A Life: A Journey Begins. Part 1 free porn video

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A life: A Journey Begins.

This a work of fiction so any similarities to anyones real life are not intended to be. This part has limited sex so if that's what you're looking for you won't find it in this part.

Hi I'm Bobby. All grown up now and looking back on life to see how did get to THIS! I lay half sitting up on my bed with a laptop write this. Looking around the room I'll start with a straight dark haired beauty laying face down asleep on the bed to the right of me. The sheet covered half a perfect little heart size ass. The only thing she had on was a old black studded collar around her neck one word printed on it "Slave" that she loved so very much. On the other side of me is another beautiful dark hair girl, the hair bit shorter and wavy. She's was on her side facing away with a sheet pulled to her chin. Across from the bed is a couch with two very naked girls wrapped in each other arms and legs asleep there faces hidden by blue and green hair. See what I mean about thinking how I got here, even if it's my B-Day week party. Yes that's right B-day week. I was order by my wife to take a week off for it, but I'm the boss so I can do that.

Speak or should I say write of the devil she appears. She is 5' 4" 115lbs 34c-26-34 at 42 years old she like she's in her late twenties. Her hair is dyed purple 'in honor of my birthday', it's my favorite color but I know she did it because she knew that I won't be able to keep my hands off her. I'm already getting hard again just looking at her when should be worn out from all the sex in the last few days. It's only day 4 with 5 more to go... I may die but I'll die with a smile and what better way for a man to go. Naked as the day she was born, more beautiful than the day I met her. She had a grin on her face like a cat that just found the mouse as she closed in like stocking lioness. She rolls her hips with each step till she about ten feet away, then dropped to her hands and knees as she crawled closer her back arched with oh so perfect sexy ass is up in the air. That sexy purple haired head popped up at the end of the bed, I could see lust and love in her eyes. Up she crawled into the bed as she got between my legs her hand reaches out and grips my cook. Looking into me eyes with a big smile she say 'someone needs attention' before I can say a thing she take my growing rod deep in her mouth.

Reaching up closing my laptop so she can watch my face as blows me. Sucking bobbing her head up and down while her tongue never stop moving up and over trying to rap around my cock. On and on she goes, keeping at for a good ten minutes while holding eye contact with me. She just teasing me as she sucks me. Soon I'm moaning trying to grab her head but she stops me only to go back to tease me again. When I'm to point where I can't take it any more and about to just pick her up and **** her I'm so horny. She knows this so siding her tongue over and around my head, then over and around the head again and again with her tongue. I feel a like I gone to heaven then I about blow as her mouth shoots down my dick forcing it down her throat and she begins to hum. If nobody ever done this for you I highly recommend it. She giving me slow short stroke so the head of my cock never leaves the tightness of her throat while humming to whole time.

Her throat is tight and hot I know I won't last long as one her hands finds my balls and starts lightly running her nails over them just the way I love. But then being married for almost twenty years she know ALL my weak points and uses then to full effect. I say 'oh god baby you're going to make my cum' cause her to redouble her efforts. I feel my balls boiling up another load from somewhere deep inside as my hips start to jerk trying to force every inch into her mouth. Feeling this she pulls back until her lips are wrapped around the head one hand on my hip to keep me forcing my cock forward and other hand rolls and scratches my balls as she suck hard and tongue moves up and over the head as she moves her head back and forth a little. then down around her tongue goes moving to the tip and as rapidly as possible darts her tongue across my hole at the tip the whole time humming. I can't take it as feel the cum leave my balls on track up my cock it feel it's draining my energy out of me. I can only grunt as the legs lock up I see stars as first of many thick ropes of cum shot into her mouth.

She never once messed a beat as drained me drinking ever drop I don't know how long she suck and bobbed on me because I was riding one of her "premier blowjobs" so it feel like forever. She keeps at it as I came down from cloud nine I was on about to pass out with my dick in her mouth when she stopped and started to move the laptop that some how stayed on my chest. That woke me up enough to stop her saying 'no I need to write some more but I want your help'... Seeing her give me her look I knew meant "go on" I continue 'I just started when you came in writing about how my life ended up here with all... this' as waved my arms to the women around the room. 'I feel the need to write it out, to make it feel real' looking right into her eyes. She just holds my eyes for a time before nodding her head with a 'ok' she start to side up my side but she hasn't once let go of my cock as snuggles up next to me. Turned the screen to her she reads, when she gets near wear I left off as she came in I start to write again. Soon she telling me to add this or change that, we fell deep into discussion as we write together.


When I was almost three my mother died at the age of 28 leaving me and my dad. Dad took it hard and poured himself into work but always made some time for me. He hired a live in nanny to help raise me and to be there when he went out of town for work. She was already retired for 2 years but she had been his nanny when he was small and hearing about mom she said 'well someone needs to teach him right' and took the job. I got along well with her. She immediately pick up I was special and set about find out how special I was. I can say now I have IQ of 157 but back then she found out I could already read, knew my abc's, how to count, add and subtract. I was only three. you see I have a kind of photographic memory. Anything I read or hear I can play it back over and over again. Then I could read about 3 or 4 pages per minute while understand everything, now I can do 20 to 30 pages a minute. She made sure that I had more then enough to read. At age 4 I started Tai Chi classes and meet the girl that lived down the road Shelly. She was two years older than me and we played a lot for years being to only two k**s in miles. Nan also made me go to school even tho she had a teachers license because she said I needed to be a k** and play with c***dren my own age. That did not go over well. I was smarter than everyone else and I felt that way about most my of teachers too. So I didn't make friends or really play with the others unless I had to. In the first grade I got in a fight it was a draw... Maybe. His name was Jack Witmen and we became best friends. Him taking Jujitsu is the only reason I didn't kick his ass. I started Jujitsu classes with him soon after and did both all the trough high school.

I meet my soon the be stepmother at a party for my dads work I was 9. I was told she was a friend but I knew by the dad said it I knew she was more. A few months later dad took me in his study for one of are "man talks" and told he wished to remarry. I just turned 10 and I didn't know what to think. I just nodded my head got up and walked out of the room. Dad let me go because that's the way I am, him knowing I had think it through. I thought about over the next few days and didn't like the idea... But in the end he got married and I got 5 new family members. One stepmother Alice and four stepsisters Beth 9, Janett 8 and twins Bella and Renna were 5. I made it a point to show and say I didn't want or needed anymore family, I got a two hour lecture from Nan (my nanny) she stay a few months to smooth things over because of me. It didn't really work. I never gave in and didn't help my oldest new stepsister Beth and I fought from the first week we meet was almost a year younger than me. She give me a "better than thou" attitude in the way she treated me, exchanged barbs at almost every meeting. I had always been to smart for my own good and was a master prankster. When Nan left I started with mercilessly pranking. Frog in their beds, harmless snake in the bathtub, those fake food cans that a fake snake fly out when opened, these put in their dresser drawers so when open them they shoot out. This caused many problems to say the least. After about three months of this and worse my dad took me up to his study for another "man talk".

My dad had always treated like was a equal. He sat at his desk and I sat in nice high back set across for him. He put a his "adult face" as I called it looking at me said "well Bobby what do you have to say for yourself?". I put on a light smile saying 'what do you mean by that father?'. "Don't give me that Robert. You have been annoying and playing pranks on your sisters and mother for months this has to end". 'Stepmother and Stepsisters' I say. He just stares at me. He doesn't call me Robert unless he wants me to listen or his mad at something I've done. I nod my head straight face say 'yes sir I understand but with such easy targets I don't know how I can hold back'. I see him almost smiling understand me and open for negotiations. I had pushed it into this and prepare my case. 'I would like to move into Nan's place. That would get them out my sight so I won't be tempted. Also you could give the twins my old room since it's bigger there going to need it as they grow up and gain a guest room'. The house was large but with four girls needing rooms... My room was the biggest next to the master bedroom. A bathroom between my room and dads study on the second floor over the laundry room, another bathroom and part of kitchen left of the middle the house with kitchen, dining room, living room. To right on first floor is the master bedroom and workout room. Above is three bedrooms and one bathroom with four girls. I wanted Nan's old place. It was what you called a "mother in laws house" or guesthouse on the other side of the pool in the backyard. And yes we're rich, not filthy rich. My great grandfather had started a company from nothing that my father now ran. Finally after two minutes my father said "ok I might agree to that if you agree to some of my terms". I nod my head. He continues "first you will treat mother and sisters with respect, you will come to all morning meals. Well maybe not Saturday or Sunday if want to sleep in but at least three dinners a week. If we go on a family trip your coming". I thought that's not half bad, I got what wanted while not having to give back much. I stood up extend my hand said 'deal'. My father also stood take hand in a firm grip "deal" and pumped my arm twice. 'So when can I move in?' "When ever you wish. I'll let your mother know" he replied. I could help it and said 'stepmother'. He frowned at me then said "Bobby try to see them as family. Maybe not all at once but.." 'Fine' I said in a disinterested voice.

I Moved out that night but took awhile move some stuff the garage and a year to get everything the way I wanted it. The guesthouse door leads to a living room swinging left and small dining room right then a small kitchen. A hallway in the corner of living room next to the kitchen has three doors and wraparound metal staircase. The first on right is a full bath and second room I'm making into a game room with pullout couch. The only door on the left is the master bedroom with full bathroom and walk in closet. The second floor a loft that opens up over living room. A wooden beam five inches square ran nine feet over head downstairs to front wall with one large window on each side. I hung a dartboard there. Jack and I played but you had to go get your own darts. Things really didn't change much tho, yes I spent more time with them now because I didn't eat with at all before. But over next few months we settled into a easy trust. Beth and I still went rounds, I know that's why Janett doesn't really try talk to me because of Beth give her a hard time over nice to me. I did start to like the twins. The twins were there mothers perfect little angels so Beth couldn't bully them.

