Vegas Ch. 02 free porn video

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I have long wanted to write a storyline that is different to anything else that has been published on this site. This is it.

Although the central theme of the publication is poker, I have constructed the story so that it also works for those who have no interest in that subject and who wish to skip those sections.

A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to them. Without their inspiration, this story would not have been told.

This is my first attempt at writing and I know that having completed the novel, I have learnt so much more than I knew at the outset. Two areas of feedback are welcomed:

1. Encouragement that will inspire me to write more… and constructive criticisms that will help me improve.

2. Voting that will help me assess the enjoyment factor…. or otherwise.


It was the night of the tournament. There were one hundred and twenty-two entrants, all of whom were looking for their own piece of glory. Three seats at the World Series were on offer, together with two ‘consolation’ cash prizes for those in fourth and fifth position. But whilst those consolation prizes would further help Daniel’s poker bank balance, and significantly so, there was only one prize he had in mind. That was a seat at the World Series.

That was even more important now, he realised, following Grace’s comment about Lauren. It felt like a challenge to his male ego… no pressure there, then, he thought, but if anything he was even more focused as he sat in front of his computer. He leant back in the chair awaiting the tournament bell that would soon burst forth, signalling the impending start of a journey to his destiny. He was so concentrated that he hardly noticed when Grace silently padded out of the bedroom.

Her artificial rasping cough, designed to gain his attention, jerked him from his thoughts. He gave a little jump of surprise and swung his black, low-backed computer chair in her direction. She had deliberately adopted a provocative stance, her slim back resting against the bedroom door and tanned hand resting on her shapely hip. Daniel’s eyes widened when he saw her pose, and he gave a low whistle as his eyes surveyed the small, black, cocktail dress she was wearing.

‘You look fantastic,’ he blurted, almost involuntarily.

‘Thank you,’ Grace purred, not altogether appreciatively, crossing her tanned arms whilst maintaining the pose.

She slowly pushed herself up and away from the door and took a single step forward, arching her back so as to emphasise the cleavage of her breasts that were prominently displayed over the low cut top.

‘Would you like to come with me tonight,’ she said, her soft voice deliberately low, knowing in advance what the answer would be.

‘I can’t, Grace,’ he replied, raising an eyebrow at the question. ‘You know that.’

‘Do I?’ she asked, her voice heavy with disdain. ‘And why is that, Daniel. Why is it that we never seem to go anywhere together nowadays? Please explain?’

She took another step closer as he sighed. They both knew they had played out this scene before. He did not reply, not wanting to get involved in an argument just before the biggest poker game of his life.

‘Well?’ Grace quizzically asked, knowing how difficult she was being.

‘Grace, you know I’m playing in a poker tournament. I’ve explained all that to you, haven’t I? You know what the prize is!’ His voice was becoming exasperated.

Grace sighed deeply, and then threw down the challenge. ‘Is poker more important than an evening with me?’

This was an argument that Daniel knew he could not win. He rose swiftly from the swinging chair and in a couple of steps had closed the small distance between them.

‘You know it isn’t,’ he responded, attempting to take her in his arms.

‘It isn’t?’ she repeated, fixing him with a piercing stare and taking a step back even as he moved towards her.

‘Grace, if I finish in the first three, we win a trip to Vegas…’

‘And how do you rate your chances?’ she asked. ‘You told me there are well over a hundred people playing, most of whom have paid $600 for the privilege!’

She knew she was being unreasonable, but it was so long since they had been invited out together, she felt like being unreasonable.

Daniel again attempted to take her in his arms but she took another small step backwards. As they stood there for an uncomfortable few seconds, just staring at one another, the bell signalling the start of the tournament rang out. Their eyes simultaneously jerked towards the small computer screen.

‘I know, I know. Your important tournament is starting’, Grace spat out, almost contemptuously adding, ‘Good luck.’

