Masquerade Pt. 03 free porn video

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Saturday arrives, and my heart can’t stop beating to a faster than normal rhythm. The butterflies in my stomach indicate the level of excitement, anticipation and nervousness I feel since they flutter stronger and stronger as 5:30 p.m. approaches.

Tracy meets me at 9 a.m., and we commence our Saturday morning routine of yoga followed by coffee. I rush home to shower, get my hair and nails done, and Tracy comes over to help me get ready. Our conversation is heightened by my nerves, and she knows I’m more distracted than usual because of the possibilities the night will bring.

Finally, 5:30 rolls around. I take a deep breath, and teetering on my stilettos, I peek out the window. Sure enough, a shiny, sleek Rolls Royce Ghost waits outside my townhouse. Tracy helps me slip on my opera gloves, tucks my phone into my clutch, and reminds me again to text her if I feel uncomfortable at any time. I give her a hug, and we step outside, locking the door behind us.

The chauffeur rounds the vehicle and opens the back passenger door. ‘Miss,’ he says as he touches his cap.

‘Oh, he’s good,’ I think. I may look younger than my age, but it’s been a long time since I could believably be called a Miss. I wink, flash a big smile at Tracy, and get into the car. She watches us pull away as a mix of concern, excitement and I think a dash of jealousy plays across her face.

After about 30 minutes we arrive at a large mansion in the high-rent district of Denver. Lights softly line the walkway and steps to the front door, and I can see shapes moving behind the closed curtains. I quickly pull out my phone and am relieved to see I have strong cell coverage. I check my mask, hair and lipstick in my compact and step out of the opened door thanking the driver and offering a tip which he refuses. I make my way up the steps to the front door and with a bit of trepidation, open it and walk through.

Not surprisingly, the entryway is stunning. High ceilings, beautiful art and decor line the walls along with an extremely large floral arrangement on a table in the foyer. A greeter meets me as I walk in and takes me to a table where event staff are checking names. I give my name but apologize for not RSVPing. The planner smiles, finds my name on her iPad and hands me a long-stemmed red rose. ‘Welcome, Ms. Beauchamp. Enjoy the ball,’ she chirps in her effervescent voice.

The mansion is dazzling with lavish decor, expensive furniture, floral arrangements (some with cascading vines down the walls), lush velvet and sheer fabrics, intricate sconces holding flickering candles and beautiful chandeliers casting soft lighting throughout the various rooms. I feel like I’ve been transported back in time to an era when lavish balls for nobility were the norm.

People dressed elegantly in gorgeous ball gowns and tailored tuxedos mingle throughout the rooms leading off the foyer and hall. Their masks hide their faces, but I can see delight and mischief dancing in their eyes. Servers dressed in black pass hors d’oeuvres and glasses of wine and champagne. I take a glass of champagne from a passing tray and sip nervously. Obviously I don’t recognize anyone, but I don’t usually have trouble at social engagements and can hold my own at the ‘booze and schmooze’ events my company throws for clients and prospects. I walk up to a foursome chatting nearby when a lag in their conversation provides an opportunity.

We make polite small talk to start, and I quickly learn both men belong to this mysterious brotherhood, and the women are their wives. One, a statuesque blonde, I guess mid-30s, towers over me. I’m about 5’2′, and in heels, close to 5’7′. She must be at least 5’9′ without heels. She has a cool demeanor but isn’t unfriendly as she welcomes me and asks if this is my first event with the brotherhood. I smile as I answer and finish the glass of champagne. Almost immediately, a server appears to take my empty glass and offers me a new one which I accept. The first glass has made me a bit giddy, and I realize I should eat something. Bubbles typically go straight to my head, but I love the feeling, and the label being served is quite good. The other woman is older, maybe in her 50s, heavyset and very funny. Her reddish-brown hair is piled on her head in an elegant updo, and her neck, ears, hands and wrists drip with jewels. She’s holding a plate of hors d’oeuvres, and I ask her to point me in the direction of the food. She laughs, a great laugh, and says she’ll join me, she wants more. I’ve almost finished my second glass of champagne and am really feeling the effects. Before we can leave our group, a hand grips my elbow. Startled, I turn and am met with a broad chest in an impeccable tux. I slowly move my gaze up and am captivated by the most exquisite eyes I’ve ever seen accentuated by the black mask hiding his face.