Over the next few years there's not much to talk about but maybe twins started calling me 'big b*o' from Renna I shorten her name to "Re" and 'big brother' by her twin that I call by her second name "Anna" she didn't let anyone but Re call her that. They became "Re-Anna" one word when I call them this because I kind of think of them as one person. There always together, when speaking they switch back and fourth between them changing every three to five words without miss a word like one mind in two bodies it a little eerie sometimes and they are exact copy's of each other. There cheerful and all smiles but Re is older by 19 minutes more out going with a toy boy personality and dress. Anna is shy but follows her big sisters lead but will dress more girly than Re does most the time. I found out that I always can tell who was Re and who was Anna. Well I haven't miss 37 times in a row and before I went 23 times without missing. Even there mother has never got more than six in a row. I just know and really don't know why I just do.

I'm th*****n now and doing well, I still holding back from the whole family thing. Then my dad is getting back from a trip to office in New York in late January and instead coming home from the airport Alice takes him ER because he was dizzy and hard time seeing straight. The next day we all went to the hospital. My father looked in good health and seamed fine. After about ten minutes of the girls all around him. I said there were to many people for one room I'll wait in the hall till it clears and left. But what I really wanted was answers so went to find them. Luck was with me because the nurses station was empty and only took me ten seconds to find his file. Less then a minute later I was putting it back and just turn around as a nurse came out the bathroom. So acted like I was looking for her and walk towards her saying 'sorry to bother you but do know when the doctor be around?' "He's making his rounds now so be with you soon." She said going back to the nurses station. 'Thanks' I replied and go back to wait by his door.

I went over his file in my head, didn't see any problems but they still some test to run. Yea I'm not a doctor but read a lot medical books so I have good understanding what the file said. I didn't have to wait long, like 20 minutes before the girls came out. Alice says to me 'your dad wish to speak to you. I'm taking the girls the to cafeteria for lunch. Come join us when you guys are done talking or we'll back in hour." I walked in and moving towards the bed when dad smiled saying "so what did you learn? Anything there not telling me?" I laugh saying 'I guess you know why I left?' "It might be a good cover wanting to wait the girls leave to talk to me but I know you better." He ends with a wink. 'No, nothing in your file show any problems but you have more tests.' "Good, then I'll hope it's just stress and jet lag." He says. We talk about nothing but he does put me in charge of the house, "The Man of the House" and all while he's gone. that's he's given me a thousand times. I of course promise that will. Then the nurses come to take him for more tests so I go to find the girls. I get something to eat before taking sit with them and tell Alice that they took dad for more tests. I finished eating then went the twins to the gift-shop so Alice could go find out how long the tests were go to take. She founds us still there saying she going to take us home because dad had test most of the day and the Witmen's are watching us tonight so she stay here with dad. I want to stay too but I was to young the hospital won't allow it. Having Jack over is cool and his mom watching us I'm use to being best friends for years. I talk on phone to dad the next two days and he will be home by noontime time tomorrow. I him tell we're grilling out which he said was fine.

Alice came home in the morning without dad, she was a total wreak still crying I don't know how made it here like this. Father had passed away at 4 in the morning we find out later he had a stroke, one of blood vessels in brain had a clot and he died. Back then they didn't have all cool toys we do today, so there was no way for the doctors to tell. So he could be just fine and healthy one minute and then just dead. Soon the house was full of crying women, I went to my place Jack following. He fought a losing battle trying to cheer me up because felt like I could never feel right again. I didn't cry to once, I was just lost. I went into automatic mode for a while, help with funeral arrangements, had my father cremated, the wake and all.

Meeting with my fathers layer Mr. Shrap a month later made it all to real, I sat in his office with Alice while he went through the details of his will. I would inherit most of everything being his own c***d but Alice got lot to and girls got there college paid for. Alice knew all this having done the will with him, I got 53% of the stock so could take over the company when I got older and it is set so can't sale it only turn it the a heir. Grandfather did it like that so the company will always stay in the family. Mom had a cabin in Colorado, house in LA, her classic Porsche, the corvette father and I restored, and The house where we live was built for my mom I got. Also a LARGE bank account. I told Mr. Shrap draw up a will for me In case I die and leave everything to twins in a trust till there 21 or have a college degree since I have not heirs. Alice didn't look like she like the idea of making a will and told me "I don't want you talking about dying." 'Well all die sometime, think of it this way you kill me off and girls get everything.' I said with a laugh. Well that was the Wrong thing to say, she came up off the chair and smacked me good saying "Robert! You will never say anything thing like that again." I could see she on the verge of tears so I said 'that was rude of me I'm sorry.' Alice sat back down and Mr. Strap said in a neutral tone that he'll have it for me to sign by next week. I Also got meet his accountant who handled the company accounts and was good old friend of my grandparents. I arrange all the bills of the house and everything to paid for out account he would set up and I would put money into to.

A month goes by I finally decide what I'm going to do. Well I decided on the day I pour my father ashes in the same lake near the house that years ago I had helped father pour my mothers in. Alice and girls came to but I made them go home without me because wanted to stay and sit for a while. For most of the day sit lost in thought but come up with I want to do. I have get away on my own for a while and know Alice won't let me leave like that so I'm going to run away for home. So I go about getting ready. First on Sunday when the girls leave to church I ride into town leaving my bike at Jack's house. He doesn't know what I'm doing but he knows when not to ask questions, so covers for me. I called a cab to come get me at the in bank town. I've had account there since I was three and realized the value of money. I wanted part of my allowance to go in there ever week to. I many be rich but didn't act rich, putting most of it away every month. With Christmas, b-day, other money gifts over the years I had over 20k in the bank. I withdraw 10k and wait for the cab. When it shows up the cabbie at first his not happy to find a k** call him all the way out to the country. I asked how much was it to ride to the city a hour away with what I already owe him and told me it would be about 110 bucks. He changed his mind quickly after I handed him a 150 and told him to keep it, lets go. I had him drop me off downtown. I went to two large banks and deposit 4K each thinking they might find one but not both. Then went shopping for hiking gear if anyone asks I figure I could say it's for when Jack and I go camping. I get what I need quick and pay out up front for a cab ride back to town. After the cab drops me off, walk across town to Jack's and drop the gear in his garage grab my bike and go home no one the wiser.

School let out and two weeks later I was gone. It had be almost five months since dad died and I was off to see if could make on my own. Not much happened on trip hitchhiking with truckers and walking for two weeks but somehow end up in Atlanta. When left I didn't really have anywhere in mind. So thinking I should look around because I knew to disappear and I had find a big city. I hung out for a week had my b-day with myself and thinking this city might do. I ended up that night under a highway overpass and thought I was pretty well hidden laid down in concert rain runoff channel and say to myself that nobody would walk by here.

Its getting dark when I see someone cutting across under the overpass and should past me by 30 feet. Their almost even with me then they turn walking my way. I know they must have seen me so raise my head to see if I need to run. It's a dark haired girl that looks maybe to be the same age as me. She got dirty overalls and tee shirt on with a baseball cap. "Hi" she says. 'Uh, hi' reply back not sure if should try and leave or not. "What you doing?" She says with a smile and stops about 5 feet from me. 'Nothing I was just leaving' I say get up grabbing my pack and walking quickly the way she just came from with a 'goodbye'. I must have caught her off guard walking away like that because she stands there few seconds before I can hear her turn and jog to catch up to me, I spin drop my pack and dropping in a crouch. She pulls up and say "woo there I'm not trying get ya, just wanted to talk." 'I got somewhere get to so goodbye' I said back. "Oh come on. You know you have no where go. So if you're going to walk aimlessly you can walk and talk with me. So let's go!" And spins around once to point the way she was walking. I didn't know what to do, I just knew she could tell I was runaway. "Please" she says in a little girls voice while hold her hands likes she's praying. 'Fine' I say grabbing my pack. "Yep eee!" She let out and jumps up and down. I smile at that and she matches mine. "I'm Jamie" she say. 'I'm Mike' I reply.

I follow her for few minutes before asking 'how long am I following you?.' "I'm going to my little spider hole, so depends weather you or I need anything from the store and if you're coming in with me" she smiles but I stop making her turn to keep looking at me. 'What do mean "spider hole"? You said walk and talk. Nothing about taking me somewhere' I say. " I just wanted to know if you need anything from store if not I can go to my spider hole where you go on your way. That's if I can't entice you to follow me into web to eat and devourer you. It's how us homeless little girls survive. Like vampires." She finishes smiling with a giggle. I sigh before saying 'no I don't need anything from a store so let's get this over with'. As we start walking again. Jamie replies with "out at night walking in the dark with a pretty girl and I get 'let's get this over with' you sound like old man telling his wife ok after she asked him for sex". I blush at that but come back with 'pretty girl? Where?' While turning my head back and forth to look around holding one hand over my eyes acting like had to block the sun. She tried elbowing me which I block saying "that was rude for a little k**. Maybe you can't see my little hideout" sticking her tongue out at me. I laugh and say 'who said I was coming with you? I'm just out for a walk and your not any older than me'. "You're still a pup I can tell and I'm older than I look". I just give her a look like "yea whatever you say" on my face. "Don't believe me? Well if you can guess my age I won't eat you, but if you don't you have play nice and you have to enter little web to be eaten." She Says with another giggle. 'Fine' I sigh and look her up and down. She even turns around once for me smiling and says "get a good look baby." I still thinks she looks my age. 'Well, I don't think much older then me. Maybe fif***n or si****n' "fif***n or si****n what is it?" She asks. 'Ok your si****n' I say. "Nope your wrong. I turned sev*****n like three months ago. Guess we should have meet before then." She says this while she wearing a big smile. I let it go thinking so she takes me to her hideout then I can just leave. As we're walking she telling me all about what's around, stuff about her and doesn't see many homeless k**s her age around like me. I say 'I'm not homeless, I'm on a journey.' But just she keeps smiling and talking like she doesn't hear me and could continue to talk until the time ended. She was reminding me of the twins that makes me think they would have noticed my disappearance and been looking for me for weeks. I did feel bad about that but there was nothing to do about it but go home. That was not happening yet.

