When In Florence
- 3 years ago
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In The summer of 1864 Florence Harper found employment as housemaid for a well to do family in the Lincombes area of Torview South Devon’s prime resort for many of the Victorian upper classes.
Florence, a very attractive girl, had everything going for her – but ironically that would ultimately be her demise.
Her future was in jeopardy when she found herself trapped in a situation where she was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t
Her family was on the breadline and given a mean wage she managed on pay day to find a few pennies to give to her mother on the strength that she now had regular board and meals and her very own, sparse that it was, room.
But initially, everything looked good for the eighteen year old who could now see her way clear to enlighten herself with the better things of life, and the stable hand, Philip gave her the confidence of knowing what it was like to be noticed. He was a handsome lad and for the first time in her life she felt the real need for a new kind of relationship other than just friends and acquaintances, like former school friends, who she still saw occasionally when on some shopping errands for her mistress.
For a while everything went along fine, she got on well with the other employees like Jean the cook, the two kitchen hands, Ann and Mary and Joshua the butler .
She began to strike up a closer bond with Philip who said he loved her but -although she felt she liked him very much, that was as far as it went, it was her very first romance and despite Philip’s requests and his ardent attempts to seduce her – and how she simply loved the feelings he gave her, his sweet, sweet touch in places she’d never ever imagined could stir her so, he tried to guide her hand to his rising manhood and when. For the first time she felt one in full erection she was stunned, he wanted for her to take it out of his trousers while he kissed her ardently, but she would not submit to any more after that- even when they could both snatch some spare time together, usually in the stables. She argued that he simply could not love her in so short a time that they had known each other but Philip insisted it was love at first sight!
But in those days for a relationship to progress to any more than that, would have been regarded as improper and Florence was dubious about how her employers would react, if she was discovered in a place where she was not instructed to carry out her duties.
But to ease Philips frustration she discovered how she could release his deep passion to seduce her in other ways and she was quick to learn just how with his guidance and enjoyed the coming of that new feeling in her body, the wanting of a deep loving and sexual relationship, but was still unsure if it was the right time to completely submit herself to him, even although she was starting to feel more compelled so to do.
One day she was approached by Mr. Donnel, the master of the house. This had never happened before and she was concerned that her private visits to see Philip may have been discovered and feared the worst, already thinking she must never again visits the stables, even if it meant breaking up with Philip.
‘I am having a sort out in my office and would wish you to help me tomorrow when you have finished your usual house duties’ the master stated ,and she breathed a sigh of relief that her concerns were unfounded.
‘That’s very unusual, Florence, ‘said Jean, ‘for the master to want someone to help him indeed, you had better watch yourself, girl, I have seen the way he looks at you.’
But Florence was of an age and a time when innocence was common in one so young so she didn’t take much notice of the head cook’s remarks, not imagining for one moment that she would be regarded by a man of such high esteem in being interested in her. And besides he was married to the mistress so that confirmed her feelings.
But she soon discovered his designs upon her, and her innocence was shattered as she struggled with him to stop the things he was doing, she watched in alarm as he touched her under her knickers and put the finger he had been touching her with, between his lips and tasting it, closing his eyes and making this strange murmuring sound – unlike Philip his passion was more demanding of her and having already experienced the joy of sexual encounters with Philip even though she managed not to submit to him fully, her employer was in turn was smothering her with compliments – very aware of her vulnerability and her innocence, telling her that there was nothing wrong in it, that it was the most natural thing in the world and that if she would just relax, he would do her no harm, his intention being to give her pleasure.
‘But I don’t love you, it would be sinful.’
‘You silly girl – you don’t have to be in love’ he quirked. ‘This must be just between me and you and no one else must know of it, then nobody will know you are committing a sin, if that is what you feel it to be – and you will have some coins I feel sure you can make good use with.’
‘But God will know, sir!’
But such was his lust he ignored her plea to stop, and all regards for her emotion were abruptly disregarded under the spell of his intent to seduce this very desirable girl and capture her virginity so tight and so wonderful to feel and taste, stripping her roughly of her garments until she was quite naked for his perusal, she was in no doubt that, if she refused him, and that was made abundantly clear, her services would be suspended and she would not receive any reference to find work elsewhere. That she should accordingly think it an honour for a girl of such lowly class should be desired by a man of high esteem – being an important member of the aristocracy.
