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This is the true story about my life. I didn't talk
until I was 5 years old. The pediatricians my parents
had taken me to, gave me a working diagnosis of
autism. They said I would always stay a c***d, and
never become independent. They recommended they put me
away in an institution.

My parents refused to do that. They kept me close to
home instead. At about the age of 7, when I finally
did learn to talk, they mainstreamed me into a public
elementary school. I was teased, taunted, and beaten
up a lot. To make matters worse, my father eventually
became a wife and c***d beater. My mother, at the same
time, felt I was too vulnerable to be allowed contact
with other c***dren, so she forbade me to venturing
away from home except for school hours.

The thing you have to understand is that while I still
was never a very verbal c***d even when I finished 6th
grade, one teacher noticed a discrepancy between my
grades and my achievement tests, who then alerted the
school psychologist, who then upon testing me
discovered I actually had off-the-scale scores in
nonverbal reasoning along with a photographic memory.

After a bureaucratic fight between my teachers and
parents on one side, and the school board on the
other, all the way up to the state level
superintendent; I was given the offer to begin high
school at a young age

While my classmates were warned to keep their hands
off me, I was still especially lonely in high school
since no student would even talk to me outside of
class. I was far too intelligent for the k**s my own
age, and far too young for people I wanted to be
friends with. To make matters much worse, my own
mother remained extremely overprotective, essentially
forbidding me any kind of social life for fear someone
might take advantage of me.

I tore apart the entire high school's math curriculum
and rode it right up to calculus with the help of
tutors my mother hired. I also took some of the
hardest courses the high school had to offer, finally
graduating high school at the age of 15. My parents
had no choice but to board me at a local college about
3 hours away by rail. I was therefore attending
college in my teens, the way nearly everyone else was
attending high school in theirs. My mother still
forbade me any social contact, and I could not defy
her as she was paying for my tuition.

I was at least as lonely in college as I was in high
school. My parents divorced in my sophomore year and
since she was paying my tuition out of c***d support,
I still had to dance to her tune. No frats. No
parties. No clubs. No dates. I was also to leave
college to return home every Friday, and leave home
every Sunday for college.

I finally turned 18 years old as a junior in college.
I was waiting for my next class on the doorstep of the
engineering building watching the rain falling off the
room. I saw a figure in a rubber yellow rain jacket
stumbling toward me through the mud. Remembering my
manners, I stood and offered the person my seat out of
the rain.

A lady's voice in a thrilling contralto thanked me.
She motioned me back down to share the seat with me.
She threw her hood back. She had brown hair, brown
eyes, ivory skin, and a beautiful smile. I then also
saw the reason for her hobbling.. She was walking on

Her name was Dana. To this day, I still carry a torch
for her, even though I am happily married and even
though she is twenty years dead. Here's why:

I cut class that morning just to talk with her for a
couple hours. She was absolutely amazing, a
Renaissance lady who knew history and microbiology.
She was a perpetual graduate student who attended this
school simply for the sheer love of learning. I
identified myself as an engineering major in the
junior year.

She said I looked very young to be a junior. My mother
had been extremely beautiful in her day, and my father
once said I'm the only one of his c***dren to take
after her. Evidently my round face which I inherited
from her accentuated my youth even further. I also had
dark brown hair, and soft grey eyes, and I wore
aviator glasses.

I revealed my age to her. She asked me how that
happened. I shrugged, saying "no 7th or 8th grade."
"Oh, no!" she gasped. She was 32 years old, a trust
fund baby, and owned her own house off campus. She
told me once upon a time she had been an extremely
bright c***d like me. "They called me a prodigy. I
strongly suspect you are the same, just younger," she

We spent the entire year talking about practically
anything she or I wanted to, over any subject you
might possibly imagine. She was brighter than I was,
than I was above average, her mind was an entire
universe for me to explore, and I learned a great deal
about the world from her. She was also a bit of a
Japanophile, and tutored me on the bare bones of their
honor code, bushido. She told me that she and I were
both samurai, except that instead of katanas for
weapons we had our own minds, and we were bound by our
honor to use our powers wisely.

The reason for her crutches was a sparring accident
from the karate club. The club was not a formal
extracurricular activity, so during my freshman year
at 16, I used that as my excuse to gain some exercise
and some knowledge of self-defense.

I figured what my mother would not object to me making
an effort to lose weight in a gym, I simply neglected
to mention exactly how. I was more than thirty percent
overweight, the result of a lifetime of inactivity and
stress-eating. I never advanced beyond white belt
because of this.

I had never seen Dana before at the gym where the club
held daily sessions, evidently she and I attended on
different days. At the time I met her, I had been a
white belt for three years, and she told me she held a
green belt. She invited me to her house, where we
spent a couple of hours per week doing very light
sparring to get her knee joint back into shape.

