Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 26 Leliana
- 3 years ago
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* With lots of thanks to my dear editor Dawnj!
The story is rather long, and the naughty bits are only from page 7 onwards… Those who do not like that sort of thing, be forewarned! *
I. Skeleton in the Closet
It was a rather hazy day in mid November. It was too mild for the time of year, but most trees were leafless, and the few that were not sported their full autumn colours. It was good to be outside, even here in the old, small churchyard beside the newly-dug grave. The neighbours had been fantastic, they’d taken a lot of things off her mind as had the undertaker. Now, though, everything was over. Florence felt empty – her mother, Carrie Kingscote-Johnson, had passed away a fortnight ago, and she’d been buried it felt as if she suddenly had more time on her hands than she could fill. The parson had taken his leave with a few comforting words – if he only knew – and Florence had said goodbye to one or two old friends of her mother’s and her few remaining relatives, all three of them in their late seventies or older. Her younger aunt had asked her about a rumour, but as Florence obviously didn’t know, she’d waved it away as unimportant. Two people from her work had found the time to attend the ceremony as well, and she was talking to them for a moment. Joan worked at the front desk of the office, and young Fred was one of the trainee lawyers. Florence knew them only superficially, but they were really quite nice to her, and she enjoyed their conversation.
Florence Kingscote was five foot six with chestnut hair and a nice face. Unfriendly voices would call her well-preserved, but they were usually feminine ones, the average male would think of her as rather pretty, notwithstanding her forty-seven years. She was an only child. Her father had died when she was only seven, so she grew up with just her mother, in an old, rambling house in a small Suffolk village that had been extensively renovated, it had all mod cons. She had a couple of boyfriends, they were invariably sent packing by her mother, who never found any of them good enough for her daughter. They were not handsome enough, not good enough, they didn’t have the right job – and when she’d grown old enough to disregard her mother’s opinion openly, her mother had begun to get more and more poorly. Florence, who certainly had some grave reservations about her mother’s complaints, had been called upon to care for her, and the more her mother gave in to her ills the more often that strident voice called out to Florrie – a name she hated with a vengeance – to bring her a drink, and then to take it away again and get her something else, as she knew, didn’t she, that it didn’t agree with her, and how could she be so callous to forget? And while she was at it, could she please prop her up against the cushions a little higher? Then, when she’d just returned to the kitchen her mother would call on her to draw the shutters, or open them a little, as the light was too harsh, or too dim… Whatever she did, it was never okay and never enough.
It had been too hot in the house, and positively stifling in her mother’s rooms. It had been a positively stifling life for her, for all that – she couldn’t bring herself to mourn her mother’s passing. The money that was left proved not enough to live on for the two of them, her mother had spent the better part of it by the time Florence had finished her education, and so her work had been a necessary but very welcome break in the monotony of her life at home. Without it she’d certainly gone out of her mind, it had taken a lot out of her anyway.
When Joan and Fred had said goodbye and gone their various ways Florence stayed behind for a little time. She went into the church and sat down in one of the pews, and stared at the rood screen, a medieval wooden structure with beautiful, slightly crudely executed paintings of a couple of saints, and statues of St Peter, Mary and the crucifix on top. She wasn’t particularly religious, but she loved their little church with its timeless atmosphere of peace and quiet. It had been a true refuge for her when her mother had been in one of her more demanding moods, her church duties had always been accepted as useful and necessary.
She would be meeting their family lawyer, who had sent someone over to value the contents of the house the week before, at nine thirty the next morning. Her mother had not made a will, so her estate would devolve to her – for what it was worth. She knew there were a handful of valuable paintings, the beginning of her father’s intended art collection. She’d want to keep a few, but she didn’t like the others. There was no money to speak of, Florence had always taken care of their financial well-being. She hoped that there would be enough money to meet the inheritance tax once the paintings were sold… The old house was lovely, with a nice garden – not too large, just manageable, really. Oh well, she could always take a mortgage if the worst came to the worst. She hoped it would not come to that, though.
