Peking 1900 Ch. 03 free porn video

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Jack could feel her warmth as she moved against her. He moved his hand from the small of her back to the soft curve of her ass. She slid her hand lower along his stomach. He responded to Kate’s touch.

‘I see you are an early riser,’ she said.

Jack opened his eyes to see Madame de Montespan straddling him and beginning to move her hips.

Major John Percival had meet Madame at one of the frequent dinners he attended while in London. He was now the Ass’t. Naval attaché at the American Embassy and besides the important work he did there, he found time for other things. Standing just over 6 feet with blue eyes and a fine build, Jack was in demand at all the fine dinners around town.

This latest one was given by England’s opposite party leader but was attended by many of the current government’s cabinet members. Jack was there with the US ambassador and acted as an extra set of eyes and ears for him. Representatives from the French Embassy were also there and with Jack being completely at ease with their language he was able to converse freely with them.

At this moment there were serious problems in Morocco. A recent agreement between England and France had given the French control of Morocco and Germany objected to it. The Kaiser had threatened war over it and attempted to bully the French. The US wanted to be a part of conference if one was going to held but needed information on which way things were going. Jack was part of the solution.

He was also good friends with an important member of the British foreign department. Michael Smyth-Beddoes survived his wound he suffered in China and had returned home to be elected to Parliament. Michael was a rising star in British politics and Jack knew it.

As a result of his wound, Michael had to walk using a cane. The doctors did what they could and managed to save the leg. The result was it was now 2 inches shorter and it meant the end of his time in Royal Marines.

‘So Michael, any news on Morocco?’ Jack asked.

‘Not much movement yet,’ Michael replied taking a swallow of his drink. ‘We are going to back France though and the Navy has been put on alert.’

‘That’s new. Of course it hasn’t been announced yet.’ Jack knew how diplomacy worked. There had been no formal announcement yet but Germany knew about it. ‘Any ideas floating around?’

‘We’re hoping someone proposes a conference, neutral country maybe?’

‘I see,’ Jack nodded. ‘How is Caroline?’

Caroline Clarkson was Michael’s wife. It was her picture he carried in China and showed Jack. She was a handsome woman, just right for a MP on the rise. Jack was a little jealous of Michael to have such a woman to love. He was sure he missed his only chance for love.

‘She’s fine. I don’t get home very much any more especially with this going on. You are coming this weekend?’

‘Wouldn’t miss it,’ Jack replied.

‘Good. I’ll see you there. I must go talk to Winston right now. Take care.’

Jack was a little puzzled at the way Michael spoke of Caroline. In China, Michael would use any opportunity to talk about her. He couldn’t say enough. Now this time and the time before, he was short and abrupt. Jack couldn’t help but wonder.

For the rest of the evening Jack mingled. He talked to many people and also listened in on many conversations. At dinner he was seated next to Madame de Montespan, wife of the French foreign minister who was here. Madame was almost forty and full figured. She had a delightful sense of humor and loved the fact she could talk to Jack in French. She had a very good understanding of politics and knew many things. She also knew all the latest gossip.

‘So Major, I understand you were at siege of Peking,’ she asked.

‘Yes, I was. It was a rough time for all,’ he answered.

Madame leaned closer and brushed against him. He could smell her perfume. ‘Is that where you earned the name ‘ Mad Jack ‘?’

Jack stammered. ‘Yes I’m afraid that true.’

Madame moved closer and rested her hand on his thigh. ‘Do not be ashamed. I heard that you were involved in many things and were very daring. There is a time when we all should go a little crazy. Don’t you agree?’

The Madame stayed close throughout the rest of the evening and even though they both knew where the night was leading, the sparring and maneuvering was fun.

Making love with Madame was fun too. Both she and Jack understood that there were no strings attached so they were able to enjoy each other to the fullest. He found out that she was insatiable also and never needed to rest. Not that he minded.

As they lay together recovering from their morning passion, she said, ‘ Jack, you were fantastic and I’m not just saying it. It has been a long time since I enjoyed making love this much. But all good things must end.’ With that she kissed him and rose from the bed. Walking away she said over her shoulder, ‘You can see your way out.’