By the time she was completely well we would spar at
half strength. She regained her ability to dodge any
kick I fired at her. I got my share of thumps from the
kicks she launched at me.

The year between the time I met her when I was 18, and
the time I started the fall of my senior year when I
was 19, were very happy times. I found myself falling
for her, but I never had to courage to tell her that.
Instead, I invited Dana over to my folks as a friend
for Thanksgiving dinner. All that was left in my
family were my mother, grandmother, and younger

Dana ate in silence and listened politely while my
mother ranted on in such a way meant to drive Dana
away from me as a friend. She left the house and drove
off without a further word. A week later I receive a
call from her in the college dorm asking if I wanted
to visit her folks for a week during Christmas break.
My heart leapt at the invitation, so I said yes. She
said she would pick me up at my mother's.

(I have to admit to feeling at least a slight guilty
pleasure for my first celebration of the Christmas
holiday, as I had been born and raised Jewish.)

A couple weeks went by. Dana, true to her word,
approached my house on Christmas Eve. As she walked
through the door my mother was fixing to explode in a
rage. Dana yelled, "Get in the car!"

I did, then from the window I saw them having words
with each other which I could not overhear. Dana then
got in on the driver's side. I asked, "What was that
about?" She said she would tell me later.

We drove for a couple hours to her father's home a
couple states away. She introduced me to her folks,
and we had dinner together, and some nice
conversation. Then Dana showed me my room, then showed
me where the shower was, and said she would see me
tomorrow. I cleaned myself up and got into bed at
11:45. The air was freezing but I normally did not
wear underwear, so I shivered under the covers till my
own body heat warmed me.

I was almost asleep when about a half hour later Dana
herself comes in, not wearing a stitch, and holding
only a single candle. This wakes me up instantly, and
I sit both upright in the bed. Dana sits on its
corner. The only thing separating us was a sheet.
Truth be told, I wasn't sexually excited at this time,
instead, I was shaking apart inside from nerves, I'd
never seen a naked lady before, never mind one sitting
just barely beyond my reach.

We talked for a while. Dana told me I had not
exaggerated regarding my own mother. She observed
during her own indigestible Thanksgiving dinner that
while my mother originally may have had the good
intentions of protecting me from the rest of the
world, my mother had now become obsessed with control
of me, and therefore had turned evil.

Here and now, Dana said, she would pledge herself to
stopping my mother. I asked her, "how?". Dana said she
saw only one way, and that was for her to convince me
I should live for myself, rather than live only for

"What are you going to do?" I asked her. "Give you a
gift," Dana said. So In all her nakedness aglow by the
single candle, Dana smiled at me. Holding her arms out
open towards me, she said, "Merry Christmas. Come

I closed the gap of frigid air between us, but I don't
notice the cold because we are embracing each other
sitting on the edge of the bed, and her skin is
warming mine. I bury my face in her shoulder. Tears
leaked down my face to drop on her skin.

Moments later, I am overwhelmed by waves of crushing
sadness. My body was racked in sobs, my eyes weeping
many bitter tears over too many years spent isolated
from humanity without any affection, friendship, or
touch. Such had been the fate of someone no-one made
the effort to understand, save for her.

Dana lets me cry for as long as I want. When I am
finally cried out, she approaches my lips with hers,
and kisses me softly. Then she tilted her head to
breathe, makes a complete seal of her mouth over mine,
and in practically no time our tongues begin dancing.
Not breaking the kiss, my hands start feeling the
softness of her long mane of hair, then roam down her
back, and then her sides. Dana is caressing my neck
all this time.

I break the kiss and lay down sidewise upon the bed,
my body is so warm now that I need no sheet or blanket
to stay harm. Dana lays down with me. She reaches over
and kisses my forehead, my eyes, my cheeks, and works
downward to my chest. In the meantime, I reach out to
her chest and gently caress the softness there,
holding them gently in my hands, rubbing the tips with
my thumbs, and then I suckle them in instinctive need.

Desire burns within me like a rocket engine. I have
now become thoroughly aroused, and there is a part of
myself now standing proudly. Dana gently holds my
circumcised tip in her hand. "It's only six inches," I
confessed. I measured once during the times I would
discreetly take care of myself without Mother knowing.
From my readings of Father's obstetrical textbooks
when I was still only 13, I understood myself to be
human average.

"But it's round and fat, like a baseball bat," she
said, "and I want it inside me."

"The Cowpers glands emit fluid containing sperm that
could still make you pregnant even if I don't
ejaculate inside you," I told her.

"Don't worry," Dana said. "As soon as I learned you
were telling the truth about your entire life, I
decided I had to intervene. I had an IUD put right
after Thanksgiving was over."