A few seconds later she had reached the door and he watched as it swung closed behind her. He hated them parting after an argument, but as the cards hit the screen, he had no time to dwell on that thought. In fact, with her in this sort of mood, it was almost a blessing that she was spending the evening at her dinner party. That allowed him to give this opportunity the full concentration it demanded and he knew that she would come back from her evening feeling much better.

As Daniel anticipated, the tournament was tough from the very beginning. Because of what was at stake, players were cautious. Not only were very few moves being made, but the pace of play was a little slower than normal for online poker. During the early stages, Daniel had time to reflect on the considerable amount of ‘on screen’ conversation taking place, most of which centred on the prizes at stake.

Several players spent some time promoting the fact that they had already played at the legendary Binion’s Horsehoe Casino in downtown Las Vegas, as well as the plusher Rio which was located just off the Strip. The Rio, of course, had taken over from Binion’s as the home to the World Series of Poker.

Presumably, Daniel thought, the online posturing was an effort by some to improve their table image without playing a card. But this macho effort to enhance their status was wasted. Or rather, it was wasted on him. He was unusually confident, feeling an almost eerie sense of calm. As far as he was concerned, the Practically Poker prize of a round trip airfare, plus accommodation, was there for the taking.

He would need a fair share of luck, certainly, but knew his game was razor sharp and if he could avoid any silly mistakes….


It was almost half past eight when Grace arrived outside the impressive apartment complex. The taxi driver was an unkempt, dirty looking individual who had insisted on smoking throughout the journey. She had felt uncomfortable when he had picked her up, his eyes running over her body and taking in every inch from head to toe. That was more than Daniel had done tonight, she thought, but nevertheless was more than relieved when they reached her destination.

She again thought of Daniel as the taxi was pulling to a stop. She knew her attitude was probably unreasonable and that it was not possible for him to accompany her tonight. The poker tournament was, after all, an excellent opportunity for him. And also for her, she knew, especially in the light of Lauren’s audition.

But she felt that his chances of finishing in the top three were pretty small, based on his explanation of what was at stake. And in any case, that was not the point. Her female instinct intellectualised the situation as yet another example of poker coming first, and she was rapidly approaching the end of her tether with that situation. Poker was beginning to drive a massive wedge between them.

She refused to give the lecherous taxi driver a tip and simply dropped her fare into his thick, grubby hand. With so
me relief, she left the smoke ridden interior and lightly stepped onto the adjacent kerb.

When the evening invitation had arrived, she had accepted with relish, a good opportunity for her to meet up over a meal with friends from the music world. And at Thomas’s apartment, at that! Who knows what sort of contacts she might make, she encouragingly thought. But it was not only that possibility that excited her. It had been some time since she had let her hair down and she was determined to take full advantage. If Daniel missed out, that was his loss.

Once inside the impressive looking apartment complex, she took a deep breath before setting out across the large, cold, lobby. The plush lift quickly ascended to the top floor and she hesitatingly looked around her as she stepped out and on to the impressive, wooden panelled floor. Taking the few steps to the heavy oak door signalling Thomas’s apartment, she ran her hand through her shining hair before pressing the large, white bell located on the left hand side.


As there was not a great deal going for Daniel in the early stages of the tournament, he resolved just to stay out of trouble. But although he made the decision to simply focus on picking up the odd pot where he could, the problem was that not many of them were coming his way. That remained the case throughout the first couple of hours of play and it was only by making the occasional move at the right time that he managed to remain around average in chips for both the table and tournament.

But he knew he could not continue like this and that before long, if he remained card-dead, he would be forced into attempting to make something happen. And that, he knew, was fraught with danger. Just as he began to seriously wonder if this was to be his night after all, he was dealt King-Queen in late position. The board flopped Queen-Queen-Ace and after enticing a call from two over ambitious players on the turn and river, his confidence and chip stack were up and running.

