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For a long time Ijah sits on the end of the small steel framed bed and gazes bewitched at the white boy. The boys naked chest gently rises and falls. Asleep he is even more beautiful, if that is possible, then when he is awake. Every fiber of Ijah being is telling him that what Achmed and he are about to do is wrong, to harm this c***d who’s only crime is passion, simply, because their religion does not allow two males to consummate their love.

Ijah pulls the coarse blanket down to reveal the boys limp cock and testicles. For his age his balls are not big and his cock is similarly small, but they are perfectly shaped and textured. Ijah reaches out and lightly touches his balls, the boys eyelids flutter but he does not waken. He gently lifts the small sac and weighs their contents, he can feel the orbs inside as he rolls them between his thumb and forefinger. The boys penis starts to inflate and in no time is hard, even though the boy is still asleep. Ijah gently releases his balls and slowly the penis shrinks. Ijah sighs and reluctantly covers the boy with the blanket, he lowers his face to the boys cheek and kisses him affectionately, the boys eyes open to mere slits and he starts to smile but instead yawns sleepily and in his soft girlish voice says his name, “Ijah”. Softly Ijah strokes his golden blond hair and he tells the boy to go back to sleep, but he needed have bothered, for his eyes are once again shut.

Unbeknownst to Ijah Jamaal is standing at the door and has been for some time, “Ijah,” he whispers.

Ijah turns around as for the first time he realizes Jamaal presence, he lifts a finger to his lips “shhh,” he whispers as he gets up from the bed and guides Jamaal out through the door into the passage, he closes the door behind him. Jamaal leads him towards the stairs, he clamps his hand over Ijah mouth when he try’s to speak, Jamaal knows that these walls have both eyes and ears so he leads him down into the deserted kitchen where they can speak freely and unheard by Achmed or his whores.

They sit down on the rough wooden bench facing each other across the table, for a while neither of them speak, both lost in their own thoughts and both struggling with their conflicted emotions. Finally Jamaal breaks the uneasy silence and begins.

“Ijah at first I hated the white boy, I saw the way you looked at him, it was the way you used to look at me, I wanted to rip his heart out I wanted him to go away and never come back, but then I lay with him, I felt his cock inside me, I tasted him and I felt his desire and I knew it wasn’t his fault, I also realized that it wasn’t your fault, he has bewitched both of us….” Jamaal voice trailed off.

“Jamaal I am in love with him, I want to hold him and protect him, but I know I can’t. Our religion won’t allow me to, I have already committed a sin for which I could be severely punished, Achmed knows this and all the men who watched me fuck him know this to be true, and no matter what I do I am going to loose. If I do as Achmed asks then I will be harming the boy forever, if I don’t then I could be castrated or even worse, killed!” Ijah said in a desperate sounding tone.

There was another long pause in the conversation as both boys struggled to come to terms with the predicament which they found themselves in. Finally Jamaal spoke again. “If we let Achmed cut his balls out what will that mean, Ijah? Will it kill him?”

“I don’t think so, not unless something goes very wrong, I don’t think that Achmed would want to permanently harm the boy because it would make him worthless to Achmed, to be honest Jamaal I don’t know what it would mean to not have his balls, only that in our religion he would not be a male anymore and it means that men could fuck him without fear of consequences.”

Truth be known neither of the boys understood what the consequences would be to Callum if his testicles were to be removed, they were pretty sure that he would survive but exactly what impact it would have on him was unknown to them. Ijah suddenly had an idea. “I know someone that can help us, there is a whore down by the bayside I did her a favor once and she owes me, I remember she told me once that she used to work in a brothel where young boys were offered to the Arab sailors who frequent the port and she told me that Arab men liked the boys to have their stones cut out.”

“So she would know all about it then, we must go and find her Ijah and speak with her” Jamaal said excitedly, as Ijah nodded his head in agreement.

So the two boys left the Brothel and went in search of Ijah friend the whore. It took them a while to find her for she wasn’t at her home, instead an old lady was looking after her two small c***dren. The old lady told the boys where they could find her daughter but that it would be better to wait until she came home, for the brothel owner would not appreciate her daughter receiving non paying customers and besides she winked at Jamaal, a cute young brown skinned boy such as him may be to enticing for the brothel owner to resist. So reluctantly the impatient boys accepted the old ladies invitation to wait for her daughter. Jamaal amused himself by playing with the two little c***dren whilst Ijah spoke with the old lady.

Fortunately it was a quiet Monday night at the brothel so they did not have to wait too long before Ijah friend, whose name is Jazzmine, Jazz for short, arrived home. She was surprised to see Ijah and the other boy there.

“Ijah, my friend, why are you here at this late hour?” she asked, “is something wrong!”

Ijah stood up when Jazz entered the room and he hugged her affectionately, he then introduce Jamaal who shyly shook her hand, “No there is nothing to be alarmed about, we have come here to seek your advice only.”

Ijah then proceeded to explain why they were there, he told her the story about the boy, but he neglected to mention the fact that he was white and a stranger to their country, even though he trusted Jazz he did not want to say anything that might put her in a compromising situation, when he had finished telling Jazz the story he and Jamaal looked anxiously at her hoping that she might be able to enlighten them on the subject of male castration.