"Here," she told me as she guided my hand, "can you
feel the string?". It was there, so I nodded. I also
brushed her soft petals along with the surrounding
hair. Embolded, I inserted my index finger deeply
within her.

"Gently!" she cautioned me. I felt around for the
other important structures I read about. "Yes, that's
my cervix you're touching. Now, if you put a little
pressure upward... OH, YES!". I think that was the
Grafenberg spot.

"Now, just at the front, you should feel a little
button," Dana continued. I found it, and I touched it
gently. She closed her eyes, and her mouth opened
slightly. I was sending her to ecstasy just touching
her there. I kept on doing that for a while.

Dana opened her eyes. She rolled us, with herself on
her back, me on top. "It's time," she said.

I began shaking from nervousness. "Don't worry about
performance," she reassured me. "Move up a little,"
she said. As I did so, she grasped me in her hand and
ran my tip back and forth against her moistness. "Now,
drop slowly, just let gravity do the rest," she
instructed. I followed her instructions.

Perfection. Paradise. Wonder. Amazement.

I had sunk into her to the hilt. I didn't want to
move. I just stayed there for a minute or so. "I love
having sexual intercourse with you!" I declared.

"It's called 'fucking'," she corrected me. "I can feel
you up to my navel. My chest. My throat! Now move it
in me. Hard, honest strokes. Let your body take over.
Ravish me without mercy."

I took Dana at her word. I actually had problems
learning how to climax, it initially took me a half
hour for my mind to release its hyper vigilance from a
lifetime of emotional abuse, and permit my body to
take over.

She shivered in my arms as I approached my first
climax ever inside a woman, nothing mattering aside
from this amazing female human in my arms, the first
one who had ever accepted me exactly for who and what
I was.

I began shaking and my eyes started to shut of their
own accord. My pelvis slammed into hers, my erection
slammed into as far as it could possibly go... my
world went dark, my mind had finally gone away,
because I was erupting deep into her belly, in a
series of volcanic explosions, no longer thinking...
only feeling...


Eventually I returned to reality, my breathing slowing
to normal. I laid my head between Dana's breasts. "I
love you," I said. Dana just kissed the top of my head
and wrapped her arms tighter around me while we
enjoyed the afterglow together as we fell asleep in
each other's arms.

I spent the days of Christmas week together with Dana
and her family, dining together, exploring the
country-side, playing board games, and just talking.
But I spent the nights of Christmas together with her.
She revealed to me she had only one prior boyfriend,
who had treated her like dirt during her first time.

She felt I was the best possible candidate to help her
recover from the abuse. I therefore wasn't just
receiving the gift of my life from her, but I was also
giving to her in return a gift she desperately needed.
She needed to be loved as much as I did.

I proposed to her on the fifth evening with her. Dana
said no. She said our age difference was too great.

I said, "I don't care. I'll stay at your home and
raise your babies."

Dana said, "No. The world needs you far more than I
do. You need to learn things, do things, achieve
things, have a career, and you can do none of those
with me tying you down."

"But..." I said.

"In fact," she said, "we won't be seeing each other
again. That way you'll have to reach outward to other
people besides myself."

I looked down at the bed. "Friends forever, at least?"
I asked her in tears.

She thought about it. She reached out to tilt my chin
upward so my eyes could once again meet hers. Then she
nodded. "I'll give you my phone number," she said.
"You can call me any time of the day or night for
advice on anything."

My tears were still on my face, but I smiled through
them. "You have no idea how much even just your
friendship would mean to me," I told her.

"I wish I could let myself love you," Dana said. "But
I think I'd be wrong to do that."

"I understand the necessity," I replied. "But even if
the love can only be one way, it's still there."

For the very first and the very last time did I ever
see tears on Dana's cheeks. She said nothing. I opened
my arms toward her. "C'mere," I said. She held me
tight for a while.

Then I turned the tables on her. I used upon her
everything she taught me that week. I didn't just have
intercourse with her, fuck her, or ravish her, or any
of the other things she had requested I do to her.

I simply made very slow, very sweet love to her. I
used my mind alongside my newfound knowledge,
resolving to give her the best experience ever. Only
missionary was possible because even with her knee
healed, placing any extended stress upon it was simply
out of the question. We had made the most of it all
this time.

I kissed her cheeks, lips, eyes, neck. I licked her
fingers, one at a time, then each of her toes. Then, I
not only tasted from her flower, I drank from it until
she squeezed my head between her legs and shuddered in
a climax.

Then and only then did put myself into Dana for the
final time. I looked deep into her warm brown eyes as
I took myself by the hand and guided myself into her.
Then, about halfway in, I had a sudden inspiration. I
gently reached behind Dana's head and placed my hands
behind her head, resting on my arms on the bed by each
side of her shoulders. The increasing pressure from my
embrace caused me to sink all the way into her.

