31Dawn`s Ultimate Fantasy. free porn video

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31Dawn`s ultimate fantasy.

Let`s have a quick refresher about Dawn first;
she`s a pretty little thing, just 5 ft 5” tall, Married, has Husband, An occasional Lover and a Master, who Every week calls her to his lair uses her as he wishes then sends her home next day well fucked. She then sends her adventures as a note to me her Scribe who in turn writes them up as a story for her and dotes on her every word/
Meanwhile the hubby Andy (a devoted cuckold) is sat at home with his kit in a chastity cage, awaiting her return his only knowledge of what has happened is the story by the scribe on the stories return.
The master is known to send for her to ride by bus to his place in just a coat, collar and high heels for humiliation purposes it was this was to lead to her undoing and it happened like this;
One Thursday afternoon at tea break at her work, she sat chatting when a message from her master arrived it simply said “8 40 pm Saturday, Mine dressed just the coat collar and heels Next the jewel will be the word slut.
She smiled, understanding completely.
She sent OK
There was no further communication she knew if she couldn’t do as commanded she could send the single word, “unavailable” and he would except that she was pre-booked for a family thing, or it was her week , or she was unwell, she knew though she would then suffer next time he sent for her.
She continued work as though being called across 12 miles of Oxfordshire on a cold February night dressed in a ¾ length fur coat and shoes with no other clothing on a public bus to allow a man not your husband to do whatever he wished to your body, was as normal as a shopping spree.
To her it was, she had been doing this for some years now, it was her form of relaxing, giving her body, totally, absolving herself of all control, even of blame perhaps, mentally she couldn’t explain it completely even to herself.
The master excited her beyond anything any man had ever managed, her hubby was good, but there are some people in this world who excel at sex and the master did it for her, though her body occasionally suffered badly she bore the pain and bruises with pride.
She loved pain, sexual pain, it was her way.
She tucked the message away until she got home; when she did she put an x on the calendar, pointed it out silently to Andy and knew that at 8pm the latest on Saturday she would leave for the bus
Friday came, and Friday went,
Saturday, no work so up and flit round the housework, aided by Andy, down to the shops fetch a few items, do the laundry, house-wifely things long hours on the shop floor stopped her doing in the week.
At five they ate, before Andy was allowed to re-shave her pussy smooth and bare followed by a bath. Andy patting her lovingly dried with a big fluffy bath towel, applying the talc with care over her carefully dried and powdered and to him so precious body. H er shoes coat and the belly jewel lay waiting her
She lay back on the bed as he fitted the small jewel in the belly piercing, then at her bidding with infinite care wrote across her firm belly the word ‘slut’ in letters 3” high using her darkest red lipstick.
She stood and opened a drawer in the Locker beside her bed, his lockable chastity device and her collar lay awaiting them both, symbols of their marriage bond.
Her hand trembled, just a little as she fitted his tackle into the cage and locked it away symbolically, he would only be able to use it to piss with, till she returned, the key being on her collar.
She knelt at his feet s he placed his symbol, a thick black studded leather dog collar round her pretty neck snapping the tiny padlock closed, he alone having the key to this symbol of their love clipped to his cage.
They kissed, a ritual maybe but it was their way, he led her to the kitchen, her high heels clip clopping as she walked through the house and he handed her the fur, a replacement for the long gabardine mackintosh she had used before, and a birthday present from her master, who had said she must be cold travelling, though really she knew had meant ‘this will be even more humiliating! ‘
The coat hung heavy on her shoulders and she buttoned it up as far as she possibly could, it reached nearly to her knees, though she knew her naked smooth pussy would suffer from the cold and would be exposed as she sat down. The collar also showed above the bust line neck of the fur, she looked a slut and now felt it as well.
No purse tonight, but a few pounds in her pocket for the bus fare, and a hanky, her only loose items.
The hall mirror showed that collar stood out on her bare neck like a sore thumb, she felt a complete whore, she was ready, again he kissed her as the clock was striking eight and she stepped from the front door.
The cold damp night chilling her legs, and reaching under the coat in an instant, adding to her sexual awareness as she closed the gate.
Clip clop went the heels echoing on the empty pavement, they carried her to the bus stop, where she stood waiting patiently, ever conscious of the invading cold. No one else came and the after just a couple of minutes, the bus arrived on time for a change, the driver eyeing her collar as she paid him and following her legs to her seat in the mirror before setting off, no doubt wishing he was able to share her body.
The brightly lit warm little bus soon had the few passengers to the terminus, again the drivers eyes followed her every move, wishing, hopeful, like her scribe all those miles away, his mind roving her fur clad curves.
She was soon on the country bus, bound for the village of her Master, the same gaggle of souls sat as they had on her last trip, chattering about the place they worked no doubt together, she sat as she had before, this driver too watching her in his mirror, she carefully sat down, mindful of the coats lack of length.
The engine started and the driver was about to move away when the leering youth appeared, late, running, breathless, he flashed his travel card and as before sat lounging across the seats just in front and in the opposite row to her,
He sat taking in the view, mostly of her legs, missing nothing as before, as before at the first real stop they lost a few of what she now thinks were office cleaners, he should get off at the next, the stop comes and he sits there unmoving, the bus rumble`s on her corner by the big old barn she used as a marker for her stop, she rang the bell,
As she got off she felts rather than saw the leering youth follow her, the bus doors shut, the cold forgotten now she starts her foot journey as the bus drives away into the distance.
She knew instinctively that she was in trouble, as she began to walk down the lane, those dammed heels not helping, she had gone but three paces when he grabbed her, hand over mouth arm up back, dragging her towards the yard at the side of the barn,
She fought him, he hit her just once, instantly darkness overtook her, he dragged her body, toes leaving lines on the cold surface of the filth in the yard, into the big warm barn,
She came too, straw under her, prickling her bare skin, coat open, wrists wrapped in a rope.
She was oh so conscious of her lack of clothing and the slogan across her belly.
Her head began to clear, he was on the phone, “Yeh common farm barn, leave the motor out of the way, she`s got a notice saying slut on her guts, legs to die or and nice tits, Yeh bring him too don’t be too long either.” The call ended