The next opportunity arrived with the blinds 100-200, and a 25-chip ante. Daniel had watched a player to his left, Dark Warrior, becoming more and more aggressive. He knew he could not have the goods each time but that the trick was choosing the right moment against this table bully and chip leader. Whilst Daniel knew Dark Warrior could break him, he also felt that given an average degree of luck, he could also double him up. That would take him close to the chip lead.

It took twenty minutes before the opportunity arose. He was in the big blind, and once again, Table Bully made a good sized raise. Daniel felt there was an excellent chance of his being ahead with the Ace-Five of diamonds and he made the call. His chip stack was up to around 9,500 at that point and his call cost him 600, three times the big blind. The flop was beautiful:

Ace-Two-Three, two of which were diamonds.

Daniel held top pair and a straight flush draw. He checked and Dark Warrior tried to take it there and then, with a pot sized raise. That confirmed to Daniel that Table Bully had missed, or possibly also held a flush draw. Either way, Daniel reasoned that his hand was well ahead. He gave a Hollywood pause before calling the bet.

The turn produced the seven of diamonds.

Unless the board paired on the river, his nut flush had him home and dry. The question was how to extract maximum value? Daniel bet nine hundred chips, making it appear as if he wanted to prevent a big bet. The most basic of moves but either Table Bully fell for it, or he had hit his flush too. He went over the top with another pot-sized bet. Daniel knew the Bully was aggressive but this was ridiculous. There was only one move. He pushed all-in.

To his surprise the Bully made an immediate call. In the time it took to turn over the cards, Daniel was praying that the Bully had the flush and not a set or two pair, either of which would have made him vulnerable to the river.

His prayers were answered. Dark Warrior turned over King–Queen of diamonds. All of a sudden, Daniel’s stack was approaching 20,000 chips.

The Bully responded by going all-in next hand with pocket Queens and went out of the tournament to pocket Kings. Those who live by the sword, Daniel thought….


It was Thomas himself who answered the door to Grace, his eyes widening into a broad smile as he saw her. He planted a warm kiss on both perfect, rosy cheeks and then stood to one side. As she floated past him into the room, Grace was stunned at both the size and opulence. Thomas rolled his eyes as he read her thoughts.

‘I know! Everybody loves it! I have great taste, don’t I?’ he said.

He laughed to himself at his own little joke, though his sparkling eyes told Grace that he was pleased at her reaction. But before she could comment, they were interrupted by another shrill ring of the door bell. He kissed her once more, telling her to wander around and make herself comfortable and that he would soon catch up with her. She nodded and turned away as he opened the door to his next guests.

Her bright eyes scoured the room, quickly falling on some of people she knew. They were standing amongst a small crowd gathered beside the large, balcony window, and she immediately made her way over to them, collecting a glass of wine on the way. She warmly greeted those she knew, and was then introduced to those she had not previously met. The atmosphere was good and as the sound of laughter filled the air, she was determined to make the most of the evening.

A good hour or so passed, full of conversation, laughter, and more wine than was good for her so early in the evening. Thomas eventually rejoined her, threading his light arm around her curvy, slim waist. Just as Grace was about to compliment him on a wonderful atmosphere, seemingly out of nowhere a young woman entered her line of sight, capturing Grace’s almond eyes and carefully holding on to them.

The woman had smooth, dark, mocha skin that seemed to glisten and a head full of soft curly tiny ringlets that were tantalisingly piled on top of her light blonde head. She wore perfect makeup that accentuated her sultry, light blue eyes and her short, gold, sparkly evening dress daringly displayed a deliciously low plunging neckline. Her face was familiar, thought Grace, but she could not immediately place it.

She was stunning, thought Grace, as she returned her stare. The blonde excused herself from those around her and seemed to float over to where Grace was standing. Grace stood transfixed as the woman’s searching blue eyes took in the whole of her body as she approached and remarkably, she felt herself flush with embarrassment. She was not into woman but she definitely felt a reaction.

