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[Author’s note: this chapter directly follows the Prologue.]

She grabbed him arm and forced him to face her, pulling back her hood to reveal a wild tangle of flame-red hair framing brilliant green eyes. She was incredibly beautiful. She was...

“You ... you can’t be...”

He staggered backward. One step. Two. Three.

“She told me...”

He fell to his knees, ignoring a cluster of sharp pains as they struck gravel and began sinking into the mud.

“You’re ... you’re not...”

“I’ve been waiting for you, Lucas Bronson.”

Luke stared at her. Every organ, every nerve, every fluid and tendon and neuron in his body frozen in disbelief.

And then everything started working again.

“No. You’re not her. You can’t be. You’re too young. I’m ... sorry about my reaction.”

“Too young? That depends on your intentions, doesn’t it? Maybe I’m older than you think.”

“No, I mean...” His face, already flushed from trying (and failing) to hold back so very many tears, reddened further.

“You’re right, though. I’m not her.” Her expression turned grave. “I’m sorry I’m not.”

“But how can you...?”

“ ... look so much like her? Believe me, the day we met was quite the shock. Anyway, as you can probably feel, the weather’s about to turn lovely again.” Indeed, a fresh mist was already coalescing into a size sufficient for the disruptive purposes of gravity. She held out her hand and pulled him to his feet. “Come with me before the deluge resumes. I have coffee, tea, leftover roast mutton, whisky if you promise not to go cartwheeling naked into the Irish Sea, and a warm fire. I also have a washer and a dryer. Because you, Mr. Bronson, are a mess.”

“More than you know. And call me Luke,” he gasped, still trying to regain the breath he’d lost while in shock over her appearance.

“Luke I shall call you. I’m Rhoswen Maddox, but feel free to call me Rose. Everybody else does.”

She led him down the slope to her house. They were about halfway there when he realized that she was still holding his hand.

“Here,” she said, handing him a pile of flannel. “My brother left these behind the last time he visited. I think they’ll fit you. If you don’t mind wearing pajamas in front of a woman you just met, that is. You can change in that room over there, and meanwhile I’ll see about laundering your trousers. Your coat, though...” She clicked her tongue. “As much as I’ve always dreamed about a handsome man falling to his knees the moment he sees me, I’m not sure introducing that much mud to your expensive coat was a good idea.”

He stared at her, dumbfounded, before blurting out, “You don’t just look like her, you talk like her.”

“Do I?”

“Like she used to, I mean. When I first met her. Like you’re...”

“Flirting, Mr. Bronson?” she shot back with a twinkle in her eye.

“I asked you to call me Luke.”

“Let me flirt the way I want, Luke. Especially as I’m still waiting for you to go change into your evening wear.”

Eyes wide, he turned and retreated to the bedroom she’d indicated. He heard her musical laugher as it chased him through the doorway.

“This is so good,” he moaned through a mouthful of mutton sandwich elevated by an assortment of homemade pickles and spreads. “I noticed sheep in the yard. Am I eating one of your own?”

“She was a sweetheart, but it was her time,” Rose responded with a soft smile.

“Are there more I didn’t notice?”

“You’re asking if I’m a farmer? No, I’m a numbers girl. I do taxes, I do accountancy, I work with barristers and solicitors, I assist with business plans, and so forth. There aren’t that many people all the way out here, so I take on anything I can get. Anyway, I don’t think Oxford would’ve appreciated me making such extensive use of their services in order to raise sheep. It’s a hobby, and a delicious one, but I keep animals because there have always been animals on this land. I feel like I’d be letting my ancestors down if there weren’t. Just sheep and chickens, though. Cows are too much trouble, and goats cause too much.”

“So you grew up here?”

“Yes. With my parents, an older brother, and an uncle. The uncle nipped off to Australia ages ago, my brother fell in love with — and, just as importantly, in — London, and when I finished university, my parents took an early retirement and moved up near Inverness. Apparently, the weather here wasn’t bad enough for them,” she added with a chuckle. “So now it’s just me and whoever’s next for the oven, which I suppose makes me the wicked witch of somewhere. I’ve certainly got the hair for it.”

“And you?”

“And me?”

“Are you ... I mean, I don’t know if you’re...?”

“So impertinent, Mr. Bronson.” She held up her left hand, waggling her unadorned fingers and smirking at his discomfort. “I am as you see.”

He couldn’t help but stare at her, even though she’d repeatedly caught him doing so with no reaction other than an amused smile. The resemblance was uncanny to the point of impossibility. Even her body was nearly the same; perhaps a little more slender, though still with unexpectedly generous curves. It was only when focusing on specific details that the differences appeared. For Luke, it was profoundly unsettling, and eventually he was moved to repeat himself. “I still can’t believe how much you look like her.”

“Pause that thought for now, Luke. Here’s another thing she and I have in common: I like to get to the point. It makes me unpopular with certain villagers who don’t much care for that particular trait, though most of them are already disinclined to listen to a woman anyway. And so, skipping right to the end: I’ve asked my friend Manon to gather your things and bring them here.”

“How do you know where I’m staying?”

“There’s only one inn, and Manon works there. Cute, short dark hair, flirtatious by nature, asked you why you looked so sad.”

“Ah, right. I remember her.”

“You should, especially because she thought you were handsome but overburdened. She wanted to take you back to her house and ‘heal’ you,” she explained with a smirk. “There’s a longer answer to your question, but let’s save that for later. Since you’re the only guest at the moment, she’s going to pack up your room and handle your checkout. Any shocking discoveries amongst your unmentionables that I need to warn her about?”

“No shocking discoveries, save for the dullness of my color palette. But she’s really just going to stroll into my room and pack my things?”

“It’s a small village, Luke. We rarely lock our doors. If there’s no trust, none of this works. And you haven’t exactly unpacked.” In response to his frown, she added, “Manon’s also the entire housekeeping staff during the slower months.”

“It feels like I’m being watched.”

“I’m repeating myself, but it’s a small village. For better or worse, everybody knows everybody else and their business. There’s not much to do or see around here, and even if there was, you wouldn’t be here for it at this time of year. Once you arrived, it didn’t take very long to follow the clues to their obvious conclusion.”