Jazz liked Ijah and she could clearly see how deeply he must feel for the boy-c***d for him to come all the way across town in the middle of the night to seek her out for her advice.

“Yes its true, the Arab men do like young boys who have had their stones cut out. How it impacts on the boys depends greatly at what stage of their sexual development they are cut, for instance if a very young boy is cut, a boy who is not yet into his sexual development then he will most likely be asexual for the rest of his life and having any form of sexual encounter will be a chore of sorts that he will not derive any pleasure from, his penis will never stiffen and he will never produce fluids or orgasm.” She stated

Both boys stared wide eyed and disbelievingly at Jazz as they listened, Ijah opened his mouth to speak but Jazz hushed him and continued.

“The boys I refer to appeal to the Arab men because they will always appear as small boys, their voices will remain high and looks will always be girlish. The boy you refer to, has his sexual development advanced? Is he able to produce fluids and does he have hair around his cocklet?” She asked.

“He definitely is sexual, his cock becomes hard at the merest of touches and he produces fluids, albeit mostly clear. His hair is so fair that it is difficult to see but he does have hair around his cocklet” Ijah said and Jamaal nodded in agreement…

“His hair is fair? Is this boy an albino? “ inquired Jazz suspicious of what the boy had just told her.

Ijah knew instantly that he had made a huge blunder in telling Jazz about the boys hair, for now she was suspicious. He could have continued on and attempted to cover up what he said but somehow he knew that she would not believe him and he also knew that she would find out eventually and then she would know that he had lied to her. Instead he decided to come clean and tell her the entire truth including how he and Jamaal felt about the boy, this time it was Jazz turn to listen wide eyed, her mouth hung open in astonishment.

“Ijah this is craziness, if the police find out about this then you will all go to prison, you will be executed. Messing with foreigners is one thing but their c***dren!” she said, shocked at the potential consequences.

Ijah became angry, “we did not come here to seek your legal advice on the matter we came here to ask you about what would happen to the boy if he were to be castrated, besides we are not holding the boy against his will, he feels the same way for us as we do for him”

Jazz shook her head from side to side in frustration, “My little friend I will not utter a word of this to another living sole, but you are making a huge mistake, but you’re right, it is not my place to tell you about such things, however before we continue I must tell you something that you need to keep in mind. If It all turns out badly and you need to dispose of the boy then do not trust anyone, rather bring him to my place of work and seek out the owner for he is a trader of c***dren to the southern Arab countries, he will be able to dispose of the boy to a buyer and you will profit handsomely from his sale and hopefully there will be no consequences for you with the local authorities.”

Ijah and Jamaal were horrified at the prospect of selling Callum to a Arab brothel owner, but they knew better than to say anything to the whore, instead they nodded their heads and asked her to continue telling them about castration.

“The boy, as you described him is already sexual and is at least part way into puberty, so the consequences of cutting his stones out will be different to that of a younger boy. He will still be able to have erections and should still be able to produce some fluids, if he is stimulated in the right way then his passions should not be diminished but rather they will take a different form. He is of the age that the Arabs would consider ideal for their needs, he would no longer be a male but he would have the youthful appeal of a boy and if he is trained properly would still be able to provide sexual release to both his partner and himself. It is unlikely he would ever be a dominant male more likely he will be a subordinate lover that achieves his own climax from being taken in the rear passage.” Jazz finished and looked at the two boys.

Jamaal had a question, “It sounds to me that its not such a bad thing to have your stones cut from you, there must be a bad part to doing this?”

“Oh yes my little friend, to begin with he would never be able to produce c***dren of his own, secondly as he becomes older his sexual urges will diminish, he also may start to grow breasts and his figure may become more feminine, but that depends largely on the individual make up of the c***d but essentially all that makes a male a male will no longer exist in him, yet what makes a female a female will also not exist in him, he will be forever caught in the middle. I would have to say it would be better for the boy if he is homosexual for then at least he will find some measure of happiness in being the lover of a dominant male.” Jazz stated sagely.

“he is definitely homosexual” said Jamaal and Ijah nodded in agreement, so maybe it wont be to bad for him they each thought to themselves.

They chatted with Jazz until it was time to go, Jamaal thanked her and she asked if he could wait outside for Ijah, she led Ijah into her tiny bedroom where she exacted her price from the young man, Jamaal could hear her moans from out in the street as Ijah ravaged her with his huge black cock. Later an embarrassed Ijah met him out in the street and once again Jamaal felt a stab of jealousy, this time towards Jazz.

It seemed to the two boys that what Achmed was planning might not be such a terrible thing for Callum, after all can it be wrong to want to preserve for as long as possible beauty such as which he possessed, besides Jazz had told them that he would retain his sexual urges and that he would still be a passionate lover, the only down side that they could see is that he would never be able to father c***dren, but he was homosexual anyway so it was unlikely that he would ever want to.

By the time they had returned to Achmeds brothel the sun was climbing languidly into the eastern sky. The boy was already up and the old lady was fussing over him in the kitchen. A few of the whores were also in the kitchen and were teasing the cute white boy, pinching his cheeks and stroking his hair, one of the younger girls boldly put her hand in his crotch and squeezed much to their delight the boys cheeks blushed scarlet red as he tried to push her hand away. Ijah looked at Jamaal and both boys rolled their eyes and said in unison “girls!”.