He smiles confidently, and my heart skips a beat. I swallow the last of my champagne and place it on the tray of a server who’s once again magically appeared. ‘Would you like another?’ the server asks. I shake my head slowly, my gaze still captivated by those mesmerizing eyes.

The two men I’ve been conversing with straighten, it seems like a show of respect, so I wonder if this mystery man is an officer in this brotherhood. One of the husbands starts to say something, but mystery man gives him a look, and he stops talking. Mystery man glances to his side and motions me in that direction. I look at the people I’ve been chatting with and they don’t seem concerned. The robust redhead grins at me, and the blonde tosses her hair. I take their lack of concern to mean he’s at least somewhat trustworthy so I turn in the direction he motioned. He once again takes my elbow as he steers me out of the room.

‘Where are we going?’ I ask. He puts a finger to his lips and shakes his head. ‘You’re not going to tell me? Why should I let you take me?’ I ask and stop walking. He sighs, and it’s somehow familiar, but only my subconscious recognizes that. He puts his finger under my chin and raises my face so I’m once again looking in his eyes. He’s tall. Even in killer heels, the top of my head only reaches his shoulder. ‘I…’ I don’t finish my sentence before his lips are on mine, firm, insistent, breathtakingly good. Wow. My heart is pounding. I should be outraged. How dare he! But all my mind registers is his heat, his commanding presence, his intoxicating scent, his strong arms as my hands reach out and grab his biceps to steady myself. My lips part at my surprise, and he takes advantage, sliding his tongue along mine, biting my lower lip, kissing me madly, passionately. We’re in the middle of a hallway at a swanky masquerade ball acting like teenagers in a make-out session. I break away, trying to catch my breath. I’ve never been kissed like that. It was incredible. I can’t look at him. I know if I do I’ll melt into a puddle on the floor and ruin the carpeting.

Once again, he lifts my chin to meet his eyes. I see humor behind them and mischief and power and desire, and I’m lost. Dammit. How can I be lost to someone I don’t know? All I know, is I’d follow him anywhere right now, so when he grabs my elbow and leads the way, I go compliantly.

We walk down the hallway away from the noise of the party to a door at the end on the side. He opens it, and I see a staircase leading down. I look at him, questioning him with my eyes but he just nods his head and guides me to the stairs. My brain is screaming at me. ‘What are you doing? He could be a crazy psychopath? Why are you letting him take you downstairs? You don’t even know where you’re going.’ I tell myself to hush and trust for once. We’re at an elegant party. If there was danger, my spidey senses would be tingling, but that’s not the part of me that’s tingling. I’m not going to think, I’m going to feel. I know I’m under his spell, and I’m hoping he’s not nuts.

We descend the stairs, and the air gets colder, the light dim. I shiver. He takes his tux jacket off and wraps it around my should
ers. I smile, but I don’t know if he can see it. At the bottom of the stairs, candles flicker in sconces. The air is cool. We round a corner, and we’re in the largest and most beautiful wine cellar I’ve ever seen. There’s a large wooden table in the middle of the room, set for two with elegant place settings, several glasses in different sizes for different wine varietals. The champagne flutes have been filled as have the water glasses. I look around for servers or anyone else, but it’s just the two of us. He still hasn’t spoken a word.

I admire him in his black vest and white tuxedo shirt. I can tell he exercises and is in good shape but not bulky. Fit, athletic, broad chest, long torso, strong legs. He walks to the table to get the champagne glasses, and I sneak a glance at his ass. Holy hell. I swallow again. I love a nice ass on a man, and in those tuxedo pants I can tell his is spectacular. Pulling my leering gaze away I notice the artwork around the room and the many bottles of wines aging all around us. The room is circular and quite beautiful. It combines the modern and the traditional together effortlessly, and the outcome is breathtaking.

He hands me a glass, raises his in a silent toast, clinks with mine and takes a sip. I smile and sip, too. He takes my glass and sets them on the table then walks confidently back to me. He pulls me to him, leans down and kisses me again. I wrap my arms around his neck, and his coat falls from my shoulders. He grabs it in one hand while still kissing me and drapes it over the back of a chair. I’m lost in his kiss. He really is amazing, and I can feel wetness seeping through my panties from just his touch, his kiss. One hand is in my hair at the back of my neck, and the other is around my waist holding me tight against him. I can feel his arousal against my leg, and that turns me on even more. I move my hands down his back, feeling his muscles shift under his shirt and vest.