Grace found herself thinking that the woman’s confidence was impressive, her breath coming in quick, rhythmic gasps as she stared at this sensual young and somehow familiar blonde. Although Thomas inadvertently broke the spell by stepping between them and beginning to talk to Grace, she peered over his tapered shoulder and saw that the woman was sipping from her glass of chilled white wine whilst openly returning her interested gaze.

She stood with one arm stretched across her sparkly and very shapely waist, whilst her tanned left hand held the wine glass to eye level. Above the glass, her striking blue eyes bore into Grace’s with a direct, knowing look unlike anything Grace had previously experienced. It was just then that Thomas lightly tapped a knife on his own glass to ensure he gained people’s attention.

‘My dears,’ he said to the gathering in general, searching people’s eyes to ensure no-one escaped his moment. ‘If you care to follow me into the next room, dinner is served’.

With that, he grasped Grace’s hand and pulled her along with him, almost making her stumble as he hurried into his sumptuous dining room. People followed, one by one taking their seats at the large, smoked glass table, until Grace rea
lised with a slight start that the blonde had slid onto the glass chair next to hers. Before they could introduce themselves to one another, Thomas was delicately tapping onto his glass again to once more gain attention.

‘Okay, everyone, I just want to wish you all the most perfect evening, and if you forgive me for a moment, for those of you who don’t know,’ he said, pulling Grace unsteadily to her feet on his left, ‘This is Grace, and one day she’s going to be a big star. So for all of you with connections, make sure you tell them, please.’

He raised his glass in his small, white, hand as he ended his speech. ‘To Grace.’

People boisterously shouted approval as they heard the toast, and applauded as they waited for Grace to take her seat. Gently and elegantly, Grace lowered herself to the glass chair, blushing furiously at finding herself the centre of attention.

What on earth had made Thomas do such a thing, she briefly wondered. But even as she did so, she realised that the blonde sitting in the chair to her left had placed a delicate hand on her slim arm and was smiling at her. Her small tongue was running sensually over her glossy, red lips as she gently stroked Grace’s soft skin. Grace looked into her pale blue eyes. She was certain she knew this woman.


The demise of the Table Bully seemed to confirm the change in Daniel’s fortunes and on the very next hand he was dealt pocket sevens.

The flop was Ace-King-Four and when he bet an exploratory 250, everyone folded.

This was beginning to feel easier than it had half an hour ago, he thought. One hand later, he re-raised to four times the big blind on the button, with Two-Three off suit, and again, everyone paid their respect and folded.

Daniel showed his hand, sending a clear message to the table that he was willing to play anything and if they wanted to challenge that, they had better be prepared to risk all their chips. And as a result, although his cards died away for a while, he still took more than his share of pots with average hands.

Around ten minutes later he was moved to a different table where two other players, Wonderman and Raven, had similar chip stacks to his. Unusually, all three were in the top ten for the tournament and Daniel resolved to avoid confrontation. There would be plenty of time for that later.

No sooner had he made the decision than he was dealt pocket queens, and put in a sizeable raise. Wonderman went over the top, pushing all-in. A key moment in the tournament, Daniel knew, and he thought for a long time before folding.

Wonderman voluntarily showed pocket Kings.

Daniel hissed, ‘Yes,’ to himself, pumping his arm into the empty air.

The following hand Daniel was dealt pocket eights. The same sequence followed. Daniel raised. Wonderman went all-in. There was not so long a pause this time before Daniel folded and again Wonderman showed, this time, Big Slick.

The very next hand, Daniel was dealt pocket Kings. He made the same raise, three times the big blind and remarkably enough, for the third successive hand, Wonderman moved all-in again. Just like that. Daniel knew he had him. He knew that Wonderman had become too ambitious, had made one aggressive move too many, and was about to get his comeuppance.

