- 2 years ago
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Although the central theme of the publication is poker, I have constructed the story so that it also works for those who have no interest in that subject and who wish to skip those sections. But as it is the central tenet, you may feel you lose the whole ambience of the story.
A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to them. Without their inspiration, this story would not have been told.
It was early morning and Daniel was heading for the Rio. He was confused. He had told Grace that as long as he remained in the Main Event, his late night finishes would prevent him from attending Samuel Smith’s to watch her performances. Her smile in response had been a little chilling, but she had simply retorted that as his poker was why they had come to Vegas, she had no problem with that. But it was not that, that had caused his confusion.
There had been a note pushed through the door when he had returned to their hotel room last night, or rather, in the early hours of this morning. It had been from Katherine, addressed to him. The note was insistent that he should visit her in her room in the Rio the next morning. Room 315 at ten, it said. She had to speak to him urgently about something that had come up and that affected them both. Katherine being Katherine, she did not explain what that was.
As Daniel had slumped down on the bed and reread the note, two things had occurred to him. First, that it could just as easily had been Grace who had opened the message, although that fitted into Katherine’s proclivity for sexual gratification through risk taking. The other was that this might simply be a pretence to see him again. Either way, he needed to immediately finally resolve things with Katherine.
As he had no contact yesterday, he had wondered if he would see her again, or if she had understood how difficult things were for him. She had continued to flit through his mind throughout the long day and although he had missed the excitement of their sexual chemistry and her imaginative mind, he had firmly reached the conclusion that Grace had to come first and therefore their liaisons must come to an end.
It was true that Grace had acted rather strangely with him over the last thirty six hours and try as he might, he could not quite put his finger on the reason why. He had thought about asking Lauren, but she had been nowhere to be seen for a couple of days. And not only had Grace been unduly quiet, but their recently adventurous sex life was now nonexistent, although he understood that the late night pressures on them both were a major contributory factor.
Whatever the explanation for Grace’s behaviour, he knew that he wanted to try and resurrect their old feelings for one another. His connection with Katherine was based on sex only, incredible as it was, but Grace meant more to him than to just through their relationship away and he determined to try again for a fresh start and make the most of their few remaining days in Vegas.
It was with that thought in mind that he headed for the Rio, a steely determination to help Katherine resolve whatever the immediate problem was and then bring their affair to an immediate end. It was just before ten when he arrived at his destination, feeling better for the long walk and the decision he had just made. As he took the elevator to the third floor, memories of their first meeting in this hotel jumped into his head, but as he lightly tapped on the door to her room he attempted to shed such images from his mind.
She was only partially dressed when she answered the door, wearing a lacy, white brassiere and a pair of pink shorts. Daniel felt an immediate reaction in his loins as he hurriedly moved past her into the room, ignoring her efforts to throw her arms around him as she opened the door.
‘My,’ she softly said, ‘Someone is Mr Grumpy this morning.’
She remained there, making no move to follow him into the room and instead, waited beside the door for him to turn to face her. When he did, she crossed her bare arms in front of her, and that had the effect of pushing her full breasts upwards and outwards against the thin material. They stood for a few moments, a battle of wills developing as Daniel attempted to keep his eyes firmly glued to her face, whilst Katherine waited for them to drop to her freckled cleavage.
She was impressed at his self restraint but that only increased her determination. She dropped her hands to her shapely hips and challengingly thrust one leg out in front of the other, leaning slightly to one side. It was a provocative pose and when she gave a deep sigh which had the effect of raising and lowering her breasts, that had the impact she wanted. She saw his dark eyes flicker and then sweep down her body, widening slightly as they took in her superb figure.
God, she looked so good, Daniel thought. Her red hair was still wet, not yet towelled dry from her shower. Her freckles had always been a real turn on for him, and as he took in those tiny pink shorts, he wondered if she was wearing anything underneath them. But it was her breasts that commanded most of his attention.
They were straining against the lacy top, and the whiteness of her bra provided a perfect and sensual contrast to her tanned skin. His eyes feasted on her, devouring the outline of her dark, jutting nipples denting the lacy fabric of the material. As he sighed deeply, he felt
She quietly waited until his roaming eyes eventually returned to her face and then raised an eyebrow as if celebrating success.
