents were good friends. But Eddy was so shy and self-conscious, he was apt to just stand in the corner and make like a lamp. Eddy was sweet though, always willing to help Cher with math or science home- work. Stuff that came easily to him and so hard to...

2 years ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 5 The Bedroom

An hour later, she had had a whirlwind meal, and been bathed and shaved and scented and powdered by two girls little older than herself. A number of other, very embarrassing, things had been done to her, including an enema, and she had been massaged with warm oil, which had also been worked deep into her lower bodily openings. Dressed in her brassière, though without the handkerchiefs to pad it, knickers, and school uniform again, Tamsin was escorted along a corridor and left in a luxurious...

3 years ago
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His Lordship 4 Trickery in the Bedroom

James' fists clench at the memory of how those marks came to be on Isabelle's skin. He clears his throat, and she whips around to face him, startled at the noise. "My lord.." she begins to speak. James waves his hand to silence her. Isabelle's face falls, and she delicately crawls from the sheets, her bare skin glimmering in the sunlight streaming through the windows. She continues to crawl until she is between his legs, a perfect image of true subservience. Rubbing her cheek on...

2 years ago
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Whats Her Price The Bedroom

Introduction: My evening with Chloe continues I followed behind Chloe as she lead me to her bedroom, my feet shuffling since my pants and boxers were still around my ankles. She didnt turn on the light in the bedroom, but the ​light from the living room was sufficient to give the bedroom a nice ambiance. Chloe had switched on her ​sleep sounding machine, and the room was filled with the sounds of a thunderstorm on a beach. Chloe grabbed both of my hands and pulled me to her and wrapped my...

1 year ago
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His Lordship 4 Trickery in the Bedroom

Introduction: Perhaps the final chapter in this series. My apologies for the delay, hopefully, it only served to heighten your pleasure! Isabelles back aches, the pain searing through her troubled dreams. She opens her eyes to find herself in Lord James bed. Covered in the heavy drapery of the sheets, she gingerly sits up to peer out of the beds canopy. Behind her, James sits in an arm chair, watching her as she looks for him. He feels a strange stirring of an emotion he cannot quite verbalize....

2 years ago
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Our Bedroom

Elle moved into the bedroom with a soft smile, blue eyes glancing to her handsome husband. Just watching him smile made her belly do a somersault and she absolutely melted as he took her in his strong arms. Her blue eyes twinkled as she moved into his arms, moist lips tilting reflexively up to his.Vince kissed his beautiful wife deeply, his hand moving up to cup her rounded breast. He could feel her shiver deliciously in response, an aching nipple hardening beneath his expert hand as her tongue...

2 years ago
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BedroomAs Richard arrived home she was in the bedroom, late from her chores. The weakness in her knees when she heard the door open reminded her that she should have been at the door to greet him. She knew her punishment. She knew that Richard would enjoy it, which is why she planned to be late. Feeling naughty, she sat right in front of the bedroom door and let her hand caress her sex. Imagining it was his hand, she continued, moving faster, feeling her lips puff up and respond instantly."What...

2 years ago
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I just moved in with 2 older ladies about 3 months ago. 71 year old Faye and 75 year old Nellie. I saw an add in the newspaper saying 2 mature ladies looking for young man to share home and help out with yard work chores. It's been great so far and I love it.The backyard was a mess. I took me a couple of weeks to get it together, but it was worth the effort. Both Nellie and Faye kept me fed and would bring me water to quench my thirst. The liked to walk around in their nightgowns all the time....

4 years ago
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FITZChapter 19 Celebrations in the Bedrooms

Exhausted, Joseph and Gina finally arrived home. They entered the headquarters section and seeing it empty climbed the stairs. Moans from three could be heard outside Billy's bedroom. Inside Billy's and Kat's bedroom at that moment the trio with Angela as the third recreated a favorite position with Billy in Jordan's role of being fucked in his ass while fucking Angela taking Kat's role, the voluptuous blonde beauty enjoying Billy's extra girth and rigidity from the bum fucking. Kat...

