Southbound Ch. 11-12 free porn video

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Primary editing by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks. My revisions and messing with it afterwards are all on me.


Chapter 11 Up and Running

I watched as the first order to leave our plant was rolled onto a truck. The electric forklift silently moved the three pallets into the truck, then withdrew and returned to its shipping department stall. We had leased three electric units: a riding model for full pallets being lifted into our racking system, a stand up model for moving finished product from the shipping dock onto trucks, and a powered pallet mover to move work-in-progress and finished product around and off the plant floor. No noise, no marks on the new epoxy floor, and no fumes.

We took no chances and gave our first group of orders forty-eight hours to cure after lamination. After which, they would be slit to the correct width and prepped for shipment. All our tests confirmed we had excellent bonds. Our tests on some twenty-four hour cure times were showing good results as well. All the same, we decided to use the longer cure time as a guarantee of quality. We would only revert to the manufacturer’s one day claim in an emergency. Even Fiona agreed with that.

I called Leo on Friday as promised, choosing two o’clock to give myself plenty of time to talk. Leo liked to communicate and no conversation with him was ever short.

‘So how did your first week of production go?’ he asked after we had finished with the preliminaries.

‘Really good, Leo. We are up and running and producing good product. I’m waiting to hear from Fiona on our customers’ reaction to it.

‘That’s a great feeling, isn’t it?’

‘You know it. I feel like I can start breathing again, as Bobby Lee would say.’

‘The reason I asked you to call was to discuss an opportunity with you.’

‘Fire away.’

‘You remember our conversation about lidding films, particularly for the new Keurig and Tassimo equipment?’

‘Sure. It didn’t fit. Web was too narrow for our slitters, we didn’t have a good source of poly-coated foil, and not enough customers. Other than that, it was a great opportunity,’ I laughed.

‘Yeah, that was then … but this is now. I’ve have a line on a Mark Andy thirteen inch wide press, ten colour. A label printer in Winnipeg I know was talked into it by his sales manager. It was a mistake. He wants to sell it, but not in his market.’

‘I don’t know much about Mark Andy presses, Leo, other than they’re U.S. made and pretty much the standard of the paper and film label business. Are you thinking about the coffee lidding business again?’

‘Yes. I’d like you and Mike to survey the market and see what the demand is. I’m thinking private label, of course. I’ll leave it up to you to tell me if you think it’s doable. Every time I see a store flyer or look around in one of the stores I see those machines for sale. The supermarkets are carrying the coffee for both systems. And more and more, I’m seeing smaller brand labels too. This might be an opportunity for you.’

‘Yeah, but what about the poly coated foil?’

‘That’s what got me thinking again. The European supplier of the stock is putting inventory into Toronto, including the mini filters. Apparently Tim Horton’s is going Tassimo while Starbucks is going Keurig. The supplier will stock one or two sizes only and slit to order. That would solve a big part of our problem.’

‘Is Ralph on board with this?’

‘Yes … as far as the press goes, he’s okay with the equipment. He’s examined the specs and looked at both products and says the press will handle it.’

‘Okay, then, let me turn our best sales person loose on this. We’ll get some information ASAP.’

‘Let me guess … that would be Ms. Alexander.’

‘You got it in one. I’ll do some work on it too. I know several of the roasters in the Bay area. They’ll give me good information.’

‘Good. If it makes sense, I’ll get Ralph to look at slitters and go see the press for himself. Let’s not make any promises yet.’

‘I understand. Don’t worry. After all, who talked you out of that Soloflex press five years ago?’

‘Don’t remind me,’ he laughed. ‘I’m still living that down.’

‘By the way, have you given any thought to a new slitter for here? The ones we inherited are not very fast. We’ll run out of capacity if we keep going like we are. Fiona pulled in four new accounts this week.’

‘Let me talk to Dave and Ralph. It’s not a huge expenditure, but I’ve got to watch our cash flow. Growth doesn’t come cheap, but I don’t want to choke you down. Are you going to two shifts soon?’

‘How does next week sound,’ I bragged. ‘We have enough business coming from you and from our customer base to justify it.’

‘That’s terrific, Andy. Just what I needed to hear. I’m really proud of what you’re accomplishing.’

‘You and Ralph and Dave found me some good people. I just cut them loose and let them do their jobs.’

‘Yeah … sure,’ he said.

I sat back in my chair as I hung up. It was going better than I had hoped. I wondered when the first crisis would crop up. There always would be one to test us. It was part of the business.