Soon she led off the road down a embankment to a creak we followed it to a large 6 foot drainpipe with metal bars across it. "Just through that" she said pointing up at a concert opening not quite two and half foot square. 'Really' I asked. Jamie just laughed and climbed up. Stopping and turns me she smiling say "it's got to be small to be safe or anyone could get in to and get me. Take off you pack and lope a strap around your leg to drag it behind you works best" Then turns back to the hole and shooting through it. She must be talking about any adults not being able to fit in and with nothing better to do, I'll see where this leads and followed. It wasn't easy but after a 100 feet there was open to let water into mail pipe and she slip through easy, I went next. She waited for me and said "this way." I Pulled a flashlight out of my backpack and followed her maybe 300feet around a bend and came to a ten foot on a side box like room with the tunnel starting again across the room. She had somehow got wood in here and built a platform just above the tunnel with only a two foot strip to the right a opening which she climbed right up through calling me up. I did and she was lighting a candle with lighter. At the back end there's dozen 10ga. bucks with lids. Setting the candle down in the middle she says "welcome to my hideout." We talked late into night and I found out she was a lot like the twins. She has a way of speaking fast like the twins and when she gets excited she speaks so fast it's hard to keep up. I went to sleep thinking that it wasn't to bad of a birthday.

In next few weeks Jamie show me around town and another hideout. I continue my martial arts routine and asking me what I was doing Jamie joins me so I teach her locks and holds. I myself find that I'm fall in love with Jamie or maybe I've been in love with her since we meet I'm just realizing it now, it's kinda like that. We get along great so we have a lot of fun all over town but it's is for me to learn where not to go, food you could get for free, everything I need to survive here. Weeks turned into two months. I started making money buy doing magic tricks on the streets which I am good at. I also have 4k transfer to a bank here so I get to it. So everything was good until one day we ended up spending the night drinking with a group of homeless people. Jamie knew some of them but not all of them and I had only started drinking here lately so I passed out drunk quick. Luckily that I woke right in time to see Jamie trying push off a guy. I remember her friend saying was new in town. I see her have hard time stopping him because she fucked up and hear her say no and stop. I shake off my dizziness, it easy as my blood starts to boil and charge at him. I jump tackling him to ground off of her but ending up on the bottom. He pulls back a arm then punches in the busting my lip then again I take a hit in the eye. Everything gets perfectly clear and he is a enemy that needs to be removed. I knee him between his leg hard getting a moan and when goes to grasp it I roll him right off jumping up. All can do keep thinking his still a treat that needs to be eliminated and start kicking him hard in the face, chest, stomach, anywhere and everywhere I could getting in a good dozen kicks. Somebody try's to grab me from behind without thought reached up grab their hand twisted and with a turn throw them right over my shoulder. Then I am back to kicking like a man possessed. "Mikey stop!" Jamie screams as her arms go around me, I stiffen but don't fight. She telling me calm down he can't hurt us anymore. I listen to her feeling the rage and blind hate that wanted blood drain out. I look at the bloody moaning mess and give one more kick before turning away. By now there a more people coming hearing the noise. Jamie told them what had started this and they said they run him off when he woke. Jamie and I left and slept behind a store a few blocks away. In the morning she had sobered up she thanked me and fussed over my black eye and spilt lip.

A week later for the first Jamie pulled her disappear acted and for four days too, when I seen her almost everyday until now. It made me really worried that something had happened to her since I couldn't go to the cops I had to look for her alone. Or maybe she's mad at me that I hurt that guy that bad. I Started looking for her on second day by four I was sick with worry. I started hate myself for leaving home making the twins feel this and letting her out of my sight. Yea she's older that me and lived the street longer but I still feel bad thinking something might of happened to her and I should had be there. But then she shows up at my favorite of her hideouts. three sheets to the wind in a new dress that hugs her little body like a rubber glove. She smells like she took a bath in rum and maybe she had since the half gallon bottle she was holding was getting empty. Told me how she meet some guys the wanted to party and were will pay so went. And for three days they made sure she got fuck up and paid but they got to fuck her. She ask me to help her change but didn't want to because she some guy's cum might be on her. Told me not to be a baby and she had showered what she had put on were clean before crawling in the dirt to get here. At least that what I think she said. She was really drunk and hard to understand. I give in after 10 minutes of trying to get out doing it. I point the light away so can't see her well and have her turn round face away from me. I unzip the dress and she reached down grabbing it with both hands and try's to pull up over her head. It's a short dress but she was drunk and made it to her head before getting stuck. It's a good thing I had turn away because she only had panties on or maybe bad, they where G-string! Pulling myself together I helped her get the dress off and an old tee shirt on but she doesn't want shorts. She slept like this all the time and had gotten use to it. Then Jamie fell asleep before I could get her to bed.

I wake up hours later reaching up in the dark trying find the light I had hung there. After fumbling half awake for minute before being able to find and get on. I laying on my side since I sleep like that facing Jamie. So I had turned my head up and looking at far wall to let eyes get adjusted to light. When I can see and I'm little more awake, and takes me a bit to wake. I look over and Jamie's moved closer to me laying her side facing me too. But what holds my eyes and cause my brain to melt is she turn in sleep and with the old shirt neckline worn out it hung open to my eyes. I can see everything. Her breast aren't big maybe a B cup but got long nipples that I can tell are hard poking out a good half inch. The shirt had rode up showing her skinny belly and to much rib was still sexy but like I saw last night when I helped her underdress. She needs to eat better and more. Her leg pulled slightly up towards her chest making her hip and ass look good. I lay there out right staring at her and all can think is how beautiful she is. My brain quits so all I do is look. Let me just say it doesn't matter what she doing or wearing, sexual energy pours out Jamie. I didn't even trying to look away until Jamie open eyes to look up at me "good morning"she says and seeing me stare looked down to see what I saw. That when brain went back in gear again it let me know I had morning wood and she looking at it. I tried to say something but brain had broken down again all I got out was 'hmm' and 'uh'. She looks up at me she has a grin on her face and I was starting to be able to read eyes and saw mischief in them. "Get a good look?" I tried denied it but I can't speak. "What cat got your tongue? It would have been easier to get this" she says as her hand takes hold of my morning wood. I jerk back and row away somehow getting out 'it's not what you think, all guys get like this in the morning. I have to pee' turning away to sit up. "You got to look" grabbing me from behind she finishes "now I get a look". I can only get out 'what?' Before she has my left arm pulled behind me and her right hand has my thumb in lock so can move. Then she makes knee walk to the edge. "so you have pee let me help" with her left arm reaches around, puts her hand in my shorts find my cock. I try to pull away 'stop'. She twist arm as she pulls it out saying "I'm just seeing if really have pee and I should get to see you to." She looks down over my shoulder and gives my cock a jerk "come on pee". Somehow I do, slow at first but soon picks up. I finish quickly but she started stroking me as I stop peeing. "You pissed but someone's still hard. I think he wants to play." 'Of course I'm hard with you rubbing it" I try to defend myself. She continue to stroke me saying "you say that but we both know your enjoying me playing with your big hard cock" and I am. but at a little more than six and a half inches I don't think I'm big. I've jerked off but it's never felt nearly as good as when she did it. As she works my cock talking dirty in ear I start moan and increase her speed saying 'that's it baby. Feels good, I going to make you cum hard, you like baby, your hard cock cumming for me." Her hand feels so good to me there's no holding back. With grunt I cum shooting thick white cum the two feet to wall splattering as it hits. Jamie watching over my shoulder says "ahh suck a waste. Next tell me so can suck all down." Hearing this I moan and force one last shot out getting a giggle from her.

I think where done but she stroking me so I don't go soft. "Staying hard after cumming oh such a good dick. I think might take a likening to this juicy hard cock" Then she pulls me back by the arm to are beds and makes me sit with my legs out. Moving her hands so she can keep my arm held behind me and come around my front she lifts one of her legs over mine. I protest and try to stop her but jerks arm going "no, no, no be a good little boy sit there and don't move". I had little choice as her free hand gripes my hard member to rub my head on her lips of her pussy she moans and I with her. Just the lips of her pussy felt better than her hand so when she sat down taking me in till are pelvic bones meets she grinding her clit making her moan, I almost cum immediately. Putting her now free left arm around my neck and shoulder she started to moan as she rode me. When she whispered to me say "oh god you feel so dam good, FUCK! This what I've been waiting uh, your big hard cock messing up sluty little pussy, oh fuck!" I was moaning with her, I couldn't help it. My dick felt like it was engulfed liquid fire and was melting. I never even dreamed anything could feel this good. She push me so I was laying down and let go of my arm freeing me but I wouldn't stop her now and she knew it. She just smiled at me as she put her hands my chest throwing back her head with eyes closed moaning and rocking her hip as rode me. Gods what sight she was nipples as hard rock swaying in front of me. I put both my hands over her breast rubbing them. But her nipples are the prize I want so get both fore finger and thumb on em and roll them gently. She riding me faster and harder her moans getting louder. I pull her down and rap my lips onto her nipples sucking and licking. She drops head and opens eyes looking at me "that's it suck my on tits, oh fuck yes! Ooohhh God you keep that up you'll make cum. Fuck! You want that baby uhh, wanta make me cum on your cock. Oh god, oh god, oh god baby you feel sooooo ffuucckinngg gooood." I'm really close and I can't keep sucking on her nipple so let my head fall back to try bring my hips up meet her. "That's it baby fuck me, fuck my sluty pussy and make cum on your big fat cock. Yea! Just like that, fuck meeee! Cum, oh god your going to make me ccuuummm, oh fuck, fuck, oooohhhh yeeessss I'm CCUUUMMMMIIINNG!" She scream out as I grab her ass grinding her to me and unload in her. Jerking with each blast of cum I shoot deep in her. Only after I stop cumming dose she stop moaning and shuddering on me. Clasping forward on my chest laying like a limp doll I rap her in my arms and hold her as we both come down from are orgasms.