2 years ago
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Supervisor and Cashier Part VII Her Parents Pool and Bedroom

A week had passed since Ashleigh, and I had gone to see a Wednesday night showing of “The House,” and we were both working a late Wednesday night shift. Last Saturday, we both worked the late shift that night, and I followed her home to have an in-person demonstration of one of her new bath bombs. Afterward, I was on my knees, scrubbing some soapy water that found its way out of the tub due to Ashleigh and I having extracurricular activities in the water.But, as I mentioned, it was now...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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A black maid discovers her female employer magizines and toys in her bedroom

Mary had thought she had put her magazines and plugs back up after she had masturbated but after her shower, she walked back to the bedroom to see her maid Sharon sitting in the chair looking at them. Sharon was her black maid for the last three years and didn’t know anything about her desire to serve and worship a black woman. At 45, Mary had a fair shape body that a lot of men would have really desired with a slightly oversized ass. But one man was enough. Her daughter Jane had moved...

3 years ago
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E002 The Bedroom

As they entered the bedroom, she saw a substantially sized bed in front of her, with only a powder blue silk bottom sheet on it.  It had head and foot boards with posts rising to almost five feet from the ground on all corners.  Donald told her candidly to lie on her back on the bed. He then picked up some silk scarfs and starting at her right side, he lifted her arm up and tied her wrist to the post. Then he moved down to her right ankle, and spreading her leg out, tied it to the foot post. ...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Mum In My bedroom

It was a Friday and I hadn't seen my mum since she had caught my dad making love to me. Today, all that changed for the better. I had decided to skip school and head home early so I could surprise my dad. Like normal, I stripped out of my school clothes, slowly undoing every single button on my skin tight white blouse, revealing my sexy red bra hiding my firm 32C breaths. My big round nipples were already hard as I unclasped my bra and let it fall off my shoulders to the floor.I quickly undid...

3 years ago
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The View From Their Bedroom

I watched the DVD of them, and loved it immediately. Rhonda leaned onto her back, and Gloria dove right into her pussy. I felt like cumming even before they began fucking, and I hadn't even touched my cock yet. "Holy shit, they are so hot," I moaned, as my hand found it's place on my cock. My hand stroked it very fast, as I moaned. Sweat immediately began to flow down my forehead. Rhonda put her hands onto Gloria's head. My lips departed, and motioned quickly, just as my head did. "Yes, you two...

4 years ago
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Empty Nest Fam Fun in the Bedroom

Empty Nest Fam Fun in the Bedroom!! If you are into the taboo relationship of i****t and group sex and bondage… then get some lube and maybe a toy and sit back and enjoy!! If that turns you off…. Then move along, there is nothing else here for you!!!! ========================= There is always something deliciously erotic about being blindfolded and at the mercy of another. This was just the situation last Friday evening when my wife told me we needed to go home from our date night dinner out...

4 years ago
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CUM DIARIES First time fuck in her Bedroom

So she was a little on the young side. Normally speaking I wouldn’t be caught dead in someone else’s house. In the hall a collection of the large extended family in silver frames, some deceased. I kept telling myself to turn back. Wouldn’t she prefer to fuck in my car? I would have preferred going at it in the toilets where we met. But this piece of work had some things in store. The road of St.Lucia had an Audi parked but she assured me that the whole road was currently as some beach side...

3 years ago
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not so Quietly in the Back Bedroom

Our first times hardly go as planned. We fumble, stutter, mumble and end up settling for less than we're worth. If you happen to have a movie-moment first time, let me know, but mine was far from it. I barely recall that night, only seven years ago, but I do remember one thing--Donnie Darko. I know, right? Random thing to remember, but that's what the guy put on to play on his TV to drown out my loudness, something we'd figured out already from the heavy petting we did in his '76 Mustang. You...

