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An old story of mine but you might enjoy it


I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the message and telephone number
written on the inside front cover of the book. I smiled as I recalled
the number of times I had idly opened these books in anonymous hotel
rooms on my business trips. It had started three years earlier when I
had joined the sales division for the company I worked for. I was
twenty-three and had never worked in sales before, but I was keen to
succeed in my new role.

I was going to have to adjust to quite a few new lifestyle changes, not
the least of which would be the amount of cross-country sales trips I
would have to make. If you've ever had to travel frequently, you'll know
just how tedious it rapidly becomes. The initial novelty wears off
pretty quickly as one budget motel room turns into another which turns
into another. It can be a lonely life and I was quickly looking for ways
to ease the boredom of these road trips.

I tried to keep myself in shape and always tried to book hotels with
pools or gyms. If this wasn't possible I could always go running but
sometimes if I was particularly tired I would prop up the bar and swap
war stories with other equally bored sales reps.. I have to admit that
once or twice I'd picked up a girl for the legendary salesman's one
night stand.

One night I had hooked up with one of the companies other reps and we
had celebrated a big order by getting out of our heads in the hotel bar.
I was complaining to him about the boredom of being on the road and the
lack of convenient entertainment. He smiled and said he had the same
problem but why didn't I try his little trick. He claimed that whenever
he checked into a hotel he would go straight to the bible, which seemed
to be standard issue in the kind of hotel we frequented. He said other
salesmen would often leave recommended telephone numbers inside the
bible for other salesmen to use. I must have been looking pretty
puzzled, because he patted me on the shoulder and said 'for girls, of

We parted later that evening and I never saw him again as he was killed
later that year in a car crash. I had almost forgotten his tip but a
couple of months later, I was on a really gruelling swing through my
sales territory and I found myself at a real loose end one night. I was
debating the merits of hitting the hotel bar and then remembered the tip
about the bible. I immediately opened the bedside table drawer and
pulled out the bible I found inside. I eagerly opened it in anticipation
of the promised recommendation from one of my fellow road warriors. What
I found was.....nothing. Denada. Rien.

I guessed my colleague had been winding me up. The joke for him was the
thought of me searching these bibles for a message and finding nothing.
Anyway, it became a little game for me. I always looked in the bible in
every room I stayed in and, of course, I never found anything. I made a
little promise to myself that if I ever did find a number I would call
it just to spite the memory of the guy who had wound me up.

Well, after three years I was now looking at one of the fabled messages
in the inside front cover of the bible in my room. It wasn't much of a
message. It read simply, 'Jamie 01435 760365 - shes a special girl' I
sat there and wondered what to do. I wasn't worried about the thought of
using a prostitute. Three years on the road had cured me of any
reluctance in that direction. I was just so surprised to find it at last
I was just a little thrown off balance.

I thought for a few seconds and then said to myself 'Why not?' I rolled
over on the bed and dialled the number. The phone rang about five or six
times and I was about to hang up when it was picked up at the other end.

"Hi, this is Jamie speaking, how can I help you?" The voice was low and
soft and throaty. I realised I hadn't thought of what to say.

"Oh, hi, Jamie, er, I got your number and... , do you come to hotels?" I
grimaced as I realised what a fool I sounded.

"OK, baby, now lets go slower, where did you get my number?" the voice
sounded amused, as if she were saying 'Another nervous first timer'

I wasn't going to make things worse by admitting where I had really got
the number.

"From a colleague, he recommended you as a special girl"

"That's nice of him," the voice purred. "What's your friends name?"

Hell! What could I say?

"Oh, I don't know what name he gave you, but his name is Dave and he's a
big blond guy"

I winced, as it sounded pretty lame to me. There was a brief silence,
and then Jamie spoke again.

"Did he tell you how special I was?"

"Oh yes, he told me just how good you were and that you'd be just my
kind of girl"

"Really? Do you know Dave well?"

I was now getting a little annoyed. Did she want to do some business or

"Yes, real well, now can we get together?"

"Slow down honey. You sure you can afford me?"

She named a price that was about three times what I had paid before.

"What do I get for that?"

"Only the best honey, I'll come to you, we have dinner and then you if
you like me we'll go to your room and have the time of your life."

I had gone this far so I was determined to go on now. I could probably
swing it on expenses anyway.

"What happens if I don't like you?"

"Never happened before baby, what did Dave tell you?"

Cute answer.

"OK, OK he said you were worth it. Do you take plastic?"

As I expected there was a snort at the other end.

"Sure honey, and I still believe in Santa. This is strictly a cash
economy, OK?"

"OK, I'm at the Holiday Inn. Where should we meet?"

"What's your name baby?"

What to call myself? Looking down at the bible I said "Gideon, its

"Ok Gideon, that's a nice name. Go to the bar and sit at the table in
the corner by the fire. Put a copy of the hotel magazine on the table
and order me a white wine spritzer, so it looks as if you're expecting
me. I'll be there in 15 minutes. If you're not there, I'm out of there.

"OK, how will I know you?"

"Don't worry, I'll know you. See you soon, Gideon"

The phone went dead and I thought about what to do next. It would be
easy not to show. But I was now caught up in the moment and to be honest
I hadn't had sex for a few weeks and I really wanted some now. I changed
my business suit to a pair of chinos and a polo shirt and slipped a
light jacket on top. Luckily I had enough cash so I slipped my wallet
into the room safe and went down the bar. I found the table by the fire
and sat down. A waiter appeared and I ordered the requested white wine
spritzer and a gin and tonic for myself. I asked if I needed to reserve
a table for dinner, but it was a very quiet Tuesday night and the bar
was almost empty. The waiter told me just to go through when we were
ready and we'd get a table no problem. I remembered finally to put the
copy of the magazine I'd brought from the room onto the table and waited
for Jamie.

