Vegas Show Guy free porn video

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Vegas Show Guy February 28, 2005 Brief: Suzy agrees to move to Vegas because her husband Dan believes it is the place that will give him the opportunity to perform in live dance shows. Dan discovers that there are plenty of dance shows for attractive female dancers, but that there are very limited opportunities for men. When an unexpected opportunity comes along, it has consequences he never foresaw. He will soon start learning about the more sensitive sides of life and begin to question the fundamentalist beliefs that he had used to control his wife and whether gender identify is determined by the body or the mind. Suzy Everett came to Vegas with her husband almost 2 years ago. She and Dan were both raised in a small country town in Tennessee - Dan being 2 years older. Suzy had no desire to come to a town with the reputation of Vegas for it was so counter to the fundamentalist upbringing of both she and Dan back in rural Tennessee. But Suzy was raised that a wife follows her husband and supports him cheerfully in all that he does. But what a shock this town has been compared to their shielded family lives! What brings such people to a place as wild as Vegas and how has 2 years changed them? Suzy really had no desire to come to a town with the reputation of Las Vegas but she dearly loved Dan and wanted to support his desires to dance. Between some minor dancing opportunities, some late night band gigs and some time spent as a black-jack dealer in the casinos, Dan was able to give them a marginal living but it was definitely better than their living standard in New York. He spent what time he could arrange to circulate with agents and dancers in hopes of landing that career launching opportunity. They had one run down car and an old motor cycle. Suzy found a day job as a waitress in a local small restaurant but it paid poorly - the lack of a college degree is limiting her options. Dan at first had not wanted his wife to work, but financial reality was making that ideal hard to cling to. Some of the lady friends he met at the casinos talked about great day jobs they had as waitress/models at an exclusive gentlemen's club attached to the casino. They modeled very sexy outfits and lingerie while waiting on the tables of some very well to do men. It gave them interesting contacts, paid very well and the tips were fantastic. They insisted it was not a brothel and although they did get groped frequently, it was all in good fun and the bouncers jumped in and protected them if a gentleman got to far out of hand. At first Dan was opposed to even asking such a thing of Suzy but as their financial needs deepened he started convincing himself that she would be excellent in such an environment. She fought it at first but gave into his wishes and the extra income proved very helpful to their life style. But not very long after she took that job Dan was suddenly bringing home some very sizeable checks. They upgraded to a better apartment and he purchased a very nice sporty new car. He was so attached to that car that he allowed Suzy to drive it only once, for a very short distance and under his careful supervision. She was very suspicious abut his sudden source of income but he refused to talk about it, only to insist it was legal and it was moral. Suzy did not like the role of jealous wife so she kept her suspicions to herself but she could not help but wonder what her husband may be up to. He did spend many hours with those very lovely showgirls and they made very excellent money. Could he be getting too close to one of them? One Friday at lunch time Suzy unexpectedly came home and saw Dan's car parked out front - also unexpected. She flew up the steps hoping to surprise him and maybe enjoying an unexpected romantic afternoon with him. As she moved down the building's inner hallway towards their apartment, she heard a woman's voice. It was muffled at first but grew louder and the tone kept changing in strange ways. First lighter and very feminine and then deeper as if trying to sound masculine. In most cases, except for a few interspersed expletives, the voice was saying "Men Rule!". Suzy quietly tried the door to see if it was unlocked but it was not. She decided to unlock it as quietly as she could so as to try to surprise the woman inside. But what she found instead was Danielle - the lead showgirl - sexily dressed in a tight mini skirt, knit blouse and 3 inch high heels in their living room messing with Dan's laptop. She and Danielle met face to face in the living room and it is hard to say which was more surprised - which jaw hung wider open. Danielle held out her hands in an attempt to stop Suzy's lunge at her, shouting to Suzy, "No Suzy, you don't understand." But just then Danielle fell back from the force of Suzy's collision with her and struck her head on the carpeted floor. If was not a strong enough blow to knock her out but it did daze Danielle for a short period of time. Even though Danielle was 7 inches taller and 20 pounds heavier than Suzy, the surprise of her lunge combined with the determination of a country girl hot with jealousy was too much for Danielle to be prepared to handle. Adrenaline was pumping through Suzy's veins like it was being shot from a fire hose. She quickly positioned herself across the midsection if Danielle's body sprawled across the floor and pinned both of her arms to the floor. It quickly became apparent that Danielle was not struggling and was marginally conscious. Suzy quickly surmised she had better bind Danielle while she was groggy for she was not going to be able to over power her for long. She slowly rose from Danielle's belly, keeping one eye on her to make sure she was not faking this unconscious appearance. Using some bungee cords that she and Dan keep in the living room hutch for some kinky sex games, she bound her arms to the legs of the massive hutch in the dining area and both of her legs to the legs of a massive sleeper sofa in the living room. Then she stuffed some panties in her mouth and duct taped across her cheeks. Danielle was not going anywhere once she fully regained her senses and was going to speak only when Suzy was ready for her to speak - if at all. Suzy started to verbally let loose on Danielle but she could see that her audience was still tuned out. She paced the floor for a few minutes, practicing what she wanted to do to make an impression on Danielle and this pacing started to calm her down a little. But then she would start wondering how she got the key to the apartment and Dan's nice new car and that started to infuriate her for she could not come up with an answer that did not place Dan into a very incriminating role. Then Danielle began to regain her senses enough for Suzy to launch into her. She jumped down and straddled Danielle's belly and bent over so her mouth was very near Danielle's face and her hands were braced on Danielle's slender biceps, though that was more for show than requirement. She began to let loose with a tongue lashing that was not based off words she learned back in her country town of Tennessee. "So you are the whoring bitch that has been seducing my man! When I get finished with you, there ain't no man in this city or anywhere who is going to be interested in you." Then she waved a whisky bottle very close to Danielle extremely attractive face. The horror and fear were very apparent in Danielle's eyes as she struggled to speak and struggled even harder to get her arms and legs free. But that skinny showgirl body was nowhere near muscular enough to pull free. Suzy and Dan would play some very kinky games and if Suzy could restrain the 6'2" 210 pound Dan for at least a short period of time, there was no way 5'9" 125 lb Danielle was going to get free. Lucky for Danielle, all of the effort Suzy had to expend to subdue her had consumed much of the adrenaline and Suzy was beginning to both tire and cool down. Just seeing the fear in Danielle's eyes was a great deal of reward and revenge for Suzy. Why hurt her physically when you can stretch the fun out mentally? Maybe she could still be holding her this way when Dan comes strolling in and the look on his face and listening to him fumble around with his words would add to the emotional rewards. What was Danielle doing here? How did she get a key? Why was she driving Dan's car - his prized possession that even Suzy never was allowed to drive alone? There is only one possible answer to all of these questions. Dan had to have willingly