----------------- From Callum’s Point of view ---------

I slept as if a baby, mostly it was a dreamless sleep although somewhere in the outer peripherally of my subconscious I had imagined that Ijah was with me and gently stroking me, but I think it was a dream. It seemed to me that no sooner had I closed my eyes and then suddenly it was morning again. Morning in this part of the world is different to back home, somehow the light is different and the smells and sounds of the local bazaar assault my senses from the moment I open my eyes, the day starts early in Karachi. I lay on my back looking up at the craggy ceiling and wonder how so much could have happened in so little time. I wonder if my dad is looking for me, but then I remember he is out in the country and out of telephone contact and that he will be there for another month. Will the hotel notice that I am not in my room? Probably not, for they seemed to care little of the movements of their foreign guests. Besides if the room is paid for in advance and un-occupied then why would they care.

My thoughts are interrupted by the old lady entering the room, she smiles a crooked smile at me and gestures with her hands that I should come with her and eat. I realize that I haven’t eaten in nearly two days and I am starving, I got to get up but I am naked, quickly I pull the blankets around me, this seems to cause the old lady no end of amusement and she laughs out loud. I gesture with my hands that she should turn around. I find my shorts and tee shirt sitting neatly folded on the small white plastic chair by the bed, but my boxer shorts are no where to be seen neither are my socks and my shoes. Quickly I pull on my clothes and then I follow the old lady along the passage and down the stairs into the kitchen.

There are several girls in the kitchen and they stare at me as I enter, the old lady orders them to get up from the breakfast table to make room for me, all the younger ones obey instantly, but an older girl refuses to budge and the old lady slaps her across the back of the head, an argument ensues until finally the girl begrudgingly gets up from her seat and taking her bread with her pokes her tongue out at me and leaves the kitchen. I am wondering where Ijah and Jamaal are as the old lady pushes me down onto the bench, then as she shuffles of to prepare a meal for me two of the younger girls sit themselves down on either side of me. They are like octopuses, there hands are all over me at the same time, one is pulling my hair while the other is pinching me, suddenly one of them has their hands on my cock and I jump with surprise, just at that moment Ijah and Jamaal enter the room and I am temporarily rescued from the onslaught as I leap up from my seat and throw my arms around Ijah and hug him, I can see that Jamaal is put out by this so I let go of Ijah and pull him into a hug also, at first he pouts but then he hugs me back and slaps me hard on the butt.


The two boys are embarrassed at first, by Callums open affection towards them, but his enthusiasm overwhelms them as their initial shyness diminishes and soon all three boys are hugging and kissing each other, right there in the kitchen in clear view of the girls, who for their part, seem rather jealous that they are missing out on the action and so they commence taunting Ijah and Jamaal in their own language. Ijah grabs hold of his package and thrusts his hips provocatively towards the girls, consequently they shout even louder. Pandemonium is unfolding in the kitchen as the old lady once again enters the room, quickly she assess the situation and orders the girls out of the kitchen she then halfheartedly berates the boys for upsetting her girls. Finally the boys collapse into laughter and sit obediently at the table as the old lady dishes out food for them, she knows that sex and food are the two ways to any males heart, withholding either can cause them a great deal of distress. The small white boy looks at the food and then at the old lady questioningly, unbeknownst to her he is looking for utensils. Jamaal seems to understand his dilemma and quickly picks up a piece of chicken from the boys plate pushes it towards his mouth, the boy at first has a disgusted expression on his face, Jamaal explains to Ijah and they both laugh, the old lady pretends to take his plate away, clearly he isn’t hungry or doesn’t appreciate her cooking, but quickly the boy snatches it back and soon is devouring his meal in much the same manner as the two local boys.

The difficulty for Ijah and Jamaal is to communicate what they had learnt from Jazz to Callum. Finally it was Jamaal that was able to come with a solution to the language barrier. Jamaal has a friend who is blind and who was raised by the catholic missionaries on the other side of the river, the boy is around Ijah age and now begs for food in the bazaar, he speaks fluent English and makes most of his money from the foreign tourists that visit the city on the other side of the river.

The difficulty is convincing Achmed to let them take the boy away from the Brothel in the first place. Between them they decide on a plan and seek out Achmed to speak with him, fortunately in this place, Achmed is never difficult to find.

“So my little friends, you have been out roaming the jeweled city rather than sleeping?” Achmed asks.

“We needed to see my friends, and to tell them that we are involved with you so that they know should something happen to either one of us, where they can come to look” explains Jamaal ominously.

Achmed isn’t sure if the boy is bluffing or not, it is a fact that the two of them were gone most of the night and the whore that was sent to follow them turned back as they approached the port area, even she wasn’t paid enough to venture to that part of town alone. “Jamaal my littlest limb of satin, you never cease to surprise me, once again you have shown yourself to have an old head on such a young body!” and Achmed for once wasn’t being rhetorical.

“So what is it you wish to discuss?” Achmed asked, curious of the boys motives.

“We have been thinking about the white boy and your offer, and we have decided that provided we three are equal partners in ownership of him and all three of us have a say in the outcome then we will agree to your plan!” Jamaal said confidently.

