Peking 1900 Ch. 01 free porn video

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‘What the hell am I doing here?’ Lt. Percival asked himself. He had spent a day in the hot unforgiving sun and now as it went down it took very little of the heat with it. Jack was parched, tired, and baked. The water in his canteen was lukewarm and basically undrinkable. His blue wool shirt was soaked with sweat. He leaned up against the barricade and looked skyward, letting the sweat run down his back. ‘Well,’ he thought, ‘You got what you asked for.’

Jack Percival looked out the large window to see whitecaps on the Chesapeake as the wind whipped the snowflakes and rain against the panes. An early spring storm lashed the area as Jack turned around and walked to the fireplace. The light from the fire cast a warm glow to the dark paneling of the library and made him glad he was inside tonight. Jack looked around the room. On the walls were portraits of his famous ancestors, Hiram Percival who fought alongside Jones and Barney in two wars, Samuel Percival who was with Perry when he opened Japan, and finally William Percival who was with Farragut at Mobile Bay and commanded his own ship at Manila Bay, a family full of naval tradition which was to be handed down to Jack, who was in his final year at the Academy, 3rd in class and set to follow in their footsteps. The only problem was he didn’t want it. He wanted to establish his own path, his own tradition and tonight he was taking that first step. He gulped down his final swallow of brandy as the door of the library opened.

William, ‘Bloody Billy’, Percival, Commodore USN strode into the room. Even dressed in his evening clothes, he commanded everyone’s attention. Just under 6 feet tall with gray flecked hair and drooping moustache, the man walked into the library as if he was patrolling the quarterdeck. Entering behind him was his wife, Jane. She stood off to one side.

‘Now, what is this nonsense I hear?’ Jack’s father grumbled.

Jack pulled himself up to his full height. He was a few inches taller than his father and broad chested. His blue eyes shined when he aroused to do battle as they were now.

‘It is not nonsense, Father. I’ve made a decision.’ The battle lines were drawn.

‘I have the final say in this house. And what I say goes.’ His father was not going to back down but either was Jack.

‘Father, for all my life I’ve been in the shadows of the Percivals. I want to blaze my own trails. To be my own man.’

‘Good God, son, you can do that in the Navy. I didn’t go to the Academy and I earned everything I have. You have a great opportunity and can do the same.’

‘No, Father. It would always be, ‘There goes ‘Bloody Billy’s son.’ I am going my own way and that’s it. Upon graduation, I’m taking a commission in the Marine Corps.’ Jack didn’t shout but firmly, calmly stated his case.

‘You are throwing your life away, Jack. A God Damn Jarhead! I’ll not lift one finger to help you. Don’t come crawling back to me for anything, you understand? Nothing!’ His father didn’t raise his voice but the anger was present. All those years in command gave ‘Bloody Bill’ Percival the ability to remain calm under all circumstances. ‘We are done here!’ He turned on his heels and left.

Jack stood there quietly. He didn’t know what to expect but this wasn’t it. Perhaps he expected a harder fight or yelling. Something more than this. It was over. His bridges had been burned.

Jane Percival stepped from the shadows and walked to Jack, arms outspread. She took his hands and smiled. ‘I’m very proud of you and your mother would be too. It took real backbone to stand up to him. I’ve seen other men crumble before him.’

Jane was really Jack’s step mother. She had met his father in Hong Kong where her father was involved in trade with China. William Percival was there with the US Asiatic Fleet and the two met at a fancy ball at the British embassy. Jack’s mother had died two years before when he was ten. Jane was twenty at the time and after a whirlwind romance, married. That was nearly ten years ago. She was a real beauty and people marveled at her form and grace. She exhibited calmness to everything and was able to communicate this to her husband. She took the edge off of him. Those who were close believed it was the final piece he needed to rise to his present rank.

Jack didn’t look at Jane as his mother, she was more like an older sister. In a way it was actually better. They were able to talk about more things and because of the nearness in age relate better. She knew about his decision and helped him think it though instead of rushing to a conclusion. She also instilled in him love for the Orient and his desire to go there. She encouraged his talent for languages and was the force behind him learning German, French, and Mandarin Chinese. He even dabbled in Russian. He was a natural.