loaned all of the above to her. They must be very chummy - VERY CHUMMY! As Suzy calmed down a little, she started getting very curious. She continued, with her voice toned down just a little. "So you like to take other women's men huh? Well, you will regret you messed with the husband of a country girl from Tennessee." Suzy was trying to catch her breath and gather fresh thoughts. She sat up and got a wider look at more of Danielle's physical attributes. Those breasts were quite full and she could not help but play with them. She playfully and gently batted them first from the right and then from the left like she was playing some strange form of ping pong with them. Danielle's eyes were now as wide open as they could get and some very muffled moans and screams were coming from that under that duct tape. Suzy was finding Danielle's reactions to be most satisfying. She then decided to fondle them in ways similar to what Dan likes to do to hers. She found no sexual pleasure in this but found Danielle's reactions to be even more rewarding than when she was playing the ping pong game. Danielle's moans now were more of a sexual nature and Suzy could not help but wonder why Danielle would be reacting in such an extremely sensitive manner - more typical from a young woman than a seasoned whore. Certainly a lady of her profession and age had grown less sensitive due to excessive pawing from men. Oh but how Suzy was enjoying being in control and savoring every physical and verbal reaction from her prisoner. Then Suzy leaned over close to Danielle's face and began to whisper. "I have a dozen questions or more. If you will calm down and promise not to yell out, I will remove the tape and give you a chance to explain yourself. But if you start yelling or lying or carrying on in any way I find inappropriate, the tape goes back on and maybe I'll use soiled panties next time." The excited and affirmative nod from Danielle made it clear she was prepared to cooperate. What choice did she have? "OK, but take it slowly. Say nothing at first. Just catch your breath, calm yourself some and then explain what you are doing with Dan's key and his car and in our house." Suzy ripped the tape off with one pull, making no attempt to spare any pain to Danielle. Danielle's face showed the expected level of pain and Suzy's revenge appetite was a little more satisfied. "Suzy, please," Danielle began, "I can explain." Suzy cupped her left hand over Danielle's mouth and responded, "Suzy! What gives you the right to be so familiar with me you hussy? We are not close buddies and in fact you've seldom acknowledged my existence when we pass in the casino. Don't you Suzy honey me!" There was a pause while Suzy let those thoughts sink into Danielle's mind. Danielle gave a calm affirmative nod and Suzy slowly and cautiously removed her hand from Danielle's mouth. Danielle started more slowly. "Pardon me, Mrs. Everett," Danielle began more cautiously, "you will likely find this very hard to believe but Dan and I have not had any sexual relationship or any romantic relationship. I can prove it and once you understand you will laugh this off and know that Dan loves you very deeply. You will be most amazed to see what lengths he has gone to over these past 7 months so that you and he have been able to afford this better life." Well, at least that was somewhat calming for Suzy but she was not really ready to believe any of it. Danielle then went on to ask Suzy to call Hal Mitchell - Danielle's agent - and wanted Hal to come over here and explain everything. But why Hal and why not just get Dan over here. Danielle explained that it would become self evident once Hal was here. Suzy was very reluctant to call Hal, for all he might do was release Danielle and the two of them would overpower her. Suzy had to ask, "Why Hal and why not just call Dan? What is it that Hal would explain and why can't Danielle explain?" Danielle wanted to explain but was not able to. She went on, "You and Dan have been married almost 3 years, your anniversary is in a week and you have been through some very hard years waiting for Dan to get his big dancing break. Well, it has happened, you have started to see the financial rewards and there can be much more. Please get Hal over there." Danielle told a few more intimate details about Suzy and Dan's married life and insisted that Dan had not been indiscrete and that Hal would make it all plain. Suzy maintained a very skeptical demeanor but had to make some observations. "Listen hear girl. OK, so you want me to believe that Hal will explain what I want to hear and that I will be convinced that you were hear for very innocent reasons. Well, it had better be good for if you and he together do not answer me in a form other than your annoying riddles, I just may go postal on both of you." Suzy climbed off of Danielle's chest and picked up the cell phone. She contacted Hal's secretary and told her that Danielle Woods needed to speak to Hal urgently. She was put thorough immediately. "Hal, this is Suzy Everett, Dan's wife. I found Danielle Woods sneaking around my apartment and at the moment have her quite subdued. This is all very strange but she insists that you can make it all seem very reasonable and innocent." Suzy could hear Hal fumbling for words but she could swear she had also heard some muffled laughter from his side of the phone. Hal finally pulled together some words. "Suzy, I know this must seem very strange but please do not hurt Danielle and I will be there in 15 or 20 minutes - as fast as I can get a car and come over." Suzy cut him off, "You come alone and unarmed or I will go postal on both of you. I've got a gun and we country girls know how to use them." Suzy, could I ask you to put Danielle on the phone for a second so I can know she is alright?" Suzy agreed and moved the phone to Danielle's head. Danielle spoke quickly, "Hal, you will not believe what has transpired here and I need you to come quickly to get me out of this mess. Suzy has me bound and spread eagle and calling me a whoring bitch for trying to steal her husband. I apologize that you must come here and help her to understand what is really going on. I should not have come to the apartment in this manner but you were not available and I had some urgent financial business to complete." Hal started to chuckle out loud so even Suzy could hear him without the phone near her ear. As Suzy took the phone back she huffed, "Hal, you had better take this very seriously! I am not in a mood to be part of some practical joke." Hal exclaimed, "Suzy, please do not hurt Danielle for you will feel deep regret. Give me a chance and you will come to understand this situation and come to appreciate its potential." Suzy reluctantly agreed but insisted that Dan hurry and come alone. She snapped the cell phone shut without saying goodbye. Suzy hooked the chain on the door to get ready for Hal's arrival and went to the hall closet and pulled out a pistol. She was not going to let Hal come over here and take control of this situation. She replaced the duct tape gag on Danielle so she could not speak until Suzy allowed her to. Danielle tried once again to squirm and get free but to no avail. Suzy bent down to where she was 2 feet above Danielle's face and said, "Would you like more of those breast massages while we wait, or I could get more exotic and caress your inner thighs or those voluptuous buns. Or tickle you until you can barely breathe." Danielle's strong head nods made it very clear that she was not wishing to receive any of the suggested treatments and would behave herself. While Suzy waited for Hal, she paced nervously and then decided to use the new video camera to take some movies of Danielle. "Just in case you and Hal over power me, I want proof of what went on here." She then went into another room and hid the camera. In 20 minutes, Hal was knocking at the door. Suzy did not open it at first but talked with him through the door. She wanted to make sure he was alone. She cracked the door open with the chain still attached. That was Hal alright and he looked unexpectedly amused though also nervous and fidgety. Suzy did not show the gun. She could see clearly down the hall and Hal was indeed alone. He was visibly tense but also had a humorous smirk on his face. "Suzy, I am not sure what is going on in there and I hope no one is hurt. I am sure I can make everything very clear in a few minutes. Is Danielle OK?" "She is quite OK, though a little humiliated and slightly bruised. She is speaking in riddles in here