Jack entered his apartment in Grosvenor Square and headed up stairs. He needed some sleep but also some breakfast. He just didn’t know what he needed most.

His valet, Johnson, followed him upstairs. ‘A rough night, sir?’

Jack gave him a glare. ‘A cup of coffee, black with sugar. I’m going to bed.’

‘Yes, sir,’ Johnson replied but didn’t go.

‘Now what, Johnson?’ Jack was losing his patience.

‘I would just remind you that you have a meeting at the Embassy in one hour. That should give you enough time to clean up. I laid out your other uniform for you.’

‘Damn,’ he said under his breath. ‘Yes. Thank you, Johnson. I still want the coffee.’

The meeting went fine. All the important members of the delegation were there. Jack was able to tell the ambassador about the naval alert. The ambassador was unaware of it but had heard about the request for a conference. The alert made the need for one more urgent and he planned to cable President Roosevelt right away.

‘May I ask where you got your information, Major Percival? I assume your sources are good,’ the ambassador asked.

‘A gentleman never reveals sources, sir.’ Jack smiled. He thought it better to leave as much to their imagination as possible.

‘Hrrmph. Yes, yes.’ The ambassador coughed. ‘Very well, that is all. I will see you all Monday, bright and early.’ It seemed he directed that last statement towards Jack.

Jack took the afternoon train out of King’s Cross Station as he headed north towards Michael and Caroline’s home. He was going to take the opportunity to catch up on his sleep. He also was going to do some reflecting.

As far as his decision to join the Marine Corps, Jack had no regrets. He was going to blaze his own course without the influence of his father and he had. He was well known outside the Corps by important people and he found his opinion mattered to them. He was the youngest major in the Corps and was definitely going places.

His father had been won over and after Jack returned from Peking, he visited the family home on the Chesapeake. It was a little uncomfortable at first but by the time the visit ended, it as if nothing had occurred to cause the split. Jack felt his father was pleased that he had acquired a nickname, a good fighting name.

Jack felt he owed it to his stepmother for the ease in which the meeting went. Calmly she worked on the old sailor and brought him around. Jack also told her everything that happened between Kate and him. She gave him as much advice as she could. She tried to get him to understand that he felt awful about being unable to follow through on his love but he would get over it in time. But she was wrong. He could never forget Kate. He felt her locket against his skin under his shirt.

Upon his arrival in Chesterford, he hitched a ride out to his good friends’ home. Their home was somewhat large and Michael’s family came from old money. Caroline’s family was what one would call ‘new money’ as h
er father made it from the railroad. The home seemed just large enough.

Caroline greeted him at the door. ‘Jack, it is so good to see you. I thought you might not be able to make it.’

‘I wouldn’t miss a chance to see you,’ Jack laughed. There was more truth behind the statement that he cared to admit.

Even though he had seen her picture it seemed like a thousand times in China, it wasn’t until he met her at the wedding that he realized what a women she was.. She was physically the opposite of Kate with auburn hair, green eyes, and a petite frame but she has the same zest for life Kate had. She made the time spent with her enjoyable. And it seemed the past year and a half Jack was spending a lot of time with her.

At first it was the three of them attending the theater or symphony. Many times Jack brought another women or Caroline brought one for him. But the last 6 months Michael claimed he was too busy and instead of letting Caroline miss these occasions, he urged Jack to take her. It was becoming a regular thing. No one gave a second look as it was common practice in popular society at the time. The King did it regularly with his lady friends.

‘Is Michael here?’

‘No. He is taking the night train. He said the crisis is moving quickly and he must do some work on it.’ Caroline shrugged her shoulders.

Jack stopped. ‘Then perhaps I should leave until he arrives.’

‘Jack Percival, you will do no such thing!’ Caroline slid her arm through his. ‘Besides I need to talk with you about something.’ She lowered her voice.

They headed towards the garden. Jack waited for Caroline to talk. When she began she looked straight ahead. ‘I don’t know where to start. Michael has changed.’

‘In what way,’ Jack asked.

‘He is totally involved in his work. He always has an excuse why he can’t be home or with me.’

Jack tried to be diplomatic. ‘He has a very important job and I’m sure he has good intentions.’