She tried to get her arms free, she had played at bondage time and again with her master, but this was oh so different.
Leering man went out and fetched in her high heels from the place she had stopped being conscious.
She knew that he had sent for his friend`s she reckoned she only had a few minutes so said “what did he think she was?
he said “you’re a brass, a slut it says so on your body, that means we can screw you silly and you won`t be that upset, or have much to say cos` you can`t go to the law, you`d be done for prostitution, nakedness in a public place and god alone knows what else!”
He laughed a sardonic laugh, I bet you`ve had more pricks than a dartboard so don’t expect to go home yet bitch”
A car swung into the yard the lights swinging into the dark barn hovering for just a moment on Dawn then died along with the engine. There was a ‘whoop’ from the young men crammed into the machine; they began to fall from the car she counted 5 or perhaps 6. One held a torch, all ignoring her pleas for release or help, pleased at their windfall, the beam of the torch hovered on the naked woman, on her straw bed.
The leader, the tallest, swore at her she was “going to get screwed” and “to shut the fuck up!” so fearing another slap she did as she was ordered.
The tall chap pointed to some bales stacked at the side of the barn, “get them made into a bed” he ordered “while I contact purvey George, as he will pay good money for her after we have finished with her.”
Willing hands made a platform of bales, and she was released from her rope then her coat d****d over the scratchy straw roughly dumped on the bales, she sank into the fur knowing what was about to happen, the voice of the leader in the darkness told leering man to “go first as you caught her!” he was quickly aboard her, his stiff penis embedded in her dry cold pussy long before the sentence was finished to the laughter of his friends. His wild thrusts rough and dry, stabbing at her, deep tearing, unable to fend him off, her arms and legs held apart by the lads, more pain than joy as the penis pumped her full of his seed, she cried out and a cock was thrust into her mouth, with the warning that if she bit anyone she would be dead by morning, she had no doubt these lads were not k**ding in any way,
Her body began to become aroused responding automatically as the third lad began his mad ride, by the fourth she was beginning to go with the inevitable climax she knew she could not avoid, the leader came back, “He`s bought her but he wants her well used” he proclaimed, “turn the bitch over I want her arse”, t
They threw her over, face down; a hand grabbed a hank of hair, raising her head, her mouth quickly filled yet again as the tall youth mounted her, no lubricant, no preamble, and no fineness just a red hot rod jammed into her bowel. She would have screamed but that was stifled by the mouthful of stiff cock, he began his ride, tearing into her tender channel, ripping at the thin membrane, red hot pain, stabbing deep into her body, tears running from her eyes like rivers, gagging on the mouth full, Salty cum, swilling round her mouth now, another cock stabbing at her mouth whilst the leader, was still thrusting himself into her back -passage. He had urgency now to fill her and not lose face, amongst the group he led, his thrusts becoming more rapid. Suddenly his hot seed splashed into her, filling her.
The man at her mouth spewing his jism into her mouth as the master was replaced , his seed lubricant for his follower, not so painful now as the unknown cock began to thrust, as did the new cock stroke for stroke in her mouth, she was losing count, seed dribbling from her used mouth yet again. Her arse like some raw open wound, she knew she was losing consciousness from the climaxes she was automatically experiencing, she wondered would they kill her with their ****, at that moment, she really did not care she was way out on a different plane altogether.
Suddenly it ceased, she slumped down her belly filled from either end, cum dribbling from her jaw, and her backside, and also from her less used sex, she collapsed on the damp fur coat the lads collapsed in heaps round her, sated, she had no energy and knew she could not have run from her aggressors if she had, had.
A while past, then they bundled her, her shoes and the coat all into the big old car the leader backed away and they were soon passing the master house, the leering lad left with a fistful of notes and a walk home, They went back onto the Oxford road, twenty long minutes, unable to see more than lamppost tops from her position crammed into the rear foot-well.the motor slithered to a halt, at journeys end.
She was thrown from the car, willing hands holding her. She had a glimpse of the big dark house, chilling, cold, forbidding and unfortunately lonely,
She looked a sight she knew, hair all over, lipstick non-existent now, the coat once soft and warm , now filthy, and wet from the spilt cum, matted , straw and yard crud.
The light came on at the door, purvey George appeared, beady eyes surveyed her, as he motioned them in, a sly smile on his face. He motioned them to a room dimly lit and off from the hall central to the room was a pillory at his request they placed her head and wrists in the standing stocks. The wooden lock beam clamped down and clipped
The coat removed and thrown to the corner, he examined his prize like a cattle dealer, her teeth, her tits, her nipples, twisting them mercilessly, excited by her groan, jamming a finger into her sex, then her arse,
Bargaining with the leader, haggling, she could not hear the price struck but knew the deal was done George peeling notes from a fat roll.
The leader, saying his goodbye`s, as each lad trooped out blowing her a kiss, as they went.
The car soon left, she heard it pull away, and a feeling of loneliness crept over her, along with the cold fear of slimy fat George, who she could neither see, nor hear.
She began to quietly cry, her heels making her legs ache, her neck painful, wrists sore, belly still full, arse raw, asking herself if she would ever see home, Andy, or her master ever again.
She wondered what price they got for her, she would have given anything to be under the master`s whip at that moment, or at home with Andy, her mind flitted from one thing to another, the bus, the leering man.
With a click he lights came up and George appeared; short, smelly barrel-fat and greasy, he twisted her right nipple again; he did it just to hear her intake of breath.
Hs face thrust at hers, he hissed that he was going to remove all her lovely lock`s, his friends would love getting her smooth when they arrive, she cringed, his breath stank of garlic, he ran his fingers through her hair savouring the feel of the blond tresses.
The doorbell shattered the moment, George, left her, her legs still aching lifting first one foot then the other to gain some relief from the constant throbbing pain.
George returned with two more men, one smart, tall tidy white haired fit strong looking, the other bland bald, small stocky, neat, but with cruel hard eyes that made her shudder as she looked deep at the black pools of his pupils.
The taller one removed the lock bar of the pillory snapped his fingers and beckoned her to follow him. The other two trailed along behind, as she desperately tried to totter after him on her cramped and painful legs.
He led her to a shower room, “Wash” he commanded “and be bloody quick!”