He showed her his all when he too stripped in front of her, holding himself to produce a very strong extremity of well defined masculinity, she perched there on his four poster bed, looking up and shocked, But the feel of his presence so sensual confused her, her feelings mixed with shock and fear and yet a deep wanting. He was a little gentle with her as, she still perched on the edge of the bed, he closed to her, close enough so she could sense the scent of his manhood she’d encountered when pleasing Philip, when for the first time she discovered just how a man delivered his seed.
‘Would you not like to feel and taste it, Florence, you wont be disappointed, you see!’
Still confused she fought against the idea of going against all she’d been brought up to recognise and yet the sheer chemical exchange between this very attractive man endured her to feel it as he guided her hand slowly to it, showing her how to manipulate its contour with thumb and forefinger, teaching her how best to masturbate it, how best to stretch it right back and feel the presence of his sexual wanting of her, All the time, with each move she made, whispering to her just how good and wonderful it felt. As if instinctively she surprised herself by taking it deep into her mouth and starting to suck it like he had said he wanted her to do. Once the initial move was made she experienced the sheer velocity of a very warm and wonderful feeling shoot up her spine as she tasted the earthy saltiness and pungency of his very long and throbbing cock, easing into her very throat as she quickly discovered how to take it deep throat, despite never ever having done it before.
She must have spent a good quarter of an hour simply discovering the art of oral masturbation but he wanted her to stop, saying he wanted to save it for her first fuck. At first she was shocked with his uncouth language and yet, given the circumstances it was really stimulating and he was soon between her outstretched legs and giving her some of which she had just enjoyed of him, the wonderful lovely deep feeling of his oral enjoyment of her, the touch of his mouth and tongue exploring every sinew of her femininity and the real urge now of wanting to feel his cock insid
e despite the consequences and her upbringing, it was far too good to miss and her sensuality was such that she was in a complete heavenly trance just waiting for him to take her deep and complete. He was truly taking every advantage of his employee in the most intimate way and soon she felt the pain but then the sheer joy and thrill as her passion exploded in a way she could have never envisaged and he was deep up inside and trusting into her young virgin body m but no more – now she was a ‘real woman’ he shouted and ready for the ‘steer’ as he took her again and again in various positions, until they were both utterly exhausted.
Later when she came downstairs to her room sobbing she encountered Jean who asked what the matter be? The master had his way with her despite her initial reluctance and any notion she formerly held that that intimacy was linked only within a marriage commitment was utterly destroyed.
‘It is nothing’ stressed Florence, ”tis just the time of the month.’ Now she felt dirty and confused that it had ever happened at all,
‘I don’t believe that for a moment!’ Jean returned, you are not the first you know and you won’t be the last I’ll be bound. You look so flushed and beside yourself.’
Florence was well aware that Jean knew what had happened but of course she was sworn to secrecy, and to be prudent at all times else she would definitely have to go, that she must be grateful for the master’s countenance and be there at his demand.
She clutched the five sovereigns in her hand, he was generous enough but she felt dirty – her only thought that it would help her mother get a few things she so desperately needed for the home, that they had been living in like slums.
‘Next it will be more, Florence for I have a lust for you that grows and grows and grows!’ Her master’s words and actions flashed repeatedly in her mind as he dressed himself, ordered her to do the same and be off ‘without so much as a murmur – it is our secret!’ he stipulated.
Florence was well and truly stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea but she couldn’t hide her feelings from Jean who was astute enough to know what was going on, and that coupled with a lot of envy – she having been employed by the family for nigh on ten years, and the master had never given a sparkle for her, was a recipe for resentment which prompted a word in the mistress’s ear, when the time was right and the master was taking in his indulgence with Florence once more.
Jean went to the sewing room upstairs where the mistress was busy, on the pretence she had a query with the dinner menu. ‘Mutton would be fine.’ the mistress confirmed.
‘What about the master, Ma’m’ Jean enquired knowing the habits of her mistress, that she would go to his study and ask him, for it was not the cooks place so to do.