“Since I’m being kicked out of the inn, where am I staying?”

“Not in a manger, though given the number of sheep we have in these parts, I can probably call around if that’s your preference. Tonight, you’re having dinner with me and sleeping in the room you changed in. Tomorrow ... well, we’ll discuss that later.”

“You travel more lightly than any American I’ve ever known,” groused Manon as she dragged his bags over the threshold, “and yet you still have too much luggage.” She hung her drenched outerwear on a hook, slipped out of her boots, and crossed to the fireplace, energetically rubbing her hands. In a way he hadn’t while mired in despair, Luke realized just how adorably pixieish she was. The fact he hadn’t noticed until now was yet another indication of just how lost he’d been since he arrived. He suddenly felt more than a bit awkward about what he was wearing.

Rose turned to Luke. “How long have you been in Wales?”

“It, uh, took me four days to get here from Cardiff. Four and a half if you add the trip from Heathrow.”

“Four days? Did you walk?”

“No, I...”

“Never mind, I think I understand. Manon, his car’s going to be okay where it is, right?”

“I don’t know. With the thousands of holidaymakers we’re expectin’ for this glorious week of sun and sand, we might need that extremely valuable parkin’ space.”

“Indeed,” Rose snickered. “Can I offer you some coffee? Tea? Something stronger?”

“No thanks, though the last one’s temptin’. I’m still on the clock, though with him gone it’s not like we have any customers. I should just sod off for a few hours and see if anyone notices.”

“The lads will drink you dry.”

“Ha! We’re cleanin’ the hoses, and those tossers wouldn’t know how to reconnect the taps. Anyway, the weather’s too crap to take a day off, and I should be gettin’ back.”

“What do we owe you?”

“For this?” she scoffed. “Nothin’. Maybe a back massage, since I threw it out totin’ that suitcase.”

“Of course. Do you want it clothed or naked?” Luke’s eyebrows shot up.

“Naked, of course. But I didn’t mean from you, handsy,” she said, turning her head to wink at Luke.

Rose laughed, both at Manon’s forwardness and Luke’s bewildered expression. “Seriously, let me offer you something. What would you like?”


“No one likes those. Are you sure you won’t take a chicken instead?”

“I can buy a bloody chicken at the bloody butcher. You’re the best with taxes, and you know I hate numbers.”

“And yet, they let you operate the till.”

“I’m fine when the money’s comin’ in. It’s when it’s goin’ out that I get confused,” she said through a tight smirk.

“Okay, okay,” Rose gave in, “I’ll do your taxes. Again.”

“Thanks, love. Oh, and Mr. Bronson?” Manon sidled up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, leaving her hand on its twin a bit longer. “Your receipt’s in your suitcase. I tucked it into those nice silk boxers of yours. Closest I’ve gotten to anyone’s business for a while. And if you don’t mind me sayin’ it, you already look less sad than you did. I’m not surprised, though. Rose has that effect on people. If you’re goin’ to be around for a while, look me up at the pub. I’m available for back massages anytime, though if you want me naked you’ll have to wait until we’ve closed and I’m done tidyin’ up.”


Rose cackled as Manon stepped into her boots, put on her coat, and left.

“Sorry about that. She’s not always so direct about her intentions, though I’ve seen it happen before. You must have made quite an impression.”

“I’m standing here in flannel pajamas with my mouth hanging open. I’m not sure what impression I could possibly be making.”

“Maybe she thought you were sending her a message,” she countered with a sly smile.

“I wasn’t trying to.”

“I know. I’ve been told it happens anyway.” His heart skipped at the implication; there could be only one source for that sort of information. “For what it’s worth, if you’re after an uncomplicated shag you could do a lot worse. Despite the façade, she’s a sweet girl. A firecracker in the bedroom too, or so I hear.”

“I’m not here to...”

“She’s not either. That’s why it might work. Anyway, I’m not your matchmaker or your madam. Suit yourself.”

He decided that he needed to at least try to join the banter. “Are ... this is none of my business, but that conversation about a massage got me wondering ... I mean, have you two...?”

“With Manon? Mr. Bronson, I’m shocked that you’d ask such an invasive question of someone you’ve only just met!” She waited through about a minute of his sputtering attempts at an apology before bursting into laughter again. “We were just winding you up. I have seen her naked during one of those whisky-fueled swimming excursions I mentioned, or at least in theory I have, but it was pretty dark at the time. Sorry, I don’t remember any details or I’d share them, but you can see for yourself that she has a cute little body, and I assure you that she’s not shy about showing it off, in or out of the bedroom.”

He shook his head, diverting the conversation back towards her. “I’ll take it under advisement, but like I was saying, that’s not what I’m here for. What I want to say instead is that I can’t believe I’m standing here having such lighthearted chat with someone I’ve only known for a few hours, when I’ve spent the last few days in an emotional coma. I didn’t think anything or anyone could cheer me up, but somehow you’re accomplishing it. Thank you.”

“It’s the least I could do.”

“Rose, I’m incredibly grateful, and I’m touched by your generosity and your hospitality, but why are you doing this?”

“Because eventually, someone was going to phone and warn me that a pervert was staring down at my property, trying to catch a peek.”

He gaped at her for a while before breaking into a helpless smile. “See?”

“Been a while, has it?”

“Longer than I can remember,” he answered, slowly sinking back into his depression as the memories reassembled. “It was a serious question, though. You didn’t have to take me in, do my laundry, feed me ... none of it. Yet you are, and for a complete stranger. Why?”

“I wouldn’t exactly say you’re a stranger, but don’t ask me what I mean by that yet. And speaking of laundry, if you’ve taken four days to get here, that means you’ve got more that needs doing. Pile it up by the closet over there and I’ll take care of it for you. But the answer is obvious: I’m here to help you find what you’re looking for.”

“Which is? Because even I don’t know. My grand strategy pretty much ended where you found me.”

“You’re going to have to figure that out for yourself. But if you really want to pay me back...” She studied him speculatively. “How are you in the kitchen?”