and claims you are the only one who can really explain what is going on. I am going to open the door and back away. I am armed so do not try anything." Hal moved very carefully through the door and closed it behind him. He also took the liberty to lock it. He took one look at Danielle's ridiculous situation and began to chuckle uncontrollably. "Suzy, I can understand your confusion and once I demonstrate a few things to you, you will come to be chuckling just as I am. Danielle is not having an affair with your husband. Dan is your very faithful husband. He does hang out quite a bit with my dancers but you will shortly know without a doubt that he is not having any affairs with them. For as unbelievable as this may sound Dan and Danielle are one and the same person." Suzy started to look very annoyed for being taken to be a fool with such nonsense. But Hal quickly continued, "Yes that very sexy and shapely lady you have sprawled out on your floor is Dan. Give me a moment and I will prove it to you." Suzy used the pistol to wave Hal over closer to Danielle. "And just how are you going to convince me of this absurdity? I do not believe in magic and even if I did, my husband is a 6'2" 220 pound very macho man. How could you make him look like that? And besides, he is such a male sexist who strongly believes that God made man superior to women. I cannot imagine how he would allow this to be done to him. You have no idea how important his maleness is to him. How important his height and muscles and deep voice are to him. He frequently lectures me about how I am to be obedient - submissive - to his desires. To men like him, being a woman would be worse than being turned into a pig or snake." Suzy turned away from both of them but then quickly spun back out of fear of having her back turned to Hal. She then drew a little closer and moved to Danielle's ankles so that she could see her more clearly and Danielle could clearly see her. She had to comment on her beauty, "Look at this incredible example of female beauty. If this is my husband,..." she paused and then started to smile. "This would go from beyond bizarre and could become quite humorous." Hal was showing some shock over this sexist description about Dan. He had not seen that side of him. He started to see some humorous potential here as well. He spoke tentatively to Suzy. "Suzy, if you will let me reach into my pocket, I have a small ring. I will pull it out very slowly and with it I can demonstrate that everything I have said is true." Suzy signaled that he could proceed. Hal carefully reached into his pocket and very slowly and carefully pulled a ring from his pocket. From Suzy vantage point she could also see that it had a large stone set into it. Hal held it up and showed it to her. He offered it to her to hold but she did not wish to move that close to him just yet. So instead, he moved over to Danielle and slipped the ring onto one of her fingers. He started to make an adjustment in it and then paused. Danielle was still gagged and Hal wished to take advantage of that fact. "Suzy, if you would indulge me, could I have a piece of clothing that is yours?" He had no problem noticing Suzy's impatient and even more confused look but she said that would be easy. She pointed to the floor and to the panties that had previously been used to help gag Danielle. "Will that do?" Hal noticed the shape it was in and that it was covered with something wet. "Is this saliva from Danielle?" Suzy nodded affirmative. Hal chuckled and suggested that could cause a problem and might she be able to lay her hands quickly on a pair that had not yet been washed and not contaminated by someone else's body fluids. He tossed this pair aside like it was infected with a contagious substance. Danielle started trying to scream through the duct tape and to attempt pull her hand free from Hal's grasp. Her efforts were much stronger than before and the sense of panic in her efforts was clear. She was successful at first. As Suzy came back in the room with some panty hose from her laundry basket, she tossed them to Hal. "Perfect!" Hal responded and regained control of Danielle's hand wearing the ring. Danielle tried to object through the tape on her mouth and by squirming ferociously. It was clear that she knew what Hal was up to and did not approve one bit. Hal touched the surface of the ruby with a portion of the panty hose and then made an adjustment to the ring. "Oh come on now old chap, let's have a little more fun with this situation and it will be all the more convincing to Suzy. Besides, I was not aware of the way you have been using conservative religious ideas to repress your wife. What a great chance you both have here to grow in your view of the world and overcome prejudices of your childhood." In the matter of about 60 seconds, Suzy saw the figure of Danielle transform before her eyes. She became about 7 inches shorter and a little lighter and the D-cups shrank to C-cups. The blouse and miniskirt were a little baggy on her now and since the body and arms grew shorter, the bungee cord bonds grew tighter. Suzy's jaw was hanging wide open and those tiny eyes now almost filled her face. Lying on the floor where Danielle had been just a minute earlier was a bound up version of herself - Suzy. The very tight fitting clothes that Danielle had been wearing were now rather baggy since Suzy was considerably smaller than Danielle. Words started to stammer out of Suzy's mouth, "How, did you do that? You've taken the extremely beautify and sexy Danielle Woods and turned her into a copy of me." Hal moved a little closer so as to comfort her. "No Suzy, I changed Dan Everett into a copy of Suzy Everett. That is Dan - your husband - lying on the floor. That very tall and strong man whom you married is now in a copy of your petite and very feminine body." "Suzy," Hal continued, "this ring has some very amazing powers. It can transform people's looks while leaving their minds quite intact. A number of months back I made its power available to Dan so he could become employed as the dancer he deserved to be and no longer let sexual bias stop his career. In the process, we created the star you know as Danielle Woods and all three of us have gained some considerable income from it." "Jut now, I could have transformed Danielle back into Dan but I thought this might make a more convincing demo. Dan Everett is now Suzy Everett - you. At least in appearance for you can tell by his squirming that he is still Dan in his mind and quite displeased with this little joke. Suzy, I know you must doubt your eyes but you have seen Danielle transformed into a clone copy of yourself. What do you think?" Suzy took a moment to gather her thoughts and put a sentence together. "That is unbelievable. You mean that sexy showgirl Danielle was my husband? And now my husband is in my body? Or rather is in a duplicate body that looks like mine? That 6'2" Adonis is now a petite little lady of 5'2 Barbie? And quite unable to speak or move? This is moving from bizarre to potentially quite funny. Could we keep Dan like this for awhile? I'd love to have him spend some time walking a mile in my shoes. Or better yet, keep him living some time in my bra and panties and those outfits he forced me to buy. I have never been able to overpower him or beat him in any physical competition and he loves to lord it over me. But this afternoon I pinned him to the floor and bound him and for the first time he has not been able to free himself." "Suzy, it would be my pleasure. After hearing your comments about his male sexist ways, I decided not to change him back into himself but into you instead. If you will trust me, I can make this even more interesting. Please go into the bedroom, remove all clothing and jewelry and then come back out here wearing only Dan's bathrobe. I know it will be quite large on you, but humor me. If you wish to give Dan the full effect of being you, he will need to experience interactions with his former self." "For the past few months he has been in a female form for only a few hours each day and never with your knowledge. Now we can have him interact with you as him." Suzy looked apprehensive and puzzled at first and then her eyes lit up. From her grin you could see many playful ideas running in that mind of hers and that she had understood what Hal was planning. Hal bent over and removed the ring from the new Suzy's hand and once the real Suzy had returned he slowly slipped it on one of the fingers of her hand. She was quite mesmerized and put up no