When she felt herself get cold, she got up and left the church. She looked for a moment at the spot in the churchyard where her mother was buried. She shook her head and then she walked home. The house in its mellow red brick and still fairly new thatch looked wonderful in the low sun of late afternoon. And re-decorating the place to her own taste was a great prospect indeed. She was looking forward to clearing out her mother’s rooms. She had suffered in those rooms long enough, and now her mother had been buried it was time to go and see to it. It had seemed not done to start on it earlier.
She went inside and had a light meal first, then she went upstairs into her mother’s sitting room. Papers were less confronting than clothes, she hoped. She looked around the room, that seemed stuffy, cluttered with too heavy furniture and with a few very ugly paintings on the walls. Almost hidden away behind a few bunches of artificial flowers was a pipeclay figure of St Anthony. Someone must have spoken to her about it, for she seemed to recollect it was 15th century, it was a bit grimy but it looked friendly and pleasant. Something to keep, obviously. Then there were two vases that she didn’t dislike too much, and she picked them up and carried them into the kitchen, to be washed in the morning, they were grey with dust. There were no other objects she would like to keep.
Back in the room she looked around to decide where to start. The contents of the bookcase? She needed boxes for those books. The knickknacks and gewgaws? She could either get a binliner and chuck them in or invite one of the local charities over to come and see if they wanted any of them, which seemed the better idea…
She sat down at her mother’s desk and methodically went through its contents. It was a little strange to be sitting there, going through her papers. They had always been strictly private. Her mother had kept the key to her desk in her purse, which felt like a clear sign of utter distrust to her. She might just be a little too cynical, but she didn’t think so. The top half contained letters, all of them obviously boring and unimportant, Florence dropped every single one of them into the wastepaper basket after having read the first few lines. Fortunately there weren’t too many of them. There was the address book that she had used to send word of her mother’s passing to the people that might want to know. She put it on the side to keep it for further reference. The little drawers were filled with paper clips, staples, thumb tacks and the like. Most of them were quite rusty, and she threw them immediately. There was a box of elastic bands in one of the pigeon holes. The rest of the top half contained small, brightly coloured china figurines and pretty-pretty artifacts – rather nauseating, Florence thought. She collected the lot in a shoebox.
Then she went through the three big drawers. The top one contained her mother’s knitting, and sewing material, the electric sewing machine ha
d been abandoned over a decade ago and taken to the loft. Florence hated that kind of work, she wondered if a charity would be happy with it. She could always ask. The middle drawer was empty but for a couple of magazines. They were quite old, and Florence consigned them to the pile that was to be recycled. The bottom drawer held a mixed assortment of rulers, scales, a sponge that had been used for wetting lots of stamps in a dim past, an old fountain pen, an ink bottle that was almost empty… She decided to throw the lot, there was nothing in there she could use. Then she stopped short and opened the middle drawer again. It appeared to be a lot larger than the bottom one. She opened the bottom one again, it really seemed not as deep. She got up and knelt down. Then she pulled the drawer completely out of the desk. There was a second compartment at the back which contained a small pile of neatly folded underwear and a book with a lock.
Florence briefly looked at the underthings. They were quite sexy, and so old that the elastic had gone brittle, when she pulled, she could hear it break. They must have belonged to a different time of life. She had done all the washing for as long as she could remember, and her mother’s underthings had always been quite conservative. More stuff to be thrown.
The book was locked. Florence supposed it was a diary, and she got up and had a look in her mother’s purse, but there was no key to fit it. It was a rather sturdy copy, she briefly wondered how to open it, and then decided she would use a hacksaw. She put it off until the next morning after her meeting with the lawyer.
It had been a long and somewhat depressing day and she felt she’d had enough, so she put on her coat and walked up the road to the green, and took the footpath across to the George, where she had a simple meal and a pint of cider. Brett Dawson, who’d bought the house across the road from hers five years ago, and whom she vaguely knew, came over to greet her, and he sat down at her table and talked for a while. He seemed to be ok, she thought. As soon as she’d finished her meal, though, she took her leave.