‘Don’t worry, Jack,’ she said softly,’he’ll calm down. I know this is a big decision but I think, in time, your father will understand and accept it.’

Jack was jolted out of his daydream.

‘Lieutenant, you are relieved.’

‘Yes, sir.’ Jack replied to Capt. Roberts.

‘Before you go, any changes?’

‘No, sir,’ Jack replied. ‘The Chinks keep up that blaring music but you get use to it. Someone over there has a Mauser so if you pop your head up for a look, he’ll try and take it off. They are attempting to move that barricade closer but we have been keeping an eye on them. Other than that, nothing new to report.’

‘Very well, you can go.’

As he started to crawl away, the Captain grabbed his arm. ‘How long were you here?’

’12 hours, sir.’

The Captain shook his head. ‘Damn, you should have been relieved hours ago. Get some sleep. And I do mean sleep!’ The captain gave him a knowing smile.

The captain was right. He needed to sleep but he needed something more. Instead of heading to the American Consulate, he turned down a narrow, dark alley. Normally a Westerner would not walk alone down an alley like this after dark but tonight it was different. The streets were eerily quiet and empty. It seemed no one was out and only a few dim lights came from any windows. Jack’s senses were on high alert for any movements. He unclasped his holster. There were none. It was as if the city was deserted.

It had been almost 7 weeks since the Boxers had effectively closed down the city of Peking. All Westerners were in fear of their lives and had huddled into the small area where the consulates were. This area included ones from Germany, Russia, France, England, Italy, and the United States, to name some. Each nation supplied a small number of men, military and civilian, to protect the surrounding walls. Jack’s Marines were among them.

It was believed that a relief force was on its way but no news had reached the city. Hope was beginning to dwindle.

He stopped at a small non-descript door. Looking around, he then knocked twice, then twice again. A small Chinese girl opened the door a crack and peered out. Jack uttered one word and the girl opened the door beckoning him to come in quickly. She stuck her head out, looked both ways and shut the door, latching it. The girl motioned to follow her. Jack did so trying to avoid objects almost unseen in the dim light. They walked quietly pass small rooms from which soft light, strange aromas, and subdued sounds came through the curtain doorways. Jack could feel the present of people nearby but never could really see any one. They headed up a narrow stairway and the girl stopped at one of the doors, opened it and with a quick hand motion had Jack enter the room. She pointed to a couch and had him sit. She knelt before him and removed his boots. The girl couldn’t have more than fourteen years old. When she bent over, her breasts spilled from her robe and she made no effort to cover herself. She rose and left through another passageway.

Jack felt a cool breeze on his face and smelled a scent of jasmine. He slowly opened his eyes. There, standing b
efore him was a vision from a dream. ‘Kate,’ he said softly, rising to his feet.

‘Kate’ was the Baroness Katrina von Schulenburg, wife of Baron von Schulenburg, the German ambassador to China. Before her marriage she was simply Katherine Alexander, daughter of Lord and Lady Dufield of Wallingham Manor. The marriage, an arraigned one, was more like a business agreement where Lord Dufield got money to pay off some heavy debts and the Baron got a beautiful young wife. As far as Jack could see the Baron got the better of the deal as no amount of money could equal Kate.

Jack met Kate over a month ago at a ball held in the French Embassy, a time before all this madness. He saw her across the crowded dance floor and immediately was drawn to her. Dressed in a long dark blue shimmering gown, she looked exquisite. Her blonde hair was piled high on head showing off a flawless neck. As she turned towards Jack, her blue eyes seemed to reflect the room’s light and her smile made her face glow.

‘Excuse me, Baroness,’ Jack said, slightly bowing. ‘Would you care to have this dance?’

‘Why yes, Lieutenant…’

‘Lieutenant John Percival, United States Marine Corps. At your service.’ He offered her his arm and they moved to the dance floor.

As the band struck up a waltz, Jack and Kate moved effortlessly around the dance floor. The two moved as if they had done it many times before. Close up she was not merely beautiful, she was entrancing. Her hair was the color of honey, her eyes sparkled. Dancing with her Jack felt clumsy and ungraceful. He also didn’t want the music to stop. But it did.