He was about to call when for some weird reason, even as his finger reached out towards the ‘call’ button, he remembered hearing T J Cloutier once saying, ‘When someone goes all in three times in a row, he’s got Aces the third time.’

Why it came into his mind at that precise moment he knew not, but in seconds it became an all pervading thought that was invading his psyche. This guy has Aces. Suddenly, he was sure. And the more he thought about it, the more certain he became. It was a no brainer. Call and he was out of the tournament.

The on-screen alarm sounded, jerking Daniel out of his thoughts and demanding action. He had ten seconds remaining in which to make his decision. But that judgement had already been made. He folded.

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Diana told Charles that she wanted to tell Ward and Mary Lou their story. They looked flabbergasted when Diana told them that she and Charles had known each other for twenty-four hours! Charles told them that he'd been studying her for a couple hours before they met and that he knew she was the woman for him. Ward asked him how he was able to figure that out and Charles told them about his job with the FBI. Ward was somewhat impressed, though confused. If you're any good at your job, then...

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Kings and ConquerorsChapter 5

Nick continues his Tale of ancient Spain: The day following the triumphant return of warriors after the defeat of the evil chief and his followers proves to be, as promised, a day of joyous and even raucous celebration as befits the ceremonial joining of actual joining, of cock in cunt, of sperm in egg. The bawdiest of themes. The fleshiest. The spiritual may be significant in the choosing of mates, i.e. love, but drunkenness simplifies such emotions. Not just the union of mates, but the...

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Meeting Mr Black Python Gay

I was on the prowl once again. The holidays were over, my newest girl friend was out of town visiting her relatives, and I had the place all to myself. I logged on to the M4M local chat room, not expecting much to happen. After all, I was used to logging on and be on line for hours in the room with only one or two hits that turned out to be nothing.Tonight, I told myself that if someone read my profile and told me to come on over, I would do it. No cold feet, no excuses. I had been skimming the...

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Friends with Benefits

Friends (with benefits) "Hang on... hang on, I'm coming..." I said cinching the towel around my waist, water dripping on the carpet. The knocking was incessant. This had better be an emergency. "What is it?" I asked, swinging the door open in annoyance, ready to punch whatever insurance salesman it was that thought it necessary to interrupt my shower. I immediately realized that the person on the other side of my threshold wasn't trying to sell me insurance at all. "Look," I...

4 years ago
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In The Beginning Part 3

Victoria threw the parcel onto her bed.  She turned and stumbled slightly, struggling briefly before she finally removed her collar.  Placing it next to the parcel, she dashed quickly across the room whilst grabbing the back of her skirt and pulling it up.  She lifted it higher before spinning round so that her back faced the full length mirror in the wardrobe door.  Twisting and turning desperately, she fought hard before her eyes found the bright red hand print that marked her, otherwise,...

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Danish Man married a Rural Bangladeshi Woman

I am Dan and 55 years old. I am Danish and married a rural Bangladeshi woman in her 40s. I live in Jessore with my wife in a village. She speaks a little bit of English which I taught her and now she can communicate with me a little. She is of dark brown complexion, wears colorful bright saris and I enjoy watching her, take pictures and film her. We have sex pretty much every night. She has a beautiful face and a curvy body. I cum on her face every day and eat her anus when we have sex. She...

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horny milf

I had been browsing a dating site for a couple of days when I got a message from a woman asking if I was free in the day.First thing I did was check out her profile. Married, 5ft 2 tall blonde blue eyes buxom bored housewife.I was interested and she was only 5 miles away from me. I sent a reply asking where, when and what she was looking for or expecting.within an hour I received a reply stating where and when to meet her the following day.I was to meet her at 9:30 in a layby and we would both...

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Palomino Ch 17

Wesley chucked hay into the corral for the horse. Lance was caulked a leak in the water trough that had caused a huge mud puddle around where the horses would gather ’round for water. Hoof prints were sunk easily four inches deep. Luckily the afternoon sun had been hot the last few days and had hardened the ground somewhat. Still Lance was covered in mud. Lance squeezed a thin line of caulk along the seam, using a wet finger to smooth it out and then continued along the bottom rim of the...