struggle. Hal wiped the ruby with part of the robe Suzy was wearing and made a small adjustment to the surface of the ring. Suzy felt quite a tingle go through her body and Hal helped her gently relax into the soft chair behind her. "Just relax Suzy, all is OK and shortly you will understand this process even better." Suzy continued to be in a dazed state as her body was going through a transformation. When it was done, her robe fit much better and the chair seemed much smaller. Hal assisted her to stand and move over to the full length mirror on the wall. She noticed that Hal seemed considerably smaller than his normal stature. There in the mirror was not the reflection of Suzy Everett but the image of Dan Everett. "Suzy, you were looking for Dan earlier and now here he is. Or should I say, here you are, for he is you. Or is it you are he? At any rate, may I formally welcome you to our world of change and illusion? In your mind you are still Suzy but everyone sees you as Dan and you now have the height and strength and other physical characteristics of Dan Everett. And there lying on the floor in a helpless role is your beautiful wife. Haven't the two of you played this kinky game for some time and doesn't he always get the better of you? Well maybe its time you let him experience the fun from your perspective - losing the strength war but still deriving significant pleasures in other ways." A playfully wicked grin came over Suzy's new bolder face and an observer could almost see memories flashing across her eyes that would wish to be avenged. Dan struggled helplessly on the floor. He pulled with all of his strength using both his arms and his legs. But none of the furniture even vibrated significantly. As Dan, he could use his massive size to eventually pull the furniture closer and get himself free. He almost always won but Suzy did get some brief period of time in charge and in the end they both won. A short while ago, he was 5'9" Danielle and could at least manage to vibrate the furniture that held his bonds. But now he was only 5'2" Suzy - much shorter and lighter - and the furniture showed no more reaction to his efforts than it might if a fly landed on it. It was quite frustrating and humiliating for him but it would bring some unexpected delights. Suzy leaned over Dan and inquired, "Dan, are you in there?" The cute little head below her nodded a very strong set of yes's. "But it does not look like you," Suzy smirked. She reached down and gently pulled back one side of the duct tape over his mouth. Dan took a couple of deep breaths and then spoke quickly, "Suzy, it is I Dan, your husband. Do not let that SOB Hal do this to us." Suzy straightened up and had to find the right composure for hearing what sounded like her husband's words but they were coming out with a very soft soprano voice and rosy lips. Strange was not near a strong enough word to describe her feelings and this sight. As she heard it more, it became more amusing. Dan continued, "Suzy, though I may look like you - a very small and weak woman, you know that in my mind I am male and your husband and you must do as I damn well say. Now aheeee," he suddenly moaned in reaction to Suzy squeezing one of his very sensitive breasts. He tired again to give a command but right after the first word there was another queek and moan as Suzy squeezed the other breast. "Suzy, umh ..." The rest was muzzled as Suzy hastily replaced the duct tape. "Sorry dear, I know that smears your lipstick, but I could not handle any more just now," Suzy insisted. "Your voice is so soft and sweet and you could no longer scream your way out of a paper bag. You've always made fun of my weak voice and now you have it. And as for those expletives, a young lady raised the way you were raised should not be speaking that way. We must address this un-lady-like behavior. What would your parents have to say if they saw their daughter acting in this manner?" Dan eyes showed his surprise with her aggressive style and then anger but try all he may, he could not speak through that duct tape. Suzy continued, "Let's look at the very obvious facts about us. You claim to be the husband but those breasts of yours are very real as attested by your reactions when I caressed them. That is not a husbandly feature. Your voice does not sound very husbandly." Suzy twisted sideways and made a very muscular pose with her arms and then pulled open her robe and flashed Dan. "Now here are some very husbandly features to go along with this very deep voice. You want for me to accept that there is a man trapped inside that very female body, but we've had this discussion with friends back home when discussing gay people. We all agreed that 'God does not make mistakes' and that there are no such things as men trapped inside woman's bodies. The gender is defined by the body and your body is very female. So accept who you are. I wear the pants around here now and I will make the decisions for both of us. According to your own philosophy, God has a plan for all of us and we should each submit and play our roles. Let's just play this out until Hal returns." "I think I will leave you love birds alone for the rest of the day and contact you again in a day or so," Hal said as we grinned down at Dan looking so adorable and bound on the floor. He knelt on one knee, placed his left hand on the inner thigh of Dan soft left leg and the right hand up under his neck and said, "Don't be worried about Danielle missing tonight's performance, she's been working too hard, needs some rests and her understudy is looking pretty good. Besides as you should recall, tonight is the last night of this performance, the show is on hiatus for a few weeks. Several of us will be off on vacation and after the vacations we start practicing the new routine. Take this time to relax here with your wife, ugh husband, ugh whatever. Just not too much unprotected sex, for 9 months off is not what I have in mind. We have a whole new act to finish practicing and some adorable new outfits that will display your female body in some terrific new ways." As Hal stood up, Dan was squirming even more energetically and Hal was so disappointed he could not take a picture of that terrified look on Dan's face. Could those tiny eyes get any larger? Besides, Dan knew that Hal was leaving this evening for at least a 2 week long vacation and there will be no transformations in his absence. He screamed and screamed through that duct tape but to no avail. Hal turned to Suzy and said so both could hear, "Dan is used to changing forms several times a day pretty much at his own will, with some dependence on my availability. This time we will let you be the one who decides when he is ready to change again. Since he spends such short times as a woman, he has missed many of the richer experiences. Professionals do his hair, nails and make up and pick out his clothing. He occasionally eats while being Danielle but messes up his lipstick every time. He needs to learn to eat like a lady and to watch those calories. And he has never attached his own bra. Do you think he could try to master that behind-the-back clasp action? Oh yes, and I almost forgot, he has yet to have to experience shaving those delicate areas." He unlocked the door and stealth-fully slipped out, the ring once again in his possession. As he disappeared, Suzy just for a brief moment wondered why Hal would be so sensitive to those very sensitive female issues, but the thought passed quickly. The Suzy that was bound and gagged on the floor was about to have sensations few men have ever known and her sexual pleasure is under the control of one who should know how to make a woman scream with pleasure. The real Suzy turned away from the door and back to Dan on the floor. She had accepted this as reality and was determined to make the most of such a unique opportunity. She cocked her head over and smiled down at Dan, "Listen up girl! I really have no desire to be male for any extended period of time. However, for a short period of time, this holds opportunities few would ever contemplate. We both need to take advantage of it. I do not want to hear any whining and cursing. We will play our new roles for a few days - the roles that fit our bodies, learn, have some fun and then return to our normal bodies. But if you fight this, then maybe we will just make it permanent." Suzy was bluffing but with that new strong deep voice she could now get away with it like never before. The look on Dan's face made it clear she had successful made her point. - continued -

