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I was relaxing on the beach one sunny afternoon. There was some pretty fantastic scenery wandering around and I was enjoying it. Mind you, it took a bit of effort to keep the old fellow under control so he wouldn't embarrass me.

A couple of the choicest bits of scenery were decorating a couple of towels quite close to me. I know what you're thinking - I chose that spot because of the scenery, but you're wrong. I was actually there first and they set up next to me while I was swimming, but I had no complaints.

The two items of perambulating scenery were blonde and brunette. Young and fit and nicely tanned, they were wearing bikinis that had enough material between the pair of them to make up one set of normal swimwear.

Now while I would have been quite happy to just sit there and stare at them I did have some sense of the social niceties, so nobly refrained from doing so. I was very much aware of them, despite that, and could hear their current discussion quite easily.

The discussion was about money. The brunette was apparently about a hundred short on her rent and didn't know how to come up with it. The blonde didn't see the problem.

"What does it matter if you're a few days late with some of it?" she asked with exasperation. "You're paying in advance, after all, and what you pay on time will put you well ahead."

"I know, but the landlord gets so snarky about it and he's got creepy eyes. I prefer to just pay it all on time and minimise my contact with him."

"Then why don't you just borrow the hundred from your parents or your boyfriend. I mean, you'll be paying it back in a couple of days, so they won't mind."

"Ha! My parents wouldn't mind but it would be stretching their budget and I don't like to ask them. As for Alex, he'd lend it to me but then expect to be screwed every day until I pay it back and even after that as a thank you. I do not want to find myself in a situation where I'm being perpetually fucked."

"I take it you're not particularly enamoured with sex," the blonde said with a laugh.

"I can take it or leave, but would prefer to leave it," was the reply.

"I've told you that it's just that Alex is a crappy lover," said blondie. "You should try someone else. That could be the answer you know."

"What could be?"

"Someone else. Pick up some guy and let him fuck you. Then sell him a sob story and get the hundred off him with promises to repay. Then it's sayonara stranger and here's your rent mister landlord."

"You have got to be joking," gasped the brunette. "That's prostitution."

"Only if you get caught," said the blonde confidently. "And who would ever know. I'll bet lots of girls do it."

"Sure they do. Have you ever done it?"

"I might have," said the blonde with a giggle, "but I'll never admit it."

The conversation lapsed at that stage as the girls turned on some music. I lay back thoughtfully, considering what I'd heard.

A little later the blonde got up, stretched, enjoyed the fact that a hundred eyes swivelled to watch her stretch, and then headed up the beach.

"I'm just going up to get some drinks," she called. "Won't be long."

Watching blondie walk away I waited a few moments and then spoke up.

"I'm someone else."

For a moment I thought my new friend hadn't heard me or intended to ignore me, but then she bit.

"I beg your pardon?" she said. It sounded more like 'how dare you speak to me', but the ice was broken.

I say up and looked at her, letting her see the admiration in my eyes.

"I overheard your conversation with your friend," I explained. "I'd just like to point out that I'm someone you don't currently know and may never meet again, but I have a hundred that I would willingly lend to an intimate friend."

She glared at me, flushed.

"You were eavesdropping on a private conversation," she said coldly. "Didn't you hear me veto that suggestion when you were snooping?"

"Um, no. You appeared a trifle reluctant but you didn't actually dismiss the idea. And you have been thinking about it but you're just not sure that it's right to take an unfair advantage of some poor sucker. That makes me perfect for the role of someone else."

"I was not thinking about it. And why does it make you perfect for the role, anyway?"

"You're not taking unfair advantage of me," I said simply. "I know damn well you intend to vanish with the money, so you won't be cheating me."

"Well, if you think I'm going to have sex with a stranger for money you've got rocks in your head. Forget it."

"Oh, the money is incidental," I said, dismissing a hundred dollars with an airy wave of my hand. "That's not why you're going to do it."

"I'm not going to do it at all," she snapped.