‘My, lieutenant,’ Kate said with a laugh. ‘I haven’t danced liked that in quite some time. It felt good. Would you care to meet my husband?’

The Baron von Schulenburg was talking to others in the diplomatic corps as they approached. As Jack grew closer, he found it difficult to picture him in uniform before he became a respected diplomat. The Baron was a colonel in the Franco-Prussian War before he moved over to the Foreign Service. Now in his sixties, balding with a slight paunch, the Baron was the senior ambassador in Peking.

Jack clicked his heels and bowed before him. In perfect German he introduced himself. The Baron smiled and thanked him for dancing with his wife. ‘At my age, it has become difficult to dance these dances.’

Kate had moved along side her husband. Beside him, she looked like a young girl playing a role, a dutiful wife. A look of surprise crossed her face as Jack continued the conversation with the Baron in German. She did not expect this from him. As Jack made a move to end the talk and move away, Kate said, ‘Lieutenant, would you mind escorting me back to the embassy. I’m not use to all this dancing and I feel a little faint.’

‘If the Baron doesn’t mind, I would be honored.’

The two walked slowly back, taking in the warm summer night. They talked of many things, as if they had known each before. Reaching the embassy, Jack asked if he could call on her again.

‘I say, you are bold,’ Kate said.

Jack immediately apologized. ‘I’m sorry, Baroness. I just assumed you enjoyed this evening as much as I did.’

Kate blushed but in the darkness Jack couldn’t see it. She couldn’t tell him how much she did enjoy it. For the first time in a long time, she found herself alone with a man her own age. A man who seemed alive and not like the men she was forced to be with. It excited her.

‘Yes, you may call me any time, Lieutenant, but don’t you think we should be less formal? Please call me Katherine and I will call you John.’

He stepped back and took her hand. ‘My friends call me Jack.’

Jack called on her every chance he got. They walked the crowded streets of Peking or sat along one of the canals enjoying the summer sun. Often they sat together, Jack with his head in Kate’s lap as she read the latest Sherlock Holmes mystery. It became clear to both of them that they were growing closer. She made him laugh and he made her forget she was married.

The Baron didn’t seem to care that Jack was calling on Kate. He enjoyed talking to Jack and found him to be well informed. Besides the Baron spent much of his free time playing chess with the Countess Radshachev, the wife of the Russian ambassador. The Countess was closer to the Baron in age and despite being overweight, retained some of her earlier beauty. There were rumor that the two shared more than just a game of chess.

Neither Jack nor Kate would admit to their growing love until the night Kate gave herself to him. She was not a virgin but she was not experienced in the ways of making love.

‘I am afraid, Jack,’ she admitted. ‘Afraid I won’t be good enough for you. Please be gentle and understanding.’

That night she understood what it was to taken by a man who could love her the way she should be. Both of them knew there could be no turning back.

The next day the Boxers attacked and their world turned upside down.

‘Kate,’ he said again.

She was wearing the same dark blue robe that she wore that first time they made love. Her hair hung down her back, more like gold in the faint light. She did not resist as he took her shoulders and pulled her against him. Jack held her closer and touched her hair. He could feel her soft warmth beneath her robe. She rested her head on his shoulder.

Somewhere in the musty building a clock chimed. It sounded doleful, like a dirge. One o’clock.

Suddenly she said, ‘I need air. Shall I open a window? There can be no danger if the light is out.’

He released her reluctantly. Has she done that deliberately and was now in control of herself? He turned and blew out the lamp as she opened the long curtains and pushed the heavy shutters away from the windows.

‘Look at the moon, Jack.’ She sounded excited, like a little child.

He moved behind her, his hands on her waist as he looked at the moon. He kissed her neck. It felt hot like she had a fever. He felt her shiver.

Without turning, Kate asked, ‘Will help come?’

‘They will come. You can depend on it.’ He lied because he knew he had to.

Kate turned and looked at him. ‘But if the Boxers…’

Jack pulled her closer. ‘The Boxers will not get through. You must believe that. I promise nothing will happen to you.’