I looked at my watch. It was just past three-thirty and I was running out of energy. The past three months had been full of tension and trial. Finding the right people, installing new equipment, training employees, finding new business, and making marketable product. Yeah, I was running out of energy.

I could hear Fiona’s voice coming from the customer service area. It was mixed with laughter, so I didn’t anticipate a problem. I pushed myself out of my big leather chair and headed for the source of the voices.

‘It’s good to hear laughter in this place,’ I said as I sauntered up to the ladies who looked after processing and scheduling orders.

‘You expected crying?’ Sandra teased. ‘We’re back in business. Do you have any idea how good that feels?’

‘Oh yeah, don’t worry, I know exactly how good that feels,’ I assured them.

‘I think Mr. Big Shot general manager should take us girls out for a drink to celebrate,’ Fiona said, poking my sleeve with her finger.

‘Ooooh, the sales babe is getting personal with the boss,’ Myra Ramirez teased.

‘Like that’s a surprise,’ Donna added.

‘He’s all mine,’ Fiona announced, wrapping her arm in mine. ‘I found him first.’

The produced some genuine laughter at my expense. I was sure I was red-faced.

‘Okay,’ I surrendered. ‘One drink on the boss at Hernando’s Hideaway.’

‘Would it be okay if we invited Bobby Lee and Wick?’ Fiona asked.

‘I don’t see why not, since they are going to make us all famous,’ I smiled.

Sandra got on the phone and paged the two men. It took a few minutes before they answered.

I was sitting on the edge of Donna’s desk chatting with the women and mentioning how pleased Leo was with our progress. That brought smiles from them, naturally. I didn’t hear the conversations Sandra had when the phones rang, but she came over to our group smiling.

‘They’ll meet us there just after five. We can save them a couple of seats.’

‘Bobby Lee might need a couple of seats himself,’ Myra laughed. She was a diminutive middle-aged Hispanic woman, barely five foot tall, and in awe of Bobby Lee Turpin.

‘I think Wick is more your size,’ Donna teased.

‘True, but I can dream, can’t I?’

That brought about general laughter. It was harmless fun. Myra was happily married to a successful local business owner and had four teenagers to feed. She made it plenty clear that she had all she ever wanted in her life.

‘I have an assignment for you,’ I announced as Fiona and I were doing the supper dishes. Tina was nearby, putting the dishes away as I dried them.

‘What’s that?’ Fiona asked.

‘Do you know what a Keurig or a Tassimo machine is?’

‘Of course.
I almost bought one a while ago.’

‘I want to survey the coffee market to see if there’s an opportunity for us to produce the lidding material. Our survey of the retail stores says it’s a strong private label market. Lots of regional brands mixed in with the big boys.’

‘Okay, I can get on that next week. What do you want to know?’

I told her my thinking and I could almost hear the wheels churning as she listened. I suggested we divide up the accounts and approach them about what their interest in the market was.

‘Great. Can we make the product?’

‘No … not yet. But Leo has an opportunity that would get us in position to take advantage of it if it was worthwhile.’

I saw a big smile grow on Fiona’s face and knew she would jump on this like she did with every new business possibility. All I ever had to do was hand her a match and she lit the fuse.

‘I’ve got to finish up the laundry,’ she said. ‘Here, take your wine to the living room and relax. I’ll be along.’ I got a nice smile and headed off to the sofa, my usual parking spot.

I put the wine on a coaster and put my head back for a moment. The next thing I knew, I felt a soft kiss and an arm wrapped lightly around my shoulders. I had fallen asleep.

‘How long was I out,’ I asked, looking around for some clue.

‘About an hour. You needed it, my darling man. You’ve been running on adrenalin for so long, it was bound to catch up to you.’

I pulled her to me gently and kissed her. I had a feeling of complete satisfaction and comfort. Perhaps it was the short nap, or maybe just the way things at the plant had gone in the past two weeks. Then again, the most likely reason was Fiona.

‘I love you,’ I whispered to her.

‘I love you too,’ she whispered in reply.

‘I’m going to marry you if you’ll have me.’

‘I’ve heard that before,’ she smiled.

‘I can prove it.’

‘Go ahead, prove it,’ she challenged, still in a whisper.

‘Tomorrow the ring. It’s going on your finger and you are going to show it to everyone … Tina first, then your mother, then anyone and everyone.’