The shower restored her a bit; she removed the remains of the word across her belly, the jewel had vanished who knows when, she lifted the shower-head down and ran it at her pussy and her arse, flushing away all thoughts of the way she had been taken by the lads.
She washed her hair running her fingers through the silky tresses, soft clean.
She turned and found the three stood watching her savouring the clean body displayed before them, lips being licked like a line of puppies watching a bone.
Reluctantly she turned off the shower, knowing she could not delay the three longer.
She stepped from the tray wet dripping as the short bald man took her hands in his and led her like a lamb to the slaughter from the shower room to the toilet
They waited for her to empty herself, door open six eyes watching every move, every splash, every trickle, she wiped, flushed the toilet turned and was led to a large room, padded walls told of the sound proofing, she knew she would be screaming soon, they were not the sort to just sleep with her, she could tell.
A single chain dangled from the ceiling, her damp body shuddered as she realised its purpose.
To one side a strange low wooden stool stood on the floor. Another corner had a dressing table, complete with a mirror a chair with arms, in front of it.
I n the next corner there sat a real dentist`s chair and in the last a cage about four foot tall and six square.
The tall man quietly, his voice full of menace, whispered “welcome to your new home.”
Her damp body was soon sat at the dressing table, baldy man and George placed a strap round each of her wrists another round her elbows and one round her throat from her now damp collar. The taller chap placed a strap over her tongue and lower jaw pulling it down and attaching it to her collar ‘D ‘ring she now could not move her head whatsoever.
She soon began to drool, she could see herself in the long mirror, George appeared with scissors and each began to snip at her lovely tresses, each handful being laid on the table in front of her, snip, snip, snip, snip they were leaving small stubble patches, a gross looking field of unequal bunches of very short hairy stubble. Cut, cut, cut, tears again coursing down her face as her hair, her pride and joy her lovely locks slowly vanished leaving a travesty of her former beauty.
The three seemed to be more excited the more they carried out this bizarre task and for them much too soon they ran out of hair to remove.
Her crowning glory now gone she watched as they each pulled out permanent point felt tip pens red green and black, each taking turns began to write comments onto her legs working from the ankles, the words spread slowly filling every space, Whore, Slut, Cow and Bitch were the commonest words, ‘Squeeze me’ appeared on her right breast, ‘Wax here’ on the left.
They released her and made her stand, so they could add on her back ‘Whip here’, on her butt ‘Cane me,’ Drool still ran from her mouth, dripping on her breast, They removed her mouth strap and she worked her jaw glad of the freedom.
She suddenly realised they were of the belief that everyone in the world loved pain as they did, they believed they were doing her a favour by giving her the humiliation or pain they loved
She was glad she had lost her shoes not having regained them from the shower, her legs glad of the rest, she stood for the strange trio, dancing round her like some ritual totem pole, each with his hand in his trousers masturbating not one having removed a stitch of clothing and each dabbing words on her body as in turn they passed a bare spot. One at a time they each climaxed.
This part of the exchange over they stopped the ritual the tall man checked his watch pronounced it time for bed, it being 2 am and they fastened her into the cage locking it securely
With a click the light went out as they left her, moonlight filtered through the window she had not had time to notice before, she slay on the rug provided, not able to stand, though she could lay out.
Her marked body tired and sore, she had a raging thirst, It had been just six long hours since she left Andy for the master`s home, six of the most eventful of her 36 years. These odd weirdoes frankly frightened her more than a caning by her master with its pain and bruises they being so unpredictable.
She surrendered to her exhaustion, restorative sleep taking her for a deep if restless hour or two.
She awoke, the sunlight watery lacking warmth, filtering through the window, she was desperate to pee, her mouth dry as dust tongue furry, she looked down and her body, lettered as it was, suddenly reminding her of her predicament.
The next hour was a long one, her thirst raging, the need to relieve her bladder pressure desperate now, that she was contemplating the unthinkable of having to wet the cage floor.
George appeared dressed in his PJ`s scratching his butt,
He released her and escorted her to the toilet, standing again enjoying her humiliation as she emptied her bursting bladder in a rush.
His excitement was obvious, as he stepped forward and flopped his small todger out of the trousers, 5” if that, she took the proffered item into her mouth and still, sat on the toilet sucking him to a climax glad of the liquid, he produced as precum to moisten her parched tongue. With a groan the greasy little man filled her mouth, she shut her eyes and swallowed, she had given numerous blow jobs over the years, but this was not even remotely sexual to her,
this was survival.
The act over he took her to the kitchen, telling her to make tea, showing her the location of the necessary items and leaving her as he opened the garden door to fetch in a huge shaggy dog,
Friendly, it came straight to her sniffing as dogs do.
George smiled his twisted smile saying she should be glad the dog liked her; adding that “he would be her lover soon”.
She had heard of a****l sex but had never experienced even a dog`s tongue never keeping a dog herself even as a c***d, she looked at the great shaggy b**st with both interest and a lot of fear. A shudder ran through her.
The tea made, they sat at the large scrubbed table, the tea balm to her cum flavoured tongue.
So far they had had little actual talk, so she tried to coax George to converse, she asked how long they planned to keep her, people would be looking for her and he would be in trouble if they found her here, Georges answer was simple “who would know where she was, she was here now for the rest of her lifetime, and like her predecessors, she`d better get used to it”
Her jaw dropped as she realised what she was being told: if it was left to George, she would never leave alive, her best chance was to stay compliant and spy her chance to escape, easier said than done.
As if to change the subject the huge dog began licking at her hand, his names ‘Casper’ George said in a friendlier tone, the moment had past, but she would questioned him again as to her life expectancy she needed to know.
He said that all the time she did as she was told she would be “OK” but it was up to his friends, if they grew tired...his voice trailed away menacingly.
She asked if “would he do it himself?” he visibly brightened, a twisted smile flitted across his face, as he explained “yes he always did and with the greatest of pleasure!” her blood ran cold. She was sitting sipping tea with a man that was discussing the end of her life as if it was a weekend outing, and if to be believed he had killed before.
She fondled the dog`s ears in a distracted way, the shaggy head against her leg, friendly, real.