First Time
2 years ago
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A Journey From Office To Bedroom

Hi, Indian sex stories dot net friends. I am back with another Indian sex story of mine. A small background about me. This is Raj 33 from Bangalore 5’11”. This is my 6th story on this site. I am writing for almost a year. This incident happened very recently. I am a normal looking Tamil guy working in Bangalore. This time I am here to describe one of my recent experience with a girl who joined my company recently. Her name is Usha. She is basically from Mangalore. But brought up in Mumbai. She...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked My Crush In Apartment Lift And Her Bedroom

Hello all ISS readers. I am Rihan Rai from Delhi here to tell you my story. Any girl or lady from Delhi if you want to get fucked please mail me at , and don’t worry about your privacy I will take care of it. It was the year 2011 jab maine its engg college me admission liya tha B.Tech me. Amission ko bohot din ho gaye the but maine abi tak college me apne college dress ki measurement nai di thi. Jab notice aaya k last date h measurement ki to mai and mera roommate gaye measurement k liye. Ham...

2 years ago
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Journey From Bus To The Bedroom

I was traveling to Mangalore and while coming back had to take a Bus back to Mumbai. Before getting on the bus I have had a couple of beers and was feeling tipsy, I boarded the bus and sat on my seat which was at the rear, though the bus was not full I prefer sitting in the rear away from people so I can watch porn on my iPad and jerk off if required… wink. Bus has just started and I was listening to the music, suddenly my eyes caught a lady sitting just next to me on the other side of Isle,...

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Threesome In Bangalore 8211 Movie Hall To Bedroom

I never believed in instant fling before this incident happened in 2013. This incident happened in Bangalore and involved the local language but I will try to put it in English completely. Drop me comments or requests through mails on There is a new Kannada movie victory which most of our friends suggested as must watch. In our office we decided to watch it and 4 friends booked ticket in the forum for 6:30 pm show. We got 3rd row and 3-6 so 2 seats were left vacant I occupied the last seat 3...

1 year ago
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Forcefully Fucked My Girlfriend In Her Bedroom

Hello everyone , this is my first story. I am a big fan of iss, so I decided to share my experience also. I am raj from lucknow. This incident was , when I was 18 years old. I was in 12th. In my class I met sakshi, (she have 32 figure but her ass was big) which become my good friend. We use to talk daily on phone a lot. Sometimes whole night. One day she propose me on valentine day and I accepted. We were very happy. Sakshi’s mother and father was a bank employee and her younger brother was in...

3 years ago
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From Train To Bedroom

Hi ISS Readers, Greetings of the day, Myself Javed, I am 33, happily married, from Pune, and average person, I have a dick that can satisfy any woman, I don’t want to boast about the size. Many people here try to fake about their size, i believe its all in the game rather in the size, I am a big fan of ISS and have been reading stories from several years now. This is my first experience that I will share out of many. If any mistakes please do ignore as this is the first time I am writing. I may...

1 year ago
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From Delhi Metro To Bedroom

Hi i am romeo (name changed) 24 yrs of age,, delhi -ncr and this is the story of a real incident that happened with me a while ago..(( )) So first of, i am an athlete i love playing outdoor games and all sorts of adventure sports so you can imagine how fit my body is. And my cock is neither too big nor too small i.E, 7 inches.As soon as i hit my twenties i started having this insatiable crave for aunties and mature ladies. Although i’ve had many girlfriends, no offense but a teenager or young...

3 years ago
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Neha Fucked In Her Bedroom

It was a stormy night raining heavily and the power supply was off. Rajesh invited me to his place for a bout of drink and candle light dinner that will be prepared by his beautiful wife. Though I had decided to go home and watch some porn movies along with drink, I had to change my plans only because of Neha, wife of Rajesh. She is a absolute gorgeous looking and profoundly gifted sexy lady. I wanted to see her smiling face looking at me…and therefore I could not refuse the offer of...

1 year ago
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The Bedroom

The Bedroom Sarah reached into her son's bedroom to turn out the light. She looked at the posters on the wall, and sighed. Pictures of women in bikinis were there, but the biggest one was a picture of a woman in a sheer lace bra, panties, and thigh high stockings in a pair of see-through high heels. Many mothers would demand such sexist posters be taken down, but several years ago she reached an agreement with the child that he could do what he liked with his room, as long as he...