‘Jack,’ she said turning to him, ‘He is drinking quite a lot. I think his leg is paining him but he won’t let me know. When I ask him, he brushes me off.’

‘Caroline,’ Jack said placing his hands on her shoulders. ‘He is trying to be strong. He loves you.’

‘Really?’ She spun away from him. She turned back with tears in eyes. ‘If that is true then why hasn’t he touched me in almost a year? Why then?’

Jack was struck dumb by her statement. He didn’t know what to say or do but what he did next seemed right. He put his arms around her and held her close. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said.

Caroline buried her face into his chest. She put her arms around him and held tight. It felt so good to feel his strong arms around her. She tried to mold her body into his.

Their embrace lasted longer than it should have considering their relationship. As they parted, both realized it too. They stood looking at each other, understanding they had crossed the line and things might not be the same again. They stared at each other for a moment.

‘I better go, Caroline.’

‘No! Jack. It will be alright.’ Caroline pleaded with him.

Jack looked at her and smiled. He couldn’t go. ‘All right.’

The rest of the evening past slowly as the two of them tried to keep a distance between themselves. They talked about the week’s events, the weather, everything but each other as they awaited Michael’s arrival. As it became late, Caroline went upstairs to bed. Jack stayed up hoping to have a word with Michael but when he arrived, Michael reeked of cheap booze. Jack knew now wasn’t the time but tomorrow would be.

Jack had a very restless sleep as the events of the day preyed on his mind. The embrace in the garden had so many meanings. Each one bothered him. She was right. Michael had changed and it was obvious. Most of all he felt he was betraying his best friend and Caroline too. She needed his support not his lust. What would tomorrow bring?

It started at breakfast with Michael’s announcement. ‘I won’t be here for the dinner tonight. I’m needed back in London.’

‘Please Michael, you promised,’ Caroline said putting her fork down. ‘Surely they can miss you for one day. The dinner was your idea.’

‘Look, some things are more important than a dinner,’ Michael’s voice began to rise. ‘I’m sure you can manage.’

‘What do you mean by that?’

‘Jack can take my place.’ He turned to Jack. ‘You would like that, wouldn’t you?’

Jack threw his napkin down. He could feel the anger rising in his face. Rising up to his full height, he said, ‘Michael, we need to talk, now. The study, perhaps?’

‘I agree and it is over due.’

The two excused themselves and headed to the study. Jack shut the doors and Michael limped over to where the brandy was. He poured himself a glass. ‘Drink, Jack?’

‘It’s a little early, don’t you think?’

‘Not really. Now, what’s on your mind?’

‘All right. Are you out of your mind? Why are you treating Caroline like this? She is your wife, for God’s sake!’

‘Yes, she is and I’ll treat her any way that pleases me. What business is it of yours?’ He took a big swallow

‘I’m your friend and her’s too. When we in China, you worshipped her. What happen?’

‘Oh yes China.’ Michael waved his hand. ‘Well, that was long time ago, my friend.’ He suddenly threw his glass on the floor. ‘You saved my life and became a hero. ‘Mad Jack’ Percival! I was left with a leg that is two inches shorter. No good to any one. I found out what I’m good at and I don’t need her or anyone. I’m going places.’

Jack was confused by Michael’s talk and what he was trying to say. ‘Listen to yourself. She wants to be with you, at your side, to see you succeed. She married you for who you are.’

‘Coming from the man who believes in the purity of marriage,’ Michael’s voice dripping with sarcasm. ‘The man who has sullied many a married bed. Madame de Mountespan being your latest conquest. How many are there, Jack? Of course, you loved the Baroness. Any others?’

Jack moved closer. His fists were clenched and he knew that he might strike Michael. He needed to stop him.

‘Oh and there is one more,’ Michael smiled an evil smile. ‘The lovely Mrs. Smyth-Beddoes. Is she as good as the Baroness?’

At that Jack lost control and struck Michael in the face. Losing his balance,Michael staggered and fell to the floor.

‘How American of you,’ Michael said wiping a trickle of blood from his mouth.

Immediately Jack moved to help him but Michael pushed him away.