There was a short silence, but something was bugging her.

"Um, if I was going to do it, which I'm not, why would I be doing it?"

"Several reasons. The excitement of doing something that you know you shouldn't. Curiosity as to what it would be like with someone else. The feeling that you've scored one over your blonde friend, even if she doesn't know it. It'll be fun."

She gave me a look, the way women do, and returned to ignoring me.

After a few moments I got up and looked down at her.

"Let's take a walk," I suggested.

"A what?"

"A walk. It's where you place one foot in front of the other as you gently perambulate along the beach."

"Why?" A very suspicious girl.

"Why not? Get a little exercise. See the scenery. Watch the birds and see if you know their names. Come on. Up you get."

She gave a heavy sigh but rose to her feet. I didn't try to hold her hand. She wasn't ready for anything like that. We just ambled along, talking about trifles. Mind you, at one stage she did decide to test my knowledge of birdlife.

She was watching an osprey hovering, and asked me if I knew the various bird's names. I humbly admitted that I did.

"That one," she asked, pointing to the osprey.

"That's George," I told her. "He's waiting for Margaret to get back from the shop with a nice fresh fish."

She punched my arm. Would you believe it? Only just getting acquainted and she assaults me. And called me an idiot. There's no justice in this world.

We were now strolling past the car park where I, by a fortunate coincidence, had happened to park.

"That," I said, indicating my panel van, "is my transport. A very nice vehicle. As you can see from the way it's parked, we could sit comfortably at the back with the door open and watch the birds in comfort. We might even see Margaret bringing George his dinner."

I lightly touched her arm and steered her in the direction of the van. She was dragging her feet slightly, but she came, probably considering it safe enough. I lifted the rear door and dropped the tail gate. The van was nice and clean and I wasn't so gauche as to have a mattress in it. Mind you, there was a very nice piece of carpet on the floor.

We sat on the tailgate, and this time I did tell her a few of the bird types that we could see, starting with the osprey. After a few moments she began to relax again. At least, she relaxed right up to the point when I tried to be helpful.

"It is a bit warm here," I casually mentioned. "If you want to take off your top I won't mind."

Damn right I wouldn't mind, seeing as how her top was an itty bitty bikini top. She blushed.

"Better not," she muttered. "Someone might come past."

"Not really. I'm parked right on the edge. No real room behind. Just shuffle in a bit deeper and no-one will even know you're here."

"I'd better not," she said again, even though she did shuffle a little deeper into the van. "If I do you might get the wrong idea."

"Sweetheart, I already have the wrong idea, or the right one from my point of view."

I reached out and pushed those two skimpy triangles to either side, watching her nipples pop into view. I touched each nipple lightly.

"Take it off," I said, speaking more firmly.

She didn't look at me but she did unhook the top and let it fall.

"But I'm not taking off the bottoms," she insisted.

"That's OK," I said soothingly. "I can take those off easily enough. Now lie back."

Hands cupping her breasts I gently pressed and she sank slowly back onto the carpet, looking very nervous. As soon as she was lying back I hooked a hold of her bikini bottoms and started pulling them down. She grabbed and held them for a moment.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Taking them off, like I said I would," I replied. "It will be easier if I take them down now."

A little tug and the bottoms came loose from her fingers and I finished drawing them off and tossing them to the side. Moments later my own shorts joined them. Her eyes stared at my erection and she went slightly pale and then blushed.

"I, um, I never agreed to have sex with you," she said defensively, hands now trying to cover breasts and pussy.

"Yes, you did," I told her. "You knew what would happen when I asked you to come for a walk."

I took her hands and pushed them to her sides, replacing them with mine. I watched her face as I massaged her mons and breasts, and I could see she was getting flushed. Her nipples were puckering, quite enjoying the attention they were getting.

I slid my hand down off her mons, just letting it rest where her legs were pressed tightly together. I didn't try to force her legs apart, just letting my hand rest there until she was ready.

I leaned over her until my lips were just touching hers. Then I asked an important question.