‘You mean it? Already … I mean … I don’t have to wait until the end of the month?’

‘Naw, that was just a stupid rule I made up to make sure I knew what I was doing.’

‘When did you know?’ She had snuggled up to me, her head buried in my shoulder.

‘The day I met you. But, when you kissed me awake just now, I knew I had to quit stalling and man up. I love you and I want to marry you. I know you love me too, so what are we waiting for?’

‘I can’t think of a single reason,’ she murmured into my neck before attacking my mouth with hers and letting me know she approved of my plan.

We lay together in bed a little later, holding each other’s hand, turning to kiss and gaze at each other in the dim light of the shrouded lamp.

‘Andy, I have a confession to make. I wanted you right from that first time we talked. I wanted you like no other man I have ever known. When you made that speech to the people, my panties were wet. I would have fucked you in front of them if you had asked. I had to have you. I wasn’t going to be patient or cute or subtle or any of those nicey, nicey things little girls do. I set out to attract you to me and I set out to seduce you and when I did, well … I was going to fuck you into submission. I was going to make you love me because it’s what I wanted.

‘I had to have you, Gordon Bruce Andrews. I had to. I’m sorry if that sounds selfish and calculating, but I had to have you. And when I won … you … the prize … I wanted to jump and shout at the world … I got him! I set out to get him and I got him! Just like a lioness after the antelope. I got him. I hope you don’t hate me, but I had to tell you. I wanted you then and I want you now. I mate for life, Andy. I mate for life.’

‘Are you done?’ I asked, stroking her face with my fingertips. ‘Is that it? Did you think I didn’t figure that out? Okay, I didn’t realize it right away. It took me a while to understand what I was feeling before I started to wonder about you. Then … it started to become clear. I knew when you came onto me on that first date … in your living room. I knew you wanted me. The only flaw in your plan was that I wanted you just as much. To hell with how long it had been since my divorce. To hell with how long we had known each other. If I was single and on the prowl, I’d have picked you out of a crowd in a bar and put on a full court press if that’s what it would have taken to get you into bed.

‘You are an incredibly beautiful woman and I had to have you. Now … do I sound like the innocent, confused guy you thought you had on your hands? I may have been inexperienced, but I’m not a fool. I knew what you wanted and I wanted it too. So where does that leave us? Well … it’s like you said … despite my past record … I mate for life too, Fiona.’

We tore at each other in a frantic, lust-driven joining that could not possibly have gone unheard by Tina. In the heat of the moment, neither of us cared and if she mentioned it we might have found a way to explain the reason to her so that she would understand. I had never felt more powerful and Fiona had never been more aggressive. When it came to a predictable quick end, we lay panting in each other’s arms, completely sated and at the same time euphoric. It was settled. The future was to be Andy and Fiona. Fiona and Andy. And Tina.

‘What are you thinking?’ Fiona asked some time later.

‘I was thinking just how prophetic my ex-wife’s words to me were when she announced she was filing for divorce. She said something like ‘Andy, a year from now you may be thanking me.’ I didn’t even have to wait a year. I read somewhere that a man or a woman can fall in love with someone in ten seconds. I never really believed that, but you seem to be an example that proves the theory. It took me a little longer, but not much.’

‘I think I should send her a thank-you note for sending you to me,’ Fiona said between kisses.

‘No … don’t. We don’t need to rub it in. She’ll figure it out when she gets the news from Phil. I can just imagine what my two boys will say in describing you to her. God, wouldn’t I love to be a fly on the wall when that happens.’

‘Am I going to meet them soon?’

‘Absolutely. We need to plan a trip to Vancouver. I can introduce you to them. I hope they’ll welcome you the way you should be welcomed. I know Bernice Cornell will want to meet you, as will the other wives.’

‘So, I’m marrying into royalty,’ she laughed softly.

‘Well, you are going to be a senior manager’s wife. That does give you special status in some circumstances.’

‘Only some circumstances?’ she teased.

‘I can’t be seen to be showing favouritism at work, you know. Someone still has to be boss. It’s one of those rules you’ll just have to learn to live with.’

‘I’m not worried. Susan and I are like this,’ she said, holding up crossed fingers.

‘Just remember,’ I cautioned, ‘in case of disputes, I get the final say.’

‘No problem. I’ve got you on my side too. You’d never want to hurt my feelings, would you?’

I was hoping she was teasing, but time would tell. I had no doubt when Fiona wanted something badly, she would pull out all the stops to get it.