Now my face was only an inch or so away from hers.
"This is for you," I whispered to her. I tilted my
head, and then I kissed her deeply. My tongue gently
probed her mouth, synchronized to the soft and gentle
motions in and out. I had quickly analyzed that week
about how women climax. force or speed isn't
necessarily the key, consistency is.

I didn't need to do this for too long, maybe about
five minutes. Suddenly, Dana wrapped her arms around
me. Her body shook violently, and she quietly screamed
through my mouth and down into my throat. I broke the
kiss, supported myself on my hands, and continued to
move gently. She shuddered again, silently, less

I decided it was time to go for my own climax. I
finally learned how to let myself go so that I didn't
need a half hour to climax. I could let it happen. I
made the effort this time to keep my eyes open, this
time, and lock my gaze to hers. I wanted Dana to know
how I really felt about her.

"Words fail!" she said to me to afterwards. "You'll
make some extremely lucky woman a wonderful husband!"

We cuddled in the bed, one final time, and slept until
dawn, when we had breakfast together, just us, alone,
no other family. Then, Dana drove me back to my house.
We shared one last lovers' kiss before I left her car.
Then she drove off.

Dana was true to her promise. For the next eight
years, she answered my calls. I would call her once a
year just for companionship, but I would occasionally
call her when I had problems learning how to
communicate with co-workers or negotiate a romance.
Her phone disconnected when I tried to call on year
nine. I was a little hurt, but I also judged that Dana
had her own life to live also, and I couldn't lean on
her forever.

About year ten, I had married. Things were not going
well, as my first wife had hidden her bipolar
depression from me until after the wedding night, and
things were just getting worse three months into the
marriage. I then received a blank postcard bearing
Dana's first name, a new last name, and no message.
Dana had only known my address growing up, so this had
been forwarded by the post office about four times,
and the post-mark date was months old.

I found a private place to make a long distance phone
call. According to the postmark she now lived in a
different town. In a matter of minutes I used
directory assistance to find her phone number. Then, I
was able to call her. It had been about a two years.

Dana picked up the phone. She sounded tired. I found
out why. She said she had advanced multiple sclerosis,
and she had wanted me to call her. She couldn't send
me a message directly for fear of upsetting her
husband about her past regarding me. She was glad I
was able to intuit her request.

She said that a year or so after I left college she
married a professor she had her eye on for a while but
was too afraid to approach until I had changed her
life. Her life was a very happy one ever since, and
she had two beautiful girls by him. She said this
would be our final call, because she was in her final
days. She wanted me to contact her so that she could
thank me for everything I had done for her.

I decided I would have the grace to not bother her
with my own problems. "Thank you too, for everything,"
I said over the phone.

"It was my honor," she said.

Those were her last words to me. The call ended. Her
life ended somewhat later. I was now completely on my

Ten years after that, my first wife and I divorced on
fair terms. I had hung on all that time, trying to
make her life happy, but finally I had good cause to
resign from my marriage: she wanted me to take an
overdose of her medications with her. It broke my
heart, but leaving the marriage was like waking up
from a nightmare anyway.

A few years later, I married again, this time to the
right lady. She was a schoolteacher, reasonably bright
but extremely compassionate and loving. Also,
extremely passionate. We met electronically, had our
first date four weeks later, and during that date
destiny happened to us: we made tender and passionate
love the next couple nights of the kind only poets
write about. We married a year later.

The year following, our beautiful little girl was born
to us. I got to be there in the delivery room and cut
the cord while she rested on her mother's belly. I
held her in my arms after they cleaned her. I fell
into those dark beautiful eyes and got forever lost in
love with her.

I'm 50 now, having retired early due to disability. My
wife retired with me. We're both stay at home parents,
raising our school aged c***d. Money is always tight,
but there's always more than enough love to go around.

God bless you, Dana, and I hope He's smiling on you
somewhere in the afterlife.

I couldn't have managed to beat the nearly impossible
odds of my upbringing, found my own way to earn a
living and become independent, persevered during a bad
first marriage, found the second love of my life, and
finally built a loving family, without your help.

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Edyn Blair is so tired of her pathetic Husband. The sex just isn’t enough for her. 30 seconds?!? Is that all he can do? She needs to orgasm and wants so badly to feel a guys cock that can make her cum all over it. In comes John Strong and he shows Edyn just how long a real guy should last as he fucks her in doggy while she humiliates her pathetic Husband. Edyn wants to ride that cock and feel it completely inside her as she moans out and is amazed just how awesome good sex is. She can not...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Pleasures part II

Deception is a Two Edged Sword The next day my mother in law woke up in my office with a drunken hang over. She made her way to her bedroom and sank into the queen size bed. She didn’t wake until after noon. By then her daughter was up stumbling around with a migraine. I asked my wife into my office and we talked a few minutes. She had taken a Imitrex pill for the migraine. Her mother had left behind the shawl covering with the fur trim. She didn’t seem to notice, or care. I didn’t...