I wake up sometime later. The light is going dim with the battery dying so an hour or two. Jamie is still on top of me and I am still semi hard inside her. My brain after taking well deserved vacation starts to work again. First I'm like she just ****d me. No I could fought harder and stop it. But I want her too. I was in love with her, so I wanted her maybe not like that but I did want her so I was half willing. Thinking half willing means willing so not ****. Then I forget all that when my brain informs me, my dick still in her and I came in her. Oh shit we didn't use a condum and what if she not on any brith control. Fuck she homeless of course she not. A million thoughts run my head but I don't think about pulling out her once. Idiot.

Lost I was thinking for 20 minutes before she moved and then it was to put her hands on the sides of my head to kiss me hard. I was my first real kiss and she attacking me. Tongue forcing it's way into my mouth and she trying her hardest to get down my throat. Moaning in my mouth as grinds her hips to me. Soon I have a hard on again and her arms holding my head. As we make out she riding me, hips working double time and its not long before she pulls back to sit up. Her face and eyes are full lust and I think that she never looked sexier. She shaking her head moaning and talking dirty 'fuck my wet hot pussy, that's it fuck me like a little slut ah ah ah, fuck oh god ah uh, come on ah treat me like oh fuck your whore, oh my oh god don't stop ah, just don't stop uh uh, take this slut's pussy uh and make ah ah it yours! Ohh god your" and she stops. Her whole body locks up for a second and eyes roll back in head before she starts to tremble from her pussy up through her body that ends with load moan as she falling against my chest her head resting on my shoulder. But surprisingly she doesn't stop her hips. They keep rolling and grinding on me as she moans giving little jerks of the body. She still cumming! Hands holding two of the worlds most perfect little ass cheeks, I help her by pulling her down to meet my thrusting cock. I can feel her pussy twitching as she orgasms on my cock as ram it hard into her. I for minutes keep it up and she doesn't stop cumming. She can only tremble and jerk against me so consumed by the pleasure she feels, whimpers, small moans and incoherent mumbling are all she get out her lips. Soon I am working up to what I know is going to be a earthshaking orgasm. Two more strokes and I hold her hips down against me as I blew hard. I beardy my face in her hair and I grunted jerking with every shot of cum. She moaned and shuttered in each time I did. It took her a few minutes to recover and stop twitching. Rolling off me to face away on her side. Her hand right reaches back until she finds my right hip before pulling on me. I put my left arm under her head bending at the elbow with my hand is on her right arm. my right arm goes across her stomach as struggles back to me. Laying on are side spooning together for a while before I say 'Jamie?' "Shh" she replies and try's to pull me around her tighter. For a time the water running under us is the only thing that breaks the silence.

Finally I have say something as my brain started working quite a bit ago. Reminding me that came her twice now and all I can come up with to say is 'what happens now?' A moment a nothing before I notice she crying. That was not what expected so tried asking her what's wrong but doesn't respond and is soon sobbing in tears. I can only try to calm her down and get her to talk. For 15 minutes all can get is "I'm sorry". I keep telling her 'it's okay' as I stroke her hair. I'm upset because I don't know what did or said to make her cry and thought I was totally at fault. After a while she calms down enough I can understand her. She begins to tell she ran away home five years ago at the age of tw***e . Her dad left at 4, tired of her moms drinking. Her mom worked two jobs but only enough to pay bills and for more drinks. And the only guys that would date her were scum bags that hit her mom or her and sometimes both. The wurst were the ones that came into her bedroom after her mom had passed out, she was 8 the first time. She tried telling mom but got beat by her mom for making up lies. By age tw***eshe enough when her mom started dating again a guy that would come her room at night. For a week she stayed with the only two friends she had houses. Coming home on her birthday hoping that her mom wouldn't be drunk and she able to have a meal with her mom and it all be better. It was not. Her mom was drunk and there nothing but reman noddles to eat. By the time she made some and finished eating. Moms boyfriend had got there and keep watching her. She said that she had locked herself in her room and months ago had gotten a old shower curtain rod. Moving her dresser in front of door with rod on the baseboard she could tighten it under second dresser drawer. By ten oh clock she can hear him trying to get in but only after 20 minutes of trying he gave up. She huddle in her bed till morning when she heard him leave before going to sleeping.

When she awoke she pack a bag of clothes, pictures and stuff. Grab her best jacket she left her mom passed out drunk in front of the tv. Hitchhike to Atlanta because she had always wanted to go to aquarium there. She started selling herself the first winter to pay for a warm place to sleep, since It didn't matter to her because was had already been dirtied years ago and learned the lay there and let man do what they want to her. Told me its was easier because they wouldn't usually hurt you if you didn't resist. Then started crying again as she told me I was her first friend near her age in years and knew I was a virgin. But I was the nicest boy she ever met and unlike any other male was nice her without trying to get her pants. The first week she woken before me many times and saw a tent my shorts and it made her start think what I had hidden under there. She keep thinking about it and after I saved her a fews weeks ago she was ready to **** me. So When she met some guys will pay her. She went hoping to scratch that itch and get it out of her. Because didn't want my first time to be with a whore like her. I tried to tell her she wasn't a whore but shot me down saying "I have men pay me to have sex with them. I'm a whore." There not much I could think to say to counter that right then but She didn't let me continue but did herself. Going on to say when she saw me earlier staring down her shirt and had a hard on she was taking over by all most a****listic desire and couldn't control herself anymore. She had to have me inside her wasn't going to take no for answer. She wanted my first to be special. With someone i loved and not like how she ****d me. What she done to me was unforgettable and knew I hated her or should. That I could have the two hideouts she had shown me and she'd leave.

She pulling away from me to get up, her hands trying to remove my arms around her but I didn't like how she decided everything herself and for me. 'No' I said pulling her back to me 'your not leaving like this. Yes I wanted my first to be a little different but I am happy it was you' she tried to interrupt me but I just keep going 'let me finish like I let you. I don't think of you as a whore because you do it to make money when can't really any other way. I've never stolen before but now I'm a thief that steals food so I can eat. So can we talk this out'. She didn't say anything and laid there a minute before moving to get up this time I let her. Putting on her shirt and panties she starts look for clean shorts. My hearts hurts as she gets ready without looking at me. I start to dress in silence while she going through her buckets of stuff. I quick gathered my things and start to climb down calling out 'this is your place not mine so I'm leaving, you won't have see me again. I'm leaving Atlanta. Take care of yourself. Goodbye' as I finished getting down. "Wait" I heard her say she as moves closer to the edge of the platform. Looking up I can't see her. "You don't have to leave the city." After a few moments she doesn't say anything more I say 'don't really have a reason to stay anymore now And if I stayed you'll see me around and feel bad. I won't make you cry again so I'll go. Miami is big and warm all year round I might go there'.

With a 'good luck' I leave. I feel down as walk and then crawl out. Things were great until today. How could everything end in disaster so abruptly like this. Heart broken I started up the embankment to the road when I hear "Stop!" Turning I see Jamie standing by the tunnel looking at me upset. "Please don't leave" she said then she looks at the ground. "Uh... I just need some time to think... So please don't leave the city". I just look at her with her head down waiting for my answer. 'Fine' I say finishing my climb up. 'I'll be at your other hideout for a week.' I don't look back as I leave.

Let's just say the week sucked. I did not know if Jamie and I would work anything out or if I'd ever see her again. My magic tricks didn't much money and I got jumped a gang. It wasn't my first run in with the gangs of the city and wouldn't be the my last but it was the worst. I don't know what I did to piss them off but when it was all said and done. I got away but not before I got cut. Bad. Making a bandage to slow the blood I made it the five miles to Jamie's hideout but she was not there. I don't remember how I made there and now I knew without help I couldn't get back out and then that meant I was good as dead. Near my right shoulder on my back was a deep eight inch cut that ran downward. By now I was dizzy with blood loss. Lying there I fell in and out of congesnes for I don't know how long.

Screaming in agony I awoke to feel liquid fire across my back. Trying to arch my back against to pain I realize that someone is setting on my butt and one hand is on back pushing me back down. Before I can turn to see who it was or saying anything the fire returns in full force making me jerk and scream anew before I blacked out in pain. When I came too again I felt cold, sick and drained empty. Thinking I must be dead because you can not feel this bad and still be alive. I was surprised to open my eyes and see I was lying in her hideout. By dim candle light I could just see Jamie sitting back to wall legs stretched out and her head tilted to side asleep. She looked tried, hadn't changed clothes in a week or her hair looked like it hasn't seen a comb in a month but I still thought she was beautiful and lay my head down to fall asleep.