He had her cook breakfast, the food soon ready, they ate like any other couple, her realising suddenly just how hungry she was, not having eaten since tea at home the night before.
The meal over, the dishes done he presented her with a list of duties, cleaning house-keeping generally, meals and times. She pointed out she had no watch and he said there was a clock in every room, and he would be putting one in the play room today. His use of the word ‘Playroom’, struck her as ironic it was no ‘play’ for her!
He attached a light chain locked to her collar, growled “call me when you`ve finished what you can do and we will move you,” he stood and snapped his fingers at the dog, then strode out of the back door.
Each hour he returned to her moving her to other chains, one in each room around the house.
Her life from here on in became a routine of mundane drudgery, the friends did not appear for a day or two, she was called at 9, daily, toileted, blew him, did breakfast, They ate together, she cleaned , cooked dinner, cleaned or did some other like duty, cooked a main meal they ate again together then off to her cage till just before bed, toileted again with the same bizarre blow job and shower then to bed in the cage now more comfortable with her coat as a mattress and a water bowl to save her thirst. This went on day after day.
She knew he was waiting for something, just not what, He, making no attempt at any form of sex, other than the ritual blow job, morning and evening.
It all changed after about a fortnight.
That morning, he refused her expectant mouth, he seemed distracted, she began to worry when the tall man appeared mid morning and when the bald one appeared after the evening meal, hers taken in the kitchen theirs in the living room, she knew she was to be used again, she did not have long to wait.
She was marched to the toilet by baldy man, he savouring the act visibly exited by the sight and sound as she passed water. They moved to the “playroom”
They sat her in the dental chair securing just her wrists and collar this time.
The tall man saying that she could “kick her legs about as much as she wished it would show she was enjoying the pain.
Her mind raced, pain, her master had played at pain, their sign of the mutual enjoyment, of sex, of joy, they had a safe word, these there would she knew have no such luxuries, no such limits.
They went away for a while reappearing shortly naked.
The first time she had seen their pricks, the tall man his 6” dangling slack uncut, the bald man huge stiff expectant with a round purple mushroom head and George`s tiny 5” of wrinkles.
The ever helpful George was carrying a tray, her eyes widening with fear as she saw the needles glittering in the spotlight aimed at her belly.
Baldy man adjusted both chair and light she was laid back reclining now the light on her breasts she knew where they would begin.
She braced herself as the tall one picked up the first needle, slid the point across her breast then slowly inserted the point, the needle thin and short slowly oh so slowly slipping below the surface an inch below the nipple into her right breast.
Not just through the skin, as she had seen on the so called videos many times on hamster back in the real world eons ago where she had mused as to the excitement of the pain erotic, sensuous.
Here it was a case of a relentless slow push perhaps an inch deep into her breast, a lance of Fire, of pain, she shivered she knew this was just the precursor of any number of these, she braced herself.
She was correct.
George stood watching holding the tray at her feet his eyes glittering knowing his turn would come soon. Baldy stood to the left mirroring every move of the tall one, a second identical needle speared its way into her. Another point of fire, they worked symmetrically and alternately the pain building with every literal pinprick
A ring of fire such as she had never felt before, tears falling now desperately trying to control her emotions,
A moan escaped her lips though, despite her best efforts. It threw a switch in the head of the tall one, who remarked that “at least you have proved you are human” and stepped back
She didn’t feel very human just now, her tits a screaming hot rack of fire. They stepped back admiring the tidy pattern,
George passing the tray to baldy, who stood beside her knees, as George without moving opened her legs, tall man and baldy anchored the knees apart, and George stabbed a mercifully small needle through her right labia, her scream and attempt to move away, brought forth a laugh from the tall one, who was obviously enjoying her suffering, it was not long on its own as the left one received an equally fast stabbed needle. Her head swinging from side to side, attempting illogically to clear the massive pain, her mind trying desperately to come to terms with the intense pain.
She realised they had stopped and were sitting back allowing her time to control herself.
They poured themselves a glass of wine apiece, and sat as her crying died slowly to the sobbing gasps of a c***d after a smack.
Tall man now addressed her “oh my girl was that too much?
She nodded, so he went on to show her three 2” needles, “One of these is going through each nipple and one through your clit, we are reasonable men and will let you choose the order, but be told lady they are going in!”
Her jaw hung open, she was unable to speak, horror showing in her face, and the eyes bulging, she screamed, the tall mans reasonable smile did not change a jot, she begged, she screamed, she howled, still the smile was unchanged though his tool stiffened considerably.
She realised her entreaties had done nothing but excite the men, who were now smiling broadly believing she was doing her complaining as an act and enjoying the whole experience as much as they.
Baldy man said that if she did not give them an order for the needles she would find more added to the menu. He gave her a count of ten then began to count down from ten, by six she nodded, at three she realised the thing was inevitable, and shouted “left then right and down there last they each began to smile broadly, George saying “there now, that was not painful was it!”
They laughed, each drawing a needle from the tray, then playing paper scissors and what-ever, they drew for first second and third.
George went first, making a display of lifting the nipple and working from below the weight of the breast supported on the tiny point slowly oh so slowly inserting itself up through the tender flesh, she began to scream, the needle continuing up through the meat, making a pointed mini mountain on the top surface of the nipple skin, slowly bursting from its lair and standing up like a TV mast on a small mountain.
The other men applauded loudly. She just moaned, knowing what was to come.
Baldy man was second, his nipple he chose to work right to left, he picked the base of the teat to work from, the point touching the areola, and his free hand gripping the tip of the teat hard twix finger and thumb and pulling the thing towards the stationary needle, the pain was double or more of the first, fierce screaming pain as the point of the thing tore its way through the tender flesh to appear with a single drop of blood, she was now on another level of pain more than she ever believed that she could bear.
He released the pinched nipple, blood flowed again in the nipple itself, and the pulses throbbing, another time another place it would have been climactic, here it was just more pain.