She went home. She had another glass of wine and read a chapter of the thriller she’d started some time ago. She enjoyed it, for one thing, because the writer wrote in detail about the music the ‘tec played on his car radio, she had a couple of the CDs that were mentioned. It contained a nice lovescene – detailed enough to make her feel very hungry. She put down the book, and went straight to bed, where she opened her legs to touch herself. She lay moaning at the ceiling while wishing she weren’t so old…
The meeting with Mrs Chaigne, her lawyer, proved to be the first surprise of the day. Apparently there had been more money than Florence knew. Her father had left her a substantial sum that her mother had not been able to get at. The lawyer was surprised Florence didn’t know, she thought she had been informed upon reaching maturity. They always sent a letter by registered post in such cases. It was almost impossible now to find out what had gone wrong… Florence had her own ideas on the matter, she expected that the local postman, who had been a contemporary of her mother’s, had asked her to sign, she wouldn’t wonder if her mother had simply destroyed the letter. The amount would be quite enough to cover the death duties, the lawyer said.
‘So I can simply keep the house,’ Florence said with a sigh of relief.
‘You can, with money to spare,’ Mrs Chaigne said.
Then they went into a discussion of the other assets, the official valuer had not recognised the pictures as valuable, and Florence hadn’t put him wise. It did make the difference in death duties, it meant that she had better wait before putting the works on the market, though. Oh well, being able to keep the house without any trouble was what counted!
It was arranged that Mrs Chaigne would deal with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. Florence went home in a happy state of mind, she had been rather worried about the financial outcome, and this unexpected windfall was a great boost of morale.
She went back to her mother’s sitting room to finish the work she’d started the day before. On the desk was the diary she’d found – she’d forgotten about it. There really didn’t seem to be a key anywhere…
She took it to the garage where her late father’s tools were still kept in a cupboard, well arranged but getting a little rusty, too. There was a small hacksaw that felt sharp enough, and she carefully cut through the metal of the clasp. It was a diary indeed. It was filled in her mother’s small but clear handwriting, the first entry was the date of her parents’ engagement, some eighteen months before her arrival, and the final one dated back to her fourth birthday. Too much text to read just now, she thought. She took the diary back into the house and put it on a side table in the living room to be perused that evening.
She spent the greater part of the morning sorting out her mother’s clothes, separating the good ones and the ones that were too worn to be of any use. While she was at it she took down the pictures. she lined them up against the wall and put one small oil painting that she’d always enjoyed looking at aside. It was a landscape in autumn colours, a little sombre but for the light over the trees. Then she found the telephone number of the Heart foundation and arranged a visit of one of their volunteers to discuss what they could use of her mother’s belongings. They would come the next morning.
Jewellery. Yes. Her mother had always worn bangles and a necklace, and quite often a brooch of sorts, she had kept her jewellery in a small cupboard that must have started life as a receptacle for music scores, Florence thought. She’d never looked at its contents, and she’d probably have been scolded if she’d tried. The collection of items inside was surprising. THere was one part that contained quite beautiful necklaces and pendants that seemed to be old and rather exotic. There was a necklace with three strings of big amber beads on red wool, and another one of irregular pieces of coral… She’d never seen them worn. She put on the big amber one and looked at herself in the mirror. Wow, she thought. How incredible to keep that locked away in here… There were other pieces that she did know, none of those were to her liking at all. she returned the lot to the cupboard and carried it into her own bedroom, where she lay everything out on the floor. Then she went back to her mother’s room, put the small oil under her arm and took it downstairs.
After lunch she went into the living room. There were a number of things there that were not to her liking, and she carried everything she did not want into the hall, furniture, vases, more knickknacks. The bookcase had been her father’s, and she thought he had a nice little library that she would be happy to keep. The bookcase in her mothers room contained nothing of note, she thought. Mere junk, perhap not even good enough for a charity shop…
The big painting she really liked had been relegated to the scullery wall, she went there, took it down and carried it into the living room, where she gave it pride of place on the wall opposite the door. Then she took down all the sentimental engravings and floral watercolours her mother used to like. The wallpaper was a little discoloured where they used to hang, she decided some of the money left after taxes would be used to have the place redecorated. If only half possible she would have different curtains, too. She pondered for a moment where to the painting she salvaged from her mother’s bedroom should go. She put it up over the mantlepiece.