"What's your name?" I whispered.

"Cheryl," she said softly.

"Hullo, Cheryl. I'm Peter," I said and then I kissed her.

Just a brushing of lips to start with, deepening as the moments passed and she reciprocated. Some of the tenseness started to drain out of her, and I wasn't really surprised when her legs drifted slightly apart.

My hand started stoking back and forth along her inner thighs, just moving easily, but with the upward strokes approaching closer to her mound each time. Then my hand bumped into her pussy and sort of spread itself across it, covering it gently and softly squeezing.

To give Cheryl something extra to occupy her mind I let my lips leave her mouth and drift down until they were caressing her breasts. A little bit of gentle nibbling and sucking on her nipples and Cheryl was facing a war on two fronts as excitement started to ripple through her.

By now I was massaging her pussy quite firmly, squeezing and rubbing and tracing her slit, encouraging her mound to flower and her lips to part. Deciding it was time I started exploring deeper I split her attention again.

Cheryl knew I had an erection. She'd seen it when I dropped my shorts before she hastily looked elsewhere. Since then she'd managed to ignore it. Time to bring it back to her awareness. I shifted position slightly, at the same time dipping a finger in between her lips, exploring internally. The slight change of position meant that my erection was now pressed firmly against Cheryl's side.

Cheryl was squirming a little now, conscious of my finger inside her and also aware of my cock pressing against her. She wasn't able to concentrate on one or the other, both of them sending signals demanding her attention. It appeared that she decided to push my cock away as an unwanted distraction, but didn't make allowance for her own curiosity.

Her hand came around and pushed my cock aside, but instead of then withdrawing Cheryl closed her hand over me, holding me. I could feel her tentatively measuring me, first girth and then length. Her breath seemed to deepen slightly, but whether in dread or pleasure I didn't know. Whichever it was, she kept a tight hold on my cock.

Cheryl's pussy was nice and hot and wet. She was breathing hard and pressing her mound up against my hand while her breasts were being offered up for me to taste. She gave a small wail when my probing touch came too close to her clitoris, twisting about under my touch.

Little whimpering sounds were coming from her mouth when I start edging her legs further apart. I had to ease her hand away from my cock as I moved to position myself between her legs. She stared down at where my cock was now poised, threatening her, shaking her head slowly.

"I didn't say we would do this," she gasped, watching my cock press firmly against her pussy.

"True," I assented, holding myself poised, wanting to take her no matter what she said. "Do you want me to stop or to fuck you?"

"Ah god," she groaned, as my cock started to push her lips apart. "Do it. Fuck me. Oh, god, fuck me hard, please."

It would seem that she was ready and I pushed forward more firmly, feeling her soft flesh yielding to my hardness. She was hot and wet and tight and she felt marvellous. I pushed forward forcefully, making her passage yield to me, driving in up to the hilt, hearing her give a groan of pleasurable relief as I went.

I started slowly moving within her, pushing deep and then withdrawing, only to return with another long slow thrust. I was surprised to find that Cheryl just lay there, letting me do all the work. I paused.

She blinked, staring up at me.

"Why'd you stop," she asked.

"It appears that you're not ready to move with me. I'll wait until you're prepared to push up against me."

She looked a little confused. What the hell kind of lover was she used to?

"Come on," I coaxed. "Lift your hips and push up against me."

Hesitantly she did so, and I pushed firmly against her.

"Now relax," I said, pulling back, "and push."

For a few moments I coaxed her to respond. Her breathing deepened and her actions got firmer, then she was matching me as I took her. Still moving slowly, Cheryl was driving up to meet my lunges, which were still relatively gentle. I kicked it up a notch. Cheryl hesitated and then met me, pushing up harder and faster.

We continued at that pleasurable activity for a while, my hands on her breasts and my mouth covering hers. Wanting even more, I proceeded to kick into overdrive, driving in hard and fast. Cheryl was a live wire beneath me. She bucked frantically to meet me, her mouth wildly clashing with mine, her legs closing around me to help her pull me in while she roughly rubbed her breasts against my hands, her hands clinging to my shoulders.