‘Leave me alone,’ he said struggling to his feet. ‘I should ask you to leave but since it is I who is leaving, I won’t. Our friendship is over, Percival. What we once had is finished. I request that if we meet again, it will only be in our line of work. Stay here as long as you want and take anything you need. I bid you, adieu.’ With that, Michael left the room.

Jack needed that drink now.

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Hi friends i am going to narrate a wild buy true story which happened 7 years back in my life. at that time i was 23 years old having good atheletic body with 5.9 height. it was winter of 2004 when i fell in love with a girl name supriya maitra, but being introvert i nver tried to approach her. one day i got chance to talk to her and from there things moved slowly. By the time winter comes to an end we were in deep love , doing phone sex dating and having great fun togather. on 25th march 2005...

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My name is Jason Jones and this is a story that happened last week. I was at a local university interviewing for a doctoral program. The woman interviewing me, Dr. Lane, was nice and she seemed smart, but she was pretty boring. When I walked into her office, I saw that Dr. Lane was good looking, not super hot, but you could tell that she had been a looker earlier in her life. She was wearing a red suit jacket with black pants and her light brown hair was up in a bun, kind of like a librarian....

1 year ago
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Presenting Charlene

Charlene's father had finally allowed her to date. I was a senior in her high school and had been trying to get Charlene to go out with me, but until her sixteenth birthday, Charlene's father wouldn't permit it. She and I started dating the day after her birthday, and for the next several months we were an item. We weren't actually doing it - she had vowed to keep her virginity, at least, until after she graduated - but she sure wasn't frigid either. In fact, for a high school junior, she was...

2 years ago
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Madeleine Ch 06

June, 1917 Paris, France It was on a warm late spring morning that I arrived in my office to be greeted with a summons to the ambassador’s office. When I arrived, I stopped short, for Mr. Stark had a visitor, someone I knew well, and for whom I had decidedly mixed feelings. Gen. John James Pershing was seated in a chair across from the ambassador’s desk, and he rose when I entered the office. ‘Sergeant Guidry,’ he said as he offered his hand in greeting, using the rank to which I had risen...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 981

British News Bits ___ From the Churchdown Parish Magazine: ___ ‘Would the Congregation please note that the bowl at the back of the Church labeled “For The Sick”, is for monetary donations only.’ ___ From The Guardian concerning a sign seen in a Police canteen in Christchurch, New Zealand: ___ ‘Will the person who took a slice of cake from the Commissioner’s Office return it immediately. It is needed as evidence in a poisoning case.’ ___ From The Times: ___ ‘A young girl, who was blown out...

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Falling In Love

My name is Katherine Danes and I knew very well I was a lesbian the moment I laid eyes on her: Sylvia Jules. The most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. She wasn’t feminine whatsoever. She burped, farted, wore men’s clothes and had short cropped brown hair also like a boy. But I knew she was a girl by her big blues eyes and dimple in her left cheek when she smiled. My heart would literally pound whenever I saw her. I first met Sylvia backstage after her performance as buttons in...

2 years ago
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Cucks in TV Shows and Movies

Welcome to a story about your favorite or least favorite character being cucked. You can expect all kinds of cuckold stories. Do you like comedies like the big bang theory, friends, or how I met your mother? If so, you can expect to see Penny cucking Leonard with one of his friends or all of his friends or her hooking up with a pass beau. Or Lily cucking her lovely marshmallow with the player himself, Barney. Or Rachel cucking the loser Ross with Joey, Chandler, or a different set of these...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 49

Ken and Sensei were sitting across from each other in seiza position. The advanced students would be here in a half hour or so, but at the moment, the two were alone in the dojo "What alerted you to their presence?" asked Sensei. "Not sure," said Ken. "I was kind of on alert anyway -- it isn't the best of neighborhoods. Even so, the guy was pretty close to me by the time I realized he was there. It would have been nice to have noticed sooner." Sensei shrugged. "You had all the...