‘Wait there and I will enquire, Jean – just a moment.’
Knocking and quickly entering she discovered her husband locked into Florence underneath him, his hairy buttocks heaving like a prize bull fucking its cow, he not aware of her presence, and Florence neither locked beneath him as she felt the strength of his deep fuck inside her.
Jean waited with a sly grin on her face and soon, as expected, the mistress returned in a state hysteria,
‘You may go Jean, we won’t be eating tonight!’
A little later Florence appeared looking very distraught, red faced and tears streaming down her cheeks.
Of course Jean didn’t really have to ask what the matter was but she did anyway:
‘I don’t want to speak about it but the mistress has dismissed me. I have until tomorrow to pack my things and be off.’
‘You should have resisted, Florence, now look at what has happened.’
‘How could I, he is the master of the house to be obeyed!’
‘And I expect he offered you all the things under the sun did he?
Florence looked down and opened here palm and revealed two sovereigns.
‘I only hope you don’t end up with a bun in the oven.’
But Florence was more concerned about her livelihood and what that would incur, ‘Maybe the mistress will forgive me if I explain?’
‘Whether she will forgive the master is the thing, when aroused the mistress is known for her severity.’
‘What shall I do then Jean?’
At that moment Philip came in, it was getting on to dinner time, seeing how Florence was he went to comfort her asking her what was wrong.
With head on Philip’s shoulder she put her fingers to her lips indicating Jean to hush.
But it was of no use, the next day saw Florence returning to her home not knowing how she would tell her mum. Everything was going so well, she was happy and contented until the master made his move, she would never ever trust a man again – somehow, Philip got word of her misdoings with the master and immediately blamed her, saying that she rebuffed him but let the master have her, he suspecting it was for his special favours like he would give her money and things – and being as she was that sort of girl he didn’t want to know her any more.
A few months passed. Somehow Florence managed not to tell her mother what had happened, she did some work locally, casual work to earn her keep and some for her mother.
But is soon became obvious that Florence was pregnant. In those days a girl was considered to be the lowest of the low if she got herself pregnant before marriage.
He mother threw her out of the house, despite her daughter having been so considerate in helping her with expenses. In her eyes she had committed the sin of sins and therefore, in consequence, she was no longer a daughter of theirs.
Florence was on her own now. What should she do? Walking through the village she saw her former master getting out of his horse drawn carriage and caught his eye.
He paused a moment as if to ask her how she was but then, seeing her bump, he quickly got back into his carriage. ‘Go on then, run – it is yours you know!’ she yelled historically, angry that he chose to ignore her. ‘Nonsense girl, we know of your doings in the stables!’ and like a flash horse carriage, driver and passenger were gone, and poor Florence left standing there.
An old woman befriended her and she was able to take refuge, until the baby was born ,in her small cottage. ‘can do it for now but as soon as you have had the baby, you will understand you must go because my reputation will be at risk, there not being a man around you see.’
When her baby was born the old woman helped her, but then said she must leave and Florence and the baby were out on their own, all she could do is hope that someone would help her, at least she had enough milk to feed her baby but how long could it last.
The old woman gave Florence an address in the town where, if there was no possible other way, she could ‘farm’ out her child, when she could get some cash behind her by working in one of the typical ‘workhouses’ of the day when women were obliged to work for a mere pittance or take to the streets
But it was late September and getting colder, she would have to relent because she could hardly keep herself alive, let alone her four month old son.
Gwendolene Pickering, a contemptuous woman who ran her business in a large property in town and seemingly without empathy or any emotion whatsoever, used the wretched girls who had got themselves into trouble, to her full advantage, taking in their illegitimate children and babies for a few shillings a week or putting them away for a set fee of £3 to £5.
When Florence conceded that she could not possible keep both herself and her baby alive she saw Gwendolene Pickering who had no conscience at all in offering to ‘smother’ the child saying that was really the best for child and mother, that it would not suffer any more.
But Florence resisted and instead took up Gwendolyn’s offer to take and look after the child from 3 shillings a week primarily, but when she raised the fee to double,
Florence was unable to pay, despite working all hours in the workhouse. She was at her wits end, weak and trying to recover from a severe mental breakdown and stood by as Gwendolene smothered her child and wrapped his naked body in newspaper.