Sheer terror now, tall man fondling his needle like it was an old friend checking the point was sharp by holding it up where she could see it, admire it and even expect it.
He laid his left hand on her pubic bone, thumb and third finger pushing apart the lips and the forefinger pulling back the hood from the clitoris, her love button, her tiny prick.
The point of the needle, began its awful journey, her scream piercing the air, high unreal, unearthly, George`s little prick spewing forth, instantly at the sound, his joy beyond words as she slumped forwards comatose from the unbounded pain, the tall man finished the journey of the needle, his own climax splashing seed onto her legs shaking hands with baldy man and saying “he had always wanted to do that!”
She of course was ignored.

They sat drinking more wine, the needles still in place and Dawn in another world. Slowly she returned the room swimming as she became more lucid.
George said “oh hallo, back are we?”
They laughed, she groaned, they began to remove her steel tormenters, slowly one after the next each in turn leaving blood droplets marking the holes in her skin.
Naturally the last ones being the nipples and then the final one, she felt that whole shaft, slowly, slowly, dragging itself through the tender clit, finally dropping away, it was over.
Baldy man however thought not, they watched him adjusting the chair laying her down flat , he asked them to hold her legs wide, then lit a candle, the flame long, out of her line of sight her head still secured, she was unable to lower her eyes enough to see what was happening. The wax hot now he tilted the candle dripping the first drip onto her pubic bone, she moaned, the second hit its target her hood, she began to scream again baldy man passing the candle to his left hand taking himself in hand with his right, the dreaded candle wax dropped again her scream finally pushing him over the edge, cum spraying on her yet again.
This time it was over, they released her, George taking her near collapsing body to the shower room, were after her shower, she was sprayed with antiseptic spray, and then put into her cage, they dressed and George saw them out after they said goodnight like friends that had been to a card game saying goodnight to the hostess.
She was exhausted, sore, and sleepy when George returned said “you did well “and turned out he light. Closing the door he left her to weep in the darkness,
Aware now that they truly believed she was enjoying all the pain and they were doing her a great favour.
The week passing slowly the bruises and the piercings sore but not too bad.
Saturday came round again and by now she could read the signs mid afternoon the tall man arrived this time with his wife a dark haired woman called Pat, big of breast, short of body overweight, she fondled the dog as if it were an old friend, they waited for the baldy man, till he arrived, at five, she was showered and emptied, like some robot, she was then taken to the ‘playroom’.
Leather cuffs this time, placed on her wrists by George. She stood vulnerable and still in the centre of the room.
The strange low stool was dragged to the room centre, as Pat appeared with Caspar. She knew she was to be bred and though she had never ruled out k9 sex she was apprehensive of what was about to happen.
Baldy man lifted the bench on end, standing it on a small wooden box; it was a strange stool as, at what was now the top there was a wooden plate, hinged to swing.
Tall man had her kneel, her belly against the stool which came to just below her still sore bust.
Pat lifted each individual breast and laid them very gently on the wooden plate, George and baldy man securing her hands on either side of the frame a retaining strap placed around her waist, the tall man now addressing her; He was sorry about this, he said with a smile, but a slave had once refused to remain in place for Casper so now we (he glanced around the assembled group) ‘secure’ Casper`s lady-friend in a more positive way.
She took it he meant the strap and said she understood.
There were smiles on all the faces bar Dawns, as Pat passed him a hammer and four nails.
For dawn the penny now dropped, and to their joy she began to scream.
Smiling tall man placed a nail point slightly to the right of her right nipple with a single stroke he drove the nail down through the flesh and into the wood, a quickly applied second stroke secured the thing before she could protest or the pain register, she shrieked again as it
did just that, the pain hit like a wave striking a rock, he passed the hammer on to George who placed the next nail just left of the left nipple, and with a bang he hit the thing deep, but not deep enough to completely pass through the breast. A second stroke however brought the nail to the wood and a third struck it into the plank.
Dawn was by now screaming loudly, the hammer again moved hands, Baldy man placed his in the right breast to the left of the nipple, and a single hard stroke had it deep into the wood, the screams loud and long.
The dog sitting patiently watching and waiting, as Pat took the hammer and the nail. She positioned it but you could tell she was no user of a hammer, the first stroke clipped the nail head, clouted her knuckle then smacked down on Dawns nipple.
She apologised, to their victim.
Then she tried again, this time perhaps rather a half hearted stroke, the nail penetrated but it was not enough, another stroke, again, a fourth, still not enough, Baldy man took the hammer and struck the nail home.
Dawn`s noise was high, piercing, loud and inhuman and her fingers tight on the legs of the stool.
George slipping a ball gag into her mouth, saying: “they would hear that in oxford if she didn’t shut up!”