Achmed for a moment was gob smacked, these two little street hustlers were moving in on him, he was about to dismiss them from his house but then he realized that the little one could be bluffing but then again he might not be and the last thing he wanted was trouble with the brothel owners near the harbor, especially with their crazy Arab friends to the south, so instead Achmed decided the best course of action was to negotiate with the boys.

“One third each? May the fleas of a thousand camel infest your body hair you thieving scoundrels, I take you into my house, feed you and provide you with shelter, I help you to recover your debt from the white brat and this is how you repay ME!!!” Roars Achmed.

Ijah looks decidedly nervous and is ready to back down, but Jamaal isn’t having any of this. “Stop blowing old man, you are full of camel dung and you know it, FINE, we will leave your house immediately, all THREE of us!” Jamaal turns his back on Achmed grabs Ijah by the arm and starts to lead him towards the door…

“No wonder you’re an orphan, your mother most likely drowned herself in the river to be rid of you, you little scoundrel… STOP before I loose my temper, we shall sit down and discuss the terms of this partnership.”

And so they did, for three hours Jamaal and Achmed yelled and screamed at each other and occasionally Ijah would speak but they hardly heard him, in the end they had an accord. Achmed wanted to write the agreement down but Jamaal did not trust him to do so, instead they agreed in voice and in blood, the little boy and the old man and the teenager cutting open the palm of their hands and bonding their agreement in with the exchange of their blood, even Achmed would not break an agreement such as that.

Only when the discussion had been concluded did Jamaal reveal his plan to take Callum back across the river to his hotel. Achmed was immediately suspicious until Ijah reminded him that all three of them had an agreement in blood. The plan was that they would convince Callum to write a letter to his father informing him that he was going to make his own way back to his home overseas, to be with his mother and even to go as far as letting him know that he was going to hitch hike across the border into India and get a flight from there, that would leave plenty of scope for the boy to disappear forever of the face of the earth and no one would ever look for him in the seedy brothel district of Karachi.

Even though this was a part of the plan, the two boys could not have known that Callums father had problems of his own in the north of the country and that in a few weeks from now he himself would be declared missing and Callum’s letter would make life a lot simpler for the local authorities.

----------------- From Callum’s Point of view ---------

This morning has been very confusing, all kinds of things are happening around me and I am sure that Achmed, Ijah and Jamaal are making plans that concern me, but I have no way of knowing this to be certain. After we had finished breakfast the old lady once again leads me to the bath area, when we arrive the two girls from downstairs are sitting naked on the sides of the sunken bath, one of them turns towards me and reveals her body to me. For a moment I stare at her small breasts and flat stomach, I am a little excited but then my eyes drop down and I stare in between her empty thighs. My excitement quickly diminishes, this girl has nothing that I am interested in, instead I smile sweetly at her before turning away. She seems to understand and mutters something to her friend in the local dialog. The old lady shouts orders at the girls and they get up and approach me.


The old lady is also now curious, there is no harm in a little exploration she thinks to herself, so she instructs the two young girls to strip Callum and bath him, and she smiles at the girls and her intonation is crystal clear. She turns and leaves the bath area, closing the door behind her.

The two girls have never seen a boy with skin so smooth and hair of silken gold, eagerly they approach him from either side and commence to undress him. The boy resists but only half heartedly. First they remove his shirt and then his pants leaving him standing naked before them. The two girls circle the boy, his white skin is blushing red allover from the embarrassment. One of them reaches out and slaps him hard on the buttocks, reddening the bum cheek even more, both girls giggle.

----------------- From Callum’s Point of view ---------

It seems that I am to be bathed by these two girls, I decide I don’t mind the little one, but that’s because she looks a little like Jamaal with the lighter brown skin, the older heavier one looks frumpy to me. Once again they are touching me all over, they seemed fascinated by the color of my hair and my skin, I suppose here in this town I am considered to be a novelty, where as if I were at home in my town the situation would be reversed.

The frumpy one kneels before me and reaches out and takes hold of my penis. Expertly she rolls it back and forth in here hand and it responds in kind and slowly thickens until eventually its fully hard. The smaller girl is behind me and pushing her sex into my buttocks while she is kissing my neck. As any normal boy would due in this situation my body responds and I moan excitedly when suddenly the girl in front takes my cock into her mouth.

For a while the two girls continue to stimulate me, the smaller girl is now sucking on my nipple whilst the other is giving me a vigorous blow job and I start to thrust my hips in response. Suddenly her mouth comes off my penis and she pulls me down to the soft mat on top of her. Her mouth finds mine and her tongues snakes through my lips into my oral cavity. The smaller girl is behind me between my legs and is massaging my cock, she guides it towards the opening of the frumpy girls legs, no sooner does it make contact with her hairy pussy that it instantly deflates, despite the vigorous massage it is receiving. The girls kisses become more frantic, I want to get off her but she is holding the back of my head, I cannot breath and I start to struggle but the two of them together are stronger than me, I wonder is this what it is like to be ****d? At this thought I start to cry, hot tears roll down my cheek and splash onto her face, she opens her eyes for the first time and sees me crying. She pushes me back off her and I land on my bum, she’s angry and she slaps me hard on the face and abuses me in her own language, I don’t need to understand her language to get her meaning, I lower my head in shame.