‘You look stressed,’ she softly said.
‘No, not stressed,’ he responded. ‘Guilty.’
‘And so you should,’ she huskily replied. ‘How many times have you fucked me?’
Daniel felt his penis trapped against his clothing as her words encouraged it to extend further, but knew he could not adjust himself in case he drew Katherine’s attention to his predicament. He needed to stay in control of his emotions if he was to get through this situation and fulfil his promise to himself. As she took a few sultry steps towards him, he realised it would be more difficult than he anticipated.
But rather than attempt to touch him, she simply brushed past him, allowing her perfume to filter across his nostrils, and leant back against the window. As she crossed her arms once more, Daniel studied her, her body an exotic image as it was framed in the early morning light. She looked stunning.
‘I have some news,’ she began, ‘And I’m unsure how you will take it.’
She saw the alarmed look on his face, and watched his eyes flicker with puzzlement as various possibilities immediately ran through his mind. She gave a short laugh, pushing herself away from the window and walking across to the bed.
‘Please don’t worry,’ she comfortingly said, running her hand through her wet hair. ‘There’s nothing wrong and this affects me not you. But I thought you should know. I have a new job for the next week.’
Daniel’s relief was palpable and he let out a long, soft, sigh.
‘That’s great,’ he responded, ‘But why… ‘
She finished the sentence for him. ‘Why is it important that you should know? It’s with Samuel Smith’s, that’s why.’
Daniel’s eyes widened in astonishment. That was the last thing he was expecting, or wanted. The thought of Katherine working with Grace was an uncomfortable one. It seemed she read his thoughts and she laughed again.
‘Don’t worry, Daniel. I don’t expect to be bumping into Grace. My job is on the promotional side. I’ll be attending different sites around Vegas to promote the club. It will mainly be promotional events, handing out leaflets, that sort of thing.’
Daniel gave another sigh of relief.
‘But I knew you would be worrie
d if you found out, and I didn’t want you to think I was stalking you or Grace. So it was important for me to explain that to you.’
Daniel nodded. ‘Thanks, I appreciate that Katherine,’ he said sincerely. ‘When do you start?’
‘Today at noon,’ she replied. ‘That’s why I thought it best to see you this morning.’
He nodded again and smiled at her.
She laughed, interrupting him. ‘What… you’d have married me?’
They both laughed and the tension Daniel had been feeling had all of a sudden disappeared from his body. Even his penis was now resting a little more comfortably, he realised with some relief.
‘I knew at the club that you didn’t want to go on with this, Daniel. And I understand. I’ve been dumped before.’
His body jumped at the remark and he began to respond, but she cut him off.
‘That was just a joke, Daniel, lighten up.’
She walked across and hugged him, her slim arms wrapping themselves around his neck. He felt her soft lips kiss his cheek and then slide across to his ear. Before he could act, her white teeth took his earlobe and pulled on it, sending bolts of sexual lightening through his body. To his dismay he realised his manhood was becoming alive again.
‘One final time, Daniel?’ she softly asked, whispering into his wet ear.
He put his arms around her waist, torn between pushing her away and ripping off the few clothes she was wearing. His sensible side won out, if only just.
‘I can’t Katherine,’ his dry mouth responded. ‘And anyway,’ he added with a grin, looking into her beautiful green eyes, ‘It wouldn’t be much fun for you. No danger!’
They laughed together.
‘Well that’s true enough,’ she said.
‘I’d better go now,’ he said, sighing slightly as he turned away. ‘Before you make me change my mind…. ‘
‘Just give me one second before you do,’ he heard her soft voice say as he stepped towards the door.
As he turned around, she had the telephone in her hand, punching in a number.
‘Oh hello,’ he heard her say to the voice on the other end. ‘Room 623, please.’
Daniel hesitated, that seemed familiar. He realised why, just as she spoke again.
‘Hello, Grace? This is the Rio Hotel. I have a Daniel on the line for you.’