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Colin and Mac

Sitting in a cold room agonizing over the exact curvature of his lips, should they be more angular and hard or more giving and soft?   His eyes should be a piercing blue that could cause a woman to lose her very thoughts.   His body should be hard yet soft enough to give when she curled up next to his heat on a cold wintry night like tonight.               Macayla, Mac to all her friends, sat pondering the image in her head.   She could see him perfectly, as she had always been able to do...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 96

The reunion home with the kids was special and heartwarming. They were growing like we were feeding them fertilizer. They were as glad to see us as we were them. We spent a couple hours in the office going over Black and Bear’s Middle East trip. They had three possible locations for bases for the fast boats. Two of them had small dry docks and fueling equipment. The other one would need work - nothing new for anything we did anymore, it seemed. In the end it would still take another port....

2 years ago
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My Master Fantasy Part 2

Once again I invite any females who would like to make this a reality!The knife blade is tight against your throat, and small beads of sweat are beginning to form on your temples. I trace around your neck with the blade - not breaking the skin but still leaving a mark."Cut me Master" you whisper "Leave your mark""When i'm good an ready........and who gave you permission to speak!"My grasp on your long black hair tightens and i force you to your knees. Pulling your hair back you open your mouth...

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Laura my friendly neighbor part 2

As an 11 year old girl, I met an older neighbor in the swimming pool of our apartment building. I went back to her apartment with her and she fingered me to my first orgasm. Continuing... After that first session with Laura I couldn't get enough. I would make any and every excuse to see Laura, usually at the pool in the apartment building, but sometimes I would just go straight over to her apartment and knock on the door after she got home from work. Over those next few weeks we...

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It was hard not to let the client see the nausea inducing fear that I felt at that moment as the courier interrupted our meeting to handed me the small pink envelope. I didn’t even need to open it right away, I just tucked it into my desk drawer and tried to keep my focus on the details of Mr. Robinson’s proposed business loan. I told him we would need to review his proposition in order to get the loan approved and would get in touch with him soon, but in reality I just wanted to get him out...

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Cheryl goes hunting in the Porn Theater

Cheryl calls the shotsCheryl finished her showering and was dressing for the evening as I had a scotch/rocks while waiting downstairs. A cool spring breeze blew through the townhouse with the sun setting and an orange-red glow off the clouds.Cheryl came down the stairs in a new outfit, a sheer black and blue trimmed blouse, a black skirt, black hose and high heels.“Nice new outfit, honey, very sexy,” I said as I fondled her left tit as she stood close to me.“I would like a little change tonight...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Aryana Amatista Putting The Clients First

Chuck and his partners haven’t been too happy with their employee Aryana Amitista’s performance. While her colleagues close sales within two or three months, it has been taking her nearly half a year! Aryana explains that this is because she puts the client first, not the profits, and though this may come off as soft, Chuck realizes the benefits of her business strategy. Aryana tells Chuck she can show him how naughty she can be, and opens her blouse to reveal her big fake boobs!...

4 years ago
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Fuck in kar

Hi to all iss readers. Well I m 30 yrs old from Jalandhar city I m married n looking for sum fun. Well I tell u bout my real incident that happened to me almost 5 yrs ago. I used to have gf. Her name was richa her stats was 36-26-38. She was a beauty she was hot n wild. She was 19 than.Bout the incident, it was her birthday n we planned a party in afternoon. I invited all my ferns n hers too n we had gala time celebrating her birthday. We took a little time off from the party n smooched each...

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The Babysitter

So, me and my wife Kate had been happily married a couple of years when she announced one day she was pregnant, and naturally we were both really excited about becoming parents.However Kate had been brought up in a fairly conservative family, and despite the doctor assuring her that sex was okay during pregnancy, she didn't seem keen at all, and suddenly I found myself cut off until further notice.Now I love my wife, and the fact she was carrying our baby made me love her even more, so I...

1 year ago
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Jill My Sexy Lactating Secretary

The perks of being the boss are everybody listens to you. The fun part about being a boss is all the secretaries who suck at their jobs offer their bodies for trade. Not a bad place to be in. Over the years, I have had sex with several of my secretarial staff. The funny thing is, they all know that so and so is banging the boss. All the little nymphs are in competition to woo the boss to like them. I’ve had my share of little sluts. I’ve had the kind of secretaries that wear very revealing...