“I can hold my own.”

“Luke, this is delicious. I feel like I’ve eaten this before, yet you used so many things that came from my property in a way I’ve never seen.”

“Have you ever had shakshouka?”

“Middle Eastern stew? Eggs, tomatoes, and so on? Yes I have, and I see what you mean, but...”

“Well, you had a little more leftover mutton and you also had its fat, so I fried the rest until it was crispy and used the rest of the fat to crisp the toast. You had herbs. You obviously didn’t have chiles, but you had radishes, which offer their own kind of heat. And you had all those amazing preserved tomatoes, which is really what inspired the dish. So all that plus onion, garlic, the cheese that you said your neighbors made from your ewes’ milk, and of course those wonderfully fresh eggs. It’s more than a bit of a diversion from the original, but I really enjoyed making something that’s mostly from your own land. Let’s call it Welsh shakshouka. I can’t even imagine what the actual name would be in your language.”

She laughed, and as it had already done so often, the sound lifted his spirits and soothed his anxieties. “Don’t sell me out to the authorities, but despite my teachers’ best efforts, my only real language is English, plus whatever French and Latin I’ve forgotten since Oxford. You’d have to ask an actual expert what to call this, because when it comes to Cymraeg I’ve the grammar of a Labrador Retriever. Though I’m sure there’s a ‘y’ in it somewhere. By the way, I’m sorry I don’t have any wine to offer you.”

He’d been smiling at her self-deprecating humor, but at the mention of wine a flood of associations suddenly overwhelmed him, and he fell back into a numb sadness. “I...”

“Luke, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to stir up unwanted memories.” To his surprise, her hand was covering his.

“No, it’s okay. Really. Your kindness and your company have turned what started as a truly wretched day into a surprisingly lovely one, and I drink more than enough wine. Anyway, being here is obviously going to stir up memories, unwanted or otherwise. Isn’t that why I’m here in the first place?”

She nodded sagely. “Do you want seconds, or can I clean up?”

He flipped his hand over so that they were holding hands. She made no attempt to pull away; on the contrary, her fingers supportively tightened around his. “Join me for seconds, and then I’ll help you clean up.”

“Mr. Bronson, are you flirting with me now?”

“I’m having seconds with you.”

“Suit yourself.”

“This is really nice. It’s Welsh whisky? Penderyn is the name of the distillery, if I remember correctly. Which bottling?”

“You’re right, though your pronunciation is atrocious. It’s the...” She picked up the bottle and squinted at the label. “The Bryn Terfel. He’s an opera singer from here. There was a whole line of these, and maybe there still is, but it appears I’m down to two bottles. I suppose I should amend that.”

“Don’t tell me you’re a spirits aficionado.”

“I won’t, because I’m not. I’ve certainly tossed enough down my throat over the years, but the only thing I’ve learned is that it makes me do stupid things, like midnight swims in the altogether. I like it, though.”

Silence fell over the room, broken only by the crackling of the fire. Luke was staring at her again, mesmerized not just by her obvious beauty, but by the exquisite torture of her uncanny resemblance to someone he thought he’d never see again. Eventually, she looked up and met his gaze, saying nothing. His hands started to shake. He wasn’t sure if it presaged the imminent return of tears or something else, but he was trembling and he couldn’t seem to stop it.

She gracefully rose from her chair and held out her hand. “Luke,” she said quietly, “come with me.” She led him to a thick rug right in front of the fire and pulled him down to the floor with her. At first he was confused, then he wondered if she intended something else and his breath caught in his throat, but she was sitting with her legs crossed and indicating that he should do the same. As soon as he complied, she slid closer.

“I know you look at me and can’t help but see her. Even if the circumstances were completely different, it would be hard not to because we look so very much alike. But I’m not her, yet I bear the pain in your eyes whenever you stare at me like that. I want you to see the ways that I’m not. Give me your hand.”

It was still quivering as he reached for her, but she took it between hers and moved it to the side of her face. “I know you must have her memorized, even after all these years. I want you to look at me, and I want you to touch me as well. Explore the differences. Move even closer if you’d like. You can use your other hand, too.” With a glint in her eyes, she added, “Unfortunately, this offer only extends to skin that’s currently exposed.”

“Rose, I wouldn’t...” He started to pull away, but she stopped him.

“If this was a date, I’d gradually expose more and more skin just to see if you’d be bold enough to take me up on the invitation,” she said with a sly smile. “But I’m taking this seriously, and I want you to as well. I’m here to help you however I can, but there are so very many years of sadness in your stare, and it’s an enormous burden for me to take on all at once. If you can convince yourself to see me rather than her, even though I fully understand she’ll reappear from time to time, then I believe I can summon whatever strength you need.”

He shook his head. “I don’t think anyone has that much strength.”

“Try me,” she answered, her brilliant emerald eyes full of defiance.

She moved his hands over her skin. Tracing her ear, her forehead, her eyelids, her nose ... even her lips, during which it was impossible to deny the sensuality in their contact. He did eventually move closer, studying her features and her skin itself. He ran his fingers through her hair, watching the way it took up the firelight and seemed to move with the flames.

Finally, he backed away. “You’re right. In countless superficial ways you are her, but you’re not. You’re Rose. I understand that now. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. Rose isn’t so bad once you get to know her. But it’s true she’s not Kathryn, and she never will be.”

“That’s the first time you’ve said her name.”

“I wasn’t sure you were ready.”

“I have to say: what you just did — what you’ve been doing for me all day, really — was more like her than anything in front of my eyes.”

“I know. I’m sorry,” she said, leaning forward and hugging him. He was keenly aware of her soft breasts as they pressed into his chest, but he embraced her in turn and did his best to ignore the enticement.

“Don’t be sorry,” he replied as he eased her out of his arms. “It was a good memory. I didn’t expect to have any of those here.”

“Manon would be happy to help change that.”

“I’m sure she would,” he said, almost managing a laugh. “But as I keep insisting, that’s not what I’m here for. Plus, it would be a form of avoidance with which I’m all too familiar. Maybe I’ll change my mind at some point, but for now, especially given the setting, I can’t afford that particular distraction. Anyway, I doubt anything she could do for me could compare to what you’re doing for me.” Rose raised an eyebrow, and Luke flushed with embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to suggest...”