‘Anyone who knows me will tell you I’m a fair man. I treat each situation with calm, reasoned logic.’

‘That’s not an answer. Do I get your undying love and devotion at the office too?’

‘Well, a situation hasn’t arisen yet, so you’ll have to wait and see. You can judge for yourself then.’

There wasn’t a sense of this being a very serious discussion, but I was thinking that there was nothing yet to test the water. It would be interesting to see what happened when we did encounter one of those situations, the first time I had to say no.

Chapter 12 The Ring, The Survey & Overloa

I don’t know whose idea it was, but Tina accompanied us to look for a ring. I didn’t object, but I wondered if this was appropriate. I looked on it as a very personal matter. Although Tina was involved in the family, this marriage was exclusively between Fiona and me, with Tina as accompaniment.

Some decisions are easy to make and some are hard. Between Fiona and Tina, they turned the ring selection into a route march to the point where we visited the same jewellery stores twice, comparing opinions I had no intention of contributing to. Man was never made to go shopping with a woman and this was no exception. After a while, I felt compelled to say something.

‘Ladies, is there any possibility that you will be able to choose in this decade?’

‘This is an important decision, Andy,’ Fiona said with a look of consternation. ‘I want something that will last me a lifetime and still make me feel no other ring would do.’

‘Are you even close to making a decision?’ I asked, probably showing my frustration now.

‘Yes, Andy. I’m almost sure. It’s down to a choice between two. I like this one,’ she said pointing to a very nice rectangular shaped stone in a simple setting. ‘Tina likes the oval shaped stone in that ring,’ she said pointing to another ring which was equally elegant.

‘Do I get a say?’ I asked, now definitely showing that I was tired of being excluded.

Fiona looked at me in surprise. I don’t think she realized until that moment that she had ceased to ask my opinion somewhere along the line.

‘Oh … of course,’ she stumbled. ‘Which one do you like?’

‘With your permission, I would choose the rectangular stone. It suits your personality. It’s bold and large enough not to get lost on you.’

I saw the confused look on Tina’s face before her mother gathered her wits.

‘Bold? Do you think I’m bold?’

‘Yes, I do. You are bold and beautiful and successful. The ring you wear should make that statement. I believe the rectangular one does just that.’

‘Oh … it does?’

‘Yes, Fiona, it does.’

‘Oh … okay then. That’s the one I want.’

If I’d known I could put a stop to the endless dithering, I would have said something sooner. I did not ask Tina’s opinion because Tina would not be wearing this ring. Fiona would.

The ring was a little loose and had to be resized. It would be ready early the following week. Her intention to dramatically display it at the office would have to wait a couple of days, and that frustrated her more than anything. I had to remind myself that this was a first for her. She had never been married and had never been given a ring of any kind. It should have tempered my frustration at the selection process, but I forgot the impact this would have on her.

‘I’m sorry if I got a little upset this afternoon,’ I told her as we sat on the sofa before dinner. ‘I could just as easily have picked out a ring myself and hoped for the best, but I wanted you to agree. I didn’t count on Tina having a say.’

‘That wasn’t my best idea, I admit, Andy. She’s so supportive of us being together and she’s convinced she got us together. I haven’t got the heart to tell her that I was way ahead of her.’

‘Don’t apologize, love. I love Tina as a daughter I never would have had any other way. She’s a lovely, bright young lady who you should be immensely proud of. I want her to be involved in our new family to be. It’s just that the ring was something very personal. It will bond you and me. It doesn’t exclude Tina, it just doesn’t include her in a very private, special way.’

‘Thank you, Andy. I love the ring and I love you.’

I got a passionate, long kiss to confirm her happiness.

‘Does Tina have a boyfriend?’ I asked.

‘I don’t think so. Not right now.’

‘I just wondered. She’s a really attractive girl and I thought the boys would be pounding on your door after her.’

‘Oh, that’s not a problem,’ she said brightly. ‘She has plenty of young guys panting after her, but she’s pretty fussy about who she goes out with and isn’t into long-term relationships.’

‘Well, she comes by that naturally,’ I snickered. ‘Sounds just like her mother.’

‘Past tense, Mister. I waited my turn and got my reward.’

‘I’m glad you feel that way, because I feel almost the same.’