She turned easily in his arms and looked into his face, although Jack could not see her face in the darkness. She did not resist as he lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her gently. She did not pull away but kissed him in return. When he slipped his hand into her robe and held her breast, Kate sighed.

He began to caress it. It felt alive, warm and full. He pinched her nipple and she moaned, ‘Oh God, yes.’

Suddenly she struggled to be free of his arms and pushed him away. ‘What are we doing? We are only fooling ourselves. We have no future, no tomorrow. They are not coming.’

Jack moved towards her. ‘I want you, Kate. I want you now. Tomorrow be damned.’

He took her to him again and tried to soothe her despair. She nodded against his chest. ‘I want you too, desperately. It feels so right to be with you.’ She tugged at the cord about her neck and allowed the robe drop to the floor. Jack could see her beautiful, naked body framed by the pale light.

He whispered to her, ‘I’ll lock the door.’ He then unbuckled his belt and laid it and his revolver on a chair. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it over his head. He turned and realized she was gone. Confused, he then heard her voice call out from the darkness, ‘Jack.’

He moved into the deeper shadows and saw her arms rising from the bed to embrace him. In the faint moonlight he could see her, her blonde hair in disorder around her shoulders. He bent over and kissed her breast, his tongue swirling around her erect nipple. His hand caressed the gentle curve of her stomach and when he reached that soft, moist place between her legs, Kate arched he
r back and moaned.

Jack threw the rest of his clothes on the floor. He lowered himself onto her. He kissed her mouth and felt her lips part, her tongue on his as he kissed her harder. She reached for him, her hands frantic as they gripped his body. He felt Kate’s hand reached out and guide him to her. She gasped once and spread her legs as he entered her.

Quickly the two matched rhythm as they moved together. It was like nothing Kate had ever known. The feeling continued to grow as the two lovers became lost in their own world. She cried out, ‘Yes, Jack, oh God yes,’ as it swept over her. Jack followed shortly after and they collapsed in a sweaty embrace.

When they finished, it was a long time before they moved. When he made to move off her, Kate seized his hair with both hands and whispered, ‘No, stay. I can still feel you. Try and sleep. I will hold you.’

When the window became edged with gray they stirred. They made love again, with the quiet frenzy of illicit lovers.

Jack found himself half running down the staircase, finishing dressing as he went. He should have been totally exhausted as he couldn’t remember sleeping at all. All he could recall was the sound of her voice, her taste on his lips, and the passion of the night.

Reaching the littered street, he stopped and stared up at the fading stars. ‘Dear God,’ he said softly. ‘Help me keep my word.’

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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 11

As he kissed them goodbye before sending them back to Mr. Borden, Dale told each of the women how much he had enjoyed his time with them. They kept telling him how happy they were that he had allowed them the privilege of serving him. After they walked out of his suite Dale realized that he had been thinking a bit too much with his dick and not enough with his head. The stunt in the backstage dressing rooms very well might have been caught at least in part on camera. Even if he were lucky...

2 years ago
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Maddies Morning Surprise

I wake to a warm ray of sun filtering through the dusty window blinds onto my face and within an instant am struck by the fact that maybe those last couple shots from the previous night were not a good idea. A need for water and aspirin is immediately apparent, but hasty movements are out of the question as well. Better to ease into a hangover. I stretch my body out and that’s when I become aware that I’m not alone in bed, as my foot finds skin behind me. Dammit. Drew. Quickly replaying the end...

1 year ago
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Orb and Prophecy Prophecy Part 10 of about 13

(Passages surrounded by asterisks are the character's thoughts) "He's really grateful for what you did," Marcus consoled me. It was the next morning, and we were with Alwyn at her home. "He's still running and jumping around the house like he hasn't done in years! You should see it!" "But I failed!" It came out in a tortured wail. I hid my head in my hands, not so much because of grief now, but in shame and anger at myself. "How could I have failed him so?" "You did what we...

4 years ago
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No Masturbatin In My Bathroom Please

You've had me decorating your bedroom as a surprise for when your husband comes home in a few days time. I've done a great job and you're really pleased and asked me if I can come back and do a few more little jobs around the house… simple handy man stuff! You have just been and bought some sexy new underwear that afternoon to wear when you show your hubby your new bedroom, and you're trying it on deciding which shoes your going to wear with your sexy new light blue bra and knickers and sheer...