She patted his knee. “I know you didn’t. But you should be careful about saying things like that, Luke. The last time I got near anyone’s ‘business’ was long, long before Manon’s last time.” He gulped and blushed, but it was clear she enjoyed gently teasing him in this fashion. “Now, I think we should finish that bottle before we call it a night. Assuming you’ll join me in this worthy effort, of course.”

“How much is left?”

“I’m not sure. Does it matter?”

“I guess we’ll find out.”

She stood and walked around the room, extinguishing lights, leaving the room illuminated solely by the fire. He also stood, fidgeting nervously, until she flung a sofa cushion at him. “Lean that against the table.” Confused, he complied. “This one too.” Another six pillows and cushions from various pieces of furniture flew into his arms, and he arranged them under her direction. “Now, sit down and relax instead of fluttering about like a startled hen.”

Moments later, she was standing between him and the fire, holding the bottle and their glasses. “Why are you all the way over there?”

“I was leaving you room.”

“You ‘leave me room’ by sitting at the center of the pile like you’re supposed to. There. Now lean back.” As he did, she nudged his legs apart with her foot and sat down between them, sliding backward until she was leaning against his chest. Pouring an unhealthy quantity of whisky into their glasses, she handed him one and clinked them together. “Here’s to memories. Especially good ones. Most especially new ones.”

“Uh, Rose, what are we doing?”

“We’re sitting in front of my fireplace drinking whisky.”


“Am I making you uncomfortable?”

“No. Yes. No. And yes.”

“Well, that clears it all up, then. And by the way, you don’t have to let your arms flop uselessly at your sides. Put them around me. I swear, it’s like you’ve never held a woman before.” She didn’t wait for him to acquiesce or argue, tugging on both until they were encircling her stomach. “Don’t worry, I promise to throw a drink in your face if you touch something you shouldn’t.”

“You’re her again right now. This is her.”

Rose was quiet for a while before answering. “I promise you she loves this.”

“But ... look, for the sake of clarity, can I just...?”

“You really know how to kill a romantic mood, don’t you?”

“Is that what this is?”

“I turned off all the lights and we’re drinking whisky while snuggling in front of a fire. Where I come from, that’s usually considered romantic. Are customs different on your planet?”

Once again, he came dangerously close to laughing. “I just ... Rose, please listen to me. My heart and my mind are a pile of rubble, and even more so than usual because I’m here. I don’t trust anything they’re saying to me right now. My day began in a haze of misery, yet since you found me it’s been so much better than I’d ever expected, and for that I have only one person to thank. You look and sound so much like her, you feel so much like her, and as I said, what you’re doing right now is her. In fact, she and I did something almost exactly like this once, a week or so before our relationship turned physical. But I don’t know anything about you, and I’m not sure I know anything about myself anymore. I know this is exactly what you mean by killing the mood, but I have no idea what we’re doing, and before I do or say something monumentally stupid with a person who’s been unaccountably, unimaginably kind to me, I feel like I need to understand what’s happening.”

He felt rather than heard her sigh. One of her hands caressed his forearm for a few moments before returning to her lap. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I can see how this must seem like a barrage of impossibly mixed signals from someone whose very existence is the biggest mixed signal of all, at least to you. That’s because a mixed signal is exactly what all this is.” To his consternation, she pressed even more tightly against him. “Starting from the top, and being as pointed as I warned you I can be: this isn’t a prelude to sex, or at least it’s not intended to be. To be outrageously blunt, and perhaps even to fluff up your damaged psyche a bit, I would quite willingly go to bed with you this very night, even though we’ve just met. Not just willingly, eagerly. Given the circumstances, however, I think we both know that’s something that could start, go, or end very, very badly, and that’s why we shouldn’t rush into it.”

“For what it’s worth, Kathryn and I are alike in more ways than you know. That I was immediately attracted to you wasn’t just unsurprising, it was something for which I was already prepared. For me, this is like skipping ahead to what was always going to happen without all the unnecessary preliminaries and mucking about, though I understand the same isn’t true for you. Yes, my attraction to you is working in your favor in terms of my willingness to have you in my home, do your laundry, feed you my recently deceased sheep, pour you half of my dwindling stock of whisky, and at least attempt to have a romantic interlude in front of the fire. One that I hope you’ll eventually let me have, once you can bring yourself to stop whinging. But I have other, more personal reasons for everything I’m doing that we won’t discuss tonight.”

“As for what we’re doing right here and now, it’s partly about you, but it’s also fairly selfish. I live alone, as you can see. My lack of companionship is by choice, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy about that lack. I have friends — Manon, as you’ve certainly already guessed, is one — but I have neither romantic interests nor casual lovers at the moment. There are good men in this area, but they’re all married, some of them even happily. The rest ... well, in a place this small it’s always complicated, and the social price for a misguided liaison is much higher, so after a few errors in judgment I decided it’s just not worth it. I miss sex, of course, but when that becomes an unmanageable problem, I go elsewhere and find someone that I won’t have to see every week at the grocer or the pub to satisfy the urge. What I can’t satisfy is my desire for touch. For contact. Unfortunately, the sheep haven’t started looking good enough just yet.”

Her joke demolished the last of his resistance, and Luke finally broke out in laughter. Rose seemed so startled that she twisted around to watch. Rather than saying anything, he pulled her back into his chest and kissed the back of her head — he wasn’t sure if she even felt it through all her hair — whispering, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. If I’d known animal erotica was the key to your happiness, I’d have led with it.”

“Well, you made me laugh. But since you’re being so open with me, I’ll do the same: unfortunately, laughter isn’t the same as happiness. I know that’s a churlish thing to say when you’ve done so much to try to change that status, and it’s an especially coldhearted thing to say when a beautiful woman is in my arms, unburdening herself of secret motivations and unrequited lusts, but it’s the sad truth. Still, you did make me laugh, and I really don’t remember the last time that happened, or at least the last time it wasn’t feigned and hollow. So maybe there’s hope for me after all,” he said, though he didn’t actually believe it.