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You can enjoy Milf Redhead Sonia Harcourt inviting you to touch her wearing a little purple bikini, caress her tiny tits and tight pink pussy and open her legs in front of you, then showing you how to use her hands and mouth on your dick, licking and moaning while suck your balls and you feel her hot throat wrapping your cock. Then she happens to ride on top of you by inserting the penis in her pussy on a long ride then she turns to introduce it from behind then lies back in bed to receive your...

2 years ago
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A Hall Pass Part 1

It just slid into her head again like the night before. 'I wonder if he fucks as well as looks?' She had sat with her husband around the pool bar at the hotel absorbing the chilled, relaxing feeling that only a good holiday can bring and it was topping off a day where she had lain on the beach topless for the most part letting the warmth of the sun soak through her body whilst she drifted and dozed between bouts of the steamy novel she had been reading. But now it was dark and midway...

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Three Valleys SammiChapter 20

Much to her surprise, Sammi won the tournament that weekend. She beat Amanda Johansen, last year's winner, in straight sets, 6-1, 6-2. She kept getting the girl cross-footed and hitting the ball into the other half of the court. The party on Saturday night had been a blast. First she'd met a boy who was just old enough to attend the teen party. He was a little clumsy and needed a lot more education, but his enthusiasm and energy more than made up for his lack of skill. And then later,...

2 years ago
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Summer of 93rsquo The After Party Part XI

Summer of 93’The After PartyPart XIWe all came home to my house and the ladies all split up to go pee. I Showed Curtis the master bathroom, Curtis has been in my house but he never got the grand tour. I was very proud of the master bath, I worked with our builder to design it. It has a walk-in shower with six shower heads and a jacuzzi tub big enough to fit both me and Maggi.Curtis was pretty impressed, I was telling him all the different features when the three lovely ladies came in and said...

4 years ago
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The Princess Incest Diary 3

Dear Princess, Oh, you are so lovely and so young and sexy. I can't believe that I fucked you last night! I am such a sinful, wicked father. I have committed incest with my own virgin daughter! And I will do it again and again! I can’t stop now! I woke you up at dawn this morning, with the sun just coming in through the window. When I pulled the sheets back, the smell of sex was so strong in my nostrils. Your pussy and my dick were all sticky with dried semen. So, I pulled you up and took you...

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The GymnastChapter 8

Stephanie and Greg continued to work out together after school. Both were in such physical condition that they could each have a strenuous workout every other day without risking muscular strain or fatigue. On the days that Stephanie worked hard, she was in no mood for any after workout stress relief. Since Greg was not all hot and sweaty on those days, she chose to do her part then. He would sit on a bench in the massage room, and Stephanie would kneel in front of him, remove his work out...

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a wild night on the local hooker stroll

so i got of work and was feeling nasty wild as usual i called my neice and was wanting to know if she was gonna go hit the streets as since i cought her working the stroll i have become her best custemer lol she was busy but she gave me a line on a very open girl so off i went when i cought up with her she got in the car her name was jen posted a pic mm got to say she is so good at first she tought i just wanted a blo n go told her i wanted a few hrs as we drove to a spot i got to we talked she...

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What girls masturbate to Mariels dream

I sat down in a quiet corner of the park, that way I could survey the entire area and watch the people coming and going about their business.There was a small shack off to my left, an old mans clubhouse, where pensioners relaxed, played checkers on those large black and white squares, and chatted the day away about times past.I had been there eating my freshly bought Subway sandwich, when he came out and approached me, he had a cup in his hand, which turned out to be freshly brewed coffee, and...

1 year ago
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Kate Hot Asian TutorChapter 3 The Project

I was still holding his cock with my right hand as I looked up at him. I jolt of fear, pleasure and excitement ran through my body and I couldn't move a muscle. There he was, with the slyest grin I have ever seen, holding his webcam and filming me while I was giving him another blowjob. "Why are you stopping Kate?" I was completely stunned. I didn't what I should do. If I stopped, he would definitely send those pictures, but if I continued, then he'd have more images to blackmail me...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ko Bura Fansaya Part2

Hello friends my name is Pratham. Aur bina aapko bore na karte hue direct story par aate hai. Agar aap logo ne first part nahi padha hai to please padhe aur comments main bataye ki aapko kaisa laga. Ab story ko continue karte hai. Main poori tarah se gusse mein room se bahar aaya aur direct apne room mein chala gaya. Bus yahi sochta raha tha ki kahin bhabhi bhaiya ko poori bat na bata de aur main yahi sochte sochte so gaya. Main shaam mein so kar utha aur kitchen mein water bottle lene...