3 years ago
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Exactly What It Looks Like

“No, sis, I’m fine,” I replied, wanting to get her out the door as quickly as possible. “Alright, I’ll be back later,” and with that, her auburn locks disappeared out the door. I listened closely for her to leave, car door slams, engine starts, and then off she goes. Finally, it was time. I had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity to fulfill my fantasy, to walk around in girls’ clothes. I loved the feel, I loved how my slim body looked in them, and now that my sister and I are...

3 years ago
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Dream Shoes

Dream Shoes The other night I had a dream that was tantalizing. I am not an outward Crossdresser and I spend most of my "girl" time reading fiction and wishing I had the money, time, energy, and clothes to do so. However, I do have a small collection of shoes that I wear when the opportunity avails itself. I sort of have a liking for shoes. That's my weakness like for some of you that might have a liking for dresses, pantyhose, panties, etc. My wife recently bought a pair of...

3 years ago
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New Mutant

It's been a nice, normal day for the small town of Wyndy Hill in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and... a high powered jet is landing?! The jet in question belonged to the X-Men, who were running in response to the detection of a new mutant. As usual, the new mutant was scared for his life and had been shunned by everyone who knew what he could do. A picture popped up on the screen of the X-jet of the new mutant. He was tall, with just a hint of...

3 years ago
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King Universitys New Slut Part 6

Chapter 6: A New Beginning I sat up on my bed and reached down between my legs and felt my hole. I couldn’t see it, but I definitely felt the cum that was leaking from it. I wanted to see it so I unhooked a mirror on my wall and laid it on my bed, then squatted over it. When I did that my hole opened up and the rest of his cum spilled out of me. It was the craziest thing I ever seen. I cleaned the mirror with a few tissues, finally seeing the destruction. My hole looked like a used pussy,...

1 year ago
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Happy Harry Last of the HoboesChapter 3

Harry looked around the executive conference room at all of the material William had left there for him. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he said, “William kept his promise.” The elderly man took a seat and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. He thought about what he wanted to say before he started writing. About four sentences into it, he balled up the paper and threw it into the trashcan. He grabbed another sheet and started over. It took him twenty minutes to write a letter that was...

3 years ago
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Welcome To Kirkgate

I reached the bus stop just in time and boarded the empty vehicle, panting for breath. The driver looked at me in exasperation as I fumbled for my wallet and dropped change all over the floor. I wouldn't have said I was drunk but the couple of beers I had had were certainly taking their toll. Just about regaining my composure, I apologised to the unimpressed, middle-aged man behind the wheel and paid my fare before retreating to near the back of the bus, well out of sight.  Given the size and...

4 years ago
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Awaiting a Kiss

Dana woke up abruptly, too alert for comfort. She looked around the room with her green eyes and didn’t recognize her surroundings at first. Her heart pounded inside her ribcage from her uncomfortable dream which was fading from memory. She wasn’t in her small studio apartment where she thought she deserved to be, the cold, moist air and the painfully familiar relics would sashay around her to remind her of the life she once had before her mother passed away. It was a painful reminder of what...

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Nave Natalie

Naïve Natalie Natalie and I had been seeing each other for a weeks at this stage, as we sat cuddled side by side on my couch, with her leaning into me a bit, showing off the contours of her curvy, slightly chubby body. We were sexually active, but the strictly by the book missionary style type of couple. Natalie seemed happy enough with the situation in the bedroom, but I yearned for change, for corruption. Corruption of Natalie. I craved deviance. Perversion. I wanted to defile Natalie. I...

2 years ago
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Big Cock for my wife repost

I met my wife 24 years ago. She was and still is the hottest woman I have ever seen. I am 10 years older and a lot more sexually experienced. She had only been with three other men and one woman. She was with her best friend while in college. She is now 44, a teacher, and a Mom. She dresses down so as not to draw attention to her overall looks. When we first met, it was all about the sex. Hot , kinky, adventurous, and nasty. As we grew to trust each other our sexiest darkest fantasies were...