This time, when her hand stroked his arm, it remained there. “It’s a roundabout compliment, but I’ll take it. Anyway, if this is too confusing or difficult I’ll detach and sit beside you, if that’s really what you’d prefer.”

Same as Fidèle
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Oh fucking hell its Brendan yet again

Note : This story is completely fictional! Mothering Sunday part one by T Smith The first time Brendan Lee saw his mother naked was an epiphany for him. She was taking a bath and he had to use the toilet. As he entered the bathroom; Mrs Lee was soaping her huge breasts, paying particular attention to her extraordinary areolas. Tweaking her erect nipples. Running her fingers in a circular motion around each proud nipple, first in a clockwise motion, then anticlockwise; every now and then tugging...

2 years ago
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Connor is fifteen also and on the football and wrestling team and one of the hottest boys in the school if not the entire town. Connor is built like a Greek god and unfortunate for Lorcan he is as straight as they come, for he was dating Jenny the hottest girl in school. Connor has short lite brown hair and a five inch flaccid cock, he always wondered just how big he got when hard but had yet found out. “Hey Lor,” Connor yelled as he ran to catch up to Lorcan as he walked past the football...

3 years ago
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My Outrageous MotherChapter 3

Bobby and Richie had come over and we were playing Monopoly at the kitchen table. We usually hung out in my room but with mom still snoring in my bed I figured it was best if we stayed out here. Hopefully, no one noticed mom coming out of my bedroom in just her silk flowered robe before she came in the kitchen. I doubted if she had anything on under it. Her hair was matted on one side. She went to the refrigerator and got out the orange juice and poured herself a glass, set it on the table,...

1 year ago
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The Haunting of Palmer MansionChapter 11

A clock ticked somewhere in the house as Daniel stumbled down the second-floor hallway in the early morning. He’d just exited the guest bedroom, leaving Khadra stuffed with his cum. Every time he thought life had hit peak crazy, it went up a notch. Ahead in the gloom, he could see a white, shimmering figure near his bedroom door. Daniel’s feet quickened and his heart skipped a beat. In the gray, pre-dawn light, he could see her red hair and he could almost make out her freckles. Daniel...

3 years ago
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The InvestigatorsChapter 3

After a stop for a bacon egg and cheese biscuit Eddie arrived at the address fifteen minutes before the nine o'clock starting time. He had time to scout the abandoned parking structure. He would have but he couldn't get in. The gate to the eight foot chain link fence with barbed wire on top was locked. Eddie looked around, since he couldn't believe he had the right place. He was sure that he had the right address, since the whole block was occupied by the parking structure. The sign on...

4 years ago
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Darlin You Cant Love One

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do Well, what to do now? Marge walked in and caught him red handed. No, "red dicked" would be closer to the facts. Merry's lipstick was smeared all over the head of his cock. Her lips were attached to the end of the damned thing and she had a suction going. Del looked up as his wife Marge stepped out on the back porch and looked at the scene before her. His mind searched and discarded a hundred logical reasons to explain how his cock ended up in his next-door...

1 year ago
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Sex Dare Can I Suck Your Dick A

Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. Operators of erotic story web sites, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post my stories for public reading, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author, and as long as you don't make changes other than...

3 years ago
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Tweaking Leads to Fucking Part 6

Introduction: What happened with Jr. High boy cousin Mikey after Ranger Harris arrived at the campsite. Part 6 The third and fourth day of my camping trip with my Jr. High boy little cousin were spent messing around a LOT, but on the fifth day, it got a little more crazy than just hot sex between a man and his adolescent cousin&hellip, It was morning and young Mikey was sucking my much older, experienced cock in the tent after I woke him up with my usual morning boner. It was good to get some...

1 year ago
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Traditional vampire sex story with two young female victims

The Ancient One had been existing in the run down house for almost a year, having arrived from Romania. With the help of his insane assistant, Gunther, and his two undead brides, he had come here to make a fresh start and find refuge from the old world. The local authorities were asking too many questions now, and once again it was time to relocate. The house had been purchased legally, Gunther telling the locals that a European millionaire recluse was moving in. The property had been ...

3 years ago
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Seduction of MommyChapter 9

She had taken pills to make her sleep, and now it was morning. Bill and Judy had fixed their own breakfast and left for school without waking her. The emptiness of the house seemed only to compound the tangled state of her emotions. Last night she had seen her teen-age son and daughter fucking each other. Yet it didn't seem to shock her as much as she felt it should. Perhaps so many things had happened lately that she was becoming stupefied. But she wouldn't, she couldn't let last...

1 year ago
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Executive Perks6

By Greg I am the director of marketing at a large fortune five hundred corporation with headquarters on the east coast. I have been steadily working my way up the corporate ladder for years and have made all the right connections along the way. Over time I have proven myself to be reliable, effective and committed. Upon reaching this level I now enjoy some of the perks of the job and I don’t just mean the keys to the executive restroom. Our business interests span the...

2 years ago
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Our First Fuck

As you close the door behind you, I stand before you dressed in a sheer white teddy, my nipples hard and perk thrusting against the material that traps them in and my pussy flooding with my juices. I slowly raise my hands gently massaging my nipples, tugging them between my fingers, throwing my head back in ecstasy, my eyes slightly closed and my mouth opened as moans of pleasure echo around the room. I take four steps back and my ass collides with the table behind me, I shift my body back as I...

3 years ago
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Could He

Dan was startled by the instant message on his computer. He had been online for hours and it was unexpected, especially when he checked the profile and it was guy. They chit chatted a little until the guy finally popped the question, "Ever had your cock sucked by another man?" The question had caught him at a depraved moment. Dan hadn't had sex in a couple of months and his cock was well overdue for a good orgasm and began to stir as he typed the answer, "No." His cock continued to grow as...