So it is true, the boy is completely queer, the old lady watching from the anti chamber realizes. Two of her most talented whores cannot get him interested in having sex with them, not only that but now he is crying, have foreign boys of his age no dignity at all? Obviously not she decides.

The two girls at first are angry and the boy earns himself a vicious slap in the face, but at seeing the boy in tears they take pity on him and now the two of them are hugging him and attempting to arrest his tears, one is holding his hand while the other is soothing him. Eventually his tears dry and they decide that they had best do what they were originally told to do and that is to wash the boy, so they lead him into the warm bath whereupon they wash away his tears along with the dirt off his pale white body. Later they dry him and comb out his blond hair, marveling at the silky soft feel. By this time the old lady has returned with the boys own clothes and even his shoes. They dress him quickly and before the old lady leads him out of the room, they both kiss him on the cheek. They know he is a sissy boy and that is probably not his fault.

And so it was that Callum left the brothel with Jamaal and Ijah as he followed the boys back across the river, he was confused as to why they were taking him home as he did not want to go back to the hotel, at least not yet. He was at first relieved but then a little apprehensive to see the familiar site of the church spire come into view, but instead of turning away from the church and heading towards his hotel they headed straight for the church into the crowded square where tourists mingled with locals to buy their wares. Jamaal seemed to be looking for someone and for a while he left Ijah and Callum standing together while he disappeared into the crowd. Ijah placed his arm around Callums shoulder and hugged him, it must have seemed a curious site for the locals and tourists, a cute blond white boy of about 13 years of age hugging a older black local teen, the look on the white boys face was one of adulation.

Finally Jamaal returned but he was not alone, he was leading a thin boy of about Ijah age by the hand, at first it seemed to Callum that there was something wrong with the boy and then he realized that he was blind.

Jamaal motioned for Callum and Ijah to follow them as he led them through a series of crowded alley ways until at last they were in a small deserted alley, Jamaal turned over several wooden crates and sat the blind boy down on one of them and motioned for Callum to sit opposite him. Callum was completely confused but did as he was instructed and sat staring at the blind boy, who’s sightless eyes stared off into affinity.

“You are not one of our people?” Said the boy, who’s name was kai, to Callum, in almost perfect English.

At first Callum was too shocked to be able comprehend what the boy had actually said, it was such an incongruous situation, a blind beggar speaking perfect English.

“Pardon?” asked Callum.

The boy repeated the question, this time Callum understood him. “I am from the USA and I have only been here for a short while, but how come you can speak English, and you speak it very well I might add?”

“I was raised by the Catholic missionaries, when I was born I was blind and my mother had no use for a blind baby so she left me at their doorstep, I lived with them until I was 16 and they taught me to speak English, now I live in a shanty and I beg for money but I am doing ok because I can speak English I can get money from the tourists and sometimes like now I can translate and be paid”

Suddenly Callum understood, Jamaal had brought him here to that they could have a conversation, albeit via a translator.

Jamaal was growing impatient, quickly he explained to the interpreter what he wanted to say, the boy listened carefully until Jamaal signaled for him to tell the boy what he had said.

“Jamaal and Ijah, that are their names in case you hadn’t already worked that part out, want you to firstly know that they both have become deeply fond of you and that they want you stay with them rather than go back to your own family, Jamaal wants me to ask you if you wish the same thing?” Kai asked.

Callum wanted more than anything to stay with them but he could not see an easy way to achieve this, as his father would almost certainly come looking for him, “I also am very fond of them, I would like to stay with them for a while at least, but I don’t know how I could get my father to agree, I mean he isn’t even due back from up north for another few weeks so I suppose I could spend at least that much time with them?” Callum offered.

The three way conversation went of for a long while and even though all three boys wanted the same thing, Callum continued to teeter on the edge of uncertainty. It wasn’t as if Callum loved or even liked his father enough to worry about what he thought, he was more concerned about his dad coming to look for him and eventually finding him, his father is a very determined man and Callum knows this. Jamaal was getting frustrated as was Ijah, finally Ijah had the solution.

“Tell the boy that he must go back to his own people and that we shall never bother him again, and that we are sorry to have caused him all this trouble!” Ijah said with an air of finality. Jamaal tried to protest but Ijah asserted himself and ordered the translator to speak to Callum.

Callum upon hearing this instantly began to cry and fat tears rolled down his cheek as Ijah and Jamaal got up and prepared to leave. Right there and then Callum made a decision that would forever change his life, he leapt to his feet and blocked their path and threw himself into Ijah’s arms and begged him not go, he spoke so fast that the interpreter could not keep up with him, But Jamaal and Ijah got the gist of what he was saying and the two of them took turns in hugging and kissing the crying boy.

After much hugging the boys sat down again and Jamaal explained in great detail the plan to Callum, how he was to write the letter to his father telling him that he had decided to make his own way back home via India. Even if they went looking for him they would be looking in the wrong place, their plan was aided when considering the poor relationship between the two countries.

Finally they reached the inevitable topic of how Callum was to survive in their world. Ijah had already decided to tell the boy the truth, even though Jamaal was skeptical that the boy would consider such a thing.