Then she rearranged the furniture she wanted to keep. It took quite some shoving back and forth, but after about thirty minutes the room was a lot more to her liking. Finally she could take her music and books downstairs and put them in the living room, where they belonged. Her mother had always complained wheneve
r she tried to change anything in there – even if only putting a book in the bookcase.
She happily spent the rest of the afternoon carting her stuff into the living room and turning it into a place she really, really liked, removing all traces of her mother’s taste and supplanting them with her own. When it was time for dinner she felt quite satisfied with the day’s work, she’d succeeded in making the room feel like hers and hers alone!
She had another meal at the George, and went back early. She made herself a large cup of tea and settled down in the living room to read the diary.
She started reading in the hope that she would get some information about her father and, perhaps, learn something about her mother that might ameliorate her ideas about her a little. She was soon undeceived. The diary was mainly about her mother’s love life, which apparently involved a second man, whose name was never mentioned, he was only referred to as ‘R.’ Her father, James Kingscote, figured as ‘J.’
It appeared that she even had had a tryst with this second man on her very wedding day. Florence read the unedifying diary with a growing sense of anger and frustration. It was rather a lot of same, she thought – but it just wasn’t done! Not that she’d have put it below her mother.
At some moment R was away for a time – out of the country? – and her father figured a little more often. Not that it served to endear her mother to her, entries like ‘sex with J – seemed very happy – idiot’ rather managed to achieve the opposite. There was a jubilant entry about R’s return. Her birth got a mention. She was not very enthusiastically received, to put it mildly… She stopped for a moment to pour herself a drink. Then she went on reading. The diary kept on in the same vein, and she skipped to the date of her father’s death. She read the entry – and then she stopped and reread it, open-mouthed. She felt so dazed by what she’d just read that she downed her drink in one gulp and almost choked. She read it for a third time.
‘had sex with R – very satisfying – went shopping and returned to find J suspended from staircase. suicide note – has made over money to F – stipulated it will go to charity on her death no matter her age – bastard! learnt florrie not his, he says – says I mustn’t let on – always too fond of the brat. cut him down – arranged with H. to have things covered up – had to pay in kind. damn the child – will make her pay.’
Florence poured herself another drink. Cheers, she thought. My goodness – some news. H? she looked through the pages of the diary. Oh yes, the GP. Then she remembered the remark aunt Martha had made. So that was what she’d meant? She looked up her number and made a call.
When her aunt answered the phone Florence told her she’d found her mother’s diary.
‘I was afraid you might,’ her aunt said. ‘I don’t know what’s in it, but it might be shocking.’
‘I’ll read one entry to you,’ Florence said.
When she’d done so it stayed silent at the other end of the line for a considerable time.
‘That’s even worse than I expected,’ her aunt said. ‘We were bamboozled, obviously – I always thought he’d died in a motorcycle accident…’
‘Yes,’ Florence said. ‘I was told the same. Did you know about this R? Who was he? What did he do? It appears my father -‘ she checked herself – ‘mother’s husband was better off, and so a better catch…’
‘Flo, I hope you will understand that James – who really was a very nice man, I had an eye on him for a long time – er, that James was really and truly a loving father to you, no matter the biology behind it. I would try and keep thinking of him as your father if you can. We, the sisters, knew about Robert. He was a no-gooder. He was flashy, careless with money, handsome, and absolutely untrustworthy. He left the village a year after your father died, and he perished in a pub brawl in the Argentine in 1995 or thereabouts. James found out about him quite soon after you were born, but he stayed because he didn’t think Carrie would be a good mother to you at all – and he was right, wasn’t he? Poor James… Apparently finding out you were not even his did it for him. But it’s typical of him to make sure you were provided for – financially at least.’
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With Jenny in c*** from too many orgasms, Pete tied up tough Tanya on his wooden low table and trashed her properly as well. During coming she only beeped:"Beep, Pete Peterson, peep, ... I pee ... beep ...".Seeing her peeing Pete doubled his efforts. She shouted so loud that ol´ Pete collapsed ... but Jenny woke up!Jenny untied Tanya. Kicked Pete awake. Told the old man: "More!"And she presented him his arms. Poor Pete was left without defense.He accepted his paddle and the Polish whip, called...