I was dreaming that I was at Jack's house playing with his dog Mandy and got a mouth full of her tongue when realized that this more than a dream because I could feel a tongue in my real mouth. As I said before it takes me a few minutes or more to wake sometimes. As begun to wake up the tongue returns but time I feel some liquid trickle in then withdrawal. I open my eyes as Jamie's face is coming closer. Seeing me awake she stops goes to say something but a little water comes before she closes her mouth. The water since she me pulled up on my left side her right hand holding my head, her face over mine it of course landed right in my face. Trying not to choke Jamie drank down the water before laughing to say "I'm sorry". I try to raise my right arm to wipe my face and a stabbing pain start from my shoulder light up my body in pain making me jerk. "Oh no, no no you don't Mikey. You just lie there and don't move. I can get you anything." She said wiping my face with a small towel. Closing my eyes and taking a few deep breaths to help clear the pain, I looked right into her eyes seeing worry and sadness. I didn't want her to worry and hate to see her sad so I smile and said 'so I have you to thank for saving me?' She just looked at me and tears started streaming down her cheeks before sobbing "I'm sorry" over and over. This time put my left arm around her. I rubbing my hand across her back saying 'shh it's okay, I'll be alright. You Don't have to cry. We got stop having these conversations while you cry' trying to lighten the mood. I think I got a sobbing giggle but it was hard to tell.

When I got her calmed down tell me what happened since I was out and how long. It had been a four days since she found me and tried to get me to go hospital but I refused. As she continues tell me that I told her to get my small first aid kit, I start to remember some of it as she talk as if I'm in a dream. She had cleaned my wound with 100 proof liquor and ripped shirt. Then I told her to use a sowing needle and super glue to close the cut. I had a fever and the wound was swollen and red. She Had to smack me awake me to ask if I have had allergies to pain killers or pinacilein before giving me some she got from a clinic she knows that helps the homeless. She had bowl and spoon but said that always choked when she tried to feed or give me something to drink. That she could only get me to take down anything was by mouth. I could tell by the way my cheeks felt I was blushing red as much as she was telling me that. Now she was crying again as tells me how worried she was and should have not let me go off by myself. She had caused me to be hurt again by not being there to take care of me.

I told this wasn't her fault and would have happened away because I had been doing what I always do. She still protested but it got her talking to me and not crying. After a long talk we settled things between us and decided to be friends again. She wouldn't be my girlfriend and she said no kissing but if I wanted we could still have sex. I found out I didn't have worry about her getting pregnant, she got "morning after" pills from the clinic. And what 14 year old boy would say no to that. I wanted a shower and had some money. She knew where she could get a cheap room so we went. That's a thing that I will never get used to about being homeless, not have access to a shower and having to make do with a hoe baths most of the time. With her helping me and a bus we made it to the motel.

It wasn't a total dump. I went for the bathroom immediately have just realized that haven't in a four days. After relieving my self and ditching my clothes I turned on the shower. I was waiting for it to warm up when heard the door open. There was Jamie as naked as I was. Her breast aren't big but perfectly formed little and round with nipples that took up a area no bigger than a quarter but she has thick long nipples. Her ribs showed and had smooth tummy that end between her leg where a two inch gap let you see her hairless pussy. Once again my brain decided it was over worked and was going on vacation so all I got out was 'hum... Uh... Wait, what..." She smile big at my speechlessness. I can't read what in her eyes, maybe happiness or excitement I could not tell. "What?" She said smiling at me "I need a shower too and your still falling over hurt so I'm here to help." Brain still gone I can not think to say anything so I just turn in climb in the shower and let the warm water cleanse me. Jamie gets in shutting the certain. Waiting and then taking my place under the water.

I got to say her standing there head back water rolling over and then down her was one the sexiest sites that I have every seen. The water roamed over her to cover everything making her nipples drip and skin glisten. If I wasn't hard before I was like steel rod now. Stepping out the spray of water she looked at me seeing me starring open mouth at her, she looks down to my hard cock and then back to my face a smile plastered on hers "you can wash me first then I'll help you" she says turning around to face away. At this point I couldn't say no if I wanted to. It definitely felt great washing her hair then the rest of her body as she moaned a few times. When I went to wash her pussy again she said "nope I'm done so just wait" to my disappointment as stepped under water but I guess I can forgive her since that meant I watch her again. I don't know maybe it's just me but watching a beautiful girl in the shower from two feet away is sexy in a primeval way. She watching me watch her, she starts giving me a show as slowly rinses all the soap off.

Finishing she wiggles her finger at saying "your turn" as steps up to me smiling. Looking into my eyes as she starts soaping my hair I can see that happiness and mischief again. Soaping my front before turning me around to get my back. She's careful around my wound but it's still hurts some but I get clean. Unlike her, she helps me rinse off but when I'm clean her hand is still holding my hard cock "what some help with this" she says giving it a stroke. 'Yes' I almost hiss. 'Get on your knees and hold on to the wall" she replied. The shower had those metal bars in it to help getting in and out of the tub. So kneeling down I grab one in my hand I felt Jamie go under me, only to look down to see her head pop between my legs. She wasted enough time to smile before taking me in her mouth. What I didn't know then but do now is that she's gives the greatest blowjobs in the world and I was in for a ride.

Both her hands take hold of my balls gentle rubbing and rolling them as she starts suck on me. taking me down to the back of her mouth then back to where lips are just rapped around the head her tongue snake like moving everywhere. She watches me as I can only moan and hold on to the bar. One hand leaves my balls and then She starts to moan and I look over my shoulder can see it rubbing her clit. In but a few minutes my hips start jerk on their own she's not fazed at all but forces me deep into her mouth until I feel the head of my cock enter her throat sucking as hard as she can, she starts humming. Giving me little jerks of her head but never letting my head leave her throat with the nonstop hum is just icing on the cake. Grunting once I unload my first shot in her throat with second blast as she pulls her head back again so just the head of cock is in her mouth. She keep sucking and swallowing my cum as fast as I can pump it out bring her hand up to help get everything till the last drop.

Im practically breathless as she makes it hard to come down from a orgasm when she didn't stop milking me until I could make her. She sides right from under me to help me stand up and get out. Drying me off with a towel and then herself. Leading me to the bed and making me lay down she asks what I want to eat. She agrees to my idea of pizza, there a place near by so I give her 20 bucks. I get dressed while she gone. She returns in 40 minutes with soda and pizza. After eating I feel like sleeping it had been ruff week and a trying day if you been sliced open and might have came close to dying. Telling Jamie I was going to sleep, that she thought was a go idea and said was going to get to rest of are stuff. I laid down on the bed on my chest and was out.

Awakening the next morning with Jamie next to me was good. Eating the last of the old pizza we gather are stuff to check out. I noticed Most of are things weren't here even tho Jamie went to go get them last night. I ask her about this she said she put them where we're going later. So asked where we're going now then and was I told I was having my cut checked out I protested I was not going to a hospital. She promised me just to the clinic she knew. Being checked out in a ally because I won't go in, the nurse who is in her 40's informs me that I need go to the hospital and when I say I won't go she just smiles and tells to keep taking the antibiotics. If I get really high fever or start getting red veins around the wound to get to a hospital or I'll be dead in a week. Thanking her we leave.

We rode the bus back across town to residential neighborhood and then walked for two blocks. Coming in from the ally thru a 6 foot fence we made way across a yard. The house is a older kind with basement mostly underground meaning it had a few widows to the outside. Jamie lead me to one that opens with flick of her knife. Climbing in I looked around but was to dark and then Jamie closed the heavy shades again so I was in complete darkness. I hear her walk away but it's only to light a candle. Sight restored she says "welcome to Gran's house".

Now she has talked about Gran before but only in the past tense. Asking if she's here Jamie tells me she had died right before she meet me and that she had no family so she did not know who gets the house but she was going to use it this winter some if she could. There was enteral room with no widows downstairs that we could use and a old oil heater. If was over a month before I was better and in another month I'm almost as good as new. Now it's December and the holidays so I'm thinking of home I decide to send a letter to the twins. I keep it simple that I'm ok and miss them. I'll come home when I get some more time to myself and was ready. I found a college student that was going home for Christmas in New York. Paying him to mail it when he goes home.

Now there are all kinds of things I could tell you about living on the streets, but most of it's useless info that most would find boring so I won't. Jamie and I got things back to normal and grew closer. One day I woke up after not seeing her for a day and laying next to me was Jamie staring at me. "What's up tomcat?" She said tracing my scar with her finger. 'Tomcat?' I say. "Yeah, well I'm like a ally cat so that makes you like a tomcat. You know like the ones in the ally you see looking all tough and ruff with scars on their backs." She explained. 'Ok I'm a tomcat' I reply with smile 'then what's up ally cat?' She gives a smile that say everything is good in her world, the one that melts your heart.

A month later Jamie took me to my first concert. A underground punk rock show held in old shutdown factory. She made sure I was dressed the part to. Wearing a white tee shirt with sleeves rolled up, red suspenders, blue jeans and big heavy black boots she had got from somewhere. She gave my short hair little spikes and used a can of blue hair spray to color it because I didn't want to dye it my hair. Then left with a bag telling me to meet her in a hour a store nearby. It's hour and a half before she gets there, not that could complain looking at her. She dye her hair bright blue and had shaved the left side of her head leaving it long on top which she had in a mohawk with her right side in five braids. Her shirt had the neck, sleeves, sides and bottom cut off. She tied it in two knots at her sides showing off her tummy and you could see her red bra. A red leather skirt that was really short and matching red leather knee high boots.