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Vegas Show Guy Part 3

Vegas Show Guy - Part 3 Part III - Early Saturday Morning Dan slowly returns to the conscious world and finds he is again in their bed and again on Suzy's side. He rolls his head carefully to the right, not wanting to stir Suzy and risk once again flaming her newly found male libido. But to his happy surprise, Suzy is not in the bed or anywhere in site. Apparently she awoke first and has started her day. Dan struggles to clear a very foggy and confused mind. He tries...

4 years ago
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Vegas Heat Part 1

VEGAS HEAT (Part I) (I'm Baaack! - Another Twisted Tale of Poetic Justice) By Jennifer Miller SPECIAL THANKS: It's hard to believe that it's been nearly 20 years since I last published a story, yet despite my apparent disappearance, I was never truly gone and enjoyed coming back home to Fictionmania frequently to see what the many talented authors of today had been up to. Like all of you, I of course love a good story, but over the years I've watched as our genre has branched...

2 years ago
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Vegas Vacation

I sauntered towards the long bar, noticing that I was getting appreciative stares from all the people I passed. Two days in the Vegas sun had left my skin golden and sun-kissed, making my long blond hair seem brighter as it bounced around my bare shoulders. I was wearing a short white strapless dress that hugged my tight little curves in all the right places. I immediately caught the attention of the bartender. And asked "another margarita and please make it a double". As I rummaged in my...

4 years ago
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My wife, Cathy, and I have been married for over forty years and have had an open marriage for all of that time. We were careful about our activities while we were raising our daughter but still got away to an on site swing club once in a while. The club we went to was couples or single women only. We had made some good friends there as well as some fuck buddies.Our daughter, Darlene, was to put it mildly a wild c***d. She was more interested in partying than school and 2.0 her way to...

3 years ago
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Vegas Baby Swinging for the Fences

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the next installment of my series. I am not connected to anyone who uses Brett Lynn, since Brett Lynn is a pen name of mine. If this is illegal where you're at, please don't read this. Also, if you want to check out more, visit my website. Now with no further ado, let's get on with the show. VEGAS BABY: SWINGING FOR THE FENCES By Brett Lynn "Hello," Miss K said as she answered the phone. "Where are ya? You're gonna be here in 5? Alright. You...

3 years ago
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Vegas Baby Three of a Kind

I was trying to get this out in time for Christmas, but a 2 week bout of writer's block hindered that situation. That said, I hope this leads to a Happy New Year for you and yours. First, allow me to say that Brett Lynn is a pen name, and that I disclaim any connection to any persons who have that name in real life. I reserve all commercial and non-electronic rights, and please do not read this is you are under the age of majority in your country or if otherwise prohibited. ...

2 years ago
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Vegas WeekendChapter 2 Friday Hop on the Bus

(Friday early afternoon) "Do we have everyone?" Jim Keegan asked, turning around to see if he could account for the entire party. A useless wave of "I'm here"s flooded over his ears. "Okay, okay," he said holding up his hands. "I'm just going to get confused here unless we do this sensibly. Hush, hush. Everyone quiet." He counted off one finger. "First, there's my family. My loving wife Denise?" "I'm here, honey." Denise had dark, shoulder-length hair, large beautiful...

3 years ago
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Vegas Mayhem

When I stepped off the plane in Las Vegas I was met with a cold wind. I never dreamed Vegas would be cold in the winter. It is in the desert it is suppose to be hot. I was dressed for warm weather and so was my girlfriend I will refer to as ‘Tattoo Girl’. She has eight tattoos on various areas of her body and three of them have my name in them. The biggest, on her right shoulder simply says ‘Marks Girl’. (not my real name but close enough) We rushed to a taxi and quickly headed to our hotel. It...

3 years ago
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Vegas Reunion Part One

I gazed excitedly out the tiny square window as the airplane banked towards McCarran airport and started its final descent. At night, Las Vegas was a seemingly endless sea of glittering lights rising up from below. I’d read somewhere that the lights of Vegas are visible to astronauts in space. I was skeptical at the time, but what I saw below me over the shadowy outline of the wing turned me into a believer. I’d wanted to visit Las Vegas ever since I got my first job out of law school and had...

2 years ago
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Vegas Mayhem

When I stepped off the plane in Las Vegas I was met with a cold wind. I never dreamed Vegas would be cold in the winter. It is in the desert it is suppose to be hot. I was dressed for warm weather and so was my girlfriend I will refer to as "Tattoo Girl". She has eight tattoos on various areas of her body and three of them have my name in them. The biggest, on her right shoulder simply says "Marks Girl". (not my real name but close enough) We rushed to a taxi and quickly headed to our hotel. It...

3 years ago
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Vegas Night

VEGAS NIGHT By Harry Krytzer Coming out of the bathroom, toweling off his hair, Jack was startled to see his wife preening in front of the mirror in their Las Vegas hotel room. She was looking over her left shoulder and straightening the seams in her sheer black nylons. The sight of her in strappy high heels, nylons, garter belt and bra was exciting and startling. "Baby, you look fantastic; but we don't have time for sex right now, we're going out." "I know we're going...