“Stay off the cliff, now,” Mrs. Campbell warned me as I left her inn. “Try to climb that cliff and you’ll wind up on Virgin Rock.” Well, I hadn’t come to Scotland for the rock climbing. That was a peculiarly British fad. I took myself to the pub. A young man served my beer. “Not busy,” I noted. I was his only customer. “They’ll come in at dinner time. ‘Lunchtime’ for a Yank. My parents couldn’t afford to pay someone to tend bar for the solitary visitor, but our universities are off now,...
Well, one person did. But let’s face it, there was no way she could help me. She was doing exactly the same thing only she was completely out of control and too wrapped up in her own problems to realise that I was in trouble and needed help too. She was the only one that understood it but I couldn’t even unload my issues on her. She didn’t need my problems as well as her own. Hearing your friend tell you that she cuts herself rather than talk about her feelings is indescribable. I...
When I left the military several years ago, at the age of 42, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do but there was no rush as I got a good pension and my wife had a good salary. We had a few properties, a couple of which we sold and bought a house in the area we wanted to live which needed a bit of renovation, both inside and out and the gardens needed a lot of landscaping. After getting a couple of quotations which were astronomical I decided to do the work myself and I did a pretty good...
Hello everyone, my name is Ayush and I want to share my real story with you. I am a Punjabi boy with height 5’10, good muscular body and good looks. The heroine of my story is Simran. She is such a bombshell with curvy figure and so firm round boobs and super sexy ass. She is of fair complexion. Her nose piercing makes her look even more erotic. Anyone can be blown by her one look. Now let me begin the story. I was in class 10 when she was married to my neighbor. At that time I did not look at...
It seemed like an awful lot of water had passed under the bridge since my fateful decision to take a well deserved day off at the end of a successful sales trip. Here I sat up to my shoe laces in duck poop. Not one bit smarter than when I had found out about the affair of my Dearly Beloved Wife and Numb Nuts. I was still having a hard time getting my mind around it. It just didn't seem real. Could this be just Saturday morning. Could twenty-four hours have passed since my life and happy...
Hello frinds. I am Zarana Desai from Baroda. I am back again with my second part of my previous chudai story. This is story about my affair with my jiju. Those who don’t know about last chudai story just go to the above link and read the first part. As I said in previous story that I am going to write 2nd part in hindi as my english is little weak. And please mail me about my 2nd part. Now I am going to start my real story after husband moved to australia. Jese mene kaha tha ki thode financial...
I was 19 when this happened, and have never told anyone about it, but it always plays on my mind when i was 18 my aunt went away and she asked me to look after her dog whilst she was gone, i agreed and went round there twice a day to feed and walk the dog. My aunt was in her early 40's both her boys and left home and she was divorced, she had short blonde hair about average height , about a size 12 with small b cup boobs, i had fancied her since i was 13 had often masturbated whilst thinking of...
Ina"Hey, beautiful!" someone wolf-whistled.I didn't look up. The call came from the congregation of guys in ill-fitting suits by the door. Unfortunately, that was the only entrance to the convention hall the school rented out for the night. It was prom. Hence the gorillas in the suits. I walked faster, wanting to get it over with. The guys were probably seniors. Football jocks. Jerks.I let out a sigh of relief as I passed them by, but my breath hitched in my throat when somebody grabbed my...
Straight SexHi, I am Jayanthi, 32 years old woman, whitish in complexion, 5’5″ height, 36-27-37. I am married with two children. My husband is a very good person. But he lacks sexual potency. About two years back due to some wrong medication my husband became impotent and he has not had an erection after that. But I am young, I need sexual gratification. My husband has given me freedom to have sexual enjoyment but has requested me to be discreet and careful in selection of partners. There are many in...
As a teenager, sometimes I wished I could go for an entire day without thinking about doing it. From the time I discovered that orgasms felt good, I seemed as if I thought of nothing else but doing it with a girl. I discovered that girls liked to go out on dates with guys, but contrary to the things I heard from some of the older guys, they weren't ready to fall into the back seat of the car after a movie and a Coke. It wasn't for lack of my trying! I heard two seniors talking about...