I bounced against Cheryl, enjoying the movement of her nubile young body against mine. I took her hard and she answered, her cries of enthusiasm being swallowed. (I did not need someone coming to investigate.)

Quite frankly, I was ready to climax from the moment my cock slid into her, and it was a labour of love to prevent my coming too soon. (I loved the way she felt when my cock rasped along her passage.)

It was with a sense of pleasure and relief when I sensed that Cheryl was about to climax. I just relaxed and went for it, driving in for that final run just as hard and as fast as I could.

Cheryl shrieked, with her mouth still plastered to mine, fortunately, and went into a climax that just seemed to set her shaking, spasms seeming to be rippling through her. She was clamped onto me, milking me, and I was happy to let go and let her, each of us clinging to the other.

We lay there afterwards, both of us breathing hard. I recovered first and tidied myself and dressed, then sat back, just enjoying looking at Cheryl's nude figure. Eventually she sat up and looked at me.

She promptly closed her eyes and lay down again.

"Oh my god. I don't believe I just did that," she moaned. "What the hell happened."

"Apart from the fact that we got slightly better acquainted?" I asked.

She opened one eye so that she could give me the evil eye treatment, then closed it again.

"I don't think I can move," she moaned.

I keep a box of wet tissues in the van. It's surprising how often they come in handy. I grabbed a couple and started wiping Cheryl down with them.

"What are you doing," she grumbled, pushing my hands away.

"You're a little sweaty," I told her. "I'm just wiping the sweat off you." And some other assorted fluids but I didn't think it wise to mention them.

"Are you going to get dressed or just lie there tempting me to try again?" I asked.

Her eyes popped open and she grabbed for her bikini, apparently only just remembering that she was naked. Not that that bikini made all that much difference to the degree of nudity. Still, it fitted the legal definition of clothing, I guess.

As we strolled back towards where our things were I could see her wondering how to raise the matter of the hundred dollars. I made it easy for her. I'd seen her on the phone earlier. The phone had a case to protect the screen, so when we reached our things I asked if I could borrow it.

She burrowed through her things and I sent myself a message. At the same time I folded up a couple of fifties and slipped them into the case. It would have been nasty to stiff her on the money, and I could afford it. I stood at an angle that let her see me tuck the money in, but blondie couldn't. Cheryl was embarrassed and I could see she didn't want to take it, but she did need it. She was about to speak up but had the sense to just shut up when I gave her a warning glare.

I relaxed back on my towel and Cheryl did the same on hers. I could hear blondie starting in on Cheryl.

"Where'd you go? You just seemed to vanish. And who's he?"

"Ah, his name's Peter. We just went for a stroll down the beach. Peter was identifying the birds for me."

"Hm. Can't get into much trouble on a public beach, anyway, worse luck. Have you thought of trying to find a decent lover? I assure you that that boyfriend of yours is the pits."

"How would you know?" grumbled Cheryl. "As far as I know you've never actually bedded him. Have you?"

"Haven't and won't," said blondie cheerfully, "but I've heard rumours. So why not tell me what he's like?"

I saw Cheryl flick a glance towards me.

"Let's discuss it some other time. Too many big ears round here."

I blandly smiled at her, relaxing and enjoying the sun. I was new in the area, having just moved into a new unit a few days ago. As far as I was concerned I'd had a good day. I'd made the closer acquaintance of one of my new neighbours and I had her phone number. I wondered how she'd react when she found out where I lived

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Camille tasted bile rising in her throat. Glaring at the man she once trusted with her life, she felt as if the world were spinning out of control. "You heard me," Gerhardt said. "Strip." "You go to hell." She said the words with far more conviction than she felt. There was no way out except through him. The door that he blocked was solid steel and not likely to be opened easily. Still, she had no intention of doing what he demanded of her. "You can either do as I say, or I'll...