I didn't see or hear her approach. She almost seemed to materialise in
front of me and I started in surprise. She was tall and slender. She was
wearing a beautifully cut pale blue linen suit, the skirt short enough
to highlight a devastating pair of legs. Beneath the suit she wore a
white cotton shirt though which I could glimpse a lace trimmed bra. But
what had riveted me to the spot was that she looked like a Nubian
princess. Her ebony skin shone in the light from the fire and her hair
was pulled back to show off the aristocratic shape of her face. Her dark
eyes were piercing and she revealed a perfect set of white teeth as she

"Hello, Gideon. Thank you for getting me a drink." Before I could react
she bent down and kissed me on the lips, her tongue flicking briefly
into my open mouth and whispered 'That's a down payment, baby'

She sat down in the other chair and I could see her properly for the
first time.

"Well Gideon, will I do?"

I was still sitting there with my mouth open. I still hadn't said
anything and I began to feel foolish.

"Oh yes, you're fine. I mean you're beautiful" I managed to squeak.

"I'm sorry, did I startle you?" Her voice was exactly as I remembered
from the phone, deep and sultry and seemed to carry the promise of
pleasures to come.

"Oh no, I hadn't expected you to be so beautiful."

She looked at me from below her eyelids and said "Did your friend really
tell you about me?"

"Yes he did, but he didn't do you justice at all, Jamie. You're twice as
beautiful as he described you".

I had begun to recover my poise and I couldn't believe my luck. I was
fully prepared for Jamie to be the usual bar girl, but to find a
creature as bewitching as her was beyond my dreams. I had never been
with a coloured girl, but had often fantasised about what it might be
like. The thought that I might be about to find out with this fabulous
creature was already making my cock harden.

She leant forward and suggested we get the business sorted before the
pleasure. She said that if I didn't want to go any further after we had
eaten then I would be free to call it off. If I wanted her to stay then
it was a cash deal, money up front. It seemed an odd deal but I could
believe that she didn't have many clients who cried off too early.

I said yes, and suggested we went through to the restaurant. The
maitre'd placed us in a discreet booth and I just wondered if he had
seen Jamie before with other clients. We sat side by side in the booth
and ordered some more drinks and a light dinner. The waiter disappeared
with the order and immediately I felt Jamie's hand on my leg and as she
gently moved her fingers up towards my groin I could feel myself getting
hard again. Jamie had turned towards me and in the dim light of the
booth her eyes were deep pools that I found myself being drawn towards.

Her fingers had reached my groin now and she dextrously slid down my zip
and I felt her encircle my erection with her slender fingers. She leaned
forwards and kissed my ear lobe and gently nipped it with her teeth. Her
tongue teased around my ear and I looked around nervously, but a large
plant shielded us from view.

Her fingers moved up and down my shaft, making my penis as hard as I
could possibly remember. I turned to her and kissed her on those
luscious full lips and felt her tongue penetrate my lips and wrap itself
around mine. We kissed for a few minutes as she fondled me beneath the
table. I was in serious danger of cumming there and then and she sensed
this, slowing her pace to let me cool off.

The waiter appeared with our food and her hand left my lap only long
enough for the food to be served. As the waiter left, her hand again
slipped beneath the table and resumed its steady massage of my cock. I
had never been kept in this state of excitement before and the dinner
passed in a haze. Jamie kept me in conversation about my job and other
trivia, and managed to eat and drink her meal with one hand whilst her
other maintained its pressure on my by now throbbing erection.

We finished eating and I signed for the bill with Jamie's Hand still in
my trousers, and she laughed and giggled as the waiter stood patiently
waiting for me to finish. Eventually, he left and she leaned over and
asked, "Well, Gideon, what's it to be?"

I had long ago made up my mind that I would be taking this creature back
to my room and I said, "OK, I want you to stay."

"Say please, Gideon. It's polite to say please."

I was too far gone to refuse anything now and meekly said "Please Jamie,
will you stay with me?"

"OK, sweetheart, you're being such a good boy, I will."

We walked to the lift and stood waiting for a while for the lift to
arrive. Jamie's arm was through mine and we looked for all the world
like a young yuppie couple returning to their room. The lift slid open
and we stepped in. Just as the doors began to close an elderly man
shouted for us to hold the lift and I reached forward to hold the doors.
Jamie knocked my hand away, smiled at the man and said, "there's always
another one coming". I guess I was taken aback and turned to Jamie to
say something. As I turned her arms went around my shoulders and she
pulled me into a tight embrace. Her lips found mine and again our
tongues danced together. I held her close and we kissed passionately.
She suddenly broke off from the kiss and pressed the emergency button on
the lift. It juddered to a stop somewhere between floors and I stared at
her in disbelief.

"What did you do that for?" "I like to take risks", she said and her
tongue flicked across her lips. "Don't you?" Before I could answer she
slid to her knees in front of me and for the second time that night she
undid my zip. I was in a state of unfulfilled excitement from the meal
and my cock needed little encouragement to rise to the occasion. Jamie's
hand quickly brought me to attention and then I felt her soft mouth
envelop the tip of my cock. I closed my eyes and let her take control of
me. Her head moved to and fro as she expertly played my cock. Her tongue
would flick across the head and then she would bury my shaft in her
mouth. Her tongue swirled around and around, moving so softly; it felt
like a velvet glove covering my erection. I heard the plop as my cock
slipped from her mouth and then felt her take my balls in turn into her

At this point I opened my eyes and was startled to see that the lift had
a mirrored ceiling and I could see what Jamie was doing to me reflected
above out heads. I was now close to the point of no return and Jamie
somehow sensed this and moved back to my cock. I was fascinated by the
sight above my head and I could see clearly as Jamie's head moved back
and forth, working the length of my cock into her mouth and the as she
delicately worked on the glans with the very tip of her tongue. I
watched entranced, as my penis appeared and reappeared from Jamie's
mouth, and the contrast between her lovely black skin and my white cock
was strangely erotic.