3 years ago
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The Birthday of a Lifetime

A few months had passed, and Stacy and I kept having sex when Ashley was not around. Ashley and I kept having sex when Stacy was not around. All in all, I could not complain. My birthday was coming up, and Ashley had asked me for months what I wanted for it, besides a threesome. I said nothing. This had gone on for about a month until I finally said I'd love to do a sexy photo shoot of her in all of her sexy outfits. She thought about it. "We can do it as long as no one is home," she said out...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love

Ryan Walsh was a thirty two year old man and his younger sister, Sylvia, was twenty nine. They'd always got a long but wound each other up so much sometimes like all brothers and sisters do.They both lived with their parents and were very close. They'd talk about their recent relationships and help each other out. They'd always help one another when they were in trouble.One evening Sylvia took a long hot bath and hummed to herself rubbing soap all over her body. Unknown to her that there was a...

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There Must Be A Mistake Ch 13

Note: All persons in this novel are fictitious. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this story is not for you. Those scenes that are included will be evocative rather than just for the sake of sex itself. This story is for your reading pleasure. Its length is undetermined at this time, because I do not know where my mind will take me along the way. I hope you will stay with me during this journey until it reaches its inevitable conclusion. ***** Chapter 13 53....

1 year ago
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Making Dora Happy

Dora was an independent woman. She was forty-three-years-old and was divorced. She was quite good-looking for a woman in her forties. Her shoulder-length black hair was wavy and beautiful, and her long eyelashes curled up, making her look very young. She also had a great body with waist that was thin and her breasts which were round. As she looked in the mirror and put on her lipstick,the doorbell rang, and Dora called out from the bathroom, "Come in. The door's open." Dora’s friend, Phil, a...

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Caring for CarlyChapter 3

Jody stayed home for a couple of days to make sure Carly was settling in. But her project at the Institute was approaching a critical point and she couldn't stay away too long. I do contract software development from my home office, so I was home during the day to watch my sister-in-law. We quickly settled into a routine. I discovered Carly liked to watch cartoons — as long as they weren't too mature. Ren and Stimpy lost her completely and she didn't really get the idea behind Pepe le...

1 year ago
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Fit 18 sounds like it might be a trendy store at the mall for hot young chicks, but nah, it’s a porn site. If they ain’t hawking skirts and sweaters under that banner, I bet you’ve got a pretty good idea what kind of babes are getting their brains banged out on this website, huh? That’s right: they’re fit as hell and at least 18, but never much older. The specialty at this paysite is truly ripe, healthy, and super sexy hasn’t been around all that long. The domain was registered...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Yes Maam part 2

The car ride home was quiet and tense. She was clearly still angry.  I sat in the passenger seat with the bag of wooden utensils from the department store in my lap. The slotted spoon she had already used on me was tucked into her purse, but there were three more items still in the packaging.  I wasn't sure what she was planning, but I knew that I was in trouble and there was no getting out of it without a fight.  I was fully aware that I was in the wrong and rather than prolong a useless...

2 years ago
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Becoming Anita Smith Book 1 Brian to Anita

Book 1: Brian to Anita Brian was a normal kid he guessed. Two story house in middle of the neighborhood. Average grades at school. Parents of average wealth and social status (though some people considered his mom a "looker", and his dad had a pretty cool as contracting job.) An averagely bitchy big sister who he couldn't stand as of late. Brian liked being average, which was why when his grades started to dip and the teachers started to get down his back about it, it annoyed him to...

1 year ago
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True Reality My Daughter

100% fiction! There are many authors writing erotica these days. It appears that the majority of stories written rush from the setting of the story to the erotic parts in as few sentences as possible. The setting of the story needs to have all of the pertinent elements that lead up to a plausible outcome, regardless of what that outcome is. Incest erotica, no matter who it’s between, needs to be believable. *** Jim Hawthorn sat quietly at the table on his outside deck, drinking coffee and...

4 years ago
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Guinea Pig

I'm beginning to get a bad feeling about this.  I'm a student here at uni, and I make some extra cash as a guinea pig for some of the medical pracs.  You choose the prac, and some are really good, like being paid to sleep.  This prac caught my eye cause it sounded almost too good.  The notice on the volunteers board read:Fit guys wanted to test human growth stimulator drug for the Phys Ed research unit.  Testing involves 1 hour daily sessions over 2 weeks, all accomodation and meals provided. ...

2 years ago
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Catching up with my lover Nick

The winter months seemed like they were just getting colder and colder. It was a Tuesday night after my husband left for a 3 day business. My daughter was already asleep and I was laying in my bed when I decided to msg My younger lover Nick.I asked him what he had planned for tomorrow as my husband was away. He replied saying that he has class at 14h00 the afternoon but free the entire morning. I replied saying awesome and asked if he wants to be by me by 8h00 then we could spend a few hours...

4 years ago
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West Side Gun Moll

On a cold Saturday in February, 1975, Michelle Hanley and Judith Weinberg went to see Bonnie and Clyde at a revival house, the Cinema Village on 12th Street. The two were sophomores at the City College of New York. When they came out, they decided to walk a few blocks to a bar.Judy said, “How about the Cedar Tavern? It’s just a couple of blocks from here.”“No, let’s go to Googie’s today. It’s a little more cozy, I think.”Judy looked over at her taller friend and admired her gray knee-high...

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Slaved. The fan above the bed creaked and groaned ineffectively in the suffocating heat, barely cooling the legion of flies that crawled exhaustedly over it, the clock said three a.m which meant I had been watching the fan for two solid hours as I desperately tried to get some sleep. The images from the day kept scudding through my mind, the old walled city the Mosques with their Minarets, the myriad places for a sniper to hide up, and the old slave market, especially the old slave...

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A Suprising 3Way

I have been going out with my , Carley, for almost two years. She is 18, a freshman at Michigan State University, and smoking hot. She is 5’8” tall with sexy long legs. She has a perfect tan, and great tits. They are the perfect size, a large B-cup or small C. They are perky, firm and very suckable. I am her first boyfriend that she has been serious with. She is pretty wild with me, but often times I have to encourage her to try new stuff. At first it was just normal things, like new sexual...