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Chrissys New Life Part 4

Chrissy's New Life Part 4 "Let's see now," Aunt Mary thought aloud, throwing open the sliding mirrored doors lining the wall of the bedroom. My eyes widened as row upon row of delightfully colorful dresses, skirts, and blouses were revealed. "What do you think, Carolyn?" Aunt Mary queried as she removed an exquisitely feminine pink dress from the rack. I couldn't take my eyes off the airy creation. The dress was a beautiful pastel satin, its bodice and skirt highlighted with a wide...

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Samson Gets Familiar Part 3 Kaylies Return

I'll never forget the day my bandages came off, staring at myself in the mirror and admiring their 42H glory. I couldn't help but be sad and remember Samson and what he would think of them. Sadly he'd never find out, having passed 5 years before my surgery. I hadn't loved another dog since that summer, not physically or emotionally. That all changed when I bought my first house this year at 36. I'm a moderately successful single woman with the terrible problem that in my small town...

3 years ago
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Damsels in Need Bree

Bob was a 40 year old divorcee, and father to James his 23 year old son who had moved into his own place at the age of 18, wanting to have some independence. He had raised him for most of his life, after his ex-wife left their lives almost 15 years previously. She was very self centered, and unfortunately James was heading in the same direction after having reconnected with his mother in the last few years. James had been married for three years to 22 year old Bree, but that marriage had...

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A night to remember

Me and the girls were getting ready for a night at usual, you know how it goes. Friday night time to go clubbing It was a fancy dress as school girls, and I was dressed the part… White blowse with my top buttons open Black Miniskirt Fishnet tights and loosely worn tie We arived at the club and had a brilliant time, wild challenges to win free champagne, wet t-shirt competitions. In the mist of all this excitement and getting a little d***k i lost my friends, I wasnt perticularly bothered...

2 years ago
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My First GirlGirl Experience

It was late February and my husband was turning the big 4-0. I invited several of our friends to celebrate his birthday to make it more memorable. I ordered a margarita machine which was delivered earlier that day. It was fired up, churning the slushy mix. I hired a local catering company that brought all the things needed to make tacos with rice and beans. All was going as planned - guests were showing up, bringing bottles of alcohol and gifts even though they were told not to.One of my good...

1 year ago
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PrincessCum Kenzie Madison Make You Cum

Kenzie Madison and her stepbrother Brad Sterling have to share a room with a bunk bed when they visit their Aunt’s house. There’s lots of sexual tension between Kenzie and Brad, which freaks Brad out. He tries to express his concerns to his mom, Claudia Monet, but Claudia tells Brad that it’s perfectly normal for girls Kenzie’s age to be curious about sexual things. She suggests that Brad show Kenzie his dick to normalize it for her. Kenzie gets an eyeful, but Claudia...

3 years ago
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Togetherness FChapter 4 Going Home

As they’d agreed, Marilyn Grant called Andy as soon as she got back to the house from her last exam in December ‘76. “Andy?” “I love you. Should I come over now?” “Give me an hour. I’m not packed yet.” “There in an hour. I love you.” “I love you, too.” At 1:15, someone yelled up the stairs that Andy was there. She yelled back that she’d be down in a minute. When she got close enough to the bottom for him to reach, he took the suitcase, and set it on the floor, then he took the book bag...

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Three Sluts On A Train

By the time everyone has shoved their way into the carriage, Sam is right in the centre of the throng, with barely any room to move. At this time of night, she knows she’ll be stuck in this spot for at least the next 30 minutes before her stop. As the train pulls away from the station, she looks up from her iPhone, immediately locking eyes with a young blonde, who couldn’t be older than 22. This blonde is slim, petite, but from Sam’s cursory glance downward, she has a perfect pair of...

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The fun continues

Introduction: Sundays fun with les Last night had turned out better than ever, with more guys and a extra dog to keep us all happy, when I moved in bed, the sheets were stuck to me, the cum had dried, sticking me to them, so I quietly got up, and headed for the shower. The warm water felt great, my body was a bit sore from the extra fun we had but my pussy and butt were still tingling with excitement too, it was then a hand slipped between my legs and found my wet spot. Looking back, I saw...