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The Sacred Band Ch 13

This is my first attempt at writing about a lesbian relationship. Please forgive the presumption and please send me criticisms, suggestions and comments. The Sacred Band, chapter thirteen Ivy and Ginny (and Donald and Bruno) told by Ginny. She just started singing All the things you are to Bruno’s sympathetic guitar backing, and we all stared open-mouthed at the sweet, controlled lyricism of her golden wisp of a voice. Of course I had heard Ivy singing in the bath. I told her that she had a...

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Please Master

"Move towards the bed, sub, " he told her, his tone hard. "Kneel beside it and lean over it."She moved to obey immediately, shuffling forward the few steps, her balance thrown by not being able to use her arms. He did not help her, but only watched and waited as she moved awkwardly into the position he commanded her to, managing with some clear difficulty to lean over the bed with her knees still on the floor. With his foot he tapped the inside of her calves to indicate she should open her...

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SlutInspection Rory Knox Tight Teen Slut Rory Knox Gets Creampied

Rory Knox loves fucking older men because they know how to make her tight pussy cum. This blonde slut eagerly sucks my husband’s cock. She’s been dreaming about it since the moment they met. She slobbers all over it with my help, but she’s a greedy slut and she wants his cock deep in her pussy. He gives her exactly what she wants, pounding her pussy until it’s covered in her cum and then I make her lick it all off of his dick. This nasty slut is so submissive that she gives him a rimjob before...

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AlohaTube Granny

The wisdom of our oldest humans is not as respected as it once was. No longer does the tribe look to its elders for guidance and advice. We would rather listen to mildly attractive dumbasses than look at a wrinkle no matter how informed it is. Evolution made us successful, not necessarily brilliant. Myself, though, I like to trust the wise words of the ancients.One can receive all the schooling on earth, but it doesn't equate to the value of experience, and there's only one way to do that. You...

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Happy Halloween Kay

Okay, it was Halloween and I was in full costume as a priest. I had also had a lot more “holy water” than I should have as had several of the others at the event. So it was pretty crazy and a lot of people had on some really crazy outfits and many of the ones the women were wearing were not covering as much as what they were intended to cover.My wife had to work early the next day so I had gone stag. Then Kay, my sister, showed up as a nurse….in a red vinyl knee length costume that plunged deep...

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Nerd Wars Episode 1

Thoughts began rushing through my mind, and I began wondering how I managed to come across this goddess of the final frontier, because just two hours ago, I had been sitting in my apartment, awaiting what I thought would be just another day in a sci-fi convention. I know by now you are probably wondering just who the hell I am, so let me take you back and fill you in on the details. My name is Luke Stevens. I am six feet tall, about 180 pounds with short, brown hair and murky, blue...

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Hailey Tries Anal

I sat at my desk doing homework and staring out my bedroom window hoping my boyfriend Mr. Chapman would get home soon. He’d been working a lot lately and as a result, we had seen little of each other. As a police officer, I knew his schedule was weird and I didn’t want to smother him or anything, but as his girlfriend, I worried about the late nights and wanted him to be safe and snuggling with me every night. Living with my parents threw a wrench in that particular fantasy, but I wanted it all...

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Lost Virginity With A Virgin Friend

Hello everyone, I am Joe (23). Working in a MNC. I am a big fan of Indian sex stories. I have read most of the stories in ISS everything is good so here am gonna share ma experience with one of my friend. Her name is Karu(22). She is a medic student and doing her final year. We met through a social media which is called facebook. We were chatting daily until midnight and we both become a best friends but I doesn’t have any bad thoughts on her. After two months we exchanged our numbers and...