1 year ago
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Blonde mother gets nailed in bedroom

Note : This story is completely fictional! After your ball draining blow-job on Saturday morning, I had a smile on my face all day long. The thought of our next time fucking and sucking was something that never left my mind. To think, I was a 18 year old virgin who lost his cherry to his 39 year old milf mother was beyond my wildest dreams. After hanging out with some friends during the day, I came home and had thoughts of tasting that pretty blond pussy of yours. I found you in the bedroom...

1 year ago
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Horny fuck with servant in my bedroom

I am just 30 years old, married, and have a hot and perfect figure which every man craves for. I love wearing Indian outfits and am quite fond of a saree. This showcases my natural beauty and busty boobs, and so I prefer draping a net saree with a deep neck blouse. This my story of how I got close and had horny fuck with servant in my bedroom. When I walk around in my house, my ass goes up and down. My husband is mostly out of the station on his business trips. For most of the time, I am alone....

3 years ago
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My Servant Fucked Me In My Bedroom

Hi readers, this is Urmi. I am going to state that how my servant fucked me in my bedroom just after my marriage. I have light brown skin, long black silky hair up to heap. I am good looking but not a beauty. But I have such assets that make me a sex bomb. I have a figure of 36-30-36. I am of height 5.6″ and have a very soft body. My boobs are very firm and tight. I have black nipples which are quite big and large. My heaps are solid. I am very much horny. Such horny that to get satisfaction I...

1 year ago
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Taxi Sofa Bedroom

Hors d'Ouerve He invited her to dinner the next day. Maybe they could go to this new Italian place, he said. Of course, she accepted. They would meet in the lobby at 6:30. In the cab, going uptown, they talked about work. His hand moved across the space between them during the conversation. As he spoke he began to draw circles on the back of her hand, circles that alternated with strokes. His touch was so light, like just breathing on her skin. It was, of course. exactly the way she touched...

3 years ago
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Letting Them In Chapter 5 The Bedroom

Christian watched the live porno play out before his eyes, relishing the sounds of sex and the increasing heat in the room.  The sight of Alexi bouncing up and down on his brother's lap, her breasts and ass jiggling with every wild thrust from Colton, fueled his sexual craving and desire. Colton stopped for a moment and turned Alexi around on his lap, her legs draped over on both sides of his thighs.  She was immediately pulled back down, her aroused sex engulfing Colton's.  Christian stepped...

2 years ago
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Louises bedroom

The dark and humid night consumed the street surroundings, the rain pattered softly against the car window as Scott pulled outside Louise’s house. Louise had never agreed to let Scott visit before and he knew that this would be the only opportunity to make a good impression and be with her in the future.Knowing her from work, Louise wasn't like the other girls, she seemed to be flirty with everyone usually and she was a total knockout. Her beauty surpassed anything Scott has ever seen, she had...

3 years ago
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From the club to the bedroom

We got to my house & set our things down on the couch. I was really tired. I showed Megan where the spare bedroom was & the bathroom to shower up beings she had gotten tequila on her shirt. Megan was digging through her purse when she took her shirt off revealing her luscious breasts. I wasn't trying to look. I had just gone to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I got a slight tingling sensation between my legs from seeing her. She walked to the bathroom the taking off her short...

2 years ago
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Young Amy in her bedroom

"Daddy isn't fair," Amy yelled out. She wasn't afraid to be overheard, because her parents had already left the house to go out for the evening. They wouldn't be back until around midnight. Amy's thoughts turned to Danny. He was a boy in her school, and he was really cute. But what was Daddy worried about though? She just wanted to go out and have fun with Danny. Having normal fun. It's not like she was going to go out and have sex with him. Of course she sometimes thought about...

2 years ago
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In Tiffany and Amys bedroom

This was turning out to be a weird night. Now, all of the sudden, some mysterious woman comes in the bedroom, and asked Amy who I am. ‘This is Tonya, you remember. I told you, about her,’ Amy replied. ‘The one, you fucked in the sauna?’ The woman asked. ‘Yes, that one,’ Amy replied. The woman came towards us, and got down on her knees. I immediately wondered if, Amy had been cheating, with me. Then the woman, put her hand out. ‘I’m Tiffany, and you are?’ Tiffany asked. Tiffany? That name...