Poor Florence, unable to take any more, threw herself off Duncombe cliffs.
The best thing that probably came out of this story, based on truth is that when the baby was discovered in Duncombe, wrapped in a copy of the Western Times on the roadside – more facts emerged regarding the ruthless Gwendolene Pickering who was later tried and sent to prison for the rest of her natural life, and eventually led to the amendment of the Infant Protection Act in 1897.
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When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...
Motherless.com! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesMy wife, Mary, and I, David, had been married for ten years. I was thirty-seven, and she was thirty-five with a very womanly shaped body, firm 36C cup breasts, slim waist, and a very well-rounded backside well packed into her tight-fitting blue cocktail dress. It was low cut at the front, showed a nice cleavage amount, and just finished above her knee, showing her firm shapely calves.We had attended my Company's Christmas Party. The business had expanded very quickly over the past ten years,...
CuckoldWe live today in a throw-a way society where once an item has reached the end of it useful life we dispose of it. Visit any landfill site and you be confronted with the detritus of this society. Piles of items that were once treasured possessions now sit abandoned and waiting final disposal. There are of course those who, perhaps because of their more frugal attitude or an aversion to waste, seek a new life for those things no longer fit for purpose. That sweater you knitted all those...
My wife, Mary, constantly says that she loves me, but I have my doubts. I know, strangely, that I love her, even though she and her ‘lover’, my boss, Robert, have made me into a reluctant submissive weekend cuckold. Mary insists she did this for me, my career, she is a gorgeous and ambitious woman, and it is true I have been promoted to the Company Sales Director. Whether this would have occurred without my wife’s intervention, I remain unsure.Mary is undoubtedly enjoying the attention and...
CuckoldIT had all started so innocently. Susan and I had been together for years, and what had once been a wild, active sex life had faded into a boring, unsatisfying routine. Years of marriage, stress from work and social lives had reduced our sex life to barely once a month. I had never considered cheating on her even as the sex became less frequent. Between my late night internet sessions and seeing her gorgeous naked body in bed every night, I was never lacking for mental stimulus. SHe was...
He had all the runes drawn out on the floor of his summoning chamber, he scanned the ancient tiles of the dusty floor one more time before beginning the casting. His voice bled out the words of power in a language that made his throat dry and bleed with the syllables of each phrase. Calling a minor demon from the underworld had its prices, but he needed the information on the relic he craved so badly. He had spent the better part of ten years looking for the arc of Maxine, a powerful talisman...
EroticBill was still standing by the car. Helena thanked Bill for his assistance and getting Ben on to the scene. “You are a good friend, Can you take us back home shortly?” “No problems, I’m quite today.” replied Bill Looking at the time seeing it was 11.30am, she walked into the house and saw the ladies chatting, Helena asked “Would you like to continue the chat over some lunch ladies, my shout? Lets go to the Hilton, shall we?” Suzanne replied “Yes please.” looking at her. Mrs Jones replied....
Sylvia felt like she was on an operating table and was being woken up after anaesthetic, she felt so woozy. She felt something underneath her bottom, someone was moving her leg. She opened her eyes, her mouth felt salty. She looked down and saw her friend Mr Jackson. Her memory came flooding back. His cock in her mouth, his tounge in her pussy. She looked down at him and wondered what he was doing. My Jackson mare you ok she asked groggily. Her body did not feel her own. "Oh hello Sylvia I...
David and Moira duly presented themselves at the police station the following morning at ten and introduced themselves to the receptionist. "Ah yes," she smiled. "If you'd like to take a seat Constable Evans will be with you directly." "A Welsh PC in Perth? Whatever's the world coming to?" whispered David as they sat down. Moira grinned. "Behave yourself," she replied quietly. David did a spaniel. "I mean it," she said sternly but her sparkling eyes belied it. PC Evans...