2 years ago
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Slave Mary gets the punishment she deserves

[Author's note: All the correspondence in this story is genuine. If you see similar in your own inbox either here or at another site you should consider the outcome in this case.] Henry scanned the arrivals board for the tenth time that day. The plane had landed twenty minutes ago, with luck Mary waiting for her bags to come off the conveyor belt. He could hardly believe it was less than a month since he had received her message. It had been short and too the point: Am a slave girl 27yrs...

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Seduced Two Skinny Boys

My Name is Vandana. I am 32 years old and married to a surgeon. We have been married for last 5 years now and have no kids. It was an arranged marriage. I am fair in color and have a perfect hour glass figure. I had a lot of affairs before my marriage and there were many buys who used to lust after me. But After marriage I left the city and moved to my Husbands city Delhi. My life after marriage took a turn for the worst. I was hoping at least the first few years to be filled with unlimited...

3 years ago
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my bhabhi sister in law

Hey how are you xhamster fans. Her name is Mita. She is a sweet and sexy Bengali lady. I first came to know her around 4 years back when I started my career in a Multinational Company at Chennai, where her husband was working in a different MNC. Her hubby was around 10 years senior to me by age but as our working place was same, we developed a good friendship and rapport.Her hubby took me as a younger brother after a couple of months in that town which was totally new to me, her hubby became...

1 year ago
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This is a real story about the time I was blackmailed by a bbc for gay sex

When I was 18 I would go on Grindr anonymously because I was secretly looking to fool around in the gay world but did not anyone I knew or saw in person to know that I was sort of gay. I would just have picture of my body like my ass or stomach and I also had nude that I would trade with other guys in return to see the dicks. My ass was so nice that I would get so many dick pics without even asking. I would usually just talk with the guy a little and lead him on that we would fuck without any...

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Teaching The Au Pair To SubmitAn Outtake

Converted from "3935_01.txt" on 13-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0 Teaching the Au Pair to Submit-An Outtake By Powerone In February 2005 I published the novel, "Teaching The Au Pair To Submit".During editing, the publisher suggested that I delete this chapter (it already had one chapter with the Captain, the strip search chapter at the airport) as it seemed to be too much of this character.I agreed and it was left out.Since I spent considerable time writing it, I thought you might like to read...

4 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book ThreeChapter 7

The Naga, the Fox and the Wardrobe The door of the wardrobe didn’t move. Puzzled, Mike grabbed the handle even tighter and pulled again, but it still wouldn’t budge. The wardrobe felt like it had been anchored into the wall, the door completely immobile. Frustrated, he tried rattling the door when he realized that he had missed one very important detail. Right below the handle was a small keyhole. “Ugh.” He got ready to kick the wardrobe out of frustration when he remembered that he had a...

3 years ago
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Uncle Timmy takes controlPart3

It was a big old rolled back,horsehair stuffed sofa and manys the time when I was a bit younger I'd straddled the back playing at horsies.I wasn't straddling the back now...I was laid over it with my arse in the air and Uncle Timmy pulling down my wet pants.I'm thinking I'm gonna get what I always wanted now,but I still feared a baby and what that would do to mammy and daddy.They would disown me for sure and I would be shamed forever.Surely uncle must have a rubber on him....surely he...

2 years ago
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Free For All FarmgirlChapter 2

Her blouse had come open another few buttons, but Debby didn't care. Who would see her half-naked tits out here? Even though the front yard went right up to the road, and even though her swing was only thirty feet or so from the road, so few cars passed by this old back road that she could probably swing naked without having to worry about somebody catching her. She lived back in the sticks, as the expression went. The nearest neighbor was a half mile away. She spread her bare legs,...

1 year ago
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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 23 MindControlled Daughter Delight

John Preston I couldn’t believe I just ordered a mind-control device from the very man I was investigating: Dean Michaels. $10,000... I just spent $10,000 on what had to be a hoax, but my fellow U.S. attorney, Gina Brand, was right. How else to explain what was going on around this man. FBI agents didn’t march into a police precinct and come out thinking that a man could do no wrong. That he could break any law. My phone buzzed on my hip. I pulled it off the plastic case on my belt. A new...

3 years ago
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Pleasure In Control

Chapter 1 (Monday) I felt a warm glow of familiar pleasure as the Monday morning Eurostar trainfrom Paris pulled effortlessly into the terminus at 9:50, 5 minutes early.It was going to be great to be back in London after so long, even if it wasonly for a couple of days. Things had been getting progressively worse betweenClaud and me as he became more and more overbearing, placing ever more absurdexpectations on me. I dreaded sex with him to the point where eventually Icouldn't even bear to let...