1 year ago
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Taboo Eve in the bedroom

As Eve led Lee into her bedroom she knew there was to be no coming back now. She turned around and faced him pushing him slowly onto her bed.Lee fell back onto the bed with his feet still on the floor with his huge erection pointing to the sky. Eve knew this was what she was wanting desperately. She fell to her knees in front of Lee and started to lick his shaft. This made the young lad shiver with excitement. Slowly licking up and down his cock. This lasted for what seemed an eternity then Lee...

3 years ago
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Stranger in the Bedroom

Holding my camcorder, I walk into your bedroom behind you and your hubby. I ask, "How do you get your hubby aroused when you want some sex?" "I kiss him deeply while rubbing his cock," you reply and begin to demonstrate. I fire up the camcorder and film your actions and his response. There is a glint of desire in your eye as you passionately kiss your hubby. I get a close-up of your tongue slipping into his mouth, and then I tilt down to follow your fingers caressing his crotch. The bulge in...

3 years ago
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Caught in Mommys Bedroom

Back at home. After a semester away at university, I was back at home. Poor grades, an empty social life, and feeling homesick led me back home, to my mother's house. Frankly, I was feeling good about this return. I enrolled in community college, and was working a part time job in retail. Mother was in good shape financially: she worked as an office administrator at a law firm, and had made out well in her divorce from my father. My mother is a beautiful woman. She is tall, 5'9", curvy, with...

2 years ago
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In Tiffany and Amys bedroom

This was turning out to be a weird night. Now, all of the sudden, some mysterious woman comes in the bedroom, and asked Amy who I am. "This is Tonya, you remember. I told you, about her," Amy replied."The one, you fucked in the sauna?" The woman asked."Yes, that one," Amy replied.The woman came towards us, and got down on her knees. I immediately wondered if, Amy had been cheating, with me. Then the woman, put her hand out."I'm Tiffany, and you are?" Tiffany asked.Tiffany? That name sounded...

4 years ago
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Outdoor To Bedroom

Hi, all horny readers. Here I am with my first ever story to ISS and indeed was a real experience of mine that I would remember for the rest of my life. I’m a fair sex story teller but still, want to share my experience.Catch me on Myself I’m Vinay 25, 5’10 ht, 70kg weight, working in an MNC. I am athletic and wit a tool of about 6 inch which is very fit as is my body. Coming to the sex story, This is a complex sex story of how a homo experience led me to fuck the guy’s wife and I still thank...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Gym Session In Aunty8217s Bedroom

Hello friends myself honey age 22 I am average looking guy with average body this is purely a fantasy story so girls and ladies start pinching your nipples and clit it’s time to punish them for making you horny and boys grab your dick and start pumping give me your precious feedback on   The queen of this story is geeta aunty who is our family friend.Her age is 37 despite her she still rocks she and I go to gym together she is also our family friend I have a huge fantasy for her to make her my...

1 year ago
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From Coffee Shop To Bedroom

Hello friends! This is Poojan, 25 male, here from Baroda in Gujarat. I am 5’7″ inches tall, wheatish but having a nice cock of 6 inches which can satisfy any girl or lady. This story is how I fucked an online friend so sweetly that she became a fan of mine. The name of the character is Sanjana (Obviously name changed) and she was a sex bomb with 34-30-36 figure. She had boobs that any guy could die for. Before proceeding further with the story, I would request all to share your valuable...

3 years ago
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Hot Lady In Bangalore From Wechat To Her Bedroom

Special thanks to wechat All we chat users are aware of people nearby option in wechat while texting people I met a lady named Anuradha(name changed) she is a desi Telugu housewife having one son and was chatting with her from past one month. We used to have casual chats and also started discussing each others sex life. Was eager to meet her, even I felt she was eager to meet me soon but was waiting for the right time in our life. Finally, it was Sunday morning .. This happened 11 dec three...

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