My heart is once again beating fast. His lips move from my mouth to my neck. His tongue caresses my neck, and he bites the spot where my neck meets my shoulder. My knees buckle, but he holds me up and kisses me deeply again. He walks me backwards to the other end of the table, and before I know it, he’s turned me around, my back to his front as he caresses my breasts over the satin of my dress. I moan and his lips find the back of my neck, pushing my hair out of the way. I bow my head to give him better access, and I’m once again completely lost in the sensations of his body pressed against mine. I can feel the hardness of his cock against my lower back, and I love that I’m turning him on as much as he is me.

He bends me over the table and caresses my ass. My arms are holding me up, palms flat on the table as I enjoy his touch, his lips on my neck as his body again presses against mine when he leans over me. ‘Do you want me to stop?’ He whispers in my ear, and I shake my head. He kisses my ear and bites my earlobe. He raises my dress above my hips and I instinctively part my legs, raise my ass and lower my chest to the table in silent invitation. I hear his zipper, and my heart threatens to escape my chest. New wetness seeps out of me in anticipation. I haven’t been taken, really taken by a man in a very long time, and I think he senses my hunger, my need for that type of man. He grabs the thin strap of my satin panties on either side of my hips, and with one motion, rips them from my body. A shiver of excitement runs through me at the violence and lust that one act conveys, and I go up on my toes, beckoning him to enter me.

I hear the rip of foil and a few seconds later feel him press against my opening. I know I’m really ready for him, and I push my hips back. He smacks my ass lightly, and I stop. I’ve never been spanked before, and the feeling is…arousing. It wasn’t a hard smack – more surprising and even more surprising that I liked it. He lines himself up again and slowly enters me, teasing me as I ache to be filled by him. He’s thick and hard as steel, and he feels better than I ever imagined as the walls of my pussy surround and pulse around him. It’s a tight fit, and it feels so good. I need him to move. I’m so turned on, and I need to be fucked, hard. I push back again, and he grabs my hips firmly in his large hands. My breathing is heavy, and I moan. He starts to thrust, and the feeling is unbelievable. Oh my god! I’m in ecstasy as he fucks me, his powerful legs against the backs of mine, his strong hands gripping my hips as he commands my body and our rhythm. I lose myself in the pleasure. I don’t know what I’m saying or the sounds I’m making, I just know how good it feels, how I don’t want it to stop, how I need this, how I need him.

His rhythm increases as he fucks me hard and deep, dominating me, and I love it. ‘Oh, god, yes,’ I moan as he takes me. I can feel my core tightening, and I know I’m close as he maneuvers and hits that spot inside me, the spot that no one else has found, and I know I’m close. ‘Fuck me,’ I breathe, and his pace increases. We’re both sweating and breathing hard, and I feel the heat and tingling on my legs, the indication that my orgasm is rushing full speed ahead, and I crave the release. He thrusts again and again, relentlessly, and I crash over him, my pussy contracting around him as the pleasure hits me like a tidal wave, and I scream. His grip on my hips tightens as he thrusts deep and finds his release. He folds over me as we attempt to catch our breath. His hands caress my shoulders, my arms as he kisses my neck and back. I’ve never been taken like that, and I know I want more of him. I don’t want him to stop fucking me. I can feel my body getting turned on again just from his proximity and his scent and his lips against my neck. Who is this man, and what has he done to me? I’m under his spell completely.

He stands up and smooths my dress back down then takes my hand and gently pulls me up to face him. He kisses my hand still in the glove then looks in my eyes. I’m a bit dazed, still in a euphoric haze. I can’t quite focus, but I smile, a little embarrassed but also giddy. He leans down, kisses my neck again, and I sigh contentedly. I can feel his smile against my neck, and he bites it playfully. I moan. ‘Wow,’ I breathe. ‘Stop that, or we’ll never leave here.’

‘Why would we want to?’ He asks in a whisper against my ear, and I shiver again but not from the cold.

He walks over to the other side of the table and indicates I should sit. A server appears out of thin air it seems and sets two Insalata Caprese in front of us. I sip from the champagne glass again and cut into the salad. I’m famished for some reason.