I began to feel the familiar surge from my groin and Jamie increased her
pace as I could feel the explosion building. I though about telling her
and then realised she knew perfectly well, what was happening. I came as
strongly as I had ever done before. The effect of Jamie's skill and the
few weeks without sex. My knees began to buckle and Jamie took my full
load in her mouth. She held me in her mouth until I began to shrink and
she let me go and stood up. We stood face to face and only then did I
realise that she was as tall as I was. She leant towards me and kissed
me full on the lips. For a moment I was puzzled by the strange salty
taste on her lips and then I realised for the first time in my life I
had tasted my own semen.

At that moment a tinny voice echoed through the lift from a loudspeaker
built into the wall.

"Don't worry, we'll have you out of there in no time."

We looked at each other, startled at the intrusion and then burst out
laughing together.

I pressed the loudspeaker button and said "Don't worry, we're OK in

We collapsed against the wall in fits of giggles and I managed to
remember to do up my zip. The lift shuddered once and then began to move
upwards again, until it reached my floor. As we emerged grinning at each
other form the lift the elderly man who had asked us to hold the lift
was waiting to go down again. He turned to us as we passed and hissed,
"Serves you bloody well right!" At this we burst into laughter again,
making him go crimson with rage.

We made it to my room and Jamie was suddenly all business.

"Gideon. Do you have my fee?"

I handed over the wad of notes that Jamie placed uncounted in her purse.

"Thank you Gideon, now come here." She almost commanded me.

I moved towards her, unsure of what to do next. Jamie reached out and
slid my jacket from my shoulders and carefully placed it on a hanger and
put it into the wardrobe. I was standing pretty much in the centre of
the room and she walked around me once or twice, almost sizing me up and
I began to wonder if I had done the right thing in handing over the
money. She stopped behind me moved up close so I could feel her breasts
pushing into my back and her hands snaked round and undid my belt and
zip. Still from behind she eased my chinos down to my knees and then
walked round to the front and with a rapid movement pulled my polo shirt
over my head and tossed it to one side. I managed to step out of my
chinos and stood there in my boxers. It occurred to me that I was no
longer in control here. I was nearly naked and Jamie was still fully
clothed. Strangely, the thought that Jamie was in control was
stimulating and I could feel myself getting hard.

Jamie glanced down at the prominent bulge in my boxers and smiled

"We'll have to do something about that", she said as she reached to take
me once more in her hands. She kissed me quickly and moved away from me
again. Her hands went to the buttons on her blouse and she unbuttoned
each one oh so slowly. Inch by inch she opened the blouse to reveal her
breasts struggling to be contained in a beautiful white lace bra. Jamie
had her eyes fixed on me as she slowly let the blouse fall to the floor.
She was now absolutely in control and was revelling in her power to
captivate and bewitch me.

My mouth felt dry and I had to lick my lips as I stared at her breasts
with their huge nipples already hard and pushing against the lace. The
contrast between the white lace and Jamie's black skin fascinated me,
and my hand instinctively moved to touch her. She caught my hand and put
my fingers into her mouth and sucked them between her full, crimson
lips. She took my other hand and placed it on her left breast and I
began to fondle it through the wispy lace and immediately felt the
nipple stiffen and grow beneath my touch. Jamie broke the silence.

"So, will you take a risk?"

I nodded. Jamie reached behind her and from somewhere produced a black
silk scarf. She reached up and tied it across my eyes. I could see

"What are you going to do?"

For an answer she kissed me with her tongue deep inside my mouth, one
hand behind my head and the other wrapped around my straining cock. I
felt her hands on my shoulders as she pressed down and I sank to my
knees. An intoxicating mixture of fear and lust now engulfed me and I
was desperate to take this woman in any way she wanted. I heard the
sound of a zip and I guessed Jamie had removed her skirt. I can't
describe the way I felt. Naked except for my boxers, kneeling on the
floor at the mercy of a girl I had never met before. Why was I allowing
it to happen? Because the fear of what may happen was a d**g that was
elevating my sexual excitement to a peak I had never, ever felt before.

I felt Jamie's hands on my cock as she rubbed something onto it and I
realised she was lubricating it. I tilted my head in enquiry and all she
said was "Patience, Gideon."

She must have gone down on her knees too because I felt her ass as she
slid on her knees backwards towards me so that my cock touched the her
thighs. I jumped at the contact and heard her giggle. She reached behind
her for my hands and placed them on her hips. I could feel she was
wearing a suspender belt and I moved my hands down her thighs to feel
her stocking tops. She moved my hands back to her hips and then she must
have reached between her legs to position my raging erection for entry.

"Now, Gideon, now" she instructed and on cue I thrust forward as hard as
I could. It was much tighter than I had expected and as I thrust hard
again I heard Jamie grunt. I suddenly realised that I was in her ass but
by now I didn't care, I just wanted to fuck her until we would both come
in a volcanic orgasm. I began to pump harder and harder and Jamie
responded by thrusting back towards me. It frankly wasn't long before I
was at bursting point and I could feel my cock grow even harder and I
screamed as I unloaded into Jamie. As I filled her with my cum, she
grunted and held me tight within her. I came and came, moving slower as
she shook and shook as she came.