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Padosan Aunty Ke Choot Ka Bhoot

Dosto. Wo lund hi kya jisme nukila sopada na ho. Wo choot hi kiya jisme clit aur side cover (jhilli) naho. Wo chudai hi kya jisme(squirting) pani ki dhaar na nikle. Aur wo chot(dhakke) hi kiya ke har dhakampel par choot ke andar se pur aur chur ki awaz na nikle. Meri yeh kahani isi kahawat par adharit hai mere pados mein ek widhwa aunty rahti thi. Uska beta saudiya mein aur bahu zayadatar maike mein rahti thi. Padosi hone ke naate aunty ko jab bhi koi kaam padta mujhe bula leti. Aunty bahut kam...

4 years ago
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Different kind of blow job

Different kind of Blow Job irishmik60 I’ve written of my adventures at a swing club before. Here’s one that happened and did more than ‘blow my mind’. We arrived as usual on Friday night, the night before the party. We did this each week. The club, almost 200 miles from our home was owned by close friends, not just fellow swingers. Jim and Phyllis had run the club for almost 20 years. They had been ‘In The Lifestyle’ most their wedded lives. The ‘CLUB’ was their home. Almost 4,000 sq ft, tri...

2 years ago
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The BoxChapter 3

"Bong!" The doorbell woke me up. It was 7AM. "Just a minute!" I called out. Over night, the dildo had slipped from my vagina and was lying on the floor. I quickly thrust it into the night stand, stumbling as I was again overtaken by the electric shocks that ran through my body whenever I moved the damn thing. "Bong!" The doorbell again. "Hold on!" I shouted, as I rushed to the closet and threw on a shirt and pair of jeans. Finally I got to the door. "Hello there!" A large, burly...

3 years ago
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I final found him and his friends

For the last 7 years or so I have been from one guy or girl to another looking for someone that I could serve sexually and not interfere with the rest of my life.Last month I finally found him. I was at the local porn shop on Friday night cruising the theater and the peeps as usual. I was in the Theater by myself in the back row when a guy walked in he looked to be about 35-40 average build dressed in blue jeans and black shirt. He sat down across the aisle from me on the back row out of...

4 years ago
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Dipping My Toes In The Lesbian Pool

Looking back, I can see how this all happened. At the time, I didn't realize what was taking place. Not that I'm complaining right now. It's that I thought I was an observant person. I'd strained ligaments in my left ankle while running. I'd jumped off a curb, my foot landing on a small rock that blended in with the asphalt. I went down in the middle of the street, uttering words I usually don't use. I think I scared the kids playing a couple of doors down because they all stopped to gawk at...

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Spring CarnivalChapter 4

Barb went back into the booth, and I stood up and started walking back to my dorm. As I passed Fraternity Row, I saw those two teenagers again, walking towards the frat houses. This time the black-haired one noticed me first. "Well hi there. We meet again." "Indeed. Leaving Midway so soon?" "Yeah, it kinda sucked. We were just on our way to try and get into the frat houses." She lowered her voice and indicated her blonde friend, "Kim's got a fake ID, and I figure if they'll let...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 353

The Women's Construction Trailer at The Retreat Charlotte Bankston had received a small black light flashlight in the mail while she was at her mother's. With the flashlight were instructions to search the drainage pipes that had already been or would soon be delivered to the jobsite. The other women were over at the dining trailer playing cards and socializing with the men. Danielle had tried to get her to go with them, but Charlotte had declined the invitation, saying she was going to...

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The Lonely Wife

It started in the pub one night, I was sitting with some friends having a drink when I glanced over at a table across from us, and there sat three older mature ladies, they were probably in their early fifties, and dressed up for a nice night out, and as I watched them, one of them, a petite slim lady with short black hair and a nice smile glanced my way.I smiled politely back, and she did the same, and for the next hour we, every so often, seem to just keep glancing over at each other and...

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I Never Dreamed It Would Come to ThisChapter 3

The moment I dropped the letter to Danny in the outgoing mailbox I would have given anything to have had it back. The letter had been written as a selfish act, not for my husband. Writing the letter was to make me feel better, to somehow purge the guilt that had consumed me since I had committed a mortal sin. But writing it hadn't helped. Sunday afternoon I did some soul searching. What had I done? What was my real purpose in writing the letter? How would Danny react to my confession? Would...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 23 The Dust from My Shoes

The loss of the farmhouse Anna leased to the kids was a blow to everyone’s dreams. I felt bad for them. They’d all end up in dormitories now, I supposed. After the elation and parties celebrating their graduation, I could well imagine how depressed they would be. Even Cassie and Josh seemed to be affected. They weren’t fooling anyone. I’d long since accepted the fact they were sleeping with each other. Any ideal I had of couples needing virgin purity when they got married was destroyed when...