Dinner goes rather quickly as we engage in small talk. Truthfully, it’s a bit awkward as I seem to be doing most of the talking. He seems interested, but he’s rather quiet, and I wonder if it’s something I did or said or if now that we’ve already had sex he’s counting the minutes until dinner is over, and he can return to the party. But then why create this elaborate setup? We could have just had sex and returned to the throng never to see each other again. I run out of things to say and just sip the port that has been poured into the last glass.

I place my napkin on the table beside my plate, and he rises and puts his jacket back on. I stand as well, my legs a bit shaky and put my gloves back on. He rounds the table, holds out his arm, and I place my hand in the crook of his elbow. I look up at him. He smiles that confident smile, and I smile back feeling a little relieved. He leans down and touches his lips to mine, not chaste but not the passionate kisses of an hour earlier. We climb the staircase, and I realize the wine has definitely gotten to me. The dinner portions were small which I prefer, but each of the five courses was paired with wine, and in my nervousness, I drank all of the wine but didn’t eat much of the food. I’m able to walk, thankfully, and I’m not slurring my words, but I’m feeling that happy, giddy feeling all over that comes from enjoying good wine
(and great sex).

We return to the hallway, and the party is in full swing. Much to my surprise, in the room nearest the entrance to the cellar, couples are in various stages of undress (masks still on) and imbibing in the many pleasures of the evening. I don’t feel so out of place anymore, and I giggle. My mystery man smiles again, this one full of mischief in his eyes, and my belly flips.

We walk back down to the end of the hall and into the room where he first took my elbow. This room seems to be reserved for those not engaging in debauchery. Several clusters of revelers are conversing, and I hear laughter echo throughout the room. He bends to me again, touches his lips against my neck and once again whispers in my ear. I smile. He starts to walk away, but I grab his hand, pull him to me, and kiss him hard on the mouth. He’s surprised but gives in to the kiss, and once again, we’re lost in our embrace. He pulls away, looks in my eyes, smiles that smile that melts me and walks away.

Dazed again, I sit on the couch behind me and relive the past hour or so in my mind. It feels like a dream. I shake myself out of it and decide to head home. The wine and my mystery man have muddled my mind, and I need to hydrate and go to sleep.

I realize I’m not sure how I’m getting home. I didn’t get a card from the driver to call him so I figure I’ll either get a taxi or call Tracy. I make a stop in the most elegant bathroom I’ve ever seen, contemplate a soak in the deep, claw-footed tub, laugh, shake my head and make my way out of the magnificent mansion.

The Rolls is parked out front, and when the driver sees me, he gets out and opens the back door for me. I climb in, pull in my dress, and he shuts the door. I take my mask off, lean back against the seat and am asleep in less than five minutes.

When we arrive at my house, I’m awoken by the driver who has carried me from the car to my front door. I get my key from my purse, once again offer him a tip which he refuses and open my door. He sees me safely inside then leaves. I text Tracy telling her I’m home and will talk to her tomorrow. I drink a large glass of water, take two Advil, brush my teeth, strip and fall into bed, once again sound asleep in less than five minutes.

The next day, Tracy is knocking on my door at 10 a.m. She’s brought breakfast, and I tell her about the night, the dresses, the tuxes, the champagne, the debauchery and of course, my mystery man. ‘Shit!’ I suddenly say. ‘My mask!’

‘What did you do with it?’ Tracy asks.

‘I left it in the car last night. Dammit. I have no way of knowing the car company or how to get it back.’ I’m immediately saddened by this thought. That mask was beautiful and full of many wonderful memories of the incredible night. ‘I guess I’ll email the woman on the invitation to see if she knows. I really hope it’s not lost to me.’

Monday morning I’m only a few minutes late to work. Not my usual late but not early either. I’m still alternately dreamy from the magical evening and depressed about losing the mask. I hope to hear back from Alicia at the Brotherhood today with positive news on how I can get it back.

When I arrive at my office, there’s once again a lovely box on my desk tied with green and black ribbon. I open the box and it contains my mask! I’m elated as I pull it out of the box and delicately caress it. It’s so beautiful. There’s a white card in the box with elegant script, ‘Didn’t want you to forget me.’ I know there’s no name, so I don’t even turn it over. Instead, I place the mask to my face and reach for the mirror in my desk. It really is a beautiful mask.