I slid from her and collapsed in a heap beside her on the floor. I felt
her untie the scarf and closed my eyes quickly as the light flooded into
them. I put my hands across my eyes and gradually forced open the lids.
As my sight returned I was facing directly into Jamie's groin and I
almost screamed as I saw a long black cock and balls just inches from my
face. My senses reeled as my brain tried to make sense of the sight
before me. I slithered back across the carpet against the bed and looked
again to see if I had been hallucinating. No, it was true. Jamie was
laying full length on her side on the floor facing me. I actually rubbed
my eyes to check they were all right as I took in this fabulously
proportioned female body but with a cock between her legs.

"I can see, Gideon, that Dave didn't really tell you just how special I

I shook my head and tried to speak.

"Who?" I said, my eyes not leaving her groin.

"Dave, your friend?"

"No, he… no," I decided to tell the truth. "I don't know any Dave, I got
your number from the book"

"Book? What book?" "It's in the drawer" I reached over and pulled out
the book and threw it to her. She opened it and smiled as she read the
inside front cover. "Well it sure pays to advertise, but I never
expected to see ads in the bible" she said. "Well did you enjoy it,

I didn't know what to say. I had just had the best sex I had ever
experienced but now I had to cope with the fact that it had been with a
man. Or had it? Up to the last few moments Jamie had been a girl and I
had reacted to her as a girl. My head was spinning and I could not make
sense of what I was feeling.

"You seemed to enjoy it at the time, Gideon." Jamie said softly.

I began to recover my poise and managed to get my brain working again.

"I did, but I didn't know who you were."

"Yes, that's true," she replied. "But does it change the enjoyment you
felt when you didn't know"

I shook my head.

"I don't know"

Jamie slid towards me and looked me straight in the eyes.

"I could feel how much you enjoyed it Gideon."

She reached out with her finger and touched my lips. I opened them and
took her fingers inside and began to suckle them. I closed my eyes and
felt her other hand on my chest as it stroked and teased its way down
over my tummy. Alarm bells began to ring in my head. It's now or never.
I could pull back now and throw her out. My head spun as I let her hand
slip down to my cock and as her fingers touched it. I could feel it
begin to respond and to harden once more. I sighed as I gave way and
opened my eyes to see Jamie's only inches from mine. She moved her
fingers away and I kissed her, my tongue diving in to meet hers.

I reached to her breasts and played with a nipple, tweaking it between
my fingers and was rewarded with a little sigh of pleasure from Jamie.
She took my hand and pressed it downwards and my fingers slipped down
over her belly and I felt her shift to let her cock rise up to greet my
hand. For the first time in my life I was touching another man's cock.
It was bigger than mine and felt so smooth and powerful under my
fingers. The alarm bells began to ring again, but this time they seemed
much further off and they didn't seem so urgent. It felt weird at that
moment, a point of no return. It felt strange, but not bad. I wanted to
stop, but I wanted to go on as well.

Jamie began to rub my cock more vigorously and I felt myself twitch and
I began to move my fingers up and down Jamie's cock. It too started to
twitch under my fingers and I started to move my fingers up and down the
shaft. I opened my eyes and I was astounded to see a black hand around
my cock and my hand wrapped around Jamie's black cock. Jamie began to
moan and I got a little scared but she broke our kiss and started to
move down my chest, butterfly kissing her way to my groin.

She moved her hands to my hips and began to kiss the tip of my penis,
her tongue working its magic yet again. I continued to use my hand on
Jamie and I could feel her erection strengthen and grow even more as I
began to pump harder and harder. Jamie broke off from sucking my cock
and suggested we use the bed. We both stood locked ourselves into a
tight embrace. Somehow, we fell clumsily and Jamie tumbled backwards
onto the bed with me falling awkwardly on top of her. I ended up
sprawled across her legs with her cock only inches from my face. Time
stood still as I looked at the jet-black shaft in front of my eyes. I
could feel Jamie tense as she realised what had happened. In that single
moment of frozen time, I thought of every reason why I should not do
what fate had offered me the chance to do.

Instead, I pushed out my tongue and let it graze the tip of Jamie's
glans. I could almost feel her start breathing again as she realised
what was happening. I licked a little harder and it didn't taste too
bad, salty but not unpleasant. Almost as if in a dream I decided to go
on and licked down the side of the shaft. I became aware of an odour, a
strong a****l like scent that seemed to fill my nose and throat. It was
unmistakably the smell of sex and it made me want to finish what I had
started. I wrapped my lips around the end of Jamie's pole and I began to
suck and swirl my tongue around the head. I guess I made up for in
energy what I lacked in technique although I only managed to take a
fraction of Jamie's cock in my mouth.

I could feel Jamie begin to tense and I knew her climax was close. I
sucked and licked even more energetically and she began to writhe under
me. I began to panic because I knew I didn't want her to come in my
mouth but Jamie slipped from my mouth just as she climaxed and the cum
spurted from her cock onto her belly. I crawled onto the bed and we
kissed and held each other close. We shared the shower together to clean
up, although I did persuade Jamie to blow me one more time in the shower
before she had to leave. She left as quickly as she had arrived, with a
brief kiss and a promise from to look her up again if I was in town.

I took a new job soon after and I haven't been back to that town. I
haven't had the chance to repeat what I did that night, but given the
right circumstances I would. I still look in the bedside bible by the
way, but I've never found any other numbers. By the way, the phone
number above isn't the real one, but if you're ever in the North of
England, and you're staying in the Holiday Inn, take a look in the
Gideon Bible, you might get lucky.