So the entire story came out and at the mention of his castration, Callum nearly feinted, his eyes widened and he accused Ijah and Jamaal of being insane, for a long while he would not even listen to what they had to say. So the boys decided to take a break and find food.

A couple of hours later it was Callum who brought the subject up again.

“If I let them cut my balls of then I wont be able to have sex anymore and I wont be able to get stiff and I wont be able to cum anymore, what is the point of all of that?” he asked angrily.

They explained every word of what Jazz had told them and how that at his age it would not be the case that he would still be able to cum and he would still climax as he did before, the only thing that would really change is that he would not be able to father c***dren and his voice would remain high and his skin would remain youthful for many years to come.

Callum was still unconvinced, his view on the matter only wavered when Ijah explained to him that now that he was a young man that he would no longer be permitted to have sex with Ijah, as that is a mortal sin in his religion. And even though for a few years he could still have sex with Jamaal, he to would soon be a young man and then he would not be permitted to sleep with him either. Ijah said that there was little point in coming back with them if they could not have a loving relationship, for he could not bear to look upon Callum and know that he is not permitted to consummate their relationship by having sex together.

For a long time Callum did not utter a word, he was deeply lost in his own thoughts.

----------------- From Callum’s Point of view ---------

I can hardly believe what it is that they are asking of me, they want to let Achmed cut my balls off and make me into a eunuch, that’s the word Jamaal used to describe boys with no balls, eunuchs. I don’t understand why it is a sin and against the law for Ijah to have sex with me one day and then not the next. I realize I love him and also Jamaal but what they are asking is to much, I love my balls. To let someone cut them off seems outrageous to me, but now I am thinking to myself what good are balls if I cannot be with the people I love most in life and if what they are saying is true will I really miss them? I need time to think this over.


“I need time to think this over, please can I go back to my hotel?” Callum asks the boys.

Jamaal is reluctant to let the boy out of their site but Ijah knows that they cannot hope to force the boy to do anything which he does not want to, so he stops Jamaal from speaking and instead says to Callum. “of course you may, this decision is to important to be made upon a whim. If you decide to come back to us then meet us in front of the old church at noon tomorrow, but in case you decide not to then let us now part amicably”

Ijah pulls the boy into a passionate kiss, for a very long time they explore each others oral cavities, his strong black hands caress the boys back and buttocks as he pulls the boy tightly against his groin, his cock is as hard as its ever been and so it the boys, finally he releases the breathless boy who staggers and almost falls over from the intensity of the kiss. Jamaal knows he cannot compete with Ijah so he simply holds Callum face between his two hands and kisses him once on each of his cheeks.

Callum watches forlorn as the three boys leave the alley and head back towards the church, a part of him is screaming to make the decision now, to just leave his old world behind him and rush headlong into this new and exciting world, but another part thinks of his mother and he knows that he has to call her and somehow let her know that he will be ok, no matter what happens, so he watches them leave, when they are gone he turns away and heads back towards his hotel.

A bad nights sleep

Callum has been away for two nights but the hotel staff have not even noticed, the concierge nods politely to him as he passes him on the way to the elevators. There is a note on the table in his room to call his mother and another from his fathers office to say that his dad will be out of contact range for the next two weeks and should he Callum require anything then please contact them on the number written on the bottom of the message.

Callum is tired but sleep eludes him, he turns one way having decided its all to ridiculous and decides to go to sleep, but then he turns the other way and he thinks of Ijah and Jamaal and it doesn’t seem to ridiculous after all. sleep does not come easily so instead Callum decides to get up and to write an email to his best friend back home. Suddenly a brain storm hits him and he decides to look up information on the net regarding eunuchs. Callum searches through various sites until he finally hits the jackpot, a site called eunuch.org which is targeted specifically at eunuchs and wannabe’s. For the rest of the night and most of the morning Callum reads account after account of peoples experiences with castration. Some stories frighten him, others excite him, then finally he reads a story about a young boy in the 18th century who’s father owns a slave plantation, the young boy is white but is sold into slavery by his greedy father, his balls are cut out in the most gruesome way and this scares Callum, but what does interest and excite him is the boys life after castration.

Jamaal had said that the castration would be safe and that it would be done properly by a professional cutter and that he would feel very little pain, Callum could see by reading various stories at the eunuch archive that could be true, even though in “Plantation owners son”, it wasn’t painless, after all that was a fiction story and besides he thought to himself, if you are going to loose something as valuable as your balls it might as well hurt a bit otherwise it might not seem important to you.

For a few hours even though he did not yet know it Callum had made up his mind, he had been so busy reading stories that he had lost track of time. It was now one hour after the time which he had agreed to meet the boys at the church, that is if he agreed to their terms. He looked at his watch and panicked.

He very quickly wrote a note to his father, the wording was consistent with what the boys had agreed to, he kept it short and at the end he signed it, with love from your son Callum James…

Next he picked the telephone up and called him mother, She was somewhat surprised to hear him call at that hour.

“Hi mum, its me Callum”

“Oh Callum, its very late here, have you forgotten the time difference again?” she asked, “Can you call back later?”

“Sorry mum, no I can’t, I have to tell you something.” Callum said struggling to find the words.

“what is it dear, are you ok? Is that bastard of a father of yours treating you badly” She asked eager to hear any bad news about Callum dad whom she now hated with a passion.