Daniel’s eyes widened as the realisation dawned on him. Katherine held out the telephone, waiting for him to take it from her. For a second he thought of turning to leave but goodness knows what she might have said down the phone. His heart raced and his eyes clouded over as he covered the few paces between them and took the phone, his brain attempting to find something to say, some reason for the call.
‘Hi, it’s me,’ he mumbled.
His attempts to find some coherent reason for speaking to Grace were hampered as he felt Katherine’s hands snake around his body from behind him and run along the growing bulge in his trousers. He attempted to smack them away, but felt an instant erection at her touch. His free hand grabbed one of hers, but her other slipped to his belt, deftly unfastening it and then pulling open the top button of his chinos.
‘Sorry?’ he mumbled again. ‘Yes, I know I rang you…’
It was so difficult to concentrate with Katherine working at his chinos, but Grace was asking why he was calling her and he had to clear his brain, think of something. He felt his zip being lowered as he attempted to speak.
‘It’s just that… er… we haven’t seen much of each other lately, and I wanted to make sure you were okay.’ he burbled.
His chinos were being slid down his legs and a slim hand, an amazingly soft hand, was gently fondling and caressing his testicles through his shorts. He looked down at the erotic sight and watches as a freckled arm appeared and now her other hand was stroking his covered erect shaft to an even harder state. He gasped out loud.
‘No, I’ve just run up some stairs,’ he hesitatingly offered over the phone, his face grimacing from the unconvincing lie, but also from the faster working of the hands.
The cold air hit his freed penis a second or two before her mouth enveloped him. He felt her teeth either side of the crown, and after she sucked him inside, she pulled her mouth away, holding the base as her tongue ran up one side of his pulsating hardness and then the other. Her voracious mouth took him back inside, her sucking movements sending warning signals to his brain.
‘Grace, I’m concerned,’ he gasped, desperately trying to think of something to say but fighting a losing battle. ‘You haven’t been yourself lately….’
Katherine’s eager mouth had left him and he felt his shorts being pulled completely away. She eased his trembling body back down so that he was sitting on the bed, urgently tugging his shoes from his feet and sliding his chinos and shorts from his body.
She moved around in front of him and he watched as her hand went to the catch at the front of the bra, theatrically pulling it apart so that her tanned, full, freckled breasts
‘Say that again,’ he asked Grace. She had asked him something but he was not paying attention.
Instead, his eyes were now on Katherine as she pulled at her pink shorts. She provocatively shimmied as they fell down her hips onto the carpet and he let out an involuntary gurgle of arousal. He could feel his penis aching, it was that hard. He had been right, she wore nothing under the shorts and his eyes feasted on the well groomed strip of red hair between her thighs.
‘Grace, I was ringing to see how you are, not have an argument,’ he stuttered.
His eyes followed Katherine’s movements and he turned his head to savour the sight of her full breasts as she deliberately swung them from side to side. Watching his mouth open, she laughed and pushed him flat on the bed. The cord on the phone was not long enough, causing the cradle to fall onto the pillow. Katherine ignored it, her face transmuted into a gleam of lust as she crawled over his prone body and without a second thought, lined up and then sank onto the hard, contoured penis that had been standing so upright waiting her attention.
‘Oh fuck,’ Daniel said as he felt her velvet body envelop him completely.
She began to move, undulating on his hips as she leant backwards, resting her hands behind her on his knees. The sight in front of Daniel was amazing and he felt his hips responding to her fucking movements
‘No, I wasn’t saying that to you, Grace,’ he answered, a tremor appearing in his voice as Katherine picked up the pace.
The bed shook violently beneath them as Daniel responded and he knew that he was not going to last. Neither was Katherine it seemed and her groans became louder, so much so that he covered the receiver with his hand. She wrenched it from him and replaced it in its cradle, leaving him to find an explanation for cutting Grace off when he met up with her later. She did not care.
His wide eyes stared at her, not believing her actions.
‘Fuck Grace,’ she gasped, and then added, ‘Forget that, baby. Fuck me instead.’
Her pupils had dilated into huge black saucers behind her flickering eyelids as she felt her flat stomach and frantically working thighs trembling with anticipation. She threw herself forward, her slim fingers tightly gripping handfuls of the bedcover as she passed the point of no return.