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Hey this is a true story wrote about me and this l

Devastated, heart left impaled,Needed a comfort, I reached outAnd called the one I didn't really like. Just wanted my promised foot massage, Maybe even by silence and silhouette candlelight...I once again turned the key, This time leaving the door open only slightly ajar, Just enough to embrace the rest of the night. Soft tones of fire fell, From room to room, The smell of weakness began to set in. Filling the room with his gentle sensations, He who was a magician whose...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 3 Seeding The Sisterhood

'What the hell!?' She felt moisture on her breasts and her hands flew to them. Sure enough, her fingers were coated in milky discharge as she felt her areolas. Her nipples were lactating copiously. 'Ugh... why?!?' She wiped her fingers on the bedding. It was so dark in her room that Jessica couldn't decipher the long, black habit lying atop her office chair. She had discarded it immediately upon returning to her room, but kept on her red leather bondage brassiere. She had been too...

1 year ago
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An Alien AbroadChapter 21

The floor below the sink hole entrance was crawling with ‘things’. I suppose they were like cockcroaches or similar on our world. Waiting to feast on any poor creature that fell down the hole, or failing that, any shit, plants, slime or indeed other creepy-crawlies. Some of them had very big pincers and I finally saw one piercing one of the smaller scavengers. Smurf could not understand my fascination. I tried to explain the principles on ecosystems in twenty words or less. It didn’t...

2 years ago
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Next FemDom pt 1

my phone rang, it was her. i was not expecting this call."hello Mistress", i said, my voice crackling with the unexpectedness of the call."Get over to my place now bitch. Your presents is demanded.""Mistress i cant...""NO EXCUSES BITCH! Twenty Minuets." and she hung up.i didn't know if i would be able to get ready (and while i did not know what exactly was in store for me, i knew that whatever it was, i needed to be ready), and over there in time, but i had to tryi rang the bell. the door...

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Festival Fever

Mosh pits aren’t normally my thing. I’m short so I get elbowed in the head a lot. But I couldn’t resist it today, my favourite band played their hearts out on stage and I wanted the rush. I pushed forward into the crowd trying to get as close as I could. Closer to the stage the throng got denser. I had bodies pressed up against mine on every side and the mass moved as one entity. I threw my arms up and moved with it. Sweat dripped off Kez and his shirt ripped as someone fell backwards and...

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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 9 Everybodys Crazy

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 9 EVERYBODY'S CRAZY "What are we going to do now?" Charlie yelled over the loud rush of passing cars. "I don't know!" cried Rachel, tears streaming down her face. "Well we can't just hang around the streets all night!" shouted Charlie. Rachel didn't say anything back. She continued to walk briskly ahead of Charlie as if she knew where she was going. Dusk was rapidly descending into night and the skyline of the distant city buildings was...

2 years ago
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The Day That I Almost Died

I was pulling in the air sharply between my teeth. I rubbed my black gloved hand together swiftly. The thick, puffy police jacket was cozy warm, yet the winter air pulled on the fringes of my body: Up the pant sleeve and every strip of skin on the face that wasn’t covered by the scarf. I let the air out into a big puffy cloud f vapor in the pitch black night. Snow covered the sidewalk and all the fixtures like mailboxes and hedges from a long winter. The snow on the ground was half frozen ice...

1 year ago
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The Party 1

Disclaimer: This story is not intended for inappropriate audiences. If you are too young to be reading this or this story is illegal where you live, then please do not go any farther. This story consists of sex between consenting men and women. This story is copyrighted and should not be copied or distributed, all rights reserved. Any feedback would be welcome I do ask that all criticism be constructive as I will ignore all flames. That having been said; enjoy the story. This story...

1 year ago
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The Wrong GirlChapter 12

As consciousness returned, Taylor felt a dull ache which consumed his entire body. His head burned like it was on fire, pain radiating from the side of his skull. Eyes still closed, his hand reached out, and felt matted hair. The blood had dried completely. Taylor cracked his eyes open, trying to gauge how long he’d been out. The answer was, he’d been out for a while. His eyes were blurry, and the light that filled the room made his aching head throb more. The one thing that was readily...