Getting thereby 10 it's still early but the bands are just started playing. so Jamie shows me around her being here a few times before. Meeting a few people she knows and she introduces me as her little bother. Dancing in the pit we get split up and my shoulder starts to hurt so I go find the beer. As I wonder through to place I stop and to talk some people. A group of three guys and a girl. They joke to me about being to young to be here since most everyone is late teens to early thirties. One of them has a joint that he nice enough to share with me. We make small talk and that's were Jamie finds me. "So this where you been hiding." She says as hugs me from behind. Pulling her around me I introduce her but she just smiles at them and then me. I see mischief and what in the last few months I've come to understand as lust in her eyes. Saying "sorry but we need him right now" she grabs me by the front waist of my jeans and starts to drag me away. That when I notice her friend Cindy from earlier behind us standing there with a shit eating grin on her face. The guys give me a 'yea!' 'get em boy' and a big hoot. The girl just laughed saying "don't break him now girls" that started up the guys again. Jamie smile to me then looked back them licking her lips.

I was lead up some stairs and down a hallway to a office that still had a desk in it. Setting me on it she rubs herself against me, that's not fare play when she knows what this does to me. Holding my head she lick all the way up my neck to my ear and then whippers to me "I need a favor hon". She start to run her hand over the tent showing in my pants "see I own Cindy here a favor and if your willing to help me pay it off she'll owe me and we can stay at her place tonight." I don't know what to say and won't no now either because I got out was 'uh... Jamie... I...' I like to think I would have told I love her and don't want anyone else but Jamie stopped me with finger over my lips "shh, just sit back and relax." Replacing her finger with her lips pushing her tongue in my mouth briefly before putting a condum in my open mouth getting up to give Cindy a kiss. "Enjoy" say she as turns and walks out the door closing it behind her. I thinking what the fuck, but then I was like what am I mad for? We weren't dating and I knew she was not trying to hurt me. Just letting me have some fun. I pulled the condum out and said 'okay Cindy what's the deal?' "It's just like my pet said she owes me a big favor and I need some hard cock." She finished by rub her hand on my crotch. 'So I'm to be payment then?' I say. "Oh no babe, I told her needed cock and said she might be able to help me out. I you don't want to its okay. I hope you'll still come over after to my place." She sounded sincere.

What would you do when a hot mid 20's women is asking for sex. Cindy is 5'8" 130lbs. She Italian with olive skin and dark eyes. A shaved head with just her bangs left dyed hot pink. No shirt on just a black bra that made her 36c breasts stick out more and a little checkered skirt with knee high black boots. I think I see who Jamie gets her outfits from now. Seeing me not say no or trying to get away she tries to kiss me. When I stop her, she looks at me for a moment then her eyes get really big and says "your in love with her, I mean really in love with her?" I think I do a good job of playing it off but she smiles and says "let me tell you something about Jamie, you shouldn't get to attached." I don't like where she going and must show my face because next she said "oh don't get like that. I love Jamie to death but she like a stray cat. Coming in to house and staying for a day, week, month then just gone and won't see her for who knows how long then just like a stray showing up on your doorstep one day. That's why I call her 'my pet'." I thought She was right Jamie was like that but I still loved her.

Undoing my pants she say "now that's out of the way let's see what I've found here. Oh goody. A cock and just when I was getting thirsty" as pulls me out. Rubbing me she says in a little girl voice "hey mister you think you got any creamy hot milk for me?" I couldn't help but be amused by her relentless straight forward manner in going for my dick so I replied with 'sure but you're going to have to work hard to get it'. With a big smile she drops to her knees between my legs sets her mouth to work on cock immediately. She goo

Same as A Life: A Journey Begins. Part 1 Videos

4 years ago
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The Journey Begins

I am currently rewriting this story with some minor and major changes to the story and cleaning up parts that did not come out as well as I had liked. Currently I am focusing on the story itself first with the reader being able to skip the sex scenes if they wish. The new version of the story can be found here. The Kingdom Of Eros: The Journey Begins I had been traveling for a fortnight now. I had left my old boring life in a quiet little town in the forest with what I could carry. A pack on...

3 years ago
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The Journey Begins

The Journey BeginsHe waited, naked, tied spread eagle to the upright rectangular frame that stood upon a circular dais like an empty doorframe in the middle of the room. She had told him to survey the wall in front him and reflect upon the various implements that hung there or rested upon shelves. “Think of what those will do to you”, She had told him earlier, “you may end up intimately knowing of each one, If I choose.” She patted his bare ass, “I’m going to rest, I’ll be back when I want...

2 years ago
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The World Of Eros The Journey Begins

I am currently rewriting this story with lessons learned from the first go round. I plan to release the story into volumes if it goes well with the first volume taking place in the human kingdom. I was originally putting this rewrite under the original but decided it's better to create it's on separate story entry. You can find the original story Here. A smile crossed my lips as I came over the hill to show the valley below. I could see the endless fields that seemed to go on forever. Merchants...

3 years ago
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Sharons Journey Part 9 Con te Partiro

Sharon's Journey Part IX - Con Te Partiro As Sharon sat in Julie's kitchen, gazing out the window, her attention was not on the park below but on the sky, a panorama of bright blue mostly shunted into the background by huge patches of thick clouds, the sides facing the sun fluffy and white while the mass away from it a brooding dark grey. Though November was not quite a week old, New York's November sky was apparent, bringing with it a brisk wind. "Wishing on a star?" Julie asked...

3 years ago
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Her Journey Begins

It was after their third date that she succumbed to her desires and let him takeher to bed. He proved to be a vigorous, imaginative, and considerate lover.Their first night together they made love for hours and only stopped when thesun's first rays lit up the bedroom. After that night, they had sex every timethey met, sometimes they would just meet for a quick tumble. They made lovepretty much anywhere, at first it was only in the different rooms of the house.But then they started having sex in...

1 year ago
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The Journey Of Love Begins

Hi all ISS Readers for quite a while, I have been going through this site and I enjoyed reading many stories and then I thought suddenly why I shouldn’t share my own experience with ISS fans without further details and I start narrating my story. So, this is how it goes Sharath that’s me 6 feet, athletic body, black hair, black eyes, fair complexion. Many girls told me that my eyes are so beautiful. I’m 24 now and it happened 2 years ago and I always wanted to do it with a woman who is elder to...

1 year ago
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Taboo Part VI The Journey Begins

Panting and slowly coming down from an earth shattering climax, she was a quivering mass of jello; every muscle exhausted. Her entire body shook sporadically as if electrical currents were zapping her from the tips of her toes all the way up her spine to the base of her neck. Her mind was mush from cumming so hard, and so many times this afternoon; more than she could ever remember, fathom, or like to admit to herself. Sex at home with her husband was for a lack of a better term, severely...

2 years ago
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First Encounter Part III The Journey Begins

The door closed. The smell of her sex saturated the room, musky with a hint of sweetness. She raised her head, with nose upward, as if trying to catch his scent, and pinpointing where exactly he was in the room. She heard him taking off what seemed like his jacket, maybe?..and something else that wasn’t clothing sounding, but slightly heavier, dropped on the floor. She couldn’t be entirely sure; her normally keen senses were betraying her since she couldn’t entirely focus with the vibrator...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 44 A Journey Ends A Journey Begins

May, 1985, Chicago, Illinois After dinner and karate, Bethany and I went up to my room. We’d agreed to take everything slowly, and savor each step. I hadn’t seen Bethany so excited about sex since the very first time we’d been together in the apartment back in Milford. At each step, she was fighting her urges for us to simply fuck like crazed bunnies. I spent considerable time licking and sucking her nipples, and then traced my tongue down her chest to her stomach, and eventually to her...

2 years ago
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Journeys West Chapter 17 The Search Begins

Chapter 17 - The Search Begins By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Proofread by: Qmodo Liz sat quietly, her arms wrapped around herself, knees pulled up on the chair. Even though the doctor had reported that things looked good for Samantha, she was still worried about her and probably would stay that way until she was able to see for herself. "How long have you and Samantha known each other?" Leslie asked, doing her best to keep it from sounding like an interview. She asked...

4 years ago
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Naked Family Ep 1 The Journey Begins

Dillon slowly opened his eyes as awoke from a deep sleep. It was still dark outside and he immediately sunk his face back into his pillow as he attempted to return to sleep. “Come on Dillon! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” , the girl exclaimed while grabbing a spare pillow and hitting Dillon on the back. “All right. I’ll get up. Stop hitting me”, said Dillon. Dillon finally opened his eyes all the way and sat up. He awoke to the sight of his younger sister, Florence. She was the persistent...

3 years ago
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Journeys West Chapter 13 The Fog Begins to Clear

Chapter 13 - The Fog Begins to Clear by Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Editor: Qmodo It was still early afternoon when Leslie left the hospital. Mary Sue had been incredibly lucky. As a trained law enforcement officer, Leslie couldn't say for sure the gunman had intended to kill her. If the intention was to just wound her, the shooter had to be an expert marksman. In a state full of hunters, such a person would not be hard to find. A few inches one way or the other would have...

2 years ago
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My Sensual Journey Part One

MY SENSUAL JOURNEY - PART ONE By Katharine Sexkitten The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It's a clich?, but it's true. It's a clich? because it's true. And it's true even if you don't know you're on the journey. My first step was when I was ten years old. Someone gave my mother a pair of boots, for a present. I can't remember if it was her birthday or Christmas. She politely smiled and said thank you, and never wore them. They were a little too risqu? for her...

2 years ago
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Temple of Torture Vanessas First Journey

DISCLAIMER:1. This story is fiction.2. This story is FICTION!3. The author doesn?t endorse or play down violence and brutality   of any kind against living beings in general and females   in special. The author insists on the consumption only by   those legally of age and where ADULT MATERIAL isn?t prohibited   by law. If you get offended by those topics, stop reading.                                          Venom, September 2007Synopsis:Three slavegirls ("a ponygirl, a painslut and a...