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Vaah Papa Kya Lund Haa Tumhraa 8211 Part IV

Hi!Mera Naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname yunghelper (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto (hot gals ) see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa.My hot and horny readers see ek appeal haa- padnee see pahlee ladke apnaa lund pakad lee aur ladkeeya apne chut mee unglee dal lee takee story padne mee zyadaa maza aayegaa aur...

2 years ago
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Letters from Sky Part 7

Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 7 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Monday, April 28th (noon) Hi, Marsh, I'm banished to my room by the cleaning lady again. Nah-uh, he didn't really grab me and hold or anything -- just sort of tried to hug, but rough. And I could have asked his mom or brother for my bike, but just didn't want to. And I looked...

2 years ago
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Daddys Plaything Part 2 Good Clean Fun

Daddy’s Plaything. Part 2. Good Clean Fun. I lay across his knee, the twitching spasm of my climax slowly dying. Oh God, a climax already. Dad and Uncle Dave had not even started to get undressed yet. They had only been in the flat for 15 minutes and I had already had two good spankings, one from each of them, and a finger fuck from Dad. I felt Dad push me upright and I stood in front of him, wrists handcuffed behind me and only a see-through nightdress to cover my modesty. Not that I had any...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 130 Katelins Prize is Delivered

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 (Continued) Julia hung around long enough to say, "I think I should leave you to it for this one. Besides, I need to keep an eye on Andrew to stop him trying to sneak back in, haha," which Julia said loud enough for Andrew to hear. "I'll talk with Katelin too. Just send Ava down when you've finished, and I'll send Katelin up. Be quick, as we're running late." The last instruction was silly, as by now Ava had pushed me onto my back, undone my pants, pulled...

3 years ago
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Prisoner of Submisson

Monday Before The alarm went off so I could hear the faint words of the morning rush hour report from the helicopter above the beltway.I didn’t pay attention to it and just stretched under the covers.My lithe 5’ 3” frame grew tense as I was fully extended and my thighs were pulled together.I felt a tingle between my legs and I held my body still to let that sweet feeling penetrate further into me.I only weigh 90 pounds so I am almost all bones however I do have a very feminine shape still and...

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Saturdays Lawn

Chapter 1 Saturday visits to my house had become very special occasions for Sophie. It was summer and my house was set back from the road with a large lawn spread out in front. I had hired a teen age boy to mow the lawn. And although I got more than I bargained for, so did he. Brian was 18, just finishing his senior year at the local high school. He was a very handsome kid with wavy blond hair. He stood about 6'2" and weighed about 185 — not quite fully filled out yet. He had broad shoulders...

4 years ago
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Harrys Protg Ch 09

Sierra was pleased her father was home and saying he was ready to return to work, But Sierra he should rest more and persuaded her mother to take him away for two weeks on the pretext that a long road trip would be beneficial for the new car. Margo called later to say they were leaving in the morning. ‘His big scare seems to have softened him. That was inspirational, darling and he thanked me for being so considerate about the car. We have contacts for medical supplies and medical...

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Kaylee and the Black men

Im Kaylee and it all started when I moved out of my hometown in Leigh Valley Pennsylvania. I was 16 and my Parents and I were headed to Los Angeles California due to job relocation. I had a boyfriend his name was Clay but the both of us knew it would be stupid to keep dating halfway across the country. Watching TV I always had this glamorized image of LA. So being scared id look too "safe" I had my natural brunette breast length hair dyed to a Playboy- Playmate- Silver- blonde to...

2 years ago
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Elevator Meeting

Elevator Meeting Copyright 2002 - Katrina Llyr ([email protected]) We met first on the elevator in my building, I'd seen him around the building, and thought that he had a friend down the hall from me, I'd seen him knocking at a nearby door. I was on my way home from work, he was on his way back from a jog by the looks of his exercise shorts and sweat soaked T- shirt. "Hey, I've seen you around but haven't introduced myself, I'm Carl, you're up on 8 right?" "Yeah, hi,...

1 year ago
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The StormChapter 45

John carried his and Anita’s luggage down the back stairs and out to the garage. The family’s luggage consisted of a three-piece set of matching soft-side Samsonite, as well as an ancient nylon hanging bag he had owned since college. Over the years, he and Anita had settled into a comfortable situation with the luggage. They would split the largest suitcase and the hanging bag, while the girls would share the other two bags. Whatever else they had packed was basically so much trash in the...