I hear a knock at my door and look up. Mark is standing there grinning at me. I pull the mask away from my eyes and ask, ‘What?’

‘Nothing.’ He replies. ‘Nice mask, that’s all. How was your evening? Glad to see you here and not on a news report.’

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After he made his decision to split his posse forces up into three separate units, Sam did a bit of painful retrospective thinking about the dubious move taken to insure at least one of them would be able to track the renegades to their unknown hideout. He had no doubt that that the trail would lead in the general direction of Mexico because the closer to the border, the more dangerous the trail became in the lawless outlands. The fact that they had the cook’s wagon with them slowed them...

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Sissy thoughts 2 Questions From Sissies

1. I am about to have my first experience as a sissy with a Man! How can I make it more special for us both?A: How wonderful! You are at the very start of your new sissy life. It will of course be special and memorable, but to deepen the reprogramming of your still-forming sissy mind, try dressing as a sissy schoolgurl. Not only will it drive your Man wild with lust, but the symbolism of your costume, and the reality of the loss of your virginity will combine to kickstart stronger, more...

2 years ago
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Jerked Off By Hitchiker

I had the best thing happen to me the other day,i am a rep for a holiday company,and my job takes me all over the uk,well i dont normally stop for hitchikers,not in these times,but i was traveling to liverpool,and as i was leaving the motoway services,i noticed this young girl,nice lookin aswell,she was thumbing,and it was pouring with rain,i felt sorry for her,so i pulled over and asked where she was heading,she said to her mum`s in Manchester,so i told her to dump her bags in the back,she did...

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A Bride chapter 24

 Of all the wild nights I'd had with mum and Jill, that was by far the wildest, we did absolutely everything that three horny people could possibly do to each other and took the photographs to prove it.Eventually we went to bed completely sated, but I was sober enough to take a picture of mum and Jill wrapped in each other's arms at the moment just before they fell asleep.Their faces were covered in a mixture of my cum, their own juices and they glistened with the residue of our urine.Although...

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Tale of Darth TremarChapter 3 Scouring of Cyprixxia

Nar Shadaa Refugee Sector 1 Standard Day after Darth Tremar’s return from Hurcha Iliyana stood in the cockpit of Saviour, running the pre-launch systems checks, skipping nothing. When they had left Coruscant, she had skipped almost the entire procedure, and risked blowing a vital system. Now, however, she stubbornly ran the entire thing. Down the hall, Tremar was examining the meditation chamber in excruciating detail. The floor had been tiered up in five layers, leaving enough room on the...

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The Play is the Thing

The Play is the Thing By Mister Double-U This isn't quite an SRU story, but I think it fits. Hope everyone likes it. Greetings my lords, ladies and gentlemen. Allowest me to introduce myself. I am William Cale, supreme actor for the Royal Globe Theater. Although, I must confess that I was once but a lowly serf here. If thou would seat thy self down, I will relay the tale of how all changed for me. Including finding my true love. Her name is Juliet, but alas, I doth tell too...

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Adding Kink To Our Sex Life

Hello readers, I am Suraj, 35 years old and my wife is Sneha aged 29 years. Yes, we have a big age gap. I am a new writer wishing to detail very true details of my kinky life. Some names have been changed for privacy reasons. Let’s get to the story. (Warning: This story is going to be long and will be in parts. It has elements of kink, taboo, gay, bisexuality, and wife sharing.) I and my wife have been married for the past 10 years and this all began 2 years ago. It was me who pushed my wife to...

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Friday Night

It’s been a long Friday. Work was retarded as usual, I ended up having to do several other people’s jobs in addition to mine. By the time I get home, I’m bushed. Making dinner – macaroni and cheese, mmm – is somewhat relaxing, but I’m still really tired. ‘So, a couple of my friends wanted to go out tonight, if you’re interested,’ my wife tells me. We’re sitting next to each other on the couch watching reruns of House. ‘I was thinking the club or something.’ I really hate to turn her down....

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THE massage

For those of you that follow my stories, thank you. For this story, I’ll step out of my normal genre of sixteen-year-old girls with an older man. I’m going to try my best to remember the facts.Before leaving for China I filed for divorce. I was angry, confused and overwhelmed. My estranged wife is from mainland China. Her sister’s son lives in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Many countries have regions as opposed to States, Guangxi would be a bit smaller than Michigan.My nephew Sam is not...