4 years ago
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Vegas Ch 08

Although the central theme of the publication is poker, I have constructed the story so that it also works for those who have no interest in that subject and who wish to skip those sections. But as it is the central tenet, you may feel you lose the whole ambience of the story. A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to...

2 years ago
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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 01

The following is a sequel to ‘Vegas’. You may gain more enjoyment by familiarising yourself with that story before reading on. CHAPTER ONE: ONE YEAR LATER Daniel sat quietly at the final table, waiting for the television formalities to be completed. It would soon be time to resume play from where they had finished the night before. It was the last tournament before he defended his Main Event victory last year. He had been desperate to put on a good show. As one of the last five standing,...

4 years ago
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Vegas Weekend

Summary: mind control, Mf, some ff, incest, some preg Aahh, time to head with the family to Vegas for an exciting weekend, to sink into the pits of sin with the one-armed bandits and the slut machines there, finally emerging as shiny, freshly-minted whores and cuckolds to carry a little more sexy joy back to the mundane world. Compliments from Vegas. See No Evil: Contains sexually explicit and politically incorrect material. If you shouldn’t be reading this, or if it might offend you, simply...

2 years ago
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Vegas Ch 02

I have long wanted to write a storyline that is different to anything else that has been published on this site. This is it. Although the central theme of the publication is poker, I have constructed the story so that it also works for those who have no interest in that subject and who wish to skip those sections. A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their...

3 years ago
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Vegas Jackoff Party

Hi my name is Rob and the story that you are about to read is completely true. It happened two years ago and I have to say that it was probably one of the strangest nights that I have ever had. Alittle about myself, I am 50 years old, 5ft 10 inches, 185lbs, with about a 7 inch cut cock. My wife doesn’t like a hairy man so I do manscape and keep myself trimmed close or completely shaved. I live in Las Vegas, I am happily married with 2 grown kids and why I did what I did is still a...

2 years ago
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Vegas Jackoff Party

Hi my name is Rob and the story that you are about to read is completely true. It happened two years ago and I have to say that it was probably one of the strangest nights that I have ever had. A little about myself, I am 50 years old, 5ft 10 inches, 185lbs, with about a 7 inch cut cock. My wife doesn’t like a hairy man so I do manscape and keep myself trimmed close or completely shaved. I live in Las Vegas, I am happily married with 2 grown k**s and why I did what I did is still a mystery to...

3 years ago
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Vegas Hotel Spanking Service Part 1

"Tell me again why we're going to Vegas together and you have signed up for a room in another wing of our hotel? Honestly Sheila you're taking this spanking kink a bit far don't you think," Christie asked earnestly."Tell me again why you don't want to sign up for the kink spanking service?" Sheila giggled. "Don't be such a worry wort. I've signed up for the vacation program so we'll have plenty of time to gamble, sight see, and take in some shows. We simply will have to schedule our time,...

3 years ago
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Vegas Jackoff Party

Hi my name is Rob and the story that you are about to read is completely true. It happened two years ago and I have to say that it was probably one of the strangest nights that I have ever had.A little about myself, I am 50 years old, 5ft 10 inches, 185lbs, with about a 7 inch cut cock. My wife doesn’t like a hairy man so I do manscape and keep myself trimmed close or completely shaved. I live in Las Vegas, I am happily married with 2 grown k**s and why I did what I did is still a mystery to...

3 years ago
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Vegas Voyeur

I had been a week since my wife Jill had walked in on my jerking off to porn. That led to a huge fight and her allegations that I didn’t love her and so on. We had barely spoken the rest of the week and tomorrow I was leaving for Vegas for a business trip. We usually have great sex the night before I leave, helps to keep me satisfied until I get home. That night we had sex but Jill just lay there while I fucked her missionary. She didn’t even get up to clean herself up after I dumped my...

4 years ago
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Vegas changes a man part 1 Adopted cousins and

So newly not a virgin anymore me was in Vegas to visit family. I was hornier than ever and in the city of sin I was ready to have fun. The type of fun I encountered turned out to be extremely different than what I expected, but I'll remember it forever.My whole family except me and my adopted cousin went out to drink for the night. Being in Vegas a couple a days I was starting to get board so I sat on the coach and started to watch tv. That's when I saw my cousin walk from her bedroom towards...

3 years ago
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Vegas Baby

Something for the straight peeps . Why am I here? What the hell am I doing?Those questions raced through Shelley’s mind over and over. She came down the boarding ramp from the plane and stepped into the terminal at McCarron International Airport. Nervously, Shelley scanned the crowd that was heading towards baggage claim. He was there. Leaning against a pillar near Ben & Jerry’s. Shorter than she had pictured him in her mind, but otherwise just like the images she had seen on the computer. His...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Vegas Pantyhose Group Sex Part 1

I recently went on a seven day trip to California and Vegas. My wife Kate was due to meet me after a few days in Vegas as she couldn't get away from work for the full amount of time. We were due to meet up with a couple, Paul and Sarah, who Kate new many years ago in college who had emmigrated from the UK out to Phoenix some fifteen years earlier.Little did I know, but Paul Sarah and Kate had arranged a little more than just meeting up for a meal and a friendly drink, which I was soon to find...

3 years ago
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Vegas Baby Deuces Wild

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the next installment of my series. I am not connected to anyone who uses Brett Lynn, since Brett Lynn is a pen name of mine. If this is illegal where you're at, please don't read this. Also, if you want to check out more, visit my website. All commercial and non-electronic rights are reserved. Now with no further ado, let's get on with the show. VEGAS BABY: DEUCES WILD By Brett Lynn "Is everything OK?" the woman asked in particular as...

4 years ago
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Vegas Captive

Brian, at 5’6? tall, 170 lbs, late forties, takes a trip to Vegas once a year. He flies out on Thursday morning and flies back home on Monday. On the weekend visits, he likes to bet on college and pro football games during the day, take a nap, and then visit one of the many strip clubs available at night. He usually brings about $1,000 to bet on football, and around $4,000 to play with the dancers. He never takes credit cards to the clubs, knowing he would spend way more than intended if he...

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Vegas Show Guy Part 2

Vegas Show Guy - Part 2 February 28, 2005 Part II - Shortly After Hal has Gone There was Dan, - now Suzy - tied spread eagle with bungee cords to the legs of various heavy pieces of furniture. And Suzy - now Dan - was standing over him/her and for the first time in their long relationship (going back to Jr. High) Suzy was in control. She knelt down on the carpet close to Dan's now very smooth and slender legs and began to explore his sensitivities with her hands. She began...