The sensation of her gushing
It took a good few minutes for them to recover.
‘Record time for us both,’ she murmured, easing herself off the bed.
As she reached the bathroom door, she turned around to look at him. ‘Think of it as a going away present…’
Fifteen minutes later Daniel hurried down to the Amazon room, past the mostly empty check-in tables and across the lobby to the main poker room. The encounter with Katherine had resulted in his running slightly late and although he found an official and began to make his apologies, the man simply handed him hi
s bagged chips and pointed him towards his table assignment.
As he sidestepped his way across the floor and flopped down into his seat, he found to his relief that he had missed only a few hands. Even better, he realised that the blinds were just coming round to him and therefore all he had lost were several antes. What had been a fractious start to the day had turned out okay and he experienced a moment of contentment at the thought that, despite their sex that morning, he had finally drawn the line with Katherine.
He recalled that poker professional, Barry Greinstein, had once suggested: If you have sex before you go to sleep, you will probably be more rested and less distracted when you play. Therefore a sex partner who travels with you can be a big asset.
That may have been true, Daniel thought, but after his session with Katherine, he would have added that it was important to choose your sex partner very carefully. Right then, the last thing he felt was rested.
At the start of each day, table and seat positions were reallocated and glancing around the new table, two things struck Daniel. First, there was one familiar face – Katrina Jett, an attractive professional female player he immediately recognised. Secondly, a number of the other players looked as if they had been up all night. Unkempt hair, unshaven faces and dirty clothes seemed to be a common theme.
But appearances were deceiving, he had come to learn, and it took some time before he began to feel comfortable. Despite yesterday’s full day, he still had a feeling of being in a foreign environment and the noise in the room, for some reason or other, seemed even more deafening for the first half hour or so of action.
He felt frustrated that it was taking him a while to acclimatise, not helped by the fact that no cards were finding their way to him, and whilst some interesting hands had developed for others he remained on the edge of the action. He attempted to turn the situation to his advantage, using his long periods of inactivity to assess the other players. He mentally fitted each of them into different categories in his mind, as he observed their betting patterns and frequency of involvement.
But goodness knows what they made of him, he thought, after folding yet another starting hand. This time it was the Ten-Three off suit, and he stood up and walked away from the table for a few moments in an attempt to clear his mind. As he did, he felt the crystal in his chino pocket and took it out, running his thumb along the side as he held it in his bare palm.
Curiously, the feel as he stroked it brought an eerie sense of calm and his mood changed from one of uneasy nervousness to positive expectation. It was unlikely for him to continually remain card dead, he thought, and he was aware that one good hand would restore him to his end of day-one chip position if not better.
That hand arrived shortly after the lunch break.
Katrina Jett had been steadily building up her chip position, as Daniel would have expected. After all, there were only a limited number of women playing poker in the casinos and there had been fewer than eighty at the start of the Main Event. But those who were playing knew what they were doing and this stunning looking brunette knew exactly what she was up to.
Despite several attempts by others to bully her from time to time, they found she could cope with just about everything they could throw at her. Indeed, Daniel thought that if anything, she looked to be the strongest player at the table. But by one of those twists of poker fate, it was Katrina who kick started Daniel’s day.
He was dealt pocket sixes in the big blind and after a couple of early folds, Katrina made a big bet in what Daniel thought was an effort to take the pot there and then. The bet had the desired effect, everyone folding round to Daniel. He had been watching Katrina’s gaze as she followed each player as they folded, and now the beautiful, dark eyes were locked on him.
He returned the stare, attempting to show little emotion. Neither gave way, until Daniel looked down and checked his hand again. As he thought about his next move, he heard her speak.
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IncestYou, Nicole, stifle another yawn and look at the clock again...12:15am. You had hoped you could make it until your new boss arrived. You're used to getting up early and jogging as the sun comes up so this late of an hour is hard. It probably wouldn't look too good to your new boss to be sleeping when he arrives.You can't believe your luck on finding this job. Just fresh out of college, you sent out applications to all the companies listed in the phone book that did interior decorating, but...