This is a tribute story to a good friend and neighbour. He gave me the outline and I've designed the character assassination. This is part one of three. Sylvia and Bob. Sixteen years ago a very happy couple married in cancum Mexico. It was a simple civil ceremony witnessed by six invited guests. The marriage was consummated on the beach after darkness fell. They had a wonderful holiday and there big day had been perfect. The couple had both been married before and both marriages failed,...
Moira was already in the kitchen with David's mother, Caroline, when he appeared. He greeted them both and moved to Moira's side. She smiled up at him and squeezed his hand. Caroline took note that the relationship had moved on another step. "What are your plans for today?" she asked. David was keen to get Moira on her own for most of the day and had been thinking about it. "How about a walk on the Dorset cliffs from Kimmeridge?" he asked her. "There's a pleasant pub at Corfe for us...
The following morning Moira rang Jean Carnoustie who greeted her warmly and immediately asked about David. "Back safely in one piece and coming up this afternoon to spend the week with me." "Wonderful! I'm delighted for you both." "Jean, the reason I'm ringing is to ask you for more help." "Go on." "I have decided that I shall be leaving to go home with David on Sunday. My brother is coming up from Liverpool on Saturday and the three of us are going to confront my father that...
"Would you rather get away from here and come back to my room?" asked David gently. "It's got a double bed." Moira nodded and David collected her suitcase. Not a word was said until they were there and in bed where Moira spooned back against him and pulled his right arm round her. "I love you, my Dai," she said softly. David squeezed her gently and listened as her breathing slowed and she slept. He did not sleep immediately himself but turned over in his mind all that had happened...
David was woken by his alarm the following morning at eight-thirty. An hour later he was tucking in to an extremely good breakfast. He wondered how long Moira's father's case would take. He imagined about half an hour. The trouble was it might not be taken at ten even though that was the time given on the summons. He decided to ring the court shortly after ten and see if he could find out when the case was scheduled for. He could still be waiting outside by half past ten. The court...
Moira had tackled her father about bedrooms on Friday evening. As expected it took a lot of persuasion to get him to move but he saw sense in the end and even helped her on Saturday morning. She was a little worried about the effect of physical exertion on him but he survived and was rather pleased with himself. Moira made congratulatory noises which actually made him smile. With some reluctance Moira rang her mother's specialist on Monday and told him the situation. The specialist...
They left Perth after lunch and drove down to Edinburgh spending the night with Alison and her family. That came as a welcome relief for both of them. Moira had been acutely aware of David's dislike of her father even though he had remained scrupulously polite and had unselfishly and gently turned down her offers to leave early. They headed south after breakfast spending a blissful night at another B&B, this time in the Peak District. It was not so much that they were able to make love...
David and Moira sat their Finals. For both they went well and each was hopeful for an Honours pass. David rang his admissions contact at Blakely Engineering and told him, asking whether it was worth his while looking for accommodation in the Basingstoke area. He was given an unqualified 'yes'. Both went home to David's parents and used that as a base for house hunting. They were not looking for much more than a roof over their heads. A long term house could wait until they were both...
That same Tuesday Moira, as had become her habit, listened to the one o'clock news bulletin as she ate her lunch. To her horror there was report of an atrocity in north-eastern Sierra Leone. Muslim terrorists had come over the border from Guinea and seized a small town. It was feared that over thirty people had been killed. The British High Commission in Freetown had no news of any British casualties. That was scant relief to Moira. She did not know where in Sierra Leone David was. He might...
Later that evening, having woken up they went and found an evening meal, Aberdeen Angus beef, which was delicious. "Back to baked beans on toast tomorrow," said David ruefully. "Has it been a very expensive week apart from my lovely ring?" "Pretty but I'm hoping for a small rise in salary having successfully completed three months with Blakely Engineering but then it's Christmas in a couple of weeks' time. My fiancée has very expensive tastes." Moira blew him a raspberry and they...
A month later Bridget was given the all clear to come home. Moira found it hard to discern any difference. The consultant agreed. "Yes," he said, "but I'm afraid that this is a disease that we cannot cure. We can stabilise it and that we have done. For how long I wouldn't even offer a guess. Have you thought about a carer? It's twenty-four seven." "Yes but it wouldn't work. I don't want to go into it at the moment but any carer would be treated as mud by my father and not last a...