3 years ago
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My Story of Sexual Reawakening

After my wife died, I sank into a kind of funk. Some people would call it depression. Family and friends tried to help. They brought me meals and found activities to invite me to attend. The truth is I missed that close personal, comfortable, relationship that Mary and I had for almost 45 years. I especially missed the rush that I got from driving her into orgasmic moans as I buried my cock balls deep in her wonderful warm wet pussy. I wanted to experience those feelings again, but I didn’t...

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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 8

Released ... with an ID on a neck strap ... I moved into the yard. Looking back at the gate I saw my cabbie arguing with the gate guard. He ... the driver ... saw me looking and waved a handful of bills at me. I trotted back. “Tip,” I said. “You’re kidding,” said the guard. But he turned to the driver and explained. Big eyes ... sagging chin ... shock. He still tried to give the majority back. Wasn’t having it. I knew ... that the change from a capitalist society to a Mao perceived...

1 year ago
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I got transferred into a fantasy world along with my mom

Episode 1 Is this the end? Or how it begins? “Dear Diary, AHHH!! What do you even write in this anyway? She did say this was a good way for me to get over my emotions…. Ahhhh…. what the hell…. Dear Diary, name’s Alex, Alex Walker, Hah!? The irony of it right? Don’t you think so? I find it funny myself… I’m 18, currently finishing community high school, 18 years old, no girlfriend and… Ahhh! This damned pen.. *Alex looks to the right, at a cabinet near his bed, he throws the pen he was currently...

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CadeChapter 15 Errands

Callie paced back and forth until the kids got home from school. She smoked one cigarette after another until only one cigarette remained in the pack and she realized that she had no way to buy more. The kids didn't immediately realize that Cade was gone. They went about their usual after school routine, putting their things away and doing their homework until supper time and then they noticed that Cade didn't come home and they began to sense there was a problem. Callie hadn't bothered to...

3 years ago
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A Night At My friends

It was a Friday afternoon and my classmate Larry G. had ask if I could spend the night at his house. My folks reluctantly gave their permission and talked with Larry G.'s mother, having her assurance that I would be treated well I was giving the go ahead. The even passed well we all sat down to dinner, Larry G., his mother Mrs. G. and his father Mr. G. and myself... After dinner Mr. G. left and Mrs. g went to her room, Larry G. and I cleaned up the kitchen and took turns showering for the...

4 years ago
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A Great First Threesome Experience

It happened quite early on. We had only been married for around a year when we moved from Montana to Oregon. We had only been living there for about six months when a male acquaintance of Laurie’s got moved to the same city in Oregon by the company they both worked for. He needed a place to stay for a few nights until he could find an apartment of his own, so we invited him to stay with us. Laurie and I have always talked to each other about our own personal fantasies. One of mine that I had...

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Horsewoman Felicity gets saddlesore

‘Felicity Benson-Smith’ I recalled my House Mistress Miss Fenton, at the Ladies College shrieking. ‘You girls should always remember just two simple rules; keep your knees firmly together and your thoughts pure.’ She had just caught me in my dorm, naked on top of my bed with my trusty ‘battery boy’ firmly between my thighs, I was only 16 and sex was always on my mind. With no boys around we had to use the next best thing. I got detention and some loss of privileges but in another era I would...

4 years ago
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Special institution for naughty girls 18 to 22 Cha

CHAPTER16Back in the cell anther wardress was waiting. Together the two wardresses forced and fitted a tight rubber corset. So constricting it first took Jacindas breath away.Without a word they escorted Jacinda across a stone courtyard into a building. Inside the building, they stopped before a large door. One wardress using a key opened this door as the two wardresses then ushered Jacinda into the Bridewell whipping room.Jacindas final injection after her punishment administration of...

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