Group Sex
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my loving daddy4

Introduction: This is the 4 part of the tale, a lot longer than the previous ones and things get down and dirty. And as per popular demand i added the dogs. Then it hit me, if he was downstairs who was making my ass feel like it took a trip to heaven? Reaching depths I never thought possible and licking out Daddys cum from my pink twitching hole? Maybe, I thought, I was dreaming after all I had orgasmed for the first 3 times in my life then spent the night in the arms of my lover, I had my...

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Eve raps the door so tentatively that her knuckles hardly graze the surface of the splintering wood. She knows Villanelles will make her wait so she idly runs a hand through her hair, fluffing it up to enhance the volume and so that a few stray locks hang in her face ever so slightly. “Goddamn it, Eve,” she mutters to herself; why is she always trying so hard to look good for Villanelle?Behind the door, Villanelle adjusts the lapels of her suit jacket, thumbing the burgundy velvet with a...

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Consent is Not Required Zendaya and Her Racist Bully

It all started Zendaya’s senior year in highschool. She grew up in a very, very affluent part of California in a community vastly dominated by whites. She had to work twice as hard to get any respect, and was on track to graduate with honors. Sure, by then she was already a world-famous celebrity for years, having been a Disney starlet since she was 14, four years ago. That didn’t matter very much to Chad. Chad was, if you couldn’t guess, a white six-foot-three football star, and built to...

1 year ago
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Julie and Maria

My thanks to the editor Barney R. Of course, I had to mess it up afterward. All mistakes are ones I made. One left, another stayed and found her place. A love story. Author’s notes: This is not my usual type of story. It did not start out as it has ended, it was much darker, and sadder than it ended up. I like this better than my planned story. Please let me know your opinions. CAT the Oldgrump. My name is Jamison (Jamie) Winthrop I am now 48 years old. I’m 6’ 2” tall, balding, blue to...

1 year ago
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Caught in the act Mickey

Mickey glanced up and down the hall checking to make sure that the coast was clear, and when he was satisfied that no one was around, he slipped into the furnace room and made his way over to a step ladder that was leaning against the back wall!!! After making sure that the ladder was in a steady position, he climbed the ladder and peered through a small crack in the cement!!! "Holy cow," he muttered out loud as he pulled his pecker out of his pants and began beating his meat, "this is fucking...

First Time
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Pretending Ch 05

Pretending Ch. 05 © 2009 All Rights Reserved "Rachel! Rachel, look out!" Connie was shouting and pointing, but nothing was coming out. The SUV loomed larger and larger as it approached from behind. Connie had seen it in the side mirror and watched in horror as it grew and grew, until the grille filled the little glass. Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear, she thought with dread. Suddenly the little Corolla was in the air. Connie felt her stomach flop as the center of gravity...

Love Stories
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Ecstasy of lesbian love

Hi, All readers. The only reason I am still writing these erotic encounter is definitely the feed back and comments from you all. I am positive that in the coming days you would continue to do so, since this is the only delight I get to keep you happy by posting more and more. Though I find very little time amid my daily routine to keep posting at this wonderful site, when I read your comments in my inbox I get rejuvenated and spend the extra hour in office in order to make you happy and horny....

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516 swapsies

516 swapsies Gerald was amazed, his own wife had asked him time and again to be hung and whipped, and not wishing to hurt her he had staunchly refused, saying he was not man enough. She had regularly hung him, hoping to get him mad enough to use her as she wanted, but it had just excited him, now here he was with this one, and she wanting to be hung as well, but she had only wanted humiliation, urolagnia and so on and he felt he could cope with that as it was not the physical beating as Mary...

1 year ago
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Unexpected masturbation in my caravan

I took my trailer caravan to a campsite in France. The day after I arrived an English married couple arrived riding bicycles. They introduced themselves as as Ted and Muriel. I told them I was Peter. From their packs they took a small tent, which I think is called a ‘bivvy’ and erected it. That night the heavens opened and the rain was so heavy that the noise on the roof of my van woke me up. After a while there was a banging on the van door and Teds voice called out to let them in. I was...

3 years ago
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Never Trust your Wife with a Stud

Me, my wife and our friends had been drinking in my hotel room after a wedding. When Lucy disappeared into the adjoining room with Tim, the hem of her dress hiked up showing just the bottom of her round, thong-clad ass. They had been messing around on the couch, hence Lucy's bunched up dress. They got up and left without saying anything. I lay on one of the beds drinking beer with my wife, Kate - and my pal, Jim, Lucy's husband, lay on the other bed drifting off to sleep. I had seen how Lucy...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Skylar Snow The Special Client Treatment

Sexy, curvy Skylar Snow brings a new selection of toys to one of her top clients, Mason Lear. He’s in the market for some new toys, and she says this one slides in like a hot knife through butter. Mason is clearly interested in this toy, and Skylar happily invites him to try the toy out, himself. Since he’s such a loyal client, she’s willing to let him try it before she buys it. She slips into it herself, and they can see how it fits. She strips down, ready to help Mason experience the ultimate...

2 years ago
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Sissy cuckold pt1

He waited on the bed as instructed. He had dressed exactly as he was asked: A pair of lavender lace trimmed panties stretched tightly over the young man's small cock; a matching bra covered his hard brown nipples too. He also had on a garter belt and some high heels. Too top in off he had on some coral lipstick and he had painted his nails perfectly.There was a knock at the door. "Come in" said the young man. The door opened to reveal a tall, thickset, ugly old man, with white hair. He was...

2 years ago
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My Family Telugu 8211 Part 1

Hi All, This story contains incest between family members. Please do not read if you are not interested. Naa peru Madhavi. Ippudu Na vayasu 33 years. Naa husband peru Raju and age 38 years. Maaku iddaru kuthullu oka kodu. Pedda ammayi peru Rajini, Koduku peru Rahul, inka chivari ammayi peru priya. Rahul and Priya iddaru Twins. Maa amma thana menamama ni 14 years ke pelli chesukundi. Maa amma ki daddy ki 1 year gap. Nenu maa amma ki  appudu puttanu. Maa dad ki naaku just 16 years difference...