I was never into the normal gay life or relationships. I had always been somewhat of a loner and very comfortable in my own company. I grew up in a tough neighbourhood and had always liked rough men. I was not the biggest guy in the world, standing five-foot-ten inches tall, but at least I had a decent dick. Eight thick inches would describe my knob perfectly, and I had always been able to impress my sexual partners with my endowment.There was a funny story I once read about Rudolf Nureyev, a...
Gay MaleMy high school years was going really good. I had learned about sex and was trying to fuck every girl I could. I was up to eight, two long term girlfriends and six girls that I banged several times and tossed. My best bud lived across the street from me. His mom, Rose, was like a second mom to me. Rose and I were pretty close. She was a short little Hispanic woman, not over five foot tall and chubby, like a ball with arms and legs. She had always flirted with me from the day I met her. Alot of...
Let me start off first by saying, this is my first story in a long time... several years. If I seem a little rusty, please be kind enough to review the story, and I will take all constructive criticism toward my next writing. Lunch in the trunk My story involves myself, and my wife. She knows, enjoys, and fully supports my cross-dressing habit. She, in fact, sometimes likes it more than I do. We have been married several years, and she gets a kick out of...
Danny took the phone from Claire, it was Joe. He had already been speaking to her for a quarter of an hour and Claire came to him from the privacy of her bedroom to hand Joe over to him. “Joe wants a word.” Claire told him. “How are you, Danny?” Joe asked him. “Fine,” he replied hesitantly. “You?” “I am well Danny, looking forward to seeing Claire again,” he told him. Danny could feel his cock stiffening from the sound of another man’s voice talking about his wife. “Looking forward to...
Every single person there stopped -- and looked, at Carol. All I saw was the most ... beautiful image of a woman I’d ever seen in my entire career on the stage. The dress was a shimmering pale yellow, with full sleeves and a hemline to the tops of her shoes. Rather modest, but extraordinarily form fitting. And her Big Blue Eyes were glistening and looking straight at me. All I could do was sing: “Love comes and goes away, You’re hurtin’ bad tonight. Oh love comes and goes away ... I’m...
Hi friends. I am Arun. I’m 23 years old and I’m here to share with you my really passionate sex experience with a super hottie Nirupama. She is 25 years old and she just got married about 7 months ago. Her husband is in USA for a project work for his office. He visits India every 6 months for a 10 day holiday. He last came to India in the 2nd week of February and left on 22nd February 2013. She stays with her husband in an individual house and when her husband is off to USA she stays alone. She...
The note was on my keyboard when I returned to my office. I asked my assistant who had left it there and she shook her head saying, “I don’t know, didn’t seen anyone go into your office”. I would not have thought anything about it but the paper was all wrinkled and smudged so I was hesitant about touching it. Since I am the H. R. Manager and need to handle the verbal warnings and the terminations you can imagine what I was thinking and my need for caution. Probably nothing, but even a nasty...
If you have not yet read Part 1 of this story it may help understanding this part. It is one week later and I sit waiting for Rita to arrive. I am worried that she won’t come and what I will do about it. Do I call the police, storm round her house or just leave it as it is? I recall what I have managed to find out over the past week about her. Rita is 27 (I am 29), she has a son aged 8, a large dog and no husband. She is in debt due to her husband dying a few months ago as he was the only...
ReluctanceI felt funny about leaving George there by himself after what he'd just told us, but I watched the girls get into Kay's car, and followed them out of the coffee shop lot. We had no other stops to make, so she took the direct route back to our place. I could see that they weren't chatting and laughing as usual; both were staring straight ahead, apparently lost in their own thoughts. For that matter, I was, too, trying to wrap my head around what George had just told us. The boat was one...
That attack was the last for a while, and Jason began to wonder if Henry Richards had given up on the range war. The Boyd ranch settled down into a quiet near utopia, just as any ranch might when it was the middle of summer and things were going well. Things were so quiet, in fact, that Janet decided that she wanted to go into town. She had been isolated from the community for so long that she was "going crazy." It looked safe enough, so Jason agreed as long as Juanita stayed back at the...