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Swapping bodies Chapter 2

Episode 2 John turned the pages until he found the instructions that said: Hello John (This part with my name came underline, it shows that I had already written the rules before choosing me), surely now you have a million questions, I did this section to be able to answer some, first, now you must answer To Valerie Baker's name, this includes "Val and Vale" which they usually say for shorter. Right now you have a blank check, yesterday that was the first day of school I pretended...

4 years ago
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The Loving Family Complete and Revised

THE LOVING FAMILY By Lotta Drivel NOTES This is my first story and although my writing isn't very good, I'm fairly pleased with the characters and plot. The story has gone through a rewrite and this is the final version; I need to get on with my life! The story has a conclusion but is open for future, short story adventures; watch this space! The story also infers a solution to the main protagonist's dilemma and while that is a good storyline, it effectively kills off any future...

3 years ago
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My Devar Broke My Virginity

Hi everybody, im Simran from fiji going to narrate my story to u guys!!!!! My to be husband works for a popular company in this country and his cousin also works with him but in different section!!!!His name is daven the first time he came to meet us for dinner; i thought to my self” damn he’s hot” i couldnt resist looking at him!!! So most of the weekends we used to go out; clubbing with him and other friends! But one week we continously went to the club on Friday and Saturday.! I...

3 years ago
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Plucked by aunt Kim

* based on a true story *I usually am not superstitious, but, there was something in the air that night. I showered and dressed in my new pink negligee. My robe nearly covering my white breasts. As they glisned in the water. Sparkling.. white firm. As I fell asleep. My robe lifted. , I felt in slumber. And I saw aunt kim grinning. Rubbing my vagina slowly.. stroking me a warm touch lay on my breast. ‘ silence’ She whispered. Stroking...stroking..slowly.hands soft like satin sliped...

4 years ago
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Double GlazingChapter 9

These days were longer than ever before, hands on the clock seemingly welded to the spot rarely moving. The long hours adding up to weeks that seemed without end. It came as a shock when one Sunday Eve gaily announced that on the following Thursday, Mr. Gaunt would apply for the Absolute. We were together at my dad's house. I had been clearing the place of his personal effects, and Eve came to help. She was happy as the apparent long wait was over. I turned to her. "I thought it was...

1 year ago
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Pickle Juice

I strode up the walkway carrying my big satchel over my shoulder toward the front door of the next house. The sun shone bright and the temperature felt perfect to be out and about doing my job. I am a pickle juice salesman. Not a lot of people have heard of such a profession but you will soon enough. It will come to your city. The company is just starting out but we’re having great success. I rang the doorbell and waited patiently. In less that a minute I was rewarded with an open door. “Good...

1 year ago
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Gay sex 2

Mai sanju meri dusari gay story aap ko suna aha hu. Pahali aap ne padhi ki kaise mai gay bana, magar ab ye meri chahat ban gai, ab mujhe naye naye logo se sex karane ki chahat hone lagi.isy chahat ko dusara padaw mila delhi mai. Ye kaise hua wo mai aap ko batata hu. Mai delhi kisi kaam se gaya tha , aur fatehpuri ke ek hotel mai ruka tha. Mere wapasi ki ticket confirm nahi thi mujhe hotel wale manager ne kaha ki hotel ke mallik se bat karo unaki kaphi agento se jaan pahchan hai aap ki ticket...

2 years ago
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Dream MasterChapter 36 Explanations

Cuddled up with the girls, I was reminded of one of the major drawbacks to my gift: twenty-four hour days. We were all worn out, but where the girls got to arrange themselves for sleep, I still had some serious explaining to do. The first step was to bubble Rebecca so that it would still be safe when we were through. This posed a unique problem since I wanted to be honest with Rebecca, and for her to understand what had happened. The problem was that neither of us wanted her to remember the...

2 years ago
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Precious Angel

Alexis hurried to the kitchen to grab the phone and stop the annoying, continual ringing. “Hello?” Alexis mumbled into the phone. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for almost a hour now!” Sandi, a good friend of Alexis’s said in her usual cheery voice. “So I’ve heard.” “I see you’re still in a bad mood?” Sandi asked. “I am not in a bad mood,” Alexis snapped. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “I’m sorry Sandi.” “Don’t worry about it, I’m used to it,” she said in a quiet...

3 years ago
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my latest sex encounter

Cameron sent me a text where and when to meet him. I nervously drove to the motel as he instructed. I have wanted this for some time now and the time was here to finally satisfy our sexual urges. I walk to room 203 and knock. He answers the door promptly and when I walk in he just kisses me deep and passionatley . I know what we have talked about and I am nervous about pleasing him. We kiss for what seems like an hour tongues tasting each other our hands groping each other. He unbuttons my...

3 years ago
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You lay curled up behind me, warm breath fluttering past my cheek with each snore. Your arm grazes my hip and from time to time you move your legs against mine. It is the cuddle I crave, and it fills a need inside. Yet, it leaves me empty. I watch the TV that blares a random show, something dramatic, depicting characters that I don’t know, and don’t care about. Your breathing is rhythmic and the snores even. The rise and fall of your chest against my bare back soothes and inflames me. I move...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Maya Woulfe Stepdaughter Learns How to Show Respect

Maya Woulfe is one naughty little girl that just can’t help stop misbehaving. Stepfather Ryan Mclane decides to teach his teen stepdaughter a lesson in respect that begins with spreading her creamy white thighs so that he could show her how a pussy is licked rights. The Penthouse cutie is turned on beyond control and is more than happy to receive the rest of her disciplining which includes sucking his cock and taking his rock hard rod deep into her tight shaved pussy until he cums on her...