1 year ago
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BangBrosClips Veronica Leal Veronica8217s Squirting Anal Workout

We have a spicy one today for you all. We have the gorgeous Veronica Leal working out her petite body at her home gym. She works out her glutes, her legs, her arms, and we get all the nice close ups. She works up a sweat and takes off her sports bra and panties and continues to work out. She has sweat dripping down her legs when she gets on top of the bench press and does a split. If she can do that, imagine what she do while fucking! Well we found out today as our boy Luca was hanging around...

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Boarding House Part 2

Kim had run away from that life to escape being married off to some old man that just wanted a virgin wife and would pay her parents handsomely for her, just like her four older sisters. Shaking the memories from her thoughts Kim figured she could just start her day early. Taking a cleansing shower and putting on the clothes she had hung to dry the night before she was ready to meet the day. After breakfast she set to work fixing her resume and searching the want ads. At lunch she talked to...

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There Must Be A Mistake Ch 34

All persons in this novel are fictitious. If you are looking for a great deal of sexual activity, this story is not for you. Those scenes that are included will be evocative, rather than just for the sake of sex itself. This story is for your reading pleasure. Its length is undetermined at this time, because I do not know where my mind will take me as I proceed along this journey. I hope you will stay with this story until it reaches its inevitable… This story is copyrighted material owned by...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Penelope Kay June 2022 Flavor Of The Month Penelope Kay

Penelope Kay is trying to become a therapist. She’s working on her clinical manner and her stepbrother, Apollo Banks, is helping her out. Penelope really fixates on it when Apollo starts talking about having a girl is important to him. She asks him if there’s any problem in his personal sex life, and when he admits that he doesn’t have as much stamina as he’d like. Penelope has her stepbrother lay down on the couch as she describes a sexy situation where a hot girl is...

4 years ago
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The Bestiality Sisters Part 1 Barbie Fucks a Puppy

Getting old is never fun, especially when you’re a woman. Men get more distinguished. Women just get old. At least most women do. I am one of the lucky few that fall into the MILF category. When I first heard the term I was outraged. Now I relish being referred to as such. It’s all I have left. A mere four years ago I had it all. A beautiful home; a loving husband; and four lovely children. But then Nikki—our oldest child—went off to college. Lexxi followed the year after. Then it was Candy’s...

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Naukar Se Mom Ki Chudai 8211 Part III

Bhima ek haath se unkichut ke upar ke jhaanto ko dhire dhire khinch raha tha aur Mom koi lips ko chus raha thaa ab Mom bhi uske baalon ko sehlaati hui smooch kar rahi thi 10 minute tak dono aise hi kis karte rahe kiss karte hue Bhima ne Mom ke haath ko lekar uske lund ke upar rakha diya aur apne haath se Mom kie haath ko apne lund par ghisna shuru kiya. Mom samjh gayi ki woh kya chahta hai aur Mom uske lund ko sehlane lagi uska lund sikud gaya tha lekin us haalaat me bhi lagbhag 5 ke asspaas...

2 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 30 Disappointments And Solutions

September – Year 1 Erin wiped away her tears and looked at her spouses. She stood and turned to slap herself on her ass, always a good sign. We all stood then and since we were naked it was easy to start fulfilling our promises. Erin took my cock in her hand and began to stroke it. I began to play with Lynn’s pussy and Lynn began to play with Erin’s. We kissed each other and all of us together. Soon Lynn was starting to thrust her hips on my hand and I was starting to thrust my hips forward...

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Chapter 1 I really can’t say that I invented the idea but when I moved to Chicago about a year and a half ago, I didn’t know anyone, especially anyone of the opposite sex which is, in my case, female. Look, it was a new city, a very big city, I had a new job, a new apartment, a new car and now I wanted someone new to share it with. Well, okay and somebody to fuck. Yeah, I admit it. Who’s surprised, right? I’m a twenty-two year old single guy, okay? So, I thought I’d advertise for a female...