3 years ago
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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 02

“What? Oh…morning dad…” Dylan said, yawning. “It’s half 5 in the evening actually,” his father Gareth said. “You’ve not been in bed all day, have you?” “No, I was…” Dylan then remembered what he’d done. He shot up in bed, realising he was still naked under the covers, and his eyes darted to his laptop, which was still on his bedside table. The screen was off and it wasn’t making any noise. “What’s wrong?” Gareth asked. “Um…nothing,” Dylan replied. “I unwrapped my presents and messed with...

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The charmed Ones

The three Halliwell sisters, Phoebe, Piper, and Paige, were witches. They used their powers for good fighting against the forces of evil. Their strength was known as the power of three. It was connected with all three sisters. However, they also had a spellbook known as the Book of Shadows. It contained spells they used to defeat many enemies. They kept the book in their attic to protect it from the evil forces who wanted to use it for their own nefarious means. It was a Tuesday morning in...

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Hot for Teacher Part One

My term paper was late. I was standing at the door of my Professor's office, sweating. The paper was late and I didn't have enough time to finish the one I'd started several weeks ago. It wasn't that good to begin with, but that was besides the point. The point was that I was sweating because not only could I fail my hot professor's class, but I was sweating for what I was about to try in order to pass my hot professor's class. C'mon girl, get your ass in there and just get this over with. The...

1 year ago
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BrattyMILF Brianna Bourbon Thats My Dick Not A Walking Stick

Short and curvy babe Brianna Bourbon is on a hike with her stepson Charlie. She has the hots for her stepson, so this is the perfect opportunity to seduce him. Brianna tells Charlie thinks she might want to go into the lake they’re hiking beside, but Charlie declines. Then she bends over and jiggles her ass to make sure Charlie notices. When Charlie still tries to act like he doesn’t know what Brianna is up to, she goes full cougar on him. Reminding Charlie she’s his stepson,...

2 years ago
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Careful What You Wish For Part 2

CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR - PART #2 By Joyce Devries, [email protected] Yahoo IM Chat: joyce_devriestv October 2002 Please read Part #1 to understand this part of the story. Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time, please read the first part to understand this one. My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure I will tell you...

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The Abduction of Jennifer

        You shiver slightly as you exit the Union and step out into the brisk evening air.  After a brief hesitation about wearing nothing more than your tight black tank top and pink shorts,  you move down the steps into the parking lot and turn to walk back to your dorm. You take a right and move down  Woodward Drive back to your empty room.  The parking lot is sparse and almost no noise  with everyone gone for Easter weekend.  You stop and stare up at the sixth floor of the dorm and see...

1 year ago
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Watching My Sister

I went looking for my fishing pole; it was usually in the utility room just off the central part of the basement. Dad had started to fix over the basement last year but it had come to a crawl as of late. The walls had sheetrock but hadn’t been finished off leaving gaps at the seams, the floor had a rug with nice dense padding and the ceiling was almost finished. The utility room was dark as I fumbled around piles of crap trying to find the tackle box when I heard footsteps coming down the...

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Condom Compromise

Condom Compromise.John [email protected] wife and I had been swinging with other couples, groups and selected singles for some time and very much enjoying the experience. Being nudists our main criteria was to have all naked and just let it all happen as we all felt comfortable. Bernice, my wife is lightly bi as am I, though her preference was for cock and lots of it in all holes so we often entertained an extra guy at our “gatherings” to keep the women happy and the only thing...

1 year ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 44 Late Nights and Early Mornings

Tabitha Adams got up to pee at about three a.m., sliding out from beside Paul and padding down the hall to his bathroom. Their bout of sex earlier hadn't been quite as comfortable as she told Paul; on the other hand, it had been very rewarding, since the orgasms produced had been real. It had been a long time since she'd let herself go like that; even when she was supposed to be kicking back with friends, sex had usually been something given in trade for dope or some other favor, and thus,...

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Art SomethingChapter 8

Holidays aren’t the greatest time for advancing relationships. Fay had the entire week off, but Annette and I had three days of school. We only got Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after off. And there were other people to deal with. Family responsibilities, meals, and guests. Annette and her family were invited to Thanksgiving Dinner with us, along with my grandparents and her grandparents. My grandmother looked long and hard at Fay, Lady, and me. She even went so far as to push her...

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The Fortunate Jepordy Part 3

The Fortunate Jeopardy - Part 3 by Sissie Maid Cuckold While Carolyn and Tessa were on their way to the next stop, Laura made a phone call. "Hello." "Hello Bret, this is Laura Bloom and I am on my way to your house for my daily inspection...I hope you're not going to disappoint me." "But..." CLICK. Bret really had not thought that Laura would inspect him on the weekends; in fact he figured the whole thing would blow over by Monday. He was wrong and now she was on her way....