3 years ago
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Kyle is my 40 year old neighbor. He's quite a hunk. He's about 6 feet tall and 200 pounds of muscle. He has blonde curly hair and is a handsome bugger. He lifts weights at the Y and jogs regularly.One day we are chatting over the back fence and he says "come on over, we can yack while I get some puttering done in the garage." He has a double car garage. It is empty at the moment as his car is on the street and his wife has her car at work. It is a cool windy day and he has the double door...

1 year ago
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Today started like any other day for Hayden he got up and went to work only halfway through the day he reserved a call from his long-time friend Ronin ‘Hayden I’m in a bit of a bind my landlord is selling and Alice and I need a place to stay on short notice any chance we could take the spare room you have?” Ronin pleaded “No problem my man was thinking about looking for someone anyway,” said, Hayden

3 years ago
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The Perfect Prescription Part III

I swallowed nervously as Master greeted Dr. Johnson. I stood awkwardly trying to cover up my reddened tits and pussy, still stinging from the cat Master had used on me. Master slapped me hard on the ass and told me to greet the doctor properly. After I had, he told me to get some drinks ready and that he and the doctor needed to talk. I walked into the kitchen and prepared drinks for the men and set them on a tray. I carried it to the living room and approached my Master and the doctor. They...

1 year ago
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FlintkoteChapter 45

The Princessapality doesn’t put 8 or 9 year old kids in jail ... or reform-school ... we take ‘em out and shoot ‘em. Got ya. No ... we charge their parents the damages. Three kids ... equally guilty. Three parents paid two thousand each ... plus court costs. Tyche and Junior got 3 grand ... each. Poor boys ... no dirt bike for Christmas. Poor papa ... no lieutenancy ... and no raise. Poor Mrs. James ... no down payment on her new car. She was stuck driving last years model. Although...

3 years ago
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Uncle Javdekar

I had two niece Siri and Bardhini; when they were children, I used to call them together as Sribardhini. I was there most beloved uncle. Now niece Siri was staying with me for a few days before she moved into the hostel. She was going to school in the same town where I lived. Her parents thought it would be a good idea for her to stay with me for a few days before moving to the hostel so we could get re-acquainted. It had been a few years since I had seen my brother and my family. There was one...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Quinn Wilde Making Amateur Sex Tape with Stepsis

Sis has been complaining to me that she never has enough money. Maybe if she actually did her chores around the house, mom and dad would be more generous with her allowance! Lucky for her, I have a really good idea for us both to make some cash, but it’s gonna take some convincing to get my sister on board No one has to know that we’re related!! But it’s wrong bro! What if someone I know sees it I promise that nobody you know will watch it Ugh I’m not so sure about...

1 year ago
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Bed Page! The Internet is a goddamn miracle. I know I spend a lot of time going on and on about how the web has ushered in a golden age of hardcore pornography, but the net’s got other things to offer us as well. You can buy a truck, get a band together, or find somebody to recover all that porn you thought you lost off your hard drive. People say the net separates and isolates people, but you can use it to chat up broads, get a date or find a hooker to slob your knob for a while.

Escort Sites
1 year ago
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A Dirty Son

A Dirty SonMark was a regular 18-year-old boy. He went to school, had medium grades, friends and parents that loved him. He wasnt a hunk but he wasnt ugly either. Blond hair, blue eyes, tall and some muscles given his wrestling training made for a good appearance.He did have one problem. He could be considered a bit weird when it came to sex. Still a virgin he had started to feel the calling of the opposite sex about two years ago and soon he had realized he was anything but ordinary about...

2 years ago
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Shooting in Hannah Version BravoChapter 8

She came over to me and hugged me hard. Then she gave me a kiss that curled my toes. “I’ve missed you so much,” she moaned into my lips. “What about Danny?” I asked. He was a guy she’d mentioned in a phone call to Mom, who I’d heard Mom brief Dad on. “Danny?” She looked surprised. “He’s old news. I’m going with a guy named Paul, now.” “What about Paul?” I asked. “I like him, but he’s not you,” she said. “Get in bed. I can’t wait.” It wasn’t true she couldn’t wait. She waited long enough...

1 year ago
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BlackPatrol Maggie Green Joslyn Unpaid child support Suspect in Custody

Outside Warehouse 9pm Suspects are outside in the warehouses participating in illegal gambling. Suspects were inspected for illegal weapons and narcotics, search was negative and they’re IDs came up clean. We related the suspects, but not before asking who owned the warehouse. Suspect told us that it was TT’s place. We knocked on the front door, but no one answered. Probable cause lead us to come in. We found the suspects in the back of the studio. Upon inspecting their ID’s we found that the...

3 years ago
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The RescueChapter 8 Babs History

“You little slut!” exclaimed a laughing Babs. “Thank God your father never knew what you were up to, he’d have killed you and dragged your corpse off to a nunnery!” By the end of her story, Maggie had stripped down to bare skin as well. Her pussy was shaved almost as bare as the other two, with only a small tuft at the top of her slit proclaiming she was a natural blonde. “Oh, please, Momma! I heard the two of you going at it more than once, so don’t you dare impugn my morals,” she giggled...

2 years ago
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How to relieve your stress from work

Some years ago, Candice and I were colleagues, working at the same company, developing software. To help the release of one software, both of us were sent to a small city in England, to be on site with the client and test the application thoroughly. This was a very intense period, working about 14 hours a day, including weekends, we’d only go out to eat or back to our hotel. Candice was 26 years old, curly brown hair, big green eyes, a cute face overall. She had a very petite frame, small and...