They lay the stool down throwing the box to one side
She was now laid on her belly, knees on the floor, tits secured to the board, arms round the stool fingers seemingly embedded in the stool legs, unable to move, pain, unspeakable pain running through her breasts.
The dog now sniffed at her sex, cold nose touching her rosebud, tongue lapping at her labia, surprisingly wet, despite the pain, or perhaps because of it.
With a little encouragement the b**st mounted her, front legs astride her back he knew his place, his stiff rampant purple rod stabbing at her body, the pointed end jabbing at her attempting to find its way deep into her body, the onlookers making no attempt to assist whatsoever, each stab making her body rock forwards, t tearing at her nailed breasts, pain ripping through her breasts, intensifying every tiny move.
Casper suddenly engaged, her body had never felt so full, the a****l now thrusting and deep, her cervix just stopping the huge prick from apparently coming through her intestines, sex pure climatic sex, taking over though her breasts screamed pain, drool drained from her mouth-side, around the gag, her jaw aching from biting the ball.
The knot appeared, swelling and causing her more pain, as it sealed her interior from the outside world, his red hot seed filling her, spraying her guts with the hottest juice she had ever experienced. She began to climax, the combination penetration, the knot, and the hot seed, sending her to a new level, her breast pain, an added boost now, rather than just pain.
The dog stepped over her back swivelling his deep bedded cock till he was now back to back with our heroine, he began to attempt to pull out dragging her and the stool behind him.
Baldy man released the strap over her back; all the strain was now on her hands and her breasts, the dog again attempting to free himself, the stool the woman, all being towed around by the dogs knot. Suddenly the knot released to the applause of the assembled four.
Cum splashing from her sex as she collapsed forward yet again.
George released her wrists from the stool placing the claw hammer into her hand. The four now sat drinking wine and watching her slowly attempting to prize out the nails, the hammer head, pinching at the soft flesh as she attempted to get some purchase on each of her metal jailers. It was not easy at that angle.
It took a whole hour before the last nail released her and she could stand on wobbly legs, trickles of red dribbled against the rapidly blueing bruises of her poor breasts. Baldy man removing the hammer from her tired hand and Pat took her for her shower,
The woman stripping her clothes off and joined her under the hot water, her hands running over the damaged breasts softly but firmly squeezing and massaging the nipples and the nail holes, getting some strange excitement from the woman`s discomfort, her hands playing with Dawns sex, revelling in the remains of the doggy cum, sharing the stuff with Dawns tongue and fetching her off as the warm water cascaded over them both.
Another two weeks pass, each day as boring as the one before, her bruised went slowly, the nail marks slower to vanish she was expecting the visitors again. On one wet day over dinner he explained what amounted to his method of slaughtering the slaves that had “gone before” he asked if she knew what it was to ride the horse, she said she did, he said their variation “was a metal bar hung on metal chains”, he explained that it was “always the final excitement a slave would enjoy” he went on that “after an overnight hour or two ‘tenderising’ the group would convene then add a blowlamps to the metal rod,” he laughed as he said that they usually didn’t last another hour!”, he stroked the dogs shaggy head distractedly and chucked at his pet that it was “cheaper than tinned dog food” nodding at the freezer as he did.
Putting a brave face on things she asked “how many?” and he said “just three,” adding “you’re lasting well miss.” Then he shrugged indifferently.
She felt a cold lump deep in her guts.
The weekend soon came; the couple arrived as usual during the afternoon, Pat taking herself off with the dog to the playroom saying that the last session had been mind blowing and that she wished to ‘try the dog again,’ her husband held the door for her and Casper as they vanished to the playroom leaving George to wait the arrival of the Baldy man who arrived at 5.30 yet again,
George extra quiet tonight led her to the toilet, as was usual, then the shower, finally leading her to the playroom,
Pat taking the lead this evening stood in the centre of the room waiting with Dawns cuffs,
Dawn was soon stood hands attached at the chain on her tiptoe.
George removed the dog, while Pat removed her clothes, the men-folk joining her,
The tall man`s wife now added a large strap on penis stepping into the harness like a ballet dancer.
Baldy man began to warm dawns body with a soft whip, she began to tingle, her skin stinging as she hung there, Pat walked forward flung her arms round Dawn and began kissing her, she ordered the men to “lower dawns chain so she could stand comfortably on flat feet”, which her husband did re-securing the chain after he had done so.
“Well why have you stopped”, she said to the Baldy man, he began again with the soft whip, Pat dragging herself around the bound woman, slowly probing at her body with the phallus, till she was fully engaged, the women`s lips entwined, tongues like swordfighters first one way then the other, the strap-on thrusting in and out fetching Dawn rapidly towards the boil. Suddenly Pat stepped back holding her hand up to stop the soft whip, she stepped from the phallic harness, then held it up for Dawn to step into it. It was soon in its place.
Pat said to her husband, that “as it was the poor cows last night she was going to share her pain for a while”
The comment was not wasted on our heroine she has half expected it, having come to terms with the inevitability of her situation. Pat plugged herself onto the black rubber dick nodded at the three men and told them to begin again, Baldy man started just as he had been told, the whip wrapping itself like a cloak of pain, a binder round the two conjoined women,
Dawn`s mind, deliberately shutting out all other thoughts. Blotting out whatever the future held
Allowing her-self to ride with the excitement of the moment living, just for now.
The whip changed hands, the tall man now with a cat o nine tails, Pat clinging round Dawns neck, tongues again entwined, becoming more exited with every stroke that struck,.
Dawn began to moan with the excitement of the pain, Pat urging George and the Baldy man to “get stuck in too.”
They did not need to be told twice, Baldy with a bull whip now and George with another single tail they took turns, the leather thongs leaving ugly stripes on both women, some on legs, some on backsides some on backs, the men taken with the task, not singling out a target, just striking at the bodies blindly, both women benefiting from the joy of the pain, Pat climaxing a huge joyous climax, fetching Dawn with her, the moment it was over. They literally fell apart Dawn still hanging from her wrists the men having dropped their whip`s. Every-one in the room had enjoyed a climax of one sort or another
They let the woman down removing her cuff`s, and allowing both women to go for a shower together, gentle stroking sex ensued under the warm balmy water. It lasted for perhaps an hour, for the women it could have lasted forever.
George appeared nodded at Pat and after a final kiss the women returned to the playroom.
As she expected, before Dawn was a pair of parallel bars one hung 5 feet above the other linked with two support chains looking for the world like a giant picture frame, her heart fell, it was she knew the horse, intended to be her last great sexual ride the men attaching her cuffs again as she took in the horror of the contraption.
Pat kissed her gently, they knew it would be a last embrace; they hugged as tenderly the woman helped her to step over the lower bar and attached her wrists above the top bar securing her helplessly.
The whole thing was ready now George using his fingers to open her sex as the 2” bar was gently lifted; supported her body weight, the cool metal at first cuddling against her soft sex gently, her feet still near flat on the floor holding her weight, a little uncomfortable its true but not painful
She knew they would not lift the bar yet; she wouldn’t last till the morning if they did and they all would want to share in her death pains.
Each in turn now came to her as she stood her sex chilling on the cold bar. She knew in their own way they were saying goodbye, to them they were about to give her the greatest joy they could give, pain.
The men tweaked her nipples, and Pat bit her breast, leaving teeth-marks. She silently watched the strange group depart. George the last, switching out the light.
The hours past, arms soon tired and the bar cold in its snug soft holder becoming a hard taskmaster.
It was George who returned, she knew in her heart of hearts that it would be, he placed two huge newly filled blowlamps cold on the cage top, raised the bar a couple of vital inches, then said “by the dawn you will have endured the ultimate in female pain, it will be so intense you will be past caring what happens to you, say not a word, we all will help you through it as quickly as we can so enjoy the final excitement.
He just smiled nodded to her and the light went out as he left,
In an hour she was just managing to keep her weight from the bar, the next hour became a tussle between her soft sex and her legs, by the third her arms and legs were a screaming agony of white-hot pain the first streaks of dawn showed at the window when she finally heard them moving about, she knew soon her agony would first increase then be over forever.
The four friends came in together, the light of another grey day filtering into the room, they did not put the light on Gorge silently pouring mentholated spirits in the lamp trays, Baldy man striking the light.
All eyes now on the blue flames Dawn knowing that the mantle needed to heat the element before these large old lamps began their terrible work, the moments pass slowly, her legs forgotten now, her aching arms too, the first lamp began to fizzle, Gorge began to pump the thing up, the second soon followed roaring into life, stinking of paraffin fumes,
George and the Baldy man reaching for the great lamps she could already imagine the dreadful heat of the hot bar.
The dog Casper heard it first he began to howl loudly, George went from the room to investigate, expecting perhaps a delivery,
There was a loud crash in the distance as the front door came in, shouts of ‘”Police ‘”and “Stay where you are!” It was a raid!