3 years ago
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Streetwalking With a Succubus

Cold night. Misty. Steven Shearsmith's breath fogged the air in front of him. He heard the blood pounding through his ears as he pressed close to the rough brick wall on the corner of the street and spied on the scantily-clad girl. She wore a short jacket of stripy brown fur that seemed two sizes too small for her. It didn't even reach her midriff and couldn't have provided much benefit against the chill night air. That wasn't really the point. The jacket was open at the front and the...

1 year ago
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Sex with Lady Train Tt

Hi. How are you readers? Hope you are enjoying most of the stories over here. I hope you do enjoy reading this true incident of mine. This is one of the experience which happened very recently while traveling from Mumbai to Bangalore in Udyaan Express.I’m a software employee, working for an MNC in Bangalore. I had to go to Mumbai for some personal work. After completing all my work in Mumbai, I had the train the next morning from Mumbai. I slept early as I had to wake up early the next day....

2 years ago
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Carla the Love Pet

When I was about 25, I had a friend who owned a large pet store. I’ve always been an animal lover, so I found myself hanging around the store quite a bit, helping out occasionally. My friend sold an amazing variety of animals, not just the usual dogs, cats and fish. There were rabbits, ferrets, hedgehogs, armadillos, large exotic birds. There were also a lot of things that I never understood why anyone would want for a pet, like snakes, tarantulas, and giant centipedes. And there was a single...

1 year ago
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First time sharing my sub part II

This time it is late, when the two of us come back from the party, our second visit after our session in the cabin.We walk hand in hand, stopping to kiss before we start crossing the yard. Her mouth tastes like lubricant and cum. Mine, this time. I feel myself stir again, despite the two previous orgasms. I am hungry to take her, or to reclaim her, to be more precise. The cabin feels very warm after the cool night air as we enter, and the bag I carried makes a noise as I drop it. We barely...

3 years ago
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Teresas Torture

              This is about the strange incident which began Mum's continued cuckoldry. I'd like to write and tell you the story of her experience, which will be mentioned in our other stories. This is when she originally committed adultery to my Dad, by selling herself sexually, in the 80's. It centres around a certain underground film that was made. I can describe it, now I've seen it, and I'd like to tell you all about it. When I was just 18, Dad was in heavy debt through his own...

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Siara My first0

A little info about myself, I am 5ft 11 weigh around 170 lbs I have dark brown hair and green eyes. I had just started college, I had just broken off from my high school girl friend and was looking to score some chicks in college, but as luck would have turned out it was going to be the otherway around. It was my first day in college and I was standing in front of my class waiting for the lecturer to come, I was looking for someone that I may know from High School or anyone to pass the...

1 year ago
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It’s hot, it’s warm, and it’s wet. Step into the golden shower with me and take a dive into the wild, wet world of piss porn. Don’t like it? Good, you can fuck off back to your boring ass vanilla porn. This is content for those out who dare to do something different. To follow the untrodden path. To walk the yellow brick road. Whether you love pissing on others, getting pissed on, drinking it, or are just curious to find out the truth about “squirting,” then you’ll find something to love at the...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
2 years ago
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Mother Wants You

I can't get you out of my head. For many months now, all I'm thinking about is you. All I'm fantasizing about is you. I help you prepare for college, I cook you dinner, I take care of you when you get sick, but all I'm thinking about is getting your teenage boy cock into my craving pussy. I don't know how it got to be this way. I guess one day I watched you splashing around in our swimming pool, and, maybe, at first, I thought "I'd love to have that hot body on top of me" and then I thought...

1 year ago
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A Girl in the Library

I didn't mean to be locked up in the library that night. It was the night before a major essay was due to be handed in, and the only books available to provide the answers were the kind you couldn't check out of the building. Fair enough, I shouldn't have left it so late, but I was fairly confident I could dash off the 1,000 words required within a few hours. So when I turned up at seven-ish, fresh from a post-football practice shower, I wasn't even rushed. And okay, call me a sports jock if...