1 year ago
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Finding My Femininity A Journey of SelfDiscovery and Love

I was always a good boy, never causing any trouble or needing to be disciplined. But then my mother came up with the idea that I might like to wear a dress, and I was terrified. I didn't want to be seen as a sissy or a girl, but my mother thought it would be good for me to explore my femininity. When she presented me with the Punishment Dress, I was confused and scared. I didn't know what to think, but my mother insisted that it was a punishment for something I had supposedly done...

4 years ago
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Every journey has a starting point, but sometimes it’s difficult to tell if there is a destination.Sometimes you just start rolling and you end up someplace you never imagined.That’s true of any journey. Even an innocent bike ride on a warm summer morning.The starting point. A middle-aged man with a wife and kids, not entirely happy but not entirely unhappy either. Happy with most things except between the sheets. It happens to a lot of marriages, after the kids come along. After the partner...

Love Stories
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Journey To Work And Mary My Mature Nylon Tights Pa

A story of how my boring mundane work journey was made bearable by fantasising about a lady who used to get on my train each day, her inspiration for this story came from her gorgeous nylon clad legsthe lady was real sadly the story is made up...One day on the train to work, the mature lady who most days i shared a train carriage with on the way to work, asked if I liked what I saw when I overdid the fleating glances at her vey smart work attire.Her attire of smart black blazer, white blouse,...

2 years ago
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The Journey

THE JOURNEY By Anne Gray Note: I originally posted this story in 2003, complete with the usual mistakes made by would be authors, in five short chapters. I am very grateful to Vickie Tern for the advice and comments that, I hope, make this revision a better story. It tells of the Journey a young man makes to fulfill his dream. The category is crossdressing and the code G; the story is complete. Chapter...

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An Unexpected Journey

Dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum.“Imagine you are standing before an opening in the ground…" Dum-dum, dum-dum.In my mind’s eye, I saw a crevice like a vagina where two leg-like smooth red sandstone walls joined, inviting me in.“Your power animal is waiting at the opening.” Dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum. My animal guide, the Cougar, sat patiently in front of the opening. The cougar or mountain lion, with her tawny earth colored body with the white patches between her nose and mouth symbolized...

2 years ago
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Temple of Torture Vanessas First Journey

DISCLAIMER: 1. This story is fiction. 2. This story is FICTION! 3. The author doesn’t endorse or play down violence and brutality of any kind against living beings in general and females in special. The author insists on the consumption only by those legally of age and where ADULT MATERIAL isn’t prohibited by law. If you get offended by those topics, stop reading. Venom, September 2007 Synopsis: Three...

4 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 9

Hello, readers welcome to this beautiful journey. Keep giving your valuable feedback. It feels good when I see the appreciation of my work. I believe that the journey is always beautiful than the destination so I am enjoying the journey and hope you also. I am male and the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Next morning I woke up late due to the hangover. I was still feeling quite heavy. When I looked around I was surprised to see that Ayesha was not on her bed. We both...

2 years ago
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Journey On The Sex Express

Hi Dear ISS readers. I thank you a lot for loving my stories and mailing me your feedbacks and being my friends. I really loved when few of you contacted me after reading my stories. You all are welcome to contact me and be friends. We can have a good time together while keeping each other’s privacy protected. Well, I am Akash, sharing another of my sex experiences with you all. You can contact me at You can reach out to my author page and check my other stories too. Now, coming to the...

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Long Journey To Heaven

Dear readers I hope u had a better day… I thought that I will be posting a story of desperation in this site, but lady luck has shown her better side to me and I am here to present a life altering experience that happened to me in the recent past to the readers. By the way my name is Shivan. I am from Chennai 22 yrs old working in an auto ancillary company. I m not a hunk, just below average height fair complexion bit chubby not usually the girls type. Porn was like food to me, I was addicted...

3 years ago
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Journey to Joy

Hello ISS Lovers! Please mail your comments about the story to Samyukta was to leave to Dubai in the next two days and the house brimmed with obscurity. She knew that life is going to be difficult without her parents and loving siblings, more so in a country about which she knew very little. The last fifteen days have been very memorable with roars of laughter ripping through every now and then. Being a woman with an enviable sense of humor, she had kept her parents, brother and sister in very...

2 years ago
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Anticipation Part I The Journey Begins

Lead-In Only: She was told that the key would be at the front desk. She was so nervous when she drove into the parking lot that she almost slammed into a car backing out of a space. Waving her apology, her hands now gripped the steering wheel like a vise and a life-line as she pulled into a space. She couldn’t muster the nerve yet to get out of the car and walk the few steps to the front entrance of the hotel. Her hands were shaking slightly and she felt the sweat begin to bead on her...

4 years ago
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Bus Journey From Hyd To B8217lore

Hi ISS readers this is the Excellent site for sex stories, I’m reading the stories in this site since two years..But unfortunately i didn’t have any experience form these days. Last week i had an experience with a lady in the bus from Hyderabad to Bangalore. Actually I love bus journeys especially when a lady sit in my side seat. In the journey i used to touch boobs with my elbow but in this journey from Hyderabad to Bangalore i saw the heaven for the first time. So without wasting the time...

3 years ago
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The Journey of Mrs Small

You could have heard a pin drop as he stepped through the church hall doorway. One moment there was the almost deafening sounds of the hustle and bustle of the busy parish summer bring and buy sale and the next moment complete silence. People stopped in their tracks and turned and stared at him; it was almost as if Old Nick himself had entered the room, desecrating holy ground. But it wasn’t him. Jack Hardy was no devil. Jack Hardy owned the only sex shop within a radius of thirty miles. He...

3 years ago
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My Journey As A Whore Part6

The two days I spent with Vijay, and not to mention the evening with Sanjay were simply amazing. It was with these two gentlemen that I ever got the first thought that maybe being someone’s second wife or what the slang calls a keep, setup, etc is not that bad! They would take care of me and would be most interested in fucking me for pleasure. A pleasure, let me remind you, even I would get lots of at the same time. So, whats to lose but everything to gain. Besides, if they are interested in...

4 years ago
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Aces and EightsChapter 4 The Journey Begins

Friday the 20TH I stood there with the pistol smoking in my hand. All of a sudden it dawned on me what I had just done, and I started shaking. Sitting down on one of the cargo trailer's sideboards I buried my face in my hands and wept. I wept for my son, I wept for my wife. I prayed they would forgive me for what I had done. To kill a person in cold blood was against all I believed in. Rala walked over and knelt beside me and wrapped her arms around me. She whispered, "They are at peace...

2 years ago
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Kerries Journey Chapter 14The Final stage Part 1 I Tell My Husband That Im Bisexual And More

I am writing this final chapter of my journey sitting on the balcony of our apartment that is halfway up the Peak in Hong Kong. Hong Kong spreads below. A soft warm tropical trade wind brings the smell of frangipani. I am relaxed and reflective. Tomorrow is my forty-third birthday.It is almost three years since, just after I turned forty, my sexual awakening—journey as I like to think of it—began in an incense laden room in Phuket, Thailand. Now, as my husband and I settle into Hong Kong, my...

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The Journey Episode 2 Illana

1)I am not an english-speaking writer. I do mistakes when I write in english. Please don?t read my stories if your only interest is to criticize me for these errors. 2)Some passages could be interpreted as prejudice against developed countries, this is not my intent. In the future episodes I will give more informations about the fall and I hope this will clarify things. The Journey - Episode 2: Illana by Sylvia Wechsel The road to Haltdoor was solitary, we saw no one else...

2 years ago
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Changes Abound Mayas Journey Part 3

Changes Abound: Maya's Journey Part 3 A Cross-dressing story by Maria Ski Well Maya, or should that be Peter, is a little bit of a dark horse. By hiding her singing talent like that. And by how natural she is being a girl. So I think it's time we actually heard from the lady herself. So it's over to you Maya... Hello dear reader my name is Maya Hunter. And for the first 17 years of my life I was called Peter. I have just turned 18 and I am a pre- operative transsexual woman. Or...

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The Journey

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a story I've wanted to write for some time. Many of us who feel that we were born on the wrong side of the gender divide have felt at some time or other that womanhood is all about high heels and fancy clothes and becoming a woman on this basis will solve all our problems. From my own experiences and those of other members of the trans community with whom I've interacted, I know that this is not the case and the transition process is full of ups and downs. ...

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The Journey

It was a Sunday evening. Not a usual one. I had to make a journey in the afternoon to my house from the place I worked. I missed the 2 pm bus. I waited in the ISBT and asked a handyman there. He pointed me to a bus standing in the garage. “That bus may go.” He said, “But it will take time. Something is wrong with that. They are working. You can go and ask those guys.” I moved on and asked the long haired thin fellow standing near the bus. “Is the bus going to Amalgaon?” “Yes,” he replied...

1 year ago
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Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...

Hookup Sites
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Bus Journey

I have read a lot of stories on this site. Some are beautiful and some are fantastic. I am mentioning my very own experience during recent journey to Burdawan. Before that, let me tell u the bus journeys will be so erotic during monsoon/winter seasons. Aunties/girls can be touched/squeezed whole of their body and without others noticing it. It will be quite exciting to do it in public. I never missed a chance of squeezing buttocks and breasts of any lady irrespective of age and religion. I...

3 years ago
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A Journey to the Amazon

Part 1 By: Dinomagick ([email protected]) Codes: [MF, M/F, wife, jungle, tribe, captive, cuckold, bd, nc, reluc, mc, intr, rom, preg+++] Description: “After winning the lottery on their wedding day, a newly-wed husband and wife decide to go to the Amazon to learn what it is like to live as the native tribes do. What they thought would be an epic adventure of discovery, turns into something much different than either of them could have possibly...