“No mum, dads ok, its me, I want to come home” He asked

“Callum we have discussed this, I spent the last 12 years looking after you, its now your fathers turn, I have a life too son, and I need to live my own life for a while and to have a chance at being happy” She explained.

Callum sighed, “OK mum, I love you and I always will, you know that don’t you?” He said and started to cry.

“Callum are you ok? You sound sad”

“Yes mum I’m ok, I have to go now, I love you mum” he said in the tiniest voice.

“I love you too darling, bye.”

Callum wiped the tears from his eyes as he rushed around the room and collected as many of his belongings as he could fit into his backpack, he not only packed spare clothes but also his iPod and his mobile ps2, he thought Jamaal might like to have that as a gift. Callum packed the last picture ever taken when his family were still together and happy, he removed the picture from the frame and packed it lovingly into the small clear pocket at the very back of the bag. Finally he put his Passport and wallet firmly into the zip up pocket of his cargo pants.

He carefully placed the envelope addressed to his father on the dining room table, he took one last long look at the room and his fathers belongings and then rushed out the door.

He ran all the way to the church, he was now more than two hours late and when he got there the boys were no where to be seen. He searched the alley ways and the crowded marketplace but he could not find them anywhere. Finally he collapsed exhausted onto the steps of the old church and started to sob.

He had been sitting there for a while when suddenly a shadow fell over his sneakers, he looked up slowly and standing there with a big smile on his face was Ijah. Callum leapt to his feet and threw his arms around the teenager and hugged and kissed him all over his face, Ijah started to laugh, the boy was acting like an over eager puppy dog but he did not mind at all.

“What about me,” asked Jamaal who had been standing behind Ijah.

Callum scooped the smaller boy into an embrace and once again showered him with his affections. For a long while they hugged and then finally arm in arm the three boys went looking for the interpreter, who they found speaking with an English tourist on the other side of the busy square. They waited until the tourist had left before they approached Kai.

Jamaal had a long talk with Kai and he listened patiently, every now and then he would frown but say nothing. Finally it was time for him to speak to Callum.

By coming here and agreeing to go with Ijah you are effectively agreeing to becoming their property to do with as they will, do you understand that? He asked.

Callum was a little perplexed, people don’t belong to other people as if a possession, he suspected that what he meant was that he would have to go ahead with being castrated and he had already decided to let them do that to him, so he nodded in ascent.

“You must give them your passport and papers now, as they are no longer yours to keep, should they ever decide to sell you or give you away then those papers will belong to your new master do you understand?”

This part had never been explained to Callum, or if it had they had glossed over it, it disturbed Callum greatly but he was to excited at seeing Ijah and Jamaal to let this new information overly worry him, so once again he nodded his head in ascent. Callum reached into his pocket and pulled out his passport and handed it to Jamaal, who glanced at it briefly and then put it into his back pocket.

The interpreter continued to explain things to him, part of which was that he would be one third owned by Achmed, this bit of information disturbed him more than anything else he had said but Ijah and Jamaal assured him that they owned the other two thirds and could out vote Achmed on any decisions which they did not agree with, so finally he even agreed to this.

At long last they said their goodbyes to the interpreter and he wished Callum happiness and good luck, though he seriously doubted that the boy would find either, and he sighed as he bid them farewell and listened to their voices slowly disappear towards the bridge….

Continued in, Callum looses his balls and a lot more.

If you are enjoying this story or if you have any ideas concerning the plot then please write to me and tell me, I really enjoy getting emails and I always respond..

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Daily Prophet HeadlinesNovember 1st, 1981You Know Who Dead! James Potter Killed, wife, son surviveDark Lord’s body found at sceneMultiple Deaths reported throughout Wizarding World December 31st, 1981Albus Dumbledore Announces RetirementWill step down from Headmaster Position effective the end of the School Year September 1st, 1996Harry Potter starts Hogwarts‘Boy Who Survived’ Hopes to Join Gryffindor HouseExclusive Interview!July 31st, 2003Harry Potter Announces His Lady PotterCho Chang will...

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Linyas Interrogation

Well... We've been asked when we will continue the story about Kate, and the answer is: we won't. At least not anytime soon. We started that story because it was both the next step in the time line of our development as a couple, as well as a good example of what can go wrong during a session. But during the writing process, Melissa began to feel that this event is still just a little too intimate to share just yet. So we decided to leave it as it is for now and instead I translated one of the...

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Fucked By ChancebyMONALISALEE©This happened 19 years back when I was 23 years and newly married, other than sex with my hubby I never had any sort of experience with any other male as we were from a decent family.After we got married we came to Goa and settled here and my father in law visited us for the first time in this house, we were hardly married for 2 months, my mother in-law had died almost 9 years back and he stayed alone in a place called Mumbai. I was very nervous about his first...

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The Training

Story: The TrainingKimberleigh's breathing deepened as her lubricated hands stroked Jay's engorged erection. His slithering member stiffened and turned a deeper red as he struggled to keep from ejaculating. She was fully clothed, which he found nearly as stimulating as looking at her naked body. He was naked, and beads of sweat accumulated on his forehead. His legs were spread wide, and his ankles were fastened to a spreader bar. He knew by her breathing that Kimberleigh was aroused. Her...