2 years ago
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My First Time with Amanda Bynes

My name is Kenny Rourke and the story that I'm now writing had started on the Thrid day of April,when my mom and dad had dragged me over to Hollywood,California to spend the day with my TV star cousin,Amanda Bynes and her family.Now,I hope that you're not getting the wrong idea about me and my cousin,because at first,I've thought of her as a little sister and nothing else,but that was before we had arrived at the Bynes residence.After we had pulled up into the driveway and got ourselves out of...

2 years ago
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Now This Wont Hurt A BitChapter 36

Cassie felt her chest tighten as the limo pulled into the school parking lot. Harry made no move to get out of the car to escort her when she and Diane proceeded towards the entrance. Cassie glanced back behind her, almost wishing that Harry would deem that she needed an escort this time. She sighed. She was only fooling herself on that score. Like everyone else, he would trust the school. There was nothing to fear here, in his eyes. At the top of the steps, Cassie stepped in front of Diane...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Karla Kush Kiara Cole Quiet In The Library

School librarian Karla Kush is putting books back on the shelf when she hears a loud sound. She rounds a corner to see what the noise was. Her eyes widen in shock and outrage when she sees Kiara Cole, who is masturbating loudly and talking dirty into her cell phone. Karla tells Kiara that she can’t masturbate in the library as Kiara hangs up her phone. This is the FOURTH time Karla has caught Kiara doing this, adding that Kiara is 19, far too old to be doing this kind of thing! Karla has...

3 years ago
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My Pregnant Neighbour

I was a single male in my late fourties, who has a really good job and therefore really hardly any time for relationships. I live in an apartment in a city and recently I got new neighbours. They were couple in their mid-thirties and they politely introduced themselves to me. He was a businessman named Andrew, she was a housewife called Paula, who was pregnant with their first child. They seemed friendly enough folks, but I didn’t pay much attention to them. I like to be by myself and usually...

3 years ago
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Gold MountainChapter 22

Reams of Evidence; Hours of Testimony Adams was moved to a safe house for his protection. The attack and thwarted bomb attempt convinced the county authorities to approve an emergency supplement to Sheriff Johnson’s budget. They also approved overtime for a rotating shift of deputies to guard Adams and the house against further attack attempts. “He’s a true believer now,” Justin told Abner, Graydon and Mike. “He knows that his best chance to stay alive lies with us. He’s hoping that he’ll...

3 years ago
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Sweet Talk Ch 045

As she waited for the guys to finish talking, Anna absently watched a group of kids horse around in the pool. They seemed to have formed two groups, while she observed them, one little boy, a chubby redhead, let out a hilariously sincere war yell and went on a splashing rampage that would’ve made Jason proud at that age. Then again, she thought, glancing down at her newly sodden dress, Jason hadn’t exactly outgrown pool-side pranks. She made a face and tugged discreetly at the neckline since...

1 year ago
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Liam and Hannah Part 1

They sat in the university’s couch lounge, happily cuddled up, his arm around her back and her legs across his lap. Liam watched Hannah as she babbled on about her dreams of volunteering around the world, becoming an international lawyer, and eventually settling down and starting a family. He vaguely wondered how he’d gotten so lucky, finding her of all other people, this sweet innocent girl who really just wanted to help those around her and make herself available to those who needed her....

4 years ago
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My Body Stretched on Tip Toe

My body was stretched on tip toe, in my 541 dollar leather merciless heels. My wrists, becoming tingly and deeper pink reminded me of what he was going to do to me tonight. I heard the leather roughly hiss through the loops in his trousers, like a snake on the charge for hard won prey. I felt the air shift as his breath drew in and his hand swung the tongue that would taste my flesh for the next hour. Repeatedly, slices of humanity were branded into my flesh, striping my breasts, thighs, belly,...