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A Journey Home Part 1

An icy wind blew in from the north. It blew across the ice hills and picked up speed as it raced down the snow covered slopes. The wind kicked up loose snow and whipped it into the air like smoke rising from a fire. Three men crouched behind a rock that jutted out of the snow, and pulled their mammoth furs around them as the chilling wind beat at them. Gunter, the older man who led their hunt, held a leather leash attached to the neck of a garg. He watched the six-legged beast as it sniffed...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Flight Journey To Sex Journey

Hi, guys, I am back with another exciting story. Those who want to know about me, I am a typical Indian with a normal body of 22 years old with a dick of 5.5 inches. I love to do massage. This is the story about an angel who met on a journey to Bangalore and the fun with her in Bangalore in her flat. By the way, the heroine of the story is Savitha (true name). So, without any delay let’s get into the story. So after my semester exams. I got holidays for 15 days. So I decided to visit Bangalore...

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Journey With My 4 Darlings 8211 Part 3

Hope you enjoyed the part 1 and part 2 of my story.Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments. Those who missed it can read it in below link. Coming to me , I am a software engineer working in Hyderabad.I am 5.7″ tall with average body and with satisfying cock ;-) Girls/aunties from Hyderabad who want to have a private sex/sex relationship can mail me @ Please do not hesitate in reaching me …will keep your details private and confidential. Coming to the story: Part 3: Like this ,days...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 15

Hello readers, welcome back to this Beautiful journey. I am quite happy with the way people have responded the story so far. I am male and the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. I was really happy with the sense of humor of my hubby when he said about that Boo. I was thinking what nonsense he is doing but later on, I realized how cleverly he is trying to bring Ayesha out of the shackles of shyness. They kissed for quite some time. The way he was kissing, I realized he is no...

1 year ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 12

Hello, readers welcome back to this beautiful journey. I know you all have enjoyed the journey so far and hope you will enjoy the erotic journey further. I am male and the sex story is fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha was really happy after the lesbian experience. Now we have merged the gap of the mother-daughter relationship. I was treating her like a friend and now we had become really good friends. I have realized that the physical relations enhance the bonding, the same had...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 2

Hello, readers welcome back to this beautiful journey. I’m male and this sex story is completely a work of fiction. I can say by my experience that the journey is always more powerful than the destination. I hope you will enjoy the journey, so let’s go. As I had told earlier I had an early marriage and as my hubby has a job in an MNC, we have to move to different places so Ayesha could not enjoy the love of her grandparents. Many times it so happened that we could not provide her that pleasure...

4 years ago
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Hot Bus Journey Along From Goa To Hyderabad

Hi all, I am 26 male from Mumbai working in a one of the private company. I am 5 feet 7″ height with black hairs and eyes good looking and fair enough to attract a female. If you like my story please mail me at “”. Lets start with our sex story. Few months back I got transferred from Mumbai to Goa for a period of time. Meanwhile I need to travel to my home town so I booked a Volvo bus which will departure from PANAJI at around 5:30 pm. It was a heavy rain outside somehow I got the bus on time...

3 years ago
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An Erotic Journey With Mom And Dad

“Seema!” My dad, Ramesh yelled at my mom, “aren’t you ready yet? We have to reach there by tonight not day after tomorrow!” Mom, like always was taking too long to get ready. I was all ready and had packed the bags into the car with my father. We were going to a family friend’s wedding. The wedding that changed my life forever. I am Suhas, final year B.Com student and the sole son of my parents. I very actively play cricket and football, and I consider that I have an athletic body. Dad(53) runs...

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After Train Journey Effect With Nickey

Hi guys, I am (Neel) back with the next encounter here. I am sure all of you read all my previous stories “Enjoyed with Nicky the Online friend”, “My Story with Nickey Part-2” and “The Train Journey with Nicky”and who hasn’t read that, I would request you to read it. So guys, here I am with one of the next encounters. After that day, we had more encounters in the train. People could not understand anything about us. However, one person in the train asked, if we are married, to which I said we...

2 years ago
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A Strange But True Journey to Happiness

A strange but true Journey to happiness. If I begin at the beginning - my earliest memories. I knew at school I was different, I hated football, I hated rough and tumble play. I wanted to play with the girls, to look pretty like them and to enjoy their great hair, pretty clothes and games which seemed fun. Sure , I tried my mums clothes, my sister clothes but I knew that to keep them happy I would have to toe the line and be a boy.... Uch, how much I hated that. It frustrated me a...

3 years ago
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Fucking Bus Journey

Hey all…Its ritu again writing ma experience in mah new story in this site. Not wasting much time m writing my story. As u know about me in my last story m sexy girl with figure of 34-28-32 any one can fall for me. Its my cool cool journey to my native. I was in hostel and going to my home during holidays.And that time my bf told me to accompany me.I also readily agreed.My bf, akash..Handsome hunk and many classmates has fallen for him but he proposed me. And we both paired. Akash is so caring...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Journey To Bountiful Love 8211 Part I

Soon after my graduation I got job in neighborhood village as asst. Engineer in a company, which was 1 hr. from my town by local bus. Though the company was providing accommodation in nearby town which was only 15 min from the company, I chose to up & down every day, so that I can stay with my parents. I used to leave from my home early in the morning and used to go by private mini bus initially as it was faster than govt. bus. The journey used to be boring as most of the stations between were...

2 years ago
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My Sexual Journey Called Life 8211 Part VI

I am a housewife from Bangalore and my name is Parineeta. I am 44yrs old now, 5.10″ tall and my stats are 40DDD-32-36. Sorry for the delay in this post… Please refer to these links for the previous parts: https://www.indiansexstories2.net/couple/18843-my-sexual-journey-called-life-1.html https://www.indiansexstories2.net/couple/19367-my-sexual-journey-called-life-2.html...

4 years ago
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Journey Into Cuckoldry Eager Eighteen Part 1

A loud splash coming from the pool broke my concentration. I looked up from my book, blinking as the bright sunshine fought its way through my sunglasses.I smiled; two teenage boys were skylarking in the clear, warm water, both showing-off, each trying to appear older, stronger and more grown-up than the other. It had been the same the previous day, and the day before that, and the reason was obvious; my lovely wife Alice was sunbathing topless on the patio again.A brief flush of pride passed...

3 years ago
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My father was a mean man, and living with him was horrible. Once I started filling out, he would find any excuse to grab my tits, pull on my nipples, and slip his hand between my legs. There were 3 of us in my family…my father, my mother and me. When we ate meals at the dinner table, my father would sometimes pull me onto his lap, slipping his hands under my shirt to squeeze my tits, and even pulling his cock out of his pants and making me stroke it. Once it was hard, he’d pull my shorts down...

1 year ago
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A Journey Home

An icy wind blew in from the north. It blew across the ice hills and picked up speed as it raced down the snow covered slopes. The wind kicked up loose snow and whipped it into the air like smoke rising from a fire. Three men crouched behind a rock that jutted out of the snow, and pulled their mammoth furs around them as the chilling wind beat at them. Gunter, the older man who led their hunt, held a leather leash attached to the neck of a garg. He watched the six-legged beast as it sniffed...

2 years ago
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The Journey The Beginning

There was something truly surreal about feeling his half hard cock filling my mouth. The salty taste of his orgasm lingered on my lips as his white cream oozed down from my face to drip onto my large exposed breasts. My eyes looked up at him through smeared makeup in pure delightful submission, silently pleading for a sign that he had been truly pleased by the curvy redhead that had been offered to him.The pain in my knees, the soreness of my rear cheeks and the throbbing sensation of my...

2 years ago
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The World Of BDSM 8211 Part 1 A Couple Begin Their Journey

Little Intro before starting my journey into the world of BDSM – I’m Aditya, 43 now. I am a highly respected and successful investment banker specializing in international markets. I stand 5.5, slim and fair. Not stud or hunk. My wife Poonam (now Mistress Poonam) is 35 now. She helps in my business and is co-owner of our investment banking company. She is 5.6, BBW, with great curves at all right places (38d-30-36). She has big expressive eyes and jet black, silky, straight hairs that proudly...

3 years ago
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Taboo Part VI The Journey Begins

Panting and slowly coming down from an earth shattering climax, she was a quivering mass of jello, every muscle exhausted. Her entire body shook sporadically as if electrical currents were zapping her from the tips of her toes all the way up her spine to the base of her neck. Her mind was mush from cumming so hard, and so many times this afternoon, more than she could ever remember, fathom, or like to admit to herself. Sex at home with her husband was for a lack of a better term, severely...

1 year ago
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The Burn Part IV The Journey Begins

Breathing coming back to normal and feeling physically exhausted from the orgasms, she sat there blindfolded and bound in the chair wondering what would happen next. In actuality she wasn’t sure she could handle much more. Her limits were already being tested and a million thoughts were swimming in her head. Guilt about being here, in a hotel room no less, and with a man that wasn’t her husband, when she bold-faced lied to her husband telling him she was “going to have lunch with a...

3 years ago
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First Encounter Part III The Journey Begins

The door closed. The smell of her sex saturated the room, musky with a hint of sweetness. She raised her head, with nose upward, as if trying to catch his scent, and pinpointing where exactly he was in the room. She heard him taking off what seemed like his jacket, maybe?..and something else that wasn’t clothing sounding, but slightly heavier, dropped on the floor. She couldn’t be entirely sure, her normally keen senses were betraying her since she couldn’t entirely focus with the vibrator...

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