1 year ago
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OH MY GODUncle Jack

Room 1205Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this business opportunity has unexpected resultsDisclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are figments of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to events and/or persons is entirely coincidental. (If you just want the sexy stuff, you can skip to below the dotted line in the story. I...

1 year ago
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Private Kaisa Nord Done Deal

Today we reunite once again with the spectacular Kaisa Nord, a true Private star who has come to Private Specials, Anal Chicks 2 to celebrate a business deal with her husband Ralf and ex-boyfriend Potro. Kaisa is here to prove why you should mix business with pleasure as she takes to the shower and shows off her awesome big tits before getting the fun started with a couple of sloppy blowjobs. Then watch the rest of the gonzo action on where this sexy blonde enjoys an anal and DP...

1 year ago
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Sexy And Funny Forums

I remember when porn forums were treasure troves of hot porn that you wouldn’t find anywhere else on the internet. These sites thrived even when other porn sites were first coming out. Why? Well, connections weren’t great back then. It was easier to watch a gif of some hot bitches tits bouncing on a forum than it was to try and load an entire video on shitty, dialup internet service.They’ve been on a bit of a decline lately, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still some great forum sites out...

Porn Forums
3 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 9

There was a line waiting to get into Carnavale Soho when Cat and Hall arrived even though it was just before seven on a Tuesday evening. Standing outside the front door, looking in, Hall said, “It looks popular.” “Good thing we have a reservation, then.” Cat laid a hand on her husband’s shoulder. “How do I look?” “Ravishing,” Hall gave her the charming, faintly self-deprecating smile that had first attracted her to him and opened the door. The muffled music they’d been hearing from outside...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 25 Pour Some Sugar on Me

NMDHS Locker Room, Parkhill, Ontario 8:22pm, Saturday, December 1, 1979 “Oh, my sweet Lord,” I whispered to myself after drying off from my shower. I just couldn’t resist opening the little pack that Ms. Dillon gave me out on the court. While I knew the main item in this package, the address and instructions almost floored me. It read, ‘Ms. Candara’s apartment is 1903, at One-London Place, Queens Street. This is the tall, new luxury building just east of downtown. Park in the visitor’s...

4 years ago
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Enjoying Communication

I am Sasanthi 29 yrs . I living with my little baby and dearest Husband . I do like to share one of my life experience with you . This is one of secret in my life . I,m sure you will like to hear this . I,m a house wife but due to earning some more I used to work part time for a communication. Those time my mom cares my baby. One day my husband went to his work and in the evening I start to walk to communication . Its public road and many people going here and there. I feel some one following...

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Sylviaacutes Slave

SYLVIA'S SLAVE PREFACE The story which you are about to read may, at times, seem quitepreposterous. I have often wished that it was an episode of a nightmare orsomething, but I assure you that it is not. Why, you may ask, have Iwritten this account? I have done so on the explicit instructions of mymistress who hopes that in the recounting of my ordeal I will once againrelive all the shame, humiliation, and agony I originally suffered. It isher intent that, in the process of doing the...

2 years ago
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She asked me as a help

HI ISS Readers, This is Naren from Chennai. I am sincere reader of ISS. I am 22 years guy living in Chennai. I love to read and watch XXX movies. OK let’s come to my true incident which was happened last week. That’s my first experience with my Aunty Asha. I tell about her first. She is 27 years young beautiful and sexy aunty. She is living next to my home. She has got 2 boys one 3 years old and another 7 months baby. I have no time to interact much with her since I am working in well...

2 years ago
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Second ThoughtsChapter 2

"What was that guy's name?" Jen turned away from the TV. "What guy?" "That black guy that hit on you back in college." Jen giggled. "Are you still thinking of that?" "I'm just asking for his name," Michael said, feigning innocence. Jen thought about it for a minute. "Gerard something ... Powers, Gerard Powers, I think." Michael turned back to his computer and started typing. "What are you doing?" "I'm Googling him." "What?" "Wow, look at that. There's a ton of...