2 years ago
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Hot Daughter Hotter MomChapter 8

After that first time, Lisa couldn't seem to get enough of Earl's huge cock. With his wife out of town, she slipped over for the next three evenings and he always fucked her into a screaming frenzy. Because Lisa didn't have to work on Saturdays, Earl dropped over to her house about ten in the morning. "Hi, honey," she beamed, giving him a hot wet kiss when she answered the door. "What do you have in mind?" "Fucking," he grinned. "Welcome," laughed Lisa. "My son is gone for the...

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Looking Through the LensChapter 16 Fool in the Rain

Heather is coming for dinner! When I told Melissa the next morning, she wasn’t surprised. “I know just what to make!” was the very first thing she said. I wondered if Lara had been gossiping, since my mom seemed to be making more of a deal about it than when Julie came over to eat. Then again, Julie had been eating with us for as long as I could remember, ever since we started coming to Montauk. So when I was together with Julie, it didn’t really change anything. But this was different....

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IncomingChapter 9

Carol called at eleven saying she was heading back and would arrive in about half an hour. “Would you like to stay, Lane?” Doug asked as he disconnected from his call. “I think I’ll go, Doug, as wonderful as it would be.” She smiled at him, holding his hand in hers. “I do want to stay, but I think I’ll wait. I want to make love to you and sleep by your side, but it won’t be until the doctors say you are okay again,” Doug wanted to protest, to say that he was fine, and he was capable, but...

3 years ago
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The Lady in BlueChapter 16 Fighting back

After we finished eating and putting the house back in order, we stepped out the back door. Hawk took one of my mom's light jackets to cover her shoulder holster. "I think we need to stick together," Hawk said. "They know who we are and have shown no hesitation at trying to kill us - publicly. Now we have your boss after us, too, Lisa. We have two threads to pull on. Him and the mysterious bomber. Since we know him, I think we should start there. The guy that stole the bomb equipment...

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Mia Martin Again

For a description of Mia and Martin and the formation of our relationship please see Mia & Martin – Party of the Yearand Mia & Martin – Beat the Clock.My name is Martin, I'm 35 years old and have recently found myself with a great deal of time on my hands. I thought I would reminisce about life during my sophomore year in university. While this story is true, certain details have been changed or left obscure to avoid identifying anyone involved.It was the fall of 2005. Mia and I were 20...

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Mother and Son

Mother and Son Peta Wilson The boy and his mother were working alongside one another as they often did. When it came to housework they thought of themselves as a team. She had encouraged their special relationship over the years. When he was younger he had been "Mommy's Little Helper" but at twelve he had grown into the second team member. And there were just the two of them. She had divorced the boy's father many years ago and once she had recovered from the shock...

4 years ago
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English ButlerChapter 4

Lady C (Dolly) whispered to Lady Dorran (Denise), "Oh, My. The last time I saw her she weighted 80 pounds, had missing teeth and was eight years old. I can't believe what six years has done for her." They were standing on the porch as Dolly's distant relatives were escorting their daughter up the steps. I was still holding the carriage door and not knowing quite what to make of the procession. All I could think of was that was a stunning little girl with real class. I, of course, had...

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My First encounter with Hannah Part 2

Hannah and I just had our first time sex on the beach and we were heading back to my house for the evening and possibly the night, if all things go well. We were walking back to my car holding hands and with huge smiles on our faces, I know I still had some of her pussy juices on my face drying, but I didn’t care because I love the taste and smell of her. Hannah’s pussy smelt like sweets of my favorite kind, strawberries. We got to my car and jumped in and I started driving home. I looked over...

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Masti continued from bus to home

To jaisa ki maine apni peechli story me likha tha ki us sexy lady sarita aur maine bus me kitni masti ki thhi. Bt usne mujhe apna address & no. Dene se mana kar diya tha but mera number usne le liya tha or kaha tha ki jab mauka milega tab wo call kar legi. To us raat ke theek 3 din baad uska phone aaya. Din tha Wednesday aur time tha 9 am. Mere cell ki ghanti bhaji….maine phone utthaya to ek mast si aurat ki aawaaj aayi…..”Hello….aap rohit bol rahein hain”. Mujhe koi idea nahi tha ki wo sarita...

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