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Vegas Ch 06

This is my first attempt at writing, having been inspired by a small band of authors whose work I immensely admire, and I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story in tribute to them. Having completed the novel, I have learnt so much more than I knew at the outset. Two areas of feedback are welcomed: 1. Comments of encouragement that will inspire me to write more… and constructive criticism that will help me improve. 2. Voting that will help me...

3 years ago
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Vegas Adventure Part 2

This is part 2 of Vegas Adventure…. We partially dressed and decided to have a couple drinks and recover a bit from what had just happened. I could see the look of lust and satisfaction in Ellie’s eyes and I knew this would be a night to make fantasies come true, for both of us. As we drank and talked about what had just happened, Bill and my mystery woman (I will call her Kate to make things easier) joined us. We talked about how this was our first time doing anything like this and so far the...

3 years ago
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Vegas Vacation

I sauntered towards the long bar, noticing that I was getting appreciative stares from all the people I passed. Two days in the Vegas sun had left my skin golden and sun-kissed, making my long blond hair seem brighter as it bounced around my bare shoulders. I was wearing a short white strapless dress that hugged my tight little curves in all the right places. I immediately caught the attention of the bartender. And asked ‘another margarita and please make it a double’. As I rummaged in my...

4 years ago
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Vegas Honeymoon Horror

18 year old Daisy Mae Barker smiled as she looked out the jet’s window at the city of Las Vegas below her. The newlywed glanced down at her shiny new wedding rings as she remembered that just a few short hours ago she and her husband, Billy, had just gotten married in their little hometown of Hartsville, AL and were now on their honeymoon in Las Vegas, NV. This was the first time either of them had ventured out of their tiny town and Daisy Mae was excited to be a new bride and have the...

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Vegas Skyline

I met Jeff at the blackjack tables at the MGM Grand. I wore white heels, sheer white stockings (clipped to a garter belt, also white) and a sleeveless, short white dress that comes down to my mid-thigh and has a plunging neckline. I also wore a red lace bra underneath (sometimes peeking out) and dangling garnet earrings plus a necklace with a red heart pendant resting between my breasts. I sat down at the table, certain that I’d finally learned enough about the game to at least let my chips...

3 years ago
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Vegas Always Bet on Black Blacken

I was in Las Vegas for a 3 day conference and staying at the Bellagio. After the third day I had enough of the conference and was extremely glad it was done. I decided I wanted a drink to relax before retiring for the evening for the fly back tomorrow.I'm a 49 year old divorced woman. I've been divorced for 3 years and haven't been with another man in that time. I have my friend which is a 6 ½ inch dildo and he takes care of me when I have a need. I just don't feel the need for any more drama...

2 years ago
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vegas road trip

about 6 months Before I married my now husband, we took a spontaneous trip to vegas from LA. We woke up early and I slept for the first couple hours....once I woke up, I woke up like a usually do....horny.I was wearing sweatpants and a white wife beater with no bra....comfy but he's told me how much he loves it when I wear a white wife beater with no bra.....and I love the feeling I get when he and others stare at me when I do.I reached over as he was driving and started playing with his penis...

3 years ago
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Vegas weekend

My husband and I spent the weekend of the 4th in Vegas. Flew out Friday morning. Stayed at the MGM, and flew back Sunday night. Saw the show Absinthe at Caesars Palace Friday night. What a funny show. Very crude but hilarious. But I'm sure you don't want to hear about that. What you do want to hear, is all about what happened Saturday night. After dinner at the buffet. My husband heads off to play poker, the kind they show on TV. I enjoy playing roulette. I find a table. It's crowded, but there...

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Vegas birthday gift

My wife gave me a pleasant surprise last week when she informed me my birthday present was a weekend in Vegas. We’ve both been working hard since college and I was looking forward to blowing off some steam.I’m 26 and Laura is 23. We met in college; we were both on the tennis team. I’ve been in the accounting field and Laura is in marketing. The two incomes gives us a great lifestyle.Laura reserved a great suite at one of the big casinos, I was really pleased with the large suite. We checked in...

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Vegas birthday gift

My wife gave me a pleasant surprise last week when she informed me my birthday present was a weekend in Vegas. We’ve both been working hard since college and I was looking forward to blowing off some steam.I’m 26 and Laura is 23. We met in college; we were both on the tennis team. I’ve been in the accounting field and Laura is in marketing. The two incomes gives us a great lifestyle.Laura reserved a great suite at one of the big casinos, I was really pleased with the large suite. We checked in...

2 years ago
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Vegas Sissy

So me and my girl friend Michelle split up, we'd been going out for 2 and a half years but the arguments just got too much for both of us. Unfortunately we'd booked a holiday together to go to Vegas, something we'd planned for a while. After compromising with other things I ended up getting the holiday to Vegas, I was still hurting from the split but I also thought about all the hot bikini clad women that were gonna be around the pool. I thought it would be great for me and one of my mates to...

5 years ago
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its monday morning.ur sisters and jeff r all gone to vegas..u start waking up with ur shake...talking to me at on my phone ,wich is weird acording to u.what u dont know that i didnt realy tell u the whole truth.coz i wasnt working at all when we fact....i was allready pretty close to u.while we talk at aim....u keep doing ur things in the bathroom.....singing.......brushing ur teeth..doin ur hair and make up after ur shower...ill tell u uve got a...

3 years ago
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Vegas Trip with Dani

**The two main characters are real, but the story is mostly fantasy. Enjoy**It had been a good 3 months since we had really talked. The last time we did she asked if we could put our relationship on hold due to a family crisis. I told her that it would be fine, but we needed to stay incontact with each other. We got to the point of sending a few messages each week to each other. Then all of a sudden i was getting no respose back from her at all. I would send a mesage to her every couple of...

2 years ago
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Vegas Adventure Part 2

This is part 2 of Vegas Adventure…. We partially dressed and decided to have a couple drinks and recover a bit from what had just happened. I could see the look of lust and satisfaction in Ellie’s eyes and I knew this would be a night to make fantasies come true, for both of us. As we drank and talked about what had just happened, Bill and my mystery woman (I will call her Kate to make things easier) joined us. We talked about how this was our first time doing anything like this and so far the...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Vegas Adventure

My name is Keith, and my friend Ellie and I have a lot in common. We are married….but not to each other and we have an incredible sexual attraction to each other. We also like to explore new things and just go with what feels good. We are both much more adventurous than our partners and have, over the years, explored that side of ourselves. Recently I found myself in Vegas for a week long convention and made arrangements for Ellie to join me. In anticipation of the trip, I had done some...