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After a night of heavy teasing, I slipped out of bed and picked up the shirt that was lying on the floor beside the bed. I figured I would be nice and make him his favorite breakfast before he woke up. I was setting the table for two when I felt a hand move my hair away from the back of my neck and shoulder. “You were being evil last night,” he said kissing my shoulder wrapping his strong arms around my waist. “We haven’t been dating that long. I don’t give it up that easy.” I smiled looking...

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Alex Mack Gets Raped

ALEX MACK GETS RAPED By Moxy Alex Mack was a young girl of 16 . She had a small pouty mouth, and an innocent schoolgirl face. She had mdeium sized breasts and was just ?getting her girlish curves. She was truly a stunning beauty. She had long blonde hair falling to the small of her back. Alex was shy but yet friendly. She was a tomboy and a virgin. She usually wore faded denim jeans and oversized clothes that hid the fact she was a female. Alex was embarassed by her body and didn't like...

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One Summers Morning

When you are younger you tend to do things without a second thought.When I was 14, during my Summer holidays, I lay in bed one morning, bathing in the Suns' rays of warmth, which were spilling through my drawn Venetian-Blinds.Mum called out as she was leaving, to go into town, suggesting I get up before the day had gone.The front door closed and the car engine started, revved-up and dissipated into the surrounding noises, as she drove away, leaving me alone and half asleep.I waited a few...

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Fourteen Day Program Ch 02

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a fantasy, nor reality. The story contains discussions of sex outside of marriage and unprotected sex. It concerns a woman who volunteered to be conditioned to enthusiastically enjoy all things sexual for her husband. Please do not read it if you are bothered by these topics. If these subjects interest you, enjoy, and thanks for reading. If you haven’t read part one, you might need it to appreciate part two. Part One seems to have struck a chord with a number of...

4 years ago
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The JaysChapter 27

Court insisted that he would drive Libby up to London on Friday. That way Jean would be able to come as well, see the flat and meet the Timermats. The recording sessions had been arranged for Tuesday, Wednesday and, if needed Thursday. Libby took little with her in the way of clothes but she did take a week's worth of food. Jean was entranced by the flat, particularly the dressing table in Libby's bedroom. "Exquisite," she enthused. "I wonder who made it. Ooh, I covet it." Court was...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Light Fairy Hit Me Up

Light Fairy is wearing nothing but a sheer lingerie body suit as she hangs out in bed and texts her beau, Mr Henderson. She wants help getting herself off, so she sends a few naughty pics Mr Henderson’s way and then lays back to caress her hands all over her tight body and wait. It’s not long before Mr Henderson joins her in bed and tugs the shoulders of her outfit down to reveal Light Fairy’s hard nipples and perky little breasts. The couple takes things slowly as Mr...

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The Neighbor Kids

I was 15 at the time, so I guess Jenny must have been the same and I think Bob would have been about 14. One day Bob showed up at my house asking if I wanted to play. I started to laugh but thought better of it. We went out in my back yard and sat under a tree. Bob wanted to tell me about some Men at Work record he had and he would occassionally belt out a few lyrics at the top of his lungs. I asked Bob if Jenny had any boyfriends and he said no. "Well, does she like boys?" I asked. ...

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USA Sy Wapis Ayi Pakistani Larki Ke Chudayi

Hi guys I am a new Pakistani writer main jab bhe yahan stories parhta tha mje ye saray sex encounters fake lgte thy balky sorry to say mje yakeen hai kuch log jo yahan pe stories likhte hain aor apne steamy sex encounters batate hain un ny porn movies k ilawa kabi choot daikhe he nai hogi you can say a story is fake jb usme larki first sex main he lund daikh k bolay itna bara lund first sex encounter aisa blkul nai hta jaisa Yahan kuch stories main likha jata hai khair apko agar maire ye story...

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VIP Encore Performance

The violist giving a concert was a rare treat for many of the university music graduates of this year, most notably I. Although not a viola player myself, as an avid violinist and classical music nerd, this opportunity was not going to be missed. After the concert went through Telemann’s Viola Concerto, Mozart’s “Sinfonia Concertante for Violin & Viola”, ending on Bruch’s “Romance for Viola & Orchestra”, not only did the counter-tenor like timbre of the larger fiddle leave me spell bound on the...

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