3 years ago
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Wife goes black

We had been married for twenty years, I was 49 and sheryl my wife was 39, she was a beautiful girl big blue eyes, light brown hair, a cute little snub nose and a cupid mouth. We had an idyllic marriage we were great friends and still had a red hot sex life, we laughed a lot and enjoyed our k**s growing up.So a perfect life you might think but I had a burning desire to see Sheryl screwed by someone else we talked about it every time we fucked, both of us cumming when we talked abt it, but we...

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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 09

Arrived at Wayne’s around 10.15am. Wayne opened the door at my knock and gave me a big kiss. We moved into his front room. He was wearing a short sleeved blue shirt and dark blue casual trousers. I commented he looked very smart. A kiss from him and his fingers found the buttons of my blouse it was quickly discarded along with my bra. What a pleasant start to the weekend my hands were very soon unfastening his trousers and within five minutes of arriving at his house we were both naked on the...

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My wife and the niece8217s boyfriend

My wife and I have a normal sex life but she complains that I am too gentle and my cock is only five inches wife has some experience of sucking cock before marriage and I have asked her to try men outside marriage also but she always refuses. My wife is about five feet six inches with 38c breasts and a large ass and is about 35 years old.. Though she is fat the extra weight gives makes her look more sexy.One day my wife met her niece’s boyfriend . After meeting him she confessed to...

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Babs and Mike

Babs and Mike had reached the seven year mark. In fact they’d celebrated their wedding anniversary. No kids though. Babs was eager but Mike wanted to wait, for them just to enjoy being a couple for a little more time. They were well into their mortgage, having bought their first home during their engagement eight years ago. They lived in a comfortable semi-detached two bedroom house in the suburbs of Guildford. They both worked: Mike as a telephone engineer and Babs was a shop assistant on a...

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A Family ThreeWay

Harry and Casey are out for the night, having made plans with friends. Their mother Sandy stares into the deserted lounge room. She lets out a long sigh. Ever since her husband took the new job, she’s been finding herself more bored than ever. With his frequent business trips out of town, she has been left alone with the kids more often than having him around. Usually she would occupy herself doing things with the kids on a night like tonight, but ever since Harry graduated and started college,...

2 years ago
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For Master

A big smile appeared the moment when I heard your car pull in the driveway. I looked in the mirror one last time, to make sure I looked perfect for you. I decided to wear a slutty cheerleader uniform. A very short skirt with no underwear and a tight shirt, showing very well that I did not have a bra. I hurried into the living room and kneeled on my knees. ‘Cum Slut, where are you?’ ‘I’m in the living room, Master.’ You entered and my heart started beating very fast. Were you going to use me or...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 25

“And just where the fuck have you been?” In fact Trevor knew full well where his girlfriend Claire Taylor had been all afternoon, but he wasn’t about to allow himself to look a mug again, having already been made to look a fool when left outside the house of Annie Day by Kevin Smith, who’d then disappeared to who knows where along with with Claire’s mother Karen. “Why are you shouting at me Trevor, I’m not your property and I don’t have to tell you where I am every minute of the day!”...

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Grand Opening Of The Magic Bean Coffee House

The Grand Opening Of The Magic Bean Coffee House And Curios Shoppe By Warm Hearted Hello Fiction Mania Readers, my name is David Knight. Like many of you I have been reading Fiction Mania for years, I guess since the mid 90's. I was real happy to find FM because of being a Psycho Therapist, I knew my curiosity about TG was not twisted or really rare. But I never discussed my enjoyment of TG fiction with others since I...

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I fuck my teacher

This happened when I was studying in my class 15. I had already fucked two of my teachers already (remember my math teacher?). They said there’s going to be a new teacher for it. Shortly, a plump, fair & a sexy looking lady in a yellow cotton saree entered the class. I even forgot to close my wide open mouth when I saw such a awesome woman fit for a steamy night actually is my math teacher. Her figure was mind blowing. She had big & heavy boobs in creamy white color & a soft, silky stomach...

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Stock Ch 0118

This is by an adult for adults. If you are under legal age then get out. If you find that any of my material is offensive then don’t read it. That’s all I have to say about that. As for the rest of you. Enjoy! Chapter 1 Uncomfortable would be a good word to describe how Sean felt at the moment. Underage would have fit his situation even better. Decadence was shown lavishly about the dining hall, velvet curtains, silk hangings, tasteful paintings, and enormous crystal chandeliers hung...

4 years ago
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Summer Family Fun Part 1

It was a cool summer day. The sun was shining and it was perfect beach weather. However, I was shut in my dark room, like usual. My name is Chris, and I'm 17 years old. 6ft tall and not what you would call "fit." I was sat on my bed, with my laptop beside me, reading through some erotic stories, and masturbating, naturally. I was a virgin, and hadn't even seen a girl naked in front of me, so I was rather inexperienced. Of course, I had a few ex-girlfriends, but nothing huge. I settled in to a...


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