4 years ago
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Accountancy Is Fun

It all came about through accountancy, that seemingly innocuous trade. The trade was not as innocuous as everyone tended to assume. It was a lake of shark-infested financial waters. If there is one way to hide your theft, your financial misdeeds, it is by persuading the business' digital account books to show that nothing is missing. That is one of the joys of being an accountant: you can hide things within the figures; hide anything you want. The figures do not lie; they merely disguise the...

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The BootleggerChapter 19

North Wilksboro was over twice the size of Sparta, but even so there were too few people to have a state of the art hospital. They were raising money to buy new piece of equipment. When the ‘Doc in the Box’ in Sparta ordered a test, I usually had to drive to Winston Salem to what used to be the Baptist Hospital aligned with Wake Forest University. It would save patients a couple of hours, if the hospital had their own machine, whatever the hell it was. I had dinner, which was pretty good for...

3 years ago
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Didnt Have Anything Else To Do Part 2

I was a young man. Maybe one of the more attractive young men in my grade, but then again I was the only black kid. Tall, lanky, and 13-years-old. Light skinned, about the shade of caramel. 6 feet tall, 150 lbs. or so. With a normal short haircut. Very athletic too. I played basketball, football, and track. And it was evident with my build. She was 17 and white. Tall too, about 5' 9", about my weight, but I didn't care. She was friendly and a junior in high school. Smoked cigars, weed,...

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The Talk Between a thirteen year old boy and his mother

"Mom, will you please let me fuck you?" Mother had an amused smile on her face, but no visible anger. "Why would I do that, Tommy?" "I want to fuck you badly, Mom. You are so beautiful and sexy that I always have a hard on when I'm around you. Please, Mom..." "Tommy, dear, it is not customary in our society to have sons fuck their mothers." "Duh, Bobby's mother lets him fuck her and she loves it." "Tommy, I know that Bobby is a good friend of yours, but do you believe...

2 years ago
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Naukarani Ko Roz Choodta Ho

Aaj bhaut saal ki baad main yeh story lik raha ho. Mera nam Ajay hai, Gurgaon me rehta ho aur sirf ghar me kaam karne wali naukrani ki leta ho. Muje phale yeh nahi pata tha ki har kaam karni wali deti hai. Aaj tak main lag baag 10 -12 kaam karni wali ki le chuka ho. Gurgaon me lag bah sabi kaam karni wali bangladeshi hai. Jo bi mere ghar mai kaam karni aate hai, wo muj se choodti hai. Is me umar nahi deki jati. Main Lagbag 32 saal ka ho aur maine 40 saal ki bi le hai, 45 saal ki bi le hai, kaam...

1 year ago
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B Movie BabefestChapter 3

The communication device had worked better than anyone could have expected. Capt Fin and her team had been pushing the boundaries of telepathic communication these last few years, the final result been the device in front of them. It was designed for transmitting thoughts more than actual words, hopefully spanning any language barrier. And the response had been almost instant. Crouched defensively, the armour shelled bug had come to within ten feet of the shield its antennae waving, mouth...

4 years ago
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Two Types Chapter 2

Les was gobsmacked that his wife of almost ten years was cheating on him with somebody named Johnnie from work. It seemed all the action was in Chicago, when she flew there for business. "Monkey business," thought her husband. On Saturday morning, Les’ wife’s Uber arrived while he was doing the lawn. Sure, they could afford a lawn service, especially with Carolyn’s new job and pay grade, but Les enjoyed the outdoors: the methodical cutting patterns he created, the peaceful silence of a gasoline...

Wife Lovers
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 41

Junior didn't get away that easy. Wendolyn Too convinced Andrea to stick around awhile. Lake Erie was coming up next and navigation lessons were just around the corner. "A good USEABLE sextant isn't cheap," said David. "We're heading off to prove it." They all piled into a rented Ford Econoline Van and headed out. Everybody but Junior and Greg. They went back to the boat in a poke. The huge doors were blocked by a chain link fence with barbed wire overhangs on both sides. It was...

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Rachael And JuliusChapter 8 Cut Bait

She would not say anything. The longer JD drove, the madder he got. She had looked him in the eye and lied. He was a fool, a ridiculous old fool. No wonder the whole family was laughing at him. Rachael was young and beautiful; what could she possibly want with a worn out little old man like him? But she didn't have to lie. She could have just told him the truth. I don't want you anymore - it would hurt but, damn it, he could get over it. He was still slightly sick at the idea that while...

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Just a Bad Day

Nothing like a string of bad days to keep a guy realistic. Mail delayed, trains delayed, busses delayed. Something about a rainy day that just makes you want to smile. Right. No big deal. Classes will be starting soon enough. Then I'll have a whole list of new problems to upset myself with. My only concern no was getting to the bookstore before it closed, which would be easier if it wasn't Sunday. That's right..the "day he rested". I suppose a day of laziness makes the bus drivers God-like....

2 years ago
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Fast Learner

I was shy growing up and that did not change when I hit puberty. I was almost s*******n when this true story took place. I was trying real hard to overcome my shyness mainly because I wanted a girlfriend. My parents took this trip with the popup to some remote cam[ground that they used to go too. I had to go mainly because I did not want to sit home alone and my parents thought it might be good for me, and how right they were about that. When we arrived at the campground it was in disrepair and...

1 year ago
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School Fertility Program The Beginning

Make sure you click 'Start Game' on the right to make use of the conditional branches (currently I'm experimenting with them so they may not be fully working). It all happened so fast. The very first rumors of a new vaccine that would cure AIDS and other veneral diseases started two months ago. They talked about it and it's implications on the TV all the time for a few days. A week later the government announced that it is going to be obligatory for everyone to be vaccinated. The rumors were...

3 years ago
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mummy teaches

visit on to see top rated stories like these videos gallery etc My parents divorced when I was 10 over some drinking brawl assed thing. Dad drank a lot & when dad walked out he said, I’ll see you again in divorce court. Mom started to cry un-controllably. Hell, I didn’t know what to do. I took mom’s hand & tried to console her as best I could. She & I just sat there. I started to talk to her. I said, “Mom “We’ll make it. We will be alright”“We will be fine mom, it...

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