1 year ago
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Hentai Videos, once the exclusive domain of virgin neckbeards and obsessive weeaboos, have become practically mainstream over the years. I chalk it up in part to a steady diet of Japanese imports like Dragon Ball and Naruto, conditioning Western youth to popping boners while watching big-eyed cartoons. The distinctive Asian animated smut is so popular you can find it on any of the major porn tubes, but true fans of the genre seek out a stronger fix from free sites that focus on pornographic...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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MomPOV Adeline Ex pro Bass fisher MILF E432

– 43 years old – Is a mother of 3 with twin 17yr old daughters – Was married for 10 years and is recently divorced and single – Ex professional Bass fisher that was sponsored for about 7 years – She has 2 fuck buddy boy toys that she sleeps with and they are friends – Loves watching porn and has always fantasized about the thought of doing one – Secretly has a lesbian affair with her cousins wife while he was in another room – Loves anal sex and has a bucket list of 2 guys at once and getting...

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Laura and the Masseuse

Laura threw her keys and mail on the hallway table. It was another rough day at work. Nothing like deadlines and the boss breathing down your neck. Upon taking her shoes off she glanced in the mirror, her long strawberry blond hair was out of place and messy, not to mention that her eyeliner was smudged around her gray/blue eyes, she never had the time at work to “primp,” as she called it. At least she was home now. Laura grabbed the local paper from the mail pile and read the headline news....

2 years ago
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Innocence Lost PART ONE

Everyone's first time was either great or horrible. Mine was neither.  I It was just a week before Highschool and I had been talking to a guy I had a crush with in Middle School on IM. He was the ladies' man type of guy. He was muscular, adorable and smart. He went out with numerous girls in Middle School, and I was just the type who could only dream of having a boyfriend. Anyways, I blushed everytime we talked, and I had always waited for him to go online. Finally, after hours and hours of...

First Time
3 years ago
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Witch Bone and the Mongol Queen

A note from the author: As someone who thinks about erotica for a large portion of his waking day, my biggest complaint on the subject is that in a lot of short stories the characters rarely earn the fuck the author describes in blow-by-blow detail. I’m all for anal fisting in the dirtiest bathroom in Scotland, I just want to feel some connection with the characters if the writer wants me to go along with the ride. That’s why I enjoy historical fiction, it tends to anchor the wish-fulfillment...

2 years ago
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The Return Trip

The Return Trip He went to the airport to pick her up wondering if it would be like before. The last time she came to visit they never made it out of the parking lot before she had drained him dry with an awesome cum swallowing blowjob. He was surprised that she did it, and that she actually swallowed all the cum he had to offer her. It had been so long since he had been with someone who would do that. She just licked her lips, smiled and said “ Ok we can go now.” They had been friends...

3 years ago
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My Virginity Lost To My Aunt

Let me introduce myself.I am Shibli studying in +2.From earlier days itself I was staying in my grandpa’s home when ever I got vacations.Because I love that place.My grandpa has two wife one my grandma and other.Its happened with his 2nd wife’s daughter(my aunt).The story happened during my vacation at her house.My aunt’s husband left her 6 months after marriage.She was 27 when it happened.I used admire at her boobs and cleavage. She never noticed me.I used to masturbate thing of her.She was...

3 years ago
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A Question of Time Ch 03

Maggie wasn’t thinking about anything. Friends, work, stress, worries, cares, troubles, fears, all of them gone. She just listened to the soft, emotionless voice, and watched the landscape as it drifted past. She felt numb inside, detached from her surroundings…nothing felt real anymore, and although she heard the voice speaking to her, she didn’t react at all. It was all just too big to take in. She’d trusted this man with her life, with her mind, with her soul, and to find this out… She...