2 years ago
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Ripe chapter one

I was lying on my side in bed and was still a little drunk from the wine I'd been given, and a little stoned from the weed as my fingers slipped down to rub the fleshy object and for a second I was confused until I felt further and realized it was a hard cock. At first I pulled my hand away in shock but then I began to feel squishy and excited. I reached back again and started rubbing and fondling the stiff member I suddenly had access to. At that moment everything was still a bit hazy...

4 years ago
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Bellaire BellesChapter 11

The week after Bree's party was another week of routine for the four of us. Once again I was diving all week. Sarah had numerous planning meetings to go to for her various charities. Bree was busy with all of her acting, dancing, and voice classes. Ashley was still working her ass off at Busch Gardens to make tuition for the year. I called Grace during the week to see how she was holding out against my mother. She was having no luck and starting to feel that it all wasn't worth it. I gave...

3 years ago
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Carol Goes Too Far

Copyright© 2004 from RPSuch I'm Carol Newsome née Crawford. To give you some of my background, I'll take you back to my high school days. I was always very competitive and always the top one or two scholastically throughout. Sports were another thing. I played some individual sports such as tennis and, while I was adequate, I did not always win. Since I was so competitive, I found that I could cheat and play head games with my opponents. Many were more athletically...

2 years ago
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Alter Gender

Note: This is the first tale I've released onto the Internet, so please please please leave feedback at Fictionmania, or email me at [email protected]. You've probably been through three or four disclaimers already to get here, so I won't bore with you another one, other than to say that this story can be archived at any non-profit website. Don't know why you would want to, but if you do, please email me and let me know. Enjoy! Alter Gender It's fairly common...

1 year ago
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A Pirate tale

A Pirate tale A long time ago, the kingdom of Spain ruled much of what we call now Central America and the Caribbean. Their domination was opposed by the British, but not using the Navy, no. The British used pirates. There have been many tales written of those times, and this may not be the strangest .... At the docks of the great city of London, a young man moves carefully, occasionally looking at a piece of paper he carries. The docks are a place of bustle and noise, which...

2 years ago
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Baby Nancy

Baby Nancy Ich lernte meine neue Familie ?ber Facebook kennen. Meine neue Familie besteht aus Nicole 16 Jahre, Katja 12 Jahre und meiner Freundin 32 Jahre. Naja es ist nicht direkt meine Freundin, sondern ich, eigentlich 30 Jahre, lebe als ihre 3. Tochter in dieser Familie. Und nicht nur das, ich lebe als ihre Babytochter und werde behandelt, je nach dem, als w?re zwischen 2 und 4 Jahre alt. Au?erdem hat Heidi geerbt und ist recht wohlhabend, meinen Job habe ich aufgegeben. Meine Fr...

4 years ago
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The Cheater

There I was minding my own business, taking a leak, when some guy yells at me and tells me to knock it off. So, I figured I'd better explain to him why I'm pissing on a grave. It all started with my best sales rep. for the last few years. Larry Wilson was a 35 year old salesman and had a territory that was about 1000 miles from the home office outside New York City. So he lived with his girlfriend in a small house he had rented when assigned the territory four years ago. He was good at...

3 years ago
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Warrior WoesChapter 22

Zoe had been first visiting then residing part time with her biological daddy, me, for four years. She was nine years old now, and seeing things as a fourth grader not as a first grader and her outlook and wants were changing. Genius though I was, Lee Wyatt, me, did not see it coming: the maturation of my daughter, Zoe Hardy. Whenever the Hardys brought my daughter over for my time with her, I was uniformly in the house, or, at most just outside waiting on them. The same when they came to...

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RARBG Latina

Paying for stuff sucks. That shit is way overrated, right? How would you like to get back at all of bitches that made you spend hundreds on them, and you didn’t even get to touch them? That should be a fucking crime! (I would probably do it again, though.) Well, I’ve got just the thing to show them!RARBG provides some of the hottest full HD videos via torrent. You know, those videos on PornHub hidden behind paywalls? Or the ones you only get to see just about 5 minutes of? I really only need 5...

Latina Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Setting Son Pt 1

Carol Dean was the CEO of up-and-coming Trade Winds, Inc. With Carol's lofty title, and very generous financial compensation, came unending hours of teleconferences & constant business trips. Still, things wouldn't seem so chaotic for the single 40-something if it weren't for her three kids; Jennifer, Kimberly, and Christopher. Carol's oft absence from the home placed an unneeded stress on her family's relationships. Jennifer was the eldest, 17, entering her final year of high...

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Landlady In Service

Nineteen-year-old Lucy knew that she was lucky to find the room to rent during her second year at University. Mrs Lewis was forty-one-years-old and had a lovely four-bedroom detached house in a well-to-do area, and very convenient for public transport to the University. She had her own bedroom and as Mrs Lewis was a divorcee and had the ensuite bedroom, Lucy was very happy to have sole use of the family bathroom.As soon as she moved in, Mrs Lewis explained, “Actually, Lucy, because I don’t have...

3 years ago
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My First Sex With Bhabhi

Hi guys mera name ashish(changed name) mey app logo ko ek real khahani suna ne ja raha hu mey iss ko khafi time se story pard raha hu to muje laga muje bi apni story share kharni chayie so bina time ghwaye story pe aata hu ye baat aaj se 2.5 month pehele ki h jab mey night me dost ki b.Day party se aa raha tha sorry apko btna to bhul hi gaya ki I am from jaipur rajasthan.Ye mera first sex experience tha ki sex karne ka seriously maza hi aa gya tha rambagh circle se jab mey ghujar raha tha to...