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A Halloween Story

A Halloween Story By Cassandra Morgan In the tiny pockets of time, eternal truths can be unveiled. You'll be in the middle of an ordinary conversation, and suddenly, someone will ask a question about a fundamental truth. Pay attention, and the world will teach you a lesson. At least, that's the way it happened with my wife Ginger and I. We were sitting around, wasting the minutes until dinner. We worked hard. Ginger was a psyche major at UC. I'm a junior high math teacher. So...

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Fucking Politics 8211 Pt 1 Sex With Aunt And Plotting Revenge

This is a completely fictional story. My name is Rishikesh. I am 25 years old and I stand at 5 feet 4 inches. Yeah, I am short and skinny, but these shortcomings are what makes me work very hard to achieve something impossible. That’s my motivation to what I work to achieve and then there was that other thing. ​ It happened one evening when I was at Chachaji’s house, Mumbai. We two were sitting in the lawn at the back of his bungalow. Dhangiri chacha (uncle) is a political leader of a party...

1 year ago
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The Auction

The Auction. By Jill Bird. Part 1. "But why an auction? It's just making me into a prostitute!" Jill had herangry and hurt look; one, which Mark knew, meant she was about to dig her heelsin. "No, it won't!" Mark had to tread carefully now if he was going to get hisbeautiful wife to go along with the plan. "What it is, er, is instead of theold seedy thing of throwing the men's car keys onto a table and then lettingthe women pick up a key at random, the men bid for the woman of their...

3 years ago
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A local MILF brings out the worst in me

The woman ,”Amy”, of the house was a tall well shaped blond who frequently would walk up the road with her daughter. She would pick berries and stop at the beaver pond to point out the ducks and geese to her daughter. It was on these walks that I got to see her long well shaped legs, long blond hair, and nicely proportioned breasts. She was about 30 yrs old, 5'8" tall, about 130-135pounds, with what appeared to be nice sized tits. ...

1 year ago
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Gander My brother earned the namewe used it

Note : This story is completely fictional!!! I went to 10th grade looking like Barbara Eden of Genie fame. Something in the water I guess. (9th grade I was little Nancy** frizzy hair chunky bod). My two brothers were the barometers of my GROWTH. They started making fun of me one Sunday as we dressed for church. No one in our house left their room without being DRESSED. no nighties in the living room, Skirts and dresses were two inches Below the knees. Shorts two inches above.No tight blouses or...

2 years ago
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The Things in the ClosetChapter 7

The following afternoon Lynette had just completed a chapter on the new book and, feeling satisfied with her progress, decided to take a break. In the three days since the priest had blessed the house there had been absolutely no recurrences with Simon and Sarah. 'Perhaps they're gone -- for good, ' thought Lynette, smiling that the house now seemed peaceful and serene, the way it had before the ghosts had made their appearance. Maybe now she and Cherie could settle into the life for...

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Bewitching Copyright© 2010 Castlequeen As I wake, I get a touch of my lover’s scent, and it warms my heart. Jason is an intern at a nearby hospital,, and some day he’ll be the successful and caring doctor, but for now he’s just working so very hard. It’s just one of the things that I love about him. I don’t get much time with him, but I get by, and of course, there’s Leila, who is my girlfriend. Confused? It’s not really that confusing. I’m bisexual, yes, and I have both a girlfriend and a...

1 year ago
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How I learned I was Bi Part 1

How I learned I was bisexual. I was a member of a gaming group (we played D&D, Werewolf and other games like that) that included 2 couples (a third couple for a short time) ,3 single males (me included) and single female. I had a tendency to be sexual in the games if at all possible and was vocal about the fun my ex and I had had with another couple before she left. Nobody in the group was a prude so we had some great discussions about sex and passed a lot of sexual innuendo between us all. One...

4 years ago
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Silver heat

Sailing AwayByRobert Reams©It all began at my eighteenth birthday party. My parents just would not believe that I was through with all that juvenile 'birthday' stuff, so I had to endure one more embarrassing round of phony smiles and worthless gifts from all my parents' family and friends. I am, I have learned since, a fairly attractive guy. Short, about 5'7" and slim but not too skinny, blond, with sparkling blue eyes and a captivating smile that makes me look even younger than I am.My...

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