If you're old enough for this; I remember little model planes at the Five and Dime that were marked USA ... not U.S.A ... just USA. USA Japan: America wasn't buying ANYTHING made in Japan after the war. A massive industrial complex was centered around a town that changed its name to USA. It worked. Malmö had great Swedish food. It was a lot like eating at home with interesting spices in the mix. The smörgåsbord, a Swedish word for buffet ... but not really. Smörgåsbord is buffet writ...
The club was dim and loud and smoky, just like Gita liked it. She smiled as she stepped in time to the deep bass techno beat that thrummed through the whole structure. All around her, the flow of beautiful and lithe young men and women, dressed to kill, gyrating and swaying to the beat, filled the air with a sensual energy. Although every cock in the club was rock hard and every woman flush with warmth, the atmosphere was not necessarily purely sexual, just folks escaping the pressures of the...
Night Entries Chapter 1 Dear Diary; This is my first entry in any diary, ever. So I really hope I'm doing this right. When I saw you, diary, sitting in a discount bin, and I realized I had just enough money in my pocket to get you, it efowas like Fate, or something. I guess the first thing I should do is introduce myself, but that's kinda complicated. I mean, my parents named me Edward Williams, but I have never felt .... right with my name. Or with any other part of...
Hi.. Frnds…. After completing my IIT I got job in Mumbai- in MNC Co. Now I introduce my self.. IM Susheel I hail from remote area of Rajasthan near Bikaner.. My father was very big land lord & having 1000 acres of land but both my mom & dad passed away in accident when I was studying in 10th , after that I continusely studying in boarding school & all our property was take care by my mausa & mausi…. Meri ek behan bhee hai mere se 2 saal choti wo gaon main hee rahati hai main aaj gaon koi 5 saal...
The dinghy the boys were loading the girls into was a genuine 1920's era Gar Wood rum runner. 28 feet long and two 8 F Hispano Suiza aircraft motors of 350 horsepower each, geared to be left and right hand turning. The front cockpit ... where the cases of Canadian Club were stored ... was altered into rows of seating. Nothing like a Chris Craft ... nothing fancy with great padded leather cushions ... more like a battleship liberty boat ... benches ... complete with splinters ... and towels...
Hi, girls, aunties, bhabhis First of all, i would like to thanks to all your lovely comments… Main unn sab bhabhiyo ko aunties aur ladkiyon ko thanks kehna cahata hun jinhoney merey ko meri e-mail id par apney comments bhejey aur apni sex problems share ki…. Thanks for all the nasty chat girls…. And sorry for my fans jinsey main kaam ki wajha sey itney din dur raha Yeh meri kahani ka seventh part hai so please pasand aye toh mujhey pehley ki tarha mail karna mat bhulna meri id hai ; ; ; Mera...
Melinda used to enjoy Thanksgiving Day. When she was living in her older sister's shadow, this was the one day she got most of the attention. She could tolerate being considered the baby of the family just so she could be with people who wanted to talk with her rather than Heather. Instead, she found the crowd of relatives crammed into the living room to be more annoying than anything else. Despite being fully clothed, she still felt naked, especially after more than one had commented on...
LIBRARY FANTASY SERIES: ONETHE MAKING OF “S,” THE STORY OF “S”By Pornmaster1. ©2011. All rights reserved As she pulled her car out of the parking lot, she u*********sly licked her glossy red lips. Good sign. When the library gave its 15-minute warning, my new friend and I had decided to stop for a bite to eat. When she invited me by for more coffee, we both pretty much knew what was up. And amazingly, we had been so engrossed in conversation we had not even given each other our...
May 1977 I saw Birgit on Monday in homeroom and just gave her a big smile as she walked past me to take her seat. She laughed and said “Oh stop” and smacked me on the shoulder. Life was good. I started looking at girls at school in a different light as I was walking down the hall. I had a new confidence - girls didn’t scare me as much anymore. They intrigued me and fascinated me. And I wanted more of what I had experienced with Jennie McGrath. The kissing I’d had with Susan just wasn’t...