3 years ago
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Fucking Your Wife Ch6

Audrey quickly dressed in the small bathroom and then sat on the toilet to collect her thoughts before coping with Jeff, her angry husband. She knew in her heart of hearts that this new development with Donald was going to stressful for Jeff but she had not expected him to be so difficult, especially since she and Donald had made her available to Jeff for the morning. Donald would return in a couple of hours and Audrey had no wish to see him burdened with a territorial dispute with her...

Wife Lovers
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Her Flock Trilogy

Her Flock Kayla moaned into Mary’s folds, her tongue driving the older woman into even more intense throes of climax. Mary’s hands were entwined in Kayla’s short blonde locks, alternately pulling her against, and shoving her away from her climaxing pussy. Kayla’s face was smeared with the older woman’s juices, and she was still lapping for every drop she could get. Ever so slowly, she let Mary settle down from her orgasm, and then cat-crawled over her. Their breasts touched as they shared a...

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Journey from New Delhi to Mumbai

This incident happened with me on my journey from New Delhi to Mumbai via Rajdhani Express 2 months back,I was travelling alone by IInd A/c and it was just 5 minutes for the train to leave and still in my cabin (which had 3 other seats vaccant) no other passenger had come and i had almost thought that I would be all alone in the cabin till Mumbai and got engrossed in reading a magazine and just as the train was to depart a sweet voice called out her seat number and was trying to locate it by...

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He helped her recover the woman inside her she made a man out of him

He was LEGAL. That was all she could think as Matthew stood on her doorstep waiting to go hang out with her son Caleb. She’d known this kid since he was four feet tall. He’d always been a cute kid. Funny, energetic, a bit arrogant, but endearingly so, not obnoxiously. But the young Nubian god standing before her was no kid. Standing 6’2, 185 lbs with sandy hair and hazel eyes and just the slightest crooked bent to his smile, she wanted nothing more than to chew lightly on the full bottom lip of...

2 years ago
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Fucking Session In Cinema Hall

By : Amus Hi I am Anjali aged 36yrs and goodlooking housewife in Bilaspur and my husband is in business and I belong to a rich family and in my sasural I have MIL,FIL and one brother in law who is unmarried and studying engineering in Bombay and have two children. My sex life is now in routine and my husband always wants to share my fantasy with him and always I say I don’t have any but actually when I masturbate I think about my brother in law and one of my mamajis friend who is very tall....

4 years ago
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Cabin Fever

EVIE, A VERY CLOSE FRIEND of mine for years, invited me over to spend Christmas and New Years up on the mountains at their family's cabin. Her folks will be flying south for the winter and her siblings, all newlyweds at some point, were off spending the holiday with their spouses leaving my good friend alone for the holidays. "C'mon Chels, it will be fun," she chided over the phone. "We got the whole cabin to ourselves, up on the mountains and as far away from civilization as possible!" She was...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Jamie makes a new friend part 2

(Relapse of last story) As Jamie, was busily licking all of Chelsea’s cum from her hands, face and tits, Chelsea was laying on the couch her semi-hard cock laying on her thigh and her big breasts rising and falling with each intake of breath she take…never before had she cum so much at once. While she was recollecting herself, she looked towards the door, only to find a beautiful red headed woman sitting there, hand down her pants and the other in her shirt, fondling her rock hard...

2 years ago
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Twas The Night Before Christmas

If I were asked what my favorite things in life are, Christmas would be close to the top of the list. I just love Christmas. I love everything about it. The smell of a real pine tree, the music in the stores, the fabulous decorations, and the whole festival mood is so enchanting. I usually start preparing a month before. I’ve been hand-making most of the ornaments and constructing a gingerbread house with my kids. This Christmas is very special because my boys are four and six, and it could be...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Brothers love Part 13 Get your hands off of him

Please note: Since English is not my native language, there might be some spelling and or grammar slip-ups. I'm trying to correct as much of them, but there always will be some that got unnoticed. You'll understand. :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...Week passed since Ben got home... It was Thursday, when the fourth class ended we had chemistry and Mike went outside...

2 years ago
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Bed Noises

It’s 3 AM and I’m listening to her rhythmic snoring next to me. I am usually earlier to bed than she, which doesn’t help our sex life any, and sound asleep before she turns off the light. But then I wake up to go pee and I hear it. I can’t just roll over and get a piece off my wife which would help me get back to sleep, because she sleeps so soundly it’s almost like hibernation. So I get up and go read or do something quiet in another room until I fall asleep on the couch. So, are there...

1 year ago
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The Priest Teaches His FlockCh 11 The Retreat

“Mom, please don’t make us go, especially not Charlotte,” Sally begged. “I’ve told you about this before, Sally. It’s your adolescent sexual fantasies. They are both the servants of God, and one of them is the Bishop. You should go to confession just to get penance for even thinking of such a thing. Now get your sister, I heard a car pull up,” Father John came into the house to pick up Sally and Charlotte. The Bishop waited in the car, he had his reasons to not be seen by Mary yet, reasons that...

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We have recently enjoyed a range of sexual experiences including, two men for me while my man watched, two women to share and we both blew a drop dead gorgeous tranny while the other watched. Janine arrived late on her first night with us so we had little contact with her. My recollections of her were correct, she is not at all good looking, but she appears to still have a wonderful feminine body. Brunette, size 12, sixty-eight inches tall and a friendly smile. And very uninhibited with a...

1 year ago
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Call Boy Bangalore

Hi, I am new to this Indian Sex Stories and am going to share my real experience to all ISS readers so let me introduce myself, Sudhir and am working in MNC company and looking smart with height 5.8 so let start the story. Am from decent family so I didn’t get any chance to fuck anybody so I plan to started posting myself as a call boy (which I am not) on a few blog sites. I never got any reply and thought that this is just waste and will not work. But one fine day I got a mail from a lady...

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