Near to hysteria anyway Dawn y thought, “she of all folks here had no choice but to stay where she was didn’t they know that?” and she began to laugh hysterically
Baldy man ran from the room; sounds of a scuffle The tall man standing open mouthed and the woman Pat beginning to cry, the two blowlamps as yet unplaced roared on, she remembered blue uniforms, open mouthed constables, willing hands lowering the horse, the wondrous silence when those lamps were switched off, difficulties walking, gentle helpful sympathetic police women, clothes, the first she had round her in over a month, photos being taken, tears, statements about the contents of that freezer, questions endless questions, an ambulance, Andy at the hospital, tears, the master , the press, more tears, It was over.

Same as 31Dawn`s ultimate fantasy. Videos

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Stripper Mom fulfils Sons ultimate fantasy

My name is Conor and growing up I was well aware that my mom was what society would label as a 'whore'. She stripped before she had me, whilst she was pregnant with me and after she had me. She never really had any serious relationships. Guys couldn't handle what she did for a living. They thought they could, but they couldn't. I always got the sense that my mom was lonely. She worked five nights a week, from 6pm-3am, although she never got him until around 6am. She would send my...

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The Ultimate Fantasy

OH YEAH"! Yelled Cassie in ecstasy as she fell back beside me in our bed. After several minutes both heavy breathing "that was amazing you are so good" " so are you" I said. Cassie and I had been together 6 years. Both of us had, between us, pretty much every sexual fetish there is and had explored them all. Or so I thought. One day Cassie suggested we read a website of fetish stories together. We looked down the list of categories. Cassie found herself drawn to the 'cannibalism'...

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My ultimate fantasy

My girlfriend and me use to have these orgy parties and we use to have a lot of fun and that all ending a few years ago when a close friend and party attendee was killed in a motorcycle accident. Well we have sex from time to time but it seems to not have that spark like it did when we was going to the parties. God I use to love seeing her get fucked in the ass by a black guy and seeing her squirt all over his legs!! Anyways after she had called me and told me when she was going to be home I...

4 years ago
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The Ultimate Fantasy

Paul couldn’t walk fast enough. His heart was pounding and he kept checking the time on his iPhone every couple of minutes. It was only a ten minute walk to the hotel but it seemed to Paul that he would never get there. He knew that Marie has something very special planned for him and he couldn’t wait to find out! The day started normally enough. Paul was up before anyone else in the house and had left at his usual time, just after 8am, to catch the bus for work. The day had been busy but not...

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My ultimate fantasy

It’s a hot summer day. I come home from a long day at work, greeted by the love of my life with a hug and kiss. I tell him how my day went and after talking for a few minutes, he tells me he has a surprise for me. He says he’ll reveal it after I take a nice, hot shower. I get nice a clean for whatever he has for me, thinking of what ever it could be. I originally would think he is gonna take me to a nice dinner and we would come back home for a night of hot, passionate sex. I come out of the...

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Ultimate sissy fantasy

Im walking down an alley in the rough part of town, feeling my frilly pink panties rub across my completely shaven crotch. The thought of coming across a group of large black men that would k**nap me and gang**** me violently just popping into my head, as it usually would when I'm walking the streets at night. But there something that separated this time from all the rest.The thing that separated this time was that it became a terrifying reality. As that recurring thought faded out of my head,...

3 years ago
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Ultimate Fantasy

It’s a Friday and I arrive at your door, my pulse is racing and my palms are sweaty, but I’ve been anticipating this for a long time. I am ready. I knock and you open the door. There you are, I think to myself. Your hair is perfect; it's tied back but laying on one shoulder. You’re wearing a red dress. It’s short but not too much and it comes low at the neckline and emphasizes your boobs nicely. You smile that smile of yours your eyes lit up like the sun, and suddenly my pulse calms and my...

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My Ultimate Change Fantasy

"Can I go on top for a change?" she said. "Sure," he said. "Now you're inside me, can I borrow a millimetre of your cock, just to make my clit a fraction bigger, make it more sensitive?" "Um...okay." "Oh I can't really feel any difference, can you? Can I take another couple of millimetres? Just for a bit?" "Alright..." "I think I can feel that...it does feel nice...can I take some more...what about a whole centimetre?" "I don't know..." "Oh please babe...you know I've...

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The Ultimate Fantasy

Paul couldn’t walk fast enough. His heart was pounding and he kept checking the time on his iPhone every couple of minutes. It was only a ten minute walk to the hotel but it seemed to Paul that he would never get there. He knew that Marie has something very special planned for him and he couldn’t wait to find out! The day started normally enough. Paul was up before anyone else in the house and had left at his usual time, just after 8am, to catch the bus for work. The day had been busy but not...

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Racquel Darrians Ultimate Fantasy Part I

Racquel Darrian, former Penthouse Pet and Vivid pornstar stared in the mirror as she finished up her make-up. She had been fighting again with her boyfriend, Derrick, who also starred in adult films -- usually with Racquel.She had actually been lucky. This past year Derrick finally started letting her take on other guys on-screen and she was secretly having a blast making secret lists of men she wanted to fuck on camera. It was something her girlfriends did when they were touring around the...