If anybody is offended by the writing of this story they can suck it up, i will try to write without any mistakes, however if i make a few, i am sorry… if you dont like the story in general then dont read it…… duh….. if you like the story but think you can give me some advise please do so in the comments…. thank you…. It was a warm summer evening late in May. I came home from night school (been too lazy in my younger years so having to pay for it now). My daughter was sitting in the backyard,...
As I pulled my cock out of my wife's cunt she squirted as usual. Then she quickly twisted around and sucked and cleaned by dick with her tongue and lips. She did a thorough job, as usual. I almost yawned. This was the same thing we had been doing for months. I was bored. I believe she was too, just trying to please me. That was her way.We rolled over and I pretended to go to sleep, but I was actually deep in thought. I had to do something to spice up this dull same-old-same-old we had been...
HardcoreMother purchased me a new overnight bag. This had plenty of room for my new jammies, clothes to wear for Saturday morning, incidentals, makeup, etc. She had me put the bloomers on first. Actually, I did have a panty and bra on but put the bloomers on over the top. Mother said if I wanted to, and if it were appropriate, I could just sleep in the bloomers, but she did put my new jammies bottoms in the bag, with a top as well. You may not think all this is a big deal, but for a boy...
PROLOGUE: "Oh my god, oh my god," a woman was breathlessly repeating herself between gasps, and it took me a moment to realize it was me. All I could focus on was the feeling of his cock filling my dripping pussy until he suddenly stopped thrusting - he swelled inside me and I could feel him shudder as he sprayed his cum deep within my cunt. We had been fucking for an hour, in all sorts of ways. I had simply walked up to him as he sat on the couch wearing nothing but some old shorts and fished...
IncestThis story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. Captain’s Choice Chapter 9 What next? The shock was enormous. I was speechless and stood there, bewildered by what she had said. My mother? Was that even possible? I was frozen in place for the moment and it wasn’t until I felt Ardele come up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders that I regained some kind of balance. ‘Please come in,’ Ardele...
This is the story of love lost, love explored, and love found in a place least expected. It is also a mystery that involves power, money, greed, and lust. While not as graphic as most here at Literotica I hope you find it an entertaining read. I apologize for the state of the work. It still needs proofing. Please vote and comment. JPMMURPHY Prologue It was a slow process. The labored hiss of an old steam engine seemed to seep like muddy water around a blanket of darkness. The clicks and...
Hi friends, me is side pe naya hu maine kafi sari desi hot sex story padhi hai is side pai aur uki se prerna le ke me aaj story likhne ja raha hu aur is story likhne me koi fault ho to najar andaj kar dena aur apni fideback pe dena ,ab me apni kahani pe aata hu. Mera name sonu hai aur me gujarat k somnath se hu,gov.Job karta hu,28 year age hai aur single body aur 8 inch size hai.6,7 ladies ko chod chuka hu aur aaj isi me se ek ki kahani bata ne ja raha hu. Baat aaj se 1 sal pahle ki hai meri...
Chapter 2A pounding noise reverberated through the room, waking me from pleasant dreams. Opening my eyes, I wonder who might be at the door. I soon realize that the pounding was coming from within my own skull, and I groan. Apparently I wasn't alone, because my groan was echoed by other voices.In shock, I look around and find three other women in my bed, one of them is... This is too much for my extremely hung-over mind to fathom, and oblivion takes me. When I wake again, I am all alone. I...
Josh had found a good route from Smithville to the first danger point out of Santa Rosa. He arrived in plenty of time get set up in his observation post. He was able to get there so early and easily because, in a straight line, Santa Rosa and Smithville were a little less than 15 miles apart, even though they were 20 miles apart by the stagecoach route. Josh could get to "DP5" from Smithville in about 3 hours without overstraining his horse and he didn't have to be there before 10:00...
My family took a vacation to Minnesota every summer. In 1990, we went during the first two weeks of June because, during the second week we were having a family reunion with my whole family except my oldest uncle. I met Lisa during that first week. My family usually stayed in the largest cabin on the lake, however, because of timing, that cabin was rented by Lisa's family. We first met during check in. I was standing at the counter waiting for all the paperwork to be finished when she walked in...