The decision by Mark to go to the movies was because of what was being shown. He had done scuba diving and as the picture was based on that sport, naturally with a drama included and as he had the opportunity to go he did. He had just returned from taking his wife to the airport, she was visiting an old school friend in Queensland who wasn't too well. He had no idea when she would be back, her only comment was 'I'll ring when I'm coming home'. With those final words he waved her...
Finally, it’s Friday and I only have two big yards to do today. I know I’ll be done before 2 o’clock and I’ll get to go home to get my weekend started early. I was excited as I dressed and grabbed my paper work for the day. Getting to the first yard, I zipped through it like nothing. The second yard took a bit longer, because they wanted a little more detail then usual. Apparently they were having a huge get together this weekend, and needed it to have extra attention. So I did just like the...
Becky and I had celebrated our eighteenth anniversary in April...if you want to call it that. There wasn't much of a celebration. We had grown so distant that neither one of us seemed to care anymore. She had submersed herself in her work. I was between jobs looking for employment in another town not really caring if I had to commute or even relocate. We had little time for each other. Little did I know, it was all about to change dramatically. Her birthday had come and gone...
Love StoriesI had just sucked Gregg and swallowed most of the cum he shot into my mouth. I felt elated that I had finally sucked a cock and I knew that anything that was that good, I would be sucking many more.Gregg and I sat on the couch; he was slouched back and I was resting my head on his chest. I held his limp cock in my right hand as I massaged it and his balls. I was thinking of all the joy his cock had just given me and wondered if all cocks are the same.(As an aside note: In the following years of...
TrueThe next night, Ryan was sitting with her guitar, deep into a song when she heard Lara come in. ‘So, how’s it going with the boyfriend?’ Ryan looked up to see her friend leaning against the wall, a gleam in her eyes. ‘It’s going fine, thanks.’ Ryan went back to her song and hid a grin, knowing the neutral response would drive Lara crazy. ‘Oh, come on. There must be more than that.’ Ryan pretended to think, then shook her head. ‘No, that’s all.’ Lara made a frustrated sound and Ryan...
This story was inspired by one of my most loyal readers, who asked if I mightgive Jasper Slegg and his cronies an opportunity to subject an Asian beautyto rigors even more arduous than those to which they have subjected the beautifulErika Weiss in the "Jade Pavilion, Book II". I was unable to find a way tofit an adventure as protracted as this one into JP II, so I've taken the libertyof giving the lovely Hua Ping her own stage for this exciting addendum to theJade Pavilion saga. I hope that you...
Zack pulled her close as they rode back, the slight hum from the transport the only sound in the cabin. He groped her breasts, though his mind was clearly elsewhere- he'd slow down, stop- then seem to realize what his hands were holding, and began the ministrations again. She bore it. Renee just had to imagine the various ways the boy could be killed to forget about those hands. Death by fuel and flame was her favorite. Then there was the knife- she couldn't forget the feeling of it...
She laid him down in the cave. On her way back, his open wounds had left a trail of blood and was sure to attract wolves — but she was the most dangerous wolf in this part of the forest. The handsome incubus had stopped making noise, but Rosalie could still feel his heart beating every so faintly. She thought that he should have died from his horrible wounds, but there was a stubborn frown on his brows — he refused to die. When she tended his wounds, she couldn’t help but smile at the irony...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI am massager and attend ladies who want to regain charm in their sex life. I live in Pune and attend lady customers for massage. This story is about a lady who was around 33 years of age. This husband being frequently traveling which I later came to know could have sex only 3 to 4 times in a month. This made life of Kavita (name Changed) boring and depressed. One day she came to know from one of her friend regarding an excellent massage which could bring her interest back a sexually healthy...
That evening, we were going to call in on the radio. Sophie came to me before that and said, "Bobbi, I need to talk to you." "Sure, Sophie." We walked over to sit in a lounge area in the terminal. We say down and I said, "What do you want?" She said, "I haven't seen much of George today. Do you know where he is?" "I think he spent most of the evening and this morning at Mandu's camp." She said, "I missed him. I wanted to walk with him." I decided to approach the situation...