4 years ago
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The Tree House Book 2Chapter 18

I settled next to Lindie after we'd had sex, needing twice a change of Trojans. We'd kept a damp washcloth and hand towel nearby to clean up with so we would not have to get out of bed to freshen up. As she cleaned me off one more time, I laughed and said to her, "You owe me one." "Fine with me," she answered and as I moved to spoon tightly against her, my arms wrapped firmly around her. They were crossed in front of her, with my hands on her opposite breasts. She hummed when I kissed...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 121

Josh and Jackie were totally amazed when they drove the pickup into Warsaw about 1:30 in the morning. They'd expected lights on in the fire station, and maybe Fred Linder to be hanging around, but there were people lining the street, and the fire station was full, with all the trucks sitting out in the snow. In front of the building, stretched across the street, was a banner, reading "WELCOME MUSHERS" handlettered on it, with a fire truck light playing on it to make sure it could be...

1 year ago
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Weekend Daughter

Weekend Daughter By Pamela ([email protected]) My mother, may she rest in peace, was a very beautiful woman. She had done some modeling and been in some theater productions and even a couple of movies, but then she decided she wanted a quieter life. She met and married my dad and had me, Greg, a son. Unfortunately, my dad was a philanderer and when I was about 5 he left to never be heard from again. Though, many years later, I did receive a small inheritance from him after he...

3 years ago
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My Sisters My Mother

My mom and sisters. Hi my name is Tom and I would like to narrate my story, actually it is not mine but on my twin sister Beth. My sister is amazing, a brunette with light brown eyes. And has the body of an athlete accentuated with girly curves. How I know this? because she used to masturbate in front of me. Don't be shocked, it was all her idea; at twelve she confessed her lesbianism. I was shocked but after all it is her life. Things sure changed at that point, she borrowed my nude girl...

4 years ago
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Busting a NutChapter 7

After the ceremony was completed, and the crowd had dispersed back into the mansion to work off the intense erotic tension generated by the elaborate rituals they had witness, the prisoner was slowly lowered the ground onto a stretcher, and toted to the recovery room. He may have been conscious, but the ordeal he had suffered had drained all resistance from his body, so restraints were unnecessary. Dr. Orchimedes tended to his maimed scrotum. The experienced surgeon was surprised at how long...

3 years ago
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Step Daughter

Fictional story.I had married young and with regret and left my first wife after 2 years of nothing but arguments and hatred, we got divorced and went our separate ways. I then met a lady about a year later and a few years older than myself, this didn't bother me as we had a good few things in common, she had a daughter from her a relationship and as soon as he found out she was pregnant he left her, leaving her to bring up her on her own.Cheryl was a nice young lady of 19yrs old nothing really...

1 year ago
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My Lovely Daughter Leia Part 2 Pseudo Wedding Night

Leia walked out of the hotel, holding my arm as I pushed the stroller. I could only thank my lucky stars, because I felt deeply tied to my daughter. We had been through a lot and now everything was coming up roses. We asked the concierge about a nice place to walk to for lunch and he directed us to a little café’ several blocks away from the Dorchester. We sat and ate a small lunch, feeding the boys bits of apple and oranges. We were talking about different things and it seemed to me, we...

1 year ago
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Copyright© 10/31/2002 She reached over and turned out the light. Another night alone. Since his death she had found succor in time by herself. Sleep being her best release. She could still smell him in the bed clothes, still feel him in her sleep. They were so much of a couple, one came with the other. A kind of matched set. Her friends were worried about her. It had been a while since his death and she showed no signs of "coming out of it", and beginning her life without him. And yet she...

3 years ago
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Sayna 8211 The Beginning

Hello dosto m sheggy delhi s belong rakhta hu.Agar mjse dosti karna chahte h to () Par mje msg kar sakte h aur mjse mra whatsaap no.Mang sakte h. Likhe ka shaunk h to sb kch likhta hu jse ki y sex story ki ek series jiska main charactr sayna nam ki ladki h aur y charactr savita bhabhi s inspired h. To lets start.. Knok knok Sameer- didi utho aur jake dudh lelo dudh wala agaya h. Sayna (main charactr)- han thik h jati hu. Aur sayna uth kar chal dti h… (sayna ek 20 sal ki cute si ladki h jiski...

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