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Saras Ultimate Surrender

Sara’s Ultimate Surrender     Sara fidgeted nervously in her seat as she had been doing for the last few hours. Her mind was whirling with the events of the last month, as well as the possibilities which lie ahead. She eyed the restroom for the thousandth time since boarding the plane. Making her way down the aisle on shaky legs, she longed for the sanctuary of the restroom, certain that every eye on board was on her, knowing her destination, her purpose for this trip—her secret. With a heavy...

3 years ago
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Spiderman part 3 Ultimate heros part1

Introduction: continuation of part 1 and 2 Spider man part 3 Ultimate h?s part 1 Gwen Stacy took Spidermans dick like a pro. She was back against the alley wall as Spiderman pummeled her with his huge cock. Gwen Stacys big tits swung freely as her legs wrapped around Spidermans back. Her hips gyrated up and down as spiderman thrust into her receiving pelvis. Stacys hips ground into Spidermans dick. Her pussy wrapped around his cock milky it as the hot rod pulled in and out sucking her pussy...

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Spiderman part 3 Ultimate heros part1

Ultimate h?s part 1 Gwen Stacy took Spiderman's dick like a pro. She was back against the alley wall as Spiderman pummeled her with his huge cock. Gwen Stacy's big tits swung freely as her legs wrapped around Spiderman's back. Her hips gyrated up and down as spiderman thrust into her receiving pelvis. Stacy's hips ground into Spiderman's dick. Her pussy wrapped around his cock milky it as the hot rod pulled in and out sucking her pussy lips with it as it moved. Gwen's black high heel...

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Ultimate Fantasies Fuck Your Favorite Celebrity

DISCLAIMER: As always, this story is entirely fictitious, it’s strictly unsuitable for anyone under 18 and exactly none of the people, events or anything else described are intended to bear even the faintest resemblance to real life. ...Which would be difficult in any case, since this story can literally be about anyone you like. More on that in just a moment... Hey there, weary traveller. Thanks for stopping by. This is a Christmas story. But much like a freshly frozen turkey sandwich, it...

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The Ultimate Warrior

(Author's Note: SO... After two long years of creative dry spell and a major writer's block that has prevented me from writing seriously, I have decided to try to continue this thread. Bear with me as attempt to get back into the mindset of the premise so the pacing of quality content might be a little slow.) A long time ago, a great immortal warrior named Skord brought down the rampaging Bardarim, the fabled Ender of Worlds. As reward from the Elder Deities, he was offered the place of a dead...

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The Ultimate Guide to Kink Book Review

I recently took the time to read The Ultimate Guide to Kink: BDSM, Role Play and the Erotic Edge. The book is a compilation of work from leading sex educators in North America. It is edited by Tristan Taormino, an American author known for her activism in the sex-positive feminism movement. While I was initially skeptical about ‘sex guides’ or ‘expert advice,’ I found some of the writing to be enlightening and thought-provoking. I was able to borrow an electronic (e-book) version through my...

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The Games Ultimate Prize Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Bilingual Ashley had been worried when walking into the Luxies Club tonight. When eyeing the crowd in the bar, she could not find a man that fit her profile. On her previous trips to Luxies there were plenty of men that were her age or older than her with strong physiques and totally take charge attitudes. Tonight’s candidates had mostly been younger. She was relieved, and excited, when her eyes settled on Chad after scouring the bar. She guessed that he was maybe five years...

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Ever imagine being f******n or sixteen, and naked around women?Or being forced to take your clothes off because of culture?What if you get an embarrassing boner, what will you do in front of a group?Ever wonder a virgin, who never touch and see a penis suddenly gets to have a free viewing seat and groping?A woman, who in her entire life only spent imagining what it was like to touch or how it looks like---until her curiosity and imagination came true? Well, that is the experienced of some women...

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THE ULTIMATE REVENGE (mm, nc, magic, tg, femdom) By: RealmanThis story is intended for adults above the age of 18. If you are not18 years or older, please do not read any further. Jack woke up nude and strapped on a bed in some kind of clinic and wasasking himself why he was there and who brought him here. The door openedand a very good looking woman came by the bed. "Who are you and why I am naked and strapped on that bed?" asked Jack. "My name is Brenda and I run an agency that...

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SRU Ultimate Nightmare

Note: As always, The SRU universe and related Intellectual Property are copyrighted to Bill Hart. Thanks to Bill for creating this wide and grand universe. This story may be Archived on any free site. Further Note: This tale is the continuation of 'SRU: Ultimate Sacrifice'. It takes many twists and bends. This Story is Extremely Twisted. So be forewarned! I'd like to hear your reactions. Thanks again for reading and feel free to comment. I'm just a beginning writer, so please take...

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The Ultimate Whore

Note to American readers - a bedsit is bedroom/sitting room; rented as a single room in a house. You share a bathroom, and usually have no access to any other rooms. It's the cheapest and most horrible accommodation commercially available. A flat is an apartment. Note to all readers. Hope you like this. In response to comments, I've put a plot in it other than just the transgender theme. I hope I've got the balance between the erotic side of the story and the non-TG plot...

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MAU The Ultimate Costume

MAU: The Ultimate Costume Synopsis: A couple are planning to go to a Halloween party, but can't decide on a costume. At the last minute, the host offers to let them use his newest 'toy', an alien device that can change people. The two put their heads together and come up with a very unique 'costume'. [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: The Ultimate Costume Jeff turned the last page of the catalog,...

3 years ago
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Ultimate Fun With A Married Lady

Hi everyone, I am back with a new story, for those who don’t know me. I am Hiren a 24 years old average collage going boy. I don’t have heroic looks nor do I have a perfect shaped body. I don’t even have a 8 inch long huge dick……… but I do know one thing. The secrete to a women’s ultimate orgasm. So I made a point to use my secrete to help other unsatisfied women to fulfill their desires by becoming a professional escort. So any girl, bhabhi or aunty from Mumbai looking for some fun time do...

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