Jill had coffee with Marge Saunders, Marcie's mother, in the week following the prom. "Marge, I know that we both agreed to prohibit our daughters from dating until they were sixteen, but we both know that whatever our concerns were, reality has long surpassed them. Kyle would like to be allowed to date Marcie without hiding that from others. He knows that you would probably be reluctant to agree so long as I had not released Emma from her limit." "Isn't it silly how we worry and plan...
There has existed for time immemorial, well, at least in terms of New York City time, a little park that graces the lower part of Manhattan Island in that region known affectionately as Greenwich Village. If the truth be known, the park is a bit pretentious and, at times, a bit worn-down by the vicissitudes of humankind. The surrounding streets are mostly residential with a sprinkling of retail businesses and the occasional church or school. It was a place that positively reeked of atmosphere...
This story happened in my aunt's house during the summer. She's the wife of my uncle, and damn she's hot as hell. 5'7, athletic build, great ass and small but round tits (34b). She's blonde and works out a lot.Anyways I was 16 at the time, and my aunt was 30. My dad and my uncle decided to have a guys week out camping, so my aunt was home alone. My mom decided it would be a great idea if we stayed with my aunt for the duration of my dad and her husband's trip. Naturally, I was ecstatic. Being a...
"Ashley needs you at the Tea Party," Jewel said to me. She wore a very short red dress, which clung for dear life to her ass and hips. She did a slow turn for me when she noticed my attention. With her back to me, Jewel raised the bottom of her dress far enough for me to see the black thong. "Tea party?" I asked. "If you're going to fuck her, can you do it on the couch? I'm working here," the Professor said without looking up from his papers. Jewel coughed. "I'm sorry," the...
***DISCLOSURE*** This story is 100% true, but for the sake of privacy all the names I use in it will be changed.Soooo the 2nd part of this story takes place one weekend after the events of part 2. It was about 10:00 PM on a Saturday night. The parking lot of the sex club was full and to no surprise the inside was full as well. I quickly walked through the main entrance and made my way to Celeste, the trans woman working the beverage counter. I said hi and obtained a key for the lockers from...
Hey ISS folks! I am Samyak Manwani, and today I’m going to narrate my Sex Adventure with my Eye Candy Elder Cousin Priyanshi! And, I bet you that after reading the full story, you will say this for sure: “Goddamn, this is the best story I have ever read on ISS!” So, brace yourself friends, you are on the quest of vintage erotica! You may provide your feedback at , or at , or both! :) [Written by Sam, Proof-Read by Priyanshi] Here we go: The story dates back to 7th of March, 2010! But wait,...
IncestPresent dayEmily quirked a lip at herself in the vertical mirror of her closet door, running fingers through her shaggy tangle of black hair. She was dressed in her Akane Kurokawa cosplay, the kunoichi from the massively popular Shinobi Souls anime. She’d ordered the cosplay as a complete set from an online retailer, simply making minor adjustments to it over time so that it better suited her each year.The costume was simple—a red summer kimono called a yukata, that tied at the waist in a...
NovelsThis irritated Bella. She was more than capable of standing up for herself as she had often proved. She wanted to be with Edward all the time, but he always seemed so distant and untouchable at times. So this was why she was strolling through the woods. She was going to show Edward that she could do without him, that she could live her own life without waiting for him on tenterhooks the whole time. Bella reached the wooden shack by the edge of the woods and knocked on the door. To her joy...
Maria responded from the rear of the airplane, “I like those ideas, but I can see one problem right off the bat.” “What’s that, Chipmunk?” “We, as a people, are too small and too fragmented a group to be able to accomplish something like that. Our company might give them jobs, and even some hope, but getting a group of Apaches to work together is like trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube, or herding rabbits.” Dan responded, “Jason seems to do well with it.” “Dan, Grandfather...
It was three AM as wemade our way slowly through the moonless night. There were the same four of us, Nina, Sabine, Fritz and myself. We had trained for almost a week for this night, and now we just hoped that we were ready for it. Although we had flashlights, we didn't dare to turn them on but instead relied on Fritz, who led the way, to warn us of any obstacles that might be in our way. We didn't expect any because we had made a very thorough reconnoiter and knew the way to the monastery...