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Taking the Class Part 4Chapter 17 Monday Afternoon 332PM

“I think this might be the best meal I’ve had all year,” Laura said. She looked down carefully at the bowl in her lap, speared a single piece of lettuce, and chewed it. Her eyes closed, and she smiled a little. Her eyes opened, and her smile changed to a worried expression as she looked across the coffee table at Alaina. “You don’t have to be so suspicious. It’s not just the food. I haven’t...” She looked down and poked her fork around her salad bowl aimlessly. “When I’d eat with my family...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 2 The House of Junia

Myka, being the second eldest daughter of the matriarch of the House which owned Mynar, had been schooled since the day she was old enough to walk. She could read and understand the most complicated epics and teaching ballads, do complex arithmetic, recite her family's genealogy back to the time of the Crossing, and perform any task which was her mother's responsibility in the off chance that she were to assume the matriarchy of the House of Junia. Using her teaching skills and the natural...

1 year ago
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A Novel Approach

A Novel Approach By Jennifer White John Summers had always wished he were a girl. Ever since he was young, he had been jealous of his sisters. They clothes they got to wear, they toys they got to play with, the way they talked, the things they did... all what he longed for. As he grew older, he started to wear their clothes in secret. As he sexually matured, his first orgasm occurred when he lay on his stomach while wearing a plaid skirt. The rough fabric rubbed against his...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 233 Going Back to Corvallis

Sunday, June 12, 2005 I'd intended to stay with Prof until he was discharged, but I got pushed into going home a week before then. No one wanted me to miss my exams, and Prof was doing so much better that I didn't have a strong reason to stay. Exams started on Monday, June 13, so I agreed to leave on the Sunday the 12th. [[While I think to mention it, the academic year's start and stop dates varied across dimensions too, with the dates of the dimensions already discussed herein being...

4 years ago
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Santa Loves All Kids Even Ginger OnesChapter 2

And so, that was that. Jessica’s mom had been telling fibs back home at the family estate, somewhere in some snooty enclave of Coconut Grove, that her once wayward daughter (allegedly a legendary trollop of Miami’s South Beach) had settled down with an entirely respectable husband and a loveable brace of flame-head twin crotch fruit. All ripened then for embracing by an estranged elderly aunt with entirely too much free time and an absurd excess of ready cash ... assuming that I was willing...

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Staying with the family

“Hmm.. hm hm..” I hum to the sound of the radio. Though the song is unknown, I am still able to follow the catchy instrumental in the back ground. Humming. That’s only something I do when i’m nervous and god, why wouldn’t I be nervous? After all, it’s been 4 years now since you left. Why would you have stayed anyways. That comment he made was the last straw anyways. I vowed never to return to that house again unless he leaves and oh boy, has your request been accepted. Although long and time...

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School is Out but Learning Continues

Chapter 1 David Parker had just finished his first year of college and he was looking forward to coming home for the summer break. David was satisfied that his first time away from home had been well spent. College provided him with many opportunities and experiences needed to grow academically. Also, through a group of trusted friends he made at school, he had been introduced and initiated into a realm of extraordinary extracurricular activities that helped him to blossom socially....

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Palm Beach Milfs craiglist add meet on trail

this was a very stimulating but over the top we didn't think through so hot its got to work event. We often called them events because sometimes it was a whole productions including both live people props and areas or buildings, parking suv in specific place or recruiting to meet through many telecommunications . I had only ever fucked her in private an this was the first outdoor fucking on a trail as a trail to a trail in plam beach. This sleepy park lon paper look great with a high vantage...

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A Walk Around the Lake Chapter 4

She had a warm shower to end the day, and pulled on her very ‘un’ sexy flannel pajamas.  She crawled into the big fluffy bed, and curled up on her right side.  She was asleep, almost instantly, the exercise and fresh mountain air of the day had taken its toll.  Her dreams that night were conflicting.  A tall Texan stranger, with a soft drawl, and kind face made his way into her subconscious.  Her husband was there, encouraging her to live again, to love again, then he was gone from her dream,...

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The Snake Bite VictimChapter 10 The Relationship Unravels

Katherine was a little tired, but pleased with her effort when she returned home from work on Friday afternoon. She had insisted on taking the bus into Civic, so that she could have some independence. She welcomed Stephen fussing over her, telling her to rest while he got her a drink. It was nice to come home from work and not have to immediately start dinner and do housework. Once again they enjoyed home delivered pizzas, being a Friday night and a few glasses of wine as the two adults sat...