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Kamuk Anjali Ki Chudai Story 8211 Part 3

Hi dosto, mai anjali fir ek baar pehli story mai apne meri or abid k aath chudai or fir nushad k saath chudai ki baat thi app log kuch or idea dena chate ho to zarur reply dena story ko or sexy and intreating karne k liye jaisa ka aap ko pata hai ki pati bahar rehte hai or mai ghar pe akeli or flate mai jyadatar nangi hi rehti hun. Mai apna ek fiting ka sutie silwana chati hun jiske liye mai ledies tailor k pass gayi mai aap ko bata du ki yeh meri real insident hai tailor k saath mai market...

1 year ago
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Living The Dream

Angela stirred from her sleep, feeling warm flesh pressed into her back. Graham, her boyfriend, had moved into the "spoon" position, his pelvis grinding into her butt. "You're so beautiful," he whispered. His pelvis dipped lower, allowing his erect penis to stray under her bum, searching for that magical spot. Angela blushed. He hadn't said she was beautiful in months, and she was beginning to think that he no longer found her attractive. Their sex had been sporadic and uninspired...

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Sex With Friend Booty Sneha

Hi everyone, this is Prasad and I am from southern part of India. This story is all about how I had my first sex with my friend Sneha. This happened last year when I started working in Pune, where we enjoyed our first sex experience.. We don’t know each other until we met first on our first job and she became a good friend in office.. To describe me, I am fair in complexion with an athletic body but have a cock of good length and extra thick to fuck a big ass. Sneha is a bit dark in complexion...

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I opened the door to the garage as the truck backed into the driveway. I helped the three men load all of the boxes into the back of the truck and then one of the men wrote me out a receipt, the men climbed into the truck and it drove away. Two days later another truck backed up to the garage and when they left I took the receipt that they gave me and put it with the first one. I spent the rest of the day scouring the house to make sure that every last trace of Jilly was gone. The few things...

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Carol Baker stepped over the threshold of her suburban semi-detached house and into the shade of the hallway. She was a tall, slim brunette with green eyes and a soft, easy smile. Her long hair hung almost to her waist and she wore it loose. Although she’d been at work, her crisp white blouse was pristine and her skirt, possibly a bit too short for a thirty-something, look like it had just come from the cleaners. She was elegant and loved the looks she got from men as they studied her long,...

4 years ago
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Kami part one

"Do me a favor," I said to my husband, "Kami is coming over. Will you please put the lawn chairs in the backyard so we can lay out?" This was not an uncommon event. Kameryn, our 19 year-old niece, had years ago labeled me her 'favorite aunt' and she often visited so we could do girly things together. Today's visit, however, was quite different... A few weeks prior I had run into 'Kami' at the gym, and when I went over to say hello and gave her a hug, she gave me a rather disturbed look and...

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New York City is comprised of five boroughs, which are equivalent to counties in the rest of the state. The five boroughs are Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. New York City has over 8.2 million residents. The Greater New York metropolitan area has a population of nearly 19 million people and ranks among the largest urban areas in the world. So naturally my daughter wanted to go there. My daughter Amanda hates her name because it is too prissy and proper. She likes...

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First Married Woman

Cathy was the first married woman I ever fucked. We met in a biology class at the local community college. We were going at night and wound up being lab partners. She was married but separated from her husband and planning on getting a divorce. She had long blond hair, small hips and enormous boobs. I couldn't keep my eyes off of them and often fantasized about getting my hands on them. We began talking during class and wound up studying together at a local coffee shop. I kept sitting closer...

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Making a Small Motel ProfitablePart 5

Lei had noticed that her non—mainstream personage had resulted in both initial interest and repeat business. A client would often make a reservation with the special request “I want to get Leid”. Anita had also been in good demand from the primarily Caucasian clientele. She favored choosing another person with a minority background, possibly Caribbean Black or Desi, so that was factored into the search. She also suggested they be hired for housekeeping as she had been, and let them come...

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Senior Moments Ch3

By Jax_Teller The Snow cancellation had given me time to enjoy the sex that Karma was providing. Marion had gone home last night sometime while I slept with Nikki. I could hear David in his shower and that meant school was going to be open today. I got up took a shower and when I returned to the bedroom Nikki was gone. I was disappointed but knew I needed to get going. David and Nikki were doing the morning thing like every other school day, but all I could think of was sex. Nikki bent...

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The Goddess of Passion

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jenna, at eighteen, had started her freshman year at Idaho State in the fall on full academic and athletic scholarships. Dell was extremely proud of her. In high school she had been an exemplary student, a cheerleader for the football team and a striker on the soccer team. At Idaho State she went right into both these same activities, devoting the rest of her time to her studies. She planned to become a medical doctor, specializing in sports injuries....

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Helen Ch 12

Suddenly, Harry was hoisted bodily by Mick from the O’Grady’s basement cellar and threw out onto the street. It was cold and he had no idea why he was released so urgently as the house door was slung shut. He picked himself up and worked out that it was either late or morning. Hard to tell during those winter nights. His watch had been taken and he was penniless. The only way to get back to the apartment and Saskia was to walk across town in the freezing clear night. His thoughts were on Saskia...

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