Group Sex
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Vegas Ch 11

A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to them. Without their inspiration, this story would not have been told. This is the final chapter…. CHAPTER 11: THE FINAL TABLE Daniel woke up with a king sized headache. How long had he been sleeping? He checked the time. An hour and a half’s sleep before the biggest day in his...

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Vegas Ch 05

This is my first attempt at writing, having been inspired by a small band of authors whose work I immensely admire, and I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story in tribute to them. Having completed the novel, I have learnt so much more than I knew at the outset. Two areas of feedback are welcomed: 1. Comments of encouragement that will inspire me to write more… and constructive criticism that will help me improve. 2. Voting that will help me...

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Vegas Ch 09

A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to them. Without their inspiration, this story would not have been told. CHAPTER 9: GRACE AND LISA PERFORM Daniel was exhausted when he returned to his room, the happenings of the entire day had him running on empty. Grace had not yet arrived back from the club and although he...

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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 06

CHAPTER SIX: KATHERINE IS FOUND Rosie made no mention of her encounter with the hit woman. She told the cops she’d fainted when Tommy had his brains blown out. She’d seen nothing. That was her story and despite intensive probing, she stuck to it. It was the early hours when they released her from questioning. She crawled exhausted and shell-shocked into bed. Her dreams were confused. They were a mixture of murder and fucking. Somehow Daniel and the hit woman featured in both aspects. She...

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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 07

CHAPTER SEVEN: THE COPS ARE INFORMED Despite the early hour, Holly had already showered. The shrill ring of her cell phone disturbed her thoughts. It was that phone. She allowed the phone to ring out and listened to the message. ‘You know who this is?’ asked the voice when she returned the call. ‘Yes.’ ‘It’s Big Eddie.’ She sighed. ‘I said I know who it is.’ His voice sounded agitated. ‘We have a slight problem.’ She did not like problems but in her line of work they were inevitable....

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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 02

CHAPTER TWO: SUGAR AND STRIFE It was twelve noon when Katherine arrived at the Rio. She threw away the half smoked cigarette and checked with a receptionist she knew. Daniel was indeed staying there, and by a remarkable co-incidence, in a suite on the same floor as Mario. When she alighted from the elevator, she resisted a strong urge to turn left and see if he was there. That could come later if things turned out that way. Instead, she headed left and gently knocked on the door to Mario’s...

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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 04

CHAPTER FOUR: INVESTIGATIONS Holly was wrapping herself in a fluffy, cream towel after a long, pampering soak in her jacuzzi bath when her cell phone rang. From the tune, she knew this was the second of her phones and the one that only rang on specific occasions. As was her routine, she allowed it to ring and then waited to see if the caller left a message. Thirty seconds later the message came through. It took her an instant to retrieve it and she leant back against one of the four pillows...

2 years ago
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Vegas VIP Concierge and High Roller

I grab Kate's collar and in one vicious move, tore her blouse open, scattering buttons across the floor and exposing the white lace bra she was wearing.She screamed " STOP! STOP!" and tried to fight as I pulled the blouse off of her shoulders and down around her arms. " STOP IT ! PLEASE STOP IT!" She pleaded as I crushed her body aganist mine. My face was buried in her neck and one hand groped her ass. " LEAVE ME ALONE ! STOP IT ! LET GO OF ME ! Kate screamed.She felt panic rising as I...

2 years ago
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Vegas Adventure

My name is Keith, and my friend Ellie and I have a lot in common. We are married….but not to each other and we have an incredible sexual attraction to each other. We also like to explore new things and just go with what feels good. We are both much more adventurous than our partners and have, over the years, explored that side of ourselves. Recently I found myself in Vegas for a week long convention and made arrangements for Ellie to join me. In anticipation of the trip, I had done some...

4 years ago
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Vegas Vacation

Kevin has been your best friend ever since that fateful day in 5th grade, when you met in detention hall. You attended the same college, helping each other out in class whenever possible. On the social front, neither one of you needed much help. Kevin was about 6'2", thin, blond hair, blue eyes, with a cut body from all the hours at the gym. You were 5'11", brown hair, brown eyes, and also with a muscular, well toned body. You both had faces that were described by the girls as less rugged than...

2 years ago
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Vegas party week

I love going out to Vegas, stay up all night gamble all day. I have even hired a few hookers out there. Hookers are great but it just seems like they are acting or always have some place better to be so its rare to find any worth paying. I enjoy the drinking gambling and if some pussy falls in my lap I will fuck it. This story happened to me 20+ years ago.One time at the blackjack table I fire up this convo with this hot red head. She must have been in her mid 40s, me in my early 20s. After...

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Vegas Porn Theater

I was having fun and Vegas when at around 3am my friends decided to head back to the room and call it a night. I was not ready to stop so told them I would catch up with them in the morning. I was horny and looking for fun so decided to try one of the adult theaters. Fortunately, there was one within walking distance so I headed out. This place had booths and 2 theaters. I gave the clerk my money and headed into the theater. I was hoping that there would still be someone up looking for fun.As...

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Fresh out of the military, I start the the trip home with a planned stop in Sin City. I get a room on the strip, and call home to let the family know how and where I was. Mom suggests I get in touch with family friends that lived close by and gave me the phone number to Ernest. Ernie is one of the reasons for my planned stop. We had fooled around a bit before I had entered the service. Actually, I lost my virginity to him when I poked him in the ass five years before. Now that I am out of the...

Gay Male
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Sally went to Vegas once a month just for sex. She always managed to pick up a man and go to hers or his room. Tonight she was playing cards when a handsome older man sat beside her. They chatted a little and had a couple drinks. Sally at one time reached under the table and rubbed his cock. She liked that he felt nice and thick. He then ran his hand up her dress and shoved a finger in her wet cunt. She wore no under clothes of course. He then took her hand and walked her to the elevator. Once...

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Vegas Wife trys a BBC

Which brings us to Las Vegas. Wow! The first day and night we spent in the casino that we were staying in. The next day, we rented a car and drove around. The casinos were awesome, but what caught our eye was a sign on a store, "Adult Books". We didn't go in, but we saw it and Claire talked about it. That night I asked Claire if she wanted to go to the store. Like little k**s, we were almost afraid to go. But like k**s we were drawn to what we thought of as something a bit bad.We found our way...

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