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Aliens Gift Tempest The Twins

I Quite simply, twenty-three year old Charlie Tempest went to bed one Friday night as an average (well, maybe below average would be a better description) young man and woke up the following morning a God. You see, some time during that evening, Charlie Tempest was abducted from his bed by aliens and returned later on possessing the Alien's Gift. When he woke up the next morning he did understanding what happened to him and a passing knowledge of what he was capable. Charlie possessed the...

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Ma Ko Dosto Ne Choda

Hello dosto mera naam rohan h mein bhopal ka rehne wala hu mere ghar mein mein meri ma shivani meri behan ruchi rehti h ! Ham 4 log kiraye se rehte h ! Papa 2 mahine mein ek hafte ke kiye bahar rehte h training ke liye ! Aur ruchi abhi engeening kr rahi h ma housewife h ! Papa aur ma mein aksar ladai hoti rehti h ! Aur papa ma ko isisliye jyada time ni dete ! Mein suru mein bahut sareef ladka tha per baad mein jab mjhe kuch bate pata chali toh mein samaj gaya ki ek ladki sirf chut ke kiye hoti...

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Din Ma Mami Ko Choda

Hi friends Mara Nam Sumit ha ma west Bengal ma retha ho par ma Rajasthan ka eak good looking handsome ladka ho mera Lund 6″ ka ha jo ki kishi v ladki Ko satisfy karta ha ma aavhi 2nd year ma ho.aab ma aapko meri mami k bare ma batata ho meri mami bahut khoobsurat ha ma unha hamasha sa chodna chata tha Meri mami ka fig 34-32-36 ha Wo bahut kam padhi likhi ha aur shadi v shayed 15 sa 19 year k beach ho gayi thi Aur unke 3 bacha ha.Aur aapna meri phali story to padhi hi hogi jishma mane apni...

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Ms Marca My Last Year of High School

    Ms Marca….My last Year of High School   Mother and I had been home from out Cayman trip for about 2 months and I was getting restless for some action other than what I had at school and with Mr. Wilson next door. I was still doing my part time modeling and had made one or two trips to the Dallas Mart to do some runway sessions.   Living in Fort Worth made it easy to drive the 30 miles and do a days work on a Saturday that paid a lot more than the mall.   I had...

Group Sex
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Naked Beach

The car’s GPS announced that we had arrived, which was a relief as the traffic around Le Suquet in Cannes was dreadful, and we had hit it at the end of a long day’s drive from Paris.Mistress insisted we start early, and told me I could sleep in the car. I got up because she told me to, not because I was awake, and did nap from time-to-time, but not enough.The day started happily enough, despite my reluctant rising from a warm, luxurious bed, but the day was warm, the drive was long, and I...

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My Family Chapter 4

Once agian I apologize for the delay. I also have started to get the daughter invovled and she will have a more involved role in chapter 5.CHAPTER 4 – The Plan in Action After my conversation with Cindy earlier that day about how she had shaved our daughter’s pussy and ass and how Ashley wanted to watch us have sex that night, the day seemed to drag on. We had dinner together and although no one said anything, we all had the same thoughts. Cindy had told Ashley that she wouldn’t tell me that...

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Opposites Attract Part Two

“You did hear me say I have to work in the morning?” asked Craig as he visually examined the naked man before him. Joe stood about six foot, weighed about two hundred thirty pounds and had an impressive body for a middle aged man, though a bit of a paunch was evident. While mostly smooth, he had hair in the typical places. His cut, flaccid penis was thicker than average, about four inches in length and rested on a fairly large set of balls. He was blessed with a butt that was an anatomical...

Gay Male
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How I started with my stepdad

It was three years ago, the first time I had sex with my stepfather. Iwas a very horny eighteen-year-old at the time and as it turned out, he sureliked other things besides my mom's pussy! Steve had sucked a few othercocks over the years and he sure liked mine, a whole lot. The first time hegobbled my dick, I almost passed out it felt so good! After a few timeslike that, I got kind of curious. Steve was more than happy to let me havea taste of his big cock and creamy cum. It took a few tries...

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First Time I Realized I Liked Cock Too

We were both still in school. He is a year older, Asian. He was skinny, not really ripped but def fit. He had no hair on his body. He had hair that came down to below his ears. We would normally end up sleeping at his house since he had a couch in his room and his house was right in the middle of everything that we did. So it was a perfect location. We would often watch porn and sometimes even jack off at the end of the night. I didn't think anything of it because I would be on the couch and he...

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